Aquaculture Scoop June 2017

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Aquaculture Scoop is a magazine for aquaculture professionals worldwide

Omega-3 in salmon Offshore feeding systems Labelling software Fish health and welfare

Issue 15 / June 2017

Industry Events


Issue 15 / June 2017 Omega-3 in salmon Restoring Omega-3 levels in farmed fish

Welcome to the latest issue of Aquaculture Scoop. In this issue we learn about the solutions for restoring Omega-3 levels in farmed salmon with Omega-3 rich algae ingredient. We also find out the advantages of the latest formulation and labelling software as well as automated data collection. Finally, we get acquainted with the new offshore feeding system from Gael Force, learn about BioMar Group taking a step into the shrimp feed market, and more. As ever, please send us your comments and articles for inclusion, contact details below and right.

Offshore feeding systems New solutions for fish farmers

Labelling software Latest updates and developments

Fish health and welfare Training courses


The world’s top events related to aquaculture from around the world, listed on p.21

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Twitter: Linkedin: Scoop it: Facebook: > Editorial Manager Nicky Barnes Tel: +44 117 2306494 Email:

> International Marketing Manager Sabby Major Tel: +44 117 2306493 Email: > News Editor Martin Little Email:

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

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Innovation in health and sustainability can help restore Omega-3 levels in farmed salmon

Nutrition scientists for years have been

just once a week have larger gray matter

But with growth comes challenges. The

studying and affirming the health benefits of

volumes in brain areas that are responsible

major source of long chain omega-3s today

omega-3s. Studies have shown that long

for memory and cognition in healthy elderly

is fish oil. About 1 million metric tons of fish

chain marine omega-3 fatty acids, both

people – potentially reducing the risk of

oil is produced each year for use primarily

docosohexenoic acid (DHA) and

Alzheimer's disease.

in aquaculture. The aquaculture industry is

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), can reduce risk

growing, but the availability of long chain

factors for heart disease. These include

These understandings have helped to drive

omega- 3s from wild caught fish is naturally

biomarkers such as high cholesterol, high

demand among consumers on a global

constrained. Continued availability depends

blood pressure, and lower levels of

scale. Fish is becoming more popular

on sustainable fishery management policies,

triglycerides. What’s more, research has

around the world. Today, salmon

productivity of natural systems (which have

shown that consuming omega-3 fatty acids

consumption is now three times higher than

been impacted by climate), compliance with

can reduce cardiovascular events by as

it was in 1980 according to World Wildlife

quotas, and other factors. Many countries

much as 45%.

Fund – and accounts for 6.5% of all the

have strict quotas on wild caught fish.

protein we eat around the world. And it doesn’t stop there. Omega-3 fatty

Aquaculture represents 70% of this growing

In addition, a recent study from Stirling

acids help support brain function and

market for salmon. This increase is largely

University in the UK found that the amount

normal brain growth and development.

due to its health and environmental benefits

of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in farmed

A recent study in The Journal of Preventive

when compared to other animal proteins. In

Scottish salmon has decreased by 50% in

Medicine found that people who eat fish

short, salmon enjoys a healthy halo.

the past 10 years.

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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

What does this mean for the consumer?

salmon, while reducing the environmental

marine omega-3s currently sourced from

Today, we now need to eat double the

impact of the fish they are raising.

our oceans. Based on sugarcane feedstock,

portion size to obtain the same amount of

Microalgae is the original source of long

AlgaPrime™ DHA has a lower carbon

heart-healthy omega-3s. The study

chain omega-3s (DHA & EPA). Salmon and

footprint and higher yield per hectare than

researchers summarized this is likely due to

other fin fish contain high levels of fatty

DHA produced from oilseeds, or from

reduced levels of marine proteins and

acids because microalgae is a staple in their

alternate sugar sources such as corn. In

higher levels of fish oil alternatives such as

diets. AlgaPrime™ DHA, developed by

fact, one metric ton of AlgaPrime™ DHA is

plant-based oils high in omega-6 fatty acids.

