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A wide selection of popular European & Thai dishes Our Bar is well selected with many local and foreign beers and wines. You will find us on Soi 112 close to the Floating Market Hua Hin. There is plenty of parking space. Bring your children – We have a Kid´s Menu and a well equipped playground.
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Editor’s Foreword The song “raindrops keep falling on my headâ€? pops up regularly now. The dams are full, the rivers are full and VRPH SODFHV Ă RRGHG EXW ZH DUH VWLOO HQGDQJHUHG ZLWK D GUDXJKW WKUHDW " /HWV JLYH WKH RIĂ€FLDOV WKH EHQHĂ€W RI WKH doubt and say that they have not updated the facts. Major Khun Noppon said that HH will soon start digging a mayor water reservoir between HH and Cha Am to supply projects like the energy. Apparently there are three vintage - classic car events in Hua Hin this year: At The Centara Grand on November 28 to 30. Since we are on the road ..The lord major of Hua Hin has promised serious improvements in road conditions. Back roads are also in the plan and Soi 102 will be “concretedâ€? until the very back. Still this year. I wonder who will do Soi 112 the small joint between the entrance of the road going to the Banyan Golf club and the Asphalt road onto the By-Pass Highway junction. Loi Kratong will be as festive this year as many other years‌ check the websites of our Hotels & Restaurants for special dinners. Centara Grand usually has a swimming pool side International buffet.
APPROACH PUBLISHING CO.LTD Editor in Chief Gerard Mosselman Designer Whale Studio Wanwisa Boonchub Special Contributor Zara Adcock Sales and Marketing Manager Kenyapak Chansiri 2IĂ€FH 0DQDJHU Pimwee P.
With all the atrocities, terrorism and wars going on in this world, I am reminded of an Elvis song‌If I can dream : :H¡UH ORVW LQ D FORXG ZLWK WRR PXFK UDLQ ZH¡UH WUDSSHG LQ D ZRUOG WKDW¡V WURXEOHG ZLWK SDLQ EXW DV ORQJ DV D PDQ KDV WKH VWUHQJWK WR GUHDP KH FDQ UHGHHP KLV VRXO DQG à \7HOO PH ZK\ RK ZK\ RK ZK\ ZRQ¡W WKDW VXQ DSSHDU
Distribution: 5,000 Copies Address: 70/144 Soi 112 Hua Na, Hua Hin Prachuap Kiri Khan, Thailand Tel: (0) 32 900 477 Company Registration: 0775552001773
Yours truly GMoss
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Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary Sarnelli House “Nongkai Thailand” Concierto de Aranjuez The 4 Top Legendary Lady Singers Bollywood at The Banyan The German Oktoberfest Culinary & Fluidary Saxophone Lounge & Soi 94 Cool Gadgets Asian Fairy Bluebird November Festivals & Sport Events Visa & Work Permit Changes Offshore Insurance Bonds The Redox Flow Battery & The Quant Sport Limousine Sun Protection OIL PRICES FALLING Her car and His Car Thai Economy May Grow Up To 3.5% In 2015 Are Processed Foods linked to Autoimmune $QWL ,QÁDPPDWRU\ (IIHFWV IURP 1DWXUDO 6SLFHV Ice Hockey in Thailand Lifestyle Hua Hin ASEAN Educational System How to Create the Future You Want 7UDIÀF $FFLGHQW LQ 7KDLODQG Entertainment Review The Giant Bookworm Puzzle Fun Hua Hin Business Ladies Personalities 6
Cafe Crepes Hua Hin 214 Phetkasem Road, Hua Hin Tel No:
098 260 2456
Le Bistro Hua Hin 214 Phetkasem Road, Hua Hin Tel No:
032 900 143 095 707 1817
La Grappa Ristorante 20/5, 20 Soi Poolsuk Rd, Hua Hin Tel No:
032 900 478 099 241 5505
Mondo Vino Hua Hin 22/65 Naeb Kaehat Road, Hua Hin Tel No:
032 522 274-5 081 736 8017
Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary Stretching over more than 600,000 ha along the Myanmar border, it contains examples of almost all the forest types of continental South-East Asia.
DIĂ€QLWLHV LQWHUPLQJOLQJ ZLWKLQ WKH SURSHUW\ 0DQ\ RI WKHVH are rare, endangered, or endemic. The property contains exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance with steep sided valleys and impressive mountain peaks interspersed with small lowland plains. The scenic beauty of the property is exceptional, enhanced by the sight of a host of tributary streams and waterfalls, the unique mosaic of forest types and the sweeping spectacles of variations of colour, form, and foliage. With Thai folded mountains and its three distinct landforms, the property contains ridges that run parallel from north to south, rising to heights well over 1,500 meters. The tallest peak, Thung Yai, reaches 1,830 meters above sea level while the numerous valley bottoms within the sanctuary slope from 400 to 250 meters above sea level, creating stunning landscapes and encompassing superlative forest habitats.
They are home to a very diverse array of animals, including 77% of the large mammals (especially elephants and tigers), 50% of the large birds and 33% of the land vertebrates to be found in this region. Thung Yai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary World Heritage property lies in Uthai Thani, Tak, and Kanchanaburi provinces in the west of Thailand, alongside the border with Myanmar and is the largest conservation area in Mainland 6RXWKHDVW $VLD DQG LV RQH RI 7KDLODQG¡V OHDVW DFFHVVLEOH DQG least disturbed forest areas. 7KH à RUD DQG IDXQD RI WKH VDQFWXDULHV LQFOXGH DVVRFLDWLRQV found nowhere else, with many species of exclusively SinoHimalayan, Sundaic, Indo-Burmese, and Indo-Chinese APPROACH Nov 2014
The savanna forest of Thung Yai is the most complete and VHFXUH H[DPSOH RI 6RXWKHDVW $VLD¡V GU\ WURSLFDO IRUHVW Thung Yai-Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary covers 622,200 hectares and incorporates two intact river systems whose watersheds are largely encompassed by the properties boundaries. Both banks of the rivers are well protected – a UDUH VLJKW WR ÀQG LQ $VLD 7KH VL]H RI WKH SURSHUW\ DGHTXDWHO\ ensures complete representations of habitats and ecological
processes and the total area protected is larger than any other legally protected, single forest conservation area in mainland Southeast Asia. The site comprises two contiguous wildlife sanctuaries: Thung Yai and Huai Kha Khaeng, alongside the western international border with Myanmar, 300 km north-west of Bangkok. The terrain in Huai Kha Khaeng is generally hilly with many permanent and seasonal streams. The highest peak lies in the extreme north of the sanctuary. Valleys are interspersed with small lowland plains. In Thung Yai the topography is more dissected with a network of many permanent rivers and streams dividing the area onto valleys and lowland plains. A distinguishing feature is a large central grassland plain, from which the Sanctuary takes the name of Thung <DL ¶ELJ ÀHOG· the world. Few areas in Asia are large enough to support viable populations of large herbivores (300 elephants) and predators (e.g. tigers).
7KXQJ <DL DOVR KDV WZR VSHFLÀF IHDWXUHV QRW FRPPRQ LQ RWKHU areas which add to its uniqueness. One is the existence of a large grassland plain and surrounding savannah forest made up of cycads and Phoenix palm, a feature not known elsewhere in the region. The second feature is the existence RI 7KDLODQG·V PRVW H[WHQVLYH ULSDULDQ IRUHVWV
How to get there: How to get there: There are 2 routes to the Huai Kha Khaeng Reserve: First route is to enter through the reserve headquarters that Species lists have been compiled that include 120 mammals, is around 102 kilometers from the province. Take the Uthai 400 birds, 96 reptiles, 43 amphibians and 113 freshwater Thani-Nong Chang road (Highway No. 333) past Amphoe ÀVK LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ WKUHDWHQHG VSHFLHV DUH DOVR IRXQG Nong Chang to Highway No. 3438 (Nong Chang-Lan Sak) ZLWKLQ WKH FRQÀQHV RI WKH WZR VDQFWXDULHV ,W DOVR LV KRPH to Km. 53-54, then turn left onto a laterite road for about 14 to 22 species of woodpecker, more than any other park in kilometers. 9
Sarnelli House A Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Orphanage in Nong Khai Care for children with HIV/AIDS in Don Wai, it is also the umbrella name for the projects under the care of the Redemptorists run by Father Mike Shea in the province of Nongkhai in Northeast Thailand.
Father Michael Shea Since 1966 Father Michael Shea, C.Ss.R. and other Redemptorists have cared for the poor people living in the northeast areas of Thailand. Their work centred on the outcast, those that no one loved the incurably ill, the elderly and the orphans both Catholic and Buddhist.
home they would not be allowed to attend the public schools RU SOD\ ZLWK RWKHU FKLOGUHQ :KHQ WKH\ DUULYH LQWR )U 0LNH¡V 7KH 5HGHPSWRULVWV¡ ZRUN ZLWK WKH $,'6 YLFWLPV EHJDQ DURXQG care, they are confused, frightened and withdrawn, but with ,W Ă&#x20AC;UVW VWDUWHG ZLWK WKH DGXOWV 0DQ\ RI WKH $,'6 YLFWLPV love and attention they soon settle into their new homes and were banished from their villages. Their families and long- the work to give them a peaceful loving home begins. time neighbours and friends wanted nothing to do with them. They were forced to leave their homes and live in hovels in The Outreach Program covers 5 provinces of the Northeast the jungle. Thailand and sees approximately 70 families. It provides The Redemptorists brought to them food, medicine, for the primary needs of families affected by HIV/AIDS by compassion, love and the Word of God. supplying medicines, food and money for educating the At times, toddlers and babies who were HIV positive or had AIDS are brought to the Sarnelli house. These are the tiniest of the AIDS victims. There were also children brought in by their dying mothers, other family members or the Thai Social Services Department. Some who are born in prison, others found wandering the streets, going house to house begging for food. Kids have been found abandoned alongside the road, one found in the town garbage dump. Several young girls have been rescued from a life of prostitution. Even if they had a APPROACH Nov 2014
children. As well as the home visits, the Outreach Program has visits prisoners in jail, who do not have any relatives to visit them. Once a month the Outreach Team has an activities day in Don Wai where the families and children are picked up and driven to Don Wai for lunch, writing letters to their sponsors and general support. Although Sarnelli House is the name of the house that cares for children with HIV/AIDS in Don Wai it is also the umbrella name for the projects under the care of the Redemptorists run by Fr Mike Shea in the province of Nongkhai in Northeast Thailand.
These include among others : 1. Sarnelli House in the village of Don Wai â&#x20AC;&#x201C; home for children with HIV/AIDS 2. 1D]DUHWK +RXVH LQ WKH YLOODJH RI 'RQ :DL ² KRPH IRU teenage girls with HIV/AIDS 3. St Patrick Boys Home in the village of Pi Si Tong â&#x20AC;&#x201C; home for abandoned and orphaned boys 4. Jan and Oscar House in the village of Pi Si Tong - home for teenage boys 5. House of Hope in the village of Pi Si Tong â&#x20AC;&#x201C; home for babies and toddlers 6. Our Lady of Refuge Home for Girls in the town of Viengkhuk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; home for abandoned and orphaned girls 7. Outreach Program â&#x20AC;&#x201C; home visiting and support for people living with HIV/AIDS in the community
Reach Out Day Kids visiting Hua Hin Christoph Leonard, GM of the Amari Resort & Spa in Hua Hin, hosted a group of kids at the Amari earlier this year and took them to a lot of fun places with special events and stay-over at the Amari.
