June News4U 2017

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FEATURES 6 An Oral History of The C.R.O.W.D. Evansville's #1 Band of All Time Talks 10 2017 Summer Festival Guide The Tri-State's Biggest Events! 20 Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra A 2017-2018 Season Preview

26 Restaurant Guide

ENTERTAINMENT 21 34 44 48 50 52 54 54 56

The Avett Brothers In Town & Around We Were There Music: Big Ninja Delight Music: Paul Blake & The Pall Bearers Music: Gentlemen & Scholars Writer: John Thurgood Writer: Patwa's Perspective Arts & Activities

64 Tri-State Pet Pics 86 Mug Shots

LOCAL OPINION 66 The Write Stuff with Jonathan Gluff 67 Words from Whitney 67 Tri-State Politics


23 Top Choice Driving School

58 The Bohemian Prepster

68 69 70 72 74





33 Save Big!

CUISINE & DINING 24 What’s Cookin’: Nellie's


22 National Theatre on Ice Competition 60 Community & Family 61 Easter Seals' "Cool Car, Cold Cash" 62 VHS Spotlight

Showplace Movies Film Music Beer Wine

66 Ask the Pastor

SPORTS 46 Around the Track

News 4U is published monthly and is distributed throughout the tri-state. For information about advertising, subscriptions, distribution or guides & lists, call (812) 426-6398 or write us at 125 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 510 Evansville, IN 47711. News 4U is published by EMG Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of the magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products, services or opinions within. Advertisers are responsible for content of their ads.


June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Established in 1991 Publisher - Brian Bennett

Operations Manager - Lexie Medina Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis Account Representatives Terri Hilborn


Keith LaCrosse


Jessica Overstreet


TJ Tanoos


Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artist - Kelsey Halbig Staff Writer - Whitney Patterson Contributors

Paul Bragin, Laura Engram, Kevin Fleming, Bryan Fox, Jonathan Gluff, Daniel Knight, Jabez Martinez, Tony Majors, Hailey Reynolds, Walter the Wine Guy Martinez, Paul Mattingly, Gina Mullis, Walter the Wine Guy

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THE C.R.O.W.D. Evansville's biggest band of all time tells it like it is, was and will be...


hey ruled the local music scene and beyond for years, packing venues to capacity and inspiring extreme levels of debauchery with an energetic stage presence and wild, wild antics. No doubt, The C.R.O.W.D. knew how to whip a crowd into a frenzy, blasting a barrage of alternative rock and grunge covers at break-neck speed until everyone's head was spinning. They were a party band with a capital 'P'. Now bassist Bill Betz, drummer Rex Brush, guitarist Brent Hill, guitarist Brad Skinner and vocalist TJ Tanoos are back after a seven-year layoff, primed for a run FUN C.R.O.W.D. FACTS of highlyanticipated - TJ was always the focus at the reunion band's shows, especially in terms shows over of the ladies. At one particular the course Halloween gig, the other band of the members were so attentionstarved that they came dressed as summer. their lead singer. After debuting at - Always decked-out in gaudy Piston's Bar outfits for the shows, TJ was & Grill late once mocked by bouncers as last month, he headed for the stage. He they're promptly assured them that he more than would start a riot. True to his word, ready to he proceeded to incite hundreds kick things of bar patrons to go nuts. into high Paybacks are a bitch. gear with a - Blood-loss has never stopped headlining the band from performing. slot at the Franklin - "You'll never play here again!" Street Beer, was a common threat from bar Bourbon owners over the years as a result & BBQ of the band's (well, mostly TJ's) Fest on on-stage antics. They continued to Saturday, play all of those bars.


June 17. Come for the tunes, stay for the craziness.


Brad: Bill and I met at the old Mid City Music on First Avenue. Bill was teaching lessons there - 1991. Bill: I actually spoke with [original drummer] Scott Crane about putting a band together and told him that I knew Brad - and then we called [former 7'6" basketball standout] John Hollinden in; he played keyboards. We didn't have a singer yet. Brad: Then TJ comes strolling in one day. I think John found him at a karaoke night. TJ: No, I met him at a music store here in town - Opus 1. I'm 6'4" and he was nearly 6'2" just sitting in his wheelchair. He wanted to know what I did - I told him that I sang and had just moved here from Terra Haute. He said, 'do you want to try out for a band?' Brad: So, TJ comes waltzing in for his first audition with a girl on each arm, a cocktail and sunglasses - the full TJ regalia. Before he even opened his mouth, I was like, 'you're in.' Bill: Then he started singing and we said, 'no, you really DON'T have to sing.' (laughs) Brad: It only took about three months for us to start playing out - the exact date of the first show was August 11, 1992 at DC's Lounge. We had to carry John all the way up the stairs because they didn't have an elevator. Initially, we were playing Huey Lewis, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, etc. TJ: I even did a Queen song early on - "Need Your Loving Tonight."


Brad: TJ ended up leaving the band to go on a sales run out west for several months. And John passed away. We had just been getting things going, so we decided that we were going to need to focus more on the

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

CATCH THE C.R.O.W.D. @ THE FRANKLIN STREET BEER, BOURBON & BBQ FEST ON JUNE 17! guitars because our sound had previously been centered on John's keys. He was a phenomenal player - used to do a lot of great solos. Bill: And he came up with the name of the band, too. Brad: TJ eventually came back and had a cassette tape that was like a fifth generation copy of some band called Stone Temple Pilots that he had heard out west. So we started working on that - everybody else was still doing the heavy metal and hair band thing. We began doing STP, Pearl Jam, Gin Blossoms - all the 90's stuff. And we delivered it pretty good, I think. TJ: We played at the Alibi (now Doc's) a lot. Brad: We called it the Gun & Knife Club. TJ: It was just a shotgun type of building that held about 50 people. This dude named Oscar Willis owned it and he hit the jackpot when he got us. The first week we played there with the new stuff there were about 20 people. The next week the number of people had doubled and the week after that there were 150 people in that little room.


The band eventually graduated to playing Harpoles Main St. Exit and began booking regional shows. With a full-time job taking up much of his time, Crane decided it was time to move on. Rex: One night I was out in the audience with my giant hair - I was a heavy metal guy. Brad: I had played with Rex before, and I knew he was the guy. Rex: They auditioned drummers that were better than me. Eric Duke sat there and watched me audition - and when we got done, he said, 'why the hell did you call me?' Coming from this guy who had played in Intense Confession, that really meant something. I always wished I could play drums like him and

or whatever, but I always say that for whatever reason, God put a pause button on my life. So around 2003 or so, we put a stop to the band. Eventually, I came back from out west and bought my bar [TJ's Stockyard Inn] - and then The C.R.O.W.D. did a show in 2010. My whole dream has always been to get Brad back in the band and have him play with Brent. They're both my brothers and both amazing guitarists.


then I ended up taking his job (laughs). TJ: Rex was just the perfect person at the perfect time. He didn't over-play and I knew early on that he was a soldier. Like the rest of the guys, he's married to the project. No matter what, you've got to have thick skin - because we beat the (bleep) out of each other.


In 1995, The C.R.O.W.D. became the first - and last - local band to grace the cover of News4U after winning a contest for 'Evansville's Favorite Band.' They were off and running. TJ: The first night we played Harpoles was a Friday night and we played in front of 550 people. Saturday night the crowd had doubled. And it never stopped for seven years. The bierstubes were the craziest shows - we're talking 4,000 people. You couldn't even see out anywhere - just a mass of people. At Marina Pointe, we would play to 2000 people on a Sunday - out of town shows in Cincinnati and Louisville we were playing to huge crowds.


In 1997, Brad got married and left the band to start a new life. Brent was hired to take over guitar duties and contribute to original material as The C.R.O.W.D. set its sights on securing a record deal.

Brent: I was playing in another band at the time called What Else? We were playing at JJ's in Newburgh - the guys all showed up and watched us play. Brad: We had actually come to support Scott because he was the drummer for that band. Brent: Yeah, I didn't mean just to see me (laughs). And still no one's coming to just see me - I kind of like it like that. TJ: The thing with Brent was that if we wanted to take things to the next level and get a record contract - which we all did - then we needed to start writing original material. He was totally into that. But he had it tough, because he had to learn 50 or 60 new cover songs, play shows and then try to keep his day job. That's a tough transition for anyone.

"AND THE CROWD GOES WILD" / THE BEGINNING OF THE END In the early 2000's, the guys came up with a sure-fire hit, "And the Crowd Went Wild." The song was subsequently stolen - how it happened still remains a mystery - and later appeared as "And the Crowd Goes Wild" on country singer Mark Wills' 2003 album of the same name. TJ: At that point I think we were all deflated and defeated. We may not have gotten rich off of that song but that's when you're in the fraternity. We could have gotten producers to hear our other stuff. Who knows why that happened. It sounds like bitter feelings

Brad: These guys know that I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I'm a very sentimental person. The 25th anniversary of our first show is coming up - I mean, how many guys get the opportunity again in their life to do something like this? I always turned them down in the past when they asked me to be a part of it, but this is a big deal. Plus, my daughter plays guitar. I've been living through her a little bit, and I think it would be kind of cool for her to see us play together again. TJ: I made all the phone calls for the reunion. I called Brad and Brent first. I knew I could count on Bill and Rex because we're all still playing together in Tastes Like Chicken. But I didn't want to do the reunion if I couldn't get both Brad and Brent. Bill: I don't want to say that we got tired of hearing people say, 'we wish you'd get back together,' but that's been going on for years and it's nice to finally do it. Brent: We're playing for a lot of people's kids now - they used to come and see us and now they've had kids and they'll be checking us out. TJ: We'll have a sh*tload of people coming to these reunion shows. After the June 17 show, we'll do a July show, two August shows and probably a September show - after that, we don't know.

FAMOUS LAST WORDS Brad: Eat your Wheaties. Rex: There will be blood. Brent: Buckle up. TJ: Let's break some sh*t. Bill: (silence)

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ROMP FEST 2017 YE L L OW CR E E K PA R K | OW EN S B OR O, K Y | JUNE 2 1 -2 4

2017 summer festival guide!

Punch Brothers banjoist Noam Pikelny on band dynamics, collaborative songwriting and more


he long wait is nearly over. Yes, the area's biggest summer music festival is just a few weeks away as ROMP returns to scenic Yellow Creek Park for another four days of the very best in Americana, bluegrass, country and folk rock. Headliners Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (interviewed in last month's issue) are joined by festival veterans Punch Brothers, Keller Williams' Grateful Grass, Los Lobos, Rhiannon Giddens and many more of the brightest talents around. Featuring Chris Thile and Noam Pikelny - the former is the new host of A Prairie Home Companion while the latter is a recipient of the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo - along with Gabe Witcher, Chris Eldridge and Paul Kowert, Punch Brothers is a true collective, with each member contributing to the progressive bluegrass sound that has beguiled fans for over a decade. The band continues to explore and expand its sonic horizons with each new release, veering from the Radiohead-esque beauty of "Julep" (nominated for Best American Roots Song

at the 2016 Grammy Awards) to the disarming classical interpretation of Debussy's "Passepied" on 2015's The Phosphorescent Blues. Pikelny released his fourth solo album in March accompanied by a Spinal Tap-like mockumentary to help promote it. Undeniably hilarious, The Making of Universal Favorite (do yourself a favor and check it out on YouTube) proves that he's got comedic chops to match his virtuoso banjo skills. The Skokie, IL native kindly spoke with News4U ahead of ROMP. As evidenced on Universal Favorite, you're also a very skilled guitar player - and yet the banjo remains your true love. Why? I never had a crystallized moment as a little kid when I heard the banjo and thought, 'that's what I need to play.' You hear these stories of people who heard the banjo on Beverly Hillbillies or in Bonnie & Clyde - you know when a dog hears something new for the first time and they kind of tilt their head, like 'what's that?' And then people want to learn the instrument. I never had that. I started playing banjo because my brother was playing mandolin, and I just wanted to learn an instrument. My parents suggested the banjo, and I was like, 'why not?' And once I started playing it, I kind of had this loyalty to it and accepted it as an extension of myself - almost like being a Cubs fan. I didn't get to choose - I just became a Cubs fan and that's what I'll always be.

One thing that's particularly interesting about Punch Brothers is the dynamic between you and Chris - stoicism vs. exuberance. That dynamic has really been there from the beginning. It was never calculated - it's essentially the same dynamic that exists off stage. Maybe it's heightened just a little bit when we're on stage - Chris might become just a little extra exuberant and I may become just a little more droll (laughs). The band started just as a project to make an album - a record that Chris dreamed up that ended up being called Punch, but the main piece was called "The Blind Leaving the Blind." When we got together, we clicked musically and I think we were having so much fun that we'd be fools not to turn this into an actual full-time band. It's something that's just been inspired by a shared musical journey with each other - of just seeing what's possible with these instruments and trying to create something wholly unique and moving along with this camaraderie that's always been there. So I think the live show is really just a reflection of that. I don't think that type of performance or interaction can really be "put on." There have been a few times when we've been at the end of our rope during the course of our 10 or 12 years - when we've been at the end

"One of the guiding forces behind Punch Brothers is that we're making music together as an ensemble."

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of six weeks of touring and we're just sick of hearing ourselves play; sick of hearing ourselves talk; sick of being around each other; sick of picking up each other's socks. I think people can probably sense that in our exchanges on stage, in our banter. But hopefully, it's just an honest extension of who we are and where we're at. Is there any rhyme or reason to the writing process for the band considering the sheer scope of the material? It's very fluid. Each song can have a different process or conception. One of the guiding forces behind Punch Brothers is that we're making music together as an ensemble. Everybody brings seeds and ideas and pieces of new music to the band and we bounce them off of each other. Chris undoubtedly brings more of those fragments to the table being as prolific as he is. But we've always tried to make sure that the music is a reflection of the collective - almost to the point where if somebody brings something to the band that is almost fully-formed and fully-realized, then it's almost too late in its stages of gestation for it to become a Punch Brothers song. There may not be an opportunity for us to put our own stamp on it. In fact, the reason why the Punch Brothers continued on is because of a curiosity as to what would happen if things were more collaborative. Following on from that, where are you in terms of the next Punch Brothers album? We have a lot of song starts and lot of irons in the fire as far as the next record is concerned that we're going to get to later this year or early next year. The band is definitely still an entity, but there are a lot of scheduling issues - we have to be more surgical as far as how we schedule time around each other. Of course, with Chris doing A Prairie Home Companion - that's a huge time commitment. And everybody in the band is really staying busy outside of the group with musical projects - and I got a new dog. So we all have things to focus on. You won the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band played on the legendary comedian's novelty hit, "King Tut." Wouldn't it be magical if he appeared at ROMP to join all of you? Yes, it would be magical. It would also be magical if Bugs Bunny appeared on the stage (laughs). We're not holding our breath. You know, I think Steve played at ROMP a few years back and is still active, so I wouldn't be surprised if he made an appearance next year or something like that. But it will be fun to play the festival with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - those guys along with a whole cast of forward-thinking musicians helped to pave the way for the Colorado bluegrass movement. And I have actually never seen them play live, so it will be fun to check them out. For the full ROMP schedule, visit rompfest.com.

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W.C. HANDY blues & barbecue festival

AUDU B ON M I L L PA R K | HEN DER S ON , K Y | JUNE 1 4 -1 7

2017 summer festival guide!

Blues guitarist Samantha Fish talks Chills & Fever, blistering solos, getting respect and more


till one of the largest free music gatherings in the nation, Henderson's W.C. Handy Blues & Barbecue Festival is back with another remarkable lineup of talent featuring the legendary Coco Montoya, Wet Willie, Tab Benoit and Samantha Fish, plus fan favorites Lil Ed & The Blues Imperials, Albert Castiglia and Jason Ricci & The Band Kind. And once again, beautiful Audubon Mill Park will serve as the venue, the ideal backdrop for live blues. But of course, there's much more to this beloved event than just stellar live entertainment. Every year, people come from all over the region to enjoy the mounds of barbecue, red beans and rice and other great treats available from local vendors. It all makes for a great family-friendly experience and the perfect start to the summer festival season. Featured performer Samantha Fish grew up right here in the Midwest - Kansas City, MO, to be exact. At the age of 15, she traded in her drumsticks for a Telecaster and, well, you can guess the rest. She's gone on to become one of the most respected blues guitarists around not to mention an increasingly accomplished singer as evidenced on her latest album, Chills & Fever, a throwback to the sounds of the 60s and 70s that merges blues, jazz, R&B and soul to create a timeless template. Chills & Fever deviates a bit from your previous releases in that there's less focus on your guitar work and more emphasis on your vocals. Are you happy with how it's been received? Well, I just looked at the Billboard charts recently, and I think it's about number five on the blues charts - the album debuted on a bunch of different charts and we've also been getting a lot of radio play; the press has really loved it. Actually, I think the hardest sell has been with some of our die-hard fans - they were scared about the expanding of the band,

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worried that the guitar would go away. But then they come to the show and see that the guitar is still very prominent. Especially when people come to the shows they totally get it - it all makes sense then. But I mean, we've been having a blast playing these songs - they're really fun and dynamic; the whole set really flows. And it's been really fun to sing, too - adding all these different elements to the band allows me to stop having to hold everything down together with the guitar and focus a little more on my vocals. The thing is, you just can't please everybody, so you just make the music you like. Guitar-wise, it appears that you switch back and forth between your Telecaster, a cigar box guitar and a Gibson. Do you tend to write songs on a specific guitar depending on your mood? A lot times when I sit down to write a song, I work with an acoustic, actually. And then build off of that, layer it - see what the song really calls for later in the studio when I go to record it. I write a lot of songs that way - just record demos with me and the guitar. It helps when I do solo shows, too - I know how to strip the song back. A lot of my songs are riff-driven with simple melodies - not a lot of crazy guitar shredding. I like to write lines that people can actually sing. If they can't sing it then they're not going to remember it. Regardless of which guitar you're playing, your solos are always blistering. Do you map them out ahead of time or just improvise?

