This is an e-book presenting e-twinning project among Polish and Greek Schools .
The year 2011 was proclaimed by the European Union as volunteering year to raise awareness of the European population in such matters and also ensuring our participation in the solution or at least alleviate the problems resulting from rising unemployment and poverty. In this context, our schools cooperated in e-Twinning platform to an action that has as its theme the help we can give to children who grow up without families and adults that get older without children . In this issue we present you with joy the creations of our students turning power points they made to pdf files. Assimina Lambrakou (Greece)
In XIX century, in Poland philanthropy meant to us sympathy for poor people. After war in Poland Volunteering created scouts and people from church. Volunteers offer their services to people and humanity without salary. The beginnings of Volunteering were in Greek antiquity as brotherly love to a strange man. Myth about Ptolemaeus show posture of philanthropy wich is a symbol defence of human, despite of danger. The word “Volunteering” comes from Latin language “wolontarius – woluntary” Volunteering gave a joy sense of being needed. Wieslawa Malinowska (Poland)
I always thought that matters such as poverty, disease, disasters should be priorities for a state whose first concern would be the Human. A welfare state. I started our cooperation with Wieslawa with distrust . Distrust was related to whether I could support such action and if it was good to turn my students on this logic. I found my answers during a presentation that I prepared for this theme. Volunteering. Enthusiasm of my students and their thoughts, and volunteers with whom we spoke, helped me to find these answers. Volunteers at “Sunday School for Immigrants” and the “Doctors of the World”. So, for me, the most important resulting from this action is to weaken the sense of excommunicated , socially excluded, people who for whatever reason found to be “out there” ... Secondly, also important, is the feeling and reality of supply and interaction that helps to "build" yourself out of your personal walls and helps you to mature. Assimina Lambrakou (Greece)
Andrian Kaminski Filip Kobus Andrzej Ryszek Joanna Tsekoura Kathrin Pini Kiriaki Psara Assimina Lambrakou
Filip Kobus
Andrzej Ryszek
Joanna Tsekoura Kathrin Pini Kiriaki Psara
Assimina Lambrakou
Our best regards
Wieslawa Malinowska (Poland) Assimina Lambrakou (Greece) and the Students of the two Schools
The end .