TerraVia and Bunge, goes straight to the

the equivalent, on a DHA basis, of saving up

This means that even with the increase in

source - microalgae. This offers a traceable,

to approximately 40 metric tons of wild

salmon demand, we’re not getting enough

high quality, and sustainable alternative for

caught fish from our oceans.

long chain omega-3 fatty acids in our diets

long chain omega-3s. Over the past year, the industry has taken

today. The majority of health organizations recommend a minimum of 250-500 mg of

AlgaPrime™ DHA is a native, whole algae

notice. TerraVia and Bunge, through their

long chain omega-3s each day for healthy

ingredient that contains ~30% DHA,

joint venture SB Oils, have reached a

adults – that equates to 2 servings of fish

approximately three times the level found in

commercial supply agreement with BioMar,

per week. But, only 20% of the world

fish oil. It’s also made without GMOs and is

one of the world’s largest aquaculture feed

population consumes the recommended

grown in a controlled environment.

suppliers – and are collaborating to introduce salmon feeds containing

daily amount from seafood. A sustainable source of marine omega-3s -

AlgaPrime™ DHA to farmers in Norway,

Feed formulators and farmers are now

AlgaPrime™ DHA is produced by having the

Chile, and the U.K. Most recently, BioMar

considering innovative approaches to

microalgae convert plant sugars into fatty

has formulated a new omega-3 rich feed for

restoring the omega-3 nutritional value in

acids, to augment existing supplies of

Lerøy Seafood Group that incorporates

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

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AlgaPrime™ DHA. The feed is designed to ensure that nutritional requirements of the salmon are met, while reducing dependency on traditional marine sources of omega-3s. Additionally, Chilean salmon farmer Ventisqueros is using salmon feed containing AlgaPrime™ DHA to produce a premium Pacific salmon with an industry low Forage Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR) of 0.5 kilogram of forage fish to one kilogram of finished salmon.

So what do we do from here? In order to meet the growing demand for omega-3 rich and sustainable seafood, the industry – as a whole – needs to develop new solutions. Continuing to drive partnerships within the industry is an

The collaboration between TerraVia, Bunge

essential component to innovation. From

and BioMar has driven the success of

continue growing responsibly.

product development, to production and

AlgaPrime™ DHA - ensuring that a


distribution – change happens when key

sustainable source of omega-3 DHA is

Walter Rakitsky, PhD, Senior Vice

players in the industry work together.

available now to help the industry to

President, Emerging Business at TerraVia

XXIII 2018






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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

FORMULATION AND LABELLING Feed formulation leads to the creation of

Depending on the regulation applied, the

When reading the information displayed on

diets for commercial products. Feed product

adjunction of additives can change the way

a label it is obvious that, even though a label

selling comes with a number of rules and

the additive is declared on the label. For

is based on the diet for a feed, the label

regulations such as the creation of labels

example, the presence of an additive can

displays items that are halfway between the

consistent with the applied regulation in the

require the mention of a use-by date or

formula and the commercial product; a

country the product is sold. This label

specific precautionary measures.

same formula can be the basis for various

management is an integral part of the feed

labels depending on the commercial name

formulation process. It can be greatly

The composition of the feed can also be

of the products or the supplementations

helped by the use of a formulation software

displayed differently depending on the

that can be added to the original diet.

such as Allix3. In the eventuality that labels

applicable regulation; either grouping raw

are fixed and used as requirement

materials up in family of raw materials (such

Therefore, in the formulation and labelling

specifications of the feed, label

as “cereals” that would include any cereals

software Allix3 we manage “finished

management can be delegated to other

included in the feed), or displaying the

products” that are based on a specific

systems. However when the labels vary,

name of each raw material followed by their

formula but will generate varying labels.

formulators need sufficient means to

inclusion rate in the feed, with the

automatically and reliably calculate labels.

possibility of only displaying the numerical

This will allow, for example, a feed producer

value down to a certain threshold in order

to export products in various countries were

A label includes various information, of

to not disclose the content of a premix or of

varying regulations apply, with the proper

which declarations are a key item.

various additives that would come from a

label for each country.

Declarations such as the value of protein or

specific expertise.

ash contents are the direct result of feed formulation. Labels include also the list of additives such as vitamins, minerals or trace elements.

