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1 | November 2013

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Pg. 18 – 40 Things to Do Under 40: Bucket List Guide: Boredom Solved


Pg. 40 – A Collegiate Clash at the Ford


Pg. 6 – EPO presents Cirque de la

Pg. 53 – Bob’s Gym Custom Fit Pg. 66 – Icemen Player Profiles

Pg. 10 – Hadi Shrine Circus 2013:

Pg. 30 – Jason Watson Food Critic Pg. 31 – Cooking Spotlight:

Symphonie and Puccini’s Madame Butterfly: The Best of Both Worlds

80 Years and Counting

Pg. 12 – Cesar Millan at the Centre: Dog Lovers Unite P. 16 – CMT on Tour: Hunter Hayes at the Centre:

Heartthrob Warning

P. 26 – Black Friday Shopping Guide: Retail Madness

Pg. 52 – Local Film Daylight:

An Interview with Two of the Minds behind the Film and a Review

P. 75 – An Interview with Lajon Witherspoon of Sevendust:

Bringing the Soul to the ‘Dust

Editor’s Corner Pg. 4 – “When the Circus Comes to Town” Business Pg. 8 – Smokefree Communities: Interview with the American Lung Association’s Lindsay Grace Pg. 24 – Hewins Law Firm: Criminal Expungement

Cuisine & Dining

Honey Baked Ham Pg. 32 – What’s Cookin’: Roca Bar South Pg. 33 – Local Chef Spotlight: Kenneth Parkman of Par-K Seafood Pg. 34 – Restaurant Guide Entertainment Pg. 9 – A Cookie for Your Thoughts Pg. 13 - Dear Evansville: A Letter from a Not-So-Ordinary Citizen Pg. 17 & 69 – Mugshots: They Defied the Law…and Lost Pg. 25 – Thanksgiving Eve Party Guide Pg. 30 – Ask Shawnda Pg. 54 – In Town: Evansville Night Life Pg. 70 – Local Talent: CasOne Pg. 71 – Soundboard: Tastes Like Chicken Pg. 72 - How I Roll Pg. 73 – The Grand Tour Pg. 74 - 21 Questions from a 21-Year-Old Pg. 78 – Arts & Activities Guide Pg. 80 – Eagle Rare Bourbon’s Rare Life Award Nominee Shawn J. Gourley

Pg. 81 – Games: Sudoku & More Pg. 82 – Community & Family Pg. 86 – According to Kana Pg. 88 – Local Band Spotlight:

Black Jack Pg. 94 – Clubs & Pubs Guide Pg. 95 – We Were There

Reviews Pg. 76 – Beer: Cure What Ales You Pg. 87 – Cinema: In Theatres & Cinema: New Releases Pg. 88 – Music Coupons

Pg. 22 & 23 – Save Big!

Local Happenings Pg. 14 – Destination Henderson Pg. 46 – Junior League of Evansville’s River City Rummage Sale Pg. 55 – The Alhambra Theatre’s Celebration of the Century Masked Ball Pg. 58 – 5th Annual Art Hop Gallery Show & Sale Pg. 62 – 2013 Contemporary Bride Expo Pg. 64 – EYHA Try Hockey for Free Day Pg. 82 – Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights

L to R (Back Row): USI Soccer Defense Rachael Mayse, Boogie Nights Rollergirl: Mary Lewis, Owner of Carson’s Brewery: Jason Carson, USI Soccer Forward Julia Kohnen L to R (Front): Mesker Park Zoo Membership Specialist: Dawn Miller, Owner of Killer Skate Park: Glenn Davidson


2 | November 2013

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When the Circus Comes to Town

>>Readers, advertisers and friends of all sorts,

A gently-paced folk tune originally recorded by Scottish musician Bert Jansch, written by David Hidalgo and Louis Perez, the song seems to be a bittersweet anthem for November in the tri-state. The song is forlorn on the surface but as it builds in the chorus and becomes more dramatic there are snapshots of feelings of intense hope and joy. From my perspective, the verses contain lyrics of loss and yearning but then the chorus speaks of empowerment and wonderment. Much like the song, on the surface, November brings the cool, metallic air of old man winter effectively eradicating all the beauty nature gives us in spring and summer. We mourn for it at first but then accept that a new time is upon us. A time for me that holds countless vivid memories, mostly good (when you are under 21 in Evansville and are lacking money you have to get very creative to entertain yourself when it starts getting cold) and some bad, but just as impacting. Generally, it is a time of family gatherings, snowball fights and velour puffs of breath. But more tangibly, the circus really does come to town!

4 | November 2013

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The circus…Amazing feats from human and beast alike imprint themselves on our conscience. Ours is the Hadi Shrine Circus, which boasts unadulterated awe, care-free fun and is seemingly as old as the cold itself. Experience it this year to relive memories or create them for someone close to you. Also in store for November, is country heart-throb Hunter Hayes at the Centre and a trio famous for a song all about yearning: Lady Antebellum at the Ford Center. On a different note, (Hah!) at the Victory Theatre, is the new season for the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra as they masterfully and gracefully present Puccini’s Madame Butterfly and the exhilarating Cirque de la Symphonie. Also on the dog pile (Boom…) for November at the Centre, is the pied piper of pups: Mr. Cesar Millan. You will find all of this and much more, inside this fantastic issue!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nick Durcholz Editorial Manager & Writer Evansville Media Group

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6 | November 2013

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The Truth About Electronic Cigarettes

Smoke-Free Communities: Casey Williams, Assistant Director for the Healthy Communities Partnership Tobacco Free Initiative, recently sat down with Lindsay Grace, Manager of Advocacy for the American Lung Association in Indiana, to find out more on the topic of electronic cigarettes.

Casey Williams: What is known about the liquid used in e-cigarettes? Lindsay Grace: These products are unregulated by the FDA, so we

don’t know what is in each different manufacturer’s product. The testing is still inconclusive because they are such a new product. We have been testing regular tobacco for over 50 years, but the testing that the FDA has done on e-cigarettes is very limited. An initial study conducted by the FDA found they do indeed contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals, one being diethylene glycol, a substance also found in antifreeze. Further research has shown some brands even include heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, and tobacco specific nitrosamines - ingredients known to cause cancer in humans.

CW: So this is not a harmless water vapor as the advertisements claim? LG: That’s correct; there is no evidence that shows it is safe for users

to inhale or for nonusers to inhale secondhand. The American Lung Association advocates for electronic cigarettes to be included in smoke-free air ordinances. There is also the compliance issue with them potentially violating existing smokefree air laws because it can be confusing to workers and the general public when someone is using something that looks very similar to a regular cigarette.

CW: Should the e-cigarette be recommended to help people quit smoking? LG: No, in fact electronic cigarette manufacturers cannot legally

say they are a cessation device and have been fined by the FDA if they do make these claims. What we are finding is that individual retailers and vape shops are making these claims to the consumer. Studies are showing that smokers aren’t quitting when they use these products. They are dual using both the e-cigarette and regular cigarettes. The promotion of unapproved cessation products steers users from what we know works to help people quit such as nicotine replacement therapy, Chantix and Zyban.

CW: Would you recommend an e-cigarette as a harm reduction product? LG: We need to be treating addiction from a science based

perspective. Would you tell a heroin addict to snort instead of shoot because it is less harmful? Would you tell an alcoholic to switch from hard liquor to beer? No. The safest way is for people to quit is to quit using tobacco all together, and use one of the 7 FDA approved medications to do so.

8 | November 2013

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CW: Who is the target for e-cigarette marketing? LG: Based on a recent CDC study, youth use of e-cigarettes has

doubled in just one year. With flavors like cotton candy, peach cobbler and vanilla, who do you think they are really targeting? They are looking to addict a life-long tobacco user. Unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes can have television commercials, sponsorships and ads in youth oriented magazines due to a lack of regulation. We know the tobacco industry still targets children, but they at least have some guidelines restricting their promotion. E-cigarettes have no guidelines; you could see it advertised during the Super Bowl.

CW: Can we trust any of the advertising claims made by electronic cigarette manufacturers? LG: We can’t. The public has to remember these companies are

the same as big tobacco. They have the same strategies. It is not their goal to get you to quit using. The e-cigarette, Mark 10, which is currently being test-marketed in Indiana is owned by Altria, the Phillip Morris conglomerate. Big Tobacco companies have their own electronic cigarette brands on the market. They don’t want you to quit using tobacco by any means; they want you to use a product that keeps you addicted. We need to keep in mind that this is the same industry that said in a congressional hearing that cigarettes are not addictive and that light cigarettes were safer. We need to remember who is delivering this message. It is the tobacco industry who is trying to sell a product and keep people addicted, not help anyone quit. That is the bottom line.

CW: Thank you for enlightening us on a hot topic. Where can we go for further public health information on this issue? LG: The American Lung Association’s website at www.lung.org or the FDA’s website at www.fda.gov.

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10 | November 2013

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12 | November 2013

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Various businesses downtown. Multiple local artists will set up in various locations throughout downtown. Patrons can stroll, view and purchase artwork during the event. Light refreshments available at some locations. To sign up or for other information call (270) 827-0016, email info@downtownhenderson.org or visit www.downtownhenderson.org.



Starts at The Depot, 101 N. Water St. at 10 a.m. This fun, free guided tour starts at The Depot Community Room and continues throughout downtown’s historic district. View homes and businesses and hear interesting stories about Henderson’s past. Tour is approximately 1 hour. If you have a large group, please call ahead so that the staff can best accommodate you. Info: www.hendersondepot.org or (270) 830-9707.

November 2: CWF FALL BAZAAR First Christian Church, 830 South Green St. from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Hand-crafted items, Christmas balls, jewelry, raffle and other fun activities. Also, Country store featuring homemade cookies, breads, salsas, pickles and more. For more information, visit www.firstchristianhenderson.org or call (270) 826-3652.

November 8-10: CHRISTMAS OPEN


Downtown from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Businesses will offer deals and specials and a look at the new Christmas and winter merchandise. Refreshments, door prizes and special discounts will be available on these days. For more information call (270) 827-0016, email info@downtownhenderson.org or visit www.downtownhenderson.org.

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Hewins Law Frim: Criminal Expungement By Charles Hewins If you have looked for a job at any time in recent memory, you know that potential employers can and do - conduct criminal background checks.


o, imagine that you hit your job interview out of the park with the hiring manager at that new software development company you want to work for, but so did Brittany, who’s going for the same job. The problem is, when you were in college six years ago, you got nailed for Public Intoxication while Brittany was home, staying out of trouble. What’s that company going to think? Probably that Brittany is the responsible one, and you’re unpredictable.

