NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19870001427: Design and fabrication of the NASA decoupler pylon

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NASA Contractor Report 172355

Design and Fabrication of the NASA Decoupler Pylon for the F-16 Aircraft, Addendum I

J. D. Clayton and R. L Haller


GENERAL DYNAMICS Fort Worth Division

Fort Worth, Texas 76101

Contract NASl - 16879 January 1985 {NASA-CH-172355) D E S I G N A N D EAEBICATION O F 'IEE N A S A C E C O U E L E E P Y L C N ECfi T E E 3-16 A l B C R A E T , A D D E N C U M 1 F i n a l R € F C L t , Aug, Cct, 1983 :General Dynamics C c r p . ) 70 p


CSCL OlC 63/05

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Langley Research Center Hampton.Virainla 23665

N8 7- 108 60

Unclas 43846

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