News 4U Evansville - September 2009

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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309




Evansville Edition

6 Jeremy Camp – Preacher’s kid defies the stereotype by Ashley Sollars 8 The Melvins’ Buzz Osborne – Chatting with King Buzzo by Dylan Gibbs




37 HORRORSCOPES The future is now



94 SOUND BOARD Local songmakers chime in


66 Shopping – A September mish-mash by Ashley Sollars

10 Atom & Shawnda – On the page by Atom & Shawnda

68 Water for the People – A Duke Boys/Browne Sisters fundraiser by Dylan Gibbs

12 Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra – 75 years of quality by Nick Durcholz

69 Kid’s Page – Let’s go muddin’ or somethin’ by Dylan Gibbs

14 Madi Diaz – Songstress with a pedigree by Nick Durcholz

71 ARG Walk – Annual fundraiser for AIDS Resource Group by Lanea Ritterling

16 Bourbon Blog – Boutique booze by Tom Fischer

73 Grill For Thrill – BBQ, bands & you! by Dylan Gibbs

18 Loretta Lynn – New show in Evansville by Lanea Ritterling


66 16 Bars – The General’s back by C4 the General

74 Drop Dead Darlings – Seduction in stockings by Nick Durcholz

36 Go Local! – DIY thread and aquariums by Doug Messel 61 Race for the Cure – New location, new sidelights by Ashley Sollars 62 Henderson Happenings – What’s up down there? by the Henderson Co. Tourist Commission 63 Styles – Good looks, better price by Alison Sigman 64 Briefs – A little of the ‘ol this and that by Dylan Gibbs

76 Evansville Museum Contemporaries – Checking in on the Museum by Glenn Stroessner 77 Christmas in September – Get started now, ya slacker by Julie Mehringer 84 Sore Thumbs: Cheats for cheating cheaters by Dan Woolsey 95 We’re Doomed: Just look around, man by Brandon Kaelin

65 Kuntzfest – Not as suggestive as it sounds by Nick Durcholz

20 FOOD 84 MUSIC 88 FILM Publisher Bashar Hamami Business Manager Sharon Tindle

Managing Editor Dylan Gibbs

Promotions Casey McCoy

Account Executives Lori Martin Sales Manager

Carolyn Cummings Russella Jones Keith LaCrosse Web Programming Jeff Lingis

Production Supervisor Amanda Smith

Graphic Artist Jaqulyn Woolsey Staff Photographer Mark McCoy Staff Writers Nick Durcholz

Contributors Tom Fischer, Henderson Co. Tourist Commission, Brandon Kaelin, Lori Martin, Julie Mehringer, Doug Messel, Lanea Ritterling, Tom Tindle, Alison Sigman, Ashley Sollars, Glenn Stroessner, Dan Woolsey, Todd Zachritz

On the cover this month... Loretta Lynn SMG Evansville Jeremy Camp Liberation Productions Buzz Osborne Ipecac


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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309



ho’s always the wildest, baddest, rottenest kid in school? You guessed it – the preacher’s kid. The preacher’s kid was always the first to ‘jump off the bridge’ and last to get caught. Sometimes ashley sollars though, the preacher’s kid Contributor grows up to spread the Word throughout the land in a way his dad never could. Born in Lafeyette, IN, in 1978, Jeremy Caamp is the son of the pastor of the Calvary Chapel church. His first lessons in both guitar and faith came from his father. After high school, Camp attended a Southern California Bible college and refined both his sound and his style. According to Camp, “I started doing


music right out of Bible college full time. I did independent stuff for three years.” Camp’s life story is one of inspiration and devotion. He knows better than anyone what true sorrow and pain feels like but has held close to his Christian faith and through his music has helped others to muddle through their own difficult times. In October of 2000, Jeremy married his first wife Melissa Lynn HenningCamp. Within four months, Melissa passed away from ovarian cancer. Instead of anger or reclusion, Camp turned his energies to lyrics that reflected his trials. After her death, Camp wrote “I Still Believe,” a song that reinforced his faith in God – even through the most trying time of his life. Even though Jeremy’s message was so close to his own heart, he calmed the heartache of others by not only listening to their stories

but also by providing them with songs that articulated their emotions when their sorrow left them unable to verbalize or internalize their own feelings. Jeremy explains how his life experiences are felt throughout all his music. “I write exactly how I’m feeling sometimes, and hardships that I’m going through. But I always end up, with choruses like, ‘God, You are good. God, you’re faithful. You know, I know. You understand, You’re right here by my side.’ All these different things. And I just say very personal experiences that I’ve been through.” • Evansville September 2009

“Some people might think I’m being preachy. I’m not angry; I’m not pointing a finger. Really, my heart is breaking. I’m talking about loving people and serving people. I’m telling my story,” he clarifies. “I’m pointing that finger at me. If my heart’s not breaking for the lost, I won’t come across the way I need to. I’ve given up on making this life my home,” he says, adding, “I don’t want to put my messy handprints all over this.” In late 2003, Jeremy married Adrienne Liesching, former frontwoman for The Benjamin Gate. With two young daughters, a home in Nashville, sixteen No. 1 songs, five Dove Awards, three ASCAP Songwriter of the Year wins and an American Music Award nomination, Camp’s life is more fairytale than tragedy. “It’s so new because I’m in such a different place,” he says. “I’m 30 years old now. I’ve been doing this for a while and so much has happened since it began. At this point, I have a more clear-cut purpose and vision of what I’m meant to do. I’m more purposeful in what I’m sharing. Even my mom told me, ‘you just seem more at peace and more settled than you ever have.’” Hailed as a rocker with a preacher’s heart, Camp still uses his stage to proclaim the message that brought him through dark times. But, with six albums under his belt, Camp continues to grow as an artist. In 2008, Camp released his newest album Speaking Louder. In the past, Camp’s songs have been a reflection of his own personal struggles but Speaking Louder is geared toward a younger audience. “I see the hurt, the lack of direction, in this new generation,” the former youth leader says. “I always had a passion for youth, but this album is really aimed at them. If you stay in the word of God then you’ll get a fresh leading of new things to share. I share my testimony of what God has done, but there’s certain things that when I slip into the Word and let God speak to me through His Word and it’s a fresh thing for me to share. “ Whether you believe in the Christian faith or not, with such moving lyrics and a silvery voice that will pull emotion out of even the most stone-hearted of us, the musical talent of Jeremy camp is undeniable. See Jeremy Camp at The Centre on Saturday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m. Special guests are Natalie Grant and Bebo Norman. Seats are $75, $38, $28, $22 and $15. All tickets are subject to Ticketmaster Fees, Handling Charges and Facility Fees. Groups of 10 or more may call The Centre Box Office at 812-435-5770 ext. 211 to receive $2 off per ticket.


Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


King Buzzo On... Everything When the opportunity came along to talk to Buzz Osborne, founding member of the seminal band The Melvins, I had a geekout. After all, it’s not every day that you get to talk directly to someone who’s given not only you, but millions of others, the inspiration to get down in the sludge with a guitar, live life on your own uncompromising terms, and be goofy because you simply have to. So I called him up to talk about The Melvins’ new tour and album (a bizarre collection of remixes called Chicken Switch); things went weird right from the get-go. And I couldn’t have been happier with the results. dylan gibbs

Managing Editor

N4U: Hey, is this Buzz? BO: Yeah. Who’s this? Dylan Gibbs with News 4U magazine in Indiana. Indiana? Never heard of it. Is that some place down south? Racecars? Basketball? Corn? Doesn’t ring any bells. Is that one of the 50 states? It is a state, not a commonwealth. Sort of boot-shaped. You’re thinking of Italy, aren’t you? They do both start with “I,” however our history doesn’t go back as far; we don’t have such a rich array of architectural treasures. Your written history doesn’t go back that far. We can write our own history. We can start from scratch, which wouldn’t be a bad idea… Is that where Woody Hayes was a coach? No. We had Lou Holtz at Notre Dame and Bobby Knight at IU. I don’t know nothin’ about college sports. I only know Woody Hayes ‘cuz he punched that kid in the throat. So what do you want to talk about? What do I want to talk about? Yeah. I have a bunch of questions, but I thought I’d see what was on your mind this morning. Well, we have a new record coming out; that’s probably the most important thing. It’s a good one. It’s really weird. It’s strange; I’ve already seen one bad review. One review said that it was an ‘unnecessary’ record, which I find really interesting, because that raises the question that there are necessary records… that basically we’re a heavy rock band and that’s all we should do. Apparently the Jonas Brothers are really necessary right now. Never heard ‘em. But they’re popular, so we wanna do a collaboration.

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So… what’s your first music-related memory? I don’t know. Probably singing in grade school or something. There was a song called “Thunder Road” about moonshining when I was a kid. Robert Mitchum did a movie called Thunder Road. My parents liked Clearance Creedwater and stuff like that. That sort of segues to something I read about you: Is it true you started out playing covers of The Who and Hendrix? No. We’re going to get around to playing Who and Hendrix covers. So that’s total bullsh*t. I did read it online. Surprisingly enough… from the Internet, you know. The thing is, I love the Internet. I think it’s great. But I also don’t spend any time correcting it. I just let it have a life of its own. That’s really cool; a lot people get uptight about that kind of stuff. A lot of people get really uptight about everything. What you should do, is drink more coffee, and get more exercise. Speaking of which, there’s kids at your shows who weren’t even born when you first started out. What kind of advice would you give them? I stopped giving advice to kids a long time ago, because they don’t listen. They go on their own journey; I believe people dig their own graves. I haven’t had one single kid ever listen to one single thing I ever said. I have to challenge that a bit; you’re a big influence to a lot of guitar players, whether you like it or not.

I don’t mind it at all. I like my influence on music; I’m very happy about that. Let’s talk about Chicken Switch. How did you collect together such a weird and wonderful group of musicians and DJs for the project? We wanted to do something really strange, and we knew those people would be up for the job. A friend of ours from Atlanta named Jesse helped us do it, and it was all good. So you gave them free reign and said, ‘here’s the stuff, go for it?’ I believe in artistic freedom. I made no suggestions whatsoever. I don’t believe in that kind of thing. If you hire somebody to do something… if you hire somebody to paint a picture of your wife, you’re not going to stand over his shoulder and tell him how to paint it. You might as well do it yourself. I trust their vision. I’ve already made these records; I’ll let them do something else with them, even if it means gutting them and tearing them apart. You’re with Ipecac Recordings, which does everything great; what’s it like with them, opposed to say, working with Atlantic Records when you guys were with them? It’s always interesting to me, because people have asked this a million times. I say, ‘we did • Evansville September 2009

three albums with Atlantic; when you listen to those records, do you really hear record company meddling of any sort?’

was the worst part about the business. Yeah. Fame gives me nothing. Fame does nothing for me.

No. None. I would say Ipecac’s doing no more meddling or less meddling than Atlantic did. Atlantic let us do whatever we wanted.

So is it baggage, like it’s annoying when people come up to you and… That’s not a problem; that’s fine. I just mean… ‘ooh, I wanna be famous.’ So what? Charles Manson’s famous – what did it do for him? I’m very appreciative of the people who come to our shows; I’m always nice to them unless they’re assh*les. But I’ll never ever ever fault someone for being a fan of ours or wanting to talk to talk to me. But fame in and of itself is worthless. What counts is what you have done. I’m striving to be a good musician, and hopefully people’ll like it. Grandma probably doesn’t know who I am…

Do you think that if you were with Atlantic or Sony or whoever today, you’d have that same sort of freedom? I wouldn’t be on ‘em if I didn’t. No one is going to dictate to me what to do. Ever. Certainly not musically. They can shove it up their ass. I’m not taking orders from somebody. There’s plenty of bands out there that are willing to be led around by the nose. People shouldn’t think that we’d be one of those bands. It’d be nice if more musicians were able to throw caution to the wind and do what they want. They are able to. It’s not that they can’t; it’s that they won’t.

There’s probably some groovy grandmas out there rockin’ Stoner Witch as we speak. We won’t hold our breath.

Why won’t they? Is it for money? For lack of guts? They want to be big stars… great. I have no problem with that.

I have to ask about Nirvana and Kurt Cobain; there are so many bad biographies out there. Since you knew him so well, what’s something that no one else knows about him? Nobody knows where his ashes ended up. Knowing Courtney Love, they probably ended up in the Hoover, you know?

I saw an interview with you and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame came up in the conversation – you said something to the effect that fame

(Laughing uncontrollably) That’s incredibly awesome. There’s just so much drivel that’s been written and said about him.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Tragic story. There was no happy outcome. None. There’s no good side to it. None. Nothing, you know. It’s horrible. And I’ll never get over it. Any new songs or shows planned with Fantomas? Who knows? It’s all up to Mike [Patton]. He’s in Faith No More world right now, so… But the phone could ring at any moment? I’m not gonna hold my breath. From here, the interview dovetailed into a discussion on parenting, the movie ratings system, the government, censorship, personal responsibility, babysitting, The Exorcist, and boring people. You should go online now to to listen to the audio transcript of the entire chat. The Melvins will be near-ish on September 6 in Knoxville, September 21 in Indianapolis, September 25 at Pop’s near St. Louis and September 28 at Expo Five in Louisville. Their new album, Chicken Switch, comes out September 29. The 15-track CD is different from most remixes; each artist on the album was given a full album of Melvins material to work from; each of the song titles were chosen by the remixer.

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Atom & Shawnda: On The Page

Ryan Cabrera – He keeps it real

Hey Atom & Shawnda! Welcome to News 4U! – Nick If you missed it (or simply need it for your records) here’s a transcript of Atom & Shawnda’s recent interview with pop star Ryan Cabrera prior to his gig at Boney Junes. atom


Atom: Ryan! Ryan: Yeah…

Let me ask you because you seem like an honest guy, one of the things that I hate doing with celebrities in interviews- First of all, Ryan called us, we didn’t shwanda have any handlers or manContributor agers…hold on… Ryan: I keep it real… Shawnda: You do. Atom: We’ll connect you to Ryan… you know… Shawnda: We’re running a little late; we’ll be about 10 or 15 minutes late. Atom: …But you do, you seem like you keep it real and you’re an honest guy, and a lot of celebrities, ya know, one of the reasons why I don’t like doing interviews with musicians and celebrities is because you always get a set of rules of things you can and can’t ask, and you know a lot of celebrities don’t like talking about their private life. But let’s face it, your fans want to know about your private life. Ryan: Right, right, right… Atom: You guys remember Ryan was with Ashlee Simpson for awhile… How old did that get? Ryan: (Laughs) Well…I mean… here’s the deal, if you’re gonna do it and live it, in the public eye then you’re obviously gonna get asked about it, so I’ve never been like I’m so tired of talking about whatever like I don’t really give a crap about anything, ya know… Shawnda: Well especially since Ashley had a reality show and you guys were dating? Ryan: Yeah exactly, you know a lot of people ask like was it fake or what were you guys doing was it planned • 12 •

or something? We were just two kids like, we were together and there was just a camera there ya know? Shawnda: Do you guys talk now? Do you keep in touch? Ryan: Um… well… ya know what? Every once and awhile we’ll have too many cocktails and somehow we’ll end up on the phone. Shawnda: Yeah… Atom: Drunken booty call! Woo Woo! Ryan: (Laughs) Atom: Is it weird seeing your ex with a kid now? Ryan: Yeah, yeah… well not because it’s like a jealousy thing but because it’s definitely noth-

ing in that vein its more because, for me, it’s more like wait, am I getting old? Like, why are people around me having kids? That’s not… in my head I’m still 17. Shawnda: I had a recent interview with Ashlee and she’s like yeah… my mom comes over everyday so it pretty much sounded like her mom helped raise her child because Pete’s on tour and everything. He’s not around anyways… Ryan: I have no comments…I don’t’ know anything about that. Atom: Now Ryan Cabrera, now, are you single now? Ryan: I am recently now actually yeah. Shawnda: Now were you dating the girl from The Veronicas? Ryan: That was the relationship before the last relationship. Shawnda: Oh Ok… Atom: YEAH!!! Shawnda: Ok, many girlfriends ago. Ryan: Yeah… This is the first tour I’ve ever been single. Atom: This is the first tour you’ve ever done single!? Ryan: Ever, ever, ever in my entire career. • Evansville September 2009

Atom: Dude, groupies galore! Ryan: Yeah. (Laughs) Shawnda: And you’re single so you’re gonna be in heaven… Atom: Yes! Man, ya know if I… ya know Shawnda’s husband is a musician and she’s always like, ‘you know if he wasn’t with me… he’s not like that. And I’m like oh yeah right… because he doesn’t like to have sex with beautiful women oh yeah sure. Shawnda: No Ryan, my husband wasn’t a ho before and I don’t think he’d be a ho afterwards. Atom: Oh! Wait Shawnda are you calling Ryan Cabrera a ho? Shawnda: I don’t think Ryan would do that either. Ryan: Nah. Shawnda: I think he’s on top. Ryan: No, I’m not actually that deep but you know here’s the thing I may possibly meet my wife on tour. So, who knows? Atom: That is a possibility. Do you want to settle down and have kids or… how old are you now? Ryan: I’m 27, I just turned 27 last week. Atom: Yeah after 25 you just really start to lose track because I like, have to do math whenever someone asks how old I am. Shawnda: Ryan, I was at the drag shows until 4 in the morning on Saturday, and I was ready to go home at 10:30. I was just so miserable being out and partying late it’s just not my thing anymore. Ryan: I’m not gonna lie, I actually just got home about an hour and a half ago. Atom: NICE! Party like a rockstar! Ryan: So, I can’t say that I’m at that part of my life. (Laughs)

Atom and Shawnda are morning on-air personalities on 96.1 WSTO. Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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classy fixture in the city has once again launched into a new season of performances and special events. The Evansville Philharmonic, formed in 1933, is kicking off the 2009-2010 nick durcholz season with Beethoven’s 5th Contributor on Saturday, September 12th at 8 p.m. This performance features guest conductor Yanami Sakahashi, who hails from Evansville’s sister city of Tochigi, Japan. It will also include Rachimanoff’s Rhapsody on the theme of Paganini and Sibelius’s Finlandia. The 2009 Van Cliburn Silver medalist on piano, Yeol Eum Son will also be performing. A native of the city will be showcasing his enormous talent as a pianist on October 24th at 7:30 p.m. Nino Cocchiarella will start off slow then delve deeper and deeper into a state of musical bliss. He will be performing works from Debussy, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Beethoven not missing one beat or one passionate, driving note. Top off your Saturday night with a decadent musical treat at the Victory Theatre with “A Night Out with Nino.” • 14 •

November is all about the drama for the Philharmonic. On the 21st at 7:30 p.m. the powerful Philharmonic Chorus and University of Kentucky Opera Theatre will put on a “Tribute to Opera.” All operatic grounds will be covered from Gershwin to Mozart to Puccini. All pieces will be drawn from such classic works as Porgy & Bess, Carmen, Barber of Seville and many more. All of these works will be superbly choreographed, acted, and will have full musical accompaniment. January 2010 boasts a musical gathering of performers from Philharmonic’s past. All musicians and directors have been a part of the Evansville Philharmonic in the past but are now pursuing other venues. This “Family Reunion Concert” will be taking place on the 23rd of the month and will feature Conductor Stewart Kershaw, Violinists Gared Crawford, John Macfarlane, Jinsoo Lim, Brennan Sweet, and Delmar Pettys. They will be performing work by Brahms, Dvorak, Vivaldi, Delius, and Kodaly. Don’t miss this night of friends new and old. “Heroic Heights” will be achieved on Saturday, February 20th featuring Jon Manasse and his musical skill on the clarinet. Those who attend will have the opportunity to meet Manasse

after witnessing his ability to transport the listener to a different place and a different time through pieces using nothing but an instrument of the woodwind family. He will be performing works from Medelssohn, Lowell Liebermann, and Beethoven. Come on out to witness such an inspiring musical event. The Ides of March stand witness to “Beauty and Grandeur” eminating from two very talented ladies. On Saturday, March 20th Megan Stout on Harp and Kelly Sulick on flute will provide • Evansville September 2009

a luxurious atmosphere accented by lithe, angelic tunes. The duo will be performing works from J. Strauss, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. These ladies will become the house flutist and harpist for the Evansville Philharmonic which won’t take much to get used to. A warm welcome to both! Happy birthday Evansville Philharmonic! Celebrate with the Evansville Philharmonic chorus with rich, powerful tunes and a cake and champagne celebration of an organization which has become a city staple. The chorus will be performing works by Schubert, Respighi, and a beautiful choral version of Beethoven’s 9th symphony. The “Birthday Bash” takes place on Saturday, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. Don’t let this one pass you by! The 2009-2010 Pops Series includes a night of classical versions of Beatles songs in October sure to please and take you back to the good old days. “Home for the Holidays” will ring in the Holiday season in December providing a potpourri of family friendly holiday performances. In February 2010 “Simply Sinatra” will feature Steve Lippia performing classics from “old blue eyes” himself. Then in April there will be an amazing tribute to our great country featuring Euphonium virtuoso Stephen Mead and the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus called “Star-Spangled Spectacular.” For more information on this meaningful and fully stocked Evansville Philharmonic season as well as all special events please visit their website at www.evansvillephilharmonic. com or call them at (812) 425-5050. See page 76 for more information.

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Madi Diaz

New From Nashville

nick durcholz

Folk-pop, Americana, call it what you like, but Madi Diaz’s brand of music is diverse, rich, vibrant, sensual. The Pennsylvania native’s resume is stacked with goodness: Attendee of the Paul Green School of Rock, a featured pupil in the movie about it (Rock School), Berklee College of Music alum, gigs across the nation and a home in Music City, USA, Nashville. Diaz will bring a must-see and hear show to Henderson September 19 at the Henderson Area Arts Alliance Concert Hall. We caught up with Madi recently…

Staff Writer

N4U:Who or what first got you into music? Can you describe your first meaningful recollection? My dad for sure got me into music. He had the most incredible collection of records and CDs just drawers and drawers of them. When I was little like 6 or 7 I remember opening them up and shuffling through for hours and then finally picking on or two and those would be the albums I would listen to on repeat for the next ten days driving my poor mom crazy. How would you describe your music to a brand new listener? I would say that we are probably in the indie pop vein with some beeps and plinks in there...

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If you could make a band with 3 other members (not counting Kyle)alive or dead, who would they be and why? Yikes that’s hard. Jon Brion. I’m pretty obsessed with his vision. Sam Fogarino, the drummer from Interpol; I love his playing… so smart and sassy. Jack White – also incredible vision and just a general bad ass mofo. When you met your bandmate did you feel chemistry right away? Was there automatically something there or did it take awhile for you two to click? Chemistry as in awe and enamored right away yes. So much so that I think we were both kind of freaked out by each other. So yeah, it took • Evansville September 2009

us a little while to get over each other and mostly get over ourselves! What does performing live mean to you? Can you describe your mindset and your feelings? It’s funny because I used to be absolutely terrified of playing in front of people. It’s a pretty strange and powerful feeling being so bold while still remaining so vulnerable. But I’ve really come to completely love it. There are just so many moments that you become aware of. I think it’s probably where I’m most aware of time passing or something. Can you describe your songwriting process? Not really it’s always different that’s for sure. And it’s always changing and growing in different areas... Whats the craziest/quirkiest thing a fan has done for you? A very very very sweet couple paid for my hospital bill when I broke my arm. They basically helped me survive that month! What do you like most about your “adopted home” of Nashville, TN? I’ve never been so involved and in love with a community of people. I feel like there’s a real sense of togetherness and pull through together kind of thing. Nashville is real big on the little people making it work. I love it. There is music and art happening all over this city. It doesn’t seem real sometimes! Which musician or band has influenced you the most and why? Also tough. I think right now I’m pretty in to Aerosmith’s path through the industry. Best friends worst enemies make ups break ups and great songs throughout their whole ride. They really rolled with some hard punches and now look at them. they still tour and make awesome records and can have their lives and their families and look back together and say, ‘hey man that was fun.’ I think that’s really something.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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BOURBON BLOG: Welcome to Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina.


s bourbon flows through the veins of with recipes, spirit reviews, and video episodes, we decide to tom fisher open the doors to a new stop Contributor on the Southern trail in South Carolina. Ah yes, Shrimp and Grits, heavy sauces and Sweet Tea... but let’s make that a Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka. Have you ever wanted to play a joke and serve a legal drinking aged friend a most innocent looking sweet tea beverage, watch them drink it like grandma made it and then tell them it was was actually vodka? Welcome to Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina. A short drive from Charleston, South Carolina through the back roads of this beautiful sea island where Spanish moss hangs from trees and the one of the country’s oldest Angel Oak trees has been standing for 1400 years takes you to Irvin-House Vineyards and the Firefly Vodka Distillery. This 48 acre farm now home to 11 ½ acres of vineyard was once the grounds for giant stables and property storing animals, carts, and props for movies. In fact, animals that starred in the movie The Patriot were here. There is word that Mel Gibson trained on a horse right where I am standing. However, today I’m being told to watch out for fire ants wherever I stand because they ain’t as friendly as the Firefly Vodka. Jim Irvin and his wife purchased it around nine years ago. As partner and Master Distiller Jim Irvin started the winery; he says, “We had no idea what we were doing, but we did it one day at a time.” Whether he knew what he was doing or not, the local grocery stores couldn’t keep Jim’s first Muscadine grape wines on the shelves. Shortly after, Jim expanded by hiring a company to assist in distribution. Scott Newitt was the representative from Gallo that would oversee Jim’s wines. Scott had been dreaming for a while about being his own boss and making his own vodka. It wasn’t long before Scott partnered with Jim to create the world’s first Muscadine Wine Flavored Vodka. By the way, Muscadine wines have up to seven times more resveratrol (that is the powerful antioxidant, drink up!) than all other red wines. “The most recognized state flag in the country is the Texas State Flag. South Carolina’s State Flag is the second one,” says Scott as he shows us a bottle of the original Muscadine Vodka. The Palmetto Tree and crescent adorn all the Firefly vodkas. Firefly also produces a six times distilled Firefly Straight Vodka. Being distilled six times not only makes it super smooth, but this is a pretty big deal in the world of vodkas. Findlandia and Ketel One are distilled only five times and Belvedere only four times. Wait, I did mention something about that Sweet Tea Vodka, right?

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In 2006, they introduced the world’s first Sweet Tea Vodka in South Carolina. Now, that The Original Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka is sold all 50 states and in Canadian provinces. One of the first places in the Tri-State I ever sampled Firefly’s Sweet Tea Vodka was… you guessed it: Firefly Southern Grill. Scott Newitt says he is familiar with the restaurant, but I don’t think he has seen the video where I accidentally spill his Firefly Vodka into my MacBook Pro keyboard and the camera is still rolling as I suck the vodka out to save my computer. Look on for this short clip and entire video episode of our Firefly Vodka Distillery tour. Firefly also makes Raspberry Tea, Mint Tea, Peach Tea, and Lemon Tea. All of those received Gold Medals at the 2009 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, and the Mint Tea was ranked #3 out of over 200 flavored vodkas. Scott and Jim created the original tea vodka. A few other distilleries have created their own versions of tea vodka, but none of them can quite match Firefly’s. You can spend a few minutes with Master Distiller Jim Irvin and know what a passionate genius he is when it comes to creation. On the week is in South Carolina, Firefly is just releasing two new rums. If it wasn’t good enough already tasting vodka and wine on a summer afternoon here we go with another spirit! The first rum is the Sea Island Carolina Gold Rum which is aged in a used Buffalo Trace Bourbon barrel. Bourbon barrels can go several places when they are done making bourbon: 1) To Scotland to age

scotch; 2) To Louisiana to age Tabasco sauce; 3) To age some beers in Kentucky and other places; and 4) To the Caribbean and now South Carolina to age rum. Yet another first though, this is the first rum to be aged in a used Buffalo Trace Bourbon barrel. t is an amazing blend of one, two and three year old rum along with a virgin rum with hints of the Buffalo Trace. One of the best surprises of this visit comes in the Java Rhum, which is a coffee flavored rum. Forget about your Frap a Cap of whatever you choose to Joe uhccino, this stuff is unreal. It is 100% Columbian and contains

185 parts of caffeine per million (ppm). The Federal Government actually cuts off how much caffeine can go into an alcohol at 200 ppm due to the effects of caffeine and alcohol mixing. A normal cup of coffee is anywhere from 500 to 1,000 ppm. Enough with the science lesson, get on with the tour and visit for our video episode of Firefly, check us out online at, and try some Firefly Vodka! • Evansville September 2009



Pick up this month’s beers at: 300 N. Weinbach Ave. • 471-6111

Beck’s Oktoberfest

Rolling Rock

screw all the naysayers of great light beers out there, this brew is smooth, pale goodness.

Mikkeller Jackie Brown

It’s a sausage fest at the beer counter this month… Jabez: This beer poured rusty orange color and had a very grainy aroma. In the category of Octoberfest beer, I would consider this a “light.” It was very easy to drink and didn’t have that bloated feeling that Octoberfest style beers can do to you. Tom: Nice amber tone with a frothy head. Scent is malted, toasty, and dry. Mouthfeel is a little thin and flat. The taste is fine, but a little watery and dull for a marzen. Most Oktoberfests have a beefier body and bigger, bolder malt flavor. Definitely drinkable, but not memorable. Nick: Das shisse es gut! For the Deutsch challenged, this basically means this beer is the nectar of the Germanic gods. This beer is a powerhouse it has balanced consistency, a coffee-esque flavor but not too much so, partnered with Beck’s signature smoothness. It is a rare case Beck’s doesn’t deliver.

