News 4U Evansville - August 2009

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Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309




Evansville Edition

6 THUNDER ON THE OHIO It’s back. And it’s bigger, better and boat-ier than ever by Dylan Gibbs

65 EVANSVILLE MUSEUM CONTEMPORARIES Checking in on the Museum by Glenn Stroessner

12 MUSIC FESTIVAL MANIA III gas up and go by Nick Durcholz

66 SHOPPING School’s back. Nyahh… by Ashley Sollars

14 CHARLIE DANIELS The long-haired country boy does good by Lanea Ritterling

67 KID’S PAGE Let’s go muddin’ or somethin’ by Dylan Gibbs 69 STYLES It’s still hot out, and so are you by Alison Sigman

15 PUNK ROCK NIGHT Well, it’s like 85% punk by Doug Messel

68 THE CHEAP CHICK Back to school savings by Julie Mehringer

16 BOURBON BLOG A DISTILLERY? In our backyard? You bet by Tom Fischer

71 THREE DOG NIGHT Old fashioned love songs at Aztar by Lanea Ritterling

34 DOGS & SUDS Come with your mutt, leave with a buzz by Ashley Sollars




39 HORRORSCOPES The future is now



94 SOUND BOARD Local songmakers chime in


35 MORE ORIGINAL MUSIC Heypenny, Mumpsy & Mock Orange by Doug Messel 36 LIVE COMEDY IS HERE Club Royale’s Sunday night laugh attack by Nick Durcholz

72 AEGAEON A 50-headed metal machine! by Julie Mehringer 73 THE COLD STARES You gotta see this band by Carolyn Cummings 74 HENDERSON HAPPENINGS by the Henderson Co. Tourist Commission

37 EXESION get your stinkin’ hands offa my original metal! by Carolyn Cummings

75 INTERNATIONAL MYSTERY WRITER’S FEST Check it out in Owensboro by Melissa Kaiser

38 HERE WE CALL IT BIER – VOLKSFEST 2009! by Nick Durcholz

83 SORE THUMBS: How did Dan make it a back to school theme? by Dan Woolsey

62 BRIEFS A little of the ‘ol this and that by Dylan Gibbs

95 WE’RE DOOMED: American Idol is mandatory watching, comrade by Brandon Kaelin

86 FILM Publisher Bashar Hamami Business Manager Sharon Tindle

Managing Editor Dylan gibbs

Promotions Casey McCoy

Account Executives Lori Martin Sales Manager

Carolyn Cummings Russella Jones Keith LaCrosse Web Programming Jeff Lingis

Production Supervisor Amanda Smith

Graphic Artist Jaqulyn Woolsey Staff Photographer Mark McCoy Staff Writers Nick Durcholz

Contributors Carolyn Cummings, Tom Fischer, Henderson Co. Tourist Commission, Brandon Kaelin, Lori Martin, Julie Mehringer, Doug Messel, Lanea Ritterling, Tom Tindle, Alison Sigman, Ashley Sollars, glenn Stroessner, Dan Woolsey, Todd Zachritz

On the cover this month... Staind SMG Evansville gloria Altman Mark McCoy Cover Design Amanda Smith


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Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


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Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


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Dr. Ken Muscatel – “The World’s Fastest Forensic Psychologist” & Owner/Driver of the U-25 Superior Racing Hydro On the race’s temporary departure from Evansville: I felt it was ridiculous; you had thirty years of success, and you have one bad year and it looks like the whole thing is going to go away. It just didn’t make any sense… it just seemed crazy to let it go.”

Tom Sawyer – Chairman, Thunder on the Ohio On the origins of Thunder on the Ohio:

When Owensboro voted to give it up, I got a call about an hour after that vote, wanting to know if I wanted to be involved with the group that was trying to bring it to Evansville. I was a young engineer at the time, and I helped build the wood docks, the first docks we used. And I’ve been with it ever since. I worked in the pits for three years, then I was pit chairman for 18 years, then I was race chairman thereafter. I’ve been involved in it every year. This is our 31st year”

On Thunder’s setbacks:

“I was disturbed. I really think we diluted it. The old Freedom Festival was promoting too many things. We have a waterfront in Evansville that the city spent $13 million on, and it was specifically designed to accommodate boat racing. That’s why it’s structured the way it is. As it is, we can handle 18 Unlimiteds and some smaller boats… When this thing all failed, you have to understand the Freedom Festival actually made money last year. But we’d lost so much the year before, and last year we two of our three beer gardens rained out…”

On the excitement gathering around Thunder 2009:

On starting out:


I’ve always been a fan of the sport since childhood; that part’s not new. I had a chance to race Dave Culley’s old Miss Budweiser in Honolulu in 1990 and it took off from there.”

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

There’s still a local race committee running the show, from an operational standpoint… there’s the Rib America Festival – people come from all around – and of course the concerts. It’s a high value for the dollar, and it should bring people in, and I’m optimistic. It’s an entire entertainment event – the food, the music, the classic cars – and the boat race itself, which is my primary interest. But my most primary interest is to have a successful event.” •9•

Tom Sawyer cont’d


On this year’s optimism:

Steve David – Driver of the U-1 Oh Boy! Oberto & defending National High Points Standings Champion Racing from the beginning:

growing up in Ft. Lauderdale, I was raised on the water – always had boats instead of cars – whose boat was faster? That started about age seven. I got into organized boat racing about age 14. We were fortunate to have the Miami Marine Stadium; luckily mom and dad didn’t object to it.”

Safety, keeping the boat in the water, etc., aside, the most important way to win?

Setup. And there’s so few people that really understand the weight and balance and angle relationship, etc. But I’m blessed to have a crew chief who’s one of the truly few people to understand that. I think the reason we’re either winning the heats or setting records is the setup; you can have the best equipment, but if it’s not set up correctly, it’s not going to make any sense.”

What’s a “Limited” as opposed to an “Unlimited?”

In the Limited field there are about seven different classes, defined by all sorts of guidelines they have to stick to; in the Unlimiteds, although the name’s a little misleading, there’s as much horsepower as you can possibly get, and the only restrictions are the width, length and weight of the boat. We would be the equivalent of Top Fuel, if you’re a drag-racing fan.”

What’s cool about racing on the Evansville course?

It’s the first place I ever ran an Unlimited, back in ’88. The course is cool, because it’s a tri-oval; it’s one where you can, if you’re runnin’ second and you’ve got a little steam on the first guy, you might be able to get around him. There’s that dogleg in the front straightaway; there’s the big turn on the south side of the river, the long straight-away. You really don’t drop speed very much; the qualifying speeds there [Evansville] aren’t that much less than they are on 2 1/2 mile courses. generally it’s real competitive water, too.”

Driving a piston engine boat vs. a turbine engine boat?


For complete audio transcripts of interviews with Dr. Muscatel, Mr. Sawyer and Mr. David, check out the links on • 10 •

Reliability. Ed [Cooper, owner of the U-3 Cooper Motorsports boat, a pistonpowered boat] is as fast as any turbine boat out there; what the turbines have done is create a lower center of gravity – the total power plant is only 700 pounds vs. 2000 for an Allison or a Rolls.” • Evansville August 2009



Beer gardens are profitable. This year, by going in August, it’s drier; thanks to the generosity of Ken Muscatel, we had a line of credit to put this thing together; we brought in some professional people to assist us; we were behind the 8-ball on sponsorship, but we’ve gotten some sponsors; we’re there. We went for first-class entertainment, which with the three [national music] groups… I mean, racing, ribs and rock & roll…”

“You buy the button and you’re in - $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. And that gets you into everything.”

Thunder Rundown ‘09


hunder on the Ohio returns to its roots with a new look, a new slate of events, and a new type of value for these tough economic times - $15 in advance for entry to the race, the music, the beer gardens, the dylan gibbs barbeque competition, and, Managing Editor wait… yeah, we should probably go into some detail about all of this before we get too much hype right up at the beginning. But first, let’s go back and revisit the place unlimited hydroplanes have had on the Ohio River here in the area. Owensboro was home to the race until the late 70s, when the hydroplanes were still thunderous, with their World War II-era aircraft engines hammering out the horsepower. The race moved to Evansville and over time, became the seminal summer event there. Crowds numbering in the tens of thousands piled virtually on top of one another to see many of the same familiar names – both of the drivers and the boats – come with their sleek racing machines strapped at an angle onto semi trucks. Names like Bill Muncey, Dean Chenoweth, Chip Hanauer, the Miss Budweiser, the Atlas Van Lines boat, and one of the biggest names and characters of them all – Bernie Little – were in the programs and the newspaper the week of the big race. It wasn’t what you’d exactly call a family event. Families did indeed go, but prudes would invariably be put off by the drinking, the lack of clothing, and the general “woo-hoo!” atmosphere. But most of us loved it. Time passed, and in recent years, the event, the festival surrounding it, and the whole vibe slid away for a variety of reasons that don’t really need to be repeated any more than they have already. Suffice it to say, fans of unlimited hydroplane racing were saddened to see what happened to a race they’d come to look forward to. One of the biggest fans of the sport was such a fan that he decided to do something about it. In fact he was such a fan that – like the silly Hair Club For Men commercials, “I liked it so much I bought the company…” – he became

a driver of unlimiteds in the early 90s. Dr. Ken Muscatel, a Seattle-based forensic psychologist and the only owner/driver on the unlimited circuit, saw the loss of the Evansville race as a blow to the entire American Boat Racing Association. So he became a benefactor of sorts, and over the past couple of years, has reached out to as many key people as possible in the industry to put together an event that would be bigger, better and of greater value than any that had come before. Fast forward to the present day, and you have the all-new 2009 Thunder on the Ohio, and the lineup of fun things to do – both for kids and adults – offers something for just about everybody. The big unlimited hydroplanes will be back in the water. These sleek, mean-looking, three-and-a-half ton, thirty-foot long knives can hit 200 miles per hour and keep average lap speeds of 170. On Friday, August 21, anyone with a admittance button can come down into the pits to meet the drivers and the boats up close from 5 to 7 p.m. Qualifying races will begin the next day at 11 a.m. and continue until 5 p.m. On Sunday the racing begins again at 10 a.m., continues throughout the day and wraps up with the final heat at 5 p.m. The race in Evansville will be the last of the season in America. After Thunder, the boats will all be loaded onto a much larger boat which will head to the Middle Eastern nation of Qatar for the World Championships in November. Boats are the centerpiece, but there is indeed something for everyone. Like music? How about great classic rock and country? Sure you do. That’s why event organizers have slated for Friday night the Marshall Tucker Band, with openers the local group, Jason Clutter & the Dirty South Band. Saturday night sees two hot country solo artists – the new-ish to the scene Jack Ingram and the established traditional country boy, Travis Tritt. Both shows offer general admission with that same $15 button. How about barbeque? In one of the most awesome moves the people behind Thunder made, the famous Rib America Festival will be along, with nationally-ranked barbeque teams in com-

petition for bragging rights and more. The Rib America Festival has been a huge success in much larger cities such as St. Louis, San Antonio, Indianapolis and Des Moines. And for barbeque-loving Owensboro and the surrounding area, this is like sort of like the Super Bowl of barbequing – it’s that big of a deal. As if that weren’t enough, hot rod enthusiasts can get their fix thanks to the Evansville Road Knights. One of the most respected automobile clubs around, the gear heads with the Knights have some seriously impressive rides, and are proud to show them off to the rest of us. Beer gardens will also be open Friday and Saturday nights at the Casino Aztar Events Pavilion, so there’ll be plenty of cold ones available for thirsty visitors. That’s it in a very small nutshell. For more information, rules, regulations, ticket information, maps and more, go to If you find yourself in Evansville and would like to buy buttons, many of the local banks and grocery stores are selling them. You may also get them at the gate for $20 – still a bargain for all this incredible entertainment. Online resources:

Big media, inc.

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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“can’t you see?


omehow the song titles in the headline match up with the artists (Marshall Tucker Band, Travis Tritt and Jack Ingram). And, perhaps fittingly, they mesh with the tone and nature of the celebration of fun, food, Paul dockery frivolity and waterborne Contributor entertainment about to set up camp along the shore of the mighty Ohio August 21 through 23. Staging up in the wide expanse between the Museum and the tennis courts at Sunset Park, the Thunder Concert Bowl plays host to the aforementioned artists the following evenings: Friday, August 21 sees the Marshall Tucker Band onstage with local country-tinged dude Jason Clutter and his Dirty South Band at 7 p.m.; on Saturday, August 22 the music gets revved up at 6 p.m. with another local act, followed by the star-bound Jack Ingram at 7 and finally, the legendary country boy Travis Tritt. Each show only requires a $15 Festival button for entry. Southern rock was a tall-walking Hondo in the 1970s. Bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd; with their sweaty, whiskey-drenched vibe took off right along side of proto-psychedelic groups like the Allman Brothers Band and the rough-riding Mountain. Among the plethora of Southern rockers were The Marshall Tucker Band, a group of six South Carolinians who stormed out of the Palmetto State with an infectious blend of rock & roll, country, and jazz. Their style was ripe for the times; their albums consistently went platinum or gold and they frequently traversed the nation to spread their vision of good Southern groove. For those not old enough to know or too old to remember, The Marshall Tucker Band was huge in the 70s. Formed in 1971 and named for a Spartanburg, SC piano tuner, singer Doug gray, guitarist Toy Caldwell, guitarist george McCorkle, drummer Paul Riddle, and reed player Jerry Eubanks caught the attention of legions of Southern rock fans with the release of their eponymous debut and their tour with the venerable Allman Brothers Band in 1973. A string of gold Albums followed in the wake of The Marshall Tucker Band including A New Life, Where We All Belong, Long Hard Ride, and their first million-seller, Searchin’ For A Rainbow. The band cut numerous singles during the early to mid seventies as well. Classics like “Fire on the Mountain,” “Take the Highway,” and “Can’t You See,” with its Southern-fried feel and • 12 •

gorgeous flute, received regular radio airplay across the nation. Their biggest-selling album of all was Carolina Dreams. Released in 1977, the record was somewhat of a departure from Long Hard Ride, the album released just prior to Dreams. The Platinum-seller featured a bit more of a pop sensibility, than the blues and country tinged Long Hard Ride, making it more accessible to the masses. The million-seller presented a mature stance to songwriting and featured some of the most familiar MTB songs, including “Heard It In A Love Song,” “Desert Skies,” and “Fly Like An Eagle.” The Marshall Tucker Band was slowed down by the death of one of their founding members, bass player Tommy Caldwell in a 1980 car accident. The group faded from the charts after the release of their last Platinum album, Greatest Hits in 1982, and entered that swirling abyss of former superstardom. Toy Caldwell left the band for a solo career and the original members of the MTB went their separate ways shortly thereafter. In 1983 Doug gray and Jerry Eubanks got the jones for more and so traveled to Nashville to recruit new members for a revamped Marshall Tucker Band. A tour was launched and the second coming of MTB was off and running with a new lineup. Newcomers Rusty Milner, bassist Tim Lawter, drummer Ace Allen, and guitarist Stuart Swanlund had joined the fray to preach new Southern groove to fans who sorely missed their fix of Marshall Tucker Band. In the two decades since the inception of Marshall Tucker Band’s revitalization, the band has toured almost constantly, registered country hits, explored the goldmine that is offered by adult contemporary and blues music, and suffered the loss of founding member Toy Caldwell, who died in 1993. Bands such as Alabama and Kentucky Headhunters have drawn on the Marshall Tucker Band’s influential sound. Over the past thirty-plus years they’ve forged ahead in the midst of fads and styles as diverse and generation-spanning as the singer-songwriter movement, disco, punk, new wave, metal, grunge, and the various styles of country music that has seen its share of changes over the years. ‘ In a time of successfully slick and glamorous male country singers like garth Brooks and Clint Black, georgia-born Travis Tritt cut a rougher image that harkened back to the time of Outlaw Country, smoky honky tonks and Southern rock & roll. A “long haired country boy” with early musical aspirations, from the time he was a boy

he had a mind to make music. By age eight he was playing guitar, and his songwriting career began at the age of 14. But before he could break into the business, he had to overcome the reservations of his parents (his mother wished he’d play gospel music; his father thought it wouldn’t make him any money). So instead of immediately moving to Music City when he first had the chance, Tritt did what most people do – work a job and start a family. But the music bug was in his system all along, and despite his efforts at the domestic life, he was twice married and divorced by his early 20s. An employer of his had once shared dreams of making it, but gave up in favor of a “normal” life. Urged on by his experiences, Tritt dove headlong into music in the early 1980s. A series of demos followed, caught the attention of a Warner Bros. executive who fostered Tritt along, and encouraged him to continue away at making a mark in the industry. Throughout the 80s, Travis Tritt played in bars and clubs developing his now-familiar style – that gritty, soulful voice and sound equally suited to heartfelt ballads, blazing rockers and traditional-sounding country songs. Lightning struck when, after years of rolling through the honky tonk circuit, Warner Bros. Records signed him to a deal. His debut, Country Club, made the top ten on the country charts and spawned the number one single, “Help Me Hold On.” A series of successful albums with Warner ensued, including It’s All About To Change, • Evansville August 2009


iT’S all abouT To change; wherever you are”


T-r-o-u-b-le, Ten Feet Tall & Bulletproof and Restless Kind. His songs were variously mellow and organic – (“Foolish Pride,” “Anymore,” “It’s A great Day To Be Alive”) great covers of classic songs – (“Take It Easy,” “Move It On Over”) and rowdy tunes with a rock sensibility – (“Ten Feet Tall & Bulletproof,” “Modern Day Bonnie & Clyde”) After twenty successful years in the business, gigs entertaining America’s troops, performances with musical titans from Ray Charles to John Mellencamp, industry awards, millions of records sold and more than he could have asked for before he started out, Tritt did manage that whole domestic thing, and is a happily married father – icing on the cake for the former honky tonk hellraiser.

“Wherever You Are” is possibly Jack Ingram’s best-known song, a track that reached #1 on the country radio charts. His deliriously insane good looks, coupled with a dogged tenacity to make it in the ‘biz has endeared him to a fanbase of men and (a lot of) women across the country. Through the nearly 20 years Ingram’s been at it in Music City, he’s changed labels, going from a major to an independent – a move that sparked success for him after much time spent toiling in relative obscurity. Once hitching his horse to the Big Machine label, his creativity spilled out, with chart and popular success coming in the form of a string of hit singles, albums and awards, including the Academy of Country Music’s “Top New Male Vocalist” in 2008. Thunder on the Ohio and Jack’s gig at the Concert Bowl coincides nicely with his new album, Big Dreams & High Hopes, slated to be out on August 25. “There are a few rowdy barroom singalongs on there and also a few songs that are meant to be listened to when you’re all alone,” Ingram says. “Lots of long days and fun nights were spent making this one.” For more on each artist, ticketing info and more, visit Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Summer Music


Festival Madness 2009 (Part 3)

he summer music festival season is now rounding third base and preparing for a tumultuous slide into home. As with the last two months, August is filled with great music, cold nick durcholz beverages, frivolity, and more Contributor than the occasional scalper. Whether it is outdoor, indoor, formal, or completely extemporaneous festivals are an ideal place for memories and enjoying the summer sense of freedom and exploration. Before long temperatures will drop, school and work will kick into high gear and the summer music festival juggernaut will desist only to slowly begin building momentum for next year. Catch the festival fever before the fun cuts out and you are left with a mouthful of dust and a pair of extremely dissatisfied eardrums. Here’s what is in stock for August. The Gateway to the West saunters to the plate with their answer to the urban side of the summer music festival experience with The Lot Music Festival on August 29th. The Lot is a largely community oriented festival, attendance is free, people of different cultures and races in the St. Louis area bond to strengthen the city economically, culturally, and musically. All the bands are local showcasing the St.

King Thief

photo: king theif

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Louis area’s depth of musical talent and variety. slew of other activities will be offered for paThe lineup includes bands such as King Thief, trons such as the Playstation Center in which The Blind Eyes, The 75’s, and Hazard to Ya Booty who are all ready to rock out and represent the Lou. This festival makes away with the City Pride Award and the Surprisingly Good Local Bands Award. The event starts with a musician’s garage sale at 2 pm and concludes with a locally made intense musical stew of genre hodge-podge at the Schlafly Tap Room Downtown. Donations are ‘Lil Ed & The Blues Imperials accepted. For more info please visit http:// w w w . lot/. One of the kings of the summer music festival court is back for 2009 and ready Heartless Bastards to throw one hell of ball August 7th-9th. As always the line-up is packing to its rupturing point with household names in rock, alternative, rap, dance, and a number of other genres. As in years past Lollapalooza will be held in the middle of the urban austerity that is downtown Chicago. Headliners include Tool, Beastie Boys, Depeche Mode, Jane’s Addiction, and Depeche Mode the Kings of Leon. A • Evansville August 2009


Jane’s Addiction

new games and Blu-ray movies will be available for preview or pre-play. There is also a fully-stocked, open-air biergarten, autograph booth, and the Perry’s DJ stage sure to please electronica aficionados of all types and tastes. While Lollapalooza is one of the more pricey music festivals with regular 3-day passes weighing in at $205, it is one of the two most rich and adorned music festivals in the nation. Basically, every cent of that $205 will be well spent. Lollapalooza takes the “Alt Fan’s Heaven” Award in a landslide and also gets away with the “Screw Bonnaroo, they sold out! What other outrageously extravagant summer music festival can we go to?” Award. A long title but a much sought after award this year. For more information please visit This one is quite a distance from those in the Tri-State area but for those who are fans of folk music will travel coast to coast to hear their old favorites and some promising new contemporaries in the world of folk. The 2009 American Folk Festival is held in Bangor, Maine on the riverfront and will fill the temperate, salty air with traditional sounds of national and international cultures. This festival truly brings a slice of every culture on the planet. Even the activities,crafts, food, and dance spread out over August 28th-30th are all multi-cultured. One of the best parts about the festival is the fact that not only is it family friendly but it provides a child with knowledge of other cultures and let them experience it first-hand. For folkies this is a one-stop shop. Also, due to gracious donations the festival is able to offer free admission to its patrons. This festival snags the “Far out there, man…No, I mean really far out there, but totally worth it” Award and the “Folk Fan’s Dream” Award. For more info please visit Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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chaTTing wiTh charlie W

hen I think of Charlie Daniels I recall racing my skateboard down a steep street playing my air fiddle and singing “Fire on the mountain, run boy run.” The lyrics for “The Devil Went Down to georgia” are lanea ritterling powerful, dynamic and just Contributor plain good entertainment. Those words can also be used to describe country music legend, Charlie Daniels, who is gracing the City of Evansville at the Victory Theater, Wednesday, August 26, at 7 p.m. He will be performing solo and also telling about his experience with prostate cancer. It is hosted by the Evansville Cancer Center as their 8th Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Program. This show is important and it’s not just about the music. Charlie Daniels is performing in order to raise awareness about the importance of prostate cancer detection and screening. It is a celebration of the life of this gracious musician, who was diagnosed in May,

iT’S your liFe,

you wanna have your liFe inTerruPTed by cancer?” 2001 with prostate cancer. He’s a patriot who cares about his country and his fellow countrymen and wants to spread the word to everyone that this disease is preventable and curable. I had the honor and pleasure of chatting with Charlie about what he hopes to accomplish at this performance and I asked him what he wants people to know about prostate cancer. He was very precise in telling me that he hopes to touch people and inform them the disease is totally curable if caught early. I asked him what he’d tell macho dudes that think they are too cool to be screened and he said “there’s nothing macho about that attitude. It’s your life, you wanna have your life interrupted by cancer?” The screening consists of a simple blood test to find out your PSA level and Daniels says you need to start testing at age 45. • 16 •

Charlie said when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer he had a lot of questions and he didn’t know how to ask, who to ask or where to go. This gentleman wants everyone in the audience to please be candid and ask him all your questions. He wants to answer each question, alleviate fears and tell you there are options and ways to beat this disease. A doctor will also be on hand to assist with the question and answer session. This event is also a fundraiser for Cancer Care Options which is an Evansville agency that purchases medications for cancer patients who can’t afford them. Robin Lawrence, Director of Marketing for Evansville Cancer Center says Charlie is a fantastic spokesperson for prostate cancer awareness. This is the 8th prostate cancer awareness event and it’s been incredibly exciting because Mr. Daniels and his staff are going beyond the call of duty to support the event. Charlie has also donated a gold fiddle to be won by an audience member and he will autograph it during the show. He is also donating a large portion of his merchandise sales to Cancer Care Options. At the show you will have the opportunity to bid on silent auction items which include Charlie Daniels memorabilia and other autographed memorabilia and 100% of the proceeds go to Evansville’s Cancer Care Options. Charlie Daniels, an inductee of the grand Ole Opry and Musicians Hall of Fame, has stayed true to his country roots and he has produced fantastic songs with his band such as “The South’s gonna Do It (Again),” “Long Haired Country Boy,” “The Legend of Wooley Swamp” and “In America.” Fans must watch for his CD/DVD to be released October 13th, titled Joy to the World, a Bluegrass Christmas with Charlie Daniels and Friends. Daniels has never performed at an event such as this. He is a patriot, a gifted musician, an advocate for men’s health and even gets “devilish” on Guitar Hero. There is not one reason why you shouldn’t attend this show and support cancer awareness and Cancer Care Options and spend the evening with a legend.

A VIP Meet and greet with Mr. Daniels begins at 5:30 p.m. and is only open for the first 100 tickets sold at $125 each. This includes one autographing, hors d’oeuvres and a free 8” x 10” photo of Mr. Daniels. Tickets for the show are priced at $20. Tickets are selling fast so order yours now! All tickets are subject to Ticketmaster Fees, Handling Charges and Facility Fees. Tickets can be purchased at The Roberts Stadium Box Office, The Centre Box Office, All Ticketmaster outlets including fye in Eastland Mall and Evansville Schnuck’s West. Tickets can be charged by phone by calling 1-800-7453000 or on the Internet at This event is sponsored by Evansville Cancer Center/Vantage Oncology and the Deaconess Chancellor Center for Oncology in collaboration with urologists in the Tri-State area and the American Cancer Society. For more information contact Robin Lawrence at 812-474-6000 or • Evansville August 2009


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Breeze is quick to point out, however, he local music scene receives yet another that bands who take the stage at Lanhuck’s much needed shot in aren’t limited to the “punk” genre. PRN is actuthe arm thanks to “Punk Rock ally a great place for original acts dabbling in Nights” at Lanhuck’s Tavern, genres like black metal and alternative country located at 321 East Columbia to strut their stuff. Moreover, he touts it as the Street in Evansville. Every only place in town where you can catch a lodoug messel Sunday from 9:30 to 12:30 cal favorite and regional/national band every Contributor p.m. and Thursday nights Sunday and Thursday night for free. The crowd from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. through sizes can range anywhere between ten and the month of October, music fans can catch fifty people, but Breeze hopes to see more of live shows at the Evansville tavern without paying a cover charge. Lanhuck’s “PRN,” as event organizer Breeze calls it, is dedicated to providing original music from local, regional, and national bands to the Evansville community. Deeply entrenched in the Dayton’s own Luxury Pushers come to town August 4. Hide punk scene, the beer, Jim; these guys will drink all of it… Breeze tells me the weekly event was started in the late 1990’s by “the an audience in the future. Breeze says of the small crowds, “We biggest punk in Evansville,” John Kirkwood. John later took an “extended vacation” and was are trying to revive the punk scene in Evansreplaced by Mark Meat. Breeze took over for ville, but it's not showing a pulse… Yet.” Breeze then directs me toward their Mark a few months ago, later expanding the PRN shows to Sundays and Thursdays. One Myspace page, to this schedule is a Tuesday, August ville. It’s a great way to check the schedule of 4 show featuring Miami’s Unit6 and Luxury upcoming acts and, using the embedded playPushers from Dayton, Ohio, as well as “local list, listen to selected cuts from them. Breeze punks” HeyKid. Breeze says it will be “one of also books all bands through this page, and stresses that any original band reading this the coolest shows all summer.” Breeze is no stranger to Evansville’s head there to sign up. Lanhuck’s PRN is another example music scene. He hit the Evansville scene in 1989 watching bands at the Ross, long before of hidden entertainment on the weekend. It may it became the home of Noble Roman’s and not draw the crowds that other places in town the Book and Music Exchange. It was here he do by virtue of its schedule, but it’s definitely watched bands like The Pretentious Wankers, something worth checking out. If you’re a music COD and Stop the Car. Breeze isn’t just a hard- fan interested in revitalizing the scene, and/or core music fan, however. He’s one-third of the enjoy $2 Miller High Life longnecks, Lanhuck’s local “scumbag-dirt punk” band METHMOUTH, Punk Rock Night is definitely for you. which is slated to debut in October. He also has extensive experience running sound for local cover bands in the 1990s at all the bigger clubs in Evansville. Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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BOURBON BLOG - Straight Talk about Owensboro’s Newest Distillery – CMDK


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brought their products to Owensboro to sample. Four Roses, Maker’s Mark, Evan Williams, Buffalo Trace, Bulleit, and our other bourbon tom fisher friends of the Kentucky Contributor Distillers’ Association pour us tastes before we enjoy a dinner by Moonlite Bar-B-Q. Actually, the bourbon continues to flow even as we are eating. By the way, are you wishing you had been here for the party?

one is empty of barrels. Although given a ghost town like feel, the aroma of bourbon remains present after 16 years. The scent of the wood is luscious. The warehouse itself is beautiful and has insulation process that few other, if any, rickhouses possess. For the best explanation of how the holes, watch the complete CMDK video on When this rickhouse is full, around 20,000 barrels will be its maximum capacity. When fully refurbished, CMDK can produce 2,000,000 proof gallons per year at full capacity among their ten warehouses. They will aim for around 40% of that the first year. “We can fill a whole warehouse in half a year,” says Schneider. “Bourbon will begin to be placed in the warehouses to age in the fourth quarter of 2009. That is our current target. The one thing I have learned is that sometimes these things take longer than we think.” Unlike some industries where competition is fierce, there is a spirit of cooperation, encouragement and “lending a helping hand” by the other established bourbon distilleries. This approach is referred to by some business experts as, “coopetition.” At a recent debut party, the “coopetition” is being enjoyed in a bourbon tasting whereby other bourbon brands have

What is even better (or just a good) as the Moonlite, the bourbon and the night is that this event will be helping those in need. “We have a foundation that gives around 30 to 40 thousand dollars year nationally and internationally. One of the projects we are proud of is making water better Uganda. In these remote part of Africa, kids drank it out of ditches,” says Tom Smith, President of Rotary Club of Owensboro. With that thought, I remember Derek Schneider telling me that a large reason why this distillery was built on this land back in the 1800s is due to the fact that there is the strong limestone aquifer underneath. While others struggle to find clean water, we’re blessed to have the ability to pick the type of water that we’ll make our bourbon with. Bourbon is an industry just like Kentucky, full of people that care about helping others. Well done, CMDK! We are looking forward to tasting Owensboro. Watch the complete videocast of this story on • Evansville August 2009

photos: Mark McCoy

ince our beginning several years back, we have seen bourbon become increasingly popular not just in the USA, but all over the world. Typically, there is travel involved in capturing our stories because many bourbon events happen between Louisville and Bardstown. On this occasion, the story is virtually in our backyard. Just down West 2nd Street and turn on North Ewing Road in Owensboro is the new CMDK Distillery, recently acquired by Angostura, LTD of the Caribbean nation Trinidad and Tobago. Angostura is known mostly for their signature product, the secretive Angostura Aromatic Bitters. My grandmother has told me of a time when bourbon was much more visible around Owensboro, with the trucks passing with the leftover mash driving by her house to give the excess to community farmers as feed. “It stunk” she recalls. She remembers rows of bourbon distilleries in this area of Owensboro at that time. We’re not talking about looking back that far in our history. The original distillery on this same piece of land in started in 1885 as the old Green River Distillery. It produced bourbon until it burned in August of 1918. Shortly after, prohibition came, slowing down any thoughts of bringing it back. After that, the distillery was rebuilt around the 1940 and The Medley brothers ran it all the way until the Nineties. Since around 1993, this great slice of Kentucky history has stood idle in Owensboro. It has been whispering, “Will someone please put bourbon back in me?” It took around sixteen years after the original fire for the first comeback. Now sixteen years after that whisper, Angostura is making it happen. I think that whisper became a screaming obvious question our rum and bitter producing friends heard down at Angostura. Bourbons can vary greatly in taste, complexity and number of years aged, so I am curious what will CMDK’s signature will be? “We will be aging for different tastes and aging them accordingly. We will capture the taste of Owensboro. The marketing, branding and naming of the unique products is still being decided,” says Derek Schneider, Plant Manager at CMDK. I’m interviewing Derek Schneider next to the remains of the old smokestack. While some remains are kept merely for the visual, I want to see the rickhouses, or warehouses as some call them, where the bourbon will be stored. Schneider takes me to Warehouse A. If you’ve toured Maker’s Mark, Buffalo Trace or any other distillery, you know what it feels like to walk into a warehouse full of barrels. This

ON TAP Pick up this month’s beers at: 300 N. Weinbach Ave. • 471-6111

St. BERNARDUS ABT 12 ABBEY ALE (Watou, Belgium)

Nick: 4 I have no doubt this was made in a dark, damp monastery. This stuff packs a punch. At 10% alcohol there is a strong wine-like aftertaste preceded by a thick flavor reminiscent of a chocolate stout. Not something for novice beer drinkers, but something nice to sip on, enjoy, and relax. Dylan: 5 So many flavors are going on with each sip – a hearty, heady brew for even the most discriminating beer connoisseur.