"I like to write lines that people can actually sing. If they can't sing it then they're not going to remember it." Photo Credit: Brian Rozman

Coco Montoya

Wet Willie

Tab Benoit

Cont. on page 14

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I might have a few points that I want to get to - like when I hit the apex of the solo, I want to get to this point. Or I'm going to start the solo doing this run. Sometimes I might find a thing I like and then do it for a bunch of shows - then you start feeling out the solo and how it should go. But as you play it every night, little subtle things change and before you know it, 12 shows down the line you're playing it completely different. It's just a slow evolution every night - it's never going to be note-for-note. It seems that female guitarists are often filed under 'oh, how cute' and not given their due as musicians. Did you experience that early on in your career? You know, I still get that sh*t. That doesn't always totally go away. Actually, there are quite a few female guitar players out there that are awesome. But we kind of get put into this niche like 'acoustic female guitarist' or whatever. They don't really do that for dudes. They don't call them 'male songwriters' - it almost puts us in this shtick-y category which sucks. At the end of the day, I put in just as much work. It's not a shtick to me, it's my life and my livelihood. I did get that 'cute' thing when I was young - it's a double-edged sword. Because on one hand, it piques people's interest as a sort of novelty thing - which it's not, but whatever. I get so freaking pissed off, because it's like, 'here we go again' (laughs). But I got over it when I was young. As a girl, you have to educate yourself and try to be as good at your craft as you can. I think it's good that we're discussing this - I think it's good to have this dialogue, because when I was 15 years old, I didn't want to start playing lead guitar solos because in my mind it was something that girls didn't do for some reason. It was just a rhetoric I kept feeding myself since I was a teenager, and finally I was like, 'what am I talking about?' Have you played with any of the other featured performers on the W.C. Handy bill - Coco Montoya, Wet Willie or Tab Benoit? And might there be onstage collaborations? Oh, Tab is playing? Yeah, he's amazing. I was just talking about him earlier - we're managed by the same guy. I've been a fan of his since I was 18 or 19 years old when he would come to Kansas City and play Knuckleheads [Saloon]. He's still one of my favorite guitar players. The dude doesn't play with any pedals just straight through his amp. All the sounds he gets are from his fingers - just as raw and real as it gets. You're going to love him. The first time I ever saw Coco Montoya we were playing together at this casino up in Wisconsin - one of the weirdest places I've ever been in my life. I remember that because it was the first time that I ever gambled. He was at the festival and it was just like Twilight Zone level stuff. As far as collaborations, it depends on the day and who's playing - that's an organic thing that just kind of happens. For the full W.C. Handy schedule, visit handyblues.org.

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2017 summer festival guide!

D O W N T O W N EVA N S V I L L E RI V ERF RO N T | J U N E 22-25

New & improved: Annual riverfront festival announcing start of summer with exciting upgrades


owntown Evansville is a great place to be when summer finally arrives, and ShrinersFest always ushers in everybody's favorite time of year with four amazing days of non-stop fun, including acrobatic air shows, electrifying live music, vintage military reenactments, high-flying dogs, delicious food and so much more. New for 2017, the festival will feature the debut of the Paradigm Aerobatic Team. Known for their colorful displays of aerial skill and agility, the team will perform a variety of formations and high octane maneuvers just a few feet above the water! Now that's what you call low-flying action. But on June 24, everyone will be looking up at the new ShrinersFest Night Extravaganza! Equipped with LED lights, smoke and fireworks, aircraft will take to the skies for an amazing night-time spectacular, including the word's only night wingwalking air show act and the explosive StarFire Night Sky Show! The traditional ShrinersFest Air Show takes place on June 24 & 25 with the likes of the Dehavilland Vampire Jet, Lima Lima Flight Team and U.S. Air Force T-38 Talons flying high over the Ohio River in a display of incredible skill and teamwork. One of the best things about ShrinersFest is the family-friendly nature of the event. In addition to a kids zone and carnival rides, young festival goers will love the 2017 Ultimate Air Dogs Tour. Which four-legged competitor will make the farthest jump into a thousand gallon pool? You'll have to be there to find out! And no ShrinersFest would be complete without a bierstube. Thursday through Saturday, you can enjoy plenty of cold ones while rocking out to some of the area's best bands. Check the schedule page for a full lineup of performing bands and concert times. No time like the present ShrinersFest buttons are on sale now. Get yours in advance for only $7! $10 at the gate. For more info and to purchase your button, visit shrinersfest.com.

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2017 summer festival guide!

HAUB S TA D T, I N | JU N E 15- 17

The ultimate weekend: Three rocking nights of live music, Southern Indiana's Finest Bierstube and more


aubstadt, IN is about to transform into party central. For one weekend in June every year, Sommerfest takes over and turns the city upside down with a wild celebration that brings in people from all over the tri-state, primed to see a great lineup of live music and enjoy Southern Indiana's Finest Bierstube. And there's a particular buzz this year considering that two of the biggest bands around are scheduled to rock the house on Friday and Saturday night. On June 16, Nocturnal feat. Mark Goines from Gonzo's Toybox will take the stage at 9 p.m. for an energetic set of top 40 covers. An in-demand band throughout the area, the guys never fail to deliver and with Goines now in the fold, there's no telling just how crazy things will get. Torpedo Vegas, another hugely popular area band, will bring Sommerfest to a rocking conclusion on June 17. Influenced by the likes of Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, Soundgarden and Alice in Chains, they'll take the stage

at 9 p.m. and rip into three hours of heavy classics that will have everyone pumping their fists and throwing metal horns in the air. And don't miss out on the opening night set by DJ Trevor on June 15 - he'll get everybody up and dancing and ready for more fun. If you're familiar at all with Haubstadt, IN, then you know that it's the Busch Light Capital of the World - and it's no coincidence that Sommerfest is the home of Southern Indiana's Finest Bierstube. The combination of these two facts makes for a serious party that gets going at 7 p.m. each night when the bierstube opens and everyone lets loose before the music starts. There's really no better way to spend a weekend night with friends and family, right? And speaking of friends and family, Sommerfest offers up a whole range of events that the community can enjoy, including a talent show, parade and 5K run; plus, there will be rides and games all three days for the kids and food booths featuring all sorts of good eats and treats. Come out and be a part of the ultimate weekend in Haubstadt, IN! For more info, including directions to the event, visit haubstadtsommerfest.com and follow them on Facebook & Instagram.

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6 p.m. – Little Miss Sommerfest (South Stage) 5 p.m. – Rides, Food Booths Open 7 p.m. – Bierstube Opens 7 p.m. – Race packet pick-up 9 p.m. – DJ Trevor – Main Stage Midnight – Bierstube Closes


6 p.m. – Talent Show (South Stage) 5 p.m. – Rides, Food Booths Open 7 p.m. – Bierstube Opens 7 p.m. – Race packet pick-up 9 p.m. – Nocturnal Midnight – Bierstube Closes


6 a.m. – Laufenfest Race Registration 8 a.m. – Lil’ Dutch Run 8:20 a.m. – 5K Run 8:25 a.m. – 5k Walk Post Race – Some Food Stands Open Noon – Laufenfest Bierstube Ends 1 p.m. – Parade (no route change this year) 5 p.m. – Rides, Food Booths Open 7 p.m. – Bierstube Opens 9 p.m. – Torpedo Vegas – Main Stage Midnight – Bierstube Closes

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cajun fest

festival guide!

LY NNV ILLE, I N | JUNE 3 | 1 1 A M - 8 P M

Ed Rodimel's 1 Man Monster headlines a great day of music, food and art to benefit local animal shelters


ystique Winery's annual Cajun Fest is set to kick off what promises to be a very exciting summer festival season here in the tri-state. The Ed Rodimel's 1 Man Monster family-owned and operated Lynnville, IN business always does its part to help improve the community, and this popular event is no exception with proceeds going to local animal shelters. And of course, there's the beautiful scenery. The winery & vineyard provide the ideal venue for a relaxing day outdoors, soaking up the sun while enjoying live entertainment, delicious food and local art. This year's lineup of musicians features three of the most talented performers in the tri-state. At 11 a.m., Brad Lemmons takes the stage with his country-flavored acoustics and rich vocals. He'll be followed by master-of-the-loop-station, Lindsey Williams. A virtual one-man-band, the Henderson native is a veteran of the tri-state music scene and always puts on a great show, covering both current and classic hits. Finally, the incomparable Ed Rodimel - better known as 1 Man Monster - brings it all home starting at 5 p.m. Like Williams, he can do it all - guitar, keys, drums. Nothing is pre-recorded. Entrance to Cajun Fest is just $5 (cash only & ID required) and includes a 15oz stemless wine glass. And be sure to keep up with Mystique's monthly performance schedule as the winery features great local talent every Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. throughout the summer. For more info, visit mystiquewine.com and follow them on Facebook. Mystique Winery is located at 1300 Gore Rd. in Lynnville, IN.

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2017 summer festival guide!

BO S S E FI EL D PA RK I N G L O T | J U LY 1 5 | 6 PM -9P M

Chug. Run. Repeat.: Precursor to September's BrewFest is a unique test of endurance


odeled after the nation's official "Beer Mile," SWIRCA's BrewMile is quite unlike any event the tri-state has to offer. Yes, there are runs of various distances taking place all over the area all summer long, but none of them challenge you to chug four 12oz beers in the process. That's right, four beers - full on. Just ask anyone who's participated in this annual build-up to the hugely popular SWIRCA BrewFest - running in circles has never been so much fun. So how does it work? Well, it's pretty simple, really. All participants must down a can of beer (either Coors Banquet or Coors Light depending on the category) before running each lap/quarter mile. Ultimately, it's all about who can chug four beers and complete four laps the fastest - and without puking. That's the key. Anyone who pukes gets penalized and must run an additional lap. Ouch.


Competitive – This race is for the serious runners. The fastest Male and Female runners will become the King and Queen of the BrewFest and receive a prize package including VIP tickets! Relay – Groups of four people each drinking one beer and running a quarter mile (1 lap). Fun Run – Not a serious runner? No problem! Want to walk the race? This is the race for you. Run, walk, skip, do whatever you need to do to finish the race! The fun run will still consist of four beers and four laps. Costumes are encouraged! Food trucks and a beer garden will be onsite throughout the event. Be sure to mark your calendars for SWIRCA's BrewFest at Bosse Field on September 23! Must be 21+ and come with a designated driver to participate. To register, visit swirca.org/brewmile. 2017 Sponsors include Rise Up & Run, Coors Banquet/Coors Light, 103GBF, 106.1 KISSFM, 99.5 WKDQ, MY 105 WJLT, Evansville, IN Convention & Visitors Bureau, Diamond Galleria & SWIRCA.

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2017-2018 SEASON PREVIEW World-renowned banjo virtuoso Béla Fleck tapped to open "A Season of Wonder" for the EPO


f there was ever any doubt that Maestro Savia and the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra were intent on living up to the high standard that the dynamic 2016-2017 season set, then the special guest scheduled to appear for Toyota's Opening Night at the Victory Theatre on September 23 should put it all to rest. Because it's not every day that a world-renowned banjo player visits Evansville. Long considered a true musical genius, Béla Fleck is a peerless songwriter and performer - a living bluegrass legend. And his impending collaboration with the Orchestra has Philharmonic fans snapping up tickets as recently noted by none other than the Maestro himself: "Judging from the fantastic response we’ve already received from our subscription

Byron Stripling

Nicole Parker

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renewals, our audiences are as excited about the 2017-18 season as the musicians and I are! We have really pulled out all the stops to give the tri-state a truly wonderful lineup of concerts starting with the unparalleled dexterity of Béla Fleck in our opening concert in September." Of course, Toyota's Opening Night is just the beginning of what promises to be another stellar season of Classics and Pops concerts. Following on the heels of Fleck's anticipated performance, the EPO will see September out with a "A Night at the Cotton Club" featuring trumpeter/vocalist/conductor Byron Stripling, vocalist Carmen Bradford and tap dancer Ted Louis Levy. You'll be transported back to old time New York, to the days of swing & jazz bands in smoke-filled bars (figuratively speaking, of course). One show only! Come October, get ready for Wicked Divas! Perfectly-timed for Halloween, the EPO will welcome Elphaba (Nicole Parker) and Glinda (Alli Mauzey) from the Broadway production of Wicked. The two highly-talented singers are coming together for a show-stopping evening of favorites from the beloved musical as well as selections from Gypsy, Ragtime, Titanic and Carmen. Mauzey has appeared in multiple runs of Wicked over the last decade while Parker starred in 2009 before reprising her role in 2012. Again, this is one performance only! Then it's on to November and the second Classics concert of the new season. And it's an ambitious undertaking, for sure. With the assistance of the Indianapolis Opera, University

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Béla Fleck of Evansville opera program and Evansville Philharmonic Chorus, the EPO will perform Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata, "a masterpiece that uses some of the most dramatic vocal and instrumental music ever written as it explores the most extremes of emotion from exuberant celebration to unbridled passion and the ultimate sacrifice for love." And no Philharmonic season would be complete without the holiday tradition of Peppermint Pops in early December, an annual favorite that always draws a big crowd and gets everyone primed for Christmas. This year's production will feature soloist Tim King and the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus, Evansville Children's Choir, Evansville Ballet and Legacy Dance Company as they all perform the songs of the season. And that's just the first half of "A Season of Wonder" at the Victory Theatre. Whew. Stay tuned as we creep closer to Toyota's Opening Night in September and be sure to get your tickets soon! For tickets and more info, visit evansvillephilharmonic.org or call 812-4255050.



American folk rockers making Evansville tour stop in support of 2016's True Sadness


escribed as having the "heavy sadness of Townes Van Zandt, the light pop concision of Buddy Holly, the tuneful jangle of the Beatles, and the raw energy of the Ramones", The Avett Brothers seemingly do everything possible to defy categorization. The North Carolina-based band combines a slew of styles to create a sound that's all their own, drawing from bluegrass, country, punk, pop, rock and more. Ultimately, "folk" is the tag that best ďŹ ts, but even that doesn't begin to do justice to the unique nature of the group; one listen to The Avett Brothers' latest release, 2016's True Sadness (produced by the legendary Rick Rubin and nominated for best Americana album at last year's Grammy Awards), proves that it's virtually impossible to pigeonhole them. While the title suggests a band wallowing in the depths of grief, in truth, their ninth album instead offers a sense of hope amongst the darkness. In fact, it represents a shift of sorts to a more pop approach, a slightly sunnier disposition. Formed over 15 years ago, The Avett Brothers - led by Scott and Seth Avett - have evolved into one of the most respected live acts around, inspiring extreme devotion from fans and scores of new bands like Mumford & Sons (who have essentially taken the AV musical blueprint mainstream). Still, the onstage chemistry of The Avett Brothers cannot be bottled; each show is an exercise in heartfelt spontaneity and emotional release. Don't miss one of the most anticipated concerts of the year at the Old National Events Plaza! For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com. The ONEP is located at 715 Locust St. in downtown Evansville.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • May 2017

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Two tri-state teams to compete at the largest amateur sporting event ever hosted in Evansville


or the 10th year running, the National Theatre on Ice Competition will showcase some of the country's most talented young skaters as teams from all over the U.S. vie for medals, including two from right here in the tri-state. River City Ice Theatre (RCIT), founded in 2010, is a non-profit figure skating team that gives skaters the opportunity to develop teamwork and leadership qualities. In 2012, RCIT became the first team from the tri-state to compete at the national level. At last year's competition in Birmingham, AL, the team captured the bronze medal in the Open Division and looks to build on that success at the 2017 event. In fact, RCIT continues to grow with the help of its sponsors. Since its inception, the organization has more than quadrupled its number of skaters, expanding from one team of eight skaters to two teams with a combined total of 35 skaters. Both teams will compete at the Ford Center. Theatre on Ice combines theatre and dance and incorporates a variety of

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solo and team skating elements. It's a format that highlights the artistic side of figure skating; technique and creative expression are the keys. Quite simply, the competition encourages young skaters' personalities to come alive out on the ice as they perform to the best of their abilities in front of family, friends and fans of figure skating. Don't miss the largest amateur sporting event ever hosted in Evansville!