Who’s going to get that job? Brittany, and it won’t even be that close. Come to think of it, you sent a lot of applications and resumes out and barely got a bite. Do you think it’s because you had to list the conviction on the application? Let’s face it – in our current economy, just one minor offense could shut you out of the few good jobs that are available right now. That doesn’t seem fair, does it? There once was a time when that a Public Intoxication conviction could follow you forever, hindering your chances at a better job – meaning that the ‘Brittanys’ of the world would win out every time. Luckily, the times have changed. Indiana recently passed a law that allows people convicted of misdemeanors and even certain non-violent felonies to have those conviction records expunged, making them forever inaccessible to employers or anyone else conducting a criminal background check. In order to get records of misdemeanor convictions expunged, certain criteria must be met. First, in most circumstances, the conviction must be at least five years old, and you cannot have been convicted of any other crime in the last five years. Second, you can’t have any pending criminal charges (but you obviously don’t do you – which is why you’re looking for that great job!). Third, you cannot have a suspended driver’s license. For Class D Felonies, the waiting period is longer – your conviction must be at least eight years old, not just five. For other types of felonies, your record can be wiped clean, but only after a longer waiting period and in some circumstances, only with the consent of the prosecuting attorney. However, certain types of felonies like sex crimes and violent offenses are never eligible for expungement under the new law. So, if done the right way, you can have many, if not all of your misdemeanor and minor felony convictions and arrest records expunged, meaning you will stand on equal footing with Brittany in spite of your youthful transgressions. Why? Because not only will these records not show up in court files, employers are prohibited from asking you to disclose arrest and conviction records that have been erased. It is possible to petition the court to expunge the records by yourself, but experts recommend that you hire an attorney to make this petition for you, because the law only gives you one shot at expunging the records, and if you do it wrong, you may never get another chance to do it right. Although Brittany might be OK for the job, you know that you are perfect for it! Explore the possibility of expunging your criminal records to make sure she doesn’t get an unfair advantage.

Charles Hewins is an attorney and the owner of Hewins Law Firm, located in Evansville, Indiana. Charles assists clients with expunging their criminal records, and also practices in the areas of personal injury, worker’s compensation and social security disability. His website is located at www.hewinslaw.com, and he can be reached by telephone at 812-424-0650.

24 | November 2013

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Thanksgiving Eve Party Guide 2013 • KC’s Timeout Lounge — Gonzo’s Toybox @ 9:30 p.m.

Gonzo’s Toybox is the quintessential party band, the soundtrack to a thousand wild tri-state nights. Come see their high-energy show at one of the area’s best live venues.

• O’ Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill —Tastes Like Chicken @ 10 p.m.

• Doc’s Nightclub — Nick & Dennis Acoustic / Liquid Ninja Wii Bowling Tournament @ 6:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. The good people at Doc’s know that music and video games go hand-inhand. Thus, they present you with a Thanksgiving Eve to remember: two veteran tri-state musicians stripping it down and a virtual bowling brawl.

Formerly known as the C.R.O.W.D., Tastes Like Chicken is living up to the previous incarnation’s reputation for a seriously good time. Join the crowd at O’Brian’s.

• Someplace Else — College Night & Karaoke @ 10:30 p.m.

When it comes to local original music, there’s no better band than the Waywards. Their unique take on roots-rock is highlighted by the guitar wizardry of Toby Ellis. Don’t lose your way - get to the Deerhead.

@ 7 p.m.

Evansville’s new 70’s/80’s themed downtown club made a big splash with Tiffany at the grand opening. Now Boogie Nights is bringing the party into the 90’s on Thanksgiving Eve.

• Lyle’s Sportszone Pizza & Pub – Drew Aud & Tristan

• Boogie Nights — 90’s Night Bash @ 9 p.m.

• Hammerhead’s —90’s Night with DJ Kriss @ 9 p.m.

DJ Kriss is a master mixer who always gets the crowd moving no matter the style of music. Thanksgiving Eve, he’ll take you on a tour of the 90’s and mash up all of your favorite songs from the Clinton-era.

• Beertropolis — @ 8 p.m.

If you’re a fan of country music and beer, there’s only one place to be. Take in the scenic view of the river while enjoying the full-service bar, huge selection of food and live entertainment.

• Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) – Bob Ballard Trio

Hoosiers Lounge is known for great live shows, and they’ve lined up a crowd favorite for Thanksgiving Eve. The Bob Ballard Trio explores the best of blues and jazz and always puts on a killer performance.

@ 8:30 p.m.

Your destination for a down-to-earth rockin’ good time this Thanksgiving Eve! Lyle’s will be serving free hors d’oeuvers in addition to boasting a full menu and all the ice cold beer you can drink!

• Backstage Bar & Grill – A Hero En Route @ 9 p.m. Be sure to add one of Evansville’s best bars for live music to your party list this Thanksgiving Eve! Check out A Hero en Route on Wednesday and continue the party after Thanksgiving on Friday at 9:30 p.m. with Lieutenant Dan’s New Legs.

black friday shopping guide

• The Deerhead Sidewalk Café —The Waywards @ 8 p.m.

If you’re a student and looking for somewhere to hang-out and drink on Thanksgiving Eve, try Someplace Else.

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News 4U/2013 black friday shopping guide

News 4U/2013 black friday shopping guide

28 | November 2013

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News 4U/2013 black friday shopping guide

News 4U/2013 black friday shopping guide

ask shawnda Hot 96 FM radio personality, mother and the "Oprah of Evansville," Shawnda McNeal answers your questions each month on life, love and more.


what are your thoughts on

dating someone who signs your paycheck?

Q Shawnda,

My question is, my boss and I are great friends and have really started becoming close. Although nothing intimate has happened what are your thoughts on dating someone who signs your paycheck? —Megan


Vecchio's Italian Market 14 W. Jennings St. Newburgh, IN (812) 490-7879 Here, I found a group of people whose passion for food and spirits was as bold as the flavors they serve. They met me with a variety of cured meats like Coppa and Mortadella, and great cheeses like dill Havarti and smoked Gouda. The quality of these very simple items is the most important part. No corners are being cut here. A Bagel Bomb…sure why not, a bagel is simply stuffed with cream cheese and bacon. On to a half strom… Again, a half was huge, but you gotta love fresh dough stuffed with ground Italian sausage, ground beef, fennel, pepperoni, house-made tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Baked until crisp, this strom, while simple, is not boring and is worth making the trip alone for! For dessert, a double chocolate Baklava provides just the right combination of sweet, salty and bitterness. These guys are doin’ it! Quality products, a menu that is constantly rotating, taking pride in their work and serving up delicious dishes! Being able to grab a Gumball Head was pretty sweet also!

Hi Megan,

I’m sure you know this happens ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Are you willing to put your job at risk to be in a relationship with him? In all honesty, it sounds like no matter what you do at this point... it’s going to weird. If you back off...he’ll feel rejected. If you start a relationship with him...the gossip begins. Like...”OH Yeah, the only reason that tramp has a job is because she’s sleeping with da BAAWS.” No matter the decision...it has to be the one that makes you happy. Go with your gut.

Xoxo :)

- Shawnda McNeal

ask shawnda @ shawndamcneal.com // facebook.com/ShawndaMcNeal 30 | November 2013

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Eclipse Spanish Tapas Bar & Restaurant 113 S.E. 4th St. Evansville, IN (812) 463-6040 Let’s begin with the word Tapas. Tapas are basically ‘finger food,’ but small portions certainly do not have to mean small on flavor. Eclipse Tapas Bar in downtown Evansville screams FLAVOR! The Empanada de Pollo was fried to a perfect crisp and was filled with ground chicken, potato and chorizo (a Spanish spicy pork sausage). Large enough for two, the chorizo adds a little heat, the chicken certainly takes the stage with flavors of cumin and smoke and you’ll never know there are any spuds in there. On to the Paella, saffron rice, sautéed veggies, mussels and little neck clams, chicken, more chorizo and shrimp. Finally, the Montadito de Salchicha, it’s some imported chorizo, atop crusty bread with house made aioli. It’s sweet, a little salty, a pinch sour and crazy smoky. Simply said, top notch!

COOKING SPOTLIGHT Hams & More for the holidays with

HoneyBaked Ham the other hand a baked chicken alternative might be another crowd-pleaser. From mushroom soup covered chicken, to the beer can variety, to Chicken Parmigiana, you can please a wide variety of people by breaking out of the norm. For those wanting to stick to chicken of a more traditional variety though, you could try dressing-stuffed chicken breasts. You don’t want to forget appetizers either. From spinach-artichoke dip to stuffed mushrooms to shrimp cocktails, setting the stage for your main course keeps hungry guests content as everyone arrives to your event. For the adventurous: baked brie, Rosemary Roasted Cashews, baked oysters and pretty much anything wrapped in bacon, (e.g. water chestnuts, crackers or cheeses) are all easy to prepare and will keep your guests begging for more! To wrap up your meal, you can purchase or make your favorite dessert. Traditional favorites include apple or pumpkin pie, other options include: chocolate, peanut butter, banana cream or pecan pie. Why stop at pie, though? Cranberry-lemon Bundt cake, carrot-pineapple cake or pumpkin cupcakes would all be surprising desserts to any meal. Chocolate tarts, bread pudding or cheese cakes would also win over any diner as well.

