Aquaculture Scoop June 2018

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Aquaculture Scoop is a magazine for aquaculture professionals worldwide

Sea lice control Nucleotide supplementation Shrimp farming & processing Netting for aquaculture

Issue 18 / June 2018

Industry Events


Issue 18 / June 2018 Sea lice control Benefits of ultrasonic treatment

Welcome to the latest issue of Aquaculture Scoop. In this issue we find out how nucleotides in fish diets can improve disease resistance and get an insight into bioremediation and its benefits for sustainable shrimp farming. We also learn about the new technology for shrimp processing which helps achieve the highest possible yield and learn about the use of ultrasonic treatment for controlling sea lice. As ever, please send us your comments and articles for inclusion, contact details below and right.

Nucleotide supplementation Improving disease resistance in fish

Shrimp farming and processing Latest developments and technology

Netting for aquaculture Specialist insight


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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Page 1

Nucleotides in fish diets Evaluation of a dietary nucleotide on the control of experimental challenge of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with the pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis By João Fernando Albers Koch, Biorigin´s Technical Specialist -Aquaculture

In intensive production systems, fish are continuously challenged

included in the diets are mostly directed to tissues that do not

with several stressors, such as high stocking density, handling, social

perform de novo nucleotide synthesis, such as intestinal and

interactions, among others. Stress causes several physiological

immune cells (Gil, 2002).Moreover, under stressful conditions, such

changes predisposing fish to disease. One the most common and

as during infections or fast growth and development, endogenous

devastating diseases in salmon farming is piscirickettiosis. Since the

nucleotide may become limiting, and their supplementation in the

first reports of piscirickettsiosis in Chile by the end of the 1980s,

diet has been shown to improve both human and animal health and

Piscirickettsia-like bacteria have been frequently detected in several

performance (Li et al., 2005).

fish species farmed both in fresh and sea water, affecting the productivity of aquaculture worldwide (Mauel & Miller 2002).

The supplementation of nucleotides in the diet not only of fish, but

Piscirickettsiosis is currently one of the most significant threats to

of other livestock species, aims at improving their health status and

the sustainability of the Chilean salmon industry. In particular, its

resistance to viral and bacterial infections, as well as reducing

increasing virulence and clinical and pathological severity, as well as

ectoparasite infestations (Burrells et al., 2001). There are several

its variable presentation in fish of the same species and age and

literature reports of studies evaluating the effectiveness of

cultivated under similar management conditions have been

nucleotide-enriched fish diets that obtained excellent results, such

observed at every new outbreak of the disease.

as reduction of adverse effects of management and environmental stress, as well as boosting of both the innate and adaptive immune

Pisciricketsiosisis difficult to control and to treat because the

systems, increasing disease resistance (Li et al., 2004; Barros et al.,

available commercial vaccines and antibiotics have not shown

2015; Hossain et al., 2016). These researchers evaluated different

sufficient effectiveness. In addition, due to the potential residues of

species of fish and obtained positive effects with the use of

antibiotics in animal products and in the environment and the

exogenous nucleotides on the immune parameters lysozyme

emergence of antibiotic resistance inboth human and animal

activity, phagocytosis index, serum complement, among others.

pathogens, the prophylactic use of antibiotics has been avoided and even banned in some countries. Therefore, research on additives

Taking those findings into consideration, a trial was conducted to

that may aid to control of this important bacteriosis in global

evaluate the effects of a dietary nucleotide derived from yeast

aquaculture is needed.

