Armonía, Vive Libre

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armonía contenido

14 What is Yoga? 16 Recomendaciones del mes - Clases 18 World - Floating Curtains to Clean de Oceans of Plastics 20 Ecología y los niños


12 4 What is Vegatarian? 6 The Voice in Charge... 8 Is Believing in Angels a Spiritual Need? 10 Family Constellations; A therapy to untangle all of your problems 12

Fanny Doran Directora de Armonía Consteladora Internacional Fundadora de Mariposa Monarca Enrique Mañon Editor de Armonía Revista Digital Social Media de Mariposa Monarca 602•350•1721 •


Yoga para niños

Asiria F Valenzuela Diseñador Gráfico de Armonía Terapias de Angeles, Polaridad Reiki y Maestra de Yoga • Mtro. Tony Valenzuela Traducción Dirección 5501 19th Ave. Suite #325 Phoenix, AZ 85015

Everyone in Harmony with Nature By Armonia, Vida Libre Team This publication was born out of two needs: The one which seeks to disseminate a different lifestyle than the one we have become used to, and the need to take action about the deterioration of our health due to the consumption of harmful eating products; that is, to seek new eating alternatives in light of the wave of harmful nutritional habits. In Armonia, Vive Libre (Harmony, life free), we would like to invite you to become part of this community which has the purpose of finding new tools to seek the healing in our complicated emotions, eating healthy, and seeking awareness and information about our sustainability. In our times, it is urgent to have a real

connection and not one based in marketing. We must be conscientiously and fully responsible of our physical, mental, and emotional health. That is why we will work to provide you with first-hand information about all that occurs in the world of holistic therapies. We are a communication media which is responsible to our readers because we come from an enterprise committed with emotional health and spirituality. Our goal will focus in investigating all options there are in alternative medicine as well as holistic therapy. Welcome to a proposal-full and active society -of which several professionals form part- in search of a way of life in which everyone can be included, that seeks nature-friendly alternatives, and a media

with responsible and informative content. It is satisfying to present to you a project in which we offer our knowledge, hope, and, above all… we offer our heart.

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Let’s talk about Nutrition

What is

a Vegetarian? By Asiria Valenzuela

“One should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should one incite another to kill. Do not injure any being, either strong or weak, in the world.” ~ Buddha

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In our days we come face to face with different ideologies or tendencies. Thanks to the new technologies, the world is now open to numerous ways of thinking or acting. The way we eat has also been affected by the ambiance of concern for a better life that currently exists. For many a “nice,” or “cool” trend, for others a way of life, there is a tendency with more and more followers each day. We are talking about vegetarianism. This is a diet regimen which aims to eliminate any type of meat from our diet. In most cases, people adopt this path not only as a way to eat, but also as a tendency which rejects animal abuse and which is, also, connected with other ways of thinking related with the common wellbeing such as recycling and sustainability among others.

The word Vegetarianism appears as such for the first time around the 1940s used by the Vegetarian Society. Before that, words like vegetable or “Pythagorean” diet were used. There are various classifications under the broad concept of vegetarianism: The first group is the Strict Vegetarians, now known as Vegans. They are the ones who consume no animal products at all; that includes clothes, makeup, shoes, detergents, and soaps to name a few. The second group we will discuss is that of the Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians better known as simply vegetarian. These are the people who add eggs, dairy foods, and other products of animal origin to their diet, but without eating flesh itself. From this group we can find two other sub-groups. One is known as Lacto Vegetarians (those who consume milk and dairy

