Aquaculture Scoop October 2017

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Aquaculture Scoop is a magazine for aquaculture professionals worldwide

Fish descaling Net cleaning Sustainable sushi Feed Pelleting

Issue 16 / October 2017

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Issue 16 / October 2017 Fish descaling Insight into latest technology

Welcome to the latest issue of Aquaculture Scoop. In this issue we get acquainted with innovative solutions for net cleaning in fish farms and get an insight into the latest technology for fish descaling. We also find out the advantages and applications for pelleting the feed ingredients and learn how the love of seafood affects our oceans and how to make sustainable choices. As ever, please send us your comments and articles for inclusion, contact details below and right.

Net cleaning Innovative solutions for fish farms

Sustainable sushi Environment-friendly choices and advice

Feed Pelleting Advantages and applications


The world’s top events related to aquaculture from around the world, listed on p.17 >> Published by:

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Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

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The innovative fish farms cavitational cleaning

The cleaning of the nets in a fish farm is very

rotating nozzles has

important for a number of reasons, some

been established, but it

qualities are the product and the efficiency

has its limits.

of the fish farm. In fact, high pressure We know that a better flow of water (and

causes greater wear and

therefore a better oxygenation) contributes

tear on the nets, as well as a stress or shock

water, implode immediately by exercising

to better fish health and a better lifetime.

for fish in the net (especially if small nets).

an attractive force (negative pressure) that

Even the diver is subjected to high fatigue

removes the fouling and the incrustations

The constant maintenance benefits a long

and risk, determined using high pressure

present on the surface to be cleaned.

life of the net also, which results in greater


economic savings.

This system was initially designed for the Recently, a new technology has been

underwater cleaning of hulls and propellers

We know that dry cleaning of the nets is a

launched, using low pressure nozzles,

of ships or boats, and as always, several

long and expensive job, while there are

capable of achieving the same performance

fields of use have been tested, including fish

several risks when replacing nets; the dry

as a high-pressure machine.


The system used is that of induced

The objectives of this innovative system are:

cavitation, i.e. the creation of millions of

1) network cleaning; 2) avoiding or reducing

For these reasons, underwater cleaning

unstable air bubbles, because of the

any network wear; 3) avoid stress on fish;

with high pressure systems or plates with

pressure differential with the surrounding

4) contribute to oxygenation of the site;

cleaning results in a shorter life of the nets themselves.

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Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

5) Reduce fatigue and increase diver's

The main cavitation instruments are the

A good example of these plates is Cavit Net


cavitational guns (single or double nozzle,

by Cavitcleaner Limited (www.cavitclean-

with or without rear jet) or the plate with, based on the known Stingray plate,

It is clear that cleaning must be carried out

rotating nozzles. For better efficiency, the

equipped with two rotating cavitation

at the set times, with the best efficiency and

plates must be fitted with a thrust nozzle on

nozzles, plus thrust nozzle on the head and

quality of work. With cavitation this can be

the head so it thrust the plate on the net

sledge in stainless steel (see the photo). The

done with relatively low pressures (on

when cleaning a vertical net, maybe without

plate is available in various sizes,

average 100-140 bar), thus reducing the

the aid of a diver but pulling it up and down

corresponding to the range of flow rate of

wear of nets and peaks and the diver's

from above.

the machine to be combined (from a

fatigue (to the benefit of its safety).

minimum of 21 lt/min to a maximum of 85

Cavitation, thanks to the formation of

The plate should never fall into the mesh

millions of airs bubbles, contributes to the

nets, so the best plates suitable for cleaning


oxygenation of water, with beneficial effects

the nets are equipped with a metal sledge

Of course, for the cleaning of ropes or

on the environment.