)XQ JDPHV ZHUH HDJHUO\ DQWLFLSDWHG ZLWK VZHHWV DV SUL]H PRQH\ )DYRXULWHV OLNH 1RQJNKDL¡V 1H[W 7RS 0RGHO KDG the teams trying to outdo themselves in creativity, using a couple of large garbage bags to design and dress the PRGHO ZKR KDG WR SDUDGH WKH RXWĂ&#x20AC;W GRZQ WKH UXQZD\ ,W ZDV then onto eating as quickly as possible â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which the kids do really well. Two children had to eat a box of dry cereal and ZKRHYHU Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG Ă&#x20AC;UVW ZRQ $IWHU WKH VHFRQG URXQG WKH ER\V decided to mess it up a bit and ate at their own pace leisurely enjoying every mouthful which had the other team stumped as to what to do. On to the egg and spoon race complete with gorgeous Ă RZLQJ FDIWDQV KLJK KHHOV DQG VXQJODVVHV WKDW WKH NLGV KDG to change out of and hand over to their team mates to dress EHIRUH WKH\ VWDUWHG WKH UDFH 6KRHV DQG FKLOGUHQ ZHQW Ă \LQJ as the heels undid some of the boys, but the girls with their superior balance and skill won the event. Finally it was feeding yoghurt blindfolded to the other blindfolded team. This was an hilarious event that had the kids crowding around, climbing on top of each other to see and falling over laughing all over the place. The noise was deafening as team mates shouted instructions as to where to put the spoon, and yoghurt went everywhere. Another fun 11
Ă&#x20AC;OOHG GD\ ZKHUH HYHQ WKH KDUGLHVW NLGV QHHGHG D UHVW DIWHU all the excitement â&#x20AC;&#x201C; even Christopher dressed in a garbage bag ! Donations to the Sanelli project can be made directly or through bank transfer. Details : Bank: Krung Thai Bank Public Compnany Limited - Branch: Thasadej, Nongkhai A/C No. 295-0-01542-5 Account type: Saving - Swift Code: KRTHTHBK A/C Name: Mr.Michael Shea and Ms. Boonchan Lasa, Mrs. Wimon Thammawong Bangkok Bank: Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited - Branch: Ratchada-Ladphrao A/C No. 177-075543-5 Account type: Saving - Swift Code: BKKBTHBK A/C Name: Mahathai Temple (Sarnelli House) Website : Facebook: Email: to Father Michael Shea :
Swiss Europe Butcher
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Concierto de Aranjuez & Sketches of Spain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Miles Davis 7KH &RQFLHUWR GH $UDQMXH] LV D FRPSRVLWLRQ IRU classical guitar and orchestra by the Spanish composer JoaquĂn Rodrigo. Written in 1939, it LV IDU DQG DZD\ 5RGULJR¡V EHVW NQRZQ ZRUN DQG its success established his reputation as one of WKH PRVW VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW 6SDQLVK FRPSRVHUV RI WKH twentieth century
On 11 December 1940 the concerto received its first performance in Madrid, at the Teatro EspaĂąol de Madrid conducted by JesĂşs ArĂĄmbarri, with the guitar soloist, Regino 6DLQ] GH OD 0D]D Other famous guitar interprets were : Paco de Lucia â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Alirio 'LD]
The jazz pianist Chick Corea used the beginning of the second movement as an introduction to his composition â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spainâ&#x20AC;?. Al Jarreau used the same intro in his arrangement of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spainâ&#x20AC;? as a vocalese.
A number of musicians have reinterpreted the work, usually WKH VHFRQG PRYHPHQW SHUKDSV PRVW IDPRXVO\ MD]] PXVLFLDQ Miles Davis in the company of arranger Gil Evans. On the album Sketches of Spain (1960), Davis says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That melody is so strong that the softer you play it, the stronger it gets, and the stronger you play it, the weaker it gets.â&#x20AC;? Sketches of Spain is an album by Miles Davis, recorded between November 1959 and March 1960. An extended version of the second movement of Joaquin 5RGULJR¡V &RQFLHUWR GH $UDQMXH] LV LQFOXGHG DV ZHOO DV D VRQJ FDOOHG ´:LOO R¡ WKH :LVSÂľ IURP WKH EDOOHW (O DPRU EUXMR E\ Manuel de Falla. Sketches of Spain is an exemplary recording RI 7KLUG 6WUHDP D PXVLFDO IXVLRQ RI MD]] (XURSHDQ FODVVLFDO and styles of world music. Deep Purple played â&#x20AC;&#x153;The orange juice songâ&#x20AC;? (David Coverdale and Jon Lord) on the sessions of the 1975 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Come taste the bandâ&#x20AC;? album, which is based around the famous second movement. It appears on the collection â&#x20AC;&#x153;Days may come...â&#x20AC;?
/HG =HSSHOLQ¡V keyboardist/bassist John Paul Jones incorporated parts of the music during an improvisation section of their song â&#x20AC;&#x153;No Quarterâ&#x20AC;? on their 1977 tour +HUE $OSHUW¡V DOEXP 5LVH FRQWDLQV D WUDFN ´$UDQMXH] (mon amour)â&#x20AC;? (6:42) on Side 2. A Cuban classic guitar SOD\HU /HR %URXZHU PDGH D PDJQLĂ&#x20AC;FHQW LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI WKH &RQFLHUWR ZLWK WKH IDPRXV JURXS ,UDNHUH MD]] VW\OH /HEDQHVH IHPDOH VLQJHU )DLUX] KDV DOVR XVHG WKH PXVLF RI the second movement on one of her songs â&#x20AC;&#x153;Le Bairutâ&#x20AC;? (To Beirut). Also the Egyptian born Greek singer Demis Roussos used the same music for his song â&#x20AC;&#x153;Follow Meâ&#x20AC;?. In 1967, the French singer Richard Anthony brought out a single named ´$UDQMXH] PRQ DPRXUÂľ ZLWK O\ULFV E\ *X\ %RQWHPSHOOL
Courtesy of Mephisto Jazz - Rene Marugg, European Tour-Manager Gil Evans 1987 13
The 4 Top Legendary Lady Singers 1. Tina Turner - USA
Simply the best : Such a long career and such a power. She belongs when music ZDVQ¡W VR PXFK DERXW WKH ORRN DQG PXFK PRUH DERXW IHHOLQJV DQG HPRWLRQV Simply the most entertaining and best energy ever. SHE FILLED STADIUMS ALL AROUND THE WORLD. She demonstrates raw energy and life into whatever YRFDOV VKH ZDV WDNLQJ RQ 'HĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ QXPEHU 2QH RI WKH PRVW G\QDPLF IHPDOH VLQJHUV LQ WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKH PXVLF 7LQD 7XUQHU RR]HG WKH PRPHQW VKH VWHSSHG RQ VWDJH DV OHDG VLQJHU RI WKH ,NH 7LQD 7XUQHU 5HYXH LQ WKH ODWH Âś V +HU JULWW\ and growling performances beat down doors everywhere. Divorced from Ike in WKH PLG ¡ V VKH UHFRUGHG RQO\ RFFDVLRQDOO\ ODWHU LQ WKH GHFDGH EXW UHVXUIDFHG LQ WKH PLG ¡ V ZLWK D VHULHV RI KLW VLQJOHV DQG PRYLH DSSHDUDQFHV KHU KLJK SURĂ&#x20AC;OH VWDWXV ZDV DVVXUHG ZHOO LQWR WKH Âś V 7LQD QRZ \HDUV ROG DQG UHOHDVHG her latest album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beyond Love Withinâ&#x20AC;?. Her discography includes top hits such as : The Best - I can´t stand the rain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Golden Eye â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Proud Mary â&#x20AC;&#x201C; We don´t need another hero â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Private Dancer .
2. Shirley Bassey - Wales Dame Shirley Veronica Bassey, is a Welsh singer. She found fame in the mid1950s and has been called â&#x20AC;&#x153;one of the most popular female vocalists in Britain during the last half of the 20th centuryâ&#x20AC;?. 6KH LV EHVW NQRZQ IRU UHFRUGLQJ WKH WKHPH VRQJV WR WKH -DPHV %RQG Ă&#x20AC;OPV *ROGĂ&#x20AC;QJHU 'LDPRQGV $UH )RUHYHU DQG 0RRQUDNHU $SDUW from the James Bond collection and successes , there are further hits like : What now my love â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I who have nothing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; No regrets - Something â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The fool on the Hill â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Love Story. Her last Album â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Performanceâ&#x20AC;? was released in 2009. Shirley is now 77 years old.
3. Edith Piaf - France
Ă&#x2030;dith Piaf was a French cabaret singer who became widely regarded as )UDQFH¡V QDWLRQDO GLYD DV ZHOO DV EHLQJ RQH RI )UDQFH¡V JUHDWHVW LQWHUQDWLRQDO stars. She began forming friendships with prominent people, including Maurice Chevalier and poet Jacques Borgeat. She wrote the lyrics of many of her own VRQJV 7KH VSULQJ RI VDZ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW FRRSHUDWLRQ DQG D ORYH DIIDLU ZLWK <YHV Montand in the Moulin Rouge. ,Q VKH ZURWH WKH O\ULFV WR WKH VRQJ 0DLV TX¡HVW FH TXH M¡DL IRU 0RQWDQG Within a year, he became one of the most famous singers in France. She broke off their relationship when he had become almost as popular as she was.During this time, she was in great demand and very successful in Paris as )UDQFH¡V PRVW SRSXODU HQWHUWDLQHU +HU PRVW IDPRXV LQWHUQDWLRQDO DFFODLPHG song is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Milordâ&#x20AC;? , â&#x20AC;&#x153;La Vie en Roseâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Non, je ne regrette rienâ&#x20AC;? - Edith passed away in 1963
Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef was born on December 28, 1925 in Ulm, Germany. In 1940, she began studying acting. In 1963, she began her career as a singer and surprised the audience with her typical, deep, smoky voice and the fact that many lyrics of her songs were written by herself. In 1970, she wrote the autobiographical bestseller â&#x20AC;&#x153;Der Geschenkte Gaulâ&#x20AC;?. She got sympathy from DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG IRU KHU Ă&#x20AC;JKW DJDLQVW FDQFHU ZKLFK VKH GHIHDWHG VHYHUDO WLPHV Among her greatest German song hits were : ) U 0LFK 6ROO¡V 5RWH 5RVHQ 5HJQHQ 0lFNLH 0HVVHU ,FK %UDXFK¡ 7DSHWHQZHFKVHO ² ,OOXVLRQHQ ,FK 0|FKWH $P 0RQWDJ 0DO 6RQQWDJ +DEHQ +HU Ă&#x20AC;OP VXFFHVVHV LQ English: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone Dies Aloneâ&#x20AC;?. In German : â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alrauneâ&#x20AC;? with Erich von Stroheim and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Illusion in Mollâ&#x20AC;? with Hardy KrĂźger and â&#x20AC;&#x153; Die drei Grosschenoperâ&#x20AC;? among 60 other movies made in her lifetime. Hildegard passed away in 2002. APPROACH Nov 2014
4. Hildegard Knef â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Germany
Bollywood at The Banyan On the 18th of October another sparkling event took place at the Banyan.
The Bollywood event required being dressed up with Indian costumes or at least look like. The entire club members of the Hua Hin Women´s Club were present and dressed in their Saris looking 9HU\ DXWKHQWLF 7KH HYHQLQJ ZDV Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK PXVLF IURP 7DP D IDPRXV %DQJNRN '- ,QGLDQ GDQFHV DQG D ZRQGHUIXO ,QGLDQ EXIIHW $OWRJHWKHU D VL]]OLQJ QLJKW Tanya, the owner of Hot Hua Hin had recruited Super Models such as Miss Dream from Bangkok. Ladies that are model for PDJD]LQHV DV 9RJXH 0XOWLWDOHQWHG 7DQ\D GUHVVHG WKHP LQ KHU RZQ GHVLJQHG ZDUGUREH %HOO\ GDQFHU ZRNH XV XS IURP RXU super model dreams and later in the evening Khun Nok, the resort manager of the Banyan had everyone dancing Indian dances with the Banyan Managing Director Khun Bruce swinging an Indian Bagurumba and Bharatnatyam professionally !