products), and those known as OvoVegetarian who eat eggs. There is, also, a stricter group known as GrudiVegetarian who eat only raw food and, of course, do not include any animal products or those which originate from animals at all. But, where did the idea or not eating meat come from? Apparently, this practice was born in India and Greece by religious and philosophical groups whose aim was not to generate any type of violence toward any living being. In India of old, there was a type of Yoga called Ahimsa whose main principle was not to use any kind of violence of any kind toward any species with a heart that beats. From ancient India until our days, this ethical principle is being followed. Ancient Greece had among its ancestors the well known philosopher and mathematician, and also Vegetarian, Pythagoras. The meatless diet, also known as Pythagorean Diet was known as such until recently and until the 1800s where the new presently known movements called Vegetarianism was started. Since then, the famous Pythagoras pressed for a meatless diet because he claimed that all living beings have a soul and come from the same source. It wasn’t until around the 1960s that the vegetarian movement reached the United States, taking on a great popularity and growth in the 1970s We must add to this dialogue that it is a well known fact that anthropologists believe man has been vegetarian throughout most of his life history in the world. In spite of the fact that meat was present in the diet of Homo

Sapiens, that diet was based mostly on plants. According to Stephanie Butler, our stomach is more similar to that herbivores friends more than our carnivore ones. But, why would people become vegetarian being that there is such a plethora of choices for nutrition in the planet? Some reasons have been mentioned. They are religious, ethical, we all have a soul, or because so did our ancestors, and so ford. Other, just as valid reasons, have to do with health, especially when it is well known that our society –all of it- consumes great quantities of junk food, soda pop, refined flours and the like among thousands of other things that are poison to our body. Environmental pollution is another reason because of which many people have reduced their consumption meat since raising cattle consumes great amounts of resources and produces

tons of harmful gases. Another excellent reason is that you will find more fiber and antioxidants in such a diet. Also, a plant-based regimen would help reduce world hunger. Now, the most important motive: We are what we eat. I will leave you with a thought. The

names you will read now are of some of the people who have gained prominence in global history, and they have all been vegetarian: Plato, Pythagoras, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Albert Schweitzer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Fort, Mahatma Gandhi, William

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A personal story

The Voice in Charge...

Tips Eat Healthy Water Detox • 24 ounces of ice water ( 720 ml ) . Fresh mint leaves 1 sliced ​​strawberry, sliced ​​½ lemon, ¼ teaspoon cinnamon , ¼ sliced ​​apple Put everything in a pot let it sit for an hour or overnight; drink it the next day.

By Laura San José During a barbecue for journalists, a colleague asked me while he looked at my plate full of veggies, “Don’t you eat meat?” “No,” I answered. “Has it been long?” “A couple of months” “And, don’t you feel tempted?” he said. “No” “Obviously, it is all here,” he said while he pointed to his head. “No, it’s all here,” I answered while I pointed to my heart. I “feel” that I don’t want to, I can’t; my body does not share the decision of eating meat. If it were only a thing of the mind, the body would not react the same way, encaged in instinct, because it is not dead. The same thing would occur if I felt inclined towards a “forbidden” man, one of those one shouldn’t, one couldn’t go to. My heart would say “yes,” and my mind would say “no.” And my body would feel “yes,” and I would get tachycardia , my hands would perspire, I would get a stomachache even though my mind said, “No, not that boy!”

• Drink Winter Lisa Wilson 1/3 cup coconut milk 2/3 cup almond milk 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon or to taste 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg fresh vanilla or vanilla extract to taste. Method: Mixing high in Vitamix , until warm or a little hot in the stove. Add fresh nutmeg on top to give it a nice touch. Enjoy it !

I know many people who quit eating meat, and they suffer because of this. They are the “suffering” vegetarians.” They are the ones who go back to it. I also know many people who tried everything in the field of drugs, and one day they said, “I do not “feel” like using anymore,” and that was it! There was no trembling, no ghosts, no shaking up, nor was their mouth full of anger. Some people quit smoking without fuss. People who smoked up to 60 cigarettes a day, and nothing happened. “You will gain wait, will get anxiety attacks, you won’t be able to live without it…” And nothing like this happened. You could slide a tray of the most tender and juiciest meat right in front of my face, well grilled, excellently well done, and… nothing. My body does not react. My mouth does not salivate like that of a hungry wolf’s… my nostrils wouldn’t over ventilate to, at least, smell it. Nothing of the sort happens. There is peace. I have peace. This is because the decision was not taken by mind. It was taken by my heart and, generally, that is the strongest voice I have heard in my life.

