News4U August 2018

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19 Burrito Battles & Taco Wars Actually, Everyone's a Winner in this Guide!

74 Illuminent

10 Pink Ribbon Warriors on Franklin 18 E'ville Iron Frog Follies 60 Community & Family 62 VHS Spotlight 64 Tri-State Pet Pics 65 ACA Craft & Vendor Fair 76 Mug Shots

37 Save Big!

FEATURES 6 ParksFest Music Festival An Interview with Deer Tick's Ian O'Neil 8


Heather Land at Old National Events Plaza An Interview with the "I ain't doin' it" Comedian

CUISINE & DINING 26 What's Cookin': Tiki Time 28 Restaurant Guide


15 Red Hot Chilli Pipers 18 Hawg Valley Bike Rally 12 The Guess Who at 38 In Town & Around 50 Arts & Activities Lincoln Amphitheatre 52 Music: Michael Barber An Interview with Founding 54 Music: Mike Mitchell Member Garry Peterson 56 4th Annual Blues on the Rock 16 Evansville Philharmonic 58 Podcast Corner 2018-2019 Season Preview 59 Books: Red Flag & Other Poems From the Music of Brahms 79 Celebrity Mug Shots to Michael Jackson

Established in 1991 Publisher - Brian Bennett

Operations Manager - Joshua Adams Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis Account Representatives Terri Hilborn


66 The Write Stuff 67 Patwa's Perspective

TJ Tanoos


Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artists Kelsey Halbig Bailey Rideout

67 Tri-State Politics

PREVIEWS & REVIEWS 68 69 70 72

Showplace Cinemas Film Music Beer


Paul Bragin, Kevin Fleming, Bryan Fox, Gavin Gaddis, Jonathan Gluff, Daniel Knight, Jabez Martinez, Marlene Parsley, Marisa Patwa, Kendall Shanks, John Thurgood

RELIGION 66 Ask the Pastor

News 4U is published monthly and is distributed throughout the tri-state. For information about advertising, subscriptions, distribution or guides & lists, call (812) 426-6398 or write us at 125 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 510 Evansville, IN 47711. News 4U is published by EMG Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of the magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products, services or opinions within. Advertisers are responsible for content of their ads.


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AUGUST 2018 •

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An all-day, free community music festival, ParksFest debuted in 2014, drawing 4,000 people to Evansville's north side for a family-friendly gathering that featured rousing performances from some of the region's best bands. By 2016, attendance at the event had more than doubled with 10,000 festival goers packing Garvin Park to hear such lauded Americana, blues and folk acts as Houndmouth, Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band, Madisen Ward & the Mama Bear and The 23 String Band. It was nothing short of a huge success. But then all went quiet in 2017 as organizers took the year off - presumably to catch up on sleep. Now here we are a year later and ParksFest is not only back but better and bigger than ever with Rhode Island indie rockers Deer Tick bringing their legendary stage show to Evansville for the first time, headlining a truly fantastic lineup that also includes Nashville singer/songwriter Adia Victoria, plus the hazy dreampop and jam band vibe of local heroes Thunder Dreamer and Calabash, respectively. Also on the bill: The Jangle Sheep, Keló Kaddafi, Salt the Earth and Kenna Elpers - all amazing in their own right. In addition to a full day of incredible live music, ParksFest will offer food trucks, art vendors, family fun activities, children’s workshops and a beer garden. Indeed, everything is set for the long-awaited return of the tri-state's most popular music festival! Deer Tick guitarist Ian O'Neil kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the band's performance at ParksFest.


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It's been just short of a year since Deer Tick released Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, an ambitious project that showcases both the acoustic and electric sides of the band. What's your take on those two albums now that you've had some time to reflect? I still love them. We've kind of spoken amongst the band members and kind of talked about how these records are kind of the only ones yet where we haven't had a single regret. That's unusual with almost any recording artist in general. It's just really common that soon as you're done with something you're basically so quick to move on to the next thing that you want to pursue because, uh, you've been there, done that. But we just stopped touring non-stop with these records about four days ago. So, yeah, this is the first time that we've had more than two weeks off in eight or nine months. So it kind of feels like no time has passed when you're kind of suspended in this, like, fugue state - and you don't realize it's already been almost a year. The organic nature of the recordings really stands out. The electric side, in particular, sounds like a group actually playing together in a room. Was that the case? Yeah, including the acoustic side, too. We got to work at Ardent Studios in Memphis which is a legendary spot. And the rooms there are so incredibly well designed and they have such an amazing collection of microphones. We just set up our amps and waited for them to set up the microphones and played the songs as many times as we felt we needed to. Yeah, it really wasn't that difficult. I think what's special about it - or the reason why it worked at least - is because the songs that we wrote as a group together made it easier to capture the sound.


You effectively joined a band already in progress when you came on board in 2009. What were your expectations? Was there a specific role for you in mind? I think it was more specifically role-based at the beginning where the intention was to kind of fold me in as...well, I showed [frontman] John [McCauley] some songs I had written and he was looking to make the band more increasingly a group effort. At least I think he gets a lot of joy out of, like, helping to craft other people's songs with his own guitar parts and stuff. I think he just likes working on music, so that was kind of the impetus, but the other way for me to fit in when there was already a guitar player was to play acoustic guitar. And then that kind of changed really fast. I think the strengths and weaknesses of everybody are revealed when you start playing together so you just kind of end up adapting. Speaking of songs you've written, one of the highlights of Vol. 2 is "Look How Clean I Am" which seems to be a fairly sarcastic take on the music industry using drug rehab as a promotional tool. That song was written...I wrote it all in, like, a minute. It was an idea realized very quickly. But yeah, it was supposed to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek. But it was kind of like after I wrote it from the perspective of bratty singer/songwriter - which it was somewhat autobiographical and I think it's somewhat how a lot of people in the music industry feel, too, in that there's been a certain trend... ever since there's been some genuine efforts of friends of ours - and including our own band with John having to reel in his partying - where the record label or management takes advantage of personal lives to push a narrative. And increasingly, almost to a point of it being nauseating - the idea of needing a narrative to sell records. It's kind of a disappointment with the music industry in a way. But it's definitely not an insult to anyone's sobriety or anything. Deer Tick has a much-beloved side project known as Deervana - a Nirvana tribute band, essentially. Please consider morphing into Deervo at some point - a Devo tribute band.

We did that - we're huge Devo fans. We actually covered all of Are We Not Men? - when was it, about four years ago? It doesn't seem like...or our fans, in particular, aren't the hugest Devo fans. But it was a great time - there was definitely some people who just saw the poster and came into the show expecting to see just a regular Devo cover band. We did six nights and each night we covered one of our favorite records - I think the third or fourth night was Are We Not Men? It was a trip. That album probably took us the most concentration. There's often talk about the dichotomy between your professional studio recordings and the wild, often unpredictable nature of your live shows. Something incidental needs to be able to happen in order for live music to be exciting. Even if it's just the band playing the song faster or slower. I can remember when you watch [The Band documentary] The Last Waltz, I think "Up on Cripple Creek" is slower than the album version which is such a rare thing to hear. I feel like the onslaught of bands dialing in their BPMs and listening to a click track while they play live - it reveals a little bit to me about how bands are afraid they're going to fail on stage. It's not very exciting for everyone else - or for yourself [laughs]. We really dialed in our show when we were doing the [recent Vol. 1 & Vol. 2] two sets thing - even to a point where we had to make sure that we didn't get too conservative. We needed to allow moments in the set to be spontaneous; otherwise it would get dangerously close to being like what I described. Well, we hope you'll bring that raw spontaneity to ParksFest. Oh, we will. The shows that we've been doing recently in the past month or two have been...we've kind of loosened up a little bit since we gave the records the very particular shows that they needed at the very beginning. It's great to go to new places like Evansville and to carry the responsibility of headlining a festival. It's kind of more up our alley to play a full set - we can make it our own thing, you know? For more info, visit

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THE "I AIN'T DOIN' IT" COMEDIAN TALKS TOUR PREPARATION, THE SOURCE OF HER HUMOR, IMPRESSING HER KIDS AND MORE Nashville's Heather Land has become a social media star over the last six months or so thanks to the millions of views she's racked up via her hilarious "I ain't doin' it" Snapchat videos that address topics and situations that plague all of us in daily life: the fast food drive thru, obnoxious CrossFitters and unnecessary culinary photography, just to name a few. Using a ridiculous filter that makes her face appear strangely misshapen and pitches her voice up an octave, the comedian and mother of two delivers short, sharp, sarcastic commentary that hits its mark time and again. Funnily enough, Land's rapid rise to social media stardom started with a dare. The story goes that friends goaded her into uploading one of her classic rants and to everyone's surprise, it caught fire. Now she's out on tour, mixing in the popular "I ain't doin' it" material with amusing anecdotes about her life as well as a couple songs from Counting On, the comedian's heartfelt debut country album that details the pain of her divorce. As Land puts it, "If I'm not able to be myself and be authentic, what's the point?" Considering how quickly the "I ain't doin' it" videos blew up, how did you go about preparing for a tour? I do have a team of people around me. Really, I have a couple of my best friends that are in this with me - they're husband and wife. So when we started the talk of [doing a] tour, they did a lot of the heavy lifting. Honestly, I didn't really ever wrap my head around a tour until I pulled up to the bus and was like, 'ok, we're leaving - we really are doing this.' The great thing about it is that I've been doing so many one-off shows every weekend - we've been traveling since November. So, a tour is just an extended version of that and a much more produced version with just, you know, a lot more lights and a lot of effects. Where does your sense of humor come from - upbringing or environment? Well, my mom is kind of funny, but my father - who is absolutely amazing - has quite a struggle with the sense of humor side. He's a really great man, but he's not the greatest joke getter or joke teller. So, I think that probably


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my personality or sense of humor, if you will, is probably more of a coping mechanism [laughs] to get through life than anything. Kind of making lemonade out of lemons, right? And what about your kids? Are they ok with mom being a social media star? Well, Noah is 15 and my daughter Ava is 11. They are loving it, actually. But at first, I got the most push-back from my son who was like, 'mom, you're kidding me - this is the lamest thing I've ever seen. Why do these people think this is funny?' But now, I think after his first show [that he attended], he was like, 'oh, ok - this really cool.' And now when we go places and people are always coming up to us and whatever, wanting to talk and take pictures, he loves it. And the little girls are starting to notice him, so of course he's digging it. Do you have a favorite "I ain't doin' it" video? Well, clearly "CrosssFit" has gotten the most buzz - like 23 million views which is just nuts to me. But I think that the ones that I love the most - that are the most endearing to me - are the ones that are a little bit off the beaten path and got me the most tickled when I was making them. And they're kind of weird ones - like "Checkout Lady." And then I did a really weird one...I saw a guy, like, doing tricks on his BMX - he was about 50. And I was like, "no" to this; this is wrong. So, I made a video about it and it cracked me up probably more than any video I've done. But if you watched it, you'd be, like, that's not that funny. It's just the ones that struck me in the moment. For tickets and more info, visit The ONEP is located at 715 Locust St. in downtown Evansville.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018



PISTON'S BAR & GRILL A U G U S T 2 , 1 6 , 3 0 & S E P T E M B E R 1 3 | 6 - 8 P. M .



Sponsored by Bud's Harley Davidson / River City H.O.G. Chapter #1210, bi-weekly breast cancer charity events are once again coming to Franklin Street on Thursday nights courtesy of the Pink Ribbon Warriors. This determined Harley Owners Group will be out in front of Piston's Bar & Grill every other Bike Night to raise money and awareness for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. This is the second year running that the group has worked in conjunction with Franklin Street organizers and they need your help to make headway in the fight against breast cancer. Last summer, the Warriors raised over $6000, and the goal is to surpass that amount in 2018! Need extra motivation to attend? Well, consider that the gentlemen Warriors will be sporting beautiful, bedazzled bras and there will be a bra pong game with prize giveaways. Where else will you see such a spectacle and participate in such a unique competition - all for such a great cause? There's nowhere else more fun to be than Franklin Street on a Thursday night and with the community's involvement, the Pink Ribbon Warriors can make a real impact in the fight against breast cancer. And be sure to mark your calendars for the Bud's Harley Davidson Pink Ribbon Ride on September 16 when hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts will come together and ride for the cause. Last year's record-breaking event saw 700 riders in attendance. Post-ride, the aforementioned bedazzled bras will be auctioned off! For more info, contact either representative of River City H.O.G. Chapter #1210 Board of Directors: Susan Baumeyer  Stigall, Director (812-430-7766 / Susan.stigall@ or Marcia Frey, Ladies of Harley Officer (812-305-3348 / Piston's Bar & Grill is located at 2131 W. Franklin St. in Evansville.

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AUGUST 2018 •



DRUMMER AND FOUNDING MEMBER GARRY PETERSON ON THE BAND'S NEW ALBUM, THE ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME AND MORE One of Canada's greatest musical exports, The Guess Who scaled the heights of the American charts in the late 60's and beyond with a run of classic rock singles that continue to resonate decades later, receiving frequent airplay on satellite radio and streaming services to this day. The band's two biggest hits, "American Woman" and "These Eyes" - the former a raw, bruising rocker and the latter a dark, brooding ballad - demonstrate just how eclectic The Guess Who could be and particularly highlight the vocal virtuosity of frontman Burton Cummings. Other notable songs include "Clap for the Wolfman," "Hand Me Down World," "No Sugar Tonight," "Undun" and "Laughing" - all showcasing the musical strengths and variety of a group that often saw players come and go but was anchored by Cummings and drummer Garry Peterson up through the mid to late 70's. Now the sole founding member involved, Peterson continues to tour The Guess Who with what he calls "the best incarnation of the band," adding, "however, the band at all levels, all the different changes, it had a certain chemistry at any given time that was very unique." The current lineup features vocalist Derek Sharp, guitarist Will Evankovich, keyboardist Leonard Shaw and bassist Rudy Sarzo.

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AUGUST 2018 •

A new Guess Who album is due out September 14. Considering the eclectic nature of the band's vast discography, how do you approach a new recording for 2018? Well, you approach it carefully because there is an existing legacy for The Guess Who of which I will be so bold as to say that I helped to create. However, the rest of the guys [in the current lineup] are a bit younger and grew up being fans of the band. So, our job is to add to that existing legacy. Make a new legacy [laughs] - you know what I mean? So, the new album is an homage to all the people that influenced us growing up. So you'll hear Beatles influence; you'll hear Rolling Stones influence; you'll hear Elton John; you'll hear Tom Petty; you'll hear The Who. Not so much that we tried to make it like that - it's just that these are the people that we loved growing up. So, it's kind of a real pop-heavy album of tunes that are really pop oriented, happy and up-tempo. I've been on so many albums, but this album I like every cut. In regards to the current lineup, it's interesting that you've got the former bassist for Quiet Riot on board - Rudy Sarzo. A lot of people wonder what we're doing with a heavy metal guy in the band, but Rudy Sarzo is far beyond just a heavy metal player. He grew up listening to this music as well, so he's quite a fan; and he's as good a person as he is a bass player. Most bands from your era were signed to record contracts that required an album every year. Still, The Guess Who produced something like 14 in just a 10 year span. That's madness. Back then I think the most expensive album we ever produced was about $25,000. And every time we recorded an album, they'd give us a $200,000 advance. That was pretty good incentive, don't you think? [laughs] They would recoup that out of royalties, of course, but really that wasn't hard to cover in the old days. Music has changed now. A million-selling album is a joke today compared to what it was [back then].

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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Did the constant record-tour cycle cause problems for the band back then? I think it was harder for the writers. It's hard to force that - although Nashville seems to have a good method of collective writing where they can produce stuff when it's needed. But we were more trying to be spontaneously creative. How do you hurry that up? I think if you talk to Will Evankovich. He spent two years on the [recent] Styx album and then went right into our album which he's written on. And I think after we got through our album, he said, 'I can't write sh*t right now.' I said, 'Will, just relax; it will come.' He said to me a week or two ago that he's starting to get some ideas again. That's the conundrum for a writer. In essence, a lot of the writing for The Guess Who happened out of experiences on the road. So, if you're home, you're not getting those experiences, so the material may not be there to write about. Is it a safe assumption that the goal for The Guess Who was to make it big in America? That's everybody's goal in rock and roll. Most of the money was to be made in the United States. However, worldwide - because pop music is what it is now - you can do just as well. We were never a hit around the world, per se. Our major touring was done only in the United States. We did do well in Australia and Japan - and even played at the Budokan there. Interestingly, I just got a birthday card from a fan in Moscow, Russia. So we did have a contingency there, but when we were working you really couldn't go there. Although Rudy has told us many stories of going there with Ozzy [Osbourne]. The times have changed; we were in the heart of the Cold War. However, we were getting out of the Soviet Bloc countries many letters from Poland and Russia. So I don't know why we never toured Europe. As of 2018, The Guess Who has not been nominated for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame despite claiming a significant musical legacy. Any thoughts as to why? Having been from Winnipeg, even with the volume of material that we had out there, we never got that hype of a Led Zeppelin or The Doors. I think that maybe if we had moved to LA like The Eagles did - they were in a very high profile this day I don't think most people could tell you who was in The Guess Who beyond [Randy] Bachman and Cummings. That's kind of weird, isn't it? I believe that every year that passes that we don't go in, there are more and more candidates, because there are more people becoming classic acts. And I think that the people that control it are getting younger as well. I would almost rather not get into the Hall of Fame if it doesn't happen until someone in the band has passed on. That would be sad. For tickets and more info, visit Lincoln Amphitheatre is located at 15032 N. CR 300 E. in Lincoln City, IN.