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Furthermore, a label can be translated into Purpose of the feed, as well as the direction

various languages with the content of the

for its use will also be displayed on the

label staying the same. Regulation and


languages are not automatically linked. For example a label can display the same

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

information in several languages, such as

when using a software tailored to this need

Although the label carries the brand of the

French and Arabic for countries in the

and integrated with the formulation

company, it is a regulatory document. In


software. An effective audit system will also

order to highlight the marketing quality of

allow the update of labels when needed, as

the product, another support close to the

Once the label is calculated, there is the

well as keep the flexibility needed during

label can be generated, that will include

sensitive issue of its production. Ideally the

the formulation process in order to change

non-regulatory information: these are called

label and the diet that it is based on should

the diet without requiring a systematic

“Technical datasheets” and will include both

be transferred simultaneously to the

update of the label. It is also possible to

label information and information linked to

printing system. The formulation software

formulate with specific settings such as

the product marketing positioning.

should also be able to offer traceability of

fixing the order of the raw materials on the

label and feed. The software need to be able

label. However it is important to keep in

For more information visit:

to trace back from the label to the produced

mind that the label is not a marketing tool.

diet saved in a production archive. In case of an administrative audit it will be easy to prove the conformity of the label with the feed produced. Using an ERP could lead to think that the formulation software is done once the information reaches the ERP, however the ERP could need the label information available in the formulation software, thus the formulation software’s database could need to be integrated with the ERP to facilitate this communication. This communication will allow the coherence between data coming from the formulation and the ones used in production. A-SYSTEMS developed a label printing system that can communicate with the plant’s IT system in order to pilot the label printing process at the plant using standard equipment. One of the difficulties that needs solving when talking about labelling bagged products is that, when producing a certain stock of the products, the country of destination of the bags might be yet unknown. In this case, the label has to be printed in several languages so that it can be used as widely as possible. Numerous combinations are then possible: printing the label’s texts in all languages and displaying the numerical values after the chain of characters, or printing out “blocks” of labels, each block with its own language. Only after analysing the specific needs of a client can the most suitable solution be defined, solution that, in some cases, could be described as haute-couture. To summarise, labelling is greatly facilitated

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

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SeaFeed There's a new offshore feeding system in town which is set to re-vitalise the way in which fish farm managers carry out the task of feeding. It's innovative, low in noise, energy efficient and has a small blower footprint in comparison to other offerings on the market. The name? SeaFeed. SeaFeed External Selector is available in either 8-way or 4-way.

Scottish aquaculture equipment and

“Each element of the system has been

reduce maintenance, HTD belt drives are

technology manufacturer, Gael Force,

carefully selected to reduce feed waste, save

used in the selector valves which are

developed SeaFeed following months of

energy, minimise maintenance and ensure

available in either 4 way or 8 way outlet

extensive R&D, listening to concerns and

that it has operator and barge safety at its


needs of fish farmers and operators. Having

heart. The new tried and tested blower is

taken the range of feedback into account

innovative, very compact, and has a low

and setting it into development, their

noise output.”

solution is one which fits the bill.

Locally Sourced Software The SeaFeed software, developed locally in

Preparations are underway to physically

Scotland, ensures that the user can control

showcase the sleekly designed SeaFeed

the feed distribution in a way that best suits

selector and software at Aqua Nor this

the feeding characteristics of their livestock

Describing the thought-process behind the

August. Visitors will be able to see for

and their company feeding schedules,

new system, Director Jamie Young said, “The

themselves what is described as “a stylish

monitor their environment and their stock

overwhelming message we have been

new concept”. Farm operator safety and

production. This is supported by feed

hearing is that fish farmers need an

prevention of water ingress are an integral

pattern logging which allows monitoring of

offshore feed system which is completely

part of the selector design and there is an

fish growth and also provides ease of

reliable – and we feel we have matched this

emphasis on ensuring the integrity of the

operator training. Traceability of

expectation with SeaFeed. It puts control

barge, with a watertight “homing” position

adjustments and feed distribution is

into the hands of the farm manager, with

which the swan neck delivery pipe defaults

covered by unique operator log in, and

bespoke software allowing each farm to

to when not feeding, or when a pipe

environmental logging within the software

manage the way they feed and in a way that

becomes detached.

provides histogram functionality and

suits them, their fish and the environment

To enhance accuracy and precision of the


they grow their fish in.” He went on to say,

selected outlet from the selector valve and

Accuracy and Reliability

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

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Just one of a number of simple, user friendly screen-views from the software.