(aluminum or stainless steel) that slides well

structures, it's indicated the use of only

on the nets.

cavitational guns (the plates are designed for cleaning of large surfaces). An important requirement of all cavitation instruments, guns or plates, besides the efficiency and safety of the diver, must be the manoeuvrability, which is a quality found in the products that are designed with the aim of lightness and simplicity of use. As for the maintenance of cavitation tools, it is not very different from ordinary high-pressure tools. In practice, for a longer life and time efficiency, a cleaning cycle is sufficient after cleaning of the nets. The advice we give you is to prefer to your choice of cavitation tools those made of excellent stainless steel (which have the longest life) and naturally those proposed by Manufacturers series and affirmed (and not those of improvised manufacturers of last hour).

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Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017


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Sustainable Sushi: Why our love of sushi is devastating the ocean and how to make a change Original Article by eReplacementParts’ Blog Written by Jack Scrine Asking the Right Questions

It’s a bit of a dire time to be a sushi lover

is to stop eating fish-based sushi altogether

and an environmentally conscious human.

(gasp!). But if that’s not an option, this

Even as 85 percent of the world’s fisheries

article will both help you to understand the

Eating seafood sustainably generally begins

are fully exploited, depleted, or in recovery,

impact of sushi on global fish stock

and ends with your restaurant servers or

I’m willing to bet that wherever you’re

depletion and equip you to be a smarter

fishmongers. If you don’t ask them where

reading this article from, your favorite local

seafood consumer by asking questions and

the seafood comes from, they probably

sushi restaurant is still bustling with

purchasing only seafood sourced in the

won’t tell you. If you ask them and they

customers at any given hour on any given

most sustainable ways.

don’t know, you can make a choice to take

day. Worse still, fish like large tunas and

your business elsewhere. Ultimately, if every

salmon, which are staring down the barrel

It’s not all sushi’s fault, of course. The global

customer asked servers about the origin of

of extinction in some cases, are among the

appetite for seafood goes far beyond just

the fish on their delicious sashimi platter,

most common, delicious, and sought-after

one type of seafood cuisine, but with the

the servers would soon want to have the

sushi fare. All this fish has to come from

global rise in popularity of sushi and the fact

answer – an answer that would keep

somewhere, and there’s no magic pill to

that good sushi relies on high-quality, highly

business coming back rather than leaving

replace what our global sushi addiction is

demanded (and often endangered) fish

without ordering.

taking from the ocean.

species, it hasn’t contributed positively to the imminent problem of seafood stock

I will sadly say I have not had much luck

Studies over the past decade have

collapse. Having said that, this article is for

when asking such questions in sushi

anticipated that seafood may disappear

all avid seafood lovers to consider, not just

restaurants. Many a blank stare and shrug

altogether by as early as 2050 unless

sushi lovers. Don’t smugly read this as you

have been the response. But that’s not the

humans change their ways. Realistically, the

eat your fish and chips without taking on

point. The point is that we should be asking

best thing you can do to play no part in the

board the exact same facts. Let’s take a

these questions, and we should keep asking

rapid collapse of the world’s seafood stocks

sobering look at some of them.

them until the questions are as normal as

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Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

asking about the evening’s

the U.S.A.’s Bamboo Sushi and Sushi Maki

drink specials. The fact I’m

are proving, by working with certification

often shrugged at when

bodies like MSC

asking about the origin of

and making sustainable choices, that

the seafood I’m ordering

delicious sushi and sustainable fisheries can

tells me one thing: not

go hand in hand.

enough people are asking. It’s easy to blame the

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council is a

restaurant if they don’t

certification body that is taking the fight to

have the answer, and they

farmed seafood in the quest for responsible

should be held accountable

farming. It seeks to “recognize and reward

for not knowing the

responsible aquaculture through the ASC

answers, but if enough

aquaculture certification programme and

people aren’t asking, the

seafood label.”

answers won’t come from a busy server with sore feet

The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood

who has been working for

Watch program and the SeaChoice program

four hours without a break.

are two extensively researched and very

So when you order from

user-friendly guides aimed at consumers

your next sushi restaurant,

choosing and purchasing seafood.

fishmonger, or local fish

SeaChoice has a specific Sustainable Sushi

and chip shop, ask the

Guide that is very helpful. All this

servers where the fish

information was vital in putting together the

came from. If they can’t

visual information in this article. We

answer, tell them you will

thoroughly recommend bookmarking both

order from them when they

programs and getting your phone out and

can tell you. It’s the only

checking them whenever you purchase

sensible way forward.

