News4U January 2016

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January 2016 •

CONTENTS A Quick Note from the Editor 4 Let It Be Said Beauty 18 Beauty Date with Dakyissa

6 Brian Regan @ the Victory An Interview with the “Comedian’s Comedian” 9 World Championship Ice Racing Series Bikes & Bodies Flying Everywhere 10 Harlem Globetrotters: 90 Years An Interview with Globetrotter Zeus McClurkin 12 An Evening with C.S. Lewis @ the Victory An Interview with Actor/Writer David Payne 14 Jason Aldean “We Were Here Tour” His Kinda Party at the Ford Center 16 EPO Brass, Brahms & Bravura! A New Year, a Classic Performance 44 News4U’s Silver Anniversary The Tri-State’s Favorite Magazine Turns 25! 51 What’s New in Western Kentucky The 2016 Kentucky Sportsman’s Show & More

Business 24 Meineke 41 Beef ‘O’ Brady’s: Tap Talk w/ John Greenwell Coupons 31 Save Big!

January 2016 68 Film: From the Ashes 69 Comedy: Brooke Spitler/Corey Martin 70 Arts & Activities 72 Lobeck’s Lowdown 73 Words from Whitney 73 Tri-State Politics 74 Community & Family 84 Mug Shots Religion 72 Ask the Pastor Reviews 78 Beer 80 Film 81 DVDs 82 Music (Best of 2015!)

Cuisine & Dining 26 What’s Cookin’: KC’s Corner Pocket 28 Restaurant Spotlight: Ninke 30 Restaurant Guide Entertainment 20 Getting to Know… 21 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes @ HFAC 22 Fab Life of a Millenial 46 Tri-State Beet 47 Retail Horror Stories 48 Bar Guide 56 In Town & Around 61 We Were There 64 Tri-State Ink 65 Tri-State Bumper Stickers 66 Music: Kid Kollision 67 Music: New Trend 67 Writers: John Thurgood

Sports 24 IU & UK Men’s Basketball Schedules 74 IceMen Player Profiles 88 Advertiser Index

Cover photo by: Daniel Knight

Established in 1991 by Bashar Hamami

Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis

Publisher Brian Bennett

Account Executives

VP Director of Sales

Darin Terrell

Terri Hilborn

Keith LaCrosse

Jessica Overstreet

Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artist Shawn Kennedy

Graphic Designer, Director of Social Media Jen McKee

Graphic Designer Kelsey Ziliak Social Media Coordinator Alysha Rice Staff Writer Whitney Patterson Editorial Intern Russell Finn

Operations Manager Lexie Medina Contributors Kelly Lynn Annin, Paul Bragin, Kevin Brown, Pastor Kevin Fleming, Bryan Fox, John Greenwell, Dakyissa Hall, Jabez, Rajiv KC, Daniel Knight, J. Robert Lobeck, Corey Martin, Brooke Spitler



January 2016 •

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A quick note from the editor Let it be said that I was initially against the idea of putting News4U itself on the cover of the January issue (I’m still not thrilled about it). Personally, I don’t care much for self-promotion, but then again, 25 years IS a pretty impressive run for a local magazine. Since 1991 - before many of you were even born and long before any of us on the current staff were involved News4U has kept the community in the know. From local events to the bar scene, it’s all been reported on and chronicled between these pages for the last quarter of a century. Of course, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing; rarely, actually. But that’s the challenge of putting out a monthly


January 2016 •

magazine with a limited staff and resources. All in all, I think the fact that we’re still here is a success. Going back through old issues recently, I was particularly struck by the talent of former editor Dylan Gibbs (mad props wherever you are) along with a host of past writers and graphic designers. So let’s take a moment to say thanks to everyone who has contributed to News4U in any way over the years - it’s the very definition of a team effort. We hope you enjoy checking out the magazine each month and greatly appreciate your loyalty. Keep the comments coming - good or bad - and please continue to support us. Here’s to another 25 years... - TE

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upcoming events

Comedian Brian Regan Often referred to as a “comedian’s comedian,” Brian Regan is a master of his craft. His jokes, honed to hilarious perfection, reflect everyday life yet they’re anything but ordinary – in fact, by Regan’s own admission, they’re sometimes bizarre. But that’s his enduring appeal. 35 years into a very successful stand-up career, he continues to come up with new, inventive ways to make us laugh, all while pacing the stage with inexhaustible energy. like, bizarre. I remember some people thinking I was funny as heck and other people kind of going, ‘I don’t get it.’


n addition to performing all over the country, Regan has made the talk show rounds, appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman 27 times. He can be seen in the Chris Rock film Top 5 as well as a recent – and particularly funny – episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Best of all, you can catch him right here in Evansville at the Victory Theatre on January 14. Regan kindly spoke with News4U about “clean” comedy, the comedic process and clueless TV executives. You’re often labeled as a “clean” comic. Does that annoy you at all? The “clean” label has always been challenging for me throughout my career because people who don’t see my act attach a connotation to it that sometimes is off the mark. I think when people hear the word “clean,” they think, ‘oh, this guy is trying to be Johnny Wholesome’ or it’s a kiddie show. But sometimes you can be just as edgy as somebody else – you just aren’t using language, you know? That’s one reason


why I don’t like that label because I think that if somebody doesn’t know my comedy and sees the word “clean” in print or in an ad, they might go, ‘nah, that wouldn’t be for me.’ Whereas if they just came and saw my show, I’d like to think they’d have a good time and might not even realize that I’m “clean.” What was your act like in the very beginning when you first hit the stage in 1980? Well, in 1980 I was just kind of throwing everything at the wall – you know what I mean? I had some dirty stuff, I had some clean stuff. I even had a handful of props. Anything I thought of on stage I would try, just to see what I would gravitate towards – what did I like? I also had some really off-the-wall kind of stuff (laughs) – which I still enjoy. I still like being incredibly off-the-wall, but sometimes if you’re way out there, audiences will scratch their heads. I remember in college before I even thought about being a comedian…I went to a small college in Tiffin, OH – Heidelberg University – and it was my first experience being funny around new people. And I was,

January 2016 •

Can you pinpoint a period when things really started to gel with your act? Well, it is a continuing process. One thing I found interesting – there is a comedy booker in the Atlanta area, Chris DiPetta – he managed Jeff Foxworthy. I remember performing down there, and I had been doing it seven years. I was just beginning to headline and was doing well. I remember him saying that in his opinion, seven years was the mark. At that point, somebody is either going to continue and start drilling it or else they’re going to kind of fall by the wayside. He said that I’d obviously graduated into being a strong headliner. The interesting thing is that there are a lot of people in this world who are funny, but you have to be able to take some hits, man. You need the passion to go through some rough, rough patches to be a stand-up (laughs). Because in the early stages, it’s not all fun and games. If you’ve got a thin skin, maybe it isn’t for you.

Did you miss the looseness, so to speak, of your old act at all after graduating to headlining status? Well, even though I was moving away from some stuff, I was moving towards other stuff that I found interesting. I try to evolve; I’ve

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Comedian Brian Regan (cont. from pg. 6)

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January 2016 •

always tried to be careful and not to be this one thing. In fact, as soon as I feel like I’m being defined a certain way, I usually write away from that instead of towards that, because I don’t want to be a one trick pony where you go, ‘oh, okay, I’ve got this guy figured out.’ I try to be somewhat elusive. It’s helped me with my stand-up. But it might have hurt me in the bigger picture, because when networks want to build a show around somebody, they like that thing that they can hang the hat on and go, ‘oh, he’s the guy that’s this – we’ll build a show around him.’ Any time they ever saw me, they’d say, ‘well, he’s funny, but what in the world would the show be?’ But considering your stature as a stand-up comic, I’d imagine that there’s been regular interest from networks in developing a show for you. Well, not like some might think – it’s weird. The people in those tall buildings out in Hollywood are not necessarily in touch with what’s going on out there. In fact, it’s a head-scratcher. I’ve been in network meetings where you just can tell that five minutes before the meeting, they didn’t even know anything about you – like somebody came in and said, ‘okay, this next guy is a comedian.’ I would love to have the opportunity to do a TV show, but I would want a different type of show based on how I think as a comedian. All my bits are these quick hits and they go from subject to subject. A conventional sitcom doesn’t really work for me. My comedy is about being uncomfortable, because I’m uncomfortable being around people I’m not familiar with. In a sitcom, they surround you with people you’re familiar with, so that’s not the comedy that works for me. Your jokes are like little works of art. Do you enjoy the process of perfecting them or is it a slog? Oh, I love it. I love the process – every stage of it. I like when you get fortunate enough to think of something where you go, ‘hey, that could be a bit.’ Because I don’t know how to do that – how that happens I wish I could tell somebody. And once you have the bit, you come up with some way of telling it on stage; that very first time where you throw it out there is fascinating because you have no clue if the audience is going to laugh – and if they do, where within the joke are they going to laugh? After that first experience, you’ve got some information. Then you can start to improve the bit and work it night after night after night. Every joke you tell in an hour is at varying stages of development, but the audience doesn’t necessarily know. So when you’re on stage, it’s thrilling, because you’re often doing these jokes that are very, very “green� – I don’t know if they’re going to work, you know? It’s a constant, ever-evolving process, and it’s really fun. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, visit or call 812-422-1515. The Victory is located at 600 Main St.

40th Annual World Championship Ice Racing Series Gold and glory on the line at the fastest, slickest motorcycle course around

Get ready for a night of racing unlike anything you’ve ever seen, because the world’s top ice racers are coming to the Ford Center on January 23 to do the seemingly impossible: ride

motorcycles at top speed around a hockey rink. No, this is not your typical motocross or flat-track design – far from it. Rather, you can describe the track at the 40th Annual World Championship

Ice Racing Series in two words – solid ice. It’s guaranteed to be a nonstop thrill-ride of epic proportions with plenty of excitement and can’t-look-away crashes, bodies and bikes flying everywhere. But there are even more thrills and spills on tap for the evening when the ICE Pro Unlimited Outlaw Quads take center stage. Imagine supercharged ATVs that can reach 60 mph in three seconds barreling down on each other – again, on ice – in a race to claim the World Championship Title. These Frankenstein-like machines can be equipped with any chassis configuration, any engine make and displacement and any fuel; drivers can even opt for razor-sharp steel studded tires. There’s no telling what will happen when they wave the flag at the Ford Center. As an added bonus, the event will also feature local riders competing in select ICE Amateur Classes. Most have never raced on ice before! Plus, fun special attractions are planned, making for 2.5 hours of nonstop motorsports mayhem! The action starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, visit The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd.

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upcoming events

Harlem Globetrotters: 90 Years

After nearly a century of smiles, the Ambassadors of Goodwill are still on a fast-break the floor on January 14. Second-year Globetrotter Zeus McClurkin kindly spoke with News4U ahead of the big game. With all the madness going on in the world at the moment, it seems that we need the Globetrotters now more than ever. Definitely. I’ve always admired how people can bring their families to our games – we’re entertainment for every age group. They can all come and just leave their problems at the arena doors and for that next two hours we have a captivated audience that just wants to have a good time and smile with us. It’s like no other sporting event anywhere because you know your home team is going to win at the end of our game.

Every January, the Harlem Globetrotters roll into town to light up the Ford Center with a sea of beaming, awe-struck faces both young and old. The team is currently preparing for its 90th anniversary tour, celebrating an incredibly long history that stretches all the way back to 1926. It’s a legacy of goodwill that quite simply astounds. From day one, the Globetrotters have been about so much more than just basketball, championing character and sportsmanship above all. But make no mistake; the stars of the squad (men and women both) are prime-time entertainers, so bring the whole family for a fun night out when the Globetrotters take

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How did your first season as a Globetrotter stack up to your expectations? It completely met my expectations and then exceeded them. Before becoming a Globetrotter, I was a Washington General. That was a tough year for me – I lost a lot of games, more than I did my entire basketball career. So the sky was the limit – anything was an improvement after that year. After dunking on the Globetrotters so many times, I finally made the squad and man, the grass is definitely greener on this side of the fence. I’ve been to 17 different countries, which is incredible. And I now look forward to getting high fives instead of kids faking me out and not giving high fives – that’s a big change (laughs). I’ve gone from moral victories to actual victories.

January 2016 •

I couldn’t help but notice in your bio that you are unable to beat your older brother in a game of one-on-one. What exactly is the problem? You’re a Globetrotter, after all. Are you familiar with the term “grown man strength?” Physically, I can bench press more than my brother; I can squat more; I can jump higher – but there’s some sort of level that he is able to reach that I have not yet tapped into, and he will not let me beat him. Kobe (Bryant) has a famous quote: “If you weren’t born when I started playing, then you can’t talk trash to me.” I think it’s just the mental edge that an older brother has. What can we expect from the 90th anniversary tour – anything out of the ordinary? We will have the four-point shot again – that’s been a fan favorite ever since it was introduced. But the main thing that we’ll be doing is celebrating our anniversary, and we’ll be commemorating the original uniforms that we used to wear – which are quite revealing in the leg area (laughs). But the fans want to it, and that’s what we’re going for. How excited are you about coming to Evansville? We love playing in Evansville – the basketball atmosphere there is crazy. I can remember back when I was in college, we played against the Purple Aces and they beat us, but it was a lively game, and I like that about you guys. The game starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, visit The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Blvd / 812-422-1515.

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upcoming events The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in which country? a. Switzerland b. Germany c. Sweden d. Norway

An Evening with C.S. Lewis Famed British author’s wit and wisdom the subject of oneman show at The Victory Theatre on January 8.

Last month, we ran a preview of the upcoming one-man show at the Victory Theatre, An Evening with C.S. Lewis, starring British actor David Payne. Now, we’re pleased to present an interview that he granted News4U just after the December issue went to print.

an actor or a writer, but for some reason, it worked. But at the end of the day, after you write something, the audience tells you whether it’s any good. As you go along, you remove the things that aren’t working and replace them with things that you hope do work.

Written and directed by Payne, the production centers on the famous author’s sharp wit and flair for storytelling as he regales a group of American journalists with tales from his celebrated career and life.

This show has an awful lot of laughter because there’s a lot of humor in it – so the pacing is absolutely critical.

How familiar were you with C.S. Lewis before you started developing the oneman show? I was familiar with him to a point. I’d read his Screwtape Letters when I was 17 and a couple other books – and of course The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but I wasn’t a passionate reader of his. It wasn’t until I started developing Lewis as a character that I started getting caught up on all my reading. And from what I understand, this show – which has been hugely successful, over 500 performances to date – was the first thing you’d ever written? Yes, it was the first thing I’d written. I wasn’t

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January 2016 •

Do you get a lot of serious Lewis fans dissecting your every movement and word? A lot of fans want to make sure that I do Lewis justice. This guy wrote to me just today and said he was at a recent show and that it was absolutely magnificent. He had a few friends with him and they all drove away saying it was if they had just had a conversation with C.S. Lewis. That’s what I’ve always aimed for. I think people are surprised how involved the audience is. When there’s not a laughter scene you can hear a pin drop. But it’s taken me 15 years and over 500 performances to get it to that level. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, visit or call 422-1515. The Victory is located at 600 Main St.

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Jason Aldean:

‘We Were Here Tour” Country music’s road warrior ready to hit the open highway again; makes Ford Center second stop on January 15 There’s nothing that Jason Aldean loves more than stepping out onto a stage and greeting a stadium full of fans. From the moment the country music superstar signed his first contract, he’s been traveling all over America, playing sold-out shows for an increasingly bigger audience. Aldean’s good looks, even better hooks and deep, resonant voice have all propelled him to the top of the charts, beginning with his first number one hit, “Why,” in 2006. It was just the first of many songs to reach the peak over the last decade. In all, Aldean has scored 14 number ones, including such fan favorites as “Dirt Road Anthem,” “Night Train,” “Burnin’ It Down” and “Tonight Looks Good on You.” The latter two appear on his most recent studio album, 2014’s Old Boots, New Dirt, along with the fourth single off the release, “Gonna Know We Were Here,” which inspired the theme of Aldean’s upcoming tour. Just two months after completing the “Burn It Down Tour” (which raised $615,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation), Aldean is heading back out on the road for another series of shows. The “We Were Here Tour” kicks off in Moline, IL on January 14 followed by a stop at the Ford Center the following night. Fans can expect a wild stage presentation with tons of energy and a set list of seemingly endless top ten songs. There’s a good reason why Aldean has won armfuls of ACM, Billboard, CMT and Grammy Awards – he simply knows how to entertain. So don’t miss this incredible opportunity to see one of country music’s biggest stars right here in Evansville. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, visit or The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. / 812-422-1515.