2 Hua Hin Stores ARB-IMS 1
2nd Floor In front of Home Pro Market Village
On Phetkasem Road Opposite to the Hua Hin Temple
THE GERMAN OKTOBERFEST CULINARY & FLUIDARY WIES`N SCHMANKERLN Hua Hin offers the Oktoberfest in November with an endless variety of good solid German Food and %HHU WR Ă XVK LW GRZQ ZLWK 'ULQN EHHU E\ WKH OLWUH WHHWRWDOOHUV GRQ¡W QHHG WR ZRUU\ sodas and water are also available), eat traditional Bavarian IRRG VXFK DV SUHW]HOV ZLWK D GLDPHWHU RI LQFKHV /LVWHQ WR live brass bands playing traditional Bavarian music as well as more up-to-date music and enjoy yourself with hundreds of other people from all over the world, dancing and singing the hours away. All in Hua Hin in close cooperation with partners offer the NOVEMBERFEST alternative with original PAULANER and WEIHENSTEPHANER Beer and culinary Schmakerln such as SCHWEINSHAXE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SAUERKRAUT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; BRATWURST and BREZEN and Oktoberfest HENDL. ( English : Roasted Pork Shank - Sausages ) of which some culinary plates are shown on both pages.
The Novemberfest Partners are : Â&#x2021; $OO LQ +XD +LQ ² 6UD 6RQJ 5RDG ² Â&#x2021; 2OG *HUPDQ\ 1DUHVGDPUL 5RDG ² Â&#x2021; /LYLQJ 5RRP ² 6RL RQ WKH %HDFK Â&#x2021; $QJHOLQDCV *ULOO ² 3HVFKNDVHP 5RDG 6RL ² 4018 Â&#x2021; /D %LUUD ² 'DPURQJUDW 5RDG RSSRVLWH &KLNDGD 0DUNHW ² 084 567 6989 Â&#x2021; /D 9LWH ² 6DOD &KHHS 5RDG $R 0DQDR ² 3UDFKXDE . Â&#x2021; 0DOLEOXHV ² &KXPSRQ ² Â&#x2021; =DE :HU ² 6RL ² NP EHIRUH WKH Ă RDWLQJ PDUNHW APPROACH Nov 2014
THE SAXOPHONE LOUNGE Finally opened their Lounge in the former Suay Vista music pub.
On the opening night it was packed and further on WKH QH[W IRXU GD\V DV ZHOO -D]] DQG 3RS UXOH WKH evenings with Ryan Kemp on the Sax and international musicians from all corners of the world , living in Hua Hin, jamming together. A multi talented group, Don´t miss out on it, It is cosy , comfortable with plenty of good music , drinks and food ! Call Ryan for more info : 086-962-5166 Soi 94 has it in it! - Besides from growing rapidly , some very interesting establishments have been added to this underestimated road. From the very start: coming from Petschkasem Road , the G- House Resort and restaurant with a supermarket , Brassiere shop and cafĂŠ, further on , righ hand side, European Bakery with CafĂŠ, Naresh , Nepalese Indian IRRG 3L]]DV DQG (XURSHDQ HDWHULHV 2YHU WKH UDLOURDG track, International cuisine , Japanese Sushies, a 5XVVLDQ ĆŠĆžÇ&#x160;Ç&#x2039;Ç&#x2021;Ç&#x2030;ĆšÇ&#x2020; 5HVWDXUDQW 3RROWDEOHG SXEV on the right, Gourmet food to take away at Mirabelle freshly made by French Chef Herve , Hua Hin Property 5HDO (VWDWH ZLWK JHQWOHPDQ 5RELQ D Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV FHQWHU /XFLDQRÂ?V 3L]]DV DQG IXUWKHU XS WKH URDG QHZO\ opened The Saxophone Lounge from Ryan & David, Saiboo German Restaurant with German David and next to them, Mr. Sumo the Thai magician with his Tepanyaki Restaurant and great Japanese noodles and of courseâ&#x20AC;ŚTepanyaki.
Cool Gadgets 0LVĂ&#x20AC;W )ODVK /LNH RWKHU ZULVW ZRUQ Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV WUDFNHUV WKH 0LVĂ&#x20AC;W )ODVK ZLOO PHDVXUH \RXU DOO GD\ activity and sleep levels. Nothing more, nothing less. Unlike them, it comes with a couple of additions that might make you want to choose it over everything else in the market. )RU RQH LW¡V VW\OHG OLNH D FDVXDO ZDWFK 1RW ELJ DQG EXON\ OLNH D VPDUWZDWFK EXW MXVW WKH ULJKW VL]H ZLWK D ORRN WKDW¡V VLPLODU WR WKRVH WLPHOHVV SODVWLF 6ZDWFK designs. With a LED-based, analog-style display, you can use it like an actual watch, too, casually glancing at your wrist for the time instead of always pulling RXW \RXU SKRQH $PD]RQ RUGHU DSSUR[ 7+%
3d-Robotics-Iris-Drone-1 >> 7KHUH¡V QR VKRUWDJH RI GURQHV DYDLODEOH LQ WKH PDUNHW IRU DHULDO photography and videography. When it comes to ease of use, though, LW¡V JRLQJ WR EH WRXJK WR Ă&#x20AC;QG RQH DV QHZELH IULHQGO\ DV WKH ,5,6 0DGH E\ ' 5RERWLFV LW¡V DQ HUVWZKLOH UHJXODU TXDGFRSWHU GURQH VLPLODU WR WKH RQHV IURP 3DUURW DQG WKH GR]HQ RU VR FRQVXPHU GURQH PDQXIDFWXUHUV LQ WKH PDUNHW ([FHSW LW¡V GHVLJQHG WR HOLPLQDWH WKH VNLOOV EDUULHU JLYLQJ everyone, from tech-averse grandmas to clumsy kids, the chance to use a drone for aerial photography without watching their money crash into a useless pile of junk. Order at Bellroy THB 22,500
<< SmarteyeGlass The Sony SmartEyeGlass pairs with Android smartphones (4.3 or later) to provide contextaware information using an integrated heads-up display (HUD). While the feature set will be expanded as it gets closer to production, the current prototype can be used to deliver QRWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV PXFK IDVWHU WKDQ KDYLQJ WR JODQFH DW D ZDWFK JHW GULYLQJ GLUHFWLRQV DQG browse websites hands-free (useful for reading recipes and such). It uses what Sony describes as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;hologram optics technologyâ&#x20AC;? for the lenses, which gives it 85 percent transparency while measuring just slightly over a tenth of an inch in thickness. Display LV RQO\ PRQRFKURPH EXW LW ZLOO EH UHDGDEOH LQ D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI HQYLURQPHQWV $PD]RQ order approx.THB 4,500
Apple Watch >> Similar to Android Wear, users can take and receive calls, as well as dictate messages to the Apple Watch. Going beyond that, though, Apple reinforced the system with alternative ways of communicating. When a message is received, IRU LQVWDQFH WKH ZDWFK ZLOO DQDO\]H LW DQG RIIHU VKRUW WDLORUHG UHVSRQVHV WKDW WKH user can simply choose onscreen, saving them from having to compose their RZQ PHVVDJH $VLGH IURP QRWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV DQG PHVVDJLQJ LW FDQ DOVR IXQFWLRQ DV D Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV WUDFNHU ZLWK D EXLOW LQ DFFHOHURPHWHU J\URVFRSH KHDUW UDWH VHQVRU DQG *36 DORQJ ZLWK WZR SUHORDGHG Ă&#x20AC;WQHVV DSSV QDPHO\ $FWLYLW\ DQG :RUNRXW 7+% 10,000 - 300,000 ( pure Gold )
<< Blackmagic Cinema Camera That is about as compact a cinema-quality video shooter as you can ask for. $W OHDVW WKDW¡V ZKDW ZH WKRXJKW $SSDUHQWO\ QRW WKH FDVH WKRXJK ZLWK WKH new Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera. <HS WKDW DZHVRPH YLGHR ULJ \RX¡YH EHHQ XVLQJ IRU VKRRWLQJ SUR TXDOLW\ DPDWHXU PXVLF YLGHRV QRZ KDV D VPDOOHU EURWKHU $QG LW¡V HYHQ PRUH JUDE and-go, sporting dimensions no different from many point-and-shoots, all while packing some serious talents. All recordings are stored to an SD card DQG LW XVHV UHPRYDEOH EDWWHULHV$PD]RQ $SSUR[ 7+%
Asian Fairy Bluebird The fairy bluebird (Irena puella), also known under the designation turquois siren, one within the family of Irenidae, to the Genus Irena. by : Dr. George Grossniklaus
Appearance and Dimensions The fairy bluebird reaches a body length of about 21.0 to 26.0 cm. The weight of the male is about 56.0 to 76.0 grams, while the weight of the female is about 52.0 to 71.0 grams. The wingspan is approximate 12.7 cm. The whole upper plumage, including the elytra show a brilliant sparkling cobalt blue. The sides of the head, the quills and tail are of a deep black color. The secondary and the central tail feathers are provided with a shade of blue. The reins, the feathers above the eyes and the sides of the neck and the underside of the thighs and under wing-coverts are colored black. The under tail-coverts are purple-black. The female has a dull matte blue, Prussian-blue to green-blue top feathers. The upper and lower tail-coverts are more brightly colored. The hand and secondary are dark brown. The greater wing-coverts and primary coverts and the upper arm swing are dark brown tint, but with a bluish tinge on the outer webs. The beak and legs are black glossed over and the iris has a ruby color. APPROACH Nov 2014
Way of life The fairy bluebird is found in Sri Lanka, on the Malabar Coast, in South India and in Travancore. Furthermore, it is found in Thailand and Cochin-China and Khasia Hills, Cachar and in the Andaman Islands. The Asian fairy-bluebird lives in dense evergreen forests and is more frequent in the hilly areas than in the plains. In general, the fairy bluebird lives in pairs, but small groups of 6 or 7 individuals are not uncommon. During the breeding season a cup-shaped nest is built and reminds of the nest of a Drongo (Dicrurus). The female lays two to three white HJJV ZKLFK DUH Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK EURZQ PDUNLQJV ,QFXEDWLRQ period is 12 to 14 (18) days and the nestling period about 13 to 16 days. Nutrition 7KH IDLU\ EOXHELUG Ă LHV LQ VHDUFK RI IRRG KLJK LQ WKH WUHHWRSV ZKHUH KH Ă&#x20AC;QGV IUXLWV RU EHUULHV )XUWKHUPRUH WKH IDLU\ bluebird also feeds on insects and arachnids, as well as IURP Ă RZHU QHFWDU DQG SROOHQ
Threats and Protection According to the IUCN Red List, today the fairy bluebird is not one of the endangered birds. The fairy bluebird is common in many parts of its range. Only in a few regions it is rare or only sparsely. In the IUCN Red List of fairy bluebird is run as “Least Concern” (not endangered). IUCN Red List The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ lists over 10,000 bird species and of these, 132 are Extinct. These extinctions have mostly been caused by human behavior through hunting, habitat changes and the introduction of alien species such as rats and cats. Birds are important for maintaining healthy ecosystems so it is vital that they are protected and conserved. Many plants depend on birds to disperse their seeds and sometimes a seed has to be digested and deposited by a bird before it will germinate. Birds are also important to agricultural crops as they remove insect pests. 23
NOVEMBER FESTIVALS & SPORT EVENTS Blooming Bua Tong 0H[LFDQ 6XQĂ RZHU )HVWLYDO 1 November - 13 December 2014 Where: Mae Fah Luang District, Mae Hong Son %XD 7RQJ %DQ RU %ORRPLQJ 0H[LFDQ 6XQĂ RZHU )HVWLYDO LV held in November, affording people the opportunity to see WKH VXQĂ RZHU Ă&#x20AC;HOGV ZDWHUIDOOV DQG PLVW DW %DQ +XD 0DH Kham, Amphoe Mae Fa Luang. There are also hilltribe performances.