Jabez: It’s High School and College all over again. This beer is nothing flashy but just a decent beer for the money. It has a nice mild hop aroma with a light malt taste. Good carbonation. A nice beer to drink after mowing the lawn, it’s just your average malt beverage. Tom: Has a pretty standard pale lager appearance. Clear, straw yellow with a very light, bitter, almost skunky (probably because of the green bottle) smell. It is very thin in the mouth with heavy carbonation. Taste is light, fizzy, and a little bland – not bad, but not really good. Nevertheless, Rolling Rock gets a bonus nostalgia point because my favorite bar in grad school always had 22 oz. bottles for $2, which fit my budget nicely. Todd: A long, long time ago, I enjoyed an abundance of these with some friends on an out of town excursion. Don’t ask me why, but I put it up to juvenile naiveté. This is an awful beer. With a faint, weak/pale appearance, Rolling Rock pours like any other macro lager -- light and basically devoid of taste. The hint of fizziness/carbonation is appalling, and this tastes like a beerflavored water beverage. Not even on a sweltering summer day while mowing the lawn would I ingest another one of these. Yuck. Nick: This beer is every refreshing cliché in a bottle. I mean this of course in the best way possible. No matter the mood or the atmosphere Rolling Rock is never a bad choice.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Jabez: A great dark beer. It poured very dark brown and had a sweet coffee and chocolate aroma. I could really taste the chocolate in this beer and I usually don’t like this type but this beer was great. It comes in a 1 pint 9 oz bottle and 6 % alcohol. I wouldn’t want to drink it all night long but a great relaxing beer. Tom: This pours dark brown with a pillowy head. Aroma is hoppy, fruity, and malty with a noticeable roasted coffee presence. Medium bodied with a somewhat creamy texture that is lighter than the color would suggest. It has a smooth, chocolaty flavor with a nice lingering toasty, smoky, not too bitter hop finish. Almost more like a porter than a brown ale.

‘t Smisje IPA Plus Jabez: This beer comes in a short chubby bottle. The beer poured a cloudy copper color. It had a good long lasting head but the aroma had a strong alcohol smell. The taste was bitter, malty and a little sweet but the alcohol taste was a little overbearing. I noticed it had 10% alcohol. I shouldn’t say this in a public forum but it was almost too much alcohol in this beer; it kind of took over the taste. I did get used to it by the end of the beer but they could have turned down the alcohol to let the other flavors in this beer shine through.

Tom: My high expectations for this one were not met. It pours with a huge, meringue-like white head containing bits of yeast and sediment. The aroma is characteristically Belgian and the mouthfeel is smooth and creamy. Flavor is very complex and relatively pleasant until the finish when things take a wrong turn. The finish lingers with an abrasive bitterness and a brutal, chemicaltasting alcohol presence. It did get better as it sat and warmed, but overall it’s a bit much. Todd: Ah, the anticipation here! I saved this one for last, as I have high expectations of most Belgian brews. A characteristic cloudy, golden appearance here, followed by an abundance of foam and thick lacing. Gives off a rich, yeasty, fruity scent, which bodes well. When it all subsides, the taste is a strong, hoppy, almost acidic flavor -- certainly not unusual for an IPA, though there are some odd fruitlike undercurrents which provide a more complex and characteristically Belgian profile. It’s strong (10% ABV), rich, and really a lovely and memorable brew. Nick This brew doesn’t boast much of an aroma for its 10% ABV. The taste however, hits you like a tire iron to the face. The bitterness fades gradually after a swig but at first contact with the tongue it is sharp and brutal. Overall the taste is unique but there is obscene amount of carbonation which takes away from its experience.

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Living Legend

Loretta Lynn I

bet you never knew that Loretta Lynn was the Madonna/Britney Spears of her day. She was cutting edge, a renegade if you will, determined to sing songs about cheatin’ men, honky tonkin’, birthin’ babies and lanea ritterling growin’ up poor. My Mama Contributor says the most remarkable point about Loretta Lynn’s career was that she was the first woman to sing about the pill which was absolutely unheard of back in the day. Loretta’s song “The Pill” was banned from radio stations in 1975 and was one of a carload of songs she made into hits that had a hint of feminism. Maybe it was because she married her husband at 13 and had four kids before she reached the ripe old age of 18, or maybe it was because she grew up dirt poor, the daughter of a coal miner, but Loretta didn’t take stuff off of anybody and she had the voice, spirit and spunk to turn herself into a country music legend. Loretta Lynn was one of eight children and grew up very poor in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky. She wrote a song about her tale that you might’ve heard: “Coal Miner’s Daughter.” The song tells the story of Lynn’s life growing up and it later served as the basis for her bestselling biography and the Oscar-winning movie starring Sissy Spacek.

While Loretta’s children were very small her husband, Doo, bought her a guitar and encouraged her to learn how to play it. She loved singing and performing so they decided to travel around the countryside and Loretta would perform at any venue that would book her. She literally worked her way from the dirt floor up to superstardom in the country music capital, Nashville. Loretta has achieved awards and milestones too numerous to name. In 1972, she was the first woman named “Entertainer • 20 •

of the Year” by the Country Music Association and is one of only five women to have received CMA’s highest award. She was a pioneer for women country musicians and she set the bar for today’s country music women, not only in music but in fashion as well. Interestingly, Lynn recorded a song written by popular children’s poet Shel Silverstein titled “One’s On the Way.” This song described Loretta’s life perfectly: “The girls in New York City they all march for women’s lib And Better Homes and Gardens shows the modern way to live And the pill may change the world tomorrow but meanwhile today Here in Topeka the flies are a buzzin’ The dog is a barkin’ and the floor needs a scrubbin’ One needs a spankin’ and one needs a huggin’ Lord one’s on the way Oh gee I hope it ain’t twins again” What I find incredibly cool about Loretta is that in 2004 she won two Grammys for her highly acclaimed album Van Lear Rose, only the second album which she wrote or co-wrote all of the songs. She quit writing her own songs early in her career due to the ever-so-common record label squabbles. The record was produced by her “friend forever,” Jack White of The White Stripes and The Raconteurs. White claims that Lynn is his favorite singer and he has covered several of her songs. You should check out their video on YouTube of “Portland, Oregon,” it is wildly exotic and totally unexpected. Lynn took home “Best Country Album of the Year” for Van Lear Rose and “Best Country Collaboration with Vocals” for the “Portland Oregon” duet. Van Lear is a follow-up of sorts to her Coal Miner’s Daughter material, Van Leer being the name of the coal mine where Loretta’s father worked. Loretta Lynn is working on the follow-up to 2004’s “Van Lear Rose”, plus a new CD of re-recorded versions of her greatest hits over the past 40 years. Both CDs are set for release in 2009. Loretta Lynn will be playing at the beautiful Victory Theatre Friday, September 25th at 8:00 p.m. You can’t miss the opportunity to see this amazing legend! Ticket info is available at and/or • Evansville September 2009

by B.R. Cohn


arsity Liquors is proud to announce the arrival of the 2006 Doobie Red Collector Series which commemorates over three decades of music from Legendary Rock ‘n’ Rollers, The Doobie Get these wines Brothers and their long time manager and at Varsity! compatriot, Bruce R. Cohn. 687 N. Green River The 2006 Collector Series is 477-9463 the fifth limited production set of three. The bottles are labeled with the following album covers: “Cycles,” “Brotherhood” and “Sibling Rivalry.” This lovely red wine is produced from a special blend of premium Bordeaux varietals with exceptional rich flavors of black cherry and plum. Aging with premium French oak adds to a smooth long finish. This wine was produced in memory of Keith Knudsen, long time drummer for the Doobie Brothers since 1974. In addition to the Collector Series, Varsity Liquors also carries many of the B.R. Cohn Winery selections. The 2006 Sliver Label Cabernet Sauvignon reflects a blending of grapes grow from the B.R. Cohn Olive Hill Estate Vineyard and vineyards selected by the winemakers throughout Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties. The produce lower yield, smaller berries, and very concentrated aromas and flavors which is blended with the Olive Hill Estate Cabernet to make a rich wine that is unique, great by the glass, and goes well with a fine meal. The Russian River Valley Pinot Noir is produced from the finest vineyards in this appellation. It is a complex, lush wine with aromas of black cherry, raspberry and strawberry intermingled with a bouquet of vanilla, caramel and spice. It is a rich and smooth on the palate with a lasting finish. This wine has been aged for 19 months in only the finest French Burgundy barrels. While B.R. Cohn Russian River Valley Pinot Noir is a pleasure to enjoy on its own, it will also fare well with a wide range of entrees, complementing dishes such as lamb, duck or gilled salmon. The B.R. Cohn 2007 Chardonnay is packed with pear, apple and citrus aromas, and shows exceptional depth and body. The wine offers rich flavors of green apple with a hint of lemon, and is surrounded by toasty French oak, followed by a clean, crisp, lingering finish. This Chardonnay is fermented and aged in French oak barrels and is a blend of the best Chardonnay vineyards in Sonoma’s cool growing regions. Enjoy it on its own, or pair it with your favorite grilled seafood or poultry. Please come by Varsity Liquors and experience the B.R. Cohn wines. We welcome you into our store. Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Bringing the “best of the West” to Scott Township


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Owners and operators John Backes and Vicki Schmitt are servin’ up a killer Reuben and an open-faced roast beef sandwich worth the quick drive.

Here at the Frontier Restaurant and Bar, you’ll get hand-cut onion rings, zesty sauce and a must-try Frontier Burger.

Burger being among the most popular. Grilled to order and topped with whatever you like, the succulent half-pounder is a must-try. And here’s where the “east-meets-west” aspect of Frontier Tavern’s menu really starts to show. German bologna sandwich. Brain sandwich. Pork tenderloin. Yep. Frontier also has a killer Reuben, one of the finest open-faced roast beef sandwiches anywhere and an awesome, savory, B.L.T. perfect for lunch or dinner. Nighttime brings out more of the really good stuff. Specials are offered nightly – in particular, Friday nights are when Fiddler fanatics can jump into the deep end and chow down on all-you-can eat southern or Cajun-style catfish fiddlers. Cooked the traditional way, with two sides, hushpuppies and homemade tartar sauce, Frontier has one of the last great Friday night fish fries in the area, all for only $12.99.

I have to talk about their onion rings. In many restaurants, onion rings are pulled out of the freezer, absentmindedly tossed into the fryer and served without a thought from where they came. Not at Frontier. They hand cut each slice – big ones – and dip them in their own secret batter, fry them lovingly and serve them with a small but important sauce… Zesty sauce. There are about a halfdozen ingredients in it, and it definitely has a kick, not a big, overwhelming heat, but a perfect balance of sweet, hotness and savory taste. Ask for the zesty sauce. Put in on your burger, too. Dip the awesome appetizer platter items in it. You’ll love it. As you can tell, Frontier pulls all the best fare Evansville’s residents like so much and put them all together into something that amounts to homegrown, homestyle, local and friendly. Nothing fancy, just good eats. Frontier Tavern has a smoke-free family room as well as a bar area with full bar service. Cornhole tournaments have become popular on Tuesday nights in the official “Frontier Tavern Events Pavilion.” Karaoke happens Friday nights and live entertainment from popular local bands is scheduled regularly. Check out the Nightlife Guide for who’s playing there and when. Make that quick run to Daylight when you’re hungry for something real, local and delicious. Say hello to Vicki and John while you’re there – if they don’t say hello first, which is more likely than not. Frontier Tavern – 812-867-6786 – 12945 Highway 57 – Carryout available • Evansville September 2009

photos: dylan gibbs

hink about it: how many wholly-locally owned restaurants are on the east side of dylan gibbs Managing Editor Evansville? There are a number of them, to be sure, and they are owned by some of the most dedicated, downright friendly people you’ll ever meet. But the overwhelming majority of restaurants east of Highway 41 have corporate offices somewhere other than in River City. Compare that to the middle- and west side of town. Hometown places that serve up good food are easy to find. Sure, the area west of Rosenberger on the Lloyd is a Legoland of chains, but for the most part, hometown favorites abound on the other side of the Highway. At the risk of stretching the limits of acceptable geography, I’m going to declare Frontier Tavern an eastside restaurant. Sure, it’s north – in Daylight, in fact – but it’s a quick run to get there and since changing hands to owners and operators Vicki Schmitt and John Backes, it’s worth that run. And what the pair has done is bring a taste of the “best of the west” to Scott Township. With a revamped menu, and the labor of love that comes from wanting to see things done right, Schmitt and Backes took the helm in June and immediately set about to bring a distinctly Evansvillian flavor to the long-standing restaurant and bar. They start at 6 a.m. to get breakfast started, and once 7 rolls around, they’re ready with the big guns. Why go to the place up the road with the baseball-themed breakfast platter when you can enjoy a homemade, hometown day starter? For $4.99 you can get two huge Texas-sized French toast slices with a side of bacon or sausage. Lighter fare is available via fresh biscuit sandwiches or ala carte options, so you can build your own breakfast. For the monstrously hungry, Frontier offers their signature country breakfast: grilled ham or country fried steak with three eggs, German fries and a choice of biscuits and gravy or toast. Omelets any way you like, with all the usual fillings and more are on tap; for only $6.99 you can have one any way you like. Plate specials for lunch are a staple throughout the week, with homestyle choices made fresh in the kitchen. Sandwiches of every stripe are on the menu; the Frontier


Black Buggy Restaurant Lynch & Green River Rd. 473-0012 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Stoll’s Country Inn 9820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7731 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Alcohol/VISA,MC


Bar-B-Q Barn 1003 E. Diamond Ave. 491-9868 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC Bar-B-Q Shack 4430 1st Av. 401-8227 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Beer &Wine/VISA, MC

Corky’s Ribs & Barbecue (Pavilion 1) 421 N W Riverside Dr. 433-4227 Under $10/Casual/FullBar/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hawg ‘n’ Sauce 1600 Leonard Rd. Mt. Vernon 838-5339 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations/ Accepted/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Hickory Pit Stop 1521 N. Main 422-6919 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards, Diner’s Club Landmark BBQ 3901 Broadway 401-7427 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC

Marx Barbeque & Catering 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC The Nisbet Inn 6701 Nisbet Station Rd. 963-9305 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/ Accepted/VISA,MC North Main Annex 701 N. Main 425-4535 Under $10/Casual/ Wine/VISA,MC R.J.’s Smokehouse 1013 S. Weinbach Ave. 421-8020 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Shyler’s Bar-B-Q 405 S. Green River 476-4599 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Wilson’s General Store & Café 11120 Broadway Ave. 985-0202 Under $10/Casual// VISA, MC,DSCVR Wolf’s Bar-B-Q Restaurant 6000 First Ave. 424-8891 Under$10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC

CASuAl tHeMe Applebee’s Bar & Grill 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 471-0929 5727 Pearl Drive 426-2006 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Bar Louie 7000 Eagle Crest Blvd. 476-7069 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza 3911 Venetian Drive 853-3400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ VISA,MC Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar 615 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4700 Between $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake 475-1074 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Chili’s Grill & Bar 600 N. Green River 475-1510 $15-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Choo Choo Cafe & Deli 915 Main St. 429-0283 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

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REsTaURaNTs House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-0572 Between $9-$12/Casual/ Checks/Accepted/Full Bar

Temptations Buffet (Pavilion Level 1) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-6059 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Firefly Southern Grill 6636 Logan Dr. 402-2354 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Accepted

The Granola Jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Gator’s Hot Fish 1203 N. Main St. 461-7270 Under $10/Casual

T.G.I. Friday’s (Inside Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 491-8910 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Hadi Shrine 6 Walnut St 423-4285 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Max & Erma’s 421 N.W. Riverside (Pavillion Level 1) 433-4258 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Expwy. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Show-Me’s (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-7459 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Steeplechase Café (Holiday Inn & Conference Center) 4101 Hwy. 41 N. 424-6400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

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Canton Inn Restaurant 947 North Park Dr. 428-6611 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Charlie’s Mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 423-9897 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ VISA,MC China King 590 E Diamond Ave. 423-1896 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer and Wine/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards China Super Buffet 127 N. Burkhardt Rd. 476-8788 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/VISA,MC,DSCVR China Town Buffet 5435 Pearl Dr. 425-8146 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC China Village 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh, IN 858-8238 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards Chopstick House Restaurant 5412 E. Indiana 473-5551 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards Golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 473-4855 5066 S.R. 261 853-2680 Under $10/Casual/Full Service Bar/Checks Accepted/ VISA,MC,DSCVR • Evansville September 2009

Janbo Restaurant 4500 W. Lloyd Expwy. 422-8289 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/Major Credit Cards Lucky Dragon Chinese 4313 E. Morgan Ave. 479-5006 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards MA. T. 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd 475-2888 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservation Accepted/ VISA,MC,AMEX Mandarin Garden Chinese 2013 Green River Rd. 476-7088 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Shing-Lee Chinese Restaurant 215 Main 464-2769 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Taste of China 4579 University Dr. 422-1260 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted Two Brothers 3806 N 1 St. 423-6188 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant 406 S Green River Rd 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Amity Jo’s 202 E. Locust St. Ft. Branch Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Coffee Cottage & Café 612 Weinbach Ave. 401-1930 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Choo Choo Cafe & Deli 915 Main St. 429-0283 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Dujour Cafe & Bakery 920 Main St. 962-3694 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Diamond Deli (Pavillion Level 3) 421 Riverside Dr. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Donut Bank Bakery & Coffee (West) 210 N. St. Joseph 426-1011 (North) 2128 N 1st Ave 426-2311 1031E. Diamond Ave. 426-0011 (East) 5 N. Green River Rd 479-0511 Washington Ave. 477-2711 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 858-9911 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Emge’s Deli & Ice Cream 206-208 Main St Walkway 422-3026, 422-7030 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted Fresh Harvest Deli (Inside The Old Post Office) 101 NW 1st St. 421-0407 Under $10/Casual/MC,VISA Great Harvest Bread 423 Metro 476-4999 Under $10/Casual/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Jeanie’s Gelato 113 S.E. 4th St. 402-8282 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 701 N. Burkhardt Ste C 401-5400 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Just Rennies Cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 490-8098 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards La Sombra Cofffee Company 318 Main St. 492-4567 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC, DSVR Lé Coffee Café 3311 N. Green River Rd. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Maxine’s Cafe and Bakery 1322 N Green River Rd 473-3663 Under $10/Casual/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Piece of Cake 210 Main 424-2253 Under $5/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Riverview by Firefly 1 Main St. 465-7206 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Roly Poly Sandwiches 5702 E. Virginia St. 962-2326 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC Schlotzsky’s Deli 301 N. Green River Rd 471-4011 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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REsTaURaNTs Spudz -n- Stuff 5225 Pearl Dr. 402-TATR Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC The Granola Jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Road 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Denny’s Classic Diner 5212 Weston Rd. 424-4472 19501 Elpers Rd. 867-7156 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 421-0606 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

FAMIly & HOMeStyle Black Buggy Restaurant Lynch & Green River Rd. 473-0545 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Bob Evans Restaurant 1125 N. Green River Rd. 473-9022 5201 Pearl Drive 425-5100 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Boonville Cafe 713 E. Main St. 812-897-2912 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA,MC Big Mama’s Cafe 1802 Stringtown Rd. 422-3350 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ Checks & Cash Accepted Buffalo Wild Wings 713 N Green River Rd. 471-9464 5404 Pearl Drive 423-9464 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Carousel Restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Charlie & Barney’s 1801 W. Franklin St. 423-5355 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/ VISA,MC Cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 479-8788 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Cross-Eyed Cricket 2101 Pennsylvania 422-6464 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted

• 26 •

Culver’s Frozen Custard Butter Burgers Burkhardt Rd. 437-3333 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Denny’s Restaurant (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 423-9459 (East) 351 N. Green River Rd. 473-1063 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Dogtown Tavern Old Henderson Rd. 423-0808 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/VISA, MC Ellis Park-Clubhouse Hwy 41 N. (800) 333-8110 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Feedmill Hwy. 165 & I-64 (812) 874-2210 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Flying Saucer Café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 423-1113 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/All Major Credit Cards Frontier Restaurant & Bar 12945 Highway 57 812-867-6786 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Service Bar/MC, VISA Golden Corral (West) 5301 Pearl Dr. 423-4930 (East) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 473-1095 (Henderson) 1770 S. Green St. (270) 827-0345 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards The Hilltop Inn 1100 Harmony Way 422-1757 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill Hwy 261 & 66 490-9135 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted • Evansville September 2009

Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/ IHOP Restaurant 601 Burkhardt 471-0514 Under $10/Checks Accepted/ Casual/VISA,MC,Discover K&D Dutch Korner 13935 St. Wendel Rd. 963-9370 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Cash Only KT’s Fire Grill 7247 Main St. 812-673-4996 Wadesville, IN $10 - $15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Kippleville (Kipplee’s Partyhouse) 2322 Division St. 476-1936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Under $10/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Knotty Pine Cafe 500 N. Main 423-0014 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

The Pie Pan 905 North Park Dr. 425-2261 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Rafferty’s 1400 N. Green River Rd. 471-0024 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Expwy. 473-4100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards St. Joe Inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 963-9310 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Recommended/Full Bar Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Wolf’s Restaurant & Tavern 31 N. Green St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-5221 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 424-1416 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards


Log Inn Rt. 2 Haubstadt 867-3216 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted

The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Marvin’s Pub 100 State Rd. 62 West Boonville, IN 490-2619 $15 - $25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Credit Cards/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Merry-Go-Round Restaurant N. 2101 N. U.S. Rt. 41 423-6388 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted North Main Annex 701 N. Main 425-4535 Under $10/Casual/Wine/ VISA,MC O’Charley’s (East) 7301 E. Indiana 479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr. 424-3348 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards The Old Mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 963-6000 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Cavanaugh’s (Pavilion Level 2) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 433-4333 $20-$30/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron 479-6974 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Edgewater Grille 1 E. Water St., Newburgh, IN 858-2443 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 27 •

REsTaURaNTs The Jungle Restaurant/ Fat Cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282 Between $10-$15/Reservations Recommended/Two Full Bars/ VISA,MC Lorenzo’s Bistro & Bakery 972 S. Hebron Ave. 475-9477 Between $15-$25/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Accepted Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Red Geranium 504 N. New Harmony, Indiana 812-682-4431 Between $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Paradise Pavilion 6299 Oak Grove Road 858-7931 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards The White House 610 Church St. New Harmony, IN (812) 682-3455 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

GeRMAN Gerst Bavarian Haus 2100 W. Franklin 424-1420 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Schnitzelbank Restaurant 409 Third St. Jasper, IN (812)-482-2640 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

GReek The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Major Credit Cards

• 28 •

INDIAN Flavor of India 4612 Vogel Rd. 477-4482 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine 900 E. Tutor Ln. 476-5000 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

ItAlIAN/ MeDIteRRANeAN Angelo’s 305 Main Street 428-6666 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 421-0800 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC Dilegges Italian 607 N. Main 428-3004 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA, MC House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $9-$12/Casual/Reservation Suggested/Full Bar Manna Mediterranean 2913 Lincoln Ave. 473-7005 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Milano’s Italian Cuisine 500 Main Street 484-2222 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards The Olive Garden Italian 1100 N. Green River Rd. 473-2903 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Raffi’s Italian & Mediterranean 1100 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-9166 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

JAPANeSe Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 962-4440 $10-$20/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards • Evansville September 2009

Iwataya Japanese Restaurant 8401 N Kentucky Ave 868-0830 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine Kanpai 4593 Washington Ave. 471-7076 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Nagasaki Inn 5720 Virginia St. 473-1442 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Required/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tokyo Japan 3000 N. Green River Rd. 401-1020 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Zuki Japanese Grill & Sushi Lounge 1448 N. Green River Rd. 477-9854 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

kOReAN Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted//Beer and Wine

MeXICAN Acapulco Mexican 3339 Green River Rd. 475-0566 8480 High Pointe Dr. Newburgh 858-7777 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cancun Mexican Restaurant 341 S. Green St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-0067 10640 SR 662 Newburgh, IN 490-9936 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards El Charro 720 N Sonntag Ave 421-1986 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards El Maguey (Boonville) 601 W. St. Rd. 62, 897-2028 3250 Warrick Dr. 897-6666 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/MC, VISA

El Rio 1919 Green River Rd. 471-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards En El Rio (Henderson) 104 N. Water St. 270-826-0099 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Hacienda Mexican Restaurant (East) 990 S. Green River Rd. 474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 422-2055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 490-2814 $5-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards La Cabana 821 S. Green River Rd. 477-3351 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Las Americas Mexican 1016 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-3483 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Los Bravos (East) 834 Tutor Lane 474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 424-4101 (East) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 464-3136 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Los Toribio (Henderson) 1739 S. Green St. (270) 831-2367 2810 US 41 N. (270) 830-6610 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Moe’s Southwest Grill 6401 E.Lloyd Expwy. 491-6637 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Qdoba Mexican Grill 922 Burkhardt Rd 401-0800 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ VISA,MC Taco Tierra 420 S. Green River Rd. 402-8226 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC Tequila’s Mexican 408 Southwind Plaza, Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 29 •

RESTAURANTS Muncheese Pizza 1200 W. Colombia St. 437-3300 Under $10/Casual/Beer Only/ VISA,MC

Pizza 2 Daddy’s Pizza 329 Main St. 455-9052 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-7778 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Cici’s Pizza 101-B N. Green River Rd. 477-2424 5625 Pearl Dr. Suite G 962-0034 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Gardo’s Italian Oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071 Under $10/Casual Gerontes Pizza 4706 Vogel Rd. 474-1700 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA, MC Greek’s Pizzeria 240 S. Green River Rd. 402-4733 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Hollywood Bar & Grill (East) E. Morgan Ave. (Inside Showplace Cinemas) 402-5122 (North) 4428 1st Ave. 426-0133 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Mama Roma’s Pizza & Wings 2008 E. Morgan Ave. 422-1212 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Mr. B’s Pizza & Wings 2611 Hwy 41 N. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1111 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC • 30 •

Nick’s Pizza & Wings 900 W. Buena Vista 401-6425 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Noble Roman’s Pizza 2403 Washington Ave. 477-5347 4807 W. Lloyd Expwy. 424-0996 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Exp. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Pizza Chef Hwy 261 (812) 853-3338 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Pizza King 2411 Stringtown 401-1060 Hwy. 66 & 261 853-3368 1003 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-4941 W. Franklin St. 424-7976 Under $10/Casual/Beer only (except Weinbach location)/ All Major Credit Cards Pop’s Grill 516 S. Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3880 $10-$15/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA,MC Roca Bar (West) 1618 S. Kentucky Ave 422-7782 (Mt. Vernon) 506 E. 4th St. 812-838-5000 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rounder’s Pizza 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 12731 N. Green River Rd. 867-7172 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC • Evansville September 2009

Samual’s Place 518 Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3001 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Sandy’s Pizza 609 S. Main St. Fort Branch, IN 812-753-3972 Under $10/Casual/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards The Slice 2011 Lincoln Ave. 476-8518 Under $10/Casual/Beer and Wine/All Major Credit Cards Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Beef O’Brady’s 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Chilly Willy’s Pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 423-0726 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Accepted Corner Pocket Bar & Grill 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 428-2255 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Cricket’s 518 W. Main, 858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Talk of the Town 1200 Edgar St. 402-8696 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/MC

Darren’s Pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson,KY 270-827-2206 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ MC,VISA

Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/Reservations /Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Turoni’s Pizzery & Brewery 408 N. Main 424-9871 Under $10/Casual/Reservations /Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Walter’s Golf ‘n Fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 464-4472 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

PRIvAte DINING CJ’s & Party Place (Inside Willow Bowling Center) Virginia & Hwy 41 422-6682 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations/All Major Credit Cards Just Rennie’s Catering 100 S.E. 4th St., Downtown 401-8098 $15 to $25/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Kirby’s 1113-1119 Parrett St. 422-2230 $10 - $15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Marx Barbeque & Catering Service 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA, MC

Fast Eddy’s Burgers & Beer 507 N. W. Riverside 424-ROCK Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA,MC Fox & Hound English Pub & Grille 5416 E. Indiana 473-5721 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Ginny’s Place Covert & Vann 477-0789 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 West Franklin 437-0171 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Little Cheers Restaurant & Pub 329 Main St. 423-9740 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Exp. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave.475-8780 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 31 •

RESTAURANTS Metro Sports Center Pub 5820 Metro Dr. 479-5425 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/VISA, MC The Pub 1348 Division 423-2121 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr.426-0000 Under $10-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar / All Major Credit Cards Roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave 422-7782 8309 Bell Oak Dr. 490-7778 506 E. 4th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5000 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rounder’s Pizza 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Beer and Wine/ VISA, MC Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Bonefish Grill 6401 E Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake 475-1074 Under $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Paradise Pavilion 6299 Oak Grove Road 858-7931 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