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upcoming events Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents:

Brass, Brahms & Bravura! Van Cliburn silver medalist to ring in the second half of the EPO’s stellar 2015-2016 season weekend Pops concert featuring two talented Broadway singers and dancers, Joan Hess and Kirby Ward. Perfect for a night out with your significant other, the shows will include such classic romantic songs as “Cheek to Cheek,” “In the Mood,” and “Singing in the Rain.” On February 27, the Classics Series returns with Mendelssohn’s Elijah. An epic oratorio that chronicles dramatic events in the life of the biblical prophet, it features soloists Kendra Colton, Lucille Beer, Timothy LeFebvre, William Hite, Andrea Drury and Matthew O’Neill. Brass, Brahms & Bravura! starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, visit, or call 812-4255050. The Victory Theatre is located at 600 Main St.


ou may still be recovering from the holidays but the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra is already hard at work, preparing for what promises to be an evening of unparalleled brilliance. Indeed, it’s a truly special occasion when a pianist of such technical prowess and genuine sensitivity takes the stage at the Victory Theatre – and a testament to the respect granted the EPO by the world’s best performers. On January 23, Van Cliburn silver medalist Antonio Pompa-Baldi will partner with the orchestra to interpret three masterworks, including Respighi’s rarely performed “Piano Concerto in A Minor,” James Beckel’s “Concerto for Brass & Orchestra” and Brahms’ Symphony No. 2. The Italian born pianist’s talent has taken him all over the world to such major concert venues as Paris’ Salle Pleyel, Milan’s Sala Verdi, Shanghai’s Grand Theatre, Boston’s Symphony Hall

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and New York’s Carnegie Hall. Now add the Victory to that impressive list. In addition to being a celebrated performer, PompaBaldi is a beloved professor of music at the Cleveland Institute of Music and has recorded numerous albums. His extensive catalogue includes the entire repertoire of Grieg (12 CDs!) and a live recital of his award-winning Cliburn Competition performances. While all eyes – and ears – will be focused on Pompa-Baldi at the piano, the orchestra will shine as always, particularly the brass section during Beckel’s “Concerto for Brass and Orchestra.” Once again, you’ll be reminded why Maestro Savia and the EPO are held in such high esteem by both classical music lovers and performers alike. Looking ahead…February is going to be a big month for the EPO. First up is Dancing and Romancing, the long-awaited Valentine’s

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Keys to a Fresh Start by Dakyissa Hall

If you are ready to become A Beautiful You (from the inside out), it’s important that you commit to making a fresh start. It’s time to move away from the meaningless New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because, goals that begin based around time are hard to reach. Once time passes, the significance of the goals fade. In order to make long lasting changes, a fresh start is necessary. There are steps that need to be taken in order for you to be successful in this process. Below, I have outlined a guide on how to do this.

will subconsciously begin taking on the goals of others and ultimately always feel incomplete.

Create a Well Balanced Diet

A well balanced diet targets your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs. All of these areas need to be in balance in order for anything good to happen in your life. When one of these parts is out of balance, you do not have total focus. For long lasting changes to be made, you need total focus. Watch the things that you allow to enter your body, mind, and soul. They can cause much destruction.

Develop New Habits

Whatever you want to do, whether it’s to become healthier, begin a proper beauty regimen, or something else, breaking away from old habits is vital. You can’t begin anything new and expect good results if you are still harboring bad habits. When you decide on a new habit that needs to be created, practice it daily! Remember, when implementing any new action, it takes at least 21 days for it to become a habit.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you! If you are ready to become A Beautiful You and need some help staying on track with goals, contact me (info@yourbeautydate. com). You don’t have to tackle this journey alone! Until next time, Stay Beautiful, Stay Positive, and Stay Strong! Your Beauty Coach and Friend, DaKyissa

Choose Wisely

Unfortunately, many of our negative experiences are a result of a bad choice we’ve made. If we give up on our goals, no matter the circumstance, it is a choice. We have to be mindful about the control we have over our decisions. If we want to make changes, we must choose to do so. We must choose to not give up. We must choose to do what it takes.

become more motivated to create longterm changes in your life. Why? Because God will change your perspective and direction in life. He will implant an inner desire within you to want to be your best.

Understand You

Embrace Your Life

You can’t be successful at life if you don’t know yourself. You will be going through life without any direction. In order to find yourself, study the bible and connect with God. This is the ONLY way to fully understand yourself and your purpose in life. If you do this, eventually you will

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We were all given a different life for a reason. We are all here to serve different purposes on earth. If we don’t embrace the life we are given, we will begin envying aspects of the life of others. This becomes a distraction from our journey and can even cause us to give up on our goals. We

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getting to know...

Kat Mykals

Local Radio Host & Animal Advocate PART 2

Last month, we asked the local radio host some random questions, and not surprisingly, she had a lot to say. So, we divided up her responses into two parts. Here’s the conclusion of Getting to Know... Kat Mykals.

2. TV show I never get tired of... This may surprise you, but I don’t watch a lot of television. In fact, I don’t have cable in my apartment. I am a total bookworm and usually spend my downtime with my nose buried in a book borrowed from the EVPL. Occasionally, I will binge on Netflix if I’m hanging with friends or family. The current obsession is Gilmore Girls. My daughter turned me on to it because she swears that she and I are Lorilei and Rory “in the flesh,” as she put it. I have to admit, there are quite a few similarities.

3. Why the welfare of animals is so important to me... I genuinely believe that animals are inherently good. They are not born bad or mean. They don’t have ulterior motives. If a dog or cat seems to be happy to see you, it’s because they are genuinely happy to see you. They are not thinking of ways to get something out of the situation. I believe that they display the purest form of love. When an animal ends up homeless in a shelter, it rarely is the fault of the animal. Unfortunately, animals cannot speak for themselves. They don’t have a voice. I have found my voice in being a voice for them. Because of my career, I have a platform at my disposal that I can utilize to promote adoption events, available pets, spay & neuter clinics, fundraising efforts, etc. I can use what I love [radio] to make a difference in their lives and I am grateful every day that I have that opportunity.

4. New Year’s resolution that I probably won’t keep... 1. Radio host I would kill to meet (past or present)... Howard Stern. Is that cliché? It’s probably cliché, but he is such a wildcard. He has paved his own way in the industry. Even after having doors slammed shut in his face again and again, he has still managed to come out on top and has become one of the biggest names in the radio industry all without compromising who he is as a personality. His perseverance and his love of entertaining is commendable and I would love to just sit down over a cup of coffee with him.

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Eat healthier and exercise more. I think I have had the same resolution for the last 10 years or more and I never seem to keep it. Maybe this year will be different… Ah, who am I kidding? I like greasy cheeseburgers, fried food, extra cheesy pizza and dessert way too much! Especially dessert! I’ve been known to skip dinner and just go straight to dessert instead. A couple of years ago, I wanted to take up running. I bought a new pair of running shoes and prepared myself to get active. I think I have walked (because you don’t want to overdo it!) a total of 20 miles in those tennis shoes. Physical exercise and I just don’t really mix, although I have been enjoying yoga lately. Maybe I’ll stick with that. In the meantime, can you pass me a cookie?

upcoming events

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes @ the HFAC It’s elementary, of course; fast-paced production detailing the legendary sleuth is a must-see The name is synonymous with intrigue and intellect. Since the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes in print in 1887, the character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has cast a spell over readers of all ages. The overwhelming popularity of the quick-witted, dry-humored detective has also led to countless TV shows, appealing to a wide range of viewers (see CBS’s current take on Sherlock Holmes in the excellent Elementary starring Johnny Lee Miller as a neurotic but deeply empathetic detective and Lucy Lui as a new world Watson). But there’s nothing quite like seeing Doyle’s famous character in the flesh. A fast-paced, thrilling production, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes comes to the Henderson Fine Arts Center on January 15. It’s a stage show filled with the sort of cunning deduction and fascinating interplay that fans of Doyle’s stories have come to expect. Sherlock is the star, of course, but the author’s other beloved characters, including trusted sidekick Watson and the woman who got away, Irene Adler, play as important roles as ever. Presented by Aquila Theatre, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is infused with an energy that crackles and keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The production is a new adaptation developed specifically for the theater that promises to live up to the legacy of the world’s most popular detective – still the top draw even 125 years after his debut. The show starts at 7 p.m. For tickets, visit The Henderson Fine Arts Center is located at 2660 S. Green St. in Henderson / 270-831-9800. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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IU MEN’S BASKETBALL 2016 SCHEDULE Jan 2: @ Nebraska / 4 p.m. Jan 5: Wisconsin / 7 p.m. Jan 10: Ohio State / 1:30 or 4:30 p.m. Jan 16: @ Minnesota / 12:30 p.m. Jan 19: Illinois / 7 p.m. Jan 23: Northwestern / Noon Jan 26: @ Wisconsin / 7 p.m. Jan 30: Minnesota / 2:15 p.m. Feb 2: @ Michigan / 9 p.m. Feb 6: @ Penn State / 8 p.m. Feb 11: Iowa / 9 p.m. Purchase 4 oil Feb 14: @ Michigan St. / 1 p.m. changes and get the 5th FREE! Feb 17: Nebraska / 8:30 p.m. Redeemable at Feb 20: Purdue / 7 or 9 p.m. 2200 Lynch Rd. Feb 25: @ Illinois / 9 p.m. Location. Mar 1: @ Iowa / 9 p.m. Mar 5: Maryland / TBA Mar 9-13: Big Ten Tournament / TBA

UK MEN’S BASKETBALL 2016 SCHEDULE Jan 2: Ole Miss / 7 p.m. Jan 5: @ LSU / 9 p.m. Jan 9: @ Alabama / 6 p.m. Jan 12: Mississippi State / 7 p.m. Jan 16: @ Auburn / 4 p.m. Jan 21: @ Arkansas / 7 p.m. Jan 23: Vanderbilt / TBA Jan 27: Missouri / 9 p.m. Jan 30: @ Kansas / TBA Feb 2: @ Tennessee / 7 p.m. Feb 6: Florida / 4 p.m. Feb 9: Georgia / 9 p.m. Feb 13: @ South Carolina / Noon Feb 18: Tennessee / 7 p.m. Feb 20: @ Texas A&M / TBA Feb 23: Alabama / 7 p.m. Feb 27: @ Vanderbilt / 4 p.m. Mar 1: @ Florida / 7 p.m. Mar 5: LSU / 2 p.m. Mar 9-13: SEC Tournament / TBA 24 |

January 2016 •

New Business Spotlight

Meineke Car Care Center 2200 Lynch Rd, Evansville • 812-491-0041

Evansville’s north side welcomes new addition to the neighborhood as trusted car care business opens on Lynch Road It’s no secret that finding a reputable, reliable place to take your care for repairs and general maintenance is a challenge. In truth, most of us know very little about the nearly two-ton machines that we spend much of our lives driving around in beyond what side of the car the gas cap is on and how to insert the hose into the tank (even that’s a stretch for some). So when our vehicles inevitably break down or we simply need an oil change, we panic. Why? Because there are few things more dispiriting than taking your car into the shop; you just know it’s not going to end well. We’ve probably all experienced the frustration of being told that what appeared to be a basic fix has somehow ballooned into a fullon, labor-intensive overhaul of the engine that will effectively cost more than the entire car. “Uhhhhhhh, what?” That’s why Meineke Car Care Center is such a breath of fresh air. This is a business that is all about earning your trust and treating every customer with respect - not taking advantage of your embarrassing lack of car knowledge. They handle a number of auto repairs quickly and efficiently with no run-around, including oil changes, exhaust/mufflers, brakes, tires & wheels, A/C, steering suspension, batteries and more. And now you can visit Meineke’s new north side location on Lynch Road. It’s the only location to offer the Meineke Oil Change Bonus Card. Purchase 4 oil changes and get the 5th free. That’s a heck of a great deal from a business that prides itself on great customer service. Be sure to ask about Meineke’s Loyalty Rewards Program! Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm; Sat 7:30am-4pm; Closed on Sunday

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dining out

What’s Cookin’ KC’s Corner Pocket

1819 N Fulton Ave, Evansville • 812-428-2255


s the name implies, Corner Pocket is the place to go for pool. And beer, of course. As a sports bar, their menu is also decorated with juicy burgers, hot wings, fried pickles and pizza, but lately, KC’s has been cooking up something a little different. Newly renovated and continuously growing in an upward direction, Corner Pocket has a leg up on the competition - all day breakfast. Because, you know, sometimes people want bacon, eggs and biscuits and gravy after 11 a.m. Whipped up with loving care by the jovial day cook, Lee, my breakfast experience was top notch. A hearty platter of overeasy eggs, buttered toast, crispy bacon, spicy sausage, and potatoes fried and seasoned to perfection would have been more than enough, and at a mere

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$4, totally worth it. But you can’t leave without trying the biscuits and gravy - a breakfast staple, fluffy with plenty of sausage and peppered milk gravy, they’re worth the trip morning, afternoon, or night. Paired with a spicy, veggieheavy Bloody Mary or a steaming cup of coffee, KC’s breakfast is something no one should miss. There aren’t many places in the area where one can enjoy pancakes, country-fried steak, or French toast while taking shots of Fireball and playing pool or listening to a live band. Throw in reasonable prices, great drink specials, darts, and a fun staff, and that’s Corner Pocket in a nutshell. Do yourself a

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favor and see what all the fuss is about. - Whitney Patterson Open Monday-Saturday from 7 a.m.-3 a.m. and Sundays 9 a.m.-3 a.m. Follow KC’s Corner Pocket: cornerpocket.

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dining out

Restaurant Spotlight Ninki Bistro

4222 Bell Road, Ste 7, Newburgh • 812-518-3055


new option for tri-state foodies, Newburgh’s Ninki Bistro brings a strict taste of Japan, disregarding fusion to bring as much authenticity as possible to the table. Their Master Chef has crafted his menu with over 20 years of experience in larger cities such as Manhattan, Louisville, Owensboro, and Nashville, and is now sharing his flair with locals. Using finer, fresher ingredients, Ninki takes Japanese cuisine to the next level. Don’t let the swanky environment, seasoned chef, or quality of ingredients fool you, however. Their extensive menu is not only eclectic but reasonably priced, with something for any palate, and the roll names are clearly influenced by the Master Chef’s culinary adventures, such

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as the Derby Roll (deep-fried shrimp with cucumber, avocado, topped with spicy crab, tempura flakes and sweet eel sauce), the White Boy Roll (shrimp tempura, avocado, cream cheese topped with spicy crab, tempura flakes, white sauce, spicy mayo), and The Newburgh Lady (eel, cream cheese, cucumber topped with avocado strawberry, sweet soy and passion blue sauce). Besides gyoza, the favorited seared pork dumplings and the staple garlic butter edamame, they have specialty appetizers like The Rock - thin-sliced, sweet garlicmarinated filet that’s seared tableside on an actual Japanese river rock, and colorful salads and vegetarian items such as the Avocado Spring Mix Salad with yuzu. For the less adventurous, there are the triedand-true fried rice options, prime steaks,

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poultry, and seafood. And don’t worry there is indeed a kids’ menu. Stop in for lunch and check out hibachi specials and don’t forget to save room for deep-fried desserts like Xango (cheesecake with chocolate syrup) or Tempura Ice Cream. Follow Ninki on Facebook for specials and hunger-inducing photos. Call ahead for reservations and let them host your parties or cater your special event, and don’t forget to bring your girlfriend, so she doesn’t become your Angry Ex-Girlfriend. Try a roll by the same name instead. - Whitney Patterson Hours: Mon-Sun 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. & 5-10 p.m. except Sat 5-10 p.m. only. Visit

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3119 W. Maryland St. 812-425-1616 Memphis & Main BBQ (Newburgh) 4946 St. Hwy 261 812-858-0111 (Boonville) 118 W. Locust St. 812-646-7110


Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730

Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn 2840 W. Parrish Ave. Owensboro, KY 270-684-8143 Nisbet Inn 6701 Nisbet Rd. 812-963-9305 Peak Bros. BBQ 6353 Hwy 60 Waverly, KY 270-389-0267

BARBECUE Bandana BBQ 6636 Logan Dr. 812-401-9922

Bar-B-Q-Barn 1003 E. Diamond Ave. 812-491-9868 Flames Grille 1200 W. Colombia St. 812-205-4704

Thomason’s Barbecue 701 Atkinson St. Henderson, KY 270-826-0654 Wilson’s General Store & Cafe 11120 Broadway Ave. 812-985-0202 Wolf’s Bar-B-Q 6000 First Ave. 812-424-8891

Hawg ‘N’ Sauce 1600 Leonard Rd. Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5339

Longfellow Barbecue Company 830 LST Dr. 812-467-0080 Marx Barbeque & Catering

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Backstage Bar & Grill 524 Main St. 812-424-5020 Bar Louie 7000 Eagle Crest Blvd. 812-476-7069 Beef O’Brady’s 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-490-9464 Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. 812-909-0388 Cambridge Golf Course 1034 Beacon HIll Rd. 812-868-4653 Cheddar’s 2100 N. Green River Rd. 812-491-9976 Chili’s Grill & Bar 600 N. Green River Rd. 812-475-1510 Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar 108 N. 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270- 212-2133

Hickory Pit Stop 1521 N. Main St. 812-422-6919 J & B Barbecue & Catering 48 S. Holloway Henderson, KY 270-830-0053

5727 Pearl Dr. 812-426-2006 (Henderson) 1950 Us Hwy. 41 N. 270-826-9427

CASUAL THEME Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7999

Applebee’s Bar & Grill (East) 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 812-471-0929 (West)

Dapper Pig 1112 Parrett St. 812-401-3333 Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 812-401-1201 Double D’s 1206 E. Main St. Boonville, IN 812- 897-8813

Check out these savings!

