News 4U Owensboro - June

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Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292


Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292


Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292


JUNE ‘09

taBle oF contents owensboro edition FeaTureS


4 ROMP Bluegrass is in our DNA by Dylan Gibbs & Al hawkes

10 Restaurants

6 RuKKuSVeteran Rockers Revealed by Carolyn Cummings

16 Local Nightlife

8 BOuRBON BLOG Hob-nobbing with the rich and famous by Tom Fischer

15 Clubs & Pubs

20 Shopping 21 Road Trip To Evansville 26 Arts & Etc.

14 SOuND BOARD Local tunesters give their two cents by Dylan Gibbs 22 OWENSBORO OILERS Diamond dreams in a modern yesteryear by Dylan Gibbs


23 KID’S PAGE Get the kids out of the house! by Father Time

12 What’s Cookin’! 27 Music

24 SuMMER CAMP ROuNDuP Now you know where to go/what to do! by Melissa Kaiser

30 Cinema: In Theatres 31 Cinema: New Releases

Publisher Bashar hamami Business Manager Sharon Tindle

Owensboro Account Executive russella Jones

Managing Editor Dylan Gibbs

Evansville Account Executives Beth Culver

Promotions Casey McCoy

(270) 485-2292

Sales Manager

Carolyn Cummings Keith LaCrosse

Web Programming Jeff Lingis Production Supervisor Amanda Smith

Graphic Artist Jaqulyn Woolsey Staff Photographer Mark McCoy

on the cover this month...

Staff Writers Nick Durcholz Melissa Kaiser Contributors Chad Benefield, Carolyn Cummings, Father Time, Tom Fischer, MomKat, Ashley Sollars, Todd Zachritz

BILL MoNroE/ BLuE MooN oF KENTuCKY Rex Robinson/ Al Hawkes

(Courtesy of Al Hawkes)

ruKKuS provided by Rukkus Band


•4• • Owensboro June 2009

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292



a Bluegrass Legend’s narrative


The Ozaki Brothers.

his homemade station didn’t last very long, but the foundation for a lifetime devoted to music was laid firm. hawkes formed his own record company, and over the years he’s played with a veritable who’s who of luminaries in the bluegrass and country music world. Al’s earned more than twenty-five awards that have recognized his enormous contributions to the music he loves. •6•

J.D. Crowe

But until last year’s roMp, hawkes had never been to the home of bluegrass music. he was so impressed with the people of owensboro, the audiences of bluegrass fans, and the home site and grave of Bill Monroe to the point that he thought of his experiences in Kentucky during quiet moments by himself. he even wanted to write his own account of what it was like to be with so many lovers of bluegrass, so many people who, like him, have the honest and organic music embedded in their DNA. And so, in a departure from the usual form, here is Al hawkes in his own words; if you love bluegrass music and are looking forward to roMp 2009, I think his words are worth reading: “I was just overwhelmed last year; it was my first time in Kentucky. When I was invited down there by Gabrielle Gray, the director of the International Bluegrass Music Museum, I said, ‘wow, I’d love to come down.’ So we drove down in a new Toyota Tundra truck, pulling an rV trailer. We met so many great people and I can’t wait to get back this year. I think the whole thing is such a fabulous thing that they’re doing – recognizing the pioneers – I’m not saying that because • Owensboro June 2009

phoToS: oZAKI: roMp / CroWE: JDCroWE.NET

s annual events go, the river of Music party stands out as a testament to the fellowship created by gathering worldclass talent in a setting that more than befits the occasion. And typically, when dylan gibbs Managing Editor covering such an event, the and temptation is powerful to al haWkes base the article on the who, the what, the when and the where; to put it simply, to give the reader a fairly straightforward account of what they can expect. But every great once and a while, an unexpected turn of events puts a halt to such well-laid plans. Such was the case when I talked to a true bluegrass pioneer; hearing his story changed the arc of this story, so much so that I wanted to share the byline with him (with his permission, of course). Seventy eight year-old Al hawkes’ life is bluegrass music. From an early age – beginning in the 1940s – he absorbed the sounds of the fiddles, guitars, mandolins and earnest voices from faraway AM radio stations. As his knowledge of the music grew, so did his ability to play; while still a youth in Westbrook, Maine, Al learned mandolin, guitar, 12-string guitar, plectrum banjo and stand up bass. hawkes’ love of country and bluegrass was so strong that he even built his own (illegal) radio station and played music from his extensive and evergrowing record collection.

they’re recognizing me. The fact that the father of bluegrass [Bill Monroe] is not far away… we went down to his home and spent three hours sitting on the porch and talking to the people who do the tours there. “It’s so connected to Bill Monroe’s home and his grave site… it is Kentucky. It is bluegrass. And I can’t think of any other place where it should be; that’s where the home of bluegrass really is. “I swear that there’s something in our musical genes…. in our system, I swear that some of us have a bluegrass gene. Even if we weren’t born in Kentucky. Somehow it got into my system; when I got down there I said, ‘this is probably where I should have been born.’ All my life, that’s been my music. I listened to the old radio stations up here in Maine that beamed up this way – WWVA in Wheeling, West Virginia, WCKY in Cincinnati – at night, that skip factor. I grew up with a headphone under my pillow; my mother thought I was sleeping. I was listening to this music until one o’clock in the morning. This would have been in 1941 or so. “We were listening to music from down south, and I had my own radio station at one time, a small station… until the government

of you and start playing. But in bluegrass, 99% of the people maybe took some lessons, but most of ‘em were able to pick up an instrument and play it just like they did in the early days when people took the fiddle and the banjo and sat on the porch and played; most of the people did not have lessons; it just came to ‘em. I think that’s the gene factor. “Bluegrass music is a passionate music, a soulful music, and we can come together without even knowing some of the people, and just get into the jam and play the music even if you’ve never heard the song before. It’s almost like mentally, you’re in a family, and the family’s accepted you, and every-

Steep Canyon Rangers

found out about it. That was fun. I just wanted to spread the word of what I was hearing to the people who couldn’t hear it up here. That music’s just been my life, and I love it, and I feel like I’m still thirty-nine. “I taught students for about ten years; I had students of various ages; one was sixtyfive. I told ‘em up front: in music you can practice, you can take lessons, and you can become a mechanical player – just put the notes in front

body’s happy.” A complete listing of events for this year’s River of Music Party can be found on the inside back cover of the magazine as well as in the Nightlife section on page 19. For more information about the bluegrass event of the year, you can also visit and/or call 1-888-MY BANJO.

photo courtesy

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292



Spreading Grins, Bringing the Noise



n a market flooded with cover bands and tribute acts, where everyone knows someone who can play a guitar or is starting “a really great new band,” what does it take for a band to be unique? In an area where the best local groups stay viable for a few years tops what keeps a band together, popular and working consistently for over carolyn ten years? Is there some secret formula, magic cummings Contributor recipe? These are questions to which every band starting out and some that have been playing together for quite some time would love answers. Well, there is a local band that has developed there own formula to accomplish all of the aforementioned feats, and they’re still going strong. I first was introduced to Rukkus about seven years ago. I was in an original acoustic trio that often played the ‘Friday night happy hour’ at Milligan’s in Owensboro. Each Friday when our last set was done we’d hurry to break down equipment and clear off the stage to make room for the night’s main event, which generally consisted of a local cover band and their wall of amps. On occasion we’d hang out for a tasty beverage (or four) and see what that night’s entertainment had to offer. Now I’m not going to lie, often original musicians are elitists. The two guys that I wrote and played with at the time were no exception, so to say we watched all cover bands with a critical eye and relatively low expectations would be a fair statement. One Friday in particular the manager of Milligan’s, and good friend, told me I really needed to stick around for Rukkus’ show. As I said she was a friend so she knew my prejudices and I had to ask, “What makes this one so different?” “You’ll just have to see their show Carolyn.” I don’t remember what their first song was to be honest. I couldn’t tell you what they did second for that matter. Here, however, is what I do recall from that first experience; by the time they ended song three the energy in that bar was palpable. I was shocked! To this day I haven’t seen another band locally create an atmosphere that like. The bar was packed, everyone was dancing and having a

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great time, the lead singer was selling shots (to the entire bar) like a used car salesman pushing a jalopy, and if there was anyone without a smile on their face I certainly couldn’t see them. They were/ are all good musicians don’t get me wrong. In fairness though there are a lot of good musicians in the area. However you would be hard pressed to find better showmen. It’s always easy to give all the credit for a bands success to the lead singer and Eric Ross is no exception. He is charismatic, funny, energetic and determined. According to a conversation I had with one of his band mates, guitarist Scott Thompson, Eric will not rest until everyone in that bar is connected some how with the band. “Eric will focus in on the one person in the crowd that looks upset and won’t let up until they’re having fun,” Thompson said. And although Eric may get a lot of the glory the last thing he does is take himself too seriously. He recalls for me, “In the beginning we sucked, we just weren’t that good. When Scott and I started the band neither of us had ever been in one before; so we went out and saw what other people were doing. We had to make decisions; are we going to play what we like or what people want to hear? You realize the labels are signing sixteen year olds, and you realize there are a lot of other talented musicians. So we decided we wanted to be entertainers.” “We want to have fun and we want the crowd to have fun,” he continued. “If Scott and I have to pour beer on each other for that to happen then that’s what we’ll do. I think people like to see me fall off stage, it makes them laugh and I’m laughing too.” Still going strong after over thirteen years and some member changes how can they still keep it fresh? I think the answer is pretty simple actually; this is a band of musicians that really love what they do, love to entertain, and care a whole lot about each other and every person who comes to see them. “We’re like a family,” drummer John Martin shares in reference to the relationship between himself and fellow band members Eric, Scott, bass player and vocalist (as well as classically trained pianist) Jane Rhodes, and sound man turned lead guitarist Brian Gafford. Family or not, the relationship between not only the band members – but more importantly – between the band and the crowd is undeniable. Whether you’ve seen Rukkus before and want to hang out with some old friends while they put on a show for you, or if you haven’t and want to make new friends that will certainly put a smile on your face, a night with these guys is tough to beat. For all Rukkus upcoming show dates (along with a few original tracks) check them out at, or you can catch them at Milligan’s this month on the 19th or 20th. Go make some noise.