Flora Park Festival 1 November 2014 - 28 February 2015 Where: Wang Nam Keaw District, Nakhon Ratchasima 7KH IHVWLYDO ZLOO VKRZFDVH PRUH WKDQ Ă RZHUV RI over 20 different species, on a 360 degree angle viewpoint with the spectacular vertical garden. Over 5,000 English roses of 400 species will be arranged beautifully across the landscape. Event will be held on an area of over 50 rai at Khao Phaeng Ma, Wang Nam Keaw district, Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Loi Krathong Festival 6 November 2014 Where: Throughout Thailand As the full moon of the twelfth lunar month (usually in midNovember) lights up the night sky, throughout the Thai kingdom, hundreds of thousands of ornately-decorated NUDWKRQJ RU WUDGLWLRQDO EDQDQD OHDI Ă RDWV DUH VHW DGULIW LQ ULYHUV and waterways in a spell-binding ritual called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Loi Krathongâ&#x20AC;? WKH ÂśIHVWLYDO RI OLJKWVÂľ 7KLV LV RQH RI WKH .LQJGRP¡V ROGHVW and best-preserved traditions.
Phimai Festival 6 - 9 November 2014 Where: Phimai Historical Park, Nakhon Ratchasima An annual festival held for more than a century, the traditional long-boat races draw thousands of visitors from all over. This event is further enhanced by a light and sound presentation at Prasat Hin Phimai, local art and cultural performances, YDULRXV IXQ Ă&#x20AC;OOHG FRPSHWLWLRQV DQG VDOHV RI ORFDO SURGXFWV and exhibitions. 25
Standard Chartered Bangkok Marathon 16 November 2014 Where: Bangkok Standard Charterd Bangkok Marathon is a world standard athletic sport of Thailand which is popular among Thai and foreign runners and tourists as much as the marathon in other famous cities in the world. You will forget about the WLUHGQHVV IURP \RXU NP UXQQLQJ EXW ZLOO EH Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK happiness from the warm welcome and cheerful smiles. 0RVW RI DOO LW¡V UHDOO\ WKH JHQXLQH VPLOHV RI WKH SHRSOH WKURXJKRXW WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ ZKLFK \RX ZLOO Ă&#x20AC;QG \RXU GHFLVLRQ most impressive and worthwhile.
Laguna Phuket Triathlon 23 November 2014 Where: Phuket 7KH /DJXQD 3KXNHW 7ULDWKORQ LV $VLD¡V SUHPLHU GHVWLQDWLRQ triathlon featuring a unique 1.8K swim, 55K bike and 12K run through spectacular tropical scenery. Over the past twenty years the popular race has attracted thousands of age group athletes as well as triathlon legends Mark Allen, Greg Welch, Craig Alexander, Paula Newby-Fraser, Michellie Jones, Chris McCormack and Chrissie Wellington, to name just a few.
3KXNHW .LQJ¡V &XS 5HJDWWD 29 November - 6 December 2014 Where: Phuket 7KH 3KXNHW .LQJ¡V &XS 5HJDWWD LV NQRZQ DV WKH JUHDWHVW regatta in Asia. The old regatta started in 1987 and is KHOG HYHU\ \HDU IURP HQG 1RYHPEHU WLOO WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW ZHHN RI December with the sponsorship of the royal family.
Buriram Long Boat Racing Festival November 2014 ( First weekend of November) Where: Satuek District, Buriram The racing take place at Moon River of Satuek District, Buriram. The Long Boat Racing Festival is one of the traditional activities that mark the end of the Buddhist Lent. The history of the festival can be traced back to the Ayutthaya period or about 600 years ago. Other than the competitions, visitors can also enjoy boat procession and other cultural performances APPROACH Nov 2014
PROPOSALS TO AMMEND VISA & WORK PERMIT REGULATIONS :LWK VRPH DUHDV DOUHDG\ KDYLQJ EHHQ Ă&#x20AC;[HG E\ JRYHUQPHQW agencies, the main amendment to the work-permit regulations proposed to the government concerns the separation of regulations for unskilled immigrant workers and foreign investors, in order to provide more support for investors, alongside the improvement of various business and foreign visas. The amendments or changes include an improved procedure regarding applications for work permits, an online option for 90-day reporting, and the exemption from workpermit regulations for a foreign businessperson merely in the Kingdom for a meeting, although a business operator who wants to have authorisation power will still require a work permit.
Foreign students will still need to apply for a year-on-year visa, while foreigners who want to visit to use the healthcare service in Thailand will be granted a permit to stay up to 6090 days, with an extension possible with the presentation of D GRFWRU¡V FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;FDWH However, the information regarding work-permit and visa regulations, procedures and applications still needed to be more widely available and much easier to understand and the JSCCIB urged government agencies to increase the use of technology in order to provide better access for foreigners. The president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, said he appreciated every government effort to simplify the procedure for getting a work permit and the improvement of visa requirements for businesspersons visiting Thailand on a temporary basis, as the system had overcomplicated matters.
Business operators who want to visit an exhibition in Thailand will also be exempted from having to get a work permit, but they will still need one if they want to open a booth or trade at a fair.
If the system is simpler and better organised, it would improve IRUHLJQ LQYHVWRUV¡ VHQWLPHQW KH VDLG DGGLQJ WKH LPSDFW RI the new regulations remained to be seen, however, as they were only introduced last month.
However, if it is a state-run exhibition, any foreign operator who wants to open a booth or trade at the event will not require a work permit.
Courtesy of The Nation National Newsagency. Meanwhile, foreign teachers can now apply for a maximum two-year visa, but they need a work permit guaranteeing their employment.
For further detailed information, contact : Business & (VWDWH 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH ² .UDLYLW ² ZZZ N KXDKLQODZ\HU FRP 21/93 Western Railway Rd. Hua Hin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Phone : +66(0) 32 900 408 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Email:
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Offshore Insurance Bonds by : Jerry McMenamin
What to do with my Insurance Bonds? Many expats have bought an offshore Insurance Bond and have invested in various funds, some of which are not doing too well.
PDQDJHU DV WKH\ DUH VLWWLQJ RQ SURÀWV RI PRUH WKDQ IRU the year with lots more anticipated upside. These are the same clients who had made 50% return in the Axa Biotech fund. The most common question is what I should do with this Now these funds are not for everyone and certainly not for bond, as often the original adviser is not as keen to help as all of your cash, however, being able to allocate a proportion of your portfolio to good quality well managed funds can help he was to arrange the original investment. boost the returns overall. With one client, we started with just There are penalties to encash the investment bond early £10,000 of her portfolio in the biotech fund alongside some as the insurance company seeks to recover their expenses PRUH GLYHUVLÀHG IXQGV DQG ZLWKLQ WZR \HDUV WKLV ZDV ZRUWK IRU VHWWLQJ XS WKH SROLF\ DQG SD\LQJ WKH ÀQDQFLDO DGYLVHU £20,000. This growth more than paid for all the charges in Remember these bonds are for the long term investor only. her portfolio as a whole which meant more income for her. 2I FRXUVH QRERG\ LV ZRUNLQJ IRU IUHH VR LW VKRXOGQ·W FRPH DV D This type of smart investment asset allocation, known surprise that there are charges for setting up the investment. commonly as a “core and satellite” approach is used by professional money managers to improve investment All investments will carry a charge, whether you buy a returns, lower costs and boost income for institutional property or shares or an insurance bond. The most important pension funds. Many investors have purchased esoteric thing is that the performance of the investment means the investments in unregulated funds which as we all now know charges are not of any concern. How do I achieve this with have proved to be a lot of trouble. one of these bonds? To improve your income and boost your portfolio email me Look at those clients who we had moved into Indian equity now for a no obligation review. funds at the start of this year are not at all concerned that they are paying over 1% per annum in fees to the investment
The Redox Flow Battery & The Quant Sport Limousine SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR CARS AND HOUSEHOLDS by : GMoss
In close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Insitute in Germany , Koenigsegg Qaunt Cars has developed a Four Seater Sport Limousine powered by a nano Flowcell powertrain. The heart of the Koenigsegg -QUANT Sportlimousine prototype is the nanoFLOWCELL battery.
With all of this performance available alongside a consumption of just 20 KWH/100km. A High Energy Density nanoFlowcell system feeds four threephase induction motors, one for each wheel.
7KH )UDXQKRIHU ,QVWLWXWH LV (XURSH¡V ODUJHVW DSSOLFDWLRQ RULHQWHG UHVHDUFK RUJDQL]DWLRQ 7KHLU UHVHDUFK HIIRUWV DUH JHDUHG HQWLUHO\ WR SHRSOH¡V QHHGV KHDOWK VHFXULW\ communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the work undertaken by their researchers and developers has a VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW LPSDFW RQ SHRSOH¡V OLYHV 7KH\ DUH FUHDWLYH 7KH\ shape technology. They design products, improve methods and techniques. In short: They Build/Create the future. The new 912 horsepower QUANT Sportlimousine, electric sports car practically runs on sea water. However this may be exaggerated as the electrolite used is salt water, a composition of mineral and metal salts found in clear sea water. The Quant already has been approved for public roads in Europe. Capable of powering the 2,300kg Sports Car 373 miles, 0 100 km/h is claimed at 2.8 seconds with a top speed of over 380 km/h. APPROACH Nov 2014
Fraunhofer scientists have recently made an important breakthrough with their development of a Redox Flow battery WKDW UHDFKHV D VWDFN SRZHU XS WR N: ZLWK D FHOO VL]H RI square meters. This is eight times larger than the previous $ VL]HG V\VWHPV
Here is how it works: 7KH UHGR[ Ă RZ FHOO VWRUHV HQHUJ\ LQ electrolyte solutions contained in tanks. The Quant carries two storage tanks of 200 l. saltwater (Electrolite). The electrolyte circulates from these tanks through D FHOO ZKLFK JHQHUDWHV HOHFWULFLW\ IURP WKH Ă XLG LQ D FKHPLFDO process. The most common kind of this type of battery is the YDQDGLXP UHGR[ Ă RZ EDWWHU\
Vanadium Redox Flow batteries can store up to 5 times the energy of a modern lithium-ion battery.
that could, for example, supply 2000 households with electricity,â&#x20AC;? says Dr. Christian DĂśtsch Division Director Energy at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. This would require a capacity of DURXQG WZR PHJDZDWWV VR WKH QH[W Ă&#x20AC;[HG REMHFWLYH LV WR GHYHORS D VWDFN WKDW LV WZR VTXDUH PHWHUV LQ VL]H DQG KDV D capacity of 100 kW. Imagine becoming independent of Mineral Oil & Nuclear Energy, with save energy from non toxic and non radiation elements surrounding us.
The vanadium is charged and discharged in small reaction chambers. Several of these cells are lined up in stacks, which LQFUHDVHV WKH EDWWHU\¡V SRZHU 5HGR[ Ă RZ EDWWHULHV RIIHU VHYHUDO DGYDQWDJHV WKH\ DUH QRW RQO\ FRVW HIIHFWLYH EXW VPDOO LQ VL]H UREXVW GXUDEOH DQG FDQ EH LQGLYLGXDOO\ FXVWRPL]HG 7KH VRUHG HOHFWULFLW\ SRZHUV WKH electric motors at the wheels. For Households ? : â&#x20AC;&#x153;Successfully redesigning the battery VWDFNV LV DQ LPSRUWDQW VWHS LQ GHYHORSLQJ UHGR[ Ă RZ EDWWHULHV
Sun Protection BE HOT '21C7 *(7 %851(' by : Natcha Boonkrong
'HDU UHDGHUV , VWURQJO\ EHOLHYH WKDW ZRPHQ HOW TO KEEP YOUR BEAUTY BEATING UNDER should be charming from the inside out. However THE SUN ZH FDQ¡W GHQ\ WKH IDFW WKDW RXU VNLQ DSSHDUDQFH LV ZKDW KHOSV WR GHĂ&#x20AC;QH RXU KHDOWK DQG EHDXW\ LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW SODFH /LYLQJ LQ WKH 1. Sunscreen is a real hero: We all know that the sun is constant heat of a tropical climate with loads of sunshine can strongest between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. So when we are in the cause trouble for our good skin. VXQ GXULQJ WKHVH SHDN KRXUV LW¡V EHVW WR DYRLG GLUHFW H[SRVXUH to the sun as much as possible, or have sun protection and Even though the majority of Thai women tend to prefer keep applying sunscreen habitually. Make sure that you follow bleaching their skin insanely white, I prefer to enjoy my more WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV FDUHIXOO\ 6RPH SURGXFWV GRQ¡W ZRUN GLUHFWO\ honey coloured skin tone. Women can look fabulous in their after applying the sun screen and require time to absorb into RZQ XQLTXH ZD\ %HLQJ FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW LQ \RXUVHOI LV WKH PRVW the skin before going out in the sun. undeniable form of allurementâ&#x20AC;Ś..Believe me! Surprisingly, consumer reports 2014 $OO ZRPHQ KDYH WKHLU RZQ VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F VNLQ FRQFHUQV DFQH VFDUV recommends 7 of 20 sunscreens and ODUJH SRUHV 5RVDFHD HWF +RZHYHU WRR PXFK VXQ H[SRVXUH one of them is my all time favourite KDV SURYHQ WR EH D ZRPHQ¡V ZRUVW HQHP\ 89% UD\V FDQ FDXVH body sunscreen. both sunburn and skin cancer. UVA rays penetrate deeper than UVB, and the rays are responsible for aging the skin, ´%DQDQD %RDW¡V 8OWUD 'HIHQFH 0D[ and contributing to skin cancer. Skin Protect SPF 110 spray, at $1.75 an ounceâ&#x20AC;? I personally like this kind Although I appreciate having healthy tan skin, I would never RI ERG\ VSUD\ VXQVFUHHQ VLQFH LW¡V put myself at risk of skin cancer by not protecting myself from FRQYHQLHQW DQG VXSHU HDV\ WR DSSO\ overexposure to the sun. I would love to share my hidden No wasting time on rubbing lotion into weapons from both the Western and Eastern worlds, and my your skin or messing with your hairy own personal secret home remedies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Soothing skin after sun VNLQ DUHDV OLNH WKH QDSH RI \RXU QHFN RU \RXU JX\¡V FKHVW gets girls tan not burned â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just grab and sprayâ&#x20AC;? will keep you safe from the harmful rays.