While all of these features are detailed and

an active search for installation partners in

To find out more about the SeaFeed

in-depth, the clear user interface screens

all markets both domestically and

Offshore Feeding System today, visit

mean that software is simple to navigate

internationally, it is fair to say there is a

and operate.

great tide of excitement building up to the official launch of the system.

Humble beginnings The development of SeaFeed is yet another milestone in Gael Force’s incredible expansion over a 34 year period. From its beginnings as a one-man fishing creel manufacturer in Stornoway, Gael Force has evolved into a company committed to investing in innovative fish farming product development which places them as a serious and credible alternative to the well-known big beasts of the finfish aquaculture supply chain sector. SeaFeed adds another arm to Gael Force’s end to end equipment and services, including their renowned SeaQureMoor mooring system, their range of SeaMate feed barges of which the company is now building their 80th and the robust underwater technology range consisting of a cameras, lights and sensors.

SeaFeed System Software has been developed locally.

With two orders for SeaFeed already confirmed for the system pre-launch, and

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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

New Automated Data Collection, Traceability & Labelling System for Aquaculture Statistics from the National Oceanographic

data collection and be able to evaluate and

• Identification of source

and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)

report on production and processing while

• Validation of the safety of product at the

demonstrate that the aquaculture industry

providing full end-to-end traceability. One

now supplies more than 50% of all seafood

computerized solution recently developed

• Verification of traceability protocols

produced for human consumption, and that

that fills these requirements is the SIMBA

• Ability to meet mandatory recordkeeping

percentage is predicted to grow to 75%

System for Aquaculture from Dynamic

requirements for key data elements (KDE)

within the next 10-15 years. According to

Systems, Inc. in Redmond, Washington.

at critical tracking events (CTE) along the

the non-profit World Resources Institute, increasing “aquaculture production without


food supply chain

The Aquaculture Supply Chain

further increasing the industry’s efficiency

• Respond to requests for data by regulatory agencies

could lead to a <significant increase in>

Washington State University and the

environmental impacts.”

University of Idaho identified “Traceability

The SIMBA system answers these issues by

Issues for Aquaculture Producers” in a

automating the data collection of the “key

In order to become more productive and

presentation made at their joint School of

data elements” in real-time, and providing

effective, the industry needs to improve

Food Science. These key issues were:

reports and filters required for traceability

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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

as needed. In addition SIMB has the ability

multiple data points on site with no errors

screens. The focus is on simplicity and

to provide management with production

and minimal time spent.

speed. And one of the key benefits to

and inventory reporting that can help them run their business.

Traceability for Aquaculture Requires Collection of Many Data Points

SIMBA is its flexibility. Most companies do The SIMBA Production module was

not need to change their process – SIMBA

designed initially for the Alaska wild caught

simply automates what is being done

seafood processors, who needed a method

manually, providing the added benefit of

of collecting production, inventory and

accurate and automated data collection.

shipping data quickly. Their workforce is seasonal and turnover is high, so the

Once the key data points have been

Data collection for the aquaculture industry

solution had to be easy to learn and easy to

collected on the tablet, they can be

presents some unique challenges.

use. A touch screen computer answered

uploaded to the office computer system.

Processors of wild caught seafood are being

those requirements.

Management reports and audit reports are

asked to identify “source” details of the

printed with the punch of a button.

catch, such as area, boat, gear, etc., all of

The software is designed to record a series

which is reported at harvest. But

of connected data points by punching one

farm-raised seafood producers need to start

button. For example, by punching the

collecting data earlier, during the growth

button “Coho Salmon”, the software can

phase. This starts with the identification of

trigger Coho-Headed&Gutted-50#Case. The

Full traceability requires the companies

the source of the eggs or fingerlings,

touchscreen buttons and sequences are

involved to record key data elements across

followed by recording the actions of adding

determined by the manager, and depend on

the supply chain. For the aquaculture

nutrients and chemicals to the pond or tank,

the type of process followed by the

company who sells their harvest to a

and reporting the feed used (including lot

production lines. Each production line can

processor, their requirements are met by

numbers), each time they are added to the

have a different set-up. The end result is a

identifying the lot number sold and

water. These events happen multiple times

solution that requires few steps and

retaining its historic records internally to be

prior to harvest, and need to be captured in

increases workers’ productivity, while

made available for auditors. For the

real-time with date/time stamps.