seafood. Much work and research has gone into them, and there’s no excuse not to use

Many organizations are

them when you shop or eat out.

doing amazing things when it comes to arming

The above is not meant to be an exhaustive

consumers and fisheries

list of organizations doing great things for

with the information they

the oceanic environment. If you think we’ve

need to make sustainable

missed other fantastic resources, please get

seafood choices. The

in touch via Facebook and let us know! We

Marine Stewardship

would love to hear about businesses and

Council (MSC) is a fantastic

organizations contributing positively to this

certification body holding

cause, and we’d be happy to consider

the seafood market to a

adding resources to this article if they will

higher general standard.

help customers and businesses become

Any seafood distributor or

more sustainable.

restaurant that chooses

Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

MSC seafood should get

Based on information from various

your attention,

programs, with the help of our sensational

congratulations, and

design team, we’ve put together some

seafood business. They’re

sushi-specific species information so you

doing the right thing in

can really hold your local restaurant

supporting MSC, and MSC

accountable. Some options are simply

is doing the right thing by

off-limits altogether; they’ve been pushed

the oceans in their amazing

too far toward extinction, and we

work. Sushi companies like

recommend not eating them regardless of

Canada’s Bento Sushi and

where they were harvested. But for the

Page 7

most part, you can be assured your sushi

research in this regard, too. Being a

as “Can I have extra wasabi with that?” I’m

roll came from a sustainable place if it

conscious consumer isn’t easy; we never

looking forward to that day!

meets the listed location and harvesting

claimed it was! In some cases, your


questions and attitude may earn ire and


eyerolls, but don’t let it get to you. You’re

Don’t forget that vegetarian or non-seafood

doing it so we can continue to enjoy sushi


sushi is a readily available choice. The main

and other forms of seafood for generations

reason we haven’t gone too deep into that

to come, and that makes a couple of

territory here is that even vegetables can

uncomfortable conversations and

have sustainability issues. Farmed meat too,

interactions worthwhile. One day, people

obviously. So before we recommend these

may thank you for it. There may come a

alternatives outright, you’ll need to do some

time when these questions are as common

XXIII 2018






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Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

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Fish Feed Pelleting Process & Machine

Avoiding the segregation of feed ingredients

well-balanced diet, also saving feed pellets

produce pellet with poor quality while

during process of mixing, people use

and lowering the fish farming cost.

insufficient temperature and uneven mixing

After pelleting, feed pellets would be less

could not kill the dangerous pathogenic

and digestibility of feed so that fish is more

influenced by moisture, oxidation and other

micro-organisms existing in feed pellets. The

apt to receive a totally mixed nutrition. Just

external factors. It is easier and more

path to the perfect fish feed pellet requires

as its name implies, fish feed pelleting refers

convenient to handle, transfer and store the

top processing technology and advanced

to the process of compressing, pelleting and

pelleted fish feed.

pellet mill and fish feed extruder. In

The most important feature of the pellet is

partnership with the feed industry FANWAY

pellets under the action of the heat,

durability, crushing strength and water-

continually strives for pelleting process

moisture and pressure. Pelleted and

resistance, feed pelleted through our

technology and machine so as to improve

extruded feed produced by fish feed pellet

machine can float on water surface long for

the feed conversion rates and nutrition of

mill and extruder have become the

12 hours.

fish feed. Now let’s discuss the detailed

Adopting pelleting process can kill

processing of making fish feed pellets.

pelleting process to increase gelatinization

molding feed ingredients into the shape of

mainstream feed for most fish because of

its high digestibility, abundant nutrition and

pathogenic bacteria and reduce the

floating properties.

occurrence of fish disease. Pellets would be

1. Grinding: in order to accelerate mixing

processed under the high temperature up to

process and increase nutritional utilization,

70-100 Celsius, which can kill parasite and

people need to grind raw materials of fish

pathogenic microorganism, obviously

feed into small particles, which always

reducing fish disease.