Lori: 3 I taste a bit of chocolate and coffee with a hint of prunes— (Not my favorite flavor!) It’s a heavy beer that goes down smooth and sweet but with a hint of bitterness. Wouldn’t want to drink too many of these in a short time…it would knock me down! Todd: 5 Ah, this is the real deal. A true abbey ale from Belgium, this one pours a dark amber and is characteristically spiced, rich and heavy. Its opacity demonstrates the large amount of yeasty sediment, and this is one beer that would be even better aged. It's 10% ABV, so St. Bernardus is a sipper, and with a complex and fairly unique flavor, it's a sure winner. Tom: 5 Yum! Is five stars the highest rating we can give? Unique dark brown color with a tan head. Medium to full bodied mouthfeel. Complex nutty, sweet, spicy, malty, fruity taste and a 10% ABV kick. Not for the faint of heart, but it will make you smile like the cheerful monk on the label.

BEER REVIEWS Tom: 0 Bottle had been open for more than a day and it was undrinkable. Nick: 4 The apple flavor is crisp, clean and balanced. Definitely a perfect cold summer beverage but personally I probably couldn’t drink too much of it because it is pretty sweet. The aftertaste is very subtle as well as the aroma with just a hint of the alcohol present. It drinks smooth and tastes great. Dylan: 2 Just not my thing, cider, although I can appreciate the flavors and see why some people would really dig this. One’s quite enough for me, though.



Lori: 4 Tastes like the holidays to me. There’s a strong smell and taste of cinnamon and other spices. I can see drinking it warm almost like a wassail. It reminds me of my aunt’s ‘cider punch” she makes for our family holiday dinners! I would enjoy this beer more at a room temperature or warm on a cold winter day.

Lori: 5 Beer is a yellow light amber color. It has a fruity & spicy aroma. Smells a little like pineapple. This actually goes down like water! It’s overall a good beer and one that can easily be enjoyed, especially on a warm day.

(Flushing, MI)

Todd: 5 Nice foggy appearance, and tastes like, well, a sweet, farm-fresh cider should (albeit with a fermented nip). Seriously, this is some tasty stuff, and ideal for a sweltering Summer's day. And it's organic! No headache-inducing sulfites here, just pure apple juice and yeast. I've always been partial to Woodchuck brand ciders (Dark & Dry, please), but this one dispenses with that notion. I'll be picking some of these up for the lady and myself, pronto.

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

(Hoegaarden, Belgium)

Todd: 3 Another Belgian this month (a treat)! This one's a white ale, with a clouded, pale appearance and plenty of spice, hinting at citrus and clove. It's kinda sweet and malty, definitely easy on the palate. Can be compared to Blue Moon, though Hoegaarden has more of a spice edge, and does not require a slice of orange to balance itself. Enjoyable.

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Tom: 3 In fairness, I am not a big fan of beer that warrants a fruit garnish, but Hoegaarden is a decent witbier for summertime drinking. It has a blurry, pale straw color that almost looks white in the right light. Smells like a wit – wheat, citrus, and coriander. Creamy, but thinnish mouthfeel. The flavor is light, subtle, and balanced with a little sweetness and a little spiciness. Nick: 4 This is a premium white beer. The aroma is pungent and sweet. The first taste comes of smooth and slightly tangy. The hops are pronounced enough to create a sharp taste that peaks and then fades into a subtle sour aftertaste. It has a cloudy lemon color to compliment the great taste. This is over all one of the best beers out there. Dylan: 3 Belgian ales (and Belgian-style ales) are being drunk more than ever, it seems. With so many to choose from, they really do begin to taste similar. Or maybe my taste buds aren’t what they used to be. But this guy clicks on all cylinders; enjoyable, just the right aroma and taste of the spice rack, and a finish that doesn’t leave me full.

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BASS PALE ALE (Luton, England)

Tom: 4 I've had Bass many times since it is often one of the only non-macro options on tap. It is a fairly standard English pale ale. It has a copper color with a fairly simple smell. A little thin in the mouth, but has a nice sweet, then bitter flavor - nothing overpowering. Bass is a good starter beer for those looking to venture out from the world of macro-brews. Nick: 5 Anything and everything a pale ale should have and should be. This ale is mild and goes down smooth. The aftertaste is faint and just a bit sour. There is a nice malt flavor but its balanced enough to enjoy in a decent quality and substantial enough to notice at first taste. This is a solid beer.

Lori: 3 This Ale tastes and feels light, very watery to me. Faint tastes of pine and citrus. I would drink this beer, but not a favorite. Todd: 3 A nice amber ale with a thick head, this Bass is a mildly-bitter pale ale, pretty well-balanced with a much lower acidity than India Pale Ales. I detect faint tastes of caramel or maple filtering through. Tasty enough, not too complex but certainly satisfying.

Dylan: 4 Ah, Bass… you and I have known one another for a long time, haven’t we? From local bars to beachfront tiki joints to countless pubs in England and Wales, we’ve shared some great memories. A longtime “go-to” for me, Bass just can’t lose. It’s the perfect pale ale, and has been for longer than any of us has been alive. • Evansville August 2009

What is Wine?


he basic definition of wine is simple – grape juice that has been fermented. Yet the drink favored by Bacchus is a complicated substance. Get these wines Flavor characteristics and at Varsity! quality vary greatly, making dylan gibbs 687 N. Green River Managing Editor its appreciation interesting 477-9463 and fun. Wine has been with us since the beginning of recorded time; it is the temperate, civilized, sacred and romantic beverage of epicureans. Political leaders, artists, philosophers, poets, religious leaders and scholars have, through the centuries, praised its virtues. In moderation, wine is an integral part of the heritage of cultures globally, and it is symbolic of gracious living throughout the world. Grapes are harvested from vineyards and are then pressed; the juice’s natural sugars are what ferment, creating an alcoholic beverage. Often, the wine is allowed to age before being bottled. It is made throughout the world; however there are some areas that have an established reputation for consistence of quality and uniqueness of style. A wine becomes well-known for many reasons, most notably because of favorable soil conditions and weather patterns. Historically, Western European countries have a deeply-entrenched wine culture; however, relatively newer areas such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Chile have made great strides over the past century to be counted among the greatest wine-growing regions in the world. In general, wines are named by their brand name or producer’s name along with the appropriate grape variety, geographic origin, or a special proprietary name. Old World wines emphasize the place of origin, while New World wines favor the brand and grape variety. When a wine has been labeled as Chardonnay, Fume Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir or any of the other grape varieties, it is a wine that has been made primarily from the named grape variety. By California law, a varietal wine must contain at least 75% of the grape specified on the label. The other 25% of the blend may be any other grape the winemaker chooses. Grape quality will vary greatly from region to region, village to village, and even from vineyard to vineyard. Climate, soil composition and drainage and pests also play a huge role in the quality and consistency of grapes and the wines that come from them.

Quick Wine Glossary: Varietal: describes wines made primarily from a single named grape variety, and which typically displays the name of that variety on the wine label. Proprietary name: A wine that's name-branded, as opposed to one that's sold with the primary identifiers being the winery or varietal. Fume Blanc: A California wine produced from the Sauvignon blanc grape. Riesling: a white grape variety which originates in the Rhine region of Germany. Terroir: A French term describing a group of agricultural sites in the same region which share the same soil, weather conditions and farming techniques, which each contribute to the unique qualities of the grape. Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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EATS Tri-State’s best magazine for foodies is here!

dylan gibbs

Managing Editor

Busy bees are we. Here at the old magazine ranch, we raise up issues from concept to reality on a monthly basis. And once a year we dig deep into the creative well to produce a publication that I am personally really proud of – What’s

recession. How to stretch dollars as far as possible. And with food being absolutely essential to life, how are people coping with the way

Cookin’!. The magazine is many things, and I primarily think of it as a handy, nuts-and-bolts directory of restaurants (where they are, what they offer, etc.) and featured menus from some of our favorite local restaurants. What’s Cookin’! is also a fine forum for my own personal food interests, and in this upcoming issue, I tried to mate up what I like with what I thought you, dear reader, might also enjoy. So what are we going to see in the issue, other than directories and menus? I wanted very much to construct a theme for the issue that would resonate with the public. Many ideas were tossed around, and while many were excellent ideas, they didn’t have the sturdy legs needed to qualify as a theme. To me, a theme is a strong backbone, a well-framed house, a chassis of sorts. And once an idea pumps things are out there? I decided to ask someone who knows all about budgeting – Indiana governor Mitch Daniels.

some iron and becomes a theme, its strength allows us to hang all sorts of elements upon it. And so, with that in mind, it came down to what’s on people’s minds. Money. The • 22 •

It just so happened that around the time I was trying to get Daniels to commit to both an interview and a photo shoot, he was grappling with the state’s budget and working with state lawmakers to hammer out all of its intricacies. So when we met on a hot June afternoon to discuss these topics, it was fresh on his mind. And it made for some great backand-forth between the two of us about home budgeting, health and fitness and cooking. He was incredibly generous with his time, and even though I made him late for a press conference, he stood in the

boggy heat for photos – both for the magazine and for fun. I was happy to be able to get some other great interviews. Our go-to guy for all things related to booze, Tom Fischer, talked at length with Food Network star and T.g.I. Friday’s pitchman, guy Fieri. He kicked in some thoughts about our theme, talked about eating brains and was all around the same cool dude you see on TV. Another interview I’m really proud to offer is a talk with elite Washington, D.C.-based chef, Enzo Febbraro. The Italian-born chef trained at restaurants and institutions throughout the globe, and has settled into the life of a sought-after food genius. He’s cooked for presidents, heads of state, dignitaries, celebrities of every stripe and the general public too (at least those fortunate enough to get a table at his restaurant). But the centerpiece of What’s Cookin’! are the many recipes from local chefs. Every year we’ve produced the magazine, recipes have been included, but this year we’ve obtained more than ever. Many of the recipes follow a theme as well – divine and decadent. It’s as if a little devil is on one shoulder of our contributing chef, and a saint is on the other as they fashion a healthy salad, then a droolinducing dessert. I hope you like the magazine. It offers utility as well as entertainment. And there’s some educational aspects to it as well. I believe that anyone who enjoys food, eating out, or cooking at home will appreciate What’s Cookin’! and keep it around all year long. On the web – • Evansville August 2009


Black Buggy Restaurant Lynch & green River Rd. 473-0012 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Stoll’s Country Inn 9820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7731 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Alcohol/VISA,MC


Bar-B-Q Barn 1003 E. Diamond Ave. 491-9868 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC Bar-B-Q Shack 4430 1st Av. 401-8227 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Beer &Wine/VISA, MC

Corky’s Ribs & Barbecue (Pavilion 1) 421 N W Riverside Dr. 433-4227 Under $10/Casual/FullBar/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hawg ‘n’ Sauce 1600 Leonard Rd. 838-5339 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations/ Accepted/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Hickory zzz Stop 1521 N. Main 422-6919 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards, Diner’s Club Landmark BBQ 3901 Broadway 401-7427 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC Marx Barbeque & Catering 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC

The Nisbet Inn 6701 Nisbet Station Rd. 963-9305 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/ Accepted/VISA,MC North Main Annex 701 N. Main 425-4535 Under $10/Casual/ Wine/VISA,MC R.J.’s Smokehouse 1013 S. Weinbach Ave. 421-8020 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Shyler’s Bar-B-Q 405 S. green River Rd. 476-4599 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Wilson’s General Store & Café 11120 Broadway Ave. 985-0202 Under $10/Casual// VISA, MC,DSCVR

Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar 615 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4700 Between $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Wolf’s Bar-B-Q Restaurant 6000 First Ave. 424-8891 Under$10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC

Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake 475-1074 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Chili’s Grill & Bar 600 N. green River Rd. 475-1510 $15-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Applebee’s Bar & Grill 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 471-0929 5727 Pearl Drive 426-2006 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza 3911 Venetian Drive 853-3400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ VISA,MC

Choo Choo Cafe & Deli 915 Main St. 429-0283 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

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RESTAURANTS House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-0572 Between $9-$12/Casual/ Checks/Accepted/Full Bar

Temptations Buffet (Pavilion Level 1) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-6059 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Firefly Southern Grill 6636 Logan Dr. 402-2354 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Accepted

The Granola Jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Gator’s Hot Fish 1203 N. Main St. 461-7270 Under $10/Casual

T.G.I. Friday’s (Inside Eastland Mall) 800 N. green River Rd. 491-8910 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Hadi Shrine 6 Walnut St 423-4285 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards


Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Jillians Billards Club 701 N.W. Riverside 425-1983 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA, MC Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Max & Erma’s 421 N.W. Riverside (Pavillion Level 1) 433-4258 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Charlie’s Mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 423-9897 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ VISA,MC China King 590 E Diamond Ave. 423-1896 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer and Wine/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards China Super Buffet 127 N. Burkhardt Rd. 476-8788 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/VISA,MC,DSCVR

O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. green River Rd. 401-4630 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Expwy. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Show-Me’s (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-7459 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Steeplechase Café (Holiday Inn & Conference Center) 4101 Hwy. 41 N. 424-6400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards • 24 •

Canton Inn Restaurant 947 North Park Dr. 428-6611 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

China Town Buffet 5435 Pearl Dr. 425-8146 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC China Village 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh, IN 858-8238 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards Chopstick House Restaurant 5412 E. Indiana 473-5551 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards Golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 473-4855 5066 S.R. 261 853-2680 Under $10/Casual/Full Service Bar/Checks Accepted/ VISA,MC,DSCVR • Evansville August 2009

Janbo Restaurant 4500 W. Lloyd Expwy. 422-8289 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/Major Credit Cards Lucky Dragon Chinese 4313 E. Morgan Ave. 479-5006 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards MA. T. 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd 475-2888 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservation Accepted/ VISA,MC,AMEX Mandarin Garden Chinese 2013 Green River Rd. 476-7088 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Shing-Lee Chinese Restaurant 215 Main 464-2769 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Taste of China 4579 University Dr. 422-1260 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted Triple Dragon Buffet 19900 Hwy. 41 N. 868-8828 7844 St. Road 66 812-853-1900 Under $10/Casual/Beer Only/ All Major Credit Cards Two Brothers 3806 N 1 St. 423-6188 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant 406 S Green River Rd 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Amity Jo’s 202 E. Locust St. Ft. Branch Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards The Bistro at Old National Place 1 Main St. 465-7206 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Coffee Cottage & Café 612 Weinbach Ave. 401-1930 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Choo Choo Cafe & Deli 915 Main St. 429-0283 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Dujour Cafe & Bakery 920 Main St. 962-3694 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Diamond Deli (Pavillion Level 3) 421 Riverside Dr. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Donut Bank Bakery & Coffee (West) 210 N. St. Joseph 426-1011 (North) 2128 N 1st Ave 426-2311 1031E. Diamond Ave. 426-0011 (East) 5 N. Green River Rd 479-0511 Washington Ave. 477-2711 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 858-9911 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Emge’s Deli & Ice Cream 206-208 Main St Walkway 422-3026, 422-7030 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted Fresh Harvest Deli (Inside The Old Post Office) 101 NW 1st St. 421-0407 Under $10/Casual/MC,VISA Great Harvest Bread 423 Metro 476-4999 Under $10/Casual/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Jeanie’s Gelato 113 S.E. 4th St. 402-8282 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 701 N. Burkhardt Ste C 401-5400 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Just Rennies Cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 490-8098 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards La Sombra Cofffee Company 318 Main St. 492-4567 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC, DSVR Lé Coffee Café 3311 N. Green River Rd. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Maxine’s Cafe and Bakery 1322 N Green River Rd 473-3663 Under $10/Casual/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Piece of Cake 210 Main 424-2253 Under $5/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Roly Poly Sandwiches 5702 E. Virginia St. 962-2326 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 25 •

RESTAURANTS Schlotzsky’s Deli 301 N. green River Rd 471-4011 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Spudz -n- Stuff 5225 Pearl Dr. 402-TATR Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC

Denny’s Classic Diner 5212 Weston Rd. 424-4472 19501 Elpers Rd. 867-7156 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

The Granola Jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Road 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Denny’s Restaurant (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 423-9459 (East) 351 N. green River Rd. 473-1063 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Checks/All Major Credit Cards

Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 421-0606 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

FAMILY & HOMESTYLE Black Buggy Restaurant Lynch & green River Rd. 473-0545 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Bob Evans Restaurant 1125 N. green River Rd. 473-9022 5201 Pearl Drive 425-5100 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Boonville Cafe 713 E. Main St. 812-897-2912 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA,MC Big Mama’s Cafe 1802 Stringtown Rd. 422-3350 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ Checks & Cash Accepted Buffalo Wild Wings 713 N green River Rd. 471-9464 5404 Pearl Drive 423-9464 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Carousel Restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Charlie & Barney’s 1801 W. Franklin St. 423-5355 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/ VISA,MC Cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 479-8788 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Cross-Eyed Cricket 2101 Pennsylvania 422-6464 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted • 26 •

Culver’s Frozen Custard Butter Burgers Burkhardt Rd. 437-3333 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Dogtown Tavern Old Henderson Rd. 423-0808 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/VISA, MC Ellis Park-Clubhouse Hwy 41 N. (800) 333-8110 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Feedmill Hwy. 165 & I-64 (812) 874-2210 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Flying Saucer Café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 423-1113 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Frontier Restaurant & Bar 12945 Highway 57 812-867-6786 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/MC, VISA Golden Corral (West) 5301 Pearl Dr. 423-4930 (East) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 473-1095 (Henderson) 1770 S. green St. (270) 827-0345 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards The Hilltop Inn 1100 Harmony Way 422-1757 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill Hwy 261 & 66 490-9135 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted • Evansville August 2009

Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/ IHOP Restaurant 601 Burkhardt 471-0514 Under $10/Checks Accepted/ Casual/VISA,MC,Discover K&D Dutch Korner 13935 St. Wendel Rd. 963-9370 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Cash Only KT’s Fire Grill 7247 Main St. 812-673-4996 Wadesville, IN $10 - $15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Kippleville (Kipplee’s Partyhouse) 2322 Division St. 476-1936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Under $10/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Knotty Pine Cafe 500 N. Main 423-0014 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Log Inn Rt. 2 Haubstadt 867-3216 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted Marvin’s Pub 100 State Rd. 62 West Boonville, IN 490-2619 $15 - $25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Merry-Go-Round Restaurant N. 2101 N. U.S. Rt. 41 423-6388 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted North Main Annex 701 N. Main 425-4535 Under $10/Casual/Wine/ VISA,MC O’Charley’s (East) 7301 E. Indiana 479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr. 424-3348 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards The Old Mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 963-6000 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

The Pie Pan 905 North Park Dr. 425-2261 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Rafferty’s 1400 N. green River Rd. 471-0024 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Expwy. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards St. Joe Inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 963-9310 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Recommended/Full Bar Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Sunrise Family Restaurant 4833 Hwy. 261 490-7909 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Wolf’s Restaurant & Tavern 31 N. green St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-5221 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 424-1416 Under $10/Casual/Cash Only

FINE DINING The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Credit Cards/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Cavanaugh’s (Pavilion Level 2) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 433-4333 $20-$30/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron 479-6974 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Edgewater Grille 1 E. Water St., Newburgh, IN 858-2443 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 27 •

RESTAURANTS The Jungle Restaurant/ Fat Cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282 Between $10-$15/Reservations Recommended/Two Full Bars/ VISA,MC Lorenzo’s Bistro & Bakery 972 S. Hebron Ave. 475-9477 Between $15-$25/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Accepted Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Red Geranium 504 N. New Harmony, Indiana 812-682-4431 Between $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Flavor of India 4612 Vogel Rd. 477-4482 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine 900 E. Tutor Ln. 476-5000 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

ITALIAN Angelo’s 305 Main Street 428-6666 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 421-0800 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC

Paradise Pavilion 6299 Oak grove Road 858-7931 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Dilegges Italian 607 N. Main 428-3004 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC

Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 669 N. green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $9-$12/Casual/Reservation Suggested/Full Bar

The White House 610 Church St. New Harmony, IN (812) 682-3455 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

Milano’s Italian Cuisine 500 Main Street 484-2222 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards


The Olive Garden Italian 1100 N. green River Rd. 473-2903 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Gerst Bavarian Haus 2100 W. Franklin 424-1420 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Schnitzelbank Restaurant 409 Third St. Jasper, IN (812)-482-2640 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

GREEK The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Major Credit Cards

• 28 •


Raffi’s Italian & Mediterranean 1100 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-9166 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

JAPANESE Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 962-4440 $10-$20/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Iwataya Japanese Restaurant 8401 N Kentucky Ave 868-0830 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards • Evansville August 2009

Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine Kanpai 4593 Washington Ave. 471-7076 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Nagasaki Inn 5720 Virginia St. 473-1442 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Required/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tokyo Japan 3000 N. green River Rd. 401-1020 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards zuki Japanese Grill & Sushi Lounge 1448 N. green River Rd. 477-9854 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

KOREAN Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted//Beer and Wine

MEXICAN Acapulco Mexican 3339 green River Rd. 475-0566 7826 Hwy 66 Newburgh 858-7777 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cancun Mexican Restaurant (Henderson) 341 S. green St. (270) 826-0067 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards El Aguila Real Mexican 270 N. green River Rd. 401-8700 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards El Charro 720 N Sonntag Ave 421-1986 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards El Maguey (Boonville) 601 W. St. Rd. 62, 897-2028 3250 Warrick Dr. 897-6666 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/MC, VISA

El Rio 1919 green River Rd. 471-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards En El Rio (Henderson) 104 N. Water St. 270-826-0099 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Hacienda Mexican Restaurant (East) 990 S. green River Rd. 474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 422-2055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 490-2814 $5-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards La Cabana 821 S. green River Rd. 477-3351 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Las Americas Mexican 1016 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-3483 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Los Bravos (East) 834 Tutor Lane 474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 424-4101 (East) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 464-3136 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Los Toribio (Henderson) 1739 S. green St. (270) 831-2367 2810 US 41 N. (270) 830-6610 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Moe’s Southwest Grill 6401 E.Lloyd Expwy. 491-6637 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Qdoba Mexican Grill 922 Burkhardt Rd 401-0800 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ VISA,MC Taco Tierra 420 S. green River Rd. 402-8226 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Tequila’s Mexican 408 Southwind Plaza, Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 29 •

RESTAURANTS Mr. B’s Pizza & Wings 2611 Hwy 41 N. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1111 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC

Pizza 2 Daddy’s Pizza 329 Main St. 455-9052 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-7778 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Cici’s Pizza 101-B N. Green River Rd. 477-2424 5625 Pearl Dr. Suite G 962-0034 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Gardo’s Italian Oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071 Under $10/Casual

Nick’s Pizza & Wings 900 W. Buena Vista 401-6425 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Noble Roman’s Pizza 2403 Washington Ave. 477-5347 4807 W. Lloyd Expwy. 424-0996 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Exp. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Gerontes Pizza 4706 Vogel Rd. 474-1700 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC Greek’s Pizzeria 240 S. Green River Rd. 402-4733 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Hollywood Bar & Grill (East) E. Morgan Ave. (Inside Showplace Cinemas) 402-5122 (North) 4428 1st Ave. 426-0133 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Mama Roma’s Pizza & Wings 2008 E. Morgan Ave. 422-1212 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Marconi’s Pizzeria (New Harmony) 516 S. Main St. 812-682-3880 $10-$15/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC

• 30 •

Muncheese Pizza 1200 W. Colombia St. 437-3300 Under $10/Casual/Beer Only/ VISA,MC

Pizza Chef Hwy 261 (812) 853-3338 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Pizza King 2411 Stringtown 401-1060 Hwy. 66 & 261 853-3368 1003 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-4941 W. Franklin St. 424-7976 Under $10/Casual/Beer only (except Weinbach location)/ All Major Credit Cards Roca Bar (West) 1618 S. Kentucky Ave 422-7782 (Mt. Vernon) 506 E. 4th St. 812-838-5000 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rounder’s Pizza 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 12731 N. Green River Rd. 867-7172 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC • Evansville August 2009

Samual’s Place 518 Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3001 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Sandy’s Pizza 609 S. Main St. Fort Branch, IN 812-753-3972 Under $10/Casual/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards The Slice 2011 Lincoln Ave. 476-8518 Under $10/Casual/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Beef O’Brady’s 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Chilly Willy’s Pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 423-0726 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Corner Pocket Bar & Grill 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 428-2255 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Cricket’s 518 W. Main, 858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Talk of the Town 1200 Edgar St. 402-8696 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/MC

Darren’s Pub 713 N. green St. Henderson,KY 270-827-2206 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ MC,VISA

Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/Reservations /Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Turoni’s Pizzery & Brewery 408 N. Main 424-9871 Under $10/Casual/Reservations /Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Walter’s Golf ‘n Fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 464-4472 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

PRIvATE DINING CJ’s & Party Place (Inside Willow Bowling Center) Virginia & Hwy 41 422-6682 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations/All Major Credit Cards Just Rennie’s Catering 100 S.E. 4th St., Downtown 401-8098 $15 to $25/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Kirby’s 1113-1119 Parrett St. 422-2230 $10 - $15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Marx Barbeque & Catering Service 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MCbs

Fast Eddy’s Burgers & Beer 507 N. W. Riverside 424-ROCK Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Fox & Hound English Pub & Grille 5416 E. Indiana 473-5721 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Ginny’s Place Covert & Vann 477-0789 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 West Franklin 437-0171 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Little Cheers Restaurant & Pub 329 Main St. 423-9740 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Exp. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave.475-8780 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 31 •