• 32 •

Red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave 477-9227 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tin Fish Seafood Restaurant Marina Pointe 1801 Waterworks Rd. 421-1100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Tin Fish Seafood Restaurant Newburgh 300 W. Jennings Station 490-7000 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Steakhouses Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron 479-6974 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Haub Steak House (Haubstadt, IN) Main and Haub, 768-6462 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/ Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Hollywood Bar & Grill 4428 N. First Ave. 423-0050 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hornet’s Nest Old Petersburg Rd. 867-2386 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $9-$12/Casual/Reservations Suggested/Full Bar Logan’s Roadhouse Steakhouse 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-8403 5645 Pearl Drive 421-0908 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon 934 N. Green River Rd. 473-5468 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Longhorn Steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd. 473-2400 $10-$15/Casual/Call Ahead Seating/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Outback Steakhouse 7201 Indiana 474-0005 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rookies Sports Bar 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks/Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Sirloin Stockade 4610 Bellemeade Ave. 473-0300 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Texas Roadhouse E. Lloyd Expwy. 477-7427 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Tumbleweed Southwest Grill (West) 4600 University Dr. 423-9590 (Henderson) 1868 U.S. 41 N. (270) 869-9800 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA,MC Western Rib-Eye & Ribs 1401 N. Boeke Rd. 476-5405 $12-$18/Casual/Reservations Accepted /Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Taverns Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 425-4929 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 867-7300 Under $10/Full Bar/ Casual/VISA,MC Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy. 41 N. 424-4677 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Duck Inn 4100 Pollack 479-8050 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Fat Boy’s Tavern 115 N. McCreary St. 812-753-9914 Fort Branch, IN Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA,MC Fred’s Bar Corner of Reed & Virginia 423-8040 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Gloria’s 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted The Knob Hill Tavern 1016 Hwy. 662 W. 853-9550 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Legends 1050 S. Weinbach 476-74444 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Maryland St. Lounge 2130 W. Maryland 424-2525 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade 401-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Rick’s 718 Bar & Grill 718 3rd Ave. 423-0872 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA, MC Sam & Jimmy’s Hobo Jungle 1323 S. Barker Ave. 491-6229 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards St. Phillip Inn 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 985-5558 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 Under $10/Casual /Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards State Street Tavern 718 State St., Newburgh,IN 490-6614 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/VISA,MC Stockwell Inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 476-2384 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Cash Only Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave 421-9759 Under $10/Casual/ Beer & Wine Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Yellow Tavern 521 Church St. (New Harmony) 682-3303 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Check Accepted

Thai Thai Chow Rt. 1 Ft. Branch, IN 753-3878 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Required/ Checks Accepted Thai Papaya Cuisine 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-8424 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Vegetarian Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards

Vietnamese Vietnamese Cusine 4602 Vogel Rd. 491-1884 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA, MC • Evansville September 2009


Andy Norvell Adam Blythe “Blind-Dog” Gatewood Bobby Clark Byron Rohrig Calabash Chad Harvey Chad Nordhoff Chris Knight Clayton Daughtery 5th & Jackson David Fuller Dave Cogswell Dustin Kaposta Gary Ward J.T. Cusic Jay Johnson Jason Mann Keith Vincent Lindsey Williams Matt & John Matt Clark Mike Z Nathan Mowery Nick Gregory Nick Hamialton Rik Hilborn & Joey Anderson Rob Bennett Scott Winzinger Strolling Tones Rowan Tree Tim and Coop Troy Miller Wildman


Kerusso Last Hour Euphrates Jones


A.S.R.B Aces & Eights Back In Time Common Ground Copper Road Desert Two Band Floord Jason Clutter and the Broken Arrow Band Jason Mayfield and the One

Bullet Band Joe and Line of Fire Midranger Modern Country Rebel Fuel Tank Sons of Sisters Southern Edge StoneRiver Switchback Troy Miller and the E’ville Doers Wildman and Randy Lanham Woodsboro


Enok Dougie Fresh Freddy K Jon B NickkyB Randy Marshall Romey Rome Shane Breedlove Syimone

HeAvy MetAl/ HARD ROCk

A Plea for Purging Amnezia Anthem for a Massacre Ashes Resurrected Blood Tribe eXesion Deliver Us From Evil Factory Damage Far From Fallen God on Trial Gridlock Killarus Kingdom Paradigum The Path Prowler Secretariat Sister Brutal With Monday Brings Massacre


Bob Ballard Bob Minnette & the Swingcats

Bookie Buchenberger Cytnthia McDonal & Bob Green Jeff Harmon Jazz Shawn Needham & the Black Sheep


Big S Boop D Bradley-T Cas One C Good Clusoe Crispy Cyclopean Super Hero Dew Dirt D-Trick E’ville J-Fill Kanine Kasper from the K KY Prophet Lac the GoGetter Laudi Lil’ Ace Loc the Great MC Till Menace the Untouchable Mic Nuke’em Mr. Bogard Raaqim Red 13 a.k.a. Shadowman Reverend Fang Gory Scooter – Sinumatic Wayward a.k.a. Chessmaster Whydhe Write a.k.a. Papale Wise Logic WSM Young Press

ROCk ‘N ROll

(Stuff like ABBA to Zappa & Everything In Between) Akacia American Pie Amphigoria AMPutee Anger Wish

Anywhere But Here August Christopher Bad Medicine Bamboo Needle Behold the Seraph Black Tar Gravy Blind Alley Bobby Clark Band Bosko BSR Cadillac Whiskey Calling Corners Chowder Monkey The Cold Stares Dang Heathens Dead Weight Deaf Megan Descent Déjà vu Desperate Measures Detail Dishonest John Do Androids Dream The Drafters The Duke Boys Dyonosis Fifth Wheel Band Flashback Flat Stanley 4-Seamer Fuzzy Roxx Gentlemen & Scholars Goldy Locks Gonzo’s Toybox Goodnight June GRATIS Hair Bangers Ball Hard Sunday Hollywood Gutter Rats The Huckleberrys JEB Joe Smith Trio John Hussman Trio Karl’s Kids Left of Eden Leagacee Loko Davi Lucid Hue The Marlinaires McFly

Michelle Shelton & The Jimtown Rats Midnight Manifest MINX Mock Orange Namasté Never Been Caught The Painkillers Panacea Pale Runs the Ghost Pfreak Show Philpot Pieces of the Day The Pits Poptart Monkeys Quasimojo Rachel & the Jimmies The Relics Rukkus Second Story Shagadelics Six Hills Giant SixtyFourEast Six More Miles Slick Willy The Smoke Rings Static Stompbox 40 Throne of Lions The Toddlers Top Dead Center The Velcro Pygmies Velvet Bombers Tremendous F*^king Union Jacks


Amazing Soul Crackers Big Slick Black Widow Blues 4U Brian Hunt Carl Rodenberg Hog-Maw Blues Band Hoosier Daddy Object Blue Small Train Shaggy Wonda Soulunique Stillwell-Rodenberg & Co. Twist of Fate Will-C

HELP US KEEP THIS LIST UPDATED! IF YOU ARE IN A BAND, PLEASE SEND US YOUR INFO! EDITOR@NEWS-4U.COM Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 33 •

GOiNG OUT cLUBs & PUBs 2 Daddy’s Pizza 329 Main St. 455-9052 Algonquins 11213 U.S. Hwy. 41 Henderson, KY (270) 827-4313 Big Daddy’s Boathouse 100 Water Street Henderson, KY 270-826-2443

Ø Blush Ultra

Lounge & Tapas Bar 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. (Inside LeMerigot) 433-4000 Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares 425-4929

Ø Boney June’s Music Venue 5525 Pearl Dr. Suite D 421-6767

The Brickhouse 201 W. Illinois St. 421-0024 Bullock’s 401 Edgar St. 422-2800 Buster & Becky’s 1000 N. Garvin 423-7616 Cecil’s Bar & Grill 420 N. Garvin 589-0706

Ø Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 Chilly Willy’s 3039 Claremont 423-0726 Club Royale 2131 W. Franklin St. 401-1699 Corner Bar 2668 Mt. Vernon Ave. 423-0933 Corner Pocket 1819 N. Fulton 428-BALL Crawdaddy’s at the Water’s Edge 20 Walnut St. (Inside the Riverhouse) 422-1891 Cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh, IN 858-2782 Darmstardt Inn 13130 Darmstadt 867-7300 Darren’s Pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-827-2206 Deerhead Sidewalk Café 222 E. Columbia 425-2515 The Duck Inn 4100 Pollack Ave. 402-4835

NS Ellis Park Sports Bar 3300 U.S. Hwy. 41 N. Henderson, KY (812) 425-1456 Extra Innings (Holiday Inn) 951 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, IN (812) 482-5555

East: 4706 E. Morgan Ave. (Inside Showplace East) 402-5122

Fast Eddy’s 507 N.W. Riverside Dr. 424-ROCK

Ø Hooter’s

Fox & Hound English Pub 5416 E. Indiana 473-5721

Hoosiers Lounge (in Casino Aztar Pavillion) 450 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4100 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Hootie Hoots Saloon & Grill Hwy 261 & 66 490-9135

Ø Hott’s Grill

Fred’s 421 Read St. 423-8040

122 N. Weinbach Ave. 437-3377

Ginny’s Place 1602 Covert Ave. 477-0789

Ø Icon Bar &

Gloria’s 3101 N. Kratzville Rd. 423-0138

Little Cheers 329 Main St. (812) 423-9740 Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 Maryland St. Lounge 2130 W. Maryland 303-7196

Ø Jillian’s

O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630

Hammerheads 317 Main St. 421-8492

The Jungle & Fat Cats Bar 415 Main St. 425-5282

Bar & Grill North: 4428 N. 1st Ave. 423-0050

Leroy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. 464-8300

Ø Muncheeze

Billiards Club 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 425-1983

NS Hollywood

Legends 1050 S. Weinbach 476-7444

Nightclub 111 S. Green River Rd. Suite F 471-4872

Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W Franklin 423-0796

Hob-Nob Tavern 1400 W. Maryland 425-6159

Lanhuck’s 321 E. Columbia 491-2222

Koodie Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN (812) 838-5202 Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin 437-0171

Pizza 1200 W. Columbia St. 437-3300

Old Chicago 6500 Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade 401-2125

Ø Paradise

Pavilion 6299 Oak Grove Rd Newburgh, IN 858-7931

The Peephole Bar & Grill 2nd & Main St. 423-5171

Ø Penny Lane

Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 Green River Rd. 477-4088

NS RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 NS Roca Bar Newburgh 8320 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-480-7778 Rookie’s 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106 Rick’s 718 Lounge 718 3rd Avenue 423-0872 Sam & Jimmy’s Hobo Jungle 1323 S. Barker 491-6229 Smitty’s Little Tavern 2109 W. Franklin 423-6280 Shane & Kelly’s Corner Pub 1200 N. Main 422-7030

NS (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-7469 Sidetrack Tavern 664 E. Illinois St. 423-0828 Someplace Else Main & Sycamore St. 424-3202 Sportsman’s Grille & Billards 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 State Street Tavern 718A State St. Newburgh, IN 490-6614

NS The Pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Ø Tinfish

Newburgh 300 W. Jennings 812-490-7000 TJ’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. 402-9273 Woody’s 1031 Main St. 468-9400 Ziggy’s Pub 16 Main St. Poseyville, IN 812-874-2170

NS Show Me’s (West )5525 Pearl Dr. 402-7100

KEY: Ø = No Smoking • NS = Non-Smoking Section Available • 34 • • Evansville September 2009

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 35 •


Number of baseballs the home team is required to have on hand for a MLB game.



Average number of pitches in a baseball’s “lifetime.”

Average number baseballs actually used during a game.



Price of a 20 oz. beer at AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants (the most expensive beer of any MLB ballpark).



Average price of a beer at all MLB parks during the 2009 season. Sources:, • 36 • • Evansville September 2009

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 37 •

Shop local merchants, reap generous rewards


ere, we bring you a new series devoted to highlighting some of the wares, services and unique offerings your locallyowned businesses provide. In the interest of fairness, we begin with the letter “A.”

Aquarium Concepts

It’s easy to stick a fish in a bowl of water, but what if you feel inclined to engage in something a little more ambitious, say a 20 gallon aquarium? Jeff Miles and his mother Jackie have the answer. Their retail store, Aquarium Concepts, specializes in carrying materials necessary to build the perfect home for fish. For those who also need outside help in maintaining aquatic environments, Miles also performs maintenance through a sister business, AquaCare. Jeff originally planted the seeds of both businesses while working the fish counter at Pet Food Center. He fielded questions from a number of fish owners about tank maintenance and repairs, specifically answering that no one in Evansville was available to do them. Eventually, he decided the market did exist enough to warrant offering his services. He began by working part time on the weekends performing maintenance before eventually expanding his hours to include his lunch breaks while working at a print shop. The long hours proved to be too much, and Miles made a decision: He would work full-time in maintenance. Subsequently, he opened AquaCare thirteen years ago. The cost of products for repairs, however, was slightly prohibitive. Rather than spend much of his own money on supplies, he decided to open Aquarium Concepts as co-owner with his mother, Debbie, in 2001. Hoping to turn a profit on material costs, the original idea was to sell left-over materials to customers. The venture proved to be a success, and still operates to this day. Each month, three hundred aquariums receive maintenance from Miles. These range from residential aquariums in local doug messel


• 38 •

homes to the ones seen in doctors’ offices, restaurants, and nursing homes and in size from five gallons to the one hundred gallon saltwater aquarium in Deaconess Health Systems. Miles even helps with the tanks at the Mesker Park Zoo. On the Evansville streets, his vehicle is an established fixture. A Chevrolet Equinox with a full wrapping around it which depicts an aquatic scene, the “fishmobile” as it’s been dubbed is yet another sign of a thriving local business. Whether it’s a small tank or the large ones located in area hospitals, Miles’ handiwork is located all over town. The store itself is located at 2750 N Burkhardt Road and their telephone number is (812) 434-7400. If you’re in need of some aquatic accents, it’s definitely worth it to check out Aquatic Concepts.


Kristie Bondy sits behind the counter at AbyssCo, a local shop devoted to DIY fashions and vintage memorabilia. She’s very personable, chatting with the store’s customers about the bygone days of Evansville’s near-forgotten local music scene and local landmarks like the old Ross, now the home of the Book and Music Exchange and Noble Romans, among other things. While I’m waiting for an open moment, I browse the racks and glass display cases. A few things catch my eye. There’s a DVD of Ichi the Killer, a violent film from director Takashi Miike in one display case. On another rack is a Bauhaus album on vinyl. Consigned and vintage clothes are well organized by size on other racks and shelves. I’m impressed. “Can I help you?” I explain who I am and why I’m there; that News 4U is starting to look at spotlighting local businesses and AbyssCo is one with a very cool story. Bondy, an Evansville native, moved away as soon as she could and went to Nashville and Cincinnati before finally returning. After coming back, she used to maintain a store called “Abyss” over by the University of Evansville for about five years before it folded. She explains that she opened the new incarnation of AbyssCo last October as a celebration of DIY clothing, vintage artwork, clothing, and other memorabilia and the local culture surrounding these things. Most of the items in her store are all second-hand. In comparison with other secondhand stores like Plato’s Closet, AbyssCo’s wares are more along the lines of those seen in Hot Topic.

“I’d like to think of it as ‘Dante’s Closet,’” she says. AbyssCo is not only a destination for vintage clothes, records, and books, but also a burgeoning hotspot for local musicians to showcase their talent. The store hosts live shows on Friday nights with free admission for all ages. It’s one feature of the store which makes Kristie proud. She wants more people, especially bands looking for a suitable location for a first show, to know about it. AbyssCo is a great place in Evansville to visit. Not only can you find hidden treasures (the aforementioned Bauhaus album on vinyl), but also great conversation about Evansville’s past as a music scene. Bondy is extremely approachable. Her shop, unlike others of its kind, is much more inviting. Even I couldn’t resist a great buy: I bought a vintage t-shirt I’ll be wearing for months to come. Check it out sometime. It’s located on Monroe Avenue in the Arc Lanes complex by Washington Square Mall, and is open from 12-6 on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and from 12-9 on Fridays and Saturdays. If there are any questions, the store’s number is 491-6661. AbyssCo and Capricorn Vintage Clothing are having a mag-normous sidewalk sale on September 5. Stop by and say ‘hello.’

Next month we’ll be talking to Advanced Aging & Weight Loss, Bed, Bath & Biscuit and some surprises, too. • Evansville September 2009



Relieve that uncomfortable feeling. Eat some Wheaties and do some jumping jacks. TM: Prunes and push ups. brandon kaelin



Your pet has worms and you’re involved in a parasitic relationship. Opt for removal. TM: Lack of action, and you’re both goners.


You burn your 638th music CD from your computer this year. Get an iPod already, Frankenstein. TM: Maybe your pager is busted and you haven’t heard--it’s not 1995 anymore.


Automobile accidents that take place in your own driveway involving your car and your spouse’s aren’t too smooth. Great job! TM: Another close call like that and you’re demoted to a bicycle.


The concert you’ve been looking forward to is finally happening in your area. Too bad it’s on a Tuesday, and you’ll be at work, trying not to think about how awesome it will be. TM: Cheer up, you might be able to catch that Hanson cover band everyone (okay, no one) talks about!


Wake up and take a big whiff of life; it reeks of chagrin. TM: Blame Chicago.


You’re assigned to third shift. Mourn the death of your social life. TM: It’s just you, a few beers and the sunrise.


Numerous bug bites suck out the sweat and leave you resembling Bud the C.H.U.D. Refrain from the great outdoors. TM: Unless it’s Halloween, of course.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


Your job performance is slipping. Is it laziness or carbon monoxide poisoning? It’s up to your boss, George “The Hatchet” to decide. TM: Either way, your number is probably up.


Oh no. You’ve confused your lip balm with a tube of a Orajel. Good luck on that important presentation! TM: Switch to the stick.


Another combo meal requested with no cheese, and... surprise! Cheese! TM: With that kind of luck, play the lottery.


Your new Michael Vick jersey is on backorder! TM: You’ll have to settle for that turkey McNabb. What a bummer.

• 39 •

10:00 PM Chilly Willy’s


w.New s4UO

nline .com

7:00 PM 5:00 PM

Casino Aztar-

Archie & Clyde’s

Hoosiers Lounge

Roca Bar -- All About

-- Nu Corp Band

Sports-Live Radio

ROMP Tickets - Keith Edge, Mary Jo Justice

Broadcast w/

8:00 PM

Dan Egierski

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Andria Reed

Doobie Brothers Tickets – David Miller & Stephanie Gardner

6:00 PM

Joe Bonamassa Tickets - Zach Crowell

Boston’s The

-- Pub Quiz

Joe Bonamassa CD Box Set – Bill Stump

Gourmet Pizza

Show Me’s (West)

tuesday, September 1 12:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool

• 40 •

Ri Ra Irish Pub

-- Buzztime Trivia

-- Bike Night w/DJ

Fast Eddy’s

Fast Eddy’s --

TJ’s Stockyard Inn

-- Free Pool

Texas Hold ‘Em

-- TJ, BIll & Jay

6:30 PM

9:00 PM

Frontier Restaurant

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

& Bar -- Cornhole

-- Karaoke & Dance


mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas

-- Karaoke

Hold ‘Em/Karaoke

Little Cheers --

w/Freddy K

John Hussmann

Ginny’s Place

O’Brians Sports

-- Karaoke

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Gloria’s Corral

Shane Breedlove

Club -- Karaoke Hammerheads -Open Mic Night

Wednesday, September 2

Marigold Bar -- College Night/

12:00 PM


Bullock’s Bar &

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Grill -- Free Pool

Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

5:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

Archie & Clyde’s

Side) -- Nick Hamilton

Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live

9:30 PM

Radio Broadcast

Old Chicago --

w/Dan Egierski

Lindsey Williams • Evansville September 2009

6:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- Bike Night Fast Eddy’s -- Bike Night 7:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- Nu Corp Band Fat Boys Tavern -- Open Jam & Mic Night Hobo Jungle -- Hobo Poker Hollywood Bar & Grill North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis 7:30 PM Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney 8:00 PM


Club Royale

Old Chicago is hosting a Ro-Sham-Bo Showdown (or rock, paper, scissors to you novices) each Monday and Thursday during the football game. See page 35 for some of the loot you could score.

-- Karaoke w/ The Experience hosted by BK Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Michelle Skelton Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wicked Wheat Wednesdays Hollywood Bar & Grill East -- Woodsboro

Little Cheers --

5:30 PM

Terry Tunks

Shane Breedlove

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

Ginny’s Place

& DJ Enok

Live Irish Session

-- Karaoke

O’Brians Sports

6:00 PM

Gloria’s Corral Club

Bar -- College Night

Centre, The -- Annual

-- Karaoke Roulette

w/Jay Johnson

Arts Awards Banquet

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

thursday, September 3

Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- John Hussman Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- Singles Night/ Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Frontier Restaurant & Bar -- Thirsty Thursdays Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Show Me’s (West)

9:00 PM

Double Dukes

-- Dance Party w/

-- Kerry & The

12:00 PM

Grill -- Poker League

Double D’s

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Tin Fish at Marina Pointe -- JEB

Woody’s -College Night w/

5:00 PM

Stompbox 40 Trio

Archie & Clyde’s

7:00 PM

Roca Bar -- All

Casino Aztar-

10:00 PM

About Sports-Live

Hoosiers Lounge

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

Radio Broadcast

-- Karaoke

w/Dan Egierski

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 41 •


w.New s4UO

nline .com

9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Old Chicago -- Ro-Sham-Bo

Show Me’s (West)

5:00 PM

-- Karaoke & Dance


-- Nick Hamilton

Archie & Clyde’s

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Roca Bar -- All

Chilly Willy’s --

9:30 PM

About Sports-Live

Ladies Night

Bullock’s Bar & Grill

Radio Broadcast

Club Royale

-- Karaoke Chaos

w/Dan Egierski

-- Akacia

-- Bike Night w/

10:00 PM

7:00 PM

w/Randy Marshall

John Hussman

Chilly Willy’s

Corner Pocket, The

Deerhead Sidewalk

Cricket’s --

-- Karaoke

-- 8-Ball Tournament

Cafe -- Shawn

That Band

Fast Eddy’s --

Fox & Hound

103GBF Thong

7:30 PM

Black Sheep

English Pub --

Thursday with

Hobo Jungle -- 8

Double Dukes

Thirsty Thursdays

Christine & DJ Jon B

Ball Tournaments

-- Six Hills Giant

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Hammerheads --

East -- Woodsboro

Hip-Hop Thursdays

8:00 PM

-- DJ Woody

Lanhucks -- Be

Casino Aztar-

Fox & Hound

9:00 PM

My Doppelganger/

Hoosiers Lounge

English Pub --

Cecil’s Bar & Grill


-- The Devonshires

Lindsey Williams

-- Karaoke & Dance

Little Cheers --


Frontier Restaurant

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Lindsey Williams

Riverfront Plaza

& Bar -- Karaoke

Double Dukes --

O’Brians Sports

-- Midnight Special

Ginny’s Place

Karaoke w/Judy Gale

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Evansville Riverfront

-- Karaoke

Ginny’s Place

Shane Breedlove

-- Riverfront Concert

Gloria’s Corral Club

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Bike Night 8:00 PM

Cricket’s -- Karaoke

Club Royale

Needham & The

Fat Boys Tavern

Series Presents:

-- Country Music

Gloria’s Corral

10:30 PM

Midnight Special


Club -- Karaoke

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Hootie Hoot

Hootie Hoot Saloon

-- Ri Ra Acoustic

East -- Woodsboro

Saloon & Grill --

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Southern Edge

North -- Karaoke

Jungle & Fat Cats

w/DJ Travis

Bar, The -- Rone’s

Ollie’s Sports Bar

Album Release Party

Marigold Bar

4:00 PM

& Grill -- Karaoke

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Karaoke

Liquor Locker

w/Stefne Wene

Lounge -- Karaoke

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Beer, Wine and

The Red Geranium

w/DJ Chaz

Grill -- Poker League

Spirits Tasting

Restaurant -- Patio

-- Karaoke

& Grill -- Troy Miller & Friends Big Jon Rochner and

Friday, September 4

Chris Chrockrem

Show Me’s (East

Jams with “Rock-it-

Side) -- Kerry &

Man” Warren Batts

The Double D’s

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . • 42 • • Evansville September 2009

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 43 •

• 44 • • Evansville September 2009


w.New s4UO

nline .com

Hoosiers Lounge -- The Devonshires

7:00 PM

8:30 PM

Duck Inn -- Rich

Bullock’s Bar &

Boney June’s Music

Ollie’s Sports Bar


Grill -- Anthem

Venue -- Dot Dot

& Grill -- Sons

Fast Eddy’s --

for a Massacre/


of Sisters

Gonzo’s Toybox

Far From Fallen


10:00 PM

Gloria’s Corral Club

Casino Aztar-

Your Blessings/

9:00 PM

Hoosiers Lounge

Midnight Manifest

Cecil’s Bar & Grill


-- The Devonshires

Corner Pocket, The

-- Karaoke & Dance

-- 80s Night

Fast Eddy’s --

-- 8-Ball Tournament

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Hobo Jungle

Chilly Willy’s

-- Karaoke

7:30 PM

-- Calabash

Icon Bar & Nightclub

-- College Night

Cricket’s -- Dart

Club Royale --

-- DJ Mikus

Hobo Jungle


Akacia/Wild Ride

O’Brians Sports

-- Karaoke

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Meet and Greet

Bar -- Rachel &

Icon Bar & Nightclub

Pool Tournaments

Corner Pocket,

The Jimmies

The -- The Relics

Woody’s --

8:00 PM

Double Dukes

Stompbox 40

Bar -- Rachel &

Casino Aztar-

-- Six Hills Giant

The Jimmies

Hoosiers Lounge

Fat Boys Tavern

10:30 PM

Woody’s --

-- The Devonshires

-- Open Juke Box

Lanhucks --

Stompbox 40

Deerhead Sidewalk

Frontier Restaurant

Blood Tribe

Cafe -- Shaggy

& Bar -- Twist of Fate

Little Cheers --


Ginny’s Place

Ladies Night w/

Lanhucks --

Downtown Riverfront

-- Karaoke

Scott Winzinger

Blood Tribe

Plaza -- Never

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

Little Cheers -- John

Been Caught

& Grill -- Midranger

Lindsey Williams

Hussman Trio

Evansville Riverfront

Marigold Bar

Ri Ra Irish Pub

-- Riverfront Concert

-- Karaoke

-- Karls Kids

Series Presents:

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Never Been Caught

Lounge -- Karaoke

Fox & Hound English

w/DJ Chaz

12:00 PM

Pub -- Bierstube

TJ’s Stockyard

Boston’s The


Inn -- Battle of the

Gourmet Pizza --

1:00 PM

Mike Nuke’em/

Bands (Top 3)

NFL Sunday Ticket

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Dead Kid Blues

Pool Tournaments

Hollywood Bar & Grill

10:00 PM

1:00 PM

East -- Woodsboro

Bullock’s Bar &

O’Brians Sports Bar

2:00 PM

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Grill -- Anthem

-- Texas Hold’em

Boston’s The

North -- Karaoke

for a Massacre/


w/DJ Travis

Far From Fallen

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Casino Aztar-

Grill -- Poker League

Gonzo’s Toybox Hammerheads

-- The Filthy Habits O’Brians Sports

10:30 PM

Saturday, September 5

Gourmet Pizza -- Corn Hole

-- Hip-Hop Night

Sunday, September 6


Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 45 •

Rick’s 718 Bar & 9:00 PM

w.New s4UO

nline .com

3:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Cafe -- Tommy

-- Nick Gregory

Stillwell & the Amazing Soul

4:00 PM


O’Brians Sports Bar

Ginny’s Place

-- Texas Hold’em

-- Karaoke


Lanhucks -- Punk

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Rock Night w/Lollipop

Grill -- Poker League

Factory (Columbus)/ Karmadons

5:00 PM


Deerhead Sidewalk

Woody’s -- Labor

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Day Bash

Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Keith Vincent

10:00 PM Casino Aztar-

6:00 PM

Hoosiers Lounge

Tin Fish at Marina

-- The Devonshires

Pointe -- Jay Johnson

Fast Eddy’s --

& The Crowd

Labor Day Luau/ Gonzo’s Toybox/

6:30 PM

Wet T-Shirt Contest

Corner Pocket,

Icon Bar & Nightclub

The -- Karaoke

-- Pre-Labor Day Party w/DJ Enok

7:00 PM Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill -- Karaoke

Monday, September 7

Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Hand Over Fist

5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s

8:00 PM

Roca Bar -- All

Casino Aztar-

About Sports-Live

Hoosiers Lounge

Radio Broadcast

-- The Devonshires

w/Dan Egierski

9:00 PM

7:00 PM

Chilly Willy’s --

Old Chicago -- Ro-

Open Mic Night

Sham-Bo Showdown

w/Jarod Heim 8:00 PM Club Royale -Jay Johnson • 46 •

Show Me’s (East

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

w/DJ Chaz

Casino Aztar-

-- Karaoke & Dance

Show Me’s (East

Hoosiers Lounge

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Side) -- Nick Hamilton

-- The Shagadelics

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas

Side) -- Bike Night 8:00 PM 9:00 PM

Club Royale

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

-- John Gauer

Hold ‘Em /Karaoke

9:30 PM

w/Freddy K

Old Chicago -Lindsey Williams

-- Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s -John Hussman Gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Hammerheads -- Industry Night

tuesday, September 8 12:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool Fast Eddy’s -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski


6:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza

Icon is serving up rhythm 3 ways on Friday, September 11th in the form of DJ Figure, Lovesick Radio and Disco Curtis.