Enigma Bar & Grill 4044 Professional Ln. Newburgh, IN 812-490-0600

3300 US HWY 41 N. Henderson, KY 812-435-8908

(Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy 812-437-2653

Major Munch 101 NW 1st St. #100 812-499-0160

Royal Suite 4706 Morgan Ave. 812-402-5122

Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 812-475-0229

Mama Mia’s (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4227

J’s Sports Bar & Grill 1602 S. Vann Ave. 812-401-2266

Max & Erma’s (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4258

Show-Me’s (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 812-401-SHOW (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 812-402-7100

King’s Kitchen 104 N Water St. Henderson, KY 270-212-2070

O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 812-401-4630

Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202

Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-473-4100

Lucky Joe’s Bar & Grill

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Hadi Shriners 6 Walnut St. 812-423-4285

Uptown Event Restaurant 518 Main St. 812-550-1404

Charlie’s Mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 812-423-9897

Zoup Fresh Soup Co. (East) 6240 E. Virginia St. 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N. 1st Ave. 812-423-1800

China King 590 E. Diamond Ave. 812-423-1896

Chopstick House 5412 E. Indiana St. 812-473-5551

Temptations Buffet (Tropicana Evansville) 421 Riverside Dr. 812-433-4000 T.G.I. Friday’s (Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 812-491-8443 Toast 1550 Mesker Park Dr. 812-909-2320

China Village 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-858-8238

Crazy Buffet 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. 812-437-8833


Canton Inn 947 North Park Dr. 812-428-6611

Golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 812-473-4855 (Newburgh) 5066 S.R. 261 812-853-2680

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Gracie’s Chinese Cuisine 12500 N. Hwy. 41 812-868-8888 Grand Buffet Mongolian Grill 1356 N. Green River Rd. 812-476-6666 Lincoln Garden 2001 Lincoln Ave. 812-471-8881 Mandarin Garden Chinese Restaurant 2013 N. Green River Rd. 812-476-7088 MAT. 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd. 812-475-2888 Shing-Lee Chinese Restaurant 215 Main St. 812-464-2769 Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 812-479-7600

DELI/CAFES 2nd St. Treats 221 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270-957-5064

Acropolis Express at the YWCA 118 Vine St. 812-424-7335 Anthony’s Heavenly Cheesecake 812-499-8273

Taste of China 4579 University Dr. 812-422-1260

Bits & Bytes 216 NW Fourth St. 812-423-5113

Teppanyaki Grill & Supreme Buffet 201 B N. Green River Rd. 812-474-6660

Café 111 111 S. Green River Rd. #D 812-401-8111

Two Brothers 3806 N. 1st Ave. 812-423-6188

Cake Stand 223 Second St. Henderson, KY 270-854-1305

Wok ‘N’ Roll 311 S. Green River Rd. 812-479-3118 Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant 406 S. Green River Rd. 812-474-0181

Cleo’s Bakery 9 W. Jennings St. Newburgh, IN 812-789-6485 Coffee Cottage & Café 612 S. Weinbach Ave. 812-401-1930 Daily’s Bakery & Café 701 N. Main St. 812-484-6635

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Diamond Deli (Tropicana Evansville) 421 Riverside Dr. 812-433-6122 Donut Bank Bakery & Coffee Shop (East) 5 N. Green River Rd. 812-479-0511 1950 Washington Ave. 812-477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave. 812-402-4111 (North) 2128 N. 1st Ave. 812-426-2311 1031 E. Diamond Ave. 812-426-0011 (West) 210 N. St. Joseph Ave. 812-426-1011 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 (Henderson) 2638 Hwy 41 270-212-0181 Emge’s Deli & Ice Cream 206 Main St. 812-422-3026 Eric’s Corner Carry-Out 4220 Broadway Ave 812-402-9788 Fresh Harvest Deli (Inside Old National) 1 Main St. 812-424-5801 Gayla Cake 422 N. Main St. 812-454-9791 Great American Bagel 3901 Morgan Ave. 812-476-7212 Great Harvest Bread Co. 423 Metro Ave. 812-476-4999 Honey Baked Ham 1449 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-2940 Jason’s Deli 943 N. Green River Rd. 812-417-9905

Jeanne’s Gelato 2003 Lincoln Ave. 812-479-8272 Jimmy John’s (East) 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. Ste. C 812-401-5400 (West) 130 N. St. Joe Ave 812-402-9944 (Newburgh) 8680 Highpoint Dr. 812-491-7111 Just Rennie’s Cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 812-490-8098 McAlister’s Deli 2220 N. Green River Rd. 812-618-2050 Panera Bread 220 Burkhardt Rd. 812-476-7477 Penn Station East Coast Subs (East) 137 N. Burkhardt Rd. 812-479-PENN (North) 4827 Davis Lant Dr. 812-402-PENN (West) 5310 Pearl Dr. 812-434-PENN (Newburgh) 8887 High Point Dr. 812-401-7366 (Henderson) 1111 Barrett Rd. 270-826-7361 (Owensboro) 3625 Frederica St. 270-683-1515 Penny Lane Coffeehouse (Downtown) 600 S.E. 2nd St. 812-421-8741 (East) 2004 Washington Ave. 812-473-4440 PG Art Gallery & Cafe 1418 W. Franklin St. 812- 402-4445 Piece of Cake 210 Main St. 812-424-2253

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Planters Coffeehouse 130 N. Main St. Henderson, KY 270-830-0927 R’z Cafe & Catering Co. 104 N. Main St. Fort Branch, IN 812-615-0039 Salad World Healthy Cafe (Downtown) 200 Main St. 812-422-0898 (East) 3311 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-5083 (North) 601 E. BoonevilleNew Harmony Rd. 812-867-2741 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. 812-467-7486 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd. 812-490-6070 Sidewalk Cafe 228 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270-831-2233 Sweet Betty’s Bakery 5600 E. Virginia St. 812-402-3889 Schlotzsky’s 301 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-4011 Sidewalk Cafe 228 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270-831-2233 Spudz –N– Stuff Downtown) 101 NW 1st St. 812-402-7555 (East) 812 S. Green River Rd. 812-401-7783 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr. 812-402-8287 (Henderson, KY) 192 Garden Mile Rd. 270-212-1777

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January 2016 •

Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 812-421-0606 Vecchio’s Italian Market 14 W. Jennings St. Newburgh, IN 812-490-7879


Bob Evans (East) 1125 N. Green River Rd. 812-473-9022 (West) 5201 Pearl Dr. 812-425-5100 (Princeton) US 41 & State Rt. 64 812-386-1228 (Owensboro) 3123 Kentucky Hwy. 54 270-683-3515 Buffalo Wild Wings (East) 713 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr. 812-471-9464 Burger Bank 1617 S. Weinbach Ave. 812-475-2265 Carousel Restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 812-479-6388 Cleavers Restaurant 5501 E. Indiana St. 812-473-0001 Cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 812-479-8788

Cross-Eyed Cricket 2101 Pennsylvania St. 812-422-6464

Hilltop Inn 1100 Harmony Way 812-422-1757

Popeye’s Chicken 3300 N. 1st. Ave 812-401-1773

Culver’s 1734 Hirschland Rd. 812-437-3333

Hornville Tavern 2607 W. Baseline Rd. 812-963-0967

Denny’s Classic Diner (West) 5212 Weston Rd. 812-424-4472 (Newburgh) 19501 Elpers Rd. 812-867-7156

IHOP 601 N. Burkhardt Rd. 812-471-0510

Pop’s Grill 516 S. Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3880

Denny’s Restaurant (East) 351 N. Green River Rd. 812-473-1063 (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 812-423-9459

KT’s Fire Grill 7247 Main St. Wadesville, IN 812-673-4996

Five Guys Burgers 5402 E. Indiana St. 812-401-1773 Flying Saucer Café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 812-423-1113 Franklin Lanes Coffee Shop 1801 W. Franklin St. 812-423-5355 Frontier Restaurant & Bar 12945 Hwy. 57 812-867-6786 Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 812-473-3800 Get and Go Casseroles 6840 Logan Dr. 812-475-8830 Golden Corral (East) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 812-473-1095 (Henderson) 1770 S. Green St. 270-869-9310 Highland Inn 6620 N. First Ave. 812-402-2544

Ivy Cafe @ Swirca 16 W. Virginia St. 812-464-7800

Koodie-Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202 Korner Inn 15 W. Main St. Elberfeld, IN 812-983-4200 Libby & Mom’s Café 2 Richardt Ave. 812-437-3040 Log Inn 12491 S. 200 E. Haubstadt, IN 812-867-3216 Merry-Go-Round Restaurant 2101 Old Business 41 812-423-6388 O’Charley’s (East) 7301 E. Indiana St. 812-479-6632 (West) 812-5125 Pearl Dr. 812-424-3348

Rafferty’s 1400 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-0024 Red Fez (Hadi Shriners) 6 Walnut St. 812-423-4285 Redwagon Restaurant & Bar Hwy. 165 & I-64 Poseyville, IN 812-874-2210 Rose Hill Cafe 8133 Rose Hill Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-853-8443 Scheller’s Carriage Inn 103 E Gibson St. Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6131 St. Joe Inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-9310

Zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 812-424-1416

Edgewater Grille 1 E. Water St. Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 Madeleine’s 423 S.E. 2nd St. 812-491-8611 NW Chophouse & Wine Bar 7799 Hwy 66 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9500 Red Geranium 504 N. St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-4431


Taste of India 4700 Vogel Rd. 812-909-2880 Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine

900 Tutor Ln. 812-476-5000


Ri Ra Irish Pub (District @ Tropicana) 701 NW Riverside Dr. 812-426-0000

ITALIAN/ MEDITERRANEAN Angelo’s 305 Main St. 812-428-6666

Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-421-0800 Café Arazu


Sweet CeCe’s 4827 Davis Lant Dr. 812-477-5276

Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-401-3474

Acropolis 501 N. Green River Rd. 812-475-9320

Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 812-479-6974

Orange Leaf 701 Burkhardt Rd. 812-401-5215



Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar 108 N. 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270-212-2133

Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730

Old Mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 812-963-6000 Pie Pan 905 North Park Dr. 812-425-2261

Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4333


Gerst Haus 2100 W. Franklin St. 812-424-1420

117 W. Jennings St. Newburgh, IN

812-842-2200 Dilegge’s Italian

607 N. Main St. 812-428-3004 House of Como

2700 S. Kentucky Ave. 812-422-0572 Little Italy Italian

4430 1st Ave. 812-479-7777

Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria

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2201 Hwy 41 N. Henderson, KY


Mama Mia’s (Tropicana Evansville)

421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4000

Japanese Steak & Sushi 7221 E. Indiana St. 812-437-5824 Tokyo Japan 3000 N. Green River Rd. 812-401-1020

Manna Mediterranean Grill 2913 Lincoln Ave. 812-473-7005 Milano’s Italian Cuisine 500 Main St. 812-484-2222 Olive Garden 1100 N. Green River Rd. 812-473-2903 Oasis Mediterranean Grille 5702 E. Virginia St. 812-602-3660 Sauced 1113 Parrett St. 812-402-2230 Smitty’s Italian SteakHouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 812-423-6280


Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 812-962-4440

Zuki Japanese Grill & Sushi Lounge (Downtown) 222 Main St. 812-423-9854 (East) 1448 N. Green River Rd. 812-477-9854 Tokyo Teppanyaki 2222 US Hwy 41 Henderson, KY 270-869-1968


Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 812-422-6667

Ginmiya Asian Diner 4827 Davis Lant Dr. 812-471-8100 Iwataya Japanese Restaurant 8401 N. Kentucky Ave. 812-868-0830 Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro 4593 Washington Ave. 812-471-7076 Okami Japanese Sushi & Hibachi 5435 Pearl Dr. 812-424-3413 Roppongi

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Acapulco Restaurant 8480 High Pointe Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-858-7777 Cancun 341 S. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-826-0067

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Carleos 3118 Alvey Dr. Owensboro, KY 270-684-0290 City Taco 2403 Washington Ave. 812-477-1955 Chipotle Mexican Grill 499 N. Green River Rd. 812-471-4973 El Charro 720 N. Sonntag Ave. 812- 421-1986 El Maguey 3250 Warrick Dr. Boonville, IN 812-897-6666 El Patron 943 North Park Dr. 812-402-6500 El Rio 1919 Green River Rd. 812-471-1400 Hacienda (East) 990 S. Green River 812-474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 812-423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 812-422-2055 Hot Head Burritos 5625 Pearl Dr. Suite A 812-437-5010 Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 812-490-2814 La Cabana 821 S. Green River Rd. 812-477-3351 La Campirana 1212 Washington Sq. Mall 812-550-1585 Los Bravos (East) 6226 E. Waterford Blvd.

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812-474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 812-424-4101 (West) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 812-464-3136 (Boonville) 3311 Liberty Blvd. 812-897-3442 Los Portales 3339 N. Green River Rd. 812-475-0566 Los Toribio 2810 US 41 N. Henderson, KY 270-830-6610 1647 S. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-831-2367 Los Tres Camino’s 12100 Hwy. 41 N. 812-868-8550 Moe’s Southwest Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-491-6637 Qdoba Mexican Grill 922 Burkhardt Rd. 812-401-0800 Riviera Mexican Grill 10604 SR. 662 Newburgh, IN 812-490-9936 Taco Tierra 420 S. Green River Rd. 812-402-8226 Tequila’s 408 Southwind Plaza Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392

PIZZA/ SANDWICHES Archie & Clyde’s 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-490-7778

101-B N. Green River Rd. 812-477-2424 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. Ste. G 812-962-0034 Cleavers 5501 E. Indiana St. 812-473-0001 Azzip Pizza 5225 Pearl Dr. 812-401-3572

Dave’s Sports Den 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-479-8887

Big M’s Pizzeria 1313 N. 1st Ave. 812-434-6909

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia St. 812-425-2515

Boston’s 3911 Venetian Dr. Newburgh, IN 812-853-3400

Fetta 118 St. Ann St. Owensboro, KY 270-926-0005

Brick Pizzeria 101 NW. 1st., Ste. 114 812-602-3035

Firedome Pizza & Wings 2046 Hwy. 41 N. Henderson, KY 270-831-1977

Cici’s Pizza (East)

Firehouse Subs 1031 N. Green River Rd. 812-477-2141

513 Barret Blvd. Henderson, KY 270-854-4391

Gardo’s Italian Oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071

Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria 2201 HWY 41 Henderson, KY 270-212-2352

Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 812-473-3800 Heady’s Pizza 4120 N. First Ave. 812-437-4343 Highland Pizza Shop 6669 Kratzville Rd. 812-402-8900 Jimmy John’s 701 N Burkhardt Rd Ste. C 812-401-5400 Kipplee’s 2350 Division St. 812-479-1542 Lombardi’s New York Pizza

Mama Roma’s Pizza & Wings (East) 2008 E. Morgan Ave. 812-422-1212 (North) 3904 N. 1st Ave. 812-421-3000 (South) 3115 Covert Ave. 812-477-6262 Mama Mia’s (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4000 Maloney’s Pizza & Wings 3030 Highland Point Dr. Owensboro, KY

270-684-8080 Mr. B’s Pizza & Wings 2611 Hwy. 41 N. Henderson, KY 270-826-1111 Old Chicago 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-401-1400 Papa John’s Pizza (East) 303 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-477-7700 5436 E. Indiana St. 812-473-5200 (North) 4204 N. 1st Ave. 812-425-2345 1244 Hwy 41 812-867-7272 (West) 4814 W. Lloyd Expwy. 812-423-7272 (Newburgh) 3955 Hayley Dr. 812-858-7272 (Henderson)

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418 Center St. 270-826-4444 Parkway Pizza 3911 Broadway Ave. 812-423-3339 Pizza Chef 4938 SR 261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-3338 Pizza Depot 11845 Old Petersburg Rd. 812-867-9131 Pizza King (East) 1033 S. Weinbach Ave. 812-476-9441 (West) 220 N. St Joe Ave. 812-424-7976 (Newburgh) Hwy. 66 & 261 812-853-3368 Roca Bar South 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 812-422-7782

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Roca Bar North 12301 Hwy. 41 North N. 812-868-8898

Slice The 2011 Lincoln Ave. 812-476-8518

Walther’s Golf ‘n Fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 812-464-4472

Rockhouse at Wolf’s 31 N. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-212-1400

Spankey’s Una Pizza 714 N. Sonntag Ave. 812-402-6776

Woody’s Pizzeria 518 S. Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-6666

Rounder’s Pizza 510 W. Mill Rd. 812-424-4960

Susan Bobe’s 101 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 812-385-2554

Rounder’s Too 12731 N. Green River Rd. 812-867-7172

Talk of the Town 1200 Edgar St. 812-402-8696

Sam’s Pizzeria 2011 W. Delaware St. 812-423-3160

Turoni’s Pizzery & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871

Sandy’s Pizza 609 S. Main St. Fort Branch, IN 812-759-3972 Schaum’s Pizzeria 240 S. Green River Rd. 812-402-4733

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Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-477-7500 Turoni’s Newburgh 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. 812-490-5555

PRIVATE DINING/ BANQUET Edgewater La Veranda Banquet Room 5 E. Water St. Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 Event Gallery 956 Parrett St. 812-467-4255 Ivy Room at SWIRCA 16 W. Virginia St. 812-464-7800 Kirby’s Private Dining 1119 Parrett St.