All-Event tickets are $60 at the door and allow for admission to all official practice ice and competition events each day. A pre-purchase option is available online for just $50. Daily tickets are $15 and will be available for purchase at the ticket table. For more info and to pre-purchase tickets, visit 2017nationaltoi.com. The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. in downtown Evansville



School's out and there's no better time for area students to get educated behind the wheel Learning to drive is one of the defining moments of every teenager's life. But it also can be an expensive proposition not to mention difficult for busy parents to find the time to transport their kids to and from the driving school; the whole process can be a major hassle. Thankfully, there's both a cheaper and more flexible alternative out there for the Evansville area: Top Choice Driving School. Top Choice features first rate instructors with years of experience as well as new cars. On average, Top Choice is at least $100 cheaper than any other company in town. The overall price for the program is just $250 which includes six hours of driving time and 30 hours of online instruction. After the course is completed, an optional $25 driving test is available - other local companies charge $35.

home pick-up for their students and service seven days a week - a major plus for those busy parents out there. In other words, they make it EASY and families save money in the process. And now with summer approaching and students out of school, it's the perfect time to sign up with Top Choice Driving School. Keep in mind that Top Choice offers a Referral Program for enrolled students. Refer a friend to the company and receive $10 for the referral. Call 812-470- 4163 today to save money on your driving instruction this summer!

Best of all, Top Choice offers For more info, follow Top Choice Driving School on Facebook. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • June 2017

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"The diner itself is bright, clean, and inviting with aromas of home-style food. "




fter years of working in the restaurant business, Paco and Renee Jimenez decided to take of leap of their own and opened Nellie's Restaurant on February 28th of this year. Pulling into the large, full parking lot at 1 p.m. on a Wednesday, it's obvious that they're doing something right. The diner itself is bright, clean, and inviting with aromas of home-style food. The tables and counter are set with mugs ready for coffee or hot tea, and the kitchen is constantly pumping out trays of sandwiches, salads, and breakfast platters from the made-from-scratch menu. First order of business - the Popeye Salad, a huge plate of fresh spinach, grilled chicken, crispy bacon, hard-boiled eggs, sliced tomatoes, and red onion served with a side of - wait for it - warm bacon dressing. A recipe crafted in-house, the concoction is sweet and tangy, and complements the variety of ingredients without overpowering them. Next up - a Gyro piled with a heaping helping of tender, spiced lamb, onion slices, tomato, and house-made Tzatziki (cucumber-yogurt dip with herbs) atop warm, chewy pita. Of course, one of the best ways to charm a Midwesterner, especially a Hoosier, is to whip up a tasty Pork Tenderloin sandwich. Nellie's offers both breaded and grilled - inevitably, I chose breaded- and as a German kid from Jasper and Fall Festival enthusiast, I can honestly say theirs was the best I've ever tried. Taking up most of the plate, the hot, crispy

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

goodness is cut in-house, tenderized, and battered with their own recipe. Served on toasted French bread with trimmings and mayo and coupled with a side (their coleslaw is delicious), it's a meal and then some. Finally, even with several to-go boxes in hand, I couldn't turn down a Banana Foster Waffle for... dessert? A sinfully rich creation, there's plenty to share. Next trip, I'll need some folks to join me, because I have my eye on the Reuben, Monte Cristo, and Fruity French Toast. Located directly off of the Lloyd Expressway, Nellie's is a fantastic place to get together with family and friends for both comfort food and creative dishes. Your first trip won't be your last! - Whitney Patterson Open daily 6 a.m.- 3 p.m./ Breakfast all day/ Lunch 11 a.m.3 p.m./ Vegetarian options available. For more info, visit nelliesnewburgh.com.

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RESTAURANT GUIDE Whether you're looking for a new place to eat or rediscovering an old favorite, check out our comprehensive restaurant guide for local favorites all around the tri-state!

AMISH STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7730

BARBECUE BANDANA’S BAR-B-Q 6636 Logan Dr 812-401-9922 BAR-B-Q BARN 1003 E Diamond Ave 812-491-9868 HAWG ‘N’ SAUCE 6580 Leonard Rd N Mt Vernon, IN 812-838-5339 HICKORY PIT STOP 1521 N Main St 812-422-6919 J & B BAR-B-Q & CATERING 48 S Holloway St Henderson, KY 270-830-0033 MARX BARBEQUE 3119 W Maryland St 812-425-1616 MEMPHIS & MAIN BBQ 118 W Locust St Boonville, IN

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812-646-7110 4946 State Route 261 Newburgh, IN 812-858-0111 MISSION BBQ 1530 N Green River Rd 812-213-0200 MOONLITE BAR-B-Q INN 2840 W Parrish Ave Owensboro, KY 270-684-8143 NISBET INN 6701 Nisbet Rd Haubstadt, IN 812-963-9305 OLD HICKORY BBQ 338 Washington Ave Owensboro, KY 270-926-9000 OLE SOUTH BAR-B-Q 3523 Hwy 54 E Owensboro, KY 270-926-6464 PEAK BROS. BBQ 6353 US-60 Waverly, KY 270-389-0267 SHYLER'S BBQ 5416 E Indiana St 812-476-4599

THOMASON’S BARBECUE 701 Atkinson St Henderson, KY 270-826-0654 WILSON’S GENERAL STORE & CAFÉ 11120 Broadway Ave 812-985-0202 WOLF’S BAR-B-Q 6600 N First Ave 812-424-8891

BREWERIES/ WINERIES CARSON’S BREWERY 2404 Lynch Rd 812-759-8229 MYSTIQUE WINEY 13000 Gore Road Lynnville, IN 47619 812-922-5612 TIN MAN BREWING CO. 1430 W Franklin St 812-618-3227 TURONI’S BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 WINZERWALD WINERY (Tasting Room) 2021 W Franklin St 812-423-2427

CASUAL THEME ALLEGRA LOUNGE (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 US-41 812-867-7999 ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE 701 W 1st St Owensboro, KY 270-691-8960 APPLEBEE’S (East) 5100 E Morgan Ave 812-471-0942 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr 812-426-2006 (Henderson) 1950 US-41 270-826-9427 BAR LOUIE 7700 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-476-7069 BEANS & BARISTAS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-475-8566 BEEF O’BRADY’S 8177 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-9464


BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474 BRU BURGER BAR 222 Sycamore St. 812-302-3005 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CAMBRIDGE GOLF COURSE 1034 Beacon Hill Dr 812-868-4653 CHEDDAR’S CASUAL CAFÉ 2100 N Green River Rd 812-491-9976 CHILI’S 600 N Green River Rd 812-475-1510 DAPPER PIG 1112 Parrett St 812-401-3333 DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813

421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 ext. 6059 LUCKY JOE’S BAR & GRILL (Ellis Park) 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456 MAJOR MUNCH 101 NW First St 812-437-2363 104 N Water St Henderson, KY 270-212-2070 MAMA MIA’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4227 MAX & ERMA’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4258 MELLOW MUSHROOM 101 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-684-7800 POPEYE’S 3300 N First Ave 812-602-1599

FOOL MOON GRILL & BAR 5625 Pearl Dr 812-467-7486

RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS 6636 E Lloyd Expy 812-473-4100

HADI SHRINE 6 Walnut St 812-423-4285

ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Inside Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653

HOOTERS 4620 Lincoln Ave 812-475-0229 KITCHEN BUFFET THE (Tropicana Evansville)

ROYAL SUITE 4706 E Morgan Ave 812-402-5122

SHOW-ME’S (East) 1700 Morgan Center Dr 812-401-7469 (West) 5501 Pearl Dr 812-402-7100 TGI FRIDAYS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-491-8443 TREEHOUSE GRILL & PUB 1550 Mesker Park Dr 812-266-9228

315 E Diamond Ave 812-423-9897

5636 Vogel Rd 812-475-2888

CHINA KING 590 E Diamond Ave 812-423-1896


CHINA VILLAGE 8423 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-8238

TASTE OF CHINA 4579 University Dr 812-422-1260

CHOPSTICK HOUSE RESTAURANT 5412 E Indiana St 812-473-5551 CRAZY BUFFET 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-437-8833

WALTON'S INTERNATIONAL COMFORT FOOD 956 Parrett St 812-467-4255 WAYBACK BURGERS (East) 115 N Cross Pointe Blvd 812-475-9272 (North) 624 E Diamond Ave 812-779-8208 ZOUP FRESH SOUP CO. (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800

GOLDEN BUDDHA 3221 Taylor Ave 812-473-4855 5066 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-2680 GRACIE’S CHINESE CUISINE 12500 US-41 812-868-8888 GRAND BUFFET MONGOLIAN GRILL 1356 N Green River Rd 812-476-6666 JIMMY JENG’S SZECHWAN CHINESE RESTAURANT 669 N Green River Rd 812-479-7600

CHINESE BIG BANG MONGOLIAN GRILL 2013 N Green River Rd 812-602-1400

LINCOLN GARDEN 2001 Lincoln Ave 812-471-8881

CANTON INN RESTAURANT 947 North Park Dr 812-428-6611

MANDARIN HOUSE 1111 Barrett Blvd Henderson, KY 270-826-3001 MA T 888 CHINA BISTRO


TWO BROTHERS 3806 N First Ave 812-423-6188 WOK ‘N’ ROLL 311 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181 YEN CHING CHINESE RESTAURANT 406 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181

DELI/CAFES ACROPOLIS EXPRESS Tea Room at the YWCA 118 Vine St 812-42-GREEK ANTHONY’S HEAVENLY CHEESECAKE 812-499-8273 BITS & BYTES 216 NW Fourth St 812-423-5713 CAFÉ 111 111 S Green River Rd 812-401-8111 CLEO’S BAKERY & BROWN BAG LUNCHES 9 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-789-6485 DAILY’S ANNEX BAKERY & CAFÉ 701 N Main St

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701 N Main St 812-484-6635 DONUT BANK BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP (East) 5 N Green River Rd 812-479-0511 1950 Washington Ave 812-477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave 812-402-4111 (North) 2128 N First Ave 812-426-2311 1031 E Diamond Ave 812-426-0011 (West) 210 N St. Joseph Ave 812-426-1011 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 EMGE’S DELI & ICE CREAM 206 Main St 812-422-3026 FIREHOUSE SUBS (East) 1031 N Green River Rd 812-477-2141 (West) 222 S Red Bank Rd 812-401-0740 FLYING SAUCER CAFÉ (Evansville Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr 812-423-1113 GAYLA CAKE 422 N Main St 812-454-9791 GRANOLA JAR 1033 Mt. Pleasant Rd 812-437-1899 GREAT HARVEST BREAD CO. 423 Metro Ave 812-476-4999

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HONEYBAKED HAM 1446 N Green River Rd 812-471-2940 JASON’S DELI 934 N Green River Rd 812-417-9905 JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 JIMMY JOHN’S 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5400 8680 Highland Ave Newburgh, IN 812-491-7111 JUST RENNIE’S 100 SE 4th St 812-490-8098 MCALISTER’S DELI 2220 N Green River Rd 812-618-2050 PANERA BREAD 220 Burkhardt Rd 812-476-7477 PENN STATION East Coast Subs (East) 137 N Burkhardt Rd 812-479-PENN (7366) (North) 4827 David Lant Dr 812-402-PENN (West) 5310 Pearl Dr 812-434-7366 (Henderson) 1111 Barrett Rd 270-826-7361 (Owensboro) 3625 Frederica St 270-683-1515 PENNY LANE COFFEEHOUSE 600 SE 2nd St 812-421-8741 PG CAFE 1418 W Franklin St

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

812-402-4445 PIECE OF CAKE 210 Main St 812-424-2253 PINCH OF SUGAR 519 N Green River Rd 812-476-7650 PLANTERS COFFEEHOUSE 130 N Main St Henderson, KY 270-830-0927 R’Z CAFÉ & CATERING CO. 104 N Main St Fort Branch, IN 812-615-0039 RIVERVIEW COFFEE COMPANY (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4280 SALAD WORLD (East) 3311 N Green River Rd 812-471-5083 (Downtown) 200 Main St 812-422-0777 (North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-2741 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd 812-490-6070 SCHLOTZSKY’S 301 N Green River Rd 812-471-4011 SPUDZ –N– STUFF (East) 815 S Green River Rd 812-401-7783 (North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-7783 3904 N. First Ave.

812-228-1068 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr 812-402-8287 (Henderson) 2630 US-41 270-212-1777 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Road 812-490-6070 (Owensboro) 3500 Villa Point Dr 270-804-4747


SWEET BETTY’S BAKERY 5600 E Virginia St 812-402-3889

CAROUSEL RESTAURANT 5115 Monroe Ave 812-479-6388

TOM + CHEE 2121 N Green River Rd 812-401-2433

CARRIAGE INN 103 E Gibson St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6131

TWILIGHT BISTRO 221 Main St 812-421-0606 ZOUP FRESH SOUP COMPANY (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800

FAMILY HOMESTYLE ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320 BOB EVANS (East) 1125 N Green River Rd 812-473-9022 (West) 5201 Pearl Dr 812-425-5100 (Princeton) 2825 W Broadway St 812-386-1228 (Owensboro) 3123 Leitchfield Rd

BUFFALO WILD WINGS (East) 715 N Green River Rd 812-471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr 812-471-9464 BURGER BANK 1617 S Weinbach Ave 812-475-2265

CLEAVERS RESTAURANT 5501 E Indiana St 812-473-0001 CRACKER BARREL 8215 Eagle Lake Dr 812-479-8788 CROSS-EYED CRICKET 2101 Pennsylvania St 812-422-6464 CULVER’S 1734 Hirschland Rd 812-437-3333 DENNY’S CLASSIC DINER 5212 Weston Rd 812-424-4472 19501 Elphers Rd Newburgh, IN 812-867-7156 DENNY’S RESTAURANT (East) 351 N Green River Rd 812-473-1063 (North) 3901 US-41





ELLIS PARK CLUBHOUSE 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456

MERRY-GO-ROUND RESTAURANT 2101 US-41 812-423-6388

SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280

NELLIE'S RESTAURANT 8566 Ruffian Ln. Newburgh, IN 812-629-2142

ST. JOE INN 9515 St Wendel Rd 812-963-9310

FIVE GUYS BURGERS 5402 E Indiana St 812-401-1773 FRONTIER RESTAURANT 12945 IN-57 812-867-6786 GATTI TOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 GET AND GO CASSEROLES 6840 Logan Dr 812-475-8830 GOLDEN CORRAL 130 Cross Pointe Blvd 812-473-1095 1320 N Green Street Henderson, KY 270-869-9310

O’CHARLEY’S (East) 7301 E Indiana St 812-479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr 812-424-3348 OLD MILL 5031 New Harmony Rd 812-963-6000 PIE PAN 905 North Park Dr 812-425-2261 POPEYE’S 3300 N 1st Ave 812-423-4291

HIGHLAND INN 6620 N First Ave 812-402-2544

RAFFERTY’S 1400 N Green River Rd 812-471-0024

HILLTOP INN 1100 Harmony Way 812-422-1757

RED FEZ (Hadi Shrine Building) 6 Walnut St 812-423-4285

HORNVILLE TAVERN 2607 W Baseline Rd 812-963-0967 IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 LIBBY & MOM’S CAFÉ 2 Richardt Ave 812-437-3040 LOG INN 12491 S 200 E Haubstadt, IN

RED WAGON 6950 Frontage Rd Poseyville, IN 812-874-2210 ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1151 ROSE HILL CAFÉ 8133 Rose Hill Rd Newburgh, IN

STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7330 ZESTO’S 102 W Franklin St 812-424-1416

FINE DINING CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 N 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333 CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974 EDGEWATER GRILLE 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 MADELEINE’S RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 NW CHOPHOUSE & WINE BAR 7799 IN-66 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9500 RED GERANIUM (New Harmony Inn

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Resort) 520 N St New Harmony, IN 812-682-4431

