Go Team Magazine - September/October 2010

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September - October 2010

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September - October 2010

September - October 2010

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Bashar Hamami


Business Manager

Sharon Tindle sharon@news-4u.com Managing Editor

6 soccer i Harrison vs. Bosse Girls

Dylan gibbs editor@goteammagazine.com

8 Football I Reitz vs. Henderson County

Tori Weaver events@goteammagazine.com

10 hoops! At Evansville Basketball Academy


12 volleyball Memorial vs. Gibson Southern 13 Football II Bosse vs. Harrison 14 soccer ii North vs. Central Girls 16 Football III Central vs. North JV teams 18 soccer iii Evansville Day School vs. Central Boys


20 soccer iv Reitz vs. North Boys 22 football iv EYFL’s Broncos vs. Chargers

Promotions Coordinator:

account executives

Carolyn Cummings Keith LaCrosse Nick Doerter Web Programming

Jeff Lingis Production supervisor

Jaqulyn Woolsey art@news-4u.com Photography

Terri Adams Mark McCoy Ashley Underhill Julianna Wilkinson

oN the CoveR this issue Central’s - Molley Carey North’s - Molly hawkins Cover Photo Credit Mark McCoy

24 lead the Cheer At YMCA Cheer Camp 25 Martial Arts At Kick-A-Thon 28 fan’s Page To the Fans in the Stands

3 Coaches’ Corner 4 athlete of the Month Danielle Sander

27 Brag Blog

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30 schedule of family friendly events 32 Coupons

for advertising information:

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September - October 2010


coaches corner

Have a favorite coach you’d like to see featured in the Coaches Corner? Send an email to editor@goteammagazine.com or events@goteammagazine.com

Robert Cutrell Please tell our readers about your area of expertise. I have trained in the martial arts for over 30 years and hold advanced Black Belt ranking in 6 different martial arts. I have taught seminars in Europe, Canada, and across the United States. I have operated martial arts schools in the Evansville and Newburgh area over the last 14 years, and my wife, Nancy, and I own and operate The Evansville ChunJiDo Academy on Evansville’s eastside. What prompted you toward coaching and mentoring? Managing I love to see someone dedicate themselves to a worthy Editor cause, work hard, and succeed. I feel there is no better builder of character and self-esteem than working towards a goal and meeting that challenge. In martial arts we teach that we are not competing against anyone else, we are dedicating ourselves to being the best that we can be. Also the nice thing about martial arts is no one sits on the bench, everyone is a participant. We teach every child not to worry about being as good as the person to your right or left, just focus on giving your best effort and being the best that you can be. The goal is not winning, the goal is teaching them how to develop the confidence and belief that they have what it takes to be a winner in sports and life. Who are/were some people you look up to in the coaching/mentoring world? One of my all-time favorite coaches was Jimmy Valvano, the coach of the North Carolina State University Basketball team that won the 1983 NCAA Basketball Tournament. He coached with so much passion and love for what he did and truly cared for every player. I feel as a coach you have to be devoted to the improvement and success of every individual, no matter how talented they are. Every participant plays a role and contributes to the success of a team or group. My favorite mentor in the martial arts world is Chuck Norris. He has dedicated his life to promoting martial arts in a very positive way and is a true patriot. He cares about our country and what challenges our children will face. Early in my martial arts career I had the wonderful opportunity to attend his Kick Drugs Out of America seminar in Chicago; he is truly an inspiration! Dylan Gibbs