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AUGUST 2018 •



GREAT SCOT!: WORLD-FAMOUS NINE-PIECE ENSEMBLE BRINGING HEART-POUNDING ROCK SHOW BACK TO EVANSVILLE Sometimes referred to as B.W.A. - Bagpipes With Attitude - the Red Hot Chilli Pipers are quite unlike any band you've ever seen or heard. This incredible nine-piece ensemble consisting of pipers, guitarists, keyboardists and drummers has been rocking stages all over the world for years now, delighting fans with a wicked Scottish take on classic rock (i.e., AC/DC, Deep Purple, Queen) and contemporary pop (i.e., Avicci, Coldplay, Snow Patrol), as well as infusing traditional pipe tunes like “The Flowers of Scotland” and “The Hills of Argyll" with renewed glory. No matter the era, the Chilli Pipers make each and every song their own, creating heart-pounding versions that every music lover can enjoy. And it's all presented with an unstoppable energy that will leave you breathless. The Red Hot Chilli Pipers have been featured at some of the most high profile global events, including the Olympics, BBC Proms, Rugby World Cup, Formula 1 and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. It's safe to say that these guys are in demand, so the fact that they're coming back to Evansville is a big deal. Simply put, if the upcoming show is anything like the band's last appearance at the Victory, you can expect to be rocked to your core with a barrage of bagpipes blasting over some heavy, heavy beats. It's truly earth-shattering in the best way possible. For tickets and more info, visit or The Victory Theatre is located at 600 Main St. in downtown Evansville.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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2018-2019 SEASON PREVIEW Maestro Savia and the EPO to celebrate 30 years together with dynamic run of Classics & Pops Series performances

Following the Lincoln Amphitheatre performance, the EPO will take a few weeks to prepare for the muchanticipated 2018-2019 season opener at the Victory on September 27, kicking off what's guaranteed to be an exciting run of Classics and Pops Series concerts. For tickets and more info, visit The Victory Theatre is located at 600 Main St. in downtown Evansville.

Paula Leggett Chase

While the EPO's opening night at the Victory Theatre won't take place

until late next month, you can catch a sneak peek of what's to come on September 1 when the Orchestra debuts the aforementioned Indiana Music Legends concert at the Lincoln Amphitheatre in Lincoln City, IN. It's unquestionably one of the most beautiful outdoor venues in the nation, perfect for spending an evening with family and friends while taking in the wonder of the EPO.

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AUGUST 2018 •

Rachel Potter

It's been nearly four months since the area's most talented orchestra wrapped up a "Season of Wonder" with two rousing performances of the Movie Music of John Williams, featuring selections from some of the greatest film soundtracks of all time, including Jaws, Star Wars, Superman, E.T. and more. But the extended break was not about relaxation. Rather, Maestro Savia and the EPO were busy planning a very special series of 2018-2019 concerts to commemorate 30 years together, bookended, effectively, by a tribute to Indiana Music Legends featuring the music of Michael Jackson, Cole Porter, Hoagy Carmichael and John Mellencamp. Not a bad way to kick off - and conclude - what promises to be another incredibly dynamic season.

Tessa Clark

VIC TO RY T H E AT R E | A U GU S T 20 | 7: 30 P. M.

MAESTRO SAVIA: Daniel Knight Studio B


CLASSICS SERIES 9/27 Beethoven, Brahms & Bluegrass with violinist Tessa Clark, a Silver Medalist at the 2014 International Violin Competition of Indianapolis 1/26 Robert Moody, guest conductor with the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus & Margaret Carpenter Haigh, Soprano 2/23 Brahms’ 1st Concerto & Stravinsky's Firebird with Norman Krieger, Piano 3/16 Music of the Spheres commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing 4/27 Beethoven's Ninth (& First) with the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus / Kate Tombaugh, Mezzo-Soprano / Eric Ferring, Tenor & Timothy LeFebvre, Baritone POPS SERIES 10/27 Halloween Bash featuring a night full of spooky music in preparation for All Hallows' Eve 11/10-11 West Side Story in Concert with the University of Evansville Opera & Members of the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus 12/1-2 Peppermint Pops with Paula Leggett Chase, Soprano 2/9 Country Legends with Rachel Potter & Patrick Thomas, Singers 4/6-7 Garland to Gershwin with Richard Glazier, Piano / Joan Ellison, Vocalist 5/19 Indiana Music Legends with The Browne Sisters, Vocalists







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FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK: THE SUMMER'S WILDEST PARTY RETURNS WITH HIGH VOLTAGE LIVE SHOW The headlining act at the upcoming August edition of the tri-state's biggest, craziest adult party, DIRTY DEEDS USA brings non-stop action through one iconic hit after another with the most accurate recreation of the AC/DC music and stage show - second to none! The DIRTY DEEDS concert experience is truly extreme, featuring two high energy shows complete with exciting stage props and non-stop action! The first show is a dedication to the Bon Scott era; the second is a tribute to the Brian Johnson era! DIRTY DEEDS USA features: Freddy DeMarco as “Bad Ass Angus;" John Welch perfectly playing both the Brian Johnson and Bon Scott characters; Greg “Wags” Wagner playing the Malcolm Young role; Mark Matthews on bass as Cliff Williams; Bobby Stocker nailing drummer Phil Rudd's every hit on the kit. Together, with such incredible attention to detail, they produce the true AC/DC sound and feel. So don't miss DIRTY DEEDS live on Saturday, August 18, at Hawg Valley Bike Rally! This hugely popular motorcycle friendly party is held in beautiful Graham, KY, only 65 miles from Evansville or Owensboro. Hawg Valley Bike Rally is open for adult (over 21) fun from noon, August 15, through Sunday, August 19. Stay for a day or the whole weekend. Daytime fun includes adult games; at night, enjoy great local bands including Amplified on Thursday and Beginner's Luck on Friday. Also on Saturday, Pinup Baggers of Newburgh sponsors a Bike Show where gorgeous bikes compete for top honors in numerous classes, then motorcycle and rider skills contests are held in the afternoon. Every night DJ Kris spins dance tunes in the World Famous Boogie Barn, including wild contests after the bands shut down. Vendors are available with delicious food, biker wear and fun items for purchase. Camping is available with free hot showers, or you can park for free right outside the gate. Entry fee is $35 for all weekend, $25 for Saturday Aug 18 only (starting 10 a.m.). Support vehicles are $20 (golf carts welcome but no side-by-sides). Motorcycles are free, of course! -Marlene Parsley For more info, visit

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WORLD'S LARGEST PRE-49 STREET ROD EVENT RETURNS FOR ANOTHER WEEKEND OF FAMILY-FRIENDLY FUN Every August, the E'ville Iron Street Rod Club stages one of the tristate's most popular and enduring events. Frog Follies began with just a little over 40 street rods way back in 1975 but has grown to include 3000 pre-49 registered vehicles as of 2018. In other words, this is a dream weekend for car lovers both young and old, a unique gathering that brings together people from all over the country. In fact, over the years, Frog Follies has had entries from Alaska, Australia, Canada, and all 48 continental states. One of the main draws of the event is the automotive swap meet that accommodates over 600 vendor spaces making it one of the largest in the United States. It has plenty of new parts to build your new street rod along with plenty of rusty parts and collectibles to satisfy your appetite for automobilia. Whatever you're looking for, you can find it at Frog Follies! Now, all of this sounds great for street rod enthusiasts, but what about everyone else? Well, Frog Follies is not just about cars. It's truly a family-friendly event with games, activities, and dances during the weekend - and plenty of food and drinks at a fair price. Yes, kids of all ages will have a blast at the 4-H Center and be kept busy with lots of entertainment options. Don't miss out on one of the best weekends of the summer! For vehicle registration/general info, visit The Vanderburgh 4-H Center is located at 201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Rd. in Evanvsille.

With National Hispanic Heritage Month just around the corner (September 15-October 15) and the tri-state's favorite Latino festival, Fiesta Evansville, on the horizon, it's the perfect time to celebrate some of the area's top Mexican restaurants as well as a few choice local establishments that serve up a mean burrito or taco. We lightheartedly refer to this guide in terms of "battles" and "wars," but everyone's a winner here - which is made more than clear by the incredibly tempting pics taken by our staff photographer, Rajiv KC. After all, that's what the tri-state's growing Latino community is all about: promoting togetherness and moving forward as one. And that's exactly the sort of inclusive, family-friendly atmosphere you'll experience at the 5th annual Fiesta Evansville when the hugely popular event returns to Wesselman Park on October 7. Come out and join thousands of community members from all walks of life and enjoy authentic South American cuisines, cultural booths, hot air balloon rides, folkloric dancers, live music, inflatables and more. In the meantime, check out all of the fantastic burritos and tacos on the following pages and then make a beeline to the featured restaurants and bars to try them for yourself! Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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to e c a l p Best your own make fiesta! tasty

"The Quesorito" SALSARITA'S

A definite must try! Stuffed with your choice of chicken, steak, pork, shrimp, ground beef, or veggies. Choose from over 12 side items to complete your meal: brown rice, Mexican rice, refried beans, black beans, pico de gallo, salsa verde, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, olives, guacamole and cilantro. Add a little Salsarita's creamy queso plus sour cream and your mouth will be having one heck of a fiesta!


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A combination of caramelized onions and cilantro, tossed with sauteed strips of juicy USDA choice beef! Served with four home-made corn tortillas. Add a side of rice and refried beans to go with these famous street tacos!

2nd MEAL

3rd MEAL

Yumm home- y made corn tortill as!



1st MEAL

2nd MEAL

3500 Villa Point (270) 686-7505 Owensboro, KY | 42303

"Steak Street Tacos"




3rd MEAL

N Green River Road (812) 471-1400 1919 Evansville, IN | 47715

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"Stuffed Tacos Supreme" ENIGMA BAR & GRILL

Tuesdays rule at Enigma! 3 Tacos for 5$! Pick from hard shell or soft flour tortillas, with your choice of ground USDA grade beef or grilled chicken using our special house seasoning, topped with lettuce and tomatoes, shredded Mexican cheese blend and sour cream. We also offer catering for your next big event.



1st MEAL

(812) 490-0600 20 |

AUGUST 2018 •

2nd MEAL


4044 Professional Lane Newburgh, IN | 47630

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"Burrito Anaconda" EL PATRON

We dare you to try the biggest burrito in town! This is two feet of burrito stuffed with steak, chicken, pork, rice, refried beans, lettuce, fresh pico de gallo, and sour cream then topped with cheese. And to top it all off you get a free shirt if you finish! #burritochallenge #iateburritoanaconda


2nd MEAL

(812) 402-6500

"Chicken Fajita Burrito" FIDE'S TAQUERIA Y TIENDA

We start with shredded sauteed chicken, grilled to perfection, adding caramelized onions, tomatoes and green peppers. Then we add some spices, steamed Mexican rice, refried beans and fresh lettuce, along with our queso and sour cream, all wrapped up in a flour tortilla, topped with fresh, home-made pico de gallo. HEAT RATING


2nd MEAL

(812) 518-4267



3rd MEAL

943 N Park Drive Evansville, IN | 47710

A ta explos ste ion... Muy Calie nte!


7799 IN-66 Newburgh, IN | 47630

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"Tacos al Pastor"

JALISCO MEXICAN RESTAURANT Enjoy delicious marinated pork, cooked with special seasoning and topped with fresh cilantro, onions and spicy salsa in home-made tortillas. Served with poblanos stuffed with grilled shrimp, sauteed zucchini and onions with a cheesy sauce and rice on the side. HEAT RATING


2nd MEAL

(812) 490-2814


4044 Professional Lane Newburgh, IN | 47630

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| 21

ace l p t ec Perf ice up to sp life! your

"Authentic Street Tacos" LA CAMPIRANA

Choose from al Pastor, chipotle chicken, carnitas or steak. Enjoy 1 or all of the above with grilled-to-order meat choice, sauteed onions and lime seasoning, garnished with cilantro, cucumbers, radishes and side sauces of your choice, served with soft shell or fresh made corn tortillas.


(812) 550-1585

724 N Burkhardt Rd Evansville, IN | 47715

"Breakfast Burrito" NELLIE'S RESTAURANT

The beast of all Breakfast Burritos! This is stuffed full of sauteed chorizo beef with caramelized onions, jalapenos and poblanos, with scrambled eggs, mozzarella cheese and wrapped up in a home-made flour tortilla, served with extra fresh salsa!


(812) 629-2142

2nd MEAL

2nd MEAL

US-41, Ste. B (270) 212-3683 2630 Henderson, KY | 42420

Most way delicious to cur hango e a ver!

3rd MEAL

8566 Ruff ian Lane Newburgh, IN | 47630

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"Burrito Loco"

HERRADURA BAR & GRILL Ready to get a little crazy?! This burrito is packed full of rice, refried beans, marinated grilled steak, sauteed bell peppers and onions, then topped with a secret house red sauce and cheese. Getting loco never tasted so good!



1st MEAL

2nd MEAL

(812) 402-0355 22 |

3rd MEAL



1st MEAL



AUGUST 2018 •


4610 Bellemeade Avenue Evansville, IN | 47714

fic i r r e T or f s o tac lthea h e h t s! u o i c s con

"Fish Street Tacos" BAR LOUIE

Blackened Fish Street Tacos with Alaskan cod, fresh sauteed onions, peppers and queso fresco. Comes with avocado, lettuce, pico de gallo, and home-made salsa verde on the side. Served with rice and black beans.


2nd MEAL

(812) 476-7069

"Fish, Steak & Shrimp Tacos" KC'S MARINA POINTE

The perfect taco trilogy! Your choice of fish, steak or shrimp, blackened or fried, in three soft tortillas. All topped with home-made pico de gallo, pickled cabbage, and fresh sliced avocado with a side of rice. HEAT RATING


2nd MEAL



3rd MEAL

7700 Eagle Crest Blvd Evansville, IN | 47715

Rock in' to eat tacos live m with usic!


LST Dr (812) 422-0400 830 Evansville, IN | 47713

art" m s " The or lunch f choice dinner! or

"Brain Taquitos & Chorizo Taco" LAKE'S METRO DELI

Take your pick! Chorizo meat with potatoes on a corn tortilla or brain taquitos with deep-fried pork brain, white onions and roma tomatoes. Order three or make it a meal if you're extra hungry! HEAT RATING


2nd MEAL

(812) 401-2322


2121 North Green River Road Evansville, IN | 47715

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| 23

to d oo f Best ort you p trans radise! to pa


These al Pastor tacos come with sauteed steak, pork or shrimp. Pick one or pick all three! Add in a little chopped cilantro, onions, lime, and some hot sauce. Your taste buds will thank you!




1st MEAL

2nd MEAL

3rd MEAL

"Fiesta Pineapple" CANCUN RESTAURANT

Half juicy pineapple, stuffed with tender fajita steak, marinated fajita chicken, and scampy shrimps, mixed with California and fajita vegetables and melted chihuahua cheese on top. Served with tossed salad & rice.




1st MEAL

2nd MEAL

(270) 826-0067

3rd MEAL

341 Green Street Henderson. KY

"Taco Pizza"


to t o g ve You' one of us try delicio ! these s of art work 24 |

AUGUST 2018 •

Made with hand-tossed dough and topped with beef, onion, taco spices and mozzarella and cheddar cheese, plus lots of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives. And don't forget sour cream, ranch or salsa on the side!



1st MEAL

2nd MEAL

(812) 424-4960


510 West Mill Road Evansville, IN | 47710

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

| 25



A few years ago, I learned that there is a small subset of fervent followers of Tiki culture. I discovered this through a friend who began making Instagram posts of him travelling around the country to various Tiki bars, imbibing rum-based drinks from lovingly crafted and painstakingly detailed tropical-themed glasses whilst decked out in Hawaiian shirts. While some may scoff at this notion, it’s actually a rather novel pastime with a deep appreciation of island culture rather than a fratboy-esque excuse to party. So when I was told I’d be visiting Evansville’s own branch of this phenomenon, Tiki Time, I was eager to gain some firsthand experience. The very word “Tiki” immediately evokes images of the beach and the ocean. So there’s no better setting for a restaurant and bar than Evansville’s Marina Pointe. Being a frequent visitor of oceanside restaurants on Florida’s Gulf Coast, I was pleasantly surprised by just how well the location can replicate that setting. A cool breeze wafts along the tables, and while the birds may be significantly smaller than seagulls, it’s no less relaxing to see them freely flying around. There are plenty of tables for families or small groups, and many have an awning overhead to help shield from the sun; we may not be in an actual tropical climate, but we all know how hot it can get out on the river. Of course, you can always sit at the open-air and appropriately wood-clad bar for the authentic experience. The first offering I sampled was their cheeseburger. A juicy patty with all the usual fixings, it’s simple and effective, just like Tiki time should be. (For an extra kick, I suggest adding

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banana peppers; I pulled a few from the fish dinner I also sampled, but the staff would be more than glad to provide them on request.) Wash it and the crisp thick-cut fries down with a cold bottle of Yuengling or a draft of Leinenkugel Summer Shandy and you’ll feel exactly what Jimmy Buffett was singing about. But what would a tropical-themed eatery be without seafood? Fortunately, Tiki Time’s fish dinner doesn’t disappoint. Keeping with the “taking it easy” ethos of Tiki culture, this fish-and-chips meal doesn’t fix what isn’t broken. A nicely battered and generously-portioned fish fillet sits atop a bed of lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and those aforementioned banana peppers, and it, too, is accompanied by those same fries as the burger. Whether you’re a Tiki aficionado or just like waterfront drinking and dining, Tiki Time is a place well worth checking out. Whether it’s lunch, dinner, or just drinks at the bar, out here, it’s always Tiki Time. - Jonathan Gluff For more info, visit

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RESTAURANT GUIDE Whether you're looking for a new place to eat or rediscovering an old favorite, check out our comprehensive restaurant guide for local favorites all around the tri-state!