Owensboro April 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

Owensboro April 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292 •



good eats, BetteR BouRBon, and RuBBing elBows at the deRBy


t some point in time, the Kentucky Derby became a star-studded event luring everyone from celebrities to those of us simtom fisher ply wanting walks of life to Contributor Louisville, Kentucky. For the second year in a row, lives, eats and drinks the Derby culture. Not only for our own pleasure, but also so we can share the stories, celebrity interviews, and the entertainment with you. Now, pour yourself a Mint Julep or an iced mint tea if more appropriate. Before we find ourselves interviewing Food Network's Bobby Flay and Guy Fieri in one day, our Kentucky Derby coverage begins on a much simple but elegant note. We are flown by private jet from henderson to Louisville for one of the most celebrated aviation shows in this region of the country called “out of the Blue.” how are private jets for sale and a 1966 Lamborghini on display related to the Kentucky Derby anyway? out of the Blue happens every year right before Derby. I haven't walked away buying a jet yet. I direct you to to watch the story titled, “Could there be a better night in Louisville.” It is an evening that begins with our friends at Louisville Executive Aviation and ends as we party and stay at the 21c Museum hotel. By the way, whether you stay as a guest or not, you can visit 21c any hour of the day for free as it is an amazing museum inside of a beautiful hotel. I often think to myself, “how does bourbon get us invited us to parties and places like these?” It could be because much of coverage on goes beyond drinking bourbon. We produce videos about Kentucky and what makes the “Americana Spirit” come alive. So to take a moment away from only thinking about consumption, the next story we cover is competition of Mint Juleps held by our friends at Four roses Bourbon Distillery. Bartenders are infusing mint juleps with cherry pipe tobacco, bacon, apple pie flavors, and blackberries. Fortunately, not all of that is one Julep. unfortunately, the bacon bits had sunk to the bottom and surfaced through the straw when I took a sip. The typical Mint Julep is bourbon, simple syrup, mint, and lots of crushed ice. While Mint Juleps are most popular during the Kentucky Derby, they are a sweet treat year around. Food Network host Guy Fieri and The Modern Mixologist Tony Abou-Ganim agree. We meet them both the next morning at the next event we cover.

on the morning before Derby, the Marriott oaks Bourbon Brunch is raising money for home of the Innocents devoted to helping kids in crisis. Guy Fieri is cooking up breakfast and Tony Abou-Ganim is making the cocktails. I sample a Java Julep, basically a Mint Julep with cold coffee, ice, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. When I interview Guy, he is as down to Earth in real life as he is on TV. he comments on my Seersucker suit and asks me, “Do I have to wear a tie to the Derby tomorrow?” Guy and I browse some Derby hats that are for sale at this event and auction. Guy tells me about a company that has made a wig within a hat called, “Flairhair.” It looks a lot like Guy's famous spikey bleached hair. If it isn't enough to have one of my favorite Food Networks hosts in the morning, the evening brings us to the globally acclaimed Barnstable Brown Derby Eve Gala. is standing TV Guide on the red carpet interviewing celebrities one by one as they enter. Barnstable Brown has been called, one of the “top ten parties in the world” and it raises money for The Barnstable Brown Kentucky Diabetes and obesity Center. That is why names like paris hilton, Travis Tritt, Nick and Drew Lachey are right next to us. “Maker's Mark is probably my favorite drink in the world. I'm not just kissing ass because I'm in Louisville,” Nick tells us. After snapping a photo with Nick that looks like he and I are going to start our own boy band, Food Network host and celebrity chef Bobby Flay enters. After asking Bobby a few questions about all the ways he has been enjoying bourbon since visiting Kentucky, he seems to wonder where all the bourbon questions are coming from. “What’s the name of your site?” Bobby inquires. “ We're all about bourbon, flavor and the South,” I reply. “I love all that. I love that,” smiles Bobby. We love it too and we love sharing. For more stories on the Kentucky Derby, the celebrity Derby galas, and Mint Juleps, watch our videos on We're adding new recipes, cocktails, and stories every day. In this region of the country, we're always looking for more. So if you have any, drop me a line at

Tom Fisher chats up celebrites at the 2009 Barnstable Brown Derby Eve Gala. Top to bottom: Tom Fisher with Guy Fieri (Food Network - Diners, Drive-ins and Dives), Bobbly Flay (Foodnetwork - Throwdown with Bobby Flay, Iron Chef America) and Nick Lachey (Backstreet Boys). Photos courtesy of • 10 • • Owensboro June 2009

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

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Restaurant Guide Barbeque George’s Bar-B-Q 1362 E 4th St 926-9276 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn 2840 W. Parrish Ave 684-8143 $5-$15/Casuals/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Old Hickory B-B-Q 338 Washington Ave 926-9000 Under $10/Casulll/All Major Credit Cards Ole South Barbeque 3523 Highway 54 E 926-6464 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Café & Bakery Cheddar’s Casual Café 3040 Highland Pointe Dr. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Daily Delicious 603 Park Plaza Dr. 685-2468 Under $10/Casual/VISA,MC

House of Chiu 3011 Frederica St 926-6451 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards New China Buffet Restaurant 4768 Frederica St 683-7363 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Super Buffet 3200 Villa Point, Suite A 684-8858 Under $10/Casual/Credit Cards

Deli Colby’s Deli and Cafe 401 Frederica 684-2495 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Great Harvest Bread Co. 3211 Frederica St. 691-0093 Under $10/Casual/Catering

Family/Homestyle Barney’s 420 Frederica St. 683-8919 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Johnnie’s Jungle Café 819 E. 9th St 686-8424 Under $10/Casual Miss Daisy’s Tea Room 404 E. 24th St 684-5001 Under $15-$25/Casual/Reservations Reccomended/All Major Credit Cards Panera Bread 4600 Frederica St. 683-9033 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Tammy’s Bakery 1731 W. Parrish Ave 689-1988 Under $10/Casual

Bob Evans 3123 Kentucky Hwy 54 6833515 $10-$15/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Cadaillac Restaurant & Grecian 1315 W. 2nd St. 685-1020 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Cracker Barrel 5311 Frederica St. 684-4118 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Chinese Hong Kong Chinese 1650 Starlite Dr. 852-7777 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards • 12 •

House of Canton 2845 W. Parish Ave 683-7662 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Country Ham Restaurant 5421 U.S. Hwy. 60 W. 926-9249 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards • Owensboro June 2009

EZ’s Country Kitchen 3720 Hartford Rd. 270684-0081 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards JD’s Restaurant 1420 Breckenridge St. 683-9419 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Lambert’s Diner 12637 Highway 231 Utica, KY Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards O’Charley’s Restaurant 5205 Frederica St 6868780 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Pangea Café 1320 Carter Rd. 270-689-9824 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Ryan’s Family Steakhouse 4500 Frederica St 6919787 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards The 8 Ball Restaurant 1846 Triplett 683-3693 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar The Royce Restaurant 704 W 2nd St 685-5940 Under $10/Casual Shoney’s 4710 Frederica St. 6867217 Under $10/CasualAll Major Credit Cards T.G.I. Fridays 5135 Frederica 686-1910 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Fine Dining Briarpatch Restaurant 2760 Veach Rd 685-3329 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Colby’s Fine Food & Spirits 202 W Third St 685-4239 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Reservations/Checks Accepted/ Major Credit Cards Z’s 1100 Walnut St. 852-2322 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Greek The Famous Bistro 102 W 2nd St 686-8202 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

Italian Niko’s Italian Cuisine 2200 E Parrish Ave 270-852-1618 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Olive Garden Restaurant 5204Frederica St 683-4848 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Mexican Casa Martinez 3332 Villa Pt 683-4191 Under $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Don Julio Mexican 3955 E. 4th St. 689-2125 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards El Toribio 3034 E 4th St 683-8361 101 Frederica St 685-2040 630 Emory Drive 691-6133 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Credit Cards Los Amigos Mexican 1146 Carter Rd. 926-4560 Town Square Mall Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/MC,VISA Real Hacienda 636 Southtown Blvd 685-5950 3118 E. Alvey Park Dr. 684-5595 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Salsarita’s Fresh Cantina Hwy. 54 (Next to Kohl’s) Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/MC, Visa


Pizza & Wings

Fuji Japanese Steak House 4028 Frederica St. 6850046 / 685-0048 $10-$20/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

54 Pizza Express 1700 Starlite 683-5400 3101 E. Alvey Park Dr. 683-5454 Under $10/Casual/Credit Cards

Ninki Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar Hwy. 54 (Next to Kohl’s) $5-$10/Casual/Full Bar/MC, Visa

Buffalo Wild Wings 4736 Frederica St. 6867800 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA,MC

Shogun Steak, Seafood & Sushi Bar 5010 Wildcat Way (by Walmart) 270-685-9980 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Reccomended/ All Major Credit Cards