COSMETICS This kind is labeled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Broad spectrum,â&#x20AC;? meaning it shields you from UVA and UVB rays. The cooling sunscreen formula is a great way to keep you refreshed during your boiling day. SHISEIDO - ANESSA - Perfect UV Sunscreen SPF50+PA+++ 7KLV LV RQH RI WKH EHVW VXQVFUHHQV RQ WKH PDUNHW ,W¡V QRW DV heavy as sunscreens from the West. It feels light, absorbs TXLFNO\ DQG LV VXSHU SURWHFWLYH 7KLV EDE\ ZRQ¡W OHDYH \RX with that greasy look even after a long hot day and hundreds RI VHOĂ&#x20AC;HV ,QVWHDG \RX¡UH OHIW ZLWK D VPRRWK PDWWH FRPSOH[LRQ EXW ZRQ¡W FORJ SRUHV ,W¡V DOVR ZDWHU UHVLVWDQW ZKLFK KHOSV you stay protected during your favourite outdoor activities. You need make up remover to clean it off. Shake well and you will love it.
DIWHU LW¡V EHHQ GDPDJHG E\ WKH VXQ 1R VNLQ FDUH UHJLPHQ LV better than proper sun protection. I found this magical dull skin remedy by chance, and would love to share this magic chic with everyone. I and tons of women around the world have given this product rave reviews.
3. Deal with Dull: Having a perfect tan sometimes results in boring dull skin. There are many ways to restore the skin Keep yourself glowing and shine brighter than the sun!
â&#x20AC;&#x153;GlamGlow Youthmud Tinlexfoliate treatmentâ&#x20AC;? I am a big fan of mud products since they always work with my skin. Anyhow, this sexy Glamglow is above and beyond other products I have used. After you apply this on your clean skin you will feel a tingling sensation, mask it on your face and exfoliate before you rinse it. It helps tighten and smoothen 2. In case you are burned: No matter how hard you try to your skin, repairs damage, and leaves avoid burning, too much sun can still cause damage to your your skin looking radiant. However the skin. In ancient Egypt, Aloe Vera was regarded as a sacred price is a bit high. plant. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;bloodâ&#x20AC;? of which held the secrets of beauty. Since I found that using natural geek yogurt and oatmeal as a mask then, its uses have become targeted as more of an after sun on your face for 10-15 mins. is another effective discoloration WUHDWPHQW ,W¡V QRZ RQH RI WKH OHDGLQJ WKHUDSLHV IRU VXQEXUQV treatment. There are many kinds of Aloe Vera gel in the market. To get the PD[LPXP EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV RI WKLV QDWXUDO KHDOHU ORRN IRU $ORH 6R QRZ VXUYLYLQJ XQGHU WKH VXQ¡V H[SRVXUH VKRXOG EH D Vera gel, which is as pure and natural as possible. No harsh EUHH]H IRU $SSURDFK UHDGHUV 0DNH VXUH WKDW \RX NHHS \RXU chemicals added and produced from reliable manufacturers. sunscreen on hand, use natural sunburn healers, and take Soaking your burned skin with milk, placing cool compress care of your skin well after time in the sun.You guys might with cool tea bags or slide cucumbers can be used as a home have your own secret remedies from your home counties, be remedy for sunburn cures. generous and share me your secrets at :
OIL PRICES FALLING Brent, the international oil benchmark, fell 1 per cent to D EDUUHO RQ 0RQGD\ Crude has slumped just over 25 per cent since touching a high for the year in the middle of June, as lacklustre demand, excess supply and a strong dollar all take their toll. As prices continue to decline for the fourth straight month, investors are watching to see how oil producing nations can withstand lower prices. The price of oil needed to balance their budgets is one useful measure of their respective pain thresholds. Analysts at Deutsche Bank have estimated the so-called breakeven price - or that at which producers can balance their books. These latest estimates suggest that the (Brent) spot price is now below the level needed to balance the budget in Bahrain ($136bbl), Oman ($101bbl), Saudi Arabia ($99bbl), Nigeria EEO 5XVVLD EEO DQG 9HQH]XHOD EEO Saudi Arabia, Deutsche Bank argues, can withstand lower
SULFHV ZLWKRXW UHVRUWLQJ WR ERUURZLQJ RU WLJKWHU Ă&#x20AC;VFDO SROLF\ because of its substantial foreign exchange reserves. At a spot price of $83 a barrel the Saudi government would KDYH D EXGJHW GHĂ&#x20AC;FLW QH[W \HDU DFFRUGLQJ WR %XUJHVV %XW WKH JRYHUQPHQW KDV UHVRXUFHV WR FRYHU WKH UHVXOWLQJ GHĂ&#x20AC;FLW for the next seven to eight years. 6DXGL $UDELD¡V XQZLOOLQJQHVV WR FXW SURGXFWLRQ DQG ZLOOLQJQHVV to accept lower prices - has also weighed on the overall price. The Gulf state has previously intervened to balance the market by cutting production when oil prices slipped too low. 6DXGL $UDELD¡V UHIXVDO WR FXW SURGXFWLRQ FRPHV LQ WKH ZDNH of a US shale oil boom which has allowed America to lower its oil imports. &RXQWULHV OLNH 9HQH]XHOD DUH KDYLQJ D PXFK KDUGHU WLPH OLYLQJ with a sliding crude price. Oil accounts for about 95 per cent RI 9HQH]XHOD¡V H[SRUW UHYHQXHV DQG WKH FRXQWU\ KDV IRUHLJQ reserves of $21bn. A sustained fall in the oil price FRXOG FUHDWH DGGLWLRQDO Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLQJ QHHGV RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ EQ DFFRUGLQJ WR )UDQFLVFR 5RGULJXH] DQ DQDO\VW ZLWK Bank of America. It has also raised fears of a debt default.
7dP 7X] } 2WP 0\ } ?aP]QdaX THE RESIDENTIAL MARKETS Courtesy of Colliers International Most of these buyers focus more on the coastal area, while foreign buyers focus on housing projects in HuaHin Inland DUHD ZKHUH WKH\ FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG RQH VWRUH\ GHWDFKHG KRXVHV ZLWK swimming pools and small green areas. Regardless f the political situation, foregn buyers have made up their minds
The total number of existing condominium and housing units in Cha Am and Hua Hin areas are roughly 11,250 and nearly 10,900 units, respectively.
Nearly 730 new condominium units were launched in 1H D Ă&#x20AC;JXUH WKDW GURSSHG VWHDGLO\ IURP WKH VHFRQG KDOI RI 2013 due to political uncertainty and the fact that many units The property markets in Cha Am, Hua Hin and Pranburi areas were directly affected by the political problems. Consequently, are still available on the market. many condominium and house units are still available in the The average price of all condominium units on the market as market. Thus, buyers have various choices and may take of 1H 2014 was approximately THB 69,700 per m², up 3% some time to come up with decisions. from 2H 2013. The average take-up rate of the condominium market at the Most new condominium projects launched in the past year HQG RI Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI RI ZDV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ VOLJKWO\ KLJKHU focused more on markets below the high-end bracket. Some than that of the previous six months. new condominium projects that are expected to be launched $SSUR[LPDWHO\ KRXVLQJ XQLWV ZHUH ODXQFKHG LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW in the second half of 2014 six months of 2014. and in the future are also focusing on this target group. Hua Hin Inland area represents the highest share in total housing market, with approximately 7,090 units. Average take-up rate for the housing market of all locations in Cha Am, Hua Hin and Pranburi areas as of 1H 2014 was approximately 72%,up approximately 6% from six months ago.
For more information contact: Hua Hin 032 530 177
Editor´s note : Regardless of the political situation, foreign 7KH DYHUDJH VHOOLQJ SULFH LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI RI ZDV buyers have made up their minds when it comes to living approximately THB6.73 million baht higher than that of 2H in Thailand. Thailand still is the no.1 choice among retirees 2013a difference of more than 17%. DQG RWKHU VHQLRU FLWL]HQV ZKHUHDV \RXQJHU IDPLOLHV DUH DOVR attracted to The Land of Smiles with international schooling Thai buyers are the main target group, especially for the LPSURYLQJ DQG WKH $6($1 VWDWXV VORZO\ PDWHULDOL]LQJ condominium market over the past one to two years.
by GMoss
omen dream of dream cars as much as men do. However, APPROACH believes that women tend more to convertible models than men. The dream FRPSDULVRQ LV DQ LQGLFDWLRQ RI SUHIHUHQFHV 7KH VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQV are practically equal as there is only a design difference. We tried to keep the specs as close as possible. If the low consumption amazes you, wellâ&#x20AC;Ś. apart from engines becoming increasingly PRUH HFRQRPLF WKURXJK HOHFWURQLF PDQDJHPHQW DQG HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQF\ keep in mind that if you really push 400hp your consumption will without doubt double or more. No illusion!
Prices quoted are estimates as not all models are spontaneously available in Thailand and would have to be imported with, sometimes, long waiting times. Your editor ordered a Nissan Almera, wanted it in metallic regd. Delivery time 3 months! Took a bronze oneâ&#x20AC;Ś.in stock. In a former edition we reported that import taxes sometimes exceed 285% of the estimated value of the imported car.
- Top speed Horsepower n on ptio l Consump Average Fue 400 hp ph 301kmh/187m m 0k 10 l./ .5 13
PORSCHE 911 CARRERA S CABRIOLET Price Estimated in THB 30 mio plus
PORSCHE 911 CARRERA Price Estimated in THB 25 mio
Horsepower - Top speed Hors Average Averag Fuel Consumption mption 380 hp 275kmh/171mphh 11.1 /100km
JAGUAR F-TYPE SPEEDSTER Price Estimated in THB 10.75 mio
JAGUAR F TYPE COUPE Price Estimated in THB 8.5 mio
Horsepower - Top speed Average Fuel Consumption 583hp 315kmh/197mph 13.2 l./100km
MERCEDES S CLASS Price Estimated in THB 11.5 mio
MERCEDES SL AMG Price Estimated in THB 13.4 mio
APPROACH APPROA ACH CH No Nov N ov 2014 2014 20 14
THAI ECONOMY MAY GROW UP TO 3.5% IN 2015 Domestic demand, particularly private and public investments, continues to recover. $ VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW LPSURYHPHQW FRPSDUHG WR WKH 1.5% expected for 21014, but still lagging behind other neighbouring countries.