AMISH STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7730

BARBECUE BANDANA’S BAR-B-Q 6636 Logan Dr 812-401-9922 CARNE ASADA 1454 E Division St 812-459-5556 GATRICK'S BBQ & FINE DISHES 535 Lincoln Ave 812-901-4666 HAWG ‘N’ SAUCE 6580 Leonard Rd N Mt Vernon, IN 812-838-5339 HICKORY PIT STOP 1521 N Main St 812-422-6919 J & B BAR-B-Q & CATERING 48 S Holloway St Henderson, KY 270-830-0033 MARX BARBEQUE 3119 W Maryland St 812-425-1616 MISSION BBQ 1530 N Green River Rd 812-213-0200

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MOONLITE BAR-B-Q INN 2840 W Parrish Ave Owensboro, KY 270-684-8143 NISBET INN 6701 Nisbet Rd Haubstadt, IN 812-963-9305 OLD HICKORY BBQ 338 Washington Ave Owensboro, KY 270-926-9000 OLE SOUTH BAR-B-Q 3523 Hwy 54 E Owensboro, KY 270-926-6464 PEAK BROS. BBQ 6353 US-60 Waverly, KY 270-389-0267 SHYLER'S BBQ 5416 E Indiana St 812-476-4599 THOMASON’S BARBECUE 701 Atkinson St Henderson, KY 270-826-0654 TOM'S MARKET 1048 Clay St Henderson, KY 270-827-5338 WOLF’S BAR-B-Q 6600 N First Ave 812-424-8891

AUGUST 2018 •

BARS/PUBS/ TAVERNS 711 TAVERN 711 E Virginia St 812-422-0904 ALLEGRA LOUNGE (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 US-41 812-867-7999 BAR LOUIE 7700 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-476-7069 BOB’S LOUNGE 907 N Fares Ave 812-425-4929 BOILER ROOM BAR 1100 Walnut St, Ste 10 Owensboro, KY 270-684-4999 BOKEH LOUNGE 1007 Parrett St 812-909-0388 BUCK’S TAVERN 1015 N Fulton Ave 812-429-0055 CARSON'S BREWERY 2404 Lynch Rd 812-759-8229 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CHILLY WILLY’S 3039 Claremont Ave

812-423-0726 CRICKET’S 518 W Main St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2782 DAPPER PIG 1112 Parrett St 812-401-3333 DARMSTADT INN 13130 Darmstadt Rd 812-867-7300 DAVE’S SPORTS DEN 701 N Weinbach Ave 812-479-8887 DEERHEAD SIDEWALK CAFE 222 E Columbia St 812-425-2515

Mt Vernon, IN 812-985-7333 FOOL MOON GRILL & BAR 5625 Pearl Dr 812-467-7486 FRANKLIN STREET TAVERN 2126 W Franklin St 812-459-5210 GERST HAUS 2100 W Franklin St 812-424-1420 HAGEDORN’S TAVERN 2037 W Franklin St 812-423-0794 HIGHLAND INN 6620 N 1st Ave 812-402-2544

DIAMOND LANES 2400 US-41 812-424-4677

HORNVILLE TAVERN 2607 W Baseline Rd 812-963-0967

DOC’S NIGHTCLUB 1305 Stringtown Rd 812-401-1201

J'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1602 S Vann Ave 812-401-2266

ENIGMA BAR & GRILL 4044 Professional Ln Newburgh, IN 812-490-0600

KC’S CORNER POCKET BAR & GRILL 1819 N Fulton Ave 812-428-2255

FAT BOY'S TAVERN 115 McCreary St Fort Branch, IN 812-753-9914

KC'S MARINA POINTE 1801 Waterworks Rd 812- 422-0400


KC’S TIME OUT LOUNGE & GRILL (Washington Square Mall) 1121 Washington Square

812-437-9920 KEVIN'S BACKSTAGE BAR & GRILL 524 Main St 812-424-5020 KIPPLEE’S 2350 Division St 812-476-1936 KNOB HILL TAVERN 1016 SR-662 Newburgh, IN 812-853-9550 KOODIE-HOO’S GRILL & BAR 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202 LAMASCO BAR & GRILL 1331 W Franklin St 812-437-0171 LEGENDS 1050 S Weinbach Ave 812-476-7444 LEGENDS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 4431 Springhill Dr, Ste E Owensboro, KY 270-240-5360 LEROY’S TAVERN 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave 812-464-8300 LUCKY JOE’S BAR & GRILL (Ellis Park) 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456 LYLE’S SPORTS ZONE PIZZA & PUB 1404 E Morgan Ave 812-425-7729 MARIGOLD BAR 2112 S Weinbach Ave 812-475-8780 MO'S HOUSE 1114 SE Parrett St 812-423-8221

NISBIT INN 6701 Nisbit Rd Haubstadt, IN 812-963-9305 O'BRIAN'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1801 N Green River Rd 812-401-4630 OLD CHICAGO 6550 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-1400 ON DECK RIVERSIDE BAR & GRILL 100 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-826-2424 PEEPHOLE BAR & GRILL 201 Main St 812-423-5171 PISTON'S BAR & GRILL 2131 W Franklin St 812-401-1699 RICK’S 718 BAR & GRILL 718 3rd Ave 812-423-0872 RICK'S SPORTS BAR 1531 S Green River Rd 812-477-4088 ROCA BAR NORTH 12301 Hwy 41 N 812-868-8898 ROCA BAR SOUTH 1618 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-7782 ROOKIE’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 117 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-826-1106

664 E Illinois St 812-491-0091 SHORTY'S BAR 1209 Baker Ave 812-401-1560 SOMEPLACE ELSE 930 Main St 812-424-3202 SPORTSMAN’S GRILLE & BILLIARDS 2315 W Franklin St 812-422-0801 STOCKWELL INN 4001 E Eichel Ave 812-476-2384 STONER'S GRILL 219 S 3rd St Boonville, IN 812-897-3042 TAYLOR'S TAVERN 2509 W Parrish Ave Owensboro, KY 270-683-5577 TELL CITY POUR HAUS 706 Humboldt St Tell City, IN 812-547-2739 TIKI TIME BAR & GRILL 840 LST Dr 812-425-1912 TIN MAN BREWING CO. 1430 W Franklin St 812-618-3227 TJ’S STOCKYARD INN 1217 Baker Ave 812-402-9273 TURONI'S FORGET-ME-NOT INN 4 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7500

ST PHILLIPS INN 11200 Upper Mt Vernon Rd 812-985-5558

TURONI'S PIZZERY & BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871



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521 Church St New Harmony, IN 812-682-3303

BREWERIES/ WINERIES CARSON’S BREWERY 2404 Lynch Rd 812-759-8229 EVANSVILLE BREWHOUSE 56 Adams Ave 812-909-2668 DUSTY BARN DISTILLERY 6861 Carson School Rd Mt Vernon, IN 812-454-0135 MAIDENS BREWERY & PUB 209 N Wabash Ave of Flags Evansville, IN 47712 000-000-0000 MYSTIQUE WINERY 13000 Gore Road Lynnville, IN 47619 812-922-5612 TIN MAN BREWING CO. 1430 W Franklin St 812-618-3227 TURONI’S BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871 WINZERWALD WINERY 26300 N Indian Lake Rd Bristow, IN 812-357-7000


111 S Green River Rd 812-401-8111 CAFÉ ARAZU 17 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-842-2200 CLEO’S BAKERY & BROWN BAG LUNCHES 9 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-853-0500 DAILY’S ANNEX BAKERY & CAFÉ 701 N Main St 812-423-0320 DELI THE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 DONUT BANK BAKERY & COFFEE SHOP (East) 5 N Green River Rd 812-479-0511 1950 Washington Ave 812-477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave 812-402-4111 (North) 2128 N First Ave 812-426-2311 1031 E Diamond Ave 812-426-0011 (West) 210 N St. Joseph Ave 812-426-1011 (Newburgh) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911

6TH ST TWILIGHT DELI 10 NW 6th St 812-421-0606

EMGE’S DELI & ICE CREAM 206 Main St 812-422-3026

ARAZU ON MAIN 415 Main St 812-401-1768

FIREHOUSE SUBS 1031 N Green River Rd 812-477-2141

BITS & BYTES 216 NW Fourth St 812-423-5713

FLYING SAUCER CAFÉ (Evansville Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr 812-423-1113

CAFÉ 111

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GRANOLA JAR 1033 E Mt Pleasant Rd 812-437-1899

(West) 2311 W Virginia Ave 812-423-4173

GREAT HARVEST BREAD CO. 423 Metro Ave 812-476-4999

MCALISTER’S DELI (East) 2220 N Green River Rd 812-618-2050 (West) 5301 Pearl Dr, Ste 100 812-228-4222

HONEYBAKED HAM (East) 1446 N Green River Rd 812-471-2940 (Downtown) 318 Main St 812-492-4967 JASON’S DELI 934 N Green River Rd 812-417-9905 JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 JIMMY JOHN’S (East) 2320 N Green River Rd 812-402-5747 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5400 (North) 130 N St Joseph Ave 812-402-9944 (Newburgh) 8680 High Point Dr, Ste A 812-490-7111 JUST RENNIE’S CAFÉ 100 SE 4th St 812-490-8098 KITE & KEY CAFÉ 2301 W Franklin St 812-401-0275 LIC'S DELI & ICE CREAM (East) 4501 Lincoln Ave 812-477-3131 (Downtown) 11 NW 5th St 812-422-2618 (North) 800 E Diamond Ave 812-424-4862 (South) 2001 Washington Ave 812-473-0569

PANERA BREAD 220 N Burkhardt Rd 812-476-7477 PENN STATION EAST COAST SUBS (East) 600 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 720 812-453-3824 137 N Burkhardt Rd 812-479-7366 (North) 4827 David Lant Dr 812-402-7366 (West) 5310 Pearl Dr, Ste A 812-434-7366 (Henderson) 1111 Barrett Rd 270-826-7361 (Owensboro) 3625 Frederica St 270-683-1515 3023 Highland Pointe Dr 270-852-8888 PENNY LANE COFFEEHOUSE 600 SE 2nd St 812-421-8741 PG CAFÉ 1418 W Franklin St 812-402-4445 PLANTERS CAFÉ & COFFEE BAR 1211 Tutor Lane Ste. E-2 Henderson, KY RZ CAFÉ & CATERING CO. 104 N Main St Fort Branch, IN 812-615-0039

SALAD WORLD (East) 3311 N Green River Rd 812-471-5083 (Downtown) 200 Main St 812-422-0777 (North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-2741 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd 812-490-6070 SARA’S HARMONY WAY 500 Church St New Harmony, IN 812-682-3611 SCHLOTZSKY’S 301 N Green River Rd 812-471-4011 SPUDZ –N– STUFF (North) 601 E Boonville New Harmony Rd 812-867-7783 3904 N First Ave 812-228-1068 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Road 812-490-6070 ZOUP! FRESH SOUP COMPANY (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800

CASUAL THEME ALLEGRA LOUNGE (Holiday Inn Airport) 7101 US-41 812-867-7999 ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE 701 W 1st St Owensboro, KY 270-691-8960 APPLEBEE’S (East)

5100 E Morgan Ave 812-471-0942 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr 812-426-2006 (Henderson) 1950 US-41 270-826-9427 BAR LOUIE 7700 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-476-7069 BEANS & BARISTAS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-475-8566 BEEF O’BRADY’S 8177 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-9464 BOKEH LOUNGE 1007 Parrett St 812-909-0388 BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474

BRU BURGER BAR 222 Sycamore St 812-302-3005 CAMBRIDGE GOLF COURSE 1034 Beacon Hill Dr 812-868-4653 CHEDDAR’S 2100 N Green River Rd 812-491-9976 CHILI’S 600 N Green River Rd 812-475-1510 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 DAPPER PIG 1112 Parrett St 812-401-3333 DOC’S NIGHTCLUB 1305 Stringtown Rd



DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813

KEVIN'S BACKSTAGE BAR & GRILL 524 Main St 812-424-5020

FOOL MOON GRILL & BAR 5625 Pearl Dr 812-467-7486

KITCHEN BUFFET THE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 ext. 6059

HADI SHRINE RED FEZ 6 Walnut St 812-423-4285

KOODIE-HOO’S GRILL & BAR 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202

KC’S CORNER POCKET BAR & GRILL 1819 N Fulton Ave 812-428-2255 KC'S MARINA POINTE 1801 Waterworks Rd 812- 422-0400 KC’S TIME OUT LOUNGE & GRILL (Washington Square Mall) 1121 Washington Square

LEGENDS SPORTS BAR & GRILL 4431 Springhill Dr, Ste E Owensboro, KY 270-240-5360 LUCKY JOE’S BAR & GRILL (Ellis Park) 3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456

MAJOR MUNCH 101 NW First St 812-437-2363 MELLOW MUSHROOM 101 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-684-7800 O’BRIAN’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL 1801 N Green River Rd 812-401-4630 POPEYES 3300 N First Ave 812-423-4291 RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS 6636 E Lloyd Expy 812-473-4100 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE FACTORY (Inside Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653

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ROOFTOP THE 112 NW Martin Luther King Blvd 812-550-1599 ROYAL SUITE 4706 E Morgan Ave 812-402-5122 SHOW-ME’S 1700 Morgan Center Dr 812-401-7469 TAP HOUSE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 TGI FRIDAYS (Eastland Mall) 800 N Green River Rd 812-491-8443 WALTON'S INTERNATIONAL COMFORT FOOD 956 Parrett St 812-467-4255 WAYBACK BURGERS (East) 115 Cross Pointe Blvd 812-475-9272 (North) 624 E Diamond Ave 812-422-4999 WINGSTOP 499 N Green River Rd Ste B 812-909-3445 ZAXBY'S 1021 N Burkhardt Rd 812-602-5515 8175 High Pointe Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-1199 ZOUP FRESH SOUP CO. (East) 6240 E Virginia St 812-477-2664 (North) 4660 N First Ave 812-423-1800


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102 SE 4th St 812-401-8098

BIG BANG MONGOLIAN GRILL 2013 N Green River Rd 812-602-1400

MANDARIN HOUSE 1111 Barrett Blvd Henderson, KY 270-826-3001

CANTON INN RESTAURANT 947 North Park Dr 812-428-6611

MA T 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd 812-475-2888

CHARLIE’S MONGOLIAN BBQ 315 E Diamond Ave 812-423-9897


CHINA KING 590 E Diamond Ave 812-423-1896

TASTE OF CHINA 4579 University Dr 812-422-1260

LIC'S DELI & ICE CREAM (East) 4501 Lincoln Ave 812-477-3131 (Downtown) 11 NW 5th St 812-422-2618 (North) 800 E Diamond Ave 812-424-4862 (South) 2001 Washington Ave 812-473-0569 (West) 2311 W Virginia Ave 812-423-4173

CHINA VILLAGE 8423 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-8238

TWO BROTHERS 3806 N First Ave 812-423-6188

ORANGE LEAF YOGURT 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-401-5215

WOK ‘N’ ROLL 311 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181

PIE PAN 905 North Park Dr 812-425-2261

YEN CHING CHINESE RESTAURANT 406 S Green River Rd 812-474-0181

PIECE OF CAKE 210 Main St 812-424-2253

CHOPSTICK HOUSE RESTAURANT 5412 E Indiana St 812-473-5551 CRAZY BUFFET 701 N Burkhardt Rd 812-437-8833 GOLDEN BUDDHA 3221 Taylor Ave 812-473-4855 5066 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-2680 GRACIE’S CHINESE CUISINE 12500 US-41, Ste 8 812-868-8888 GRAND BUFFET MONGOLIAN GRILL 1356 N Green River Rd 812-476-6666 JIMMY GAO'S SZECHWAN CHINESE RESTAURANT 669 N Green River Rd 812-479-7600 LINCOLN GARDEN 2001 Lincoln Ave 812-471-8881