812-422-2230 Old Post Office Event Center 100 NW. 2nd St. 812-253-2102 Schmitt Catering & More 812-909-0566/ 812-774-6547

PUBS & TAVERNS 711 Tavern 711 Virginia St. 812-422-0904 Backstage Bar & Grill 524 Main St. 812-424-5020 Blush Ultralounge (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4000 Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 812-425-4929

Dave’s Sportsden 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-479-8887 Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy 41 N. 812-424-4677

Enigma Bar & Grill 4044 Professional Ln. Newburgh, IN 812-490-0600

Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. 812-909-0388 Buck’s Tavern 1015 N. Fulton Ave. 812-429-0055

Franklin Street Tavern 2126 W. Franklin St. 812-459-5210

Chido Mexican Bar & Grill (District @ Tropicana) 701 NW Riverside Dr. 812-401-1994

Fred’s Bar & Grill 421 Read St. 812-423-8040

Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar 108 N. 2nd St. Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 Cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh 812-858-2782 Dapper Pig 1112 Parrett St. 812-401-3333 Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 812-867-7300 Darren’s Pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY 812-827-2206


Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown Rd. 812-401-1201

Fester’s Sports Bar & Grill 10301 Old Hwy 62 W. Mt Vernon, IN 812-985-7333

Chilly Willy’s Pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 812-423-0726


Gerst Haus 2100 W. Franklin St. 812-424-1420 Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W. Franklin St. 812-423-0794 Haynie’s Corner Pub 1114 SE Parrett St. 812-423-8221 Highland Inn 6620 N. First Ave. 812-402-2544 Hornville Tavern 2607 Baseline Rd. 812-963-9318 J’s Sports Bar & Grill 1602 S. Vann Ave. 812-401-2266


John Greenwell

Owner of Beef 'O' Brady's

2016 is upon us and now is the time to get out and try new things; time to get out and find a new spot to enjoy a great craft beer. Whether you’re a lager, IPA, stout, porter or maybe even a blonde lover, Beef’s has some fantastic new brews on tap. Speaking of... For years, customers have been asking when Sun King Brewery will start distributing to the Evansville market. Well, they are here, and we are proud to be one of the first in southern Indiana to offer SK’s award-winning craft beers. Operating out of Indianapolis, the brewery opened in 2009 and has won eight medals, including four golds, at the Great American Beer Festival. Here are three of our favorites; we’ll have at least one of them on tap all month. Wee Mac Scottish-style Ale (5.3% ABV and 23 IBU) is an enticing and malty brown ale with caramel, cocoa, and hazelnut character balanced with toffee undertones. Wee Mac was the Gold Medal winner at the 2010 Indiana Brewers’ Cup in the English Brown Ale category. Sunlight Cream Ale (5.3% ABV and 20 IBU) celebrates American brewing tradition by balancing smooth malt complexity with a crisp, clean finish. Sunlight was the winner of the Gold Medal in the Golden or Blonde Ale category at the 2015 Great American Beer Festival, and the Silver Medal at the 2010 World Beer Cup in the Golden or Blonde Ale category. Osiris Pale Ale (5.6% ABV and 50 IBU) is an assertive west coaststyle Pale with a distinct citrus hop punch. This is a sessionable IPA that is easy to drink and not too bitter. From all of us here at Beef ‘O’ Brady’s, we want to thank all of our loyal customers for another great year. If you haven’t visited us before, come on out to Newburgh and give Beef’s a try. We work hard to keep all the best craft beers on tap and enjoy finding new releases that will please everyone. Thanks again and have a great 2016.

KC’s Corner Pocket 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 812-428-2255 K.C.’s Time Out Lounge 1121 S. Green River Rd. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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812-437-9920 Knob Hill Tavern 1016 Hwy. 662 W. Newburgh, IN 812-853-9550 Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division St. 812-479-1542 Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin St. 812-437-0171 Legends (IRiver City Recreation) 1050 S. Weinbach Ave. 812-476-7444

Ri Ra Irish Pub (District @ Tropicana) 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 812-426-0000 Riverbend Food Factory 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY 270-827-2206 Roca Bar South 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 812-422-7782

Turoni’s Pizzery & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871 Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 812-477-7500

Roca Bar North 12301 Hwy. 41 N. 812-868-8898

Turoni’s Pizza 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. Newburgh, IN 812-490-5555

Lyle’s Sportszone 1404 E. Morgan Ave. 812-425-7729

Rookie’s Sports Bar 117 Second St. Henderson, KY 270-826-1106

Yellow Tavern 521 Church St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3303

Main Street Comedy Pub 217 Main St. 812-453-7636

St. Phillips Inn 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 812-985-5558

Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 812-475-8780

Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 812-422-0801

Leroy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. 812-464-8300

Nisbit Inn 6701 Nisbit Rd. 812-963-9305 O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 812-401-4630 Old Chicago 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-401-1400 Peephole Bar & Grill 201 Main St. 812-423-5171

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Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 S. Green River Rd. 812-477-4088

Stockwell Inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 812-476-2384 Taylor’s Tavern 2509 W. Parrish Ave. Owensboro, KY 270-683-5577 Tiki Time Bar & Grill 1801 Waterworks Rd. 812-425-1912 Tin Man Brewing Co. 1430 W. Franklin St. 812-618-3227

Piston’s Bar & Grill 2131 W. Franklin St. 812-401-1699

TJ’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. 812-402-9273

Rick’s 718 Bar & Grill 718 3rd Ave. 812-423-0872

Toast 1550 Mesker Park Dr. 812-909-2320

January 2016 •


Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 812-401-3474 Lure Seafood & Grill 401 W. 2nd St. Owensboro, KY 270-686-8202 Madeleine’s 423 S.E. 2nd St. 812-491-8611 Par-K Seafood 757 S. Green River Rd. 812-401-5222 Red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave. 812-477-9227

Tin Fish 300 W. Jennings St. Newburgh, IN 812-490-7000


Eclipse Tapas Bar & Restaurant 113 SE 4th St. 812-463-6040



Double D’s 1206 E. Main St. Boonville, IN 812-897-8813

Madeleine’s 423 SE 2nd St. 812-491-8611

Haub House 101 E. Haub St. Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6462

NW Chophouse & Wine Bar 7799 St. Hwy 66 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9500

Hornet’s Nest 11845 Old Petersburg Rd. 812-867-2386

Outback Steakhouse 7201 Indiana St. 812-474-0005

House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky Ave. 812-422-0572

Smitty’s Italian Steakhouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 812-423-6280

Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 812-433-4333

Logan’s Roadhouse (East) 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 812-471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr. 812-421-0908

Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave.

Longhorn Steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd.


1401 N. Boeke Rd. 812-476-5405


Thai Papaya Cuisine 1434 Tutor Ln. 812-477-8424

VIETNAMESE Vietnamese Cuisine 4602 Vogel Rd. 812-491-1884


Mystique Winery 13000 Gore Rd. Lynnville, IN 812-922-5612

Texas Roadhouse 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd. 812-477-7427 (Owenboro) 943 Moseley Rd. Owensboro, KY 270-689-0086 Western Rib-Eye & Ribs

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Tri-State Beet

The latest and the greatest local news

Area Man’s SKI Soda Obsession Too Evansville Upgraded From ‘Most Much Even For Doting Parents Miserable’ To ‘Least Appealing’ While still insisting that their 43-year-old son David is “the most American City; Residents Rejoice wonderful boy any parent could ever hope for,” Tim and Cheryl

Nelson of Evansville are finally acknowledging that his love for “liquid gold” – as he rather obnoxiously refers to SKI soda every chance he gets – is just too much. “At first it was kind of cute when David started inventing what he calls ‘Ski-isms’ – creating his own language, in a sense, based on the lemon-lime drink,” Cheryl said in between bouts of tears, clearly affected by the depths to which her previously infallible son has sunk. “For instance, the word emergency became ‘emergenSKI’, conspiracy became ‘conspiraSKI’ – you get the idea. I’ll never forget the day he explained that a ‘trageSKI’ is when there’s no more SKI in the fridge and then, when you go to the grocery store to stock back up, they’re out, too. I recall laughing, thinking it was sort of clever – but he was 42 at the time, for goodness sake. He should have been out being a productive member of society, not holed up in his home making up a silly language that no one understands.” For Tim, the breaking point occurred just a few weeks ago when he received a highly disturbing call from David’s sister. “Our daughter rang us in a panic on a Sunday evening. It was right during 60 Minutes on CBS, so I was only half-listening to her, but I got the gist of it,” he said. “Apparently, Wendy’s youngest son had just excused himself from the dinner table without permission, noting that he had to ‘SKIdaddle’ with the emphasis on ‘SKI’. There’s only one person who could have influenced him to say such a thing.” Though the Nelsons fear the worst for their son and his prospects for a normal life, they are slowly coming to terms with David’s “quirks” – even though he refuses to meet them halfway. “We recently suggested he get involved in that football thing all his friends play online to take his mind off that drink, but when he immediately asked, ‘what, FantaSKI Football?’, we just threw our hands up in the air and pretty much gave up.”

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January 2016 •

“Sweet vindication” is how one local woman is describing the findings of a new study just released, adding that she was “sick and tarred (tired)” of being laughed at and mocked by her west coast friends - and, frankly, anyone she’s ever met that’s not from here - for living in the country’s most miserable city. “I can finally hold my head up,” Dorothy Reed exclaimed, clutching the game-changing report. “For too long our community has been the butt of endless jokes about our lifestyles, our fitness, our culture. But today our hearts are swelling with pride.” The new study declaring Evansville the ‘least appealing’ American city is but the latest in a series of boosts for the area. Only days before the findings were made public, word got out that Wendy’s on Lincoln Avenue had completed renovations and was reopening. “Who’s laughing now?” Reed rhetorically asked as she jumped in her pick-up truck and tore off for the east side, spewing exhaust and sending gravel flying.

Retail Horror Stories

In case you haven’t heard, customer service kinda blows Every holiday season, scenes of shoppers brawling over big screen TVs, laptops and other hot ticket items are broadcast nationwide leaving many of us gasping in horror. So, it only seems appropriate to start off the New Year with a delightful customer service story from the front lines.

Evansville resident Daniel Wade kindly shared one of his final magical moments as Sr. Asst. Manager at Coconut’s Records before he moved on to a job more suited to his insular nature (side note: we are lucky to still have a brick and mortar music store in this age of downloading, so consider paying for your favorite tunes now and then and show your support!). First, let’s set the mood… As noted, Daniel Wade does not like people.

You may rightfully wonder, of course, why he chose to work in a retail setting where customer interaction is absolutely required. But like Stonehenge and Shamwows, there are things that we will simply never understand. Best not to question it; just accept it and move on. Anyhow, there’s our hero in the days leading up to Black Friday, grumpy as ever out on the sales floor. The fact that he’s just about made it to the finish line, that a new, autonomous position free from the constant jibber-jabber is in his sights doesn’t seem to be helping at the moment. In his head, Wade is playing the mathematical metal riffs he’s written for his band, The Alpha Incident, in an attempt to block out the world. No dice.

giving credit for used items, no cash. 3, 2, 1, commence meltdown. “Where am I going to get gas money?!?!” the suddenly irate customer screams – over and over. And over. Wade has been through this scenario many times over. And over. He stares blankly and imagines he’s rocking out on the stage at Ozzfest or, more realistically, in his living room. Sarcastic responses are right on the tip of his tongue but somehow he finds the inner strength to politely suggest an alternative place or two to take the items. Big mistake. As Cash Man heads for the door, he takes a look back, sneers at Wade and proceeds to Spit. On. The. Floor. Do you have a customer service story you’d like to share? Join in the fun and send to

As if on cue, in walks a particularly dubious character carrying a trash bag full of used items – CDs, DVDs, etc. He’s primed and ready to sell this load of junk in return for money. Any other time of year, this would have been a relatively simple transaction, but Wade is about to deliver some bad news: due to the holidays, the store is only

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January 2016 •

2016 Kentucky Sportsman’s Show Three day event at the Owensboro Convention Center is a virtual education on life outdoors

n i w e n s ’ T A H w rn Kentucky

e t s e W

Outdoor enthusiasts from all over the tri-state will be headed to the OCC February 5-7 for an incredible weekend of entertainment, exhibitions of skill and more. Seminars and demonstrations on a wide range of interests, including archery, cooking, fishing and shooting are just some of the highlights of the 2016 Kentucky Sportsman’s Show – a dream event for anyone who loves being out on the water or deep in the woods. In addition, appearances by the likes of trick archer Frank Addington (“The Aspirin Buster”) and professional angler Mark Menendez are guaranteed to draw huge crowds, so don’t miss this opportunity to meet and hang out with a great group of people who enjoy being outdoors just as much as you do! The action gets started on Friday, February 5 at 4 p.m. and hardly lets up until the close of the show late Sunday afternoon. There will be three separate stage areas inside the Convention Center, each one featuring a series of exciting – and educational – programs that should be eye-opening for even the most seasoned outdoorsman but still a blast for kids, too. Along with demonstrations of skill and technique by the aforementioned Frank Addington and Mark Menendez, look forward to presentations from Monsters on the Ohio and Bird Down Retrievers, plus the Art of Duck Calling and much, much more. Be sure to stick around Saturday evening for the Hot Wings Eating Contest as well as the Wild Game Dinner after the expo closes for the night. The event winds up Sunday afternoon with a knot tying seminar presented by the US Army Corp of Engineers. For start times, tickets and a full schedule of activities, visit The OCC is located at 501 W. 2nd St. / 270-687-8800. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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upcoming events


dining out

What’s Cookin’


611 Emory Dr, Owensboro • 270-684-1111 When walking into PizzAroma, one is definitely greeted by delicious aromas, especially on Sundays during brunch. Yes, brunch at a pizza place. Owner Bob Leucht has been serving his constantly evolving menu for over a half-century, with the first pie hitting the table in 1963. What keeps them going strong? According to Leucht, it’s the quality of their ingredients and friendly service that maintains one of Owensboro’s favorite spots. The most impressive thing I experienced during my visit was the omelet bar on the brunch buffet, manned by Gil, the jovial omelet expert. He’ll happily walk you through the ingredient options and crack jokes, not missing a beat while he skillfully flips your concoction in the air. Besides

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the show, the end product is delicious fluffy and cheesy with no burnt or crispy edges and almost too good-looking to eat. Other choices on the buffet are biscuits and gravy, hashbrown casserole, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls and more.

Super Stromboli didn’t disappoint either, with all of the same delicious ingredients as the Supreme except the olives plus mushrooms and sliced ham, situated on thick, toasted, buttery Italian bread dusted with cheese.

Not feeling breakfast food? Their menu has plenty of choices from appetizers, wings, salads, wraps, calzones, hot sandwiches, pasta, desserts such as Tira Mi Su, and of course, pizza. My Supreme was piled high with pepperoni, sausage, black olives, green peppers, and onions, lightly sauced with plenty of cheese on chewy thin crust and topped with juicy whole pepperoncini peppers. If your taste calls for a break from traditional toppings, try an Italian Chicken or Buffalo. Finally, the Original

For over 50 years, PizzAroma has served up delicious fare with a familystyle ambiance. At an easily accessible and comfortable location right off of Frederica, they also offer delivery, private parties and take-and-bake pizzas. Pop in, grab a beer, and “take the taste test” to see what sets them apart from the rest. - Whitney Patterson

January 2016 •

Open Mon-Sat 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sun 8 a.m.10 p.m. (Brunch 10-2). Visit

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music Name” - which features beautiful trumpet melodies before diving headlong into a mean funk workout and back again - and the wild title track that finds Styles wailing on sax in sync with the Zappa-esque guitar lines. Handling the majority of the lead vocals throughout Meteor A’ight, Powell’s delivery is often humorous, even Les-Claypool-esque at times, but warm and emotive when the mood dictates. Frankly, few bands would be able to pull off - or even have the nerve to attempt to pull off - such a roller coaster ride of an album. But then again, few have the chops or the chemistry of Fat Box. Adams, in fact, describes the songwriting process as “pretty peaceful” despite the inherent challenge of keeping everybody happy. The guys are currently hard at work on new material with a 2016 release in mind - and thus far, no one has stormed out of rehearsal.

Fat Box

“It’s a slow process to break into new markets; we’re trying to expand the best that we can. We’ll get there.” - Murf Adams, guitarist/vocalist for Fat Box Straight out of Bowling Green, Fat Box is a band of brothers - but not in the literal sense. Rather, these six seriously talented musicians have developed a bond over the last five years that rivals a sibling relationship, so close is the connection. It’s the result of hours and hours spent holed up in rehearsal spaces and traveling to shows booked all over the tri-state and beyond, working towards a common goal: taking Fat Box as far as it can go. The current lineup of the band has been together since 2011, but it all started a few years before with the original trio that included Adams, drummer/trumpeter Jonas Butler and a former bass player. “We all met in college (WKU) and shared a love for music that was a lot different than what the mainstream was providing,” explains Adams. “We really dug into a lot of songs with funk and soul and even progressive rock.” Though the sound of Fat Box initially reflected their interest in the latter, as

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the band gradually expanded, there was an equally gradual shift in the music; elements of funk and soul seeped into the mix, drawing comparisons to Widespread Panic and other jam bands. But putting Fat Box in a box is just not that simple. With the addition of bassist Paul Hatchett, percussionist/drummer Troy Mimms, guitarist/vocalist/keyboardist Clay Powell and saxophonist Ryan Stiles, the new (and improved) version set out to write original songs with no parameters - heavy on the funk and soul, of course, but also incorporating bits of bluegrass, jazz, reggae, rock and more. The results of this strange musical brew can be heard on 2014’s excellent (and amusingly titled) Meteor A’ight, a veritable education in genre-hopping - or genre-mashing, rather. From one song to the next, the influences of six like-minded yet free-thinking musicians reveal themselves. The jazz-inspired horns are particularly effective, especially on “Her

January 2016 •

This creative synergy/band civility has more than transferred to the stage where the six members of Fat Box are truly able to flex their musical muscle. At bars all across the tri-state and beyond - from Tidball’s in Bowling Green to Lamasco in Evansville, the Hideaway Saloon in Louisville to Stanley’s Pub in Cincinnati the band is slowly but surely building a solid following. “We see a lot of the same people, but we’re getting new fans,” Adams says. “We’ve been playing a lot of these bars for a couple of years, and it’s good to see people singing our songs.” Upcoming Shows: New Year’s Eve @ 643 Sports Bar; 2/5 Hideaway Saloon; 2/6 Stanley’s Pub; 2/13 3 Monkeys 4th St. Pub; 2/19 Tidball’s Follow Fat Box on Facebook and fatboxband. com. Meteor A’ight is available at cdbaby. com.

