Approach Magazine March 2015

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Magazine Thailand Issue 26 : March 2015




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The Real Taste of Issan

New exciting childrens playground under construction. Finished by the end of February

Spicy Catfish with Basil leaves

Pork Chops With French Fries

Tom Yam Goong Soup

Minced spicy pork with rice and Egg

Australian Ribey Steack with vegetables

ZAB WER RESTAURANT - European and Issan Thai Food -

Address : Soi 112, Hua Hin Closed on Wednesday

A wide selection of popular European & Thai dishes Our Bar is well selected with many local and foreign beers and wines.

There is plenty of parking space. Bring your children – We have a Kid´s Menu and a well equipped playground.

Recommended by : TripAdvisor & The international Traveller For more information on our exact location and menu, call : 032 900 364


WIFI Spaghetti Asian Style

Interior Restaurant

Children’s Playground

Picture Credits: Venezia Hua Hin Cha-am. To see more information on Venezia go to page 71.


Editor’s Foreword

Editor in Chief Gerard Mosselman General Manager Brigitte Persson Special Contributor Zara Adcock

So it is the year of the goat..why Goat not Sheep or Ram…all three animals in Chinese are called horned Yang in Chinese so it makes no difference. Lets stick to the goat. The Dalai Lama quit his job and let out some pretty amazing things. This one is so true and typical for us all, I thought it a good idea to print it :

2IÀFH 0DQDJHU Pimwee P. (Kob)


Whale Studio Limited Partner Address: 1/3 Soi Hua Hin 55 Chomsin Rd. Hua Hin Prachuab Khiri Khan 77110 Tel: 032 530 689 Email:

Distribution: 5,000 Copies Address: 70/144 Soi 112 Hua Na, Hua Hin Prachuap Kiri Khan, Thailand Tel: (0) 32 900 477 Company Registration: 0775552001773 Yours Truly GMoss

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Electric Mango Steak House & Grill - expect the unexpected



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cob n ob, c o n n o r o inren co w – to , c ah a e o t t t ine i o w p d poor tw e t d i e batkh baokf ered ed or wh h t i wgi lass ass of r drvw d e e v r ske, se d by 1 y 1 gl , a e st panieanied b d e l l i momp gr o l c a c c c o a c a , char rrcchhoiociece, m a r 300 g cee by yyoouu auuc ananddssa


CONTENTS 8 16 18 20 26 28 30

Hua Hin Society Inside Kraeng Krachan National Park Personality: Dalai Lama Fashion: Flowers Travel in Thailand: Petchaboon Cool gadgets for kids


Festivals in March 2015

34 38 40 46 52 58



Mar 2015


Thai citizenship for foreign children Thailand Mobile Expo 2015 Euro & US Financials Amphibious Vechicles Health: Feeling Stuck in Life? Enki Education



SOCIETY Dusit Thani Hua Hin Provides Border Patrol Police School with Assistance

Banyan The Resort, +XD +LQ LV Âś)LQ )UHH¡ Sirirat Murphy, General Manager of Banyan The Resort, Hua Hin, is pleased WR DQQRXQFH WKDW WKH UHVRUW LV D œÀQ IUHH¡ establishment which do not offer shark Ă€Q LQ WKH PHQXV DW WKH UHVWDXUDQW DQG room service. “We are proud to adopt D œÀQ IUHH¡ SROLF\ KHQFH EH D SDUW RI WKH shark conservation initiative promoted and launched by Fin Free Thailand,â€? said Sirirat.

Management and staff of Dusit Thani Hua Hin recently hosted lunch and donated essential goods, sports equipment and educational materials to all students of Border Patrol Police School Ban Pong Luek, Petchburi. $V SDUW RI WKH KRWHO¡V RQJRLQJ SURMHFW under the name “Share a Smile Season 2â€? staff joined students in a range of fun games and educational activities, as well as helping to carry out essential maintenance work in the playground.

Fin Free Thailand encourages EXVLQHVVHV WR EDQ VKDUN Ă€Q DQG DGYLVHV consumers to refrain from eating it by drawing attention to the environmental impacts and health risks. 6HHQ UHFHLYLQJ WKH Âś)LQ )UHH¡ SRVWHUV are various hotels in Hua Hin including Banyan The Resort.

Vana Nava Scratch by Rip Curl @ Chang Surf Zone 6FUDWFK E\ 5LS &XUO LV +XD +LQ¡V QHZ SDUW\ KXE ZKHUH \RX FDQ PLQJOH ZLWK \RXU IULHQGV 6LW EDFN ZLWK FKLOOHG GULQNV DQG FDWFK XS ZLWK WKH EHDWV E\ '-¡V IURP 5LS Cul Surf. Open until 9:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday & Sunday APPROACH Mar 2015 8

New Marketing Manager for Hyattt Regency Hua Hin

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin & THE Barai has appointed Khun Tubtim Premyodhin as Marketing Communication Manager for both Hyatt Regency and THE BARAI effective 2 February 2015. Khun Tubtim (or Khun Kai) started her career as Management Trainee (S&M), Corporate Assistant Marketing Manager then as Corporate Public Relations Manager at Dusit International during 2008-2011. Prior to joining Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, she was Marketing and Communications Manager at Oriental Residence Bangkok during 2011-2012. She then followed her spouse who is a Thai Diplomat to Doha during 2013-2014. Khun Kai exited in this new challenge and is looking forward to working with such a prestigious hotel as well an award winning spa.

SOCIETY Amari Hua Hin Welcomes Malaysian Girl Group M General Manager of Amari Hua Hin, Christoph Leonhard, welcomed the popular Malaysian girl group M-Girls ZKHQ WKH\ DUULYHG IRU WKH Ă€OPLQJ RI their Chinese New Year album 2015. Each of the girls had a separate interview and photography session at a different location within the hotel, i.e. One-Bedroom Suite, Coral Lounge, Swimming Pool and Hotel lobby. M-Girls, which has been declared as 0DOD\VLD¡V YHUVLRQ RI 6 + ( LV D IRXU member Malaysian girl group formed in the late 2000s. The group mainly releases Chinese New Year albums every year for the Malaysian Chinese community.

Banyan Thailand, Hua Hin donates to Wheelchair Project

Chiva-Som International Health Resort wins “Best Destination Spaâ€? with Conde Nast Traveller Spa Awards 2015 Conde Nast Traveller, the leading travel publications ,recently announced that Chiva-Som International Health Resort has been given top honours at the 2015 Conde Nast Traveller Spa Awards. This comes as the luxury Health & Wellness resort in Hua Hin prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary. &KLYD 6RP ,QWHUQDWLRQDO +HDOWK 5HVRUW KDV EHHQ UHFRJQLVHG DV Âś7KH %HVW 'HVWLQDWLRQ 6SD¡ VHOHFWHG E\ &RQGH 1DVW 7UDYHOOHU¡V HGLWRUV DQG WUDYHO H[SHUWV rewarding their excellent service and a remarkable experience for guests, many of whom return year after year. Since the awards began in 1998, Chiva-Som has been named as winner of the Âś%HVW 'HVWLQDWLRQ 6SD¡ FDWHJRU\ IRXU WLPHV DQG UXQQHU XS PRUH WKDQ WZHQW\ WLPHV a record which remains unbeaten by any other destination spa in the world. &RQGp 1DVW 7UDYHOOHU LV WKH ZRUOG¡V PRVW GLVFHUQLQJ WUDYHO WLWOH DQG WKH DQQXDO 6SD Guide is viewed as a barometer of the very best in the business.

Makha Bukha Day (March 4th, 2015)

On Makha Bukha Day a national holiday Thai people wake up early to give alms to monks. In the evening, temples are full of people listening to sermons. During this GD\ 7KDL¡V RIWHQ SHUIRUP D ULWXDO NQRZQ DV WKH FDQGOH FHUHPRQ\ ZKHUH WKH\ ZDON FORFNZLVH WKUHH WLPHV DURXQG WKH WHPSOH KROGLQJ à RZHUV LQFHQVH DQG D OLJKW FDQGOH 9

Banyan Thailand, Hua Hin showed its social responsibility with a most appreciated donation to the Wheelchair Project of Hua Hin Hospital. The Wheelchair Project assists underprivileged people with a disability by providing, among other things, diapers which they need on a daily basis. With the Banyan donation diapers were bought with a value of over THB 20,000.- all will be distributed for free to the patients of the Wheelchair Project of Hua Hin Hospital. This project is a sub-division of RICD Wheelchair Project in Chiang Mai, which is under the patronage of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The volunteers of RICD Wheelchair Project work throughout Thailand and try to assist people with disability. As a Royal Project the Wheelchair Project is fully dependent on donations. Mar 2015 APPROACH

SOCIETY SHERATON HUA HIN PRANBURI VILLAS IS A NOMINEE FOR THE 2015 HOTEL AWARDS Sheraton Hua Hin Pranburi Villas is excited to announce that they been shortlisted as a nominee for “The 2015 Hotel of the Year Awardsâ€? in categories Best Hotel Service. The 2015 Hotel of the Year Awards are all based on each nominee hotel & spa being judged, scored and ranked based on a professional judge staying in each property for the purpose of experiencing and critiquing all of the hotels facilities and service in order to gain a true guest experience. The overall rating is thereby authentic in terms of guest experience & professional critical evaluation. It is this combination of guest experience & professional critical evaluation that makes these awards innovative & elevates standards in terms of worldwide hotel awards. 7KH ORFDWLRQ IRU WKH +RWHO RI 7KH <HDU $ZDUGV ZLOO EH FRQĂ€UPHG LQ 2FWREHU DV GXULQJ WKH MXGJLQJ LQVSHFWLRQ YLVLWV we will also consider each hotel as a possible host for the awards ceremony which will take place in late November 2015.

&KLYD 6RP¡V /DXQFKHV 1HZ 5HFLSH %RRN called “Cooking with Lightâ€? Adding a new collection of recipes from Chiva-Som Cuisine Director Chef Paisarn and his team, this cook book offers health-foodies both inspiration and guidance on recreating some of their iconic dishes at home. A blueprint for eating well, this long awaited fourth cookbook offers practical tips on healthy cooking methods, a guide to holistic ingredients and full recipes with beautiful imagery to inspire. This book is an indispensable guide for the healthy home cook and, at the same time, a remarkable resource for the serious cook or professional seeking the how DQG ZK\ RI &KHI 3DLVDUQ¡V FXOLQDU\ WHFKQLTXHV DQG FUHDWLYH SURFHVVHV IRU KHDOWK\ FRRNLQJ 7KH EULJKW IUHVK Ă DYRXUV RI 7KDL FXLVLQH DUH DOO SUHVHQW DQG ZLWK HDFK UHFLSH KLJK LQ QXWULHQWV ZKLOVW ORZ LQ IDW VDOW DQG sugar, this is clean eating at its most satisfying. Recipes include succulent meat dishes, highly nutritious vegetarian dishes, Ă€VK GHOLFDFLHV DQG VXUSULVLQJ GHVVHUWV With a glowing foreword from culinary legend Michel Roux Senior, a longstanding admirer of Chef Paisarn, this cookbook UHĂ HFWV 3DLVDUQ¡V SDVVLRQ IRU FOHDQ FXLVLQH DQG WKH Ă DYRXUV RI 7KDLODQG 3DLVDUQ¡V YLVLRQ DQG IXVLRQ RI (XURSHDQ DQG 7KDL cuisine at the helm of Chiva-Som has seen the resort win multiple awards. Regularly invited to participate in culinary events across the world, where his menus are offered alongside a la carte dishes by celebrated chefs such as Michel Roux from the Waterside Inn London, Mark Edwards from Nobu, London and Vineet Bhatia from Rasoi, London. Cooking with Light is available now at Chiva-Som Boutique at the price of 4,300 THB (comes in hard cover and slipcase) or order online at

Amari Amateur Golf Week 2015 (1 – 7 March, 2015) Amari Hua Hin proudly sponsors Amateur Golf Week 2015 and are inviting budding golfers from around the world to join them for a week packed with amazing golf and good company. This 7-day event will showcase the best golf courses in Hua Hin, including Black Mountain, voted one of the top 100 courses in the world outside the USA and Banyan Golf Club, which was voted best new course in Asia in 2009 by Asia Golf Monthly. Daily results will be announced with individual trophies given out each night during the social happy hour at the poolside at Amari Hua Hin. APPROACH

Mar 2015



Cha-am International Kite Festival ( 9 – 11 March 2015) The Thailand International Kite Festival attracts an evergrowing number of devoted kite fans, participants and spectators, from all over Thailand as well as from countries around the region, and beyond. The colourful kite festival thus presents a golden opportunity for visitors to savour the LQWHUQDWLRQDO à DYRXU RI NLWH FXOWXUH LQ D VLQJOH WULS $V ZHOO as kite events there will also be a parachute show, a radio controlled airplane show and competition. This annual event LV UHDOO\ RQH QRW WR EH PLVVHG DQG GHÀQLWHO\ RQH RI WKH PRUH colorful events of the year.