What - to you - is the most important thing for young competitors to have in mind? Always believe in what you are capable of. We are all created equal, and if you believe in yourself and dedicate yourself to your goals, you will succeed and the old saying, “You only fail when you stop trying” is definitely true. What are some of the first things you try to instill into young tpeople’s heads? I try to focus on what they can do, not dwell on what they cannot do. If a child sees success, even small successes, their confidence and self-esteem grows, which helps them to achieve even more. Also, WORK HARD! Success and achievement are accomplished through sweat and effort. Success is so much better when you know you have earned it every step of the way. What’s been your most proud moment? One of the wonderful realizations for me as a coach or mentor is that I am now coaching and mentoring children whose parents went through my system. These parents started in my program and went on to see various successes in their lives. Some became soldiers and law enforcement that protect our country, others went on to college, earned degrees, and all have become contributing members September - October 2010

of society. Now they are bringing their children in and telling us how the martial arts and our program played such a vital role in their success and they want the same thing for their children! It is very gratifying to know you have played a part in someone’s growth and development and they now believe enough in you and what you are doing to bring their children to you. I recently received a wonderful letter from a mother whose sons went through my martial arts program. I had not seen her in a number of years, but she wrote to thank me for being a role model in their lives. One son is in the military protecting our freedom and the other is an electrical engineer. It is an amazing feeling to receive a letter like that. What is the most satisfying thing about helping young people achieve their goals? Seeing the look on their face the first time they accomplish something they did not think they could for the very first time. One of the things we do in our program is breaking boards. The board represents a hurdle, a challenge, just like those we face in life later. It is amazing to see the student light up when they break a board for the first time! From that moment on they know they can accomplish a difficult task if they just apply themselves. It may sting a little, but they walk ten feet off the ground days after. They cannot wait to rush home and tell all of their Family and friends what they did! For advertising information, call (812) 429-3907 • 5


of Athletethe Month

sponsored by:

(812) 425-0628

tWo-tiMe state aNd 2009 WoRld ChaMPioN iN foRMs aNd weapons in the demanding martial art of Taekwondo, 11-year-old Danielle Sander isn’t just a winner in the arena of competition; she’s a straight-A student as well and one of the most polite young ladies you’ll ever meet. Here, she takes some time out of her busy schedule to answer Go Team’s questions for this edition of Athlete of the Month.


DS: Taekwondo, soccer and softball

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT PLAYING SPORTS? Meeting new people and [the] friendship.



Keeping straight A’s on my report card and [my] citizenship award and accomplishing my goals in sports.

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN MARTIAL ARTS? Winning the 2009 Indiana State Championship in forms, weapons, and sparring… and repeating it [again] in 2010.


DO YOU HAVE TIME TO DO ANY OTHER EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN SPORTS AND SCHOOL? I help teach special abilities classes and lower rank classes at Morris Martial Arts.

Log on to GoTeamMagazine.com and nominate someone today! 6 • Browse & Buy Hundreds of Photos Online!! • www.GoTeamMagazine.com

September - October 2010

September - October 2010

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//// soccer Harrison v. bosse ////

coverage of this event by:

(270) 318-3166

We have 161 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

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September - October 2010

PHOTOgRAPHY | JuliaNNa WilkiNsoN

bosse’s teaM gathers together for a quick pep talk before the game begins.

//// soccer Harrison v. bosse //// MadisoN osbouRNe,

former Go Team Athlete of the Month, tracks a Harrison player.

#10 foR haRRisoN blocks a

Bosse defender to keep control of the ball.

PHOTOgRAPHY | JuliaNNa WilkiNsoN

bosse’s goal keePeR

is warming up with the coach before the game.

haRRisoN WaRRioRs

celebrate a goal!

September - October 2010

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//// football Henderson county v. reitz ////

coverage of this event by:


bRaNdoN keMP (#66) is not someone to mess with on the field. He stands ready to tackle anyone who comes close to the quarterback or the ball.

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We have 72 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

September - October 2010

//// football Henderson county v. reitz ////

Nate tidWell, former Go Team Athlete of the Month, looks for an open teammate to throw the ball to.

bRaNdoN shutt runs the field as a Reitz lineman prepares to take him down.


bRaNdoN toWNseNd (6) tucks the ball in tight and takes off to the end zone. September - October 2010

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//// basKetball at eba ////

A member of the blue teaM jumps up for two points as a member of the gray Team tries to defend the goal.


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September - October 2010


basKetball at eba ////


September - October 2010

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//// VolleYball Memorial v. Gibson southern ////

coverage of this event by:

alyssa ReyNolds, is a senior and works the back row with power.