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¿Qué son las Terapias Holísticas?

Is Believing in Angels a Spiritual Need?

By Enrique Mañón

I heard many people talk about angels and I, sincerely, felt rejection toward the topic. I grew up with the firm idea that those winged beings did not exist but, to my surprise, THEY DO. How is it that I dare to assume this so vehemently? Well, there is new knowledge in me, which departs from a merely religious approach, and this knowledge – or better said- this path I have chosen, is completely spiritual.

The panorama is interesting because,

before I wrote these lines, I received a certain therapy, Angel Therapy. In this interaction, my therapist and I underwent something called “work.” Working in holistic therapies means discussing the root of each or our problems, those which affect our emotions and, therefore, our mood. In this called work, the therapist opens a range of possibilities while allowing you to communicate, with the most freedom and confidentiality, at least one of your problems.

At the beginning of the conversa8 armonía, vive libre

tion, the world becomes different. For instance, your problems take a different perspective, you become aware of everything that causes you pain, and you liberate it. This process reads as easy, but it implies performing a lot of conscience work. In this part, angels become key because using healing with angels helps you determine what it is that you must work on. They guide you in the process. At times we understand the spiritual world as magical and, to some degree, it is. Magic takes place after you understand the role played by conscience. Conscience is, according to the dictionary, the awareness or knowledge of things and, above all, of good and evil.

Then, being conscientious requires

your capability of reflection about good and evil in terms of doing what is right by your own free will, mainly, but the role of angels is still not clear yet. The therapy consists in building a link between you and the universe. The therapist will be a sensible guide to lend you support along the way and he/she will establish a link between

you and that universe. He will become your connection. Angels intervene and they help you know and become aware of the why of your illnesses, be they due to sickness or stress while, also understanding why those conflicts were generated and solving them, first on your own and, later, if conditions allow, in the social arena.

The body, our nervous system,

responds to positive and negative emotions. Allowing the perspective of an angelical presence in therapy gives us the power of meditation during the session while our therapist works on identifying our problem areas. At the end of the road, after observing all the characteristics through the emotional link created while talking to the therapist, we realize that there are angels which follow our process and, with signals only we can recognize, we finally understand, not necessary in a quick manner, that the solution is found in our way of understanding our past, comprehending it and liberating it.

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“¿What is a Family Constalations Therapy?”

Family Constellations; A therapy to untangle all of your problems

Fanny Doran

Everything has its cause in love. In excess of this or lack thereof. Family constellations were promoted by German philosopher and theologian Bert Hellinger. Their function is to help untangle conflict in our ancestral past, as well to find traumatic events in our origin family which can potentially affect future generations. These events assign tags to family members such as: anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, fear, phobias, chronic cal illness, addictions, and unhealthy relationships. While participating of these you will learn more about who belongs in your system and what the relationship is between our problems and family links (family tree). Family Constellations are a therapeutic tool which lead you to obtain a better understanding of what you are and of the way to relate with prosperity, your significant other, your parents, your friends, and your family. They help you find harmony, strength and peace with your past, with those who harmed you, with those you harmed and, also, to discover inherent strength in your family and the implications of not taking your loved ones completely into your heart. Everything has its cause in LOVE, in excessive love or lack thereof. Constellations are done in groups of people who do not know each other and, for these reasons, there can be no relatives or friends there. There are different ways of participating of 10 armonía, vive libre

Constellations: As an Observer, as a Participant, or doing your own Constellation. Family Constellations help us in the process of acknowledging what events did not come up in our past so that we do not repeat them, only honor them without justification and, this way, free up the burdens which limit our capabilities and talents. Constellating is an exercise in which we have the opportunity to know our own truth, our internal truth, that which we must accept so that we may progress in life. Many times, using therapy such as this can be misinterpreted due to its internal work that is, for many problems, very subjective, but in the case of Constellations, subjectivity does not work energy moves are clear. That is, energy or events marked in our past come to light because we all are energy which keeps generating echoes from the past. In other words, our ancestors are the echoes of what we are and represent today. Concepts we develop are difficult to digest, and that is why it is necessary to request assistance of a professional and facilitator because we must understand key concepts as energy, liberating, honor, and etcetera, in order to develop our process of healing and, thus, avoid living in a situation of falsehood or theft. Welcome to the wonderful universe of Family Constellations, where the only goal is to develop a better quality of life beginning with the emotional part. The better emotional health we have, we will be able to life a more plentiful and happier life. rt. The better emotional health we have, we will be able to life a more plentiful and happier.

