News4U November 2021

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6 The Tri-State is on Fire, Figuratively Speaking


Business Profiles, Adorable Pics, Inspirational Stories & More!


26 28 32 34

Cover Story Photography by Daniel Knight Studio B Photography

Marty Stuart at the Victory Theatre

Exclusive Interview with the Country Music Legend

River Basin Blues Blast at Lamasco Exclusive Interview with Headliner Lady A

CUISINE & DINING 36 Clean Bite Life 37 Coupons


38 In Town & Around 44 Music: Hannah Evelyn 45 Music: Moose Collective 46 Rock & Metal Profs 47 Screen Time

LOCAL HAPPENINGS 48 VHS Animal Spotlight 49 Tri-State Pet Pics 58 Ask an Attorney 60 Mug Shots

OPINION & COMMENTARY Leanne Morgan at the Old National Events Plaza Exclusive Interview with the "Big Panty" Comedienne

Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents Peppermint Pops

50 As I Type This... 50 Tri-State Politics 51 Maybe I'm Just Getting Old 52 Bridging the Gap

REVIEWS 54 Music 56 Beer

A Tri-State Holiday Tradition returns to the Victory Theatre *CELEBRITY PETS ANSWERS: Justin Bieber - D. Capuchin Monkey / Leonardo DiCaprio - A. African Spurred Tortoise / Kristen Stewart - B. Wolves / Nicole Kidman - C. Alpacas

Established in 1991 by Publisher Brian Bennett Operations Manager Joshua Adams Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis Account Representatives TJ Tanoos

Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artist Kelsey H. & Bailey R. Contributors

Jasmine Bennett, Paul Bragin, Russ Finn, Johnny Fletcher, Barold Hume, Marisa Patwa, Lindsay Rasure, Lane Siesky

News 4U is published monthly and is distributed throughout the tri-state. For information about advertising, subscriptions, distribution or guides & lists, call (812) 426-6398 or write us at 125 N Weinbach Ave, Ste 510 Evansville, IN 47711. News 4U is published by EMG Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of the magazine does not necessarily constitute endorsement of products, services or opinions within. Advertisers are responsible for content of their ads.

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he temps may be cooling down, but the tri-state is on fire,

there, the Hadi Shrine Circus is back at the Ford Center for the

figuratively speaking. (Currently, I don't see any actual

Thanksgiving holiday. A collective community nap will then be

flames; however I sit in an office with no windows all day long.)

in order before things heat up again with early December shows

November, against all odds, is looking to be one of the busiest

across the tri-state. But we'll save all that for later. Because News

in recent years in terms of live performances - something that

4U's focus right now is on pets. Lots and lots of pets. A year

just a couple months ago seemed highly unlikely, all things

ago we dedicated the November issue to all of our furry friends

considered. But here we are with a slew of great shows fast

around the area and people seemed to dig it, so if it ain't broke,

approaching, beginning with nü metal lords Disturbed at the

don't fix it, eh? In other words, News 4U is pleased to present

Ford Center on 11/6. But that's just a taste of what's ahead.

the 2nd annual pets issue filled with inspiring stories, pics and

As Casey Kasem used to say, the hits just keep on comin'...

pet-related business profiles. Page through the front half of the

get ready for George Strait (Ford Center, 11/7), Kenny Wayne

magazine and feel your stress level decrease. (You're welcome,

Shepherd (Victory, 11/7), Eric Church (Ford Center, 11/13),

by the way.) But be sure to keep on flipping because there's

Nelly (Old National Events Plaza, 11/13), Marty Stuart (Victory,

plenty to check out in the back half, too - local music profiles,

11/18) and Jeff Dunham (Victory, 11/19). And for all the kids out

opinion pieces, beer reviews and more. Happy Thanksgiving!

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MORE TRI-STATE FURRY FRIENDS ARE HERE TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY AND MAKE YOU SMILE With the holidays fast approaching, we initially thought it would be a great idea to do a politically-themed issue that tackled such hot button topics as vaccine mandates and gun rights. You know, just to spread a little extra cheer and help get everyone in the spirit of things. ONLY KIDDING! Holy smokes, that's the absolute last thing anyone needs - there's more than enough divisiveness going on these days and News 4U is supposed to be a fun magazine, after all. Or that's the idea, anyway. And to our minds, the most fun thing of all is pets! Animals are the true peacekeepers when you get right down to it; they unite us all, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs. And hey, our inaugural November 2020 pets-themed issue was pretty popular (at least that's what I keep telling everyone) so why not give the people what they want? Frankly, we're just here to serve the community and give you all something to read other than depressing headlines on the internet. Spoiler alert: the Republicans are upset with the Democrats and vice-versa. Also, everyone thinks everyone else is nuts for thinking something different than them. Ok, now that we've cleared all that up... Forget all of your worries for a few minutes and page through our 2nd annual News 4U Pet Guide. We've got tons of ultra-cute tri-state pet pics, some truly inspiring animal stories courtesy of local rescue shelters, a business profile or two and more. You're already smiling, right? Hear me now and believe me later: I personally guarantee that this guide will change your life for the better. Well, it won't make it any worse, that's for sure. All jokes aside, start flipping because there's a bunch of furry friends from around the tri-

state waiting to say hello! - TE

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to purchasing a much larger property on the southeast side of Evansville in 2017. Understandably, family means everything to her - and that's exactly the sort of closeknit environment that Mosbey's cultivated over the seven years that she's been providing the community with topnotch services for area pet owners. Not surprisingly, this special focus on treating clients and their pets like family has resulted in excellent word of mouth and serious loyalty. Which, in turn, has boosted business and set All Breed on course for a major expansion in 2022. According to Mosbey, there's talk of building an entirely new structure on-site that will allow for greatly increased boarding and daycare (currently, All Breed boards about 20-30 dogs and averages 45-

Family-like environment is the key to success for rapidly-growing Evansville business

50 for daycare) and much more space for grooming. In

It's especially fitting that All Breed Grooming, Boarding

commitment to inclusivity. Specializing in difficult to

& Daycare owner Melissa Mosbey puts so much stock

handle cases, All Breed will continue to accept any breed




addition, they are looking to create luxury dog suites with toddler beds and TVs, plus fun, new play rooms. "Basically, brand new everything," Mosbey says. But one thing that won't change is All Breed's


of dogs (cats, too!). "There's no

that she and her staff form

discrimination," Mosbey notes.

with the many clients of the

Giving back to the community



is also an important part of the

all, it was Mosbey's beloved

business' philosophy. Having

grandfather who helped to

fostered over 100 pets through

put her on the path to success


back in early 2014, assisting

Rescue, Mosbey and her staff







also volunteer annually at the

invaluable advice (i.e., "always

rescue's Fall Festival booth. No



doubt Mosbey's grandfather

she worked to get All Breed

would be immensely proud of






on track. And though her

how she conducts herself as a

grandfather would sadly pass away from cancer just a

business owner - and particularly impressed by the rapid

couple of years into the venture, the bond that the two

growth of All Breed. As she wistfully recalls, he'd often

shared inspired Mosbey, who holds a degree from the

exclaim, "I can't believe my granddaughter did this."

Animal Arts Academy in Indianapolis, to keep striving

Imagine what he'd be saying now...

for more, graduating from a small shop in Newburgh


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WOBBLE BONE Unique dog bone product created by tri-state business owner continues to be a big hit with pets all over the U.S. and beyond recently

And speaking of being safe, Wolf is eager to point

celebrated a big one-year anniversary for his in-

out that "from the time we mold the parts to the time

demand canine chew creation known as the Wobble

they're packaged, no human hands touch them - that

Bone. Still at the helm of Briton Mold & Engineering

is big. If you go to the pet section at a store, how many

in Henderson after four decades, he's been molding

bones are out in the open so that anyone can touch

dog bones for over 10 years but really hit pay dirt

them? I wouldn't want to buy one of them for my

with his latest design - which came to him after he

own dog." Indeed, the entire Wobble Bone process

noticed how a piece of chain link he was playing with

happens under strict supervision right there at Briton

wobbled and spun around. Inspiration struck and

Mold & Engineering. How many products can make

the Wobble Bone - which comes in an oval or buckle

such a claim?






design (two sizes) and both bacon and peanut butter flavors - was born.

With the Wobble Bone making such a splash over the last 13 months, Wolf has been eager to introduce new

Since first appearing on the market in October 2020,

products, and he's clearly got another winner with

orders have been placed from as far away as Australia,

the Fancy Bone which is now available to

Iceland, England and Canada - as well as from most

purchase on Amazon and the

of the 50 states. Across the board, pet owners


appreciate that the Wobble Bone's construction makes for both a fun and safe chewing experience for their furry friends. (Need proof? Check out the hugely popular TikTok videos featuring K9 police dogs Mattis and Raider who just can't get enough of the Wobble Bone. Their testimonials have racked up millions of views to date.)

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website ( This latest creation, like its predecessors, comes in bacon and peanut butter flavors and guarantees hours and hours of fun for your pet with no safety concerns. And if you're looking to spoil your furry friend even more, you can get the Fancy Bone - or any of the Wobble Bone products - personalized to show just how much you love them! And by the way, there's no better time to get on board with the Wobble Bone as Wolf is offering periodic discounts on his various products in celebration of the one-year anniversary. Whether you're new to the Wobble Bone or an existing customer, make it a point to check the website weekly and you'll get in on some great deals. No doubt your pet will be very appreciative! So what's next for Wolf and his Wobble Bone? Well, his engineer's mind never stops turning so rest assured that he's working on new ideas all the time. Most guys his age would be edging into retirement, content to just relax and enjoy the good life, but Wolf is always thinking, always looking to create something unique. And he's clearly done that with the Wobble Bone. Still, none of this would have been possible without the assistance of two very special people: Wolf's son Tyler Brammer Wolf and Monty Emerson. Both were instrumental in the development of the product.