(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) extracton the mortality of Atlantic salmon inoculated with Piscirickettsia salmonis. Fish (~60 grams) were

Nucleotides can be used as tools to improve the natural defenses of

acclimatized to the experimental conditions for 18 days before the

animals. Nucleotides are the building blocks of deoxyribonucleic

experimental diets started to be fed. Smoltification was induced by

acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) and, according to their

changing light, temperature, and salinity conditions. The fish were

chemical structure, are divided into two main groups, purines and

fed diet containing nucleotide for 50 days (20 days of feeding period

pyrimidines (Fijolek, 2008). It should be mentioned that nucleotides

and 30 days after pathogen inoculation). Fish were distributed into

can be synthesized naturally by the body, which are called

the following experimental groups (Figure 1):

endogenous nucleotides, but only in some tissues, in particular the

• Negative control (D1): fish challenged with P. salmonis and fed a

liver, by de novo synthesis. However, the exogenous nucleotides

basal diet with no experimental product.

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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Figure 1. Experimental schedule

• Nucleotide diet (D2): fish were challenged with P. salmonis and fed

It should be noted that before the fish arrived, the Experimental

a diet supplemented with Biotide Extra® (Biorigin, Brazil), containing

Center was determined as free from infectious pancreatic necrosis

26.6% nucleotides.

virus (IPNV), piscine reovirus (PRV), flavobacteriosis, bacterial kidney disease (BKD), infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) and salmon

Both D1 and D2 groups were intraperitoneally challenged with 0.2

rickettsial septicemia (SRS) by a diagnostic laboratory using qPCR. As

mL of an inoculum of P. salmonis. Mortality was recorded for 30 days

the trial was conducted during the smoltification stage, ten gill

after the challenge, during which the fish continued to be fed the

samples of the control and nucleotide-fed fish were collected on

experimental diets. Prior to the experimental challenge, a LD50

days 4, 11 and 18 to analyze Na, K-ATPase to determine their

challenge assay was performed in order to estimate the

smoltification status.

concentration of P. salmonis inoculum that would kill ~50 % of the


fish. Five concentrations (10-0,5, 10-1, 10-1,5, 10-2, 10-3) of the inoculum were injected in 40 fish per concentration, and 40 fish

The aggressiveness of the P. salmonis was higher than expected,

(control group) were injected with L-15 Leibovitz medium.

causing 80% cumulative mortality in the control group (Figure 2). The control diet fed was a typical diet currently used in the Chilean

However, the results clearly showed that the dietary inclusion of

salmon industry and formulated to meet all known requirements of

nucleotides (Diet 2) enhanced the protection of Atlantic salmon from

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Both experimental diets were

P. salmonis, significantly increasing their survival rate (P<0.05).

formulated to be iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic. Pellet size (2-4 mm) was according to fish size. The control diet was fed to both

Other authors have evaluated the use of nucleotides and fish

groups during acclimatization period and the control group during

survival after inoculation with pathogens. For instance, Shiau et al.

the entire trial. Fish were fed until apparent satiation. Total daily

(2015) obtained higher survival of tilapia fed exogenous sources of

allowance was divided in two meals: 60% in the morning and 40% in

nucleotides after inoculation with Streptococcus iniae. Those authors

the afternoon.

attribute this result to the increase in O2- production ratio in the

Table 2. Cumulative mortality rate (30 days after inoculation) of salmon fed diets containing or not nucleotides for 20 days before P. salmonis inoculation

Diet 1 (Control)

2 (Nucleo�de supplementa�on1)


N. of fish (ini�al)

Mortality (%)



















Average mortality (%) 80


Biotide Extra® (Inclusion of 1.2g product per kg of diet or 320 mg of nucleotide per kg of diet); *P value = 0.0053


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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

head kidney and in plasma lysozyme activity in the tilapia fed the

salmonids, Aquaculture 199, 159–169, (2001).

diet supplemented with 240 mg nucleotide/kg. These parameters are widely used to evaluate non-specific immunity in fish.

A. Fijolek, Salvage and de novo synthesis of nucleotides in Trypanosoma brucei and mammalian cells: Medicinsk kemi och

Therefore, this and several other studies demonstrate the importance

biofysik, (2008).

supplying exogenous sources of nucleotides to fish, particularly at young ages and when submitted to stress, such as infections.

A. Gil, Modulation of the immune response mediated by dietary nucleotides, Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 56, 2002.

