Tattoos r
tell u s
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Cat: This is my favorite, because he’s minimalist in the way that there’s so little ink making up the color of my naked cat, Lucifer. Despite his lack of fur, I picked him up deep in the wilds of Skyrim, and ever since he has proven to be a faithful companion who always knows where to find loot. - Danielle
Paintbrush: This tattoo is personal to me, as I am a self-proclaimed artist. The real problem is that it was placed in a location that is also frequently covered in real paint. I find myself trying to scrub my tattoo ink off more often than not, forgetting yet again that it's a tattoo. Danielle
Coordinates: Though I perform many things and at many places as a creative and a musician, I find that the ukulele is my peace and break from any stress and heaviness that comes from writing. I am lucky to have found a group of people from all around the country and all over the world that meet in a very special field once a year to celebrate the ukulele and the community that comes with playing. These people are the perfect example of how we all wish the world would be and I love every single one of them. On the 10th anniversary of the celebration I got coordinates tattooed to the one stage on this magical field that I will always be welcome to play no matter what, till the end of my days. - Jeremiah
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