Bound for Glory

By Kelly Lynn Annin

Our state is deeply steeped in a rich musical history. There are SO many profound artists that have ventured outside of our borders that I am forced to condense the list: Bill Monroe, the Father of Bluegrass Music, Loretta Lynn, The Judds, Dwight Yoakam, KY Headhunters, Exile, Joan Osborne and My Morning Jacket, just to name a few. In my musical corner of the state, I’ve had the pleasure of spending some special moments with my friend, David Parks. David has made it from the streets of Owensboro to half way around the world and back with

his precision drumming, keeping time for LOCASH, Frank Ortega, Steel Magnolias and Ty Herndon. He’s shared the stage with KISS, Motley Crue, Dan Aykroyd, Zac Brown Band, Trick Pony, Casey James, Huey Lewis and The News, Meatloaf and Taylor Swift among others. But despite all of his success, David remains true to his roots. In fact, he’s not only making Kentucky proud behind the kit, he’s also helping others in need through the Nashville Drummers Jam, a charitable event

that has generously donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, fellow drummers in need and various organizations. “What started as an idea that I didn’t know how to convert into reality, turned into getting a hold of one of my colleagues, Tom Hurst, who knows venues and the production end of the business,” David explains. “We began three years ago with a small room that could only hold 200 people, and we quickly outgrew that space. Now we have outgrown

our space that holds 500 people and it is estimated that there were approximately 200 people who could not get in as this year’s event sold out so quickly.” Nashville Drummers Jam was born out of necessity to aid King’sX drummer Jerry Jaskell, who had suffered a heart attack. Each year, a group of musicians form a house band and spend the rest of the evening jamming for something bigger than themselves.

Participants in the charity event have included drummers from Rascal Flatts, Tesla, The Doobie Brothers, Korn and Taylor Swift’s band. As NDJ has grown, so have the drum kits. First, Neil Pert of Rush sent a replica of his set-up for the drummers to salivate over and attract a larger crowd; then The Police’s Stewart Copeland followed suit and added a YouTube video; and this year’s honoree, Alex Van Halen, went above and beyond, shipping his drum kit - cymbals, heads and all - to Nashville with his drum tech, John Douglas, along with 50 limited edition, signed pairs of drumsticks to hand out. He also posted a video to bring further awareness to the event. David, meanwhile, has come full circle, back to Owensboro where it all started, to share his musical knowledge with local aspiring drummers. You can catch him live at the Daviess County Public Library (DCPL) demonstrating not only how to keep a beat but also giving insider tips on navigating the business side of drumming. He will also be offering a Masters Drumming class at the DCPL (schedule and fees will be announced at a later date). In addition, David offers private lessons. David’s best advice to aspiring drummers is “to keep yourself open to all genres of music, because you never know when you are going to get that call that you have been dreaming of.” He cautions, however, that “it won’t come without hard work and elbow grease. Never stop evolving your craft…never stop learning.” - Kelly Lynn Annin

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Saturday, January 2

Friday, January 1 Lyle’s Sports Zone -- College Football All Day 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After Five w/ the Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 7:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Dance Party 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Duke Boys 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- New Year’s Dance Party w/ DJ Pit Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off! Special 10:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- The Relics KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Never Been Caught O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Osiella 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Bella Nicole Harlow

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9:00 AM Toast -- Brunch Buffet with live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Duke Boys 8:30 PM River City Recreation / Legends -- Live Entertainment 9:00 PM Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Enigma Bar & Grill -- Live Entertainment J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Osiella Ri Ra Irish Pub -- The Beat Daddys Toast -- Karaoke & DJ 9:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Willshe 10:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Kenny Warren KC’s Corner Pocket -- The Relics KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Lt. Dan’s New Legs Lamasco Bar -- Factor Primo O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Bombshell 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Bella Nicole Harlow

Sunday, January 3 9:00 AM Toast -- Chic Sunday Brunch w/ live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- West Coast (Let’s Dance) 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz w/ The Sidemen 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Bob Green 8:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Idgits

January 2016 •

Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Sunday Drag!

Monday, January 4 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Couples Class 7:00 PM J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

Tuesday, January 5 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Bob Green 7:00 PM J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- College Basketball Newburgh American Legion Post #44 -- Gary Ward (open to the public) Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Tyler Tuesday w/ Karaoke & Beer Pong KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- RJ Rigdon & The Mojo Hands

Wednesday, January 6 KC’s Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- UE vs. Wichita State w/ great giveaways & prizes! Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- NIght Club 2 (The Basics) 7:00 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Matthew Snead Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree 8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Katie Watts Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- Karaoke

Thursday, January 7 9:30 AM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Line Dance Class 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Pistons Bar & Grill -- Colts Tickets Giveaway! 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Thursday Night Football! Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Line Dance Class 7:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Bokeh Lounge -- Trivia J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Calling All Talent Show 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- College Night / DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Drag!

Friday, January 8 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After Five w/ Mad Women

6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Women’s Purple Aces vs. Loyola-Chicago The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Dance Party 7:30 PM Victory Theatre -- An Evening with C.S. Lewis 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Brigitte London River City Recreation / Legends -Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Lipstick Blonde 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Daniel of The Valentears Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off! Special 10:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- Andy Brasher Trio KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Gypsy Riot Lamasco Bar -- Deep Fried Five O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Big Ninja Delight

Saturday, January 9 9:00 AM Toast -- Brunch Buffet with live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 3:00 PM Ford Center -- Men’s Purple Aces vs. Bradley 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Lipstick Blonde 8:30 PM River City Recreation / Legends -Live Entertainment 9:00 PM Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Bob

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Minnette & the Swingcats Enigma Bar & Grill -- Live Entertainment J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Joel & Cassy Toast -- Karaoke & DJ 9:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Akacia 10:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Brad Lemmons KC’s Corner Pocket -- Andy Brasher Trio KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Gypsy Riot Lamasco Bar -- Osiella O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Blackjack Mulligan 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Fatalany

Sunday, January 10 9:00 AM Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -- Wedding & Prom Showcase Toast -- Chic Sunday Brunch w/ live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Ford Center -- Women’s Purple Aces vs. Bradley Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- West Coast (Let’s Dance) 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Steve Greenwell Trio 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Sunday Drag!

Monday, January 11 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Couples Class 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Dance Lessons J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action!

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January 2016 •

8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

Tuesday, January 12 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Men’s Purple Aces vs. Drake J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- College Basketball The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Salsa feat. Patrick Burkhalter Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Tyler Tuesday w/ Karaoke & Beer Pong KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Heath & Molly

Wednesday, January 13 KC’s Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -The Honey Vines 6:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Rapid City 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- NIght Club 2 (The Basics) 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Paint Night Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Monte Skelton Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band 8:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- John Hurst Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- Karaoke

Thursday, January 14 9:30 AM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Line Dance Class 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Thursday Night Football! Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Line Dance Class 7:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Ford Center -- Harlem Globetrotters - 90 Years J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Calling All Talent Show 7:30 PM Victory Theatre -- Brian Regan 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- College Night / DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Drag!

Friday, January 15 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After Five w/ the Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Paint Night The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Dance Party 7:30 PM Ford Center -- Jason Aldean “We Were Here” Tour 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Caribbean Dance Party Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Mudbone River City Recreation / Legends -Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Rick K & The Allnighters 9:00 PM Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ KC’s Corner Pocket -- DJ & Karaoke

Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off! Special 10:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Concert After Party w/ Brad Lemmons KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -January Noise Lamasco Bar -- Freekbass w/ BssDblr O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Tastes Like Chicken 11:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Official Jason Aldean After Party 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Benefit Show for Shelly Barton / Jayda Mack

Saturday, January 16 9:00 AM Toast -- Brunch Buffet with live music by Jayson Harper 10:00 AM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Boom Audio Seminars 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Boom Audio Seminars 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 7:00 PM Newburgh American Legion Post #44 -- Rockin Rod (open to the public) 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Quad City 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Tim Burns SWIRCA (Ivy Room) -- Comedian Drew Hastings / After party w/ Downfall NSB Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Rick K & The Allnighters 8:30 PM River City Recreation / Legends -Live Entertainment 9:00 PM Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Willshe Enigma Bar & Grill -- Live Entertainment J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Highland Reign

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Toast -- Karaoke & DJ 9:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day Pistons Bar & Grill -- Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves 10:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Jake Dodds KC’s Corner Pocket -- Shane Espenlaub KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- January Noise Lamasco Bar -- Boscoe France Band O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Never Been Caught 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Jayda Mack

Sunday, January 17 9:00 AM Toast -- Chic Sunday Brunch w/ live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- West Coast (Let’s Dance) 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Honey Roy Band 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 7:00 PM Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -- Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Sunday Drag!

Monday, January 18 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Couples Class 7:00 PM J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

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O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 7:00 PM J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Paint Night J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- College Basketball The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Salsa feat. Patrick Burkhalter Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Honey Roy Band 7:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Poetry Readings & Performances 8:00 PM Ford Center -- Men’s Purple Aces vs. LoyolaChicago 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Tyler Tuesday w/ Karaoke & Beer Pong KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Kyle Bledsoe

Wednesday, January 20 KC’s Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Science w/ a Twist The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- NIght Club 2 (The Basics) 7:00 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Katie Watts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Honey Roy Band 8:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Ron Hawkins Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- Karaoke

Thursday, January 21 9:15 AM Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -Charlotte’s Web 9:30 AM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Line Dance Class 12:00 PM Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -Charlotte’s Web 4:00 PM

January 2016 •

Winetree (North) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Thursday Night Football! Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Line Dance Class 7:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Bokeh Lounge -- Trivia J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Calling All Talent Show 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- College Night / DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Drag!

Friday, January 22 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Jive After Five w/ Dogtown Three 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Dance Party Tropicana Evansville -- Luke Bryan Concert Ticket Giveaway 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Powerplay 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Scott Winzinger Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off! Special 10:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- Osiella KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Slippery When Wet: A Tribute to Bon Jovi Lamasco Bar -- Henhouse Prowlers O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Bake Sale

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PIsTons 12.19.15

2nd annual ugly

sweater party

w/The Josh Merritt band

Photos by Rajiv KC

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11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Rachel Malone / Dawn Malone Bday Bash

Saturday, January 23 9:00 AM Toast -- Brunch Buffet with live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 7:00 PM Ford Center -- World Championship Ice Racing Series Newburgh American Legion Post #44 -- Your Decision (open to the public) Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra: Brass, Brahms & Bravura 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- John Hurst / Amanda Nellis Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Powerplay 8:30 PM River City Recreation / Legends -- Live Entertainment 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Dueling DJs w/ DJ Pit & DJ Drewpete Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- No Curfew Enigma Bar & Grill -- Live Entertainment J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Jason Lee McKinney Band Ri Ra Irish Pub -- TBA Toast -- Karaoke & DJ 9:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- The Smoke Rings 10:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Flat Stanley Lamasco Bar -- The Mainstays O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Josh Merritt Band

Sunday, January 24 9:00 AM Toast -- Chic Sunday Brunch w/ live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- West Coast (Let’s

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Dance) 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz w/ The Sidemen 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Minnette’s Swing Cats 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Sunday Drag!

Monday, January 25 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Couples Class 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Monday Doesn’t Suck Series J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

Tuesday, January 26 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Game Night J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- College Basketball The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Salsa feat. Patrick Burkhalter Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Touchables 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Tyler Tuesday w/ Karaoke & Beer Pong KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- The Idgits

Wednesday, January 27 KC’s Corner Pocket -- Free Pool O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM

January 2016 •

Winetree (East) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- NIght Club 2 (The Basics) 7:00 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Wade Baker Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Touchables 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- Karaoke

Thursday, January 28 9:30 AM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Line Dance Class 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- ZUMBA!! 6:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Thursday Night Football! Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- Western Line Dance Class 6:45 PM Ford Center -- Winter Jam 2016 Tour Spectacular 7:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Football Action! Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Calling All Talent Show 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jamie Woodward / Karaoke 8:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Comedy Showcase hosted by Rachael Goldman 9:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- College Night / DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Drag!

Friday, January 29 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Free Wine and Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Jive After Five w/ the Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Women’s Purple Aces vs. Illinois State The Dance Hall (Henderson) -Western Dance Party 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Andy Brasher River City Recreation / Legends -Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Hootz 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Shane Espenlaub Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams River City Recreation -- Bowl Your Head Off! Special 10:00 PM KC’s Corner Pocket -- Tastes Like Chicken KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Nocturnal Lamasco Bar -- Aaron Kamm & the One Drops O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Bombshell 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Open Stage (contact show director Ashley Bear for details) / Jody Santana

Saturday, January 30 9:00 AM Toast -- Brunch Buffet with live music by Jayson Harper 10:00 AM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -Performance Seminars 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music Pistons Bar & Grill -- Gumbo Cookoff 2:00 PM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -Performance Seminars 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt 7:00 PM

Newburgh American Legion Post #44 -- Gregory Scott (open to the public) 8:00 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Matt Sneed Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Hootz 8:30 PM River City Recreation / Legends -Live Entertainment 9:00 PM Charley’s Yellow Rose (Owensboro) -- Rebel Creek Band Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Blind Playboys Enigma Bar & Grill -- Live Entertainment J’s Sports Bar & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Pistons Bar & Grill -- Andy Brasher Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Adam Blythe Toast -- Karaoke & DJ 9:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Deja Blu 5 10:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Ben Bradford KC’s Corner Pocket -- Tastes Like Chicken KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Throw the Horns Lamasco Bar -- Calabash O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Lindsey Williams

Sunday, January 31 9:00 AM Toast -- Chic Sunday Brunch w/ live music by Jayson Harper 1:00 PM Mystique Winery -- Live Music 2:00 PM The Dance Hall (Henderson) -- West Coast (Let’s Dance) 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Green Band 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 8:00 PM Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Sunday Drag!

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much at this point that I wanted to make cool hip-hop beats,” Barrett says. “Eventually, I got to where I had all these artists’ songs divided into folders by beats per minute and key, etc.; I was able to start mixing tracks together.” It was the birth of Kid Kollision.

Kid Kollision

“I never played an instrument growing up. I mean, I did that third grade thing where everyone has the recorder and pays the two dollars.” – Kody Barrett, aka Kid Kollision Raised by a hardworking, single mother in Kentucky, Kody Barrett spent a lot of time alone in the days before the pair moved to Evansville when he was 15. That was also around the time that he got a job at Dr. Dashboard installing car stereos. It spurred an interest and education in music that, combined with his independent nature, would prove to be a very powerful creative spark down the road. But initially, Barrett was just another teenager downloading endless free songs off of Napster. “I didn’t really know what I liked and I didn’t like – there was no wrong or right at the time,” he says. “If you flipped open my music book, on one page I’d have Incubus and then the next page you’d find 50 Cent or Young Buck. My whole catalog was burned CDs; I probably owe a lot of people money (laughs).” Legalities aside, Barrett slowly familiarized himself with artists and bands from virtually every era and genre, even down to the B-sides of the singles. And when he finally hit 21 and the local bar scene, he made a life-altering discovery that would finally point him in the right musical direction. “I was going to places like Crawdaddy’s and Little Cheers, and the DJs were playing songs together – mixing them into one song, like putting everything into a

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pot and stirring it,” Barrett explains. “So, that’s when I got the recording program that I still use today - Ableton.” First, there was a major hurdle to clear: he didn’t have a clue how to use the software. But that’s where Barrett’s independent streak came in handy. After a false

Barrett has always been the youngest of his group of friends; that’s where “kid” comes from, not surprisingly. “Kollision” is a nod to his position at Ted Brown’s Quality Paint & Body Shop in Newburgh where he’s been employed for a number of years. However, it also neatly references Barrett’s excellent and wholly innovative debut album, Foreign ATM. The 2015 release is a true collision of disparate songs – rap, rock, pop, new wave, you name it – all rearranged and mashed together. It’s a project that raised obvious copyright issues but as Barrett contends, he’s “reworked the tracks enough that it’s okay. That’s why it’s lasted so long on SoundCloud. They’ll usually zap you right away if you’re breaking laws.” One listen to the intricate mash-up and you’ll be astonished at the sheer number and variety of artists that get the Kid Kollision treatment. From Cindy Lauper to Lil Wayne and just about everyone in between – over 250 songs sampled in all – it’s a massive blast of energy. And yet, Barrett promises his next project will be even more frenetic. Man Night, the upcoming Kid Kollision album, takes its title from the weekly gatherings that Barrett and his (older) friends schedule as a way to let loose and decompress. He hopes to capture that spirit on record. “Every song on the new one is going to be six minutes – I just want to make it the most outgoing, energetic thing.” Keep an eye out for upcoming Kid Kollision shows in the New Year.

start, he buckled down and started to learn how to upload songs from his huge book of CDs, chop the tracks up into loops and arrange them in new, inventive ways, a la a big influence at the time. “I was listening to Kanye West so

January 2016 •

*Attention local bands and solo artists: Drop your bio or press kit off at Gordy’s and you might end up in the next issue of News4U! Call 270-684-2156 for details!



writers The Capsule and Crew John Thurgood By the time my crew and I were aboard the isolation capsule, I was thoroughly convinced that I was to be an important figure in history. It took only three months locked up with Ming, Davis and the sprightly neurotic Herringer to come to my senses and suspect that the Isolation Capsule Program was some form of punishment for not living up to the high standards projected onto the inductees of Space & Aeronautical.