RESTAURANTS Metro Sports Center Pub 5820 Metro Dr. 479-5425 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/VISA, MC The Pub 1348 Division 423-2121 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr.426-0000 Under $10-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar / All Major Credit Cards Roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave 422-7782 8309 Bell Oak Dr. 490-7778 506 E. 4th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5000 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rounder’s Pizza 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/ VISA, MC Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Bonefish Grill 6401 E Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake 475-1074 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Paradise Pavilion 6299 Oak Grove Road 858-7931 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

• 32 •

Red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave 477-9227 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tin Fish Seafood Restaurant (Newburgh) 300 W. Jennings Station 490-7000 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Steakhouses Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron 479-6974 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Haub Steak House (Haubstadt, IN) Main and Haub, 768-6462 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/ Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Hollywood Bar & Grill 4428 N. First Ave. 423-0050 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hornet’s Nest Old Petersburg Rd. 867-2386 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $9-$12/Casual/Reservations Suggested/Full Bar Logan’s Roadhouse Steakhouse 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-8403 5645 Pearl Drive 421-0908 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon 934 N. Green River Rd. 473-5468 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Longhorn Steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd. 473-2400 $10-$15/Casual/Call Ahead Seating/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Outback Steakhouse 7201 Indiana 474-0005 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Fred’s Bar Corner of Reed & Virginia 423-8040 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Rookies Sports Bar 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Gloria’s 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Sirloin Stockade 4610 Bellemeade Ave. 473-0300 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Texas Roadhouse E. Lloyd Expwy. 477-7427 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tumbleweed Southwest Grill (West) 4600 University Dr. 423-9590 (Henderson) 1868 U.S. 41 N. (270) 869-9800 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA,MC Western Rib-Eye & Ribs 1401 N. Boeke Rd. 476-5405 $12-$18/Casual/Reservations Accepted /Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Taverns Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 425-4929 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 867-7300 Under $10/Full Bar/ Casual/VISA,MC Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy. 41 N. 424-4677 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Duck Inn 4100 Pollack 479-8050 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted The Knob Hill Tavern 1016 Hwy. 662 W. 853-9550 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Lauren’s Bar and Grill 115 N. McCreary St. 812-753-9914 Fort Branch, IN Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Legends 1050 S. Weinbach 476-74444 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Maryland St. Lounge 2130 W. Maryland 424-2525 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rick’s 718 Bar & Grill 718 3rd Ave. 423-0872 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA, MC Sam & Jimmy’s Hobo Jungle 1323 S. Barker Ave. 491-6229 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards St. Phillip Inn 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 985-5558 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual /Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

State Street Tavern 718 State St., Newburgh,IN 490-6614 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA,MC Stockwell Inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 476-2384 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Cash Only Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave 421-9759 Under $10/Casual/ Beer & Wine Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Yellow Tavern 521 Church St. (New Harmony) 682-3303 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Check Accepted

Thai Thai Chow Rt. 1 Ft. Branch, IN 753-3878 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Required/ Checks Accepted Thai Papaya Cuisine 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-8424 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Vegetarian Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Vietnamese Vietnamese Cusine 4602 Vogel Rd. 491-1884 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA, MC • Evansville August 2009


Andy Norvell Adam Blythe “Blind-Dog” gatewood Bobby Clark Calabash Chad Harvey Chad Nordhoff Chris Knight Clayton Daughtery 5th & Jackson David Fuller Dave Cogswell Dustin Kaposta gary Ward J.T. Cusic Jay Johnson Jason Mann Keith Vincent Lindsey Williams Matt & John Matt Clark Mike Z Nathan Mowery Nick gregory Nick Hamialton Rik Hilborn & Joey Anderson Rob Bennett Scott Winzinger Strolling Tones Rowan Tree Tim and Coop Troy Miller Wildman


Kerusso Last Hour Euphrates Jones


A.S.R.B Aces & Eights Back In Time Common ground Copper Road Desert Two Band Floord Jason Clutter and the Broken Arrow Band Jason Mayfield and the One Bullet Band

Joe and Line of Fire Midranger Modern Country Rebel Fuel Tank Sons of Sisters Southern Edge StoneRiver Switchback Troy Miller and the E’ville Doers Wildman and Randy Lanham Woodsboro


Enok Dougie Fresh Freddy K Jon B NickkyB Randy Marshall Romey Rome Shane Breedlove Syimone


A Plea for Purging Amnezia Anthem for a Massacre Ashes Resurrected Blood Tribe eXesion Deliver Us From Evil Factory Damage Far From Fallen god on Trial gridlock Killarus Kingdom Paradigum The Path Prowler Secretariat Sister Brutal With Monday Brings Massacre


Bob Ballard Bob Minnette & the Swingcats Bookie Buchenberger

Cytnthia McDonal & Bob green Jeff Harmon Jazz Shawn Needham & the Black Sheep


Big S Boop D Bradley-T Cas One C good Clusoe Crispy Cyclopean Super Hero Dew Dirt D-Trick E’ville J-Fill Kanine Kasper from the K KY Prophet Lac the gogetter Laudi Lil’ Ace Loc the great MC Till Menace the Untouchable Mic Nuke’em Mr. Bogard Raaqim Red 13 a.k.a. Shadowman Reverend Fang gory Scooter – Sinumatic Wayward a.k.a. Chessmaster Whydhe Write a.k.a. Papale Wise Logic WSM Young Press


(Stuff like ABBA to Zappa & Everything In Between) Akacia American Pie Amphigoria AMPutee Anger Wish Anywhere But Here

August Christopher Bad Medicine Bamboo Needle Behold the Seraph Black Tar gravy Blind Alley Bobby Clark Band Bosko BSR Cadillac Whiskey Calling Corners Chowder Monkey The Cold Stares Dang Heathens Dead Weight Deaf Megan Descent Déjà vu Desperate Measures Detail Dishonest John Do Androids Dream The Drafters The Duke Boys Dyonosis Fifth Wheel Band Flashback Flat Stanley 4-Seamer Fuzzy Roxx gentlemen & Scholars goldy Locks gonzo’s Toybox goodnight June gRATIS Hair Bangers Ball Hard Sunday Hollywood gutter Rats The Huckleberrys JEB Joe Smith Trio John Hussman Trio Karl’s Kids Left of Eden Leagacee Loko Davi Lucid Hue The Marlinaires McFly Michelle Shelton & The Jimtown Rats MINX

Mock Orange Namasté Never Been Caught The Painkillers Panacea Pale Runs the ghost Pfreak Show Philpot Pieces of the Day The Pits Poptart Monkeys Quasimojo Rachel & the Jimmies The Relics Rukkus Second Story Shagadelics Six Hills giant SixtyFourEast Six More Miles Slick Willy The Smoke Rings Static Stompbox 40 Throne of Lions The Toddlers Top Dead Center The Velcro Pygmies Velvet Bombers Tremendous F*^king Union Jacks


Amazing Soul Crackers Big Slick Black Widow Blues 4U Brian Hunt Carl Rodenberg Hog-Maw Blues Band Hoosier Daddy Object Blue Small Train Shaggy Wonda Soulunique Stillwell-Rodenberg & Co. Twist of Fate Will-C Yankee Dime

HELP US KEEP THIS LIST UPDATED! IF YOU ARE IN A BAND, PLEASE SEND US YOUR INFO! EDITOR@NEWS-4U.COM Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 33 •

GOING OUT CLUBS & PUBS 2 Daddy’s Pizza 329 Main St. 455-9052

Chilly Willy’s 3039 Claremont 423-0726

Algonquins 11213 U.S. Hwy. 41 Henderson, KY (270) 827-4313

Club Royale 2131 W. Franklin St. 401-1699

Big Daddy’s Boathouse 100 Water Street Henderson, KY 270-826-2443

Ø Blush Ultra

Lounge & Tapas Bar 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. (Inside LeMerigot) 433-4000 Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares 425-4929

Ø Boney June’s Music Venue 5525 Pearl Dr. Suite D 421-6767

The Brickhouse 201 W. Illinois St. 421-0024 Buster & Becky’s 1000 N. garvin 423-7616 Cecil’s Bar & Grill 420 N. garvin 589-0706

Ø Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074

Corner Bar 2668 Mt. Vernon Ave. 423-0933 Corner Pocket 1819 N. Fulton 428-BALL Crawdaddy’s at the Water’s Edge 20 Walnut St. (Inside the Riverhouse) 422-1891 Cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh, IN 858-2782 Darmstardt Inn 13130 Darmstadt 867-7300 Darren’s Pub 713 N. green St. Henderson, KY 270-827-2206 Deerhead Sidewalk Café 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 The Duck Inn 4100 Pollack Ave. 402-4835

NS Ellis Park Sports Bar 3300 U.S. Hwy. 41 N. Henderson, KY (812) 425-1456

Extra Innings (Holiday Inn) 951 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, IN (812) 482-5555 Fast Eddy’s 507 N.W. Riverside Dr. 424-ROCK

Hoosiers Lounge (in Casino Aztar Pavillion) 450 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4100

Ø Hooter’s 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229

Fox & Hound English Pub 5416 E. Indiana 473-5721

Hootie Hoots Saloon & Grill Hwy 261 & 66 490-9135

Fred’s 421 Read St. 423-8040

Ø Hott’s Grill

Ginny’s Place 1602 Covert Ave. 477-0789 Gloria’s 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138 Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W Franklin 423-0796 Hammerheads 317 Main St. 421-8492 Hob-Nob Tavern 1400 W. Maryland 425-6159

NS Hollywood

Bar & Grill North: 4428 N. 1st Ave. 423-0050 East: 4706 E. Morgan Ave. (Inside Showplace East) 402-5122

122 N. Weinbach Ave. 437-3377

Ø Icon Bar & Nightclub 111 S. green River Rd. Suite F 471-4872

Ø Jillian’s

Billiards Club 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 425-1983 The Jungle & Fat Cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282 Koodie Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN (812) 838-5202 Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin 437-0171 Lanhuck’s 321 E. Columbia 491-2222

Legends 1050 S. Weinbach 476-7444 Leroy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. 464-8300

Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 Maryland St. Lounge 2130 W. Maryland 303-7196

Ø Muncheeze Pizza 1200 W. Columbia St. 437-3300

O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. green River Rd. 401-4630 Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade 401-2125 Pavilion 6299 Oak grove Rd Newburgh, IN 858-7931 The Peephole Bar & Grill 2nd & Main St. 423-5171

Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 green River Rd. 477-4088

Little Cheers 329 Main St. (812) 423-9740

Ø Paradise

Ø Penny Lane

NS RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 NS Roca Bar Newburgh 8320 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-480-7778 Rookie’s 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106 Rick’s 718 Lounge 718 3rd Avenue 423-0872 Sam & Jimmy’s Hobo Jungle 1323 S. Barker 491-6229 Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin 423-6280 Shane & Kelly’s Corner Pub 1200 N. Main 422-7030

423-0828 Someplace Else Main & Sycamore St. 424-3202 Sportsman’s Grille & Billards 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 State Street Tavern 718A State St. Newburgh, IN 490-6614

NS The Pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Ø Tinfish

Newburgh 300 W. Jennings 812-490-7000 TJ’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. 402-9273 Woody’s 1031 Main St. 468-9400 ziggy’s Pub 16 Main St. Poseyville, IN 812-874-2170

NS Show Me’s (West )5525 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 NS (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-7469 Sidetrack Tavern 664 E. Illinois St.

KEY: Ø = No Smoking • NS = Non-Smoking Section Available • 34 • • Evansville August 2009

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 35 •

5th annual dogs & suds Four legs good, two legs bring the kegs


f you haven’t heard the story of the infamous Chaz, it’s time. Five years ago, I decided that I wanted a pooch to grace my home – and I didn’t want just any pooch, I wanted an abused, ashley sollars starved Yorkshire Terrier to Contributor mesh with all my maternal instincts. I put my adoption application in to every humane society within a 200-mile radius. I finally got the call, “Ma’am, we have a Yorkie here. We had to confiscate him from his owner because of his condition – and he’s a biter. He has bitten everyone that works here.” PERFECT! I jumped into the car and sped down to Hopkinsville, KY. Upon my arrival, I entered the “long walk room.” This Yorkie was so bad, they had to keep him in solitary confinement – away from the general population. With intense anticipation, I entered the death chamber and headed to a small kennel in the back. When they opened the door, the first thing I saw was the ears, then the short red hair and finally the curly tail. “Have you ever seen a Yorkie before,” I asked the woman who had called me. Her reply was ingenious – she played me like a fiddle. Totally skirting my inquiry, the woman coolly answered, “If you don’t take him, we are going to have to put him down.” Chaz the Chihuahua The dog inevitably jumped in my lap as the rest of the shelter staff looked from behind the glass in the door as the demon dog chose his next victim to prey upon. But, the “Yorkie” didn’t snap at me or even growl. He sat quietly in my lap. Five years later, my “Yorkie” has never snapped at me and I found the best friend a girl could ask for. Chaz – the Chihuahua – has been with me through heartache, happiness, good days and bad and has never asked for anything but my undivided attention and love. It’s a Chihuahua thing… He became so jealous when I got married that he peed on all my husband’s things and chewed up any shoe or belt that was left within reach. Even as I write this, my very

• 36 •

fat little dog is curled up at my side and he just dog farted. Meeting the perfect dog (or cat) at an animal shelter is a magical and many times unforgettable experience. There is a level of gratefulness these animals feel for the people who save them from a dark destiny and it shows every time they are given a snuggle or a heaping bowl of food because they know they will never have to feel loneliness, hunger or fear of the long walk ever again. The Warrick County Humane Society, a non-profit organization that is not supported by any government funds, is a no-kill shelter, meaning no healthy dog or cat has to face the death penalty. Some are even considered “lifers.” Supporting the lifers and even the dogs and cats that briefly stay at the shelter takes a lot of funds. To raise money, the WHS puts on the annual Dogs & Suds – a bierstube unlike any other in the area. Bring the pooches and bring the family to Newburgh’s Old Lock and Dam on August 15 from 5-10 p.m. for a pawful of activities and events. The BarBQ Barn is providing pulled pork and barbecued chicken, and Hootie Hoots Saloon is again serving adult beverages for those 21 and older inside the Beer garden. Something new to this year’s Dogs & Suds is the 5K run. The race will start at the Old Lock and Dam at 7:00 p.m. – there is a $20 entry fee but the $2 donation for entry to Dogs & Suds (free for kids 10 and under) will be waived for 5K participants. For those who aren't quite up to that speed, enjoy the dog walk. Teams will be taking pledges to raise money for WHS. get your team together now and start taking pledges. Pledge forms are available at WHS or at the Lodge and at Can’t come because Fido is stinky? The WHS will be bathing dogs, giving manicures and offering microchipping – chips and dips. On stage, enjoy a pet parade with prizes for different categories, such as the best dressed pet and a pet/owner lookalike contest, along with other family-friendly games and live music.

Bamboo Needle will be one of the bands providing live music.

If you don’t have a best friend yet, that is okay because the dogs of WHS will be on hand to shoot you puppy dog eyes; you’ll be able to tell your own happy tail! 5:00-10:00 PM Live Music and Food 6:00 PM Dog Walk 7:00-8:00 PM 5K • Evansville August 2009

one shoW, much neW music…


doug messel


ne of the things I enjoy most about the internet is the volume of new music I get to experience because of it. I first came across some of my favorite bands just by browsing websites like Myspace, or by taking recommendations from friends in other cities. That’s how I recently came across Heypenny, a four-piece from Nashville, Tennessee who may very well end up taking the indie music scene by storm. The best thing about my recent discovery of Heypenny is that I’ll have the chance to see them perform live when they play a set in support of Mock Orange and Mumpsy at the Duck Inn on August 29. I recently had a chance to talk to Heypenny’s drummer, Aaron Distler, about the band.


Doug: So how did Heypenny get started? Aaron: From what I gather, Ben Elkins (keys, guitar, vocals) and Kevin Bevil (guitar, keys, vocals) were friends in Chattanooga, TN. Ben started working on this new project, recording it all over town and calling in friends to help out. He did it in basements, churches, etc. It was kind of jam band-y. Kevin, who was playing with this amazing band, Infradig, was called in to do some guitar work on it. At some point, Ben was introduced to bands like Wilco, the Shins, and Iron and Wine. This "changed his musical landscape," so to speak. It was the little noises in Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot that jumped out and next thing you know, Ben was recording himself playing ceiling fans and all kinds of random things. From that, I think the spirit of Heypenny was born. DJ (Murphy) was the next addition. Ben and Kevin moved to Nashville and they called DJ, one of Ben's friends from his days in Arkansas who was living in Oregon. Ben just said, "Hey, would you want to move across the country and play music with me?” And he did. I came on really late. I've been playing with them for about a year now. I moved to Nashville from Evansville, IN with a band called Duraluxe. We never did much, so I became kind of restless. Nashville's a weird town. There's lots of music to be played, but meeting and falling in with the right people takes a long time. I've always heard that it's at least 3 years. Anyhow, another Evansville/Newburgh native, Jeremy Ferguson was recording Heypenny at his studio, Battletapes, called me and said, "These guys are looking for a drummer." So, I went out to meet them and literally begged them to let me play drums for them. Sadly, they had another drummer already, one that was flying to London with them to do a string of shows. My heart was broken... Then I got wind again, that Dan, their new drummer didn't have time to devote to the project and was focusing on his band, the Biv. I moved in again, and begged. Here I am a year

where seven of our favorite bands are going to play with us and each of them will be covering a song from the EP and making it their own. It's gonna be great! Our UK label guerrilla Music is also releasing it, and they're working on getting us press in some pretty fantastic magazines like NME, the Fly, and getting our music heard on the BBC radio programs. The full length is going to come out in early 2010 and we're supposed to go over to Sweden and the UK to do some touring and then play a handful of festivals in and around the UK as soon as that season starts up. As for the US, we're still looking into some different options and touring regionally. We go up and down the east coast every couple of months. later. These three guys are the best though and the caliber of musicianship and camaraderie is amazing. I couldn't ask for more. I'm challenged by them every day, whether it’s musically or just creative thinking. What’s the story with the marching band uniforms? Basically, the story is that we released a single called "Parade" and we wanted to up the ante, so to speak, with the live show. So, DJ and his Mom worked out the design and she's a seamstress, so she made them from scratch. We get a lot of catcalls about Sgt. Pepper’s when we're out and about in them, thinking that it's some homage, but really, it's just that we had a song about a parade and thought that it would be fun to do. We're getting ready to retire the uniforms though. The Evansville show will be one of the first ones with the new stage setup and outfits. It's all themed around our new single, "CopCar" and its video.

Any other major news? Well, we're just coming off the heels of performing at Bonnaroo. We competed in this thing here in Nashville called "Road to Bonnaroo.” Basically 24 Nashville bands played over the course of three months and between audience and judge votes, three bands got to go. We were one of the three along with The Features and The Protomen. Bonnaroo was quite possibly the most amazing experience of my life. Between performing for all kinds of new fans, getting all access around the entire festival, watching all my favorite bands from backstage and meeting and hanging out with my idols, like Wilco... the entire experience just killed me, man. Mind blown.

What are the band’s plans for the future? Any upcoming album release or tour schedule? We're releasing the CopCar EP on August 10th. We're doing a big release show here in town

Heypenny is releasing the new album, CopCar EP on August 10th.

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 37 •

Club Royale Comedy Night The Jovial, the Obscure, and the Slightly Raunchy


situational routine with audience participation. His act was supremely structured and impressive. Lastly, it was Dan Davidson known from appearances on Comedy Central who had Jim Carey-esque facial expressions and voice inflections. His ability to play off the audience was masterful and his comedy had bits and pieces of all different types of humor. He also had a knack for reaching all ages of the crowd. “The comedy isn’t the same as it is on TV, it is much more personal live, you can talk to the comedians and get autographs,” says Fulton. Club Royale has hosted other big names for comedy night on Sundays such as Mike Armstrong, Faye Woodruff, and Todd Yohn. While summer is the downtime for Comedy night it really provides the perfect opportunity for those out doing outdoor activities to make it to the club, relax, and be entertained. Not to mention make it home at a reasonable hour (shows start around 8 p.m.). Club Royale isn’t just great for Sunday comedy they also offer live music, karaoke, and Bike Night on Thursdays. Fulton is not in the bar business for attention; he has a very laid-back, fun-loving individual who really wants to provide a nice place for people to go. In this mindset Fulton has lowered drink prices, brought in a jukebox, and won’t stop there. Fulton hopes to have a patio built by August and to have a full service kitchen by the winter. Keep an ear cocked and an eye open for Club Royale to become a name synonymous with good service, a fun atmosphere, and great entertainment on the bar scene in Evansville. More specifically for a place to laugh the night away on Comedy Club Sundays. See page 1 for August’s comedy line-up.

mark mccoy

or all those humorously minded in the Evansville or surrounding areas Sunday night at Club Royal is like two turntables and a microphone, it’s where it’s at. For the past four or five months Club Royale on the nick durcholz west side has been bringing Contributor fledgling and veteran stand up comics to troll for laughs in Evansville. The bar has recently changed hands to Blake Fulton the former owner and operator of Joey’s, who has lightened the mood from the original cocktail lounge atmosphere. “Comedy Club is a fun night for me personally, I sit down and laugh all night and it acts as a stress reliever for me,” says Fulton. Few bars in the city offer the interior vibe that Club Royale does. With classy décor and comfortable couches and arm chairs, it feels more like a good friend’s living room than a bar. These intimate surroundings play perfectly with the comics’ ability to connect with the crowd, so it doesn’t take long to spark a laugh. First up on the night of July 12th was a shaggy, red-headed, comedic rookie that was visibly nervous but stayed with his act, had creative jokes, and introduced the other comics. Second, was a Bloomington native named Jack who brought a tense awkwardness to the stage. He was very monotone and full of sporadic, dark sarcasm unique from any comedian that night. Third to the stage was another fellow from Bloomington named Brian Frange. Frange went right for the regional (Evansville) jokes to warm up, went into a funny current events spill, and knocked it out of the park with

• 38 • • Evansville August 2009

eXesion – don’T meddle wiTh The meTal


carolyn cummings


nyone who knows me, even just a little bit, knows that heavy music is not at all my forte. I could talk to you about blues and 70s singer/songwriter stuff all day long but anything metal, well, I defer. So to say I was a bit surprised when my friend Dave Ford came to me about doing this article would be an understatement. Surprised and a little nervous - yes, interested – absolutely. I had David get me a copy of the band’s CD Promise, Waste, and Rot and we set a time for the band to come over and hang out. In preparation I planned on listening to the CD before they got to my house, which I did. I didn’t listen to it once though as I’d planned. I actually listened to it three times in succession (moderate parental warning here, I was only about thirty seconds into song one, “Down The Nine,” when I realized my eight year old daughter didn’t need to be in the house while I had the hard hitting lyrics blaring, so graciously my son took her to the park.) Although in all honesty I did have a bit of trouble understanding the lyrics first time through (not uncommon to the untrained metal ear according to guitarist Ryan Key), the intensity and raw emotion of the music and understated yet undeniable groove of the base line had even a metal doubter like me ready for more. When the band finally got to the house I was full of questions. Here’s what they had to say;

N4U: I looked up the definition of Ex`e´sion The act of eating out or through. Can you explain? Ex: That was probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever had to try to do was come up with a band name that adequately fit what you were trying to convey artistically. The medical definition is the deterioration of superficial flesh which seemed to make sense to me (Ryan). In a societal term it’s like letting what’s not important remain that way and letting what has value or meaning to us stay (Xach). Your lyrics seem politically and socially charged and pretty angry at times. Do you mean for them to be? I think the lens needs to be refocused on things of value. I think the things the masses are focused on are distractions, things to divert our attention. Divert our attention from what? I think Kevin Spacey’s character in Seven said it best – It’s not enough to just go up to someone on the street and just tell them something anymore, you have to smack them with a sledgehammer or whatever and then you realize you have their undivided attention.


So is that your goal? I really hope at some point my lyrics can be open to individual interpretation. I mean I’m sure there’s things going on in our lives and our thought patterns when these songs are written but I like to listen to the music and let myself hear what I feel is already there. I don’t know where these words come from. I’m not trying to write songs that are political and angry but there are things going on that need to be addressed.

The complete interview with Exesion was well over an hour long, the longest interview I’ve done to date. And editors being, well, editors – I wasn’t afforded the space to come anywhere near writing an article that would have expressed all these guys had to say (for which I can only say ‘them’s the breaks.’ Sorry CC & the band – ed). So for your listening pleasure the entire interview will be available online at Or, better yet, why don’t you buy their CD or go to their upcoming show in Vincennes, August 14 & 15 at the Kaos Festival and check them out yourselves. Exesion is comprised of member Xach Lively – Vocals, David Ford – Bass, Brandon Rankin – Drums, Ryan Key – guitar, Zach

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Postin – guitar, and Andrew Riddle – Keys. You can also check them out at exesion - become a friend, become a fan. I can tell you this, if these boys can get me to listen to a heavy CD three times in a row, well they truly are badass.

• 39 •

German Heritage – An Evansville Tradition


food, get you loosened up with some suds and teach you how to dance properly to the traditional music provided by such Volksfest mainstays as Evansville’s own Rhein Valley Brass Band and Cincinnati’s Schnapps Band. They will make sure you’re having fun – and if it looks as though you aren’t for some reason, you’ll be offered a hat that looks like a chicken. Or a hot pretzel. Or another beer. Trust this American mongrel from personal experience about this. Each day of Volksfest starts off at 11 a.m. Carryout dinners are available if you want to take home some scrumptious bratwurst and their famous kraut balls (an entire manifesto could be written about how delicious these things are – that they’re only available during Volksfest and at the Fall Festival only adds to the allure); the live bands play each night of the ‘Fest, and the beer’s always running nice and cold. Kids can come by until 2 p.m. but after that it’s 21 and over only, and there’s no admission charged until after 5 p.m. As they have for years, the guys and gals at Volksfest offer free non-alcoholic beer to designated drivers. Volksfest, put simply, is the best way to get to know what Evansville is really all about – nice people who work very hard, and when the time is right, work very hard at having fun. For people new to the city, go check it out to see what I mean. For residents long accustomed to the same-oldsame-old, visiting Volksfest is a great way to restore some faith in your fellow Evansvillians.

Business Manager, Sharon Tindle, gets suited up for last year’s Weenie Toss. She was part of the team that led News 4U to their first championship at the Volksfest annual competition.

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Germania Maennorchor is at 916 N. Fulton Avenue. Give them a ring at 812-422-1915. • Evansville August 2009

photos: Mark McCoy

rom the ceremonial tapping of the first keg to the last blur of lovely fräuleins dancing on the old wooden floor at the Fulton Avenue institution, August’s annual Volksfest is the Germania Maennerchor’s gift to dylan gibbs a town with deep Germanic Managing Editor roots. While Evansville no longer has its own German-language newspaper – the Evansville Demokrat – the names all over River City tell the story. Weinbach, Helfrich, Hartmetz, Lemcke – all thoroughfares that suggest our town is geographically closer to Dresden than Darmstadt. But here we are, in Middle America, on a tight bend in a big river, partying like they did in the old days before the Great War made being German something to forget about. And the old days were good days, with simple, nourishing food, music made for dancing, plenty of toasts and hurrahs, and beer. Lots and lots of beer. Enough beer to fill the Danube, the Rhine, the Elbe and the Ohio Rivers. For those with German ancestry and everyone else with a taste for fun, Volksfest – August 6, 7 & 8 – consistently delivers. The volks at the Maennerchor (‘Men’s Choir’) open their collective arms to the public; whether you’re new to the ‘Fest or a seasoned old veteran of many of the parties, the ladies and gentlemen who are members embrace one and all with the kind of hospitality you’re likely to find in a home. In fact, for many of the members, the Maennerchor is a kind of home, a place they’ve grown up with through generations. Maybe that’s why attending Volksfest has always felt so comfortable for me, an American mutt made of about everything except German ancestry. They’ll take you in at Volksfest, make you feel part of their family, feed you really good


HORRORSCOPE ROULETTE 1 Your whiny coworker with green, jagged teeth and halitosis corners you in the break room brandon and goes in for a kaelin Contributor kiss. Abort lunch! Abort lunch! TM: Convince him you’re batting for the opposing team.

2 Vandals destroy your car for the fourth time. Police are baffled, leaving you corn-holed for the three grand to fix it. TM: Trade in your sweet (and frequently damaged) ride for a beater with 130,000 miles on it. Then run into everything.

3 Your girlfriend’s online Bejeweled Blitz addiction has overloaded your PC, leaving steam puffing from your tower and your ears. TM: Lock the computer room and don’t give her a key.

4 A senile old man with patriotic ribbons strewn about his vehicle cuts you off then attempts to run you off the road in a fit of inappropriate rage. TM: You know where he lives; slash his tires.

5 You’re a celebrity and you die. good luck hedging in on the Michael Jackson death extravaganza, sucker. TM: Steve McNair died--really?




w.New s4UO

nline .com

In an effort to pinch pennies, you start bicycling to work. You get hit by a car. TM: Talk about your all time backfires. Between the hospital bills, paralysis and missed work, you are certainly not coming out ahead on this deal.



1:00 PM

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

It’s taken a few months, but you’ve finally totally confused your Sims 3 life with reality. What do you mean I can’t pay my bills with Simoleons? But I have more than enough! TM: Foreclosure sucks.

Historic New Harmony

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

-- Ice Cream Social

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

Hobo Jungle -- Open

grill -- River’s Edge

Pool Tournaments

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- The Pits

7:00 PM

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill


Boney June’s Music Venue --

-- Strolling Tones

Tonight is glory/Katsumoto/The

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Sword Speaks/Midnight Manifest

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

While mowing the lawn, you stumble upon your dog’s dreaded turd patch. Things get messy, quick. TM: Cut the crap (literally) and teach him to poop in a bag. Seal, toss, refresh!