In 2014 Thai economy is projected to grow by 1.5 percent for the entire year. Real GDP growth in H1 2014 contracted by 0.1 percent, mainly due to the contraction in domestic demand, which has been weak since Q4 2013, and which KDV FRQWLQXHG WR EH VR LQWR WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI RI WKLV \HDU
7KDLODQG¡V W R W D O investment in Myanmar has nearly reached US$10 billion, making the Kingdom the secondPublic disbursements are expected to speed up from their largest source of foreign VWDJQDWLRQ LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI RI WKLV \HDU ZLWK D IXQFWLRQLQJ direct investment FDI into government now in place. the country after China, The implementation of planned large public transport investment projects will also start next year, although the whose investment swelled past $14 billion. bulk of them will most likely be implemented starting in 2016. The main companies investing in Myanmar are : PTT, 1HYHUWKHOHVV 7KDLODQG¡V &RQVXPHU &RQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH ,QGH[ Charoen Pokphand Group, Siam Cement Group, Siam City increased in September for the fourth consecutive month Cement Insee, Bangchak Petroleum, Boon Rawd Brewery, and peaked for 9 years and 7 months or 115 months, Bangkok Dusit Medical. according to a survey by the Commerce Ministry. Signs of Siam Commercial Bank, the main sponsor of the Although the indications of a recovery were climbing, 2014 Asean Summit, are frequently spotted, though the bank they remained below an expected level. This shows that was not among nine foreign banks awarded limited licences. SHRSOH VWLOO ODFN FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH LQ WKH HFRQRPLF VLWXDWLRQV GXH to the cost of living, rising unemployment, delayed tourism To work on developing the ASEAN Vision beyond 2015. UHFRYHU\ WKH ORZ SULFHV RI IDUP SURGXFWV ZLGHVSUHDG Ă RRG 0\DQPDU LV FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW WKDW ZLWK WKH FRRSHUDWLRQ RI $6($1 damage, and exports negatively affected by the global Member States as well as its external partners and economic slowdown. Last but not least the negative news LQWHUQDWLRQDO FRPPXQLW\ LW ZLOO DEOH WR IXOĂ&#x20AC;OO LWV WDVNV spread internationally about crime. Courtesy of Thailand Business news. APPROACH Nov 2014
PROCESSED SALTS IRRG GLHWV FRXOG EH SDUWO\ WR EODPH ´7KLV VWXG\ LV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW to indicate that H[FHVV UHĂ&#x20AC;QHG DQG SURFHVVHG VDOW may be one of the environmental factors driving the increased incidence of autoimmune diseasesâ&#x20AC;?, they said. Junk foods at fast food restaurants as well as processed foods at grocery retailers represent the largest sources of VRGLXP LQWDNH IURP UHĂ&#x20AC;QHG VDOWV Today, Western diets all have high salt content and that has led to increase in hypertension and perhaps autoimmune disease as well.â&#x20AC;?
5HĂ&#x20AC;QHG SURFHVVHG DQG EOHDFKHG VDOWV DUH WKH SUREOHP Salt is critical to our health and is the most readily available non-metallic mineral in the world. Our bodies are not GHVLJQHG WR SURFHVV UHĂ&#x20AC;QHG VRGLXP FKORULGH VLQFH LW KDV QR QXWULWLRQDO YDOXH +RZHYHU ZKHQ D VDOW LV Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK GR]HQV of minerals such as in rose-coloured crystals of Himalayan URFN VDOW RU WKH JUH\ WH[WXUH RI &HOWLF VDOW RXU ERGLHV EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W tremendously for their incorporation into our diet.
Autoimmune Disease is a diseases arising from an abnormal immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body (autoimmunity).
Instead of protecting the body from infection or disease as it normally does, the immune system attacks and destroys the ERG\¡V KHDOWK\ WLVVXH ,W GRHV WKLV E\ SURGXFLQJ DQWLERGLHV Mineral salts are healthy because they give your body the DJDLQVW WKH ERG\¡V WLVVXH 7KLV LV FDOOHG DXWRLPPXQLW\ variety of mineral ions needed to balance its functions, remain healthy and heal. The modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in Salt has always been part of the human diet, but what has autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, alopecia, changed is the mineral content of our food. Instead of eating DVWKPD DQG HF]HPD food high in minerals, such as nuts, fruit and vegetables, SHRSOH DUH Ă&#x20AC;OOLQJ WKHPVHOYHV XS ZLWK ´PLQHUDO HPSW\Âľ A team of scientists from Yale University in the U.S and the SURFHVVHG IRRG DQG Ă&#x20AC;]]\ GULQNV University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany, say junk APPROACH Nov 2014
Anti Inflammatory Effects from Natural Spices Scientists have concluded that many diseases could be avoided by consuming more natural vegetarian food but remedies for illnesses are probably on your kitchen counter.
For example curing Arthritis, millions take non-steroidal antiLQĂ DPPDWRU\ GUXJV 16$,'V GDLO\ IRU DUWKULWLV DQG UHODWHG LQĂ DPPDWRU\ FRQGLWLRQV EXW DUH FRPSOHWHO\ XQDZDUH WKDW far safer natural alternatives already exist. These natural products are just as effective as chemicals.
resistant, resulting in the rapid demise and death of the patient -- deaths which are often written off inaccurately or disingenuously as non-treatment related.
Turmeric and Curcumin extract have been extensively studied for their ability to kill various cancer cell lines. In Turmeric for example has been found to cure Knee fact, the literature is so abundant that it is both surprising Osteoathiritis safely , inexpensively and effectfully. and disheartening that so many patients who are in need of 7KLV LV QRW WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KXPDQ VWXG\ WR FRQĂ&#x20AC;UP WXUPHULF LV DW OHDVW safe, effective and affordable treatments are not being given as effective as an NSAID drug in reducing the symptoms information about it. associated with knee osteoarthritis. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine The researchers evaluated the safety and tolerability of all found 2,000 mg of turmeric extract was as effective as the available human research on Curcumin in human cancer 800 mg of ibuprofen in reducing symptoms of pain and studies and found no cause for concern. They also noted LQĂ DPPDWLRQ >LL@ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Curcumin, as a natural remedy for thousands of years, has EHHQ VKRZQ WR EH ZHOO WROHUDWHG DQG FDXVHV QR VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW What is most remarkable about the more recent study is not toxicity in a number of clinical trials.â&#x20AC;? WKDW WXUPHULF KDV SRWHQW DQWL LQĂ DPPDWRU\ SURSHUWLHV EXW rather how much safer they are relative to NSAID drugs like Turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model GLFORIHQDF ZKLFK OLNH PRVW SKDUPDFHXWLFDO DQWL LQĂ DPPDWRU\ on its head. Instead of causing more side effects than drugs have been linked to adverse health effects such as therapeutic ones â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which you can read any drug insert to LQFUHDVHG FDUGLDF PRUWDOLW\ PLVFDUULDJH DQG VHL]XUH see is a universally true phenomenon and which ensures WKH LQĂ&#x20AC;QLWH H[SDQVLRQ RI WKH SKDUPDFHXWLFDO PDUNHW DQG DOO Turmeric also effect fully targets cancer stem cells which are the associated medical services â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it has several hundred believed to be at the root cause of tumour formation and SRWHQWLDO VLGH EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV malignancy. Although it was possible to debulk a tumor with surgery, Editor Note : The above article was carefully chosen to be chemotherapy and radiation, cancerous populations were purely informative and represents no healing, preventing or often missed or even enriched as a result. When the tumour diagnosing, treating or curing of any condition. mass regrew it often became more invasive and treatmentNov 2014 APPROACH 47
Ads. Power of Love Please help us build the new Power of Love Children’s Home here in Hua Hin!
How Can You Help Us? 1. No donation is too small 2. The Power of Prayer – Please pray for us 3. Share this with all your friends. Power of Love Church (Hua Hin) or Power of Love Children’s Home. (Hua Hin) Sunday Services every Sunday at the Hilton Hotel at 10 am. We also visit the slums every Tuesday evening to take food to those really in need. Would you like to come with us?
49 Tel: English 080 999 3603, Thai 092 592 3603
2014 APPROACH @ Power Nov of Love Church
The Story of Dakota Carpenter and The Ice hockey Challenge
%HOLHYH LW RU QRW WKHUH DUH SODFHV LQ %DQJNRN ZKHUH \RX FDQ DOVR JR IRU D JDPH RI LFH KRFNH\ Believe it or not, there are places in Bangkok where you can also go for a game of ice hockey.
heat, no sticks... doing everything he could to move toward his dream.
7KHUH DUH WZR ULQNV LQ %DQJNRN 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW RQH LV WKH ´5LQNÂľ RQ WKH WK Ă RRU RI *UDQG &HQWUDO 5DPD ,; 0DOO ORFDWHG QHDU BTS Asoke or MRT Phra Ram 9 stations. The second one, at WKH ,PSHULDO 6DPURQJ 0DOO ,FH 5LQN LV WKH RQO\ 2O\PSLF VL]H rink complete with skating facilities in Thailand.
Once he moved closer to Bangkok, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Rinkâ&#x20AC;? who mentioned a need for goalies in Thailand Kids Ice Hockey was contacted. On July 15 Dakota strapped on his corrections not made Ă&#x20AC;UVW LFH KRFNH\ JRDOLH SDGV DQG ZHQW WR SUDFWLFH $IWHU RQO\ a couple months he was already in demand as a goalie. He ended up playing in the league for two teams (different age divisions), winning silver with his U-14 team. He was VXEVHTXHQWO\ DVNHG WR SOD\ LQ %DQJNRN¡V ELJJHVW \RXWK tournament, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Puckfest,â&#x20AC;? for the Singapore U-14 team.
When Dakota Carpenter and his family moved to Thailand, apart from the many opportunities, they did not believe that the youngest son, Dakota, might be able live his dream: ice hockey. He never would have imagined that, in fact, it was moving him closer to opportunity.
With 17 shots on net, he saved every one of them and and Singapore won 1 - 0
Dakota has wanted to be a goalie since watching Roberto Luongo, a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender for the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League.
1R PDWWHU ZKDW GRQ¡W JLYH XS RQ \RXU GUHDPV ,I \RX VWD\ focused, committed and believe it can come from unexpected places - like being a Canadian starting your ice hockey career in Thailand!
Dakota remembers watching an interview of Luongo, where he remembered putting foam couch cushions on as pads in order to keep his dream alive! This story continues to inspire APPROACH would like you to support and learn more about 'DNRWD WRGD\ ZKLOH LQ &KDLQJ 0DL SUDFWLFLQJ KH HYHQ KDG Dakota or sponsorship information. two young Thai boys thinking it was funny to throw balls at Readers can contact Dakota at: him to see if he could catch or block them. Full gear, Thailand APPROACH Nov 2014
Price: 22,000,000 THB Living: 460 sqm. Land: 1,000 sqm.
Ref: HFS-110 Bed: 3 Bath: 4
Hillside Pool Villa Castle
Price: 15,900,000 THB Living: 478 sqm. Land: 1,336 sqm.
Ref: HFS-068 Bed: 4 Bath: 4
Ref: HFS-106 Bed: 7 Bath: 9
Price: 12,900,000 THB Living: 240 sqm. Land: 900 sqm.
Ref: HFS-118 Bed: 4 Bath: 5
Great Valued Pool Villa
Ref: HFS-101 Bed: 4 Bath: 3
Special Priced Pool Villa
Price: 2,950,000 THB Living: 160 sqm. Land: 123 sqm.
Price: 25,000,000 THB Living: 750 sqm. Land: 2,400 sqm.
Amazing Pool Villa For Sale
Beautiful 2 - Story Home
Price: 8,000,000 THB Living: 280 sqm. Land: 550 sqm.
Homely Lake-Side Pool Villa
Price: 5,900,000 THB Living: 180 sqm. Land: 552 sqm.
Ref: HFS-118 Bed: 3 Bath: 2
Nice Pool Villa Featuring Sala
Ref: HFS-027 Bed: 3 Bath: 2
Price: 2,450,000 THB Living: 90 sqm. Land: 280 sqm.