New Trend Staring down the barrel of adversity with a steely resolve, New Trend is making waves in the local music scene. Originating in Virginia as the brainchild of two musically-obsessed brothers, the duo has evolved into a genre-defying act capable of blending elements of hip-hop, pop, rock and R&B into a truly intoxicating creation. Now with a fiery new single, “Just Fine,” from the EP Mom’s Dying Wish, New Trend is locked and loaded for indie success. Formally known as Paranormal Gang, brothers Malcolm Henderson and Mario Nelson (Novacain) are quickly becoming a force of musical nature, motivated to create by past trials and misfortunes. The pair has experienced the loss of their parents, hunger and even homelessness. To make matters even more challenging, Mario lost his sight as a teenager. But these setbacks have only strengthened the duo’s commitment and drive to make it to the top. Admirably, the brothers maintain a positive attitude and steadfastly refuse to use profanity in their songs; they have even taken part in an antibullying campaign. After a string of promising performances at various area clubs, New Trend was featured on a series of prominent mixtapes, including Coast 2 Coast, The Indie Top 50 and Hostile Takeover. Interviews on local TV stations (WFIE and Local 7) followed as well as appearances on Atlanta radio, including Riding Dirty Radio with Vick XL and Beat Break Radio with Sean Garvey.

It needs to be said that S&A was the most visible department in the organization. When taxpayers asked where their billions of dollars were going, S&A was the department they were shown. That put a certain amount of stress on its inductees. And because administration loved tangibles, this stress came in the form of salmon-colored card stock, typed up on a typewriter and notarized, waiting in each inductee’s locker, delivered each morning by some unnamed intern or low-rung administration goon. When I was still new to the department, I found them amusing, in the way that mysterious memos manifesting in the dark hours of the morning can be. But quickly the mystique wore off, and I fell into the practice of throwing the memos in the garbage without reading them. Like every other pointless endeavor in the organization, the memos were established and directed by one of the higher-ups in administration. It was promoted as a morale booster, but everyone knew it to be ingenuous code. Each card described the prior day’s activities and to what degree they were completed. You knew you were doing well if your card contained - aside from your activities enthusiastic phrases, such as, “Think taller out there, Skip!” or “Use the weight of your punch, Tiger!” Needless to say, my memos lacked encouragement. In all my years as a cadet, lab tech and finally an S&A inductee, I had yet to complete one conspicuous act. So then, no matter how I looked at my time in the organization, I couldn’t help but think that they had promoted me to Captain as some kind of cruel experiment in human inadequacy, because, sure enough, it took only three months before the entire capsule erupted in flames.

On a mission to create timeless music, New Trend strives to transcend typical hip hop and pop acts, displaying an effortless versatility on each and every track. Appropriately, the brothers choose to live by the words of the legendary Michael Jackson: “It’s better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” “Just Fine” is available on iTunes and other digital retailers. Follow New Trend on Twitter & Facebook.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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film together with two local indie filmmakers, Atkinson directed his first feature. “I really got bitten by the filmmaking bug after that, and a couple years later I did a web series called The Book of Dallas that got picked up by KoldCast TV,” he says. “I wrote and produced the whole thing and directed three of the 10 episodes with Jakob Bilinski and Marx Pyle.” Two million views later, it was Atkinson’s wife who suggested that with his journalism background, his next project should be a documentary.

From the Ashes By Joe Atkinson

It was a moment in Evansville’s history that still seems surreal. On a foggy night, December 13, 1977, the Purples Aces basketball team, the pride of the city, took off on a flight to Nashville International Airport for a game against the Middle Tennessee Blue Raiders. 90 seconds later, the plane carrying 29 University of Evansville players, coaches and personnel went down in a nearby field. There were no survivors. Nearly 40 years later, the impact of the crash continues to reverberate throughout our community, effecting family members of the loved ones on board as well as first responders and reporters; even those who watched the event unfold on TV are still shaken by the memory of that awful tragedy. And yet, it’s a story that hasn’t been fully told until now. Filmmaker Joe Atkinson wasn’t even alive in 1977 nor is he a native Hoosier. In fact, he grew up a Buckeye. But after getting his degree in journalism from Ohio University, Atkinson moved to Evansville to take a position with the Courier & Press where his interest in archival material really took off. “I have always been fascinated by the history that comes from newspapers and old magazines,” he says. “Going back and reading about events as they were happening – it’s different than reading about something in a history book.” Even more fascinated by movies, Atkinson

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had been writing screenplays since college. And though his initial efforts showed little promise (“They were terrible – you will never see them (laughs).”), he eventually drummed up support for Reality, a story about a guy so obsessed with reality TV that he buys a camera and starts documenting his life. The project was green-lighted and,

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Atkinson took an administration position with UE following his stint at the Courier & Press. As if by osmosis, the details of the ’77 plane crash seeped into his brain as he walked the hallowed halls over the course of several years. So when he put in his notice to pursue filmmaking fulltime and subsequently met up with the newly-appointed head of WNIN, it seemed fateful that Brad Kimmel was keen to do two things: a “Top 9” series counting down Evansville’s biggest news stories and a film about the UE disaster. As it turned out, the funding was not there for the latter, but Atkinson did work on the former as well as a behind-the-scenes piece on the making of the theater department’s Sweeny Todd production. With both of those projects completed, he independently started doing some groundwork for what would become From the ashes, a heart-breaking yet cathartic telling of the December 13 event that changed the city forever. Atkinson spent a solid year on the film, conducting many interviews with the likes of WFIE’s Mike Blake, former newscaster David James and Coach Bobby Watson’s sister. He even contacted the former Dean of Wichita State University, Dr. James Rhatigan, who dealt with a similar tragedy in 1970 when a plane carrying players and staff from the football team went down. From the ashes was recently completed, and Atkinson intends for the families of the loved ones lost that terrible night to see it first. Now back at UE again, he’s especially anxious for current students to experience the film. “The reason to make From the ashes was because the students that are on campus now only know the players as names on a monument. I want the students to see them as people and remember who they were.”



Corey Martin

Little Jonny - the Kid that’s NEVER been told “No”

Brooke Spitler “This will be the year!”

It’s January, the month we all make those short-lived promises to ourselves. The holidays have just passed and you’ve spent an uncomfortable amount of time with family. Your gifts this year included a long list of how you’re disappointing your mother, sponsored by grandma’s recipe of mostly rum eggnog. Your family has successfully belittled and reminded you of your shortcomings! Yay! You are fuming and ready to start those New Year’s resolutions, but you’ve never kept a single one.

Ugh, there he is - Little Jonny, the kid that’s NEVER been told “No.” He’s steamrolling his parents while you wait for your entrée. His mother looks like a boxer that’s been getting dominated for ten rounds. She doesn’t want to face this monster. You see, a lifetime of timeouts, not keeping score and participation ribbons has turned mommy’s little angel into a raging demon. We live in a society where parents are afraid to discipline their children. Discipline is a dirty word. And don’t even speak of corporal punishment, although we all know that pain is one of our wisest and greatest teachers. Touch a hot stove once and you’ll never do it again. Spank Little Jonny once, and he’ll think twice about being disrespectful; burn Little Jonny with a curling iron and he’ll NEVER be disrespectful again….I kid….kinda. There’s a happy medium somewhere. In my nine years of martial arts training, I realized that you can have respect beaten into you; it’s just that people get up in arms when you beat children. So, since we can’t hit them we have to make fear punishments through strangeness and originality. Little Jonny flicks his mashed potatoes across the room? He now has to eat a raw onion. Little Jonny acts crazy in the restaurant? Take him to the zoo at night and threaten to drop him in the bear exhibit. Keep all the Little Jonnys out there guessing and on their toes so we don’t all hate each other’s children while we try to enjoy a meal.

Instead of blaming yourself this year, let’s see how January is screwing you over. By then, winter isn’t even half over; the days are still getting shorter and colder. Is it really the best time to start training for that 50K iron man competition? Stay on the couch, pop some vitamin D and put on those comfy exercise clothes. The only kind of marathon you should be in is binge-watching your favorite TV show. Winter is for hibernating and Netflix. Want to start saving money? Let’s be honest, you’re still recovering from the multiple pity gifts you picked up last minute for the relatives you see only once or twice a year. I’m sure your uncles loved the pajama sets and mittens you gave them - again. Try something new this year! Ignore all those smug coworkers bragging about their elaborate plans of self-betterment and wait till spring to start your resolutions. When everyone else has quit the gym and gone back to their drinking habits, pretend you’ve been going strong since January. Everyone will be so impressed! Ride the waves of jealousy this year to a better you.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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arts & activities Jan 8: An Evening with C.S. Lewis An Evening with C S Lewis featuring British Actor David Payne is a drama production that has proved to be an enthralling theatrical experience for the many thousands who have attended its performances. Written and directed by Payne and infused with the humor that Lewis was renowned for, it’s a fascinating and absorbing insight into the life of a man who became a legend in his own lifetime. For more info, visit Victory Theatre: 600 Main St. / 812-422-1515 / 7:30pm Jan 12: Midwest Writer’s Guild Here’s a chance to sit with a bunch of very nice, supportive people who also enjoy writing. If you can use their help, or if they can use yours, you’re there for each other on the second Tuesday of every month. Barnes & Noble: 624 S. Green River Rd. / 812-475-1054 / 6:30pm Jan 14: Brian Regan Regan made a scene-stealing cameo in Chris Rock’s film Top Five, and he was seen in Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. But, it’s stand-up comedy that is Regan’s focus; he visits close to 100 cities each year, selling out some of the most beautiful venues on the continent. His performances are relatively clean as he refrains from profanity and off-colored humor. Regan’s material typically covers everyday events, such as shipping a package with UPS and a visit to an optometrist. Regan makes frequent references to childhood, including little league baseball, grade school spelling bees, and science projects. His clean, offcenter humor has been praised by critics and contemporaries alike and Regan enjoys a fan base that crosses age groups; he is respected in the comedy community as a “comedian’s comedian.” For ticket info, visit Victory Theatre: 600 Main St. / 812-422-1515 / 7:30pm Jan 15: Jason Aldean “We Were Here Tour” It’s only been a couple of months since country megastar Jason Aldean wrapped up his wildly successful “Burn It Down Tour” - which raised $615,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation but now he’s hitting the road again for another run of sell-out shows. Known for huge hits like “Dirt Road Anthem,” “My Kinda Party” and “Night Train,” the heartthrob from Macon, GA really embraces the live experience and knows how to work up a crowd. Aldean is out in support of his 2014 album, Old Boots, New Dirt and the release of the fourth single, “Gonna Know We Were Here.” For this leg of the tour, special guests include Thomas Rhett and A Thousand Horses. For ticket info, visit thefordcenter. com. Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. / 812-422-1515 / 7:30pm Jan 15: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The legendary sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, takes the stage in this witty, fast paced production. The clever Holmes skillfully maneuvers the twisted web of London’s most intriguing cases with his split second deductions revealing the most intimate details of a person’s life. Sherlock is a master of disguise and

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a brilliant actor, as well as a composer and musician – is there anything Sherlock Holmes can’t do? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s vivid characters jump from the page weaving a tale of suspense and intrigue. In addition to Holmes, many of Doyle’s other well known creations are on hand such as; the trusted sidekick Dr. Watson and Irene Adler, the woman who got away, and the only woman to have won Sherlock’s respect. Doyle, in addition to being an author, was also a physician. He infused Holmes with terrific skills in forensic science and logical reasoning. One hundred and twenty five years after his debut, Sherlock Holmes remains the definitive and most famous detective in world literature. The Aquila Theatre brings its energetic physical style to this new adaptation for the theater. With actors drawn from the top British and American stages, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a thrilling and memorable ride. For tickets, visit Henderson Fine Arts Center: 2660 S. Green St., Henderson / 270831-9800 / 7pm Jan 16: Drew Hastings Standing 6’6” tall, and clad in a well-tailored suit and trademark black horn-rimmed glasses, Drew Hastings is a commanding presence onstage, as he launches into a study of the human condition. Hastings’ trademark comedy is both hilarious and selfdeprecating. He believes that we are our own worst enemy: “My middle name should be Versus.” His angst about his failures as a human, real or perceived, are obvious. Hastings is regularly booked on network talk shows for personal appearances, and is a member of an elite group of performers to have received a standing ovation on The Tonight Show. Drew’s appearances were so well-received that he soon became a regular guest. In addition to his regular comedy touring, Drew also headlines on “The Bob and Tom Comedy All-stars Tour”. Drew’s current onehour Comedy Central special, Irked and Miffed, debuted to over a million viewers on the network, and remains a top-ranked online download. Ivy Room @ SWIRCA: 16 W. Virginia St. / 812-464-7800 / 7pm Jan 17: Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat One of the most enduring shows of all time, Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the irresistible family musical about the trials and triumphs of Joseph, Israel’s favorite son. Directed and choreographed by Tony Award winner Andy Blankenbuehler, this new production is a reimagining of the Biblical story of Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colors. The magical musical is full of unforgettable songs, including “Go Go Go Joseph,” “Any Dream Will Do” and “Close Every Door.” For ticket info, visit Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St. / 812-435-5770 / 7pm Jan 21: Charlotte’s Web Theatreworks’ production of Charlotte’s Web is based on E.B. White’s loving story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spider named Charlotte. Wilbur has a problem: how to avoid winding up as pork chops! Charlotte, a fine writer and true friend, hits on a plan to fool Farmer Zuckerman she will create a “miracle.” Spinning the words “Some Pig” in her web, Charlotte weaves a solution which not only makes Wilbur a prize pig, but ensures his place on the farm forever. This treasured

tale, featuring mad-cap and endearing farm animals, explores bravery, selfless love, and the true meaning of friendship. For ticket info, visit Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St. / 812-435-5770 / 9:15am & 12pm Jan 23: EPO: Brass, Brahms & Bravura! Antonio Pompa-Baldi will play alongside the Evansville Philharmonic for this special concert event. Pompa-Baldi is a Van Cliburn silver medalist whose talent on the piano is powered by both technical prowess and genuine sensitivity. Don’t miss his performance of Respighi’s rarely performed “Piano Concerto in A Minor.” Hear the brass section shine in James Beckel’s “Concerto for Brass and Orchestra.” Johannes Brahms’ warm and passionate 2nd Symphony rounds out the program. For tickets, visit or Victory Theatre: 600 Main St. / 812-422-1515 / 7pm Jan 28: Winter Jam 2016 Tour Spectacular Every year Winter Jam proves to be one of the biggest draws on the concert circuit, appealing to both the younger generation as well as longtime fans of Christian music. Co-headlining the 48-city 2016 tour spectacular are two fan favorites: GRAMMY® Award-winning duo for KING & COUNTRY and GRAMMY®-nominated singer/ songwriter Matthew West. Soaring melodies, driving rhythms, theatrical instrumentation and personal themes are the heartbeat of for KING & COUNTRY’s sophomore album, Run Wild, Live Free, Love Strong. The duo, comprised of Australian brothers Joel and Luke, has ventured into new musical territories, including hip-hop. Matthew West’s discography includes acclaimed releases: Happy (2003), History (2005), Something to Say (2008), The Story of Your Life (2010) and GRAMMY-nominated Into The Light (2012).The tour will also feature Crowder, RED, Sidewalk Prophets, NewSong, Tedashii, Lauren Daigle and evangelist Tony Nolan, while the Pre-Jam Party is slated to showcase Stars Go Dim and We Are Messengers. Only $10 at the door; no tickets required! Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd / 812-422-1515 / 6:45pm

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Ask the Pastor


with Kevin Fleming of First Presbyterian Church



What should Christians think about the current issues and violence involving Islam and Muslims? With all of the news reports of terrorist violence committed by fundamentalist Muslims, everyone is asking the question: what should we do? I can’t answer the political issues (though some of the answers being suggested are more than disturbing), but there are things to be said from a faith perspective. The evidence is clear: fundamentalism in any of its forms can lead to violence. It does not matter the faith tradition. It was (and still is) present in my own Christian tradition. The Ku Klux Klan was an outgrowth of the Christian fundamentalism of the early 20th century. The Christian tradition has a violent history that sometimes can be conveniently overlooked. Before painting all Muslims with a broad brush and making universalizing statements about Muslims and Islam, Christians would do well to inform and educate themselves about this noble faith tradition. There are amazing inter-faith conversations taking place around Evansville, and I am proud that my congregation, Temple Adath B’nai Israel, and the Islamic Society of Evansville are pioneering new, cooperative ways of living together and understanding each other. I would also suggest that Christians visit My good friend, Imam Omar Ali Attia, leader of the Islamic Society, is working to reclaim a faithful understanding of Islam from the hands of the fundamentalist terrorists. Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all children of one God. We should understand and celebrate our relationships.