Cecilia’s Pizza 1741 Scherm Rd. 6840050 Under $10/Casual/ VISA,MC

Tokyo Japanese Fountain Sq., Frederica St. 926-1020 $5-$10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Johnny B’s Amazing Wings & Things 4820 Frederica St. 6888100 Hwy 41 S. Henderson 830-7700 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

MaMa Lea’s Pizza 4748 Frederica St. 6854700 $5-$15/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Bully’s Bar & Grill 1900 Lantaff Blvd. Madisonville, KY (270) 821-8620 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Maloney’s Roca Bar 3030 Highland Point Dr. 684-8080 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards

Frankie’s Sports Bar & Games 1230 Burlew Blvd. 270-683-2328 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA,MC

Pizza by the Guy 3115 Commonwealth Ct. 686-8603 1915 W. Parrish Ave. Suite 100 685-4694 Under $10/Casual/VISA, MC

O’Bryans Bar & Grill 7006 Hwy. 815 229-9100 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Pizzaroma 1401 Carter Rd 684-1171 3011 Frederica St 684-0611 3020 Hwy 60 E 691-0064 Under $10/Casual/ Credit Cards

Taylor’s Sport Street Cafe 2509 W. Parrish Ave 683-5577 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit

Private Dining


The Summit 6501 Summit Dr. 281-4653 Under $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Red Lobster 3410 Frederica St 926-4044 Between $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards



Applebee’s Grill and Bar 5120 Frederica St 270-240-4720 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Owensboro Steak House 3600 Frederica St. Suite 7 Hwy. 270-691-9022 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Bacchus Bar & Grill 119 E. 2nd St. 684-9880 $10 - $25/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Texas Roadhouse 943 Moseley 689-0086 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Big Ed’s Pool & Pub 2210 W. 2nd st. (270) 689-2200 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Tumbleweed 5257 Frederica St. 685-4111 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Blackwell’s Sports Bar, Diner & Deli 11 W. Center St. (Madisonville) (270) 245-0122 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Vietnamese Owensboro Steak House 3600 Frederica St. Suite 7 Hwy. 270-691-9022 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Blind Parrot 736 Frederica St (270) 684-5554 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards • 13 •


denly he went into what I call his “paddle ball routine,” only the stakes are raised; he’s using an egg and metal spatula. It was an awesome Three months ago, Fuji of Japan sight to see this professional tossing an egg in was purchased by Mark Sohn. Mark and the air, catching and tossing it again in rapid his team have made several changes to the paddle ball fashion. As a kid, I never could menu. It boasts a variety of meats for hibachi come close to mastering the game itself, so and Sohn for sushi – all for affordable prices. this is nothing short of a magical feat to me. By and by, the egg joins five others as a component to the fried rice being prepared on the griddle, accented by soy sauce and fresh black pepper. The rest of the dish he prepared was seafood, lightly sautéed so it was tender not tough – large sea scallops, shrimp, and two lobster tails. Mark sat next to us and prepares us for a course in Sushi 101, as he calls it; taught by the master himself. At his directive, a large, artful boat platter hosting an intriguing variety of sushi arrived. Admittedly an amateur, I was completely lost on sushi etiquette. Mark was Fuji has authentic hibachi grills, opposed to griddles at other there to rescue us, explaining Japanese restaurants, i.e. the metal consistency is different the difference between nigiri & sashimi, offering hints of what Mark inquired about our favorites. to expect as we began our tasting experience. We opted for hibachi. My dining companion The salmon sashimi was so tender, it melted in and I were seated at a table with another my mouth, and the super white tuna’s richness bunch of people and we were each served offered a perfect counterpoint. Mark goes on a first course of light and flavorful beef broth to inform us that his fish is flown in fresh daily adorned with a mushroom. The second course from only two sources, per his specifications. consisted of a petite salad with creamy sweet Fuji’s tuna is Grade A++, beef fillets are IBP and sour dressing. A third course of delicate Choice, and steaks are Angus Reserve. pork egg rolls followed. With a full bar available (complete Our hibachi chef arrived, or shall I w/happy hour), you can choose to be seated say made his entrance, looking exactly how I in the sushi, hibachi, or tatami section (floor would envision a Japanese chef to look, com- seating). For celebration parties or company plete with a black chef hat. I knew we were presentations, there is the party room, which in for a show when suddenly the quiet dinner can accommodate up to 40 people, complete charm was pierced by an intensive “WHAP!” with hibachi grills at each guest table. A true Our chef, Marvin, cracked one of his utensils Japanese dining experience, Fuji of Japan will on the grill and had the entire table’s undi- keep you coming back again and again. vided attention. Utensils flying, oil sizzling and aroma rising, he worked fast. All the while he Fuji of Japan • 4028 Frederica Street • divulged bits and pieces of what he was pre- 685-0046 paring with a smidge of comic thrown in. Sud- • 14 • • Owensboro June 2009

photo credit: ashley sollars



ooking for the real deal in Japanese cuisine? No need to travel long distances; you have it right here in Owensboro. Boasting six hibachi chefs and two sushi chefs, Fuji has all but swept the Owensboro scene with its fine dining appeal.

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

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earn more about your local and regional bands here, straight from the Sound Board. And since we’re recording straight from the board, we’re getting the best sounds possible from this month’s roster of names contributing to these incredibly easy questions:

1. The Beatles or the Stones? 2. The Who or Led Zep?

THE SMOKE RINGS 1. The Smoke rings consider The Beatles one of the most important bands of all time. The lyrics of The Beatles are much better. Some Stones albums are great, but some aren’t. Everything they have done since the 1978 album Some Girls, has been questionable, at best. Every Beatles album is classic. 2. Led Zeppelin, however, The Who is also one of our favorite bands. The Who loses points for trying to go on without their original drummer Keith Moon. Zeppelin didn’t go on with a new drummer after John Bonham’s death, they simply called it quits. Both bands are huge influences on us. 3. The Sex pistols have better titles, are more dangerous, and have a better singer. Also bands like Television, The Talking heads, Devo, Blondie and Big Star were much better musically than the Sex pistols or The ramones.

3. Sex Pistols or Ramones? 4. Leno or Letterman? 3.The ramones or The Sex pistols... see response #1 please. 4. It’s simply Leno since Letterman started throwin’ his political views into every thought that soars through his bean....


1. Beatles, no contest. 2. Led Zep, no contest. 3. ramones, no contest. 4. Letterman, no contest (David is a hoosier).


4. David Letterman, and like Axl rose, Letterman is from Indiana. plus, we are bigger fans of New York City than Los Angeles.


1. hands down... The Stones. Not only were they (notice I said “were”) great songwriters, but they are true performers, from the studio to personal lives to rock star lives. 2. That’s a tough one. Zep is legend, but my vote has to goes to The Who. In the time of rehashed blues and psycho 60s, The Who brought a fresh version of electrified rock.

1. The Beatles win here easily... Rubber Soul... only one crappy song. But Goats Head Soup – if it wasn’t for the song “Angie” that album would be the speaker of the house at every garage sale in the world. 2. The Who or the Zep... oh man Zep.

• 16 •

3. Yea for the Sex pistols. Attitude and not much for chops, but I like to think they had some smarts about them, not only in music, but street smarts too. 4. Are you serious? Leno! They all have writers anyways. So it’s fair to say Letterman’s writers suck. Leno has the best delivery. Craig Ferguson... now that’s pure comic genius. • Owensboro June 2009


cluBs & puBs 2nd Street Bar 820 W 2nd St. 270-683-7422

Club 701 701 Frayser St. 270-314-5008

The 8 Ball 1846 Triplett St. 270-683-3693

Crazy Scorpion Saloon 4416 hwy. 60 East 270-240-4583

Bacchus Bar & Grill 119 E. 2nd St. 270-240-4720 Big Ed’s Pool & Pub 2210 W. 2nd St. 270-689-2200 Blackwell’s Sports Bar, Diner and Deli Ø 11 W. Center St. (Madisonville) 270-245-0122 Blind Parrot 736 Frederica St. 270-684-5554 Buffalo Wild Wings Ø 4736 Frederica St. 270-686-7800 The Boiler Room 1100 Walnut St. 270-684-4999

Equals Bar, LLC 1006 E. 4th St. 270-313-0820 Frankie’s Sports Bar & Games 1230 Burlew Blvd. 270-683-2328 HD Shakers 414 West 2nd St. 270-926-6431 Johnny B’s Amazing Wings & Things Ø 4820 Frederica St. 270-688-8100

O’Bryan’s Bar & Grill 7006 hwy 815 270-229-9100 Our Place 718 West 9th St. 270-683-9882 Pappy’s 604 Crabtree Ave. 270-684-4573 Sandbar 1108 W. 9th 270-686-0007 Sixty West 800 W. 2nd St. 270-689-9907 Taylor’s Bar & Grill 2509 W. parrish Ave. 270-683-5577 The Yellow Rose 3220 W. 2nd St. 270-926-6104

Millay’s Tavern 9431 hWY 144, philpot KY 270-681-0736 Milligans Lounge 3136 W. 2nd St. 270-685-3946

Club 300 Lounge 600 E. 14th St. 270-684-5372

key: Ø= No Smoking NS = Non-Smoking Section Available

Hey oWe nSB HeLP uS keeP THIS oro LIST uPDaTeD! IF you are In a !

BanD or oPenInG a neW CLuB/PuB, PLeaSe SenD uS your InFo!


Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

• 17 •

MonDay, June 1

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Nationwide poker Tour Big Ed's -- Karaoke with Songbird/ Customer Appreciation Boiler room, The -- Beer pong Equals -- piano Bar Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Blue Collar Night w/8 Ball Tourney our place-owensboro -- ApA 8 Ball pool League Sandbar, The -- 8 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -Blues & Jazz Night

TueSDay, June 2

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Big Ed's -- Bike Night/Ladies Night/roy Kyle Acoustic & open Mic/Free pool Blackwell Bar -- Namaste Blind parrot -- Cornhole Tournament Boiler room, The -- open Mic w/ Andy Brasher Equals -- happy hour all Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Tore Down Tuesdays/DJ our place-owensboro -- Ladies Night/Jack and Jill pool Tournament Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Karaoke

WeDneSDay, June 3

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Wine it Wednesday - reggae Big Ed's -- open Mic Jam w/roy Kyle Boiler room, The -- Karaoke/DJ Equals -- Karaoke Idol Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -College Night/Karaoke & DJ our place-owensboro -- ApA 9 Ball pool League Sandbar, The -- 9 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- open Mic Night

THurSDay, June 4

(happy Independence Day!) Bacchus Bar & Grill -- open Mic hosted by Criss Cheatham Big Ed's -- Karaoke w/ Songbird Blind parrot -- Karoake/DJ Boiler room, The -- Flip Cup Equals -- piano Bar/80s Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Ladies Night/DJ hines Center, The -- June rooster our place-owensboro -- open pool Tournaments

• 18 •

Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Ladies Night

FrIDay, June 5

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Andy Brasher Big Ed's -- Tangle Foot/8 Ball Tourney Blind parrot -- Andy & Terry Show/ DJ Boiler room, The -- Summer Shindigs w/Flat Stanley Chautauqua park -- Tradewater pirates vs. owensboro oilers Equals -- Karaoke royale Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -The usuals river park Center -- Friday After 5 - Wayne Young & the Louisville Legends Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- old School Night w/DJ Total Control Yellow rose, The -- Ladies Night/ Live Music

SaTurDay, June 6

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- TBA Big Ed's -- Tangle Foot/9 Ball pool Tourney Blind parrot -- Brad Snap/DJ Boiler room, The -- Flat Stanley Equals -- Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -The usuals our place-owensboro -- open pool Tournaments Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- New School Night w/DJ Total Control Soggy Bottom raceway -- Scora Sprint Cars plus All Divisions Yellow rose, The -- Live Music

SunDay, June 7

river park Center -- Summer Movies on the river

MonDay, June 8

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Nationwide poker Tour Big Ed's -- Karaoke with Songbird/ Customer Appreciation Boiler room, The -- Beer pong Chautauqua park -- Sikeston Bulls vs. owensboro oilers Equals -- piano Bar Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Blue Collar Night w/8 Ball Tourney our place-owensboro -- ApA 8 Ball pool League Sandbar, The -- 8 Ball League • Owensboro June 2009

Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Blues & Jazz Night Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Garden Camp

Tuesday, June 9

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Big Ed's -- Bike Night/Ladies Night/ Roy Kyle Acoustic & Open Mic/ Free Pool Blackwell Bar -- Tommy Womack Blind Parrot -- Cornhole Tournament Boiler Room, The -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher Equals -- Happy Hour all Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Tore Down Tuesdays/DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- Ladies Night/Jack and Jill Pool Tournament Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Karaoke Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Garden Camp

Wednesday, June 10

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Wine it Wednesday - Reggae Big Ed's -- Open Mic Jam w/Roy Kyle Boiler Room, The -- Karaoke/DJ Equals -- Karaoke Idol Frankie's Sports Bar & Games --

College Night/Karaoke & DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- APA 9 Ball Pool League Sandbar, The -- 9 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Open Mic Night Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Garden Camp

Thursday, June 11

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Hosted by Criss Cheatham Big Ed's -- Karaoke w/ Songbird Blind Parrot -- Karoake/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Flip Cup Equals -- Piano Bar/80s Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Ladies Night/DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- Open Pool Tournaments Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Ladies Night Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Garden Camp

Friday, June 12

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Black Tar Gravy Big Ed's -- 8 Ball Tourney Big Ed's -- 3rd Tri Blind Parrot -- 2nd Chance Prom w/Andy & Terry Show/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Summer Shin-

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

digs w/Soul Unique Equals -- Karaoke Royale Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -The Jimmies River Park Center -- Gospel on the River - Palmetto State Quartet, Aaron Wilburn and the Southern Sound Quartet. MC: Jeff Nalley. River Park Center -- Friday After 5 - 2 Chix & A Drum Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Old School Night w/DJ Total Control Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Garden Camp Yellow Rose, The -- Ladies Night/ Live Music

Saturday, June 13

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Black Tar Gravy Big Ed's -- 3rd Tri Big Ed's -- 9 Ball Pool Tourney Blind Parrot -- Brad Snap/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Soul Unique Chautauqua Park -- Fulton Railroaders vs. Owensboro Oilers Equals -- Jungal Show Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Blackberry Smoke Our Place-Owensboro -- Open Pool Tournaments Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- New School Night w/DJ Total Control

Yellow Rose, The -- Live Music

Sunday, June 14

Chautauqua Park -- Fulton Railroaders vs. Owensboro Oilers Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Youthful Talents -

Monday, June 15

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Nationwide Poker Tour Big Ed's -- Karaoke with Songbird/ Customer Appreciation Boiler Room, The -- Beer Pong Equals -- Piano Bar Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Blue Collar Night w/8 Ball Tourney Our Place-Owensboro -- APA 8 Ball Pool League Sandbar, The -- 8 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Blues & Jazz Night

Tuesday, June 16

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Big Ed's -- Bike Night/Ladies Night/ Roy Kyle Acoustic & Open Mic/ Free Pool Blackwell Bar -- The Anythings Blind Parrot -- Cornhole Tournament Boiler Room, The -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher Equals -- Happy Hour all Night

• 19 •

Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Tore Down Tuesdays/DJ our place-owensboro -- Ladies Night/Jack and Jill pool Tournament Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -Karaoke

WeDneSDay, June 17 W.C. Handy Blues & BBQ Festival (Henderson) See page 17 for details.

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Wine it Wednesday - reggae Big Ed's -- open Mic Jam w/ roy Kyle Boiler room, The -- Karaoke/ DJ Equals -- Karaoke Idol Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- College Night/Karaoke & DJ our place-owensboro -- ApA 9 Ball pool League Sandbar, The -- 9 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -open Mic Night

THurSDay, June 18

Bacchus Bar & Grill -open Mic hosted by Criss Cheatham Big Ed's -- Karaoke w/ Songbird Blind parrot -- Karoake/DJ Boiler room, The -- Flip Cup Equals -- piano Bar/80s Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Ladies Night/DJ Moreland park -- State Farm Longest Day of play our place-owensboro -- open pool Tournaments Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -Ladies Night Theatre Workshop of owensboro -- Annie Jr

FrIDay, June 19

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- pieces of the Day Big Ed's -- 8 Ball Tourney/Live Music Blind parrot -- Andy & Terry Show/DJ Boiler room, The -- Summer Shindigs w/Akacia Equals -- Karaoke royale Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Soul unique • 20 •


Enjoy blues and jazz at Sixty West every Monday night.

river park Center -- Friday After 5 - Two Tone Express Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -old School Night w/DJ Total Control Theatre Workshop of owensboro – Annie Jr. Yellow rose, The -- Ladies Night/Live Music

SaTurDay, June 20

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- pieces of the Day Big Ed's -- Live Music/9 Ball pool Tourney Blind parrot -- Brad Snap/DJ Boiler room, The -- Akacia Chautauqua park -- Sikeston Bulls vs. owensboro oilers Equals -- Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Soul unique our place-owensboro -- open pool Tournaments Sandbar, The -- Live Acoustic Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -New School Night w/DJ Total Control Theatre Workshop of owensboro – Annie Jr. Yellow rose, The -- Live Music

SunDay, June 21

Chautauqua park -- Fulton railroaders vs. owensboro

oilers Theatre Workshop of owensboro – Annie Jr.

MonDay, June 22

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Nationwide poker Tour Big Ed's -- Karaoke with Songbird/Customer Appreciation Boiler room, The -- Beer pong Chautauqua park -- Fulton railroaders vs. owensboro oilers Equals -- piano Bar Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Blue Collar Night w/8 Ball Tourney our place-owensboro -- ApA 8 Ball pool League Sandbar, The -- 8 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -Blues & Jazz Night

TueSDay, June 23

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Big Ed's -- Bike Night/Ladies Night/roy Kyle Acoustic & open Mic/Free pool Blackwell Bar -- The Alonzo pennington Band Blind parrot -- Cornhole Tournament • Owensboro June 2009

Boiler Room, The -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher Equals -- Happy Hour all Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Tore Down Tuesdays/DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- Ladies Night/Jack and Jill Pool Tournament Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Karaoke

Wednesday, June 24

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Wine it Wednesday - Reggae Big Ed's -- Open Mic Jam w/Roy Kyle Boiler Room, The -- Karaoke/DJ Chautauqua Park -- Tradewater Pirates vs. Owensboro Oilers Equals -- Karaoke Idol Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -College Night/Karaoke & DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- APA 9 Ball Pool League Sandbar, The -- 9 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -Open Mic Night

Thursday, June 25

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Hosted by Criss Cheatham Big Ed's -- Karaoke w/ Songbird Blind Parrot -- Karoake/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Flip Cup Chautauqua Park -- Tradewater Pirates vs. Owensboro Oilers Equals -- Piano Bar/80s Dance Night Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Ladies Night/DJ Our Place-Owensboro -- Open Pool Tournaments Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Ladies Night Theatre Workshop of Owensboro – Annie Jr. Friday, June 26 Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Mellow Down Easy Big Ed's -- Bad Penny/8 Ball Tourney Blind Parrot -- Andy & Terry Show/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Summer Shindigs w/DJ Romeo (patio) Boiler Room, The -- Brian Ray & Co. (inside) Equals -- Karaoke Royale Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -Ten Pound Pie River Park Center -- Friday After 5 - Midnight Special Sandbar, The -- Andrea Tanaro Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Old School Night w/DJ Total Control Theatre Workshop of Owensboro – Annie Jr. Yellow Rose, The -- Ladies Night/ Live Music

Saturday, June 27

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- TBA Big Ed's -- Bad Penny/9 Ball Pool Tourney Blind Parrot -- Brad Snap/DJ Boiler Room, The -- Brian Ray & Co. (inside) Boiler Room, The -- DJ Romeo (patio) Equals -- Pride Show Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Ten Pound Pie Our Place-Owensboro -Open Pool Tournaments Sandbar, The -- Andrea Tanaro Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- New School Night w/DJ Total Control Theatre Workshop of Owensboro – Annie Jr. Western Kentucky Botanical Garden -- Annual Day Lilly Sale Yellow Rose, The -- Live Music

Sunday, June 28

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro – Annie Jr.