—Nikki Davis

For more information, please call 812-471-2940 or visit www.honeybakedevansville.com.



s your family gathers around the table, what could be better than holiday ham or other slow-cooked meats? Mark Hudson, owner of HoneyBaked Ham and Café tells us more about what to look for as you make seasonal selections. Hudson shares, “Most people think of Thanksgiving for turkey, but many like to prepare their own. We suggest a ham as a second meat for those that prefer something other than turkey. You would not think so, but ham is very popular at Thanksgiving.” Christmas is also right around the corner, and for that holiday, Hudson recommends both ham and turkey. He states, “Again, the ham would be the main meat, but people like to have more than one meat when hosting a get-together.” According to Hudson, “We have the bone-in half ham which is the number one product. We also have a mini-ham which is a quarter bone-in ham. Whole (8-9 lb.) boneless ham, half boneless ham, smoked turkey breast (3 lbs.), roasted turkey breast (3 lbs.) [and] whole turkeys (smoked, roasted & cajun) [in] limited quantities.” For meats provided from HoneyBaked Hams, Hudson recommends, “Do not put the ham in the oven. It’s fully cooked and ready to eat. Since we don’t put any extra water in our ham, the oven can dry it out. If you want your ham hot, we recommend heating individual portions in the microwave for just a few seconds.” Their ham and turkey breasts are fully cooked and glazed. Just take out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature, or heat in small portions not to dry them out. With all of the options available at HoneyBaked Ham, it makes it easy to concentrate on the other parts of your meal, such as your sides or desserts. So, what can you serve with your favorite holiday meat? Traditional fare includes cranberries, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and yams. However, you might consider testing your creativity with alternate side dishes. Don’t be afraid to try your hand at made-from-scratch potato salad, corn bread, homemade macaroni or collard greens. For those on the wild side, you might even consider an alternative meat to spice up your table. One idea is stuffed and roasted striped bass. To continue a sea-driven theme for your meal, you might also consider such dishes as baked salmon, lobster or shrimp as your main entrée. On

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What ' s ‘ Cookin

Roca Bar South

32 | November 2013

Now for the food and everyone knows the Roca Bar staples such as the incredible Italian Salad and the Around-the-World pizza, so I wanted to focus on some different dishes. Naturally, I started out with some appetizers, Barbeque Bites and the Cheesy Bacon Fries. The bites commanded that sweet and savory magic. But dipped in the homemade bleu cheese sauce (a must) they attained a sultry, sour flavor. The fries were waffle-style, crispy and brought a breakfast food vibe. SAVORY! Next came the pizza, and the first was the Breakfast pizza. I am a huge fan of ‘specialty’ or pizzas with unique toppings, and I knew I was going to absolutely adore this pie. Instead of the usual pizza sauce this one had a gravy base. It boasted ham, egg, cheese and sausage. All the contents of mom’s breakfast skillets on a thin-crust pie and it was amazing. It is the epitome of comfort food. This is one of the best specialty pizzas in town. Get this pie! Second was the Pesto pizza, and it brought a wonderfully unique flavor profile which was earthy and savory with a hint of sweetness. All flavors built upon the first. The third pie was the Chicken Bacon pizza. This one sported a ranch base and tender chicken cooked to perfection. Ultimately savory but also balanced. Lastly, to all of my potato chip fans out there, Roca Bar South’s homemade potato chips are truly an Evansville treasure. Your chip quest will not be complete without these decadent morsels. Further cementing the idea of customer accommodation, Roca Bar South also offers gluten-free options done right. So, if are out on the town to eat and would like to taste a piece of Evansville history while being treated like family, Roca Bar South is your definitive destination.

—Nick Durcholz

• www.evansvillemediagroup.com



efore Turoni’s laid its “Pizza Brick Road,” before Kipplee’s Stadium Inn, Parkway Pizza, Pizza King, Pizza Chef and way before the crazy specialty pizzas of Boston’s, there was Roca Bar South. In 1953, Roca Bar South began serving the Evansville staple that is the square-cut, thin crust pizza. Then kitchen manager, George Hage (House of Como) would hand out those delectable squares to those who passed by on what was then Highway 41. A decade prior, Roca Bar as an establishment was formed by John Rogers and Earl Carter (RoCa). In those days, it was all about vice. Gambling in particular, with a room for betting on horse races in the main building and the two-story building attached housing a dice and card table on the ground floor with a booking staff upstairs moving and shaking. Back to 1953 and beyond, Roca Bar South became family-friendly and the only vice that remained was the drink; their bar. In the contemporary era of Roca Bar South, ownership focuses on the quality and freshness of their food while also offering patrons who are 21-andover the option of a full bar. Attention to quality shows in the fact that the flour and spice mixes are custom made solely for Roca Bar’s use. And you won’t see any perfectly spherical sausage here; all meats are fresh, never frozen. However, in my personal opinion, one of the greatest aspects of the restaurant is that they are more than willing to put the power in the customer’s hands. You want to customize your own pizza? No problem, it is made fresh to order just like any other pizza or dish. If you want toppings they don’t carry, bring them in and they will throw those toppings on an original thincrust pie and cook it up just for you. Upon entering Roca Bar South, there are elements all around that I bet would make most anyone of any age comfortable. From the wood decor to the old school arcade games, it is easy to see why this place has stood the test of time. Comfort and cleanliness are the big themes here, as well as keeping the past intact and alive.


1618 S. Kentucky Ave. Evansville, IN 47714

localchefspotlight Kenny Parkman This place is not about me. Friends come here for the food, [but] they come back for something else.”


— Kenny Parkman, Owner


enny Parkman of Par-K Seafood comes to the tri-state from Gulfport, MS, and he brings to this area a servant mentality. Describing himself as the “owner/servant” for Par-K, he shares that, “This place is not about me. Friends come here for the food, [but] they come back for something else.” Par-K also boasts a very southern warm feeling when you walk in the door. Customers are greeted kindly, and their requests are made to order. The Mardi Gras themed decorations draw you in as well as their menu that includes seafood from alligator to flounder, red snapper to grouper. They also sell shrimp, wahoo and much more! Parkman was brought to this area for work, but he got homesick for what he liked and couldn’t find in the area. So according to him, “I would go and get it and share it with my friends.” He’s driven to

continue with his profession at Park-K in large part because of the people. He shares, “Everyone has a fish story, I don’t have to know what it is, but when they ask you for that fish [I see] the look on each face and that memory. I just want to bring them back together. Other than that, it’s just fish (fresh fish). Anyone can do it. My friends always say, that’s a lot of work, and I say aren’t you worth it? They think about it for a moment and they always say ‘yes.’ So I go, and they worry, pray and wait.” Par-K Seafood is located on South Green River Road and boasts both a sit-down dining area as well as the option to take out meals, or purchase to cook on your own. Fish served and sold in this location are purchased along the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas and brought fresh back to the tri-state. Patrons can have meals cooked for them on-site. They also may purchase meat with no seasoning or their choice of additions, including pepper, sea salt, and/or Cajun seasoning to take home with them to prepare themselves. Additional menu items include jambalaya, seafood gumbo, red beans and rice, crawfish etouffee and shrimp Creole. What asked about his top pick, Parkman shared that his favorite is “Choice.” Choice is the option to choose as much or as little as a patron wants to make their meal, and he shares, “I make it available to my friends, and they drive to this place because it makes them happy.” Parkman also shares what sets his business apart from the rest, “I don’t know about other businesses, but this one is yours. I sell to you your fish and Cajun food, food that I miss, food from places you take your families, where you make wonderful memories. I like to think of this place as a relationship food store that’s fresh…You can buy seafood anywhere, but it won’t make your mouth happy. People should have the very best even if I can’t give it to them and you too!” Par-K patron Stephanie Norrick shares, “we have purchased from Par-K numerous times. The fish is always high quality, has a nice variety and is delicious. I recommend it to others. It’s also nice having a locally-owned business to purchase from.” Patron Cinda Sanderson adds, “We have purchased and have had let them prepare for us. We are thrilled to have them here in Evansville.” —Nikki Davis

Par-K Seafood is located at 757 S. Green River Rd. in Evansville. Call 812-401-5222 for more information. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Checks/MC/Visa/ Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol/Buffet-style menu


Bandana BBQ 6636 Logan Dr. 401-9922 $10-$15/Reservations/ No Alcohol/All Major CC Hawg ‘N’ Sauce (Mt. Vernon) 1600 Leonard Rd. 812-838-5339 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – www.hawgnsaucebbq.com powered by Click4AMeal Hickory Pit Stop 1521 N. Main St. 422-6919 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards J & B Bar-B-Cue (Henderson) 48 S. Holloway 812-270-830-0053 Under $10/No Reservations/ No Alcohol/Checks/MC/VISA Landmark BBQ 3901 Broadway Ave. 401-7427 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/VISA/MC Marx Barbeque & Catering Service 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/VISA/MC/ Full Service Catering Memphis on Main BBQ (Newburgh, IN) 4946 St. Hwy 261 812-858-0111 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/All Major CC/ No Alcohol Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn (Owensboro, KY) 2840 W. Parrish Ave. 800-322-8989 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted for parties of 10 or more/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine The Nisbet Inn (Northern Vanderburgh Co.) 6701 Nisbet Rd. 812-963-9305 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ Full Bar/No Checks/All Major CC

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Shyler’s Bar-B-Q 405 S. Green River Rd. 476-4599 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit CC Thomason’s (Henderson, KY) 701 Atkinson St. 270-826-0654 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/No Alcohol Wilson’s General Store, Café & BBQ (Evansville) 11120 Broadway Ave. 812-985-0202 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major CC Wolf’s Bar-B-Q Restaurant 6000 First Ave. 424-8891 Under$10/Casual/Checks/ Reservations Accepted/VISA/ MC/Online ordering available –www.wolfsbarbq.com powered by Click4AMeal


Allegra (Inside Holiday Inn Airport Hotel) 7101 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7999 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC/ No Checks Al Dente 318 Main St. Suite 100 492-4567 Under $10/All Major CC Applebee’s Bar & Grill (East) 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 471-0929 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr. 426-2006 (Henderson) 1950 Us Hwy. 41 N. (270) 826-9427 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

C.K.B. Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar (Henderson, Ky) 108 N. 2nd St. 270- 212-2133 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. 812-909-0388 Reservations Accepted/full bar Cambridge Golf Course 1034 Beacon HIll Rd. 812-868-4653 Reservations Accepted/Under $10, VISA/MC/DSCVR/Full Bar Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Chili’s Grill & Bar 600 N. Green River Rd. 475-1510 $10-$15/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major CC DeLizio Italian Eatery (Henderson, Ky) 145 N. Main St. 270-212-3566 $10-$15/Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Hadi Shrine 6 Walnut St. 423-4285 Under $10/All Major CC

Bar Louie 7000 Eagle Crest Blvd. 476-7069 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC

Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Under $10/Beer & Wine/All Major CC

Beans & Baristas 800 N. Green River Rd. 475-8566 (Eastland Mall) Under$10/MC/VISA

J. Gumbo’s 1211 N. Tudor Ln. 473-2951 Under $10/No Checks/All Major CC/No Alcohol

Beef O’Brady’s (Newburgh, IN) 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-9464 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

Koodie-Hoo’s (Mt. Vernon) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

Break Time Bar & Grill 1323 Barker 490-9464 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

Logsdon’s Restaurant (Boonville, IN) 1206 E. Main St. (812) 897-8813 Under $10/All Major CC/Full Bar

Lucky Joe’s Bar & Grill. 3300 US HWY 41 N. (Hend) 812-435-8908 Under $10/No Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar Major Munch (Old Post Office Place, Downtown Evansville) 437-2363 (Henderson) 104 N Water St. (270) 212-2070 Under $10/VISA/MC/ Online ordering available – wwwmajormunch.com powered by Click4AMeal Max & Erma’s Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 1) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4258 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630 Under $10/Checks Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Exp. 473-4100 Under $10/Full Bar/All MajorCC