FROZEN TREATS COLDSTONE CREAMERY (East) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653 (West) 5435 Pearl Dr 812-461-0100 JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 ORANGE LEAF 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5215 SWEET CECE’S 5625 Pearl Dr 812-401-5232

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GERMAN GERST HAUS 2100 W Franklin St 812-424-1420



ANGELO’S 305 Main St 812-428-6666

ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320

BIAGGI’S 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-421-0800

INDIAN TAJ MAHAL Indian Cuisine 900 Tutor Ln 812-476-5000 TASTE OF INDIA 4700 Vogel Rd 812-909-2880


RI RA IRISH PUB 701 NW Riverside Dr 812-426-0000

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

CAFÉ ARAZU 17 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-842-2200 DILEGGE’S 607 N Main St 812-428-3004 FAMOUS BISTRO 102 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-686-8202 HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky St


812- 402-2230

LITTLE ITALY 4430 N 1st Ave 812-479-7777

SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280

MANNA MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 2913 Lincoln Ave 812-473-7005 MILANO’S ITALIAN CUISINE 500 Main St 812-484-2222 OASIS CAFE 5702 E Virginia St (812) 602-3660

JAPANESE FUJI YAMA 915 North Park Dr 812-962-4440 GINMIYA ASIAN DINER 4827 Davis Lant Dr 812-471-8100

OLIVE GARDEN 1100 N Green River Rd 812-473-2903

IWATAYA JAPANESE RESTAURANT 8401 N Kentucky Ave 812-868-0830


KANPAI SUSHI & ASIAN BISTRO 4593 Washington Ave 812-471-7076


ROPPONGI JAPANESE STEAK & SUSHI 7221 E Indiana St 812-437-5824 TOKYO JAPAN 3000 N Green River Rd 812-401-1020 TOKYO TEPPANYAKI 2222 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-869-1968 ZUKI JAPANESE GRILL 1448 N Green River Rd 812-477-9854

KOREAN JAYA’S 119 SE 4th St 812-422-6667

MEXICAN CANCUN MEXICAN 341 S Green St Henderson, KY 270-826-0067 CARLEOS 3118 Alvey Dr Owensboro, KY 270-684-0290 CHAVA’S MEXICAN GRILL 4202 N First Ave 812-401-1977 CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL 499 N Green River Rd 812-471-4973 EL CHARRO 720 N Sonntag Ave 812-421-1986 EL MAGUEY 3250 Warrick Dr Boonville, IN 812-897-6666

EL PATRON 943 North Park Dr 812-402-6500

GOURMET PIZZA 3911 Venetian Dr Newburgh, IN 47630 812-853-3400

EL RIO MEXICAN CUISINE 1919 N Green River Rd 812-471-1400

LOS TORIBIOS 2810 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-830-6610 1647 S Green St Henderson KY 270-831-2367

FIESTA ACAPULCO 8480 High Pointe Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-7777

LOS TRES CAMINOS 12100 US-41 812-868-8550

CLEAVERS 5501 E Indiana St 812-473-0001

HACIENDA MEXICAN RESTAURANT (East) 990 S Green River Rd 812-474-1635 (North) 711 N 1st Ave 812-423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr 812-422-2055

MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-491-6637

DAVE’S SPORTS DEN 701 N Weinbach Ave 812-479-8887

HOT HEAD BURRITOS 5625 Pearl Dr 812-437-5010 JALISCO MEXICAN RESTAURANT 4044 Professional Ln Newburgh, IN 812-490-2814 LA CAMPIRANA 724 N. Burkhardt Rd. 812-550-1585 LOS BRAVOS (East) 6226 E Waterford Blvd 812-474-9078 (North) 3534 N 1st Ave 812-424-4101 (West) 4630 W Lloyd Expy 812-464-3136 LOS PORTALES 3339 N Green River Rd 812-475-0566

CICIS PIZZA 101 S Green River Rd 812-477-2424

DEERHEAD SIDEWALK CAFE 222 E Columbia St 812-425-2515

QDOBA Mexican Grill 922 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-0800

FAT BOY'S PIZZA 10722 Hwy 662 Newburgh, IN 812-518-3061

RIVIERA MEXICAN GRILL 10604 SR-662 Newburgh, IN 812-490-9936 TACO TIERRA 420 S Green River Rd 812-402-8226

FIREDOME PIZZA & WINGS 2046 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-831-1977

TEQUILA’S MEXICAN 408 Woodwind Plz Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392

PIZZA/ SANDWICHES ARCHIE & CLYDE’S 8309 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-7778 AZZIP PIZZA 5225 Pearl Dr 812-401-3572 BIG M’S PIZZERIA 1313 N First Ave 812-434-6909

FETTA 118 St Ann St Owensboro, KY 270-926-0005

FRANKLIN STREET PIZZA FACTORY 2033 W Franklin St 812-602-3028 GARDO’S ITALIAN OVEN 13220 Darmstadt Rd 812-868-8071 GATTITOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 HEADY’S PIZZA 4120 N 1st Ave 812-437-4343

HIGHLAND PIZZA SHOP 6669 Kratzville Rd 812-402-8900 KIPPLEE’S 2350 E Division St 812-479-1542 LOMBARDI’S NEW YORK PIZZA 513 Barrett Blvd Henderson, KY 270-854-4391 MAMA MIA’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4227 MISTER B’S PIZZA 2611 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-826-1111 OLD CHICAGO 6550 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-1400 PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404 PAPA JOHN’S (East) 303 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7700 5436 E Indiana St 812-473-5200 (North) 4204 N 1st Ave 812-425-2345 12414 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7272 (West) 4814 W Lloyd Expy 812-423-7272 (Newburgh) 3955 Hayley Dr 812-858-7272 PARKWAY PIZZA 3911 Broadway Ave 812-423-3339

BOSTON’S Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • June 2017

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PIZZA CHEF 423 W Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-1600 4938 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-3338 PIZZA DEPOT 2801 Boonville-New Harmony Rd 812-867-9131 PIZZA KING (East) 1033 S Weinbach Ave 812-476-9441 (West) 220 N St. Joseph Ave 812-424-7976 (Newburgh) 7777 SR-66 812-853-3368 PIZZA REVOLUTION 812-430-5945 ROCA BAR NORTH 12301 Hwy 41 N 812-868-8898 ROCA BAR SOUTH 1618 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-7782 ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1400 ROUNDERS PIZZA 510 W Mill Rd 812-424-4960 ROUNDERS TOO 12731 N Green River Rd 812-867-7172 SAM’S PIZZERIA 2011 W Delaware St 812-423-3160 SANDY’S PIZZA 609 S Main St

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Ft. Branch, IN 812-759-3972

1119 Parrett St 812-422-2230

SCHAUM'S PIZZERIA 240 S Green River Rd 812-402-4733

EDGEWATER LA VERANDA Banquet Room 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443

SLICE THE 2011 Lincoln Ave 812-476-8518 SPANKEY’S UNA PIZZA 714 N Sonntag Ave 812-402-6776 SUSAN BOBE’S PIZZA 101 W Broadway St Princeton, IN 812-385-2554 TALK OF THE TOWN PIZZA 1200 Edgar St 812-402-8696 TURONI’S FORGET-ME-NOT INN 4 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7500 TURONI’S PIZZERY & BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 TURONI’S PIZZA 8011 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-5555 WALTHER’S GOLF ‘N FUN 2301 N First Ave 812-464-4472 WOODY’S PIZZERIA 518 S Main St New Harmony, IN 812-682-6666


June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 JUST RENNIE’S 100 SE 4th St 812-401-8098 OLD POST OFFICE 100 NW 2nd St 812-253-2102 SCHMITT CATERING & MORE 812-909-0566 812-774-6547

SEAFOOD BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474 HARBOR BAY SEAFOOD 4428 N First Ave 812-423-0050 LURE SEAFOOD & GRILLE 401 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-240-4556 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 NW CHOPHOUSE & WINE BAR 7799 IN-66 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9500

RED LOBSTER 4605 Bellemeade Ave 812-477-9227 TIN FISH 300 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-490-7000

SPANISH ECLIPSE BISTRO 113 SE 4th St 812-463-6040

STEAKHOUSES CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333 CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974 DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813 HAUB HOUSE 101 E Haub St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6462 HORNET’S NEST 11845 Petersburg Rd 812-867-2386 HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-0572 LOGAN’S ROADHOUSE (East) 1 N Burkhardt Rd 812-471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr 812-421-0908 LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE 320 N Green River Rd

812-473-2400 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 NW CHOPHOUSE & WINE BAR 7799 IN-66, Newburgh, IN 812-853-9500 OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 7201 Indiana St 812-474-0005 SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280 TEXAS ROADHOUSE 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-477-7427 WESTERN RIB-EYE & RIBS 1401 N Boeke Rd 812-476-5405

THAI PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404 THAI PAPAYA 1434 Tutor Ln 812-477-8424


If you would like to be added to the dining listings, please contact us at (812) 426-6398


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IN TOWN & AROUND THURSDAY, JUNE 1 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Andy Does the Ivories 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- TBT Dance Party w/ music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's Pistons Bar & Grill -- Bike Night feat. Nocturnal Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic night hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Trivia Night 8:30 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke / College Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Brandon Giles 8:30 PM Legends -- Shelly Long & Joshua Thomas Lyle's Sports Zone -- The Smoke Rings 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Brick Briscoe Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Donald Peters KC's Marina Pointe -- Fortag KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Torpedo Vegas Lamasco Bar -- Charmed Fest: Jangle Sheep, Apulu, Kelo, Corgan & Snowden and Rhyme Taylor O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Osiella 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Trey Alize & Monroe Fitzgerald

FRIDAY, JUNE 2 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ The Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- First Friday w/ Paul Walker Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Petyon the 16-year-old Magician Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Acoustic Music Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Bike Night kick-off w/ AKACIA 8:00 PM OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Dance Party w/ DJ Todd

SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Ri Ra Irish Pub -- UEFA Champions League: Juventus vs. Real Madrid 11:00 AM Mystique Winery -- Cajun Fest feat. Brad Lemmons, Lindsey Williams & 1 Man Monster. 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Logan Dyer & Friends 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 8:00 PM Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Brandon Giles Unplugged Ale House -- After Hours

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Live Music TBA 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Opal Fly Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Tastes Like Chicken Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Andy Brasher Band 10:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Valcoes KC's Marina Pointe -- Rumours Fleetwood Mac Tribute KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Fortag Lamasco Bar -- Calabash O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Jenny's Bad Hair Day 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Trey Alize & Monroe Fitzgerald SUNDAY, JUNE 4 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar -- Michael Rhymes 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Live Jazz w/ Monte Skelton 4:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Song House: Meet the Rodenbergs 5:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke MONDAY, JUNE 5 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Willie Nelson & Family 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic hosted by On Tap Project TUESDAY, JUNE 6 Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Corduroy Orbison / Yappy Hour followed by Karaoke 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tournament Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Music City Trio 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Bike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Ladies Night 6:30 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -Katie Watts 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar -- Live Trivia Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Trivia in the bar

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Someplace Else -- Drag Queen Bingo Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Honey Vines Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Music City Trio 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night hosted by Bobette 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke THURSDAY, JUNE 8 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Andy Does the Ivories 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- TBT Dance Party w/ music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's Pistons Bar & Grill -- Bike Night feat. Nutshell Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session

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Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic night hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Trivia Night 8:30 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke / College Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke FRIDAY, JUNE 9 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Gretchin & Ray 6:00 PM

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Petyon the 16-year-old Magician Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Acoustic Music Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy night with Kimberly Lynn - Headliner Jay Armstrong, featuring Clint Hall 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Latin Dance Party w/ Heidi Garza Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Dance Party w/ DJ Todd Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Reckless 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Zach Evans 9:00 PM Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Jon B. KC's Marina Pointe -- Tragikly White KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Osiella Lamasco Bar -- Groovement O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music TBA 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Ladies Night King Show SATURDAY, JUNE 10 11:00 AM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Me to Brunch hosted by Brock Harder 1:00 PM Pizza Chef (Newburgh) -- Toss


4 Storm Parking Lot Party ($20/ person) 2:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Bingo 3:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Blake Billlman from Tailgate Revival 5:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- What Would You Do Man Drag Show hosted by Gretchin Irons 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Sassafras 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark Duo 7:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Nutshell 8:00 PM Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Static Mojo Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Reckless Unplugged Ale House -- Lindsey Williams 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Stompbox Trio 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Insulated Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Andy Brasher Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Easter Jones Band 10:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Music TBA KC's Corner Pocket -- Mud Pit Poets KC's Marina Pointe -- Jenny's Bad Hair Day KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Tragikly White Lamasco Bar -- JEB O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music TBA 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone SUNDAY, JUNE 11 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar -- Michael Rhymes 2:30 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Live Jazz w/ BG3 4:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Song House: Men That Pen 5:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke MONDAY, JUNE 12 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic hosted by On Tap Project TUESDAY, JUNE 13 Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Cat Man Dog / Yappy Hour followed by Karaoke 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tournament Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Bike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- College Night

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6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar -- Live Trivia Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Trivia in the bar Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Honey Vines Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires 7:30 PM Old National Events Plaza -- RENT 20th Anniversary Tour 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke THURSDAY, JUNE 15 5:00 PM Haubstadt Fest Grounds -Haubstadt Sommerfest feat. DJ Trevor (bierstube opens @ 7pm) Lamasco Bar -- Andy Does the Ivories 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- TBT Dance Party w/ music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's Pistons Bar & Grill -- Bike Night feat. Tailgate Acoustic Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic night hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Trivia Night Victory Theatre -- Bill Gaither & Gaither Vocal Band 8:00 PM Old National Events Plaza -- The Avett Brothers 8:30 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke / College Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill --

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Drag Show 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Old Salt Union (Avett Brothers After Party) FRIDAY, JUNE 16 5:00 PM Haubstadt Fest Grounds -Haubstadt Sommerfest feat. Nocturnal (bierstube opens @ 7pm) 5:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Trivia hosted by Ashley Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ The Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Old National Events Plaza -- Fiesta Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Petyon the 16-year-old Magician Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Acoustic Music Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Franklin Street -- Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Fest feat. Reverend Jack J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Nutshell 8:00 PM Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Lyle's Sports Zone -- Retro Shock (followed by Karaoke Dance Party w/ Bryan) OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Dance Party w/ DJ Todd Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Van-Dells 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Gravel Engine Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Music & DJ Don P. KC's Marina Pointe -- LDNL KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Jenny's Bad Hair Day Lamasco Bar -- The Jangle Sheep w/ Rare Dog Days O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music

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TBA 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Mr. & Miss Magnolia Pageant

O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music TBA 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Pat Yo Weave

SATURDAY, JUNE 17 11:00 AM Franklin Street -- Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Fest feat. Moneka Fullop 2:00 PM Franklin Street -- Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Fest feat. Nutshell 5:00 PM Franklin Street -- Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Fest feat. Tailgate Revival Haubstadt Fest Grounds -Haubstadt Sommerfest feat. Torpedo Vegas (bierstube opens @ 7pm) 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Gravel Engine 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 8:00 PM Franklin Street -- Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Fest feat. The C.R.O.W.D. OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Casey Williams Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Van-Dells Unplugged Ale House -- Clayton Daugherty 8:30 PM Legends -- Wannabeez Lyle's Sports Zone -- Fifth Wheel 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- The Valcoes Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- JJ Humphries Band 10:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -Beginner's Luck Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Music & DJ Don P. KC's Corner Pocket -- Nocturnal KC's Marina Pointe -- Dave Matthews Tribute Band KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- LDNL Lamasco Bar -- Josh Merritt Band

SUNDAY, JUNE 18 Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Father's Day Cookout 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar -- Michael Rhymes 5:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Steve Greenwell Trio 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Live Jazz w/ Wade Baker KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

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MONDAY, JUNE 19 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 6:30 PM Ford Center -- WWE Raw 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic hosted by On Tap Project TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -Free Pool w/ purchase 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Brock Stahl / Yappy Hour followed by Karaoke 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Poetry Night O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tournament Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Retro Shock 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 12:05 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 6:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Bike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Ladies Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Honey Vines 6:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Science w/ a Twist Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Ron Hawkins 7:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar -- Live Trivia Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Trivia in the bar Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Retro Shock 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke THURSDAY, JUNE 22 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Andy Does the Ivories 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- TBT Dance Party w/ music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's Pistons Bar & Grill -- Bike Night feat. Nocturnal Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic night hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers

Lounge) -- Trivia Night 8:00 PM OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Coors Light Tiki Fest w/ giveaways & prizes 8:30 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke / College Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke FRIDAY, JUNE 23 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ Dog Town Three 6:00 PM Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Petyon the 16-year-old Magician Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Acoustic Music Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 8:00 PM OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Coors Light Tiki Fest w/ giveaways & prizes Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Herchel Bailey 8:30 PM Legends -- Dueling Guitars w/ Scott Mason & Ricky Byrne Lyle's Sports Zone -- RJ Rigdon & The Primal Roots 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Collosom Album Release Party Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Jon B. KC's Marina Pointe -- Radio Tokyo KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Nocturnal Lamasco Bar -- Aaron Kamm & the One Drops O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music TBA 11:00 PM

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Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Someplace Else Pride Weekend SATURDAY, JUNE 24 11:00 AM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Me to Brunch hosted by Brock Harder 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ JC Stone 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Blake Billman from Tailgate Revival J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Nutshell 8:00 PM Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Keith Vincent Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Herchel Bailey Unplugged Ale House -- Monte Skelton & Developmental Research 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Soul Unique Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Stompbox 40 Ri Ra Irish Pub -- JJ Humphries Band 10:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Glastone KC's Marina Pointe -- Goodbye Violet KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Radio Tokyo Lamasco Bar -- Boscoe France Band O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Torpedo Vegas 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Someplace Else Pride Weekend SUNDAY, JUNE 25 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar -- Michael Rhymes

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Live Jazz w/ Sidemen Trio 5:05 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 8:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Minnette's Swing Cats 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke MONDAY, JUNE 26 O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -- Free Pool w/ purchase 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic hosted by On Tap Project TUESDAY, JUNE 27 Sportsmans Grille & Billiards -- Free Pool w/ purchase 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ The Shwizz / Yappy Hour followed by Karaoke 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Open Dart Tournament Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pub Quiz 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Free Darts 6:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Bike Night Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- College

Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Honey Vines 7:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em Lamasco Bar -- Live Trivia Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Trivia in the bar Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Leather & Lace Drag Show hosted by Brock Harder KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke THURSDAY, JUNE 29 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Andy Does the Ivories 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Bike Night OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- TBT Dance Party w/ music from the

80's, 90's & 2000's Pistons Bar & Grill -- Tastes Like Chicken Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Irish Session Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic night hosted by Kimberly Lynn Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Trivia Night 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Comedy Night Show hosted by Rachael Goldman 8:30 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Live Jams 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke / College Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke FRIDAY, JUNE 30 5:30 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Jive After 5 w/ The Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Petyon the 16-year-old Magician Pistons Bar & Grill -- Live Acoustic Music Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 8:00 PM Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Dance Party w/ DJ Todd Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Duke Boys 8:30 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Junkyard Stereo 9:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Vintage Rendition Charley's Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke J's Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/

Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Jon B. KC's Marina Pointe -- The Hair Band Night KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Mud Pit Poets Lamasco Bar -- vessel O'Brian's Sports Bar -- Live Music TBA 11:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Jones Capone

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WE WERE THERE! Tesla @ The Victory Theatre April 30th, 2017 Photos by: Jason Massey

WE WERE THERE! Guns & Hoses @ The Ford Center April 22nd, 2017 Photos by: Kayla Hands

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AROUND THE TRACK WITH BILLY EGELER The sad passing of a legend: Racing world shaken by the loss of one of our own!


icky Hayden. Where do you really begin when talking about this cat? He was one of the greatest of all time - an American hero and legend! Nicky had a goal at the age of four to become a MotoGP champion. He chased that dream throughout his entire career from hanging it out on the dirt to the pavement. One thing's for sure, he was not scared! At the age of 17, Nicky was on board of a Factory Honda Superbike while still in high school. In 1999, Nicky won the AMA SuperSport Championship on a privateer Honda. During the '99 season, Nicky was able to record his first ever Grand National Championship dirt race. 2001 began his first full season as an AMA SuperBike pilot bringing home p3 in the season ending points. 2002 saw Trick Daddy come on strong picking up the season opening Daytona 200 and never looking back while on the way to becoming the youngest ever rider to win the AMA SuperBike

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championship. In 2003 it was From the OWB to MotoGP for the 69. Nicky's goal that he wrote down at the age of four became reality in 2006 as he became the MotoGP WORLD CHAMPION! From 2003 to 2015, Hayden had 218 GP starts, 3 wins, 28 podiums, 5 poles and 7 fastest laps. Nicky was inducted into the MotoGP Hall of Fame when he retired from the series. Nicky then set his sights on World Super Bikes in 2016. Between 2016 and 2017, Nicky had 38 Starts, 1 win and 4 podiums. Now, look past the racing. Look at our friend Nicky Hayden. Nicky will always be remembered for his infectious smile, warm personality, huge heart, sense of humor and the phrase he so commonly used: "Never give up... never give in." This guy never met a stranger. He never ignored his fans, friends or family. He was an international superstar yet, when he was at home in Owensboro, he was

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

simply Nicky Hayden. His love for his family and community never faltered. At any given time Nicky could be found donating items to fundraisers, visiting the local homeless shelter and helping our community in any way he could. Nicky is going to be deeply missed by so very many of us but one thing's for sure, his legacy will live on forever because he truly was... The People's Champion! Our deepest condolences go out to the entire Hayden family, his friends and fans. #kentuckykidforever #69


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BIG NINJA DELIGHT Emotive expression: Former Namaste guitarist finds musical solace in space-dream electronica


ocal musician Stephen Horning came by his passion for music naturally at a young age. Although it was never an expectation, it was definitely inevitable - his mother was a multi-instrumentalist elementary school music teacher, and his dad had a Masters in music as well. Performing with the UE Children's Choir, Horning had opportunities to share the stage with the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra and even took his talents all the way to the prestigious Carnegie Hall. Despite his upbringing and childhood achievements, he credits his time as guitarist with Namaste as the root of current and future projects. The popular Evansville jam band has since dissolved due to personal tragedy and member dynamics, a common recipe for groups to go their separate ways. "I know I'm guilty of being jealous of how easily some of these bands can perform and the fact that they found each other, and they're able to be on the same page musically," he laments. It got to a point where Horning felt burnt out, pigeonholed in the jam band scene, and

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went through a period of deep depression due to personal loss - his mom died in a car accident when he was fifteen, and just seven years later, his father also passed away. His bittersweet departure, however, and some time to decompress gave birth to his solo project, Big Ninja Delight, a moniker derived from a time when he "played World of Warcraft way too much (laughs)." BND has released two EPs, both within the last two years, drawing inspiration from a split from his high school sweetheart and partner of sixteen years and separation from his young son. The tracks aren't necessarily typical "heartbreak" songs, however, and Horning isn't comfortable putting his work into neatly categorized genres, because that's exactly the opposite of what he set out to do when he started the project. It is somewhat indicative of his roots - the funk is undeniable, but soothing, light lyrics intertwine with spacedream electronica, rather than focusing on heavy instruments. Although he plays several instruments, Ableton is the active ingredient for current endeavors. "I think, in the future, when people look back on this time period, it will be considered an

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

instrument," he explains. "It's been out for over a decade, but even now, there's only one other piece of [music production] software than can come even close to what it can do on stage." Horning fondly calls Lamasco home-base after years of running sound for touring acts, gaining insight into "what works, what doesn't, and why" and inspiration for different vibes. Hosting their longrunning Monday night open mic has also allowed him to foster relationships with other local musicians and explore other creative avenues for his own performances in a supportive environment. As a selfproclaimed introvert, performing is a way for Horning to communicate - "It's all emotive expression for me, because I find things like this [interview] hard to do," he says. "That is the way I express myself most fluently and most comfortably." So what's next? "I'm proud of all of it [the work he's done thus far], but it's not all I have to offer... I have a feeling in a year or two, I'm gonna be done with this particular flavor. I could write like a country album," he laughs. "I don't want to pin it down to one thing." - Whitney Patterson

Find Big Ninja Delight on facebook or at www.bigninjadelight.com

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PAUL BLAKE & THE PALL BEARERS About a girl: talented singer/songwriter tackles well-worn subject on Hungover & Heartbroken


ll my songs are about girls, really," admits Newburgh's Paul Blake, followed by a burst of laughter. "Some of my friends joke with me about it, but I always say that that's the only subject that anybody cares to hear about - every song about a girl has been written about a million times, and it's like, here's another one." But the 28-year-old guitarist is just being modest. While it's true that pretty much every track on Hungover & Heartbroken, his recorded debut, addresses relationship woes, his take on them is fresh and, at times, surprisingly dark. Exhibit A: "That's What You Get," a brooding mash-up of surf music and 60's pop. Accompanied by a Tarantino-esque video brilliantly-directed by Evansville's Ben Woehler, the album's first single tells a classic tale of revenge. And spoiler alert, it does not end well for the unfaithful lover. In fact, the short film's sinister edge was a point of concern for Blake and his bandmates, Bryce Klueh and Heath Metzger. "We thought that song made the best story and would be the most shocking for a video, but we debated if that was the image we wanted everybody to see - a dead body in a trunk," he explains. "But from a visual

standpoint, it's very memorable." Indeed, the video has already racked up over 20,000 views between Facebook and YouTube. Mission accomplished. Not to worry, though, Blake is simply playing a character; in real life he couldn't be nicer and harbors no murderous intentions. He's just got a vivid imagination. And frankly, that's what makes "That's What You Get" - and the rest of Hungover & Heartbroken - such an anomaly around these parts. In a music scene dominated by cover bands, Paul Blake & The Pall Bearers stand out from the crowd in both sound and, obviously, vision - which helps to explain why it's taken so long to get this project off the ground. After years of playing in various bands around the area, Blake was itching to record and perform his own material; but he was also keenly aware that his style didn't exactly jive with the tastes of the tri-state. "I really struggled with that for awhile - and I really didn't want to just throw something together," he says. So even though the two eventual Pall Bearers were long on his radar, Blake wasn't convinced they'd be up for collaborating - or that they'd have the time. Klueh, an in-demand bassist, has played with the likes of jazz favorite Monte Skelton, while Metzger is the drummer for local indie-rock heroes, Mock Orange. But somewhere around three years ago, it was now or never. "I finally just sent them some acoustic demos of my songs - didn't give any direction," Blake says. "And they played them better than I had envisioned." A couple of months later, the guys

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

took the stage for the first time at Mojo's Boneyard - on Blake's birthday, no less. The band's refreshing mix of old-school country, blues, the aforementioned 60's pop and surf influences plus Southern rock (Tom Petty remains a huge inspiration), clearly connected. More gigs followed along with the impetus to make an album together. But life got in the way more often than not. Finally, everything started to fall into place last year. "We scheduled more shows, and I committed more time to the project," Blake explains. "Otherwise, the record was never going to get made." The recording process was reportedly a learning curve for all three band members, but particularly for the green guitarist who was new to the studio. "I didn't realize how bad my timing was. Those two guys were really tight and it put a lot of pressure on me," he says. "But I went home and practiced for hours and came back with an attitude, ready to nail each take." Hungover & Heartbroken officially came out on January 13, but it's just now starting to gain traction. In addition to "That's What You Get," highlights of the rock-solid 10-song collection include the haunting "Don't Think Twice," the pleading "Don't Take My Heart" and Pettyinspired "Loser 18." Vocally, Blake has a cool, unmistakable delivery - a sort of nasal snarl completely at odds with today's singers. It's just one more way that he separates himself from the herd. Upcoming shows: The Burdette Blues Festival on June 3 followed by a return to Mojo's on June 24. For more info, visit paulblakemusic.com

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Local indie-rockers return with Revelry, guerilla-style marketing campaign for new release


omehow it doesn't seem possible that four years have passed since one of the tri-state's favorite original bands released a studio album. But perhaps that's because Gentlemen & Scholars have continued to play out in the interim (check out 2016's raucous Live at Lamasco) and occasionally dropped a new single to keep things interesting. Still, 2013's Thick As Mud, an intense blues-rock collection that deviated from the more alternative blueprint of 2009's The Fault and the band's debut effort, The Record, the Keepsake, and the Thief, marks the last time G&S put out a full-length record. All that's about to change, though, with the impending release of Revelry, out July 21. The band, which currently features Jeremiah Galey (vocals/guitar), Shane Strickland (bass), Marco Vaughn (drums) and Patrick Brady (guitar/keys), kindly took the time to talk with us about the new album, from inception to promotion and beyond. What accounts for the long gap in between Thick as Mud and the new release? After releasing Thick As Mud in march of 2013 and spending the rest of the year performing as much as possible, we decided to take a moment to step back and reevaluate the approach that we were taking. See, we self-produced Thick As Mud. Every aspect of that album, from the songwriting to the final mastering, was done by us. We’re incredibly proud of that, but we’re also not ashamed to admit that we still had a lot to learn about producing records. But before we could decide how to improve upon this process, we had to make an incredibly tough decision to take the band down from a 5 piece to a 4 piece. That didn’t happen right

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away, though. After Photo Credit: Jordyn Myracle parting ways with one of the previous along, our goal is to continue releasing music members, we spent a few months working independently. Some artists find success with on new music with a full time keyboard record label support, and some artists work player. Going from a 5 piece that contained best on their own. To us, this is the beauty that 3 guitarists to a 5 piece with 2 guitarists the internet brought to the music industry. and a keyboard player is a pretty big shift. Writing new music was a fresh experience, As for our hopes and expectations with the but not difficult. Re-working a lot of our songs release of Revelry, the easiest way to sum from past releases to make them fit with a that up would be growth. We’re invested keyboard player wasn’t quite as easy, but it in this venture for the long haul. We’ll be was extremely rewarding. touring to support the record. We’ll be filming and producing more music videos, live However, the biggest contribution to the performances, etc. We hope to follow Revelry gap between Thick As Mud and Revelry is up with another EP or record in 6 or 9 months. the nine months that we took off to build our The new album isn’t a stopping point, it’s just recording studio. It has a large live room, a a step down a path that we’re creating for mixing room, and a hallway that separates ourselves. the two. We had to learn to frame walls, hang drywall, build sound traps and bass traps, etc. How do you plan to promote the album locally? Did you approach Revelry with any concept We’ll be doing an album release show at in mind, either stylistically or from a lyrical Lamasco on July 21. And we recently did standpoint? an episode with the guys over at the Don’t Not exactly, but we did have a bunch of ideas Quit Your Daydream podcast, which was about what we didn’t want the record to be. absolutely awesome. Those guys were super We looked at Thick As Mud and knew exactly cool and incredibly professional - do yourself what mistakes we made with it and how to do a favor and look them up. And we’ve got a things differently this time around. Honestly, few more tactics up our sleeves. We’ve just Thick As Mud was far less true to who and started a very guerilla style marketing and what we are, where Revelry is us to a tee. It’s promotion campaign. It’s sort of a test run for easy to hear each individual member’s writing us, but hopefully you’ll be seeing signs of it and playing contribution on every Revelry very soon. track. Thick As Mud was much more reflective of what we were into stylistically, at the time. Are you happy releasing albums independently? What are your hopes/ expectations for Revelry? Unless something out of this world comes

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

For more info, visit Gentlemen & Scholars on Facebook and at gentlemenandscholarsrock.com.

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by John Thurgood

MTV gender neutral acting category is a step up


made history this year by presenting the first award show to eliminate gender distinctions in acting award categories. Although this progressive move towards inclusion is wonderful, I don’t think it will convince other award shows to follow suit.


he built castles all the time. She built them in her mashed potatoes, in blankets piled on her bed, even in all the mud beside the porch out back just under her bedroom window. She made them as tall as she could. The height of each one was determined by its style and dimensions—turrets over steeples, but steeples had their place too. She designed them using intuition, but it felt as though each one held a set of principles that guided her with every choice she made: when to build a mote, when to remove an exterior wall, when to finish. The latter, of course, proved to be the trickiest, and often it wasn't until she had finished a castle that she would feel the most doubtful, as if all her intuition had left the moment she declared a particular masterpiece complete. She had a hard time explaining all this to her dad. He was too focused on his garden and why it looked like a sty. He had planted begonias beside the porch, but they had been replaced by a neoclassical rendering of the Siege on Rice Crispy Tower. The name had come to her after she dropped a rice crispy treat in the silky mud of her dad's garden. He scolded her, and told her to shower and go to bed early, which really only meant she was to sit in her room until her mom got home. Her mom was a large, soft woman, who smelled like disinfectant from all the sterilizing spray she used at work as a veterinarian for large farm animals. When she came home, the first thing she did was go to her daughter's bedroom, and sit with her on her bed. The girl had been laying under the covers, reading a book with a flashlight. The lights were off, but the glow from underneath the bedspread filled the room with shallow light. Her mom waited until she peeked from under the bedspread before sitting beside her. The girl turned off the flashlight, and they sat in the quiet of her darkened room for a moment before speaking, as was their custom. Finally, her mom asked about her day. “It was fine,” she said, and asked the same question about her mom's day. “Oh, wouldn't you know. It was also fine.”