10 You have a horrible nightmare filled with nothing but the same edition of SportsCenter playing over and over... and over. TM: Today, on SportsCenter, eight straight hours of the same thing, followed by 4 hours of standup comedy by Linda Cohn.

11 Your day sucks. Period. TM: Still sucks.

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Canago Double Dukes -- BMg

8:30 AM

Frontier Restaurant & Bar

Centre, The -- 30th Annual

-- Cadillac Whiskey

Indian Artifacts Show

garry’s Sidetrack Tavern -- Karaoke w/Terry

Marigold Bar -- Karaoke

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub 7:30 PM

-- Karaoke w/Brian Steele

Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney

TJ’s Stockyard Inn --

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Battle of the Bands

Pool Tournaments 8:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge

More Family-Friendly Events... • Kids’ Page: Page 67 • Arts Guide: Page 88

-- The Duke Boys

10:00 PM

Hollywood Bar & grill East

Bullock’s Bar & grill -- Lollipop

-- Modern Country

Factory national Tour/Star Pupil/

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Last ROSI Party of the Year

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Executive Inn Time Out

12 After a fight at the movie theater between you and fellow patrons over who is the best and most skilled wizard, you land in the clink wearing a Harry Potter shirt, shouting spells. You are not well received by the other prisoners. TM: No respect for a pure blood!

Playing your part, you adopt an irresistible kitten from the humane society. He thanks you by peeing on your neck while you sleep, twice. TM: You’ll show him when he sleeps! Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Lounge -- Flashback 9:00 PM

Hammerheads -- 80’s Night

Big Daddy’s Boathouse

Hobo Jungle -- Karaoke

-- Tommy Stillwell & the

Icon Bar & Nightclub -- DJ Mikus

Amazing Soul Crackers

Woody’s -- gonzo’s Toybox

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke & Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

10:30 PM

Chilly Willy’s -- Paul

Lanhucks -- Bloodtribe

Wiemeier & Jarod Heim

Little Cheers -- Scott Winzinger

Club Royale -- Stompbox 40

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DK & Trey

Corner Pocket, The -- The Relics

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . • 41 •


w.New s4UO

nline .com

11:30 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM

Brickhouse, The -- Show

Brickhouse, The --

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Night/Live Entertainers

Karaoke w/Sug

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Club Royale -- Comedy

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Night w/Pat godwin

Chilly Willy’s -- John

Hollywood Bar & grill



East -- Modern Country 10:00 PM

8:30 AM Centre, The -- 30th Annual

9:00 PM

Hammerheads --

Indian Artifacts Show

Chilly Willy’s -- Open Mic

Industry night

Night w/Jarod Heim

Little Cheers -- Karaoke

12:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe --

Shane & Kellys Corner

The Amazing Soul Crackers

Pub -- Pitcher Night

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke


Lanhucks -- Punk Rock Night 1:00 PM

w/By My Doppelganger/The

12:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar

Dead Livers/Post Teens

Fast Eddy’s -- Free Pool


3:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Brickhouse, The -- Free Pool

Double Dukes -- DJ Warren

Lanhucks -- APA Pool League

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar

Brickhouse, The -- Michelle

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas Hold ‘Em

-- Texas Hold’em

& The Jimtown Rats

5:00 PM

7:00 PM

Frontier Restaurant & Bar

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

Boney June’s Music Venue

-- Cornhole Tourney

Lounge -- Doc Stocker

-- Jeffree Star/Artist vs.

Deerhead Sidewalk

Poet/Watch Out! There’s

7:00 PM

Cafe -- Troy Miller

ghosts/Let’s get It

Bullock’s Bar & grill --

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

Bike Night w/Mesha

Lounge -- Nu Corp Band

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

-- Texas Hold’em 2:00 PM

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Bank Holiday Pre Party 4:00 PM

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

Lounge -- Nu Corp Band

Corner Pocket, The -- Karaoke

8:00 PM

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Club Royale -- Jay Johnson

8:00 PM

& grill -- Karaoke

Hollywood Bar & grill

Club Royale -- John gauer

Tin Fish at Marina Pointe

East -- Modern Country

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe

-- Jay Johnson & The Crowd

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub

-- The Andria Reed Band

-- Drink Specials w/Lacey

Hollywood Bar & grill

7:30 PM

Show Me’s (East

East -- Modern Country

Brickhouse, The --

Side) -- Bike Night

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz

Michelle Shelton

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Drink Specials w/Lacey Show Me’s (West)

• 42 • • Evansville August 2009


POSITIVELY gREAT HIP-HOP Don’t miss the upbeat hip-hop tunes of Lt. Dan’s New Legs (LDNL) at Icon on Friday, August 7th. It’s also Icon’s Calendar Girl Meet and Greet night.

-- Bike Night

10:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s -- Bike Night

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Chilly Willy’s -- Karaoke

w/Joe Smith Trio

-- TJ, BIll & Jay

Fox & Hound English

Hobo Jungle -- Hobo Poker

Pub -- Karaoke

Hollywood Bar & grill North

9:00 PM

Lanhucks -- Punk Rock

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Night w/Unit 6/Luxury

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Pushers/Hey Kid!

7:30 PM

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Little Cheers -- John

Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas Hold


‘Em/Karaoke w/Freddy K

O’Brians Sports Bar --

8:00 PM

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

Big Daddy’s Boathouse

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Marigold Bar -- College


-- Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK Deerhead Sidewalk

Night/Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

12:00 PM

Cafe -- Bobby Clark

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

Bullock’s Bar & grill

Double Dukes -- Dance

Show Me’s (East Side)

-- Free Pool

Party w/Rashod

-- Nick Hamilton

Rick’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool

Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wheat Wednesdays

9:30 PM

7:00 PM

Hollywood Bar & grill

Old Chicago --

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

East -- Modern Country

Lindsey Williams

Lounge -- Nu Corp Band

Hollywood Bar & grill East -- Common ground

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Shane & Kellys Corner

8:00 PM

Pub -- Pint Night

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

TJ’s Stockyard Inn -- Open Jam

-- Idol Karaoke Contest

Night hosted by Stone Road

Club Royale -- Bike Night 9:00 PM

w/John Hussman

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Cricket’s -- That Band

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Double Dukes -- Karaoke

Chilly Willy’s -- Pint Night

w/Judy gale

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Fox & Hound English Pub --

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

Thirsty Thursdays/Scott Winzinger

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Hollywood Bar & grill East

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

-- Common ground

Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry

Hollywood Bar & grill East

& The Double D’s

-- Modern Country

Woody’s -- College Night

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- 50

w/Stombox Trio

Cent Pool & Longneck Night

10:00 PM

9:00 PM

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Little Cheers -- Shane

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Breedlove/DJ Enok

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

O’Brians Sports Bar -- College

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

Night w/Jay Johnson & Beer Pong

Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -Troy Miller & Friends - Big Jon


Rochner and Chris Chrockrem Marigold Bar -- Karaoke Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

3:00 PM

-- Poker League

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s

6:00 PM

Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill -- Poker League

9:30 PM Bullock’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke

7:00 PM

Chaos w/DJ Dave Hamm

Big Daddy’s Boathouse -- Bike Night

10:00 PM

Boney June’s Music Venue

Chilly Willy’s -- Karaoke

-- Project 86/A Hero En Route/4-

Fast Eddy’s -- 103gBF

Seamer/Delta Delta!/more TBA

Thong Thursday with

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- Karaoke

Christine & DJ Jon B

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Hammerheads -- Hip-

-- Bike Night

Hop Thursdays

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . • 44 • • Evansville August 2009

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 45 •

• 46 • • Evansville August 2009


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Lanhucks -- The Klix/Quin & gash Hound

8:30 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke

Casino Aztar - Events Pavilion

w/Shane Breedlove

-- Three Dog Night

10:30 PM

9:00 PM

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live

Big Daddy’s Boathouse --

Acoustic on The Patio

Bluegrass in the Park w/Painkillers


Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke & Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s -- Ladies Night

12:00 PM

Club Royale -- Six Hills giant

Audubon Mill Park -- Bluegrass

Corner Pocket, The -- Midranger

In the Park Folklife Festival

Cricket’s -- Karaoke w/ Randy Marshall

4:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Liquor Locker -- Beer, Wine

Cafe -- Calabash

and Spirits Tasting

Double Dukes -- Copper Road Frontier Restaurant &

5:00 PM

Bar -- Karaoke

Brickhouse, The -- Michelle

garry’s Sidetrack Tavern

& The Jimtown Rats

-- Karaoke w/Terry

Little Cheers -- After Work Party

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke gloria’s Corral Club -- Live

7:30 PM

Country Band/Karaoke

Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball

Hootie Hoot Saloon &


grill -- Southern Edge Icon Bar & Nightclub --

8:00 PM

Lieutenant Dan’s New Legs/

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

Calendar girl Meet & greet

Lounge -- The Brat Pack

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Evansville Riverfront --

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

Riverfront Concert Series

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub

presents: Red Eye Max

-- Karaoke w/Brian Steele

Hollywood Bar & grill East -- Modern Country

10:00 PM

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Bullock’s Bar & grill

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill --

-- Union Shovel

Karaoke w/Stefne Wene

Fast Eddy’s -- Budlight Port of

The Red geranium Restaurant

Paradise Cruise Sweepstakes

-- Patio Jams with “Rock-

w/gonzo’s Toybox

it-Man” Warren Batts

Hammerheads -- No Cover Fridays Hobo Jungle -- Karaoke

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 47 •

Duck Inn -- Cold Stares CD release


w.New s4UO

nline .com

Lanhucks -- Episode 9 O’Brians Sports

8:00 PM

Bar -- Rachel & The

Casino Aztar-

Jimmies/Karaoke w/

Hoosiers Lounge

Shane Breedlove

-- The Brat Pack

Woody’s -- Recession

Evansville Riverfront

Proof Fridays/Akacia

-- Riverfront Concert

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Chilly Willy’s

gloria’s Corral

-- Calabash

Club -- Karaoke

Club Royale --

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Six Hills giant

& grill -- Fuzzy Roxx

Deerhead Sidewalk

Marigold Bar

Cafe -- The Dang

-- Karaoke


Shane & Kellys

party w/special

Corner Pub

guest Kris Bell

-- Karaoke w/

Fast Eddy’s --

Brian Steele

gonzo’s Toybox

TJ’s Stockyard Inn


-- Battle of the Bands

-- 80’s Night

Woody’s -- Cheap

Hobo Jungle

Seats Concert

-- Karaoke

Series: Ashton

Icon Bar & Nightclub


-- DJ KDogg

Clutter After Party

Lanhucks -Episode 9

Series presents: 10:30 PM

Stompbox 40

Little Cheers -- John

Hollywood Bar

Hussmann Trio

& grill East --

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Modern Country

-- Karl’s Kids

Hollywood Bar & grill North -- Karaoke

11:30 PM

w/DJ Travis

Brickhouse, The

Jillian’s Billiards

-- Male Dancers

Club -- UFC 101


Declaration Pay-PerView: Silva v. Forrest/ Penn v. Florian

12:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

Audubon Mill Park

Side) -- UFC 101

-- Bluegrass In the

Declaration Pay-Per-

Park Folklife Festival

View: Silva v. Forrest/ Penn v. Florian

1:00 PM

Show Me’s (West) --

Hobo Jungle -- Open

UFC 101 Declaration

Pool Tournaments

Pay-Per-View: Silva v. Forrest/

6:00 PM

Penn v. Florian

gourmet Pizza

8:30 PM

-- Cornhole

Casino Aztar -

Tournament: 32

Events Pavilion

Teams Needed: $10

-- Three Dog Night


Boston’s The

per team:Prizes for top 3 teams


9:00 PM Big Daddy’s

7:30 PM

Boathouse --

Cricket’s -- Dart

Bluegrass in the


Park w/ASRB

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Pool Tournaments

Karaoke & Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Woody’s and WKDQ are brining you the Cheap Seats Country Concert Series on Saturday, August 8th with Ashton Shepherd.

Double Dukes --

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Copper Road

Lounge -- Karaoke w/

garry’s Sidetrack

DJ Chaz

10:00 PM

O’Brians Sports

Bullock’s Bar & grill

Bar -- Rachel &

-- Union Shovel

The Jimmies

Tavern -- Karaoke w/Terry

• 48 • • Evansville August 2009

10:30 PM

4:00 PM

Hootie Hoot Saloon

ginny’s Place

8:00 PM

Little Cheers --

Lanhucks -- APA

& grill -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

Club Royale --

Scott Winzinger

Pool League

Tin Fish at Marina

Lanhucks -- Punk

Jay Johnson

Pointe -- Jay Johnson

Rock Night w/

Shane & Kellys

O’Brians Sports Bar

& The Crowd

Professor Proton/

Corner Pub -- Drink

-- Texas Hold’em

7:30 PM


Specials w/Lacey

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Deaf Megan 11:30 PM

Brickhouse, The


Show Me’s (East

Brickhouse, The

5:00 PM

-- Show Night/

Casino Aztar-

Live Entertainers

Hoosiers Lounge

8:00 PM

-- Bob Minnettes

Brickhouse, The

4:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Swing Cats

-- Karaoke w/Sug

Brickhouse, The

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Deerhead Sidewalk

Club Royale --

-- Free Pool

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Comedy Night w/


-- Michelle Shelton

Side) -- Bike Night 9:00 PM

Chilly Willy’s -5:00 PM

Auggie Smith

John Hussmann

Shane & Kellys

7:00 PM

Corner Pub --

Boney June’s

9:00 PM

-- Michelle & The

10:00 PM

Pitcher Night

Music Venue --

Chilly Willy’s --

Jimtown Rats


Brickhouse, The

Suicide Silence/

Open Mic Night

1:00 PM

As Forever Fades/

w/Jarod Heim

7:00 PM

Little Cheers

O’Brians Sports Bar

Behold the Seraph/

Deerhead Sidewalk

Casino Aztar-

-- Karaoke

-- Texas Hold’em

Abandon the South

Cafe -- The Amazing

Hoosiers Lounge

Corner Pocket,

Soul Crackers

-- The Shagadelics

-- Industry night

TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 12:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -- Free Pool 3:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Double Dukes -- DJ Warren 6:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -Texas Hold ‘Em 6:30 PM Frontier Restaurant & Bar -- Cornhole Tourney

The -- Karaoke

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. .

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 49 •

8:00 PM Big Daddy’s Old Chicago


w.New s4UO

-- Samuel Adams

nline .com Fast Eddy’s -- Texas

7:00 PM Boney June’s

Deerhead Sidewalk

Music Venue

Cafe -- Jason Nellis

-- Ryan Cabrera/

Ri Ra Irish Pub

The Ready Set/

-- Pub Quiz

Backseat goodbye/

Shane & Kellys

Plug in Stereo

Corner Pub -- Drink Specials w/Lacey

Bullock’s Bar & grill --

Show Me’s (West)

Bike Night w/Mesha

-- Bike Night

Casino Aztar-

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Hoosiers Lounge

-- TJ, BIll & Jay

-- The Shagadelics 9:00 PM 8:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Club Royale

Karaoke & Dance Mix

-- John gauer

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

9:30 PM

Mini-Tour Kick-Off

Old Chicago --

Rick’s Sports Bar

Lindsey Williams

-- Free Pool

Hold ‘Em/Karaoke w/Freddy K

10:00 PM

7:00 PM

ginny’s Place

Chilly Willy’s

Casino Aztar-

-- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

Hoosiers Lounge

gloria’s Corral

Fox & Hound English

-- The Shagadelics

Club -- Karaoke

Pub -- Karaoke

Fast Eddy’s

Marigold Bar

Little Cheers --

-- Bike Night w/

-- College Night/

John Hussman

Joe Smith Trio


O’Brians Sports

Hobo Jungle

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Bar -- Karaoke w/

-- Hobo Poker

Lounge -- Karaoke

Shane Breedlove

Hollywood Bar & grill

w/DJ Chaz Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick



w/DJ Travis 7:30 PM

12:00 PM

Cricket’s -- Dart

Bullock’s Bar &


grill -- Free Pool

• 50 •

North -- Karaoke

Boathouse -- Karaoke Club Royale -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Paul Blake & the Breakdowns Double Dukes -- Dance Party w/Rashod Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wheat Wednesdays Hollywood Bar & grill East -- River’s Edge Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Pint Night TJ’s Stockyard Inn -- Open Jam Night hosted by Stone Road • Evansville August 2009

9:00 PM

9:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Chilly Willy’s -- Pint Night

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill --

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Troy Miller & Friends - Big Jon

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

Rochner and Chris Chrockrem

Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry

Marigold Bar -- Karaoke

& The Double D’s

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

Woody’s -- College Night

-- Poker League

w/Stombox Trio

Show Me’s (East Side) -Kerry & The Double D’s

10:00 PM

Show Me’s (West)

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

-- Nick Hamilton

Little Cheers -- Shane Breedlove/DJ Enok

9:30 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar -- College

Bullock’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke

Night w/Jay Johnson & Beer Pong

Chaos w/DJ Dave Hamm


10:00 PM Chilly Willy’s -- Karaoke Fast Eddy’s -- 103gBF

3:00 PM

Thong Thursday with

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Christine & DJ Jon B Hammerheads -- Hip-

6:00 PM

Hop Thursdays

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

Lanhucks -- th’Empires/Drop

-- Poker League

Dead Darlings/Tech vs. Horse O’Brians Sports Bar --

7:00 PM

Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

Big Daddy’s Boathouse -- Bike Night

10:30 PM

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- Karaoke

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Acoustic on The Patio

-- Bike Night


8:00 PM Big Daddy’s -- 6 More Miles

4:00 PM

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

Liquor Locker -- Beer, Wine

-- Idol Karaoke Contest Finals

and Spirits Tasting

Club Royale -- Bike Night w/John Hussman

5:00 PM

Cricket’s -- Mercury (Indy)

Brickhouse, The -- Michelle

Double Dukes -- Karaoke

& The Jimtown Rats

w/Judy gale

Little Cheers -- After Work Party

Fox & Hound English Pub -Thirsty Thursdays/Scott Winzinger

7:30 PM

Hollywood Bar & grill

Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball

East -- River’s Edge


Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- 50 Cent Pool & Longneck Night

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 51 •

9:00 PM Big Daddy’s 4:00 PM


w.New s4UO

nline .com

8:00 PM

8:15 PM

Casino Aztar-

Mesker Amphitheatre

Hoosiers Lounge

-- Open Air Screening

-- Lonnie Lester


Hollywood Bar & grill

at Mesker

East -- River’s Edge Hollywood Bar & grill

9:00 PM

North -- Karaoke

Big Daddy’s

w/DJ Travis

Boathouse --

Shane & Kellys

Boney June’s

Valentina & D-2

Music Venue --


Corner Pub


Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Double Dukes

-- Karaoke w/


Karaoke & Dance Mix

-- Legacee

Brian Steele

by Eric Vain

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Frontier Restaurant

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

& Bar -- Karaoke

-- The Joe Smith Trio

garry’s Sidetrack

Chilly Willy’s 5:00 PM

-- Calabash

Newburgh Old Lock

Club Royale -- The

Tavern -- Karaoke

10:00 PM

& Dam Park -- 5th

Jimmies/SoCo girls


Brickhouse, The

Annual Dogs & Suds:

Corner Pocket,

ginny’s Place

-- Karaoke

BBQ Beer garden

The -- Akacia

-- Karaoke

Casino Aztar-

w/Object Blue/

Deerhead Sidewalk

Hoosiers Lounge

Bamboo Needle

Cafe -- Namasté

Fuzzy Roxx

Double Dukes

-- Lonnie Lester Fast Eddy’s -- Never

6:00 PM

-- Legacee

Been Caught

Newburgh Old

garry’s Sidetrack

Hammerheads -- No

Lock & Dam Park

Tavern -- Karaoke

Cover Fridays

-- 5th Annual Dogs


Hobo Jungle --

& Suds: Walk

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Dogtown Bierstube w/ Live Music/Karaoke

7:00 PM

gloria’s Corral

Lanhucks -- Prowler

Newburgh Old

Club -- Karaoke

O’Brians Sports Bar

Lock & Dam Park

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

-- Detail/Karaoke w/

-- 5th Annual Dogs

grill -- Mercury 360

Shane Breedlove

& Suds: 5K Run

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- The Smoke Rings

Woody’s -- Recession


The 5th annual Dogs & Suds kicks off at the Newburgh Old Lock and Dam on Saturday, August 15th. Bring your pooch for a walk, bath, trim and then you can enjoy a brew and some bbq with live music. It all benefits the Warrick Co. Humane Society.

J.E. Smith gallery

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

-- Clay & Cocktails

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Ollie’s Sports Bar

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

& grill -- Karaoke

Chilly Willy’s --

w/Stefne Wene

Ladies Night

The Red geranium

Club Royale --

Restaurant -- Patio

The Jimmies

Jams with “Rock-it-

Corner Pocket, The

Man” Warren Batts

-- Common ground Cricket’s -- Karaoke w/Randy Marshall Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Panacea

Boathouse --

Proof Fridays/

7:30 PM

Little Cheers --

Stompbox 40

Cricket’s -- Dart

Bierstube w/wellhello


Marigold Bar

10:30 PM

Hobo Jungle -- Open

-- Karaoke

Little Cheers -- John

Pool Tournaments

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill -- Sons of Sisters

Hussmann Trio Ri Ra Irish Pub --

8:00 PM

Rick’s 718 Bar

John Hussmann

Casino Aztar-

& Lounge -- 2nd

Hoosiers Lounge

Anniversary Party/

gloria’s Corral Club

11:30 PM

-- Lonnie Lester

Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

-- Live Country

Brickhouse, The

Hollywood Bar & grill

Shane & Kellys


-- Male Dancers

East -- River’s Edge

Corner Pub

Hollywood Bar & grill

-- Karaoke w/

North -- Karaoke

Brian Steele

w/DJ Travis

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -- Southern Edge Icon Bar & Nightclub


-- Battle of the Bands

-- Covergirl Contest FINALS/DJ Syimone

1:00 PM

8:15 PM

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Mesker Amphitheatre

10:00 PM

Lounge -- Karaoke

Pool Tournaments

-- Open Air

Bullock’s Bar & grill

Screening Dates-

-- Fiber & Rather

Movies at Mesker

Not w/S.O.L.

w/DJ Chaz

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . • 52 • • Evansville August 2009

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

-- Lonnie Lester

grill -- Karaoke

Fast Eddy’s -- WABX Stop Light

Tin Fish at Marina Pointe --

Party w/Never Been Caught

Jay Johnson & The Crowd

Hammerheads -- 80’s Night Hobo Jungle -- Dogtown

7:30 PM

Bierstube w/Live Music/Karaoke

Brickhouse, The --

Icon Bar & Nightclub -- Male

Michelle Shelton

Revue/Dons & Divas Party Lanhucks -- Prowler

8:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar -- Detail

Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke w/Sug

Woody’s -- Recession Proof

Club Royale -- Comedy

Fridays/Stompbox 40

Night w/Beth Donahue

10:30 PM

9:00 PM

Little Cheers -- Scott Winzinger

Chilly Willy’s -- Open Mic

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- TBA

Night w/Jarod Heim Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe --

11:30 PM

The Amazing Soul Crackers

Brickhouse, The -- Show

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Night/Live Entertainers


10:00 PM Lanhucks -- Walk of Fame Tour w/The Status/Time &

12:00 PM

Distance & the Prospect

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Pitcher Night


1:00 PM

4:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar --

Brickhouse, The -- Free Pool

Texas Hold’em 5:00 PM 4:00 PM

Brickhouse, The -- Michelle

Lanhucks -- APA Pool League

& The Jimtown Rats

O’Brians Sports Bar -Texas Hold’em

7:00 PM Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

5:00 PM

-- Monday Night Football

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge -- Steve greenwell Trio

8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Club Royale -- Jay Johnson

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Drink Specials w/Lacey

• 54 •

7:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

Corner Pocket, The -- Karaoke

Side) -- Bike Night • Evansville August 2009

9:00 PM

5:00 PM

8:00 PM

ginny’s Place

Fox & Hound English

Hobo Jungle

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Double Dukes

Club Royale

-- Karaoke

Pub -- Karaoke

-- Hobo Poker

Karaoke & Dance Mix

-- DJ Warren

-- John gauer

gloria’s Corral

Little Cheers --

Hollywood Bar & grill

Deerhead Sidewalk

Club -- Karaoke

John Hussman

North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s --

6:00 PM

Cafe -- The

Marigold Bar

O’Brians Sports

John Hussmann

Fast Eddy’s --


-- College Night/

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Texas Hold ‘Em

Ri Ra Irish Pub


Shane Breedlove

10:00 PM

7:30 PM

-- Pub Quiz

Rick’s 718 Bar &


6:30 PM

Shane & Kellys

Lounge -- Karaoke

-- Industry night

Frontier Restaurant

Corner Pub -- Drink

w/DJ Chaz

Little Cheers

& Bar -- Cornhole

Specials w/Lacey

Show Me’s (East

-- Karaoke


Show Me’s (West)

Side) -- Nick

12:00 PM

Big Daddy’s

-- Bike Night


Bullock’s Bar &

Boathouse -- Karaoke

7:00 PM

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Woody’s -- Puddle of

grill -- Free Pool

Club Royale

Bullock’s Bar & grill --

-- TJ, BIll & Jay

Mudd Pre-Party Mud

Rick’s Sports Bar

-- Karaoke with

Wrestling (all ages)

-- Free Pool

the Experience

Tuesday, August 18

Bike Night w/Mesha


Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney 8:00 PM

12:00 PM

Casino Aztar-

9:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s

Hoosiers Lounge

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

9:30 PM

7:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

-- Free Pool

-- The Marlinaires

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Old Chicago --

Casino Aztar-

Cafe -- Bobby Clark

Victory Theatre

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Lindsey Williams

Hoosiers Lounge

Double Dukes

-- Joe Bonamassa

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas

-- The Marlinaires

-- Dance Party w/Rashod

3:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool

hosted by BK

Hold ‘Em/Karaoke

10:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s

w/Freddy K

Chilly Willy’s

-- Bike Night w/

-- Karaoke

Joe Smith Trio

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Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wheat

10:00 PM

nline .com


Wednesdays Hollywood Bar

3:00 PM

& grill East --

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Common ground Shane & Kellys

6:00 PM

Corner Pub

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Pint Night

grill -- Poker League

Chilly Willy’s

3:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

-- Karaoke

Thunder on

9:00 PM

Side) -- Kerry &

Fast Eddy’s --

the Ohio -- Rib

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

The Double D’s

103gBF Thong

America Festival

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Show Me’s (West)

Thursday with

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

-- Nick Hamilton

Christine & Jon B

4:00 PM

ginny’s Place

Hammerheads --

Liquor Locker

-- Karaoke

Hip-Hop Thursdays

-- Beer, Wine and

Lanhucks -- Blood

Spirits Tasting

TJ’s Stockyard Inn -- Open Jam

7:00 PM

Night hosted by

Big Daddy’s

Stone Road

Boathouse -Bike Night

9:00 PM

Casino Aztar-

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Hoosiers Lounge

Karaoke & Dance Mix

-- Karaoke

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- Karaoke

Chilly Willy’s

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Pint Night

Lounge -- Bike Night

ginny’s Place 8:00 PM

gloria’s Corral

Club Royale

Club -- Karaoke

-- Bike Night w/

Rick’s 718 Bar &

John Hussman

Lounge -- Karaoke

Cricket’s -- The

w/DJ Chaz


Show Me’s (West)

Double Dukes --

-- Kerry & The

Karaoke w/Judy gale

Double D’s

Fox & Hound

Woody’s -- Another

English Pub --

Damn Loud Rock

Thirsty Thursdays/

Show with Puddle

Scott Winzinger

Puddle of Mudd

Hollywood Bar

(all ages)

& grill East -Common ground

10:00 PM

Shane & Kellys

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

Corner Pub --

Little Cheers -- Shane

50 Cent Pool &

Breedlove/DJ Enok

Longneck Night

O’Brians Sports Bar -- College Night w/Jay Johnson & Beer Pong Woody’s -- College Night w/Stombox Trio • 56 •

NASHVILLE-BY-WAY-OF-SEATTLE Country/blues songstress Tara McCormick opens the night at the Thunder Concert Bowl at 6 p.m.

gloria’s Corral

Woody’s -- Rock

& gore Night w/

5:00 PM

Club -- Karaoke

for Hunger Charity

Rev. Fang glory/

Brickhouse, The

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Concert feat. Amanda

Bloodtribe/Red 13/

-- Michelle & The

& grill -- Troy Miller

Overmyer (American

Dead Skankz

Jimtown Rats

& Friends - Big

Idol) & Bobby

O’Brians Sports

Little Cheers --

Jon Rochner and

Clark (All Ages)

Bar -- Karaoke w/

After Work Party

Shane Breedlove

Thunder on the

Chris Chrockrem

Ohio -- Spectator

Marigold Bar

9:30 PM

-- Karaoke

Bullock’s Bar & grill

10:30 PM

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Karaoke Chaos w/

Ri Ra Irish Pub

grill -- Poker League

DJ Dave Hamm

-- Live Acoustic

Pit Viewing

on The Patio • Evansville August 2009


-- Karaoke

7:00 PM

Icon Bar & Nightclub --

Thunder on the Ohio Concert

Downplay/DJ Figure

Bowl -- Jason Clutter &

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

the Dirty South Band

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz Shane & Kellys Corner Pub

7:30 PM

-- Karaoke w/Brian Steele

Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball Tournaments

10:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke

8:00 PM

Bullock’s Bar & grill -- Star

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

Pupil/Do Androids Dream?