AUGUST 2018 •

DESSERTS/FROZEN TREATS COLDSTONE CREAMERY (East) 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-437-2653 (West) 5435 Pearl Dr, Ste 5 812-461-0100 EMGE’S DELI & ICE CREAM 206 Main St 812-422-3026 GAYLA CAKE 422 N Main St 812-454-9791 JEANNE’S GELATO 2003 Lincoln Ave 812-479-8272 JUST RENNIE'S COOKIE COMPANY

SWEET BETTY’S BAKERY 5600 E Virginia St, Ste E 812-402-3889 SWEET CECE’S 5625 Pearl Dr 812-401-5232

FAMILY/ HOMESTYLE ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320 BOB EVANS (East) 1125 N Green River Rd 812-473-9022 (Princeton) 2825 W Broadway St 812-386-1228 BUFFALO WILD WINGS (East) 715 N Green River Rd

812-471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr 812-423-9464 (Owensboro) 4736 Frederica St 270-686-7800 BURGER BANK 1617 S Weinbach Ave 812-475-2265 CAROUSEL RESTAURANT 5115 Monroe Ave 812-479-6388 CARRIAGE INN 103 E Gibson St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6131 CLEAVERS RESTAURANT 5501 E Indiana St 812-473-0001 COMFORT BY CROSS-EYED CRICKET 230 Main St 812-909-3742 CRACKER BARREL 8215 Eagle Lake Dr 812-479-8788 CROSS-EYED CRICKET 2101 W Lloyd Expy 812-422-6464 CULVER’S 1734 Hirschland Rd 812-437-3333 DENNY’S CLASSIC DINER 5212 Weston Rd 812-424-4472 19501 Elpers Rd Newburgh, IN 812-867-7156 DENNY’S RESTAURANT (East) 351 N Green River Rd 812-473-1063 (North) 3901 US-41 812-423-9459 ELLIS PARK CLUBHOUSE


3300 US-41 Henderson, KY 812-425-1456 FIVE GUYS BURGERS 5402 E Indiana St 812-401-1773 FROGGY'S RESTAURANT & SPORTS BAR 7247 Main St Wadesville, IN 812-673-4996 FRANKLIN LANES 1801 W Franklin St 812-423-5355 GATTI TOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 GOLDEN CORRAL 130 N Cross Pointe Blvd 812-473-1095 1320 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-869-9310 HIGHLAND INN 6620 N First Ave 812-402-2544 HILLTOP INN 1100 Harmony Way 812-422-1757 HORNVILLE TAVERN 2607 W Baseline Rd 812-963-0967 IHOP 601 N Burkhardt Rd 812-471-0510 IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 KOODIE-HOO’S 231 W 2nd St Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-5202 KORNER INN 15 W Main St Elberfeld, IN 812-983-4200

LIBBY & MOM’S CAFÉ 2 Richardt Ave 812-437-3040 LOG INN 12491 S 200 E Haubstadt, IN 812-867-3216 MARY & MARTHA'S PLACE 6840 Logan Dr Suite A 812-401-2660

ROSE HILL CAFÉ 8133 Rose Hill Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8443 SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280 ST. JOE INN 9515 St Wendel Rd 812-963-9310

MERRY-GO-ROUND RESTAURANT 2101 N Fares Ave 812-423-6388

STOLL’S COUNTRY INN 19820 Castle Creek Dr 812-867-7330

NEW FRONTIER RESTAURANT & BAR 12945 IN-57 812-867-6786

ZESTO (West) 102 W Franklin St 812-424-1416 (Downtown) 920 E Riverside Dr 812-423-5961

O’CHARLEY’S (East) 7301 E Indiana St 812-479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr 812-424-3348 OLD MILL 5031 New Harmony Rd 812-963-6000 PIE PAN 905 North Park Dr 812-425-2261 POPEYES 3300 N First Ave 812-423-4291 RAFFERTY’S 1400 N Green River Rd 812-471-0024 RED WAGON 6950 Frontage Rd Poseyville, IN 812-874-2210 ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1400



SERIOUS CRAFT BREWS, SERIOUSLY GOOD FOOD.™ With 90 craft beers, 30 of them on tap, to specialty pizzas and hand-crafted taproom fare, Old Chicago has what you need to satisfy any craving!

CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333 CKB COMMONWEALTH KITCHEN & BAR 108 N 2nd St Henderson, KY 270-212-2133 CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974 EDGEWATER GRILLE 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 RED GERANIUM (New Harmony Inn Resort)





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PROMO: NewsTavern EXP: 8/30/18

EVANSVILLE • 6550 E LLOYD EXPWY •BURKHARDT RD & E. LLOYD EXPWY • 812.401.1400 Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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520 N St New Harmony, IN 812-682-4431

CUISINE 500 Main St 812-484-2222


OLIVE GARDEN 1100 N Green River Rd 812-473-2903

GERST HAUS 2100 W Franklin St 812-424-1420

GREEK ACROPOLIS 501 N Green River Rd 812-475-9320


SAUCED ITALIAN RESTAURANT 1113 Parrett St 812- 402-2230 SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280



FUJI YAMA 915 North Park Dr 812-962-4440

RI RA IRISH PUB 701 NW Riverside Dr 812-426-0000

GINMIYA ASIAN DINER 4827 Davis Lant Dr 812-471-8100


IWATAYA JAPANESE RESTAURANT 8401 N Kentucky Ave, Ste J 812-868-0830

ANGELO’S 305 Main St 812-428-6666 BIAGGI’S 6401 E Lloyd Expy, Ste 3 812-421-0800 DILEGGE’S 607 N Main St 812-428-3004 FAMOUS BISTRO 102 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-686-8202 LITTLE ANGELO'S 8000 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8364 LITTLE ITALY 4430 N First Ave 812-401-0588 MILANO ITALIAN

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KANPAI SUSHI & ASIAN BISTRO 4593 Washington Ave 812-471-7076 ROPPONGI JAPANESE STEAK & SUSHI 7221 E Indiana St 812-437-5824

KOREAN GANGNAM KOREAN CUISINE 518 Main St 812-550-1171 3332 Villa Pt #102 Owensboro, KY 270-240-2976 JAYA’S AUTHENTIC FOODS 119 SE 4th St 812-422-6667


EL MAGUEY GRILL 3250 Warrick Dr Boonville, IN 812-897-6666 EL PATRON MEXICAN RESTAURANT 943 North Park Dr 812-402-6500

ARAZU ON MAIN 415 Main St. 812-401-1768

EL RIO MEXICAN CUISINE 1919 N Green River Rd 812-471-1400

CAFÉ ARAZU 17 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-842-2200

FIESTA ACAPULCO 8480 High Pointe Dr Newburgh, IN 812-858-7777

HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-0572

HACIENDA MEXICAN RESTAURANT (East) 990 S Green River Rd 812-474-1635 (North) 711 N First Ave 812-423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr 812-422-2055

MANNA MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 2913 Lincoln Ave 812-473-7005 RAFFI'S OASIS CAFÉ 5702 E Virginia St 812-602-3660


TOKYO JAPAN 3000 N Green River Rd 812-401-1020

CANCUN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 341 S Green St Henderson, KY 270-826-0067

TOKYO TEPPANYAKI 2222 US-41 Henderson, KY 270-869-1968

CHAVAS MEXICAN GRILL 4202 N First Ave 812-401-1977

ZUKI JAPANESE GRILL 1448 N Green River Rd 812-477-9854

CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL 499 N Green River Rd, Ste A 812-471-4973

AUGUST 2018 •

EL CHARRO MEXICAN RESTAURANT 720 N Sonntag Ave 812-421-1986

HERRADURA 4610 Bellemeade Ave 812-402-0355 HOT HEAD BURRITOS 5625 Pearl Dr 812-437-5010 JALISCO MEXICAN RESTAURANT 4044 Professional Ln Newburgh, IN 812-490-2814 LA CAMPIRANA 724 N Burkhardt Rd 812-550-1585 2630 US-41, Ste B Henderson, KY

270-212-3683 LOS BRAVOS (East) 6226 E Waterford Blvd 812-474-9078 (North) 3534 N First Ave 812-424-4101 (West) 4630 W Lloyd Expy 812-464-3163 (Boonville) 3311 Liberty Blvd 812-897-3442 LOS PORTALES MEXICAN GRILL 3339 N Green River Rd 812-475-0566 LOS TRES CAMINOS 12100 US-41 812-868-8550 MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-491-6637 NACHOS GRILL 821-B S Green River Rd 812-471-9481 QDOBA MEXICAN EATS 922 N Burkhardt Rd, Ste 101 812-401-0800 RIVIERA MEXICAN GRILL 10604 SR-662 Newburgh, IN 812-490-9936 SALSARITA'S FRESH MEXICAN GRILL 3910 E Morgan Ave 812-437-2572 3500 Villa Point Owensboro, KY 270-686-7505 TACO TIERRA 420 S Green River Rd 812-402-8226 TEQUILA'S

MEXICAN RESTAURANT 408 Southwind Plz Mt. Vernon, IN 812-838-2392

PIZZA/SANDWICHES ANGELO'S 305 Main St 812-428-6666 8000 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-853-8364 ARCHIE & CLYDE’S 8309 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-7778 AZZIP PIZZA (East) 2121 N Green River Rd 812-401-0490 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr 812-401-3572 (Newburgh) 8680 High Pointe Dr 812-518-3810

BIG M’S PIZZERIA 1313 N First Ave 812-434-6909 BOSTON’S GOURMET PIZZA 3911 Venetian Dr Newburgh, IN 47630 812-853-3400 CAROLYN'S COUNTRY PIZZARIA 6800 NS Rd 161 Tennyson, IN 812-567-4444 CICIS PIZZA 101-B N Green River Rd 812-477-2424 DAVE’S SPORTS DEN 701 N Weinbach Ave 812-479-8887 DEERHEAD SIDEWALK CAFE 222 E Columbia St 812-425-2515

DELI THE (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4000 DOMINO'S PIZZA (East) 600 N Weinbach Ave 812-473-1011 (North) 1940 N Green River Rd 812-471-8585 (South) 1300 S Green River Rd 812-477-5544 2101 S Weinbach Ave 812-473-3383 (West) 421 N St Joseph Ave 812-424-7333 FAT BOY'S PIZZA 10722 Hwy 662 Newburgh, IN 812-518-3061 FETTA SPECIALTY PIZZA & SPIRITS 118 St Ann St

Owensboro, KY 270-926-0005 FIREDOME PIZZA & WINGS 512 Barret Blvd Henderson, KY 270-831-1977 FRANKLIN STREET PIZZA FACTORY 2033 W Franklin St 812-602-3028 GARDO’S ITALIAN OVEN 13220 Darmstadt Rd 812-868-8071 GATTITOWN 316 N Green River Rd 812-473-3800 HARMES UNA PIZZA 967 S Kentucky Ave 812-426-2600 HEADY’S PIZZA 4120 N First Ave 812-437-4343

HIGHLAND PIZZA SHOP 6669 Kratzville Rd 812-402-8900 KIPPLEE’S 2350 E Division St 812-476-1936 LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA (North) 2411 Stringtown Rd 812-401-8555 (South) 2007 Washington Ave 812-471-5755 (West) 130 N St Joseph Ave 812-401-9555 LYLE'S SPORTSZONE PIZZA & PUB 1404 E Morgan Ave 812-425-7729 MALONEY'S PIZZA & WINGS 3030 Highland Pointe Dr Owensboro, KY

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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270-684-8080 MAMA ROMA’S (East) 2008 E Morgan Ave 812-422-1212 (South) 3115 Covert Ave 812-477-6262 MELLOW MUSHROOM 101 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-684-7800 OLD CHICAGO 6550 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-1400 PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404 PAPA JOHN’S (East) 303 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7700 5436 E Indiana St 812-473-5200 (North) 4204 N First Ave 812-425-2345 12414 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7272 (West) 4814 W Lloyd Expy 812-423-7272 (Newburgh) 3955 Haley Dr 812-858-7272 PARKWAY PIZZA 3911 Broadway Ave 812-423-3339 PIZZA CHEF 423 W Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-1600 4938 SR-261 Newburgh, IN 812-853-3338 PIZZA DEPOT 2801 E BoonvilleNew Harmony Rd 812-867-9131

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PIZZA KING (East) 1033 S Weinbach Ave 812-476-4941 (West) 220 N St Joseph Ave 812-424-7976 (Newburgh) 7777 SR-66 812-853-3368 PIZZA PUB ON MAIN 606 N Main St 812-909-1704 PIZZA REVOLUTION 812-430-5945 ROCA BAR NORTH 12301 Hwy 41 N 812-868-8898

SUSAN BOBE’S PIZZA 101 W Broadway St Princeton, IN 812-385-2554 TALK OF THE TOWN PIZZA 1200 Edgar St 812-402-8696 TURONI’S FORGET-ME-NOT INN 4 N Weinbach Ave 812-477-7500 TURONI’S PIZZERY & BREWERY 408 N Main St 812-424-9871

ROCA BAR SOUTH 1618 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-7782

TURONI’S PIZZA 8011 Bell Oaks Dr Newburgh, IN 812-490-5555

ROCKHOUSE AT WOLF’S 31 N Green St Henderson, KY 270-212-1400

TWISTED TOMATO PIZZA CO 2333 St George Rd 812-401-2323

ROUNDERS PIZZA 510 W Mill Rd 812-424-4960


ROUNDERS TOO 12731 N Green River Rd 812-867-7172 SAM’S PIZZERIA 2011 W Delaware St 812-423-3160 SANDY’S PIZZA 609 S Main St Ft Branch, IN 812-759-3972 SLICE THE 2011 Lincoln Ave 812-402-8518 SPANKEY’S UNA PIZZA 4404 W Lloyd Expy 812-402-6776

AUGUST 2018 •

BALLROOM AT SAUCED THE 1119 Parrett St 812-402-2230 EDGEWATER LA VERANDA BANQUET ROOM 1 E Water St Newburgh, IN 812-858-2443 IVY ROOM (SWIRCA) 16 W Virginia St 812-464-7800 JUST RENNIE’S 100 SE 4th St 812-401-8098 OLD POST OFFICE 100 NW 2nd St 812-253-2102

SEAFOOD BONEFISH GRILL 6401 E Lloyd Expy 812-401-3474 LURE SEAFOOD & GRILLE 401 W 2nd St Owensboro, KY 270-240-4556 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 RED LOBSTER 4605 Bellemeade Ave 812-477-9227 TIN FISH 300 W Jennings St Newburgh, IN 812-490-7000

(East) 1 N Burkhardt Rd 812-471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr 812-421-0908 LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE 320 N Green River Rd 812-473-2400 MADELEINE’S FUSION RESTAURANT 423 SE 2nd St 812-491-8611 OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 7201 E Indiana St 812-474-0005 SMITTY’S ITALIAN STEAKHOUSE 2109 W Franklin St 812-423-6280


TEXAS ROADHOUSE 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd 812-477-7427

CAVANAUGH’S (Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr 812-433-4333

WESTERN RIB-EYE & RIBS 1401 N Boeke Rd 812-476-5405

CORK ‘N CLEAVER 650 S Hebron Ave 812-479-6974


DOUBLE D’S 1206 E Main St Boonville, IN 812-897-8813 HAUB STEAKHOUSE 101 E Haub St Haubstadt, IN 812-768-6462 HORNET’S NEST 11845 Petersburg Rd 812-867-2386 HOUSE OF COMO 2700 S Kentucky Ave 812-422-0572 LOGAN’S ROADHOUSE

PANGEA KITCHEN 111 S Green River Rd, Ste E 812-401-2404 THAI PAPAYA CUISINE 1434 Tutor Ln 812-477-8424



August Coupons Save BIG when you shop local! Check out these great deals from local businesses around the city.