Monthly musings on music, movies and pop culture

If I May Be Granted a Serious Moment… As much as I try to make my monthly contribution somewhat meaningful, I know it’s unlikely that anyone is taking a look at my column for anything deep. I try to stay close to the surface most of the time, which is the right thing to do. However, this month, I need to swerve into something a bit more serious. I have bipolar disorder, and I do not have an easy time with it. That is all you need to know about me. This is not really about me. The post-holiday period (January through March) is the hardest time for me not to slip into a horrific bout of debilitating depression. I feel like I’m probably not alone on that. It’s cold, grey, and everything is dead. Christmas is over, and all that’s left is a few months of bitter, lifeless winter. Whether you, or someone you’re with is prone to depression, understand that despite all efforts or treatments, there will be unavoidable, horrific times. Whether it’s bipolar, or any other mood disorder, the people going through it aren’t just struggling with internal issues. They’re also struggling with guilt over the way it impacts their friends and family. If you have a friend going through this, and they constantly flake out on you, know this: they want to be at that get together, they want to pick up your calls, and they want everything to be like it was before all of this. People with these struggles aren’t lazy, they aren’t whiners, and in my opinion, they’re certainly not mentally ill. They are people born with their emotion nob cranked to 11 (like the amps in Spinal Tap), and they feel things a little harder than most. Depression is debilitating for even the most intellectually gifted (like myself). However, the real pain comes when people with the best intentions expect someone to just “shake it off.” No sane person would choose to miss out on as much life as depression steals. So remember that, and try to be supportive. Avoid telling someone how to fix what’s happening with them. You’re wrong, and they have already tried that anyway. The best thing you can do for someone is to make them feel like they matter. Make them feel loved and appreciated. Check up on them and show constructive concern. When you feel worthless, nothing helps more than someone you care about reminding you that you’re important to them as well. Keep smiling, friends. J. Robert Lobeck

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January 2016 •

“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” -JFK So, it’s 2016, an election year and although it’s still nine months away, it seems like most folks are already sick of hearing and talking about it. Obama has powered through eight years, and his platform of “Change” has proven to be a real thing. Candidates are now in the throes of money-throwing and mudslinging, with Hilary’s popularity wavering as much as her views have in previous years, Bernie gaining more steam than anyone expected, and of course, the laughing stock of the Republican party (and intelligent populace at large), the Donald, who’s dominating headlines with his incendiary and ridiculous plans and opinions. When he announced his run, most sort of laughed it off. At this point, the laughter has lulled to nervous giggles and the possibility, although not as statistically sound as the “polls” and media would have us believe, is terrifying. Yes, he’s a supporter of halting immigration of any kind, and anyone with an ounce of social awareness can see his bigotry, not only toward POC, non-Christians and women, but also the 98% of Americans who are, you know... real people. And by real, I mean we don’t wake up to a house staff, fall into a jet, and we have more important things to worry about than whether or not our

next (immigrant) trophy wife is a “gold-digger” because giving women “negotiable assets” is detrimental to a marriage. Yes. He said those things. Long story short, besides his glowing personality traits, how is a middleaged white man with no experience in public/international policy and a net worth of over $4.5 billion going to affect positive change for anyone else besides his own personal interests and buddies? Simple. He won’t. He can’t even manage his own hair. Brush up and register to vote, because this parody is taking away from actual electoral and social issues. Get out, Trump. You’re fired. Signed, Whitney Patterson, a person with a brain

Tri-State Politics with Bryan Fox

I-69, at Last The phantom interstate that state and local politicians have been talking about for a generation has become a reality for tri-staters. And it’s all thanks to former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Daniels was known during his eight years in office as a pragmatic, innovative man with ideas. And no idea was more grand than his ‘Major Moves’ initiative. This proposal enabled Indiana to sell the operation of the Indiana Toll Road to a private company for a hefty price tag of $3.85 billion, a sale that would help fund all transportation projects in Indiana for the next 10 years, including I-69. Before it could be finalized, the state needed to clear one major hurdle: The Indiana State House. In 2006, the Republicans had a slim majority and were able to get the bill passed without help from the Democrats. In fact, three Democratic House legislators who represented portions of Vanderburgh County at the time voted against the bill. Trent Van Haaften was one of them - despite his recent claims that he’s always been a supporter of I-69. However, the reality is if this bill hadn’t passed in 2006, I-69 might still be a pipe dream. The 2006 mid-term election brought Democrats in control of the state house and the Republicans wouldn’t gain control again until 2011. Thus, if the bill hadn’t passed when it did, it would likely have been too late for another private company to come along and purchase the toll road with this price tag. I-69 is a reality. And Mitch Daniel deserves the credit. The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News4U.

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community & family


Andrew Himelson #7, Defenseman

What is your pregame ritual?

“A good long nap.” Most memorable hockey experience? “Winning the state championship in high school!”

How long have you been playing hockey?

“18 years.” What career do you hope for after hockey?

“Something in business.”


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Jan 1-3: Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights As the holiday season arrives, Garvin Park transforms into a winter wonderland of lights and holiday scenes. Each year, the drive-thru “magical mile” helps pay for thousands of physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions for children and adults with disabilities at the Easter Rehabilitation Center. Horse-drawn carriage rides are available nightly (weather permitting) for an additional cost. Sun-Thurs, 5 to 9pm; Fri-Sat, 5 to 10pm. $7-$25 per vehicle, depending on number of people. For more info, visit Garvin Park / 812-437-2627 Jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Friday Story Time Every Friday morning is story time in Barnes & Noble, Jr. Bring the little ones for a fun reading adventure that keeps them thoroughly entertained. Barnes & Noble: 624 S. Green River Rd. / 812-475-1054 / 10am Jan 2 & 3: Arctic Adventure Kids Fun Festival

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The Arctic Adventure Kids Fun Festival presented by One Health Pediatrics is an indoor, polar playground full of activities for kids of all ages! Fun for kids. Free for adults. No parkas needed. This is the last weekend of Christmas break and the perfect time to get out of the house and into the Convention Center for cabin fever relief. The Arctic Adventure will begin with a brief orientation at “basecamp” with your guide, Frostbite Fred. He will then lead you on the nochills-just-thrills expedition through the “snowcapped” expo halls of the Owensboro Convention Center. When the “avalanche warning” sounds, follow Frostbite Fred into the “cool down zone” for even more fun and some hot cocoa! For times, visit Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St. / 270-687-8800 Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: Saturday Story Time Every Saturday afternoon is a special story time in Barnes & Noble, Jr. Bring the little ones for a laughter-filled event complete with a story, treats and a craft.

Barnes & Noble: 624 S. Green River Rd. / 812-475-1054 / 3pm Jan 10: Magic for SMILEs SMILE on Down Syndrome is excited to announce Magic for SMILEs presented by First Bank. Join Magician Don Baggett as he presents seven professional entertainers from around the country for this exciting all ages show! Performer meet and greet following the show. Children 2 and under get in free; ages 3-12, $5; Adults, $10. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at presenting sponsor First Bank locations. Proceeds benefit SMILE on Down Syndrome. For more info, call 812-4494118. Victory Theatre: 600 Main St. / 812-4221515 / 2pm Jan 10: Wedding & Prom Showcase The Premiere Local Wedding & Prom Event of the Year! Say “I do” to making your day the best that it can be! The Weddings & Prom Showcase features more than 100 exhibit booths focused on your special day – your wedding – or your prom! Bridal and prom retailers will share their products and services

with attendees while extraordinary fashion shows, mini-event presentations and prize giveaways will take place throughout the day. Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St. / 812-435-5770 / 9am Jan 14: Harlem Globetrotters: 90 Years Celebrating 90 years of providing smiles, sportsmanship and service to millions of people worldwide, the world famous Harlem Globetrotters will bring their unrivaled family show to Ford Center during their 90th Anniversary World Tour. Known worldwide as the Ambassadors of Goodwill, the Globetrotters also announced that they are giving back even more during their 90th year with “The Great Assist” program. On the court, the Globetrotters’ 90-year celebration will feature some of the greatest athletes and entertainers on the planet. With a starstudded roster featuring Big Easy Lofton, Ant Atkinson, Hi-Lite Bruton, Thunder Law, Bull Bullard and Cheese Chisholm – plus female stars TNT Maddox and Sweet J Ekworomadu – the Globetrotters’ oneof-a-kind show is unrivaled in the world of family entertainment. Every game will showcase incredible ball handling


Daultan Leveille #9, Forward

What do you do on a day off?

“Relax, work out, play video games.” Career you hope for after hockey? “Clinical Psychologist.”

Best place hockey has taken you?

“Travelling Europe for a year.” Favorite NHL player?

“Joe Sakic, one of the great centers with amazing skill.”


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community & family (cont.)


Scott Greenham #35, Goalie

What is your pregame ritual?

“Cup of coffee, stretch, play soccer.” Most memorable hockey experience?

“Dressing for an exhibition game against the Montreal Canadiens.”

Who is your favorite NHL player?

“Felix Potvin!” What career do you hope for after hockey?

“Firefighter or Parametic.”


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wizardry, rim-rattling dunks, trick shots, hilarious comedy and unequaled fan interaction. After the game, Globetrotters will sign autographs and take photos with fans. For ticket info, visit Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd / 812-4221515 / 7pm Jan 16: 15th WNIN Gala WNIN’s Annual Gala will feature special guest Jessica Fellowes, niece of Downton Abbey’s creator Julian Fellowes and author of three official companion books. Fellowes will share her extensive behind-the-scenes knowledge of the show and will autograph copies of her books. This year’s gala is inspired by the final season of Downton Abbey, the most-watched drama in PBS history and one of the highest-rated dramas on American television. The atmosphere of the gala will transport guests back in time to the glamorous lives of the fictional Crawley family. Period dress is encouraged. Guests will enjoy gourmet hors d’oeuvres, wine and bourbon

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tastings, and unique auction items from South African Airways, African Travel, and Holt Travel. The package includes international airfare, hotel accommodations, plus an African safari, and will go to the high bidder. Tickets are $125 each and space is limited. Contact Nikki Wessley at the number below or email for more information. Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science: 411 SE Riverside Dr. / 812-4233973 / 6:30pm Jan 23: World Championship Ice Racing Series The world’s top ice racers will mount upon their highly modified, exotic stateof-the-art super cross motorcycles to battle it out on Ford Center’s specially prepared solid ice race course. The word treacherous comes to mind. High speed thrills and spills guaranteed as these extreme athletes let it all hang out competing to win the Evansville Championship. Along with the gold and glory riders earn valuable World

Championship Points towards the sport’s most prestigious title: 40TH Ice Racing World Champion! Also racing for their own World Championship Title will be the wild and wooly, always unpredictable ICE Pro Unlimited Outlaw Quads. These machines are definitely not your father’s ATV from the farm. In this class of ice racing almost anything goes. In fact, there are only three basic technical rules: A “dead man” kill switch must be installed for when the rider and his machine become “separated” in a wreck; quads cannot exceed 50” in width at any point; and they must be rear wheels driven only, no 4-wheel drive. Any chassis configuration, any engine make and displacement, any fuel, nitrous, razor sharp steel studded tires, 0-60MPH in less than 3 seconds, etc, etc. You get the picture - the guys are crazy! Race fans will also see local riders competing in select ICE Amateur Classes. Most have never raced on ice in their life! To add even more excitement, fun Special Attractions are planned, making for 2 1/2 hours of nonstop motorsports mayhem! For ticket info, visit Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd / 812-4221515 / 7pm

Jan 30: The Battle in the Bluegrass Championship SHOUT! Cheer & Dance Company is excited to present the first EVER Cheer & Dance Championship at the beautiful new Owensboro Convention Center! The Battle in the Bluegrass Championship is open to cheer & dance teams of all levels and abilities. Our USASF sanctioned event promises to be professional, affordable, and FUN! Teams will compete on a 54’x42ʹ spring floor. Every team will receive a trophy. Level Champions will receive Championship T-Shirts & Banners.


Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St. / 270-687-8800 / 8:30am Jan 31: Your Perfect Wedding Day Show Attention Brides-To-Be! This is your opportunity to get everything you need to make Your Perfect Day! See what’s hot for weddings in 2016 – bridal fashions, cakes & caterers, hairstylists, limos & transportation, florists, photographers, and so much more! For more info, visit $3 per person; brides admitted FREE. Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St. / 270-687-8800 / 11am-4pm

Troy Rutkowski #2, Defenseman How long have you been playing hockey?

“19 years.” Career you hope for after hockey? “Coaching or Financial Advisor.”

Most Memorable hockey experience?

“Winning the WHL in 2013.” Favorite NHL player?

“Erik Karlsson, he is fun to watch.”


(812) 421-GOAL Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • January 2016

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beer reviews

This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 7 Liquor Locker locations.

Sun King Osiris

Lagunitas Censored

Busted Knuckle Ale

Daniel Knight • 4 Osiris is an American pale ale that comes off more as an IPA to me. It pours up bright orange with great clarity and a creamy two finger head. It also displays a lot of bubbly carbonation. Aromas of malts meet up with bright citrus hops. There’s an underlying spiciness and a touch of grapefruit. Hops are forward here making it more like an IPA to me. Tasting it, I sense light pale malts and a citrus hoppiness. Hints of pine and spice along with a nice ale bitterness make you want more. The mouthfeel is smooth and light with nice carbonation. This is a nice tasting, very drinkable ale. I recommend it.

Daniel Knight • 4 Okay, I have to say, I’ve enjoyed several of these in the past. It’s an amber ale. It pours up a rich copper color and displays a thick off-white head. Also, there’s an abnormal amount of carbonation that moves through the beer throughout the session. The aroma is very malty with maybe some molasses and rich dried fruit present. The taste follows suit with roasted malts and caramel along with a definite sweetness. The malts definitely outweigh the hops and although most hop heads will probably enjoy it, many who don’t enjoy that style of beer will love this one. I recommend you give this one a try.

Paul Bragin • 4 A thick and long lasting white head rests on top of a golden colored beer. Hop notes dominate the scent profile with the smell of pine and citrus. The hop presence remains when drinking the beer, first with some tart citrus flavors, followed by pine in the long finish. People who like hoppy beers will want to seek out this one that available all year. Pair it with spicy foods.

Paul Bragin • 4.25 A thin white head tops this amber beer when poured into a stein. A nice balance of hops and malt play on the nose, with hops first and malt coming through soon after. With the first sip, malt hits the tongue first, followed by hops, with malt flavors returning in the finish. This beer is versatile enough to pair well with almost any kind of food, from meats to cheeses and salads.

Daniel Knight • 3.5 I’ve had several beers from the Quaff On! Brewing Company and haven’t been particularly impressed. That said, I like this one. It’s an English Porter style ale. It pours up dark brown and opaque with a fluffy, one finger light beige head that slowly fades to a light film. It remains and leaves a light lacing throughout the session. The nose is molasses-like and chocolaty with malts. Hops are subtle. The flavor says chocolate and coffee; there’s some dark fruit (plums, raisins, etc.) there, too. It’s well balanced and very drinkable - more subdued than many porters, and that’s not all bad. It actually would do as a session brew for me.

Jabez Martinez • 4.5 I love the pint can, and the art work is also very cool. This is a nice golden beer with citric hops flavor. It’s a very solid beer with a light spicy flavor. I love Sun King and every beer they put out. I am glad that Evansville is finally stocking it so my friends don’t have to mule it down from Indy whenever they visit.

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Jabez Martinez • 4 This is a clear, copper-colored beer. I had my reservations about this beer at first, but it’s very smooth and has a rich hops flavor. It also has a 6.7 % ABV which is nice. I just want to know what was censored on the label.

January 2016 •

Paul Bragin • 4.5 A thick tan head crowns this dark beer. The first scent contains generous amounts of roasted malt scent. The notes of roasted malt remain when drinking the beer and continue during a very long finish. People who like stouts and porters will definitely want to get their hands on this one. Pair it with hearty meat dishes like stew during the cold months of winter or drink it with chocolate desserts. Jabez Martinez • 4.5 This is a dark beer with a nice chocolate head. It has great coffee and chocolate flavors. It also has a 7.2% ABV, but it’s difficult to detect. Sometimes when you get beers over the 7 range, the flavors become altered but not with this one.