Grand Opening of 2 5HLO\¡V ,ULVK %HHU garden New open air Irish Beer Garden RSHQLQJ RQ 6W 3DWULFN¡V GD\ 6RL 61 Hua Hin, directly across the road from the police station. Come enjoy the festivities (Craic agus Ceoil) In a Traditional Irish fun family orientated environment right in the heart of Hua Hin. Irish food and drink tap from 3 till late.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is proud to announce it has earned ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System and ISO 14001 : 2004 Environmental Management Standard after its UH FHUWLĂ€FDWLRQ IURP ,QWHUWHN 0RRG\ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO UHDIĂ€UPLQJ WKH UHVRUW¡V FRPPLWPHQW WR TXDOLW\ DQG GHPRQVWUDWHV WKDW environmental matters are of paramount importance to us. 7KH UH FHUWLĂ€FDWLRQ LV IXOO\ LQ OLQH ZLWK UHVRUW¡V VWUDWHJ\ RI encouraging a team oriented approach on all business processes focusing on the best interest of its customers, stakeholders, associates, and management. Quality excellence and innovation have always been the core objective of all Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa operations. And it is SURRI RI WKH UHVRUW¡V VRFLDO DFFRXQWDELOLW\ DQG YDOLGDWHV RXU responsibility to regulators, suppliers and our customers. “By establishing a commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle waste DQG XVH HQHUJ\ PRUH HIĂ€FLHQWO\ 6KHUDWRQ +XD +LQ 5HVRUW Spa is taking an important step towards helping, with similar like-minded organizations, with the future preservation of the environment.â€? Said Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager.


On on 12-15th February many top golfers from the Asian Tour and European Tour gathered in the Black Mountain for the inaugural True Thailand Classic presented by Black Mountain. The European Tour returned to Thailand for WKH Ă€UVW WLPH DIWHU HLJKW \HDUV ZLWK ZRUOG FODVV players including Black Mountain sponsored players such as Thongchai Jaidee, Rikard Karlberg, Prom Meesawat, Berry Henson, Jazz Janewattananond and Johan Edfors ,Q WKH $XVWUDOLD¡V $QGUHZ 'RGW VWDJHG D dramatic comeback by signing off with a Ă€YH XQGHU SDU WR ZLQ WKH LQDXJXUDO 7UXH 7KDLODQG &ODVVLF 'RGW¡V ZRQ D WRWDO RI 16-under-par 272 at the Black Mountain Golf &OXE ZKLFK HQGHG D Ă€YH \HDU WLWOH GURXJKW For more information on the game as it played out go to:



SOCIETY Cha Am-ATV Park opening Accommodation &KD $P·V RZQ $79 3DUN LV RSHQLQJ D modern ranch style hotel called Cha-Am Country Home end of March 2015. ChaAm ATV Park is well known for not only their ATV but also their paintball and Archery facilities. The park is set in a rural atmosphere with decisively Ranch VW\OH DQG LW RQO\ ÀWWLQJ WKH QHZ KRWHO will be in the same style with a modern twist. The accommodation will have 19 rooms; two of these being larger family style rooms for families. The hotel is set opposite a small lake with the balconies or patios offering beautiful views of rice farms and Cha-Am nature. The room rates of approximately 1800thb will include discounts for hotel guests in the parks facilities and will include breakfast by the lake. The hotel roms will have cable TV, WIFI and all luxury ÀWWLQJV QHHGHG E\ JXHVWV 2Q WRS RI the normal park activities guests can also take part in learning how farmers do rice farming. Until then Cha-Am ATV park will still attract locals and tourists that want to play the activities available. Currently the park offers at an affordable 700thb per person 3 activity package rate, were you can shoot 50 paintballs, use the ATV on the beginners track and try their hand at Archery (10 arrows). For more information please call Khun Duke Hp: 081 893 3938

Thai Social Network RUJDQL]HV ÀUVW &KLOGUHQ·V 'D\ LQ On January 24th Thai Social Network organized the first &KLOGUHQ·V 'D\ RI ,Q attendance was about 30 children an the location for FKLOGUHQ·V GD\ RXW ZDV DW WKH Hua Hin Elephant Village. The program for the children included elephant rides & show, refreshments and food, a treasure hunt and even an ice cream party. Thai Social Networks vision is to help children in Thailand attain health and education one child at a time. To help DUUDQJH PRUH &KLOGUHQ·V GD\V go to Facebook page: www. APPROACH

Mar 2015


SOCIETY CHAY HAD Beachside Restaurant and Lounge at The Hilton Hua Hin Positioned directly on the Gulf of Thailand and Hua Hin Beach, sip, savour and simply lose yourself as the waves break on the shore right below your feet. At CHAY HAD, watch East meet West, as we creatively pair Thai, Asian and Western flavours with freshest local and imported crustaceans, seafood, meats, local produce and spices... CHAY HAD LOUNGE is the newest place to be seen and the destination of choice for the ZKR¡V ZKR LQ +XD +LQ

Centara Chinese New Year Gala Event Chinese New Year 2015 at The Centara Grand & Villas Hua Hin was a VSHFWDFXODU HYHQW Ă€OOHG ZLWK &KLQHVH ritual dances and music, good food and a lovely atmosphere. Every year the Centara celebrates this event at the lawn pool with great stage acts, life music and an international buffet and This year the events started off with cocktails at the lobby lawn accompanied by Chinese songs performed by the Bliss duo with Mel and Bob. A dance group performing the Lion Dance was than “followedâ€? to the set tables along the beach front pool. On stage the Jazz Up band, performed favourite contemporary and ever greens from Jazz and Big bands. Several Chinese ritual led shows followed whilst guests enjoyed the Chinese Asian buffet after which the event was concluded with a curtain of Ă€UHZRUNV D 'UDJRQ GDQFH DW ZKLFK WKH Ă€UH VSLWWLQJ GUDJRQ FOLPEHG RS D PDQ SRSXODWHG WRZHU WR VSUHDG LWÂ?V Ă€UH RI luck , harmony, fortune and love over the guests.

Jungle Aid Charity Event at the Hilton Hotel on Saturday March 7th Dress to impress! Jungle Aid mission is to provide medical aid, education, support and micro-business opportunities to people living in remote locations on the Thailand Burmese border.

The Amarin Outdoor Unlimited International Triathlon on Saturday March 14 The Series consists of 3 Olympic Distance triathlons that will take place in Cha-Am & Hua Hin, Bangkok and Pattaya City with total of 3 Million Thai Baht in prize money. These races will then contribute to a “Master Series� to be held on Phuket Island Race location: Naresuan Police Academy Camp, Cha-Am

Coming to Hua Hin, The Seenspace Mall 7KH FLW\¡V Ă€UVW EHDFKIURQW FRPPXQLW\ mall with approximately 6,000 sq.m. of leasing space will be ready mid 2015. The mall is located on the seaside along Liebwang Nuer Road. Seenspace HuaHin can be easily accessed from both soi Hua-Hin 35 and soi Hua-Hin 19.



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Kaeng Krachan National Park Kaeng Krachan is the largest national park of Thailand, located in the border area with Burma, limiting with the Tanintharyi Nature Reserve. It is a popular park owing to its location near the tourist town of Hua Hin.

For 2015 the Thai Government will request the World Heritage Committee at its 39th session in Bonn, Germany to consider the inscription of Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex (KKFC).

The park was created on June 12, 1981 as the 28th national park of Thailand. Originally covering an area of 2,478 km², it was enlarged on December 27, 1984 to include the boundary area between Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan provinces, ERXQGHG E\ WKH 7DQLQWKDU\L 1DWXUH 5HVHUYH DORQJ 0\DQPDU·V border to the west. The park is not only part of the rainforest area north and south of the park in Thailand, but also part of a huge continuous rain forest complex deep into Myanmar covering 30,000 sq km.

Geography. The park covers parts of the districts Nong Ya Plong, Kaeng Krachan and Tha Yang of Phetchaburi Province, and of Hua Hin of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. It consists mainly of rain forests within the eastern slope of the Tenasserim Mountain Range. The highest elevation is at 1,200 m. Two main rivers originate within the park area, the Pranburi River and the Phetchaburi River.


Mar 2015

The Phetchaburi River is blocked by the Kaeng Krachan Dam at the eastern border of the park. The dam creates a lake covering an area of 46.5 km² and was was built in 1966.



Kaeng Krachan National Park is famous for dense morning mist covering the park with hill tops sticking above mist cloud around December-March, creating a spektacular view.

Yot Checkpoint which is mainly a dirt road extending 36.5km west through Ban Krang and Phanoen Thung campsites, only Ă€UVW NP XQWLO %DQ .UDQJ FDPSVLWH LV SDYHG There are many trekking and mountain trails deep into pristine 3RVVLEO\ 7KDLODQG¡V WRS ELUG DQG EXWHUĂ \ZDWFKLQJ ORFDWLRQ forest, especially in the areas around Thothip Waterfall and over 420 species of birds has been observed in the park the stream of Pa La-U. Permission from HQ needed for longer boundries which is the highest number of bird species in any guided trekking. First couple of months after the end of the national parks in Thailand. There are 57 known species of rainy season the trails may still be covered with fallen trees, PDPPDOV DQG DURXQG EXWWHUĂ \ VSHFLHV bamboos, branches or grown bushes which will make trekking Some of rare birds that can be found in Kaeng Krachan are very unpleasant. It may take time for the park personel to ratchet tailed treepie, white-fronted scops owl, giant pitta, clean the paths. ZKRRO\ QHFNHG VWRUN JUHDW DUJXV DQG JUH\ KHDGHG Ă€VK HDJOH The park is also home to seven species of horn bills. The best time to visit the park is November to February when it Wild mammals such as leopards, stump-tailed macaques, is cooler and drier. October used to be end of the rainy season deers, porcupines, civets, martens, elephants, bantengs, but due to climate change frequent rain may continue into the gibons, wild dogs, langurs, gaurs and many others can be December. Although birdwatching possibilities are relatively found frequently in the park. There are also tigers in Kaeng good at all time, March-April is the most ideal time when bird Krachan but they are not common PLJUDWLRQ LQWR WKH SDUN LV DW LW¡V SHDN Access to the main forest area of the park is limited to two roads, the road beyond Dan Khao Sam Yot Checkpoint (checkpoint is 19km from HQ) in the central parts, and one into the area around Pala U Waterfall in the south east. 0RVW YLVLWRUV WR .DHQJ .UDFKDQ VWD\ DURXQG WKH Ă€UVW FDPSVLWH area next to the HQ where there is not much to see of the real wildlife the park offers. The real beauty of the national park starts approximately 19 kms from the HQ at Dan Khao Sam

Driving from Hua Hin to HQ • Highway route 4 from Hua Hin to north runs in two branches, take the east one • Drive 44 km north until the junction to route 3499 and turn left • Drive 32 km until you reach route 3432 after Kaeng Krachan Town and turn left • 'ULYH WKH ÀQDO NP IRU +4 Mar 2015 APPROACH 17



Dalia Lama The 14th Dalai Lama is the current Dalai Lama, as well as the longest-lived incumbent. Dalai Lamas are the head monks of the Gelug school, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, was born in 1935, the son of a farmer in a small Tibetan village. In accordance with ancient tradition, the dreams and visions of high lamas and oracles eventually led a search party to the boy. At age two, KH VXFFHVVIXOO\ LGHQWLĂ€HG SHRSOH DQG SRVVHVVLRQV IURP KLV SDVW OLIH DQG ZDV RIĂ€FLDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG DV WKH UHLQFDUQDWLRQ RI the 13th Dalai Lama. At four, he entered the capital of Lhasa and was named the spiritual leader of his people. At 15, he became head of state. In 1959, as tensions with the Chinese DUP\ UHDFKHG D Ă DVK SRLQW KH Ă HG WR ,QGLD ZKHUH KH KDV OHG the Tibetan diaspora ever since.