Ref: HFS-084 Bed: 2 Bath: 2
&RQWDFW Â&#x2021; (PDLO OLIHVW\OHKXDKLQ#JPDLO FRP Huge Bungalow on Corner Plot
Price: 6,900,000 THB Living: 430 sqm. Land: 884 sqm.
Ref: HFS-097 Bed: 3 Bath: 4
Great Beachfront Condominium
Price: 14,000,000 THB Living: 130.42 sqm. Land: -
Ref: CFS-040 Bed: 3 Bath: 2
Sea & Golf View Condominium
Price: 7,000,000 THB Living: 63.5 sqm. Land: -
Ref: CFS-051 Bed: 2 Bath: 2
Beachfront land for sale in Hua Hin
Price: 115,000,000 THB Land: 2,400 sqm.
Ref: LFS-100
3 Bedrooms Summer Pool Villa
Price: 5,500,000 THB Living: 165 sqm. Land: 653 sqm.
Ref: HFS-066 Bed: 3 Bath: 2
Panorama View Condominium
Price: 7,500,000 THB Living: 101.293 sqm. Land: -
Ref: CFS-023 Bed: 2 Bath: 2
Top quality City Condominium
Price: 3,629,440 THB Living: 172 sqm. Land: -
Ref: CFS-006 Bed: 1 Bath: 1
Fantastic Beach Front Land in Cha-am
Price: 500,000,000 THB Land: 34,532 sqm.
Ref: LFS-113
DFURVV WKH VXE VHFWRUV DQG LQLWLDWLQJ VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F PHDVXUHV WR achieve a holistic education development. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJV RI WKH UHSRUW DOVR HPSKDVL]H LPSRUWDQFH RI focusing on equity in and relevance of learning at all levels in line with national and international standards. Ensuring access to education for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups is becoming critical for the education systems in the region. Education systems need, to address the emerging requirements for young people to adapt to rapid changes.
&RXUWHV\ RI WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV (GXFDWLRQDO Organization The ten ASEAN members are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The report points out that successful implementation of education policies and reforms rely greatly on partnerships 7KH $VLD 3DFLĂ&#x20AC;F UHJLRQ LV ZHOO NQRZQ IRU LWV GLYHUVLW\ LQ between stakeholders: governments, the private sector, civil cultures, languages, historical backgrounds, political systems, VRFLHW\ RUJDQL]DWLRQV DV ZHOO DV ELODWHUDO DQG PXOWLODWHUDO and development stages. Despite this great diversity, the RUJDQL]DWLRQV Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus its 6 major country partners share similar visions of educational development. An establishment of benchmarks against which a progress of a programme and performance of an education system could In the ASEAN +6 countries, education and human resource be monitored and compared, is an important step to improve development are regarded as key elements in the enhancement education policy and practice in different areas. To this end, of their competitiveness. In order to develop effective and national education data systems need to be strengthened HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW HGXFDWLRQ V\VWHPV LQ WKH $VLD 3DFLĂ&#x20AC;F UHJLRQ LW LV to inform evidence-based policy making and successful important to understand a range of interconnected education monitoring, and evaluation of education system performance. issues in ASEAN+6 countries to learn from their respective experiences and enable strengthening education policies. ,W LV FOHDU WKDW D RQH VL]H Ă&#x20AC;WV DOO PRGHO IRU LPSURYLQJ HGXFDWLRQ However, such information has not been readily available. systems is not feasible, given diverse country contexts in the $VLD 3DFLĂ&#x20AC;F UHJLRQ 7KH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV IURP WKLV UHSRUW In this context, UNESCO Bangkok recently launched a leave space for policy makers and education ministry staff comparative report. to draw lessons based on their own national development needs, and further in-depth analysis which may be required The report shows that high performing education systems have to support in this process. been consistent in their commitment to clear political visions and their implementation through facilitating coordination APPROACH Nov 2014
How to Create the Future You Want
Do you tend to control the circumstances in your life... or are the circumstances in your life controlling you?
by : Shawn Carpenter
The amount of stress you feel is a good indicator of how LQ FRQWURO \RX IHHO LQ \RXU OLIH ,W¡V HDV\ WR DOORZ SHRSOH circumstances, and situations to gain control over us unless we choose to take control of our own minds, emotions and actions.
You are responsible for everything that you have in your life today. Look in the mirror. What do you see? The cause of all your problems... and the solution. To begin thriving and moving toward your vision:
WHAT ARE YOU FOCUSING ON? When you focus on things that are beyond your control, \RX¡OO IHHO VWUHVVHG 7KLV FDQ LQFOXGH
1. Shift your focus to things you can control: Â&#x2021; +RZ \RX XVH \RXU IUHH WLPH Â&#x2021; :KHQ \RX H[HUFLVH Â&#x2021; 7KH TXDOLW\ RI \RXU PHDOV Â&#x2021; 7KH QXPEHU RI SURVSHFWLQJ FDOOV \RX PDNH Â&#x2021; +RZ 3UHVHQW \RX DUH IRU \RXU IDPLO\
You might feel overwhelmed, helpless, depressed, fearful, and angry. WHAT SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE FOCUS ON Successful people focus on things they can control and are appreciative of things they currently have in their life. They also focus on their vision.
2. Ask yourself what difference you can make for the people in your life in a way they can really take in (and do it).
3UDFWLFH WKH DUW RI JUDWLWXGH 6HH LI \RX FDQ¡W Ă&#x20AC;QG WKLQJV ,W¡V HDV\ WR ORVH \RXU YLVLRQ ZKHQ \RX IDFH IDLOXUHV VHWEDFNV to be genuinely grateful for right now. Really feel itâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the RU GLVDSSRLQWPHQWV LQ OLIH :H¡YH DOO H[SHULHQFHG GHHS KHDUW Universe (along with your subconscious mind) will give you breaking disappointment where something we wanted was more for which to be grateful. ripped from our grasp, or someone we trusted betrayed us... As a Master Life Coach/Strategic Interventionist, Shawn K. But in order to begin truly thriving - not just surviving - you Carpenter helps people create permanent transformation must shift your focus. and success in life.For a free Strategy Session with him, go to
APPROACH APPROA OA O AC CH H Nov 2014 201 20 14 4
Traffic Accident in Thailand WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE A ROAD ACCIDENT IN THAILAND No matter how good you drive yourself, according to the statistics you have more chance to be involved in an accident in Thailand then in your home country.
Driving around with only the CTPL (Compulsory Third Party Liability) is a big risk. The CTPL covers only for third party bodily injury (max. 50,000 baht) or death (max. 200,000 baht). So if the medical bills are higher, you will end up paying the difference by yourself. Third party property damage or damage to your own car is not insured at all under the CTPL. So make sure you have an extra Voluntary Insurance, at least a 3rd Class!
(so you can not leave the country) -The police will investigate the cause of the accident and who is at fault. Since the other party died, you will have a much bigger chance to be at fault.
Meanwhile the insurance company will arrange the compensation for the family of the deceased. If the insurance compensation amount of the insurance company is accepted by the family and they agree that the +RZ WR KDQGOH ZKHQ \RX DUH LQYROYHG LQ D VHULRXV WUDIÀF police does not bring it to court, you will have the chance to accident? pay the police so the case can be closed at the police station. 1. Call the police and ambulance in case of bodily injury. If the family does not accept the settlement, they may want 2. Call your insurance company to go court. 3. Your insurance company will send a surveyor to the spot. While waiting it does not hurt to take some pictures of the Luckily it hardly ever happens that it comes to a court case, scene. Do not move your car, unless the police or the surveyor but note that a lot depends on how you behave towards the tells you to. family of the deceased. It does not hurt to contact the family and show your respect and offer help if needed. If you upset When the surveyor arrives, he will take care of the paper work them or make them angry by your behaviour, they might want for you, the towing of the car (if needed) and/or instruct you to bring it to court anyhow. about the further procedure. Together with the other parties ,I LW GRHV JR FRXUW PRVW SUREDEO\ \RX ZLOO JHW D ÀQH RQO\ %XW involved he will also represent you to determine which party while the court case is pending you will not have your passport. was at fault. It remains with the authorities. A common story here is that the foreigner is always blamed. This is not correct. The surveyor is there to represent you <<Tailor-made Insurance Solutions for Expats>> on behalf of your insurance company. It is not in his (or his employers) interest to have you blamed. HEALTH THE INSURANCE SPECIALISTS
In some cases however, it can become more complicated, and that is if the other party is hurt so bad that he/she can not work for 20 days or more or even dies. If the other party dies. What will happen: 7KH SROLFH ZLOO FRQÀVFDWH \RXU GULYHU OLFHQVH DQG \RXU SDVVSRUW APPROACH Nov 2014
83/14 Phetkasem Road. office 504, Hua Hin Prachuap Khiri Khan 7710, Thailand Tel./Fax: +66 (0) 32 532 783 Mob: +66 (0) 89 410 0163 Email: Web:
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Entertainment Review The Ballet Class by Adèle Geras and Shelagh McNicholas Written by Adèle Geras, illustrated by Shelagh McNicholas, 2004, 32 pages. The Ballet Class is the perfect book for aspiring dancers. Tilly loves her ballet class and shows us the challenges and joys of being a ballerina, in a way younger readers can understand. As lively written as it is illustrated, Tillyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tale is a wonderful beginnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; guide for ages 3 and up to the fun and magic of ballet classes. Would you like this book sourced and shipped to you? Or Is this book not quite right for you? Visit Bookommended, the totally unique book recommendation DQG VRXUFLQJ VHUYLFH WKDW VWULYHV WR Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH ULJKW UHDGV IRU HDFK LQGLYLGXDO¡V needs, and place your order today.
From The Rough (2013) PG Based on the true story of Tennessee State Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 768 Ă&#x20AC;UVW PHQ¡V JROI WHDP From The Rough is a strong, VHULRXV \HW DPXVLQJ Ă&#x20AC;OP DERXW &DWDQD 6WDUNV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW ZRPDQ DQG WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ ZRPDQ WR coach a menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s golf team. TSU is a â&#x20AC;&#x153;minority schoolâ&#x20AC;? with an enrolment list made RI XS RI PRVWO\ $IULFDQ $PHULFDQV 6R ZKHQ &RDFK Starks (Taraji P. Henson), offers to coach the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s golf team and discovers only one interested African American golfer, she goes international, recruiting a Korean, whose upbringing in the USA is broadcasted in his stand out fashion sense; an Australian caddy; a young British man (Tom Felton) whose been practicing golf in an alleyway; and a resident of Paris from Algeria. 7KLV XQXVXDO EOHQG RI JROIHUV VWUXJJOH WR Ă&#x20AC;QG DFFHSWDQFH in the university community, and in their struggle we catch a glimpse of the complex undercurrent of issues between races still experienced in the 21st FHQWXU\ 0HDQZKLOH &RDFK 6WDUNV¡V WRXJK SHUVRQDOLW\ becomes dissected revealing her background and work relationships. Henson is brilliant, and Harry Potter fans will be pleased to see the former Draco Malfoy in a more charismatic role. Golfers and sports fans, mature teens and adults, and lovers of a good story alike will enjoy this work of art which perfectly captures the characters on the green and off. APPROACH Nov 2014
Reviews by Zara Adcock founder of Bookommended
Recipes Best Chocolate Mud Cake Challenge Rate: 4/5 CHALLENGE RATE SCALE: 1/5 = easy and quick 2/5= simple 3/5= simple but takes effort/time 4/5= challenging 5/5=difficult and/or time consuming
Tip: Use organic ingredients, free-range eggs and sea salt where possible as it is tastier, better for our health and the earth. Each ingredient that I have labelled organic has previously been found in Hua Hin as organic. Biodynamic, unsprayed, and chemical-free, are also good choices. As the year draws to a close, I thought Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d share this festive, rich, dense and oh so good chocolate mud cake that truly is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the bestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Enjoy!