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IN TOWN & AROUND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool 2:00 PM Tiki Time -- Ladies' Night 6:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night w/ Tommy Stillwell & Larry Grisham Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Live Trivia 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Evansville River City Bop Club Swing Dance [different dance course weekly] KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Cornhole (w/ cash prizes register @ 6:30pm) Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 8:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- 8 Ball APA Tourney Someplace Else -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 Germania Maennerchor -Volksfest 57 5:00 PM Tiki Time -- Throwback Thursday Dance Party w/ the best music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's 6:00 PM Liquor Locker (Fulton) -- Tastings with Susan Owensboro Convention Center -- Cork & Cuisine - San Francisco Gold Rush Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Dance Lessons [Intermediate @ 6:30pm, Beginners @ 8pm] KC's Marina Pointe -- St. Jude Concert Series: Whiskey Myers 6:35 PM

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Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Lindsey Williams KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Drew Aud Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Top Tier Trio 7:30 PM New Harmony (Murphy Auditorium) -- Talley's Folly 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- Stoney-oke Karaoke 8:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night w/ Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Germania Maennerchor -Volksfest 57 5:00 PM Sidetrack Tavern -- Sailor Jerry's Bike Night 5:30 PM Haynie's Corner -- First Fridays Art Tour Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Mad Women 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Jed Guillaume Tropicana Evansville (421) -Savannah Jack 7:30 PM New Harmony (Murphy Auditorium) -- Talley's Folly Someplace Else -- Comedy show with Layson Brooks The Rooftop -- Steven Kirn 8:00 PM

AUGUST 2018 •

Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Boppers Dance Tiki Time -- DJ Dance Party 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke w/ DJ Double D J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- Live DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke w/ DJ T-Rob Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Larry Grisham & Friends 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Chidi Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Calabash 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Audubon Mill Park (Henderson) -First Friday feat. live music & food Someplace Else -- Destiny Steele Monet SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Franklin Street -- Franklin Street Bazaar Germania Maennerchor -Volksfest 57 2:00 PM New Harmony (Murphy Auditorium) -- Talley's Folly 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Mike Mitchell 6:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Acoustic Music followed by DJ Chidi Tiki Time -- Coors Light Summer Jam Party Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Corduroy Orbison Tropicana Evansville (421) -Savannah Jack 7:30 PM New Harmony (Murphy Auditorium) -- Talley's Folly

The Rooftop -- Steve Katt 8:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- 2 Miles Back [open to the public] OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Shane Espenlaub 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Terry Sartor Band J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Mudpit Poets 9:30 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- The Boy Band Night 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Deja Blu 5 Lamasco Bar & Grill -- 90’s Karaoke 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Jones Capone 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Candy Principal, Destiny Steele Monet & Xian Destini SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Michael Rhymes on Piano 2:00 PM New Harmony (Murphy Auditorium) -- Talley's Folly 2:05 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 3:00 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- Jenny's Bad Hair Day (Acoustic) 4:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Steve Greenwell [open to the public] 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Keith Vincent Tropicana Evansville (421) --

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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Jacob Martin Band 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, AUGUST 6 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Matt Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Music Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -Jacob Martin Band 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 6:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Bluesday Tuesday: The Beat Daddys Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM

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Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Line-Dance Lessons w/ Judy Fortune Herr [beginners @ 6:30pm, intermediate @ 7:30pm] 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -Jacob Martin Band 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool 2:00 PM Tiki Time -- Ladies' Night 6:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night w/ JC Stone Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -Sophie Murray Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Live Trivia 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 --

AUGUST 2018 •

Evansville River City Bop Club Swing Dance [different dance course weekly] KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Cornhole (w/ cash prizes register @ 6:30pm) Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -Jacob Martin Band 8:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- 8 Ball APA Tourney Someplace Else -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 8:00 AM Old National Events Plaza -Global Leadership Summit 5:00 PM Tiki Time -- Throwback Thursday Dance Party w/ the best music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's 6:00 PM Liquor Locker (Virginia) --

Tastings with Susan Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Dance Lessons [Intermediate @ 6:30pm, Beginners @ 8pm] 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Lindsey Williams KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Andy Brasher Tropicana Evansville (421) -Jacob Martin Band 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- Stoney-oke Karaoke 8:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night w/ Live DJ & Karaoke

KC's Marina Pointe -- College Night w/ DJ AP KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 Audubon Mill Park (Henderson) -- Bluegrass in the Park Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing 8:00 AM Old National Events Plaza -Global Leadership Summit 5:00 PM Sidetrack Tavern -- Sailor Jerry's Bike Night 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Kyle Paisley Tropicana Evansville (421) -Wildfire 7:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- DJ Danny/Singles Dance [open to the public] The Rooftop -- Lindsey Williams 8:00 PM Tiki Time -- DJ Dance Party 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke w/ DJ Double D J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke w/ DJ T-Rob Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Akacia 9:30 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- LDNL 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Chidi Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Dizgo 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Sally 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Open Stage Hosted by Virgil & Krystal SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 Audubon Mill Park (Henderson) -- Bluegrass in the Park Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing

Franklin Street -- Franklin Street Bazaar Fraternal Order of Eagles #4023 -- Poker Run for Charity (registration starts @ 10) 9:00 AM Vanderburgh Co. 4-H Center -- Collectors Carnival Craft & Vendor Fair 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Logan Dyer with Ladies That Sing 6:00 PM Beaver Dam Amphitheater -Back to School Bash feat. Heath & Molly and more! Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Acoustic Music followed by DJ Chidi Owensboro Convention Center -- 6th Annual Dancing with Our Stars Owensboro Style Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM Lincoln Amphitheatre (Lincoln City) -- 7 Bridges: The Ultimate Eagles Experience w/ The High Road 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Curt N' Rod Tropicana Evansville (421) -Wildfire 7:30 PM The Rooftop -- Angel Rhodes 8:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- MAD Women [open to the public] Tiki Time -- Keith Vincent 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Fifth Degree Burn J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Live Music TBA 9:30 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- LDNL 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Tastes Like Chicken Lamasco Bar & Grill -- JEB 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Sally

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Sierra S D’leight SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Michael Rhymes on Piano 2:05 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 3:00 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- Tailgate Revival (Unplugged) 4:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Carl Rodenberg Trio [open to the public] 5:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Songhouse: Jake & Robbie Holder 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole

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Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Dan Hall Old National Events Plaza -Heather Land Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, AUGUST 13 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Matt Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Music Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 6:00 PM

AUGUST 2018 •

Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Bluesday Tuesday: The Amazing Soul Crackers Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Open Line Dance Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 Graham, KY -- Hawg Valley Bike Rally w/ live music, adult games & more KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool 2:00 PM Tiki Time -- Ladies' Night 6:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) --

Bike Night w/ Zach Ashby Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Live Trivia 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Evansville River City Bop Club Swing Dance [different dance course weekly] KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Cornhole (w/ cash prizes register @ 6:30pm) Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 8:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- 8 Ball APA Tourney Someplace Else -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

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84TH SEASON THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 Graham, KY -- Hawg Valley Bike Rally w/ live music, adult games & more 5:00 PM Tiki Time -- Throwback Thursday Dance Party w/ the best music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's 6:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Speed Dating Liquor Locker (Weinbach) -Tastings with Susan Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Dance Lessons [Intermediate @ 6:30pm, Beginners @ 8pm] 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Lindsey Williams Carson's Brewery -- B.K. Karaoke Experience KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Josh Merritt

Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sally & Wild Cards 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- Stoney-oke Karaoke 8:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night w/ Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- College Night w/ DJ AP KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Thirsty Thursday Drag Show FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Graham, KY -- Hawg Valley Bike Rally w/ live music, adult games & more 5:00 PM Sidetrack Tavern -- Sailor Jerry's Bike Night 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5:

Dog Town Three 6:00 PM Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Bike Night w/ Akacia Carson's Brewery -- Cigar Pairing with Dave / Namaste for the Brews Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Monte Skelton Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Rock 'N Soul Victory Theatre -- Oak Ridge Boys 7:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Hoosier Daddy w/ DJ Danny [open to the public] The Rooftop -- Desmond 8:00 PM Tiki Time -- DJ Dance Party 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke w/ DJ Double D J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- Live DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke w/ DJ T-Rob

Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Glastone 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Chidi Lamasco Bar & Grill -- MONTU 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Amaya Sexton SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Franklin Street -- Franklin Street Bazaar Graham, KY -- Hawg Valley Bike Rally w/ live music, adult games & more Owensboro Convention Center -- 2018 Kentucky Open Sports Festival & Expo 3:00 PM Owensboro Convention Center -- Cheers On The Pier 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Opal Fly and Kapow! 6:00 PM Beaver Dam Amphitheater -- Tyler Childers w/ Aubrie Sellers Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Acoustic Music followed by DJ Chidi Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob

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Green 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Corey Evitts Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Rock 'N Soul 7:30 PM The Rooftop -- Steve Katt 8:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Mason Byrne Express [open to the public] 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Zach Evans 9:30 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- The Lepolion Effect 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Jenny's Bad Hair Day Lamasco Bar & Grill -- The Rich Hardesty Band 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Amaya Sexton SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Michael Rhymes on Piano 3:00 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- Lindsey Williams (Acoustic) 4:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Scott Mason & Rickie Byrne [open to the public] 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Sunday Big Band 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bar Louie - Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Keith Vincent Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Cross Atlantic 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, AUGUST 20

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6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Matt Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Music Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Cross Atlantic 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 Pike's Mattress -- Eat-N-Sleep w/ portion of sales to charity 6:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Bluesday Tuesday: Lindsey Williams Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Line-Dance Lessons w/ Judy Fortune Herr [beginners @ 6:30pm, intermediate @ 7:30pm] 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Cross Atlantic 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool 2:00 PM Tiki Time -- Ladies' Night 6:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bike Night w/ Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines 6:30 PM Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -Lindsey Williams Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Live Trivia 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Evansville River City Bop Club Swing Dance [different dance course weekly] KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole (w/ cash prizes - register @ 6:30pm) Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bar Trivia


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Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Cross Atlantic 8:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- 8 Ball APA Tourney Someplace Else -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 Owensboro Convention Center -- 2018 River Valley Cluster Dog Show 5:00 PM Tiki Time -- Throwback Thursday Dance Party w/ the best music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's 6:00 PM Liquor Locker (University) -Tastings with Susan Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Dance Lessons [Intermediate @ 6:30pm, Beginners @ 8pm] 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Lindsey Williams KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Elliott Sublett Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Cross Atlantic 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- Stoney-oke Karaoke 8:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night w/ Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- College Night w/ DJ AP KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Owensboro Convention Center -- 2018 River Valley Cluster Dog Show

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Vanderburgh Co. 4-H Center -E'ville Iron Frog Follies 5:00 PM Sidetrack Tavern -- Sailor Jerry's Bike Night 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Fabulous Rodenberg Boys 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Angel Rhodes Tropicana Evansville (421) -RetroNerds 7:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- DJ Danny/Singles Dance [open to the public] The Rooftop -- Lindsey Williams 8:00 PM Tiki Time -- DJ Dance Party 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke w/ DJ Double D J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- Live DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke w/ DJ T-Rob Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Valcoes 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Chidi Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Gentlemen & Scholars wsg Os Gringos 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Ace 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Mister Someplace Else Pageant Honoring Virgil Lee Dennison SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Franklin Street -- Franklin Street Bazaar Owensboro Convention Center -- 2018 River Valley Cluster Dog Show Vanderburgh Co. 4-H Center -E'ville Iron Frog Follies 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Morgan Donahue & friends 6:00 PM Beaver Dam Amphitheater -Lee Brice w/ Dylan Schneider &

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Follow us on Morgan Evans Franklin Street Tavern -- Live Acoustic Music followed by DJ Chidi Old National Events Plaza -- 100 Men Who Cook Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Lincoln Amphitheatre (Lincoln City) -- The Guess Who w/ Eighty Sixt 6:35 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Mike Mitchell Tropicana Evansville (421) -RetroNerds 7:30 PM The Rooftop -- Angel Rhodes 8:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Marlinaires [open to the public] Franklin Street -- Movie Night in the Park: Wayne's World (on the Library Lawn) Tiki Time -- Static Mojo 9:00 PM J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ &

Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- RJ Rigdon & The Primal Roots 9:30 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- Tailgate Revival 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Torpedo Vegas Lamasco Bar & Grill -- The Trip 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ Ace 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Patience Eau Claire SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing Owensboro Convention Center -- 2018 River Valley Cluster Dog Show Vanderburgh Co. 4-H Center -E'ville Iron Frog Follies 10:00 AM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Michael Rhymes on Piano 2:05 PM Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters 3:00 PM KC's Marina Pointe -- Adairs Run

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4605 Washington Ave 812-401-7399 (Acoustic) 4:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Bob Green Machine [open to the public] 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Karaoke KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / Cornhole Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Shawn Brashear Tropicana Evansville (421) -Sushi Roll Too 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Someplace Else -- Social Drag Sunday! MONDAY, AUGUST 27 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Trivia w/ Matt Franklin Street Tavern -- Pub Poll Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Music Trivia

Tropicana Evansville (421) -Sushi Roll Too 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 6:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- BRC 054 release Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Bluesday Tuesday: RJ Rigdon & The Primal Roots Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- Line-Dance Lessons w/ Judy Fortune Herr [beginners @ 6:30pm, intermediate @ 7:30pm] 7:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -Sushi Roll Too 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 KC's Corner Pocket -- Free Pool 2:00 PM Tiki Time -- Ladies' Night

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6:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Bike Night Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night w/ Tommy Stillwell & Larry Grisham Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 6:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Live Trivia 7:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Evansville River City Bop Club Swing Dance [different dance course weekly] KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole (w/ cash prizes - register @ 6:30pm) Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Bar Trivia Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sushi Roll Too 8:00 PM Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- 8 Ball APA Tourney Someplace Else -- Karaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 5:00 PM Tiki Time -- Throwback Thursday Dance Party w/ the best music from the 80's, 90's & 2000's 6:00 PM High Spirits -- Tastings with Susan Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Drag Show Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Bob Green 6:30 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -Dance Lessons [Intermediate @ 6:30pm, Beginners @ 8pm] 7:00 PM Bar Louie -- Lindsey Williams KC's Corner Pocket -- Texas Hold 'Em KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Texas Hold 'Em Maloney's Pizza (Owensboro) -Andy Brasher Tropicana Evansville (421) -- Sushi Roll Too Victory Theatre -- Red Hot Chilli Pipers 8:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Thursday Night Jams Lyle's Sports Zone -- Karaoke Sidetrack Tavern -- Stoney-oke Karaoke

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8:30 PM Someplace Else -- Comedy Open Mic 9:00 PM KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night w/ Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- College Night w/ DJ AP KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Friday, August 31 Ellis Park -- Live Horse Racing 5:00 PM Sidetrack Tavern -- Sailor Jerry's Bike Night 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Cynthia Murray 6:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh's Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark 7:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Tony Henning Tropicana Evansville (421) -Breakdown Shakedown 7:30 PM The Rooftop -- Steven Kirn 8:00 PM Evansville Eagles Aerie 427 -- The Jimmies [open to the public] Tiki Time -- DJ Dance Party 9:00 PM Cricket's (Newburgh) -- Karaoke w/ DJ Double D J's Sports Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- Live DJ & Karaoke KC's Marina Pointe -- Live DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke w/ DJ T-Rob Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Lyle's Sports Zone -- Junkyard Stereo 10:00 PM Franklin Street Tavern -- DJ Chidi Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Hyryder 11:00 PM Tropicana Evansville (421) -- DJ CKing


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PARADISE (812) 842-2265 7199 Parker Drive Newburgh, IN 47630

NEWBURGH (812) 842-3017 705 State Street Newburgh, IN 47630


BOONVILLE (812) 897-0230 132 S. Third Street Boonville, IN 47601

Join the fun with all of these great music and art activities around the Tri-State. AUG 2-5: JASPER STRASSENFEST Come celebrate 40 years of memories. Jasper Strassenfest has grown to become a premier street and arts festival in the region highlighting local artists. The festival includes pageants, vendor booths, food, a parade, and fireworks. For more info, visit jasperstrassenfest. org. Downtown Jasper, IN AUG 3: HAYNIE'S CORNER ARTS DISTRICT FIRST FRIDAYS First Fridays is a collaborative effort between local businesses, neighborhood representatives and the Arts Council of Southwestern IN. It's a self-guided tour of indoor and outdoor art exhibits and performers designed to highlight local artists and the businesses hosting them on the first Friday of the month. For more info, follow Haynie's Corner Arts District on Facebook. Downtown Evansville / 5:30pm AUG 3: FIRST FRIDAY AT AUDUBON Enjoy an outdoor lunch downtown with live music. Attendees can bring their own lunch, grab a to-go lunch from a local restaurant, or support local food vendors at the park. For more info, visit Audubon Mill Park: 123 N. Water St., Henderson, KY / 11:30am AUG 3: FIRST FRIDAY CONCERT SERIES This free concert features organist Steven Smith, a master’s student from the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in Bloomington. For more

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info, visit First Presbyterian Church: 609 SE 2nd St., Evansville, IN / 7pm AUG 9: MUSIC IN THE PARK Enjoy live music and food trucks at this free, family-friendly event. Bring your picnic blankets and lawn chairs. For more info, visit evansvilleparksfoundation. org. Tepe Park: Evansville, IN / 6pm AUG 10-11: BLUEGRASS IN THE PARK The award-winning Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival returns this year for a weekend of live music, children’s activities, food, folklife displays and more. Bluegrass in the Park Folklife Festival has been named a Top 20 Event in the southeast by the Southeast Tourism Council and a Top 10 Event by the Kentucky Tourism Industry Association. Admission is free. For more info, visit Audubon Mill Park: 123 N. Water St., Henderson, KY AUG 11: BACK TO SCHOOL BASH FEAT. HEATH & MOLLY Heath & Molly blend powerful vocals with acoustic guitars, baritone guitars, djembe, cajon, and various percussion to create a homegrown, original, roots music experience. Their live show delivers the entertainment and sonic value of a much larger ensemble. They perform an average of 150 shows each year across the USA and parts of eastern Europe. For tickets and more info, visit