requires a crushing machine - droplet fish

Why Pelleting the Feed Ingredients? •

The purpose of pelleting is to make fish feed pellets with healthy nutrition and delicious

Pelleting Process of Fish Feed

sizes of materials have great effect on feed size and quality in the next pelleting

taste for fish by high heat, moisture and

feed crusher. In the meantime, the particle

pressing, replacing the dusty, unpalatable

Pelleting is to process the mixture of feed

process. Generally speaking, the grinding

and difficult-to-handle feed material.

ingredients under high temperature,

degree for most freshwater adult fish is

Fish feed pellets produced by our pellet mill

moisture and high pressure within fish feed

about 40 mesh (420um), while for juvenile

have homogenous nutritional value after the

pellet mill - raw materials are pressed

fish, it is around 60 mesh (250um).

uniform mixture and extrusion process,

through die mold. According to lots of

2. Mixing: the daily feeding amount of fish is

increasing gelatinization and digestibility of

experience, too little or too much steam and

small, hence, feed ingredients should be

feed pellet, so that each fish can absorb

heat added to the ingredients would

mixed uniformly after grinding process in

Page 10

Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017




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��� �

order to make sure fish can get complete

feed, but cannot absorb carbohydrate

better tempering effect. The high curing

nutrition from daily feed. The mixing degree

very well, and it is hard for fish to digest

degree and full gelatinization lead to

of blender is very important in feed

cellulose. Moreover, fish with different

pellets with good cohesiveness that is not

production processing because it can

feeding habits have various needs on

easy to loose after entering water, all of

influence the quality of fish feed, so

nutrient. So it is necessary to make

which make feed pellets easier to digest

choosing a suitable mixing machine is quite

scientific and nutritional formulation

and absorb.

significant. Here, we recommend

according to various fish growing

well-designed fish feed mixer FY-500 for

demands. Only the nutrients in feed

equably blending powder or particle

pellets consistent with fish needs can

materials with good flow ability.

promote digestion and absorption and

In general, there are lots of raw materials

lower feed coefficient.

for making fish feed pellets - from grains to

3. Pelleting: if fish farmers want to produce

Applications of Pelleting

Quality of feed ingredients: if the types,

wood and straw, such as corn, bean pulp,

feed pellet that hits precise quality targets in

origin, grade, foreign matter content and

straw meal, soybean, peanut cake, rice bran,

terms of size, durability, density and

storage conditions of feed ingredients are

wheat bran and so forth. Except for

nutritional composition, they should choose

different, the difference of nutritional

producing fish feed, pelleting process also

suitable pelleting machine according to their

component will be large. Thus, feed

can be applied to produce animal feed(such

investment cost, production scale, and

ingredients have a direct effect on the

as livestock and poultry feed), organic

feeding characteristics and habits of

nutrient composition and quality of fish

fertilizer pellets (with flat die pellet mill) and

different aquatic animals. Ourpellet mill is

feed pellets. Raw materials with good

biomass industries.

able to produce high quality feed pellets for

quality and high grade can be made into

fish and also for pets like dog and cat.

feed pellets achieving the perfect

Article origin:

Moreover, it is not hard to produce feed

nutrition level, while the reverse is also

pellets with different diameters (usually

true. In particular, the storing time of


from 0.9mm to 15mm), just changing the

feed raw materials can greatly influence


size of pellet mill die mold, which gives fish farmers more flexible choice according to

the nutrition of fish feed pellets. •

Processing technology of feed pellets: the

fish type and growth situation.

particularity of fish feed has higher

Factors of Fish Feed Pellets Quality

requirement on the processing technology, and the main indexes affecting processing quality contain


Fish feed formulation: fish have their

grinding particle sizes, steam pressure of

own characteristics at nutrient

tempering and temperature. The thin

requirement for feed, for instance, fish

particle size of raw material means the

can make the most of protein and fat in

large surface area, which can acquire

Page 12

Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

Aquaculture will supply two-thirds of global fish consumption by 2030

Sign up to our FREE weekly newsletter Email us at Source: World bank report

Kroma SCALEMASTER 1500 Kroma A/S

tightening process can be adjusted

Technical data

smoothly. The ties can be removed in a The Danish manufacture of primary fish

minute for easier cleaning.