Riverside Cookery (Inside Casino Aztar) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 433-4227 Under $10/No Checks/Full Bar/ All Major CC

Temptations Buffet Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 2) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-4000 Under $10/All Major CC

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (Inside Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy 437-2653

T.G.I. Friday’s (In Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 491-8443Under $10/Full Bar/No Reservations/No Checks/All Major CC

Show-Me’s (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-SHOW (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 Under $10/ Checks Accepted/ Credit Cards/Full Bar/ Online ordering available – www.showmes.com -

Zoup Fresh Soup Co. (East) 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-2664 (North) 4660 N. 1st Ave. 423-1800 Under $10/All Major CC


Sportsbook Bar & Grill 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 401-0309 $10-$15/Full Bar /Checks/All Major CC

Canton Inn Restaurant 947 North Park Dr. 428-6611 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

Steeplechase Café (Clarion Inn Airport) 4101 Hwy. 41 N. 424-6400 $10-$15/Full Bar /CC

Charlie’s Mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 423-9897 Under $10/Casual/

China King 590 E. Diamond Ave. 423-1896 Under $10/Casual/Checks Beer & Wine/All Major CC China Super Buffet 127 N. Burkhardt Rd. 476-8788 Under $10/Casual/VISA/ MC/DSCVR China Village (Newburgh, IN) 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-858-8238 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/VISA/MC/ DSCVR Chopstick House Restaurant 5412 E. Indiana St. 473-5551 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/Credit Cards

Golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 473-4855 (Newburgh, IN) 5066 S.R. 261 812-853-2680 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/ MC/DSCVR Gracie’s Chinese Cuisine 12500 N. Hwy. 41 812-868-8888 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Grand Buffet Mongolian Grill 1356 N. Green River Rd. 476-6666 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Checks/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol

Crazy Buffet 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. 437-8833 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/No checks/Credit Cards

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Lincoln Garden 2001 Lincoln Ave. 471-8881 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR Mandarin Garden Chinese Restaurant 2013 N. Green River Rd. 476-7088 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol/VISA/MC MAT. 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd. 475-2888 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Shing-Lee Chinese Restaurant 215 Main St. 464-2769 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC

Café 111 111 S. Green River Rd. #D 401-8111 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC Choo Choo Café & Deli 915 Main St., Ste. Caboose 812-319-7816 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Cleo’s Bakery & Brown Bag Lunches 9 W. Jennings St. (Newburgh, IN) 812-789-6485 Under $10/Checks/All Major CC

Taste of China 4579 University Dr. 422-1260 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol

Coffee Cottage & Café 612 S. Weinbach Ave. 401-1930 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC

Teppanyaki Grill & Supreme Buffet 201 B N. Green River Rd 474-6660 Under $10/All Major CC/No Checks/No Alcohol

Daily’s Bakery & Café 701 N. Main St. 484-6635 Reservations Accepted/ Under $10/Casual/Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR/No Alcohol

Wok ‘N’ Roll 311 S. Green River Rd. 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant 406 S. Green River Rd. 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar


Anthony’s Heavenly Cheesecake 204 Main St. 470-7763 Under $10/Casual/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR/No Alcohol 919 North Park Dr. 470-7763

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Bits & Bytes 216 NW Fourth St. 423-5713 Under $10/Checks/All Major CC

Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA/MC/AMEX

Two Brothers 3806 N. 1st Ave. 423-6188 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ MC/VISA/DSCVR

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Bagel Rama (Henderson) 230 2nd St. (270) 830-9224 Under $10/MC/VISA

Diamond Deli (Inside Casino Aztar) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-6122 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Donut Bank Bakery & Coffee Shop (West) 210 N. St. Joseph Ave. 426-1011 (North) 2128 N. 1st Ave. 426-2311 1031 E. Diamond Ave. 426-0011 (East) 5 N. Green River Rd. 479-0511 1950 Washington Ave. 477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave. 402-4111 (Newburgh, IN) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol

Emge’s Deli & Ice Cream 206-208 Main St. 422-3026/422-7030 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ No Alcohol Eric’s Corner Carry-Out 4220 Broadway Ave 402-9788 Under $10/Casual/No Checks/ No Alcohol/All Major CC Fresh Harvest Deli 1 Main St. (in Old National) 421-0407 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC The Granola Jar 1033 Mt. Pleasant Rd. 437-1899 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards The Great American Bagel 3901 Morgan Ave. 476-7212 Under $10/Casual/MC/VISA Great Harvest Bread Co. 423 Metro Ave. 476-4999 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Honey Baked Ham & Café 1449 N. Green River Rd. 471-2940 101 N.W. 1st St. Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Inlumi Cafe & Bakery 4833 Hwy 261 812-490-9205 Under $10/Reservations/No Checks/ All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Jeanne’s Gelato 2003 Lincoln Ave. 479-8272 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. Ste. C 401-5400 (Newburgh, IN) 8680 Highpoint Dr. 491-7111 130 N. St. Joe Ave 402-9944 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Just Rennies Cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 490-8098 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major CC ordering available -www.justrennies.compowered by Click4AMeal

Maxine’s Cafe & Bakery 1322 N. Green River Rd. 473-3663 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ No Alcohol/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – www.maxinescafebakery.com powered by Click4AMeal Panera Bread 220 Burkhardt Rd. 476-7477 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards Penn Station East Coast Subs (East) 137 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-PENN (7366) (North) 4827 David Lant 402-PENN (West) 5310 Pearl Dr. 434-PENN (Newburgh) 8887 High Point Dr. 812-401-7366 (Owensboro, KY) 3625 Frederica St. 270-683-1515 (Henderson, KY) 1111 Barrett Rd. 270-826-7361Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/All Major CC Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards PG Art Gallery & Cafe 1418 W. Franklin 402-4445 Under $10/Beer & Wine/All Major CC Piece of Cake 210 Main St. 424-2253 Under $5/Casual/No Alcohol/ No Reservations/Checks/ DSCVR/VISA/MC Pita Pit 1211 Turor Ln. 402-6205 Under $10/No Alcohol/All Major CC Planter’s Coffee House (Henderson, KY) 130 N. Main St. 270-830-0927 Under $5/Casual/ All Major CC Sweet Betty’s Bakery 5600 E. Virginia St. 402-3889 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Roly Poly Sandwiches 5702 E. Virginia St. 812-962-2326 Under $10

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Salad World Healthy Cafe (North) 601 East Booneville NewHarmony Rd. 867-2741 (East) 3311 N. Green River Rd. 471-5083 (West) 4951 W. Lloyd Expwy. 467-7486 (Downtown) 200 Main St. 422-0898 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd 812-490-6070 Under $10/Casual/Cash/VISA/ MC/ DSCVR/No Alcohol/No Checks Schlotzsky’s 301 N. Green River Rd. 471-4011 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC Spudz –N– Stuff (East) 812 S. Green River Rd. 401-7783 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr. 402-8287 (Downtown) 101 NW 1st St. 402-7555 (Henderson, KY) 192 Garden Mile Rd. 270-212-1777 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/ No Reservations/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR/ Online ordering available – www.spudznstuff.com powered by Click4AMeal Smiling Moose Deli 724 N. Burkhardt Rd., Ste. 700 477-3354 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Sweet Baby Cheeses (In Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 477-2253 Under $10/No Alcochol/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 421-0606 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards Vecchio’s Italian Market & Delicatessen (Newburgh, IN) 14 W. Jennings St. 490-7879 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA/MC/ DSCVR

FAMILY/HOMESTYLE Bob Evans Restaurant (East) 1125 N. Green River Rd. 473-9022 (West) 5201 Pearl Dr. 812-425-5100 (Owensboro, KY) 3123 Kentucky Hwy. 54 270-683-3515 (Princeton, IN) US 41 & State Rt. 64 812-386-1228 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/VISA/ MC Buffalo Wild Wings (BW3) (East) 713 N. Green River Rd. 471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr. 471-9464 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Full Service Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Burger Bank 1617 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-2265 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Carousel Restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Franklin Lanes Coffee Shop 1801 W. Franklin St. 423-5355 Under $10/All Major CC/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar Cleavers Restaurant 5501 E. Indiana St. 473-0001 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/ No Checks/VISA/MC Cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 479-8788 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards Cross-Eyed Cricket 2101 Pennsylvania St. 422-6464 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks Accepted/ Online ordering available – www. crosseyedcricketrestaurant.com powered by Click4AMeal

38 | November 2013

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Culver’s Frozen Custard Butter Burgers 1734 Hirschland Rd. 437-3333 Under $10/Casual/MC/ VISA/DSCVR

Golden Corral (East) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 473-1095 (Henderson, KY) 1770 S. Green St. 270-869-9310

The Old Mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 812-963-6000 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major C CReservations/ Checks Accepted/


Denny’s Classic Diner (West) 5212 Weston Rd. 424-4472 (Newburgh, IN) 19501 Elpers Rd. 812-867-7156 Under $10/Casual/Formal/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

The Hilltop Inn 1100 Harmony Way 422-1757 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash/ Check/All Major CC/Full Bar

The Redwagon Restaurant & Bar (Poseyville) Hwy. 165 & I-64 812-874-2210 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/All Major CC

Cavanaugh’s Casino Aztar (Pavilion Level 2) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4333 $20-$30/Reservations Recommended/No Checks Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Denny’s Restaurant (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 423-9459 (East) 351 N. Green River 473-1063 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol/All Major CC Ellis Park-Clubhouse (Henderson, KY) Hwy. 41 North 800-333-8110 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards 5 Guys Burgers 5402 E. Indiana St. 401-1773 Under $10/Checks/All MajorCC/No Alcohol Flying Saucer Café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 423-1113 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Frontier Restaurant & Bar 12945 Hwy. 57 812-867-6786 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ VISA/MC/Reservations Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 473-3800 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Gemeca Inn (Ft. Branch, IN) 802 E. Locust St. 812-753-4441 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/No Checks/All Major CC Get and Go Casserole 6840 Logan Drive 475-8830 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Checks/No Alcohol