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Beaver Dam Amphitheater: Beaver Dam, KY / 7pm AUG 11: 7 BRIDGES - THE ULTIMATE EAGLES EXPERIENCE 7 Bridges : The Ultimate Eagles Experience is a stunningly accurate tribute to the music of the Eagles. Using no backing tracks or harmonizers, 7 Bridges faithfully re-creates the experience of an Eagles concert from the band’s most prolific period. Every show features one brilliant hit single after another with some mighty Don Henley and Joe Walsh surprises sprinkled into the mix. 7 Bridges offers the perfect blend of songs to capture all levels of Eagles devotees. For tickets and more info, visit Lincoln Amphitheatre: 15032 N. County Rd. 300-E, Lincoln City, IN / 6:30pm AUG 11: COLLECTORS CARNIVAL CRAFT & VENDOR FAIR Search through a wide variety of quality antiques, vintage collectibles, repurposed home decor, furniture, and artisan and handcrafted items. There will be over 100+ vendors in three outdoor covered buildings plus outside booths under easy ups. This show is held in conjunction with the "Antique & Flea Market" which will be going on in a separate area of the fairgrounds at the same time in four other buildings. For more info, follow Collectors Carnival Craft & Vendor Fair on Facebook. Vanderburgh County 4-H Center: 201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Rd. / 9am-4pm AUG 11: 6TH ANNUAL DANCING


WITH OUR STARS OWENSBORO STYLE Local celebrities will partner with local dancers to perform one routine in competition for the mirror-ball trophy and to benefit Boulware Mission! The evening includes a sit-down dinner, competition, and open dancing. For more info, visit Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY / 6pm AUG 12: HEATHER LAND Her hilarious Snapchat videos have us laughing - with more than 300 million views. Now you can see her in person on the 2018 "I Ain't Doin' It" tour for a solid night of comedy as she says, "Full of crazy things I ain’t doin' (and a lot of mess I’ve already done). I’m also bringing some music your way so get ready!" For tickets and more info, visit Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 7pm AUG 17: OAK RIDGE BOYS Theirs is one of the most distinctive and recognizable sounds in the music industry. The four-part harmonies and upbeat songs of the Oak Ridge Boys have spawned dozens of country hits and a number one pop smash, earned them Grammy, Dove, CMA, and ACM awards and garnered a host of other industry and fan accolades. Every time they step before an audience, the Oaks bring four decades of charted singles, and 50 years of tradition, to a stage show widely acknowledged as among the most exciting anywhere. For tickets and more info, visit Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 7pm AUG 18: TYLER CHILDERS W/ AUBRIE SELLERS Born and raised in Lawrence County, KY, rising country star Tyler Childers has been making waves with his breakout album, Purgatory, which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard's Heatseekers Albums chart. With special guest Aubrie

Sellers. For tickets and more info, visit Beaver Dam Amphitheater: Beaver Dam, KY / 7pm AUG 23: MUSIC IN THE PARK Enjoy live music and food trucks at this free, family-friendly event. Bring your picnic blankets and lawn chairs. For more info, visit evansvilleparksfoundation. org. Sunset Park East: Evansville, IN / 6pm AUG 25: LEE BRICE W/ DYLAN SCHNEIDER & MORGAN EVANS Thick grooves, squalling guitars, tumbling drums, sheets of steamy B-3 organ and wide open vocals - that's the sound of two time CMA/ACM/Grammy Song of the Year nominee Lee Brice. He takes listeners to church, school, home and out on a Saturday night. With special guests Dylan Schneider and Morgan Evans. For tickets and more info, visit Beaver Dam Amphitheater: Beaver Dam, KY / 7pm AUG 25: THE GUESS WHO The Guess Who is a group that's connected with the masses throughout an exultant hit parade spanning 14 Top 40 hits, including "These Eyes," "Clap For the Wolfman," "Hand Me Down World," "No Time," "Star Baby" and "Share the Land." Add in fellow classics and double-sided singles like their #1 rock anthem "American Woman" and "No Sugar Tonight," plus "Laughing" and "Undun," and the Canadian bred stateside conquerors are amongst music's most indelible treasures who are eternally etched within the very fabric of pop culture history. For tickets and more info, visit Lincoln Amphitheatre: 15032 N. County Rd. 300-E, Lincoln City, IN / 6:30pm AUG 25: 100 MEN WHO COOK Sample the culinary creations of local, celebrity chefs at 100 Men Who

Cook. 100 "chefs" from our local community will prepare their best dish just for you. For more info, visit Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St., Evansville, IN / 6pm AUG 30: RED HOT CHILLI PIPERS It’s Bagpipes. It’s Rock. It’s Bagrock. AC/ DC meets the poet Robert Burns. Where rock anthems sit comfortably alongside the great tunes from the glens and the mountains of Scotland. It’s The Red Hot Chilli PIPERS (NOT the Peppers!) - a 9-piece ensemble consisting of pipers, guitarists, keyboards, and drummers - who have been rocking the world from New York to Beijing to Melbourne and everywhere in between with musicianship of the highest order and a passion for pipes that will leave you breathless. For tickets and more info, visit Victory Theatre: 600 Main St., Evansville, IN / 7pm SEP 2: ANNABELLE WOOD MEMORIAL PLEIN AIR PAINT OUT Tri Kappa of Rockport Epsilon Psi would like to invite artists to visit Rockport, IN during a one-day competition to create works of art. Registration is $25, includes entry of two canvases (max size 36x36) and a wrist band to attend Blues on the Rock, at the Rockport City Park. Please join the fun and spend the afternoon at the scenic river town, bring your own canvas and easel, then spend the day creating your own masterpiece. Registration is at 7am at the Community Building at Rockport City Park; please have your canvas stamped prior to beginning your work. Canvases should be turned in no later than 4pm. The doors will open for the reception at 6pm and awards ceremony will commence at 6:30pm. Prizes offered in the amount of $500, $200, and $100. Rockport City Park Community Building

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Michael Barber has seen the devastating effects of opioid use up close and personal. Having returned to the tri-state a few years back after spending much of his post-high school life touring in a rap group and shifting around from Louisville to Orlando, FL, the 37-year-old Evansville native now finds himself going it alone - and the explanation is quite jarring. "The reason that I'm not on tour right now is because the band that I had is either hooked on heroin or opiates or dead," he says with palpable exasperation. "It's not just kids trying things out - it's people in their 30's. It's an epidemic; it's crazy." Thankfully, Barber has always had a good head on his shoulders, avoiding the pitfalls that have swallowed up so many of his peers. And he found even more motivation to keep on the straight and narrow with the birth of his first child. That major life change, coupled with his parents' increasing health issues, spurred the move back to Evansville with his wife. It also planted the seed for AHAYWEH (an initialism derived from Dante's Inferno - "Abandon hope all ye who enter here," the supposed inscription on the gates of Hell), Barber's complex, lyricallylayered solo album released in June. The 17-track hip-hop collection addresses a host of societal woes, but none more directly than the opioid crisis, as chronicled in the first single, "Quiet War." Quite unexpectedly, its anti-drug message caught the attention of the White House, prompting a complimentary note from President Trump himself as well as an invitation to the annual D.C. Christmas tree lighting in December.

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But for now, Barber is focused on promoting AHAYWEH - which, interestingly, was meant to be a folk album as a nod to his early musical influences. "It had those elements initially, but I couldn't do it - I'm not that talented," he explains quite humbly. "So it turned into a rap album with lots of storytelling." Truth be told, Barber can play a bit of guitar and piano, but his home studio is geared towards hip-hop with a host of drum machines and sampling technology. And, frankly, it's what he does best. Clearly, the Sycamore Music Group out of Bloomington agrees, having signed Barber to a two-album deal (the follow-up, Hope, is currently in the planning stages). The label even made a play for Indian's own John Mellencamp to produce, but he was unavailable. Still, even without the high profile connection, AHAYWEH is winning fans, particularly for its ties to tri-state charities. The proceeds from each single are being donated to a worthy cause such as 7 Sisters, a group made up of local women who have lost loved ones to drug addiction. Additionally, "Semicolon (feat. Matty Moe)," a haunting but ultimately hopeful track about suicide, is currently being played on local radio and raising awareness about yet another societal epidemic affecting virtually every demographic. But despite the White House kudos and attention given to his philanthropic efforts, Barber remains totally down-to-earth, never angling for the spotlight. "Nowadays, people want to be famous for no reason; they just want to be Instagram famous. I just want to do music - I love hip hop." For more info and to purchase AHAYWEH, visit

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MIKE MITCHELL FORMER MCFLY CO-FRONTMAN GAINING SOLO TRACTION WITH NEW EP AND COMMEMORATIVE CARSON'S BREWERY BEER "I was just telling someone the other day for someone that's a nobody, I've reinvented myself probably 50 times [laughs]. It comes with creating a new project," says Newburgh's Mike Mitchell, a veteran of the local music scene and admitted Beatles freak. The English mop-tops were known for switching things up, all right, and the former McFly co-frontman/bassist has followed suit, always keeping things interesting for himself - and others. Indeed, while McFly quite successfully churned out the soundtrack of the 80's at venues across the tri-state for a good seven or more years - Mitchell called it quits back in 2016 - his latest musical project, Neon Palm Tree, is heavily influenced by 90's-era acts like Blues Traveler and Dave Matthews Band. The 5-track EP recorded by John Pursley at the Studio Barn in Boonville serves notice to the acoustic singer/ songwriter vibe he's quite comfortable with these days. Chances are you've caught one of Mitchell's recent, highly entertaining solo sets around town at live music-friendly establishments like Carson's Brewery and Lamasco Bar & Grill. In fact, he's made such an impression on the former that a Neon Palm Tree-inspired beer is in the works. But more on that in just a bit. While Mitchell's original material, as noted, tends to reflect the sound of the mid 90's, his solo gigs are a free-for-all, with all manner of covers thrown in - just don't bother yelling out requests. "I play what I want," he says, making no apologies for his apparent stubbornness. "What I try to do is approach songs differently, put my

own spin on them and get people enjoying them. I try to educate people with songs that I think they'd really like if they'd just take a moment to listen to them." A perfect example is "Alison" by Elvis Costello, always a crowd-pleaser when Mitchell performs

his raw, stripped-down version, allowing the achingly beautiful melody to flourish. Of course, as an accomplished bassist, he absolutely worships the ground that Sting walks on and you're likely to hear something from the Englishman's vast catalog, too, but the artist that has really made an impression on Mitchell - especially in terms of acoustic stage craft - is former Men at Work frontman Colin Hay. "He's one of those guys out there doing his thing just like I do with no gadgets, but his records are produced with bands, so that's a hard sell when you play live," he says. But with each show, Mitchell is learning more and more how to command an audience, taking cues from his heroes and embracing the art of storytelling - though he's quick

to point out, "sometimes you don't have the crowd for it; sometimes you're just a jukebox." Regardless, one thing's for certain: Mitchell is keeping very busy of late, going all in with Neon Palm Tree and recently signing on as bassist for Jimmy DeTalente & The Electric Revival - a very fortuitous development that may well benefit his solo objectives as the band starts to tour regionally. The way Mitchell sees it, he's a built-in opening act and might even score more acoustic gigs along the way. In the meantime, be sure to check out his upcoming set at Carson's Brewery on August 25 when Mitchell's very own craft brew, appropriately dubbed Neon Palm Tree, will be unveiled. Described as a Harlot style beer with just a hint of coconut at the back end, it's guaranteed to go down as smooth as Mitchell's tunes.

Upcoming Shows: 8/4 Lamasco Bar & Grill 8/9 Cricket's 8/19 Mystique Winery 8/24 Piston's Bar & Grill 8/25 Carson's 8/31 Pepper's Ridge Winery

For more info, follow Mike Mitchell on Facebook. Neon Palm Tree is available on iTunes, Spotify and

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R O C K P O R T, I N




2 P. M . - M I D N I G H T



While country and rap tend to rule the charts these days, on stage there's still nothing quite like the raw emotion of the blues. And nobody knows that better than the River Basin Blues Society, a locally-based organization whose mission is to make sure that this passionate form of music is properly represented in the tri-state through signature events like Blues on the Rock. Co-sponsored by the Association for a Better Rockport, this annual day-long celebration features the region's very best blues musicians plus lots of delicious food, a beer garden and plenty of activities for the kids. And this year sees the addition of the Annabelle Memorial Plein Air Paint Out (check Arts & Activities section for more info). The 2018 lineup of artists and bands is guaranteed to bring festival goers to their feet with an exciting mix of contemporary and classic blues:



Based in Rockport, these six ace musicians will open the festival and get the party started with the sort of rocking show that has won them fans all over the tri-state.



Straight out of Madisonville, KY, he's quite possibly the most gifted guitarist you'll come across, capable of shredding at will with a deep, heavy blues style.


From the heart of the Mississippi Delta comes four talented and respected blues artists whose love of, and talent for, the blues is infectious.



From Paducah, KY, they have cemented their reputation in clubs and festivals with their signature, critically acclaimed, Mississippi River Electric Blues sound.


Set to close out the festival in style, this Memphis band's live show has been captivating audiences in the U.S. and Canada with a second-line horn entrance, cigar box guitars and electric push brooms to Allman Brothers style jams and even a hip-hop trombone player.

Gates open at 12 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance or $8 at the gate. For more info, visit

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with Gavin Gaddis Welcome to the Podcast Corner, your source for some of the best and most inventive podcasts around. Each month I'm offering up four bite-sized reviews, so read on and then listen in! Want more podcast recommendations? You can find long-form reviews, musings on happenings in the podcasting world, and links to podcasts I produce at my website: or follow me on Twitter @ThePodReport

ESCAPE THIS PODCAST (WEEKLY) Escape This Podcast mixes the concept of an escape room with a tabletop role-playing game. Each week a host writes up a fantasy scenario in which the players find themselves in a locked room with various puzzles to solve. From a supervillain’s lair to a Toys R Us, the locations are as varied as they are filled with fun puzzles. A wonderful bonus to the series: the host puts their notes for reach room up on the website, allowing fans to run the same room for their own friends to see if they can escape faster than the players on the show.

OSTIUM (BI-WEEKLY) Bored at work one day, software engineer Jake Tapper loads up a game of GeoGuessr to see a town sign reading Ostium, population 0. Fascinated, he drives to the location and finds a walled town littered with numbered doors, each one seeming to open to another place and time. Ostium is a fantastically-written audio fiction series centered around a wonderful hook (a town full of seemingly magic doors) that allows for nearinfinite storytelling opportunities. Now is the perfect time to start as the creators have just uploaded a re-mastered version of season one’s episodes combined into a handful of 2-hour files!

THE HISTORY OF FUN (BI-WEEKLY) This one does what it says on the tin. Each week Allegra Frank, Russ Frushtick, and Chris Plante spend an hour diving into the hidden backstories of things we love. From the first toys included in Happy Meals to the fascinating corporate backstabbing that created the Chuck E. Cheese empire, History of Fun is a delightfully goofy little show in which three friends laugh and reminisce on usually nostalgic topics.

HEADLINE HEROES (BI-WEEKLY) Each week friends Nate, Drew, and Tanner collect a selection of ridiculous headlines from the previous week’s news stories, select one at random, then collectively create a superhero/supervillain whose origin story ties to the wacky headline. As the show progresses, they begin to build more of a comic book-inspired canon with different characters from previous episodes being brought back to tie into the backstories of newer characters. I would list some of their funnier villains and heroes, but hearing the gang come up with a delicious punny super-name is a huge part of the series. Trust me, it’s a blast.

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"A lot of people aren't aware or don't care," says Newburgh author Tim Heerdink, explaining why his interest in WWII and the Holocaust led to the writing of Red Flag & Other Poems, a chapbook (a small paperback booklet) that primarily addresses the horrors of Hitler's Nazi Germany. With his first official publication, the 2016 USI grad is hoping to educate others about one of the darkest periods in human history - and for good reason. "It could happen again where people blindly follow a leader who is promising brighter days but really has an evil agenda," he says. Having first visited Europe in 2012, Heerdink returned with his wife four years later, a trip that saw the couple tour the infamous Auschwitz and Dachau death camps as well as Oskar Schindler's Factory. The experience, while incredibly sobering, motivated Heerdink to send two of his poems to the late Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and author of such critically-acclaimed books as Night and Dawn, promising to spread the word about this blot on humanity to the next generation. "He wrote back and thanked me, but I never got to meet him as he passed away a few months later," Heerdink explains, clearly disappointed by the missed opportunity. With Red Flag & Other Poems (published by Bird Brain Publishing, June 2018), Heerdink has channeled the spirit of Wiesel to compile an extremely well-written collection that's a must-read for all ages. On August 18, you can meet the author at Barnes & Noble (624 S. Green River Rd.) in Evansville with proceeds from the 1 p.m. signing going to the C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Terre Haute, IN, which was founded by Auschwitz survivor Eva Mozes Kor. For more info, visit and candlesholocaustmuseum. org. Red Flag & Other Poems is available on and Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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AUGUST COMMUNITY & FAMILY Get involved and have some fun with these great community activities around the Tri-State.