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Because of the change, Emma Watson won best actor rather than best actress at the cable channel's 2017 Movie & TV Show Awards for her starring role as Belle in the live action Beauty and the Beast. She noted during her speech that the genderless award for acting will mean something different to everyone. “But to me, it indicates that acting is about the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes,” she said. “And that doesn't need to be separated into two different categories.” The New York Times called Emma’s speech “a potent call for breaking down gender categories.” So is that the next step? Will more prestigious award shows like the Emmys, Grammys, Golden Globes and even the Academy Awards, follow MTV’s lead and eliminate acting categories based on gender? Can you imagine Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep pitted against each other for the Oscar? Yeah, I don’t think that is going to happen anytime soon. The problem with introducing gender neutral acting categories at some of the more esteemed award shows is that it potentially means less awards. Instead of a best actress, best supporting actress, best actor and best supporting actor, there would be just the latter two. And that would really be a bummer for the studio heads and executives that help orchestrate the Oscar campaigns for their star actors and actresses. It would mean no more actor and actress Hollywood roundtables, marathon guest appearances on talk shows, opportune hosting gigs on SNL and less trailers touting their Oscar-nominated cast members. But like I said, it is unlikely that other award shows will jump on the MTV bandwagon; however, I applaud the cable channel for making a change, and helping actors like Asia Kate Dillon - who identifies as non-binary and goes by the gender neutral term “they” - feel included. Because for “they,” and every other actor on the gender fluid spectrum, this change means everything.

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JUNE ARTS & ACTIVITES Join the fun with all of these great music and art activities around the Tri-State. JUN 2: GROOVE IS IN THE HEART

The Rumjahn Gallery presents Groove is in The Heart, an art exhibit featuring Michael Key and Christina Zimmer Robinson. Free admission and refreshments. For more info, visit therumjahngallery.com or call 812-250-1654. The Rumjahn Gallery: 310 Main St.,Evansville, IN / 5-8pm


Womack has long been considered one of country music's best singer/songwriters, known for such huge hits as "I Hope You Dance," "A Little Past Little Rock," "I'll Think of a Reason Later," "Ashes by Now" and many others. Her appearance at the Lincoln Amphitheatre is part of the venue's much anticipated 2017 Performance Series. For more info, visit lincolnamphitheatre.com or call 812-937-2329. Lincoln Amphitheatre: 15032 E. County Road 1500, Lincoln City, IN / 6:30pm


Attention avid readers! This is the Evansville area’s largest one-day book sale, featuring a collection of fiction, history, cookbooks and more. Don't miss this great opportunity to expand your literary horizons. For more info, visit willard.lib.in.us or call 812-425-4309. Willard Library: 21 N. First Ave., Evansville, IN / 9am-2pm


Take a walk around the historic village of New Harmony and surround yourself with a collection of artists, authors, musicians, food trucks, and vendors at the annual Arts in Harmony Festival. The weekend includes some of the tri-state's most talented artists displaying and selling their work to the public. Admission is free to all guests. For more info, visit visitnewharmony.com. New Harmony, IN

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Come join the fun and interact with other artists at the Blick Art Materials free summer workshop. The focus of this Artful Sunday will be Marvelous Zentangle as the groups works to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns and more. For more info, call 812-4769551. Bick Art Materials: 1364 N. Green River Rd., Evansville, IN / 1-3pm


With a six-decade career and 200 plus albums, this iconic Texan is the creative genius behind the historic recordings of "Crazy," "Red Headed Stranger" and "Stardust." Willie Nelson has earned every conceivable award as a musician and amassed reputable credentials as an author, actor and activist. He continues to thrive as a relevant and progressive musical and cultural force. For tickets and more info, visit thefordcenter.com. Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN / 7pm

JUN 9-11: OMG! CON

Visit with voice actors, artists, and dealers, and participate in cosplay and video game tournaments. The annual event brings together anime and video games for a weekend and raises money for area programs. For more info, visit owensborocenter.com or call 270-6878800. Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd Street, Owensboro, KY


Antiques and pre-1970s vintage items take center stage in New Harmony, IN, during the annual Golden Raintree Antiques Show and Sale. Vendors from seven states will line Main Street and the inside of the Ribeyre Gym with

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

more than 50 booths. Items include furniture, primitives, country store, advertising, textiles, paper, books, estate jewelry, farmhouse, Americana and more. Main Street/Ribeyre Gymnasium: Downtown New Harmony, IN


Come join the fun at and interact with other artists at the Blick Art Materials free summer workshop. The focus of this Artful Sunday will be Copic Markers as the group works to create marker drawings and skin tones / hair color for Manga style drawings. For more info, call 812476-9551. Bick Art Materials: 1364 N. Green River Rd., Evansville, IN / 1-3pm


In 1996, an original rock musical by a littleknown composer opened on Broadway...and forever changed the landscape of American theatre. Two decades later, Jonathan Larson’s Rent continues to speak loudly and defiantly to audiences across generations and all over the world. And now, this Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award® winning masterpiece returns to the stage in a vibrant 20th anniversary touring production. A re-imagining of Puccini's La Bohème, Rent follows an unforgettable year in the lives of seven artists struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. With its inspiring message of joy and hope in the face of fear, this timeless celebration of friendship and creativity reminds us to measure our lives with the only thing that truly matters - love. For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com or call 812-4355770. Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7:30pm


Henderson, KY's W. C. Handy Blues & Barbecue Festival is a long-running free musical event that features blues and Zydeco bands from across the country. This year's featured performers include the legendary Coco Montoya, Wet Willie, Tab Benoit and Samantha


Fish. And don't forget about the mounds of barbecue, red beans & rice and other great treats available from local vendors. For more info, visit handyblues.org. Audubon Mill Park: Henderson, KY

of DJ Trevor, Nocturnal and Torpedo Vegas. For more info, including the full entertainment schedule and directions to the event, visit haubstadtsommerfest.com. Haubstadt, IN



Folk rockers The Avett Brothers released their newest album, True Sadness, achieving their highest career debut to date dominating multiple charts. In addition, True Sadness continues to garner overwhelming critical acclaim with many considering it the band’s finest release yet. This celebrated North Carolina folk-rock band led by brothers Scott and Seth has continued to gather diehard fans of all ages for their high-energy live performances. With a penchant for penning accessible, often sing-along melodies, The Avett Brothers are “influenced by everyone from Aretha Franklin to Jimmie Rodgers to Pink Floyd” (Garden & Gun). For tickets and more info, visit oldnationaleventsplaza.com or call 812-435-5770. Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN


Multi-Grammy Award-winner Bill Gaither will host a spectacular evening of music, laughter and encouragement featuring the talent of the prestigious Gaither Vocal Band. The Gaither Vocal Band will share timeless gospel classics, as well as refreshing, inspiring new favorites embraced by audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Few events have the ability to unite individuals from all walks of life the way Gaither concerts do. For tickets and more info, visit victorytheatre.com. Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 7pm


Get ready for the ultimate weekend at the annual Haustadt Sommerfest! Events include a Laufenfest 5K, parade, talent show and Lil' Miss contest plus you can enjoy plenty of Busch Light at Southern Indiana's Finest Bierstube. But the biggest draw of all is live music - each night of Sommerfest will be headlined by a top-notch act. This year's gathering features the talents

Your favorite stars of the ring are coming to Evansville for an unbelievable double main event featuring Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe. Other stars scheduled to appear include Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor and many more! For tickets and more info, visit thefordcenter.com. Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd., Evansville, IN / 6:30pm


This summer tradition on Franklin Street has something for the whole family, including a farmers market, food vendors, local art, live music, homemade goods, performance art and craftsman. Every Saturday you can join the community in celebrating all that the west side of Evansville has to offer. For more info, visit fallinlovewithfranklin.org. West Franklin St.: Evansville, IN


The 14th annual ROMP Festival will be led by the legendary American roots pioneers, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, progressive bluegrass virtuosos, Punch Brothers, innovative musician, Keller Williams and his project blending bluegrass and Grateful Dead songs, Keller Williams’ Grateful Grass, Grammy Award winning folk rockers, Los Lobos, and multiinstrumentalist and founding member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Rhiannon Giddens. For more info, visit rompfest.com. Yellow Creek Park: 5710 Kentucky 144, Owensboro, KY


Appetite for Destruction delivers the definitive Guns N’ Roses show, performing all the hit singles, rock radio staples, and G N’ R fan favorites with acute attention to detail, serving

as both outstanding look-a-likes and sounda-likes for the ‘80s rock legendary band. The band's appearance at the Lincoln Amphitheatre is part of the venue's much-anticipated 2017 Performance Series. For tickets and more info, visit lincolnamphitheatre.com. Lincoln Amphitheatre: 15032 E. County Road 1500, Lincoln City, IN / 6:30pm


Come join the fun and interact with other artists at the Blick Art Materials free summer workshop. The focus of this Artful Sunday will be Abstract Pen & Ink Floral as the group works to create florals & leaves while detailing with various pens. For more info, call 812-476-9551. Bick Art Materials: 1364 N. Green River Rd., Evansville, IN / 1-3pm


The Franklin Street Events Association is bringing the classic films of the 80's to west Franklin Street. Get ready to go back in time and spend an evening with everyone's favorite wise-cracking teenager, Ferris Bueller. This outdoor event is free to the public and concessions are available. Be sure to bring a blanket or a chair. For more info, visit the Franklin Street Events Association on facebook. West Branch Library Lawn: Evansville, IN / 8pm


Come be a part of Movies on the River sponsored by US Bank Home Mortgage, where families come together for free films and fun on the riverfront! Concessions will be available, please do not bring coolers or pets. A koala impresario stages a grand singing competition for the world’s animals in order to save his elegant theater in this quirky animated musical. Movies begin at dusk. For tickets and more info, visit riverparkcenter.org or call 270-687-2770. RiverPark Center: 101 Daviess Street Owensboro, KY

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With Hailey Reynolds Keeping cool and relaxed is the key as another hot summer approaches

There is a new face on the block! Hey y’all,

my name is Hailey and I am the new face at

News4U. You will catch me at any local shop soaking up all the vibes while writing for

both the magazine and my own fashion blog called The Bohemian Prepster. It’s going to be a hot one ladies and gents! The heat is turning up here in the Midwest and with that comes a whole new wardrobe change. Now that Memorial Day is behind us, we can break out those crisp whites and tan friendly tops. It is the best time to stock up on those off the shoulder tops and sassy printed shorts. When summer rolls around, patterns become so important and something I have noticed that has been cropping up in stores is the porcelain print. This pattern is like your grandmother’s tea set, but with

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a modern twist. When you are wearing it, you can think of yourself walking the streets of Greece with the hot sun beating down on your tanned skin. Sun-bleached whites and deep sea blues bring out everyone’s best summer skin tones. These shades will also help with reflecting the sun’s rays to keep you cool and relaxed. After this year’s very mild winter, it is sure to be a hot summer. This means the lighter and looser your fabric is, the more comfortable you will be.

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com

This Month's Local Blogger Shout-Out: Summer beauty tip: Straight from Evansville’s own Hannah Jo,”Less is more! Wearing full coverage makeup during summer does nothing but take a toll on your pretty skin. Try a tinted moisturizer and highlight any areas you would like to accentuate for an added summery glow!” For more summertime beauty tips: check her out on Instagram @hannahjodotco

Follow Hailey online at haileyreynolds45. wixsite.com/thebohemianprepster.

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Get involved and have some fun with these great community activities around the Tri-State. JUN 2: EVENING ON THE RIVER

Vectren presents a stroll on the riverfront, music, food, desserts, libations, and a silent auction. Proceeds benefit the Evansville Parks Foundation, Keep Evansville Beautiful, the Greenway Lighting Project, and the State Hospital Dog Park. For more info, visit eveningontheriver.com or call 812-435-6141. Tropicana Events Plaza: 421 NW Riverside Dr., Evansville, IN / 6:30-10pm


The race will begin on St. Wendel Church grounds with a Kids Dash and 5K walk/run. There is an entry fee of $25 for the 5K and $10 for the Kids Dash.

Saint Wendel: 10542 W. Boonville New Harmony Rd., Evansville, IN / 8am


This family-friendly all day community event will feature yoga, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, bounce house, food trucks, cocktail hour and live music from Troy Miller Band and Team Skelton. Come out and join the fun! Poet Square Subdivision: Evansville's North Side / 8am-10pm


The YMCA of Southwestern Indiana is very excited to announce the 7th Annual YMCA Kids Triathlon! This triathlon will be for kids ages 5-14 and consist of swimming, biking, and running. For more info, visit evansvilleymcatriathlon.org. Castle High School: 3344 Highway 261, Newburgh, IN

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JUN 5: 5TH ANNUAL YWCA GOLF OUTING Grab your clubs and pull on your favorite patterned socks before joining YWCA for a round of golf at Oak Meadow Country Club. The day features lunch, 18-holes of golf, and many fun prizes while benefiting the YWCA. For more info, visit ywcaevansville.org or call 812-422-1191. Oak Meadow Country Club: 11505 Browning Rd., Evansville, IN / 11:30am


The annual scramble benefits the TriState Multiple Sclerosis Association and includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, lunch and dinner, silent auction, and pre-event driving range access. For more info, visit tristatems.org or call 812-423-5943.

Rolling Hills Country Club: 1666 Old Plank Road, Newburgh, IN / 11:30am


Easterseals honors the Trockman family - Wayne, Jill, Ben, and Josh - for its contributions to the area. Reservations are required. For more info, visit eastersealsswindiana.com or call 812-437-2627.

Easterseals Crescent Room at Milestones: 621 S. Cullen Ave., Evansville, IN / 6pm


The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is the world’s largest and most impactful fundraising event to end cancer. For more info, visit relayforlife.org or call 812-475-9486. Goebel Soccer Complex, 6800 N. Green River Rd., Evansville, IN / 11am

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com


Revel in a fun-filled evening of beer and wine sampling from more than two dozen vendors. Live music, entertainment and exotic animals round out the experience. For more info, visit meskerparkzoo.com.

Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden: 1545 Mesker Park Dr., Evansville, IN


Colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable of cancers and yet is still the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. in both men and women. For the past decade, Colon Screening for Life has worked to increase that number by continuing to educate people on the importance of early detection and the prevention of colon cancer through regular screenings and by promoting a healthy lifestyle. For more info, visit colonscreeningforlife.com or call 812-477-6103. Old National Bank: 1 Main St., Evansville, IN


Join this 60-mile motorcycle ride through southern Indiana to benefit Hope Central and their mission to provide food and clothing for those in need. The ride will begin at Bud’s Harley-Davidson and end at Hope Central. The first rider costs $20 or $25 for a couple. Hope Central: 201 N. Second St., Boonville, IN / 10am


During the Cruise-In there will be music, raffle tickets, ice cream, and costumed characters for the kids to enjoy while walking along beautiful and historic west Franklin Street enjoying the sights and sounds of an assortment of gorgeous classic cars, muscle cars, trucks, vintage street rods, custom motorcycles, and more. This event is free to attend. Donations will be accepted with all proceeds going to benefit the West Side Nut Club Scholarship


Fund. For more info, visit nutclub.org or call 812-424-2881. West Franklin St.: Evansville, IN / 3-9pm


Fiesta Night is the Rotaract Club of Evansville's signature fundraising event. Enjoy an amazing night filled with dinner, cocktails, dancing, silent auction, photo booth, and your chance to hang out with the cool kids of Rotaract. Open to anyone over 21. Individual tickets are $40 each and table sponsorships are also available. All proceeds benefit the Habitat for Humanity of Evansville's Millennial Build. For more info and tickets, contact Samantha Whitcomb at evansvillerotaract. com. Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 6-10pm


Appreciate the cultural diversity and promote the successful inclusion of Latinos in the community during this fiesta featuring live music and food vendors. Bosse Field: 1701 N. Main St., Evansville, IN / 2-7pm


Tee off against classmates from Reitz Memorial and Mater Dei High School. All proceeds generated from the Classic are split equally between Reitz Memorial and Mater Dei high schools and are used to support the students’ educational needs. For more info, call 812-474-2943, ext. 289. Evansville Country Club: 3810 Stringtown Rd., Evansville, IN / 11am


This summer tradition on Franklin Street has something for the whole family, including a farmers market, food vendors, local art, live music, homemade goods, performance art and craftsman. Every Saturday you can join the community in celebrating all that the west side of Evansville has to offer. For more info, visit fallinlovewithfranklin.org.