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East side grooming, boarding and daycare business expands with new location in the heart of downtown Evansville

Just over three years after opening Daisy's Pet Playground on North

According to Jewell, at the rate that the downtown facility is growing,

Green River Road in Evansville, owner Mark Jewell was presented with

doggie daycare may soon be reservation-only. The size-limited situation

the opportunity to offer the highest quality grooming, boarding and

allows for a max of about 60-65 animals, but the set-up inside is ideal with

daycare to the downtown area. He jumped at the chance, taking over

a wonderful environment for your beloved pet or pets. And it's perfect

a previous daycare operation back in May and christening it Daisy's

for dog owners who either work in, or travel through, the downtown

Downtown Pet Playground. And while the facility - conveniently located

area on a daily basis, cutting down on commuting time and providing

near the corner of MLK Jr. Boulevard and Court Street - may be smaller

more flexibility. Of course, if you're a dedicated east-sider, the North

than the east side complex, all the same in-demand services that have

Green River Road location continues to be a great option for grooming,

made the original Daisy's such a run-away success are available. Six

boarding and daycare. The facility currently houses 89 kennels, with 30

months in, Jewell is feeling good about the downtown operation. "I think

play-yards (21 inside and nine outside) and 50 employees to ensure that

we're on the right track," he notes. "We've got a really good manager

every animal receives the best care possible.

[Rachael] in place who's putting together a nice crew and they're doing a good job of spoiling the dogs."



RIVER VALLEY DOG TRAINING Evansville business offers customized, in-home training to ensure your pet leads a happy, healthy life Jenn Bennett's road to dog training was, as she puts it, a bit "random." While

a training program based on your needs. Most importantly, RVDT's training

teaching special education some years back, she sought approval from the

philosophy centers around positive reinforcement rather than simply rewarding

EVSC for a service dog in the classroom. Having done extensive research for her

behaviors with treats. It's a far more effective - and long-term - solution to

presentation, Bennett developed a passion to train dogs on her own. She then

correcting behavioral issues. Training options include Basic, Intermediate,

contacted an army K9 handler with a virtual lifetime of experience who helped

Advanced, Puppy Obedience and Behavior Training. RVDT also offers training

get Bennett up to speed with the best techniques for behavior modification.

for service and therapy dogs and AKC Training (Canine Good Citizen).

Between the training she received from the K9 handler and her background in behavior therapy (she holds a masters degree), Bennett felt more than ready to

RVDT is now getting ready to expand, prepping for a new training, boarding

open her own dog training business.

and daycare facility to open on Evansville's west side in early 2022, called Barks & Recreation. It will provide a much-needed service for area dog owners with

In the two years that River Valley Dog Training (RVDT) has been in operation,

classes and training available during the day while pets are boarded or in

Bennett has excelled in providing customized, in-home training to get the best

daycare. In the meantime, Bennett will continue her ongoing education in dog

possible results for area dog owners. RVDT offers weekly visits from a certified

training through a network of experts to stay up to date and able to provide the

dog trainer who evaluates your dog's specific learning style and composes

very best services.


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Fully independent, locallyowned business dedicated to providing the healthiest food options for your pets

stretches back some years to when the Zikmunds themselves instituted a total diet overhaul. "We changed our lifestyles and made a commitment to eat better, focus on real food, cut out the processed food, the junk food," Quincy says. "That's how we got into dog and cat nutrition; if we're doing this for ourselves, it only makes sense that our pets should eat a certain way so they can thrive." Still, the couple makes it a point "to meet everybody where they're at," cognizant of the fact that not every pet owner wants to, or is able to, go the alternative diet route. And so Give a Dog a Bone also provides the best dry kibble and canned food options as well. "We try to help people find the best products for their specific dog or cat's situation in a way that works for their lifestyle, whether that's in terms of a budget or time constraints," Quincy says. Rest assured you're getting premium products at Give a Dog a Bone. The Zikmunds routinely study up on the

Just how independent is Give a Dog a Bone, the tri-

brands that they carry, monitoring how the ingredients

state's go-to health food store for dogs and cats? Well, as

are being sourced and who makes the food. They

co-owner Quincy Zikmund notes, "there's no corporate

routinely ask: Does the food really contain what it says

office - unless you count our dining room table." In his

it contains? If the answer is no, or they discover that a

home, he means, where Quincy and co-owner/wife

brand is being produced by an undesirable company,

Liz Zikmund often spend hours researching the latest

they have no qualms about severing the partnership. It's

developments in high quality, natural products for the

all in the name of staying true to the store's mission -

benefit of area pet owners who rely on the business to

which extends to other items the store carries as well,

keep their four-legged friends happy and healthy. The

including eco-friendly toys, accessories, treats and

couple took over Give a Dog a Bone from the previous


owner in 2015 (they were both longtime customers and Liz served as a valuable employee prior to the transition)

Above all, the Zikmunds place special importance on

and quickly set about putting their own stamp on the

education, on facilitating customers' understanding of

store, emphasizing alternative diets such as raw, freeze-

the different foods and the proper way to address their

dried and dehydrated foods. "Because chicken, rice and

pet's dietary issues and needs - even if it means making a

peas, alone, is not going to cut it," Quincy says.

smaller sale in the process. "We could make more money in many cases, but that's not what we're trying to do - we

The impetus for this wholly nutritional approach actually

want to help people," Quincy says.


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Murphy & Louie 18 | NOVEMBER 2021

Gronkowski @thegronkstermonster AMBER TURNER


State Farm Agency Mascots

Pet Partners Certified Therapy Team




Rocket & Kevin MARK JEWELL


Harley & Lottie

In Loving Memory



wobble bone mascot


Teddy & Anthony MARK JEWELL

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Area animal rescues go above and beyond to advocate for the homeless and the defenseless It's often a thankless job. Moreover, it can be highly-

and overall, there's more collaboration between, and

challenging and frustrating at times, even maddening.

networking by, individuals in the community to help the

But at the end of each day, the many employees and

cause. And that's progress, for sure, but much more can

volunteers who help to keep the area's animal shelters

be done.

up and running are rewarded in the knowledge that they're making a significant difference in our community.

To give you an idea of just how committed tri-state animal

Truth be told, however, they don't always get the credit

rescues are to advocating for our furry friends, we'd like

they deserve for going above and beyond to advocate

to share some truly heartwarming stories that are sure to

for the homeless and the defenseless. Many of us take

illuminate and brighten your day. A big thank you to the

for granted the work that is done behind the scenes to

following shelters that provided these great examples

save the lives of local animals - and most importantly, the

of both the never-give-up attitude of the organizations

money that it takes to provide the necessary services,

and the fighting spirit of the featured dogs: Vanderburgh

from veterinary fees to the simple cost of day-to-day

Humane Society, Warrick Humane Society, It Takes A

operations. We're simply too busy, it seems, to worry

Village, PC Pound Puppies and Another Chance for

about such things. Still, awareness is increasing; more

Animals. In addition, we'd like to give a shout-out to the

tri-state businesses are getting on board financially

wonderful people at PAAWS and Posey Humane Society

to support area shelters (Romain Subaru, for example)

who continue to do great work year after year.

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courtesy of Vanderburgh Humane Society

Morbidly obese when he first arrived at the VHS, Spud has since transformed into a stud thanks to the determination of the staff and, in particular, longtime volunteer James Webb. The six-year-old Boxer mix could barely stand up on day one and was immediately referred to a vet who diagnosed him with a thyroid condition. Once on the proper medication, Spud started to shed some pounds - and that's when Webb entered the picture, routinely taking the newly-mobile dog out for morning runs in Garvin Park. "It was like he was on a runner's high, he was so happy," Webb recalls fondly. "He became an athletic beast!" Indeed, between the medication and the exercise, Spud lost over 40 pounds over six months - and seemingly turned all of it into pure muscle. As Webb notes, "I'm six feet tall and about 220 pounds and he could dang near outpull me on the leash." In addition, Spud's coat took on a real shine thanks to his healthy lifestyle and his smile just radiated - which no doubt helped lead to his eventual adoption. He's now living the good life in a loving forever home. For more info or to donate, visit


courtesy of PC Pound Puppies

This 8-year-old sweetheart was picked up by Animal Control as a stray and brought to the shelter. Weak and unable to walk on her own, she had to be carried inside - at which point a PCPP staff member noticed that her back legs were shaking. A vet was contacted and Ruby was taken home for the night to be monitored. The following day tests and bloodwork were done but even after X-rays, there was no definitive diagnosis. Ruby, however, had already won the heart of Bailey, a vet tech who started fostering her. But shortly after, Ruby worryingly lost all control of her back legs and became completely immobile. Undeterred, PCPP then took her to a specialty hospital in Louisville where a CT scan and MRI determined that Ruby had a ruptured disc in her back and needed surgery - a $7000 procedure. But there was never any question as to whether to proceed. As the PCPP folks say, "we always try to provide the best care possible." Plus, how could you say no to that cute little Beagle face?! Happily, Ruby is now a social butterfly who loves to run and play, roll in the grass and eat ice cubes. Best of all, Bailey has adopted her! For more info or to donate, visit