providing real-time information for

company who also owns a processing plant,


this data retention gets more complex. It

Because these events occur remote from

Connecting the Pond to the Processing Plant

means being able to connect the lot data

the business office, most aquaculture

The migration of this technology to the

from the pond to the plant and to tracking

companies have a manager in the field write

aquaculture industry is implemented by

those lots through processing to shipping.

down the data on a worksheet. This

installing the SIMBA Production software on

A processor needs to be able to identify a

worksheet is then carried to the office

a rugged tablet and configuring it for the

Lot from Harvest through Process, Pack,

where a clerk keys it into a computer. These

specific data points collected during growth

Repack, Label, Store, Sell and Ship.

steps leave the company open to errors –

and harvesting. Dynamic Systems’ expert

from illegible writing to transposition errors,

implementers assist the aquaculture

The first challenge is how to connect the

and more. Dynamic Systems Inc. has

company personnel on the most effective

details from the harvest at the pond to the

developed a method of collecting these

configuration for their individual touch

processing plant’s database. The SIMBA


Your industry resource

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

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software uses a 2D (2-dimensional) barcode. This type of barcode can contain a large amount of data about the product, including Lot Number, Date Harvested, Species, Grade, etc. This barcode is produced at the time of harvesting at the pond using the rugged tablet and a mobile barcode printer. When the harvested product reaches the processing plant, the 2D barcode is scanned at the receiving touch screen computer, and all of the pertinent data about that Lot is uploaded to the SIMBA system in the plant.

SIMBA in the Processing Plant Once the harvest has been received at the processing plant, the original SIMBA system takes over. This flexible solution resides on the plant floor, collects information and prints labels in real-time. Key elements of this system include: End-to-end traceability: SIMBA is able to provide a “depth” of traceability unmatched

Professional Labelling: SIMBA prints

For more information visit:

by other systems. Through its re-box

barcoded labels in any format required. The

process, a Lot can be fully tracked through

system can store multiple label formats, for

receiving, processing, packing and

example one for each customer. It can also

repacking. SIMBA manages by the case,

print in foreign languages.

rather than by the lot. Therefore SIMBA can keep track of mixed lots, commingled lots,

Seafood companies who use SIMBA in their

etc., and provide a Lot Traceability Report

processing plants appreciate how it is easy

that shows every case that contains product

for their workers to use and how the system

from that lot.

provides them with immediate data that

Accurate Audit and Recall Reporting:

they can use to improve their plant’s

Because of the traceability methodology,

efficiencies and to provide sales with

audits and recalls can be managed with the

current inventory ready for sale.

punch of a button. Streamlined Shipping: SIMBA tracks each


case (or pallet) to the end customer or to a container or van. This is managed using

The Aquaculture industry is a dynamic and

mobile barcode scanners.

growing segment of the global fresh seafood

Accurate, Real-time Production Details:

business. As the industry matures it will be

Once a record is recorded on a SIMBA touch

important that these companies automate

screen, it is uploaded to the SIMBA database

their processes, which will help them run

where Production Reports, Inventory

more profitable businesses and will help

Reports, etc. are produced. Management

them respond to the need for full

knows production by line and what is

end-to-end traceability. The SIMBA system

currently in inventory.

is an affordable tool that can be used to

Current Inventory Reporting: SIMBA adds

answer the demand for higher volumes of

each carton to inventory at the time the

seafood produced from their controlled

label is printed. Inventory can be moved

environments while complying with the

and stored by location with a mobile

various traceability regulations.

barcode scanner.

Page 14

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

New design for ALLER AQUA In order to keep our materials up to date

new graphics, font and colours do that by

communication.” explains Katrine Evans,

with the growth we are experiencing and

bringing our visual appearance up to date

Marketing Project Manager, Aller Aqua

our current strategy; Grow Together 2019,

with a modern look, fresh colours and new


we are now launching a new design on all

materials. You will see increasingly more of the new

our materials – from email signatures to printed brochures, from social media to

Despite the changes, we continue to live by

design which will be rolled out across our

feed bags.

our values and will maintain two important

website and materials shortly. We hope you

things! Our logo will remain the same; only

like it!