-- Buzztime Trivia Fast Eddy’s --

Deerhead Sidewalk

Ginny’s Place

10:00 PM

Texas Hold ‘Em

Cafe -- Calabash

-- Karaoke

Chilly Willy’s

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Gloria’s Corral

-- Karaoke

6:30 PM

-- Pub Quiz

Club -- Karaoke

Little Cheers --

Frontier Restaurant

Show Me’s (West)

Hammerheads --

John Hussmann

& Bar -- Cornhole

-- Bike Night w/DJ

Open Mic Night

O’Brians Sports


TJ’s Stockyard Inn

Marigold Bar

Bar -- Karaoke w/

-- TJ, BIll & Jay

-- College Night/

Shane Breedlove

7:00 PM


Bullock’s Bar & Grill -- Bike Night • Evansville September 2009



Lounge -- Karaoke

Wednesday, September 9 12:00 PM Bullock’s Bar & Grill -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski 6:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- Bike Night Fast Eddy’s -- Bike Night 7:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- The Shagadelics Fat Boys Tavern -- Open Jam & Mic Night Hobo Jungle -- Hobo Poker Hollywood Bar & Grill North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis Woody’s -- Who’s Bad (Michael Jackson Tribute)/ DJ Kasper 7:30 PM Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney 8:00 PM Club Royale -- Karaoke w/ The Experience hosted by BK

Deerhead Sidewalk

5:00 PM

Cafe -- Tommy

Archie & Clyde’s

Stillwell & Friends

Roca Bar -- All

Fox & Hound English

About Sports-Live

Pub -- Wicked Wheat

Radio Broadcast


w/Dan Egierski

9:00 PM

5:30 PM

Boston’s The

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

Gourmet Pizza

Live Irish Session

-- John Hussman Cecil’s Bar & Grill

6:00 PM

-- Singles Night/

Frontier Restaurant

Karaoke & Dance

& Bar -- Thirsty

mix w/TW/DJ Frost


Double Dukes

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Dance Party w/

Grill -- Poker League

Terry Tunks

Tin Fish at Marina

Ginny’s Place

Pointe -- JEB

-- Karaoke Gloria’s Corral Club

7:00 PM

-- Karaoke Roulette

Casino Aztar-

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Hoosiers Lounge

Lounge -- Karaoke

-- Missing Melody

w/DJ Chaz

Contest & Karaoke

Show Me’s (West)

Old Chicago -- Ro-

-- Kerry & The

Sham-Bo Showdown

Double D’s

Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Bike Night

10:00 PM

Woody’s -- Another

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

Damn Loud Rock

Little Cheers --

Show: Saliva/Pop

Shane Breedlove

Evil/Smile Empty

& DJ Enok

Soul/Calling Corners/

O’Brians Sports

Paradigum (All Ages)

Bar -- College Night w/Jay Johnson

thursday, September 10

8:00 PM Club Royale -- Bike Night w/ John Hussman Cricket’s --

11:30 AM


Centre, The --

Fox & Hound

YWCA’s ‘Legacy of

English Pub --

Style’ Style Show

Thirsty Thursdays

12:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 47 •

• 48 • • Evansville September 2009

Jungle & Fat Cats Deerhead


w.New s4UO

nline .com

9:00 PM

Lanhucks --

Cecil’s Bar & Grill


-- Karaoke & Dance

to Nothing/SOL

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Little Cheers --

Double Dukes --

Lindsey Williams

Karaoke w/Judy Gale

O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/

Ginny’s Place

Shane Breedlove

-- Karaoke

10:30 PM

Gloria’s Corral

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Club -- Karaoke

-- Ri Ra Acoustic

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Friday, September 11

& Grill -- Troy Miller & Friends Big

Sidewalk Cafe -The Funk featuring The Red Geranium 8:00 PM

Monty Skelton

Restaurant -- Patio

Double Dukes

Casino Aztar-

Jams with “Rock-it-

-- Copper Road

Hoosiers Lounge

Man” Warren Batts

Fat Boys Tavern

-- Big Slick

-- DJ Woody

Hollywood Bar

9:00 PM

Fox & Hound

& Grill East --

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

English Pub --

Common Ground

-- Karaoke & Dance

Lindsey Williams

Hollywood Bar & Grill

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Frontier Restaurant

North -- Karaoke

Chilly Willy’s -- Ladies

& Bar -- Karaoke

w/DJ Travis

Night/Paul Wiemeier

Ginny’s Place

Koodie Hoos

& Jarod Heim

-- Karaoke

-- Karaoke w/

Club Royale -- Pieces

Gloria’s Corral Club

Jason Mann

of the Day/Blake’s

-- Country Music

Birthday Bash!


Bar, The -- The New Administraton Album Release Party w/ Crispy/Rone/Lexx/ King Layne/CasOne/ Valentina/Illement/ DJ Pyro & More! Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz 9:30 PM Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Episode 9

Jon Rochner and Chris Chrockrem

4:00 PM

Marigold Bar

Liquor Locker

-- Karaoke

-- Beer, Wine and

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Spirits Tasting

Grill -- Poker League Show Me’s (East

5:00 PM

Side) -- Kerry &

Archie & Clyde’s

The Double D’s

Roca Bar -- All

Show Me’s (West)

About Sports-Live

-- Nick Hamilton

Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski

9:30 PM Bullock’s Bar & Grill

7:00 PM

-- Karaoke Chaos

Boney June’s Music Venue -- Bury

10:00 PM

Your Dead/Blood

Chilly Willy’s

Tribe/Empty Lies

-- Karaoke

the Tomb/Anthem

Fast Eddy’s --

For A Massacre

103GBF Thong

Corner Pocket, The

Thursday with

-- 8-Ball Tournament


Hammerheads --

7:30 PM

Hip-Hop Thursdays

Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball Tournaments

FROM ThE sOUTh siDE O’ chicaGO

The Fisticuffs are bringing their Irish folk punk rock to the stage at RiRa Irish Pub on Riverside Drive. Grab a pint and get ready to rock Saturday, September 12th.

Ollie’s Sports Bar

Cricket’s -- Karaoke

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

& Grill -- Karaoke

w/Randy Marshall

Grill -- Southern Edge

w/Stefne Wene

10:00 PM Duck Inn -Secretariat w/ supporting bands TBA

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 49 •

Lanhucks -- Blood


Ollie’s Sports Bar &

w.New s4UO

Fast Eddy’s -- Philpot

nline .com

7:00 PM

Hammerheads --

Corner Pocket, The

College Night

-- 8-Ball Tournament

Hobo Jungle -- Karaoke

7:30 PM

Icon Bar & Nightclub

Cricket’s -- Dart

-- DJ Figure/Loveick


Radio/Disco Curtis

Hobo Jungle -- Open

O’Brians Sports Bar

Pool Tournaments

-- Scott Winzinger Woody’s -- Bierstube

8:00 PM

Weekend: Gonzo’s

Deerhead Sidewalk


Cafe -- Hog-Maw Blues Band

10:30 PM

Hollywood Bar

Lanhucks --

& Grill East --

Sister Brutal

Common Ground

Little Cheers -- John

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Hussman Trio

North -- Karaoke

Ri Ra Irish Pub

w/DJ Travis

-- Deaf Megan

Penny Lane

Saturday, September 12

Coffeehouse -The Toddlers Victory Theatre -- Evansville

1:00 PM


Hobo Jungle -- Open

‘Beethoven 5th’

Pool Tournaments 9:00 PM 2:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Boston’s The

-- Karaoke & Dance

Gourmet Pizza

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

-- Corn Hole

Chilly Willy’s


-- Calabash Club Royale --

5:00 PM

Pieces of the Day

Bullock’s Bar &

Corner Pocket, The

Grill -- Drop Dead

-- Woodsboro

Darlings Show: Dr.

Double Dukes

Pinkerton’s Gypsies,

-- Copper Road

Tramps & Theives Wedding Feast

• 50 •

Grill -- Poker League

Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

Little Cheers -- Ladies Night w/

5:00 PM

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

Scott Winzinger

Deerhead Sidewalk

Grill -- Joe Smith Trio

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Marigold Bar

-- The Fisticuffs

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke

Sunday, September 13

w/DJ Chaz

Grill -- Keith Vincent 6:00 PM Tin Fish at Marina

TJ’s Stockyard

12:00 PM

Pointe -- Jay Johnson

Inn -- Battle of the

Boston’s The

& The Crowd

Bands (Top 3)

Gourmet Pizza -NFL Sunday Ticket

9:30 PM

6:30 PM

O’Brians Sports

Corner Pocket,

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Bar -- Annual

The -- Karaoke

-- Episode 9

Tailgate Party

10:00 PM

1:00 PM

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Duck Inn -- Deliver

O’Brians Sports Bar

& Grill -- Karaoke

Us From Evil/Battle

-- Texas Hold’em

Smitty’s Little Tavern



-- Hand Over Fist

Fast Eddy’s

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Wax Factory/

Grill -- Poker League

7:00 PM

Stoplight Party

8:00 PM Club Royale --

Fat Boys Tavern --

2:00 PM

Comedy Night w/Joe

Desperate Measures

Woody’s -- 1 Year

Marlotti & Cleveland

Gloria’s Corral Club

Anniversary of

Show Me’s (West)

-- Hip-Hop Night

Cheap Seats Country

-- WWE Pay-Per-


Concert Series:

View: Breaking Point

-- 80s Night

Eric Church/Justin

Show Me’s (East

Hobo Jungle –

Moore/Carter Twins/

Side) -- WWE

Karaoke/Live Music

Jonathan Singleton


Icon Bar & Nightclub

& the Groove/

Breaking Point

-- DJ KDogg

Jason Clutter/Joe

O’Brians Sports Bar


9:00 PM

-- Lindsey Williams

Chord (All Ages)

Chilly Willy’s --

Woody’s --

Open Mic Night

Bierstube Weekend:

3:00 PM

w/Jarod Heim

Gonzo’s Toybox/

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Deerhead Sidewalk

Velcro Pygmies

-- Nick Gregory

Cafe -- Tommy Stillwell & the

10:30 PM

4:00 PM

Amazing Soul

Lanhucks --

O’Brians Sports Bar


Episode 9

-- Texas Hold’em

Ginny’s Place


-- Karaoke

& Gore Night w/ Bloodtribe/Feral Sons/Athem for a Massacre

Monday, September 14 5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski 7:00 PM Old Chicago -- RoSham-Bo Showdown 8:00 PM Club Royale -Jay Johnson Show Me’s (East Side) -- Bike Night 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s -John Hussman Gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Hammerheads -- Industry Night

tuesday, September 15 12:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool Fast Eddy’s -- Free Pool • Evansville September 2009

5:00 PM

9:00 PM

Archie & Clyde’s

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Roca Bar -- All

-- Karaoke & Dance

About Sports-Live

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Radio Broadcast

Fast Eddy’s --

w/Dan Egierski

Karaoke w/Freddy K/Texas Hold ‘Em

6:00 PM

Ginny’s Place

Boston’s The

-- Karaoke

Gourmet Pizza

Gloria’s Corral

-- Buzztime Trivia

Club -- Karaoke

Fast Eddy’s --


Texas Hold ‘Em

-- Open Mic Night Marigold Bar

6:30 PM

-- College Night/

Frontier Restaurant


& Bar -- Cornhole

Rick’s 718 Bar &


Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz

7:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

Bullock’s Bar &

Side) -- Nick

Grill -- Bike Night


Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge

9:30 PM

-- The Marlinaires

Old Chicago --

Hollywood Bar

Lindsey Williams

& Grill East -- Movieoke

10:00 PM Chilly Willy’s

8:00 PM

-- Karaoke

Club Royale

Little Cheers --

-- John Gauer

John Hussmann

Deerhead Sidewalk

O’Brians Sports

Cafe -- Bobby Clark

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Shane Breedlove

Wednesday, September 16 12:00 PM Bullock’s Bar & Grill -- Free Pool 5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski 5:30 PM Cancun Mexican Restaurant -- Mexican Independance Day Celebration/ Mariachi Band 6:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- Bike Night Fast Eddy’s -- Bike Night 7:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- The Marlinaires

Fat Boys Tavern -- Open Jam & Mic Night Hobo Jungle -- Hobo Poker Hollywood Bar & Grill North -Karaoke w/DJ Travis 7:30 PM Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney 8:00 PM Club Royale -- Karaoke w/ The Experience hosted by BK Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Funk featuring Monty Skelton Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wicked Wheat Wednesdays 9:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- John Hussman Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- Singles Night/ Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost

-- Pub Quiz Show Me’s (West) -- Bike Night w/DJ TJ’s Stockyard Inn -- TJ, BIll & Jay

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 51 •


w.New s4UO

nline .com

Double Dukes

O’Brians Sports

5:30 PM

-- Dance Party w/

Bar -- College Night

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

Terry Tunks

w/Jay Johnson

Live Irish Session

Ginny’s Place

thursday, September 17

6:00 PM

Rick’s 718 Bar &

12:00 PM


Lounge -- Karaoke

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

-- Karaoke Gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Roulette

Frontier Restaurant & Bar -- Thirsty

Grill -- Poker League

w/DJ Chaz

Tin Fish at Marina

Show Me’s (West)

Pointe -- JEB

-- Kerry & The Double D’s

sERViN’ UP sOFT sERVE aND TUNEs The Zesto on Franklin Street will be serving up a smattering of live music for their 1st Annual Zest Fest on Saturday, September 19th. Music starts at 2pm with a family-friendly show, so head down and have some ice cream and catch one of the 7 bands.

Woody’s --

5:00 PM

7:00 PM

College Night w/

Archie & Clyde’s

Casino Aztar-

Stompbox 40 Trio

Roca Bar -- All

Hoosiers Lounge

About Sports-Live

-- Missing Melody

10:00 PM

Radio Broadcast

Contest & Karaoke

Lanhucks -- Karaoke

w/Dan Egierski

Old Chicago -- Ro-

Little Cheers --

Sham-Bo Showdown

Shane Breedlove & DJ Enok • 52 • • Evansville September 2009

Rick’s 718 Bar &

9:00 PM

Show Me’s (West)

O’Brians Sports

7:00 PM

The Red Geranium

Lounge -- Bike Night

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

-- Nick Hamilton

Bar -- Karaoke w/

Corner Pocket, The

Restaurant -- Patio

Shane Breedlove

-- 8-Ball Tournament

Jams with “Rock-it-

-- Karaoke & Dance 8:00 PM

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

9:30 PM

Club Royale

Double Dukes --

Bullock’s Bar & Grill

10:30 PM

7:30 PM

-- Bike Night w/

Karaoke w/Judy Gale

-- Karaoke Chaos

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Hobo Jungle -- 8

9:00 PM

John Hussman

Ginny’s Place

-- Ri Ra Acoustic

Ball Tournaments

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Cricket’s -- The

-- Karaoke

10:00 PM


Gloria’s Corral

Chilly Willy’s

8:00 PM

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Fox & Hound

Club -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

Friday, September 18

Casino Aztar-

Chilly Willy’s --

English Pub --

Hootie Hoot Saloon

Fast Eddy’s --

Hoosiers Lounge

Ladies Night

Thirsty Thursdays

& Grill -- Troy Miller

103GBF Thong

4:00 PM

-- Entice Band

Club Royale --

Woody’s -- Band

& Friends Big

Thursday with

Liquor Locker

Hollywood Bar

McFly/Free Taxi

Together for the Cure:

Jon Rochner and

Christine & DJ Jon B

-- Beer, Wine and

& Grill East --

Ride Home Night

Bamboo Needle/

Chris Chrockrem

Hammerheads --

Spirits Tasting

Modern Country

Cricket’s -- Karaoke

Calling Corners/

Marigold Bar

Hip-Hop Thursdays

Hollywood Bar & Grill

w/Randy Marshall

American Analog/

-- Karaoke

Lanhucks -- Mad

5:00 PM

North -- Karaoke

Deerhead Sidewalk

Dizzy Hollow

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Anthony (from Cincy)/

Archie & Clyde’s

w/DJ Travis

Cafe -- Pieces

Grill -- Poker League

Partly Cloudy

Roca Bar -- All

Ollie’s Sports Bar

of the Day

Show Me’s (East

Little Cheers --

About Sports-Live

& Grill -- Karaoke

Fox & Hound

Side) -- Kerry &

Lindsey Williams

Radio Broadcast

w/Stefne Wene

English Pub --

The Double D’s

Man” Warren Batts

w/Dan Egierski

-- Karaoke & Dance

Lindsey Williams

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. .

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 53 •


w.New s4UO

Frontier Restaurant & Bar -- Karaoke

nline .com

Saturday, September 19

Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

10:00 AM

Gloria’s Corral Club

Roberts Stadium

-- Country Music

-- Gear, Gadgets


& Gizmos Expo

Hootie Hoot Saloon & Grill --

12:00 PM

Southern Edge

Roberts Stadium

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Grill For The

Lounge -- Karaoke

Thrill Barbecue and

w/DJ Chaz

Music Festival

9:30 PM

1:00 PM

Smitty’s Little


Tavern -- Deja Vu

Evansville -- Jazz, Wine & Arts Festival:

10:00 PM


Bullock’s Bar & Grill

Wine & Food

-- Union Show

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Fast Eddy’s --

Pool Tournaments

Stompbox 40 Fat Boys Tavern

2:00 PM

-- The Jimmies

Boston’s The


Gourmet Pizza

-- College Night

-- Corn Hole

Hobo Jungle


-- Karaoke


Icon Bar & Nightclub

Street -- Zest Fest

-- DJ Mikus

- Joe West (Solo

O’Brians Sports

Children’s Show)

Bar -- Static Woody’s -- Never

3:00 PM

Been Caught

Zesto-Franklin Street -- Zest Fest

10:30 PM

- Rob Z Three

Lanhucks -- Prowler

• 54 •

Little Cheers -- John

4:00 PM

Hussman Trio


Ri Ra Irish Pub

Street -- Zest Fest

-- Scott Winzinger

- Amphigoria

5:00 PM Zesto-Franklin Street -- Zest Fest - Grant Massey 6:00 PM Zesto-Franklin Street -- Zest Fest - ZXZ 7:00 PM Corner Pocket, The -- 8-Ball Tournament Zesto-Franklin Street -- Zest Fest - Randy Pease Band 7:30 PM Cricket’s -- Dart Tourney Hobo Jungle -- Open Pool Tournaments 8:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Namaste Fox & Hound English Pub -- UFC 103 Pay-Per-View: Penn vs. Belfort Hollywood Bar & Grill East -Modern Country Hollywood Bar & Grill North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis Show Me’s (West) -- UFC 103 Pay-PerView: Penn vs. Belfort • Evansville September 2009

8:30 PM

8:00 PM

Show Me’s (East

Ollie’s Sports Bar

Club Royale --

Side) -- Bike Night

& Grill -- Panacea

Comedy Night w/

Zesto-Franklin Street

Henry Cho “Clean

9:00 PM

-- Zest Fest - Joe

Comedy Store”

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

West & The Sinners

& Ted Denson

-- Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Reunion Show 9:00 PM

Chilly Willy’s --

9:00 PM

Chilly Willy’s --

John Hussman

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Open Mic Night

Gloria’s Corral

-- Karaoke & Dance

w/Jarod Heim

Club -- Karaoke

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Deerhead Sidewalk


Chilly Willy’s

Cafe -- Tommy

-- Industry Night

-- Calabash

Stillwell & the

Club Royale -- McFly

Amazing Soul

Corner Pocket,


tuesday, September 22

Ginny’s Place

12:00 PM

-- Karaoke

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Lanhucks -- Punk

Fast Eddy’s

-- Karaoke

Rock Night w/The

-- Free Pool

Hootie Hoot

Campaign 1984

The -- The Relics


Double Dukes -- Legaceé Ginny’s Place

Grab a cold one and relax with the James Taylor inspired jams of Henderson’s Keith Vincent on Sunday, September 20th at Ollie’s. You might be able to pick up his new CD Long Dry Spell after the show.

Saloon & Grill --

Fast Eddy’s --

Rich & Famous

Stompbox 40

Marigold Bar

Fat Boys Tavern

-- Karaoke

-- The Jimmies

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Gloria’s Corral Club

Lounge -- Karaoke

-- Hip-Hop Night

w/DJ Chaz


Show Me’s (East

-- 80s Night

Side) -- UFC 103

Hobo Jungle –


Karaoke/Live Music

Penn vs. Belfort

Icon Bar & Nightclub

TJ’s Stockyard

-- DJ Mikus

Inn -- Battle of the

O’Brians Sports

Bands Finale

Bar -- Static Woody’s -- Never

9:30 PM

Been Caught

Duck Inn -Strolling Tones

10:30 PM

Smitty’s Little

Lanhucks -- Prowler

Tavern -- Deja Vu

Little Cheers -Ladies Night w/

10:00 PM

Scott Winzinger

Bullock’s Bar & Grill

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

-- Dead Poet’s with

Pieces of the Day


Bill Soveriegn

Sunday, September 20

5:00 PM

Steve Greenwell Trio

Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -NFL Sunday Ticket 1:00 PM O’Brians Sports Bar -- Texas Hold’em Tournament Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Poker League

5:00 PM

Class Trash/ZxZ

Archie & Clyde’s

Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge --

12:00 PM


Deerhead Sidewalk

Monday, September 21

Smitty’s Little Tavern -- Nick Gregory

w/Dan Egierski 4:30 PM Centre, The --

6:00 PM

Grill -- Keith Vincent

CareerFest Fall 2009

Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza

6:00 PM

5:00 PM

-- Buzztime Trivia

Tin Fish at Marina

Archie & Clyde’s

Fast Eddy’s --

Pointe -- Jay Johnson

Roca Bar -- All

Texas Hold ‘Em

& The Crowd

About Sports-Live

6:30 PM

Radio Broadcast

6:30 PM

w/Dan Egierski

Frontier Restaurant

The -- Karaoke

& Bar -- Cornhole 7:00 PM

-- Texas Hold’em Tournament


Old Chicago -- RoSham-Bo Showdown

Hootie Hoot Saloon

O’Brians Sports Bar

Radio Broadcast

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

7:00 PM

4:00 PM

About Sports-Live

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Corner Pocket,

3:00 PM

Roca Bar -- All

7:00 PM Bullock’s Bar &

& Grill -- Karaoke

8:00 PM

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Club Royale --

-- Hand Over Fist

Jay Johnson

Grill -- Bike Night

Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Poker League

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 55 •

8:00 PM Club Royale Fast Eddy’s


w.New s4UO

-- Bike Night

nline .com Rick’s 718 Bar &

Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge

9:00 PM

-- Terry Lee & The

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Rockaboogie Band

-- Karaoke & Dance

Hollywood Bar & Grill

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

East -- Movieoke

Fast Eddy’s -- Texas Hold ‘Em/Karaoke

8:00 PM

w/Freddy K

Club Royale

Ginny’s Place

-- John Gauer

-- Karaoke

Deerhead Sidewalk

Gloria’s Corral

Cafe -- The

Club -- Karaoke


Hammerheads --

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Open Mic Night

Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz Show Me’s (East Side) -- Nick Hamilton 9:30 PM Old Chicago -Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Chilly Willy’s

Wednesday, September 23

7:00 PM Casino Aztar-

12:00 PM

Hoosiers Lounge

Bullock’s Bar &

-- Terry Lee & The

Grill -- Free Pool

Rockaboogie Band Fat Boys Tavern

5:00 PM

-- Open Jam &

Archie & Clyde’s

Mic Night

Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live

Hobo Jungle

Radio Broadcast

-- Hobo Poker

w/Dan Egierski

Hollywood Bar & Grill North -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

w/DJ Travis

Little Cheers -John Hussmann

-- Karaoke w/ The Experience hosted by BK Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Jason Nellis Fox & Hound English Pub -- Wicked Wheat Wednesdays 9:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -- John Hussman Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- Singles Night/ Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost Double Dukes -- Dance Party w/

-- Pub Quiz

Terry Tunks Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke Gloria’s Corral Club -- Karaoke Roulette Rick’s 718 Bar & Lounge -- Karaoke w/DJ Chaz Show Me’s (West) -- Kerry & The Double D’s Woody’s -- College Night w/Stompbox 40 Trio 10:00 PM Lanhucks -- Karaoke Little Cheers -- Shane Breedlove & DJ Enok Stopping in to share their motto, National stars and local favorites, the LoCash Cowboys, will be at Casino Aztar September 25 & 26. Get there early, it’s sure to be a busy show!

Show Me’s (West)

Marigold Bar

-- Bike Night w/DJ

-- College Night/

TJ’s Stockyard Inn


-- TJ, BIll & Jay

• 56 •

O’Brians Sports Bar -- Karaoke w/ Shane Breedlove

6:00 PM

7:30 PM

Boston’s The

Cricket’s -- Dart

Gourmet Pizza


-- Bike Night

O’Brians Sports Bar -- College Night w/Jay Johnson

thursday, September 24 12:00 PM Duck Inn -- Free Pool • Evansville September 2009



5:00 PM

Double Dukes --

Archie & Clyde’s

Karaoke w/Judy Gale

Roca Bar -- All

Ginny’s Place

About Sports-Live

-- Karaoke

Radio Broadcast

Gloria’s Corral

w/Dan Egierski

Club -- Karaoke Hootie Hoot Saloon

5:30 PM

& Grill -- Troy Miller

Ri Ra Irish Pub --

& Friends Big

Live Irish Session

Jon Rochner and Chris Chrockrem

6:00 PM

Marigold Bar

Frontier Restaurant

-- Karaoke

& Bar -- Thirsty

Ollie’s Sports Bar &


Grill -- Poker League

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Show Me’s (East

Grill -- Poker League

Side) -- Kerry &

Tin Fish at Marina

The Double D’s

Pointe -- JEB

Show Me’s (West) -- Nick Hamilton

7:00 PM Casino Aztar-

9:30 PM

Hoosiers Lounge

Bullock’s Bar & Grill

-- Missing Melody

-- Karaoke Chaos

Contest & Karaoke Old Chicago -- Ro-

10:00 PM

Sham-Bo Showdown

Chilly Willy’s

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Karaoke

Lounge -- Bike Night

Fast Eddy’s --

Victory Theatre --

103GBF Thong

Water For The People

Thursday with

Fundraiser Concert

Christine & DJ Jon B Hammerheads --

8:00 PM

Hip-Hop Thursdays

Club Royale

Lanhucks --

-- Bike Night w/


John Hussman

Little Cheers --

Cricket’s --

Lindsey Williams

Bobby Clark

O’Brians Sports

Fox & Hound

Bar -- Karaoke w/

English Pub --

Shane Breedlove

Thirsty Thursdays 10:30 PM 9:00 PM

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

-- Ri Ra Acoustic

-- Karaoke & Dance mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Friday, September 25 4:00 PM Liquor Locker -- Beer, Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Archie & Clyde’s Roca Bar -- All About Sports-Live Radio Broadcast w/Dan Egierski 7:00 PM Corner Pocket, The -- 8-Ball Tournament 7:30 PM Hobo Jungle -- 8 Ball Tournaments 8:00 PM Casino AztarHoosiers Lounge -- Locash Cowboys Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Calabash Hollywood Bar & Grill East -Common Ground Hollywood Bar & Grill North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis Koodie Hoos -Jimmy Buffet Night/ DJ & Karaoke/Frozen T-Shirt Contest Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke w/Stefne Wene The Red Geranium Restaurant -- Patio Jams with “Rock-itMan” Warren Batts

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 57 •


w.New s4UO

nline .com

Victory Theatre

Duck Inn -- Blood

2:00 PM

-- Loretta Lynn

Tribe/Shatter the

Boston’s The

Odds/Death of a

Gourmet Pizza

9:00 PM

Hero/Feral Songs/

-- Corn Hole

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Reverned Fang Glory


-- Karaoke & Dance

Fast Eddy’s -- McFly

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Fat Boys Tavern

5:30 PM

Chilly Willy’s --

-- Grand Opening

Cancun Mexican

Ladies Night

Celebration w/

Restaurant --

Club Royale --

Modern Country

Mariachi Band

The Jimmies


Corner Pocket,


6:00 PM

The -- Midranger

-- College Night

Boney June’s Music

Cricket’s -- Karaoke

Hobo Jungle

Venue -- MDA

w/Randy Marshall

-- Karaoke

“Battling for a Cure”

Double Dukes -- TBA

Icon Bar & Nightclub

- Battle of the Bands

Fox & Hound

-- Downplay/

Casino Aztar - Events

English Pub --

DJ Figure

Pavilion -- Brew

Lindsey Williams

O’Brians Sports Bar

Ha-Ha w/The Pits

Frontier Restaurant

-- Pieces of the Day

& Bar -- Karaoke

Woody’s -- Static

Ginny’s Place

7:00 PM Corner Pocket, The

-- Karaoke

10:30 PM

Gloria’s Corral Club

Lanhucks --

-- Country Music

Sister Brutal

7:30 PM


Little Cheers -- John

Cricket’s -- Dart

Hootie Hoot

Hussman Trio


Saloon & Grill --

Ri Ra Irish Pub

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Southern Edge

-- Deaf Megan

Pool Tournaments

Lounge -- Karaoke

11:00 PM

8:00 PM

w/DJ Chaz

Casino Aztar-

Casino Aztar-

Hoosiers Lounge

Hoosiers Lounge

9:30 PM

-- Locash Cowboys

-- Locash Cowboys

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Saturday, September 26

Deerhead Sidewalk

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Troy Miller 10:00 PM Bullock’s Bar & Grill -- Prowler

-- 8-Ball Tournament

Cafe -- Smoke Rings Hollywood Bar & Grill East --

1:00 PM

Common Ground

Hobo Jungle -- Open

Hollywood Bar & Grill

Pool Tournaments

North -- Karaoke w/DJ Travis

• 58 • • Evansville September 2009

9:00 PM

9:30 PM

Icon Bar & Nightclub

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Duck Inn -- Calling

-- DJ KDogg

-- Karaoke & Dance


O’Brians Sports Bar

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

The Cold Stares

-- Six Hills Giant

Chilly Willy’s

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Woody’s -- Back to

-- Paul Wiemeier

-- Dang Heathens

School School Girl,

& Jarod Heim

Pimps & Hos Party

Club Royale --

10:00 PM

The Jimmies

Bullock’s Bar &

Corner Pocket, The

Grill -- Prowler

10:30 PM

-- Fuzzy Roxx

Fast Eddy’s -- McFly/

Lanhucks --

Double Dukes -- TBA

Stoplight Party

Episode 9

Ginny’s Place

Fat Boys Tavern

Little Cheers --

-- Karaoke

-- Grand Opening

Ladies Night w/

Hootie Hoot Saloon &

Celebration w/

Scott Winzinger

Grill -- River’s Edge

Modern Country

Ri Ra Irish

Marigold Bar


Pub -- TBA

-- Karaoke

Gloria’s Corral Club

Rick’s 718 Bar &

-- Hip-Hop Night

11:00 PM

Lounge -- Karaoke


Casino Aztar-

w/DJ Chaz

-- 80s Night

Hoosiers Lounge

Hobo Jungle

-- Locash Cowboys

w/PopTart Monkeys

Sunday, September 27 12:00 PM Boston’s The Gourmet Pizza -NFL Sunday Ticket Top Spot Outdoors -5th Annual Customer Appreciation Day 1:00 PM O’Brians Sports Bar -- Texas Hold’em Tournament Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Poker League 2:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub --

3:00 PM

6:00 PM

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Tin Fish at Marina

-- Nick Gregory

Pointe -- Jay Johnson & The Crowd

4:00 PM O’Brians Sports Bar

6:30 PM

-- Texas Hold’em

Corner Pocket,


The -- Karaoke

Ollie’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Poker League

7:00 PM Hootie Hoot Saloon

5:00 PM

& Grill -- Karaoke

Casino Aztar-

Smitty’s Little Tavern

Hoosiers Lounge

-- Hand Over Fist

-- Bob Minnettes Swing Cats

8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Club Royale --

Cafe -- Troy Miller

Comedy Night w/Kris

Ollie’s Sports Bar &

Shaw & Adam White

Grill -- Keith Vincent

Live Irish Session

-- Karaoke

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. .