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courtesy of Warrick Humane Society

Mud Pie is the epitome of a sweet adoption story. This adorable 4-year-old spent week after week at the WHS with not the slightest bit of interest from the public - which didn't make sense considering his friendly, playful nature. But the staff never gave up on Mud Pie and eventually the stars aligned in the form of a local long-haul trucker named John who took a real interest in him. Soon the two were headed out the door, bound for a life on the road together. Fittingly, after sitting in the shelter for so long, Mud Pie now travels all over the country with his dad, so happy to have found someone to love him for the rest of his days. But Mud Pie hasn't forgotten his time at the WHS and the wonderful care he received. When John's work schedule allows, the two like to stop in for a visit at the shelter. By all accounts, Mud Pie is always excited to see everyone again! For more info or to donate, visit


courtesy of It Takes A Village

ITV calls Ewing their "miracle pup" - and for good reason. A year ago he was hit by a car up in Rockport and left for dead. Fortunately, a good Samaritan (whom Ewing is named for) stopped to help and the pup was rushed to a vet where he was stabilized - but ultimately specialists diagnosed him with spine and head trauma. The humane thing to do, ITV was told, was to euthanize Ewing. But they refused to give up - not with this dog's will to live. So, strong pain meds were administered and the healing process began. Over time, Ewing has relearned how to walk; he's even taught himself to navigate stairs. Diapers are a part of his life now due to incontinence, but he's currently in a loving foster home with other dogs and enjoys playing with toys and does well with kids. Despite all Ewing's been through, he's got a great personality and seems very grateful to be given a second chance! For more info or to donate, visit


courtesy of Another Chance for Animals

In 2019 a board member of ACA was visiting a shelter out of town where they discovered this little guy. Told that Freckles was not adoptable due to behavioral issues, the board member not only took him but set-up a positive foster situation ASAP. Promisingly, Freckles and his foster parent got along swimmingly - but there was a problem with the dog's back legs. A vet was then contacted who scheduled a consult with a specialist. Ultimately, Freckles was diagnosed with a luxating patella in both legs which made walking very difficult. The solution was surgery; however, as luck would have it, the pandemic hit, putting an extra financial burden on non-profits like ACA. With the procedure delayed, Freckles' foster parent worked to help him get stronger - all in preparation for a future surgery. Now that things are getting back to normal, ACA needs donations to offset the cost of getting Freckles back on his feet. Two procedures are required as doctors can only repair one leg at a time. Please give whatever you can to help him live a happy, healthy life and allow ACA to assist other animals in need. For more info or to donate, visit

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The country music icon on keeping the "twang" alive, existing in an alternate universe, being a collaborative spirit and more Let it be said that when you sign up to be a Marty Stuart

many of whom he's been lucky enough to share the stage or collaborate with, including Lester Flatts, Earl Scruggs, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, George Jones and so many more. But make no mistake, Stuart still relishes the thrill of writing new material, particularly with the Fabulous Superlatives, his incomparable backing band since 2002. And while past solo hits such as "This One's Gonna Hurt You," "Hillbilly Rock" and "Tempted" remain highpoints, he's arguably making some of the best music of his life as 2017's fantastic Way Out West demonstrated. The pandemic, however, scuttled plans for a quick follow-up. Instead, Stuart quietly went to work on Songs I Sing in the Dark, a self-explanatory, wide-ranging collection of (mostly) covers - from Crystal Gale and Tom Petty to Johnny Rivers and Henson Cargill - that helped him get through the 18 months of exile. It's yet another example of his determination to both educate fans and celebrate the greats. There's a western feel to your sound that seems to be missing - with a few exceptions - in today's country music. Do you see an opportunity for it to return to

the mainstream or do artists like you just need to keep reminding people that it's still around?

I think the word is "twang" - the western sound to me basically amounts to twang. I think of Duane Eddy guitars or the Ventures or those kind of old guitar bands. But I think it's an eternal sound; I think it will always have an audience. When a high profile song comes through that somehow, you know, hooks into the masses, it always lifts the sound. But in the meantime, it never goes away. As you say, you've got to just

fan, you're gifted a virtual

keep reminding people, but I

education in the history

think it's a sound that has an

of country and bluegrass

eternal quality.

music. And that's because the 63-year-old Mississippi native has made it a point to follow his heart over the course of a five decadeplus career, always striving to preserve the legacy of legendary artists, some long forgotten, by acknowledging

There's a seemingly neverending debate going on these days about what

constitutes country music. If there's anyone who

should know the answer,

it's you. But is it something that can even be defined?

their contributions at every opportunity and inspiring others

I don't know that it can be defined; I think it's in the ear of the

to do the same. For Stuart, an exceptional guitar and mandolin

beholder - or the heart of the beholder. And I think country

player in his own right, there's no greater honor than to record

music has broad shoulders - and if you go back to the 1927

and perform the music of those who paved the way for him -

Bristol sessions where it started, you know, there were fiddle

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tunes and gospel tunes and pop crooners and mountain ballads. It was all there at the beginning. I remember seeing a statement one time in the late '30s about Bill Monroe recording a Jimmy Rogers song at break-neck speed singing in the voice of a woman and the headline was, "What is becoming of country music?" So the argument and the debate goes back to there and beyond.

Do you pay any attention to the country charts these days or simply exist in your own alternate universe?

I'm pretty aware of people that are coming and going from the limelight. As for chart positions and stuff like that, I haven't looked at the charts in years and could care less about them. You know, the heart's the chart to me. But I do live in my alternate universe and it's warm and fuzzy and I love it. It sparkles with rhinestones and it twangs and it has Fender guitars and reverb and cool cowboy boots and the Superlatives, you know. A lot of people that come to see us probably wouldn't be caught dead at a contemporary country show and vice-versa. But that's the beauty of it. You've shared the stage with so many country and

bluegrass legends and always make it a point to cede the spotlight, in a sense. Despite your stardom, you always practice humility.

Well, there's a couple things that come to mind. One, it's the old band member in me. I was taught under, you know, those old masters that you have your time - otherwise, hold it back, play rhythm, be careful. That's one part of it. The other thing is kind of the old Native American thing. I know who the chiefs are - and even though you think you're a chief, if you're standing on the stage with Merle Haggard, he's the chief; if you're standing on stage with Willie Nelson tonight, he's the chief. So I get that and I'm a very collaborative spirit. You know, I was just raised that way. And the bottom line is that if you do what the song calls for, you'll know where to step in.

For tickets and more info, visit The Victory is located at 600 Main St. in downtown Evansville.

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(drums), and Gerry Smoot (keys). Plus, three veteran acts from the regional blues scene will open the show: Hog Maw (1:30 p.m.), 2 Miles Back (3:30 p.m.) and Blues 4U (5:30 p.m.). Expect a rocking afternoon with no let-up in intensity, all leading up to Lady A's headlining set at 7:30 p.m. Lady A kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the show at Lamasco.


Headliner Lady A on harnessing the energy of her live shows in the studio, serving as an antidote to modern music and being a tough act to follow

Considering your immense stage presence and amped-up performances, how do you sort of harness

that energy in the studio for recordings like Satisfyin'? When I used to go into the studio I would be so nervous

The River Basin Blues Society (RBBS) is going out on a

- and I used to tell people when they would buy my CD,

high note this year by scoring a major headliner for the

I'd say, 'I'm so much better live.' And my producer would

organization's final live music event of 2021. It's a mic

say, 'Stop saying that!' But that's how I felt because I didn't

drop, folks, because Lady A - the original Lady A - is

think I was getting that live feeling when you go in the

gearing up to blow the roof off of the 10th Annual River

studio because it's different. You don't have an audience -

Basin Blues Blast. An absolute powerhouse of a singer

I'm not playing to anybody. But I have to admit, these last

from Seattle who's shared the stage with the likes of

three CDs that I've done - "My Name is All I Got" which

Bobby Rush, Dr. John and Chubby Carrier, her passion for

was a single and then "Doin' Fine" and this Satisfyin' CD

performing simply can't be contained, serving up a fiery

- I have to give props to my Mississippi producer Dexter

mix of gospel, blues, Cajun, funk and soul. It's all there in

Allen who produced "Doin' Fine" and my Seattle producer

spades on her latest release, Satisfyin', currently available

who's been with me for 20 plus years, John Oliver III.

to download on major streaming platforms.

When I go into the studio now, I'm not as nervous because I'm totally relaxed in my mind about what I'm going to do

Lady A won't be going it alone, though. She'll be backed

when I go in and I think about the fact that how I am going

by a great lineup of local musicians, including Tommy

to do this when I do it live?

Stillwell (guitar), Jon Rochner (bass), Danny Erkman

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You're literally the antidote to the sterilization of modern music - a holdout from the old school.

I'm definitely a holdout [laughs]. I don't like singing to tracks - people have told me that I could make so much money if I would just sing to tracks. No! I want a live band, because if I'm singing to a track that means I am stuck within the box which you put me in. I can't go outside of that. I like live music, I like that interpersonal relationship I get with the audience, the personal relationship I have with the band itself. Let me tell it - which I will - nobody can beat my band. Or me, when we are on the stage together, because we have been together for such a long time that we click. If I go walk out into the audience, my band knows exactly what I'm getting ready to do - and that is to make that connection. I don't go out often to hear other people, but when I do I want to be entertained; I want to feel like the artist is singing to me or talking to me through their lyrics, you know, even if there's a thousand people in the room. If one person comes and tells me that something I sang or said during the show touched their heart... it can be one person out of a thousand and I'm happy. If I were an artist on a bill with you, I would not want to follow your performance. That's a no-win proposition.