Fanny Doran, therapist, facilitator, founder of Mariposa Morarca and director of Armonia magazine, Live Free.

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para a g o Y Beneficios del Yoga para niños


Por Asiria Valenzuela El Yoga es un sistema de conexión para todo el ser: cuerpo, mente y alma. Cuando practicas las posturas de Yoga, tus huesos se alinean, tu cuerpo se pone fuerte, se estira y se relaja. Además la sangre se oxigena ayudando a nuestro sistema nervioso central, mejora la circulación y las funciones del cuerpo, promueve la flexibilidad y suelta la tensión. Cuando estamos estresados, ansiosos, frustrados, enojados, tristes, etc., nuestro cuerpo produce hormonas, especialmente adrenalina y cortisol. Esto hace que nuestro corazón bombee más rápido, nuestra respiración se vuelve corta, y los músculos de nuestro cuello, y espalda se sientan apretados. La sangre se desvía lejos del cerebro y los órganos hacia los mús12 armonía, vive libre

culos grandes del cuerpo. Los músculos de los ojos se expanden de tal manera que es difícil enfocar, y esto es solo por mencionar algunas de las muchas cosas que pasa nuestro cuerpo cuando tenemos estrés. Todo esto es una respuesta natural del cuerpo para preparase a pelear o poder salir corriendo en caso de peligro. Sin embargo cuando tenemos estrés el cuerpo tiene una respuesta parecida a lo que acabas de leer. Por eso es importante relajarse; necesitas tranquilizarte para que el cuerpo funcione correctamente. Los adultos tenemos “maneras” de lidiar con el estrés pero¿y los niños? El Yoga ayuda a todos, niños y adultos, permitiendo armonizar nuestro cuerpo a que se restablezca de nuevo ése sentimiento de bienestar. Además de fortalecer tu cuerpo, lo ayudarás a descansar durante savasana o relajación final. Para los niños es muy importante que

a temprana edad aprendan a valorar su cuerpo y todo lo que éste hace por ellos. En la clase de Yoga a los niños se les enseñan diferentes aspectos que los ayuda mucho; un de los aspectos más importantes que ellos aprenden es a respirar de forma más eficiente. Les explicamos que la respiración nos ayuda a sentirnos tranquilos y que puedo respirar cuando estoy enojado o ansioso para calmar esa emoción. También empiezan a identificar que la respiración nos conecta con nuestro corazón. El niño se familiariza con el concepto del bien común, del trabajo en equipo y de respetarnos a nosotros mismos y a todo lo que nos rodea. Nuestra intención es que los niños cultiven una filosofía de vida más sana, más completa; es importante educarlos en que las etiquetas que la sociedad impone no son necesarias y que es maravilloso aceptarse tal y cual eres. En el grupo hablamos de ser honestos y de tomar responsabilidad cuando corresponde. El Yoga trae grandes beneficios para tu niño y niña haz la prueba; recuerda que ésta práctica es buenísima para todos, pero el que acerques a tu niño a una disciplina como el Yoga será una enseñanza de vida que lo agradecerá siempre.

Beneficios del Yoga para niños: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ser honesto Que es ser generoso Vivir con Moderación Postura correcta Salud emocional Incrementa la flexibilidad Incrementa la fuerza muscular Trabajar lo mejor que puedo Respetar a otros Desarrolla la destreza muscular Agilidad Perfeccionamiento de los sentidos • Vivir en Armonía • Baja el nivel de estrés • Mejoría de la autoestima Más información de clases y cursos para niños búscame en FaceBook Asiria Yoga ó al teléfono 480.298.2953.