(812) 479-5425

the vaRsity giRls all stand prepared to bump, set, and spike the ball back to gibson Southern.

MalloRy FEHN

stands alert ready to block.

We have 427 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

deep to hit the ball.

Jessica Durcholtz, Mallory Fehn, Anna Hackert, Megan Miller

the gibsoN southeRN girls varsity volleyball team gears up for a game against Memorial. 14 • Browse & Buy Hundreds of Photos Online!! • www.GoTeamMagazine.com

September - October 2010


ReNaye WAHL digs

bosse’s PlaCeholdeR

//// football bosse v. Harrison ////

lines up the ball for the kick.

bosse’s PlayeR

runs down the field, while keeping an eye out for a defender.

We have 26 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

#5 foR haRRisoN PHOTOgRAPHY | MaRk MCCoy & ashley uNdeRhill

receives the ball and takes off down the field.

#14 foR haRRisoN

looks around for an open teammate to pass the ball off to for a first down.

September - October 2010

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//// soccer North v. central ////

toRi floWeRs (PiCtuReRd iN the PiNk JeRsey) comes to

fight for the ball.


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September - October 2010

//// soccer North v. Central //// North’s goal keeper

retrieves the ball and prepares to blast it down the field.

Ali Crick

swings her leg back for a hard kick to get the ball across the field. Ali is a freshman this year and is off to a great start for being on varsity.

North ladies

celebrate a goal!

Photography | Mark McCoy

September - October 2010

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//// JV football central v. North ////

ZaCh hatfield watches as CuRRaN davis takes down

the Central receiver.

We have 90 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com RuNNiNg baCk bRyaNt hooPeR,

weaves in and out of North players for a first down.

PHOTOgRAPHY | ashley uNdeRhill

Roland Eldridge

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September - October 2010

Andrew Bogan

stands ready for the snap.

//// JV football Central v. North ////

Photography | ashley underhill

Duvante Lane fills the hole to

make the tackle.

September - October 2010

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//// soccer central v. evansville Day school ////

CeNtRal’s #3 uses foot

work to get the ball down the field and past the defenders.

floRis hoNdMaNN stops the ball with his

chest to get control of the ball.

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September - October 2010


We have 46 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com


soccer Central v. Evansville Day School ////

Central’s #10

runs down the field with the ball looking for an open teammate close to the goal.

Alex Hanke

is one of Evansville Day School’s team Captains. Alex has control of the ball and leaves the defender behind in hopes to score.

Jack Cenelli

Photography | maark mccoy

jumps high to head bunt the ball before the defenders could retrieve it.

September - October 2010

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//// soccer reitz v. North //// MitChel ClaRk

takes off with the ball, down the field as Reitz defenders follow close behind.

We have 34 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

aNdReW PeRfitt


comes behind to help defend the ball and gain control again.

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September - October 2010

//// soccer reitz v. North //// a ReitZ PlayeR tries

to gain control of the ball before a defender catches up with him.

ReitZ goal keePeR blocks the ball and prepares to throw it back to his teammates and away from his goal.


bRaideN aCtoN carries Caleb PoWeRs as they

celebrate a successful penalty kick by Caleb. Throughout this game Braiden also scored three goals off of only three shots.

September - October 2010

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//// football eYfl broncos v. chargers ////

The boys play hard during a game at EYFL. the bRoNCos have control of the ball while the ChaRgeRs try to take them out on defense.


We have 152 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

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September - October 2010


football EYFL Broncos v. Chargers //// The Broncos run the ball down the field with an open eye just to make sure he stays out of the line of defense.

Two players for the Chargers

celebrate a touchdown.

Photography | mark mccoy

One of the Bronco’s players takes a break to cool

down and drink some water during the mid-day heat.

September - October 2010

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//// cHeer caMP at YMca //// the giRls at the yMCa Cheer

Camp learned motions and routines and the beginning stages of tumbling. Here is a girl doing a high V.

heRe is a giRl

doing a left half high V.

We have 273 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

heRe they aRe leaRNiNg

heRe is a giRl

doing a right punch up.