[Laughs] It's funny you say that because I actually - and I'm not going to say any names - but I had this contract with this event last month and I was supposed to open for this particular person and they swapped us around for whatever reason. And I questioned it but then they gave me some answer and I just said, 'Ok' - my pay doesn't change, no problem. So we went out there and we did our thing and the act that was gonna open that came behind us said over the mic, 'How are we supposed to follow that?!' I shrugged my shoulders like, hey, I do what I do [laughs]. Don't ever underestimate me. Because if you piss me off that just means I'm going to come out even more hard. But I wasn't pissed off or anything, we just thought it was funny.

* This year's event is presented by the Anna and Benjamin

Bosse Music Trust with sponsorship from the RBBS, M.I.D.A.S. Industrial Automation Services, Lamasco Bar & Grill and Tri-State Trophies.

Lamasco Bar & Grill is located at 1331 W. Franklin St. in Evansville. For more info, visit

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The master storyteller on her improv comedy past, drawing comedic inspiration from her husband, developing new material and more Leanne Morgan's journey to comic notoriety was unorthodox, to say the least. The master storyteller grew up in a small farming community in Nashville where she harbored dreams of pursuing comedy in some form but lacked the confidence to move to the "big city" - i.e., Chicago, LA or New York - where careers in that field are generally made. Still, she didn't give up; in her thirties Morgan began performing stand-up here and there, eventually gaining some traction - she even landed television deals for sitcoms. But it wasn't until 2017 - at a point where Morgan was ready to call it a day and "go work at Target in the bedding department" - when everything changed quite unexpectedly. After a DryBar comedy showcase in Salt Lake City, clips of Morgan's stand-up routine caught fire on social media; almost overnight she went from playing small clubs to selling out theaters across America, captivating audiences with endlessly entertaining stories about domestic life - particularly cohabitating with her introverted husband - and getting old. But it's Morgan's engaging delivery that's been the real key to success - her delightful southern drawl and quirky physical mannerisms hilariously accentuate every tale she tells. Morgan kindly spoke with News 4U ahead of the show at Old National Events Plaza.

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The Whose Live Anyway improv comedy show just

never crack the books. He would talk about how unorganized

played in Evansville - which is the antithesis of what you

and messy I am and I don't set goals. We have been so

do as a storyteller. Are you a fan of improv despite your

opposite. And let me say this, people ask what my husband

own style?

says about all the things I say about him, and I go, 'He writes

I went to a high school - kindergarten through 12 , 650

that!' Like, he'll tell me to put things in my act that he says or

students from around the rural area - and graduated with 42


people. We had this speech and drama class - and our little speech and drama teacher was our English teacher who was

One of your absolute best stories is about "going to

a doll. And we would do improv and I loved it. And let me

concerts with old people." Can you share a recent story

tell you I think I was really good at it, and I was quick-witted

that you're developing?

back then and now I'm in menopause, I'm a complete hog

Right now, I'm thinking about doing [a story] about my baby

and I can't think of my name [laughs]. But back then I know I

child...both my girls played competitive volleyball all over the

was good at it and I loved SNL - I grew up

nation and that was just crazy. She played

watching that.

with girls who are right now the top players in the United States. So the center is the

According to your act, your husband is

number one center in Nebraska, rookie

a virtual mute who's no fun and keeps

of the year and all that. That little girl was

you up at night with his various modes

probably nine and my child was 12, one

of snoring. And yet you continue to

of the oldest. And they took those girls

cohabitate with him. Did you marry him

to the Nationals in Reno, Nevada - Reno!

strictly for comedic purposes?

At a casino! And people were smoking

No, I think I had low self-esteem [laughs].

cigarettes and the pool turned into a club

No, I think I married him...well, I know that

at three in the afternoon. It was the most

he was on fire for me and wouldn't leave

Sodom and Gomorrah scene you've ever

me alone. And he was so in love with me -

seen in your life. And so I'm developing that

we waited tables together. He was in MBA

because I'm thinking everybody looked

school and I was going back to get an

like Burt Reynolds...who would take little

undergraduate because I made a lot of bad decisions in the

children to Reno for the national volleyball tournament? Of all

80's. So I was a wreck and he was very stable, and I was very

the places in the United States!

attracted to that. But yes, it turns out that he really is good for comedy because he's an odd somebody. I say that but Chuck

You got a late start with your comedy career but has that

Morgan has supported me through comedy - despite being

been a blessing, perhaps?

so shy and introverted and being married to someone like me.

God's plan was so much better than mine. If I'd gotten into comedy in my twenties, I'd probably be dead by now. I mean, I

If the tables were turned and he was the comedian and you were the mute, what sort of jokes would he make?

just didn't have any sense. There's no telling what I would have done or how I would have ended up, you know? I don't think I would have done dope but, you know, the pressure? I don't

He would talk about how I buy

know. I would have smoked a lot of cigarettes and drank Diet

every diet book on the market

Coke and made horrible decisions with men that are twisted.

and I don't do any of them - I

You know, that kind of stuff [laughs].


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THE EPO LOOKS TO JAZZ UP A HOLIDAY TRADITION WITH BIG BAND RENDITIONS OF CHRISTMAS CLASSICS The theme of this season's run of performances by the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra couldn't have been more perfectly chosen. "So Happy Together" - a nod to The Turtles' 1967 #1 smash - sums up how most everyone is feeling these days; we're all excited to be sharing experiences once again, especially the incomparable thrill of live music. And it doesn't get much better than the EPO's annual Peppermint Pops presentation, a longstanding tri-state tradition that truly captures the holiday spirit with joyous interpretations of Christmas classics. Not even Scrooge could resist such an uplifting program. That's particularly true this year because EPO Music Director Roger Kalia has something seriously hip in store for us. Dubbed A Jazzy Tri-State Christmas, this year's Peppermint Pops performance promises to swing with the best of them, offering up big band renditions of our favorite holiday songs, including "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," "It's the Most Wonderful Time of Year," "Once Again It's Christmas Time This Year" and more, plus selections from both Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker and Duke Ellington's The Nutcracker. In addition, the EPO will welcome numerous special guests to sweeten the deal, including soprano Katherine Polit. Hailed by Opera News as “vibrant,” the American opera singer has performed with the likes of the Helena Symphony, Pacific Symphony and Owensboro Symphony and been featured with Virginia Opera, Opera Naples, Opera Louisiane and more. Plus, Peppermint Pops will spotlight the Evansville Philharmonic Chorus, Evansville Children's Choir, Children's Center for Dance Education, EVSC High School Drumline and Students from UE Music Conservatory. In other words, this is going to be a major celebration! And be sure to get your tickets for this month's Classic Series performance (November 14) as the EPO presents Famous Love Stories featuring soprano Angela Brown and baritone Reginald Smith, Jr. True to the EPO's renowned versatility, expect an irresistible blend of blues, jazz, spirituals and classical music - all in one program! For tickets and more info, visit

The Victory Theatre is located at 600 Main St. in downtown Evansville.

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CLEAN BITE LIFE Healthy Cooking with Lindsay Rasure

After receiving my starter this past spring, I have become obsessed with all things sourdough. These long ferment sourdough pumpkin waffles are the perfect autumn treat. I choose long fermentation on all my sourdough goods, because this process drastically reduces the gluten and gives the phytic acid a chance to break down. Those two things alone make the dough easier on the gut to digest. After I make these I love to wrap them individually in press ‘n’ seal and store in the freezer. They are great popped into the toaster in the AM with a little grass fed butter, like Kerry Gold, and 100% pure maple syrup.



2 c. unbleached organic all purpose flour

1½ c. water

1 c. active bubbly sourdough starter

2 T. honey or maple syrup


2 eggs

1/3 c. melted coconut oil or avocado oil

½ c. pumpkin puree

2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

All of overnight sponge


To make the long ferment sponge combine the flour, water, starter, and honey/maple syrup in a large bowl that has a lid. Mix well until everything is combined. Put a tight lid on and store in the fridge for 24-72 hours. The longer the better!


The morning of baking the waffles it’s best to let the long ferment sponge sit on the counter for 30 minutes – 1 hr. so the sponge can come to room temperature. Keep the lid on during this process.


In a small bowl combine the eggs, oil, and pumpkin. (If using melted coconut oil make sure it has cooled off a touch before combining with eggs. If not you’ll have scrambled eggs!). Stir the ingredients together then pour into the long ferment sponge. Mix until everything is combined. This might take 5 minutes. Be patient.


Next add in the pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. Stir until blended in. 5. Cook your waffles according to your waffle maker’s instructions. 6.

After the waffles have cooled wrap in press ‘n’ seal and store in the freezer. Pop one into the toaster in the AM for a quick delicious waffle! If eating the day of, I like to pop mine in the toaster to give it a more crunchy texture. 7.

Serve with grass fed butter, 100% maple syrup, and even toasted pecans!