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What is Yoga physical, emotional and spiritual health The first question asked by those who are foreign to Yoga is, without a doubt, “What is Yoga?” With a look that almost doubts any answer, the curious anxiously await my explanation. I take a breath and try to be as explicit and simple as possible in my response, since it is complicated to resume a philosophy as broad and rich as Yoga into a few words. Without further ado, I will tell what this ancestral discipline has meant to me.

My first contact with Yoga had the intention of proving to myself that I was physically capable of this and much more. In 2008, in Puerto Rico, I was introduced to Ashtanga Yoga, one of the most difficult styles of this discipline because of its physical skill level. I was impressed, not only by the muscular capability of its participants, but because of the devotion with which they practiced it. I remember that, during a moment of meditation, they had their eyes closed. I opened mine and what I saw was love and total surrender. I asked myself, “towards what? Why, or whom did they worship?” My ego was what filled me most at the time, but this was also what emptied my soul. Back in the USA, I sought to continue practicing Yoga; I did not find anybody with the admirable agility of my Puerto Rican-American teacher whom I met in the island, and who was my mentor at the time. However, I met people and teachers who were more interested in the complete integration of the being; yes, they sought the unification of mind, body, and soul more than other aspects of the discipline. If we translate the word Yoga, in English it would mean “union.” Yoga seeks the union of what we are but have forgotten. At the beginning I felt upset since I came from the hard, strenuous training of a dancer, and I was used to seeing the skin in my feet split until they bled, not paying attention to pain in my body, and dancing until I was completely exhausted. The first time I heard somebody say, “Listen to your body,” my mind immediately translated to: “Listen to

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what? What for? In spite of not being able to connect with my body or soul, I kept going and going… The reason was that, every time I was in Savasana (final relaxation), I would cry. Each time I heard somebody sing in Sanskrit, and old language in India, I would shed tears and I did not know why. I started to understand that my soul was in connection with something.

I do not know what day and cannot remember the year with certainty, in which I was meditating at home and I lived one of life’s most wonderful experiences; it was as if I was back to the source. With my eyes closed, I felt how my soul communicated with me, how my body was like a giant radar announcing thousands of sensations, situations, and any other emotion. It was the perception of being absolutely sure that God exists, and that you and I, and everybody else are connected. It was then that I understood the link between my mind, body, and soul. Yoga, even with its well or badly understood precepts, teaches us, in reality, to observe the world from a positive perspective. Its foundations are based in alliance, love, and total compassion. It is a path in which you will find the “8 limbs” or branches given by Ashtanga Yoga from Patanjali. Ashto means eight, and Anga means branch or stage. This resembles a growing tree whose main objective is to reach light. Each tree is different, unique, and unrepeatable, as we, ourselves, are. The development of each stage is not linear to everybody; the branch sprouts when the moment is right since we cannot force a tree to grow, neither is this possible for those who practice Yoga. Patience is the biggest tool to use when you try to open personal consciousness. The magical moment when this occurs comes at any instant; we need only wait for it to happen and be a quiet witness of our own path. Through Yoga practice we feed our path towards the 8 stages: YAMA means discipline, or moral codes such as not to kill, speak the truth, avoid greed, maintain a responsible attitude toward sexual matters, and liberate

Yoga from attachment. NIYAMA means self-observation; it is building character and the attitude toward us ourselves; ASANA are the postures o Yoga movements; PRANAYAMA means breathing and self-control; PRATYAHARA means domination of senses and external objects; DHARANA means concentration; DHYANA is meditation; With SAMADHI we realize the pure essence of everything that exists. Within some of these steps, there are other small sub-classifications in which we can find mudras, mantras, and so many breathing exercises. In the West, the most accessible and apparently elementary part to understand are Asanas (postures), or the so called Yoga in motion. This happens because we are stimulated to look toward the exterior, and, thus, seeing a body in motion is attractive. In conclusion, Yoga is a beautiful path to self-discovery; the Asanas are plowing the land which, sooner or later will become a tree. It is up to you and me to keep feeding that soil in order to live a life of peace and reaching spirituality. I encourage you to start today on your path toward consciousness and the unification of mind, body, and soul. I wish you success!