West Franklin St.: Evansville, IN


An Evansville summer tradition, ShrinersFest returns to the banks of the Ohio River this June in celebration of the U.S. Armed Forces. Featuring air shows, military reenactments, live music and much more, this four-day festival annually draws more than 50,000 spectators each year. For more info, visit shrinersfest.com. Downtown Evansville Riverfront


Hosted by the Mesker Zoo Chapter of the American Association of Zookeepers, this “striking” annual event includes a bowl-a-thon and silent auction. Help fund conservation efforts in areas of the world where rhinos are impacted by threats such as habitat loss and poaching. For more info, visit meskerparkzoo.com. River City Recreation: 1050 S. Weinbach Ave., Evansville, IN


Party like an animal with the Vanderburgh County Humane Society as it celebrates 60 years of service to the community's furry friends. The day includes children's activities, behind-the-scene shelter tours, meet-and-greets with the animals, and more. Admission is free for the whole family and refreshments will be available for purchase. For more info or for sponsorship and donation opportunities, email a.coburn@vhslifesaver.org. Vanderburgh Humane Society: 400 Millner Industrial Dr., Evansville, IN

JUN 24: 2017 SPIRIT, MIND, BODY TRIATHLON & DUATHLON This annual event - which includes a triathlon and duathlon - returns to the Scales Lake Park in Boonville, IN for a morning filled with running, biking, and swimming. For more info, call 812-4917713. Scales Lake Park: 800 W. Tennyson Road, Boonville, IN / 7am


Andy Imlay

t’s one part fun and one part philanthropy. Easterseals’ “Cool Car, Cold Cash” Contest raffle offers a chance to win a choice of a new Nissan Sentra or $15,000, all while underwriting therapy for local kids and adults with disabilities. Tickets are $50 each or three for $100 until noon on July 3 at the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, 3701 Bellemeade Avenue in Evansville; by mail; or by calling 812-474- 2348. The drawing is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. July 3. 2017 Easterseals Ambassador Andy Imlay, 37, represents local Easterseals clients, many of whom need financial assistance from events like the raffle. Andy was born with cerebral palsy, which affected his ability to walk. As a child at Easterseals, Andy learned to use forearm crutches. As an adult, he faces new mobility challenges, which therapists at Easterseals are helping him work through again. Andy chairs the Evansville-Vanderburgh Advisory Board on Disability Services and has a successful career as a computer technician. He even moonlights as a comedian. The therapy Andy receives at Easterseals has been instrumental in his goal of living independently. He’s definitely meeting those goals. He’s even getting married this summer! Fundraisers like "Cool Car, Cold Cash" are essential to help people like Andy and to help Easterseals make profound, positive differences in the lives of individuals living with disabilities in our community. (IN Raffle #144152)

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Each month we’ll be checking in with the VHS for the latest good news and to help find furever homes for some of their more unique/older residents.

SNUGGIE: Snuggie is an 8-year-old spayed female black Lab mix! She was brought to VHS when her previous owner had to move. Her former person described her as a friendly couch potato that is sometimes shy around new people. Snuggie gets along well with other dogs and even lived with a cat in her previous home. She loves playing with toys and sitting for treats! Snuggie is almost completely housetrained, so a consistent routine will help perfect her potty habits! This gentle girl does GREAT with kids. At Cardio for Canines, Snuggie is often matched with families or participants pushing strollers, because of how well she does walking alongside them! Don't let her age fool you, she still has plenty of energy and even does better walking with a harness on. Snuggie loves the VHS staff and volunteers for taking such great care of her, but like every other shelter pup, she wants a home and family to call her own. Her adoption fee is reduced to only $50 because she’s considered a “senior.” It still includes her spay, microchip, vaccines, and much more! WALKER: Walker is one handsome dude! He is about 4 years old, and qualifies as a “pit bull mix” with his adorable blocky head and stocky build. He was one of the dogs recently pulled from the hoarding situation on Hillview Drive two months ago, where 68 dogs were living in floor cages in a renovated church touted as a “sanctuary.” The VHS took 22 of those dogs, and Walker is one of only five remaining waiting for homes. He is energetic and would be great for an active, outdoorsy family! His adoption fee is only $100 and he’s ready to go home TODAY neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on his vaccinations!


A couple of years ago, McCutchanville resident Elizabeth Morgan was looking for a running partner. But rather than turning to friends or co-workers, she instead hopped on the VHS website. Why? Well, she grew up with dogs and had found in her research that black labs make for great exercise buddies. Sure Photo Credit: Rhonda Kay enough, she soon came across an energetic six-month-old pup and after a nail-biting application process (several people wanted her) the two were literally off and running. Most importantly, this very special girl got along well with Morgan's kids, quickly becoming a beloved family dog. Remarkably, over the last nine months, Morgan and Bella have completed FIVE half marathons together (Fact: Bella's personal best is one hour, 43 minutes) and soon they'll be featured in Women's Running magazine! Rest assured Morgan closely monitors Bella's training, directing the black lab to run on grass to avoid painful paws and checking in with the vet regularly. Amusingly, when the going gets tough out on the trails, Morgan calls out a couple of inspirational phrases that always spur the pup onward: "Run, Bella, Run!" and "Get me up the hill, Bella!" Indeed, these two athletes are a perfect match. "This is the first dog that we have adopted and we'll definitely be rescuing more because Bella is just wonderful and everybody loves to see her at races," Morgan says. "She saved me instead of us saving her."

LINDA: Linda is a 3-year-old longhaired female cat. She is FIV+, but don’t worry – she can still live just fine with other cats, even if they don’t have FIV, as long as everyone gets along well! FIV isn’t contagious to people or dogs, and it can only be transmitted from cat to cat through deep-tissue bite wounds. There’s an unfortunate stigma around FIV, but cats who have it aren’t any less deserving of forever homes. In fact, Linda lived in the Cageless Cat Lounge for awhile with 30+ other cats and did just fine! Linda’s $30 adoption fee includes her spay, registered microchip, vaccines, and more.

400 Millner Industrial Drive | 2 blocks west of Garvin Park in Evansville 812-426-2563 | Adoption Hours: Tues-Sat 12-6pm | www.vhslifesaver.org

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ASK THE PASTOR with Kevin Fleming of First Presbyterian Church



No matter who I talk to, the central subject seems to be “being busy.” Everyone seems to be busy and it doesn’t matter how old you are, what you do for a living, where you live – any of the things that might make some sort of difference. “Busy” is the buzzword. In a book I was given a long time ago, Henri Nouwen (one of my heroes) taught us that busy-ness is a new value. The busier we are, the more valuable – even important – we are. But, I wonder if that needs to be true. One of the lessons I have learned from my good friends in the Jewish community is the power of Sabbath. Sabbath is not just a “day off.” Sabbath is a time of reconnection – with ourselves, with one another, and (ultimately) with God. And we need these times of reconnection more than ever. Our physical bodies demand times of activity and times of rest. Our emotional well-being requires times of intensity and times of restraint. Our psychological health, our relational health, even our spiritual health requires times of being busy and times of rest. Summer is one of those seasons where Sabbath rest is a little easier. Our times of vacation, rest, and discovery can be times of renewal. Let’s allow these summer days to be days of Sabbath, of revitalizing, rejuvenating, and reconnecting with one another, the ones we love, and the God who loves us all. First Presbyterian Church is located at 609 SE 2nd St. / 812-423-6297.

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June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com


THE WRITE STUFF with Jonathan Gluff

Cyberspace Oddity (Or “WannaCry Me a River”) I’d like to take a moment and talk about a subject I feel rather strongly about (because if there’s anything anyone who regularly reads this column knows, it’s that I rarely have a strong opinion about something…). That subject is knowing even the most cursory of computer security. I’m certainly not saying everyone needs to become even a moderately advanced user. But the recent WannaCry ransomware attacks - which shut down large portions of Britain’s National Health Service’s computers as well as computers in numerous other countries - show how even something as simple as not installing regular updates in a timely fashion can have drastic consequences. Like many cyberattacks, Windows was targeted. How? Was it Microsoft’s fault? No - they released a patch that protected against two exploits used in the attacks (EternalBlue and DoublePulsar) back in March. Those computers affected hadn’t been updated. Even worse still, thousands of the NHS computers that were affected were still running Windows XP, a nearly 16 year-old operating system that hasn’t received updates for three years. Don’t get me wrong - there are plenty of good arguments to be made about how we as a society have become too

dependent on technology, or how our obsession with our devices and our need to be constantly updated and entertained is a detriment to human interaction. But we also must recognize that technology has become so deeply integrated into our society that everyone needs to be at least mildly familiar with some general best practices. I’d liken this to when cars became prevalent in society. At first, they were rather difficult to use: A decent amount of strength was needed to crank them to start, and if you weren’t careful, the crank could easily break your arm. All vehicles were manual, and having to pay attention to your speed and/or the sound of the motor generally made for more cautious and aware drivers. But as advances in starters, fuel injectors, automatic transmissions, etc., became more commonplace, it’s safe to say drivers became less cautious. The same thing happened as computers became more user-friendly. Am I saying we should require a license to own or operate a computer? Of course not. But while they don’t pose the physical risk that a reckless driver does, these recent attacks prove they can have as big of a financial risk, if not bigger. Take the time to learn to protect yourself.






The Definition of Family We don't get to pick what cluster of people we are born into, but we do have the ability to choose who we call family. Of course, there will be those with whom we share DNA that treat us the way family members should, and that's beautiful; however, we can share familial connections just as deep with others outside our family tree. The forging of these relationships can be a saving grace for some, healing holes left by a lack of ability to foster connections within their own. My maternal Grandmother, Ruth, passed away when I was young. For the first six years of my life, I gathered bits and pieces of sensory and tactile memories of her, but I was robbed of the ability to know her growing up. She was a strong woman with flashing dark eyes and thick, wavy dark hair. She was no-nonsense, wrangling a brood of grandchildren daily. She trusted us to roam acres of property, enjoying simple outdoor pleasures that most kids don't get these days, but when it was time for a meal, bed, or church, we had better get our asses in gear. I remember curling up next to her while she lasted the first few minutes into an episode of Hee Haw or Highway to Heaven

- she always snorted herself awake just as the credits were rolling and pretended she watched the entire thing. Her culinary skills cemented my love for breakfast food and rhubarb pie. Her stern determination and compassion put a stamp on me that no amount of time or distance can lessen. Sixteen years ago, I met a woman who I never expected to become a grandmother to me. Frieda, tall and tough as nails with a thick German accent, grew from a stranger into someone I turned to for advice, a shopping buddy, a protector. We played cards, laughed, ate snacks, and she was a force to be reckoned with. Over the past few years, I have watched that tough woman slowly shrink. There are good/ bad days/ moments, but I fear our time with her is coming to a close. As I watch my own mother and my dad (I refuse to call him my stepdad) take care of her during her last dance, it's so clear to me. We chose each other. That, to me, is the definition of family. Signed, Whitney Patterson, the proud granddaughter of Ruth, Imogene, and Frieda

The liberals are angry over Hillary Clinton's defeat and the GOP's vote to repeal Obamacare. Typically, when either side becomes angry, voters become mobilized and the party not in power usually wins. The Democrats are hoping to make gains during the 2018 midterms like the Republicans did during Obama's first midterm election in 2010. These possible gains include targeting Larry Bucshon, representative for Indiana's 8th congressional district. First elected in 2010, this will be Bucshon's first reelection bid with a sitting Republican president. Since being elected, Bucshon's closest race occurred in 2012. He won by 10% during a year that saw President Obama get reelected. With liberals getting mobilized, the Democratic party is hoping to take back the congressional seat with the help of Indivisible, a far-left group whose primary objective is to resist the Trump agenda. They are looking to duplicate the Tea Party successes for the Republican party in 2010 and make significant gains for the Democrats. While the Tea Party did help the GOP pickup seats in congress, they also endorsed candidates that won in the primaries but couldn't win the general elections. If Indivisible wants to see greater successes, they should learn the lessons of the Tea Party and make sure the candidates they put on the ballot can ultimately win. The views expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of News4U.

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RELEASE DATE: JUNE 2ND Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, David Thewlis Before she was Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny.

CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS: FIRST EPIC MOVIE (PG) RELEASE DATE: JUNE 2ND Starring: Jordan Peele, Kevin Hart, Nick Kroll, Kristen Schaal Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he's a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.


RELEASE DATE: JUNE 23RD Starring: Laura Haddock, Mark Wahlberg, Gemma Chan, Anthony Hopkins Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth.


RELEASE DATE: JUNE 30TH Starring: Jenny Slate, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell, Steve Coogan Gru meets his twin brother Dru he never knew about.


RELEASE DATE: JUNE 9TH Starring: Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis, Russell Crowe An ancient princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension.

CARS 3 (G)

RELEASE DATE: JUNE 16TH Starring: Armie Hammer, Nathan Fillion, Owen Wilson, Kerry Washington Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he's still the best race car in the world.

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RELEASE DATE: JUNE 30TH Starring: Will Ferrell, Allison Tolman, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas A dad convinces his friends to start an illegal casino in his basement after he and his wife spend their daughter's college fund.



The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was an exhilarating ride, with interesting, loveable characters and scenes, along with a beautifully constructed plot that left us lighthearted as we walked out of the theaters. And you might not think it’s possible for the series to outdo that, but it does here. 2017 is shaping up to be a gorgeously innovative year for superhero movies in particular, with deeply broad-reaching motifs, compellingly delivered and appealing to the individual humanity within vast audiences. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is one profoundly satisfying family film. The plot progression and character development are elegantly interwoven as the film trails each member of the gang through epic battles and sarcastically hilarious interactions, culminating in a deep-seated understanding of themselves and each other. Oh yes, and ultimately they attempt to save the galaxy again! The CGI universe is incredibly vibrant and lovely to look at, with various colorful locations, complex technology, intricate architecture, and diverse lifeforms. And the soundtrack continues a wonderful tradition of perfectly selected feel-good classics. With themes of mortality, creation, family, romance, and empathy all intensely explored by our heroes, beware: Along with the exhilaration, you’re likely to genuinely feel this movie. - Laura Engram


Showplace Cinemas East 1801 Morgan Center Drive Evansville, IN 47715 Showplace Cinema North 4200 N. 3rd Ave. Evansville, IN 47710 Showplace Cinemas South 950 Hebron Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Showplace Cinemas Newburgh 8099 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 Showplace Cinemas Princeton 2691 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 47670 Showplace Cinemas Henderson 406 Walker Drive Henderson, KY 42420 Showplace Cinemas Harrisburg 701 N. Commercial St. Harrisburg, IL 62946

FOR MOVIE INFO CALL 812-422-3456


www.showplacecinemas.com “Have you ever been through something, and you don’t know what just happened, but you know it was important to go through? This is that journey for me.” So starts the confusion of The Red Pill, a controversial documentary seeking to shed decent light on often-maligned men’s rights activists (MRAs). The filmmaker explains that she began the project as a feminist, attempting to produce a documentary about women’s issues, “the patriarchy," and “rape culture." In her research, however, she meets MRAs; listens to their stories and statistics, and records a video diary as she attempts to understand the contradictions between her long-held feminist beliefs and these tragedies she is uncovering. The glaring bizarreness in this production comes at about 28 minutes in, when the problem - the main source of harm and conflict between the two movements - is identified, but no solution is ever presented. Instead the documentary moves forward exposing more of the immense hardships men suffer. I completely recommend watching it for awareness, as it’s heartbreaking. Yet, then it becomes accusatory, evidently seeking to make a sweeping statement about feminism, garbling where it has offered solutions. The Red Pill mixes meaningful information with inflammatory remarks and no conclusion. - Laura Engram



Captain Underpants

The Big Sick

Wonder Woman


The Mummy 6/16

Transformers: The Last Knight The Beguiled 6/30

Despicable Me 3 The House

Cars 3

Baby Driver

Rough Night

Amityville: The Awakening

All Eyez on Me 47 Meters Down

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THE CRANBERRIES Something Else BMG There’s something soothing and reassuring about knowing The Cranberries have returned to us with Something Else, which happens to be the simple, minimalistic title of their seventh studio album. Along that same, calmly flowing brook of simplicity and naturalness, the band attempts to recapture their emotional candor from the 90s in acoustic and orchestral renditions. Adding three fresh tracks to the album, this sort of release could have been cliché, but instead the effort feels absolutely perfect. It may have something to do with seeing the current craziness of the world being met by this unblinking force for love, hailing from a nostalgic past. But the string-hewn pleading of “Linger” introducing the album is, undeniably, deeply revitalizing. “Dreams” carries this feeling into fullness, each beat floating gorgeously on the wind of Dolores O'Riordan’s vocals. Even the melodramatic angst of anti-war anthem “Zombie” seems to melt into something softer, yet more contemplative and weighty. Out of the three new offerings, “Rupture” and “Why” are my favorites, each begging questions of affection, one sad and one hopeful. The Cranberries will retake your heart with this one. - Laura Engram