Monday, June 29

Bacchus Bar & Grill -Nationwide Poker Tour Big Ed's -- Karaoke with Songbird/Customer Appreciation Boiler Room, The -- Beer Pong Equals -- Piano Bar Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Blue Collar Night w/8 Ball Tourney Our Place-Owensboro -APA 8 Ball Pool League Sandbar, The -- 8 Ball League Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Blues & Jazz Night

Tuesday, June 30

Bacchus Bar & Grill -- Karaoke Big Ed's -- Bike Night/ Ladies Night/Roy Kyle Acoustic & Open Mic/Free Pool Blackwell Bar -- Tim Lynch Band Blind Parrot -- Cornhole Tournament Boiler Room, The -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher Equals -- Happy Hour Frankie's Sports Bar & Games -- Tore Down Tuesdays/DJ Our Place-Owensboro -Ladies Night/Jack and Jill Pool Tournament Sixty West Bar & Nightclub -- Karaoke

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

R.O.M.P. MUSIC SCHEDULE Wednesday, June 24

1:30 PM The Reunion Band

11:00 AM Woodward’s: At the Museum – Blackberry Jam

2:20 PM The Ozaki Brothers

12:00 PM Woodward’s: At the Museum – Mountain Harmony 1:00 PM Woodward’s: At the Museum – Grandview Junction

3:10 PM Williams & Clark Expedition 4:00 PM Pioneers Jam 5:00 PM Supper Break

2:00 PM Woodward’s: At the Museum – County Line Bluegrass

6:00 PM J.D. Crowe & The New South

3:00 PM Woodward’s: At the Museum – UpN-Gone

7:00 PM Bobby Osborne & Rocky Top X-Press

4:00 PM Woodward’s: At the Museum – King’s Highway

8:00 PM Steep Canyon Rangers

7:00 PM Riverpark Center: Cannon Hall – Waxworks’ 60th Anniversary Celebration/ROMP All-Star Kick-Off w/ Mike Snider/Marty Stuart/Del McCoury Band

Thursday, June 25 11:00 AM Riverpark Center: Cannon Hall – Pioneers of Bluegrass: Gloria Belle & Tennessee Sunshine/Roger Sprung & Friends/Eddie & Martha Adcock w/Tom Gray/Jim Smoak & the LA Honeydrippers/Jesse McReynolds & The Virginia Boys/Bill Clifton 5:00 PM Riverpark Center: Cannon Hall – The Legends Supper w/Hall of Fame Unveiling Ceremony/Bill Clifton and Charles Wolfe 7:00 PM Riverpark Center: Cannon Hall – The Legends Concert & Pioneers Recognition Ceremonoy w/Paul Williams & Victory Trio/Melvin Goins & Windy Mountain/Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers

9:00 PM Josh Williams

Saturday, June 27

All Events in Yellow Creek Park 10:30 AM The Harringtons 11:10 AM Cats & the Fiddler 12:00 PM KY BlueGrass AllStars 12:30 PM Bill Evans & Megan Lynch 1:20 PM Ronnie Reno & the Reno Tradition 2:10 PM Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike 3:00 PM Bluegrass Parkway 3:50 PM The Dixie Bee-Liners 4:40 PM The Special Consensus

Friday, June 26

All Events in Yellow Creek Park

5:30 PM Supper Break

10:00 AM Pioneers of Bluegrass Performance

6:30 PM Grasstowne

12:00 PM The Bluegrass Authority Criss Cheatham All4Hym

7:30 PM Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver 9:00 PM The Dan Tyminski Band

• 21 •



y father was literally the most patient guy in the world. He didn’t yell at me that time I slid through the intersection of 54 and Millers Mill Road. He sat up all night with me through fevers and stomach aches. He even showed my prom date his “gun collection.” If your dad is like mine, it’s time to show him homage via boy-toys on Father’s Day. Check out my top picks. ashley sollars


tomtom ONE 130S, 3.5 in. Touchscreen GPS Navigation System Available at Sears

He will never have to ask for directions again! TomTom ONE 130 S’s distinctive design puts a full size touch screen and the power of GPS in a slim, lightweight device. TomTom has the most accurate maps and with TomTom Map Share™ technology you can instantly modify street names, street direction, and POIs on your own device. And now, there are added safety features so you can easily access local emergency providers. No activation, no monthly fees. $149.99

Task Force 59 Piece Tool Set Available at

No excuses left! No, task will be too big or too small for dad. This set comes with 59 essential tools for household maintenance. Comes with a lifetime warranty. $39.96

2009 H-D® XL 1200C Sportster® 1200 Custom

Available at Bud’s Harley Davidson in Evansville, IN

photo: (top to bottom) sears / lowes / ashley sollars / homedepot

Your dad will be king of the road on this hog. A bike that gives you the best of both worlds: custom street-inspired styling and power that offers no apologies. $10,825

John Deere 42 In., 19.5 HP, Exclusive John Deere Engine by Briggs & Stratton, Gear Lawn Tractor Available at The Home Depot

Kids – dad will take you off lawn mowing duties because he will be enamored with his new toy. $1,499

• 22 • • Owensboro June 2009

Angel Mounds State Historic Site 812-853-3956 Jun 15-19:"Camp Mound Mayhem" Jun 20: "Contemporary Invitational" Jun 22-26:"Camp Mound Mayhem"

Cricket's 812-858-2782 Jun 4:That Band Jun 11:Common Ground Jun 18:The Jimmies Jun 25:Bobby Clark

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 812-425-2515

Every Sunday:Troy Miller/The Amazing Soul Crackers Every Wednesday:Troy Miller & Friends Jun 2:Yankee Dime Jun 5:Charlene Blay Jun 6:Object Blue Jun 9:Mr. Zion (reggae) Jun 12:Shawn Needham and the Black Sheep

Jun 13:Hog-Maw Blues Band Jun 16:The Moccasins Jun 19:Dang Heathens Jun 20:The Smoke Rings Jun 23:Object Blue Jun 26:Panacea Jun 27:Namaste Jun 30:Andria Reed

Downtown Riverfront Plaza 424-2986 x 30 Jun 5:Six Hills Giant Jun 6:Larry Maglinger

Fast Eddy's 812-424-7625 Every Wednesday:Bike Night w/Joe Smith Trio Every Thursday:103GBF Thong Thursday with Christine & DJ Jon B Jun 5-6:Stompbox 40 Jun 12-13:McFly Jun 19:Lieutenant Dan's New Legs w/Kasper Jun 20:BSR Jun 26-27:Pfreak Show Jun 27:Stop Light Party w/ WABX

Hoosiers Lounge

812-433-4100 Jun 1-3:Nu Corp Band Jun 4:Idol Karaoke Contest Jun 5-6:The Van-Dells Jun 7:Doc Stocker Jun 8-10:The Marlinaires Jun 11:Idol Karaoke Contest Jun 12-13:Layne Wrye & Jon Nite Jun 14:Bob Minnettes Swing Cats Jun 15-17:The Shagadelics Jun 18:Idol Karaoke Contest Jun 19-20:East Coast Connection Jun 21:Steve Greenwell Trio Jun 22-24:Woody Creek Jun 25:Idol Karaoke Contest Jun 26-27:The Interstellar Outcasts Jun 28:Greg Anderson Big Band Jun 29-30:Amazing Soul Crackers

Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292


State Street Tavern

Every Thursday:Joe Smith Trio Jun 5:Rockin' Rod Bennet Jun 6:Quasimojo Jun 12:Blind Dog Jun 13:Soul Crackers Jun 19 9:00 PM:Joe Smith Trio Jun 20:Blind Dog & Friends Jun 26:Rivers Edge Jun 27:6 More Miles

TJ's Stockyard Inn

812-421-9759 Every Sunday:XBox 360 Madden 09 Tourney Every Tuesday:Acoustic with TJ, Jay and Bill Every Wednesday:Michelle Shelton and the Jimtown Rats Every Wednesday:Don & Cheryl's Sociable Thursdays Jun 5:Descent Jun 6:T.J., Bill & Jay Jun 12:Cadillac Whiskey Jun 13:Fuzzy Roxx Jun 19:Dyonosis