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Recomendacines del Mes Clases: Sábado Abril 16. 11:30 am Aprende Mantras y Mudras. Sólo $12 dlls por persona. $9 con Membresía de Mariposa Monarca. Miércoles 27 de Abril y Mayo 4. 6pm-8pm Aprende el uso de Piedras, Cuarzos con Arcángeles. $20 dlls, $15 con Membresía de Mariposa Monarca. Regístrate al 602-725-4749 480-298-2953



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By Enrique Mañón

Floating Curtains to Clean de Oceans of Plastics We are currently suffering from an important environmental crisis. According to a study made public this year by Science Magazine, we are throwing, on average, eight million tons of trash into the seas on a daily basis! This study was done by researcher Jenna Jambeck of Georgia University. She, along with other specialists, provided relevant data about this problem. For instance, this mass of refuse will grow year by year; by the end of 2015 more than nine tons of trash was dumped in the ocean, and this amount will double by the year 2050 from the average of 2008. Under this troubling panorama in which the proliferation of trash is alarming, the Ocean Cleanup Foundation will deploy a barrier 100 kilometers long during the second trimester of 2016 at a location near 18 armonía, vive libre

the North Sea, specifically some 23 kilometers (about 14.3 miles) from the coast of the Netherlands. The objective of this project is to eliminate the bottles, plastic bags, and other similar trash polluting the ocean.

This plan is based on creating, from here to the year 2020... Traditional methods of collecting ocean trash in other initiatives consist in simple accumulation of refuse. In contrast with those, Ocean Cleanup wants to use ocean currents to catch it. This plan is based on creating, from here to the year 2020, two arms 50 kilometer each to form a “V.” The three meter tall (10 feet) curtain will allow us to obstruct movement of plastic trash in order to collect it in containers. “The main objective is observing the effects in the sea, specially the currents and waves in the process of “fishing out” the trash. Up to now, the tests have been conducted in gigantic pools. The so called “plastic soup,” formed by residue of different

sizes, has a considerable impact in ocean life; some animals like seals, dolphins among others, end up trapped in this and drown or strangle themselves, while others ingest it. In the case of turtles, they confuse plastic bags with jelly fish, and they even eat plastic soda bottle tops. On the other hand, decomposition of this trash into smaller particles produces negative effects in human health and it facilitates its inclusion in the food chain. Ocean Cleanup clarifies that the devise mentioned allows passage of fish through them and, therefore, do not mean any harm for sea life. This foundation plans to have much bigger tests near the Japanese island of Tsushima, between Japan and South Korea.

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Niños y Ecología

Medio ambiente niños y ecología

Ésta es una época de muchos cambios políticos, sociales y sobre todo climáticos. Quiero hacer énfasis en los climáticos, ya que la información que toman los diferentes portales de noticias de los resultados que arrojan los estudios de las instituciones y ONGs especializadas en el tema del medio ambiente, reflejan la situación de la tierra como grave y con consecuencias que se profundizan día a día. Tan solo tomaré como referencia el portal español 20 minutos, donde Carlos Bravo, Biólogo y gerente de la Fundación Renovables explica como el calentamiento global incrementa día con día por la falta de voluntad e irresponsabilidad de los políticos y la falta de conocimiento en ciertos sectores de la ciudadanía española. El ejemplo también puede aplicarse para el resto de otros paises. En el blog, Bravo desarrolla su argumentación con base a los datos que elaboró un laboratorio en Mauna Loa, en Hawaii, en los que se sostiene que la concentración atmosférica de dióxido de carbono (CO2) ha pasado de 400,31 partes por millón (ppm) en febrero de 2015 a 404,16 ppm en febrero de 2016. Los científicos dicen que la Tierra podría calentarse 7.2 grados Fahrenheit más durante el Siglo XXI si no reducimos las emisiones causadas por los combustibles fósiles, como el carbón y el petróleo. Este aumento en la