For more recipes or meal ideas you can follow Lindsay Rasure on Instagram: @cleanbitelife or her Facebook group: Clean Bite Life


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IN TOWN & AROUND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Angel Rhodes 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Metal Show w/ Ratking, 138: The Misfits Tribute and Jason Breeze & The Misery Collective Orchestra ($5) 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- On Tap Project KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Dance Party w/ DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 5:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Summer of Funk Music Series presents Off the Record 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Stephen Horning 6:00 PM Carson's Brewery -- Halloween Party & Costume Contest 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Me to the Weekend w/ DJ Sup3rman 9:00 PM

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3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Halloween Bash w/ DJ Cliffy D plus costume contest & giveaways KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky TJ's Stockyard Inn -- Death Mountain Spiders 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Live Music TBA Lamasco Bar & Grill -Halloween Bash w/ Calabash (costume contest) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ Christina Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke 7:00 PM Downtown Evansville -- Olde Courthouse Catacombs/House of Lecter presents: Dungeon of Darkness KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:00 PM Owensboro Sportscenter -- REO Speedwagon "Hi Infidelity 40th Anniversary" Tour 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / DJ & Karaoke 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton 7:00 PM Old National Events Plaza -TobyMac: The Theatre Tour 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- College Night w/ Brad Lemmons Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: The Honey Vines 6:45 PM Ford Center -- WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Bishop 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Drew Aud KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM

Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Scott Winzinger 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Hannah Evelyn Jones Ford Center -- Disturbed wsg Pop Evil 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Drew Aud KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Velcro Pygmies Lamasco Bar & Grill -- DF Visuals Local Artist Showcase SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: The Sidemen Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Josh Merritt 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ DJ Christina 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ Victory Theatre -- Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band 8:00 PM Ford Center -- George Strait 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8

Peppermint Pops: A Jazzy Tri-State Christmas

Katherine Polit, Soprano • Roger Kalia, Conductor Evansville Philharmonic Chorus • Tri-State Percussion Students Children’s Center for Dance Education • Evansville Children’s Choir Students from UE Music Conservatory

Saturday Dec. 4, 2021 at 7 p.m. Sunday Dec. 5, 2021 at 2 p.m. The Victory Theatre Get in the Christmas spirit with old school jazz styles and original popular holiday favorites including CONCERT SPONSORS Crescent, Cresline, Wabash selections from Plastics Foundation The Nutcracker! GUEST ARTIST SPONSOR

C. Wayne Worthington Family CHORUS SPONSOR Friends of the Chorus

2021-2022 Season


9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / DJ & Karaoke 6:30 PM Victory Theatre -- MasterChef Live! 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -College Night w/ Brad Lemmons Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ 7:30 PM Old National Events Plaza -Anastasia 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: 2 Miles Back 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Henly 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Elliott Sublett KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke

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Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: The Godfathers 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- David Dunavent Ford Center -- Eric Church Old National Events Plaza -- Nelly wsg Harper Grace 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Kalico Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Angel Rhodes & The Wilder Ones SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: Tom Drury Quartet Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Josh Merritt 3:00 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey 4:00 PM Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra presents Famous Love Stories 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ DJ Christina 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 6:00 PM

Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / DJ & Karaoke 7:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Poetry Night 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Science w/ a Twist 7:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Dareaoke 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- College Night w/ Brad Lemmons KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ 7:00 PM

Victory Theatre -- Marty Stuart & The Fabulous Superlatives 8:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Adult Game Night 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Stone Gypsy 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey Victory Theatre -- Jeff Dunham Seriously!? 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Drag Me to the Weekend w/ DJ Sup3rman 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ

KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Aaron Kamm and the One Drops SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Men's Basketball 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: The BackBeats 7:00 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Thunderbolts Hockey Victory Theatre -- Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra's Fall Concert 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- The Pits 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill

-- Kalico KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Glastone Lamasco Bar & Grill -- DJ McNaughty & DJ Non-Stop SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: Jane Harmon Jazz Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Josh Merritt 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ DJ Christina 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / DJ & Karaoke 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Nick Hamilton 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Drunkgiving Eve Party w/ Jenny's Bad Hair Day 9:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Thanksgiving Eve Bash w/ Tailgate Revival KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 6:00 PM Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC's Corner Pocket -- College Night / Karaoke & DJ 9:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 5:30 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Jive After 5: Green River Jones 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- DJ Toran 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM

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Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Evvolve Dance Therapy Black Friday Edition SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- River Basin Blues Blast feat. Lady A, Blues 4U, 2 Miles Back & Hog Maw 8:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Bonepony 9:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Live Music TBA KC's Corner Pocket -- Karaoke & DJ Leroy's Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky 10:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- THRIV3 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 2:30 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Sunday Jazz: Big Bokeh Band Bud's Rockin' Country Bar & Grill -- Josh Merritt 5:00 PM 3rd Street Saloon -- Karaoke 6:00 PM Bokeh Lounge -- Karaoke w/ DJ Christina 7:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -Cornhole / Karaoke & DJ 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Open Mic TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 6:00 PM KC's Time Out Lounge & Grill -College Night / DJ & Karaoke 9:00 PM Lamasco Bar & Grill -- Karaoke

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EVELYN Indie rock songstress returns with Embers and Constellations, a more layered and polished sound

"Like It Used To" sets the tone as the opening track, boasting a euphoric four-chord progression that drives both the hookladen verses and the soaring chorus with Hannah Evelyn declaring, "But the love doesn't hurt anymore/ Not like it used to, not like it used to." It's the first indication that Embers and Constellations finds the singer in a contemplative mood. "I really wanted to focus on storytelling and write from multiple perspectives: the broken hearted, the never meant to be, falling in love, all the fear and joy of the future," she explains. "I wanted to be as honest as possible, and because of that, this record felt like sitting by a fire on a cold night and recounting stories to someone you love and trust." "Hearts on Automatic" and "Kind" follow, both equally catchy yet sophisticated. The former rides a pleasing Foster the People groove at the outset before Hannah Evelyn takes things to the next level vocally, while the latter features a Fleetwood Mac vibe married with a chorus that Taylor Swift would kill to call her own. But it's the singer's dark side that

One year removed from the release of the Cicada Songs EP -

leaves the biggest imprint here. Irresistibly melodramatic,

an accomplished five-track collection that announced a major

the slow-burning "Early Light" really shows off Hannah

new force in the tri-state music scene - indie rock songstress

Evelyn's lyrical maturity, upping the ante with each direct

Hannah Evelyn is back in

hit: "Isn't this what I wanted/

a big way, building on the

I used to be so sure/ Alone

foundation of the previous

at a crowded table I can't

offering with a more layered

afford/ I'm tired of all the



talking/ It keeps me up at

Embers and Constellations.

night/ Can we enjoy the

The new mini suite of songs

morning's early light?"







significant talents of bassist/

Perfectly sequenced as the

vocalist Jared Majors-Manley

closing track that brings it all

and drummer Benji Koelling,

home, "Safe House" dreamily

but what truly elevates this









the addition of Joe Luegers

work with The Smiths - a sort

on keys. His contributions

of hybrid of "Back to the Old

to the recording process

House" and "Stretch Out

(engineered by Steve Tyner

and Wait." Straight up, this is

and Jon Kern at Black Cat Recording) proved the key to

a beautiful track with the focus squarely on Hannah Evelyn's

creating a more sonically solid mix that particularly benefits

gorgeous voice and aching harmonies. Her plaintive plea -

the EP's trio of radio-friendly efforts: "Like It Used To," "Hearts

"don't go home" - as the song reaches its crescendo lingers

on Automatic" and "Kind" - all three potential singles.

for days.

For more info, follow Hannah Evelyn on Facebook. Embers and Constellations is available on all major streaming platforms.

44 | NOVEMBER 2021



MOOSE COLLECTIVE Core members of improv music project release live set from August Fuchsia Fest performance It's not every day that the term "improv"

pure instrumental bliss - four musicians

is associated with the local music scene,

communicating wordlessly in the united

but Moose Collective - a rapidly evolving

pursuit of entering the fourth dimension.

project comprising core members Hayden

Says Crane, "Almost everybody told us that

Crane (guitar), Mitch Angle (bass), Tayler

they'd never heard anything like it before."

File (electronics) and Chris Dawson (drums) - is changing all that. Originally intended

Thankfully, the hypnotic performance was

to be a more song-based proposition, this

documented by Wally Opus Records. It's

unique partnership has developed into an

since been mixed and mastered by File and

entirely different

is now available

beast. And it's

to listen to and/


or purchase on


getting by




minute. As File

major streaming

describes Moose








musical philosophy, "it's like running

intentions, both live tracks harken back to

downhill - no thought, just survival."

legendary German bands like Can and the post-punk/electronic era of the late 70's

And it's often an exhilarating experience

- but are filtered through a 21st century

as those who attended Mesker Park's

vision. Quite simply, it's music to escape

Fuchsia Fest back in August can attest. The

reality by, an exploration in sound that duly

independent arts & entertainment festival

rewards the open-minded listener.

gave Moose Collective the opportunity to experiment in a live setting, performing

Looking ahead, Moose Collective plans

two krautrock-influenced pieces ("Altered

to release a second live set (from the

Ear Jam" and "Liquid Ceilings") that

rooftop at ARTSWIN) in the near future

allowed for the members to take off on

and welcome other local musicians into

unscripted musical excursions at will

the fold from time to time (maybe even a

after deftly deviating from repetitive

saxophonist) to keep things fresh. There's

starting points. Apart from some nicely-

no telling what will happen now that the

timed film and vocal samples dropped

Moose is loose!

into the mix by File, the half-hour set was

To listen to and/or purchase Fuchsia Fest 8​/​14​/​21 (Live), visit and all major streaming platforms.