References P. Li, D.H. Lewis, D.M. Gatlin, Dietary oligonucleotides from yeast C. Burrells, P. Williams, P. Forno. Dietary nucleotides: a novel

RNA influence immune responses and resistance of hybrid striped

supplement in fish feeds: 1. Effects on resistance to disease in

bass (Moronechrysops × Moronesaxatilis) to Streptococcus iniae infection, Fish Shellfish Immunol. 16,561–569, 2004.


M.M. Barros, I.G. Guimarães, L.E. Pezzato, R.

29 - 31 of JANUARY





Oliveira Orsi, A.C. Fernandes Junior,C.P. Teixeira, et al., The effects of dietary nucleotide mixture on growth performance, haematological and immunological parameters of Nile tilapia, Aquaculture Research. 46, 987–993, 2015. M.S. Hossain, S. Koshio, M. Ishikawa, S. Yokoyama, N.M. Sony, Dietary nucleotide administration influences growth, immune


responses and oxidative stress resistance of juvenile red sea bream (Pagrus major), Aquaculture 455, 41–49, 2016. Li, P., Burr, G.S., Goff, J., Whiteman, K.W., Davis, K.B., Vega, R.R., Neill, W.H., Gatlin, D.M. A preliminary study on the effects of dietary supplementation of brewers yeast and nucleotides, singularly or in combination, on juvenile red drum (Sciaenopsocellatus). Aquaculture Research 36, 1120–1127, 2005. Mauel M.J. & Miller D.L. Piscirickettsiosis and piscirickettsiosis-like infections in fish: a review. Veterinary Microbiology 87, 279–289, 2002. Shi-Yen Shiau, Jacques Gabaudane, Yu-Hung Lina. Dietary nucleotide supplementation enhances immune responses and survival to Streptococcus iniae in hybrid tilapia fed


Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

diet containing low fish meal. Aquaculture Reports 2, 77–81, 2015.

Page 5

Innovative microbial-based solutions for sustainable shrimp farming discussed at Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018 in Taiwan CONTACT: Stéphane RALITE Aquaculture Product Manager Tel: +33 (0)5 62 74 5555 E-mail:

MEDIA RELATIONS: Sylvie ROQUEFEUIL Communications and PR Manager Tel: +33 (0) 684 727 610 E-mail:

BLAGNAC, FRANCE – April 26, 2018

It generates severe losses across Asia, either

– At the latest Asian-Pacific Aquaculture

directly or in association with other

2018 conference (APA 18) in Taipei, Taiwan,

pathogens. The trial results were presented

Lallemand Animal Nutrition, shared the

by Eric Leclercq, Ph.D., Aquaculture R&D

results of new studies conducted in

and Technical Support Manager with

partnership with ShrimpVet Laboratory at

Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The trial was

Nong Lam University. These studies

conducted at ShrimpVet Laboratory in Ho Chi

encompass the development and evaluation

Minh City, Vietnam, on EHP-challenged

of functional feed ingredients to help address

juvenile whiteleg shrimp. It evaluated a

important shrimp health issues such as

multi-strain yeast-based additive developed

Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP)

by Lallemand Animal Nutrition - YANG - with

challenge, or white feces syndrome (WFS), as

enhanced immune-modulating properties

outbreak and related loss of growth.

well as the development of integrated

and binding activities against undesirable

Importantly, ‘runt’ shrimp typically act as

bioremediation strategies for pond water

bacteria. YANG was fed for 14-days prior to

disease reservoir, so reducing their

management. They suggest different

the disease challenge and during the

prevalence can help safeguard the crop to

approaches to answer important issues of

challenge period. “With YANG, the pathogen

harvest,” he concluded1.

shrimp health, nutrition and management in

load in the hepatopancreas, measured by

a sustainable way.