-- Two-Tone Express

Fast Eddy’s -- BSR

Hollywood Bar & grill East

Hammerheads -- No

-- Common ground

Cover Fridays

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Hobo Jungle -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Lanhucks -- Episode 9

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

O’Brians Sports Bar -- Joe Smith

-- Karaoke w/Stefne Wene

Trio/Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

The Red geranium Restaurant

Woody’s -- Yo gotti (All Ages)

-- Patio Jams with “Rockit-Man” Warren Batts

10:30 PM Little Cheers -- John

8:15 PM

Hussmann Trio

Thunder on the Ohio Concert

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Scott Winzinger

Bowl -- The Marshall Tucker Band 11:30 PM 9:00 PM Big Daddy’s Boathouse -- Scarecrow Casino Aztar - Events Pavilion

Brickhouse, The -- Male Dancers


-- Thunder on the Ohio Bierstube Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

11:00 AM

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Historic New Harmony --

Chilly Willy’s -- Ladies Night

New Harmony Art Stroll

Club Royale -- Bobby Clark Band

Thunder on the Ohio --

Corner Pocket, The

Unlimited Hydroplane Racing

-- Tommy Stillwell

& Qualifying/Thunder on the

Cricket’s -- Karaoke w/

Ohio -- Rib America Festival

Randy Marshall Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe

1:00 PM Hobo Jungle --

-- Chester Brown

Open Pool Tournaments

Double Dukes -- Minx Frontier Restaurant &

6:00 PM

Bar -- Karaoke

Thunder on the Ohio Concert

garry’s Sidetrack Tavern

Bowl -- Tara McCormick

-- Karaoke w/Terry ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

7:00 PM

gloria’s Corral Club -- Live

Thunder on the Ohio Concert

Country Band/Karaoke

Bowl -- Jack Ingram

Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -- Southern Edge

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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• 58 • • Evansville August 2009


w.New s4UO

nline .com

7:30 PM

TJ’s Stockyard Inn --

Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney

Battle of the Bands

Hobo Jungle -- Open Pool Tournaments

10:00 PM Bullock’s Bar & grill --

8:00 PM

Blood Tribe/The Path

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

Duck Inn -- Paradigum/Adoration

-- Two-Tone Express

(Knoxville)/Far From Fallen

Hollywood Bar & grill East

Fast Eddy’s -- BSR/Bacardi girls

-- Common ground

Hammerheads -- 80’s Night

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Hobo Jungle -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Icon Bar & Nightclub -- DJ KDogg Lanhucks -- Episode 9

8:30 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar --

Thunder on the Ohio Concert

Joe Smith Trio

Bowl -- Travis Tritt

Woody’s -- Bierstube w/ Hairbanger’s Ball

9:00 PM Big Daddy’s Boathouse

10:30 PM

-- Amputee

Little Cheers -- Scott Winzinger

Casino Aztar - Events Pavilion

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- 4-Seamer/

-- Thunder on the Ohio Bierstube

Bamboo Needle

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke & Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

11:30 PM

Chilly Willy’s -- Calabash

Brickhouse, The -- Show

Club Royale -- Bobby Clark Band

Night/Live Entertainers

Corner Pocket, The -- The Relics Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe


-- The Smoke Rings Double Dukes -- Minx

10:00 AM

garry’s Sidetrack Tavern

Thunder on the Ohio -- Unlimited

-- Karaoke w/Terry

Hydroplane Racing/Thunder on

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

the Ohio -- Rib America Festival

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -- TBA

12:00 PM

Jillian’s Billiards Club

Shane & Kellys Corner

-- Jason Clutter

Pub -- Pitcher Night

Marigold Bar -- Karaoke Ollie’s Sports Bar &

1:00 PM

grill -- Panacea

O’Brians Sports Bar --

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

Texas Hold’em

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Karaoke w/Brian Steele

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Little Cheers -- John Hussman gloria’s Corral

w.New s4UO

4:00 PM Lanhucks -- APA Pool League O’Brians Sports Bar -- Texas Hold’em 5:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- greg Anderson Big Band Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller 7:00 PM Boney June’s Music Venue -- Kill Paradise/Romance on a Rocketship/ Stereo Shout Out!/ Paul Osburn Corner Pocket, The -- Karaoke Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -- Karaoke Tin Fish at Marina Pointe -- Jay Johnson & The Crowd 7:30 PM Brickhouse, The -- Michelle Shelton 8:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke w/Sug Club Royale -Comedy Night w/ Christine Stedman Show Me’s (East Side) -- WWE Summer Slam 2009 Show Me’s (West) -- WWE Summer Slam 2009

nline .com 9:00 PM Chilly Willy’s -Open Mic Night w/Jarod Heim Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Amazing Soul Crackers ginny’s Place -- Karaoke 10:00 PM Lanhucks -- Meth Lab Explosion/ Accidentally on Purpose/Dick genius & the Sh*thouse Rats

MONDAY, AUGUST 24 4:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Michelle & The Jimtown Rats 7:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football 8:00 PM Club Royale -Jay Johnson Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Drink Specials w/Lacey Show Me’s (East Side) -- Bike Night

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Marigold Bar

Shane Breedlove

Deerhead Sidewalk

-- College Night/

9:00 PM

Cafe -- Calabash


Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Karaoke & Dance Mix

-- Pub Quiz

Lounge -- Karaoke

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Shane & Kellys

w/DJ Chaz

Chilly Willy’s --

Corner Pub -- Drink

Bullock’s Bar &

John Hussmann

Specials w/Lacey

grill -- Free Pool


10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Industry night Little Cheers -- Karaoke

TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 12:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -- Free Pool 3:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Double Dukes -- DJ Warren 6:00 PM Fast Eddy’s -Texas Hold ‘Em


The “Rock-it-man” entertains the patio at the Red Geranium in New Harmony, IN on Friday, August 28th. Just 35 minutes out of town, this would be a great weekend escape.

6:30 PM Frontier Restaurant

Show Me’s (West)

Show Me’s (East

Rick’s Sports Bar

& Bar -- Cornhole

-- Bike Night

Side) -- Nick

-- Free Pool


TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Hamilton 7:00 PM

-- TJ, BIll & Jay 7:00 PM

9:30 PM

Casino Aztar-

Bullock’s Bar & grill --

9:00 PM

Old Chicago --

Hoosiers Lounge

Bike Night w/Mesha

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

Lindsey Williams

-- Amazing Soul

Casino Aztar-

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Hoosiers Lounge

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

10:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s

-- Amazing Soul

Fast Eddy’s --

Chilly Willy’s

-- Bike Night w/


Karaoke w/Freddy

-- Karaoke

Joe Smith Trio


K/Texas Hold ‘Em

Fox & Hound English

Hobo Jungle

8:00 PM

ginny’s Place

Pub -- Karaoke

-- Hobo Poker

Club Royale

-- Karaoke

-- John gauer • 60 • • Evansville August 2009



O’Brians Sports

Club -- Karaoke


Jill Sissell (3rd from left) has toured with bands from large to small and she’s found herself now at Big Daddy’s on Saturdays, August 29th

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

-- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry

7:30 PM

& The Double D’s

Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney

Woody’s -- College Night w/Stombox Trio

8:00 PM Big Daddy’s Boathouse

10:00 PM

-- Karaoke

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

Club Royale -- Karaoke with

Little Cheers -- Shane

the Experience hosted by BK

Breedlove/DJ Enok

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Paul

O’Brians Sports Bar -- College

Blake & the Breakdowns

Night w/Jay Johnson & Beer Pong

Double Dukes -- Dance Party w/Rashod Fox & Hound English Pub


-- Wheat Wednesdays Hollywood Bar & grill

3:00 PM

East -- River’s Edge

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Shane & Kellys Corner


Pub -- Pint Night

6:00 PM

TJ’s Stockyard Inn -- Open Jam

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

Night hosted by Stone Road

-- Poker League

9:00 PM

7:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Big Daddy’s Boathouse

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

-- Bike Night

Chilly Willy’s -- Pint Night

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Lounge -- Karaoke

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke

Jillian’s Billiards Club -- Karaoke

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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w.New s4UO

nline .com

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Bike Night

Lanhucks -- Dang Heathens/ Sam Lowry/Hounds & Horns

8:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar --

Club Royale -- Bike Night

Karaoke w/Shane Breedlove

w/John Hussman Cricket’s -- Bobby Clark

10:30 PM

Double Dukes -- Karaoke

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Live

w/Judy gale

Acoustic on The Patio

Fox & Hound English Pub -Thirsty Thursdays/Scott Winzinger


Hollywood Bar & grill East -- River’s Edge

4:00 PM

Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- 50

Liquor Locker -- Beer, Wine

Cent Pool & Longneck Night

and Spirits Tasting

9:00 PM

5:00 PM

Big Daddy’s Boathouse

Brickhouse, The -- Michelle

-- 6 More Miles

& The Jimtown Rats

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Little Cheers -- After Work Party

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

7:30 PM

ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball

gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke


Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill --

J.E. Smith gallery --

Troy Miller & Friends - Big Jon

Traveler’s Dream

Rochner and Chris Chrockrem Icon Bar & Nightclub

8:00 PM

-- Stony Run w/DJ

Casino Aztar-Hoosiers Lounge

Marigold Bar -- Karaoke

-- Blues Other Brothers

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill

Hollywood Bar & grill

-- Poker League

East -- River’s Edge

Show Me’s (East Side) --

Hollywood Bar & grill North

Kerry & The Double D’s

-- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

Show Me’s (West)

Ollie’s Sports Bar & grill --

-- Nick Hamilton

Karaoke w/Stefne Wene The Red geranium Restaurant

9:30 PM

-- Patio Jams with “Rock-

Bullock’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke

it-Man” Warren Batts

Chaos w/DJ Dave Hamm 9:00 PM

• 62 •

10:00 PM

Big Daddy’s Boathouse

Chilly Willy’s -- Karaoke

-- Ashes & Rain

Fast Eddy’s -- 103gBF Thong

Cecil’s Bar & grill -- Karaoke &

Thursday with Christine & Jon B

Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

Hammerheads -- Hip-

Chilly Willy’s -- Ladies Night

Hop Thursdays

Club Royale -- McFly • Evansville August 2009

Cricket’s -- Karaoke

10:30 PM

9:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s -- WABX

4:00 PM

w/Randy Marshall

Little Cheers -- John

Big Daddy’s

Stoplight Party w/

Lanhucks -- APA

Deerhead Sidewalk

Hussmann Trio

Boathouse -- Jill

Stompbox 40

Pool League

Cafe -- Pieces

Ri Ra Irish

Sissel Band


O’Brians Sports Bar

of the Day

Pub -- JEB

Cecil’s Bar & grill --

-- 80’s Night

-- Texas Hold’em

Karaoke & Dance Mix

Hobo Jungle

Double Dukes -- TBA Frontier Restaurant

11:30 PM

w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost

-- Karaoke

5:00 PM

& Bar -- Karaoke

Brickhouse, The

Chilly Willy’s

Icon Bar & Nightclub

Casino Aztar-

garry’s Sidetrack

-- Male Dancers

-- Paul Wiemeier

-- DJ Mikus

Hoosiers Lounge --

& Jarod Heim

Lanhucks --

Steve greenwell Trio

Club Royale -- McFly

Live Bands

Deerhead Sidewalk

Corner Pocket,

O’Brians Sports Bar

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Tavern -- Karaoke w/Terry ginny’s Place


The -- Midranger

-- Back to School

gloria’s Corral

1:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Bash w/Akacia/Sexy

7:00 PM

Club -- Common

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Cafe -- Hog-Maw

School gril Contest

Boney June’s Music


Pool Tournaments

Blues Band

Woody’s -- Poptart

Venue -- Select

Double Dukes -- TBA


Start/more TBA

-- Karaoke

Hootie Hoot Saloon & grill -- Southern Edge

5:30 PM

garry’s Sidetrack

Icon Bar & Nightclub

Cancun Mexican

Tavern -- Karaoke

10:30 PM

The -- Karaoke

-- The Chixie Dicks

Restaurant --


Little Cheers --

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Mariachi Band

ginny’s Place

Scott Winzinger

& grill -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Tin Fish at Marina

-- The Trio

Pointe -- Jay Johnson

Lounge -- Karaoke

Corner Pocket,

w/DJ Chaz

7:30 PM

gloria’s Corral

Shane & Kellys

Cricket’s -- Dart

Club -- Karaoke

Corner Pub


Hootie Hoot Saloon

11:30 PM

-- Karaoke w/

Hobo Jungle -- Open

& grill -- Just 4 Kicks

Brickhouse, The

7:30 PM

Brian Steele

Pool Tournaments

Marigold Bar

-- Show Night/

Brickhouse, The

-- Karaoke

Live Entertainers

-- Michelle Shelton


8:00 PM

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

& The Crowd

8:00 PM

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Casino Aztar-

Lounge -- Karaoke

10:00 PM

Hoosiers Lounge --

w/DJ Chaz

Brickhouse, The

Blues Other Brothers

Shane & Kellys

-- Karaoke

Hollywood Bar & grill

Corner Pub

12:00 PM

Club Royale --

Casino Aztar-

East -- River’s Edge

-- Karaoke w/

Shane & Kellys

Comedy Night w/J.

Hoosiers Lounge --

Hollywood Bar & grill

Brian Steele

Corner Pub --

Scott Homan

Blues Other Brothers

North -- Karaoke

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Pitcher Night

Fast Eddy’s --

w/DJ Travis

-- Battle of the Bands

Stompbox 40

Jillian’s Billiards

Hammerheads -- No

Club -- UFC 102:

Cover Fridays

-- Vengeance

Brickhouse, The -- Karaoke w/Sug

9:00 PM 1:00 PM

Chilly Willy’s --

10:00 PM

O’Brians Sports Bar

Open Mic Night

Couture v. Nogueira

Bullock’s Bar & grill

-- Texas Hold’em

w/Jarod Heim

Hobo Jungle

Show Me’s (East

-- Blood Tribe Video

VFW (Pollack Ave.)

Deerhead Sidewalk

-- Karaoke

Side) -- UFC 102:

release party

-- Texas Hold’em

Cafe -- The Amazing

Lanhucks -- Sister

Couture v. Nogueira

Casino Aztar-


Soul Crackers

Hoosiers Lounge --

2:00 PM

ginny’s Place

O’Brians Sports Bar

Show Me’s (West)

Blues Other Brothers

Ri Ra Irish Pub

-- Karaoke

-- Akacia/Karaoke w/

-- UFC 102: Couture

Duck Inn -- Mock

-- N.I. Irish Bank

Lanhucks -- Punk

Shane Breedlove

v. Nogueira


Holiday Pre Party/

Rock Night w/

Woody’s -- Recession


Irish Session

Bent Left/Bride of

Proof Fridays/


MONDAY, AUGUST 31 12:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- RI Ra Classic golf Scramble 4:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Brickhouse, The -- Michelle & The Jimtown Rats 7:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- Monday Night Football 8:00 PM Club Royale -Jay Johnson Shane & Kellys Corner Pub -- Drink Specials w/Lacey Show Me’s (East Side) -- Bike Night 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & grill -Karaoke & Dance Mix w/T.W. - AKA DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s -John Hussmann 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Industry night Little Cheers -- Karaoke


Six Hills giant

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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• 64 • • Evansville August 2009


Event Briefs 4U Joe Bonamassa nick durcholz


The awesomely renovated Victory Theatre with play as host for one of the best contemporary blues guitarists out there on August 18th at 8 p.m. Bonamassa has be praised by music critics all over the country and has been included in publications such as Guitar Player, Guitarist, and has a monthly column in Guitar World

cert to benefit Rock for Hunger followed by Bobby Clark and band to close out the night. Rap artist Yo Gotti will keep it real for an outdoor show on the 21st followed by a bierstube on the 22nd with hairspray infused rockers Hairbanger’s Ball.

Ski Day on the Ohio

This event always serves up quite the carnal concoction of babes, booze, and boats. This year the festivities begin at 12 p.m. on the 16th and come to a discombobulated close at 5 p.m. The yearly dual gender test of flesh will be continued with a bikini contest for the ladies and the “King of the Beach” contest for the guys. Be sure to bring the sunscreen. Keep checking for the exact location of the event on .

Frog Follies

magazine. His formal musical career began in the early 90s with a band called Bloodline made up of Bonamassa and two children of rock and roll royalty. Bonamassa is notorious for his rock covers and has a strong passion for touring. He usually plays an average of 200 shows annually. Bonamassa is a premier performer who should not be passed up.


It’s a stocked month at one of the wildest bars in Evansville. A whole lot of rock is on tap also some hip-hop, big hair, and even some mud-caked honeys. Puddle of Mudd, famous for hits such as “Blurry” and “She Hates Me,” will fill the building with musical cacophony on August 19th. The concert will be preceded on the 18th by a mud-wrestling contest for ladies only (sorry fellas) to win a chance to meet the band. The music continues on the 20th with American Idol’s Amanda Overmyer performing a charity conEvansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

From humble beginnings 34 years ago the Evansville Iron Street Rod Club has hosted an event cut out and soldered together for car lovers everywhere. Come out in the late August heat to admire 600 awe-inspiring vehicles and be a part of the 400+ space swap meet. The Frog Follies is family friendly and has games specifically gear for kids and dances at night for adults. Within the atmosphere that the Frog Follies creates everyone feels like a kid, especially car aficionados’ and collectors of all ages. The fun kicks off at 8 a.m. on Friday the 28th and ends with an award ceremony at 2 p.m. on the 30th.

Bluegrass and Bar-b-que at Angel Mounds

There isn’t a better mix for cultured summer fun than a historic park, historic music, and well a food that has a long history. On August 1st, Angel Mounds in all its beauty will be a backdrop for some glorious pickin’ and stompin’ tunes from some of the best bluegrass artists in the area. Barbeque plates and beverages will be available for purchase and coolers will be permitted but alcohol will not.

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• 66 • • Evansville August 2009

brew ha-ha: heady STuFF aT The muSeum


s you read this you are either A.) Looking for commentary on art B.) Wondering if there are any interesting goings on with the museum C.) Stumbling upon this article glenn stroessner seeking a weekend enterContributor tainment venue. Well, if you consider beer as art (and I do), then it doesn’t matter why you are here, YOU MUST KEEP READINg! Coming in September, little more than a month or so away, the legendary EMC Brew-HA-HA arrives. You may or may not know that this event is a top fundraiser for the EMC and the Evansville Museum, but in the grand scheme of the event, it doesn’t really matter. All that is required of you is to make your way to Casino Aztar one the eve of September 26th and be prepared to hear tunes from The PiTs, eat some food, and taste some beer. The Brew-HA-HA is about great friends, great music, great food, and best of all… gREAT BEER! Our local supporting businesses will be providing lots of goodies for Brew-HA-HA goers. Working Distributors, Inc and the Ohio Valley Homebrewers Association will have excellent beer sampling varieties that include local, domestic, craft, and imports. With the beer selections available, you will be able to sample that beer you always see in the cold section, but are intimidated about the commitment to buy an entire 6-pack. For all aspiring hop-heads, brief educational segments will be held with the Brew Master. Aside from beer, the local restaurants with snacks available are a great option to cleanse your palate of one frothy beverage to make way for yet another! Oak Meadow, China Bistro, RiRa’s, Corky’s, and Hacienda will all have tastes from their menus present to quell your mid-evening munchies. If your sampling should get the better of you, Casino Aztar has reserved a block of rooms at both the Aztar and Le Merigot hotels at rates of $99.00 and $109.00 respectively. Additional, non-alcoholic refreshments will be provided by Coca-Cola for all of the alcohol averse and DD’s for the evening… SAFETY FIRST!

Above all else, the greatest thing about this event is the format. If you reserve in advance, it costs $25 but it’s $30 at the door. From there, you receive a small glass and are unleashed unto your beer sampling desires. What I especially like about the Brew-HA-HA is that it is not a beerstube. It is a refined beer tasting experience. With only about 700-1000 people, the crowd is manageable. Also, the beer sampling station setup allows you to grab a sample right after you enter; no tickets, no long lines. The style of the event makes it very easy to casually invite a few friends or a date and enjoy a laid back evening after which your ears won’t ring from amplifiers and your throat won’t hurt from screaming over them. Don’t get me wrong, beerstubes are awesome, but if that is what you are looking for in Brew-HA-HA, this event may not be for you.

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Instructions: • Grab mobile device (i-phone, crackberry, etc), • Select calendar option • Set appointment for September 26th, 6pm-12pm • Change reminder settings to 1-week • Program reminder tone to Beethoven’s 5th (optional) – (I prefer “More Beer” by Fear, but that’s just me – ed). Also see or 411 S. Riverside Drive Evansville, IN 47713 to make your reservation. You will save $5 per person if you pay in advance prior to September 19. Last year’s event was a blast and this year will be no exception. I promise that if you attend this year, you will not miss the years following! • 67 •

IN THE BAG Swissgear Blue Maxxum Backpack

Available at Office Depot

ashley sollars


This sportive backpack is designed to fit notebooks with screen sizes up to 15.4”, and includes iPod/ Music Player Pocket. $69.99

Hannah Montana Back-toSchool Super Set - 40 Pieces Available at Toys ‘R Us

Hannah Montana rules! You get portfolio folder, crayons, pencils, pencil sharpener, change holder, spiral journal, memo pad, sticker sheet, gluestick, ruler, pencil case and an eraser. All this in one super set. $9.99

A+ Back-to-School Rescue Pack (Paperback) by Inc. Wiley & Sons Available at CliffsNotesTM and Webster’s New World® have teamed up to bring you four bestselling backto-school titles in a truly special package - at a truly special price. Designed for teens from 6th grade up, it includes a selection of superior resources on basic math, pre-algebra, and algebra, as well as writing and language. $29.99

Timex® Nature Sound CD/MP3 Clock Radio Available at Radio Shack

Wake up to the gentle sounds of nature, your favorite radio station, your favorite CD or buzzer with this Timex clock radio. There’s also an MP3 line-in port so you can connect your MP3 player. $54.99

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ave you ever sung the ABC song twelve times in five minutes? Have you ever cleaned Cheerios out of the vents on your dashboard? How about poop? Have you had it in places it most certainly doesn’t belong in civilized culture? Yes to all? You’re a parent, and proud of it! Let’s band together, fellow poop-cleaners, Cheerio-vacuumers and off-key ABC-singers! Let’s pack up the car, point it in the right direction, and go, go, go…

dylan gibbs

Managing Editor


Sometimes weird, a little eclectic, and always a lot of fun, the Koch Family Children’s Museum of Evansville is a standard Tot Time location. This month they offer some new funsies as well as some old reliables. August 15 sees their Back to School Bash, a day of half-price admission, meet-&-greets with Evansville Otters mascots, special outdoor performances and more. Half price admission is offered if you bring in a food item contribution for the Tri-State Food Bank’s Backpack-Food for Kids program. 2 p.m. is the time, cMoe’s the place, and August 9 is the day for a Cool Jazz Performance. Visiting musicians A-Train to Brooklyn will fill the acoustically superb Freedom gallery with the sounds jazz fans love. This is a must-attend for children who really get into good music.

Kids probably don’t think much about what happens after they’ve eaten their Cheerios, but thanks to cMoe’s Understanding the Digestive System, they very well might. Resident health expert Stuffee will be on hand to guide guests through their circuitous guts, starting at 1 p.m. on August 22. Call cMoe at 464-2663 for more info on these or any of the other events happening there.

Willard Library get your kids primed for school and the extra reading that goes along with it by visiting Willard Library’s Web site, and click on Children’s Services. There, you can find a plethora of resources that will guide you to things such as 100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know, Favorite Authors for Kids, Top

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

10 Books For Parents and Kids to Read Together and much more. You can, of course, always visit the historic library at 21 First Avenue in Evansville. give them at ring at 425-4309 for extra information.

Let’s Go Fishing The rewards of fishing with your kids are too numerous to mention, but it’s getting close to the time when the constraints of school will make it harder to blow off and toss a line in the water for an afternoon. If you haven’t yet outfitted you kid with a fishing pole, check out They have everything. The zebco 404 Kids Starter Rod and Reel Combo is well made for the price ($20), and helps start a lifelong love of the art and sport of fishing.

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W alison sigman


hen I was little my mom would pick a week in early August, load my brother and me up in the car and… take us to the elementary school where she worked. She would use us as slave labor so she could get her classroom ready in time for school to start. As our reward (or payment) for free labor at the end of the week we would load up and instead of going to school, we’d go to the mall. This was the one time of year where we were encouraged to shop, for school appropriate things of course, and purge our old, worn out clothing when we got home. I’m sure this tradition was similar for many of you, and I’m sure that once your parents stopped pulling the purse strings, like with mine, this tradition came to a halt. Thus begun the saving, mending, and hoarding of clothes that no longer fit, that are no longer fashionable, items that are busting at the seams. Clearly, our mothers had the right idea, so why are we so quick to dismiss their good wisdom? If you aren’t ready for a complete wardrobe overhaul, you can at least become an informed shopper and pick pieces that will last longer than the latest teen sensation.

Buy natural fabrics When wanting your clothing to sustain, look for fabrics that won’t break down. Natural fabrics hold their shape and color long after your polyester will wear out. It’s important to look at the labels, and search out cotton, silk, wool, and rayon. While articles made of these fabrics tend to be more expensive, it’s for a good reason.

Stick to solid colors Shirts that are a single color transition from season to season better than that crazy Andy Warhol inspired print. Solids also allow you to have more fun with the accessory trends. These trends are more cost effective to keep up with, and you don’t have to continually buy new clothes to stay ahead of the curve. Your Day-Glo bangles from last year were replaced by everything gold this year, and soon you can switch those out for giant pendants. And they all look great with a white camisole and black jacket.

Know the trends No trend has staying power. (Not even Uggs, although they’ve lasted a lot longer than anyone has expected.) Sure, that trapeze dress, or asymmetrical tank top may be everywhere now, but next year will it be? Just like patterns, shapes have a way of coming and going. Remember summer of ’07 when it was popular to wear oversized shirts with leggings, and guys to pop their collars? This year it’s all about the reversal with baggy sailor pants and fitted button up shirts. Universally flattering shapes like straight leg jeans and fitted tops are always going to be in style, so have no fear pick these pieces.

Indulge yourself Yes, you’ve just spent the day at the mall buying clothes that work for both your new job and your social life. They’re useful, but you’re not thrilled. I always make sure to treat myself to one item that I cannot live without. It’s something new and useless, like a handbag or shoes. Indulgent items are generally more expensive, but last longer. Even jewelry can count! Stores like Express and New York and Company usually offer buy one, get one deals so your pocket book (or your significant other) isn’t too upset with you.

With these tips and tricks you won’t have to purge once a year like in grade school, because your wardrobe will be ready for you year after year. Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Save money – SKiP School alTogeTher


t’s that time again. Pack up your necessities and move back into dreaded campus housing. I know you are looking forward to cafeteria food and all nighters to get your research paper done on time. Well probably not. Turn that frown up-side-down because I have some tips on how to save money on back to school stuff.

julie mehringer


Search for textbooks on half. com,, or another discount book website. Find out the ISBN numbers of the textbooks you’ll need. This number is above the bar code on the back of the book. You can use this to search for the exact book you’ll need. Often times you can get away with buying older versions of a textbook at a fraction of the price of brand new ones. Most textbook companies come out with new editions every year but there are only slight differences from the previous edition. Contributor

USE THE LIBRARY. If you are taking a literature class that requires a bunch of well-known pieces you might be able to get away with borrowing them from the library, either on campus or the public library. The EVPL lets you keep books for 21 days and renew each book 2 times for a total of 63 days before you have to return it. You can even save yourself a trip to the library by renewing books online. I wouldn’t advertise this information to your classmates though since books are only allowed to be renewed if no one has put a hold on the book. A hold is placed on a book when it is checked out and someone else wants to borrow it.

WAIT FOR THE SALES. Stock up school supplies when they are on sale. Walmart usually sells notebooks for $.5 -$.10 a piece during back to school time. Staples has been running penny promotions in recent years. You can get certain items like pencils, pens, etc. for pennies, literally. You can sign up on their website to receive their weekly flyer via email so you don’t miss the sale. BUY USED. If one of your classes requires a specific item that you’ll need for this class and this class only, go shopping before you buy it from the bookstore. My dreaded calculus class required the purchase of TI-83 graphing calculator that runs about $100. Luckily I already had one from high school. If you need something like this and don’t already have one, ask friends if they have one you can borrow for a semester or look online for a used one. Check on, marketplace or locally,

• 72 • classifieds for used items at reduced prices.

DO YOU RESEARCH. If you’re in the market for new electronics, back to school time might be a good time to buy. Dell among other places usually runs specials during this time. Just because it is listed as a special doesn’t necessarily mean it the best buy. Always comparison shop and do you research before you buy something. If you need a new flash drive, computer, etc. and have no idea what you need, ask a tech savvy friend what they suggest you buy before you step foot into a retailer who might try to sell you something you don’t need. Newegg. com is a good place to check out consumer reviews before you purchase electronics. It’s also a good place to get cheap memory like flash drives, external hard drives, etc.

STAY ON CAMPUS. Don’t have money to shell out for a new computer? If you’re in college, just use the campus computer lab. Since more and more people have their own computers, you shouldn’t have a problem finding an empty one. The EVPL has computer labs that are open to anyone with a library card. They have internet access and up-to-date software. With an EVPL library card you can also access hundreds of databases for free, great for quick research. You can also use these databases from your computer at home.