The Tibetan Parliament had twice urged The Dalai Lama to reconsider, but he had declined even to read a message from them or meet with legislators. His mind was made up. On May 29th, the papers were signed and the Tibetan charter amended. The act marks a remarkable and voluntary VHSDUDWLRQ RI FKXUFK DQG VWDWH )RU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LQ PRUH WKDQ 350 years, the Dalai Lama is no longer the secular as well as the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Sayings by Dalai Lama: EViL The seed of evil, from my viewpoint , is hate. On that level, we can say that everyone has that seed. As far as sort of potential of murder is concerned, every person has that Looking back over his 60 years of leadership, he has much potential. Hatred. Anger. Suspicion. These are the potentials to be proud of. He has established a successful and stable of negative acts. JRYHUQPHQW LQ H[LOH DQG VWRRG Ă€UP DJDLQVW D EUXWDO UHJLPH $V There is also the potential for mercy. Forgiveness. Tolerance. WKH Ă€UVW 'DODL /DPD WR WUDYHO WR WKH :HVW KH KDV DOVR H[WROOHG These also, everyone has this potential. the virtues of nonviolence to millions, a lifelong effort that Evil means that the negative potential has become manifest. earned him a Nobel Peace Prize. As the spiritual leader of The positive remains dormant. Those people who actually 7LEHW KH UHPDLQV WKH SHUVRQLĂ€FDWLRQ RI KLV QDWLRQ¡V VWUXJJOH love hatred, who deliberately always practice anger, hatred The Dalai Lama, despite many heartfelt petitions by his Âł WKDW¡V HYLO FRQVWLWXHQWV KDV Ă€QDOO\ EHHQ JUDQWHG KLV ZLVK IRU RIĂ€FLDO retirement from government duties. Betrayal: The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies... It comes from Friends and loved 2QO\ VLQFH WKH Ă€IWK 'DODL /DPD \HDUV DJR KDV WKH ones.Sad how the same people who say they care about institution taken on real political responsibility. The early you are the same ones who tear you down when they get incarnations were only spiritual leaders. He always believed the chance. WKDW WKH UXOH E\ NLQJ RU RIĂ€FLDO OHDGHU LV RXWGDWHG +H DGYRFDWHG Chenrezig - the Buddha of Compassion, of whom all Dalai a catch up with the modern world. /DPDV DUH UHLQFDUQDWLRQV Âł KDG D PDVWHU SODQ IRU WKH Ă€UVW Now he has handed over his political authority to an elected DQG Ă€IWK 'DODL /DPDV government, he feels happy as they carry full responsibility. Keep persevering. The continuation of effort in spite of any He wants to be just a pure spiritual leader. REVWDFOH <RX VKRXOG FDUU\ DOO \RXU ZRUN LQ VSLWH RI GLIĂ€FXOWLHV and obstacles. APPROACH

Mar 2015


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Fashion Flower Hats and more‌. By Aurelie Pernel

Despite minus temperatures and snow falling in Europe the ZRUOG RI IDVKLRQ GLGQ¡W KLGH DQG HYHU\RQH UDQ LQWR WKH FDSLWDO RI Fashion, Paris, to see the latest trends. From midriff tops and Ă RZHU DSSOLTXp EHDGHG DW &KDQHO WR FKLF SRONDGRW YRLOHWWHV DW Giambattista Valli, here is a review to my “best ofâ€? the Spring 2015 Paris Haute Couture shows. ZUHAIR MURAD Zuhair Murad, along with Elie Saab, is the most prominent Arab designer of all time. Known for his classy eveningwear— and for keeping the Lebanese tradition of rich embellished garments. Murad adds a high dose of sensuality to his designs. This collection, inspired by the glimmer and the Ă XLGLW\ RI ZDWHU UHFUHDWH E\ FDVFDGLQJ VLONV DQG ODFH Ă RZHU appliquĂŠs, sequined full skirts and pockets; V-shaped backs with thin belts; and in-built capes on sequined lace. APPROACH

Mar 2015


JEAN PAUL GAULTIER 7KLV ZDV Ă€UVW WLPH -HDQ 3DXO *DXOWLHU¡V VKRZHG RQ WKH UXQZD\ since shutting his prĂŞt-Ă -porter business last September. It was a new beginning, and to celebrate he chose weddings as his theme. He called the collection 61 Façons de Se Dire Oui, or 61 Ways to Say Yes. In the detailed notes, each look got a clever name of its own. To Bi or Not to Bi, a little black number WDLORUHG OLNH D PDQ¡V VXLW RQ RQH VLGH DQG GUDSHG OLNH D GUHVV on the other, totally edgy! Totally Gaultier! Naomi Campbell closed the show wrapped in cellophane and live orchids and not much else; she was the bridal bouquet herselfâ€? ARMANI PRIVE $VLD LV DQ LQĂ XHQFH WKDW KDV VHUYHG $UPDQL ZHOO RYHU WKH years, and he wanted to make it clear this season even more. His inspiration main was bamboo, sending a message of

FASHION delicacy and zenitude. Still, the proportions, the belts, the plissĂŠs, and the palette all had echoes of Japan. The bamboo motif was a constant throughout the gowns. CHANEL The Chanel Couture show began to bloom with lush, WURSLFDO Ă RZHUV VHWWLQJ WKH VWDJH 7KH Ă€UVW ORRNV reminded us of the laid-back countryside summer evenings with orange, indigo, and washed out green jackets and mini skirts. But this couture collection ZDV OLNH D Ă RZHU EORVVRP EHDXWLIXOO\ GHOLFDWH OLJKW and young. GIAMBATTISTA VALLI This season, Valli proved to be more experimental by dressing his models in delightful embroidered dresses. In usual Valli fashion, the show was about romance, the strong yet feminine woman, cascading tulle, sequins, bows, appliquĂŠs, feathers, and all the other embellishing tools in the haute couture toolbox. This new silhouette was fresh and daring, yet still HOHJDQW HQRXJK IRU WKH 9DOOL¡V \RXQJ DQG MHWVHW clientele. The black-dotted veils and dainty bows RYHU WKH PRGHOV¡ IDFHV KDG XV WKLQNLQJ WKDW PD\EH LW¡V WLPH WR VWDUW UHYLVLWLQJ YRLOHWWHV IRU QLJKWWLPH 9DOOL mentioned Coco Chanel and Janis Joplin as the free-spirited muses of this Spring 2015 collection. CHRISTIAN DIOR 7RGD\¡V &KULVWLDQ 'LRU VHWWLQJ ZDV DQ LQGRRU EXLOGLQJ site tucked within an iconic museum in Paris. The setting was part chaotic and part romantic. Plastic met sequins and wool. Metal rings pieced together silks; psychedelic patterns met delicate Ă RZHU HPEHOOLVKPHQWV DQG WKLJK KLJK ODWH[ ERRWV were paired with embellished baby doll dresses. This collection was so rich, so uncompromising on beautifully-executed embroideries and volumes that LW VKRXOG SOHDVH LWV IDLU VKDUH RI 'LRU DĂ€FLRQDGDV clients, and red carpet divas alike. DIY -Flower Crown based on the trends from catwalk 6LQFH WKH\ ZHUH D ORW RI Ă RZHUV RI DOO NLQG RQ WKH FDWZDON WKLV VHDVRQ , GHFLGHG WR XVH WKH LQĂ XHQFH WR PDNH P\ RZQ Ă RZHU FURZQV Take a look on my Facebook page Aurasbazaar to get the same look- This are “one of a kindâ€? creations, really affordable, and you FDQ HYHQ SODFH RUGHU LI \RX KDYH VSHFLĂ€F UHTXHVW \RX ZRXOG like. I can make crowns for brides in white tones, or roses in romantic colors for the bridemaids. :KR GRHVQ¡W ORYH D Ă RZHU FURZQ" 7KH\ DUH WKH SHUIHFW bohemian accessory for a music festival, birthday party, on the beach or a fantastic addition to your wedding party attire. +HUH¡V D FORVH ORRN RI IHZ RI P\ IDYRXULWH Ă RZHU FURZQV RU hat that I made, just perfect to enter into Spring season... 21


Advertise in APPROACH Ca l l : 0 9 4 3 3 9 5 3 6 0 or E m a i l : b r i g i t t e a p p r o a c h @ g m a i l . co m



' (\HEURZV (\HEURZV 6OLGH (\HOLQHU /LSV &RORU (\HODVK H[WHQVLRQV Á¡o r Ê ·ª ś ¤· · - ·Êª­Å¨ r - ­´ ° µ - ­´ µ ¤¡¼ - n° µ µª¦

086-1681132 (Khun Ae)

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Grand Market Hua Hin


Tel: 081-378-2333

2 Hua Hin Stores ARB-IMS 1

2nd Floor In front of Home Pro Market Village


On Phetkasem Road Opposite to the Hua Hin Temple

$PVWHUGDP¡V %LJJOHV %LJ %DQG ZLOO be back to serenade with hits from the golden era during the Thailand Tour 2015. Due to the great success of their tours in 2009, 2010 and 2013, the orchestra from the Netherlands has been invited back again to perform on Friday, 13 March 2015 at Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin. Biggles Big Band, conducted by Adrie Braat, is a 20-piece orchestra that plays music from the great swing era, recreating the magical sounds of Glenn Miller, Count Basie and Tommy Dorsey. The ensemble consists of five trumpets, four trombones, five saxophones, guitar, piano, acoustic bass, drums and a male vocalist. The repertoire is suitable for listening as well as dancing, with tunes such as Tuxedo Junction, In the Mood, Baby Elephant Walk, and many more famous jazz classics. 7KH EDQG¡V YRFDOLVW $UQROG $XHH EULQJV Frank Sinatra back to life with songs OLNH )O\ 0H WR 7KH 0RRQ ,¡YH *RW <RX under My Skin and The Lady is a Tramp. “In the past we have played new arrangements of the Jazz compositions of His Royal Highness King Bhumibol Adulyadej. This is a challenge for our upcoming Thailand Tour 2015, as we would love to join forces with Thai musicians exchange Thai and Dutch culture and attract a good Thai crowdâ€?, says Adrie Braat, Conductor and Band Leader. Join the concert of the year “Biggles Big Band Amsterdamâ€? while enjoying a wide variety of Crustaceans & Swimmers Buffet Dinner selection by the Colonial Pool at Baht 1,900++ per person. Buffet opens at 7:00 p.m. and performance starts at 8:00 p.m. For more information call 032 512 021-38


On February 8, The Hyatt Regency presented a culinary classic concert w i t h C a r o l i n e Vi t a l e – M e z z o Soprano and Peter Bauer, both from Switzerland,at the piano. ,W ZDV DQ XQIRUJHWWDEOH HYHQLQJ Ă€OOHG with German Lieder and Volkslieder from Switzerland in French and Italian. The second part of the concert contained songs composed by Manuel de Falla, Johannes Brahms, Händer, Gluck und Rossini. The evening ended with La Habanera from George Bizet and Wiegenlied from Schubert. A fantastic evening of classical memories. The Hyatt Regency has monthly Classical Concerts with a Dinner Buffet. Call


Mar 2015


C l a s s i f i e d a d s s t a r t f r o m 1 8 0 0 t h b. Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n Email:

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Room for rent day/month Swimming pool

Internet wireless Karaoke & BBQ

Tel/ Fax 032 512 924 Mobile 086 891 4741 Email Open 8 am. to midnight Thai and International breakfast with coffee and tea Restaurant and live music : start 5.30pm. for enjoy your dinner. International food style. Sauna by Hua Hin Sauna Infrared for health and beauty Music start 7.00 pm. by the soft jazz, relax & enjoy in feel like the lobby bar or you can get feel in the garden with Wine or Beer. Diagon Alley Hua Hin Soi 43 near Wang Klang Wone Palace. Please call : 091-734 - 4343


Produce & Sell German Sausage Ham, Salami and many more...

§¡ zu¡ ´£ ¤ ²¢ Å }Åt¤} u ° ¡ u¡ } µ Open Mon - Sat 8.00am - 8pm Close Sunday Tel 085 174 9229 (Karl Otto) 085 327 5322 (Punpinee) Fax 032 520 075 Email Branch 1 Soi Hua Hin 29



“LITTLE SWITZERLAND” THE LAND OF CROPS AND FOOD, MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS By GMoss Petchaboon is a province with great natural attractions; particularly its forested mountains and waterfall laden rivers that help create a climate that is cool and pleasurable nearly year round. Petchaboon is home to one of the most important ancient FLWLHV LQ 7KDLODQG DV UHÁHFWHG LQ WKH DZH LQVSLULQJ UXLQV RI 6UL Thep. Located 346 kilometers north of Bangkok, the pleasant weather and fertile alluvial soil of Petchaboon contributes to the nationally acclaimed sweet tamarind products. The intricate mountain ranges and impressive water falls as featured in Nam Nao National Park make the province a dream destination for nature lovers, and this beautiful province was once conceived as a new capital after Bangkok as well. The province lies in the broad fertile river valley of the Pa Sak River, with mountains of the Phetchaboon mountain range to the east and west. It is surrounded by places of interest, many well-known national parks, beautiful waterfalls and great lakes. From historical evidence, it is believed that Phetchaboon was established by two kingdoms: the Sukhothai Kingdom, and the Ayutthaya Period of the great King Narai. Initially the province was called “Phe-cha-buth” as “Phuenchapura”, which means the city that has plenty of crops. The reason for being given its


Mar 2015


name is because the province is very fertile and full of natural resources. Some 130 kilometres south of Phetchaboon, on Highway Number 21, is the Si Thep Historical Park. Si Thep is an ancient town where many architectural structures still remain to indicate its past prosperity during the 11th – 18th Buddhist century. It was once the centre of contact between the Dvaravati Kingdom in the central plain basin and the Khmer Kingdom in the Northeast. A twincity, there were over one hundred ancient sites all built with bricks and laterite, most of them have since crumbled. There are also remains of several ponds spread out all over the area. Most of the ancient relics recovered are parts of architectural nature such as elaborate lintels, plastered designs and sema stone and human skeletons still are adorned with ornamental pieces. In 2000, it got a Thailand Tourism Award for guaranteeing welfare of culture and ancient buildings.