qPCR, was reduced at all timepoints and by

As with EHP, White Feces Syndrom (WFS) is

up to 64% at the peak of infection. As a

a pathology that strongly affects shrimp

result, the body weight of challenged shrimp

growth and FCR, but also survival. The

was 7.9 % higher thanks to, interestingly, a

infectious nature of the disease, and

much reduced prevalence of severely

development of a challenge model, were

Microbial-based functional ingredients for aquafeed: new perspectives


compromised animals” Dr. Leclercq

only recently described by Professor Loc

EHP is an intracellular parasite that targets

explained. “YANG, applied preventively and

Tran from ShrimpVet Laboratory. The trial

the shrimp hepatopancreas and gut

over an EHP challenge period, can thus help

presented at APA 20182 aimed at assessing

epithelial lining, causing stunted growth.

contribute to reducing the severity of the

the potential of YANG to help mitigate the

1. Effect of a multi-strain yeast-based functional additive on EHP-challenged juvenile white shrimp. Eric Leclercq, Stéphane Ralite, Phuc Hoang, Loc Tran, and Mathieu Castex. Presented at Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018 conference, April 22-26 2018, Teipei, Taiwan. 2. Effect of selected functional health feed on white shrimp litopenaeusvannamei challenged with a novel infection model for white feces syndrome. Eric Leclercq, Stéphane Ralite, DiênNguyễn, Loc Tran, and Mathieu Castex. Presented at Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018 conference, April 22-26 2018, Teipei, Taiwan.

Page 6

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

severity and impact of the syndrome, using

concept has been applied to aquaculture for

Lallemand Animal Nutrition is

the recently available WFS challenge model.

decades with the goal of facilitating the

committed to optimizing animal performance

Results indicated a lower prevalence of gross

management of organic matter accumulation

and well-being with specific natural

syndromes at the peak of infection, a lower

and nitrogen compounds in ponds.

microbial product and service solutions.

loss of body-weight and a clear trend

Bioremediation can be powerful but is also a

Using sound science, proven results and

towards a higher survival. This highlights for

complex technology requiring informed

knowledge, Lallemand Animal Nutrition

the first time, thanks to YANG unique

management attuned to local conditions and

develops, produces and markets high value

properties, the potential of a microbial-based

targets. Based on in vitro, pilot-scale and

yeast and bacteria products - including

solution as part of an integrated

field trials, Dr. Leclercq discussed some key

probiotics, silage inoculants and yeast

management program to support good

factors of success in the selection and

derivatives. Lallemand offers a higher level

health and performance under these

deployment of an effective bioremediation

of expertise, leadership and industry


strategy for shrimp farming3. Distinct

commitment with long-term and profitable

microbial solutions are available, each

solutions to move our partners Forward.

addressing specific aspects of the pond

Lallemand Animal Nutrition is Specific for

system. When properly applied and

your success.

Bioremediation approach Bioremediation is defined as: “The treatment

combined, bioremediation solutions can

of pollutants or waste by the use of

become powerful tools to secure and

For more information, please visit

microorganisms (such as bacteria) that

increase the capacity of the pond to carry a

breakdown undesirable substances.� The

healthy crop to harvest.

3. Some critical steps to the successful development and deployment of an integrated bioremediation strategy in pond aquaculture. Eric Leclercq, StĂŠphane Ralite, and Mathieu Castex. Presented at Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018 conference, April 22-26 2018, Teipei, Taiwan.

Not all products are available in all markets nor all claims allowed in all regions.