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 59 •

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe


w.New s4UO

9:00 PM Chilly Willy’s -Open Mic Night

nline .com

Monday, September 28

w/Jarod Heim

5:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk

Archie & Clyde’s

Cafe -- Tommy

Roca Bar -- All

Stillwell & the

About Sports-Live

Amazing Soul

Radio Broadcast


w/Dan Egierski

Ginny’s Place -- Karaoke

7:00 PM

Lanhucks -- Punk

Old Chicago -- Ro-

Rock Night w/

Sham-Bo Showdown

The Psycho Kid

Show Me’s (East

tuesday, September 29

Side) -- Bike Night 12:00 PM

Fast Eddy’s --

-- Bobby Clark

Texas Hold ‘Em

Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz

6:30 PM

Show Me’s (West)

Frontier Restaurant

-- Bike Night w/DJ

& Bar -- Cornhole

TJ’s Stockyard Inn


-- TJ, BIll & Jay

9:00 PM

Duck Inn -- Free Pool

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Fast Eddy’s

7:00 PM

9:00 PM

-- Karaoke & Dance

-- Free Pool

Bullock’s Bar &

Boston’s The

Grill -- Bike Night

Gourmet Pizza

mix w/TW/DJ Frost Chilly Willy’s --

5:00 PM

Casino Aztar-

-- UFC 102 Pay-

John Hussman

Archie & Clyde’s

Hoosiers Lounge

per-view: Couture

Gloria’s Corral

Roca Bar -- All

-- Amazing Soul

v. Nogueira

Club -- Karaoke

About Sports-Live


Cecil’s Bar & Grill


Radio Broadcast

Hollywood Bar & Grill

-- Karaoke & Dance

-- Industry Night

w/Dan Egierski

East -- Movieoke

mix w/TW/DJ Frost Fast Eddy’s --


8:00 PM

6:00 PM

8:00 PM

Karaoke w/Freddy

(Dayton)/Dick Genius

Club Royale --

Boston’s The

Club Royale

K/Texas Hold ‘Em

& the Sh*thouse Rats

Jay Johnson

Gourmet Pizza

-- John Gauer

Ginny’s Place

• 60 •

-- Buzztime Trivia

-- Karaoke • Evansville September 2009


Finish up the month at the Deerhead with Calabash Wednesday, September 30th. Don’t forget some of their excellent pizza.

Gloria’s Corral

5:00 PM

Fox & Hound English

Club -- Karaoke

Archie & Clyde’s

Pub -- Wicked Wheat


Roca Bar -- All


-- Open Mic Night

About Sports-Live

9:00 PM

Marigold Bar

Radio Broadcast

Boston’s The

-- College Night/

w/Dan Egierski

Gourmet Pizza -- John Hussman

Karaoke Rick’s 718 Bar &

6:00 PM

Cecil’s Bar & Grill

Lounge -- Karaoke

Boston’s The

-- Singles Night/

w/DJ Chaz

Gourmet Pizza

Karaoke & Dance

Show Me’s (East

-- Bike Night

mix w/TW/DJ Frost

Side) -- Nick

Fast Eddy’s

Double Dukes


-- Bike Night

-- Dance Party w/

9:30 PM

7:00 PM

Ginny’s Place

Old Chicago --

Fat Boys Tavern

-- Karaoke

Lindsey Williams

-- Open Jam &

Gloria’s Corral Club

Terry Tunks

Mic Night

-- Karaoke Roulette

10:00 PM

Hobo Jungle

Rick’s 718 Bar &

Chilly Willy’s

-- Hobo Poker

Lounge -- Karaoke

-- Karaoke

Hollywood Bar & Grill

w/DJ Chaz

Little Cheers --

North -- Karaoke

Show Me’s (West) --

John Hussmann

w/DJ Travis

Kerry & The Double D’s

O’Brians Sports

Woody’s --

Bar -- Karaoke w/

7:30 PM

College Night w/

Shane Breedlove

Cricket’s -- Dart

Stompbox 40 Trio

Wednesday, September 30

Tourney 10:00 PM 8:00 PM

Lanhucks -- Karaoke


Club Royale

Little Cheers --

12:00 PM

-- Karaoke w/

Shane Breedlove

Bullock’s Bar &

The Experience

& DJ Enok

Grill -- Free Pool

hosted by BK

O’Brians Sports

Deerhead Sidewalk

Bar -- College Night

Cafe -- Calabash

w/Jay Johnson

Reminding you to choose a designated driver. . Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 61 •

MORE POisE/LEss NOisE Angel Mounds State Historic Site 812-853-3956

Sep 11-30:Indiana Wildlife Artists Show - An art exhibit all about wildlife, the Indiana Wildlife Artists is having an exhibition at Angel Mounds. Sep 25-27:27th annual “Native American Days” - Angel Mounds’ paramount event is back again for its’ 27th year! A weekend of fun will include a dance circle, Indian market, as well as numerous demonstrators, games, activities, and food vendors.

Casino Aztar 812-433-4000 Sep 26 6:00 PM:Brew HA HA Centre, the 812-435-5550

Sep 3 6:00 PM:Annual Arts Awards Banquet Sep 10 11:30 AM:YWCA’s ‘Legacy of Style’ Style Show Sep 21 4:30 PM:CareerFest Fall 2009

Downtown evansville 812-424-2986 Sep 12:Downtown Multicultural Festival - The 2nd Annual Downtown Multicultural Festival is a one-day extravaganza that will promote the appreciation, value and recognition of community diversity. With entertainment, cuisine, song, dance, and artistic expression, the riverfront will bloom with culture downtown. Sep 19 12:00 PM:Jazz, Wine & Arts Festival (Between 6th & 2nd Streets on Main) evansville Civic theatre 812-425-2800 Sep 18-19, 25-27:Greater Tuna - Greater Tuna is the hilarious comedy about Texas’ third smallest town, where the Lion’s Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never dies. The eclectic band of citizens in this hilarious send-up of small town morals are portrayed by only two performers, making this satire on life in rural America even more delightful as they depict all of the inhabitants of Tuna, Texas - men, women, children and animals in a tour de farce of quick change artistry, changing costumes and characterizations faster than a jack rabbit runs from a coyote. evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science 812-425-2406

Sep 1-30:East/West/North: A Collaboration - The Old Gallery is the location of the opening of this exhibit, which will be available for public viewing through October 25 Sep 1:Toddler Tuesday - Bring your toddler to the Museum the first Tuesday of each month and enjoy a story and activity related to items in our collection. Each visit will include a story and game or special activity. Toddlers ages 2-3 are welcome to participate in this admission-free event along with an adult. All Toddler Tuesdays will begin at 10:30 a.m. and last approximately 45 minutes. • 62 •

Sep 26:Astronomy Day - Celebrate Astronomy Day on Saturday, September 26, when a trip to the Museum will allow for plenty of astronomical activities for all ages. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to help you observe, learn, discover, and explore the wonders of astronomy.

evansville Riverfront

Sep 4 8:00 PM:Riverfront Concert Series Presents: Midnight Special Sep 5 8:00 PM:Riverfront Concert Series Presents: Never Been Caught

Historic New Harmony www. Sep 19-20:Kunstfest - Traditional German Festival honoring the founding fathers of New Harmony with music, food, arts & crafts and family fun. Come enjoy New Harmony’s annual celebration of German Heritage with hand made arts & crafts, live music and food. Located throughout the town of New Harmony, ride a horse drawn wagon through New Harmony’s historic streets. Enjoy live music and you enjoy traditional German food and desserts. If you have never experienced Kunstfest, you will want to make sure this year you do.

koch Family Children’s Museum of evansville (cMoe) 812-477-4339

Sep 13:Grandparents Day - Get ready for Kids & Grandparents Day 2009. On Sunday, September 13, 2009, the Evansville Museum is partnering with the Koch Family Children’s Museum of Evansville (cMoe) to celebrate the diverse generations in our families. Activities from 12:00 until 4:00 p.m. will include special exhibits, performances, information booths of community service organizations and more.

Mesker Park 812-476-1383 Sep 11-13:Williams Golding’s Lord of the Flies: A Nextwave Production - A plane crashes on a deserted island. The only survivors are a group of young school boys. Marooned, they live in a land of bright exotic birds and dark blue seas, but before long this well-behaved group has descended into savagery and turned into a bloodthirsty and murderous tribe. William Golding’s gripping tale is still chilling and relevant today, igniting passionate debate with its startling portrayal of human nature. New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art 812-682-3156

Sep 1-30:”immanent blue” - Rowland Ricketts exhibition - This 2008 work is made of stones covered in dyed felt. The Gallery is located at the corner of Church and Main Streets in New Harmony. Visit for more information.

Sep 12-30:Barbara Martin Smith exhibit “Scapes” - An artist reception is scheduled for September 12 at 2 p.m.

Penny lane Coffeehouse 812-421-8741 Sep 12 8:00 PM:The Toddlers

Roberts Stadium 812-476-1383

Sep 19 10:00 AM:Gear, Gadgets & Gizmos Expo Sep 19 12:00 PM:Grill For The Thrill Barbecue and Music Festival

the Red Geranium Restaurant

812-682-4491 ext. 1463 Fridays 8:00 PM:Patio Jams with “Rock-it-Man” Warren Batts

university of evansville Wheeler Concert Hall 812-423-8633

Sep 15 7:30 PM:Faculty Recital, Jon Truitt, Baritone; Thomas Josenhans, Clarinet; and Garnet Ungar, Piano Sep 25-26 12:00 PM:Family Weekend


Sep 24 5:00 PM:RopeWalk Visiting Writers Reading Series: Fiction Writer Lee Martin

vanderburgh Humane Society 812-426-2563

Sep 12 12:00 PM:Fido Walk & Fun Fest

victory theatre 812-435-5550 Sep 12 8:00 PM:Evansville Philharmonic’s ‘Beethoven 5th’ Sep 24 7:00 PM:Water For The People Fundraiser Concert Sep 25 8:00 PM:Loretta Lynn

Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve 812-479-0771

Sep 12 9:00 AM:Certified Backyard Wildlife Habitat Seminar Sep 19 7:00 PM:Bug Hunt Sep 19 9:00 AM:Jr. Naturalist Birders Club Sep 26 10:00 AM:Raptor Show & Falconry Demonstration

Women’s Institute and Gallery, New Harmony 812-682-3799

Sep 11:Exhibition at Women’s Institute and Gallery - 916 E. Granary Street. Please call 812.682.3799 for more information.

yMCA of SW Indiana 812-426-6210 Sep 12:YMCA 10k - Downtown YMCA - Presented by Integra Bank For more information please visit www. • Evansville September 2009

Race for the Cure

Everyone Deserves a Lifetime


photo: mark mccoy

c c o r d ing to the Center for Disease control 188,231 men and women were diagnosed with breast cancer this ashley sollars past year in the Contributor United States and though there is an estimated 2.2 million breast cancer survivors living in the U.S. today, it is the leading cause of death for women age 15 to 64, worldwide. Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. These statistics are scary, especially if you are a woman, but breast cancer affects everyone in some way or another. Breast cancer can unexpectedly strike both genders and can be an emotional trial for family members and friends. The worst part is – researchers still don’t know what causes it; they can only identify those who are at a higher risk and use technology to detect the cancer at an early stage. 98% of those who discover their breast cancer in stage one will recover, so the key is early detection through self breast examination and regular mammograms. Every year, the streets run pink with hundreds of Tri-Staters who turn out for Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Until now, the race has been held at Eastland Mall on Evansville’s east side. This year though, keeping in stride with the recent downtown revitalization, Race for the Cure will be held on September 19 at 9:00 a.m. at the Evansville Riverfront – beginning at the Wayne Hemming Atrium in Old National Bank. To register and find out more information, visit Another September event that focuses on breast cancer is the Breast Cancer 3-Day – the PINKy Promise Team will join thousands of other dedicated women and men for the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3-Day to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. Taking place in 15 cities nationwide, the Breast Cancer 3-Day is a series of thee-day, 60-mile walks that raise millions of dollars for breast cancer research, education, and community health programs. Rayna Knight of Evansville, Indiana, and Misty Neidig of Atlanta, Georgia, (members of the PINKy Promise Team) have organized a fundraiser at Little Cheers and 2 Daddy’s Pizza on September 28 to raise money for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. All you have to do is show up at Little

Cheers after 9:00 p.m. or eat a house pizza at 2 Daddy’s Pizza on September 28. Little Cheers will donate $3 of their cover charge and 2 Daddy’s will donate 10% of their house pizza sales to support the PINKy Promise team members. “We decided to participate in the Breast Cancer 3-Day because we both have friends and family members who have fought and/or lost their lives to breast cancer and we wanted to make a personal difference to help fight the disease,” says Rena Knight – organizer of the Breast Cancer 3-Day. “With Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust as beneficiaries of the Breast Cancer 3-Day, we know that by accomplishing this we are helping ensure funding is available for important research, education and community health programs We hope to exceed the fundraising goal with our fundraiser.”

Race for the Cure Race Day Schedule 6:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Tissue Bank Blood Collection 6:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Late Registration/T-shirt Pick-up (Wayne Hemming Atrium in Old National Bank) 8:00 a.m. Survivor Recognition Program 8:30 a.m. Aerobic Warm-up 9:00 a.m. 5K (3.1 mile) Run/Walk 9:30 a.m. 1-Mile Family Fun Run/Walk 10:30 a.m. Awards Ceremony

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 63 •


Ruby Moon Vineyard & Winery, 9566 US Hwy 41A, Henderson, KY. The public is invited to stroll the vineyard grounds while enjoying a glass of wine and viewing fine art that will be displayed for sale by area artists, many of whom are award-winning. Attendees will also be able to enjoy live music during the festival and have the opportunity to purchase gourmet cheeses and other food-and-wine-related items. Info: 270-830-7660 or www.

Sep 12 & Sep 19: Monarch Butterfly Migration Mysteries Audubon Museum, John James Audubon State Park, Henderson, KY. Bid a farewell to the Monarch Butterflies migrating south for the winter. We will meet at the Audubon Museum for a 45-minute introductory indoor presentation. Next, we will carpool to the Sloughs Wildlife Management Area for some outdoor Monarch tagging. The outdoor portion (2-3 hours) is weather dependent. Please dress for potentially marshy conditions. We will meet at the Audubon Museum for an introduction into these extraordinary insects and carpool to the Sloughs Wildlife Management Area to capture and tag them on their way to Mexico. Tags and nets will be provided. 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. (both days). Program Fee: $5 per person, Family Rate (up to 5 members, exttra members 2.50 each) - $13.00; Friends of Audubon Members - $4 per person. Info: 270-826-2247 or juliea.

Sep 15-Oct 16: The Art of Recycling III Henderson Fine Arts Center, Henderson, KY. This exhibit was the first of its kind in Kentucky and the Tri-State area. Artworks are created from found • 64 •

objects and recycled materials, making up this exciting exhibit, while calling attention to the importance of recycling. Presented by the Ohio Valley Art League. OVAL invites artists eighteen years or older to enter a recycled artwork into this juried exhibition. Info: 270-826-3003 or

Sep 25-26: Holy Name Annual Fall Festival Holy Name School, Henderson, KY. Fun for the Whole Family! Friday, September 25 – 5 p.m. Fish Dinners, 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Rides/ games/food booths/ country store/raffles. Saturday, September 26 -11 a.m. Bar-b-que Chicken/ Pork Chop Dinners, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Rides/games/food booths / country store/silent auction & raffles, 5 p.m. - Live Auction by Herron Auction, 9 p.m. - Raffle Drawing. For more information visit, or call HNS at 827-3425.

Sep 26: Matthew 25 Annual AIDS Walk, Audubon Mill Park, Henderson, KY. 11am-1pm. Info: or email gfowler@

Sep 26: Downtown Henderson Project Community Yard Sale & Flea Market Central Park, Henderson, KY. Find great items at this community-wide event - a bargain-hunters dream! The community is invited to rent booth space to sell rummage sale items. Info: 270-827-0016 or • Evansville September 2009


Sep 12: 2nd Annual Ruby Moon Arts Festival


High Fashion Items for Low Budget Prices

alison sigman


High fashion, how I love thee. Reading InStyle, Vogue, and watching Project Runway are the joys of my life. Each February and September I am glued to the internet watching what is new in the world of ready-to-wear by fabulous designers. However, finding the beautiful clothing that I see on pages and runways from fashion week is hard work, but not impossible. Thanks to the joys of (REALLY good) knock offs you can look like a high fashion model straight off the catwalk, just not at the high fashion price tag.

After picking a look you wish to emulate, be prepared to make sacrifices. You won’t find the exact matches, but know what to give up to still get the look. First off, you won’t ever find the exact same colors or fabrics. Many high end designers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating their own fabrics, and spend the same amount making sure it’s not copied too much. Look for fabrics with similar depth, weight, and vibrancy in the colors. If you’re struggling to find a copy of a garment pick out the important features. The shape, length, and proportion to other garments are key characteristics when picking the copy piece. Once you’ve collected your replica look, remember to add your own personal touch. Handbags, shoes, and jewelry in your favorite, yet complementary colors make a look inspired by Michael Kors, or Prada something all your own.

Design: Stephen Burrows

Design: Miss Sixty

Wet Seal Top

Gap Scarf

Charlotte Russe Booties

Wet Seal Top Express Pants

Pac Sun Jeans

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 65 •


Well… hello there

For all you youngins out there new to the bar scene, wellhello was the rock band to see on weekends. In the late 90s and early 2000s, Brian Mullins, Lindsey Williams, Scott Winzinger, Jolie DeVries and Greg Smitha filled local clubs to capacity each weekend; their chemistry was contagious, and culminated in a wonderful album, 2002’s Another Detour. The band was a great friend of this magazine, and each of the five wellhello-ers was all-around great people. Each member has since gone on to new projects, some solo, some with other bands, but for the most part remains active in the local music scene. But for one night this month, you can see the original wellhello once again at the Fox & Hound on September 5. Not only will the good old times return, but – ahah! – they return via a bierstube/party that includes openers Mike Nuke’em and Dead Kid Blues. You can get tickets to the event at the Fox in advance for only $8 or $10 at the door. Call 473-5721 for more information.

Native American Days

2009 marks the 27th year Angel Mounds State Historic Site has held their feature event of the year, Native American Days. Angel Mounds was once home to a group of Native Americans called Mississippians, an agricultural people who were believed by modern archeologists to be sun worshippers as well. They lived on the mounds from 1100-1450 C.E., and left behind a rich amount of artifacts for present-day archeologists to study. An educational program modeled after the traditional pow-wow, Native American Days offers a little bit of something for everyone of every age, with storytelling, music, dance, arts and crafts, and much more. This year’s Native American Days will run from September 25 through 27. For more information, call 812-853-3956. Angel Mounds is located on the far-east side between Evansville and Newburgh at 8215 Pollack Avenue. • 66 •

Evansville North Marching Band Invitational

Saturday, September 26 at Central Stadium is the date and location for one of the biggest displays of local musical talent you’ll likely see this month. A battle of the bands? A bierstube? Nope. Approximately eighteen area high school marching bands will participate in the North Marching Band Invitational on the 26th at 5 p.m. These kids put a ton of time and effort into not only learning their instrument (which is difficult enough), but also in how to perform the sometimes elaborate choreography required for a performance. Help them out by showing your support; admission is only $5. Central Stadium is located at Evansville Central High School – 5400 N. 1st Avenue.

Zest Fest

Mmmmm…. Gimme a large triple, onion rings and a large chocolate shake any day. Wait. What’s this? Zesto is having a concert? You bet. All day long on Saturday, September 19, the Franklin Street location will host Zest Fest from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Kicking off the family-friendly event is Santa Fe, New Mexico’s own Joe West, who’ll perform a solo show perfectly suited to children. Rob Z. Three goes on at 3 p.m., followed by Amphigoria at 4, Houston’s Grant Massey at 5, ZxZ at 6, New Harmony native Randy Pease at 7 and wrapping things up at 8:30 p.m. will be Joe West and the Sinners Reunion Show (Austin, Texas natives). All of this is, amazingly, free. All they ask is that you refrain from bringing coolers. Do, however, bring a lawn chair. Zesto is located at 102 W. Franklin near the Buy Low grocery store off of North Main Street.

Jazz, Wine & Arts Festival

What’s better – great music, great food and wine or fine art? Stupid question, I know. So let’s just get each together for a 10-hour celebration of the finer side of life via the Kenny Kent Lexus 2nd Annual Jazz, Wine & Arts Festival, Saturday, September 19 along downtown Evansville’s Main Street. The event will feature cool jazz music, a variety of wines for every palate from some of the region’s best vintners, culinary demonstrations, as well as a widely diverse collection of fine art from area artists working with a variety of media. 1 p.m. is the start time, so come early to be part of one of the emerging marquee events of its kind in the Midwest. For more information, call 812-401-9999 or visit

Top Dead Center

Dave! I’ll review the TDC CD in next month’s issue, promise! We’ve experienced a bit of a back log here… but for a teaser, this is a super-fine local release. Good job, guys. • Evansville September 2009


erman culture employs certain staples which can be enjoyed by people from all different walks of life. Beer, bratwurst, and guys in short, green jumpers. The latter of the three isn’t too appealnick durcholz ing but the article of clothStaff Writer ing is called lederhosen and is much more flattering on women. It also takes a special mind to enjoy traditional German folk music as well but then again, that is what the beer is for. If nothing else, Germans are known for their resourcefulness and the chicken dance. The Annual New Harmony Kunstfest includes all of these interesting staples and homegrown ideals and fashions them into a family friendly community event. German resourcefulness appears in every part of the Kunstfest (German for art fest) from the fresh, hearty food to the homemade goods such as candlesticks and quilts. Germans are also known for a very strong sense of family and the Kunstfest is tailored to appeal to the younger patrons with old fashioned horse and carriage rides, pumpkin painting, crafts, and colorful confections. Children who attend will also take away educational value from their experience through watching blacksmiths, carpenters, and beekeepers demonstrate their trade while simultaneously explaining its history and purpose. As well as with most cultures around the world the food is the real star of the show because it captures all senses and the soul. Kunstfest offers a full menu of traditional German foods as well as American ones for the less culinary adventurous. German cakes called kuchens will be in bountiful supply, the result of just as many different recipes. Other treats present will be apple butter and rich, flavorful cider. All of these delights will be available for purchase at street-side vendors. Taking a close backseat to the food is probably the brew. As it has been for many a year the Kunstfest will host an extensive bier

garten or beer garden sure to please the most exuberant of festival and party goers. One can only hope to find actual German beer at the beer garden but in other such events this is a rare happening. However, several domestic favorites will be on tap for those so inclined. Just as in past years the bier garten will be located on Church Street at the White House Restaurant.

Don’t pass up the Tri Kappa’s fresh squeezed apple cider. You can find them near the Roofless Church.

Many other antiquated, traditional activities and wares provided at Kunstfest include chair caning, a process in which shoreline reeds are broken down to their fibers and woven together to make chairs. A process that is very popular in Eastern Europe. There will be a large variety of flowers on hand available for purchase as well as other types of plants. Other entertainment besides live music will be an event called the “Big Whopper Liar’s Contest” in which patrons will indulge in some tall tales. This year the event will be held the weekend of September 19 and 20. Don’t miss a weekend of quaint surroundings and fun for all ages when the New Harmony community celebrates its heritage. For more information please visit www. or call 1-800-231-2168.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

• 67 •

16 BaRs: You’ll catch on, Drop the Beat.


e’s got a deep Southern drawal, straight shooting style, and tracks that bang you into next week. He’s got a client list so big it includes everybody from locals BradleyT, Raaqim, and EVILLE to Universal Recording artists Michael Barber and Akon. He’s Nashville livin’, Tennessee spittin’, with a little of the ville added for flavor. c4 the general

10 things we don’t know about Big G tha Candymane…


N4U: Where did your name come from? BigG: My street name growin’ up was G Nutt. I was always a big guy so folks started callin me Big G for short. Tha Candymane came from the things I was doin in the street, but now it just stands for an outcast. The real Candyman was a mentally slow man that gave children candy back in the 1800’s. He was burned at the stake because folks accused him of luring the poor children in with candy and kidnapping them. A year later that they caught the actual man that was kidnapping the kids. He died trying to do something positive for his community. But because he was different, folks couldn’t see the positive and labeled him an outcast. I feel the same way a lot of the time. What’s your connection to Evansville? I moved up that way about 5 years ago and lived there for about 2 years. I just needed to get away from some things and start somethin’ new. I knew a few cats up that way, so I made the trip and set up shop for a minute. I still stay connected with the ‘Ville because of some of the artists up there. I produce for the 2 top artists up there, Bradley T and Raaqim. They got hella talent and always drop fire on my tracks. How’s Nashville treating you? I can’t complain; I love it. Nashville is a much different city than most outsiders think. They think about country music and folks walkin’ around in cowboy hats. It’s a major metropolitan city with all the things that come with it, good and bad. The music scene here is unbelievable. Everybody here plays an instrument, writes, produces, you name it. I love the competition. How did you get started as a producer? As an MC? Been writing music on piano and guitar for a minute but I listened to a lot of Memphis rap at the

- Interned at Blackbird Studio in Nashville for Martina McBride - Not really into going to the club unless it’s for business - Won numerous awards as a High School Football Player in Tennessee - A football fanatic - Grew up playing blues on the guitar - Drink beer like most folks drink water - Made beats for 5 years before I ever made 1 dollar - Don’t listen to rap as much as you’d think - Johnny Cash is my favorite artist. He did the real sh-- before anybody What’s going on with The Wrecking Ball Crew? We’ve been doing our solo things the past couple of years, but I’m workin’ on a lot of production for upcomin’ project for the WBC. I don’t wanna’ rush the quality, but as soon as we really get to sit down together I know it will just flow like water. It always does, its just effortless when we sit down and start puttin’ ideas together.

time, and I loved the Tennessee sound that we had going on. So I downloaded a free program off of that you could sequence little drum tracks on and I got hooked after a couple of weeks. The tracks weren’t that good, but I knew if I could get my hands on some real programs and equipment that I could do somethin’. I started MCin when I couldn’t get nobody to rhyme on my sh---- ass beats.

Do you have any other projects you’re working with right now? I just dropped my newest solo project “Hustlas Handbook 3” 3 weeks ago and I’ve been puttin them in the streets like asphalt. If anybody readin’ this wants to download a copy for free hit my myspace or facebook. I believe it is really my best work to date and it features some great talent on there. I also just produced new Universal Recording artist Michael “Determined” Barber’s upcoming single featuring Akon that should be hitting the airwaves this fall.

Do you remember your first song? Yeah. I thought it was straight drop when I recorded it on that piece of sh-- computer mic. I had no idea about song structure or any of that. I was just spittin’ lines and tryin’ to mix it where you could understand it. Would you bump it now? I ain’t tryin’ to get back to that. I might listen to it to get a few laughs, that’s about it.

If you want to learn more about Big G, or hit him up for production checkout these sites:,, thacandymane@gmail. com,

Who are some of your influences, musically, over the years? Honestly, I’ve probably got too many to list. Any artist that you can listen to and feel like they left it all on the table after the song is over.

tip of the Month (From Big G tha Candymane) Nobody is gonna work harder for you than you. You can’t expect cats that have put in the work to hold ya hand and lead you through the process. Get out there and make mistakes. You cannot be afraid of failure. You’ve gotta be humble and not tell everybody you know, “I’m the hottest, best, etc..” I have never heard that from a person that actually was the best. The proof is in the pudding, ya digg. Keep your circle small, stay true to yourself, and the rest will follow.