Interesting Sites:

The Huai Pa Dang Reservoir was created by the dam constructed to block the waterway to the west of town for irrigation purposes. It is a pleasant place for recreation and picnic with scenic natural views in the background, particularly in the morning and late afternoon.

The Nam Nao National Park is an immense tract of forest still in perfect condition. With pineries, grasslands and virgin jungles, it is habitat to large number of animals and more than 100 species of birds.

How to get get there : Fly from Bangkok – THB 2200 one way – Special Fares available Bus : THB 650 Taxi Limousine: THB 6000 Where to Stay : Agoda offers good deals in Three star Hotels ranging between 3.500 and 700 THB. Contact TAT of Hua Hin and Cha Am for more information: 500/51 Phetkasem Rd. Amphoe Cha-am, Phetchburi 76120 Tel. 0 3247 1005-6 & 0 3247 1502 Web :

Si Thep Historical Park is an ancient town where many architectural structures still remain indicative of its past prosperity during the 11th-18th Buddhist Centuries. A twincity, there were over one hundred ancient sites all built with bricks and laterite, most of which have crumbled. 27



Build an Electric Dragster Put yourself in the driving seat and build your very own Electric Dragster! Simply fit together the interlocking wooden pieces, add the electrical and mechanical components, decorate with the stickers included and you have done it! Amaze and impress your friends with the speed of the Dragster and spend hours of fun racing it! THB 500

Razor E100 Electric Scooter - Red The E100 electric scooter is awesome. It can run up to 40 minutes, with a top speed of around 10 mph! It has a very short charge time, and a super silent belt driven motor to keep the noise down. With its folding mechanism on the handle bars, storing the scooter is easy. Why walk to get your morning paper, when you can just take this little scooter down to the news stand. THB 7500 APPROACH

Mar 2015

PicooZ Sky Warrior Hold the whole world in your hand with this glorious gadget. Well, maybe not the whole world, but you can certainly ÀW WKLV 0LFUR +HOLFRSWHU LQ WKH SDOP RI \RXU KDQG 7KH 3LFRR= FRPSDFW à \LQJ devise may be small but it certainly packs a lot of power. The two channel infra red chopper can be moved easily from left to right with the joystick whilst the throttle is used to take off, hover and land. THB 1500

Punch Ball Boxing Set When you want to teach your kids that Ă€JKWLQJ LV QRW WKH RQO\ DQVZHU \RX need to teach them all about discipline DQG KRZ WR Ă€JKW VR WKDW WKH\ JDLQ DQ understanding of what goes on. What better way to do that than by using this DZHVRPH NLGV 3XQFK %DOO %R[LQJ 6HW" The pole can be adjusted according to KHLJKW VR \RX ZRQ¡W KDYH WR NHHS EX\LQJ a new one as your child grows! This great set also comes with a pair of strong 6oz boxing gloves to help your champ feel like a pro! THB 1500

Bring a bit of space fun anywhere they go with this cool space projector torch! Not only does this handy little torch help out with a bit of bedtime reading under the covers or in the den, but this amazingly projects 24 **genuine NASA and Hubble telescope photographs, on the ceiling, wall or anywhere its shone, launching the photos up to 1 meter wide! These 24 amazing colour images feature the planets, space crafts and even astronauts that will keep your child entertained for hours on end. This makes a fun and educational science gift for any budding astronaut and any little boy or girl interested in space. THB 350 28


Diamante Headphones - Pink Perfume Laboratory for young ladies It is an amazing thing to be able to create a sensationally sassy signature scent for yourself or someone that you love! The Perfume Laboratory makes it easy! Whether you would like to make a bodacious bouquet or an offensive odour, the Perfume Laboratory will be there to lead the way! This Perfume Laboratory contains all you need to make your own perfume and heavenly VFHQWV 7KHUH¡V D PXOWLWXGH RI WKLQJV to try out - from scented crystals, pot pourri, and scented note paper! THB 750

Super Star Theatre Complete with a dressing room, back stage entrance, Ticket Booth with cast photo frames, Show Time Clock, Refreshment Stand, wipe-off Marquee and 20 extra accessories, the Super Star Theatre easy to assemble, is everything your child needs to feel like a Super Star! ! Make your little Super Stars shine bright with this fabulous Super Star Theatre! THB 7500

These hot pink headphones are going to rock your world and ensure that you stand out in the crowd! Not only will you look a million dollars in diamantĂŠ encrusted headphones, but they also offer great sound quality with comfortable padding to block out ambient sound. Stay one step ahead of trendsetters and look like a blingtastic A-lister whilst grooving on down to your tunes! THB 1000

Retro Slush Maker

We have the perfect solution to making frozen drinks and ice cream in one DPD]LQJ FRQWUDSWLRQ 7KLV ¡V VW\OH Retro Slush Maker has been designed so that you can make Slushies and Mr Whippy style ice cream in your very own kitchen. You can wow friends and IDPLO\ ZLWK IUR]HQ WUHDWV ZKHWKHU LW¡V DW a barbecue, a party or simply because... you fancy sharing the slush or ice cream with everyone! To make soft serve ice cream is easy too! Pour your ice cream mixture directly into the unit through the square indention on the top of the unit. Then allow the mixture to blend for up to 15 minutes, then dispense! The Retro Magic Nail Lab The magic nail lab is the perfect gift for Slush Maker is a great gadget for any those little fashion experimenters in your kitchen and will make scrumptious fruity OLIH RU IRU WKH \RXQJ ODG\¡V \RX NQRZ ZKR drinks and amazing ice cream for kids like to have their nails perfect every time! and adults too! THB 4000 ,W¡V D JUHDW SUHVHQW ZKDW EHWWHU ZD\ IRU the birthday girl to spend her sleepover doing all her friends nails with different colours and cute nail stickers using this amazing kit. Suitable for children The Cool Gadgets for Kids are over the age of 8, there are no nasty presented by Prezzybox Gifts. chemicals in any of the formulas so is Orders can be given through : gentle on skin, and the nail paint washes straight off with warm water. Fun, safe Prices are estimates in Thailand. and educational, we think this is a Mail Charges not included. thumbs up all round! THB 750 Mar 2015 APPROACH 29


Festivals in Thailand in March 2015 National Elephant Day in Thailand By Roy Cavanagh March 13 is designated as National Elephant Day to highlight the importance of the Thai elephant (chang Thai) in Thai KLVWRU\ DQG FXOWXUH ,W·V D GD\ ZKHUH special events take place at various zoos and elephant parks throughout Thailand. Some elephant parks will even hold Buddhist rituals where the animals are thoroughly scrubbed and showered before monks are invited to perform ceremonies to wipe away bad luck and wish for good luck for the elephants and their mahouts in the coming year. Thai Elephant Day has been held on DQ DQQXDO EDVLV VLQFH WKH LGHD ZDV ÀUVW approved by the Thai government in 1998. Special events are held at a number of venues in northern Thailand including the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre and the Elephant Nature Park. At the Mae Sa Elephant Camp, it has become a tradition on March 13 for the dozens of elephants there to be treated to a huge feast of fruits and sugar cane.


Mar 2015



NATIONAL 17.03.58

Muay Thai Day

National Muay Thai Day March 17 is the day when those involved in Thai boxing (Muay 7KDL FHOHEUDWH D KHUR RI WKH VSRUW %R[HU¡V 'D\ LVQ¡W D SXEOLF holiday, but there are commemorative events at various Muay Thai stadiums and training camps and it is a day with particular VLJQLĂ€FDQFH IRU WKH WRZQ RI $\XWWKD\D WKH KRPH RI WKH OHJHQGDU\ Ă€JXUH RI 1DL .KDQRP 7RP National Muay Thai Day is a big event in Ayutthaya and the town organizes a week-long annual festival culminating on March 17. Displays of Thai boxing and martial arts attract participants from around the world. A statue of Nai Khanom Tom stands in Ayutthaya (at the provincial sports ground) and Thai boxers and ordinary townsfolk will pay respects to the home-town hero by GUDSLQJ KLV VWDWXH ZLWK JDUODQGV RI Ă RZHUV

About Roy Cavanagh : Roy Cavanagh is a former stand-up comedian who now works as a freelance writer. Passionate about Thailand and Thai culture, Roy also runs a network of travel websites. Follow him on Facebook, on Twitter and on Pinterest.




Great Egret Ardea alba modesta

The Great White Egret The Great Egret (Ardea alba, Syn .: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba) is part of the heron family of the order Ciconiiformes. by Dr.George F. Grossniklaus

Subspecies There are four subspecies in various parts of the world, which differ but little. Differences are bare part coloration in the breeding season and size; the largest from Asia and Australasia. Eastern Great Egret (Ardea modesta).: • Ardea alba alba (Europe) • Ardea alba egretta (Americas) • Ardea alba melanorhynchos (Africa) • Ardea alba modesta (India, Southeast Asia, and Oceania) The species has a very large distribution area. Distributed across most of the tropical and warmer temperature regions of the world, in southern Europe it is rather localized. In North America it is more widely distributed and it is ubiquitous across the Sun Belt of the USA and in the neotropics. The Old World population is often referred to as the Great White Egret. The species shows a marked tendency for movements and is observed in increasing numbers in the regions of Central Europe, where it is not a breeding bird. 7KH ,8&1 FODVVLÀHV WKH HJUHWV DV QRW DW ULVN OHDVW FRQFHUQ The population is estimated at 590,000 to 2,200,000 individuals.

$UGHD DOED PRGDVWD LQ ÁLJKW The Great Egret is a large white heron, with yellow beak and dark legs and feet. Its length is 85 to 100 centimeters, the wingspan of 145-170 cm and weight 1 to 1.5 kilograms. Unlike other heron species of the genera Egretta and Ardea the egret has no plumes on the back of the head. It forms instead during the breeding season, long, loose shoulder springs which have long side branches. During the courtship these are spread wheel-shaped. The nominate Ardea alba has dark greenish-gray or black legs, the iris is yellow and the beak on the breeding season black with a yellow base. APPROACH

Mar 2015



Outside the breeding season the beak is yellow to orangeyellow. Many individuals have a darker beak. The naked reins and the orbital ring are greenish-yellow outside the breeding season and bright emerald green, during the breeding season. ,W KDV D VORZ Ă LJKW ZLWK LWV QHFN UHWUDFHG 7KLV LV FKDUDFWHULVWLF RI KHURQV DQG ELWWHUQV %LWWHUQV DUH D FODVVLĂ€FDWLRQ RI ELUGV LQ the heron family. Ardeidae, a family of wading birds. Species named bitterns tend to be the shorter-necked, often more secretive members of this family. They were called hĂŚferblĂŚte in Old English; the word “bitternâ€? came to English from Old French butor, itself from Gallo-Roman butitaurus, a portmanteau of /DWLQ EĹ—WLÄż DQG WDXUXV DQG distinguishes them from storks, cranes, ibises, and spoonbills, which extend their necks in Ă LJKW

,QVHFWV DPSKLELDQV ÀVK DQG PLFH DUH WKH VXEVWDQWLDO IRRG of the egret. He seeks food primarily on the large grassland areas. Usually the egrets takes his food by slowly wading in shallow water. The body is held more or less horizontal. Alternatively, the Great Egret waiting in rigid attitude that food animals come within his reach.


The Great Egret is not normally a vocal bird; at breeding colonies, however, it often gives a loud croaking cuk cuk cuk.

Egrets are in a monogamous season marriage and become sexually mature in the second year. They breed in colonies, but also individually. The 100 cm large nests are built close together on the ground, usually in inaccessible reeds. The striking white-colored Herons are hardly to be discovered. It also happens that the nests are placed in deep thicket. Mostly in April / May 3-5 pale blue eggs are placed at an interval of two days, ZKLFK DUH LQFXEDWHG IURP WKH ÀUVW GD\ E\ WKH two partners. 7KH FKLFNV KDWFK DIWHU GD\V DQG à HGJH after 40-50 days. 75% of young birds do not VXUYLYH WKHLU ÀUVW \HDU


Continuance Inventorry

The Great Egret is the heron species with the largest geographical distribution. As a cosmopolitan, he will be found on all continents except Antarctica. Egrets are partially migratory. As of July there is a nondirectional dispersal migration of young birds. They remain in mild winters near the breeding areas or show late winter aligned movement. At the end of February to early April the egrets return to their breeding colonies. The Egret lives in reed beds of lakes, rivers and bayous and swamps, which are covered with trees and bushes. Outside the breeding season, he also considers large grassland areas.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century egrets were an almost extinct breed.. Followed by several phases in which the stocks rebounded, but then declined again. These LQYHQWRULHV GHFOLQHG SDUWO\ GXH WR Ă XFWXDWLQJ ZDWHU OHYHOV Since the mid-1970s, the stock increases again in many breeding areas. It comes to population declines from direct persecution, but also by the loss of suitable undisturbed reeds, through construction or burning of reed beds. Disturbances by recreational operation can cause Egret leave the breeding areas.