The new design is the next step in the

the colours change. We will also maintain

process we recently initiated to commit

our tagline: Let’s grow together! It is the

If you would like to see of our new design

focus to the local factories, as well as

basis for how we conduct business – we

implemented in our profile brochure, please

implementing a dedicated group

want to grow with our customers, partners

click here.

management team to strengthen our global

and aquaculture in general. For further information please visit:

growth. The new design reflects the progress we have made and where we are

“The new design is in keeping with our


Scandinavian roots, and emphasises

pictures from the world of aquaculture, as In an increasingly digital and fast-paced

well as a clean basic design to create

world it is important that we keep up to

balance. Just like the feed we produce, our

speed. We do this by continued emphasis

materials express quality and an in-depth

on R&D, Quality and the latest production

understanding of the aquaculture business

techniques, but also with our new

around the World. Pictures will be focused

appearance which signifies who we are as a

on the species of fish we deliver feed for,

company – innovative, flexible, customer

our excellent feeds and our customer sales

focused, we share our knowledge and we

support in action. The colours are light and

are present where our customers are. The

modern, and complement our

Advertise here Be seen by thousands of industry professionals Tel: +44 117 2306493 Email:

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

Page 15

Europharma host fish health training for all aquaculture stakeholders

Europharma, one of the world’s leading

Stirling (19-20 June), and welcomes those

The vaccination module is to be delivered

developers of fish health and welfare

interested in learning more about fish

with the participation of Aqualife, a global

programmes, has developed a unique

welfare and health issues whether they have

leader in fish vaccine delivery.

training course set to address the challenges

industry experience or no knowledge of the

and opportunities in Scotland’s aquaculture

issues at all.

Delegates will also achieve background


knowledge on manifestation, prevention The course will provide delegates with

and the treatment of a range of health

Fishguard, the veterinary services arm of

knowledge of husbandry, understanding

problems as well as basic knowledge of how

Europharma, is delivering the Fish Health &

what hands on fish production is like and

to sample and diagnose disease in fish.

Welfare Training Course at the Stirling Court

the health challenges they could face within

Hotel on the grounds of the University of

the aquaculture industry.

Nikos Steiropoulos, Managing Director of Europharma, will be discussing disease vs Over the two

health and how fish health issues can start,

days, delegates

the reasons they do, and how the industry

will also learn

can manage the situation.

about a variety of

Page 16

fish health topics

He said:

including welfare,

“We are delighted to be delivering the Fish


Health & Welfare Training course at


Scotland’s aquaculture hub at Stirling


University. At Europharma, we strive to

bacteria disease

advise and help our customers achieve

and the role of vet

healthy, sustainable and profitable


production, so it’s important we provide the

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

correct tools and education. “We decided to host this course which is open to all, because as an industry, we need to work together and find solutions to the challenges we face. This includes speaking about disease and promoting the positive ways we can ensure healthy stock including education on correct sampling, vaccinations and use of medicinal products and treatments. “At the end of the course, we want delegates to leave with a better understanding of the treatment of a range of fish health problems and why it’s important to prevent disease which will allow the successful management

Speakers at the event include

You can also visit

of healthy stock and drive more profitable

representatives from Fishguard, Aqualife or keep

production. I look forward to welcoming

and the University of Stirling. Sean Black,

up-to-date with the latest news

everyone to the course and hope all

Bartek Wieczorek and Rosa Merino, all of


delegates leave feeling more aware of what

Europharma Scotland, will be delivering

is needed to keep the industry going

sessions during the course providing expert


insight into the prevention and control of diseases in the aquaculture industry.