Advertise here Be seen by thousands of industry professionals

Tel: +44 117 2306493 Email:

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Page 7

FISA: ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR YOUR NETTING, BECAUSE WE KNOW NETTING Fibras Industriales S.A., commercially known as FISA, is a netting and

The first stage was to divert existing knotless Rachel machines

rope manufacturer with more than 70 years in the business. Until the

towards the production for Chile´s Salmon aquaculture market. As this

late 90s FISA, focused mostly on the South American market with

market grew at a notable speed, it was within no time that FISA was

some distribution to Central and North America. With Peru fishing

obliged to invest in new machinery for this netting. With this extra

around 9 million tons per year and Chile fishing an additional 4 million

capacity, FISA entered into new markets, such as lake farmed tilapia in

tons, the two countries alone represented around 15% of the world

Honduras and Mexico. Also, during the first years of the new

fishing, in terms of volume, until the beginning of the new millennium.

millennium, FISA started supplying rigged cages and bulk netting to

With a 40% market share in those two countries, together with

European customers with tougher weather and current conditions

additional sales to Ecuador, Mexico and North America, FISA had

such as Spain´s Canary Islands and Greece.

above 8% market share of the world´s netting requirements. Market share was much higher when fishing with multifilament netting, due

Each time FISA enters a new market, it learns, together with its

that FISA´s monofilament netting was introduced approximately 5

customers, the specific requirements for each market. With this

years ago.

information, FISA develops new products that better suits each requirement. FISA always innovates and adapts to every market´s

FISA knows that markets change in time; therefore, over the past 20

specific requirements thanks to the complete range of products that

years FISA has dedicated time and resources to grow in the

manufactures. This is an advantage towards its competition. Below a

aquaculture industry on a global scale.

few examples:

Page 8

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018


and standards relating to raw material, but actually it runs realistic

In the Canary Islands, one can find very strong currents that cause the

accelerated U.V. effect tests. At FISA we take netting and ropes, with

cages´s vertical ropes to rub with the structural cage. This leads to

different characteristics, thru rigorous testing that includes initial

friction and abrasion of the rope. Apart from adding plastic hoses to

“standard” breaking load and elongation tests, followed by

the first 1.5 meters of the rope, FISA proposed to its customer the use

accelerated abrasion effect and UV accelerating effect. All of these

of Polymax® ropes instead of polypropylene or Polysteel. For those of

tests are made in order to see how the breaking strength, elongation

you not familiar with the difference between these products, Polysteel

and working load of the product vary after use and deterioration.

is a mix of polyethylene and polypropylene (mixed at the extrusion

These tests give clear indicators as to what products are more

stage) which gives the product the benefits of both materials. In the

adequate for each specific use.

tests on finished products. Two examples would be abrasion and

case of Polymax® the rope is composed of Polyethylene and Polyester, a combination that highlights flexibility and high abrasion

As part of its service, FISA is always glad to receive used products after

resistance. What FISA has done is taken a polyethylene rope and

being used for a specified period of time. This way it can evaluate the

wrapped it in multifilament Polyester. This product is slightly more

performance and compare the durability of alternative products used

expensive, mainly due to its higher weight difference, but its abrasion

in the same or similar water conditions.

and UV resistance (thus delaying the downgrading of the rope) are higher and greatly outweigh the extra costs, which would just add up

FISA will gladly share more of its extensive experiences, including the

to a couple of hundred US$ per cage approx.

advantages of using braided knotted netting for tilapia farms in lakes, the use of monofilament polyethylene and SUPRA® netting for


predator protection, the use of long life twisted knotless SHOGUN®

An additional product FISA recommends for harsh conditions is the

design and maintenance.

netting for bird protection, as well as some technical advice in cage

Polytar rope. This rope is produced out of high tenacity polyester and it is coated with a tar solution developed by FISA. This Tar solution

For more specific recommendations, feel free to contact us on

works as a lubricant during maneuvering, especially with the

stretching of the rope in open sea conditions. It is important to mention the process on how this rope gets tarred: FISA tars the twines that compose the ropes so it is not just a top layer of protective tar but really a rope produced with tar inside. This protective coating also gives added protection against UV radiation.