Diet 33




Citizenship for children born of foreign parents

The question always pops up again and the comments are quite confusing. According to Angloinfo: Children of foreign citizens do not acquire Thai nationality if they are born in Thailand. Children that have one Thai parent are automatically granted Thai citizenship. According to Children of foreign parents , not holding the Thai nationality can not acquire Thai citizenship. According to the Thai Nationality Act (2535 B.E.), it has opened a possibility for a person, born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom, to acquire Thai nationality. However case 13 throughout case 18, children born of registered or unregistered foreign (alien) parents can not acquire the Thai nationality.

There is an endless list of documents to be handled and the applications and eligibility are not uncomplicated. In addition \RX DUH UHTXLUHG WR VSHDN 7KDL テ々HQWO\

Thai residency in general can be applied for at all times. The terms are complicated and require quite some evidence of investment, usually not less than THB 10 Million , whether it may be as an investor, condo / house buyer. APPROACH

Mar 2015

Approach your lawyer if you are not sure whether you are eligible for Thai Residency and / or Citizenship. 34




+HUH LV D PDQ , PHW UHFHQWO\ OHW·V FDOO KLP 2VFDU +H KDV D 7KDL ZLIH 0DOHH DQG WZR LQIDQW FKLOGUHQ With the balance of his estate he can set up an education trust.

Oscar is 70 years old, has quit a bit of money stashed away. It may be unusual in the West for a 70 year old to have 2 infants but luckily not here. It reminds me of Jay Leno asking Anthony Quinn who had a 3 year old boy and a 50 year old son what happens when WKH FKLOGUHQ VWDUW ÀJKWLQJ LQ WKH SDUN"

He can appoint trustees to ensure that the annual school or university fees are paid directly to the institution and long after his death his sons can graduate as lawyers or doctors.

2VFDU OLNHV 0DOHH·V IDPLO\ EXW GRHV QRW YLVLW WKHUH WRR PXFK because of the pressure they put on her to give them money. +H GRHV KHOS WKHP ÀQDQFLDOO\ EXW KLV PDLQ FRQFHUQ LV WKDW RQ his death, Malee will not be able to withstand the pressure on her for cash from the family. I feel sure that for many expats this example is all too real.

At graduation the balance of his estate can then be paid to KLV VRQV ZKLOH PDLQWDLQLQJ 0DOHH·V LQGH[HG LQFRPH

0DOHH LV QRW ÀQDQFLDOO\ VRSKLVWLFDWHG DQG QRQH RI WKLV LV VHW XS WR GHFHLYH KHU 2VFDU FDQ VLW GRZQ ZLWK KLV ÀQDQFLDO DGYLVHU and explain how everything has been arranged and what she should do on his demise. She will then be able to explain to In his own mind he sees his lifetime savings squandered by KHU IDPLO\ WKDW D QHZ SLFN XS DQG WKH ÀYH UDL RI ODQG JRLQJ DW 0DOHH·V IDPLO\ EX\LQJ QHZ SLFNXSV IRU DOO DQG VXQGU\ , NQRZ D EDUJDLQ SULFH LV EH\RQG KHU ÀQDQFLDO DELOLW\ PRVW 7KDL IDPLOLHV DUH JHQHURXV DQG ÀQDQFLDOO\ UHVSRQVLEOH but some like everywhere are not. Is this not a recipe for peace of mind for Oscar and for Malee DOVR" $ JRRG ÀQDQFLDO DGYLVHU FDQ VROYH 2VFDU·V SUREOHPV If Oscar arranges it properly, not only will the taxman not be following him into the grave but he can arrange a monthly income to be paid to Malee who will have no access to the capital, thus keeping the in-laws off her back.

So it really is time to face up to your responsibility to your children and your Thai wife. WKDLODQGH[SDWÀQDQFH#\DKRR FRP -HUU\ 0FPHQDPLQ




Breakfast • Brunch • German dishes • Buffet OPEN EVERYDAY - 8.00 AM TO 7.00 PM Hua Hin Soi 2 HUA HIN Prachuapkririkhan Tel: 089-257-3807

BUFFET / BRUNCH from 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM every Saturday soi 2 every Sunday soi 102

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Thailand Mobile Expo 2015 As numerous mobile phone manufacturers have inhibited WKH DOUHDG\ Ă RRGHG PDUNHW ,W KDV EHFDPH PRUH FRQIXVLQJ WR obtain a clear picture what are the best products. At the Thai Mobile Expo 2015 at The Queen Sirikit Exhibition, besides hundreds of representatives offering the same products, I found it merely impossible to get information on the Thai mobile market and therefore decided to limit my visit to a review of the latest models and a few comments on the VSHFLĂ€FDWLRQV Samsung Galaxy A7 At, THB 20,334, Samsung launched the Galaxy A7, its slimmest smartphone yet, during the launch event in Bangkok at the Mobile Expo 2015. Apart from a slower octacore processor, the Galaxy A7 features higher-resolution front and rear cameras, a full-HD screen instead of HD, and storage expandability via microSD card. It comes with 16GB of built-in storage, whereas the Galaxy Alpha has 32GB but no microSD card slot. The Galaxy A7 has a non-removable 2600mAh battery which is PXFK ODUJHU WKDQ WKH *DOD[\ $OSKD¡V P$K SRZHU SDFN

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

functionality matches its appearance. HTC Desire 820 A phone that was vital in bringing HTC back into the limelight last year was the HTC Desire 816 (Review | Pictures). This mid-range phone had a large screen, ran the latest version RI $QGURLG SDFNHG +7&¡V trademark BoomSound speakers, and boasted of a camera that could capture some stunning photographs in the right lighting conditions at THB 9,990 Apart from subtle aesthetic changes, it has upgraded internal specs such as a new future-proof 64-bit octacore processor, slightly more RAM, more internal storage space and a better front camera. /HW¡V GLYH ULJKW LQ DQG Ă€JXUH RXW LI WKH 'HVLUH ZLOO FRQWLQXH to capture the attention of buyers looking for a phone in the PLG UDQJH VHJPHQW 7KH 'HVLUH ¡V IURQW FDPHUD KDV EHHQ bumped up to 8 megapixels and the primary one on the rear LV VWLOO D PHJDSL[HO VKRRWHU ZLWK /(' Ă DVK OPPO R5 Haute Couture is a French phrase used to refer to the practice of creating high fashion, FXVWRP Ă€WWHG JDUPHQWV ZKLFK are mostly suited for models walking the ramps in cities like Paris, London or Milan. With smartphone manufacturers across the world racing to launch models that can turn heads, we might be looking at a new wave of phones that can be elevated to the level of haute couture. Priced at 18,900 7KH 2SSR 5 LV D GHYLFH WKDW Ă€WV ULJKW LQWR WKLV QHZ ZDYH RI smartphones. The company has focussed on engineering a slim device that creates an identity for itself, using custom materials and hand-polishing the R5. Or, so it claims. Is the Oppo R5 ready to walk the ramp in the company of ORRNHUV 'RHV LW VDFULĂ€FH SHUIRUPDQFH IRU WKH VDNH RI EHDXW\" :H Ă€QG RXW

At THB 36,675, who would have thought a phone would come along that could make even the mighty Samsung *DOD[\ 1RWH VHHP ERULQJ" For all its top-notch features, the Note 4 lacks the one big thing that its new sibling brings to the market - a curved VFUHHQ ,W¡V LQVWDQWO\ LFRQLF the gentle glass that seems WR Ă RZ ULJKW RII WKH HGJH RI what should be the front of this phone. The seamless continuation of pixels is truly remarkable, DQG DQ\RQH ZKR VHHV WKLV SKRQH IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH ZLOO JDSH and stare, turning it around in their hands and holding it up to WKHLU H\HV IRU FORVHU LQVSHFWLRQ 7KDW¡V WKH NLQG RI GUDZ LW KDV In a world of cookie-cutter smartphones (to which Samsung is SUREDEO\ WKH PRVW SUROLĂ€F FRQWULEXWRU WKH QHZ *DOD[\ 1RWH MICROSOFT Lumia 535 (GJH UHDOO\ GRHV VWDQG RXW :H¡UH UHDOO\ HDJHU WR VHH ZKDW The Lumia 535 Dual SIM is an important phone for Microsoft, SXUSRVH WKH FXUYHG VFUHHQ VHUYHV DQG ZKHWKHU WKLV SKRQH¡V DV LWV Ă€UVW :LQGRZV 3KRQH WKDW KDV EHHQ DQQRXQFHG JOREDOO\ APPROACH

Mar 2015


sans the iconic Nokia branding. It is priced at THB 4,490. Will WKH Ă€UVW 0LFURVRIW /XPLD SKRQH manage to uphold the legacy RI 1RNLD¡V JUHDW GHVLJQV EXLOG quality, performance and FDPHUDV" :H LQYHVWLJDWH DOO WKLV and more in our full review of the Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM. The phone has 5-megapixel cameras on both the rear and the front. The primary camera on WKH UHDU KDV D LQFK VHQVRU DQG D Ă DVK 7KH IURQW FDPHUD on the other hand has the same 24mm wide angle lens as its elder sibling, the Lumia 730 Dual SIM. On the connectivity front, the phone supports 3G, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0. It has a relatively small 1,905mAh battery.

when the Xperia Z2 (Review | Pictures) was released, but WKDQNIXOO\ WKH FRPSDQ\ KDVQ¡W JLYHQ XS RQ WKH LGHD DOWRJHWKHU After skipping a generation, the brand new Z3 Compact is KHUH ,W¡V D OLWWOH OHVV SUHPLXP DQG D ORW PRUH H[SHQVLYH WKDQ EHIRUH ZKLFK PHDQV WKHUH LVQ¡W PXFK RI D JDS EHWZHHQ LW DQG LWV IXOO IDW VLEOLQJ :H¡UH FXULRXV DERXW ZKHWKHU WKH = Compact will carry on the mission its predecessor started, RU ZLOO Ă€QG D QHZ QLFKH IRU LWVHOI LQ WKH PDUNHW DW 7+% Nokia X In our review of the pioneering Nokia X nearly a month ago, we said we were uncertain of the Android-based SODWIRUP¡V IXWXUH Considering the fact that Microsoft was, at the time, just about to gain complete control over the Finnish phonemaker, it seemed odd that the software giant would embrace something IXQGDPHQWDOO\ GHSHQGHQW RQ LWV ELJJHVW FRPSHWLWRU¡V ZRUN 6LQFH WKHQ WKH 0LFURVRIW 1RNLD DFTXLVLWLRQ KDV EHHQ Ă€QDOLVHG and not only has the Nokia XL been launched, but rumours of an improved second-generation Nokia X line are growing stronger. On the other hand, the Nokia X has received a hefty price cut and is already selling for around 25 percent less than its initial launch price of THB 3,990

iPhone 6 Apple finally gave the iPhone a muchneeded rethink, and the result is a product that is more like its competition than ever before, but also stands out just as well, if not better, in a seriously overcrowded market. The big talking point is its screen size - months of leaks told us nearly everything we needed Huawei Honor Holly WR NQRZ ORQJ EHIRUH WKH DFWXDO ODXQFK KDSSHQHG EXW WKHUH¡V also plenty more to explore. As always, Apple has managed to deliver more power, better aesthetics, improved cameras, and all-new software. $SSOH¡V XQLTXH SRVLWLRQ OHWV LW FRQWURO DQG WLJKWO\ LQWHJUDWH the hardware and software experiences of its products. :H VHH DOO RI WKLV DQG PRUH LQ WKLV \HDU¡V QHZ L3KRQHV With 16GB memory it is priced at THB 26.000 and the iPhone plus with a 5.5 Inch display at 28,900 Sony Xperia Z1 When Sony released the Xperia Z1 Compact, a non-outsized SKRQH ZLWK VSHFV QHDUO\ LGHQWLFDO WR WKH Ă DJVKLS ;SHULD = we hoped it would be the beginning of a new trend. Large screens might be nice, but users who prefer something a little easier handle had EHHQ OHIW RXW RI WKH Ă DJVKLS market altogether. Unlike its “miniâ€? counterparts, the Z1 Compact boasted of a topend processor and camera, with only the screen really scaling down to suit the smaller body. 6RQ\ GLGQ¡W UHIUHVK WKH = Compact (Review | Pictures) 39

The Huawei Honor Holly would easily win a prize in a tonguetwister competition, but its alliterative name aside, this phone is the & K L Q H V H F R P S D Q \ ¡V attempt to enter the highly contested budget smartphone segment.

