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AFA13 Photographer

Fish LIEW 廖子妤

Malaysian-born model-turned actress Fish LIEW had her breakthrough with a Hong Kong Film Awards Best New Performer nomination for Doomsday Party (2014). She was then starred in the PANG Ho Cheung produced Lazy Hazy Crazy (2015), which premiered in Tokyo International Film Festival. Her moving performance in Sisterhood (2016) earned her the Most Promising Talent Award at the Osaka Asian Film Festival and a Best Supporting Actress nomination at the Hong Kong Film Awards. In 2018, she played dual roles in No. 1 Chung Ying Street (2018) and she will be next seen in Soi CHEANG’s thriller, Limbo. 生於馬來西亞的廖子妤,在香港由模特兒轉型成演員,2 0 1 4年憑《末日派對》獲香港電影金像獎提名最 佳新演員,翌年主演由彭浩翔監製的《同班同學》於東京國際電影節世界首映。2 0 1 6年主演《骨妹》榮獲 大阪亞洲電影節頒發「最有前途影星獎」及獲提名香港電影金像獎最佳女配角。2018年在趙崇基執導的 《中英街一號》內一人飾演兩角,她的新作為鄭保瑞導演的懸疑片《智齒》。


Johnny HUANG Jingyu 黃 景 瑜

Johnny HUANG Jingyu became an overnight sensation with provocative web series Addicted in 2016. In the following year, he had a major role as a sniper in Dante LAM’s Operation Red Sea (2018), the biggest box office hit in China and the highest-grossing Asian Film of 2018. His latest web series, Moonshine and Valentine, in which he took one of the leading roles and had remarkable performance, was also a major hit earning over 2 billion views in 2018. The up-and-coming superstar is part of the ensemble cast of author and rally racer-turned-director HAN Han’s latest film, Pegasus (2019). 憑主演2016年熱爆全中國及東南亞的網劇《上癮》一夜成名,並出演林超賢的《紅海行動》(2018),演釋 神 槍 手 備 受 矚 目,影 片 為 2 0 1 8 年 度 全 國 票 房 總 冠 軍 及 全 球 最 賣 座 亞 洲 電 影。他 主 演 的 另 一 部 奇 幻 愛 情 網劇 《結愛·千歲大人的初戀》去年5月於騰訊上架以來獲超過二十億點擊率,而黃景瑜在劇中的演技亦 備受賞識。最新電影作品為職業賽車手、作家兼導演韓寒的2019年賀歲電影《飛馳人生》。


L: Fish LIEW H: Johnny HUANG Jingyu

Thoughts On Being AFA13 Youth Ambassador

L: It’s a real honour because I believe that the term ‘ambassador’ carries great weight. The title of ‘youth ambassador,’ in particular, represents a great deal of responsibility. It makes me feel like I have an obligation to promote Hong Kong and Asian cinema to my peers and even students that are much younger than myself. I hope that I can do this job well.

H: First of all, I’d like to thank Asian Film Awards for the opportunity to participate in this major film industry event. I am truly happy to have the chance to meet elder colleagues that I have deep respect for as well as my favorite actors.

Thoughts On Film Restoration

L: I’m a huge fan of WONG Kar Wai’s films. I used to watch the original film prints of his works, which is why I believe all his films should be restored. I’ve seen the restored version of foreign films, and I could see that the restored prints reveal more details than the original prints. I truly look forward to revisiting restored classic films so that I can find details that I never picked up before. I hope more Hong Kong films can receive the restoration treatment.

H: I am quite curious about some of China’s earliest films. I can’t quite recall the names, and there is no way to see them. But if they can be restored, I would love to see them and understand how stories and art were conveyed back in the day. I’ve seen Titanic (1997), which was restored some time ago. I’ve also seen the restored versions of Edward YANG’s A Brighter Summer Day (1991) and some older Hong Kong film.

Thoughts On Asian Cinema

L: Being from Malaysia, I’ve seen many films from Southeast Asia. I’m very familiar with Thai, Singaporean and Malaysian films, in addition to Japanese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong films. Hong Kong cinema influenced me immensely, especially in showing me how Asian people express emotions, which is relatively subtle compared to people in the West. H: There are many different forms in Asian films. Films from China, Japan, South Korea, India and other Asian countries have their respective ways of artistic expression. But I think Asian films excel in handling delicate emotional expressions that resonate with audiences. Chinese films in particular have been improving in many aspects.

Advice For Newcomers In The Film Industry

L: If you don’t have a passion for films, then leave. The film industry is very alluring, but it’s also fraught with difficulties. If you’re hoping to make a lot of money, then go do something else. But if you like to dream and express your thoughts to audiences around the world; if you have a unique way of thinking or if you want to create a dream in a fictional world with a team of people and bring that dream to an audience, then welcome to the film industry.

H: I’m still a newcomer myself, and I’m still at a stage of exploration and learning. It is better to be more pragmatic; to feel life in order to truly understand the emotions of the characters. That’s how an actor can interpret a story more precisely and lively.


廖:廖子妤 黃:黃景瑜


廖:我覺得很榮幸,因為「大使」這兩字對我來說份 量很重,這名銜代表一份責任。擔任青年大使,讓 我覺得自己有責任將香港以及亞洲電影介紹給與 我年齡相若的人,甚至是更年輕的觀眾。希望今年 我會做得稱職。 黃:首先非常感謝亞洲電影大獎讓我有機會參與 這項電影界盛事,與自己尊敬的前輩和喜愛的演 員見面,實在令人高興。


廖: 我很喜歡王家衛導演的電影,很久以前看的都 是原裝菲林版本,我覺得他所有電影都要進行修 復。我曾在戲院看過一些重新修復的外國電影,經 修復後的畫面比原版清晰,可以看出更多細節。我 也非常期待可以重溫一些經典,尤其是看修復版 本會重新發現以前沒看到的東西。我好期待有更 多香港電影被修復。 黃:我還對中國最早期的電影感到好奇,我不知道 這些電影的名稱,也無法看得到。如果可以修復的 話,可以藉此了解舊時代的故事和藝術形式。我看 過早前修復的《鐵達尼號》( 1 9 9 7 )、楊德昌導演的 《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》( 1 9 9 1 ),還有一些早期的 香港電影。


廖: 我 來 自 馬 來 西 亞,看 過 很 多 東 南 亞 電 影,對 泰 國、新 加 坡 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 電 影 非 常 熟 悉,還 有 日 本、台 灣 和 香 港 電 影,而 香 港 電 影 對 我 影 響 最 深。相對於西方國家,亞洲人表達情感的方式比較 含蓄。 黃:亞洲電影其實有很多不同形式,中國、日本、韓 國、印度等,每個國家的電影都有不同的藝術表現 手法以及內容。但我覺得亞洲電影在處理細膩的 情感方面,尤其讓人有共鳴。而近年中國電影亦不 斷進步和改變。


廖: 如果你不是很熱愛電影的話,就應盡快離開。 這行業有異常的吸引力,但又真的苦。如果你想賺 很 多 錢 的 話,不 如 快 點 離 開。但 假 如 你 很 喜 歡 做 夢,想將自己的看法帶給觀眾,或者你想創造虛構 的世界,製造一個夢與觀眾分享的話,我歡迎你進 入電影圈。 黃:我也是個新人,還在摸索和學習的階段。我覺 得做演員要踏實,能感受生活的氣息,才能體會角 色人物的悲歡喜樂,才會準確而生動地詮釋電影 故事。

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