Hornville Tavern 2607 W. Baseline Rd. 812-963-0967 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ No Credit Cards/Checks Accepted IHOP 601 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-0510 Under $10, Casual/ No Reservations/No Alcohol Served/All Major CC KT’s Fire Grill (Wadesville, IN) 7247 Main St. 812-673-4996 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar Reservations/VISA/MC Koodie-Hoo’s (Mt. Vernon, IN) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Libby & Mom’s Café 2 Richardt Ave. 437-3040 Under $10/Checks Accepted/VISA/MC/DSCVR Log Inn (Haubstadt, IN) 12491 S. 200 E. 812-867-3216 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar Merry-Go-Round Restaurant 2101 Old Business 41 423-6388 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted O’Charley’s (East) 7301 E. Indiana St. 479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr. 424-3348 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC

The Pie Pan 905 North Park Dr. 425-2261 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations/Checks Accepted/NoAlcohol Popeye’s Chicken 3300 N. 1st. Ave 401-1773 Under $10/All MajorCC/ Pop’s Grill (New Harmony, IN) 516 S. Main St. 812-682-3880 $10-$15/Casual/Checks Accepted/VISA/MC Rafferty’s 1400 N. Green River Rd. 471-0024 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Red Fez (in Hadi Shrine Building)6 Walnut St. 423-4285 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Rose Hill Cafe (Newburgh, IN) 8133 Rose Hill Dr. 812-853-8443 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks/Cash Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol St. Joe Inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-9310 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Check MC/Visa/ Reservations/Buffett

Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Credit Cards/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar

Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$25/Causual/ Reservations Recommended/ All Major Credit Cards DeLizio Italian Eatery (Henderson, Ky) 145 N. Main St. 270-212-3566 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Edgewater Grille (Newburgh, IN) 1 E. Water St. 812-858-2443 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC The Jungle Restaurant 415 Main St. 425-5282 $10-$15/Reservations Reccomeded/Checks Accepted/All Major CC/ Full Bar Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar Red Geranium (New Harmony, IN) 504 N. St. 812-682-4431 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ Credit Cards

Sweet CeCe’s Under $10/All Major CC (North) 12414 US 41 North 812-867-6228 (East) 4827 Davis Lant Dr. 477-5276 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. 401-5232


Gerst Bavarian Haus 2100 W. Franklin St. 424-1420 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All CC


The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/No Checks/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – www.acropolisevv.com powered by Click4AMeal


Taste of India 4700 Vogel Rd 909-2880 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major CC Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine 900 Tutor Ln. 476-5000 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards


RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 $10-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/


Orange Leaf 701 Burkhardt Rd. 401-5215 Under $10/All Major CC

Zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 424-1416 Under $10/All Major CC Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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ITALIAN/ MEDITERRANEAN Angelo’s 305 Main St. 428-6666 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 421-0800 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC Café Arazu (Newburgh, IN) 117 W. Jennings St. 812-842-2200 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/ VISA/ MC/DSCVR DeLizio Italian Eatery (Henderson, Ky) 145 N. Main St. 270-212-3566 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Dilegge’s Italian 607 N. Main St. 428-3004 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – www.dileggesrestaurant.com powered by Click4AMeal House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $15-$25//Reservations/Checks/ Full Bar Little Italy Italian 4430 1st Ave. 479-7777 Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria (Henderson, Ky) 2201 Hwy 41 N. 270-212-2352 $10/Casual/All Major CC Manna Mediterranean 2913 Lincoln Ave. 473-7005 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards Milano’s Italian Cuisine 500 Main St. 484-2222 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine The Olive Garden Italian Restaurant 1100 N. Green River Rd. 473-2903 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/Credit Cards

Pita Pan (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd. 853-9555 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/VISA Raffi’s Italian & Mediterranean Cuisine 1100 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-9166 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Smitty’s Italian SteakHouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC


Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 812-962-4440 $10-$20/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards Ginmiya Asian Diner 4827 Davis Lant 471-8100 Reservations/ $10-$15/No Checks/ All Major CC/ No Alcohol Iwataya Japanese Restaurant 8401 N. Kentucky Ave. 812-868-0830 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro 4593 Washington Ave. 471-7076 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – www.mykanpai.com powered by Click4AMeal Nagasaki Inn 5720 Virginia St. 473-1442 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Okami Japanese Sushi & Hibachi 5435 Pearl Dr. 424-3413 Checks Accepted/Reservations Accepted/VISA/MC/DSCVR Roppongi Japanase Steak & Sushi 7221 E. Indiana St. 437-5824 $10-15/Reservations Accpeted/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Tokyo Japan 3000 N. Green River Rd. 401-1020 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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Zuki Japanese Grill & Sushi Lounge 1448 N. Green River Rd. 477-9854 $10-$15/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Tokyo Teppanyaki Japanese Cuisine (Henderson, Ky) 2222 Us Hwy 41 N. 270-869-1968 Under $10/All Major CC/Full Bar


Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards


Acapulco Mexican (Newburgh, IN) 8480 High Pointe Dr. 812-858-7777 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/MC, Visa/ Online ordering available – www.fiestaacapulco.com powered by Click4AMeal Cancun Mexican (Henderson) 341 S. Green St. 270-826-0067 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – www. cancunhenderson.com - powered by Click4AMeal Chipotle Mexican Grill 499 N. Green River Rd. 471-4973 Under $10/All Major Credit CC El Charro 720 N. Sonntag Ave. 421-1986 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit CC/Beer & Wine El Maguey (Boonville, IN) 601 W. State Rd. 62 812-897-2028 3250 Warrick Dr. 812-897-6666 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/MC, VISA/Online ordering available – www.mymaguey.com powered by Click4AMeal El Patron Mexican 943 North Park Dr. 402-6500 Under $10/Reservations/All Major Credit CC/Full Bar El Rio Mexican 1919 Green River Rd. 812-471-1400 Under $10/Casual/ No Checks/Full Bar/CC

42 | November 2013

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Hacienda Mexican Restaurant (East) 990 S. Green River 474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 422-2055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major CC Hot Head Burritos 5625 Pearl Dr. Suite A 437-5010 Under $10/All Major CC/ No Alcohol Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 490-2814 $5-$15/CasualReservations Accepted/Full Bar/Major CC La Cabana 821 S. Green River Rd. 477-3351 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar/Online ordering available – www.lacabanaevansville.com powered by Click4AMeal Los Bravos (East) 834 Tutor Ln. 474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 424-4101 (West) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 464-3136 (Boonville) 3311 Liberty Blvd 812-897-3442 (Jasper) 198 S Newton 812-482-7564 (Loogootee) 502 W Broadway 812-295-2069 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC/AMEX Los Portales 3339 N. Green River Rd. 475-0566 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Checks/All Major CC/ Full Bar Los Toribio’s (Henderson, KY) 2810 U.S. 41 N. 270-830-6610 1647 S. Green St. 270-831-2367 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC

Los Tres Camino’s 12100 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8550 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar Moe’s Southwest Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 491-6637 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/Beer & Wine Qdoba Mexican Grill 922 Burkhardt Rd. 401-0800 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/ MC/VISA Riviera Mexican Grill 10604 SR. 662 (Newburgh) 490-9936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Taco Tierra 420 S. Green River Rd. 402-8226 Under $10/Casual/VISAMC Tequila’s (Mt. Vernon, IN) 408 Southwind Plaza 812-838-2392 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations/MC/VISA


Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant (Newburgh) 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-7778 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Visa, MC/Online ordering available – www.archieandclydes.com -powered by Click4AMeal Big M’s Pizzeria 1424 N. Main St. 434-6909 $10-$15/Casual/VISA/MC Boston’s - The Gourmet Pizza 3911 Venetian Dr. 812-853-3400 $5-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Cici’s Pizza (East) 101-B N. Green River Rd. 477-2424 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. Ste. G 812-962-0034 Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol Served/Non Smoking/VISA/MC

Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 473-3800 Under $10/Casual/ All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria (Henderson, KY) 2201 HWY 41 270-212-2352 Under $10/All Major CC/ No Alcohol

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia St. 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/Checks / Full Bar/All Major CC

Greeks Pizzeria 240 S. Green River Rd. 402-4733 Under $10/Credit Cards Online ordering available – www.greeekspizzeria.com powered by Click4AMeal

Mama Roma’s Pizza & Wings 2008 E. Morgan Ave. 422-1212 3115 E. Covert Ave. 477-6262 3904 First Ave 421-3000 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards

Firedome Pizza & Wings (Henderson, KY) 2046 Hwy. 41 N. 270-830-7700 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Firehouse Subs 1031 N. Green River Rd. 477-2141 Under $10/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Gardo’s Italian Oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071 Under $10/Casual

Heady’s Pizza 4120 N. First Ave. 437-4343 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC Online orderingavailable – www.headyspizza.com powered by Click4AMeal Highland Pizza Shop 6669 Kratzville Rd. 402-8900 Under $10/VISA/MC Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Mr. B’s Pizza & Wings (Henderson, KY) 2611 Hwy. 41 N. 270-826-1111 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ Beer & Wine/MC Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson, KY) 31 N. Green St. 270-212-1400 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar

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Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/ Full Bar/Online ordering available – www. evansvilleoldchicago.com powered by Click4AMeal Papa John’s Pizza 1244 Hwy 41 812-867-7272 (East) 303 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7700 (East) 5436 E. Indiana St. 473-5200 (North) 4204 N. 1st Ave. 425-2345 (West) 4814 W. Lloyd Expwy. 812-423-7272 Under $10/Credit Cards (Newburgh) 3955 Hayley Dr. 812-858-7272 (Henderson) 418 Center St. 270-826-4444 Parkway Pizza 3911 Broadway Ave. 423-3339 Under $10/Beer & Wine/ Checks/MC/VISA

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Pizano’s Pizza and Pasta 4301 Hwy 41 N 604-1451 Under $10/All Major CC Pizza Chef (Newburgh, IN) 4938 SR 261 812-853-3338 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Checks Beer & Wine/MC/VISA Pizza Depot 11845 Old Petersburgh Rd. 812-867-9131 Under $10/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards Pizza King (East) 1033 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-9441 (West) W. Franklin St. 424-7976 (Newburgh, IN) Hwy. 66 & 261 812-853-3368 Under $10/Casual/Credit Cards/Beer available/ Online ordering available – www.pizzakingevansville. com -powered by Click4AMeal

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Roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 12301 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8898 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar Rounder’s Pizza (North) 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960 (East) 12731 N. Green River 812-867-7172 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ Beer & Wine/VISA/MC Sam’s Pizzeria 2011 W. Delaware 423-3160 $10-$15/Casual/No Alcohol Sandy’s Pizza (Ft. Branch, IN) 609 S. Main St. 812-759-3972 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major CC Spankey’s Una Pizza 714 N. Sonntag 402-6776 $10-$15/Checks Accepted/ MC/VISA/