DON’T WASTE MONEY ON OVERPRICED SOFTWARE. Isn’t Bill gates rich enough? If you need a certain program for a class, find out which computer labs on campus have the software loaded on the computers and use those. For programs like Word, you can use googleDocs. It’s a service provided by google that allows you to use a word-like program on the internet for free from anywhere that has an internet connection. You can store it to a flash drive or save it in cyberspace and access it from anywhere. I highly suggest checking it out.

BROWN BAG IT. This might sound really dorky but always carry a bottle of water and a snack in your backpack or purse. You can refill the bottle with water throughout the day, don’t

Need one of these? Steal it. You can rebuild your karma working at a soup kitchen.

forget to wash it or replace it from time to time. This will save you money from relying on overpriced vending machines on campus. When you go to the grocery store stock up on portable foods like bananas, apples, granola bars, etc. Don’t waste money on those silly individually packaged chips or snack mixes. Buy the big bag and a box of baggies. Divide the food yourself you lazy bum. Doing this can save tons of cash by helping you avoid the vending machines, it might help you keep off that “college weight” too since you create your own options instead of depending on what is available. • Evansville August 2009

Aztar Hosts an Instant Classic I

n case you didn’t know, three dog night is a term used by Australian Aborigines to describe a night that is so cold you need three dogs sleeping with you to keep warm, instead of the usual lanea ritterling one or two. I describe Three Contributor Dog Night as a way to heat up the Casino Aztar on August 7th & 8th when the hit band makes our steamy summer explode! When I was a little girl we sang “Joy to the World” in music class, and oh how funny we thought it was to sing about helping Jeremiah the Bullfrog drink his wine. Or the verse: “You know I love the ladies Love to have my fun I’m a high night flier and a rainbow rider And a straight-shooting son of a gun I said a staight shootin’ son of a gun”

We thought we were hot stuff in 3rd grade, but now I just look back and wonder what my music teacher was smoking. We also sang about children being black and white and how “the whole world looks upon the sight ... The beautiful sight.” Those songs, along with “Mama Told Me Not To Come” and “Shambala” are just as fresh, spirited and beloved today as they were in the early 70s. Three Dog Night has to be one of the hardest working bands in the country, playing over 80 gigs a year. The music icons achieved superstar status between 1969 and 1974 when they sold more concert tickets and achieved more top 10 hits than any other rock group. After all these years, they still top the list of artists with the best “Billboard Top 100 Chart” average. The group has spent 40 years playing shows on the road and they a re still incredibly talented and sparkle like new stars. The Aztar is excited to welcome founding members Cory Wells and Danny Hutton on lead vocals, as well as original keyboardist Jimmy Greenspoon and guitarist Michael Allsup. Paul Kingery (bass and vocals) and Pat Bautz (drums) round out the lineup. In a recent interview, band founder, Danny Hutton, was asked what can be expected at a live performance and he replied, “If they like our records, they will like the show. People tell us all the time that we sound just like our records”. When asked how they reach out to audi-

ences of all ages, Hutton says, “We change up the songs add some new material and because our songs are all over TV and movies there is a real multi-generational appeal – plus the Three Dog Night Myspace page gets lots of hits.” For music and video clips go to threedognight or

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Just like all bands, these guys have had their share of rollercoastering and produced enough material for a VH-1 mini-series. But that’s rock & roll. The music is marvelous and it will allow you to escape back to days past when it didn’t seem like we had so many worries. Three Dog Night is the epitome of nostalgia. I guarantee that each song will be better than the previous and you’ll be singing along like a child. The show begins at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8 on the Casino Aztar Events Plaza, but will be moved inside if the weather gets really ugly. Casino Aztar reports that tickets for the show are going fast so don’t delay in ordering yours today. You may call 1-800-342-5386 to order. Tickets are $35 for folks with a Casino Aztar Rewards Card and $40 without the card. If you have the card you will have the opportunity to win big. There will be $2,500 cash drawings – five $500 winners, after EACH show! Check out casinoaztar. com for all the details.

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A egaeon Incredi-metal, mythological, loud as Hades A

palm muted riffs, but there are far more breakdowns and chug riffs in deathcore. Jim Martin, 22, is the vocalist of the band. Nick Scott, 20, plays the bass. Jerry Grannan, 18, and Sebastian Brown, 18, both play guitar. Craig Nelson, 18, plays the drums. Aegaeon's next show is August 2nd at 1 pm at The Evansville Deathfest at the No Ruz Grotto, 911 Southeast 2nd Street. Ten dollars gets you in the door to see 15 bands. When asked about the band, Aegaeon fan Dustin Cline replied, "Those guys always put on a great show! They play their instruments like almost no one else in town and they're so young--they're only going to get better with time. I'd highly recommend these guys to anyone who loves to hear some honest-to-god, brutal ass metal." You can hear some of Aegaeon's music on their MySpace page, Their page has information on their upcoming tour as well as videos and photos from their shows.

Alex Mitchell of October Promotional Design

egaeon, a five piece metal/deathcore band from Evansville is fairly new to the music scene. Formed in late 2008, this group of five young Evansvillians has quite a following julie for being less than a year old. mehringer Contributor With 20,608 MySpace friends to-date, a brand new album, and a badass tour lined up for next summer, these guys have it together. In case you are wondering, Aegaeon is a fifty headed, one hundred armed creature from Greek mythology. The guys discovered the name while on a search to find the "most epic thing possible." I think they found it! Aegaeon has played shows throughout the Midwest and will begin touring to support the release of their newly recorded six track EP, "Exponential Transcendence." They recorded their first album in June with MiAH from The Sound Lair in Knoxville, TN. Exponential Transcendence was also mixed and mastered in Knoxville. "It was an incredible experience to work with an established and accomplished music producer. We had a lot of fun while we were down there, but it was without a doubt the most stressful thing we've ever done." says guitarist Jerry Grannan. Aegaeon logged 96 hours in the studio in just five days. Grannan says, "We were there from 11 am until 3, 4, or 5 am every day, and MiAH stayed up after we left to mix every night. I'm not sure if he slept more than two hours any nights we were there." They describe their music as somewhere between death metal and deathcore. Deathcore features many death metal elements like blast beats, double bass,

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The Cold Stares Setting something on Fire


efore sitting down with Chris Tapp and Brian Mullins, the two (yes ONLY two) members of the Cold Stares I wouldn’t have thought it possible for two guys, three amps, and a carolyn cummings drum kit to produce so much Contributor sound. Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve been wrong. I had the pleasure of hanging out on my patio (Brian’s severely allergic to cats and I have three) and talking to Chris and Brian about their songs, influences, and goals for the band. Chris told me, “It’s just us two. We started kicking around ideas, playing, just writing songs and goofing around with stuff we liked. Then we thought maybe if I could do this with an amp or that with an amp we could get around having a bass player. So it went from there and kind of morphed into something sounding completely different, which we liked.” “Chris uses three amps on stage. A lot of people, when they see there’s just two of us, think it’s an acoustic act or they think it’s something different than what it is, but there’s a lot of energy – a lot of sound.” Brian tells me. “What we do is singer-songwriter stuff in that the majority is story songs which come from my love of a lot of old blues stuff and “Son” House. So a lot of it’s based on religion and sex (“and history” Brian adds). It’s the best songs I’ve written. They’re all individual yet tied together, but it’s heavy,” according to Chris. Brian explains “On the rock side we’re coming at it from Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin and the heavy classic rock that everyone acknowledges as the forefathers of that genre, mixed with the blues story teller influence.” “Live it’s really punk, heavy nasty, kind of The Queens of the Stone Age meets Iggy Pop and The Clash but with Zeppelin type guitar riffs and the stories of the old blues. I don’t really think about it when I write it, I just write it.” Chris says. My favorite summary of The Cold Stares sound came from Brian: “Chris writes some good songs, and he writes some great

songs. Sometimes we’ll be recording in the practice room, just letting tape roll then we’ll listen back and erase it as fast as we can or look at each other, laugh, and say ‘that’s mean, that’s Old Testament hard. That’s what we’re looking for.” “These songs you don’t have the opportunity to evade them because they’re so loud in the live set so you have to kind of get them. This is the only project I’ve been in that live when we play it everybody gets it. I don’t know if it’s because it’s so loud or so heavy or so poignant but it gets everybody’s attention and they get in on it. Sometimes the music sound like sex or sometimes the music sounds like setting something on fire. That’s the best feeling to me. When I feel like I should walk out throw a gas can on something and just burn it I know we’ve hit the right place.” Chris adds. A couple of days after I meet with the band they were heading to Suma Studios in Cleveland to record their CD with Paul Hammon, who’s worked with Lenny Kravitz, Ben Folds, and The Black Keys. “We just need to document these songs properly,” both guys agree. The local CD release party will be August 8th at The Duck Inn. Go check it out.

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Breck's Bicycle Shop Weekly Community Bike Rides, Starting at Central Park, Downtown Henderson. Want to ride your bike and enjoy some camaraderie this summer? Looking for a free, family-friendly event? Then join the Monday Night ride in Henderson, Ky. Riders pedal off from Central Park (adjacent to the courthouse and city building) in downtown Henderson at 6 p.m. This is a free community ride with a nodrop rule. The ride is open to all ages and all skill levels. Helmets are mandatory. For more information contact Breck's Bicycle Shop at 270-827-5708

Aug 7-8: Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival

Audubon Mill Park. One of the oldest on-going free Bluegrass festivals in the United States, Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival marks its 24th year in 2009. The festival honors Western Kentucky’s history as a center of Bluegrass music. In addition to great music, the 2009 Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival boasts unique

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events, including the Pickin’ & Pedalin’ Bike Tour, Jammin’ & Jumpin’ Pole Vault, Bluegrass Hat Tennis Tournament and Breakfast in the Park. A family friendly atmosphere, great food, concessions, inflatable amusements and a beautiful riverfront setting make the festival a destination for all ages. Info: 270-826-3128, 800-648-3128 or

Aug 8: Jammin' & Jumpin' Street Vault

Water Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets, Henderson, KY. An award-winning event that draws pole vaulters of all ages, including Olympians! Come see the vault, now in its third year, and enjoy the music of the Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival, happening simultaneously. Part of the Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival. Info:, 270-724-2218 or 270-860-8073.

artists are welcome to join us at the monthly Audubon “Artists Retreats”. Whether you choose to paint outdoors or in, the mystique of the John James Audubon gardens and museum will take you away. Artists from all over will gather for this special event. Special speakers and programs will vary for the noon activities. Time: 9:00-3:00 Pre-registration is required. Bring your own art and supplies. For registration or more info contact Kim McGrew at the Audubon Museum at 270-827-1893 or

Aug 22: Weiner Dog Races

Ellis Park Race Course, 3300 US 41N, Henderson, KY. 5 weiner dog races will be held with the final heat crowning a grand champion. Proceeds will benefit a local non-profit organization. Begin at 9:45 a.m. Subject to change, call for updated info: 1-800-333-8110, 812-435-8906, or

Aug 14: Adult Artists Retreat

Audubon Museum, John James Audubon State Park, Henderson, KY. Beginning to advanced • Evansville August 2009

International Mystery Writers Festival:


or the third straight year, the highly anticipated International Mystery Writers’ Festival descends upon Owensboro in a cloud of… mystery and suspense! This year will no doubt pack a surprising punch when four melissa kaiser brand new Agatha Christie Contributor plays are premiered in the United States. Perhaps the most anticipated portion of the Festival occurs during the always exciting Angie Awards ceremony, where Sue Grafton will be awarded the coveted 2009 First Lady of Suspense award. Held at the RiverPark Center August 12th – 16th, you will have ample opportunity to experience the workshops, book signings, and fabulous performances that characterize this one of a kind Festival.

Kicking off the festival on Wednesday, August 12 at 5 p.m., the Grand Opening Ceremony will preview what’s in store for you this year. Wasting no time, the first of three performances of the Live Radio Theatre’s presentation of Agatha Christie’s cleverly suspenseful drama, Butter in a Lordly Dish begins at 7 p.m., with the psychological thriller, Three Blind Mice showing immediately afterward. Thursday presents the first of three performances of the Live Radio Theatre’s presentation of Christie’s deceptively thrilling Personal Call at 4 p.m., followed immediately by the suspenseful and unusual The Yellow Iris. These four plays are among the best of the legendary English writer’s work, and you do not want to miss their debut; catch Butter in a Lordly Dish and Three Blind Mice on Friday at 5

p.m. and Saturday at 11 a.m. Personal Call and The Yellow Iris will show at 2 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday. On Saturday at 7 p.m., a truly unique and exciting opportunity awaits fans of the unknown and ultimately resolved themes in great mystery writing. All four Christie plays will be preformed and recorded live and broadcasted on the new and original mystery radio series, New Mysteries Galore on National Public Radio affiliate, 88.3 FM WNIN of Evansville, IN! Hosted by Angela Lansbury, WNIN will broadcast several recordings of “newly discovered thrillers and detective dramas” every Saturday evening beginning at 7 p.m. You will also have the opportunity to take part in several workshops and Master classes on a variety of topics. Workshop topics will include “Creating Characters from Those You Know”; “Definition, Types, and Motives of Serial Killer Characters”; and “Secrets of Breaking into the Publishing Business.” These Workshops will be lead by several extremely talented and well-known authors, including Nelda Coppas, Richard Reed, Lee Goldberg, Dorthy Taillon, Jay Zimmer, Brandt Dodson, Laura Benedict, Will Lavender, and Sue Crafton. You will no doubt gain useful and enlightening knowledge into the world of writing through these wonderful workshops. These fabulous authors will also hold several book signings throughout the festival. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights, you can enjoy an interesting feature of the festival - the Writers Reel event. Held at the BB&T Plaza, celebrity authors will discuss film or TV shows that were created from their material as you watch them on the big screen. All of these fantastic events culminate into the final production and highlight of the festival – The “Angie” Awards ceremony & dinner! During the ceremony, several “Angies” will be awarded to the best works, best actors, best

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

supporting actors, and Best vocal performance, to name a few. Snatching top honors this year is Kentucky native and acclaimed author, Sue Grafton, who will receive the prestigious “First Lady of Mystery” award. “Selecting Grafton was an easy choice,” says RiverPark Center President and CEO, Zev Buffman. “Sue Grafton represents everything we had in mind when this award was created. She’s dedicated to her craft, her devotion to her fans and her enthusiasm for the mystery genre makes her the perfect selection.” Previous recipients include the ceremony’s namesake, the legendary, Angela Lansbury, and best selling author, Mary Higgins Clark. There will be a dinner celebration in honor of Grafton, best known for her “Alphabet series,” on Saturday at 5 p.m. Some of you may notice that the Festival has been scaled back a bit from previous years. The IMWF hit a bit of a speed bump due to funding issues, but do not fear – this year will still uphold all the excitement and fabulous performances as in the past! “We decided to only focus on the ‘Live Radio Theatre” in this years festival,” says RPC Director of Sales and Marketing, Travis Estes. “Obtaining the exclusive rights from the Dame Agatha Christie estate was a huge honor. We wanted to make sure to do those works to the best of our abilities, and since it was the first time any of them have been produced in the US it was important to keep a complete focus on those works. We will be going back to the formal format of producing fully stages plays in 2010.” All in all, the 2009 International Mystery Writers’ Festival promises to deliver on all accounts! Do not miss one of this years most prestigious and exciting festivals! For information on tickets prices and packages, and specific times and locations, visit • 77 •

photos: RiverPark Center

A dash of Christie, a pinch of Wodehouse, and contemporary mysterians too…



615-254-7236 Aug 1:Josh Hoge & Andy Davis Aug 2:Nathan Lee, Judd & Maggie & Kyle Wyley Aug 4:Darryl MacQuarrie Aug 6:Starlight Mints Aug 7:Chris Janson w/ The Davisson Brothers & Tyler Farr Aug 8:EmancipatorThis is Art-Duperocho/ The Moon Tomorrow The Sun & Brenn Aug 9:Nathan Lee, Rob Blackledge & Kyle Wyley Aug 10:Leslie Dysinger & georgia Thomas and more... Aug 11:Tyler Summers w/ Phil Lassiter & Chris Volpe Aug 19:Trouble w/ Brothers/The Mulch Brothers Aug 21:Space Capone Aug 22:808 Party w/ Afroman Aug 24:Lindsay Lawler Showcase Aug 25:Denita Odigie w/ Adam Agin & The Wailin Canes


615-259-9891 Aug 1:Jimmy Hall and The Prisoners of Love Aug 2:Hill Country Revue w/ Reid genauer "Assembly of Dust" Aug 3:Pickers and Sinners Aug 4:Ernie Halter w/ gareth Asher and Miggs Aug 5:Marcus Foster Aug 5:The Wooten Brothers

• 78 •

Aug 6:Carney Aug 7:Sarah Buxton, Dave Pahanish and Emily West Aug 13:Rocco Deluca and The Burden w/ Roman Candle Aug 16:Edwin McCain w / Paul Freeman Aug 19:Bobby Long Aug 20:Toby Lightman and Aslyn Aug 23:Rhett Miller w/ The great Lakes Swimmers Aug 26:Kait Lawson and Ben Schoefield Aug 28:12 Against Nature A Steely Dan Experience Aug 30:The Freddy Jones Band


615-256-2727 Weekends:BB King's All-Stars: Herchal Bailey & Natasha Young


615-383-9140 Aug 22:Robben Ford Aug 24:Steve Earle solo and acoustic with special guest Allison Moorer Aug 25:Vienna Teng Trio


615-242-5837 Aug 7:Josh garrett Aug 8:Kenny Neal Aug 14-15:Eric "guitar" Davis Aug 21-22/28-29:Josh garrett


Aug 22:Bluebird On the Mountain - D.berg, R.rutherford,

EXIT/IN 615-

321-3340 Aug 4:Pat Mcgee w/ Paul and JP from Hightide Blues and Sara Jean Kelley

Aug 5:Lelia Broussard also featuring Bess Rogers and Allsion Weiss Aug 7:Rebirth Brass Band w/ the Levees and The RevivalistsAllsion Weiss Aug 8:Drakkar Sauna with Caitlin Rose, Hands Down Eugene, and Dave Cloud Aug 13:Unknown Hinson Aug 15:Dark Party w/ Mux Mool Aug 18:The Heartless Bastards Aug 26:Benjy Davis Project Aug 27:Buckwheat Zydeco and Special guest Josh Charles

GRAND OLE OPRY 615-889-3060

Aug 1:Trent Tomlinson, Restless Heart, Jim Ed Brown, Bobby Osborne & The Rocky Top XPress, george Hamilton IV Aug 4:Craig Morgan, Eric Church, Diamond Rio Aug 11:Keith Anderson Aug 14:Justin McBride Aug 15:Nitty gritty Dirt Band/The Infamous Stringdusters Aug 18:Hal Ketchum Aug 21:Oak Ridge Boys, Del McCoury, Hal Ketchum Aug 22:Del McCoury, Hal Ketchum


615-780-3099 Aug 7:Mstrkrft Aug 8:Boomerang


615-251-3020 Aug 1:Autovaughn/ Jermey Lister/Kyle Andrews Aug 4:William Fitzsimmons/Jenny Owens Youngs Aug 5:NOMO Aug 6:Lost in War/ Starlume/Street Corner Champs Aug 12:Diane Birch


Check out songstress Toby Lightman August 20th at 3rd & Lindsley.

Aug 15:Denny Diamond & the Longfellows: Ultimate Neil Diamond Experience Aug 19:White Rabbits/ Fiery Furnaces Aug 23:King's X Aug 26:Weekened Jimmy & the East Party/ Cassino/Sara Silva


615-248-9494 Aug 5:De La Soul Aug 6:Drive By Truckers/glossary Aug 7:Xavier Rudd/Jeremy Fisher Aug 30:The Wallflowers/Butterfly Boucher


615-862-6395 Aug 29:The Wiggles LIVE!

RIvERFRONT PARK 615-862-8400

Aug 13:"Big Surprise Tour" w/Old Crow Medicine Show/The Dave Rawlings Machine/The Felice Brothers/Justin Townes Earle


615-843-4000 Aug 1:Back to School fest w/As Dawn Breaks/ Catch the Rabbit/ Spinnner's End/Some Will Be Saved/more... Aug 5:Four Year Strong/ Set Your goals/Polar Bear Club Aug 7:The Showdown/ Amarna Reign/Alcina/ gathered Here Today Aug 9:Mayor's First Day Festival Aug 13:Jam & Java w/ Brinley Addington/greg Bates/Danny Berrios/ Robery gay/goose gossett Aug 15:Adelaide/ give'Em the Sleeper/ Nearing Daybreak/Terror in Cave Springs Aug 23:mewithoutyou/ Damien Jurado/Psalters Aug 28:Prove Them Wrong/Jacob's Ladder/ Your Best Friend


615-889-3060 Aug 11:Counting Crows w/Michael Franti & Spearhead and Augustana


615-467-0124 Aug 12:Diane Marino Aug 26:Diane Marino


615-770-2000 Aug 10:Def Leppard w/ Poison and Cheap Trick Aug 12:Demi Lovato with Special guest / David Archuleta and Jordan Pruitt Aug 15-16:PBR Aug 25:Jonas Brothers Aug 29:Keith Urban w/ Sugarland


615-255-3307 Aug 8:Tim O'Brien & Friends Aug 15:Shawn Camp, Mike Bub & Friends Aug 20:Claire Lynch Band Aug 27:Cornmeal


615-650-9333 Aug 8:Don gallardo/ How Far West/Jonathan Sexton & the Big Love Community/Matt Urmy/Black Lillies


615-251-0190 Aug 11:"SoCal Punk Invasion" w/Fear/many more... Aug 15:Chelsea Automatic Aug 25:Off WIth Their Heads • Evansville August 2009


BACCHUS BAR & GRILL 270-240-2740

Every Monday:Cornhole/ Free Nationwide Poker Tour Every Tuesday: Karaoke Every Wednedsay Bike Night & Cornhole Every Thursday:Open Mic/Karaoke Aug 7-8:Black Tar gravy Aug 14:Namaste Aug 15:TBA Aug 21:Rick Monroe Aug 22:TBA Aug 28-29:Chuck Wells & the Stone Cold Blue

BIG ED'S 270-689-2200

Tuesdays:Bike Night/Ladies Night/Roy Kyle Acoustic & Open Mic/Free Pool Wednesdays:Open Mic Acoustic Jam w/Roy Kyle Thursdays:Karaoke w/ Caveman/Free Pool Fridays:Karaoke w/Caveman/8 Ball Tournament Aug 1:Noah & Friends Aug 8:gridlok Aug 15:Karaoke Aug 22:Tangle Foot


270-684-5554 Sundays:Karaoke/ Cornhole Games Mondays:Cornhole games Tuesdays:Time Out Tuesdays/Cornhole Wednesdays:Cornhole games Thursdays: Karaoke and DJ/Cornhole Fridays:Andy & Terry Show/DJ/Cornhole Saturdays:Brad Snap/ DJ/Cornhole Aug 19:goat/Cornhole

270-684-4999 Mondays: Beer Pong Tuesdays: Open Mic Night with Andy Brasher Wednesdays: Karaoke w/Songbird Every Thursday:Cornhole Aug 1:Andy Brasher CD release party Aug 7-8:Soulunique Aug 14-15:Flat Stanley Aug 21-22:Never Been Caught Aug 28-29:DJ Romeo

DIAMOND LAKE RESORT 270-229-4900 Aug 2:Second Annual Musician's Reunion Aug 15:Children's & Adult's Fishing Aug 21-22:Street Legends Car Show

Aug 28:Main Stage - Duke Boys/Street Fair - Volunteer Fair


Fridays:All Division Racing - E-mods, Street Stocks, Pure Stocks, Cruisers, Rusty Bolts and Mini Stocks

BLUEGRASS MUSIC Museum 270-926-7891 Aug 1-31:Ongoing Exhibit: Phil Zimmerman – “Bluegrass Time”


270-687-2770 Aug 2:Summer Movies on the River - Mamma Mia (Pg-13


Wednesdays: Karaoke Thursdays:Piano Night Friday:Karaoke/80s Dance Night Saturdays:Show Night

270-683-5003 Aug 1-2, 8-9:The King & I by Rogers & Hammerstein Aug 28-29:Cash On Delivery - This fast-paced British comedy was penned by Michael Cooney; Directed by Todd Reynolds



EQUALS (270)313-0820

Mondays:Blue Collar

Night w/8 Ball Tourney: Tuesdays:Beer Pong Wednesdays:College Night/ Karaoke and DJ Thursdays:Ladies Night/ DJ/Dart League Aug 1:The Anythings Aug 7-8:Pieces of the Day Aug 14:Fight for Allyson Benefit Aug 14-15:Ten Pound Pie Aug 21-22:August Christopher Aug 28:Pop Tart Monkeys Aug 29:LDNL


Aug 7:Main Stage - V groove/ Street Fair - Kids Fun Night Aug 14:Main Stage - The Rigby's (Beatles Tribute)/ Street Fair - Health Fair Aug 21:Main Stage Bonepony/Street Fair - go green Night

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Aug 2:Fan Appreciation Night - Autographs session from your favorite drivers and $5 general admission plus UMP E-mods, Pure Stock, Cruisers, Rusty Bolts and UMP Mini Stocks Aug 9:Cruiser Special-All Divisions - Added purse money for Cruisers. UMP E-mods, Pure Stock, Cruisers, Rusty Bolts and UMP Mini Stocks Aug 15-16:1st Annual Diamond J Trucking Extreme Modified Mania - Saturdays events will include practice, qualifying and heat races for the UMP E-mods Aug 23:Wayne Coakley Memorial --- UMP Super Late Models - UMP Super Late Model plus UMP E-mods, Pure Stock, Cruisers, Rusty Bolts and UMP Mini Stocks

• 79 •

ST. LOUIS Aug 25-26:Cardinals vs. Astros Aug 27:Cardinals vs. Astros Aug 28:Cardinals vs. Nationals Aug 29:Cardinals vs. Nationals Aug 30:Cardinals vs. Nationals


314-436-5222 Aug 5:Larry McCray Blues Band Aug 17:Lipbone Redding & The LipBone Orchestra Aug 18:Ana Popovic Aug 19:Mike Zito Aug 20:Lil Brian & the Travelers Aug 23:Eric Sardinas


633-1000 Aug 1:Steve Ewing


the Strumalongs/ Yetisburg/As Seen From the Dawn/Dirty Catastrophic/Nobody's Hero/The Black Notes/The Aether Tree/Luna's Misery Aug 9:The Action Service/Nosey Parker/ Almost Yesterday/ Matt Dudley/Satan's Funeral/Brown Bottle Fever/Jason Martin Aug 10:Suicide Silence/Bury Your Dead/ Wings of Tyranny/ By the Thousands/ Into the Dead Skies Aug 12:Arsonists get All The girls/See You


314-621-7880 Aug 7:Lauri Morvan Aug 15:Shemekia Copeland



314-421-3060 Aug 1:Cardinals vs. Astros Aug 2:Cardinals vs. Astros Aug 14:Cardinals vs. Padres Aug 15:Cardinals vs. Padres Aug 16:Cardinals vs. Padres

• 80 •


Soak up the sounds of Ana Popovic at B.B.’s August 18th.

314-862-8600 Every Monday: Madahoochi and Friends Aug 20:Healing Sixes


(314) 289-9050 Aug 4:The Stereofidelics/Juffage/Weird Body Parts/Soma Aug 7:The Script/ Parachute Aug 8:Eric Moeller &

Next Tuesday/Oceano/ Knives Exchanging Hands/Attilla Aug 14:Me Verse You/ Nine Life Fire/The Real You/goodnight Sunrise/Avelynn Aug 15:Traitor's Circle/ Apollo Overthrown/ Thoughtless/Parallel 33/Something to Kill For/FearTheSkies/ • Evansville August 2009


Aug 7:The Breeders/ Times New Viking Aug 11:Diane Birch Aug 12:Chuck Berry Aug 15:Memories of Elvis Aug 18:Dar Williams/ Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers Aug 20:Over the Rhine/Ari Heist Aug 21:Dread Zeppelin Aug 22:Dave Alvin & the guilty Women


All courtesy of Detroit Cobras August 20th at Off Broadway.