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September - October 2010


motions with pom poms.


KICK-A-THON at tri-state athletic club ////

ZaCk WilliaMs

is kicking to get the most kicks and raise money for several charities.

liNdsey guNdeRloy

was the youngest competitor in the Kick-a-Thon.

We have 23 additional photos from this event online! GoTeamMagazine.com

PHOTOgRAPHY | ashley uNdeRhill

CoRiNNe CasiNo and CaRlo CasiNo are brother and sister and also members of the Black Belt Demo Team. Here they are showing off what they do at competitions. September - October 2010

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September - October 2010


brag blog Brag on your favorite athlete and nominate him or her for our monthly Athlete of the Month feature online at goteammagazine.com!

Matthew Doty – Age 14

Blake Ruckman – Age 10

Soccer, basketball, cross country and track

Baseball, golf

Matthew is a great athlete; he is always up on his feet. His heart is in the game every second; when he is playing soccer he is always ready. Matthew always does his best no matter if he is in a good or bad mood he gives his 100% at all times. He is active in many activities in and out of school and he’s always training no matter what the condition. He has a good attitude every time he’s on the field. I love my brother; he’s a great athlete! -- Katelyn Doty

Hailey Wilson – Age 14 Cheerleading

She is really good cheerleader – she has been cheerleading for six years. Hailey was a cheerleader at Red Devils and Cheer Zone. She has all “A” honor rolls all year. Hailey is a really good kid; she has a good heart, she loves to help people, and she loves to read. She loves to go to Skate World and loves to text and hang out with friends. -- Hailey Will

Matt Ryan – Age 17 Diving

Matt has competed at the State meet and hopes to return to the meet this year; last year he couldn’t compete in the sectional/state meet because of a transfer in high schools. -- Lynn Zwilling

Kyle Isaacs – Age 18 Basketball

Kyle is a good team player, helps out in his community and school! -- Paige Goergen September - October 2010

Blake has tons of sporting honors, including hitting 13 home runs for Golfmoor baseball. He was named “Mr. Iddy Biddy” for winning the Biddy Pro National Tournament in basketball, as well as finishing second in their Hot Shots Competitions. Blake has also won four state US Kids’ Golf Championships and has played in the US Kids’ Golf World Championships three times; he has also won his age group in a long drive contest. He is also an outstanding student and an all around great kid! -- Anonymous

Teela Temme – age 14 Equestrian

Teela is a very accomplished rider and has been riding competitively since she was 8. She has 72 1st place trophies, in ribbons she has 97 1st, 125 2nd, 101 3rd, 69 4th, 55 5th, and 1 6th. Also won 6th and 7th in State competition, 5 Grand Champion and 4 Reserve Grand Champion in 4H, and many, many other Grand and Reserve Grand in local saddle club, and hi-point and reserve hipoint awards which I can forward to you. Mostly she is an inspiration to others and helps them build their confidence. She likes to win but is more interested in the friendships she develops and people she can help. -- Yvonne Temme

Nykkole Stone – age 16 Bowling

My daughter made it to high school bowling state for singles. Finished in 16th place out of the whole Indiana state. Her high game is a 269 and her high series is a 665. She has been bowling for ten years now. -- Cyndi Cole

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Fans Page

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Photography | mark mccoy

Photography | ash;ey underhill

Photography | terri adams

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September - October 2010

September - October 2010

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Schedule of Events It’s not all sports and competition all the time at Go Team. Here are several family-friendly events to pencil into your calendar: Do you have an event? Let us know! Editor@GoTeamMagazine.com

Angel Mounds State Historic Site 812-853-3956

annual Native american days - Angel Mounds’ paramount event is back again for its 28th year! This weekend of fun will include a dance circle, Indian market, as well as numerous demonstrations, games, activities and food vendors. The event is from September 24 through the 26th. Call for more details.