Midas Touch

Daniel Knight • 3 This was the first beer in Dogfish Head’s Ancient Ales series. Check out their website if you want to know more. It pours a hazy golden color with a thin white head with good retention. It smells a little like a cider and wine and also reminds me a bit of a sour as well. The taste displays a hint of apple and grape juices with very subtle hops. The mouthfeel is bubbly (carbonation) and even though it’s often compared to wine, it doesn’t feel

dry in the mouth. One needs to have an open mind when sampling since it doesn’t taste like any beer you’ve experienced before. I respect Dogfish Head as a brewery and admire what they’re doing with their Ancient Ales series, but I have to say I’m really not that crazy about it. However, I was with two wine drinkers while sampling and both of them reacted positively. BTW, neither of them likes beer very much. Paul Bragin • 5 A thin white head forms on this beer and quickly disappears. The remaining beer sports a cloudy golden color. The first smell has sweet notes followed by a hint of hops. Likewise, the taste starts off with sweeter flavors and are followed by hop notes. This beer is based on a 2,700 year old recipe from the tomb of King Midas, so history buff and beer aficionados will both appreciate this year round offering. Jabez Martinez • 3.5 This is a hazy amber beer. I could taste the honey flavor with a hint of the floral flavors. This one has a 9% ABV with a slight wine flavor to it. I actually rated this beer a little higher at the beginning but by the end, it was a little tough to drink.

Random Beer Facts! 1.) Light is what makes beer go bad. 2.) George Washington had his own brewhouse on the grounds of Mt. Vernon. 3.) Egyptian pyramid workers were paid with beer. 1 gallon (4L) per day. 4.) The oldest known recipe for beer is 4,000 years old, made by Sumerians. 5.) Beer is claimed to help prevent cardiac disease and cognitive decline.



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movie review Secret in Their Eyes

Revenge and justice are at the heart of Secret in their Eyes did to great acclaim in Erin Brockovich. With the character of Jess, Roberts convincingly portrays a similarly down to earth woman trying to find the inner strength to cope with a difficult situation. Secret in Their Eyes keeps the audience guessing as the plot is advanced through flashbacks between the past and the present, a film device that, admittedly, makes it difficult to follow at times. As scenes jump from the past to the present, the appearance of the characters often goes unchanged and there’s no warning that a switch in time and place is about to occur.

The movie stars Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman in a suspense-filled mystery that takes place in Los Angeles right after 9/11. Here we see Jess (Roberts), Claire (Kidman), and Ray (Chiwetel Ejiofor) working for the FBI. Ray has been assigned to work in the Counter Terrorism Unit. When a dead body is found in a dumpster beside the mosque that he’s surveying, a team heads out to investigate. The body, it turns out, is Jess’ daughter. Fast forward to the present day. We learn that the suspect was never arrested and that 13 years after the murder, Ray has still not given up on the case. He finds a picture of someone who resembles the suspect in a FBI database and requests that the case be re-opened. Julia Roberts gives one of the best performances of her career as she plays a grief-stricken mother bent on finding her daughter’s murderer. It’s a less glamorous role than we we’re used to seeing her in which allows the Oscarwinning actress to stretch out as she

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January 2016 •

Still, the film features thrilling chase scenes and shoot-ups and will keep you on the edge of your seat right up until the surprising twist at the end that you won’t see coming. Overall, I would recommend spending the time and the money on Secret in Their Eyes. - Bryan Fox

Iris (PG-13)(R) Tangerine Magnolia

It’sbold A Christmas yet warm Eveode andtoSin-Dee one of (Kitana fashion’s Kiki most Rodriguez) important has just players, been released Iris is bitt from ersweet, a shortcapturing jail stint, but the before final display she can of enjoy documentarian her newfound freedom, Albert Maysles’ she has(Gimme a mission Shelter, to complete. Grey On a Gardens) talent. high-heeled rampage Iris Apfel through has capti Hollywood vated the withworld her best withfriend her eccentricity and fellow and prosti eye tute forAlexandra high art for(Mya decades, Taylor) but in besides reluctant skill and tow, heartbroken dedication,and hermad frankas(oft hell, en crass) Sin-Dee and spends flamboyant, the day infectious making failed demeanor attempts have to made find her hercheati the perfect ng pimp focus boyfriend for a Maysles film. Chester’s mistress, The Queens and the natiman ve got himself. her start Verbally in her accosti mother’s ng boutique, nearly every later acquaintance attending art and school stranger at NYU, whoand dares working to stand forin Women’s her way, she Wear eventually Daily before findslaunching herself questi the oning textilethe company worth of Old World retributi onWeavers when she with nearly her late misses husband Alexandra’s of almost stage 70debut. years, Carl. A comedy/drama, Her love for, and Tangerine design of,is foreign like a California-grit-coated artisanal clothing Run and accessories Lola Run with inspired a heavy thedose popular of laughter exhibition despite Rara Avis its blunt (Rare exposure Bird): Theof Irreverent heavy micro-issues Iris Apfel, within which debuted the dark at world NYC’s ofMetropolitan prostitution such Museum as abuse, of Art.drug At 93 use, years andold, in this shecase, contitransphobia. nues to stay By indie busy being writerherself and director with noSean apologies, S. Baker, consulti its oft ngenand haphazard giving lectures, filmingand feelsher more passion intimate remains than juvenile sharp andorvibrant, sloppy, without and for any goodhint reasonof materialism the entireorfilm vanity. wasAshot trulyonpersonal, an iPhone fascinati 5S. Winner ng, andof the colorful Stanley insight Kubrick into the Award life and various mind ofother such an filminteresti festivalngnods, and self-made it’s smart, public funny, ficrass, gure, tender, Iris is a and must-watch forcefully forhumanizing. artists, fashionistas, and lovers of genuine beauty.

Manson One & Two Family (Unrated) Vacation (R) TheMidnight IFC Orchard/ Netflix

Tucked As statedaway in the Duplass in an isolated Brothers’ farmhouse, KickStarter film, siblings Eva “Everybody (Kiernan Shipka, freaksMad out when Men)you andbring Zac (Timothee up Charles Manson!” Chalamet) So whattheir spend happens days when doingachores wealthy atLos theAngeles biddinglawyer’s of their strict American father, Daniel dream (Grant is interrupted Bowler),byand a surprise sick mother visit from (Elizabeth his estranged Reaser, The brother Familycarrying Stone).only To escape a backpack the and monotony, sportingthey a Mansonout sneak t-shirt? at night Conrad to swim (Linasand Phillips), stargaze, a bearded, but noderelict windows artist, are necessarydoesn’t quite they fit use into teleportati Nick’s (Jay Duplass) on to the home chagrin in theof hills, butwho Daniel, familybelieves is family,their so the use two ofatt anempt “ungodly” to reconnect practice despite is in some pastway grievances causing andElizabeth’s obvious personality seizures. clash. As she Aftfalls er revealing more ill, the he’stone quit his changes job to for work the forworst, an environmental tumbling quickly group, Conrad toward abuse,invites and Eva Nick andtoZac’s visit gift Manson-affi s morph liated from playti placesme around to necessity the city,for including survival. theReleased Tate and LaatBianca the 2015 homes.Berlin Internati Reluctantonal and annoyed Film Festi atval best, to the mixed tworeviews set off onand an uncomfortable one nomination adventure for Bestbefore Film,arriving its plot is at fresh the final and desti thenati scenery on, Conrad’s is simplisti new job, cally beauti but Nick ful, soon weaving realizes darkness that he hasand not been light coinciding completely honest with the abouttone whatofit entails the film. Cinematographer and why he’s taking Autumn it. A SXSWDurald award (Palo Alto) winner, and Manson fledgling wasdirector written and Andrew directed Droz Palermo by fledgling team documentarian well to show J. Davis, the depth with of someti a surprisingly mes harsh good outcome differences on a small between the budget. loveWith for great a spouse cinematography over the love and of a believable child in tibrotherly mes of grief, chemistry and the between innate bond Phillipsbetween and Duplass, closethe siblings. film addresses Occasionally not lethargic, just a twistedyet pop absolutely culture phenomenon, worth the watch, but is also One able & to Two unearth is an the indie depth filmofwelldone humanity withand impressive the complexity performances of “family,” by the blood small or otherwise. cast. - Whitney - Whitney Patt Patt erson erson

Showplace Cinemas East 1801 Morgan Center Drive Evansville, IN 47715 Showplace Cinemas North 4200 N. 3rd Ave. Evansville, IN 47710 Showplace Cinemas South 950 Hebron Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Showplace Cinemas Newburgh 8099 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 Showplace Cinemas Princeton 2691 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 47670 Showplace Cinemas Henderson 406 Walker Drive Henderson, KY 42420

Movie Infoline: 812-422-3456

December Movies:

January Movies:

Krampus In the Heart The Hateful Eightof the Sea Ride Star Along Wars:2 The Force th Awakens The 5 Wave 13 Hours: The Chipmunks Secret Soldiers Alvin & the Dirty Grandpa Sisters The Boy Concussion Kung Fu Panda 3 Joy Jane Got a Gun Finest Hours Point Break Fifty Shades of Black Daddy’s Home

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music best of 2015 Local Artist/Band Picks FIGURE The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness Rustie EVENIFUDONTBELIEVE Tyler the Creator - Cherry Bomb Jungle - Jungle DJ Qbert - Extraterrestrial CAS ONE Bitter Stephens - Skinning the Gloves Dr. Dre - compton Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly Ceschi - Broken Bones Ballads B. Dolan - Kill the Wolf JAKE MARTIN Imagine Dragons - Smoke and Mirrors Bob Dylan - Shadows in the Night Muse - drones Beck - Morning Phase Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack A HAYGAN A Haygan - Heart, Mind & Soul Bryson Tiller - Trap Soul Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly Drake - If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late Rae Sremmurd SremmLife JOSH MERRITT Ed Sheeran - X Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard - Django & Jimmie Turnpike Troubadours Turnpike Troubadours Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free Chris Stapleton - Traveller

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THEO AKAI of OSIELLA Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly Chris Stapleton - Traveller Leon Bridges - Coming Home CHRIS TAPP of THE COLD STARES Keith Richards - Crosseyed Heart Link Wray - 3 Track Shack Led Zeppelin - coda (reissue) Miles Davis - at Newport 1955 (reissue) The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers (reissue) Honorable Mention: Dirty Streets - White Horse THE SO LONG VINYLS Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness The Cribs - For All My Sisters Of Montreal - Aureate Gloom Modest Mouse Strangers to Ourselves THUNDER/DREAMER Built to Spill - Untethered Moon Promised Land Sound For Use and Delight Wilco - Star Wars Mac Demarco - another One Kurt Vile - b’lieve I’m goin down...

January 2016 •

News4U Writer Picks Bjork Vulnicura Always the unapologetic innovator, Bjork’s haunting vocals and composition put others to shame. Goosebumps start to finish. The Weekend Beauty Behind the Madness No one could escape this album in 2015, but who would want to anyway? Sexy, catchy, refreshing- feels like the weekend every day. Bully Feels Like An indie Pandora creeper, Feels Like is a no-skipper, and with their nuvo-grunge, raw simplicity, Bully’s not slipping through the cracks in 2016, bet. Marilyn Manson The Pale Emperor Manson is a chameleon of epic proportions- the level of artistry on this album proves that artists don’t have to trim back their roots to grow. Lana del Ray Honeymoon Thank the universe for the theatrical and depressing mess that is Lana del Ray. A flush-giver, Honeymoon pines for itself.

-Whitney Patterson Father John Misty I Love You, Honeybear Possibly the smartest, smuggest album of the year. No other artist managed to capture humor, wit, vulgarity, and beauty so perfectly like Father John Misty did. Viet Cong Viet Cong This brooding seven-song collection avoids a lot of conventions and clichés, making it one of the strongest albums of the year for artsy sad boys or hard rockers. Tame Impala Currents Tame Impala mastermind Kevin Parker stood in the happy intersection of psychedelic rock and synth-pop and created Currents—the grooviest, most polished album of the year. Kendrick Lamar To Pimp a Butterfly Given the current state of affairs in America, no other album is as politically important as Kendrick Lamar’s. Hip hop fan or not, everyone should listen to this album.

music best of 2015 Panda Bear Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper Panda Bear is a weirdo. On Meets The Grim Reaper, he spirals into his psychedelic midlife crisis and takes us with him. Let the weirdness consume you.

-Russell Finn The Dead Weather Dodge & Burn One of Jack White’s many side projects, The Dead Weather is a band that you know is going to toss out some pretty good stuff every couple of years, under the radar. music isn’t going to change your life, but it could probably make it a little more fun. Dr. Dre compton Hip-hop’s Howard Hughes finally emerged with new music this year after a decade and a half of rumors and postponements. compton is a fantastic album. Is it “worth waiting 16 years” fantastic? Maybe. The Darkness Last of Our Kind This is everything you forgot you loved about rock. Flamboyant, excessive, and on top of that, really, really good. Cool people listen to The Darkness. You want to be cool, don’t you? Chris Isaak First Comes the Night Chris Isaak is the modern-day Roy Orbison. First Comes the Night is an album to put on when you’re getting to know someone. If they’re not digging it, they’re probably a jerk. It’s absolutely spectacular. Adele 25 Everything Adele does is beautiful. I don’t know how she’s making it in this sea of garbage called pop music, but I am happy she is. There was never any question; my #1 album of 2015 is Adele’s 25.

-J. Robert Lobeck

LOCAL ALBUMS of NOTE FIGURE - Monsters 6.66 Kid Kollision- Foreign ATM Stella - Skin and Seeds Sexy, etc. - Sex Tapes Deja Blu 5 - Deja Blu 5

Local Artist/Band Picks (cont.) TOBY ELLIS Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free Wilco - Star Wars Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color Heartless Bastards Restless Ones Dave & Phil Alvin - Lost Time

CASEY WILLIAMS David Gilmour - Rattle that Lock Jeff Lynne’s ELO - Alone in the Universe Brian Wilson - No Pier Pressure The Wombats - Glitterbug Mark Ronson - Uptown Special

LINDSEY WILLIAMS James Taylor - Before This World Marianas Trench - astoria Sturgil Simpson Metamodern Sounds in Country Music Sam Smith - In the Lonely Hour Jeff Beck - Live

LACY JEAN Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free Chris Stapleton - Traveller Los Hijos de la Montaña Los Hijos de la Montaña Logic - The Incredible True Story Turnpike Troubadours Turnpike Troubadours

STEVE TYNER of JENNY’S BAD HAIR DAY Muse - drones Mumford & Sons - Wilder Mind Adele - 25 Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful James Bay - chaos and the Calm

THE HONEY VINES Brandi Carlile - The Firewatcher’s Daughter Indigo Girls - One Lost Day Osiella - EP#2 The Cold Stares - Look Over Yonder Hill Adele - 25

STOLEN REMAINS Lamb Of God - VII: Sturm und Drang Sevendust - Kill the Flaw Trivium - Silence in the Snow Stone Sour - Meanwhile in Burbank Tremonti - Cauterize RUNNING WITH TARANTULAS Faith No More - Sol Invictus Sumac - The Deal Failure - The Heart Is a Monster Kylesa - Exhausting Fire Torche - Restarter

TJ TANOOS of TASTES LIKE CHICKEN Adele - 25 Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness Dr. Dre - compton Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color REED FOUR Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color Ghost - Meliora Tame Impala - Currents Björk - Vulnicura

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mugshots from around the area

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January 2016 •

mugshots (cont.)

Special thanks to the Evansville Police Department. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

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mugshots (cont.) Bonus Section!

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January 2016 •

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ADVERTISER INDEX Acropolis 38 Amerie LLC 23 Apartment Finder 30/58 Backstage Bar & Grill 3 Bar Louie 29 Beef ‘O’ Brady’s 41 Bokeh Lounge 48 Bud’s Harley Davidson 14 Budweiser-Working Distributors 79/Back Cover Cigar! Cigar! 17 Click4AMeal 40 Daniel Knight Studio B 43 Deerhead Sidewalk Café 49 Delaware Trace Apartments 87 Enigma Bar & Grill 38 Evansville IceMen 13 Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra 59 Evansville Start Up Weekend 5.0 13 Evansville Treatment Center 42 Farm Boy Food Mart 32 First Presbyterian Church 21 Foster, O’ Daniel, Hambidge & Lynch 30 Gerst Haus 33 Get & Go Casseroles 36 Hagedorn’s Tavern 36 Haynie’s Corner Pub 49 International Championship Events 9 J’s Sportsbar & Grill 15 Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro 84 KC’s Corner Pocket 7 KC’s Time Out Lounge Inside Front Cover/1 La Campirana 29 Lamasco Bar & Grill 48 Leroy’s Tavern 48 Liquor Locker 5 Lucky Lady 4 Lyle’s Sportszone 50 Maloney’s Pizza & Wings 24 Martin Brothers 39/80 Meineke 24 Merry Maids 42

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January 2016 •

Mystique Winery 23 Natalye Booth Comedy 71 O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 11 Old Chicago 12/34 Old Post Office Event Center 27/37 Owensboro Convention Center 53/WKY Cover Owensboro Music Center 66 Piston’s 49 Rick’s Sports Bar 50 Ri Ra Irish Pub 50 River City Recreation/Legends 85 Sauced Italian Restaurant 23 SMG of Evansville 63 Smitty’s Italian Steakhouse 33 Someplace Else Nightclub 50 Spa City USA 58 Sportsman’s Grille & Billiards 32 Susan G Komen 21 Toast 17 Toyota Boshoku 8 Tri-State Athletic Club 25 Tropicana Evansville Inside Back Cover Val-U Liquors 51 VenuWorks 57/71 WIKY 104.1 FM 19 Winetree Liquor 13

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