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Associate professors at Owensboro Community College and Pellissippi State Community College, respectively, Alschbach and Lewis host the popular podcast The Rock & Metal Profs: The History & Philosophy of Rock & Metal. Now they're bringing their keen insights to the pages of News 4U with a monthly deep dive into some of the best bands of the rock/metal genre and thoughts on music in general.


the number of times that Metallica fans have expressed their disdain for anything the band recorded after 1988’s …And Justice for All. Metallica fans cannot mask their disgust, saying the band “sold out” or went soft. Yes, it

A few weeks ago, Iron Maiden released Senjutsu, their

is true that Metallica changed, as all bands change, and

17th album. Out of curiosity, I visited the various social

I would argue that is a good thing. I don’t want to hear

media fan sites to see what die-hard fans had to say

a band produce the same album repeatedly over their

about the new record. The reviews were largely positive,

career (if I did, I’d listen to Tool). Could it be that people

with fans proclaiming it “Their strongest effort since

just don’t like change? I think it’s more than that.

the 80s.” However, there was also a vocal minority of Maiden fans who expressed a contempt for the album

One of the reasons fans react negatively to new music

usually reserved for the likes of Nickelback and Creed.

is because of how human memory works. In “The

Some fans were thoroughly displeased, saying the album

Neuroscience of Recalling Old Memories,” Christopher

sounded exactly like every Maiden release since 2003.

Bergland’s explanation of how the mind works suggests

Others lamented the lack of creativity or the length of the

that when you remember your favorite band, you’re

songs (several exceed 10 minutes). Still another group of

remembering all of the fun events and emotions

complainants wondered why they didn’t try something

associated with your original love. When you hear

new, like bagpipes, a female vocalist, or a string section.

something new, by nature, you don’t experience the


same joy. So, you’re hardwired not to like new music from bands that were special to you as a kid, because the new

I find it curious that many lifelong fans of certain bands

music fails to elicit the same feelings. Yes, sometimes a

love to hate the bands they love. In particular, bands that

band’s new music is disappointing, but most of the time,

achieved a measure of success are often in the crosshairs

it’s simply our mind getting in the way of something new,

of their most loyal devotees. For example, I cannot count

different, and exciting.

The Rock & Metal Profs podcast is available on iTunes, Google and Spotify.

46 | NOVEMBER 2021



Screen Time

with Marisa Patwa


LOVE HARD (11/5)

Nina Dobrev stars in this cheeky Christmas rom-com. It’s a great way to kick off the temperature dropping and cuffing season blooming. Her love-hungry, LAliving Natalie thinks she found the perfect person to kiss under the mistletoe in Tag, played by Darren Barnet. But she’s actually being catfished by Josh Lin played by Jimmy O Ying. That bomb is dropped when she tries to visit the muscle-bound, outdoors stud on the dating app in real life on the East Coast. Instead, she finds an awkward computer nerd. But snow angels are still at work, because Tag is real and lives in the town. Can Josh make up for the error of his internet espionage and help set up Natalie with the beefcake in a last ditch effort to save the romance of Christmas? Or will she end up falling for the dork who tricked her?


Blank Panther and Shang-Chi have paved the way for the powerful beauty of ethnic representation of superheroes in the Eternals. Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this magical group is actually made up of an immortal alien race that has quietly lived on Earth, watching over humans for the past 7,000 years. They now join forces once again in a post-Thanos world to slay an old evil, the deviants. The cast is insane. Kumail Nanjiani stars as Kingo, Gemma Chan as Sersi, Angelina Jolie as Thena, and Salma Hayek as Ajak. The Chloé Zhao directed film was delayed several times, but the wait is worth it. It’ll be juicy to watch Kit Harrington and Richard Madden back on screen together after playing brothers in Game of Thrones. Madden plays Ikaris, an alien superhero who can fly and shoot sun beams from his eyes. His romance with Sersi is full of layered passion you’d only see from a couple who have been fighting and making up for thousands of years.


It’s finally time to plunge into the icy landscapes of the Gucci family. Adam Driver and Lady Gaga went Instagram viral months back with a first peek into their roles in this highly-anticipated film, respectively dressed in vintage ski outfits. They're a perfect match as Patrizia Reggiani and Maurizio Gucci, with meaty accents and rocking rich, wild, high-end fashion of the '70s. Jared Leto also co-stars as the heavilycaked-in-makeup, tackily-dressed Paolo Gucci. House of Gucci not only pulls the curtain back on one of the biggest dynasties in fashion, but ups the ante as a delicious crime thriller. The icing on the cake: Ridley Scott directs. While the drippings of the clothes, shoes and jewelry are fun, the real grit is the lead-up to Reggiani ordering a kill on Maurizio in the mid-90s, after a fiery divorce.

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be we’ll he h t n ith t h mo Eac king in w latest chec for the nd to a VHS news ever d goo find fur e of m help for so ique n s u e ore idents. hom m their der res ol and


the miracle mom! At just 2-years-old,

ELIZA: Old is still gold! Say hello to Eliza

Sweetheart was struck by a truck while

the beagle. She is 13 years young and

she was pregnant with 5 babies. Not only

has been an active participant in our

did momma and all 5 kiddos survive, an

Cardio for Canines program. She may

amazing VHS volunteer happened to

not be a runner, but she loves taking

witness the entire event and rushed her

leisure strolls around the park and

into care. Fast forward 2 months later and

getting pets from everyone. Her cherry

all of Sweetheart's kittens are healthy and

eyes have been corrected and shouldn’t

adopted. Her broken jaw and nose have

cause any issues down the road. Stop by

healed and she's happy to be alive! The

VHS to meet this sweet senior today!

only thing missing is you! Her adoption fee is $70 and includes spay, microchip and vaccinations.

LIBRA: Hello fellow Libras! Are you all

about keeping your life in balance? Do you consider yourself a social butterfly with a unique sense of style? If so, meet Libra - a 4-month-old American rabbit. Even though this young man is a little on the shy side, he's confident he can pull off a bold Hawaiian print year-round. Balance this boy's timid side with a peaceful home that allows him space for some zoomies and you will have a best friend for life! Libra's adoption fee is $50 and includes neuter and microchip.

400 Millner Industrial Drive | 2 blocks west of Garvin Park in Evansville 812-426-2563 | Adoption Hours: Tues-Sat 12-6pm |

48 | NOVEMBER 2021


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AS I TYPE THIS... with Barold Hume

No doubt by the time the November issue goes to print the two political

Sorry, I got a bit off track there. Now let's see what else is going on in the

parties will be back at each other's throats, but I just wanted to enjoy this

world... Seems Brian Laundrie is still at-large; not even Dog the Bounty

brief truce. Because as I type this, the GOP and the Democrats have come

Hunter can locate the suspected killer of Gabby Petito. Well, he's not

to an agreement of sorts to avoid the dreaded government shutdown. Well

officially a suspect, according to authorities. Rather, Laundrie's a "person

done, ladies and gents; you finally did your job. Seriously, is there anything

of interest." Either way, it's nuts how much attention this case has received -

more annoying than watching the Washington elites bicker back and forth?

and I guarantee that a Netflix documentary or docudrama is already in the

Love him or hate him, at least Senator Sanders can crack a pretty good joke

works. But with Laundrie still MIA, for now it's like that Phil Collins video from

from time to time but otherwise, these endless, petty disputes are on par

1985. You know the one I'm talking about - the one where he keeps slapping

with watching the Ashton Kutcher-era Two and a Half Men episodes - kinda

the back of his neck and repeating, "So, how does it end?" YouTube it and

creepy and almost completely devoid of humor. Not that I've seen too

get back to me. Oh, and while you're on that site, please do me a solid

many of them; but sometimes the mind just needs to totally veg-out for real.

and watch a 9-minute mini-doc by Pat Finnerty called Little Stinkers which

I would also suggest Two Broke Girls in that regard. Both shows are surely

hilariously details just how appallingly bad the song "Fancy Like" by Walker

being written by the same brain-dead crew, considering the transparent,

Hayes is. You probably know it better as the "Applebee's Song" thanks to

cheeseball punch lines that arrive on cue every 20 seconds accompanied

the mediocre chain restaurant using it in a recent commercial (complete

by over-the-top, canned laughter. The moral of this story is that you should

with a god awful dance that customers are apparently inspired to do when

sidestep any sitcom that begins with the word "Two" on CBS. Except on that

they think about Oreo shakes and other such fattening menu items). Makes

rare occasion when the doctor orders a 30 minute-long lobotomy to clean

those "Two" sitcoms seem like the work of geniuses.

out the ol' noggin.

Picture it. Evansville 2010.



with Bryan Fox



Okay, so that was my lame attempt to impersonate Sophia and her classic line on The Golden Girls. Only replace Evansville with Sicily. But to get to my point, we need to go back to that year and discuss what has transpired since. With the census that comes every 10 years, new legislative maps are drawn. In Indiana, whichever party has the governorship and control of the Senate and House gets to draw the new districts. Since the GOP has the hat trick on all three, they get to decide these lines for the next 10 years. Democrats, as expected, are crying foul claiming the new lines are skewed more in the GOP's favor. But, let me ask, who should they blame? Which brings me to 2010.