• 68 • • Evansville September 2009

The Juice

ashley sollars


Notie Notes

Available at No more “my phone died” excuses. The Duracell Rechargable Instant USB Charger can be taken on the go and used to juice up Blackberry's, iPods and other devices for longer battery life. $29.99

Available at This pen is the newest necessity that every college student should have. The Livescribe Pulse™ Smartpen will record audio from class lectures and sync it up to whatever handwritten notes are taken. A USB connector transfers all data to your computer where it can be transformed into movies or other study tools. Beats flash cards! $148.88

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309


Hangin’ Out

Available at This portable clothesline can hang out in any dorm room or bedroom. Students can get creative and hang their art work or photos on the line for a decorative touch or just air out wet socks. $9.99 for the line, $3.19 for hooks

Wired Up

Available at No more tripping over plugged in cell phones. The Driinn Mobile Device Charging Holder helps keep cords tucked away while keeping cell phones close to the ground to prevent falls from nightstands, desks and other furniture. $10

Chill Out

Available at PBTeencom This is your RedBull connection! Stock up your “cool” fridge with everything you need for study breaks or just hanging out with friends. Post pics and notes all around. $199

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Water for the People


eing a magazine that focuses primarily on entertainment, let’s kick this off with the fun stuff: two of the area’s best-known and longest-standing musical groups will be at the Victory Theatre on September 24 for a night of songs you know by heart. The Duke Boys – who are approaching their 30th year of bringing the golden era of rock & roll back to the future – will be on stage with all the harmonies, wackiness, dylan gibbs Managing Editor vintage-era costumes and, of course, the music. From “At the Hop” to “Who Put the Bomp” to all the fun songs in between, the guys who started out at a talent show in high school are older, wiser, but still as spry as they were in 1980. From private gigs to an ongoing run at Casino Aztar, The Duke Boys are still going strong, and as in demand as ever. If you’re one of the two people in Evansville who haven’t seen the Boys live, the show in the acousticallyrich historic theatre is your best chance this month to make up for it. The Browne Sisters bring even more to this rare double bill. Known since the mid80s, the preeminent vocalists in Evansville, Joan and Gina Moore, perform at many highprofile events throughout the year, including fundraisers for the Evansville Cancer Center, the Mission of Grace, New Year’s celebrations, numerous private functions, and more. Gina and Joan are great ladies, fantastic singers and have a backing band that can put some serious kick into any show. The Sisters have been honored with a slew of accolades, including “Artist of the Year” by the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana and “Best Entertainers” in several of Evansville Living magazine’s annual “Bests” issue. But the purpose of the event is serious. Water for the People is an organization dedicated to the elimination of a worldwide crisis in sanitation and water. Only 62% of the world’s population has access to improved sanitation; 2.5 billion people lack improved sanitation, and 1.2 billion people have no facilities at all. Water for the People seeks to change that. In Africa, Central America, South America, India, and other area of the world, the organization has made a difference, but they face an uphill battle to provide that most essential item to human life – clean water. They need your help. So by attending the concert, you can ensure you’re assisting one of the most worthy causes in the world. Tickets are only $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Advance tickets are available at all Donut Bank locations, Don’s Cleaners, Clayton’s Cleaners, First Federal Savings and Home Building Savings Banks. You may also call 812-305-6684 to order by phone. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available; go to for more information. • 70 • • Evansville September 2009


eople have taken my advice. Weird. In the past several issues, I’ve encouraged readers to explore the world with their kids via river bottom-excursions, fishing for the heck of it, playing in the mud and sundylan gibbs dry other non-event events. Managing Editor Other than the bill for dry cleaning that came in the mail the other day with a nasty note attached, I’m pretty pleased. On to the event-event thingies…

Downtown Multicultural Festival

September 12 sees The 2nd Annual Downtown Multicultural Festival is a one-day extravaganza that will promote the appreciation, value and recognition of community diversity. With entertainment, cuisine, song, dance, and artistic expression, the riverfront will bloom with culture downtown. It’s all free and it’s all downtown. Call 424-2986 for more info.

Go to the library and read, dangit

Ongoing events at several of the local libraries are as follows: at the Central Branch, every

TOT TIME Tuesday is Toddler time at 10 a.m., Preschool time, 1:15 p.m. Each Friday they offer Art Starts at 11 a.m. and a Teens Clay workshop at 3:45 p.m. Call 428-8200 for more information about these or any of the other events at the Central location. The North Park Branch offers PreSchool Story Time, ages 3-5 at 1 p.m. every Monday; Toddler Storytime each Tuesday, ages 2-3 at 10 a.m. and Kids Create-A-Craft at 2:30 p.m., also on Tuesdays. Call 428-8237 for more. Oaklyn Branch features a special “Under Twos Storytime” each Monday and Tuesday morning at 9:30. Phone 428-8234 for more information about these or other child-related happenings at Oaklyn.

Twice-As-Nice Children’s Consignment Sale

prices. Each of the items for sale are of good quality – they don’t take any junk here – and are all well marked and identified with a price, so you don’t have to ask around or guess about what you’ll pay for what you want. Admission is $1 per adult, with children’s admission free; everything starts off at 8 a.m. and is set to wrap up at 1 p.m. Check out twiceasniceevansville. com for more info.

The average number of babies born each day in the United States

The now-annual Fall/Winter Sale at the National Guard Armory is likely the biggest of its kind in the area. Everything you’d want or need for children can be found here on Saturday, September 26. Clothing, toys, furniture, maternity items, shoes, games, sports equipment, Halloween costumes and more items of interest for kids are offered for sale at ridiculously low

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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17th Annual Walk to Fight AIDS


y pre-teen daughter recently asked how walking can raise money to cure diseases. It seemed tedious to try to explain it to her because the notion of walking for a cure doesn’t seem to make perfect lanea ritterling sense to a child. I explained Contributor to her that generous, caring people will ask for donations and show up to walk as a symbol of their support for people who need our help. I think that we all need to look at how we can make a difference by asking for a donation and walking as a symbol20of our hope to cure this disease. The 17th Annual Walk to Fight AIDS 2009, will take place Saturday, October 17 at Garvin Park in Evansville at 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm. The walk is hosted by the AIDS Resource Group which provides services to clients in 11 counties. This is the longest running awareness walk in southwestern Indiana. Sadly, I learned that while we are 25-plus years into this pandemic, there is still no cure in sight for HIV/AIDS. This organization is striving to make a difference but they still need our assistance. This is a great opportunity to remember a loved one, show your support for someone battling the disease or just to demonstrate your support for fellow human beings that you have the will to fight until we have a cure.

Boys and girls all you have to do is register yourself or form a team to walk. This is your chance to be a Team Captain and train your peeps to raise money for the cause. For a $25 donation you will receive an official 2009 Walk to Fight AIDS T-shirt (each member of the team will receive a t-shirt if the team total raised is more than $25 per team member.) You will also have the opportunity to be recognized as a hero: • Individuals raising more than $250 will receive recognition on ARG’s Hall of Heroes plaque.

• Individuals or teams raising more than $1,000 will receive recognition on ARG’s Hall of Heroes plaque. • Individuals or teams raising more than $5,000 will receive recognition with their own ARG Hall of Heroes plaque. • The ARG Hall of Heroes plaques will be displayed in the ARG office year-round and taken to each of the ARG sponsored events in the community. The agency feels it is necessary to honor everyday heroes who help in the fight against the devastating effect20of HIV/AIDS in our community. If you are fortunate enough to work for a business that can donate bucks for the walk this is the time to request their support. There is a Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze level for corporate sponsorships. This would be the perfect time to rally your co-workers and bond by encouraging your team to gather donations and participate. The AIDS Resource Group provides services to 200 HIV-positive individuals in southwestern Indiana, as well as providing potentially life-saving HIV education to at-risk populations throughout our area. All funds stay locally and are used to provide education, assistance and advocacy. Their mission is to provide support services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and to their loved ones. All services are provided in the strictest of confidence. Register by phone (812-421-0059) or by email ( Once registered, team captains will be sent a “Walk Team Packet” so teammate recruitment can begin. Once your team is registered, it is the team captain’s responsibility to make sure the team is ready for the Walk! Teams should have all their funds raised ready to be turned in the day of the Walk at registration. All team funds should be presented at the registration table in one envelope to better account for your team’s success. Registration begins promptly at 12 noon on Saturday, October 17th and will last until 2:00 p.m. For more info please check out their awesome website at: Please don’t let the AIDS Resource Group down.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Grill For the Thrill/ Gear, Gadgets & Gizmos – Bands! BBQ! Thing-A-Ma-Bobs!


n the surface, the events going on at Roberts Stadium on September 19 seem to be all for the guys. Manly men, doing manly things, like grilling giant slabs of muscles that used to walk about the earth; fishing and golf gear, and a variety of lethal weapons that could be used to slay said walking slabs of muscles. Smoke rising from the ground and permeating the neighborhoods around Boeke Road dylan gibbs and the Lloyd. Burly country singer Joe Michaels and Managing Editor his own horsepower-heavy NASCAR machine of speed and track-bound violence. Speaking of cars, Roberts will be the site of a car show, too. How about beer? They’ll have that there, too. Yeah. Man stuff. But look closer and you’ll see that there’s something for everyone here. See, everyone loves barbeque – well everyone who isn’t a vegetarian, anyway. And most everyone who’s grown up around these parts has, at one point or another in his or her life dipped a fishing pole into the water, whether he or she has actually landed a fish or not. Everyone likes music, unless he or she is without a pulse. Beer is universal; ask my wife. As for the NASCAR element, the sport is the fastestgrowing in popularity right now – among both women and men. So there! Something for everyone! Grill for the Thrill kicks off at noon, and for a mere $5, you can enter the grounds and get everything started off right. The music kicks off right away, with the bands and artists Dominoes, SoulUnique, the Bobby Clark Band, Line of Fire, Jason Clutter & the Dirty South Band, Joe Michaels and Pieces of the Day scheduled to roll out the notes all day. Barbequists will be offering their creations of love and will be in heated competition throughout (if you’re interested in competing, the deadline is September 11; contact SMG at 476-1383). A whole day of fun for that mere $5 could be had at the Gear, Gadgets and Gizmos Expo, but it’s being lumped into Grill for the Thrill. Check out the best and latest in hunting and fishing equipment, boats, golf gear, big-screen televisions and much more for the guys (and gals, to be certain) to drool over. September 19 is the day, noon’s the time. Check out’s calendar of events tab of any and extra info you might need. Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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The Drop Dead Darlings: Seduction in Stockings


urlesque shows have a long history spanning continents and boasting names such as Bettie Page, Lola the Vamp, and Gypsy Rose Lee. The Drop Dead Darlings take a 300 year old style and use it to titillate, intrigue, and even solicit a few belly laughs from their audiences. Admittedly, belly laughs aren’t the only thing these vixens have solicited in their lives. These broads are not softies. Rockelle Revolver killed a man who was unfaithful to her using only an eyelash curler. Dixie Valentine once drank three 40’s in 25 minnick utes without going to the restroom once. Noonie Moonshine, well, she survived durcholz seven months alone in a remote part of the Andes Mountain Range hunting Staff Writer vicuna (small member of the camel family) using hand-made bow and arrows then feeding on their livers. Fortunately, she befriended an Andean mountain cat to keep her company during those frigid nights. Needless to say she was a bit more hairy in those days. Make no mistake, these ladies can run with the classiest of crowds as well. Charming, teasing, and sometimes bludgeoning their way into the hearts of all. The Drop Dead Darlings will be performing at Bullock’s Tavern as a part of Dr. Pinkerton’s Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves Wedding Feast on September 12th. This event also features The M.U.T.E.’s and all types of other mystical, obscure entertainment. To get more insight on these daring damsels, Bulimia Puree was on hand to provide a glimpse of the inner workings and dirty dealings of the Drop Dead Darlings. N4U: Collectively, what is the troupe’s main goal? BP (Bulimia Puree): To be entertaining. To give Evansville something a little different, something old school that was considered classy but hushed all at the same time What does the troupe mean to you personally? It gives me a chance to branch out and get out of the same old humdrum. Every show is different and takes a lot of planning and work. It’s a challenge in ways, what can we do next planning the next big party! Does everyone get along for the most part? Like any family we have our moments. You know the little cat fights, the occasional murder. It’s all fun though; we all love each other and are really close. What was the inspiration to start the troupe? We were drunk... No, well yeah we were, or probably just me, but we are all creative people looking for an outlet to our many talents. And it’s something fun for us and for the people who come to see the show. I can guarantee that there is not one like it anywhere close. And we wanted to give Evansville something out of the norm. What does being in character do for you? I get to be this crazy off the wall gal and say and do things that normally would not be appropriate but because I am Bulimia Puree it’s all okay!

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Which performer of the burlesque arts inspires you the most? The Queen is Betty Paige. There are many others, but I think she set the way for everyone. What appeals to you most about the burlesque style? The appreciation of the female body. It’s not about being a stripper or super skinny with the big boobs. It’s about embracing yourself for who you are and loving yourself. It’s not about body size and all the expectations being put on by society. I want to throw out thanks to Rockelle, Noonie, Dixie, Scarlette, Isobella, and Svetlana. We worked hard to get this up and going. It seems that there are several different disciplines of the burlesque arts (mainly from different countries) which appeals to your troupe the most • Evansville September 2009

and why? Can you explain the differences? Well first the differences. Many countries have different laws that govern how much skin can be shown and so on with booze in the building. Even in the U.S. it varies greatly from state to state. When I was in Ohio were full nude shows but they can’t sell alcohol. However, you could bring your own in. Here you cannot do that. I think for the most part we try to stick to the classic 30’s to 50’s style. Who is the newest member (and youngest) of the troupe? Did it take them long to fit in? The newest and youngest member is Contessa Kind Fire. She is amazing with her hoola-hoop. I have never seen anyone spin one off their shoulder blade! Like seriously, eat a burger! But she is great. Fits right in. A few other newbies too, SewAnna Buttons, Auntie Social, Pippi Silkstalking, and Lolli Lollita. artwork: cory lamb

Seems Bulimia Puree has suffered through many-a-heartbreak. What gets her through the day? What is she passionate about?

What gets me through the day is my men. Jim Beam, Jose Quervo, and Jack Daniels. I am passionate about Xanax, xanax, xanax! No, but I have a great group of friends and that is what life is about. Who is the most mysterious in the troupe? Why? Contessa Kind Fire. If you look at her profile on the myspace page every name is classified! What’s up with that? Who is the sweetest/meanest in the troupe and why? The sweetest is definitely Noonie! She is full of life and always laughing and making things fun. The meanest, there is no question to that. It’s me, but in a good way. I keep pushing the girls during the rehearsals with long hours. “That was perfect do it five more times!” I know that at times they are just over me but they love me so that makes it all better. For a better look and more information on the ladies of Drop Dead Darlings visit their myspace page at www.myspace. com/thedropdeaddarlings.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Tell Your Mummy:

The Evansville Museum has something Special for Halloween!


hrough a special arrangement with the St. Louis Science Center, The Museum will proudly host “The Child Mummy,” October 27 through November 29. What makes this occasion so glen special is that child mummies stroessner are very rare and few have Contributor been studied. This 2,000 year-old infant boy is estimated to have passed away at seven to eight months old. Mummification was an expensive process and infants were rarely mummified unless they were from an uppermiddle class family. If an infant were younger than the Child Mummy coming to Evansville, he would likely not undergo the mummification process unless he was royalty. There will be a public opening for The Child Mummy exhibition on Saturday, October 31, from 12 - 2 p.m. The free (and scare-free) event will feature hands-on Egypt-themed activities for kids--who are welcome to wear their

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Halloween costumes--and a chance to see the mummy in person. On November 7, 14, and 21, the museum will host Breakfast with the Child Mummy where the Evansville Museum Docents will give a presentation over breakfast sponsored by Donut Bank Bakeries. Also, the breakfast will include a viewing of The Child Mummy prior to the museum’s opening. The cost is $7.00 per person and the breakfast runs from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.; reservations are encouraged. Also, Discovery Days will be hosted by the Museum as a series of activities for kids. November 4 will include an Explore Egypt theme where the kids will make a Cartouche (Egyptian Name Tag for lack of better term). November 18 will be “Mummy Madness” where the kids will make a pretend mummy and imitate the process that the ancient Egyptians used! So for all of you mummies, daddies, and kiddies interested in The Child Mummy exhibit, October and November are the months for you! If you’re interested in The Child

Mummy Breakfast or Discovery Days, reservations may be made through gena@emuseum. org or by calling The Evansville Museum at 812-425-2406.

Brew Ha-Ha Goings on

If you happened to miss last month’s News 4U, then you would have no idea that the greatest event of the season, Brew Ha-Ha, will be here on September 26. Brew Ha-Ha works as follows: Pay $25 in advance or $30 at the door and enjoy all the food and libations you like. Please note all of this is included in the up-front price. The event begins at 6 p.m. This year’s event will be located at Casino Aztar and feature brews from Working Distributors, and Ohio Valley Homebrewer’s Association as well as food from Oak Meadow, China Bistro, RiRa’s, Corky’s, and Hacienda. Hotel Aztar and Le Merigot also have rooms available for the… ahem, oversampled rates of $99.00 to $109.00 respectively. For more information or to reserve your spot, please visit • Evansville September 2009

Christmas in September


k, I know Christmas isn’t for a few more months, ok, three more months, but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas shopping. If you’re like me and you have a ginormous family, it can get pretty expensive. Since I’m the “cheap chick” it is my responsibility to help you save money this Christmas season. julie mehringer Get creative and start making gifts for your family.You Contributor have three months to hand craft whatever it is you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time to make. A friend of mine gave me an idea to make my own throw blanket for family. I mean, who doesn’t need a throw blanket? It works for men, women, kids, grandparents, pretty much everyone. Get a couple of yards of fleece fabric on sale at a fabric store or even Wal-Mart. You’ll need two pieces of fleece the same size. They can be the same pattern or color or mix it up. You are in charge of the design. Lay them out on the floor on top of each other matching up the ends. Work your way around the blanket cutting two inch slices toward the middle of the blanket an inch apart. When you are done cutting, go back around the blanket and tie the two pieces together into a knot. Once you are done, you’ll have a very cool looking fleece blanket for a couple of bucks and maybe a few hours. To get the best gift, think about what the recipient would appreciate. If making a blanket doesn’t appeal to you, search the internet for other crafty ideas that don’t cost a lot. I’ve seen recipes online for everything from homemade shampoo to candles. Maybe they would be more likely to enjoy a picture collage of old photos. You can get cheap poster frames for about ten dollars at craft stores. Be sure not to put tape on old photos since it my ruin them. You may want to splurge on special tape at a craft store to reduce the risk of ruining irreplaceable memories. If you don’t have old pictures, you can print digital photos using websites like or Before you order, search the internet for discount codes. Often times you can get free shipping or a percentage off of your order. None of these ideas sound good? Give a gift certificate to your loved one. Not the traditional gift card, but a unique gift certificate made by you. Get out the construction paper or get creative on your computer. Make a certificate for a service you can give them like a free car wash or a free night of baby-sitting. Get creative and be specific to your recipient. The most memorable gifts are usually ones that are unique to the recipient. So use your creativity and thriftiness to make your Christmas gifts this year.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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OWENsBORO Big Ed’s 270-689-2200 Every Tuesday: Roy Kyle Night Life Acoustic/Karaoke/ Free Pool & Pool Lessons Every Wednesday:Open Mic Acoustic Jam w/Roy Kyle Night Life Acoustic/Karaoke: Sep 9:Open Mic Acoustic Jam w/Roy Kyle Night Life Acoustic/Karaoke Sep 12:Stepping Stone

Blackwell Bar, Madisonville 270-245-0122 Sep 15:80’s Night

Boiler Room, The 270-684-4999

Tuesdays:Open Mic Night with Andy Brasher Wednesdays:Karaoke w/ Songbird Entertainment Sep 4-5:DJ Your Way Sep 11-12:Preview Sep 18-19:Soulunique Sep 24:Cornhole Sep 25-26:DJ Romeo

Diamond Lake Resort 270-229-4900 Sep 5:Fifth Annual Hawaiian Luau along with golf cart and camp site decorating contest. Sep 19:Fishing Tournament Sep 25-26:Fourth Annual Grillin’ & Chillin’ BBQ Cook-Off

Equals (270) 313-0820 Mondays:Shawn Brashear Wednesdays:Karaoke Thursdays:Piano Night Fridays:Karaoke/Random Dance Surprises

Frankie’s Sports Bar & Games 689-0200 Tuesdays:Beer Pong/Big Letdown w/ Criss Cheatham Wednesdays:College Night/Karaoke & DJ Thursdays:Ladies Night/DJ

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Soul Unique is at the Boiler Room on September 18 & 19.

Sep 4:Lonesome Road Sep 5:Scott Lindsey-music video filming party Sep 11:Wax Factory Sep 12:Interface Sep 18-19:Flat Stanley Sep 25:CC3 Sep 26:Lil’ WhyteTaco & the Mofos

Friday After 5-Downtown Owensboro Sep 4:Main Stage - Velvet Bombers/Street Fair Community Block Party

Glema Mahr Center for The Arts, Madisonville 270-821-ARTS

Sep 11:Katie Armiger & special guest Mudd River Union Sep 17:Riffs & Runs Piano Explorations w/ Harry Pickens and Jeffrey Jamner

High Banks Speedway

Int’l Bluegrass Music Museum 270-926-7891 Sep 11-13:4th Annual Monroe-Style Mandolin Camp Sep 30:Saturday Lessons Program fall deadline

Owensboro Museum of Fine Art 270-685-3181 Sep 1-30:”Expressions” Exhibit

River Park Center 270-687-2770

Sep 6:Summer Movies on the River-Bolt (G) Sep 22:Cirque Dreams Illumination Sep 26:OSO Performance - Opening Night Gala

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro 270-683-5003 Sep 4-6, 11 & 12:Cash On Delivery Sep 25-27:Annie Jr. Encore Performance


Sep 4, 11, 18 All Divisions - E-mods, Street Stocks, Pure Stocks, Cruisers, Rusty Bolts and Mini Stocks

Windy Hollow Speedway 270-785-4065 Sep 6:UMP Summer Sizzler Sep 13:Bike Races Sep 27:Bluegrass 20’s • Evansville September 2009

sT. LOUis

Edward Jones Dome 314-342-5201

Sep 3:St. Louis Rams Football Game (PreSeason) St. Louis Rams vs. Kansas City Chiefs. Sep 5:Missouri vs. Illinois State Farm Arch Rivalry Football Game Sep 26:St. Louis Gateway Football Classic Sep 27:St. Louis Rams Football Game St. Louis Rams vs. Green Bay Packers.

SOCIAl PuNk At Pop’s in Sauget this month: The Melvins on September 25 and Social Distortion on the 27th

American Center 314-342-5036

Sep 10-14:St. Louis Travel Show Sep 15:National Scholarship Service College Fair

Argosy Alton Belle Casino 800-336-7568 Sep 11-12:Bob Zany presents One Man, A Chick & A Bay-Bee with Mike Armstrong & Lynne Koplitz Sep 25:John Waite

BB’s Jazz, Blues & Soups 314-436-5222 Sep 11:Charles (Skeet) Rodgers & The Inner City Blues Band Sep 24:The Jim Stevens Group Sep 25:Soulard Blues Band

Beale on Broadway 314-621-7880

Sep 4:Shemekia Copeland Sep 5:Moreland and Arbuckle Sep 6:Magic Slim & The Teardrops Sep 26:Deke Dickerson

Sep 22:Richard Buckner with Cassie Morgan & The Lonely Pine Sep 30:NOMO

Blueberry Hill’s Duck Room 314-727-0880 Sep 4:The Unconscious Sep 10:88.1 KDHX Welcomes Jame McMurtry Sep 12-13:Peter Mayer Group

Broadway Oyster Bar 314-621-8811 Sep 12:Melissa Neels Band Sep 16:The Rockin’ B’s

Busch Stadium 314-421-3060

Sep 1-3:Cardinals vs. Brewers Sep 11-13:Cardinals vs. Braves Sep 14-16:Cardinals vs. Marlins Sep 18-20:Cardinals vs.Cubs

Cafe Eau-Chase Park Plaza 314-633-1000

Family Arena, St. Charles 636-896-4200 Sep 18:Ballroom Dancing w/AMBASSADORS OF SWING Sep 19:Rock-a-billy Swing w/ Hudson & The Hoodoo Cats Sep 25:Ballroom Dancing w/Second Generation Swing Sep 26:Rock ‘n Roll w/Facts ‘O Life

Contemporary Art Center 314-725-6555 Sep 11-12:COCA Theatre Company Auditions for Anon(ymous) Sep 25:Timoth Hutchings

Edison TheatreWashington Univ. 314-935-6543

Sep 12:Racial Profiling Dance Concert Sep 18-20:The Little Rani Sep 25-26:underground David Dorfman Dance Sep 30:Suzanne Westenhoefer

Sep 5:Steve Ewing

Billiken Club @ St. Louis Univ. 314-977-2020 Sep 10:Royal Bangs with Tiger City Sep 18:Maserati

Casa Loma Ballroom 314-664-8000

Sep 11:Ballroom Dance w/Knights of Swing

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Sep 11:Born of Osiris/ All Shall Perish Sep 18:Eclipse: A Tribute To Pink Floyd Sep 19:Badfish: A Tribute to Sublime Sep 25:Down/The Melvins/ Davana/Weedeater Sep 27:Social Distortion/ The Strangers/TAT

Schlafly Tap Room 314-241-BEER

Sep 19:Hop in the City Beer Festival

Scottrade Center

Sep 29:The Australian Pink Floyd Show Sep 30:Kings of Leon

Sep 3-6:Disney On Ice: 100 Years of Magic

Sheldon Concert Hall 314-533-9900

Fubar (314) 289-9050

Sep 17:Patty Loveless Sep 25:Bettye LaVette

Sep 3:Have Heart (Bridge Nine), End Of A Year (Deathwish), Cruel Hand (Bridge 9), Convicted, Foundation, Nothing To Nothing & Resolve Sep 7:Knights of the Abyss, Suffokate w/ guests Walk Of Ignorance, Single Bullet Solution, Hope Can’t Save The Dead

Funny Bone West Port Plaza 314-469-6692

Stages -Robert G Reim Theatre 314-821-2407

Sep 4-30:Guys and Dolls

Touhill Perf. Arts Ctr.-U of Mo 314-516-4100 Sep 19:Sonny Rollins Sep 26:Golden Dragon Acrobats

Union Station 314-421-6655


Sep 4:Free Outdoor Movie - Twilight Under The Train Shed Sep 17:St. Louis All Star Revue

Sep 5-6:Big Muddy Blues Festival

Venice Cafe 314-772-5994

Pop’s Nightclub

Sep 4:Dogtwon Allstars Sep 5:Jake’s Leg

Sep 10-12:Josh Blue

LaClede’s Landing


Sep 1:Four Year Strong Sep 4:The Dandy Warhols Sep 5:Arythma Sep 6:Emmure Sep 9:Saliva Sep 10:The Gaslight Anthem

West Port Plaza 618-576-7100

Every Saturday:Street Entertainment

• 81 •

Sep 30:Social Distortion with TAT, The Strangers

Coney Island Fun Park 513-232-8230 Sep 5:Cruise-A-Palooza Sep 27-28:Fall-OWeen Festival

20th Century Theater 513-731-8000

Sep 28:Mike Gordon

Aronoff Center for the Arts 513-621-2787 Sep 10-13:Cincy Ballet: New Works Sep 15:Cincy Playwrights Initiative: New Voices Series Sep 17-20:Cincy Ballet: New Works Sep 24-26:Midpoint Music Festival Sep 29-30:Broadway Across America: The Color Purple

Mad Hatter Club, Covington

Sep 2:Four Year Strong/ Crime In Stereo/Fireworks Sep 11:Bazookas Go Bang Sep 12:Mustard Plug Sep 19:Safety Suit Sep 26:A Decade to Die For Sep 28:Maddie Monday Sep 30:Emmure

Madison Theatre, Covington 859-655-4807 Sep 17:Brandi Carlile/ The Noises 10

Paul Brown Stadium 513-621-3550

Sep 13:Bengals vs. Broncos Sep 27:Bengals vs. Steelers

Play By Play 513-793-3360

Sep 3:Jason Ricci & New Blood Sep 19:Seth Walker/ Jon Justice Band

PNC Pavilion at Riverbend 513-232-6220 Sep 3:Lil’ Wayne/Young Jeezy/Soulja Boy Tellem/ Drake/Pleasure P Sep 10:Toby Keith/ Trace Atkins

Procter & Gamble Hall 513-621-2787 Sep 29-30:The Color Purple

Riverstar Sports

Blue Wisp Jazz Club 513-241-WISP Sep 3:Ron Enyard/ Dan Drees Qnt w/ Jack Finucane/Dan Karlsberg/Eddie Felson Sep 5:Mike McIntire Marmalade Brigade Sep 10:Brasilia Sep 11:Vocalist Ann Chamberlain w/ Phil Degreg Sep 12:Pete Mills Quartet Sep 17:Trumpet Player Wade Baker Band Sep 18:Saxophonist Greg Abate Sep 19:Ron Jones Quartet

Bogarts 513-281-8400 Sep 9:The Gaslight Anthem Sep 14:Silversun Pickups with Cage the Elephant and Manchester Orchestra Sep 17:Trivium Sep 22:Mutemath Fall 2009 Armistice Tour

• 82 •

IN HeR OWN eyeS Brandi Carlile will be at Madison Theater September 17.

Northside Tavern 513-542-3603

Sep 1:Slow Claw Sep 9:Busdriver/ Abstract Rude Sep 24:Why?/ Serengeti/Polyphonic

& Entertainment Complex 513-624-0020 Sep 4:8Kount Sep 11:George Lynch’s Souls of We/Mighty Swine

SHOCk’N y’All

Toby Keith will be at PNC Pavilion at Riverbend with Trace Adkins September 10.