Jun 20:TBA Jun 26:Anger Wish Jun 27:Cadillac Whiskey

Woody's 812-468-9400

Jun 3:Shawn from Pieces of the Day/College Night Jun 5-6:Gonzo's Toybox Jun 6:Daisy of Love from VH1 Jun 10:College Night/Music TBA Jun 11:Skindred/Deliver Us From Evil Jun 12:Jason Clutter & the Dirty South Jun 13:Pop Tart Monkeys Jun 17:Cross Canadian Ragweed/Rustlanders Jun 17:Shawn from Pieces of the Day/College Night Jun 19:Six Hills Giant Jun 20:TBA Jun 24:Downstroke/College Night Jun 26:Suds On the Ohio w/Gonzo's Toybox on main stage/Never Been Caught inside

• 23 •

Old school Oilers play to win


ime was, a family could go to the ballpark, plunk down a fiver, get change back, and spend an afternoon away from the clutter and chaos of everyday life. A simple day in the sun, with a beer in your hand, a scorecard in your lap, and your senses delighted with the smell of the grass, the sounds of the players and fans and the satisfying craaaaack of a wooden bat knocking a nasty slider out and over dylan gibbs Managing Editor the fence. That time is thought by some to be long gone, but in the case of the Owensboro Oilers and the KITTY League (Kentucky, Illinois & Tennessee), the time is now. June is full of games at Chautauqua Park, and with a roster in place, practices in full swing and for the first time – beer for sale – the season is ripe for fans’ enjoyment. Some backstory on the Oilers and the KITTY League: In 2004, Paducah-based Randy Morgan decided to resurrect the league that had been a mainstay in the region through the 1930s to 50s. Back then, teams from small (often tiny) towns would get together, with players at about the college level, in terms of ability. The old league went the way of the St. Louis Browns, according to Oilers President Charlie Pierce, thanks to the emergence of games being shown on television. Many small regional leagues suffered similar fates. Recognizing the fact that there are many college players who want to keep playing through the summer, Morgan and other like-minded individuals assembled the six-team modern-day KITTY League. In addition to the hometown Oilers, teams include the Sikeston Bulls, Marion Bobcats, Tradewater Pirates, Fulton Railroaders and the Union City Greyhounds. And each team is fielded by young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six who have at least one year of NCAA eligibility remaining. From there, it’s all good old-fashioned ball. Not only do the young players use wood bats (many for the first time, which can help their skills in ways they might not have considered), but the games are frequent, nearly every day throughout the fifty-game schedule. Games are enjoyable for young and old alike, and make for affordable entertainment. General admission tickets are only $4 and reserved chairbacked seats are $6. Teens and seniors can get in for $3 and kids under 12 get in for free. One of the items of interest – especially for old school purists of the sport – is something Charlie Pierce is especially animated about in conversation. Since the players are using wooden bats, the strategies are different from the game with aluminum or composite bats. Pitchers must paint the corners in different ways; hitters must adjust their swing and think of baseball in terms that are really simply fundamental: get a man on base; advance the runner; score runs. As simple as that. Pierce says you’ll see elements of the game that are somewhat old fashioned, but again, to real fans of the sport, are a delight. Lots of hit-and-run plays, bunts, squeezes, and the strategies that we who love the game (especially low-scoring affairs that make for exciting endings) really like to see. So come on out and catch a game soon. For a full schedule of games, go to the Oilers’ website at A listing of the team’s home games can also be found in the Nightlife section of this magazine. See you there! • 24 • • Owensboro June 2009



or a number of years, News 4U’s Kid’s Page has been penned by a mom. The roster of maternal contributors has included young women new to the rigors of parenthood, seasoned pros whose skills dylan gibbs and achievements would Managing Editor make June Cleaver embarrassed and a person who’d never so much as held a doll, let alone a child. Now, however, it’s time for a dad to step up and do this. One of the results This is my boy. I do what HE wants. of the ongoing sexual revolution is that I, a grown man with a toddler boy, can comfortably change a diaper as easily as my forefathers could change a flat tire (I can do that, too). And so now, rather than wax on about feminist pioneers being careful what they wish for, let’s offer some stuff to do this month:

Hillcrest Golf Course 270-687-8717

Tiger Cubs Junior Golf Camp The fundamentals of the great game will be taught with a healthy dose of fun chipped in. Classes cover the basics of each of the major dimensions of golf: stance, grip, posture, swing, clubs, and more. Fee is $35 and includes range balls, a T-Shirt and prizes. Each class is an hour and fifteen minutes in length, and the times, dates and deadlines for registration are below (Deadline for Session 1 of 6 was May 29): Session 2: June 15-19 (deadline June 5) Ages 10-15, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Ages 6-9, 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Session 3: June 22-26 (deadline June 12) Ages 6-9, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Ages 10-15, 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Session 4: July 6-10 (deadline June 26) Ages 10-15, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Ages 6-9, 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Session 5 deadline is July 3; registration deadline for Session 6 is July 10; call Hillcrest for more details.

Legion Park

270-867-8700 Dog Day at the Park – Man’s (and woman’s, and kids’) best friends are the stars of the day at Legion Park on June 20. Starting at 1 p.m. with the running of the Pup Parade, the events also offers friendly, tail-wagging competition such as “Best Trick,” “Best Dressed,” and “Owner/Dog LookA-Like” contests. Pity please for pug, Boston terrier and Shih-Tzu owners, should they win. Just bring a small bag of dog food for your admission.

Moreland Park

270-685-8480 When you think “The Longest Day,” you might think of the classic movie about D-Day that takes almost an entire day to watch. But on June 18, the day is set for the totally free State Farm Longest Day of Play, a family event filled with more than enough stuff to do to ensure the kids will have a quiet, long night’s sleep. Among the many activities scheduled are corn hole games, basketball contests, a bouncy house for the kids, races, tennis, dancing, live entertainment and so much more. Come out to play, make some new friends, and don’t forget the sunscreen…

Photo: T. Causey

Hosting an event? Send notice before the 15th of the month prior to the month of your shindig to Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

• 25 •

Gardens, Art, & Nature – What a Way to Spend the Summer!

• 26 • • Owensboro June 2009



f you’re searching for Talented artists will be on hand to something unique, fun, educate your kids in several art forms. Under and secretly educational, the direction of local artist, Enid Roach, chilthen check out these enter- dren can learn to make a clay animal sculptaining options: Western ture. Kentucky artist, Jane McTeigue, will Kentucky Botanical Gar- show them how to create their own unique den’s Garden Camp, Ow- pop-up books. Louisville fiber artist, Pat Sturensboro Museum of Fine tzel, shows how to turn ordinary fabric into a melissa kaiser Art’s Free Art program, and uniquely printed backpack, while artist Theo Contributor The GREENing Western Malla will demonstrate techniques in drawing, Kentucky Project’s Discover painting and collage. Music, Discover Nature, The Art Museum’s own staff will help Discover Maple Mount camp at Mount St. Jo- children examine Owensboro history while creseph’s. Each of these Camps promises an un- ating buffalo masks with Special Events Coorforgettable summer experience for your kids! dinator, Rocky Cecil. Education Coordinator, The Western Kentucky Botanical Louise Halsey, will teach the art of handmade Gardens will offer two exciting camps this crafts such as basket making and puppet maksummer: Garden Camp for kids ages 6-9 ing. Graphics Designer, Jason Hayden, will and Grandparents Camp for one participat- teach the basics of composition and layout in ing adult accompanied by one child ages 6-12 photography classes. (additional fee per extra child). Each of these camps offers an extraordinary experience in the Garden. Participants will have the opportunity to get hands on with nature and learn about a wide range of topics including growing plants, herbs, and how to cook with herbs. They will also be able to explore the Garden’s pond for local wildlife and plant life. Garden Camp takes place June 8-12 from 9 a.m. – noon. Grandparents Camp takes place on June 15 – 19, 9 a.m. – noon as well. Please call (270) 852-8925 for pricing infor- WKBG will unveil their Big Botanicals 2009 exhibit June 14. mation and reservations. As an extra day of fun, WKBG will On July 8 and 15 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., the host “Youthful Talents” on June 14. This will be entire family can join in on the fun at the Chalk a day filled with excitement as they unveil their Drawing Days at Ryan Park – for FREE! You Big Botanicals 2009 exhibit! The Owensboro must register to be apart of all this creative Public Schools Fine Arts Camp will be on hand fun, so call the Owensboro Museum of Fine to provide engaging entertainment. Games, Arts at (270) 685-3181 by June 12. Space is crafts, delicious Moonlight BBQ, and picnick- limited, so don’t delay! ing areas will swirl together to create a festive Perhaps the most unique summer atmosphere! And the best part – it’s FREE!! camp experience awaits your youngsters at Beginning June 22 and continuing the Discover Music, Discover Nature, Discover through July 17, the Owensboro Museum of Maple Mount at the beautiful 780-acre Maple Fine Art will offer Free Art, an art education Mount campus in western Daviess County, program for children ages 6-15. Local artists home to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint will conduct special sessions designed to offer Joseph. This awesome camp will encourage kids the opportunity to experiment in a variety children ages 10-12 to get in tune with nature of media, including drawing, painting, basket and music, to take what you hear around you making, weaving, book making, clay sculpture and transform it into music and in doing so, and photography. These workshops, which will become one with nature. Maple Mount is all be held on the museum’s lawn, will be offered about how the outdoors and music come tofrom 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for ages 6 - 10 and 1:30 gether in a gentle fusion to not only provide to 3:30 p.m. for ages 11 – 15. And the best entertainment, but to provide your kids with part – these fantastic workshops are absolute- the opportunity to learn several new tasks they ly free. might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn elsewhere.