Susan Bobe’s (Princeton, IN) 101 W. Broadway 812-385-2554 $10-$15/MC/VISA The Slice 2011 Lincoln Ave. 476-8518 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Beer & Wine/ All Major Credit Cards Talk of the Town Pizza 1200 Edgar St. 402-8696 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/ VISA/MC Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not-Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Turoni’s Pizzeria & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major Credit Cards

Turoni’s Pizza (Newburgh, IN) 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. 490-5555 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major Credit Cards Walther’s Golf ‘n Fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 464-4472 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards


C.J.’s Party Place (Inside Willow Lanes) Virginia & Hwy. 41 422-6682 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Necessary for Parties/ All Major CC Edgewater La Veranda Banquest Room 5 E. Water St. (Newburgh, IN) 812-858-2443 Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major CC Just Rennie’s Catering 100 S.E. 4th St.401-8098 $15 to $25/Banquet facilities for private parties up to 40 people/ Conference Calling/WiFi Internet/ AV Equipment/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Online ordering available – www.justrennies.com - powered by Click4AMeal The Event Gallery 956 Parrett St. 467-4255 $15 - $25/Banquet facilities/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Kirby’s 1113-1119 Parrett St. 422-2230 $20-$50/Full Bar/ Reservations Necessary/ All Major Credit Cards Old Post Office Event Center 100 NW. 2nd St. 812-253-2102 $10-$15/Full Bar

Dave’s Sportsden Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Full Bar/Checks/Major CCs Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA/MC K.C.’s Time Out Lounge & Grill 1121 S. Green River Rd. 437-9920 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR Joke Factory 217 Main St. 812-604-1936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/All Major Credit Cards Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ VISA/MC Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin St. 437-0171 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Main Gate Sports Bar 518 Main St. 428-7776 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC/DSCVR The Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Cash Only

Schmitt Catering & More 812-909-0566/812-774-6547 Under $10/Reservations Necessary/Checks Accepted/No Credit Cards

Mojo’s Boneyard Sportsbar & Grille 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 475-8593 under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards


On Deck Riverside Bar & Grill (Henderson, KY) 100 2nd St. 270-826-2424 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC (Closed for Season!)

Beertropolis 830 LST Dr. 425-4840 Under $10/Full Bar Chilly Willy’s Pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 423-0726 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/CC Corner Pocket Bar & Grill 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 428-2255 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC Cricket’s (Newburgh) 518 W. Main St. 812-858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Darren’s Pub (Henderson, KY) 713 N. Green St. 812-827-2206 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC

Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Piston’s Bar & Grill 2131 W. Franklin St. 401-1699 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA/MC The Pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Cards

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RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


re you looking to sell old furniture, jewelry or anything else lying around your home? Or maybe just trying to find quality items at good prices? Then come down to the River City Rummage Sale for its grand reopening party! The event was started in 1999 by the Junior League of Evansville. This year, it’s re-opening is to celebrate their new name and logo – complete with ribbon cutting ceremony, entertainment, refreshments, a raffle for a chance at a three minute “Anything in your Cart” shopping spree and more. More importantly, the sale is to raise funds for the Junior League of Evansville and its charities. The grand re-opening party is on Friday, November 8 from 5-8 p.m. at the National Guard Armory on Division Street. Admission is $10. Sale Day is the morning following from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Admission on this day is $1, and all merchandise is marked half-price from 1-2 p.m. Doors will close briefly at 12:30 to prepare for the half-price sale. The sale will have a variety of items including children’s clothes, furniture, jewelry and much more. As for the future of this great event, its Chairperson, Michelle R. Williams says, “The League’s plan is for this event to grow; our mission is to help women and children of the community. The River City Rummage Sale is vital to raise the funds to do this. We are also helping with the recycling and re-purposing of the items that are donated as well.” —Sarah Dyson

46 | November 2013

Roca Bar 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 12301 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8898 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar Rookie’s Sports Bar (Henderson, KY) 117 Second St. 270-826-1106 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Tiki Time Bar & Grill 1801 Waterworks Rd. 425-1912 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Not Accepted/ VISA/MC/DSCVR (Closed for Season!) Tin Man Brewing Co. 1430 W. Franklin St. 618-3227 $10-$15/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major CC


Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Credit Cards/Full Bar Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. 475-1074 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Gator’s Hot Fish 1203 N. Main St. 402-7775 Under $10/Casual Harbor Bay Seafood (Next to Showplace Cinemas) (East) 4706 Morgan Ave. 402-5122 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Major Credit Cards (North) 4428 N. First Ave. (In the North Park) 426-0133 $10-15/Casual/Full Bar/

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Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Par-K Seafood 757 South Green River Rd 401-5222 $10-$15/Casual/All Major CC Red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave. 477-9227 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/Credit Cards

Longhorn Steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd. 473-2400 $10-$15/Casual/Call Ahead Seating/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

Tin Fish (Newburgh, IN) 300 W. Jennings Station 490-7000 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Logsdon’s Restaurant (Boonville, IN) 1206 E. Main St. (812) 897-8813 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards


Eclipse Tapas Bar & Restaurant 113 SE 4th St. 463-6040 Under $10/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/Checks/ VISA/MC


N.W. Chop House & Wine Bar (Newburgh, IN) 7799 St. Hwy 66 812-853-9500 $10-$15/Reservations/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar Outback Steakhouse 7201 Indiana St. 474-0005 $10-$15/Casual/No Reservations/Full Bar/

Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC

Smitty’s Italian SteakHouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit CC

Haub Steak House (Haubstadt, IN) 101 E. Haub St. 812-768-6462 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC

Texas Roadhouse 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd. 477-7427 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ No Reservations/ No Checks/VISA/MC/ DSCVR

Hornet’s Nest 11845 Old Petersburg Rd. 812-867-2386 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $15-$25//Reservations/Checks/ Full Bar Logan’s Roadhouse Steakhouse (East) 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr. 421-0908 Under $10/Casual/No Res/ Checks/Full Bar/All Major CC

Western Rib-Eye & Ribs 1401 N. Boeke Rd. 476-5405 $12-$18/Casual/Reservations/ Full Bar/All MajorCredit Cards


Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 425-4929 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Buck’s Tavern 1015 N. Fulton Ave. 429-0055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Checks/All Major CC Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 812-867-7300 Under $10/Casual/MC/ VISA/ Full Bar

Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy 41 N. 424-4677 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Major Credit Cards Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major CC Fat Boy Tavern (Ft. Branch IN) 115 N. McCreary Ave. (812)753-9914 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Fred’s Bar & Grill 421 Read St. 423-8040 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash Only/Full Bar Highland Inn 6620 N. First Ave. 402-2544 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Checks/Full Bar/ All Major CC Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 812-963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted

The Knob Hill Tavern (Newburgh, IN) 1016 Hwy. 662 West 812-853-9550 Under $10/Reservations Accepted/ Checks/Full Bar/Credit Cards Lanhuck’s 321 E. Columbia St. 491-2222 Under $10/Casual/ Cash Only/No CC/Full Bar

711 Tavern 711 Virginia St. 422-0904 Under $10/Cash Only/Full Bar St. Phillips Inn (Mt. Vernon, IN) 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 812-985-5558 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recom/Checks/Full Bar/CC

Legends (Inside River City Recreation) 1050 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-74444 Under $10/Casual/ Major CC/Full Bar

Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC

Lyle Sports Zone Pizza & Pub 1404 E. Morgan Ave. 425-7729 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ VISA/MC/Full Bar

Stockwell Inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 476-2384 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar

The Peephole Bar & Grill 201 Main St. 423-5171 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/ MC/VISA, DSCVR Rick’s 718 Bar & Grill 718 3rd Ave. 423-0872 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Yellow Tavern (New Harmony, IN) 521 Church St. 812-682-3303 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/No Credit & Debit


Thai Papaya Cuisine 1434 Tutor Lane 477-8424 Under $10/ All Major CC/Online ordering available – www. thaipapayacuisine.com - powered by Click4AMeal


Vietnamese Cuisine 4602 Vogel Rd. 491-1884 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA/MC

T.J.’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. 402-9273 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/Cash Only

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News 4U/2013 Bar Guide

News 4U/2013 Bar Guide

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News 4U/2013 Bar Guide News 4U/2013 Bar Guide Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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F R I DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 12:00 PM Vanderburgh Humane Society -- Pet Pictures with Santa 4:00 PM First Action Self-Defense (Newburgh) -- Introduction to Defensive Handguns Course (www.firstactionselfdefense. com) Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Downtown Henderson -- Art Hop Gallery Show & Sale 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Gary Ward 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Daniel Epperson Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Cincinnati 7:30 PM Blush Ultralounge & Tapas Bar -- Casey Williams Evansville Civic Theatre -- Les Miserables 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Shane Esplenaub PG Cafe & Gallery -- CHILD BITE, We are Hex, Brett Siler Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

54 | November 2013

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Entertainment News4U.me Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Duke Boys 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Drew Aud & Tristan 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Free for All Friday Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -Skelton’s Montourage Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke with BK Legends -- Karaoke O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Kris Bell Band Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Boogie Nights 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Hip-Hop Night with DJ Jake Ryan KC’s Timet Out Lounge & Grill -- Never Been Caught Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Nathan Thomas & The Break Evens 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

SAT U R DAY, N OV EM B ER 2 Boys & Girls Club of Evansville -- Annual Trip of A Lifetime Raffle The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 10:00 AM Vanderburgh Humane Society -- Pet Pictures with Santa 12:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Women’s Basketball vs. USI 12:30 PM Swonder Ice Arena -- Try Hockey for FREE Program register at www. TRYHOCKEYFORFREE.COM

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Lindsey Williams The Corner Pocket -- Halloween Party with Situation Grey Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Boogie Nights 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Greg Burroughs 10:00 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Static El Rio -- Latino Party! Music, Dancing & Drink Specials Hammerheads -- 2 Levels + Ladies Get In Free All Night Karaoke with Kim & Ryan (Sports Bar) / Hype Mix! with DJ Kriss (Nightclub) KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Never Been Caught

4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Beer Tasting

10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Two Lads

4:05 PM Ford Center -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Illinois-Springfield

11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Gary Ward


6:00 PM Holy Spirit Campus -- Bingo Night 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Victory Theatre -- EPO Pops presents Cirque de la Symphonie 7:30 PM Evansville Civic Theatre -- Les Miserables 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Live Entertainment Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Duke Boys 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Shane Esplenaub 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Boogie Down Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Deja Blu 5 Double Dukes (Henderson) -- Falter

12:00 PM The Centre -- Contemporary Bride Expo Vanderburgh Humane Society -- Pet Pictures with Santa 2:00 PM Evansville Civic Theatre -- Les Miserables Victory Theatre -- EPO Pops presents Cirque de la Symphonie 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Toledo 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano

The Alhambra Theatre’s Celebration of the

Century Masked Ball


he Alhambra Theatre renovation project has stretched on for years with seemingly no end in sight. But real progress is being made to revitalize one of downtown Evansville’s most historic buildings. At the forefront of the fundraising efforts is April Van Buren, a local interior designer. She’s the ideal person for the (volunteer) job, but in her words, “an army is needed” to help raise money. By all accounts, the interior renovations will cost two million dollars and take approximately five years to complete. Past fundraising efforts have yielded small returns, but a major event could literally help turn fortunes around. 2013 marks the 100 th anniversary of the Alhambra Theatre. To kick-start the “Celebration of the Century,” Van Buren and friends are hosting the 1 st Annual Masked Ball at Kirby’s Private Dining, 1119 Parrett St. in Evansville. This inaugural gala will serve as a benefit for the theatre and provide an incredible evening of fine food, drinks, auction items and live entertainment by Rigdon & Gatewood.