The Honor Holly is packed to the gills with impressive hardware, but it takes on heavyweights such as the Motorola Moto E (Review | Pictures), Xiaomi Redmi 1S (Review | Pictures) and Asus Zenfone 4 (Review | 3LFWXUHV ZKLFK KDYH VLPLODU LI QRW EHWWHU VSHFLĂ€FDWLRQV One area where the Honor Holly trumps its competition is its storage capacity. Apart from the 16GB of internal space, the phone also accepts microSD cards of up to 32GB. This should be more than enough for most users. The phone also has 1 GB of RAM. The SoC is a Mediatek MT6582 with four CPU cores clocked at 1.3GHz and a Mali-400MP2 GPU. There is an 8-megapixel primary camera and a 2-megapixel secondary RQH IRU VHOĂ€HV DW 7+% Mar 2015 APPROACH



Financial News

There is no doubt, no excuse and only hopes as The Euro is in Crisis. Its faltering recovery as it struggles with austerity and it´s attempts to regain competitiveness. +RHZHYHU (FRQRP\ 30, ILJXUHV FRQILUP WKHUH LV D UHWXUQ WR JURZWK EXW MREV DQG GLVLQIODWLRQ remain concerns, Despite better prospects for the Eurozone, big gains are H[SHFWHG IRU SRSXOLVW DQWL (8 SDUWLHV LQ WKLV PRQWK¡V HOHFWLRQV

LQWHUQDWLRQDO Ă€QDQFLDO UHVFXH SURJUDPPH ,V ERUURZLQJ LQ the private market at the cheapest rates on record. Portugal DXFWLRQHG LWV Ă€UVW \HDU ERQG LQ WKUHH \HDUV (YHQ WKH -XGJLQJ E\ WKH HXUR]RQH¡V ERQG PDUNHWV ZKLFK MXVW PRQWKV (XUR]RQH¡V SHUSHWXDO SUREOHP FKLOG *UHHFH KDV EHHQ DEOH ago served as the most important globally watched gauge to dip into the private markets and raise â‚Ź3bn on its own. RI WKH (XURSHDQ SURMHFW¡V KHDOWK WKH (8 VKRXOG EH FUXLVLQJ through its most contented period in years. Spain and Italy Supporters of further European integration are hoping the have seen borrowing costs on their benchmark bonds fall to sudden rise of such anti-EU sentiment is a protest vote that levels not seen since the heady days before Lehman Brothers ZLOO VXEVLGH RQFH (XURSH¡V HFRQRPLHV UHWXUQ WR SUH FULVLV collapsed. growth rates. ,UHODQG WKH Ă€UVW (XUR]RQH PHPEHU RIĂ€FLDOO\ WR H[LW LWV

The Eurozone, after two years of recession, is expected to grow sluggishly this year Predictions on the Money Market : THB VS. Other Currencies and who determines the THB exchange rates. Volatility, %

Thursday Feb. 12, 2015 Currency Euro

95% prediction interval

= THB 1 Month 3 Month 1 Year 3 Years 1 Mo low 1 Mo high 3 Mo low 3 Mo high 37.135212




6.56 34.3288




Br.Pound 50.237245




6.08 48.3304




US dollar 32.684000




4.29 31.9774




6LQFH -XO\ 7KDLODQG KDV DGRSWHG WKH PDQDJHG Ă RDW exchange rate regime, of which the value of the Baht is determined by market forces. The Bank of Thailand would intervene in the market only when necessary, in order to prevent excessive volatilities and achieve economic policy WDUJHWV 7KH Ă RDWLQJ UHJLPH HQKDQFHV Ă H[LELOLW\ DQG HIĂ€FLHQF\ LQ PRQHWDU\ SROLF\ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ DQG LQFUHDVHV FRQĂ€GHQFH of domestic and international investors. SInce the third quarter of 2014, the Thai economy expanded APPROACH

Mar 2015


slowly as expected, with domestic private spending being the main growth driver. In 2015, the economy should continue to recover, albeit at a rate lower than formerly assessed. A less-than-expected government spending weighs on private investment as most businesses await the implementation of public investment plans. In addition, a recovery in exports of goods is subject to the more uncertain global economic outlook. Nevertheless, tourism is expected to turn more positive, but remains somewhat below the normal level.


US FINANCIAL MARKET Greek debt woes. Turbulence in the oil patch. Eurozone growth fears. Geopolitical risks in global hotspots. All are risks — and worries — for the U.S. stock market. But that bad stuff GRHVQ¡W VHHP TXLWH DV EDG LI 8 6 FRPSDQLHV NHHS OHWWLQJ WKH ZRUOG NQRZ WKDW WKH\¡UH VWLOO PDNLQJ PRQH\ DQG FKXUQLQJ RXW VROLG SURĂ€WV And so far what Wall Street feared was going to be a lousy fourth-quarter earnings season has turned out far better than expected. Despite some sales misses, revenues are now on track to grow 1.9%, up from projections of 1.3% at the start of the year.

ever since reporting blow-out numbers of iPhone 6 sales in the IRXUWK TXDUWHU 0LFURVRIW¡V VKDUHV KDYH VNLGGHG WKLV \HDU DV LQYHVWRUV DUH UHDOL]LQJ WKH FRPSDQ\¡V VKLIW LQWR IDVWHU JURZLQJ areas might take longer than some expected. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein says banks need to stop “whingingâ€? about regulations. He adds that getting rich Greeks to pay taxes is the biggest challenge for Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. But than again: January brought a big chill to stock funds, ZLWK WKH DYHUDJH 8 6 GLYHUVLĂ€HG IXQG IDOOLQJ %XW DW least stock investors have had 11 other months to celebrate gains in the past year. Investors who are looking for income — either from bonds or stocks — have had more than half a GHFDGH RI PLVHU\ $QG LI \RX¡UH D UHWLUHH RU \RX QHHG LQFRPH IURP \RXU LQYHVWPHQW SRUWIROLR WKDW¡V D SUREOHP

Big name companies reporting their earnings include softdrink player Dr Pepper Snapple Group (Wall Street expects earnings per share of 88 cents); cereal giant Kellogg (93 cents per share); Kraft Foods (73 cents); broadcaster CBS (76 cents); and insurer AIG ($1.05).

The dollar was on the defensive on Friday after soft U.S. ,I WKH HDUQLQJV EHDWV FRQWLQXH DQG &(2V GRQ¡W JHW WRR JORRP\ economic data halted its advance against peers such as the with their outlooks, the good earnings news should continue yen and euro while the market awaited further developments to outweigh some of the negatives. in Greek debt negotiations. In the ongoing rivalry battle between Apple and Microsoft, the The dollar index was at 94.195 after going to a one-week WUDGH RXW RI $SSOH DQG LQWR 0LFURVRIW KDVQ¡W SDQQHG RXW WKDW low of 93.979 overnight. The index had reached a two-week well so far this year. Shares of Apple have been melting up peak of 95.115.




“Nail my nails” Spring manicure trends to start wearing now By Natcha Boonkrong Can we rock parties or special days without a well done PDQLFXUH" , GR QRW WKLQN VR <RX JLUOV NQRZ ZHOO WKDW full make up, pretty dresses, sexy heels and gorgeous KDLU VW\OHV ZRXOGQ·W EH HQRXJK WR FRPSOHWH RXU EHDXW\ I have no tolerance for bare rough nails and crusty GXVW\ ÀQJHUV IURP GU\ GHDG VNLQ $IWHU IROORZLQJ Runways, Golden Globe and Grammy Awards, I have too many chic manicures to share with my readers for ideas before hitting your favorite nail salon next time. ´0HWDOOLF 6SDFH LQÁXHQFH ZLWK QDNHG QDLOVµ :H FDQ·W GHQ\ WKDW PHWDOOLF LQVSLUHG IDVKLRQ KDV EHHQ in trends since New Year festival 2015. The Metallic DQG 6SDFH LQÁXHQFH WRRN RYHU WKH 5XQZD\V WR Golden Globe this Spring. Katie Holmes comes with metallic-dipped ombré nail style in 2015 on the Golden Globe red carpet. Graphic polish designs that let naked nails show through are obviously seen on the Runway. “Less is still more” but this style requires healthy well-taken FDUH RI QDLOV (YHQ LI WKLV WHFKQLTXH GRHVQ·W require lot of nail polish application skill you still have to make sure your nails are ready to be bare and shown off. Trimming dead skin cell plus well polished nails is required. “All time natural soft, pale, and elegant look” My favorite star “Rosamund Pike from Gone Girl” looked absolutely gorgeous while making her appearance on the red carpet at the 2015 Golden Globe Awards with a stunning white dress and OPI Soft Shades Collection Nail Lacquer, Passion nail polish. This lady like manicure style is known for being an all time classical style. One

of my favorite classy manicure color shades since ZH FDQ·W JR ZURQJ ZLWK WKLV JUHDW QDWXUDO FRORU WKDW·V perfect of all occasions. The day you run out of manicure ideas, just go with soft shade with apricot and peach. It will save your day. “Spring Sensation Inspired manicure” How can Spring manicure trends be inspired without WKH VHQVH RI QDWXUH·V UHWUHDW" 7KLV ·V 6SULQJ


Mar 2015



manicure trends are inspired by tranquility and the perfection of mother nature. Blooming LQQRFHQW ZLOG Ă RZHUV VZD\LQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ EUHH]H DQG Ă RZLQJ SXUH VWUHDPV EHVLGH OLWWOH colorful stones in the hidden woods are all UHĂ HFWHG LQ WKLV WUHQG <RX FDQ JHW \RXU PDQLFXUH done with water color pastel shade painting or using the Water Marble Manicure technique to embroider a sense of nature. Be creative and add the spirit of Spring to your nails and let your beauty bloom in this season. ´0DUVDOD 3DQWRQH WKH RIĂ€FLDO FRORU RI Âľ “The color enriches our mind, body and soul, H[XGLQJ FRQĂ€GHQFH DQG VWDELOLW\ Âľ VDLG /HDWULFH

Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. It seems like every spotlight shines on Marsala Pantone from any red carpet to big stages at this moment. This earthy grounding red-brown root is like its name “Marsala wineâ€?, the color of tasteful and satisfying richness of elegance. You can apply the color to any art pieces on your body; make up, dress, nails, jewelry, heels, handbag, or hat, please just make VXUH WKDW \RX GRQ¡W PDNH LW WRR RYHUZKHOPLQJ )RU me as Thai, this color is more elegant crisp and forceful than other red shades and it gives me its own prestigious energy. So wear it the day you are going to make a big achievement. Last but not least, I hope my Spring 2015 PDQLFXUH WUHQGV FDQ LJQLWH P\ UHDGHUV¡ FUHDWLYH ideas. Keep in mind that healthy nails are as chic as any manicure trends. Until next time! Would like to share your DIY nail designs, kindly send me at




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The History of Amphibious Vehicles

Amphibious automobiles have been conceived from ca. 1900, however the Second :RUOG :DU VLJQLÀFDQWO\ VWLPXODWHG WKHLU GHYHORSPHQW 7ZR RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÀFDQW DPSKLELRXV cars to date were developed during World War II. The most proliferous was the German 6FKZLPPZDJHQ D VPDOO MHHS OLNH [ YHKLFOH GHVLJQHG E\ WKH 3RUVFKH HQJLQHHULQJ ÀUP LQ 1942 and widely used in World War II.

Here some famous Aqua Vehicles Gibbs Aquada Alan Gibbs of New Zealand commissioned British automaker Lotus in 1996 to undertake an engineering viability study for an amphibious car. Neil Jenkins, who helped build the Jaguar XJ220, contributed to the clever frame and body/ hull design; he now runs Gibbs Sports Amphibians, which announced this year it is beginning to work on producing the Aquada. The Gibbs will come with hydraulically retractable wheels on struts. A single 165-hp 2.5-liter Rover four-cylinder engine will power the rear wheels and also a jet pump drive for marine travel. That engine will get the 4000-pound plastichull aluminum-framed Aquada to 100 mph on land and 30 mph in the water. A prototype crossed the English Channel in 40 minutes in 2004.

Even though less than 5000 were build , most of the were exported to the USA. Many are still in use. The Amphicar Model 770 is an amphibious DXWRPRELOH WKH Ă€UVW VXFK YHKLFOH PDVV SURGXFHG IRU VDOH WR the public starting in 1961. The German vehicle was designed by Hanns Trippel and manufactured by the Quandt Group at LĂźbeck and at Berlin-Borsigwalde. Its name is a portmanteau of “amphibiousâ€? and “carâ€?. The Amphicar was designed to be marketed and sold in the USA. Compared to most boats or cars, its performance was modest, and only 4000 were produced by 1965. Nevertheless, it is still among the most successful amphibious civilian autos of all time, and still often prized and preserved as novelty collectible automobiles today.