From June 8-13, kids can experience a camp unlike any other. Each day, they’ll participate in activities such as swimming, storytelling, or a nature walk; they will also have time for relaxation, reflection, and community gathering; at night performances of clogging, square dancing and singing will bookend their busy day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided of course. Core and elective class options include learning about the wild plants of Kentucky with herbalist Andrew Bently; learning about Kentucky culture through art with folk artist Carla Gover; developing songwriting and recording skills with musician Randy Lanham; experiencing music and the universe with musician and wilderness survivalist, John Rose; and discover Native American culture with Native American artist, John Silverthorn. During these classes, kids will learn about everything from basic wilderness skills to how to create their own music to Native American Ceremonies. Elective options are even more diverse: dancing, clogging, scrapbooking, songwriting, jewLocal folk musician Heath Eric (top) will show elry making, shelter off his unique and original, homegrown blend of acoustic soul music along with renowned Appala- building, fire making, fiddling, preparing chian folk Artist, Carla Gover (above). drinking water, recording music, and making natural cordage. Kids can also choose from learning about mandolin history, wild edible plants, lichens, tree identification, and several more. These fantastic weeklong activities are just leading up to the main event – the camp finale on Saturday night. This will give all the kids the chance to show off what they learned throughout the week, culminating into a free outdoor concert open to the public. Local folk musician Heath Eric will show off his unique and original, homegrown blend of acoustic soul music along with renowned Appalachian folk Artist, Carla Gover. These talented performers will not only provide rootsy entertainment, but reiterate what these kids have learned all week: music and nature go hand in hand. Sister Amelia Stenger, director of the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center says it best, “Music has been a part of the human experience since the first breeze blew over reeds, the first bird sang a song, and a mother first hummed to her baby. It is in the rustling of leaves, the rhythms of ocean waves, and the laughter of children. Indeed, it is all around us. Join us, in the beauty and wonder of Maple Mount, as we explore music and nature in their most intimate and purest forms.” For specific details, pricing, and registration information, please visit Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

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(Henderson, KY) 270-826-2247 Jun 10-12:Summer Arts & Nature Camp - Children ages 4-12 will have the opportunity to explore the exciting adventures at Audubon State Park. Awesome Art, Birds of Prey, Terrific Trails, Bertha Bubbles, paddle boats, fishing and much more. Sign up early for your Audubon Adventure. Pre-registration is required. Ages 4 & 5 must be accompanied by mom or an adult. Jun 19:Adult Artists Retreats - Adult Artists Retreats-Beginning to advanced artists are invited to attend the monthly artists retreats at the John James Audubon Museum. Come and explore the creativity which surrounds the lower level gallery at the museum. Whether you choose to paint outdoors or in, the mystic of the John James Audubon gardens and museum will take you away. Explore the minds of others as we create our masterpieces of art. Artists from all over will gather for this special event.

Diamond Lake Resort 270-229-4900 Jun 6:”50’s Sock Hop”

English Park 270-687-8718

Jun 5-6:Yelllowbanks Dulcimer Festival

Friday After 5-Downtown Owensboro

Immaculate Church

270-314-0128 Jun 6:Owensboro Ballroom Dance Club

Kentucky Wesleyan College

270-926-3111 Jun 20:Grand Illusions - Roger & Lee Ann bring their Grand Illusion Magic Show to KWC as a fund-raiser for the Owensboro-Daviess County Humane Society. A Family Pass for 4 is only $25. For ticket information, call 859-234-8450.

Malco Theatre (270) 683-2123 Weekends:Kids Summer Film Fest

Owensboro Museum of Fine Art

270-685-3181 Jun 22-30:Free Art - Local artists will conduct special sessions designed to offer kids the opportunity to experiment in a variety of media, including drawing, painting, basket making, weaving, book making, clay sculpture and photography. These workshops, which will be held on the museum’s lawn, will be offered from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for ages 6 - 10 and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for ages 11 – 15.

River Park Center 270-687-2770

Jun 7:Summer Movies on the River Jun 12:Gospel on the River - Palmetto State Quartet, Aaron Wilburn and the Southern Sound Quartet. MC: Jeff Nalley.

Theatre Workshop of Owensboro 270-683-5003

Jun 18-21:Theatre Workshop will present two summer youth productions: Annie Jr., a musical, will feature 3rd through 8th graders. Jun 25-28:Theatre Workshop will present two summer youth productions: Annie Jr., a musical, will feature 3rd through 8th graders.

Jun 5:Street Fair - Salute To Sports Town Street Fair Events sponsored by Kroger Jun 12:Street Fair - Pet Night Street Fair Events Jun 19:Street Fair - Father’s Day Frenzy Street Fair Events Jun 26:Street Fair - Sunset Cruisers Car Club Street Fair

Hines Center, The (270) 729-3030

Monday - Thursday at 10:00 AM: Aquacize Classes Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30 PM: Aquacize Classes Jun 4:June Rooster Booster - Bring a hearty appetite for the Booster breakfast along with the 6th annual Owensboro Has It! expo. Entrepreneur of the Year and Chamber Small Business Awards will be given out as well. Begins at 7:30 a.m. • 28 •

Univ. of KY Extention Office

270-685-8480 June 18: State Farm Longest Day of Play – Free fun, free food, free prizes are the tip of the ice burg; activities include disc golf, fishing, a bouncy house for the kids, corn hole games, live entertainment and much, much more. All the good times begin at 4 p.m.

Western Kentucky Botanical Garden (270)852-8925

Jun 8-12:Garden Camp - Participants will have the opportunity to get hands on with nature and learn about a wide range of topics including growing plants, herbs, and how to cook with herbs. Jun 14:Youthful Talents - The Owensboro Public Schools Fine Arts Camp will be on hand to provide engaging entertainment. Games, crafts, delicious Moonlight BBQ, and picnicking areas will swirl together to create a festive atmosphere. Jun 27:Annual Day Lilly Sale • Owensboro June 2009


Take in a cruise-in and see some great art and cool cars!

Yeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz



Never having been converted to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs 80's popmeets-NYC garage punk aesthetic, I approached this one with trepidation. But alas, this album shows a fresh new sound for the band, while not neglecting their roots too far. Embracing an 80's dance-punk hybrid, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have created a superb pop album that could easily be their finest work to date. Leading off the album is the single, "Zero,” which pulses like Blondie or Missing Persons in their prime disco phase, with a mildly psychedelic tinge. Nice song, instantly catchy, and a little bit dangerous, as Karen O's sensual, swaggering vocals carry the song's hypnotic drive. She's not the best vocalist around, but on this album she manages to convey innocence and danger just enough to convince. "Skeletons" is another gem, with a majestic build that makes for an almost epic feel and a flighty minor-key melody. "Dragon Queen" steps way back to the 80's, with a plastic dance vibe (old drum machines, elementary electronic programming). It's carried by O's streetwise little girl vocals, but otherwise remains quite forgettable. "Hysteric" is a moodier, floaty number that works far better, and along with the stripped-down closer, "Little Shadow,” proves the YYYs to be a multi-faceted band that can have fun with their music, yet create some outstandingly catchy pop tunes with substance. Enjoyable. -- Todd Zachritz .

Rachel Taylor Brown Susan Storm’s Ugly Sister and other Saints and Superheroes (Cutthroat Pop Records)

This is mood music pertaining to extraordinary beings. Being a fan or both saints and superheroes I thoroughly enjoy the concept behind this album and the offbeat stories within the lyrics of the tracks. Rachel Taylor Brown has a quirky, epic musicality that immediately sparks interest. Brown is also quite capable on the piano and emotionally rich in tone and vocals. Due to the previous statements the novelty of the album is balanced by its lyrical content and Brown’s vocal and tone. This is Brown’s sixth album and it is obvious by this CD she has tweaked and polished her product. “Susan Storm’s Ugly Sister” is a trance-like track with haunting keys and vocals with strategically placed climactic screams. “Lonely Galactus, The World Eater” boasts a steady, minor piano progression with vocals in which the listener can feel the sorrow and passion of the creature Galactus. “Bruce Wayne’s Bastard Son” is a chant/march of a song that makes Superman sound like a real asshole. A strange and interesting picture helped along with Brown’s hallowed vocals. “St. Fina” is a standout on this album. It transcends genre and contains such an eerie passion. Brown has a style all her own. –Nick Durcholz . Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

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SPRING CREEK Way Up on a Mountain (rebel records)

Appalachian style is living in the rockies. Colorado boasts a foursome of string freaks premiering their first non-independent album. Spring is truly a group of rocky grass all stars. They exhibit extensive range in vocals and rhythm. Their instrumentation can be uplifting, bittersweet, lonesome or joyous. Even the lyrical side of Spring Creek is fresh and original which is difficult in the genre. This album makes clear why this group won competitions at the Telluride and rocky Grass Festivals. As the contemporary bluegrass wave resonates across the country this band is definitely a leader in that charge. The first track “My Love is Way up on a Mountain” is a complete portrayal of an outstanding track. The chorus is catchy and full of yearning. The instruments mesh into a single flowing entity of flawless rhythm and sharp sound. “Another Lonesome Night my Dear” is sung by Jessica Smith the bands bass player. her mellow and elated voice perfectly matches the melancholy vibe of the track. “Try and Catch the Wind” is unrefined energy. The banjo work is breathtaking and the lyrics are strong. “It’s Alright My Darlin’” is a traditional track with tasty guitar slides and a warm tone. Spring Creek is a fine brand of ‘grass. –NICK DuRCHOLZ .