MAYBE I'M JUST GETTING OLD... with Johnny Fletcher


You got a problem with that? Didn't think so. Hey, I'm just blowing

that we just can't let go of no matter what? Some of us more than

smoke - you can laugh all you want at my 80's-era wallet and I won't

others, for sure, and that's why Hoarders continues to be such a

get mad. Might cry a little, but it's cleansing, they say. But that aside, I

popular - yet wholly depressing - show on A&E. I'm nowhere near that

just can't seem to part with this ancient money-holder. You see, unlike

level of clingy, thankfully; but there are certainly things I own that have

Jerry Seinfeld's dad who can't stand Velcro because of "that tearrrring

no business still being in my possession. Old clothes, mostly. At least

sound," I got a real soft spot for it. It's pleasing to my ears, ok? More

half of my wardrobe is crap that I haven't worn in years - i.e., concert

importantly, this wallet, while grossly out of fashion, is apparently

t-shirts that are too small or in tatters. But the very idea of parting with

indestructible. Nearly 40 years on from the point of purchase (actually,

them is unnerving. How can I possibly say goodbye to such treasured

I believe it was a highly-anticipated Christmas gift back in my grade

souvenirs? Souvenirs which I almost never look at or think about, mind

school days), I'm still rocking it like a boss with no end in sight. Now,

you. Not until I realize that yet another drawer is now packed to the gills

is it a good look to be carrying this tired old thing around? Of course

with them, leaving virtually no room for new additions. (You can look it

not. Do people stare in disbelief when I extricate it from my front right

up, but I believe this is the very definition of a First World problem. Still

jeans pocket (back pocket storage is way too risky for something so

fascinating, though, eh?) But back to my Velcro wallet. Let it be known

cherished) to pay for stuff or retrieve my ID? You bet they do. Do I care?

that I would like to be buried with it when the, uh, time comes. Full

Well, not enough to get rid of it, it seems.

disclosure, I plan to be quite wealthy in the afterworld and a reliable money-holder will obviously be paramount to my happiness. Cue "that

But don't we all have our own version of a Velcro wallet - something

tearrrring sound"...

Hard to believe it now with Republicans controlling over 70% of the

one chamber that year. The next year? Poof, it was gone. Now, admittedly

House seats in Indy, but not too long ago the Democrats actually had

the GOP still had the governorship and the Senate at that time which

control, albeit by a small margin. That was, of course, 2010. In Evansville,

meant that the Dems would still be in the minority. But with one chamber

three of the four state reps whose districts represented some portion of

perhaps things might have turned out differently in that midterm. Guess

the county were Democrats. Long story short, Evan Bayh decided not

we'll never know.

to run for reelection in the Senate which prompted a shuffle of sorts locally for Democratic candidates. Combine that with an unpopular bill

Which brings me to the present. The GOP in the ensuing years has gained

in Obamacare, nationally, along with former Indiana Democratic speaker

a few more seats in the House and still have a Republican governor and

Pat Bauer being his usual Nancy Pelosi wannabe self, and you had House

Senate. Super-majority might not have been possible if Dems would

Dems suffering massive losses around the state. This included a couple of

have won elections when they needed them. And let's face it, if the shoe

Republicans in districts representing Evansville, upending some long-held

was on the other foot, it would have been our Republican friends crying

Democratic seats.

foul. But because that's not the case, we are getting those "poor, helpless Democrats" stories from the statewide press. But, again, they only have

See where I'm going? 2010 was a census year. Democrats had control of

themselves to blame.

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BRIDGING the Gap with Jasmine Bennett


For Gen Z'ers, life is so much better when you have an aesthetic to match your everyday moves. For some, mixing and matching aesthetics works in a way to create their own. For others, sticking to one aesthetic is like finding your niche. Either way, here are a few memorable aesthetics from Gen Z'ers.


This is the person who is foraging in the forest for little mushrooms while dressed in a flowing gown that belongs everywhere BUT the woods. The cottagecore aesthetic is for any girl or guy who has stepped out of a fairytale and based their life on it. This aesthetic focuses on a more simple life filled with nature, craftsmanship, gardening, foraging, and simple living. If you’ve ever watched Snow White, she embodies the cottagecore aesthetic from head to toe.


This is the person who is studying at your local cafe, pronouncing croissant the French way, or reading a book in a cozy corner of the library. This aesthetic is targeted towards students who make studying their entire life. These are the people who are buying paperclips that have icons on them instead of just the silver cheap ones. Light academia is the aesthetic for the softer, more vibrant studier, the student who gets called “adorable” by their professors. Chances are if you’ve ever studied abroad, you’ve met someone whose aesthetic is light academia.


This is the evil stepsister of Light Academia. If Light Academia is a white chocolate mocha from your favorite local coffee shop, Dark Academia is three shots of espresso, extra hot so you can feel the burn as it goes down. Dark Academia is the dreary side of being a student. This aesthetic is comparable to Harry Potter as most people with this aesthetic dress as if they were a student at Hogwarts. If studying in big empty libraries at 12 a.m. while listening to Chopin play piano as it rains outside sounds appealing, dark academia would be perfect for you.

If you find yourself wondering what the meaning of everyday words are or thinking that TikTok is the sound a clock makes, head on back to this column as we bridge the gap between Gen Zers and the rest of the world.

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LIL NAS X Montero Columbia Records


Music and fashion icon Lil Nas X

Jesse McCartney first caught my eye

is dropping his spurs for a pink prison jumpsuit on his debut album Montero. We’ve had to sit in agony for two years since “Old Town Road” for this sultry symphony to drop and it is truly a masterpiece. At only 22, Lil Nas X has solidified himself not only as a lyrical mastermind but as a visionary. Every last detail in his music videos - each more grandiose than the next - shows how dedicated he is to his craft and giving the audience a good “old” time. Jack Harlow, Doja Cat, Elton John, Megan Thee Stallion and Miley Cyrus all bring the heat on tracks, too. Harlow slices up a witty rap on “Industry Baby” while Doja Cat brings the sauce on “Scoop.” Miley Cyrus and Lil Nas X's vocals melt like butter on a sticky Sunday morning with “Am I Dreaming?,” while Elton John

as a teeny bopper boppin' bangers in Dream Street. While his career early on was packed with crowds and adoration from loving girls, he hasn’t been able to streamline his success the way successor Justin Bieber has. Although McCartney has sunken into the shadows a bit, he still has the vocal flair that made us put posters of him up on our middle school bedroom walls in the first place. The singer, who just recently tied the knot, is hoping this album is a fresh start. It's also a sweet ode to his wife. There’s a newfound sense of maturity from the vocalist, now in his mid thirties. “Discovering You” breaks down how they first fell in magnetic love: “History started in your tiny one bed apartment/ When I think of my story, you begin and end it all for me.” He's clearly done some soul-searching since

passes off the torch to the future legend on “One of Me.” His

“Beautiful Soul.” I admire a man with growth. “Party for Two” is a


stadiums again, he’ll always have a place in the music industry

range is astounding and his career will be ever-lasting. - Marisa

breath of fresh, catchy air. While McCartney may never sell-out as a respected artist. As for the level of romance in dedicating a

whole album to the love of his life? Men listen up. - Marisa Patwa

KACEY MUSGRAVES Star-Crossed MCA Nashville/Interscope Records While I’m not a true country girl at heart, Kacey Musgraves made mine beat.





musical guest performance during the season premiere of SNL. She sang “Justified” raw and naked as an ode to Jenny from Forrest Gump - and she delivered “Camera Roll” with just as much sincerity. Musgraves was hauntingly raw and vulnerable with the masked studio audience and it was beautiful. The sixtime Grammy Award-winner turned me into an instant fan, and then the deep dive into her discography began. Like Maren Morris, she has the perfect combination of salty country with some sugar pop. I’m glad I’m finally catching up in the country classroom because this fifth studio album is a true education. “Simpler Times” is a throwback to 90's high school life. The slow, sweat burn radiates with passion. The music video is full of fun and color as Musgraves and her gang of girls hit the mall, then rob a wedding dress shop. There is just something so insatiable about her twangy voice that infuses each track with a layer of honey that just tastes like home. - Marisa Patwa

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RESIST & BITE Self-titled Lor Live Records Resist & Bite is a refreshing new band featuring former Tesla guitarist Tommy Skeoch, Owensboro native David Parks on drums, vocalist Nathan Utz, guitarist Steve Stokes and bassist Brian Powell. At first listen, the new record sounds a bit like Tesla’s ground-breaking 1986 debut Mechanical Resonance. This is not surprising, as Skeoch is a founding member of Tesla. But what is serendipitous about the debut is how varied the song styles are - metal, blues, countryrock, dark and rhythmic to energetic rockers. This record nicely showcases Skeoch’s body of guitar work and Utz’s vocal range. What’s more, it features glimpses here and there of Parks and Stokes’ Nashville influence. Twin guitar solos are featured throughout, and Utz does a fine job crafting catchy vocal hooks whilst tackling real-life subject matter on some tracks. Start with “A Soul for Mary,” “Fate,” “Up in Flames” and the opener “Blood on Me.” This one is great fun! - Matt Alschbach


INJURY RESERVE By The Time I Get to Phoenix Self-released

DURAN DURAN Future Past Tape Modern/BMG

I honestly believe By The Time I Get to Phoenix,

Four decades on from their self-titled debut,

the second album by Arizona rap group Injury Reserve, will go down as a hip-hop classic. The album is so original sounding; it’s almost hard to talk about. The bulk of it is built around a unique approach to sampling in which Injury Reserve break down and destroy old soul songs into a glitchy, chaotic acid trip. Yes, the album sounds messy. It doesn’t sound bad or wrong, though. By The Time I Get to Phoenix spirals downward for 30 minutes until the penultimate track “Knees” kicks in and the chaos abruptly stops, the soul is restored, and a moment of clarity is had. “Knees” is a beautiful track and the most accessible song on the album, but the ride you take to get there is absolutely necessary. - Russ Finn