ACCELERATED U.V. AND ABRASSION RESISTANCE TESTS FISA´s quality control department gives great importance to follow up controls of our end products under the most realistic and life resembling situations. FISA doesn’t just rely on the theoretical facts

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Page 9

LiceSonic: an environmentally friendly solution for sea lice control European research project for sea lice control

development projects in previous years as

environments. The system is also low


maintenance and more cost effective

LiceSonic is an European research project

Sealice is the most significant and

that aims to provide an environmentally

widespread pathogenic marine parasite in

The LiceSonic system is designed to only

friendly solution to control sea lice in open

open sea aquaculture, causing health issues

target sea lice when they are present in the

finfish productions using ultrasound

for cultured fish and is a severe risk for the

facility through a combination of technology

technology. The project kickstarted in May

marine environment. The economic damage

with fish and water quality monitoring. The

2017 and is coordinated by LG Sonic. The

resulting from sea lice exceeds â‚Ź 1 billion

solution also comprises of an innovative sea

idea is to develop a system that only targets

per year globally in reduced production,

lice management system, which will receive

sea lice when they are present in the facility

quality and pharmacological treatment

direct input on sea lice infestation on fish,

through combining ultrasound with fish and

costs. Severe outbreaks of sea lice in

through mobile application. In addition,

water quality monitoring. The solution will

Norway and Scotland along with a toxic

dissolved oxygen and temperature

be chemical free, robust and low

algal bloom that hit Chile in early 2016

measurements are included in the

maintenance. The first feasibility studies

resulted in a global salmon supply decline

decision-making process of the

resulted in a 60% reduction in sea lice

of 9%. The most common practice for

management system.

attached to salmon.

targeting sea lice in fish farms is the use of

compared to bio-active treatments.

bio-active treatments.

How does it work?

receives co-funding from Eureka Member

However, regulations regarding

The use of ultrasound to control sea lice is a

Countries and the European Union Horizon

pharmaceutical treatment have become

novel technology that has been trialed in

2020 Framework Programme. The total

stricter in recent years. Health regulations in

several laboratory and in-situ studies with

duration of the project is 30 months.

the European Union have resulted in further

positive results. Ultrasonic sound waves of

restriction of these substances as residual

specific frequencies are generated and

amounts leak into the environment, where

transmitted through a fish cage. These

they often affect other marine life. Sea lice

sound waves interfere with sea lice growth

EuroStars funds the LiceSonic project, which

Innovation in the water industry LG Sonic is a Dutch company whose mission

also show resistance to bioactive substances

is to eliminate harmful chemicals in the

since, as these treatments are becoming less

water industry. The company controls algae

effective. A radical new approach to healthy

and biofouling in large water surfaces using

fish farming is strongly needed to prevent

ultrasound and is combined with near

further economic damage and to protect

real-time water quality monitoring. The

the environment.

technology is chemical-free and doesn’t disturb the natural balance of water

LiceSonic has a radical new approach to

ecosystems. Ultrasound has proven to be

treat sea lice infestations. The goal of

safe for fish, plants, zooplankton, and

LiceSonic is to provide the aquaculture

insects. LG Sonic has worked together with

industry with an environmentally friendly,

several different European Universities and

chemical-free, and robust solution that can

Fig 1: The lifecycle of Caligus (source:

Research Institutes and successfully

effectively control sea lice without harming


coordinated European research and

the fish and without causing harming marine


Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Page 11

An initial set of frequencies attacks the sea

after which the systems are likely to be

lice when they are in the Nauplius stage. The

deployed at other aquaculture sites around

LiceSonic technology uses ultrasonic

the world as well.

pressure cycles that, when attuned appropriately, target cavities within the sea

About the author

lice that consequently collapse. This results Fig 1. Nauplius before and after ultrasonic treatment

in the death of the Nauplius.