AUG 2: CORK & CUISINE - SAN FRANCISCO GOLD RUSH There’s food and wine in them there hills! Get ready to go back to the San Francisco Gold Rush at the next installment of Cork & Cuisine. Come enjoy a unique 5-course food, wine, and spirits dining event that will have you California dreamin’ with each themed course expertly paired with a wine or spirit! For more info, visit Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY / 6pm AUG 2-3: KOMEN OWENSBORO BOWL FOR THE CURE Bowlers and non-bowlers are invited out to enjoy this fun, family-friendly event that also includes a silent auction. For more info, visit Diamond Lanes: 410 Carlton Drive, Owensboro, KY AUG 2-4: GERMANIA MAENNERCHOR PRESENTS VOLKSFEST 57 This annual celebration of Evansville's German heritage is loads of fun for the whole family with great food and drinks plus live polka music and plenty of entertainment for the kids. Highlights include the third annual Brat Trot 5K and much more. For more info, follow Germania Maennerchor on Facebook. Germania Maennerchor: 916 N. Fulton Ave., Evansville, IN AUG 3-SEP 3: ELLIS PARK LIVE HORSE RACING Get in on all the action at the area's most exciting venue for live horse racing. Fridays through Sundays plus Monday, September 3. No racing Saturday, Sept. 1. For more info, visit Ellis Park: 3300 U.S. Highway 41,

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Henderson, KY

West Franklin Street, Evansville, IN

AUG 4: YMCA 5K/10K The YMCA 5K/10K is the first in the YMCA series of races for the year. Choose your distance - 5K or 10K - to kick off your racing season. For more info, visit Downtown YMCA: 222 NW Sixth St., Evansville, IN / 7am

AUG 4-SEP 29: HISTORIC NEWBURGH FARMERS MARKET The Historic Newburgh Farmers Market is more of a happening than just a market. Guests will find the very best seasonal produce complemented by products like honey, grass-fed meats, dairy products, flowers, cheese, breads, and pastries. There also are crafts, art, plants, flowers, and honey along with live music to complete the festival atmosphere. Saturdays through September 29. For more info, visit Edgewater Grille parking lot: 1 E. Water St., Newburgh, IN

AUG 4: CLEAN EVANSVILLE Join Keep Evansville Beautiful and other community members to clean up the city. For two hours in the morning, participants dedicate themselves to cleaning up litter in a designated area of town. For more info, visit Rochelle Pool: 701 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN / 8am AUG 4: DIVAS & DOGS FOR PAAWS PRESENTS DOGGIE DATE NIGHT Guests will spend a full evening celebrating rescue pets with dining, dessert and dancing! Enjoy the annual Runway Pet Show & Photo Contest! Join the fun while bidding on the Silent Auction with all proceeds from the evening donated to PAAWS No-Kill Animal Rescue. For more info, visit or follow PAAWS on Facebook. Rolling Hills Country Club: 1666 Old Plank Road, Newburgh, IN / 5:30pm AUG 4, 11, 18 & 25: FRANKLIN STREET BAZAAR Saturdays on Franklin Street are tons of fun thanks to the Franklin Street Bazaar! Enjoy a farmers market and food vendors, shop for homemade crafts and chat with artisan vendors. Plus, there's live music every weekend. For more info, follow Franklin Street Events Association on Facebook.

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AUG 5: SWIRCA & MORE TROPICANA NIGHT SWIRCA & More's mission is to develop a comprehensive array of services which will prevent inappropriate institutionalization and encourage self-sufficiency among adults 60 and over as well as disabled youths and adults. Support their efforts with fun and games at Tropicana Evansville. For more info, visit Tropicana Evansville: 421 NW Riverside Dr., Evansville, IN / 5-9pm AUG 6: GOLF FOR KIDS' SAKE 2018 Grab your clubs and hit the course for Oak Meadow Country Club’s annual golf scramble. All proceeds go back to support the club’s mentoring programs. For more info, visit Oak Meadow Country Club: 1505 Browning Rd., Evansville, IN / 7am AUG 18: 2018 KENTUCKY OPEN SPORTS FESTIVAL & EXPO Including: NPC National Qualifier



Open (Men's Bodybuilding, Women's Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Classic Men's Physique, Men's Physique, Women's Physique & Bikini) and NPC National Qualifier KY State (Men's Bodybuilding, Women's Bodybuilding & Bikini). For more info, visit Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY AUG 18: CHEERS ON THE PIER Cheers on the Pier is back! Featuring over 30 craft breweries, some local wines and a bourbon, too. Enjoy all the libations and live music on the Pier Stage. Whether you’re a beer expert or you don’t know ale from a pilsner, there will be something for everyone. Educational and most enjoyable. For more info, visit Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY / 3-7pm AUG 18: THIRD ANNUAL HOLA LATINO FESTIVAL Featuring over 25 food vendors from all over Latin America, beer gardens, entertainment for kids and much more! Appreciate cultural diversity and promote the successful inclusion of Latinos in the community during this fiesta. For more info, visit Bosse Field: 1701 N. Main St., Evansville, IN / 11am AUG 18: KOMEN EVANSVILLE SURVIVOR BREAKAST The public is invited to join the Komen Evansville Tri-State Affiliate for a celebration of life honoring all breast cancer survivors and their guests. Start your day with a breakfast, informative guest speaker, and more. For more info, visit komenevansville. org. DoubleTree by Hilton: 601 Walnut St., Evansville, IN AUG 23: THIRD ANNUAL HABITEA The Women Build Committee at Habitat for Humanity of Evansville will be hosting its third annual HabiTea fundraiser to raise money for a home for a family in need of decent, affordable housing. There will be tea tastings, a silent auction, and lunch. For more info, visit

Evansville Country Club: 3810 Stringtown Rd., Evansville, IN / 11am AUG 23-26: 2018 RIVER VALLEY CLUSTER DOG SHOW AKC All Breed Dog Show along with obedience and rally trials. 100’s of dogs from all over the U.S. and a few foreign countries. Enjoy the competition, see the grooming process, and learn more about dogs. Vendors onsite with canine products. Bring the family and enjoy the fur! For more info, visit owensborocenter. com. Owensboro Convention Center: 501 W. 2nd St., Owensboro, KY AUG 24-25: 2018 NEWBURGH FIDDLER FEST Chow down on deep fried catfish fiddlers, and enjoy live bands and a beer garden with Friends of Newburgh, Inc. For more info, visit Old Lock and Dam Park, French Island Trail: Newburgh, IN AUG 24-26: 44TH ANNUAL E'VILLE IRON FROG FOLLIES Known as THE largest PRE 49 Street Rod event anywhere in the world, Frog Follies has grown to average over 4000 street rods each year, plus there will be concessions available, a craft fair, car parts swap meet, and half-pot tickets to benefit the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center. It's tons of fun for the whole family with games, activities, and dances during the weekend. For more info, visit Vanderburgh County 4-H Center: 201 E. Boonville New Harmony Rd. AUG 31-SEP 2: EVANSVILLE HYDROFEST 2018 Evansville HydroFest™ will host the American Power Boat Association’s North American Championships for 14 classes of Inboard Boats during this 3-day event. Get ready for more boats, closer competition, less downtime, cooler temperatures, and more roar! For more info, visit Downtown Evansville Riverfront

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ADOPTION SPOTLIGHT Each month we’ll be checking in with the VHS for the latest good news and to help find furever homes for some of their more unique/older residents.

BUSHY TAIL : Bushy Tail (and also his sister Bright Eyes) is one of many rabbits up for adoption at the VHS! He is a 4-month-old male. They were part of an unwanted litter from pet store bunnies who were supposed to be the same sex – oops! (This happens a lot.) The siblings spent a few weeks in foster care when they were tiny, and now they’re ready for indoor forever homes with lots of timothy hay & fresh veggies daily! Bushy Tail’s $40 adoption fee includes his neuter and registered microchip.

BOZZY: Bozzy is a 5-month-old male brown tabby kitten. He is very social and affectionate with other kittens. Since he keeps getting overlooked, he’s had several sets of roommates, and done well with them all! He’s not always a snuggler with people yet, but what he lacks in confidence with humans he makes up for in his love of other cats. And he’s still a baby so there’s plenty of time to learn. Bozzy’s already neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on his shots. He can go home today for $60!

- LUCY -

Larry Crowder is based in Evansville but spends much of his time on the road, living the nomadic life of a truck driver. It's not the easiest way to earn a buck, but thankfully, he's got a wonderful companion along for the ride: Lucy, a two -year-old blue American Staffordshire. But as Crowder tells it, adopting this sweet girl wasn't the initial plan. "My girlfriend and I were actually preparing to get a cat, but we went to the VHS and saw Lucy - she was just super unique," he says. "You could tell that she was extra loving and extra gentle for being a bigger dog." But being a bigger dog has never stopped Lucy from cuddling. Quite the opposite, in fact. "At first, she just had to be in someone's lap - if I got up to go to the restroom she would jump in my girlfriend's lap and vice-versa," Crowder says. "She thinks she's a lap dog." These days, Lucy is having a blast out on the open road and always lets Crowder know if it's been too long between breaks. "She will just stare at me for about 10 seconds and bark once - that means that she's ready for a walk and some play time," he says, adding that Lucy has "just been a dream." Another successful adoption!

DEXTER: Dexter is a 1-year-old male! He’s a black American Staffordshire Terrier/Labrador mix. Dex is wonderful with other dogs in play groups, both large and small! He’s one of the best “small dog ambassadors” we have. Very playful but still very gentle. Seeing him play with puppies would melt your heart. His adoption fee is $110 and includes his neuter, microchip, vaccines, and more! He’s ready to go home TODAY!

400 Millner Industrial Drive | 2 blocks west of Garvin Park in Evansville 812-426-2563 | Adoption Hours: Tues-Sat 12-6pm |

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Another Chance for Animals


AREA ANIMAL RESCUE HOSTING FUNDRAISER TO SUPPORT VOLUNTEER EFFORTS A volunteer operation, Another Chance for Animals pulls animals from Evansville Animal Control and places them in temporary/foster homes via their network of supporters. After being spayed or neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and tested, these animals (cats, dogs and rabbits) are put up for adoption through ACA. The work that this great organization does is so important for our community as it allows Evansville Animal Control to function better and helps to deal with the area's animal overpopulation problem. But like any other volunteer-based rescue, ACA depends solely on the generosity of the community to stay up and running, relying on donations and fundraisers such as the upcoming Craft & Vendor Fair at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum on August 4. The event will feature a variety of vendors plus a bake sale. Monetary donations or a donation of pet supplies is suggested for admission. ACA gladly accepts the following items to help keep the animals happy and healthy: Advantage II Flea and Tick Medicine Canned Cat Food Dry Cat Food Dry Dog Food Kitten Formula (KMR or GNC brands) Leashes, Collars and Harnesses Dog and Cat Toys Crates and Carriers Office Paper Gas Cards Wire Crates The Veterans Memorial Coliseum is located at 300 Court St. in downtown Evansville. For more info and to view adoptable animals at both ACA and Evansville Animal Control, visit Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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with Kevin Fleming of First Presbyterian Church



with Jonathan Gluff

Central to every major religion is the role of compassion. Compassion is more than empathy and more than sympathy. Compassion is formed of two Latin words that literally mean “to suffer with.” No one wants to suffer. No one wants to feel pain. No one wants to be rejected, or disregarded, or abandoned. Yet, here in Evansville (and all around the world) this happens every day. Compassionate people - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists - whoever - recognize that the foundation for truly ethical behavior is compassion. Compassion asks us to acknowledge the other instead of obsessing with self. Compassion invites us to lay aside our comforts and begin to feel what another feels. Compassion opens the door to change and action that makes life easier for those who carry unbearable burdens. A quick survey of the world around us makes it clear: we need more compassionate people. We need more people to take their eyes and ears and hearts and minds off their own comforts and offer them to those in unbelievable discomfort. Princess Diana told us: “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Kindness is a first step toward compassion and it's one that each of us can take. First Presbyterian Church is located at 609 SE 2nd St. / 812-423-6297.

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Stranger Than Fiction (Or “Fake News World”) Hi, my name is Jonathan, and I'm an addict. (Hi, Jonathan!) But despite the tongue-in-cheek AA joke and my well-documented love of the potent potables, it's not alcohol or any other substance I'm addicted to; it's information, the constant stream of news and entertainment that we're bombarded with night and day. And like many people, I have been in denial for too long about this addiction. I’ve never been exactly what you’d call a “glass half-full” kind of guy, so maybe it should come as no surprise that two dystopian novels, George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, have long been two of my favorite books. They were AP English assigned reading one summer in high school, and I tore through them like a bag of Lay’s. In fact, Orwell’s ode to Big Brother is one of the few books I’ve read multiple times, and I’m long overdue for another readthrough of Huxley’s piece. So what does this have to do with the information addiction I alluded to at the beginning? Well, like much of our modern info bombardment, it started with a meme. While authoritarian regimes are inevitably compared to Orwell’s Oceania, this meme contended that Huxley’s bleak outlook has ended

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up being more accurate. And while I’d contend that many aspects of various governments across the world are lifeimitating-art with regards to 1984, the day-to-day lives of much of the world bear more in common with Huxley’s World State. Sure, telescreens and “fake news” (or perhaps, more accurately, the destruction of true news) were all envisioned by Orwell, but the “feelies” and “Five Minutes Hate” of Huxley’s dystopia closely mimic the manipulation of our emotions with trashy television and manufactured outrage. And while there’s certainly nothing wrong with medication in and of itself, the Soma drug used by nearly every character in the book is an apt metaphor for overmedication and the grip of ethicallydubious pharmaceutical companies. And while neither could’ve predicted the internet and smartphones, it’s not hard to see how Huxley came closer to that modern opiate of the masses. I will always stress the importance of being well-informed about current events, but we can’t take for granted that there are those who prey on our fears. If you haven’t read either of these books, I implore you to. You just might be shocked at how closely these books have become to being nonfiction.





A Preview of Paradise Get ready for margaritas on the beach and fake eyelashes washed up on the shore because ABC's hottest summer show, Bachelor in Paradise, returns Aug. 7.

steal hearts. So even if your favorites, like Bekah Martinez, Leo Dot and Colton Underwood aren’t technically confirmed yet, that doesn’t mean they won’t be in “Paradise.”

Of course, we all can't wait to fill up our wine tumblers and glue our eyes to the TV screens to watch love triangles unfold and see which cast-offs from past seasons are going to come in each week to shake up "solid" relationships.

We actually know Colton will be in “Paradise” because of a photo that was released of him and Tia Booth on what looked like a tropical date with Adam Gottschalk and Raven Gates, a couple who got together last season and are still going strong.

The stars officially confirmed to appear on the show are Angela Amezcua and Astrid Loch from Nick Viall’s season of The Bachelor; Annaliese Puccini, Bibiana Julian, Chelsea Roy, Kendall Long, Krystal Nielson, Nysha Norris and Tia Booth from Arie Luyendyk’s season of The Bachelor; David Ravitz, Joe Amabile, John Graham, Jordan Kimball and Nick Spetsas, from Rebecca Kufrin's season of The Bachelorette; Eric Bigger and Kenny Layne from Rachel Lindsay’s season of The Bachelorette; and Kevin Wendt from The Bachelor Winter Games and The Bachelorette Canada. Although those are the main cast members who will definitely be in the first episode of the show, the most tantalizing part of the premise is that new contestants from past seasons will show up each week to go on dates and

I, for one, am incredibly excited to watch what unfolds between Tia and Colton, especially considering they had a weekend extravaganza this past January, before Colton went on to appear as a contestant on Becca’s season (fun fact: Tia is also one of Becca’s closest friends and even appeared during her season to talk about her past with Colton, even giving her blessing). It was a weak one, though, because let’s face it, Tia was never over Colton and the photo of them together in “Paradise” proves it. So tune into ABC on Monday and Tuesday nights to watch young, attractive looking people in bikinis and Speedos frolic on the beach. I personally can’t wait to find out which couples will most likely end in nine-month long engagements. Here's hoping it's you, Colton and Tia.

COULD TRUMP COME TO SW INDIANA? With summer in full swing, the election cycle is heating up for the November midterms. The Democrats - and the mainstream media - are predicting a "blue wave" which would propel a takeover of the House and possibly the Senate. As Nancy Pelosi correctly said, "History is on our side." True, since the Civil War, there have been only three midterm elections (1934, 1998, 2002) where the party in the White House gained congressional seats. What the media is failing to tell you is how often President Trump has been out campaigning for GOP Senate and House candidates, concentrating on states with vulnerable Democratic Senate incumbents. Remember 2002 - one of the rare times that the party in the White House gained seats? During Bush's first midterm he was seen holding similar campaign events whereas Obama was MIA during both of his midterms and the Dems paid the price. Which brings us to Indiana and Senate Democrat Joe Donnelly. His opponent is Jasper businessman Mike Braun. It should be a no-brainer for Trump to campaign here. If you look at 2016's voting results for Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, and Gibson counties, Trump got over 60% of the total vote. In Vanderburgh, there are early voting sites. If Trump comes here he can use his popularity to generate enthusiasm and remind residents to get out early to vote which might help Braun's cause.

The views expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of News4U.

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RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 3RD Starring: Kate McKinnon, Mila Kunis, Sam Heughan, Justin Theroux, Gillian Anderson, Ivanna Sakhno Audrey (Mila Kunis) and her friend Morgan (Kate McKinnon) are going about their humdrum lives when Audrey's unassuming ex-boyfriend Drew shows up at their apartment with a team of deadly assassins on his trail. Surprising even themselves, the two friends jump into action when two men are shot dead on their floor, grabbing a top-secret thumb drive and taking off on a hilarious undercover mission to save the world in this high-octane, continent-hopping spy caper.

RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 3RD Starring: Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell, Jim Cummings, Mark Gatiss, Brad Garrett The young boy who loved embarking on adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood with a band of spirited and loveable stuffed animals has grown up and lost his way. Now it is up to his childhood friends to venture into our world and help Christopher Robin remember the loving and playful boy who is still inside.

MILE 22 (NR)

RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 17TH Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Ronda Rousey, Iko Uwais, Lauren Cohan, John Malkovich, Sala Baker


RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 10TH Starring: Armando Gutierrez, Cliff Curtis, Jason Statham, Masi Oka A deep-sea submersible - part of an international undersea observation program - has been attacked by a massive creature, previously thought to be extinct, and now lies disabled at the bottom of the deepest trench in the Pacific… with its crew trapped inside.

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In a visceral modern thriller from the director of Lone Survivor, Mark Wahlberg stars as James Silva, an operative of the CIA's most highly-prized and least-understood unit. Aided by a top-secret tactical command team, Silva must retrieve and transport an asset who holds life-threatening information to Mile 22 for extraction before the enemy closes in.


RELEASE DATE: AUGUST 24TH Starring: Joey King, Julia Goldani-Telles, Annalise Basso, Jaz Sinclair, Talitha Bateman, Alex Fitzalan Terror strikes when four teenage girls in a small town perform a ritual to debunk the lore of a tall, thin, horrifying figure known as the Slender Man. They soon fear that the legend is true when one of them suddenly goes missing.



ADDICTIVE PICTURES Tau starts with a shaking setup. Maika Monroe plays a street-wise, club-going pickpocket, who after picking the wrong pocket, wakes up in a caged room, the newest subject of a mysterious experiment. The experimenter is played by Ed Skrein, and the tests he subjects each captive to mirror the plot to George Saunder's short story Escape From Spiderhead. Unfortunately, where Saunder's story leans into the wonders of memory and emotion, searching for an explanation for why memories can hurt just as much as heal, Tau takes a quick turn toward a hostage diegesis a la Misery or Gerald's Game, where the main point is gore and cringeworthy missteps that keep the protagonist from freedom. Tau isn't all bad, though. The relationship that builds between Monroe's character Julia and a HAL-like A.I. system guarding the house where she is being held captive (its name is Tau) has some shining moments. “We grow up. We become our own creators,” Julia tells Tau, in an attempt to explain personhood. The real trick of this film is that it manages to pull at that idea until it is unclear where the line between real and artificial lies, and unlike most A.I. films, the hook isn't simply “I think, therefore I am.” It's closer to “I think, therefore you better watch out, because I'm going to trick you into thinking I am,” which in the case of Tau, isn't all that different. - John Thurgood


WELLINGTON FILMS Matt Palmer's debut feature-length film Calibre marries the nail-biting ethics of Sophie's Choice with the emasculating degradation of Deliverance. Two friends venture up to a northern village in Scotland for a weekend hunting trip, where a series of unfortunate mishaps tailspin their weekend romp into a nightmarish test of will. The village where they lodge for the night is small and populated by the kind of salt-of-the-earth people one would image. The stereotypical run-in with a jealous boyfriend occurs at a local pub, and the basic setup to the film is put in motion. The true highlights of Calibre come from moments outside the actual plot of the movie: a still shot of a woman cleaning the snow from her rusted, 80s model Toyota Corolla or a fill of wooded landscape. The cinematographer, Mark Gyori, who was nominated for Best Cinematographer at the Gopo Awards in Romania in 2010, deserves credit for these slight breaks in the inevitable (and rather slow) build of this picture. Even if Calibre comes across as blatantly predictable, the last twenty minutes of the film lives up to expectations with stomach-churning tension, and may even wrestle a few tears out of some, because even when we know what is going to happen, the possibility that it might not keeps us watching.- John Thurgood

Showplace Cinemas East 1801 Morgan Center Drive Evansville, IN 47715 Showplace Cinema North 4200 N. 3rd Ave. Evansville, IN 47710 Showplace Cinemas South 950 Hebron Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Showplace Cinemas Newburgh 8099 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 Showplace Cinemas Princeton 2691 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 47670 Showplace Cinemas Henderson 406 Walker Drive Henderson, KY 42420 Showplace Cinemas Harrisburg 701 N. Commercial St. Harrisburg, IL 62946

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8/3 The Darkest Minds Death of a Nation Disney's Christopher Robin Searching The Spy Who Dumped Me 8/10 BlacKKKlansman The Meg 8/15 Crazy Rich Asians

8/17 Alpha Juliet, Naked Mile 22 The Wife

8/24 A.X.L. The Happytime Murders Slender Man 8/31 Kin The Little Stranger


PANIC! AT THE DISCO Pray for the Wicked WEA/Fueled by Ramen Pray for the Wicked is neither sin, nor tragedy. Panic! At the Disco returns with a bang after frontman Brendon Urie’s stint on Broadway acting in "Kinky Boots." While there aren’t any specific songs I can point to and definitively say Urie wrote it while in a Broadway musical frame of mind, there is still an air of big production musical to Pray. It’s a bigger, brighter album. If there was in existence a musical play with a score provided entirely by Panic! At the Disco, Pray for the Wicked leans distinctly more towards the hypothetical than to their usual works. Not to say there’s much wrong with their usual works, but this time around it forms a wonderfully cohesive piece that grabs the listener by the lapels and demands they continue listening. Unlike certain other albums I’ve reviewed, I never found myself asking if I’d accidentally kept listening into a loop. The music is distinctive of what I’ve come to expect from the band while also pushing boundaries and trying new things enough that each song on the album feels like its own individual piece. Of the four albums I’ve reviewed this month, Pray is the only one remaining on my phone. - Gavin Gaddis

GORILLAZ The Now Now Warner Bros./Parlophone It’s shocking how consistent the quality of Gorillaz content has managed to not only sustain but improve upon over time. The Now Now exists in this strange nexus where it both could have come out around their first album and could have been released yesterday and it would make complete sense tonally. There’s such a distinct Gorillaz sound that the only real indication the band has grown far more popular is guest appearances on the tracks "Humility" and "Hollywood" from George Benson and Snoop Dogg, respectively. It’s almost as if the seven year gap between The Fall and Humanz created a backup of creative energy that allowed the band to produce not just the latter critically-acclaimed album but its follow-up, The Now Now, in less than a year. I don’t want to jinx things by saying I want a Gorillaz album every year, but I’m not going to complain about having more content to enjoy in a timeline that isn’t measured in long gaps. It’s a delight to see talented people putting out good music that skates the thin line between staying true to one’s sound and flexing creative muscles. - Gavin Gaddis

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DAVE MATTHEWS BAND Come Tomorrow RCA When I told some friends I would be reviewing this album, several people expressed condolences about my having to endure the mediocrity of Dave Matthews Band. I had never listened to them before and shrugged off the jokes. It’s because of this jesting I’m frustrated that Come Tomorrow is an aggressively forgettable album. No less than three times I pulled up Spotify to re-assure myself I was on a new song and hadn’t stumbled across a super-long track. If you like Dave Matthews Band, congratulations; Come Tomorrow is more Dave Matthews Band content. Go out there and enjoy it; at least someone will be having fun. I listened to the entire thing less than 12 hours ago and I cannot remember a single lyric or melody. In writing this review I had to open a new tab just to double-check I wasn’t mis-remembering the name of the album. The fact that a lot of the big songs on the album were tested at live shows is very apparent. It feels like an album built entirely out of the less-exciting songs most bands use to pad out the middle of an album. Come Tomorrow is the musical version of slightly interesting paint drying. - Gavin Gaddis

CHRISTINA AGUILERA Liberation RCA I get a strong album-by-committee vibe from this as an overall package. The most interesting thing about Liberation is the detailed Wikipedia breakdown of who worked on which songs. In addition to the usual handful of celebrity musicians guesting on tracks, there’s a laundry list of producers and behind-the-scenes folk attached. Some individual songs have more people involved than is required to produce an entire album. Kanye West produced a couple of songs; the excellent Anderson Paak worked on two of the better songs of the album; 2Chainz even shows up at some point. Still, too many moving parts come together to create such a monumentally meh album. I accidentally left my Spotify stream on album repeat and didn’t notice I was re-listening to songs until I’d looped through the first half again. Aguilera isn’t a bad singer - far from it - but there’s nothing particularly exciting going on here. For all the narrative of this being her big comeback album that’s just “her truth” put into music…there’s a hell of a lot of other people working on said truth. Too many cooks in the kitchen creates a middling-quality album in the end. - Gavin Gaddis


FATHER JOHN MISTY God’s Favorite Customer Sub Pop/Bella Union God’s Favorite Customer is the fourth studio release from Father John Misty (John Tillman), the result of a two month stint locked in his New York City hotel room in an attempt to hammer out an album that seemed stripped down to its musical core. Taking an unusual turn from the former Fleet Foxes drummer's typically lusty lyrics, God’s Favorite Customer is withdrawn as the lyrics reminisce on lost love and happier times, following a separation with his wife and falling out with his parents. With a commanding voice and a self-proclaimed title as “Father,” Tillman’s apparent wisdom (or ego, as some critics are quick to point out) seems somehow absent on this album, with rawer lyrics and bare piano chords. God's Favorite Customer is a perfect album for summer nights spent on the porch with a glass of scotch, reminiscing on days past. With a smooth as honey voice, Tillman’s slow drawl serves as a kind of lullaby. The album’s title track expresses his search to find a sense of purpose through God. This longing for something and sense of loss reflects the sentiment of younger generations looking for answers on the state of the world by turning to God. A family friendly record, “God’s Favorite Customer” is as moving as it is emotional. - Kendall Shanks

MIKE SHINODA Post Traumatic Warner Bros. Records Anything less than a perfect review for Mike Shinoda’s Post Traumatic would be an injustice. Following the suicide of Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington, bandmate Shinoda put together an album to process the trauma of losing his best friend. The opening track, “Place to Start,” ends with voicemails Shinoda received in the aftermath of the unexpected death of Bennington. A consistent theme throughout the album is saying goodbye. Following the tribute show the remaining band members of Linkin Park put together, Shinoda wrote “Sometimes you don’t say goodbye once/You say goodbye over and over and over again,” as everyday things reminded him of Bennington and he was forced to say goodbye to the fleeting moments. Not an album to put on your summer party playlist, Post Traumatic has earned its spot among some of the greatest records of the past few years by delving into the subjects of trauma, depression, and suicide. Shinoda’s grieving process through music is as powerful as it is vulnerable. - Kendall Shanks

GHOST Prequelle Loma Vista Recordings Abandoning the Satanic chants and choir background that won them a Grammy for “Best Heavy Metal Performance” in 2016, Sweden’s Ghost is back after the controversial unmasking of Papa Emeritus. Stripped of his face paint and staff, frontman Tobias Forge reinvented himself as Cardinal Copia for this latest album. Forge’s booming voice resonates on Prequelle, touching on issues that plagued the Dark Ages, mainly the plague itself. Looking into who or what was to blame, Ghost draws from the paranoia and religiosity of the Middle Ages, with aims at the Devil, miasma (oppressive air vapors), and rats. With the lyrics “Drink me, eat me/Then you’ll see the light,” Ghost plays on the inversion of the Holy Eucharist. The religious and occult imagery synonymous with Ghost is ever-present on this latest release. While the lyrics remain heavy, the instruments on Prequelle stray from the usual Ghost sound. Employing saxophones and synthesized keyboards, this lighter album (if the term can be used with a band like Ghost) is far from disappointing. The opening track sets the tone with a bone-chilling rendition of "Ring Around the Rosie." It doesn't get any better than catchy songs about the Bubonic Plague. - Kendall Shanks

A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS Ascension August Day Recs Like so many bands from the 80's, A Flock of Seagulls has been relegated to one-hit wonder status for the last three decades, inexorably tied to the undeniable hook of "I Ran" (not to mention frontman Mike Score's infamous gravity-defying hairdo). But in reality, these four talented Liverpool lads produced a stream of classic tracks back in the day, most built on an electro-rock foundation with swaths of reverb and echoing guitar lines courtesy of the extraordinary Paul Reynolds. Check out either of the band's nearly flawless first two albums - both featuring just the right mix of spacey melodies and lyrical mystery, making for an otherworldly sound that still intrigues all these years later. Which brings us to a very unexpected, yet fascinating reimagining of the AFOS catalog. Ascension sees the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra expand upon the band's musical blueprint, gorgeously highlighting the beauty of "Space Age Love Song," "The More You Live, the More You Love," "Transfer Affection," and "Wishing," amping up the paranoia of "Man Made," "Modern Love is Automatic" and "Nightmares," magnifying the science and technology of "DNA," "Electrics" and "Telecommunication" and, yes, elevating "I Ran" to even greater heights. They might not all be "hits," but who cares? Johnny Fletcher Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • AUGUST 2018

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AUGUST BEER REVIEWS This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 10 Liquor Locker locations. Visit our website at 10 BARREL BREWING JOE IPA


“Joe” pours up a rich, golden-orange color with a dense, three-finger offwhite head with a lot of retention. It has a great citrusy hop aroma, some dankiness with a light sweetness. The taste is solid and rich, bodied with touches of pine-like earthiness, balanced smoothness and a bitter finish. The mouthfeel is medium and drinkability is good. Highly recommended!


A thick white head forms on this hazy India Pale Ale and remains for a long time. Citrus notes from the hops dominate the nose. The first tasting of the beer takes a couple of seconds for the hops to come through, but the hop flavors stay in the finish. People who enjoy IPAs will definitely want to try this one. Pair it with mushroom ragout with fresh herbs over creamy polenta, Cheddar cheese or lighter meats.


This beer pours a hazy orange color. I notice it has a 6.9 % ABV. It has your expected over-hopped flavor but not as amped up as most of the other IPAs. It does have a nice finish and I like the sweet citrus flavor. Once again, I would add this to the list of entry level IPAs which I like better than most of the hardcore offerings.

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Mango Cart is essentially a fruity, flavored wheat beer. It pours up a murky, pale, light yellow color with heaps of quickly fading frothy head. The aroma is light and mostly mango and fruitiness. It doesn’t really taste like a beer or ale. I consider it a shandy. The ABV is 4%. With a light mouthfeel and sparkle on the finish, it’s refreshing and drinkable but not my cup of tea.


A thick white head rests on this beer after pouring it into a wheat beer glass. A generous amount of mango fills the nose. The mango flavors continue with the first sip of the beer, with some wheat beer notes wrestling with the mango notes in the long finish. Try this beer during the hottest days of summer. Pair it with fruity desserts and other lighter dishes like fish or salads.


This is a hazy yellow beer. I can taste the mango flavor right off the bat but it has a weird finish. The flavor is not very good and seems almost grassy or something in that neighborhood. Maybe it's the mango flavoring that causes the odd taste I'm experiencing.

AUGUST 2018 •



This one’s a session sour. Essentially a wheatbased brew. This one is made with Greek yogurt, peach concentrate, and a Saison yeast strain. The brewers say that the Lacto strains in the yogurt eat some of the sugars to produce its tart character. It pours up a crystal-clear, light golden color with a big, fluffy head and good retention. The nose is (because I know it’s there) peach, general fruitiness, straw and pale hops. The taste is complex with the expected sour tartness, peaches, cracker-like yeast taste and an overall pretty big flavor and mouthfeel for a relatively low 4% ABV brew. I find that with sours most people seem to either love them or hate them. I suggest that you give this one a try.


A thick white head tops this beer and stays for a decent amount of time. The peaches used in the brewing process lend a nice fruity note to the scent without overpowering it. Likewise, the first sip of the beer gives the peach flavor some time to develop on the tongue before becoming stronger during the lengthy finish. Try this seasonal offering during the summer months while it is available. Pair it with peach desserts.


This is a clear yellow beer with great carbonation. I was intrigued when I saw that it's a peach beer but was a little hesitant because it's a sour, which I'm not generally a fan of; however, I actually like this one. It has a nice, sweet peach flavor but with a slight sour taste. It's the lightest sour I've had and since this was its intent, I will have to buy this again.


WARSTEINER GRAPEFRUIT foamy head that quickly fades away. The aroma is of grapefruit, followed by very light pale malt and hop notes. The taste is more like a citrus drink than a beer with those same subtle malt and hop notes. It actually tastes pretty good and it’s very light, refreshing and drinkable. It would make a great, refreshing summer day cooler.


It’s a shandy and at 2.5% ABV one could drink it all day! It pours a slightly hazy, pale golden orange color, with a lot of


A white head crowns this drink after pouring it into a traditional beer mug and evaporates somewhat quickly. It boasts a mixture of 50% grapefruit drink and 50% traditional Warsteiner pilsner. The

grapefruit presence in the nose makes the drink seem more like soda than beer. Likewise, tasting the drink gives off a lot of sugar. Drink this during the sweltering days in the summer or while mowing the lawn.


This is a hazy, peach-colored beer. I enjoy the fresh grapefruit flavor. I would classify this as more of a shandy. I thought this was going to be a hopped-up beer making it taste like grapefruit, but I was wrong. It's pretty refreshing and has an ABV of 2.5% so you can have a few while you're relaxing outside.


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AUGUST 2018 •

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