Reed, Wilmer H., 111; Foughner, Jerome T., Jr.; and Runyan, Harry L.; Decoupler Pylon: A Simple Effective Wing/Store Flutter Suppressor AIAA J. Aircraft, Vol. 17, No. 3 , March 1980, pp. 206-211.
Runyan, Harry L.; Effect of a Flexibly Mounted Store on the Flutter Speed of a Wing, NASA CR-159245, April 1980,
Desmarais, Robert N.; and Reed, Wilmer H., 111; Wing/ Store Flutter With Nonlinear Pylon Stiffness, AIAA J. Aircraft, Vol. 18, No. 11, November 1981, pp. 984-987.
Reed, Wilmer H., 111; Cazier, Frank W., Jr.,; and Foughner, Jerome T., Jr.; Passive Control of Wing/ Store Flutter, Presented at the Fifth JTGG/MD Aircraft Stores Compatibility Symposium in St. Louis, Mo., September 1980.
Cazier, F. W., Jr.; and Foughner, Jerome T., Jr.; NASA Decoupler Pylon Programs for Wing/Store Flutter Suppression, NASA CP-2162, Part 1, Vol. 1, pp. 207-218.
Reed, Wilmer H., 111; Cazier, F. W., Jr.; and Foughner, Jerome T., Jr.; Passive Control of Wing/Store Flutter, NASA TM-81865, December 1980.
Clayton, J. D.; Haller, R. L.; and Hassler, J. M., Jr.; Design and Fabrication of the NASA Decoupler Pylon for the F-16 Aircraft, NASA CR-172354, January 1985.
Peloubet, R.P., Jr.; Haller, R.L.; and McQuien, L.J.; Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design for Application of NASA Decoupler Pylon to the F-16, NASA CR-165834, May 1982.
Peloubet, R.P., Jr.; Haller, R. L.; Wind Tunnel Demonstration of an Active Flutter Suppression System Using F-16 Model with Stores, AFWAL-TR-83-3046, Vol. I, April 1983.