Cake Ingredients:
Chocolate Ganache Ingredients: Â&#x2021; J GDUN FKRFRODWH FKRSSHG Â&#x2021; Ă´ FXS WKLFNHQHG FUHDP Grated chocolate to serve.
Method: About a couple of hours before you start cooking the cake, make ganache: Place chopped chocolate and cream into a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook stirring constantly for 3-4 minutes or until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate to set.
2 hours later: 3UHKHDW RYHQ WR Ă&#x153;& *UHDVH D URXQG FDNH SDQ ZLWK EXWWHU and line base and sides with baking paper. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Add chopped chocolate, sugar and cold water. Cook stirring constantly for 3-4 minutes until smooth. Do not allow to simmer. 7UDQVIHU WR D ODUJH ERZO $OORZ PLQXWHV WR FRR Meanwhile, beat the eggs together in a small bowl. 2QFH FRROHG DGG HJJV DQG VWLU WR FRPELQH 6LIW LQ Ă RXU FRFRD SRZGHU DQG EDNLQJ SRZGHU DQG VWLU XQWLO VPRRWK ZLWKRXW OXPSV Pour cake mix into prepared cake pan. %DNH IRU PLQXWHV LQ WKH PLGGOH RI WKH RYHQ Once an inserted skewer comes out clean, take out of oven and DOORZ WR VWDQG IRU PLQXWHV Turn onto wire rack and allow to cool completely before spreading the ganache onto cake creating a thick layer of icing. Grate chocolate on top and serve.
The Giant Bookworm Part Seven 6ɪɗ 7ʋQʔLɢ
t took four long days of dusting, sorting and shelving until finally my room full of books resembled a professional library – or so Amelia assured me. To celebrate our achievement, I made apple pies, and Amelia put on her red dress again and brought a book to the table where we were seated. Well, where I was seated. Amelia sunk into an ugly green velvet chair she had dragged from her bedroom onto the table.
Amelia’s gaze fell to her dessert, “He was tall, almost seven feet, and built like a pillar. But his eyes were gentle. He had thick grey hair that was once as mousy a brown as mine, and just as frizzy. Mama had the best hair in our family; wavy and raven black. And she had these deep-set amber coloured eyes that could see right into your soul. She only had to meet my eyes to know if I was guilty of something, or wanted to talk…”
“Oh, I almost forgot,” said Amelia, her mouth full of pie. She swallowed and gestured to her bedroom, “What about the books in Reckwood’s library? We haven’t added them to your library yet,” I shrugged. “That’s your room Amelia, and that’s where they belong,” Amelia blushed. I thought it was cute how she bowed her head to hide her rosy cheeks. “What’s that book you have with you?” I asked. Amelia stroked its cover. “It’s a storybook I found in your collection. It’s got all the stories my Dad used to tell me, even the one with the carpenter and the horseman – that was his favourite. Daddy was a carpenter you see. I thought I’d read the story to you this evening if you’d like that,”
And so it was the evening before Amelia’s first day off, the young orphan opened up to the last giant about her parents; their appearances, personalities, jobs – and how they died. “…Daddy’s solicitor was old and passed away with fever a few days after them, so his apprentice pulled out Dad’s will and sent me off to Reckwood, where, apparently, Daddy’s kin have lived for generations. But it seems that I am the only one of our family left now.”
I stared longingly at the book tucked in forest green cloth, its golden title engraved into the fabric. How many times had I wished one of my books would reveal its secrets to me? And there Amelia was, offering to open a door I didn’t have the key to, but suddenly it wasn’t the book’s story I wanted to hear. (At least, not yet.) I swallowed and focused on keeping my tongue from licking my lips. I’d noticed it bothered Amelia. Finally I dared to ask, “What did your father look like?” To Be Continued… By Zara Adcock
Read The Giant Bookworm Online Visit to read the story, discover fun extras, and visit the Giant Bookworm Artwork Gallery. Giant Bookworm Artwork By Miaow, 9 years old, Hua Hin
APPROACH A AP PP PR ROA OACH ACH CH Nov Nov 2014 No 20 01 14 4
Amelia’s cheeks were wet when she finished but she wore a brave smile. A wall had come down between us and Amelia seemed lighter for it. I knew there and then when she wiped her cheeks that I was the first person she had told and the first person to listen. I wondered what that made me. *** Later, when Amelia was asleep, I stared at the beams of the roof. One detail of Amelia’s story kept coming back to me, one part that didn’t make sense, one fact that would mean that she…No, don’t be silly Sal, I thought to myself – and then pretended the thought didn’t exist.
NUMBER FILL IN Fill in the following numbers in the correct boxes. 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW RQH KDV EHHQ GRQH IRU \RX
Find as many words as you can hidden in the Word Search below that relate to the theme: Books. Think of how books are made and what they are used for. Think of all the places you can keep them and ZKDW WKH\ FDQ GR 7KLQN RI VWRULHV DQG Ă&#x20AC;OPV LQ ZKLFK ERRNV DUH PDMRU WKHPHV DQG VHH KRZ PDQ\ ZRUGV \RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG
2 Digit Numbers: 29, 53, 87, 90 3 Digit Numbers: 119, 139, 409, 582, 718, 899 4 Digit Numbers: 1329, 2187, 3796, 4210 5 Digit Numbers: 70164
NINE-LETTER WORD Level: Advanced Find as many three or more letter words as you can with the letters in this box and WKHQ VHH LI \RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH QLQH OHWWHU ZRUG 3URQRXQV SOXUDOV VXIĂ&#x20AC;[HV DQG SUH Ă&#x20AC;[HV DUH QRW FRXQWHG ZRUGV JRRG ZRUGV YHU\ JRRG ZRUGV RU PRUH JUHDW words or more: excellent!
JOKES What belongs to you, but others use more? Your name. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An Investigator. What do you call a dinosaur with a big vocabulary? A Thesaurus.
Puzzle Fun! page 17 by Zara Adcock Puzzle Fun! page 17 Copyright Š 2014
Wellness Resort Hua Hin O
Wellness Resort Hua Hin Resort, Serviced Apartments and Time Shared Condos 6RL +XD +LQ 7HO APPROACH Nov 2014
Hua Hin Golf Villa located close to Klaikangwol Palace, just over a kilometer to down town and 100 meters walk to the beach on Soi 41. Our rooms seamlessly blend the traditional DQG WKH FRQWHPSRUDU\ 7DVWHIXO WHDN IXUQLWXUH DQG ZRRGHQ Ă RRULQJ LV FRPSOLPHQWHG E\ IUHH wireless internet service and satellite TV. Hua Hin Golf Villa: 11/185 Soi 41, Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110. Tel: (032) 531392-6 Fax: (032) 512085 and
Hua Hin Golf Tours LV 7KDLODQG¡V Ă&#x20AC;UVW UHJLVWHUHG JROI WRXU FRPSDQ\ (VWDEOLVKHG LQ ZLWK KHDGTXDUWHU ORFDWHG LQ +XD +LQ ZH KDYH VHUYHG RYHU VDWLVĂ&#x20AC;HG JROIHUV Our Services Â&#x2021; *ROI 3DFNDJHV +XD +LQ &KD DP 3DWWD\D %DQJNRN 3KXNHW &KLDQJ 0DL &KLDQJ 5DL Riverkwai-Kanchanaburi, etc. Â&#x2021; *ROI 5HVHUYDWLRQV Â&#x2021; +RWHO 5HVHUYDWLRQV Â&#x2021; 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQV Â&#x2021; *ROI ([FXUVLRQV Â&#x2021; *ROI /HVVRQ &OLQLF Â&#x2021; 7RXUV 6LJKWVHHLQJ Â&#x2021; (WF Â&#x2021; *ROI 6FKRRO Hua Hin Golf Tours Co, Ltd.: 2/136 Naebkahards Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Tel: (032) 530119, 530476-8 Fax: (032) 512085 and
MAI TAI 032-533-344
33/12 Naresdamri Rd., Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110
032-534177, 086-352-3312 (Ms. Emon)
S.P.E. PEST CONTROL MANAGEMENT Bio Protect Pest Management System Bio herb Termite Control Pipe Treatment System Fumigation Service GMP, HACCP Support Recommendation Pest Preventive, Corrective 3HVW LGHQWL多FDWLRQ 6HUYLFH
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Bentho Sport Bar Karaoke Opens: Location: Tel.:
7.oo pm Hua Hin Soi 73/4 Opposite Century 21 085-195-0662 (Ms. Chon) 72
Novv 20 No 2014 014 4 AP APPROACH APPR PROA PR O CH OA
Hua Hin Business Ladies Personalities
Pranoam ChuPhoo is from Chainat. She moved to Hua Hin since she was four years old. She is the owner of MaiThai restaurant, Jasmine restaurant, and Cosmo salon. She is the vice president of +XD +LQ :RPHQ¡V &OXE +HU favorite sport is dancing. Her hobbies include gardening and shopping.
Liza Onghang Hua Hin Golf Tours /L]D 2QJKDQJ ERUQ LQ %DQJSRQJ Ratchaburi, is the owner of Hua Hin *ROI 7RXU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW *ROI 7RXU %XVLQHVV LQ Thailand and Hua Hin Golf Villa - Hua Hin Golf Centre & Jasmin restaurant. She is married to Frank Gilbride. Her hobbies include gardening, and visiting temples and dharma retreats. She is currently the president of Hua Hin :RPHQ¡V &OXE WKH VHFUHWDU\ RI +XD Hin - Cha am Tourism Association and a past president of the Rotary Club of Hua Hin.
Warangkana â&#x20AC;&#x153; Nunaâ&#x20AC;? Petcharaburanin Nuna Home Hua Hin Is from Petchaboon has been married to Sathit Kasibutr for four years. Her hometown is in Petchabun. However, she moved to Hua Hin and started a vacation rental and property for sale business called Nuna Home Hua Hin. Her hobbies are collecting designer bags, swimming, and going to the gym.
Khun Wadsana Rai Is from Kanchanaburi. She grew up in Bangkok and later moved to Hua Hin in 1993. Her grandfather is the owner of Ta-P-Lok mine, in Kanchanaburi. Most elderly would know him. Khun Wadsana is a member of Red Cross, and Rotary Hua Hin, as well as the YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI +XD +LQ :RPHQ¡V Club, and Committee member of Hua Hin-Cha am Tourism Associations. She owns a Vietnamese restaurant called Ra-ruk-nhaem-neong and 2 Picasso Fashion Shops.
Lerdwarawee Israree Hua Hin Mazda
(O) is from Nakornsithammarat. She is married to Khun Preeda Israree. She has been living in Hua Hin for over 20 years. She Ann is currently working as a deputy managing director of Hua Hin Is from Udonthani. She used to live 0D]GD PDQDJLQJ GLUHFWRU RI 6ZDQ in Hong Kong, before moving to Light cosmetic, managing director Vietnam, and later to Hua Hin since of a spray and painting center Viriya nine years ago. She is the owner Insurance company, managing of Cool No Mix Thailand. She likes director of used car company under the Sahapun Auto, and WR VWD\ Ă&#x20AC;W E\ JRLQJ WR WKH J\P +HU managing director of a sweet brand called Ka-nhom-baanfavorite activity is gardening.She has pran. Her favorite sports are dancing and shooting. Her two children. around 30 years. She hobbies include reading, listening to music, and making DIY owns a pesticide business. Her favorite handcrafts such as necklaces and bracelets. hobby is gardening. Her favorite sport is badminton.
Emorn Srianan (Orn) Khun Numfon SeeLueam
Pesticide Business
Electrc Mango
Is from Samutsakorn province. She is married to Khun Patana Srianan, an RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDO DW WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Harbour department. They have one child. Orn has been living at Hua Hin for around 30 years. She owns a pesticide business. Her favorite hobby is gardening. Her favorite sport is badminton. APPROACH Nov 2014
Is from Nakornratchasima. She has been living in Hua Hin for 15 years. 6KH¡V WKH RZQHU RI (OHFWULF 0DQJR and lovely wife of Lars Castenlund, owner of Butler & Buttons.
Price: 5,890,000 THB
APPROACH A PPROA O CH No Novv 2014 N 20 014
78 8