Leeder, Jack

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Jack Leeder 2021/23 Por olio

Master of Architecture

Liverpool School of Art and Design

AS2- Group urban design


Our scheme is a masterplan situated in Liverpool’s Lodge lane, in Toxteth, England. The site is burs ng with culture, diverse shopping experiences and long rows of dated Victorian terraced houses. The purpose is to create vibrant mul purpose zones, that proposes playing, gathering and socially interac ng with other individuals of the community. It is designed to keep both adults and children educated, healthy and improve their well-being for the long run.

The design scheme aims to acknowledge the current cycle network within Liverpool and improve it with several modern routes running through the communi es’ streets, allowing for a permeable region connec ng it to the city and encouraging locals to cycle. A new implemented road will not only help with the traffic condi ons of this site, but the injec on of urban design will enable shop fronts to flourish into more open commercial spaces by providing wider pavements for pedestrians. Community interven ons will create educa on, career and training environments for all ages, providing learning opportuni es for those who require it. This will inevitably improve the impending income of the individual via employment, subsequently, the economy of the locality. Although, there are numerous pockets of spaces along the site, they are barely used by residents. As a response, various plots will be mul -purpose areas allowing for communal sports ac vi es, outdoor dining loca ons and interac on zones, enhancing the vitality of the neighborhood.

AS3- Individual design


My Scheme is situated along Lodge Lane, Liverpool. The chosen site is a segment within a previously designed masterplan which focused on Educa on, Sport and connec vity via a new cycle route connec ng exis ng Routes with Se on Park to the South. Lodge Lane is currently made of a central spine hos ng a diverse range of business with tradi onal terrace wings growing off this.

The New scheme aims to create spaces focused on Educa on and Trade whilst also providing new public realms and connec vity which are currently lacking along the busy Lane. The scheme aims to follow the exis ng urban fabric of rows spreading off the main lane. However rather than just housing this focuses around providing educa on and start-up business opportuni es for the locals. These educa on, career and training environments will be accessible to all ages whilst also crea ng a public forest space which can connect to the local schools nearby and act as a “Forest school” bringing the community back to nature. Subsequently helping improve locals’ livelihoods and job prospects. Suppor ng this are the new Startup business and market spaces, mirroring the sites’ current iden ty as a place for unique trades. All being supported via the new connec vity to surrounding areas via the Bicycle route.

Integrated Design 1: Op ons for resilient living


Inspired by the sense of community and culture of Lodge Lane, this scheme provides a housing solu on that can grow with its residents needs. Lodge lane is currently made of a central spine with tradi onal terrace wings growing off it. One of these rows that has been lost to me will be re-densified and host the scheme, plugging into the surrounding context.

This new terrace row aims to grow with the community via a range of expansion op ons. Rather than being set in stone these expansions will be based on the individual occupants’ preferences. For example an occupant with older offspring rather than needing to “Fly the nest” can now simply expand their home for a significantly lower cost than a mortgage, whilst s ll crea ng a private space. Or instead the modular expansions may provide a new space for working from home, moving in parents, leisure and so on. With these being many of the driving factors for reloca ng to a new property this instead creates a sense of sustainability via adapta on and a rigidity to the close community. This will be achieved via the use of off site modular CLT construc on working on a grid so expansions may interact with each other. Ranging from a smaller addi on for those with less garden space, an individual “garden room”, a two-storey structure with a mezzanine level or a combina on of all.

These terrace rows are flanked by bungalows and several exis ng terraces, the implementa on of these new bungalows provides a less common typology for the site. These can cater to different needs of occupants, poten ally a re red couple or a person with limited mobility. Whilst these lower forms help to let as much natural light into the site as possible alongside the direct north orienta on.

These two types are then brought together in a communal outdoor passageway, in which each dwelling can access directly. This is a space which can bring all the residents together and over me could create a strong small-scale community. It can host a play space for younger children, local community gardening, local BBQ’s or just a place for neighbours to stop and talk to one another. Natural light isn’t an issue thanks to the bungalows and passive surveillance is achieved via lower fence lines and balconies. This flexibility to not only the terraces but also this outdoor space aims to create a se ng for any genera on to grow alongside one another. Cul va ng a community that can grow and come together rather than being enclosed by the individual confines of a tradi onal back-to-back terrace.



YEAR 2 - Group urban design


New Schiedam is a vision for a food city that challenges the poten al site of an industrial area, with a clear focus on improving connec vity, social inclusion and high density living. The sites ini al strategy was to acknowledge how well the site was connected and how that can be exemplified. This approach led to a bold decision of wan ng to connect the site to the south of the river, crea ng a connec on that would seed a vast amount of opportuni es.

This project entails; a number of different cultural spaces including a Dis llery Quarter that is made up of the sites infamous gin businesses. The Dis lleries being relocated next to each other offers a more invi ng approach to the historical industry by crea ng a public realm that connects just off the La Rambla inspired high street. Whilst on the other side, the Dis llery Quarter embraces the Windmill and canal adjacent to it, celebra ng Jin and Schiedam’s history.

The scheme takes typological inspira on from many of the worlds great ci es but also the vernacular of Schiedam and Ro erdam. By con nuing the historical eleva on from the ‘old’ Schiedam into the new’, the site offers opportunity for more housing and a so er ‘edge’ for the exis ng community.

Nieuwe Schiedam ambi ously takes on world challenges by introducing a Technological Centre for Food Innova on (TCFI). The park sits behind a dyke that is proposed to protect the city from future floods, resul ng in a green belt through the site. TCFI uses this opportunity by imposing itself as a number of civic buildings consis ng of a museum, seed centre, exhibi on/venue space, office/educa on spaces, a conservatory that acts as a test centre and hotel.

YEAR 2 - Individual design


Encapsula ng care brings a new care focused site to the rejuvenated Nieuwe Schiedam from our group project. The site sits within the Northern smaller scale side of the Masterplan, this end focusing more on community, live work and residen al as opposed to the high rises to the south.

The proposed scheme envelopes a series of buildings all focused on the concept of care, within Schiedam. These including a demena care facility, a children’s day care centre and an elderly assisted living building. With the mass increase of residents within Nieuwe Schiedam and M4H these services will be important. Whilst also offering a public library, swimming pool/ hydrotherapy pool, GP and a pharmacist to provide for this future community.

The site has been designed to have a strong edge off the high street to create a sense of protec on within this care focused space, and a different experience to the rest of the site. This edge however plays a more important role for the demen a care facility, ac ng as a barrier for any residents to ensure safety whilst ramps and windows out s ll frame the views outwards. A large courtyard gives residents the sense of their own space in which they can grow veg, relax in sensory gardens or take part in ac vi es such as yoga or art. Whilst an elevated form li s the residents up out of this space to what is the main kitchen/ dining space as well as hos ng a hairdressers and quiet rooms.

Opportuni es for all the ages on the site to come together are then created via the central spine of the library, as well as an in between growing space for the day care and elderly to share given the proven benefits of mixing the ages groups. Providing opportuni es to take part in growing, learning or physical ac vi es such as swimming all within one space within a dense new urban fabric.

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