Survive The Flood Aug 16:Miss May I/ Motionless in White Aug 20:Rehab Aug 24:Band of Skulls Aug 26:Let's get It/ Isabella/Dean Evans Band/Cara Lane/ Strobelight Mafia

GATEWAY ARCH Aug 2:Rock the River concert w/Skillet


314-773-3363 Aug 2:guitar Shorty/ Bottom Up Blues gang Aug 4:John Lee Hooker Jr./Bob Reuter Aug 5:Joseph Fletcher/Samuel James Aug 6:Leisure McCorkle/Dirty Sweet Aug 8:The Educated guess/Emperor Norton Orchestra/ Cheers Bobby Aug 12:Slobberbone/glossary Aug 13:Mayhem String Band/Pokey LaFarge/ The Roundups Aug 14:Scott H. Biram/Strawfoot Aug 15:Lil Ed & the Blues Imperials Aug 17:Cobalt & the Hired guns/ Little Arcadia Aug 19:Weiss Family (mewithoutyou)/Damien Jurado/Psalters Aug 20:Detroit Cobras/Left Arm Aug 21:Asbury Park/ Petty Cash Junction Aug 22:Sally Crewe & the Sudden Moves/ Finns' Motel/The 75s Aug 23:Matt & Kim Aug 24:Supercub/ Exercise/Enlou

Aug 26:Ha Ha Tonka/ Treaty of Paris/Roman Candle Aug 28:Joe Stickley's Blue Print/ The Hipnecks Aug 30:Amy Lavere


618-274-6720 Aug 1:CKY/Fall From grace/graveyard Aug 4:August Burns Red/Bless the Fall/ All Shall Perish Aug 6:I Like Snaps/ MJ's Mistakes/ Hephaestus/Falling is Fatal/Strata-g/ Against the Enemy Aug 7:Dredg/RX Bandits/As Tall as Lions Aug 10:Otep/ Destrophy/Seven Year Existance Aug 15:Framing Hanley Aug 16:Prig/Saence/ Deadsky/Ockums Razor/Borean Dusk/ Thorn Fetish Aug 26:Devildriver/Mychildren Mybride/Dirtfedd/Soul Decenders Aug 28:From Mars to Venus

SCOTTRADE CENTER Aug 11:green Day/ Franz Ferdinand Aug 29:American Idols Live! w/Adam Lambert/Danny gokey/ Allison Iraheta/Anoop Desai/Kris Allen/Lil Rounds/Matt giraud/ Megan Joy/Michael Sarver/Scott MacIntyre

STAGES -ROBERT G REIM THEATRE 314-821-2407 Aug 1-16:The Drowsy Chaperone


314-361-1900 Aug 1-2:Camelot Aug 3-9:Hairspray


314-726-6161 Aug 4:Dr. John & the Lower 911/The Funky Butt Brass Band Aug 7:Carney/ Leon Lamont Aug 8:Xavier Rudd/ Jermey Fisher Aug 9:Pete Yorn/ Zee Avi Aug 10:Collective Soul/Safetysuit Aug 13:Reel Big Fish/ The English Beat/ The Supervillians Aug 14:Edwin McCain/Paul Freeman Aug 15:Loop Underground w/ Celldom/Dugholes/ Bullshed/Jia Davis Aug 16:Mitchel Musso Aug 19:Fall Out Boy Aug 29:Trout Fishing in America

UNION STATION 314-421-6655 Aug 7:The goonies


314-298-9944 Aug 3:Vans Warped Tour Aug 11:Crue Fest 2 Aug 22:Nickelback with Hinder, Papa Roach, and Saving Abel

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 81 •

CINCINNATI Aug 21:July For Kings/ Zach garrison

MAD HATTER CLUB, COvINGTON Aug 4:Anarbor/ Sparks the Rescue Aug 18:Weiss Family/Damien Jurado/Psalters


Get over to Southgate House on the side of the river August 7th.


513-731-8000 Aug 11:Emery/Maylene & the Sons of Disaster/Ivoryline/Closure in Moscow/Kiros Aug 12:Tantric/ Aranda/Vayden


513-621-2787 Aug 14-22:Little Shop of Horrors


513-542-6644 Aug 6:Asteroid Invasion/Scattered Planets Aug 13:Finding fiction Aug 17:Rhino Bucket


Aug 1:guitarist Dan Faehnle Aug 6:Brasila Aug 8:Brent gallaher Quartet w/ Dan Karlberg Aug 13:Enyard/ Drees/Karlsberg/ Finucane/Felson Aug 20:Alison Ruble Qrt Aug 22:Delfaeyo Marsalis/Jason Marsalis/Dan Faehnle/Jim Anderson/Jim Connerly, Aug 27:Wade Baker Aug 29:Fareed Haque Flat Earth Ensemble Aug 30:Enyard/

• 82 •

Drees/Karlesberg/ Finucane/Felson

BOGARTS 513281-8400 Aug 8:Collective Soul with special guest Safety Suit Aug 18:Nat & Alex Wolff Aug 24:The Full Moon Crazy Tour f/t Honor Society

Aug 7:Chris Comer Trio Aug 8:Acapulco Aug 15:Frequency Aug 29:The groove


513-621-3550 Aug 1:Robin Thicke



513-232-6220 Aug 6:Jimmy Buffett Aug 8:Rascal Flatts/ Darius Rucker/ Cledus T. Judd Aug 13:Blink-182/ Fall Out Boy/Panic! At the Disco Aug 14:Crue Fest 2: Motley Crue/ godsmack/Drowning Pool/Theory of A Deadman/Charm City Devils, more Aug 19:Nickelback/ Papa Roach/Hinder/Saving Abel Aug 21:Kathy griffin Aug 26:Chicago/ Earth, Wind & Fire


621-4400 Aug 6:Stacie Sandoval Tropical Jazztet Aug 7:The Fiery Furnaces/Brian Olive Aug 11:Dallas Moore Aug 21:Roger King


513-984-9288 Aug 1-2:Tommy Johnagin Aug 3:Bobcat goldthwait Aug 6-9:Kevin Shea Aug 13-16:Tig Notaro Aug 20-23:Doug Benson Aug 27-30:Darrell Joyce

HAvANA MARTINI CLUB 513-651-2800 Every Wednesday: FREE Salsa lessons! Every Thursday: Official "Salsa on the Square" After Party w/DJ Rudy


The Donnas shall be rocking August 15th at the PNC Pavillion at Riverbend

KING'S ISLAND (513) 754-5797 Aug 6-8:National Karaoke Championship 2009 Aug 16:Run Kings Island


513-784-9119 Aug 7:Ninefold Aug 12:Jon Kohne Trio Aug 14:Just Like Monsters/The Shy Spoots/Brooks Bauer Aug 19:Caleb Hip Hop

Aug 7:Tool/Tweak Bird Aug 15:Pat Benatar/ Blondie/Neil giraldo/ The Donnas Aug 18:Coheed & Cambria/ Heaven & Hell Aug 28:Creed

PROCTER & GAMBLE HALL 513-621-2787 Aug 15:gala of International Dance Stars global Fare

Aug 29:The Moody Blues


513-624-0020 Aug 1:"Summer Rock Fest Tour" w/Faster Pussycat/Bullet Boys/ Bang Tango/Sister Sin Aug 28:Saliva


desdemonafestival. com Aug 7-8:Cincy Blues Fest Aug 21-22:Brew Ha-Ha Aug 29-30:Cincy Salsa Fest


859-431-2201 Aug 1:500 MIles to Memphis/Cari Clara/ Dutch Henry/Stereo Deluxe-in the ballroom Aug 1:The Koala Fires/Spd gynr/ The Never Setting Suns-in the parlour Aug 2:gil Mantera's Party Dream/Eat Sugar/Enlou-ballroom Aug 4:Deer Hunter/ Dan Deacon/No Age-ballroom Aug 5:The Breeders/Times New Viking-ballroom Aug 7:Son Volt/Cary Hudson-ballroom Aug 8:Now, Now Every Children/Civil Twilight/Bad Veins Aug 10:Langhorne Slim/The Low Anthem Aug 11:The Duke & the King/Mayday Parade Aug 12:Scott H. Biram Aug 13:Iris Dement/ The Two gentleman Band/These United States Aug 15:Off WIth Their Heads

US BANK ARENA 513-421-4111 Aug 15:Jamie Foxx • Evansville August 2009

Much More Online!


grand New Day See Aug 15:Indiana Fever vs Detroit Aug 27:Indiana Fever vs San Antonio Aug 29:Indiana Fever vs Sacramento

Butterflies Exhibit thru Sept 7 Aug 1-31:Butterflies Exhibit



317-255-4211 Every Tuesday: Open Mic Aug 1-2:Justin McKinney Aug 5-9:geoff Keith

317-631-0334 Aug 15:Jimmy guilford - Through the Years Aug 21-22:Sharon McNight - Songs to Offend Almost Everyone




317-872-9664 Aug 1-16:Smoke on the Mountain: Sanders Family Christmas

BILL MONROE MEMORIAL MUSIC PARK & CAMPGROUND 800-414-4677 Aug 27-29:Bean Blossom Blues, Brews & BBQ


812-336-3984 Aug 1:Junior Brown Aug 25:Dar Williams

BUSKIRK CHUMLEY THEATER, BLOOMINGTON Aug 9:golden Age of Hollywood presents The Thief of Bagdad


(317) 917-2500 Aug 5:Indiana Fever V Chicago Aug 7-8:Women of Faith presents A

317-631-3536 Aug 5-8:Scott Bruce 317-636-4516 Every Weekend: grape to glass Winery Tour Aug 8:Taste of Downtown


317-357-0239 Aug 1:My Hidden Track/Pleasant Run/ The Epic/Jimmy Figgy and the Night/ Rodeo Ruby Love Aug 14:The gates Of Slumber/Demiricous/ Zoroaster/Apostle Of Solitude/Serpent Cult/Coffin Worm Aug 21:From Where It Ends/Holland Account/ghost of Maine/Threat Level/ Betrayed With A Kiss


317-236-1870 Aug 23:Sentimental Journey Dance Band

INDIANA STATE FAIRGROUNDS 317-927-7500 Aug 7-23:Indiana State Fair

INDIANAPOLIS zOO 317-630-2001

Aug 1:Fernhead Aug 7:Say Aug 8:Whoa!Tiger Aug 14:The Messarounds Aug 15:Crabtree's Trunk Aug 21:Solumun grundy Aug 22:Red Light Driver-Yuki-Dark Matter Halos-Tiger Spirit Aug 26:The Coal Men Aug 29:Ton-up Bike Club after Moto gP party with musical guests, Ben Justus


317-262-8600 Aug 14:Indianapolis Colts v. Minnesota Vikings Aug 20:Indianapolis Colts v. Philadelphia Eagles


317-255-3189 Aug 28:56 Hope Road


317-239-5151 Aug 2:Social Distortion/Civet/ The Strangers Aug 8:The Decemberists/Heartless Bastards


317-239-5151 Aug 7:Tori Amos Aug 22:Kathy griffin Aug 28:The Wiggles go Bananas!


317-927-7500 Aug 19:Blue Ribbon Horse Pull Lightweight

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


Hear and groove to The Breeders at the Vogue August 6th.

Aug 23:Indiana State Fair Queen Contest


317-635-PLAY Aug 1-15:The Dos and Don't of Time Travel


317-955-0995 Aug 3:Bess Rogers/ Lelia Broussard/ Allison Weiss Aug 4:Diane Birch Aug 7:Chris Merritt Aug 8:40 Watts/Beta Male/Jascha/Christian Taylor & Old School Aug 10:April Smith & The great Picture Show Aug 13:Three Bad Jacks/Deacon Sean Aug 14:Last 4 Digits/ Vulgar Boatmen/ Large Damaging Hail Aug 16:Quixote/ Hey Hey Melodica Aug 18:The Wood Brothers Aug 22:Needtobreathe/griffin House/

green River Ordinance Aug 30:Phonograph/Dorsey

RATHSKELLAR 317-636-0396 Aug 6:Brave Combo Aug 8:Carney/ Mike Milligan Aug 23:Buckwheat Zydeco


317-722-1339 Every Wednesday: Blues Jam Aug 4:Candye Kane Aug 6:Laurie Morvan Band Aug 13:Damon Fowler group Aug 16:Liz Pennock & Dr. Blues Aug 20:Joe Moss Band Aug 27:Big James & The Chicago Playboys


317-259-7029 Aug 6:The Breeders Aug 8:Son Volt

Aug 13:Edwin McCain


Aug 1:Dave Matthews Band Aug 8:Brad Paisley/ Dierks Bentley/ Jimmy Wayne Aug 11:Jimmy Buffett & the Coral Reefer Band Aug 12:Crue Fest 2 Aug 15:Nickelback/ Hinder/Papa Roach/ Saving Abel Aug 20:Blink-182/ Fall Out Boy Aug 29:Creed Aug 30:Aerosmith/ZZ Top


800-665-9056 Aug 4:Crosby, Stills & Nash Aug 25:Bonnie Raitt with Taj Mahal Aug 30:The Moody Blues

• 83 •



LOUISIVLLE Moody Blues Aug 30:The Wiggles

4TH STREET LIvE! (Several Entertainment Venues)

LOUISvILLE zOO 502-459-2181

Aug 21:National City Family Beach Party Aug 29:6th Annual Brew at the Zoo

Aug 7:Saliva Aug 14:Daryl Worley Aug 20:Blue October/ Ours/Switchfoot Aug 28:Sister Hazel/ Benjy Davis Project



Room 502-635-2554 Aug 22:Over the Rhine/Katie Herzig

BELTERRA CASINO RESORT CENTERSTAGE 888-235-8377 Aug 1:The Doobie Brothers


502-899-7070 Every Wednesday: BBC St. Matthews hosts a Bluegrass Jam/ Americana players Aug 1:John Ashley Aug 8:Yard Sale

BROWN THEATRE 502-584-7777 Aug 7:Dave Koz Aug 10:The Decembrists/Blind Pilot



502-380-0600 Aug 1:Metal Show Case/Sever This Illusion/Slow Intentional Damage/I your liege/Broke and Bleeding/ Aug 2:On Tour/Say you Will/After The Blast/ The Radiance Effect/ Sean Lea/Robots Making Robots.. Aug 3:Straight Line Stitch Aug 4:Blasphemer/ Sikfuk/Disfigured/ Aug 6:On Tour/From The Ashes/Eyes Verses The Sky/ Birth Of A Zealot Aug 8:Hicks Road/ • 84 •


C & C rock the stage at Headliner’s August 17.

Elysium/Sons Of The Bluegrass Aug 13:Hold/Jason Aug 16:Mayday Parade w/ Shindig, Artifex Pereo & Talk Of Spring Aug 18:Dream In Stereo Aug 21:The Morning Of w/ Sparks The Rescue/Brad Fleitz/ Paul,Osburn Aug 22:AC,AXE/ Xcess/Young Thugs/ Bad Dream 17/ Midnight Dizturbance Aug 27:Lets get It/ Eyes Verses The Sky/ Voices Of Adria/No Sign Of Murder/Robots Making Robots. Aug 31:Aim For The Skies/Hush Hush Commotion/A Kidnap In Color


502-412-2275 Aug 5:August Burns Red/Blessthefall/ Iwrestledabearonce/ All Shall Perish


502-459-0022 Aug 1-2:Russ Nagel/ Tim Rowlands Aug 5-9:Etta May Aug 12-16:Etta May Aug 19-23:Marty Pollio


812-288-2632 Aug 1-16:High School Musical


800-487-1212 Aug 20:Kelly Clarkson Aug 22:Keith Urban: Escape Together World Tour Aug 23-29:World's Championship Horse Show Aug 30:Taylor Swift

HARD ROCK CAFE 502-568-2202

Aug 28:The Elms

and Friends Aug 8: Vinyl Soup Aug 22:Larry Keel and Natural Bridge Aug 27:Rumpke Mountain Boys/ Chicago Farmer Aug 29:Bloom Street


502-367-5000 Aug 20-30:Kentucky State Fair

502-589-4060 Aug 1-9:Hairspray

PHOENIX HILL 502-589-4957 Aug 1:Marcy Playground Aug 14:Tantric/ Aranda/Vayden


502-574-3768 Aug 1-2:golden Road Music & Arts Festival w/Donna Jean godchaux Band w/Jeff Mattson

Cadillac/Nervous Melvin & the Mistakes Aug 19:All-original Indie rock Aug 20:Kurt Reifler & Brotherson/The SLy Aug 21:Travlin' Mojos Aug 22:Clay St. Blues All-Stars Aug 27:Troubadours of Divine Bliss/ Timmy & Sharfe Aug 28:Rusty & the Oil Cans Aug 29:The Boogiemen

UNCLE PLEASANT'S 502-634-4147


502-584-8088 Aug 2:Jim Rose Circus vs Jake The Snake Roberts Aug 5:91.9 WFPK Presents: Band of Horses with Cass McCombs Aug 10:Emery/ Maylene & The Sons of Disaster/ Closure in Moscow Aug 17:Coheed & Cambria Aug 20:Devildriver/ Emmure/Dispised Icon/ MyChildrenMyBride/ Veil of Maya/For The Fallen Dreams/ Oceano/Periphery/ Thy Will Be Done Aug 29:The Villlebillies/ In The Clear/Red Nova Aug 31:Needtobreathe/ griffin House/green River Ordinance


502-485-0114 Aug 3:Tom Boone


Saliva will be rocking the pavement at 4th Stree Live! August 7th.


(513) 754-5797 Aug 6-8:National Karaoke Championship 2009 Aug 16:Run Kings Island


Aug 19:Bonnie Raitt & Taj Mahal Aug 28:The


502-582-9945 Every Tuesday: Open Blues/Jazz Jam Band Aug 5:Amanda Lucas Band/Brian Fox Band Aug 6:Tamara Dearing Aug 7-8:King Bees/ Voodoo Lounge Band Aug 12:Jeff grimm Aug 13:Mindy Toile/ Amanda & Audrey/ Katie Renne & Jessica Aug 14-15:Big Black

Aug 1:Future Leaders of the World Aug 4:Bess Rogers Aug 13:Scott H. Biram


Aug 12:The Big Surprise Tour w/Old Crow Medicine Show/ Justin Townes Earle/ The Dave Rawlings Machine/Aug 25:Will Hoge/Cracker • Evansville August 2009

Try these games and more at:


619 Burkhardt Rd. - 491-3233

Back To School Special – 5 School Levels in video Games


dan Woolsey

h, it’s that time again! No longer can you get up at the crack of noon with nothing on your mind but what game you’ll play first. It’s time for that all-important formal education interruption to begin again. To help make school seem more fun, let’s look at school levels from video games. I noticed that among the school levels in games, quite a few are meant to be terrifying. Are the developers trying to play off of our school-related fears or was it just a cool setting? Either way, the result is usually entertaining. Sound the bell, school’s in sucka!

Gamer Extraordinaire

“Library” from Rainbow Six: vegas Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Terrorists must really like to read, because the Rainbow Six team gets called in to clear the baddies out of a Las Vegas University library. While this may sound dull, it’s actually one of the finest Rainbow Six maps ever created. You have to remember that libraries are a lot more exciting when rappelling and terrorist hunting are involved. You’ll start outside the library on the street with complete tactical freedom as to how you want to enter the building. You could go right in the front door or maybe climb up the back of the building and crash through the windows on the top floor. You might not be surprised to find that once you get inside, the terrorists aren’t reading books at all; they’re trying to kill you! Don’t forget to check the bathroom once you get inside. But please, BE QUIET! It is a library, ya know!

“Wade Elementary” from F.E.A.R. 2 Xbox 360, PS3, PC I recently fought through this incredible level. Another game by the same developers, Condemned: Criminal Origins, had a pretty good school level, but it doesn’t match the intensity of F.E.A.R. 2’s. Even the first room of this school is chilling. Rather than just being an abandoned building, you can see this was recently occupied and some very bad stuff went on. Tables and little blue chairs are flipped over around the room and there’s a bookshelf blocking the door. As you continue your search, strange things start to happen. Furniture will slide down the hall as your flashlight flickers

and locker doors flap open and closed. To top it all off, you’ll randomly see the image of a nowdead little girl during some of these moments. It’s really quite an unforgettable experience… especially when you’re playing in the dark…at 2 a.m…alone!

“School II” from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 DC, PS1, PC, N64

Back when Tony Hawk games were just about (duh) skating, it was rebellious enough just to be skating in a spot you knew you shouldn’t be. The “School” level from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater was so popular, a revised “School II” appeared in the sequel. You can ride around doing tricks and increasing your score, but the more goal-oriented can look for hidden items. You could collect all of the hall passes or smash the school bells while watching out for the golf cart security guard. To make up for the fact that you’re not in class, you can even spell out the word “SKATE” one letter at a time. Learning is fun!

“Midwich Elementary” from Silent Hill PS1 Another creepy school level from a while back, Silent Hill puts you on the search for your lost daughter. You wind up at a very disturbing school along the way. You’ll run around looking for items and solving puzzles, but it’s the creatures you’re faced with along the way that makes this school a not-sosafe place to be. There are toddler-sized translucent figures that hang around shadowy parts of the

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

school. They won’t harm you, but they’ll definitely make you feel uneasy. The real nuisances in this school are the giggling knife children (yikes!). These child-sized figures slink around the hallways and bathrooms until they spot you. Then they’ll come after you at a haunting pace. You’ll hear their psychotic laugh if one manages to get close enough to strike. Once the enemy is down, don’t forget to perform the trademark Silent Hill final stomp just to make sure they won’t get back up!

“Santa Destroy High School “ from No More Heroes Wii

Not every Wii game has the word “Party” in the title or ends with a “z.” Heck, some of them even have blood! If you own a Wii and think it’s all ponies and minigame collections, think again. No More Heroes is an awesomely weird game with lots of blood and even some dismemberment. You play as Travis Touchdown on a quest to eliminate the top 10 assassins as ranked by the UAA (or United Assassins Association, of course). Eventually, you find yourself fighting through a school to get to the next assassin on your list. After slicing through non-descript thugs with your beam katana, one of them gets the wise idea to trigger the sprinkler system. This water combined with your beam katana make for a shocking (ha!) combination. Your only choice is to run through the halls as fast as you can while continuously getting electrocuted until you can turn the sprinklers off. That’s just the tip of the weird iceberg with this game!

Hit Dan up at

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CD REVIEWS Jake Shimabukuro Live

Bellini The Precious Prize of Gravity

(HitchHike Records)

(Temporary Residence)

Contrary to popular belief the ukulele is not the flat, traditional instrument which most picture any longer. Shimabukuro is a Hawaiian-born American citizen of Japanese extraction who crosses cultures and genres with the ukulele. This man can fill a measure with so many notes they seem to blur together. Not many rock stars include a ukulele in their repertoire but Shimabukuro’s live talent sets off sonic fireworks. This album includes 20 instumental tracks from eight different locales. In each one the audience is clearly wowed by his performance. Shimabukuro covers ground on a basic instrument that is hard to cover on a versatile one. “Trapped” is a mellow but rhythmic track whose main body is comprised of clean, flowing single notes accented by fleeting downstokes. “Me & Shirley T.” is a high-spirited compositional rollercoaster with clean notes and waving rhythm twisting and turning the listener into a soulful mood. “Five Dollars Unleaded” transforms from a slightly dismal to a hopeful tone and back again. The composition of the track is smooth and passionate. “Dragon” has a jazzy feel with high leads into a quick, rhythmic strum then back again. “Yeah” is simply an instrumental masterpiece. Shimabukuro is classically trained to blow minds. –Nick Durcholz

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Uniting past members of several Touch & Go Records artists, this husband-and-wife team unleashes their first recording in several years, and it echoes that 90’s noise-rock heritage well. Recorded with Girls Against Boys drummer Alexis Fleisig and studio rat Steve Albini, Bellini’s tough, angular, and gritty rock is intensely rhythmic and nervous, with Giovanna Cacciola’s atonal, shouted vocals and a tight rhythm section bringing the thunder. “The Man Who Lost His Wings” even shows a near-cowpunk vibe, with guitarist Agostino Tilotta showing his chops. For fans longing for a heavier, more streetwise indie rock, Bellini fit the bill. -- Todd Zachritz

lyrics. Mims is also bringing along some outside talent/ friends such as LeToya, Ky-Mani Marley, Tech N9ne, and Soler Mesh. The title track “Guilt” has a rich, laidback beat strengthened by unique lyrics of the high and the low life. “Love Rollercoaster” is an ideal example of utilizing soothing female vocals in a chorus. Mims lyrics aren’t as original as in other tracks but they flow well. It’s topped off with bouncy bass line. “One Day” is heavy on the snare and complimented well with Ky-Mani Marley’s sultry, reggae vocals. “Rock n’ Rollin’” is a dark, creative track using album and band names to tell a lyrical story. Overall, the album is musically solid but a little lacking in the originality of the choruses. The verses for the most part are stunning. –Nick Durcholz

Gregg Kowalsky Tape Chants (Kranky)

MIMS Guilt (Capitol Records)

Mims seems to display a new standard in the rap world. He took and admits to taking jazz classes, piano lessons, and acting classes. This musical education shines through his music and it truly makes his verses and beats more in-depth and unique. Guilt is his sophomore effort and seems more well-rounded compared to the days of his previous hit “This is why I’m Hot.” Mims balances traditional musical traits and combines those traits with contemporary

Oakland, California-based drone/tone composer Kowalsky here shows a tremendous shift from his previous Kranky release, moving fully from the digital domain to purely-analogue sources. Tape Chants utilizes cassette players, tape loops, oscillators, and acoustic recordings, and the hazy, gauzy sounds here are prime ambient material -- overall fairly static and (to jaded ears like mine) really quite relaxing and meditational. ‘VI-VII’ almost approaches a rhythmic direction, as several pitched pulse-tones (or loops) are layered together to create a rudimentary structure. ‘IX’ uses effected piano alongside lo-fi noises to evoke a mood of solemn nostalgia -- like a musty old photograph. The closer, ‘ • Evansville August 2009

which add drama to the track. “I’m Still Here” has a bluegrass soul with sharp, tangy guitar composition and lyrics of sorrow and yearning. “Came Here to Fight” is reminiscent of MxPx punk. It is catchy, nasal, and full of energy. “Second Hand High” is a classic rock and roller with fancy, bluesy guitar work and fairly unique lyrics. Tumbledown is a sturdy, musically unique band and could be so much more with polished lyrics. –NICK DURCHOLz

The Lonely H Concrete Class (The Control Group)

Terra Ambient Wanderlust is closer to the noise of a furnace, insistent and jaggedly abrasive. Overall, ‘Tape Chants’ proves to be a curious and challenging experiment for Kowalsky, of which I’d expect even greater fruits in the future. -- TODD zACHRITz


Tumbledown Self Titled (End Sounds)

It’s refreshing to see more and more transgenred bands out there. Tumbledown is exactly that and with Mike Herrera and three other very talented musicians to flank him, this band defines a tone of their own. Bluegrass, classic rock, folk, and a punk energy are the whirlwind that is Tumbledown. To be honest the music on the album is well-polished sonic anarchy but the lyrical department is just a bit redundant. One can only write so many songs about drinking, fighting, and sweethearts before it all starts to mesh together. At any rate, it is high noon and Tumbledown is ready to draw. “Butcher of San Antoine” romanticizes a murderer in the Wild West by dark, mysterious lyrics and structured, rapid-fire guitar composition. It is punctuated by lonesome female vocals

Textural electronic composer Jeff Kowal’s relative newness to the genre is definitely not reflected in this, his third album as Terra Ambient. Wanderlust is Kowal’s personal soundtrack to his new home in the American Southwest, and it seems he has captured that vibe marvelously. The mysterious and magical “Myth,” for example, blends tribal drums with darkly cinematic strings and erupts into a dramatic and melodic crescendo, giving off a distinctly dusky, primeval mood. “Visionquest” begins as a darker, solemn synthscape as well, before giving way to a more uplifting and flighty direction. Kowal seems to be gaining some ground melodically on this release, gravitating from the pure texture/mood and into a more structured sense of landscape, and it works quite well. Imagine a new soundtrack to something like “Baraka” or even “Planet Earth” and you will be, perhaps, in the ballpark. Kowal is a master of mood and shadowy texture, and “Wanderlust” is perhaps his finest work yet. -- TODD zACHRITz

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

The Lonely H is a working-man’s rock band with a no nonsense attitude and a mean dedication to their music. These four guys from Washington State have a passion for touring and are currently backing their third full length album. Their music itself is clearly road inspired and perfect for the free-roaming rebel in us all. Lead vocalist Mark Fredson is graced with an ideal voice to compliment the vintage and bluesy sound of the instruments. The best part about these guys is they can switch from high gear to getting down in a mellow way and still sound legit. The Lonely H is a choice cut of blue-collar rock. “Cold Blues” is a track born out of a hole in the wall blues bar with all the passion, unrefined energy, and high pitch guitar. “White Horse Tears” is a smoother, more mournful track spiced up with piano licks and heavy lyrics. “Take Care” is a Pink Floyd-esque slow, love song with decent lyrics and soothing vocals. “Other Side of the Water” is a mean blues rocker firing all pistons offering catchy guitar licks and a strong, steady beat. There is no doubt this band has plentodd zachritz ty of talent however they are Contributor rough around the edges (and not in the good way). Their vocal harmony needs work and their capable originality just isn’t all there. –NICK DURCHOLz nick durcholz

Staff Writer

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IN THEATERS NOW August 7th Julie and Julia (Sony Pictures)

August 7th

G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra (Paramount) The trailer has been playing and audiences have been laughing. But G.I. Joe is not a comedy. Yet, the thought of it is rather comical. File this one under “Yep! We’re out of ideas!“ Director Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, Van Helsing) rallies the troops (Dennis Quaid, Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller and more) for this special effects extravaganza based, yes, on a childhood toy. I admit it. I had a G.I. Joe doll when I was younger and he was at his best when he was performing shock-and-awe tactics on my sister’s unsuspecting Barbie townhouse and stealing her corvette. That was my Rise of the Cobra!

August 14th

The Time Traveler’s Wife (New Line Cinema) Audrey Niffenegger’s beloved 2003 book may remind you a bit of Lost. How is that, Chad? Well, I will tell you, faithful reader. The Time Traveler’s Wife tells the story of a woman named Clare (played here by Rachel McAdams). Clare is hopelessly devoted to man named Henry (played by Eric Bana), who’s hopelessly held hostage by time. In fact, he constantly shuffles back and forth between time periods and Clare never knows when he’s coming or going. Bottom line . . . this movie was made for romantics. No, not The Romantics, who heard the secrets that you keep when you were talking in your sleep! I mean, true romantics! And it will take a true romantic to buy into this notion that love waits and is timeless. • 88 •

photo: columbia pictures


August 21st

Inglourious Basterds (Weinstein Company) For me, this is the must-see movie of the year! Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Death Proof) is an absolute genius and his latest endeavor has me all agog! Simply agog! Brad Pitt stars as Lieutenant Aldo Raine, who leads a small unit of Jewish-American soldiers into Nazi-occupied France to get revenge on German soldiers. What I like about Quentin Tarantino is the fact that nobody is making movies like his. G.I. Joe will play out like every other mindless action adventure. The Time Traveler’s Wife will play out like other romantic dramas. But Inglourious Basterds, when it’s all said and done, will be a unique theatrical experience. Love him or hate him, Quentin Tarantino promises us that with every feature film. I guess you could say he’s a “glorious basterd!”