Mar 2015


MOTORING Volkswagen Schwimmwagens used the engine and mechanicals of the VW Type 86 four-wheel drive prototype of the KĂźbelwagen and the Type 87 IRXU ZKHHO GULYH Âś. EHO %HHWOH¡ &RPPDQG &DU ZKLFK in turn were based on the platform of the civilian Volkswagen Beetle. Erwin Komenda, Ferdinand 3RUVFKH¡V Ă€UVW car body designer, was forced to develop an all-new XQLWL]HG ERG\WXE VWUXFWXUH VLQFH WKH Ă DW Ă RRUSDQ FKDVVLV RI WKH H[LVWLQJ 9: YHKLFOHV ZDV XQVXLWHG WR VPRRWK PRYHPHQW WKURXJK ZDWHU .RPHQGD SDWHQWHG KLV LGHDV IRU WKH VZLPPLQJ FDU DW WKH *HUPDQ 3DWHQW RIĂ€FH 7KH 9: 7\SH DQG Schwimmwagen (literally Floating/Swimming Car) were amphibious four-wheel drive off-roaders, used extensively by the German Army during the Second World War. The Type 166 is the most numerous mass-produced amphibious car in history.

US Army DUKW DUKW, 2.5-ton, six-wheel amphibious truck used in World War II by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. Its primary purpose was to ferry ammunition, supplies, and equipment from supply ships LQ WUDQVSRUW DUHDV RIIVKRUH WR VXSSO\ GXPSV DQG Ă€JKWLQJ XQLWV at the beach. DUKW is an acronym based on D indicating the model year, 1942; U referring to the body style, utility (amphibious); K for all-wheel drive; and W for dual rear axles. Called a “duck,â€? the vehicle was shaped like a boat. It had a hollow airtight body for buoyancy and used a single propeller for forward momentum. The Dobbertin Surface Orbiter has to be simultaneously one of the coolest and strangest vehicles ever built. The Surface Orbiter came from humble beginnings, a milk tanker to be precise. But thanks to the hard work (14,000 hours over four and a half years) by Rick Dobbertin of Syracuse, New York, the Surface Orbiter became a reality. The Dobbertin Surface Orbiter was designed to be a truly all-terrain amphibious vehicle, and one which could circumnavigate the globe without the need for support vehicles. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, this epic vehicle never got to prove itself as a true globetrotter.

6HD5RDGHU¡V 0LNH 5\DQ LV WKH man responsible for converting this amazing car into a seafaring vehicle. Ryan has converted jeeps, motorcycles, an ice-cream truck and London taxi cab into water-going cars. The project was expensive as anyone would expect, with the glass alone costing $3,007. The car has amphibious controls which have been beautifully incorporated into the dashboard. Hydraulic activators compress the advanced suspension system and a hydrofoil DW WKH IURQW OLIWV WKH OLIWV WKH FDU¡V QRVH 47

7KH 7HUUD :LQG LV D Ă€UVW class motor coach that is as comfortable on the lake as it is on the land with a highway speed of up to 80 mph and up to 7 knots on the water. The padded leather dash resembles an DLUFUDIW¡V FRFNSLW ZLWK its many instrument gauges amd system controls. An on board computer docking system with internet access, GPS, moving maps, and navigational charts are standard equipment.The Terra Wind can be custom designed WR Ă€W YLUWXDOO\ DQ\ GHFRU ZLWK Ă RRU SODQV HQWHUWDLQPHQW V\VWHPV HOFHWURQLFV FDELQWU\ Ă RRU FRYHULQJV IXUQLWXUH SDLQW and graphics that can be tailored to suit individual needs. Price is dependent on the options choosen. The Terra Wind shown is approximately $1.2 million.

The Rinspeed Splash Amphibious Hydrofoil Sportscar previewed by Gizmo in December 2003 was unveiled to the world at the 2004 Geneva Motor Show the Splash is capable of 80 kmh (approx. 45 knots) on the water and 200 kmh on land. The design is yet another concept from Swiss creative studio Rinspeed, whose concept designs have graced the pages of Gizmo several times in our short history. Under the ultra-light carbon-composite skin lies much more than just an agile and lively sports car. At the push of a button an hydraulic mechanism transforms the sports car into an amphibious vehicle and an integrated hydrofoil V\VWHP HQDEOHV WKH 6SODVK WR Ă \ DW DQ DOWLWXGH RI DERXW cm above the water. On land, on water, and in the air. On smooth water the Splash is capable of reaching a top speed of about 80 kmh (approx. 45 knots). On the road the 825 kg quick-change artist accelerates in to 100kmh in 5.9 seconds and reaches a top speed of 200 kmh. Mar 2015 APPROACH

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Stuck in Life?

“In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it doubleâ€? ´'RQ¡W ZRUU\ EH KDSS\Âľ %REE\ 0F)HUULQ

This article is an edited version of what Henry Juntilla posted on the web site. :LWK KLV SHUPLVVLRQ , UHODWHG WR WKH FRQWHQWV RI KLV DUWLFOH ZKLFK \RX FDQ ÀQG LQ IXOO OHQJWK RQ KLV ZHEVLWH

,W LVQ¡W ZKDW \RX KDYH RU ZKR \RX DUH RU ZKHUH \RX DUH RU ZKDW \RX DUH GRLQJ WKDW PDNHV \RX KDSS\ or unhappy. It is what you think about. Neglecting yourself and your needs One of the biggest things is ignoring what was right for you. Even the happiest of people go through dark times.

Through these dark times is when you learn the most. You want to run away to food, movies, games, books, and anything but the darkness.

Ignoring your inner GPS

Saying �no� to the now

$V \RX EHJLQ OLVWHQLQJ WR \RXUVHOI , ZLOO Ă€QG RXW WKDW \RX KDYH an inner guidance system. Your personal GPS When something is right for you, you feel peace, joy, and curiosity inside. :KHQ VRPHWKLQJ LVQ¡W ULJKW \RX IHHO OLIHOHVV DQG XQKDSS\ You need to listen more to your heart.

The more you try to escape the present moment, the more miserable you will be. Even the most ordinary tasks become extraordinary.

Resisting darkness Life contains both dark and light sides. It sounds counterintuitive, but when you embrace the darkness, you open the door to the light. In dark, depressive periods in life. You tend to resist them, a lot. APPROACH

Mar 2015


Afraid of making mistakes Being afraid of making mistakes, is assuming that you have something to lose. You may also assume that there is a perfect way of doing something. You see, we live in our heads. We manufacture a reality that ZH WKHQ EHOLHYH LV UHDO ZKHQ LW¡V QRW $ KXQGUHG \HDUV IURP QRZ \RXU PLVWDNHV ZRQ¡W PDWWHU :KDW will matter is how much you loved and how much you enjoyed life.

HEALTH & WELLNESS <RX¡UH KXPDQ +XPDQV PDNH PLVWDNHV 7KDW¡V RND\ DV ORQJ DV ZH¡UH KRQHVW ZLWK RXUVHOYHV Aiming for perfection <RX DUH WU\LQJ WR EH SHUIHFW EHFDXVH \RX PD\ WKLQN LW¡OO EULQJ approval from others and from you And that that approval will make you feel loved and feel good about yourself. Yet, the act of trying to be perfect means dismissing yourself. It means not loving who you are right now. It means not doing what you can do with what you have.

Chasing happiness 'R ZH RIWHQ IDOO LQWR WKH KDELW RI FKDVLQJ KDSSLQHVV" ,W¡V PRUH OLNH DYRLGLQJ IHHOLQJV <RX IHHO EDG VR \RX ZDQW to be happy. You create an image of a future where you´re happy and you long for it. You want it now. Sometimes you may think: “I want it nowâ€?. You think to yourself, “If only I had that, I could be happy.â€? Yet, that thought is the one keeping you stuck. Each thought that says you need something else is an opportunity for you to stay in the present moment.

Trying to control life :H GRQ¡W FRQWURO OLIH :H FRQWURO reactions and actions but not much else. When we try to manipulate life, people, DQG SODFHV ZH HQG XS H[KDXVWHG ,W¡V QRW RXU GRPDLQ ,W¡V QRW XS WR XV WR control outcomes. All you can do is follow your heart, your inner GPS, and see what happens. You are a passenger in your body on this blue planet of ours. We are here to experience both the good and the bad. We are here to learn and to grow. To laugh and to cry.

Putting off your dreams Dreams are scary. Sometimes we dream of something and would like to follow that dream and take the next step. It takes courage. Dreams begin with one step, and so will yours. Stop waiting for a grand opportunity and notice the doors that are open now. It might only mean starting a blog that has ten readers or writing in your journal. But start somewhere. And start before you feel ready.

7U\LQJ WR À[ RWKHUV :H RIWHQ WKLQN À[LQJ RWKHUV LV SDUW RI RXU UHVSRQVLELOLW\ HYHQ if it meant forcing them to see things our way. Let people travel their own path. We have mistakes we need to make. We have experiences to collect. You cannot force your truth upon others. This is especially hard with loved ones. But they also have to learn from their own mistakes. There are many things we learn during life, but one of the main things is that we tend to take our thoughts too seriously. We tend to take life too seriously. We sometimes believe that if we make a mistake, our dreams are ruined. But when we see the assumptions behind that VHQWHQFH DQG ZKHQ ZH VHH WKDW RXU GUHDPV DUH D ÀJPHQW RI our imagination, we are liberated. 53

We can only do what excites us, and life will take care of the rest. Follow your inner GPS. 7KHUH¡V QR PDJLF IRUPXOD 7KHUH DUH QR requirements. You can do this, too, but it takes hard work and determination. Courtesy of: Henri Junttila (Sweden) – Read more about Henri More inmportantly read the entire sorry on his web site. Mar 2015 APPROACH


A Dream Home by the Beach

There are thousands of Condominiums & Villas in Hua Hin. A couple of them are extra Special and the “Dream home by the beach “ is one of them. Imaging waking up and see the colours of the ocean and the sky change as the sun works its way up until the sky is FOHDU EOXH" At this Villa you either can have your breakfast on your beautiful covered sea view terrace or walk one minute to the QHLJKERXUO\ ÀYH VWDU KRWHO EUHDNIDVW MXVW QH[W GRRU After breakfast you can choose the ocean or the big swimming pool for your morning dip and exercise. Where ever you sit, stand or lay down in this condo/villa you will have perfect unspoiled sea views. This i s a unique Unit, Condo/villas like these cannot be built today with the building laws of today, so having your cocktail party on the roof top terrace just 25 meters from the Gulf of Siam is just very rare.


Mar 2015



n beachfront There are some few moder them can be of e villas in Hua Hin but non is special owned by a foreigner, this one exception. different, as it This beach house however is nse which lice um is a villa with a Condomin e his or hav a foreigner can owe 100% and her name on the title deed. and yet For som eon e wit h a priv ate like this entertaining lifestyle, a home e away from is perfect, here you can hid with rigorous the crowds and be very safe security. can have When your guests arrive, you on the very your parties with over 30 people amazing sea spacious roof top terrace with views.

The location on the beach and just a seven min drive to Hua Hin centre and 5 min to the private charter airport, have made this villa a perfect holiday location for a busy GM family for nearly 17 years. There are so many beautiful features about this home for example the shiny rosewood Ă RRUV JLYLQJ WKH VTP EHGURRP KRPH home just that perfect atmosphere. Also on top of the roof top teracce there is 3 outdoor areas facing north and the sea to choose from, two of them covered from the elements. To get more information on this property or other spectacular properties such as this one, please contact brigitteapproach@gmail .com or call 094 339 5360.



























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EDUCATION Waldorf Education - the Montessori Method and Enki Education

Similarities and differences: Enki Education is an independent program that strives to recognize wisdom and vitality wherever they arise. In this spirit both the classroom and home-school curriculum are informed by the work of several leading educators and a variety of methods. Central among these are: • •

The multicultural focus of the United Nations International School, The integrated arts approach of Waldorf Inspired Programs,

“One key way we are unique grows out of our belief that all aspects of education need to work with the breathing rhythms of learning - including the rhythm of learning formats” Simply put: Just as our physical breathing requires an in-out-rest cycle, so too the children need to feel this in their learning. Waldorf education works nearly exclusively with the large group/teacher directed learning. Waldorf homeschooling has more flexibility, but adult directed learning is still the core. Montessori works almost exclusively with individually driven and independent learning – whether at home or in the classroom. In both classroom and homeschool programs, Enki works with both of these and more. Enki have found that a breathing rhythm in learning requires there be times for: 1. Adult led learning as is done in Waldorf home-schooling programs such as Live Education and Oak Meadow, is the beginning and ground of each day in an Enki program; 2. Time for individual pursuits which is the center of Montessori programs, is included in short stretches daily and for longer periods several times a week in the Enki classroom home-school curriculum; 3. Cooperative project learning – peer or family directed - is the center of theme studies programs, and part of each week in an Enki program. APPROACH

Mar 2015



These three different types of learning are woven together differently at different ages, always with a healthy rhythm and the integration of body, heart and mind as a central goal.