—Thomas Ellis

The 1st Annual Masked Ball is scheduled for November 8th at 7 p.m. Please come out and support the “Crown Jewel of the Haynie’s Corner Arts District.” Tickets are $80 per person and can be purchased through a link on the Alhambra Theatre Facebook page or by visiting brownpapertickets.com.

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Amazing Soul Crackers 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Hillory

M O N DAY, N OV EM B ER 4 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Amatuer Night (Comedy. Poetry, Acoustic, Etc.) Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Icemen Radio Show 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic 10:00 PM Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes

T U ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 5 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Old Post Office Place -- Susan Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

56 | November 2013

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Entertainment News4U.me G. Komen Surviving with Style Fashion Show Tin Man Brewing Co. -Stephen Horning 7:00 PM The Hatch -- Focused Minds, Octaves & Wolves at Bay Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Touchables 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Trivia Night 8:30 PM Old Chicago -- Trivia Tuesday 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- School Of Karaoke With Ms. Springer Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes

W ED N ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 6 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 9:30 AM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Fort Wayne 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting

6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick & Dennis Acoustic 7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -Nick Gregory Acoustic Doc’s Nightclub -- Liquid Ninja Wii Bowling Tournament Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Monte Skelton Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -Open Mic The Sports Book Bar & Grill -- Interactive Sports Trivia Contest Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Touchables 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- The Voice of Backstage Competition Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Open Mic 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- 90’s Night with DJ Kriss Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- College Night & Karaoke

T h u rs day, N ov em b er 7 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:00 PM El Rio -- Trivia Night Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Live Music

Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Karaoke 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK 9:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- College Night with DJ Jon J Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Ray Nathaniel Bayne 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Kim & Ryan Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes

F r i day, N ov em b er 8 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Junior League of Evansville -- River City Rummage Sale 5:30 PM Cambridge Golf Club -- Jacob’s Village Trivia Night Tin Fish -- Neal Yockey 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Ford Center -- UE Women’s Basketball vs. Eastern Illinois Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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The 5th Annual


owntown Henderson, Ky. will be littered with different forms of art created by local artists Nov. 1 from 5 to 9 p.m. for the annual Art Hop Gallery Show and Sale. Downtown Henderson Partnership Event Coordinator, Laura Peck said the art hop has occurred for five years and is a way for local artists to expose their work. “It’s an opportunity for up and coming artists – a way for them to get out and show their artwork.” Artists set up their exhibits in nine different downtown businesses and patrons can stroll throughout downtown to browse different works, she said. “It’s a great way to support your local artists,” Peck said. “Our artists are from all over the area, and they have great artwork.” People are still encouraged to attend, even if they don’t intend on buying any art. “It’s just a good time for people to come out as a community and walk around downtown Henderson,” she said. Peck estimates the turnout for this year will be quite high, as it has reached as high as 500 attendees in the past. “Every year, we try to keep the gallery locations as close as possible because weather is a hit or miss and it can get cold in November,” she said. “But the last two years, we’ve had great weather.” —Jessie Hellmann

58 | November 2013

Kirby’s Fine Dining -- Alhambra Theatre Celebration of a Century Masked Ball 7:30 PM Blush Ultralounge & Tapas Bar -- Casey Williams The Centre -- CMT on Tour: Hunter Hayes

Entertainment News4U.me

8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Live Entertainment Henderson Fine Arts Center -- The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy PG Cafe & Gallery -- Ryan Grisham of Mock Orange Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Two-Tone Express

11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Miss SPE Pageant

8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Josh Merritt

7:00 AM Junior League of Evansville -- River City Rummage Sale

9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Micheal Jackson Mania! Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Boscoe France Band Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke with BK Legends -- Karaoke O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Jordan Brooker Band

8:30 AM The Centre -- cMoe’s Breakfast With the Sugarplum Fairy

9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Corey Cox (Acoustic) 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Hip-Hop Night with DJ Jake Ryan KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Goldy Locks Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Honey Roy

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

• www.evansvillemediagroup.com

SAT U R DAY, N OV EM B ER 9 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament

9:00 AM First Action Self-Defense (Newburgh) -Combat Focus Shooting Two-day Course (www.firstactionselfdefense.com) SWIRCA Activity Center -- Veteran’s Day Celebration 12:00 PM PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Women’s Basketball vs. Asbury University 2:30 PM Riverside Drive -- Four Freedoms Veteran’s Parade 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Beer Tasting 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Neal Yockey 6:00 PM Holy Redeemer Campus -- Tap & Cork (Beer & Wine) Festival Holy Spirit Campus -- Bingo Night 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano

7:05 PM Ford Center -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Martin Methodist 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Curtis Brown Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- TwoTone Express 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -Shannon Lawson 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Micheal Jackson Mania! Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Blind Playboys O’Brian’s Sports Bar -Jordan Brooker Band 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Corey Cox (Full Band) 10:00 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- The Relics El Rio -- Latino Party! Music, Dancing & Drink Specials Hammerheads -- 2 Levels + Ladies Get In Free All Night Karaoke with Kim & Ryan (Sports Bar) / Hype Mix! with DJ Kriss (Nightclub) KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Goldy Locks Lucky Lady -- Celebrate their 19th Anniversary with Penthouse Pet / Miss Ozzfest Levena Holmes 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Rocket Surgery

11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ



O’Brian’s Sports Bar -Free Pool

5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano

6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Tin Man Brewing Co. -- Randy Pease and Tim Piazza

9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Amazing Soul Crackers

7:00 PM The Hatch -- Close Your Eyes, City In The Sea, Altars & Islander with Preservation Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -The Marlinaires

10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Hillory

8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Trivia Night

M O N DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 1 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -Free Darts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Sports Night 6:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Amatuer Night (Comedy. Poetry, Acoustic, Etc.) Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:00 PM Ford Center -- UE Women’s Basketball vs. Murray State

8:30 PM Old Chicago -- Trivia Tuesday 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- School Of Karaoke With Ms. Springer

8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Open Mic Night 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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W ED N ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 3 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick & Dennis Acoustic 7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Monte Skelton Doc’s Nightclub -- Liquid Ninja Wii Bowling Tournament Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -Jake Tapley Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Open Mic The Sports Book Bar & Grill -- Interactive Sports Trivia Contest Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- The Voice of Backstage Competition Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- USI Jazz Band 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke with Shane Breedlove Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- 90’s Night with DJ Kriss Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

Entertainment News4U.me 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- College Night & Karaoke

T H U RS DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 4 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:00 PM El Rio -- Trivia Night Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Live Music Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Karaoke 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK 9:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -College Night with DJ Jon J Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Casey Williams 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Kim & Ryan Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

F R I DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 5 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament

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4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -Wine & Spirits Tasting 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Jimmy B 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Orlando 7:30 PM Blush Ultralounge & Tapas Bar -- Andrea Wirth 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Live Entertainment Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Jimmy Church Band 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Drew Aud & Tristan 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Free for All Friday Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -The Dang Heathens Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke with BK Legends -- Karaoke O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Pieces of the Day 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Brad Lemmons 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Hip-Hop Night with DJ Jake Ryan KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- McFly Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Blame the Radio 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

Sat u r day, N ov em b er 1 6 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Jimmy B 6:00 PM Holy Spirit Campus -- Bingo Night 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Scottish Rite -- Metro Ballroom Dance Club $10 7:15 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Orlando 7:30 PM PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Women’s Basketball vs. Davis & Elkins College 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Jay Johnson Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Jimmy Church Band 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Scott Lindsey 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Boogie Down Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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2013 Contemporary

Bride Expo

Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Smoke Rings O’Brian’s Sports Bar -UFC #167 St. Pierre vs. Hendrix 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Rachel Timberlake


he Contemporary Bride Expo is the only fall bridal show in the tri-state area and is produced by davis digital photography owner Nikki Davis. In its sixth year, the event will be held from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at the Centre. The first year the Expo was brought to the area, Davis opted for a fall event in order to give her wedding vendor colleagues a chance to secure business for the coming year early. Also, to allow brides to get a jump start on their wedding planning by not having to wait until Evansville’s other popular wedding show season in January and February. The Contemporary Bride Expo event brings engaged couples together with a wide variety of wedding businesses in order to offer a one-stop-shop environment to cross off everything they need for their big day. From photographers, to cakes, to invitations, dresses, DJs, tuxes and more, brides and grooms-to-be can find just what they are looking for to get started or wrap up everything they need for the perfect wedding. Entertainment for the day can be found through the runway portion of the event, presentations, Piece of Cake Bingo and musical performances by musician Nick Smith. Admission is $2 at the door, but no cost tickets can be obtained through participating vendors. All door proceeds benefit Holly’s House. Hundreds of dollars have been raised through the event for the Holly’s House non-profit and Davis shares that she is excited to continue in the tradition of giving back. The first year of the event, Davis also founded the Evansville Wedding Vendor Networking Association, and business owners interested in becoming a part of the event or joining the networking group, can contact her at nikki@davisdigitalphotography.com or by submitting a request to join the Facebook page. —Nikki Davis

For more information on the Expo, visit www.contemporarybrideexpo.com or “like” the event on Facebook.