MXPX On the Cover II

(Tooth and Nail records) pop-punk royalty, the boys of Mxpx are back for another go at some quirky and classic covers. Mike herrera and Yuri ruley are the mainstays of the group, while their original guitarist Andy husted was replaced by Tom Wisniewski. regardless of the group dynamic they have kept with their bright, fast and catchy brand of pop-punk assaulting the ears of anyone who will listen. Since 1993 Mxpx has released seven studio albums with one cover album. Their new release On the Cover II is their most recent venture. Mxpx is basically juvenile antics ground into a fine powder, mixed with gunpowder then ignited. “Suburban home” starts out in a breakneck, buzzed guitar riff with precise drumming that is just as quick. Throughout the song the rhythm is punctuated with abrupt stops and starts that leave you with a case of whiplash. “(I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles” is an original by the proclaimers and with todd edgier vocals Mxpx executes it with ease. “My Brain ZachritZ Contributor is hanging upside Down” by the ramones is a song that could have been specifically made for Mxpx. Mikes vocals are infectious, the guitar is barebones and the drums are spot on with well timed splash cymbals. A decent pick if you enjoy Mxpx or pop-punk and the bands talent is apparent but it is still a cover album. –NICK DuRCHOLZ . nick durcholZ


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Owensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

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Land of the Lost (Universal)

chad benefield


“Open the door! Get on the floor! Everybody walk the dinosaur!” When I was kid I loved Land of the Lost. Yes, it was cheesy as hell, but I craved it, yearned for it, wanted to marry it! Finally, in 2009, Land is hitting the big screen and, normally, I would be looking forward to it. The reason I’m not totally sold can be summed up in two regrettable, hard-to-mutter words . . . Will Ferrell! Naturally, the original plot of the old television show is somewhere in the Land of the Lost. In the big-screen

criminals since that film have nearly derailed (pardon the pun) it. Domestic Disturbance, anyone? Swordfish, anyone? Battlefield Earth, anyone? Join me in jumping in front of a moving Pelham 123, anyone?

June 12th

Food, Inc. (Magnolia) This is what my Screening Room cohort Dave Spencer calls “counter programming” to the summer movie season. In fact, this particular piece of programming is so counter, you likely won’t get the chance to see it until it hits the New Release section at Netflix. In Food, Inc., documentarian Robert Kenner takes us inside the nation‘s “factory farms,” where major food conglomerates allegedly prefer efficiency to food safety. Kenner also discusses new strains of E. coli that are linked to genetically-engineered products. While I find movies like Food, Inc. informative, fascinating and necessary, I cringe at the thought of seeing them. I am a proud, badgewearing carnivore who carries a fork and knife in his man purse! But I have a feeling that Food, Inc. will have me thumbing through the beloved, leafy-green recipes of Brer Rabbit!

June 19th

version, Ferrell isn’t a father of two who ends up in this prehistoric land. Instead, he’s a scientist who gets sucked into a time warp with a research assistant (Anna Friel of Pushing Daisies fame) and survivalist (Danny McBride). One key character the series and the movie DO share is Chaka, the friendly primate. Of course, we all know who the real monkey of this film will be and he will likely drive me bananas! I can hear the chants in my head now . . . “Boom! Boom! Acka-lacka lacka boom!”

June 12th

The Taking of Pelham 123 (Sony Pictures) If this sounds familiar, there’s a simple reason why. Director Tony Scott’s (Crimson Tide, Enemy of the State, Man on Fire, Déjà Vu) new movie is a remake of a 1974 thriller starring Walter Matthau. Taking over the role of Lt. Garber is Tony Scott’s go-to leading man, Denzel Washington, who suits up to negotiate with Ryder, a loony bird who hijacks an underground passenger train in New York City’s subway system. Playing Ryder is John Travolta. And suddenly, Pelham 123 hits the skids. While playing a thug in Pulp Fiction actually rejuvenated his career, Travolta’s portrayals of

I loved the most current season of Celebrity Apprentice and one of the things I loved most about it was Jesse James, the laid back, blue-collar husband of movie star Sandra Bullock, who, in interviews, is just as fun, down-to-earth and unassuming. I really like her. But why does she have to make movies I don‘t like? In The Proposal, Bullock does what she almost always does. She phones in the same-old performance in that same-old ridiculous romantic comedy. Come on, Jesse! Isn’t there something she can do at the garage? Grease something? Polish a Chopper?

June 26th

My Sister’s Keeper (Warner Brothers) Grab your Kleenex and your Paxil! Nick Cassavetes’ new movie about a young girl whose sister is dying might as well be called Marley and She! Based on Jodi Picoult’s 2004 novel, My Sister’s Keeper tells the story of Anna (Abigail Breslin), who sues her parents for medical emancipation. See, Anna’s older sister, Kate, has been battling leukemia and her parents actually conceived Anna as a perfect donor match for their ailing child. Nick Cassavetes (John Q, The Notebook) is a master of overwrought, heavy-handed drama and will do everything in his power to make you cry during this movie. He’s like freaking Barbara Walters. And given the fact that moviegoers are basically masochists with tubs of popcorn, this is going to be a huge hit! (what kind of tree are YOU, dear reader – ed).

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Photo: land:Universal Pictures / pelham: rico Torres/columbia / proposal: touchstone

The Proposal (Buena Vista)


Defiance (Paramount) Usually reliable director Edward Zwick (Glory, The Last Samurai) brings us this based-on-a-true story tale of the Bielski brothers, who, in 1939, fled deep into the Belarusian forests to protect Jews from slaughter. Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell suit up as the Bielski clan, but end up seeming more like cast members of an episode of Survivor: Nazi Germany! The interesting part of this story is the chase and the quest to stay alive. But Zwick spends a lot of time (too much time) worrying about the social politics at camp. I fully expected a cameo by Jeff Probst, decked out in his little khaki shorts and safari hat. I guess he figured if there was going to be a tribal council, no one would have clue how to spell Tuvia, Zus, or Asael Bielski. GRADE: C

June 9th

Gran Torino (Warner Brothers)

national Bank of Business and Credit. See, Salinger believes the IBBC is running more than a Christmas Club savings account. He suspects the bank of brokering deals in an international arms ring. Assisting him with his investigation, Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts), who works in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. Can you say “out of your jurisdiction?” Director Tom Tykwer knows how to set a stage, but he’s saddled with the problem faced by most directors of movies involving international espionage. The plot lines are usually so intricate and involved that people like me just quit caring. Come on! I’m not this emotionally invested in my own life. GRADE: C

June 23rd

Inkheart (New Line Cinema) Brendan Fraser headlines this total mishap about a Silvertongue, who has the power to literally bring books to life as he reads them. Yes! Imagine saying aloud, “Rub a dub dub. Three men in a tub!” and all of a sudden you’re smack dab in the middle of an intimate scene in a prison movie! Iain Softley, who directed The Skeleton Key (gag!) and K-Pax (gagging harder!), manages to illustrate Inkheart well. There are some nifty special effects sequences. But, ironically, he can’t bring Inkheart to life or truly lift if off the page. But, I’m not sure it’s his fault. This whole notion of “reading characters out of books” and “reading them back into the books” is just, well, stupid. Of course, it would be really funny if you read this review aloud and I end up in your living room! Just please don’t read this aloud if you’re perusing News 4U while you’re sitting on the throne. I don’t want any part of that! GRADE: D

June 30th PHOTO: GRAN:Anthony Michael Rivetti/Warner Bros. / INTERNATIONAL: Jay Maidment/Columbia Tristar / JONAS: Disney Enterprises

The Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (Buena Vista)

2008 wasn’t an impressive year for Clint Eastwood. He started the year with the disappointing Changeling and finished with this! As Korean War veteran, Walt Kowalski, Eastwood lets the racial slurs fly. And audiences, I think, were confused. We’re supposed to dislike Walt. It’s the character’s deep-rooted racism that’s supposed to make his transformation into the “good guy” so impressive and moving. But Eastwood, who grumbles and groans into the camera anytime Walt sees a minority, plays the racism for laughs. In all honesty, this character could have been played by comic Lisa Lampanelli. Hey, there’s an idea. Gran Torino starring The Queen of Mean! GRADE: C

June 9th

The International (Sony Pictures)

In case those two dollar ATM fees weren’t proof enough that banks hold all the world’s power, here comes Clive Owen as Interpol agent, Louis Salinger, who is elbow-deep in an investigation of the IBBC, the InterOwensboro June 2009 • Call for Advertising Information (270) 485-2292

Now, stop it! You are making a hasty and unfair assumption about what I am going to say about this movie. This may surprise you. God knows it surprised me! I am actually going to recommend this movie. But, make no mistake. I am no fan of Kevin, Joe or Nick Jonas. In fact, I think the Jonas Brothers suck on an epic Miley- Cyrus scale. However, as inane as their song lyrics are and as High School Musical as their musicianship is, 3D imagery is an AWESOME way to watch a concert! I’m hoping that we get a great 3D concert film starring a music icon. Can you imagine putting on 3D glasses and getting one of Madonna’s cone bras in the eye? Can imagine wearing 3D glasses and watching Mick Jagger’s lips flap in your face like you’re on the set of Little Shop of Horrors? Or better yet, can you imagine putting on 3D glasses and being fondled by Michael Jackson‘s gloved hand? I’m there, people! I’m there! GRADE: B(can I kick in a vote for Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. throwing raw meat while flames shoot out of his codpiece? – ed).

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