Together, these support the sense of working together as a family and offer the child a chance to learn about relating to adults through the modeling provided by the parents - is no greater teacher. While are varying views on this in Waldorf $QRWKHU VLJQLĂ€FDQW GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ WKH PHWKRGV WKRXJK circles, it is also a focus for several of the Waldorf homethis does not apply to either Enki or Waldorf home-schooling), schooling programs on the market – Christopherus being one. is that in the school setting we work with partner teaching. 2Q D EOXHSULQW OHYHO DGDSWHG WR Ă€QDQFLDO FRQVWUDLQWV WZR Enki also views the role of the adult differently from Montessori. WHDFKHUV FDUU\ D FODVV IRU WKH Ă€UVW Ă€YH \HDUV ZLWK D QHZ WHDP In Montessori the adult is viewed as a facilitator who sets up coming in for the junior high years. Sometimes they work a learning environment and then stays out of the way so alone, sometimes together - but both teachers carry the class. WKH FKLOGUHQ¡V RZQLQJ LPSXOVH WR OHDUQ LV VXSSRUWHG ,Q (QNL we also see this as a very important aspect of learning and This is VERY different from having special subject teachers growing and great attention is given to the environment and and does not happen in Waldorf education for complex reasons to opportunities for self-directed learning. But from the Enki KDYLQJ WR GR ZLWK 6WHLQHU¡V LQVLJKWV UHJDUGLQJ WKH GHYHORSPHQW perspective, we also feel the adult must sit as a respected of the ego body. We feel that these reasons may have been elder, opening the doors to a vast and rich world the child compelling in Europe of 1920, but the world has changed a could not know without her. This is not just a world of facts lot. First of all, today children rarely get to see adults working DQG Ă€JXUHV EXW D ZRUOG RI LPDJLQDWLRQ DQG FUHDWLYLW\ WKDW FDQ together, so they have no models for doing this. For the most WDNH XV EH\RQG WKH FRQĂ€QHV RI WKH PDWHULDO ZRUOG DQG IDFWXDO part, the lucky ones experience tag-team parenting. Very understanding. few actually live in a team situation with real and respectful working together as a model. We feel this leaves a critical 7KLV YLHZ RI WKH DGXOW¡V UROH DOVR OHDGV WR D GLIIHUHQFH LQ ERWK hole in their experience. Second, children need more from the content and the role of story in the curriculum. This is teachers now as the family and community disintegrate at a place where Enki and both Waldorf home-schooling and an alarming rate. It is unrealistic to ask one person to carry classroom teaching are in agreement. WKLV IRU ERWK WKH WHDFKHUV¡ RZQ KHDOWK DQG IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ ZKR All told, Enki is inspired and informed by the Montessori today bond at a deeper level because of unmet needs. We Method, Waldorf Home-schooling and classroom education, also feel that a fresher perspective is arrived at by two adults. and many others, but Enki is Enki. We hope that through this In the Homeschool curriculum the children have the site, the Enki Experience site, our books and videos, and experience of a stable home, but still the need to see adults attendance at our programs, you will have a chance to get working together constructively remains an important one. In to know this unique and innovative approach. the Enki approach to homeschooling we work with the rhythms Read More‌‌‌. ENKI on of the day to include family chores done all together, and and contact them through info@enkieeducation IDPLO\ WLPHV ZKLFK LQFOXGH VKDULQJ D WDVWH RI WKH GD\¡V ZRUN Mar 2015 APPROACH 59

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3 Letters: 4 Letters: 5 Letters: 6 Letters:

7 Letters:



8 Letters: 9 Letters: 11 Letters:

NINE-LETTER WORD Level: Intermediate Find as many four or more letter words as you can with the letters in this box and WKHQ VHH LI \RX FDQ ÀQG WKH QLQH OHWWHU ZRUG 3URQRXQV SOXUDOV VXIÀ[HV DQG SUHÀ[HV DUH QRW FRXQWHG

Where do pencils go for vacation? Pencil-vania. Why did the scarecrow get promoted? %HFDXVH KH ZDV DQ H[SHUW LQ KLV Ă€HOG What is the hottest part of a room? $ FRUQHU 7KH\¡UH XVXDOO\ GHJUHHV -RNHV &RXUWHV\ RI %HQ $GFRFN


ZRUGV JRRG ZRUGV YHU\ JRRG ZRUGV RU more: excellent! Puzzle Fun! page 21 by Zara Adcock “Outer Spaceâ€? Fill-In by Ben Adcock Puzzle Fun! page 21 Copyright Š 2015 Zara


Mar 2015 2 15 20

64 4

The Giant Bookworm Part Eleven 6ɪɗ 7ʋQʔLɢ The Story So Far: Sal the last giant found the orphan Amelia by chance, and since they’ve become close friends. After a kidnapping attempt on Amelia, they have been reunited, but Amelia isn’t completely at ease…

We have to go back.” Said Amelia, and I should have known from the resolution in her voice that she had no intention of changing her mind.

But I still tried. It had been a few mornings since I had rescued her, we had finished breakfast, and Amelia was reading to me while I cleaned up the kitchen. When she made her declaration it took me a moment to figure out her words weren’t taken from the page. “The other orphans, Ella…” Amelia started. “We can’t save all of them Amelia,” “But we have to,” And then Amelia begun telling me how Madame Cole wouldn’t let them speak of the families they had lost or wished to know. How she treated them like sheep and despised it when they thought for themselves. Amelia told me about Ella, the orphan who had helped her escape, and how she owed it to them. I sat down at the table and took Amelia gently into my hands. “We can’t relocate all of them, and even if we could, not all would be willing to accept a giant’s help. Besides, more orphans would be brought to Reckwood to fill their places,” I wanted Amelia to let it go, to understand her place was with me, and that’s all that mattered. I knew the last part wasn’t true though. “You’re right,” she said and I let relief wash through me, much too soon. “We can’t help the orphans to escape as I did. We have to get rid of Madame Cole,” “She’ll just become the headmistress somewhere else, Amelia,” “So we have to put her off children for good,” Amelia’s lips quivered with mischief, but her eyes gave the seriousness of her feelings away. “How?” I had to know. “Is that a yes?” “I don’t recall you actually asking for my help,” She blushed, hiding the colour in her cheeks for only a second before looking up at me. “Will you help me then?” I got up and brought her over to the window where we watched the day wake up. “Maybe,” I sighed, “Tell me, how do you suppose we’ll scare off Madame Cole?” Amelia gave me a shy smile, “Oh, I have an idea. But first I need to talk to Ella.” When I met Amelia’s eyes, I couldn’t refuse her and we were soon scheming. I think if I had known then how awry our plans would go, I mightn’t have let Amelia go to Reckwood ever again.

To Be Continued…

By Zara Adcock Copyright © 2015 Zara Adcock


by Zara Adcock

The One Hundred Foot Journey (PG) 2014 After their family restaurant is burned in a political protest where Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal) loses his mother, DQG WKHLU KHDG FKHI WR WKH ÀUH WKH .DGDP IDPLO\ OHDYH India in search of a new home. Traipsing over Europe in a beat-up van, they break down in France where they meet 0DJXHULWH &KDUORWWH /H %RQ DQG ÀQG WKH SHUIHFW EXLOGLQJ to transform into their new restaurant. There is just one catch, the building is opposite competitive Madame Mallory’s (Helen Mirren) Michelin-star restaurant.

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han Scholastic, 2013, Paperback, Bookommended Price: 480 Baht Ever since Lara Jean Song’s mother passed away, her old sister Margot has taken care of her younger sisters and father. So when Margot leaves home for a college in 6FRWODQG /DUD -HDQ PXVW ÀOO KHU VKRHV %XW WKDW SURYHV to be even more impossible than she’d already imagined, when her precious love letters (one to each boy she’s ever loved) are sent out. Forced to confront her crushes past and present, including her neighbour and Margot’s boyfriend, Lara Jean learns surprising things about herself and the difference between loving someone in your head, and for real. There are a few cases of underage drinking, sexual references and swearing, but Lara Jean herself is a charming, quirky and relatable Korean-American teenager VLPSO\ WU\LQJ WR ÀQG KHU ZD\ DV DQ LQGLYLGXDO Mature teens after a novel that walks the careful line between the light-hearted and serious will enjoy this WHQGHU URPDQFH DERXW VR PXFK PRUH WKDQ ÀUVW ORYH Although the plot may feel a tad predictable at times, the oriental element, and Han’s subtle East-Asian style juxtapositions and gentle humour make this book a memorable read.

Taking us into the countryside of France, with the colourful culture and cuisine of India in the foreground, this story begins with the aching of a family starting over, the drama of business rivalry (complete with a Romeo and Juliet style romantic sideline between Hassan and Marguerite, who is employed by Madame Mallory), the struggle for acceptance; it later explores the cut-throat business of Michelin-stars and a chef’s personal challenge to hold onto integrity in themselves and their cooking in spite of their ambition. 7KH YHUGLFW D SRLJQDQW PRYLQJ DQG PRXWK ZDWHULQJ ÀOP – not to be missed.



NINE LETTER WORD: Sparkling Other Words: akin, asking, gain, gasp, grain, grasp, grin, grip, kiln, king, lain, lark, link, lisp, nail, pain, pail, paling, pang, park, parking, ping, pink, plan, plank, prank, rail, rain, raking, rang, rank, rasp, rasping, ring, rink, sail, sang, sank, silk, sing, sink, skip, skin, slang, slap, sling, slip, snag, snap, snark, snip, span, spank, spar, sparing, spark, sparking, spin, sprig, spring‌

Puzzle Fun! Page 21 Answers by Zara Adcock Fill-In Answer by Ben Adcock Copyright Š 2015 Zara and Ben Adcock

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Hua Hin Golf Villa located close to Klaikangwol Palace, just over a kilometer to down town and 100 meters walk to the beach on Soi 41. Our rooms seamlessly blend the traditional DQG WKH FRQWHPSRUDU\ 7DVWHIXO WHDN IXUQLWXUH DQG ZRRGHQ Ă RRULQJ LV FRPSOLPHQWHG E\ IUHH wireless internet service and satellite TV. Hua Hin Golf Villa: 11/185 Soi 41, Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110. Tel: (032) 531392-6 Fax: (032) 512085 and

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Directory Important Telephone numbers in Hua Hin & Where to go Police Police Emergency Hua Hin Local Police Station Hua Hin Tourist Police – Speak English Ambulance ( Private Enterprise) Fire Brigade Tourist Authority of Thailand Tourist Information ( English Spoken) Information (English Spoken ) Hospitals Bangkok Hospital San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Hospital Petcharat Hospital - Petchaburi Pediatric Clinic - Dr. Sumet Alternative Medicine –at the San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Red Cross Transportation & Trains Railway station – Trains to BKK and South Bus station of Hua Hin – VIP bus to Suvannabhumi Airport ( Single trip THB 305) Hua Hin airport - Flights to BKK and Chiang Mai

191 032 533 440-1 032 515 995 032 532 576 199

032 511 351 032 611 491 032 602 019 032 616 800 032 520 402 032 520 401. 032 417 070-8. 032 533 404. 032 520 343 032 512 567.

032 512 770, 032 511 073 032 511 654, 032 512 543, 032 511 230 032 520 343

Local Authorities Department of Land Hua Hin office Local Government (Hua Hin) Hua Hin local water supply The Power Board of Hua Hin Red Cross Wild life Rescue Center

032 536 164, 032 512 407 032 521 340, 032 532 471 032 511 677 032 512 215, 032 513 165 032 512 567 032 458 135

TURNING YOUR DREAMS INTO...REALITY ! +XD +LQツキV PRVW H[FLWLQJ SULYDWH SRRO YLOOD development Located on Soi 102, Falcon Hill is only a stone throw away from the rapidly developing Soi 112 amidst a lush tropical VHWWLQJ テ.QNHG E\ KLOOV WR WKH QRUWK DQG VORSHG ZLWK VWXQQLQJ sea views from frontal plots and sun setting dreams to the west. Falcon Hill is less than 4 kilometres from the Hua Hin town centre and 3 kilometres from Hua Hin Beach and well within close reach of the plentiful Soi 94 and 88 Thai and international restaurants and lounges. Falcon Hill has been designed to offer both premium quality construction with villas tailored and customized to the future owner with exclusive interior design and state of the art engineering excellence, offering peace, privacy, 24 hour security, full service management and maintenance. The residential estate covers 8 hectares or 55 rai, approx. 90.000 Mツイ of stunning landscape that has been carefully contoured with the environment in mind. Visit the Falcon Hill website for more information and a trailer video of the Villas and surrounding nature. Email: Tel: 032 532 668


Mar 2015



Baan Yenchai 88/ 4 Bo Fai Hua Hin, Thailand 032 900 118, 093 581 1388 089 755 8181 Fax 032 900 519

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