Microbiologist Lisa Maria Brand is the chief technology officer at LG Sonic,

The second set of frequencies is designed to

headquartered in the Netherlands.

affect the attachment of sea lice to fish. The

Throughout her career, she has coordinated

in two ways. Sea lice have several phases in

vibrations of the ultrasound cause the sea

and collaborated on various national and

their life cycle, from egg to grown sea lice.

lice to release from the fish and prevents

European research projects that involve

They attach to fish during their adult and

them from attaching, leading to fewer

freshwater quality analysis and improvement

pre-adult phases and are free living as larvae

infections on the fish itself.

measures. She specializes on algal and

(Nauplius I, II) and copepods.

cyanobacterial issues and their causes. The first feasibility studies resulted in a 60%

The ultrasound interferes with sea lice during

reduction in sea lice attached to salmon. A

the Nauplius stage and when they attempt

full-scale field study will be performed

to attach to fish.

during the second half of 2018 in Norway,

Farmed Atlantic salmon constitutes over half of the total global salmon market

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Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

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Why the OctoFrost IF Cooker will be the success of your shrimp business The OctoFrost™ IF Cooker is the latest technological innovation in the shrimp processing industry. It uses the OctoFrost™ patented

3-temperature zones which guarantees shrimp’s core temperature to reach the food safety temperature of 73°C while surface stays below 80°C. This means that overcooking is avoided and highest yield

possible is achieved. Furthermore, the unique rain shower system guarantees the quickest heat transfer, allowing for accurate temperature control within 0.2°C of the set temperature.

OctoFrost™ Impingement Technology Every product is surrounded by a static layer of air that insulates it and slows down heat transfer. The OctoFrost™ IF Cooker uses a rain shower system to break this static layer through impingement

technology. This results in the fastest heat transfer through conductivity – the essence of OctoFrost™ Impingement technology.

OctoFrost™ Crossflow System

due to the cross-flow water system. The OctoFrost™ IF Cooker is

designed for all types and sizes of shrimp (including PD, PUD, HOSO, HLSO and EZ Peel).

Additional Benefits: Due to the OctoFrost™ cross-flow water system, the water flowing

through the IF Cooker has the exact set temperature in each zone. The

• CIP system in place.

during the cooking process.


food processor has absolute control over the time and temperature

The 3-temperature Zones The 3-temperature zones system allows the user to start with a higher

temperature in zone 1 while reducing it in zones 2 and 3. This creates a “flat belly” temperature curve, allowing the heat to travel to the core of

• Significantly faster heat transfer due to the impingement rain shower • A high volume of recirculated water over the product.

• Energy efficient steam injection into the cooking water. • Weighing belt for an even infeed into the IF cooker.

• Three infeed options that allow for great flexibility; bulk, belt, and tray infeed.

the product without overcooking the surface.

Read more about the technology and benefits of the OctoFrost™ IF

Key Benefits of the OctoFrost™ IF Cooker

Processors can achieve the highest possible yield due to cooking in the 3 patented temperature zones. ‘Overcooking’ is avoided, enabling a

high yield and perfect product quality (color, shape, texture, and bite).

Cooker here:

Have any questions? Reach out to our Sales team:

There is 100% food safety regarding homogeneous cooking. No

‘undercooked’ meat, no grey spots, not even with small-sized peeled shrimp (PUD). Full temperature control in each temperature zone

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

Page 15

Events in detail April

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xtrusion-thailand Aquafeed Extrusion Technology (Europe) 23-25th April

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Ås, Norway

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Food & Feed Extrusion Technology



20-22 August

Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture

Seafood Expo Global

Victoria, Australia


24-26th April

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Montpellier, France Offshore Mariculture Conference 15-17th May

World Seafood Shanghai Exhibition (SIFSE)


29-31 August

Shanghai, China September

January AquaEx 2019 Hyderabad, India

Aviemore, Scotland


31 January – 2 February

Aquaculture UK 23-24th May


8th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health


Thaifex 2018

2-6th September

29th May – 2nd June

Prince Edward Island, Canada

Aquaculture 2019

Bangkok, Thailand

7-11 March New Orleans, USA Seafood Expo Asia June

4-6th September Hong Kong

Seaweb Seafood Summit

18-21 June Barcelona, Spain

Page 16

Aquaculture Scoop / June Issue 2018

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