Audubon Museum, Audubon State Park, Henderson, KY 270-827-1893

september 18 and 19: Monarch Butterfly Migration Mysteries - Bid a farewell to the Monarch Butterflies migrating south for the winter. groups will meet at the Audubon Museum for a 45-minute introductory indoor presentation. Next, a carpool will relocate to the Sloughs Wildlife Management Area for some outdoor Monarch tagging. The outdoor portion (2-3 hours) is weather dependent. Please dress for potentially marshy conditions. Tags and nets will be provided. Program Fee: $5 per person, Family rate (up to five members, extra members $2.50 each) $13; FOA Members - $4 per person. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

september 25: “Life as A Dinosaur” – Kids can match their size against famous dinosaurs, try their hand at hunting prey, and learn about the different lives led by various dinosaurs through hands-on activities. Event begins at 1 p.m. october 2: cMoe 4th Birthday Celebration – With bright colors, pipes, balls, and larger-than-life body parts for children to explore, cMoe staff and supporters celebrate the past four years with activities of children’s games, lunchtime refreshments, and the presentation of the annual Karen D. Magan Inspiring Life Award.

Mesker Park Zoo & botanical Garden 812-435-6143

chick-Fil-A cross Point

september 18 will see the 4th annual Family Fun Day, a free event that will include crafts, inflatables, games, and much more. Call for additional info.

Koch Family children’s Museum of Evansville (cMoe) 812-464-cMoe (2663)

september 18: “Fossils” – Make your very own fossil prints of dinosaurs, plants and shells as everyone can learn how real fossils were created. Event begins at 11 a.m. september 19: Military Appreciation Day – All military personnel and one child are admitted to the Museum free on this day. 32 • Browse & Buy Hundreds of Photos Online!! • www.GoTeamMagazine.com

boo at the Zoo, Mesker Park Zoo’s annual Halloween celebration, returns, with Sundays added this year to the event schedule. This longtime event hosts plenty of treat-gathering stations for visitors, who can check out the critters at one of Evansville’s favorite attractions. Event begins at 5 p.m. October 15 through 17 and 22nd through 24th.


september 18th: Look for the Go Team magazine booth at the event, which is slated to begin at 10 a.m. on the 18th at the station, which is located in downtown Evansville at 405 Carpenter Street. We’ll September - October 2010

PHOTOgRAPHY | dylaN gibbs

812-204-0531 (contact for event)

be there serving up plenty of fun along with so many others, representing both local and national organizations and individuals (think of those wonderful characters from your child’s favorite PBS shows). As always, this free family event is a jam-packed four hours of fun and entertainment that includes on the big Carpenter Street Stage such locals as the nationally-renowned Tales & Scales, the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, the awesome magician Don Baggett, Boom Squad, Inc. and performances from the Evansville Dance Theatre. Many of the sponsors will be offering cool hands-on activities for children of all ages, and every single kiddo that comes to WNIN Kids Fest will receive a free book! And as the exclusive media sponsor of WNIN Kids Fest, we’ll be there ready to meet and greet all the kids, parents, grandparents and friends who’ll be stopping by. Among the many activities, crafts, entertainers and more are some famous faces that fans of public television (and who isn’t?) will instantly

The all-too-cute Elmo is among the characters scheduled to be at WNIN Kids Fest. recognize. Yep, celebrities will be on hand for plenty of high-fives and photos with the kids. Luminaries from the world of PBS will include Sesame Street’s Elmo, Curious George, Wordgirl and Sid the Science Kid. WNIN Kids Fest is a great opportunity to enjoy a Saturday with the family. The event is free to all; just bring everyone along and be ready to have a lot of fun. For more information, you can visit wnin.org. And be sure to stop by and visit the Go Team booth while you’re there! We can’t wait to see you!

West Side Nut Club Fall Festival, West Franklin Street, Evansville 812-424-4881

October 4 through 9: One of the biggest, oldest and most popular festivals in the entire country, the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival returns the week of October 4 through 9 along West Franklin Street in Evansville. In addition to over 100 food booths, many offering old favorites along with instant classics are plenty of carnival rides, games and community fun. 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. September - October 2010

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September - October 2010

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September - October 2010

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September - October 2010

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