Southgate House, Newport 859-431-2201 Sep 2:The Newbees Sep 3:Stardeath and White Dwarfs Sep 4:Polvo Sep 6:Reverend Payton’s Big Damn Band/500 Miles to Memphis/ The Frankl Project Sep 8:Vandaveer/ Daniel Martin Moore Sep 9:Josh Albright Sep 10:Cowboy Mouth/ Those Darlins Sep 11:James McMurtry Sep 12:The Seedy Seeds Sep 14:Brooke Waggoner Sep 17:Fruit Bats/ Iran/Kevin Barker Sep 18:Tim Easton/ Billy Catfish Orchestra Sep 19:The Minus 5/ The Baseball Project Sep 24:Deke Dickerson Sep 25:The Dynamites/ Jon Justice Sep 27:Weedeater/ Blacklight Barbarian/ Beneath Oblivion Sep 28:Pokey LaFarge

Sep 30:She Wants Revenge/Kill Hannah/ The Tender Box

Taft Theatre 513-721-8883

Sep 16-18:Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

The Redmoor 513-871-6789

Sep 5:The Modulators Sep 11:Urban Jazz Coalition Sep 12:Entheos Sep 16:Poogie Bell Sep 17:Mandy Gaines Sep 18:Blue Tip

US Bank Arena 513-421-4111

Sep 15:Metallica/ Lamb of God/Gojira • Evansville September 2009




Sep 24:The Rock & Roll Circus Sep 26:Guilty Pleasures Sep 27:The Walkmen Sep 30:Sun O)))

Nashville Municipal Auditorium 615-862-6395

Sep 19:Los Tigres Del Norte

Riverfront Park 615-862-8400

Sep 5-6:Music City Jazz, Blues & Heritage Festival

Ryman Auditorium



Metallica’s still pulling our strings after all these years at Sommet Center September 14 .

12th & Porter 615-254-7236

Sep 1:The Billy Block Show presents... Sep 2:Junction Road w/ Thaxton Ward & Blackwater James Sep 3:Josh Flint & Sarah Silva Sep 4:K.S. Rhoads w/ TBA Sep 5:Max Headroom w/ TBA Sep 10:Jesse Terry w/ Michael Logen-Charlie Worsham-Craig Jackson Sep 11:Billy Dean & Friends Sep 12:Miller Harris Golf Benefit Kick Off Party Sep 17:Chris Holcombe w/ Jenn Franklin & Kristen Cothron Sep 18:The Delta Saints CD Release w/ Kopecky Family Band- Westbound Rangers & Kindercastle Sep 26:Annual Pirates Block Party

3rd & Lindsley 615-259-9891

Sep 12:Grooveyard featuring John Cowan, Pat Buchanan, Greg Morrow, Mike Brignardello, Reese Wynans, and The Grooveyard Horns Sep 20:Jackopierce Sep 22:Tony Lucca and Jay Nash Sep 23:Cowboy Jack Clement and Marley’s Ghost/Wooten Brothers

Sep 25:Sarah Bettens of K’s Choice Sep 26:Katie Herzig

BB King’s Blues ClubNashville 615-256-2727 Sundays thru Tuesdays:Stacy Mitchhart

Wednesdays:Burning Las Vegas Thursdays:B.B. King All Stars featuring Herchal Bailey Sep 4:Saxophonist Jackiem Joyner w/ the Steve Roper Band

Belcourt Theatre 615-383-9140

Sep 9:Jesse Winchester Sep 10:Special screening: Much Ado About Middle School Sep 23:Guy Clark

Bourbon Street Blues 615-242-5837

Mondays:Shaun Murphy Sep 11-12:Biscuit Miller Sep 30:Candi Apple Red

Cannery Ballroom 615-251-3020

Sep 11:Madi Diaz/Darla Farmer/Kindercastle/ Turbo Fruits/Silver Seas Sep 16-19:Americana Music Festival Sep 23:Clutch Sep 24:The Disco Biscuits Exit/In 615-321-3340

Sep 4:Stardeath and White Dwarfs Sep 8:Fruit Bats w/ Pronto Sep 10:Son Volt Sep 11:Roger Creager Sep 12:The Four Kicks w/ Daniel Ellsworth and Trigger Code Sep 15:Psyclon Nine and Imperative Reaction w/ Special Guests Cryogen Second and DJ Ichabod Sep 17:Fountains of Wayne (Special Accoustic Show) Sep 19:Toubab Krewe Sep 25:Wrong Way: A tribute to Sublime

Grand Ole Opry 615-889-3060

Sep 1:Hal Ketchum Sep 5:Legacy Five Sep 18:The Flatlanders

James K Polk Theater 615-782-4000

Sep 17:Comedy Central Live: Mike Birbiglia

Mercy Lounge

615-251-3020 Every Monday: 8 off 8th

Sep 4:Lord Tand Eloise/Kingpin Skinny Pimp/Al Kapone Sep 11:The Dynamites feat. Charles Walker Sep 12:Shelly Fairchild & The People Sep 16-19:Americana Music Festival Sep 22:Mike Gordon

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Sep 8:Heart with special guest Alana Grace Sep 17:Americana Music Association Awards & Honors featuring host Jim Lauderdale, Buddy Miller, Nanci Griffith, Raul Malo, John Prine, Asleep at the Wheel & more! Sep 21:Boz Scaggs with John Hiatt Sep 22:Merle Haggard Sep 26:The Black Crowes with Truth & Salvage Co. Sep 27:The Decemberists with Laura Veirs and the Hall of Flames

Sommet Center 615-770-2000

Sep 12:Taylor Swift w/ Kellie Pickler Sep 14:Metallica

Station Inn 615-255-3307

Mondays:The Time Jumpers Tuesdays:The Doyle And Debbie Show/ Mashville Brigade Sep 10:Tim O’Brien & Friends Sep 24:Josh Williams Band Sep 25:Eric Brace, Peter Cooper, Lloyd Green, Mike Auldridge Sep 30:Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper

Tennessee Performing Arts Center 615-782-4000 Sep 2-20:Wicked Sep 17:Mike Birbiglia

Tennessee State Fairgrounds & Expo Center 615-862-8993 Sep 11-20:Tennesse State Fair

The Rutledge


Sep 1:Sara Beth/ Judd and Maggie Sep 2:Keeley Valentino Sep 3:Sonja Rose Sep 4:Newmatic CD Release Sep 5:Lovers and Liars Sep 9:Burning Yesterday Sep 12:Thaxton Ward/Billi Carri Sep 16:Campaign 1984 Sep 17:Benefit for Juvenile Diabetes Sep 22:40 Watt Rocket/Kadense Sep 23:The Young Sep 24:Ben Deignan/ Mercy Stevens Sep 25:Hbean CD Release Sep 26:Not Just Country Sep 29:Chris Rains

Tootsies Orchid

Lounge 615-207-3999

Saturdays:Jimmy Snyder & Guests/Anthony Orio

Wildhorse Saloon 615-902-8200 Every Tuesday Thursday: John Karl

Sep 4:Loverboy Sep 25:Pat Green

Zanies Comedy Showplace 615-269-0221 Sep 3-6:Arj Barker Sep 10-13:Margaret Cho Sep 17:Mike Birbiglia Sep 17-20:Sugar Sammy Sep 25-27:D.L. Hughley

• 83 •

iNDiaNaPOLis Sep 19:Joshua Redman Trio

Conseco Fieldhouse (317) 917-2500

Sep 5:South of Sunset Sep 11:Marcy Playground/ Mud Hippies/5 Day Trip Sep 12:Hot Wired

American Cabaret Theatre 317-631-0334

Sep 11:Norbert Krapf Sep 18-19:Lannie Garrett - the Patsy DeCline Show Sep 25-26:Deb Mullins - Can’t Live Without it

Bear’s Place, Bloomington 812-339-3460

Sep 3:David Buuer

Bill Monroe Memorial Music Park & Campground 800-414-4677

Sep 4-5:Brown County Old Settler’s Reunion Sep 10-12:Bean Blossom BikeFest Sep 24-27:34th Annual Bill Monroe Bluegrass Hall Of Fame & Uncle Pen Days Festival

Bluebird Nightclub, Bloomington


Sep 6:Bone Thugs N’ Harmony Sep 10:Cornmeal Sep 15:Victor Wooten Sep 23:Lucinda Williams Sep 27:Immortal Technique Sep 28:Built to Spill

Buskirk Chumley Theater, Bloomington Sep 5:Margot & The Nuclear So & So’s Sep 10:The Temptations Sep 19:Hoosier Dylan Sep 29:Sufjan Stevens

Clowes Memorial Hall 800-732-0804 • 84 •

Crackers Comedy - Broad Ripple 317-255-4211

Sep 2-6:Pete Lee Sep 10-12:David Alan Grier Sep 16-19:Dov Davidoff Sep 23-27:Greg Warren

Crackers ComedyDowntown 317-631-3536 Sep 3-6:Eddie Ifft Sep 9-12:April Macie Sep 16-19:Ian Bagg Sep 23-26:James Stephens III Sep 30:Michael Mack

Easley Winery

317-636-4516 Every Weekend: Grape to Glass Winery Tour

Emerson Theater 317-357-0239

Sep 4:Revenants/ Shattercore/Rejicide/ From Where it Ends Sep 9:Emmure/Evergreen Terrace/Stick To Your Guns/For Today/Oceano/ Monsters/Vires Sep 11:The Synthesis/ DJ Koolaid/Quarantined/ Prey For All/Mercykill/ Gash Hound Sep 12:Within the Eddy/ Beyond Agony/Blood of Pariah/Broken Equalibrium/ Narrow House Sep 14:Attack Attack!/I See Stars/We Came As Romans Sep 15:Alesana/The Bled/ Enter Shikari/Asking Alexandria/Broadway/ We the Hunters

Fountain Square Theater 317-686-6010 ext.2 Sep 5:Rooftop Sky Concert Dinner Sep 19:Rooftop Garden Oktoberfest

See yOu At tHe CROSSROADS Not exactly on the 1st of tha Month, or even in the ‘Nap – Bone Thugs N’ Harmony in B’Ton on the 6th.

Indiana Roof Ballroom 317-236-1870

Sep 20:Lonny Lynn Orchestra

Locals Only Art & Music Club 317-255-4013 Sep 11:The Messarounds Sep 19:Blackberry Jam/ Jumbo Shrimp

Lucas Oil Stadium 317-262-8600

Sep 13:Indianapolis Colts v. Jacksonville Jaguars Sep 19:Kenny Chesney’s Sun City Carnival Tour

Melody Inn 317-923-4707 Sep 2:The Dwellers/ Gash Hound Sep 3:High Treazon/Red Sun/DamNation/Big Nasty Sep 4:Red Light Driver/A-Squared Sep 5:Punk Rock Night w/ Gay Black Republican/ Riverbottom Nightmare Sep 9:The Postscript Sep 10:Small Arms Fire/HotChaCha/ Losers Beat Winners Sep 11:America Owns the Moon/Ice Palace/ Reckless Edward Sep 12:Punk Rock Night w/Keelhaul/Sweet Cobra/Coffinworm Sep 16:Mark Mallman Sep 17:The Melismatics/ The Fuglees/The Campaign 1984 Sep 18:The Graveyard Boulevard

Sep 19:Punk Rock Night - Many local bands and some from other places come take a look. Sep 23:A Caesar Holiday/ Ninja Academy/Imaginary Friend/Caleb McCouch Sep 24:Doom Metal Showcase w/Salome/ Batillus/Apostle of Solitude/Hull Sep 25:Deadmen/ Devil to Pay/Cocaine Wolves/King Deuce Sep 26:Punk Rock Night - Many local bands and some from other places come take a look. Sep 30:The Proforms/ Twilight Sentinels/Steddy P Morty’s Comedy Joint 317-848-5500

Sep 4-6:Shang Forbes Sep 11-13:Mike Kosta Sep 18-20:Billy D. Washington Sep 25-27:Dwayne Perkins Murat Egyptian Room 317-239-5151

Sep 18:Comedy Central Live - Mike Birbiglia: I’m In the Future Also Sep 30:Snow Patrol Murat Theatre 317-239-5151

Sep 12:Indianapolis City Ballet Sep 19:Boney James Sep 26:Bob & Tom Comedy All-Stars Sep 29:Andrew Bird

Slippery Noodle Inn 317-722-1339

Sep 4-5:Davina & The Vagabonds Sep 6:Chris Shaffer Sep 13:Gene Deer Sep 15:Chris Shaffer Sep 18-19:Guy King/ Phoebe & The Mojo Makers Sep 22:Chris Shaffer Sep 24:Insomiacs Sep 29:Chris Shaffer The Vogue 317-259-7029

Sep 1:The Dandy Warhols/Spindrift Sep 3:Tattoo Artist Fall Ball w/Everwrath Sep 4:Margot & the Nuclear So & So’s/ Marmoset/Pravada Sep 11:Who’s Bad ( Michael Jackson Tribute) Sep 18:Frontiers: Journey Tribute/Dot Dot Dot Sep 21:Melvins/ Down/Weedeater Sep 22:Charlie Hunter/ Garaj Mahal/Twin Cats Sep 24:Mike Gordon Verizon Wireless Music Center (Deercreek) Sep 12:X-Fest 2009 w/ Alice in Chains/Cage the Elephant/Hurt/Sick Puppies/ Cavo/Framing Hanley

Sep 25:Kings of Leon/Glasvegas

Warren Perf. Arts Ctr. 317-532-6280

Sep 6:An Evening With Sara Evans • Evansville September 2009


8 Seconds 317-486-1525

Sep 2:Indiana Fever vs Phoenix Sep 5:American Idols Live Tour 2009 Sep 6:Indiana Fever vs Washington Sep 17:Metallica: World Magnetic


Captain's Quarters

yOu’ll NeeD A ReSeRvAtION, eR - tICket Anthony Bourdain at Whitney Hall’s Idea Festival September 25.

4th Street Live! Several Entertainment Venues

Sep 1:at Borders: UK Coach John Calipari Sep 4-5:At the Improv-Doug Williams & Thea Vidale Sep 4:Ri Ra Live! - Cosa Seria Sep 11-13:At the ImprovMarijuana-logues Sep 11:Ri Ra Live! - Fisticuffs Sep 12:Ri Ra Live! - Cosa Seria Sep 18:Ri Ra Live! - Wax Factory Sep 19:Ri Ra Live! - Cosa Seria Sep 25:Ri Ra Live! - Stompbox 40

930 Listening Room

502-635-2554 Sep 10:Vandaveer & The Squeeze-Bot with Brother Stephen Sep 17:Derek Webb/Sandra McCracken

Angels Rock Bar

502-540-1461 Sep 4:Evolution Stops Here Fashion Show

Belterra Casino Resort Centerstage 888-235-8377 Sep 12:MMA Big Show: Mayhem Sep 19:Sara Evans Concert Sep 26:KC and the Sunshine Band

Bluegrass Brewing Co.

502-899-7070 Every Wednesday: BBC St. Matthews hosts a Bluegrass Jam/Americana players Sep 5:Bloom Street Sep 26:2nd Annual Hop and Harvest Festival

Bulldog's Cafe

502-380-0600 Sep 1:Motograter w/ Darksun Sep 3:Epicurean w/ Luna Mortis, Theories Of The Apocalypse & Infradread. Sep 8:Knights of the Abyss, Suffokate, Blind Witness,This or the Wretched,Sinister Soul,Murder. Sep 9:Derricks Birthday Show / Bands TBA Sep 10:On Tour / Primmer 55,Post Mortum,13th Level,Sons of Bluegrass Sep 12:On Tour / These Green Eyes, Drivers Side Im-

502-228-1651 Sep 3:Amanda Lucas Sep 4:The Blues Devils Sep 5:Pokey LaFarge

Expo Five

Sep 28:Down/The Melvins/ Weedeater/Evil Army Sep 30:In Flames/Between the Buried & Me/3 Inches of Blood/The Faceless

Freedom Hall

800-487-1212 Sep 14-19:National Quartet Convention

Headliners Music Hall

502-584-8088 Sep 5:Bloom Street/Arnett Hollow/Bawm in the Mash Sep 10:The Features/The Fervor/The Instruction Sep 12:Moon Taxi Sep 15:Cycle of Pain tour Sep 16:Alesana/The Bled/Enter Shikari/Asking Alexandria/ Broadway/We the Hunters Sep 17:Elmwood Sep 22:Thursday/Fall of Troy/ Young Widows/La Dispute Sep 23:Yo La Tengo Sep 25:David Allan Coe

Improv Louisville

502-581-132 Sep 17-20:Jim Breuer

Jim Porters Good Time Emporium

502-452-9531 Sep 17:Badfish-A Tribute to Sublime/Scotty Don't

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Kentucky Bourbon Festival

800-638-4877 Sep 15-20:Kentucky Bourbon Festival

Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center 800-231-8085 All Month Long: Kentucky Show! Sep 16:Michael Combs Sep 18:Aaron & Amanda Crabb Sep 19:Anchormen

Louisville Zoo

502-459-2181 Sep 1-30:ZooTember presented by McDonalds Sep 11:Ronald McDonald Movie Nights Sep 12:McDonald's Super Heroes / Backyard Action Hero Day Sep 18:Ronald McDonald Movie Nights

Phoenix Hill

Sep 23:Davilla 666/Bad Blood/Midnight Sons Sep 24:I Made This Mistake/ Mowgli & the Robot/Affair/Neil Sutherland/Where We Live Sep 28:Jack Rose

Stevie Ray's Blues Bar

502-582-9945 Every Monday: Unplugged Open Mic Jam Every Tuesday: Open Blues/ Jazz Jam Band Sep 1:Chris Cain Sep 7:Tommy Castro Band

The Vernon

502-589-4957 Every Wednesday: Retro Rewind/Karaoke Every Thursday: Audition Night/Karaoke Sep 11:Pop Evil Sep 12:Carbon Leaf Sep 19:King's X

502-584-8460 Sep 11:Jonell Mosser Sep 12:Brad Cassetto/Tedd Stevens/TBA Sep 18:Dallas Alice/Satchel's Pawn Shop Sep 26:NYC '77 Party

Skull Alley

502-634-4147 Sep 27:Chthonic

502-749-9541 Sep 3:The Winter Sounds Sep 4:Nakatomi Plaza/Desolation Wilderness/Alcohawk/ Attica Attica/Second Story Man Sep 5:Fight Amp/Millions/ Dark Overlords of the Universe Sep 9:Deer Meet/Icarus Himself/Broadfield Marchers Sep 10:Technology vs. Horse/ Space Hooker Sep 11:The Teeth/Mother Tounge Sep 12:Native/Mountain Asleep/Antilles/La Dispute/ Xerxes Sep 16:Dark Castle Sep 17:Jamie Barnes/Bro. Stephen/Frank Schweikardt/ Laura Blake Sep 18:Marmoset/Invaders/

Uncle Pleasant's

Waterfront Park Sep 30:Bell X1

Whitney Hall

502-584-7777 Sep 5:Fanfara Sep 11-12:Don Quixote Sep 25:Idea Festival w/Anthony Bourdain Sep 26:Peter Cetera


502-635-9227 Sep 3:Ghostfinger Sep 15:Maserati Sep 16:Pronto (feat. Mikael Jorgensen of Wilco) Sep 18:The Fruit Bats/Iran/ Kevin Barker Sep 26:Dexateens/Dangerbird

The Harlequins

Sep 19:Artifex Pereo/Inept/ Danger is My Middle Name/ Made Avail Sep 21:Music Video/The States/Your My Destiny


pact, I.M. Legend,Eyes vs The Sky,Conquer The King,BOAZ Sep 18:7 Day Sun,The Sediment, Silent From The Struggle,Tri Tones. Sep 19:On Tour / To Light A Fire, Nothing Wrong,,Conquer The King,Delta Delta Sep 21:Hold / Eddie Sep 23:Salt The Wound,Knights of the Abyss,Graves ofValor,Wit hinTheRuins,Devastion By Dawn,NSOM,PTA Sep 26:Rock Show Case / Dog Water,Silent From The Strugle,State Your Cause Sep 30:On Tour / Havok,Hatchet " Victory Records"

• 85 •

SORe tHuMBS labor Day Special – 5 labor-Reducing Cheats

dan woolsey

Gamer Extraordinaire

Labor Day’s meaning has changed throughout its existence, but ultimately it equals a day off. What you do with the day is up to you, but I recommend staying away from anything that may be strenuous or considered “work.” Please don’t do yard work, workout, or get to work on anything. Going through some of the games in your backlog seems like a much better idea. To keep in the spirit of the day and to make things easier on yourself, you may want to use a game cheat here and there. Guess what, you lazy bum? I’ve got a few cheats I want to talk about. Cheats can make the impossible seem possible or simply change the way you play. Just remember to cheat safely…cheating can disable achievements on the Xbox 360 or Trophies on the PS3. Consider yourself warned!

“Super Jump” from Mega Man 3 - NeS I’ve always had a love/ hate relationship with Mega Man games (except for the Battle Network series; there’s no love there). I love their simplicity, but hate how hard they are. Luckily there exists a cheat for Mega Man 3, which is as helpful as it is easy to pull off. To jump almost three times your normal hop, simply push “right” on the second controller’s d-pad while you jump. That’s it! The only problem is, you’ll have to find somebody willing to keep this held for you. If that doesn’t work out, you could always be like me and put a chair leg on the controller!

“the konami Code” – NeS to current If “up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start” doesn’t mean anything to you, then you may want to check your nerd credentials. This now-legendary code first appeared in the 1986 game Gradius for the NES, but was made popular by Contra for the same system. You’ll definitely need the 30 lives this gives you in Contra! Konami still uses this code in current generation games, with varying effects. NonKonami games and even websites are affected by the code. Facebook supposedly works with it and would unleash pretty unicorns if the code was input (this has since been removed). The truly devoted (or something like that) can even get a t-shirt with the code printed on it! • 86 •

“Flying Cars” from Grand theft Auto series – PS2, Xbox, PC In case you ever run out of things to do in a Grand Theft Auto game, the developers have hidden even more insanity to be unlocked. You can get more health, weapons, and vehicles using cheats, but that’s to be expected. To change things up a bit more, try the cheat that slows down gameplay (the sound also slows down…hearing the slow screams of pedestrians is hilarious). For the ultimate in city exploration, you’ll need to enable flying cars. While they’re pretty hard to control, you might just get used to it. Even if you don’t, it’ll still be very entertaining. See how high you can get and then bail out! Oh, before you get too excited, please know that Grand Theft Auto IV doesn’t have any of these mind-altering cheats.

“Road Rage” from Saints Row – Xbox 360, PS3 Saints Row is what all of the cool kids played while waiting for Grand Theft Auto IV to come out, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good game. While it borrowed heavily from the GTA games, it brought new ideas to the table as well. The story in Saints Row never grabbed me, but the nice graphics and wonderful explosions did. I spent most of my time in Saints Row trying not to get killed by psycho-vehicles in a mode

I dubbed “Road Rage”. While not really a cheat, putting in the right code caused all of the town’s residents to suddenly hate your stinking guts. Drivers would relentlessly chase you down in their reckless attempts to end your life, usually ending their own. You could simply pick a slightly elevated spot and watch the carnage unfold. There was a park I liked to seek refuge in and watch drivers kamikaze into a low wall as they pursued me. Eventually cars would pile up in the streets all around you, leaving you no choice but to blow them up to make way for new victims. If you were feeling lucky enough you could try to cross the street!

“Non-firing enemies” from Galaga – early arcade units Remember Galaga? Remember arcades? A wise man recently informed me of a cheat for the Galaga arcade game that would cause the enemies to stop shooting at you. Just destroy the first wave of enemy ships, except for the bee-like ones and avoid their fire for about 15 minutes. Once they stop shooting, get rid of ‘em and enjoy annihilating the rest of the pacifist ships that will come your way. Unfortunately this bug was fixed in later versions of the arcade units, so I guess it’s too late to try it now. That’s too bad because I would have loved to convince unknowing onlookers that I made the enemies surrender in fear!


Send queries, questions, answers and acclaim to Dan at • Evansville September 2009

CD REVIEWS The Dear Hunter Act III: Life And Death (Triple Crown Records)

vapid mainstream peers. Formed by former Eighteen Visions singer James Hart, Burn Halo brings some serious Axl Rose/Guns 'N Roses worship on "Here With Me," while other songs echo similar 80's metal inspirations, with plenty of radio-friendly hooks and dumbed-down lyrics that smack of stereotypical rock-star posturing. The hit single, "Dirty Little Girl" (featuring the guitarist from the equally despicable Avenged Sevenfold), will appeal to fans of tripe like Hinder, whereas most of the other songs here will fit in nicely next to anything else your favorite FM rock station plays all day. Bleah. Please give me back my 45 minutes. -- Todd Zachritz

as in the concussion-inducing dance rock leviathan, “Beijing,” presented here in an unreleased mix/version. The earlier material (recorded circa 1985) is a little less angry, and more melodic, as evidenced by tracks like the almost new-wavey “Crutch of Utility.” All-in-all, a uniformly consistent collection, and hopefully a harbinger of new material for Elliott and Dessau. -- Todd Zachritz

The Glasspack American Exhaust (Poison Tree Records)

Dessau The Truth Hurts (WTII Records)

Not to be confused with the Kranky Records avante-drone-pop outfit Deerhunter, this project of former Receiving End Of Sirens vocalist Casey Crescenzo is a lush and orchestrated concept album of huge, epic progressive indie rock, like if an emo rock act crashed into a truck full of Queen (or Muse) CDs, or something. That may sound a bit convoluted, but this mix does work for Crescenzo & company. I hear a little bit of Beatles in the mix somewhere (bits of "In Cauda Venenum"), as well, but overall this is a crisply-mixed set of dense and grand pop tunes that will appeal to fans of complex, highly-arranged rock with a dramatic, theatrical side. Really pretty fine stuff, given half a chance. -- Todd Zachritz

Burn Halo Burn Halo (Rawkhead Rekords) 0

This is big, anthemic, and sanitized radio metal that lacks any sort of individual personality, borrowing its sound and attitude from their equally

It's been a long road for Nashville-based industrial rock act Dessau. Centered around programmer/vocalist John Elliott, Dessau saw relative success in the form of actual MTV airplay and a club hit with 1990's “Isolation.” Elliott worked alongside such genre heavyweights as Al Jourgensen and Paul Barker of Ministry, as well as famed Joy Division producer Martin Hannett, among many others. And, truth be told, these co-conspirators are a good way to describe the overall sound of Dessau. The Truth Hurts isn't so much a new album (the last one of those for Dessau was 1995), but a collection of unreleased sessions, alternate mixes, early vinyl cuts, and a pair of live Joy Division covers. In short, a treasure trove for fans, and a superb intro for the uninitiated. Dessau's work here moves from the brooding cover of Ministry's early synthpop gem "Revenge" (here amped up and ready to fight), to the boldly anthemic (yet catchy) “Sun,” to the dubby trip-hop instrumental “Chalkline,” which boasts of production by Chicago's Die Warzau team. It's hard and heavy all the way on The Truth Hurts, with good hooks,

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

This band is a sonic tornado of piss and vinegar. They are an all out dirty, fast, and heavy cacophony taking the listener home from a bar dizzy drunk, banging them for 3 hours straight, taking a couple swigs of Jim Beam straight and leaving at six in the morning. Get the idea? Dave Johnson (vocals/guitar) started the band right at the turn of the millennium and they have been rocking out ever since. The Glasspack is a self proclaimed fusion of 60’s styled jam rock and 70’s hard/punk rock. Anyway it is sliced it will blow your doors off. “Smut” is a punk dream with relentless, distorted guitars spiced up with some higher, face-melting riffs. “Whiskey House” shows the bands psychedelic side boasting a surreal chorus surrounded by vintage metal riffs. “Shut Up and Ride” is a hellacious head banger filled with heavy riffs accented by searing upstrokes and not to mention on hell of a bad attitude. “One Kentucky Night” showcases a more bluesy side to the band, it is fast but the guitar composition is full of stops, starts, wails, and glides. As for “Jim Beam and Good Green,” enough said. This band has fashioned a great, driving sound which is refreshing in light of most contemporary rock. --Nick Durcholz

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CD REVIEWS Sexstone The Painful Side of True (Rumsey Records)

The members of Sexstone come from a musical background with a variety all but unmatched by most bands in the area. Hailing from Western Kentucky this band brings a sound fashioned out of a multitude of tastes. The range of this band is significant especially in light of their grassroots mentality. This range is possible for the band in most part due to lead vocalist Steven Bauer’s voice which compliments both slow, softer tunes as well as the faster, heavier ones. Unlike most bands nowadays Sexstone bridges generational gaps with songs people of most any age can appreciate. “Where” is an acoustic soul-searcher with melancholy but quirky lyrics and a soaring guitar solo providing a nice rising action in the song. “Falling Away” is a stand-out on the album with a distressed verse and hallowed guitar/ bass but could use stronger lyrics in the chorus. “The First Time” begins with a sharp, rapid guitar and higher pitched vocals giving it a pop-punk feel. Unfortunately the lyrics are terribly unoriginal but musically it is a fun track. The guitar composition on “My Night” is fast, structured, and clean. “Screaming Daylight” is the lyrical peak of the album punctuated by a lumbering, heavy chorus. These guys have tremendous talent musically but show room for improvement in songwriting. --Nick Durcholz

Jóhann Jóhannsson And In The Endless Pause There Came The Sound Of Bees (NTOV)

Known as much for his production work (Barry Adamson, Pan Sonic, Marc Almond) and for his band (Apparat Organ Quar• 88 •

tet), Icelandic composer Jóhannsson here has crafted a gorgeous modern classical score. Using the City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra to realize these pieces, the sound is deep, crystalline, and definitely not your grandparents' classical music. The opening "Theme" is a wispy and hopeful string composition, with a slight air of mystery. The seagulls and thunderclaps at the end bring a peaceful close. "City Building" seems to enter more dangerous environs, with shadowy undercurrents and a minimal chorus of voice, piano, and violins, all gelling into a dramatic yet subtle conclusion. But it's not all traditional, either. Among Jóhannsson 's strengths are his incorporation of nontraditional sounds to these structured pieces. "Rainwater" uses effected field recordings to add an element of grit to an otherwise simple piece of music. "Pods" utilizes deep, cavernous reverberations to add menace to the piano/strings. And "Escape" has an air of tension in it's drones. "End (Snowing)" is an aptly-titled 6+ minutes of stunning piano and strings, with a chilly arctic air -- perhaps the finest song here. It's this modern sound-sculpting that brings Jóhannsson's compositions into more avante garde territories, all the while remaining accessible and quite lovely. This beautiful set of songs is quite limited, so act now or pay collectors' prices later. -- Todd Zachritz

could be construed as single-note nonsense, but upon closer “deep listening,” this drone is a combination of sounds that gently twist and envelop itself again, like an ouroboros circle. The drones become intense at around the 18 minute mark, and it's really quite an overwhelming experience. "Hall Of Pure Bliss" runs at 22 minutes, and it's a more spacious, lilting, almost ambient journey, It really doesn't get much more minimalist than this, thank you John Cage. But Davis' ear is on a spiritual angle here, as evidenced by his titles. Is this meditational music? You betcha. Imagine opium dens and alternate planes of consciousness, then imagine the soundtrack. This is that. -- Todd Zachritz