20 armonía, vive libre

temperatura promedio tendrá efectos trascendentales. Los niveles del mar aumentarán, inundando las áreas costeras. Las ondas de calor serán más frecuentes y más intensas. Las sequías y los incendios forestales ocurrirán más a menudo. Bravo opta porque la sociedad instale un modelo energético diferente. El fenómeno del calentamiento global es algo que se puede reducir si aplicamos diferentes medidas, como por ejemplo la utilización de energias renovables como la eólica y la fotovoltaica. Las opciones para mejorar las condiciones ambientales de nuestro planeta y en específico las de nuestra comunidad existen, simplemente hay algo que se nos escapa y es que a las generaciones jovenes no se les impulsa a vivir en una cultura de protección al espacio donde vivimos y nos desenvolvemos. Si en casa se fomentará la protección al medio ambiente, no viviriamos desabasto de agua, grandes sequías, contaminación por doquier, acumulación de basura o el calentamiento global. No es crear culpables, sino seres responsables y con el criterio para tomar decisiones que no afecten la vida en la tierra tanto en lo macro y lo micro. Los niños y los jovenes necesitan cultura, educación y que sean sensibles a los temas ambientales, tal vez el dia de mañana todos ellos tengan la posibilidad de no vivir las consecuencias nefastas que nos aguran todos los medios de comunicación masiva.

Desde el Corazón Por Laura San José, periodista, escritora Voy a un hogar de niñas todos los viernes. Desde que empecé a ir a un círculo de mujeres quiero ir a un hogar de niñas. Para seguir armando círculos. Para peinarnos, para curarnos con besos y palabras las heridas. Ellas son valientes. Yo, en su lugar, estaría muerta de miedo. Me preguntaría mil veces quién viene por mí, si alguien lo haría, si algún día podré vivir en una familia. Ellas, en cambio sonríen, se divierten. Jugamos al quemado o me enseñan a saltar la soga con mis largas piernas y mis rodillas gordas, momento en donde todo se traba y ellas ríen de mis accidentes. Se meten en la pileta que tienen en el hogar, chillan cuando alguna abeja anda cerca, se van a Mar del Plata con los scouts, algunas van a misa, las que quieren, y otras miran “Esperanza mía” en el televisor donado. Yo sería un bicho triste en verano, con ganas de andar en bicicleta toda la tarde, y una gacela mojada en invierno, con el frío en el alma. Ellas van a la colonia, ellas van al colegio, ellas van a pasar un fin de semana a la casa de campo de una señora voluntaria. Ellas me hablan de chicos, de una yarará que vieron en el Delta y de las vacas en el campo. Me hablan de lo que hicieron, y de dios. No me hablan de ellas, ni de por qué están ahí, de quienes son. Eso no. Hace dos meses que voy y de esos temas no me hablan. Sí tienen psicólogos, trabajadores sociales que dan vueltas constantemente alrededor de cada historia, de cada legajo. Pero lo hacen silenciosamente. A veces las monjitas que viven ahí me cuentan cosas. Como el caso de Azul, que tiene 4 años y que por algún motivo no muy bueno, ni muy feliz está viviendo ahí. Su mamá y su papá la visitan. Su mamá poco. Su papá cada vez más. Esto hizo mella en Azul: empezó a extrañar. Cada vez que suena el timbre en el hogar, Azul deja de hacer lo que está haciendo- pintando, jugando, riendo- y sobresaltada pegunta al aire: “¿Quién llegó?” “¿Papi?”. Y se va caminando despacito hasta la puerta y ahí se queda hasta que alguien pasa y la trae de vuelta. La última vez que Azul vio a su papá, me cuenta una de las hermanas, lloró horas tirada al lado del portón con una angustia de grande y el corazón partido de tristeza.

a rmonía, vive libre 21

armonĂ­a, vive libre

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