processing equipment Kroma, has

Fish species: Salmon, Seabass, Seabream, Tilapia, Haddock, others on request.

developed a new machine for handling

Scales and water run down and out of the

Working range: Fish between 0.2 and 8 kg.

de-scaling easily. The innovative technology

machine and it is therefore easy to collect

Operators: 1.

allows companies to de-scale fish more

and filter the scales from the water. The

Water consumption: Adjustable.

quickly than normal. This gives companies

collection of the scales is done in a filter

Materials: Stainless steel AISI 304.

an advantage of optimizing the production.

system that can be easily emptied and

Accessories: Induction system, Filter for

The machine is easy to clean which


scales, take-away conveyor system.

guarantees a good hygiene, and can be

Weight: 1200 kg.

connected to other equipment so it fits in a

The descaling process works best without

Motor: 3x400V, 50Hz, 7.5kW/2x0.55kW.

complete production line.

the use of water, but taking the cleaning of

Supply: 3x400V + N + PE, 16A, 50Hz.

the brushes into consideration a limited

Finish: Bead blasted.


amount of water may be used.

With the Kroma SCALEMASTER 1500 it is

Videos of the process and the machine can

possible to descale fish at a speed of up to

be viewed at following link.

80 fish per minute. The machine is mounted


on a solid frame with spring suspension, so


that the machine adjusts to the size of the fish. The descaling is done by rotating brushes that are driven by hydraulic motors. The speed of the machine can be adjusted on the control panel. Kroma’s fish scaler is characterized by being flexible and able to accommodate several different fish sizes. The machine has proven to be very gentle to the fish, which is a major advantage when you need to scale fish with a soft meat structure such as, e.g. a hake. The machine can also be used for species whose scales are attached more firmly, for example, tilapia.

The de-scaling process During the descaling process, the fish is held in place by strong ties. Holding the fish in place is important to achieve a good


descaling of the fish. The tightening of the ties is done pneumatically and the

Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

Page 15

Events in detail 2017 October Conxemar 3-5th October Vigo, Spain Goal 2017 3-6th October Dublin, Ireland Humber Seafood Summit 11th October Grimsby, UK DanFish International 2017 11th-13th October Aalborg, Denmark Aquaculture Europe 2017 16-20th October Dubrovnik, Croatia November China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2017 1-3rd November Qingdao, China

Click this link to download our events planner today and keep up to date with the latest industry meetings 2017 year planner

2018 January MVC Cereals-Mixed Feed Veterinary 2017 30th January - 1st February Moscow Russia February VIV MEA 2018 5-7th February Abu Dhabu, UAE Aquaculture America 2018 19-22nd February Las Vegas, USA Fish International 25-27th February Bremen, Germany March 13th North Atlantic Seafood Forum 6-8th March AquaME 6-8th March Dubai, UAE

International Coldwater Prawn Forum (ICWPF) 8-10th November Reykjavik, Iceland

Seafood Expo North America 11-13th March Boston, USA

LACQUA 2017 7-10th November Mazatlan, Mexico

Aquafeed Horizons Asia Conference 29th March Bangkok, Thailand

Expo Pesca & AquiPeru 9-11th November Lima, Peru

Victam Asia 27-29th March Bangkok, Thailand

Aquaculture Scoop / October Issue 2017

April Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2018 23-26th April Taipei, Taiwan Seafood Expo Global 24-26th April Brussels, Belgium May Aquaculture UK 23-24th May Aviemore, Scotland June VIV Europe 2018 20-22nd June Utrecht, Netherlands August Nor-Fishing 21st-24th August Trondheim, Norway AQUA 2018 25-29th August Montpellier, France October Future Fish Eurasia 18-20th October Izmir, Turkey Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2018 23-26th October Bogota, Colombia

Page 17


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