Rome Flowers From Exile (Trisol)

Greg Davis Mutually Arising (Kranky)

His first Kranky release in (gasp) almost 5 years? Davis has evolved much in his “absence.” Indeed, Mutually Arising is a set of 2 extended tracks, both with similar trajectories, but altogether different endpoints. "Cosmic Mudra" is nearly 29 minutes of buzzing, carefully-layered drone. To an untrained, or impatient ear, this

Hailing from Luxembourg, and led by the sonorous, rich baritone croon of leader Jerome Reuter, this group has built up a rabid European fanbase. "Flowers From Exile", their 4th album, is, without a doubt, their strongest. And though it may bear some superficial similarities to the dark, occult folk of Death In June at times, • Evansville September 2009

Rome offer a broader and more diverse musical palette, and one that transcends genre categorizations. Indeed, there are echoes of dark poet/songsmiths like Cohen, Cale, or Scott Walker here. There's some French chanson inspirations, too, if you listen close enough. But really, Rome are their own unique beast. Flowers is a conceptual album, dealing with the theme of exile and reflects on the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. Perhaps a lofty and pretentious premise, but in this case it works quite nicely. After an instrumental intro, "The Accidents of Gesture" begins in grand fashion, with a triumphant and sweepingly cinematic build-up, and Reuter's powerful, well-spoken words leading the charge. This, to me, is the album's tour-de-force -- packed with emotion, mood, tension, and old-world beauty. "Odessa" is a more intimate, traditional folk song, with a more sensitive nature. It's moody, slightly sorrowful, and really quite catchy. Throughout the album, Reiter's strong and emotive vocals capture the limelight, though the lush instrumentation is equally as compelling, with a superb sense of dynamism and restraint. The balladic title track, which segues into “Flight in Formation,” closes it all out, and together, these form a somber and fitting end, complete with martial horns and the cool sounds of a tide coming in from the sea. And although it's not perfect -- some songs in the middle of the album seem to evaporate from memory pretty fast-- the best stuff here is just incredible. -- TODD ZACHRITZ

the musical body is weak without all its parts and they make clear effort in this album making sure the parts are greased and in top working order. The first track “Behind Your Pride” is great compositionally but lacks any type of unique sound within the hard rock genre. “Man in the Meantime” has exceptional lyrics but Camps vocals sound forced and a little awkward. “Puzzle Piece” draws its strength from the chorus which is solid in vocals, lyrics, and instrumentation. It has a nice flow but the verse and bridge are fairly bland. “Speechless” is a seemingly flawless track save for the overdone Vedder-esque vocals. For Calling Corners the talent is there but this band needs to find a sound to call their own. In the short time they have been together they are off to a hell of a start. --NICK DURCHOLZ

Chest Rockwell Total Victory (Chest Rockwell)

livan Happy Returns (P & C Pumpkin Music)

Calling Corners Requiem (Shatterproof Songs)

Looking for an antidote to all the local cover bands? Calling Corners might just be the cure. The band is a culmination of contemporary hard rock bands with driving riffs, dark vocals, and some well placed melody intertwined. Matt Camp, guitarist/lead vocalist, the founding member of the band encountered difficulty in finding other members who shared his vision but once he did a remarkable solidarity was reached almost immediately. This band knows

cented by a rapid, jumpy bass line and quick, industrial guitar licks. “When the Lights go Down” is progressive, static filled track which isn’t too strong lyrically but gets stronger musically as it plays out. “The Machine” has squeaky clean and sharp composition. The vocals are passionate and hold much more of a personality than in other tracks. Livan is a musical mystery man always throwing sonic curveballs to the listener. --NICK DURCHOLZ

This British invasion is a razor-sharp blade right to the gut. Livan goes from breakneck to beautiful in the blink of an eye and remains concise like a seasoned assassin. He has experienced many dramatic ups and downs to draw from. He was born into a political family in Greece and buckled under the pressures of life, sinking to the bottom of the barrel before deciding to live a constructive life. A burning passion for creating music is imbedded into each track of his newest effort. Livan has reached a mature part in his career wanting to create something that chisels his name into the stone of music history. “Happy Returns” is a solid title track. Musically, it is high energy and simple. The lyrics are intricate and dark. “Kiss and Tell” contains spiteful lyrics and a powerful chorus ac-

todd zachritz Contributor

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

nick durcholz

Staff Writer

This young and quirky indie band from Bowling Green, KY shows a breadth and scope that make them a more than viable hope for the area's rock future. Sure, this well-done self-released CD has some patchy spots, but there's a vision here that gives these guys an edge over peers who may be eking out a living doing lame covers or tributes. "2 Pumps Away" boasts some superb guitar effects/pyrotechnics, and "Eleven is the New Seven" is a progmetal piece that may be the group's finest moment. "Mortal Universe" shows their metal-prog chops, too, and this is what I like best about Total Victory. Other tracks show an affinity for atmospheric and complex indie-pop, though these don't seem to be quite as interesting as their harder cuts. Vocalist Josh Hines is limited, and he seems to stretch sometimes, but the guitars (either Hines, Seth Wilson, or both) display a wide array of textures and styles, from more ethereal to almost funky. Impressive! It's all held together by the sturdy rhythm section of Nick Rouse (drums) and Nick Stewart (bass). Total Victory is a solid effort, with plenty of room to grow. I hope they do -- I'll be interested to hear them progress further.

Would you like your music under the scrutinizing ears of our News 4U reviewers? Send us a CD to: News 4U Magazine ATTN: Editor P.O. Box 14131 Evansville, IN 47728 • 89 •


September 4th

All About Steve (Fox) chad And now… A tribute (or sarcastic ode) to the film career benefield Contributor of Sandra Bullock. I am having a Premonition and am Gun Shy about this project. I fear that, in this movie, in which Bullock stars as Mary Horowitz, a dorky and obnoxious woman who basically stalks a CNN cameraman (Bradley Cooper) with whom she is smitten, the Forces of Nature will cause Miss Congeniality to Crash like Demolition Man. Practical Magic will not be able to save us, therefore, I have a Proposal. Speed toward the exits, my devoted readers! I have given you Two Weeks Notice this is going to suck!

September 11th

September 18th

Jennifer’s Body (20th Century Fox) Director Karyn Kusama’s (Girlfight, Aeon Flux) new movie will either work or it won’t. You will likely love it or hate it. Why the predicted extremes? Well, Jennifer’s Body is about a high school cheerleader (Transformer’s Megan Fox) who gets possessed and starts killing her male classmates. Her best friend (Mamma Mia!’s Amanda Seyfried) is forced to try and stop her. Think Clueless meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One thing Jennifer’s Body has in its plus column? Screenwriter Diablo Cody. Cody has already given us one of the funniest movies of the decade, Juno, and has an Academy Award to show for it. When her pen hits paper, she routinely slays me!

Tyler Perry‘s I Can Do Bad All By Myself (Lionsgate) Yes! Tyler Perry can do bad all by himself. And he does. About twice a year! Tyler Perry movies are all the same because they follow his basic formula: lead female character in distress, a big hunk of burning chocolate man love tempting her, lots of gospel singing up in the church, and words of wisdom from Perry’s alterego, Madea. Perry routinely wrangles some big names for his films and nabs some here: Taraji P. Henson (who was Oscarnominated for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button but was even better in Hustle & Flow), Gladys Knight (who is Pip-less here) and Mary J. Blige (love her!!). If you like Tyler Perry films, you’re going to like this. But for me, every Perry movie has been a rehash of 2005’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman.

machines, who have destroyed mankind and seized control of the world. While I understand the marketing strategy behind releasing 9 on 9-09-09, I wish the filmmakers would have waited two more days. How genius would it have been to release this film on 9/11? It’s that date that put 9’s vision of the world in the back of all our minds.

September 18th

The Informant! (Warner Brothers) Matt Damon stars as whistleblower Mark Whitacre, who, in the 1990’s, exposed the price-fixing habits of agricultural giant Archer Daniels Midland. Making Whitacre’s story even more interesting is the fact that he suffers from severe bipolar disorder and secretly gathered hundreds of hours of September 9th audio and video evidence while battling his own inner demons. I AM ALL 9 (Focus Features) OVER THIS! Not only am I huge fan of the acting prowess of Matt Damon There are many reasons to be excited about this bizarre but ground break- (Hey, Ben Affleck! You should take some lessons from your good buddy!), ing animated film about the end of the world. That‘s reason enough! It’s I am a huge fan of director Steven Soderbergh (Ocean’s 11, Solaris), a cartoon about the end of the world. Take that, Papa Smurf! Stick that whose take on The Informant! is thrilling and darkly comic. in your blowhole, Snorks! Up yours, Rainbow Brite!! In writer/director Shane Acker’s bold experiment, Elijah Wood provides the voice of 9, who must lead a small group of other resistance fighters in a rage against the • 90 • • Evansville September 2009

NEW RELEASES September 15th

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Fox) In case you ever watched the X-Men movies and wondered why Wolverine is such a grumpy-pants, here’s your chance to delve deep into his psyche and meet the man behind the sideburns and those gnarly old fingernails. But honestly, the film would have been better if it was called X-Men Origins: Sabertooth. See, Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) grew up as mutant brother to Logan (Hugh Jackman). We know Logan turned out to the noble Wolverine. But I want to know what happened to Victor to turn him into the savage Sabertooth. It’s a better, more engaging story and, honestly, the movie, more often than not, seems to be about his agenda. While Origins is certainly better than any of the previous X-Men films, I am still on the fence. Sorry! And, I apologize for being a grumpy-pants too! GRADE: C+

September 1st

State of Play (Universal) Director Kevin Macdonald assembles a star-studded cast for his remake of 2003’s popular BBC mini-series State of Play. The film opens briskly with a chase scene that ends with a man we don’t know being chased by someone we don’t see and eventually being gunned down by a man we see but don’t know. Meanwhile, an attractive young woman we don’t know is pushed in front of a moving subway car by someone we don’t see. State of Play opens with this fast-paced and gripping bang and Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams and Helen Mirren sustain the momentum with terrific performances. State of Play, like most political thrillers, isn’t as intricate as it pretends to be and packs no real emotional punch. But it’s still a well-constructed and well-acted effort. GRADE: B

September 22nd

Observe and Report (Warner Brothers) The race is on for the WORST FILM of the YEAR and this aimless Seth Rogen vehicle is leading the pack! Rogen stars as bipolar mall security guard, Ronnie Barnhardt, who dreams of graduating from rent-a-cop to

real cop and sees capturing the elusive flasher terrorizing female shoppers in the parking lot as his opportunity to earn his stripes. From the moment I saw the flasher, I knew in my heart of hearts that he would eventually force himself on us, the audience, in a full-frontal barrage of man junk. But never in a million years did I dream we would have to watch him run around the entire mall naked, floppy, obese, bouncing, hairy, and gross. I never want to see another penis again. Even my own. GRADE: F

September 29th

Monsters Vs. Aliens (Miramax) Oddly enough, Seth Rogen is the best part of this animated film about a bride, Susan (voiced by Reese Witherspoon), who is clobbered with a meteor on her wedding day and turned into a towering Amazon named Ginormica. It’s Ginormica who is recruited by the government to fight alongside other so-called “monsters” in a battle against an alien race. Ginormica’s sidekicks include Dr. Cockroach (Hugh Laurie), The Missing Link (Will Arnett) and a big, blue blob named B.O.B. (voiced by Seth Rogen, who gives the film its only real energy and comedy). While the animation is vibrant here and sometimes extremely life-like, everything else about the film is literally paint-by-numbers. GRADE: C+

September 1st

Earth (Disney) Directing team Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield worked in the wild for a year gathering footage for this breathtaking documentary that shares the stories of migration and survival of polar bears, whales and elephants. The film’s money shot (sorry about the porn slang) is one of a great white shark springing up from the water with a seal trapped in the bite of its deadly jaws. You will watch that scene in awe and wonder how that amazing frame was even possible. If you watch the credits, you’ll see. The film’s closing credits offer us a brief, but fascinating look at how this team of cameramen and filmmakers dared to go into and rub elbows (or fins) with the wild to capture its essence. My only complaint with the film is that it sometimes shies away from the harsh reality of the hunt. The studio that killed Bambi’s mother suddenly wants to play nice. But, children, I have some very sad news for you. The cheetah’s not playing flag-football with that gazelle. It wants to eat his face. GRADE: B+

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Box 4017 My name is Tiffany. I’m 24, stand 5’ 6, and have long brown hair with green eyes. I’m on here just seeing what’s out there . . . maybe hang out with someone and get to know someone. If you’re interested, box me back. Box 1322 Hello, I am a white female who stands 5’ 3. I am 56 years old and I have blonde hair and green eyes. I don’t look my age, don’t lie, don’t steal, and don’t cheat. I do work and pay my own bills. I am looking for casual dating, maybe more. Who knows? But, if you haven’t pushed three by now, box me. I love to have fun, I don’t drink . . . well, I do drink occasionally; I don’t smoke. So, if you’re interested, you know what to do. Thank you and have a great day. Box 4320 Hi, my name is Sheila--I’m a 43 year old white female. I’m out looking for a relationship with someone. I’ve been divorced for a year. I just want to enjoy life, and I want someone to enjoy life with me--to have fun, and do all sorts of things. I want someone to treat me the way I am supposed to be treated, and I’d love to treat them the same way. So, if this is what you are looking for, please box me. Bye. Box 2482 Hey what’s up, I’m a 25 year old female, and I’m just looking. So, anyway, just hit me up, Bye. Box 1979 Hello, this is Louise, and I am a black woman who is leaving race open because I am not prejudice or anything. Also, I am tall and slender. People consider me very attractive and I’ve been told I’m gorgeous. I’m just looking for that special someone, and would like to meet some gentleman who can be in his 30’s up to his early 50’s. So, if you like what you hear, and you’re a good man, give me a box. . . . if you’re interested, give me a box and we’ll talk. Box 2922 My name is Vickie. I’m 5’ 8. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I just turned 51 years old in the middle of July. I love Chevy trucks, old car and truck shows, antiques and fleas markets, and rummage sales. I love growing my tulips and roses, and I love all kinds of sports. I’m a big Kentucky wildcat fan. I love the Indianapolis Colts, St. Louis Cardinals, and I also like NASCAR. I • 94 •

love all kinds of music, especially country and the music from the 70’s. I like to go to picnics, and I just like the simple, beautiful things in life. I’m in search of a single or divorced white guy who’s a fun-loving, down-to-earth, easy-going guy with a great sense of humor and a wonderful personality like myself. I hope to hear from a nice guy soon. Thank you. Box 2579 Hi, I’m a single white female with brown hair and brown eyes who stands 5’ 7. I would like to hang out with someone…start out as friends, and maybe, it will lead to something more. I’m looking for someone who is laid back, easy going, and enjoys the outdoors, dining in or out, motor sports, fishing, camping, and sitting around a campfire and drinking few beers. I would like to find someone who enjoys grilling out, going out dancing, and just enjoying each others company. Box me back at 2579. Thanks, Bye. Box 3588 Hi, I’m 38. I’m looking for someone who is romantic, honest, intelligent, who knows how to treat a woman, who would love to make me laugh, and who is willing to be a friend. Box 1035 Hi, this is Debra--a divorced, white, 48 year-old female. I stand 5’ 5. I have short brown hair and hazel eyes. I have a variety of interests, and I love the outdoors. I’m seeking men from the ages of 47 to 55. Listen to my box,

and if you like it, give me a box back. Thank you. Box 1254 Hi, I’m a 56 year-old, widowed white woman living in Evansville. I’m 5’ 1 with reddish hair. I’m looking to spend time with a man, go on walks, dance, or watch movies. I have bluishgreen eyes. Thank you. Box 1287 Hello, I’m recording this under casual dating. I’m looking for someone that I could call up and say, “hey, you want to go out for dinner” or “you want to go to the show” with no strings attached. But, if something would happen later, that would be great also. I am very easy going and in my early 60’s, but age is only a number. And, if you’re like that special someone--who would like to be on a casual date with a girl in blue jeans, or even dressing up and going out on the town--give me a box. Have a good evening, bye bye. Box 1311 Hello, this is a single white female from Evansville Indiana. I have a 6 year old daughter. I enjoy going to the movies, going out to eat, and spending time with that special person. I like spending time with my family. I believe that family is your backbone. So, if you’re interested, and would like to know more, feel free to box me, and I’ll be happy to tell you. Bye. • Evansville September 2009

471-DATE humor, and I would like to meet someone who also has a sense of humor because I like to laugh. I live in Evansville, and my box is 7137. Thank you. Box 8955 Yes, my name is Jessie. I’m 37 years old, calling from the Princeton, Indiana area. I’m just looking for someone to talk with, or chat with, and we’ll see where it goes from there. Box me. Box 7011 Hello, this is David. I’m looking for a lovely lady who is interested in becoming casual friends, getting together occasionally, and having some fun. If this is what you’re looking for, box me back at 7011. I’m 6 ft tall, green eyes, tan, medium build, and I hope to hear from you. Thank you.

Box 5673 Hey ladies, what’s up? I’m a 28 year old white male calling out of Evansville. I just figured I would give this line a shot and see if there is anybody out there because I am new to the area. I am looking for somebody to casually date, maybe go out and have a good time with and see where it goes. I am looking for somebody who has their own place, who works, is responsible and mature. . . . who would like to do something casual-like casually date and see where it goes from there. If you’re interested, send me a box. I’d love to hear from you. Bye.

Box 5248 Hello, this is a 45 year young, attractive, white male--5’ 7 inches tall, brown hair, mustache, and pretty blue eyes. I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke. I’m open-minded and adventurous. I love all kinds of sports: golfing, bowling, football, and kind of into the wrestling scene. I love the outdoors, camping, fishing, parks, and rivers. I love watching movies, drive-ins, and of course, I love staying at home, watching a good movie, and cuddling on the couch. I’m very affectionate—love to hug cuddle and kiss. I am looking for somebody to talk to, hopefully meet, and see how it goes. If you want to talk with someone who is not into playing games, but who is hoping to find someone to talk to and go from there, please send me a message. Thank you.

Box 7602 Hi my name is John. I love to go fishing, camping, out for lunch, playing pool, or whatever for recreation.

Box 7862 Yes, my name is Brian. I am 41 years old. I’m 5’ 9 with blue eyes, brown hair, and I have a 6 year old daughter who is the most important thing in my life. I like going to drag races, watching NASCAR, going to monster truck shows, going to car shows, and entering them. Basically, I love anything that has anything to do with the outside. I like cuddling. I like holding hands. I like taking walks and just about anything. So, if you like what you hear, give me a box.

Box 7137 Hello ladies, my name is Jim. I want to get to know someone who is 50-60 years old. I’m 64 and 5’ 6. I like to take long walks and hold hands and cuddle. I have a sense of

Box 7353 Hi, this in James. I’m 51, stand 5’ 8 and have short black hair and hazel brown eyes. I don’t smoke or drink, I choose not to. I’m possibly looking for long term, but

Box 9114 Hi. I am in my mid fifties, stand 5 ’10, have brown hair, brown eyes, am very conservative, and very single. I like going out for walks and occasional yard sales. I am looking for something hopefully long term. If not, well, even going out for coffee or something once in a while would be good too.

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

we have to start as friends, casually date, and see where it goes from there. No head games. If you’re interested, box me back. Box 7966 Hello, my name is Jeff. I’m from Owensboro. I’m 38 years old. I’m 6 ft tall, have short light-brown hair, green eyes, and am clean shaven. I have all of my teeth and hair. I have a dark complexion, and I am divorced. I have two boys who live with my exwife, and I am just out there looking. Anyway, if this sounds good, please get back to me. Thank you. Box 8045 Hi, my name is Rick. I’m 5’ 10 and have blue eyes and blonde hair. I do have a full time job. I do have my own vehicle, and I have my own place. I’m looking for somebody who wants to talk and meet, and hopefully, it turns into a long term relationship. I want someone who wants a family. I love fishing, camping, flea markets, tractor pulls, and demo derbies. I love to do something on weekends or just sit around the house and grill out. If you’re interested, box me back and I’ll talk to you. Bye. Box 7589 Hi, this is for ladies only. I’m a single white male, and I stand 5’ 8. I’m in good shape. I live in Evansville, and I have a good job. Matter of fact, I have two of them. It keeps me pretty busy. I don’t have time to go to the bars and things. I’m trying to find a friend that likes to go out and have a good meal--someone who loves to travel, someone who loves the water, and someone who loves to be spoiled. I love to spoil a woman. I just want to find a friend, a best friend, and a lover. I was wondering if anybody would be interested. I thank you, and I’d love to hear from you. Box 5123 Hi this Marty--a single white male age 43 who stands 6’ 5. I’m a non smoker and a light social-drinker with brown hair, brown eyes, and a mustache. I’m in search of a single or divorced white female age 40-55, fuller figured, who likes the outdoors, movies, music, dining in, dining out, animals, and who has a sense of humor, is sincere, trustworthy, and honest. If that is you, box me. Bye.

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earn more about your local and regional bands here, straight from the Sound Board. And since we’re recording straight from the board, we’re getting the best sounds possible. This month’s argument-starting questions are:

1. Best gig ever?

2. Favorite cover song to play?

3. Craziest/ weirdest thing you’ve seen from the stage?

4. Pre-show routine?

5. The audience calls for “Free Bird.” Do you play it or not?


1. Matt: Would have to be the Emily Kolb Benefit at the Labor Temple for obvious reasons. 2. “Big Country” by the Talking Heads. 3. Dave: One time when Matt and I were in the Doc Browns, Matt and Brubeck started playing White Zombie's “Thunkerkiss '69.” They were just messing around, but these two scary construction workers walked over from the bar and stood right in front of me DEMANDING that we keep playing the song. I tried to tell them that we really didn't know it, but they just kept standing there. 4. Load-in. 5. No. we're not really a cover band for one thing. Besides, nobody REALLY wants to hear “Free Bird.” It's more of a heckling thing. Maybe we should learn it...

ByRON ROHRIG: 1. Tough question. Two are tough to choose between, for different reasons. One was at Mesker Zoo’s Blooming Zoo Weekend two or three years ago, the other at The Loading Zone in Somerville when a large group of people came in just before I played my “last song” and kept yelling, “Encore! Encore!” How could I turn that down? 2. Fungible things, these, as William F. Buckley Jr. might have said it. Right now, “Heartbreak Hotel” and “American Pie” are right up there, but Todd Snider’s “Alright Guy” is gaining. • 96 •

3. Finally, an easy one! It’d have to be my first Zoo gig almost 10 years ago when, in midsong, a peacock approached and either a) attempted to join in or b) voiced his screeching, ear-splitting protest that I wasn’t playing “Free Bird.” It threw my timing completely off. When this or another peacock has returned every year since, I’ve introduced him as my backup singer. 4. Set up; tune; test; run through parts of two or three songs on the set list that, on that day, strike me as scary; try somehow to reach that strangely relaxed but on-edge state I want to be in. 5. Was that a hand-signal request?

JON SNyDeR (Hog-Maw Blues Band) 1. Hands down best gig was when Hog Maw got booked to play the kiddy section at the county fair. We didn't make much money but we DID get all day passes for the kiddy rides! Whip (the bass player in Hog Maw) got on one of the toy motorcycles on the merry-go-round and we could not get him off! He kept clapping his hands and laughing with this look of joy and wonderment on his face. Bass players really are special. 2. I can only pick one? Hmm. Going to have to go with "The Greatest Love of All" because I actually DO believe the children are our future. Beautiful song.

I'd have to call "true" cowboys. These dudes and chicks were some tough hombres! One of these mavericks actually lifts a huge burning log out of the bonfire they had going, curls it up to his face and lights his cigarette! I really thought we'd never make it out of that gig alive. Oh, and don't smoke. It's bad for you. 4. Before I play I like to trade my shoelaces from one shoe to the other. I feel like it's kind of like rotating my tires. I think the crowd really appreciates the extra effort. 5. Ah, the old "Free Bird" request/joke. Listen, if you are that guy who calls out "Free Bird" when you're at a show or concert, I've got some advice. Just don't do it. Seriously, save your energy to come up with something more creative to say. The band doesn't appreciate it and they don't think you're funny. And if the band does chuckle a bit, it's because they are imagining three or four different ways to smash your head in. Do we play it if someone shouts it out? No. It's a great song, a true classic, but that dude doesn't really want to hear it, he just thinks he's being cool. (Check out the acoustic duo Dave & Jon at Cheeseburger in Paradise every Tuesday night)

3. Ok, this one I'm going to answer truthfully because it still cracks me up. I was playing a party at a horse riding club with a country band and the only people at the party were what • Evansville September 2009

DOOMED you’re a brutal harlot, society.

brandon kaelin


Ahhhhhhhh, society. You really know how to put it in my wheel house. I try and give you the benefit of the doubt, but you keep letting your careless and disgusting ways run blatantly rampant, beckoning me to notice, furrow my brow and clench my stranglehold on misanthropy even tighter. You’re a brutal harlot, society. It saddens me to think I’m stuck with you until the Earth gets its fill and pops like a cheap party store balloon. And that probably won’t even be in my lifetime! Man, the luck.

tory books. Reading can be taxing for someone that’s not used to it, so catch a mental break and pick up a little cardio; you don’t need any more of that “fat” backlash--save that for Kelly Clarkson. Finally, learn how to keep your mouth shut. Flatulence is a desirable subject for the unpolished and twelve-year-old boys, but not the rest of America. If you want to crawl back into the limelight, then you’ve got to filter the barrage of ignorance that so freely flows from that enormous beak in your head. Take a cue from Marlee Matlin and keep mum. With significant corrective action, America, the land of second chances, might just welcome you back with open arms!

SeCOND CHANCeS The nightmare is back. Birds of feather migrate quickly, because Michael Vick is now an Eagle. Congratulations, Philly, for displaying execrable judgment and redeeming a man who should’ve been executed, chopped up and served as soup of the day in New Guinea. Aww, give him a break, they say; everyone deserves another chance. I couldn’t agree more! In fact, I think we need to start issuing second chances all around the table, like Monopoly money. Maybe we could turn the other cheek and spring the BTK Killer. I’m sure after ten victims, he’s learned his lesson and grown as a person. Give him a little community service time discussing the drawbacks of sadistically snuffing life from others and he’s ready to be reinstated as a cub scout leader. How about popping old Charlie Manson? Surely he’s spent enough time in the clink to get his ducks in a row and sort his marbles. Murder and conspiracy? Small discretions--set him free! Watch as whack job Charlie transforms into Charles the Humanitarian. Certainly he’ll rush out to establish battered women’s shelters and serve at soup kitchens. Let it rain second chances for rapists, sex offenders, pedophiles, con-artists and swindlers! Get these guys back on the streets and once again involved with our communities! No matter how disturbing the crime, how horrific the deed, they all deserve another crack at the big show, just like our favorite new Philladelphian, Sick Vick.

JeSSICA SIMPSON, yA’ll “Is ‘asks’ even a word? If not, sorry 4 my layziness with grammar.” -JS


Duhhhhhhmb. Borderline retarded, actually. I’d bet money that Corky from Life Goes On could chop her down and put her in her place any day. After enlightening her on the etymology and legitimacy of “asks,” he could spit victoriously in her Texan face and tell her to skulk off

tACO Bell

Take a cue from Marlee Matlin and keep mum.

to the libary for some book readin’. Considering Dolly Parton is “like the president” to her, what else should we expect? A sudden career change from floundering musician/wretched actress to calculus professor? Not likely. This girl is no brain factory; being dumb is her bag. Ridiculously dumb. A regurgitated brain sandwich could probably complete a geometry assignment with greater accuracy before this ninny. Jess, I think it’s time to regroup. Playing shows like The Strawberry Festival in Plant City, Florida, and mangling your sets with mistakes and meltdowns isn’t helping your cause to regain status as America’s Sweetheart (Is it chicken or tuna, lol?). If you can get Papa Joe to stop dryhumping you long enough to enroll in a community college, you might just have a fighting chance. Do some long division, tackle a few Sudoku Puzzles and glance over a couple of his-

Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

Whose chain does a guy have to yank to get some cheap, inferior Mexican food? Your uncreative, interminable advertising leads me to believe that all I have to do is stroll into one of your locations to quickly feast on the value at hand. Yet every time I show up, there’s some barrier blocking my insatiable appetite from your famous food. Sorry, but our computers are down, we can’t accept debit or credit cards. Really? No problem, let me dig the wad of paper bills from my pocket that I never carry anymore because it’s the year 2009. Don’t you have an IT contact or phone number? Perhaps one of your tattooed, prison-plucked employees could place a call and initiate some action--I’m starving here! If it’s not the computers, it’s the beef. Sorry, but we’re out of beef. Out of beef? OUT OF BEEF? How does this happen? I know you have bags of it sitting back in the freezer, but somehow in the brisk pace of your day you managed to run out. I can’t believe all of your cognizant workers let that minor detail slip through the cracks to what is now a thirty minute wait. A thirty minute wait for an 89 cent taco. Absolutely mind-blowing.

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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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Evansville September 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (812) 962-1309

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