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

Page 17

BioMar Group acquires high-end shrimp feed producer As a part of the company’s expansion

producing countries with a volume of more

interest in innovation, cooperation,

strategy BioMar Group takes a solid step

than 450,000 tonnes of shrimp. The country

sustainability and performance. During our

into the shrimp feed market by acquiring

is in general recognized for shrimp products

due-diligence process we have been

70% of the Ecuadorian shrimp feed

with emphasis on high quality and

confirmed that the acquisition will enable us

producer Alimentsa. The acquisition will

sustainability by both end-consumers and

to build a strong relationship towards the

position BioMar among the leading shrimp

retailers. The acquisition is subject to

Latin American shrimp farmers. Alimentsa is

feed producers in Latin America creating

approval by competition authorities in

recognized for high-end feed and a

synergies toward existing business.


professional technical service. That is very

BioMar Group announces a strategic entry

“It is our ambition to become a major player

BioMar”, explains Carlos Diaz, CEO in

into the shrimp world. Since 2016 BioMar

within high-end shrimp feed. With the

BioMar Group.

has been servicing Latin American shrimp

acquisition of Alimentsa we can immediately

farmers from the factory in Costa Rica with

deliver an attractive value proposition to the

The acquisition represents an investment of

focus on sustainability and feed efficiency.

shrimp farmers in Latin America and we

119 million USD. BioMar Group estimates

With the acquisition of Alimentsa, BioMar

believe that we in the future - together with

that the market will prove to be very

will create a solid foothold into Ecuador

Alimentsa and the customers – can develop

attractive with growth rates of 8-12 %.

which is one of the world’s leading shrimp

new product solutions based upon shared

Shrimp production in Ecuador is

much in line with our focus in

Page 18

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017

a global company with the size and

that we strive to be innovators dedicated to

innovation muscle as we have in BioMar

an efficient and sustainable global

Group will enable us to meet the future


requirements of the market as well as the end-consumers. We are very confident in

For further information please visit:

the local management and the

organization”, states Carlos Diaz and continues: characterized by optimal conditions that allows up to three production cycles per year. Furthermore the farming densities in Ecuador are quite low compared to other markets allowing much better and sustainable sanitary conditions. Alimentsa holds a market share around 12-15 %. “We foresee a solid business potential in Ecuador, but first and foremost we believe that the combination of a strong local company with recognized products and deep insights into the market together with

“We have during the last years expanded the business significantly. In 2016 we established production in Turkey. In 2017 we are forming a solid footprint with two factories in the Chinese market and in 2018 we have planned and announced the construction of a green field factory in Australia. Now we are taking a leap into the world of shrimp. All of those initiatives are a part of our growth strategy: Shaping the Future. We believe in being 100 % devoted to aquaculture and we have clearly stated

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Aquaculture will supply two-thirds of global fish consumption by 2030

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Events in detail 2017 June 12th China (Fuzhou) International Seafood & Fisheries Expo (FIFE) 2-4th June Fuzhou, China Seafood Summit 5-7th June Seattle, USA Aquaculture UK Conference 13-15th June Stirling, Scotland UK World Aquaculture 2017 27-30th June South Africa July Asia Pacific Aquaculture 2017 25-27th July Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August Aqua Fisheries Cambodia 2017 2-4th August Phnom Penh, Cambodia ua-fisheries-cambodia-2017.html AquaNor 15-18th August Trondheim, Norway World Seafood Shanghai (SIFSE) 19-21st August Shanghai, China

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2017 -content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=13. php?id=21

China International (Guangzhou) Fishery & Seafood Expo 2017 25-27th August Guangzhou, China

October Conxemar 3-5th October Vigo, Spain

September Seafood Expo 5-7th September Wanchai, Hong Kong World Seafood Congress 2017 10-13th September Reykjavik, Iceland Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 13-15th September Smarinn, Kopavogur, Iceland

Humber Seafood Summit 11th October Grimsby, UK DanFish International 2017 11-13th October Aalborg, Denmark Aquaculture Europe 2017 16-20th October Dubrovnik, Croatia November

1st Russian Fisheries Forum & Seafood Expo Global 14-16th September St Petersburg, Russia 15th AI&RMC 20-22nd September Dubrovnik, Croatia Aqua Fisheries Myanmar 2017 27-29th September Yangon, Myanmar Seafood Directions 2017 Conference 27-29th September Syndey, Australia

China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2017 1-3rd November Qingdao, China International Coldwater Prawn Forum (ICWPF) 8-10th November Reykjavik, Iceland LACQUA 2017 7-10th November Mazatlan, Mexico Expo Pesca & AquiPeru 9-11th November Lima, Peru

12th International Aquaculture Forum 27-29th September Guadalajara, Mexico

Page 21

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