GORILLAZ Humanz Parlophone/Warner Bros. Gorillaz albums are simply one-of-akind. Heavily stylized and collaborative - and always purposeful - this mishmash project of music and artwork has carried on to a fifth iteration and guilty pleasure in Humanz. As is typical, the music can be tough to pin down, as tracks with jiving dance beats are intermittently sprinkled with creepy synth and gloomy words. The vibe varies from mundane and matter-of-fact, to dramatically poppy, and then again to edgy, with complex combinations of sound and tone. And as always, the folksy talksinging of Damon Albarn adds to the songs’ realness and weight. There are several stand-out tracks on the album, kicking off with the rapid-fire, end-of-the-world-party raps of “Ascension” to the spine-tingling soulful questionings and warnings of “Hallelujah Money." One personal favorite is “Out of Body," which slowly mutates from soundbites of phone key mashing to a jazzy, bumping beat, and cynical lyrics about relationships. Set in a pre-apocalyptic world of impending doom, with a large part of it serving as a microscope of commentary on current events, the album has a clear message amidst its funky, symphonic, choirfilled, hip hop thriller-swag. - Laura Engram

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AT THE DRIVE-IN in•ter a•li•a Rise Records Reunions of post-hardcore bands with cult followings seem to happen with an oddly high frequency these days. Most have ranged from lackluster to downright shameful, but this El Paso quintet pick up like they never left off with in•ter a•li•a. Despite losing founding member Jim Ward (replaced by his Sparta bandmate, Keeley Davis), the band return with their trademark scarcely-contained intensity. Jagged guitar lines interweave one minute and clash violently (in a good way, of course) the next, all over a hyperactive rhythm section. Singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala may not be hitting the same high notes as he once did, but what little he may lack in range is more than made up in intensity. He hasn’t sounded this spirited and impassioned since the early days of he and guitarist Omar Rodriquez-Lopez’s post-ATDI band, The Mars Volta. Speaking of that band, my biggest surprise with the album is that there’s less of an experimental slant than I expected, or at least less than the duo brought throughout the 2000’s. Nonetheless, while songs like lead single “Governed By Contagions,” “Incurably Innocent,” the pseudo-Quixotic “Tilting at the Univendor," and album closer “Hostage Stamps” (the best song Hot Cross never recorded) may not catch attention the same way “One-Armed Scissor” did once upon a time, that doesn’t keep them - and the album - from being among the band’s best output. - Jonathan Gluff

KENDRICK LAMAR DAMN. Top dawg/Aftermath/Interscope There’s nothing like upstaging the artist whose track you’re a guest on to catch the attention of the hip-hop community, and that’s exactly what Kendrick Lamar did back in 2013 on Big Sean’s “Control.” If that weren’t enough, 2015’s To Pimp a Butterfly solidified him as more than just a rap provocateur, garnering a well-deserved (and unjustly lost) Album of the Year nomination. He returns to silence what few detractors he may have left with another instant hip-hop classic, DAMN. The hype train for this album left the station on pretty much the same day Lamar entered the studio, but to say it’s justified is an understatement. Right from the beginning - and perhaps as a response to some listeners complaining that TPAB didn’t have enough “bangers” (and if you use that term unironically, your opinion is invalid) - Kendrick comes out stronger than ever. But “DNA.” isn’t the only song hitting hard and heavy - even leadoff single “HUMBLE.” has bite to it. That’s not to say it’s a complete departure from his previous material, because the jazz/funk/neo-soul influence of Butterfly certainly shows up occasionally. Guest vocalist Steve Lacy channels Al Green on “PRIDE.”, and “FEAR.” features a wah-flecked guitar line pulled straight from the ‘70s. - Jonathan Gluff


SLOWDIVE Slowdive Dead Oceans Whenever a genre has a resurgence in popularity, it makes sense that a genre progenitor reunites. (Yes, I’m reviewing another reunion album this month - make that another good reunion album.) After being in the wrong genre at the wrong time - the Grunge Era - before, the musical climate may be more kind to these ‘gazers from across the pond this time around. Slowdive’s dream-pop-inflected sound plays a nice, cheery counterpart to the darker, often metal-influenced side of the genre. A cavernous snare keeps time beneath airy synths and echoing guitar lines on leading track “Slomo,” and “Star Roving” sounds like The Cure through a My Bloody Valentine filter. With the genre trademark reverb-and-fuzz-laden guitars front and center with a whispered vocal barely floating above it, it’s a track that grabs the listener’s attention and keeps it for almost all of the album. The chiming arpeggiated chords of “Sugar for the Pill” make a decent case for it being the album’s best song, although the slow build of “No Longer Making Time” and the ebb and flow of “Go Get It” are strong tracks as well. Album closer “Falling Ashes” features a droning piano melody a little too similar to “Daydreaming” from Radiohead’s latest offering, A Moon Shaped Pool. Nonetheless, it’s a great album, regardless of whether you’re a longtime fan or first-time listener. - Jonathan Gluff

FULL OF HELL Trumpeting Ecstasy Profound Lore Records I don't pay nearly as much attention to metal/ hardcore as I used to. As such, I was familiar with the band Full of Hell in name only. I went in expecting a fairly straightforward - or perhaps slightly chaotic - hardcore band; I was sorely mistaken. Anyone who has listened to any of the heavier bands I've recently reviewed (Junius, Touché Amoré, The Alpha Incident, etc.) may realize that despite their heaviness and/or aggression, there's usually still some semblance of melody to even out the noise. In fact, I'd go so far as to say most of those bands have at least some mainstream appeal; that is not the case here. This is pure, unbridled violence in mostly 1-minute outbursts. That's not to say the album is monotonous. When they’ve bludgeoned you with nonstop blast beats for too long, they switch it up with a Norwegian black metal-inflected guitar line. When the screeching vocals get too shrill, a breakdown with guttural grunting breaks up the aural assault. It’s not a new formula, but it works. While I don’t listen to bands like this as often as I once did, I can still appreciate what these guys are doing. While it's not for the faint of heart (or ears), it's definitely worth a listen. - Jonathan Gluff

INCUBUS 8 Island Records It’s an Incubus album. I feel like I could leave it at that when discussing 8. Face-palmingly existing as their eighth studio album, Incubus sure did make it simple. When I heard this band was returning with a new offering, I was very excited. Honestly, it is tough to dislike this album, but it’s just as tough to be impressed. Another Light Grenades, this release from a beloved band - a favorite, once upon a time - resounds with a lack of evolution, despite a break of six years. This could go one of two ways for fans: It might just be a soothing little sentimental indulgence, or it could be utterly saddening to feel so bland an album from a band known for their intricate and creative guitar effects, spectacular singing and talent. For newcomers it’ll sound like another little bar band: Nothing too exciting. The album does start to get more interesting from “Familiar Faces” onward. The tremolo dotting its way through the song is a soothing counterpoint to a darker melody, which carries into “Love In a Time of Surveillance” and into a loud, crashing conclusion. - Laura Engram

COLD WAR KIDS L.A. Divine Capitol Records L.A. Divine - the Cold War Kids’ sixth studio album - is a lively, lavishly pianodriven indie album. With hints of blues and old-time rock and roll, along with Nathan Willet’s dark and smoldering but dynamic voice, it churns out a bright, moving - even sexy - listen. The album's first single, “Love Is Mystical" has a rhythmic groove and hooting croons which singlehandedly encompass the seductive, syrupy energy of L.A. Divine. However, that’s only a taste of the sweet and colorful tempos and note-play bursting throughout this effort. The slow, deliberate “Restless” immediately hypnotized me with Willet’s soaring vocals as he passionately promises, “I’ll hurry back to you” while speaking of living life “up in the air” and without borders. “No Reason to Run” is a colorful, keyboard-slamming anthem of finally giving in to love, and finding “the one." A few songs do feel a little repetitive, like “Ordinary Idols," which begins with a solid back and forth between a slapping bass and piano alongside fuzzy guitar licks, but the beat and chorus feel old. This happens seldom though. The album ends both thoughtfully and pointedly with “Free to Breathe."- Laura Engram Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • June 2017

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This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 9 Liquor Locker locations. Visit our website at www.Liquor-Locker.com. GOLDEN ROAD HOLLYWOOD BLONDIE



This one pours up with a cloudy, rich two finger head, good retention and lacing. Its aroma is dominated by hops, light pale malts and orange. The taste is nearly IPA with an undeniable hoppiness and subtle malts. There’s that blood orange taste there too coming in last behind the citrusy hops and pale malts. The mouthfeel is on the light side of medium with a pleasant level of carbonation and a dry hop filled finish. I believe this one will please a diverse audience.


A thick white head rests on top of this cloudy pale ale and stays for a long time. Citrus notes from the hops and blood orange used in the brewing process fill the nose. The beer seems light on the tongue at first, with citrus flavor coming a moment later with hops and blood orange in the long finish. This seasonal beer would fit in well at summer cookouts. Pair it with grilled meat, burgers or barbecue.


This beer pours a hazy yellow color. It says it's a blood orange pale ale but I'm not sure what that is. I think it seems more like an IPA than anything else. This is really just a hopped up beer with a 6.4% ABV. It's pretty smooth and I rather enjoy it.

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The marketing on the can calls this one a Belgian style ale. I found this to be a loose interpretation of the style. Hollywood Blondie pours up a hazy, dull straw color as would be expected from what seems to be a wheat based brew. The aroma is fruity seriously - but the taste experience is a mild but unusual roller coaster beginning with sweet and ending with sour. I don't pick up on any Belgian yeast taste. The flavors simply aren’t that nice in my opinion.


A decent white head tops this blonde ale when poured into a traditional beer mug. The scent of the beer contains a generous amount of peach notes. The first sip of the beer continues the peach flavor, with passionfruit and peach notes battling back and forth in the finish. This beer could see a rise in popularity during the summer months while mowing the lawn or at cookouts. It might pair well with peach cobbler.


This is a hazy golden beer that looks like a summer beer. I didn’t think I would like the peach flavor, but I was wrong and I found this beer very refreshing. I'm not really sure what passion fruit tastes like, but if it's in there, I can't taste it. This beer is good for sitting on the back porch on a hot day.

June 2017 • www.evansvillemediagroup.com



Southern Tier’s making a lot of noise about this one. It’s an IPA they’re brewing based on a more “American IPA” style using several “known” hop varieties and an “experimental” hop variety. It pours from its 12oz can with an overly generous frothy head and plenty of lacing. Its aroma is of piney and citrus hops with hints of grass and some pungent character. The taste reflects floral and citrus hops, pale malts with a medium mouthfeel. Frankly, the aroma left me expecting more from the taste. It's very good yet not as exceptional as I expected.


A thick white head crowns a golden-colored IPA and never completely disappears. A nice blend of citrus and pine scents from the hops controls the nose. The hop flavors hit the tongue almost immediately and remain in the long finish. Hop lovers will definitely want to try this beer, especially during summer, but can find it year round. Pair it with smoked meats, shellfish, spicy food or desserts with tropical fruits in them.


This is a clear yellow beer with good carbonation. As with all IPAs, the hops flavors hits you right off the bat. The label says it has some tropical flavors, but I'm not sure what they were. It does have a 6% ABV, and I would consider this a better than average IPA.




Gose - pronounced like goes with an “uh” at the end - is an ancient wheat beer style with a sour finish that hails from Goslar, Germany. This one pours up a pretty clear copperreddish color with a white one finger head that quickly fades to a ring. Its nose is mostly real cherries and subtle malts. The flavor is

dominated by those cherries and there’s a tartness that peaks through the middle and slowly fades to the end. It’s clear to me that this brew’s the real thing - not an artificially flavored laboratory concoction. The ABV is low, mouthfeel is light and there’s a pleasant sparkle that enhances the attraction it creates as a summer quencher. Try it, you’ll like it.


A thick head forms on this gose style beer after pouring it into a wheat beer glass. The cherries used during brewing give it a hue similar to rosè wine. Tart cherry scents

dominate the smell of the beer. The cherry flavors remain with the first sip of the beer, followed by salt notes, and more tart cherry and salt in the finish. The salt seems unnecessary. Try this beer and move on to something else.


This is a bubbly red colored beer. I did not see the “sour” on the label until I took a big swig. I'm not a fan of the sours and not sure why they make them - I will have to investigate that. This beer just reminds me of the sour candy I would be dared to eat as a kid.


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Sip into Summer! W I T H WA L T E R T H E W I N E G U Y Straight from the heartland: Brown County Winery offers up a great selection of Hoosier creations As many of you may have noticed, I am in the Liquor Locker stores more now than ever, and many of the conversations I’ve had with customers are about some of the local wineries. Now, I may have come across as a little condescending in most of the conversations, and I must admit, I'm not a big fan of sweet wines from the local area. In my defense, I'm of the opinion that added sugar is a way to hide flaws in wine; it's also a way to elevate alcohol content. But, with that being said, the wineries that do good sweet wines, do them very well. Here is an example: have you ever gone to a winery and tasted a wine that you liked a lot so you bought a bottle? Then, when you got the wine home and opened the bottle, it wasn't as good as the wine you tasted at the winery? In my opinion, this happens when the winery doesn't have good controls to keep the wine from picking up oxygen when they bottle it, which basically kills the wine. In turn, the flavors tend to taste like Sherry, a fortified wine from Spain. So, with that being said, let’s talk about a winery that does it well. Everybody knows about Oliver winery, probably Indiana’s largest producer, and French Lick - both make good wine, are widely distributed and don’t need to be touted. Instead, I want to bring your attention to Brown County Winery, a family owned venture in Nashville, IN. The wines they make are made very well and the flavors

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impart exactly what the label says. They make a concord based wine series called Vista Red, Vista White, and Vista Rosé. The wines are sweet and tart, very easy to drink and have a wonderful “grapey” flavor - similar to the Oliver soft wines, but with a little more character. I think that comes from not needing to make as many cases, though I'm sure they would like to have that problem! Other wines in their stable are Blackberry, which drinks like a bowl of fruit; CranberryApple, sweet and tart but not too much; and now they have added Strawberry, which has really been a big hit in the stores that have picked it up. I am a supporter of these wines because they do a great job presenting them and they're exactly what you would think they should be: sweet and balanced and wonderfully produced. They should be in your refrigerator for that occasional need for a sweet wine or ingredient base for a wine “spritzer" - just add to ice and club soda. If you want a wonderful day trip, the winery has two tasting rooms in Nashville. One is on the corner of East Main St. and Old School Way, and the other is at the winery, 4520 State Rd. 46 East, Nashville, IN. Have a wonderful summer, and drink some good wine. Remember, it’s good for you! Walt

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Walt is Liquor Locker's Resident Wine Guru







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y name is Anthony (Tony) Majors, your resident Certified Sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers. In addition to working with Varsity Liquors, you can find me heading up the beverage program at Madeleine’s Fusion Restaurant in downtown Evansville. Wine, beer, and spirits are my passion, and I look forward to bringing my expertise to News4U as often as possible! Summer is here, and, per usual, it’s hot. Time to break out the cold beer, mojitos, and margarita mix, right? I can’t argue there, but I think it’s time to add one more must-have to the list: white wine. When it comes to summertime whites, I tend to lean toward crisp, fresh, bright wines that can be enjoyed by themselves as well as with food. After much consideration and countless samples…err, “market research”… we’ve found a few wines that stand out for patio sippin’. Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc + Viognier 2015 - One of the best values in the white wine world, this wine is bright and beautiful. Pine Ridge truly captured the essence of a summer day in a bottle with this wine. Mouthwatering acidity and an array of tropical fruit flavors make this wine immensely satisfying as a standalone or when served with salads, grilled fish, or yellow curry dishes. Dr. Loosen “Dr. L” Riesling 2015 - Another excellent value, the famed Dr. Loosen’s entry-level Riesling is a crowd favorite. With crave-worthy acidity and a touch of residual sugar, this wine is sure to please Riesling aficionados and new wine drinkers alike. Try it iced down on its own or with spicy Asian-inspired dishes. Louis Jabot Chablis 2015 - Bright, light, and crisp, this 100% Chardonnay from Burgundy, France is as fresh as it gets. Flavors of lemon and green apple backed by lively acidity and a touch of stony minerality combines for an incredibly refreshing white that goes down a little too easily. Try it with charcuterie, oysters, or lighter fried fare. I hope you’ll enjoy these suggestions, and we at Varsity would love to hear your feedback on the wines. Please join us for a complimentary tasting of these wines on June 30 from 5-7PM. We hope to see you. Cheers! Tony

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