August 28th

The Final Destination (New Line Cinema) and H2 (Dimension Films) Remember the old game show Press Your Luck? The one with Peter Tomarken and the Whammies? Well, meet the new whammies! The Final Destination franchise has been pressing its luck since it debuted back in 2000. While it actually had a decent premise, it spiraled into a slasher flick with fate as the serial killer. Whammy! Director Rob Zombie has been pressing his luck since 2003, when he pushed the boundaries of taste with House of 1000 Corpses. He pressed it further in 2007 when he inexplicably and unforgivably took massive creative license with Halloween and the story of Michael Myers. He’s back and is now taking creative liberty with Halloween 2. Another Whammy! Guys, quit pressing your luck. • Evansville August 2009

photo: new line cinemas

chad benefield

Meryl Streep as Julia Child? Sign me up! Heck! I would watch Meryl Streep play Bobby Flay or Tyler Florence. Director Nora Ephron’s new movie is based on Julie Powell’s 2005 reflection about how she tried to make over 500 Julia Child recipes in one year. Playing Powell is Amy Adams, who recently got the honor of working with Meryl Streep on the set of Doubt, one of the best movies of 2008. These two actresses have proven that they when they collaborate, magic happens. I can’t wait to see Julie and Julia and sample the dish they’ve cooked up!

NEW RELEASES August 11th I Love You, Man (Paramount)

photo: d.w. studios llc

August 4th The Soloist (Paramount)

photo: dreamworks pictures

Atonement and Pride and Prejudice director Joe Wright changes gears dramatically (much like I did the day I learned how to drive a stick shift. A high school friend had to be treated for whiplash). Wright leaves the period piece behind for a modern-day expose on mental illness, specifically paranoid schizophrenia. Jamie Foxx stars as Nathaniel Ayers, homeless musical prodigy and former Julliard student who battles the disease. Robert Downey Jr. plays Steve Lopez, the newspaper journalist covering his story. The Soloist has grand aspirations, I suppose. But then again, so do the North Koreans. This film, long-delayed by Paramount Pictures, ends up a study in bad directorial choices. There are many, but I feel compelled to point out the fact that we get to hear the female voice inside Nathaniel’s head. She sounds just like the woman in the OnStar commercials! GRADE: C-

August 4th Obsessed (Screen Gems)

You better not be messin’ with Beyonce’s man! But that’s exactly what Ali Larter (Heroes) does when she tries to get all Bootylicious on her chiseled Afro-centric boss, Derek, played by Idris Elba. Look! Make no mistake, here. This is a second-rate Fatal Attraction knock-off. It’s completely cheap and hilariously over-the-top, but I liked it. And here’s why. I sat in my theatre seat knowing the film was building up to a gigantic cat fight. And I love girl fights. This is precisely why I used to walk through the smoking area at Daviess County High School to get from Math Analysis class to A.P. English IV. Girl fights rock! And Beyonce going at with a little blond bimbo is Irreplaceable. GRADE: BEvansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Proof that prayer works. 2009 has been a dark movie season and I‘ve needed Jesus. This year has been two cups of ass. But this side-splitting comedy from director John Hamburg (Along Came Polly) single-handedly saved the first quarter. Paul Rudd stars as Peter, who, because he has absolutely no candidates for a “best man” at his upcoming wedding, is encouraged by his fiancé to find some male friends. He finds Sydney, played by Jason Segel, who was fabulous in the equally-funny Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and the two forge a friendship that is unconventional and hilarious. I Love You, Man is refreshing, anything but by-the-numbers, and laugh-out-loud good. It’s the best movie of the year! I loved it, Man! GRADE: A-

August 18th

Hannah Montana: The Movie (Buena Vista) I think a more appropriate title would be I Suppose it’s Better than Burning in Eternal Damnation. Remember when I previewed this movie and wrote about Miley Cyrus’ appearance on the red carpet at the Academy Awards, where she said she hoped to be back in 2010 as a Best Actress nominee for this film? Well, if that happens I will quit writing this column and check myself into a psychiatric hospital and spend the rest of my days humming The Climb and eating my own hair. Miley Cyrus sucks and this movie reinforces my theory. She’s the untalented product of an untalented man who realized the only way he was going to make money was to capitalize on his young daughter. Kids may like Miley Cyrus and her alter-ego, Hannah Montana, but adults see beyond the disguise. GRADE: D

August 25th Adventureland (Miramax)

On the surface, the film from director Greg Mottola (Superbad) looks like it’s going to be an amusing sideshow attraction. One expects a comingof-age love story set in a glorified carnival to have a carnival-like atmosphere, right? Well, that atmosphere has apparently been burned up by major industry and aerosols. Actually, I blame the joyless Kristen Stewart (Panic Room, Twilight), who, again, sucks the life out of every scene she’s in. While her male costar Jesse Eisenberg (from the short-lived television show Get Real, where he played younger brother to Anne Hathaway) is likeable and engaging, Stewart is there looking drab, pouting, murmuring her lines. It’s appropriate, I guess, that this girl is the star of a vampire movie franchise. She’s a complete vein drain! GRADE: D+ • 89 •


Aug 28 8:00 PM:Fourth Friday Film Series: Psycho - Hitchcock’s most famous thriller stars Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins. Film is free; bring your own lawn chair, blanket, food, drinks and friends.


812-853-3956 Aug 1:5th Annual Bluegrass & BBQ Concert - Angel Mounds’ annual Bluegrass and Barbecue concert, part of the Music at the Mounds concert series, returns for its 5th year! Come join us for food, fun, and music! The area’s best bluegrass artists will perform throughout the afternoon and keep on pickin’ into the night! Barbecue plates, as well as additional food and beverages will be available for purchase. Coolers are permitted after inspection. No alcohol is permitted on the grounds. Visitors should bring their own seating to this family-friendly occasion, which will be moved indoors in the event of rain. Aug 28:Tri-State Art guild Our Cultural Heritage - Show Sponsored by Tri-State Art guild and the Friends of Angel Mounds; continues through October 2. Call 401-3076 for more information.


270-827-0016 Aug 7-8:Bluegrass In the Park Folklife Festival - One of the oldest on-going free Bluegrass festivals in the United States, Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival marks its 24th year in 2009. The festival honors Western Kentucky’s history as a center of Bluegrass music. In addition to great music, the 2009 Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival boasts unique events, including the Pickin’ & Pedalin’ Bike Tour, Jammin’ & Jumpin’ Pole Vault, Bluegrass Hat Tennis Tournament and Breakfast in the Park. A family friendly atmosphere, great food, concessions, inflatableamusements and a beautiful riverfront setting make the festival a destination for all ages.

AUDUBON MUSEUM, J.J. AUDUBON STATE PARK 270-827-1893 Aug 13-31:Painting • 90 •



100 Views of the Inca Road Professional artist and Assistant Dean of Arts fron the University of Southern Indiana, Michael Aakhus, states, “I have been moved by the remarkable landscape of Peru and have chosen to record my observations in a series of 100 works that will take some years to complete. I have documents many ancient sites in Peru: Cuzco, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.” Don’t miss this exquisite exhibit. Open daily 10am-4:30pm. Free to public.

CENTRE, THE 812-435-5550

Aug 1-2 8:30 AM:30th Annual Indian Artifacts Show


Every Friday and Saturday: Farmers Market 7am Aug 7:Loft & Condominium Tour - The 7th Annual Downtown Loft & Condominium Tour is set to showcase stunning finished and unfinished lofts to the public. The one-day event held in August will attract over 3,000 people interested in the free self-guided tours. All registered participants will receive a packet of information on each loft and a map to help guide them along the Downtown area. During the tour, local music and art will be featured in the park on Fourth and Main Street. Call 424-2986 for more information.


Regular Ticket Prices: Adult: $17.00 Senior: $16.00 (65 and over) Student: $12.00(21 and Under) Aug 1-2:Leaving Iowa - If you ever took a family car trip during which someone asked, “Are we there yet?!”, you’ll love the family vacation comedy Leaving Iowa. Join columnist Don Browning on his nostalgic journey back to the family home which triggers memories of all those exhilarating and exasperating family road trips with sis teasing her brother whose complaints only get him in trouble, dad getting lost and refusing to admit it, and mom losing it over her fear that they’re REALLY lost. In turn side-splitting, touching, and boisterous, Leaving Iowa will

be completely recognizable to anyone who’s traveled more than a few miles with the family. Friday & Saturday showtimes at 8 p.m., Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.


Tuesdays thru Sundays until Aug 23:16th Annual “Working Together” Exhibition Aug 24:Docent Welcome Coffee If you are interested in finding out more about being a Docent, please plan to attend the Docent Welcome Coffee on Monday, August 24 at 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The morning will include social time and refreshments along with an overview of the Docent program. Docent training takes place on Mondays, starting on September 14 and ending in February 2010. New Docents are trained to lead “Highlights” tours and tours of EMTRAC, thus offering each Docent a well-rounded background in all of the museum disciplines, and are taught the skills necessary to give tours for children and adults. Additional and ongoing training allows participants to expand their knowledge in their specific areas of interest. Aug 30:East/West/North: A Collaboration - The Old gallery is the location of the opening of this exhibit, which will be available for public viewing through October 25


Aug 12 :Film Movement Series Presented by Dain Hill. Begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Browning Event Room B


812-428-8237 Aug 6:Mountain Harmony Bluegrass Band - The Band joins in for an evening of traditional, contemporary favorites & original tunes. Begins at 6 p.m.

OAKLYN 812-428-8234

Aug 12:Summer Discussion group - “Summer Blowout” by Claire Cook. Begins at 3:30 p.m.


Aug 7 8:00 PM:Riverfront Concert Series presents: Red Eye Max Aug 8 8:00 PM:Riverfront Concert Series presents: Stompbox 40

HISTORIC NEW HARMONY Aug 1:Ice Cream Social Aug 22:New Harmony Art Stroll


812-455-8982 Aug 14:Clay & Cocktails - get creative with clay! You will see demonstrations and then try your own hands on projects’ whether you are an experienced potter or new to ceramics, everyone will enjoy themselves during this relaxed, social and creative evening. Come with friends or alone for a fun filled Friday Night with clay, cocktails and dinner. Tickets are $25 and reservations are required, must be 21, space limited. Call 455-8982 for extra info. Aug 28:Traveler’s Dream - Denis Wilson and Michael Lewis have captivated audiences in the U.S. and internationally with their creative, innovative approach to Celtic and early American folk music. From Irish jigs and reels and French-Canadian voyageur songs, to sea shanties and Scottish ballads, Traveler’s Dream promises an evening of music both vibrant and timeless, deeply personal and distinctly their own.


(cMoe) 812-477-4339 Aug 15:cMoe Back to School Discovery Bash - The beginning of the school year doesn’t mean the end of fun - come to cMoe’s Back to School Bash on August 15th. Admission is half-price with a food item contribution to the Tri-State Food Bank’s Backpack Food for Kids Program Plus, you’ll meet Evansville Otters’ players and mascots and enjoy outdoor performances all day. Check out he “Special Events” page on our website for performance times and suggested food items. Can’t make it on Saturday? Receive half-price admission when you bring in a • Evansville August 2009

Backpack Program food item all week August 11-15!

MESKER PARK ZOO & BOTANICAL GARDENS (812) 435-6143 ext. 409

Aug 6:Animal Enrichment Day - See firsthand how the zookeepers keep animals enriched and stimulated through play, treats, and special activities. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Aug 1-16:Josh Rodenburg Art Exhibition Aug 22:Exhibition Opening Reception at Hoosier Salon New Harmony gallery - For more information on the Hoosier Salon New Harmony gallery, contact the director, Maggie Rapp, at (812) 459-9851. Continues through October 4.


Aug 1-2, 6-9, 13-16:Guys and Dolls - Guys and Dolls is an exuberant urban fairy tale about saints and sinners rolling for souls. It hinges on a bet that “a mission doll” and an unrepentant gambler will fall in love. Every number is a show stopper, from “Luck Be A Lady” to “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” and from “Adelaide’s Lament” to “I’ll Know.”


Aug 29:17th Annual Reitz Home Mystery Event

- Super-sleuths, prepare to meet your match. This annual event invites guests to solve a mystery acted out by local celebrities inside the historic Reitz Home mansion. This year’s event is titled, “Reitz Home Radio Murders of 1933.” Drinks and dinner follow with proceeds to support the care and renovation of the city’s only home museum.


812-464-7804 Aug 15:7th Annual Southern Indiana Brewery, Winery & Spirits Festival - Enjoy an evening sampling spirits and unique cuisine. Proceeds benefit the Southwestern Indiana Regional Council on Aging. Event last from 6-10 p.m.


812-682-4491 ext. 1463 Fridays:Patio Jams with “Rock-it-Man” Warren Batts at 8 p.m.


(Formerly Hamilton Golf Course) 812-426-2166 Aug 29: First Annual Duck Inn golf Scramble – RSVP for this fun, philanthropic event by calling The Duck at 402-4825. Cost is $50 per person with a 9 a.m. start. Come over to The Duck after your round for free food; while you’re there, you can regale your friends with tales from the greens and know you’ve done your part to help out the community; all proceeds from the

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

scramble go to the Tri-State Food Bank.


812-867-6217 Aug 6-8:Miltary Vehicles Convoy Show - The 34th Annual MVPA Convention will be held at the 4H Fairgrounds. Vendors, vehicle displays, concessions, swap meet, living history encampment, auction and much more. Check out for more information. Aug 15-16:Collectors Carnival Antique & Flea Market - 200 dealers in 8 buildings plus outside with something for everyone. Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 471-9419 for extra information. Aug 28-30:Evansville Iron’s Frog Follies Antique Car Show - Approximately 5,000 vintage cars will be rolling in for this annual event to benefit East Seals and other charities. Enjoy concessions, games, car show, craft show, car parts swap meet and celebrity frog races.

VICTORY THEATRE 812-435-5550

Aug 18:Joe Bonamassa – Bluesman extraordinaire performs at scorching gig at the prestigious Victory. Check Ticketmaster outlets and for seating info and pricing.

YMCA OF SW INDIANA 812-426-6210

Aug 13:Spirit, Mind & Body Sprint Triathlon - Blue grass Camp ground - Presented by the Bank of Evansville Please visit for more information

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Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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1424 I’m a single white female age 32, standing 5’ 1 with long brown hair and green eyes. I am plus sized. I am on here looking for a friend. If you’d be interested in being that friend, please send me a message. 1568 Hi, I’m Melissa. I am 20 years old and stand 5’ 3. I am looking for a gentleman for a long-term relationship and maybe further than that. I am looking for a gentleman between the ages of 20 and 25. I will go to 29, but that is about it. But, anyone who wants to have a friend, I am a good listener and a good person to talk to. Please box me or talk to me. I’ll catch you all on line. Have a great day. Thank you. 1635 Hi, this is box 1635. I am looking for conversation with someone who can probably put a smile on my face with just one little thing that they say. I am trying to find someone who has the same interests as me. I am an outdoor person. I love camping and fishing and pretty much anything that you can have a good time doing. If you’re interested in knowing more about me, then just box me. 1001 Hi, this is box 1001. I’m 45 years old, 5’ 2, have long red hair, hazel eyes, four grown children, and five grand children. I own my own home; I like to go camping, fishing, kind of just hang out together at home or go out together, either one. If you’re interested, or you want to know more, just box me back. Bye. 1002 Hello gentlemen, I am seeking a drug and disease free non-smoker, very out going gentlemen between the ages of 50 and 59 who is employed, and who has his own place and his own vehicle. He must enjoy life and must want a good woman who is drug and disease free and who is medium to average build. I am 50 years old. I am 5’ 2 and a half, brownish blonde hair, hazel green eyes with a great big heart and a great big smile and a very outgoing personality. 1913 Hi, this is Stacy, 5’ 1, and I have long red hair. I am 37. I have a little boy who’s three. I am just looking for friends--someone to talk to--nothing serious. If you’re interested, just box me back at 1913. 1355 Hi, my name is Carla. I am 5’ 5, brown hair, and brown eyes. I love to do a lot of things: bowling, skating, fishing, swimming. I am originally from Henderson, and I am back to visit, and I want to get together with someone and see what I can do.

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4681 Hi, I’m a 43 year old single white female. I stand 5’ 5 have dark hair, hazel eyes, wear glasses and sometimes contact lenses. I do have a three year old child. I’m interested in collecting antiques, love going to yard sales, and have a variety of interests. I am looking to meet someone who is friendly and outgoing; they must love children, and see where things go from there. 3209 Hi, my name is Carol Ann, and I am 5’ 3. I have blue eyes and auburn hair. I am just looking for fun with somebody. I’ve been the serious route several times. I’d just like somebody to date who wouldn’t put you down for who you are. So, if you’re interested, box me. 2511 Hi guys, this is Linda. I live in Owensboro. I just turned 57 July 9th, and I’ve been guessed in my early forties. I’m 5’ 6 and half. I’ve got short dark hair that’s frosted and blue eyes. I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, lie or cheat and I have a humorous personality. I’m easy to talk to, easy to get along with, and very laid back. Anyway, I am looking for someone in the Owensboro area. I want someone in my life. If there’s anyone who really wants someone in their life to make their life better and have something to look forward to, box me, and I’ll tell you more about me. 1867 Hi, I’m a 30 year old white female. I stand 5’ 8. I love the outdoors and I love doing anything outside. I am looking for a white man between the ages of 30 and 50 who has got everything going for him. I am not looking for anyone to mooch off of me, I can catch onto that quick. Just looking to have a good time. 2349 Hey guys, I’m 29 years old and single. I’m looking for a friend right now and possibly something more down the road. I’m interested in talking to someone between the ages of 24 and 36. I’m looking for someone who I can really connect with and who has similar personal goals and ambitions as I do. I’m a very o p e n minded and honest per-

son; I have a great sense of humor; I’m an adventurous person, and am always looking for something fun and creative to do with my time. If you like what you hear so far, feel free to box me.

6727 This is Charlie. I’m a middle aged male who got on this system to find a soul mate, and I got real lucky, and I did so. Her name is Patty. . . . She is the true love of my life, and I really appreciate this dating system to help me find my true love. . . Thanks everybody for putting up with me, and I hope everybody finds true love like I did. • Evansville August 2009

471-DATE and I’m looking for somebody who wants a long-term relationship, but short term things would be ok too. I don’t know what to say. I just try to have fun; I’m a fun person. I have a good sense of humor, and I’m looking for somebody who does too.

5977 Yes, my name is Richard. I’m 26 years old. I’m a member of a fire department in Davies County. I have two little girls who are the love of my life. I do chew tobacco. If you like what you hear, box me. 5198 Hey, this is Mark calling from the east side of Evansville. I’m 44 years old, about 6’ 1, dark brown hair, brown eyes, with a nice white smile. I’m not into the lies or the games or the drama. I’m looking for someone to hang out with, go out, and hopefully, it will turn into a long-term relationship. If you’re interested, leave me a message and let’s talk. Bye. 9111 Hey ladies, what’s going on? This is Nathan--a sexy, attractive 24 year old white male calling from the Evansville area. I stand 6 ft. tall with short brown hair and green eyes. I’ve been told that I’m attractive and sexy. I am on line looking to casually date or have a long-term relationship with females between the ages of 18 and 35 who are sexy and classy, dress nice, and take care of themselves. So, if you’re interested, go ahead and box me, and I’ll get back with you. 7789 This is John. I’m 6’ 3, and I’m on here for the first time. I’m down here in Evansville. I work in Evansville, but I have a farm up around Santa Clause, and I’m getting reading to move that way. I’m actually divorced,

9056 Hi, I’m a nice looking, clean cut, kind, caring, considerate, and respectful gentleman who is 49 years old. I’m 6 ft with an average to athletic build, short hair-- neat and trimmed kind of strawberry blonde, reddish auburn-- blue eyes, and clean shaven. I enjoy a wide variety of activities which include the outdoors, animals, traveling, sports and theme parks. I have an outgoing personality, a genuine heart, and am laid back. I am looking for a nice looking female whose height is in proportion to their weight, who takes care of herself, who has a good heart, and is sincere. I am looking for somebody who likes to go out and have smiles, laughter, companionship, and enjoy each others company. If you are that person, I would appreciate your consideration. Box me back at 9056. Thank You. 6598 Hello, my name is John. I’m 47 and 6’ 2. I have twin girls who are four; they are the love of my life, and they come first. I like to do a variety of things, like most people, indoor activities, outdoors; you name it. I’m very spontaneous and open to suggestions. I don’t mind staying at home. I don’t mind getting out and just having a good time sometimes. I’m looking for someone from the ages of 30-45 with a slender to average build. I am a smoker and social drinker. I do work hard; I have a full time job; I take care of my girls when I have them. Their mother and I split time 50/50. You can understand that they are the priority. If you are interested at all, and would like to get know me, send me a box. 5183 I’m a motivated person who gets a natural high from laughing and playing with my son. I have lots of interests and am willing to try new things, but I keep my priorities in or-

Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

der, and I don’t waver from them. I have integrity, and I like various cultures and music, and I like to try new adventures. I am a professional, and I like to keep myself physically fit. I’d like somebody who tries to do the same. If you would want to meet somebody with those qualities, then let me know. Thanks. 9143 Hi ladies, this is Tony. I just wanted to let you know that I’m available. I am looking for someone who is attractive, interesting, and fun loving--someone who’s looking for romance in their life. I’m about 6’ 2 tall, attractive, in my mid-forties. If you’re interested, let’s make plans and let’s do it. Bye now. 7963 Hi, this is Matt, box 7963. I’m 41 and looking for future friends who can converse about anything. I have two kids; they are teenagers. I’m usually very professional. If you’d like to talk, please give me a call. 9844 Hi, this is Dennis--54 years old, dark haired, dark eyed, clean cut with a mustache. I am a nice guy, easy going, easy to get along with, and I don’t have a temper. Nothing bothers me very much. I love life and live every day to the fullest. I am looking for somebody for a long-term relationship, not into all the games and all that. I’d like to find somebody who is halfway normal . . . If you have any interest, box me back and let me know. I would love to talk to you. I don’t drink smoke or do any drugs. 6283 Hi, my name is Paul, 52, and I live in Newburgh. I stand about 5’ 10; I have wide shoulders; I have brown hair and brown eyes. I work the afternoon shift and other times as required, which does include most weekends. I’m not looking for anything serious right now, but I would enjoy the company of a woman who has some time available. Thanks, and I hope everyone has a great day. 6151 Hi my name is Terry. I live in Evansville and stand 5’ 9. I am a divorced white male who is 39. I’m seeking a woman between the ages of 25 and 45 to go fishing, hunting, boating, four-wheeler riding, ride around on a Harley, etc. If you think you’re interested, box me.

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earn more about your local and regional bands here, straight from the Sound Board. And since we’re recording straight from the board, we’re getting the best sounds possible. This month’s argument-starting questions are: 1. Most important 2. Social networks 3. Rolling Stone 4. Lars Ulrich: stage accessory? like MySpace and magazine: Still Badass little ScanFacebook: Usekickass, comdinavian, overful, annoying or pletely irrelevant rated pipsqueak necessary evil? or never cared? or no opinion?

1. As the drummer, I would have to say that a rug for my kit to sit on is probably the one item that is most taken for granted. There’s nothing worse than your bass drum creeping off away from you in the middle of a tune. And a flat, fairly level surface for it to sit is a bonus. A close second for most important accessory is my seat. The bottom must be comfy, don’t you know?


Chris Chrockrem of Amazing Soul Crackers:

2. All 3. I myself don’t mess around with any of it, but it’s changed the way people can get there music out there for anyone in the world to hear. It’s a great way to meet people and get up in someone else’s business too.

3. I used to read Rolling Stone & it’s a good rock n roll mag, but I haven’t flipped thru one in quite some time. I read drumming mags like Modern Drummer & Drumhead. 4. How about “over-opinionated, annoying little pipsqueak” who is great at what he does. There’s no doubt of his abilities, he’s really good. The proof is in And Justice for All… and any other older album like Kill ‘em All, Ride the Lightning & Master of Puppets; all good stuff. These days I like the pocket, groove drummers like galactics’ Stanton Moore, John Mayers’ Steve Jordan, and the Roots’ Questlove.


2. A necessary evil 3.Never cared


1. Ryan Key - A rolled up tube sock and Andrew Riddle Xach Lively - My Beard David Ford - Hot sauce, and beer Brandon Rankin - My nuts Zach Postin - Beer and cigarettes

4. Lars was a Badass! Everything from Kill ‘em All to And Justice for All…, played a heavy influence on most of us. Remove that amazing metal mullet and it all seemed to go downhill for Lars.

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DOOMED If it weren’t for people, the world would be a fine place.”

BROOKE HOGAN Brooke Hogan is the ultimate barf. VH1 claims that “Brooke Knows Best,” but I forcefully beg their pardon. Brooke is a full-fledged man, and if Brooke doesn’t Contributor know that, then she’s lacking major self awareness. There’s no bun about it, she’s packing a major meatstick for sure. With the chin of Sgt. Slaughter and the frame of a lumbering linebacker, who does she think she’s trying to fool? Her resemblance to a lumberjack shouldn’t come as surprise-consider her roots. You’ve got “Losermania” spreading his bleached out, steroid-riddled seed to a woman that resembles an early period Homo habilis, spawning Hulk Jr. and a ghetto-bent idiot son that spends his life determined to act as blatantly stupid as possible. Because Hulk jammed up juice for all those years and threw Macho Man and Andre the giant around a few times, Vince McMahon paid him in spades, leaving his freak offspring feeling entitled to privileges and opportunities they certainly don’t deserve, like TV shows, souped up sports cars, celebrity status (riiiiight) and record deals. Seriously, have you heard Brooke sing? Talk about forgettable. That man is about as entertaining and talented as William Hung, drunk and strung out on toxic glue. William Hung could put lit firecrackers in his mouth and still out-sing Brooke any day. Just cut the crap already and stop trying to fool America into thinking you’re not a man, and please, spare us the awkward nausea of another TV show. Follow the likes of Chaz Bono and come on out, Brock Hogan. brandon kaelin

EvERY IDIOT WALKING AROUND WITH TATTOOS ON HIS ARMS There are so many awesome things in life: wearing hats of teams I don’t even like with my ears tucked in, listening to crunk music, watching the movie Scarface, getting drunk and talking to skanks with bad reputations and vacuous personalities, crashing cars and most awesome of all... my sweet arm tattoos. No shirt can contain my inked up gunz; sleeves fall right off, disintegrating in fear, making way for my tribal and barbed excellence. I’ve even got a kick ass godsmack sun on one shoulder and the Chinese symbol for “warrior” on the other, even though I’ve never been in a fight. As soon as I walk out of the house in my wife-beater, I see people staring, envious, seething, because they wish their ink was as hardcore and brutal as mine. So what if the guy down the street and the guy a block over have the same tattoos... they will never be as cool as me! My tattoos are from the heart, inspired by personal issues and tribulations in my life, not lame and retarded like some of my friends try to say. They’re just haters! I walk around with my chest puffed out, feeling macho like that guy Max Cady in Cape Fear, because I’m crazy legit. That guy was dope, just like me. I may have never been to prison, or totally psychotic like that guy, but we’ve got something in common: berserk tattoos! People take one look at me and cower, because they know I’m the business! I’ve got the arm tattoos to prove it! PHOTO: ALBUMART.COM

MICHAEL JACKSON BEAT IT! I did, right to the grave. King of Pop: dunzo. I can’t believe America rallied around my death and made such a spectacle of it, seeing as no one really gave much care to me for the last twenty years Evansville August 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

“I can’t believe America rallied around my death and made such a spectacle of it, seeing as no one really gave much care to me for the last twenty years or so…”

or so when I was shapeshifting into an alien form, tucking myself away in carnival bliss and losing my sanity in Neverland Ranch, pumping my body full of narcotics and prescription drugs and playing sleepover and touch-touch with preteen children. Really though, the admiration and reveling is really unbelievable! Funny, I just can’t seem to recall your attentiveness and concern during the rough patches, Brooke Shields, like when I was getting grilled by Martin Bashir. Hmm. Or Magic, you said that my music made you a better basketball player... where was the love? Maybe I’m just forgetting all of those times you came over to my place to play some 21. Horse, perhaps? Oh right, that never happened. Usher, your tears were perfectly placed; what a touching tribute. And when the camera zoomed in on the awkward hugs with my family, WOW--I was weeping in my casket. It almost made me forget about all of those times I tried to contact you about collaborating with no response... it’s okay, you managed to strike gold with Lil’ Jon (man, have you seen that guy’s eyes--and people thought I looked like a freak!). Thanks for calling me a genius, Justin Timberlake, that’s really a gracious honor. Although, if I was truly a genius, I doubt my life would have careened off the rails as it did, leaving me shamed and ultimately dead. Sigh, it seems everyone with a mouth threw their two cents in: Miley Cyrus, Heidi Montag, Ashley Tisdale, Shanna Moakler, Kim Kardashian, Pete Wentz, Star Jones, Kelly Rowland, Samantha Ronson... who in the hell are all you people? Really? I’ve never even heard of any of you people before, and here you are commenting with tears and weepy faces... really? Seriously, people, I’m just Michael Jackson, not Christ. I’m not that big of a deal. I had some hits back in the day, did the Moonwalk, caught my hair on fire, transformed, dodged years of accusations, developed a raging drug habit and died at a reasonable age. Typical Hollywood stuff here, NO BIg DEAL.

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