FULL MOOD Red Sleep Cold Lunch Recordings Nashville alt-pop duo Full Mood follow-up their 2019 debut EP with Red Sleep, a collection

Duran Duran remain a relevant force in the music industry, nimbly sidestepping the nostalgia scene. How, exactly? Well, unlike most 80's bands that are content to coast on the hits from their heyday, the Birmingham Boys continue to hunker down in the studio every few years, always intent on producing something fresh and exciting to add to the DD discography. For better or worse, that is. Truthfully, apart from 2011's stunning All You Need Is Now which saw a return to the band's classic New Romantic sound, Duran Duran have generally shot themselves in the foot by pointlessly trying to keep up with the times, sonically speaking (i.e., employing Kanye West production techniques on 2015's mediocre Paper Gods). Future Past finds Duran Duran straddling the middle ground, both reaching back to their synth-funk roots and attempting to come across as contemporary. That's all well and good but the songs just aren't strong enough; even the best tracks here - "Anniversary," "Invisible" and "More Joy" - don't quite measure up to the band's past or point to a bright future. Simon Le Bon's ageless vocals make it worth a listen, though. - Johnny Fletcher

of seven sleek synth songs. The new EP is Full Mood’s debut on label Cold Lunch Recordings and finds the group doubling-down and honing the dream pop sound they’ve cultivated. Opener “2U” immediately sets the tone for the rest of Red Sleep with a stabbing synthesizer riff and a slow phasing hum over slick drum machine beats. Singer and keyboardist Miranda McLaughlin’s voice is smooth and brooding and lends itself perfectly to the dreamy atmosphere she brings out of her keyboard, while multi-instrumentalist Nick Morelly strikes at the exact right moments with crystalline guitar. On Red Sleep, Full Mood nails their stylish dreams with careful precision, leaving listeners craving more. - Russ Finn

PILE Songs Known Together, Alone Exploding in Sound For over a decade, indie rock band Pile have been climbing their way through the ranks of DIY. Since 2007, Pile has released seven studio albums and become one of the most popular bands from their Boston scene. In late 2020, while Pile (and most bands) were taking a break from touring, band leader Rick Maguire performed a live-stream solo show which was recorded and turned into Songs Known Together, Alone. The resulting album serves as a live compilation of some of Pile’s best songs. Though the renditions found here are lacking Pile’s explosive punk sound and energy, the more intimate solo recordings do well to highlight Maguire’s songwriting. Ultimately, this is a good album, and perhaps even a good entry into Pile’s overall discography, but mostly feels like something to hold fans over until the next proper Pile album. - Russ Finn

Blues with Bragin LUCA KIELLA

Ready for You Cypress Road Productions Italian bluesman Luca Kiella returns with Ready for You. The album kicks off with “Till Tomorrow” featuring horns from Mark Mullins, Bobby Campo and Brad Walker and bass from William Baggett which give the song a Latin flair as Kiella sings about putting off worry for another day. “Here No More” begins with a rolling piano solo from Kiella. The horn section returns with raw power. The happy, toe-tapping music at the beginning of “I Hate My Boss” offers a nice contrast to pointed and humorous lyrics that almost everyone can sing at some point during their career. “Desperate Train to Nowhere” features melancholy guitar from Aaron Weistrop and superb background vocals from Michelle Hallman. The song “Many Reasons Ago” seems perfect for dancing in spite of the lyrics about needing to put someone out of your life. The top-notch horn section returns for the final time on “Misstep.” “A True Connection” boasts introspective piano and vocals from Kiella as he sings about past enjoyments no longer entertaining him and wanting to repair a relationship. Chuck Bontrager’s string section provides another layer of depth. Kiella sings about leaving on “Let You Go.” A 1950's sock hop vibe dominates “Wanna Love You Tonight” as Kiella masterfully plays the piano. Anyone who enjoys soulful, piano-driven music needs to listen to this album. - Paul Bragin

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NOVEMBER BEER REVIEWS This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 10 Liquor Locker locations. Visit our website at BRECKENRIDGE CHRISTMAS ALE


This beer pours a rich caramel hue with a creamy off-white head. Slightly bready on the nose, with a rich maltiness on the palate. The hops balances with the malty sweetness perfectly, making this a very nice winter ale with a 7.1% ABV.


A thick off-white head crowns this winter warmer style ale after pouring it in a traditional English pub glass. The nose boasts the scent of roasted malts. A balance of malt and hops comes with the first sip, but sweet malt remains in the long finish. Use this beer as an ingredient in pork chops or serve with your favorite holiday meal, especially hearty fare like turkey and sweet desserts with chocolate.


This is a clear, dark, amber-colored beer. I can taste some of the spices but they're on the lighter side. I guess when I think of a Christmas beer, it should bombard you with spices. But overall, it's a nice malty beer that will go down smooth during the holidays - just a little too much on the sweet side for me.

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This pours almost pitch black, with a nice caramel head. Notes of bourbon, including vanilla and caramel, appear on the nose. It's malty, sweet and warming on the palate, with light carbonation providing a velvety smooth finish.




This beer pours a hazy straw color with a thin white head. Citrus notes appear on the nose, including grapefruit and tangerine. It's very light on the palate with a slight bitterness on the finish. I consider this a very solid hazy pale ale.


A decent tan head crowns this beer when poured into a traditional English pub glass. The roasted malt scent seems less pronounced, with sweet scents becoming more prominent. The first sip of the beer gives the roasted malt more of a chance to shine, with the sweetness along in the finish. In a world with a lot of bourbon barrel stouts, this one tops the list. Pair it with red meat, smoked food, rich cheeses or dark chocolate.

A white head forms on this hazy pale ale and evaporates slowly. The scent contains a decent amount of citrus from the hops used during brewing. The citrus hop flavors continue with the first tasting as a thick mouthfeel coats the tongue. Malt comes through a moment later, but the citrus returns in the long finish. Pair it with spicy foods like Mexican or Asian, classic English cheeses like blue cheese and Cheddar or a hamburger.



This is a thick, dark beer with a chocolate head. I wanted to drink more but it's not a session beer considering the 11% ABV. It's like eating chocolate cake. One piece is good but two not so much. It's a very sweet beer and the chocolate and coffee flavors shine through. I can taste the warming of the alcohol but not that much. Simply put, this is a very good winter beer.


This beer pours your standard hazy amber color. I can smell a little pine and citrus and it has the flavors to match. I had never heard of this brand, but I think they did a fine job with this beer and I'm going to search for other offers they may have. With an ABV of 5.5%, this is pretty easy to drink with the hops being present but not overbearing. A very solid and enjoyable beer.


DOGFISH HEAD SEA QUENCH ALE and tart on the palate with a salty finish. Gose and sour lovers will likely enjoy this, but if you are not a big fan of sours, you might want to steer clear.



This gose pours a clear yellow with a thick head. It's funky on the nose with notes of lime

A thick white head tops this cloudy golden ale and takes a long time to dissipate. The limes used during brewing give the scent a noticeable citrus note. The light and crisp beer hits the tongue with lime flavors. Salt flavors come through in the long finish. Summer months might give the beer a boost in popularity. Pair it with goat cheese, shellfish or grilled chicken.


If you're looking to switch things up during the winter months when heavy beers are all the rage and want to remind yourself of the warmer days of summer - here's a sour beer that combines lime/ citrus flavors with a kick of salt. Not for everyone, of course, but Dogfish offers up a refreshing take on this style of beer. It's a bit outside my comfort zone but might be right for you.


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| 57




Focusing on personal injury, civil litigation, whistleblower claims and workers' compensation law, Siesky Law Firm strives to provide excellent legal services while remaining client and community centered. The Evansville-based trio of top attorneys - including Lane Siesky, Daniel Gearhart and Douglas Briody - boasts years of invaluable experience inside and outside the courtroom. Highly-respected with an impeccable track record, the firm's aggressive representation of its clients continues to benefit the community in myriad ways.


A relationship that I was involved in ended poorly and now my former partner is spreading lies about me on social media. I have repeatedly asked her to stop defaming my character; however, she continues to spread untruths. At what point does a scenario such as this become a legal matter? Is there a certain line that must be crossed before someone has the right to defend themselves, legally speaking?


In Indiana, there is a civil tort (claim) for defamation. Generally, defamation is defined as the act of communicating (with malice) false statements (that are not privileged) about a person to the public that injure the reputation of that person. Defamation can take two forms – libel (in writing) and slander (spoken). For defamation to rise to a level where it is legally actionable, there must be provable special damages. In plain terms, successfully prosecuting a claim for defamation is not easy. In other words, even if someone made false statements about you, you still must prove that you were injured financially. However, certain false statements are defamatory per se. The following can be examples of defamatory per se statements: • criminal conduct; • a loathsome disease; • misconduct in a person's profession or occupation; or • sexual misconduct. If a statement is defamatory per se, then one need not prove special damages to successfully bring a claim. Finally, the truth is generally a defense to a defamation claim. So, if someone made a statement about you that was not nice, but the statement was true, then the person making the statement may have a complete defense to your claim of defamation. As with most things in the law, nothing is simple or easy. So, if you feel you have been defamed and want to consider bringing a claim you should consult a knowledgeable attorney.

Disclaimer: The above information provided by Siesky Law Firm, PC, is not legal advice and should not be taken as legal advice. Application of the law is highly fact sensitive and readers should consult with an attorney on legal matters.

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