62 | November 2013

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10:00 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- TBA El Rio -- Latino Party! Music, Dancing & Drink Specials Hammerheads -- 2 Levels + Ladies Get In Free All Night Karaoke with Kim & Ryan (Sports Bar) / Hype Mix! with DJ Kriss (Nightclub) KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- McFly 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Pieces of the Day Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

S U N DAY, N OV EM B ER 17 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -Troy Miller 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -The Amazing Soul Crackers Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

Entertainment News4U.me 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Hillory

M O N DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 8 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Amatuer Night (Comedy. Poetry, Acoustic, Etc.) Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:05 PM Ford Center -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Mercer 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Icemen Radio Show 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

T U ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 1 9 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Tin Man Brewing Co. -- Paul Wiemeier and Friends (B-day Bash) 7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Nick Gregory

Acoustic Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band

W ed n es day, N ov em b er 20

8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Trivia Night

4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting

8:30 PM Old Chicago -- Trivia Tuesday 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- School Of Karaoke With Ms. Springer

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

5:30 PM Ford Center -- UE Women’s Basketball vs. Ball State 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick & Dennis Acoustic 7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Sam Rice Acoustic Doc’s Nightclub -- Liquid Ninja Wii Bowling Tournament

Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Katie Watts Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Open Mic The Sports Book Bar & Grill -- Interactive Sports Trivia Contest Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band

10:00 PM Hammerheads -- 90’s Night with DJ Kriss

8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- The Voice of Backstage Competition

4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting

8:05 PM Ford Center -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Valparaiso 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

10:30 PM Someplace Else -- College Night & Karaoke

T h u rs day, N ov em b er 21

6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 7:00 PM Christian Fellowship Church -- Crowder in Concert Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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Try Hockey for Free Day


he Evansville Youth Hockey Association (EYHA) is a wonderful non-profit organization that gets tri-state kids out of the house and onto the ice. Its aim is to teach both the athletic skills needed to play the sport and the life skills needed to develop self confidence and strong character. Of the many great programs that EYHA has offered, the upcoming Try Hockey for Free Day is perhaps the most exciting. Boys and girls ages 4-9 that have never participated in a previous EYHA program now have the opportunity to laceup their skates and experience the sport of hockey – for free. According to Hockey Director Craig MacDonald, it is the perfect starting point for kids getting into athletics. “Not only is youth hockey the best sports option, it is also one of the safest,” he explains. “There are less than half as many hockey related injuries per year as compared to baseball, basketball or soccer.” Signing up is easy, and kids only need some warm clothes and a pair of winter gloves or mittens. It is advised that equipment be borrowed from hockeyplaying friends as EYHA has limited quantities of helmets and sticks. But skates will be provided – just be sure to wear long socks. Try Hockey for Free Day is scheduled for November 2nd from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. at Swonder Ice Arena located at 209 N. Boeke Rd. Another Try Hockey for Free Day is scheduled for March 1st after the Winter Olympics.

—Thomas Ellis

Visit eyha.us to register. Questions: contact Hockey Director Craig MacDonald at 812-471-9811 or email hockeydirector@eyha.us.

64 | November 2013

El Rio -- Trivia Night Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Live Music Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Karaoke

Salem International University

8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK

7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano

9:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -College Night with DJ Jon J Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove

7:30 PM Blush Ultralounge & Tapas Bar -- Casey Williams

9:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Katie Watts & The Ideas

6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -Nick Gregory

8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Jay Johnson Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Who’s News

The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament

9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Disco Rodeo Weekend with Original Village People Cowboy Randy Jones Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Thunder Dreamer Doc’s Nightclub -Karaoke with BK Legends -- Karaoke

4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -Wine & Spirits Tasting

9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -JD Shelburne

5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Live Entertainment

10:00 PM Hammerheads -- HipHop Night with DJ Jake Ryan KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bad Medicine Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Kim & Ryan Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke


6:00 PM Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Cincinnati PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Women’s Basketball vs.

10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -Stretta Budweiser reminds you to

choose a designated driver.

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11:30 PM Someplace Else -Open Stage

Entertainment News4U.me SAT U R DAY, N OV EM B ER 23 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 1:00 PM PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Men’s Basketball vs. Lake Erie College 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Beer Tasting 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Live Entertainment 6:00 PM Holy Spirit Campus -- Bingo Night 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Victory Theatre -- EPO Classics presents Madame Butterfly 7:05 PM Ford Center -- UE Men’s Basketball vs. Anderson 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Live Entertainment The Centre -- Cesar Millan Live! Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Who’s News 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -Drew Aud & Tristan

9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Disco Rodeo Weekend with Original Village People Cowboy Randy Jones Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- No Curfew O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- BSR 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- JD Shelburne 10:00 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- JEB El Rio -- Latino Party! Music, Dancing & Drink Specials Hammerheads -- 2 Levels + Ladies Get In Free All Night Karaoke with Kim & Ryan (Sports Bar) / Hype Mix! with DJ Kriss (Nightclub) KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bad Medicine 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- The Vintage Rendition Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

S U N DAY, N OV EM B ER 24 Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 5:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Ford Center -- Evansville Icemen vs. Fort Wayne 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The

Amazing Soul Crackers 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Hillory

M O N DAY, N OV EM B ER 25 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Sports Night 6:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Amatuer Night (Comedy. Poetry, Acoustic, Etc.) Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Open Mic Night 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic

T U ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 26 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Women’s Basketball vs. Kentucky Wesleyan College Tin Man Brewing Co. -Wooden Nickel 6:30 PM The Hatch -- War of Ages, Those Who Fear, Phinehas & Colossus

Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

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7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Wade Baker Acoustic Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard Trio 8:00 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Trivia Night 8:30 PM Old Chicago -- Trivia Tuesday 9:00 PM Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 9:30 PM Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- School Of Karaoke With Ms. Springer

W ED N ES DAY, N OV EM B ER 27 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts 4:00 PM Winetree (East) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick & Dennis Acoustic 7:00 PM Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Katie Watts Doc’s Nightclub -- Liquid Ninja Wii Bowling Tournament Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Zion Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

66 | November 2013

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Entertainment News4U.me Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Open Mic The Sports Book Bar & Grill -- Interactive Sports Trivia Contest Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard Trio 8:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- The Voice of Backstage Competition Beertropolis -- PreThanksgiving Party! Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Waywards 8:30 PM Lyle’s Sports Zone (formerly Ford’s Bar) -- Thanksgiving Eve Party with Drew Aud & Tristan 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Thanksgiving Eve 90’s Night Bash Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -Karaoke with Shane Breedlove Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 9:30 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Thanksgiving Eve Party with Gonzo’s Toybox 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- 90’s Night with DJ Kriss Hammerheads -- PreThanksgiving Party! O’Brian’s Sports Bar -Thanksgiving Eve Party with Tastes Like Chicken 10:30 PM Someplace Else -- College Night & Karaoke

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| 67

T H U RS DAY, N OV EM B ER 28 11:00 AM The Corner Pocket -- Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner! 3:00 PM Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 4:00 PM Winetree (North) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Garvin Park -- Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 6:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano 6:30 PM Someplace Else -Thanksgiving Feast

F R I DAY, N OV EM B ER 29 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 9:30 AM Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 2:00 PM Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 4:00 PM Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Wine & Spirits Tasting 5:00 PM Garvin Park -- Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights 5:30 PM Tin Fish -- Live Entertainment

7:00 PM El Rio -- Trivia Night Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) -- Live Music Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard Trio 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Karaoke with the Experience hosted by BK 9:00 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -College Night with DJ Jon J Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke with Shane Breedlove 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Karaoke with Kim & Ryan Budweiser reminds you to choose a designated driver.

68 | November 2013

Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

6:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Nick Gregory 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 7:30 PM Blush Ultralounge & Tapas Bar -- Casey Williams PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Men’s Basketball vs. King College 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- Live Entertainment Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Lipstick Blonde 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Revolution Ink River City Tattoo Contest: Tattoo You Friday Cecil’s Bar & Grill -- DJ & Karaoke

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Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Idgits Doc’s Nightclub -- Karaoke with BK Legends -- Karaoke 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -Lieutenant Dan’s New Legs 10:00 PM Hammerheads -- Hip-Hop Night with DJ Jake Ryan KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- The Jimmy 6 Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- The Smoke Rings 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Black Friday Male Revue

SAT U R DAY, N OV EM B ER 30 The Corner Pocket -- Cash Pot Pool Tournament 9:00 AM Swonder Ice Arena -- Puck Feast 3-on-3 Tournament 9:30 AM Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 2:00 PM Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus 6:00 PM Holy Spirit Campus -- Bingo Night (Special Prizes Drawing) 7:00 PM Cavanaugh’s (Tropicana Evansville) – Live Piano Ford Center -- Hadi Shrine Circus The Hatch -- The Redemption Song Reunion!

Entertainment News4U.me 7:30 PM PAC (Physical Activities Center) USI -- USI Men’s Basketball vs. IU Southeast 8:00 PM Beertropolis -- The Honey Vines 9:00 PM Boogie Nights -- Superfly Saturday with Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -The Vintage Rendition O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Pieces of the Day 9:30 PM Back Stage Bar & Grill -- Linda Smith Band 10:00 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- All Put Together El Rio -- Latino Party! Music, Dancing & Drink Specials Hammerheads -- 2 Levels + Ladies Get In Free All Night Karaoke with Kim & Ryan (Sports Bar) / Hype Mix! with DJ Kriss (Nightclub) 10:30 PM Ri Ra Irish Pub -- DJ Ri Ra Irish Pub -- Lindsey Williams 11:30 PM Someplace Else -- Live Entertainment & DJ

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ost rappers have a good story behind their name, and Jacob Snider – aka CasOne - is no exception. As an extremely pale kid growing up in Henderson (“I was almost see-through.”), he was routinely called “Casper” by the clever folks in the community. But the friendly taunts helped to create the musical alter-ego that would become his all-consuming passion. Inspired by the underground hip-hop scene at the time, led by the likes of KRS-One, Snider simply took the first syllable of his nickname and added the obligatory number. “Casper” became CasOne. But while shedding his ghostly past was relatively easy, making music he could be proud of would prove much more difficult. Like most artists, CasOne struggled creatively for years. He joined a local rap group called Mystic Minds as a 15-year-old, but the project fizzled after one album. Still, it was a step up from his first attempts at writing three years earlier. “I was the most ‘gangster’ 12-year-old, but I had no concept of rapping to a beat. I rhymed but not where I was supposed to rhyme (laughs),” he says. After leaving Mystic Minds, CasOne became even more immersed in underground hip-hop. He apparently took the movement’s name quite literally, making a sanctuary under the stairs in his home with Christmas lights and a stereo. “I would sit in there and write in this little dungeon area,” he explains. “Most of the stuff I wrote was terrible – but it seemed great at the time (laughs).” Most importantly, CasOne kept working at his rap skills. “I stuck with it – never took any breaks. I had no back-up plan. I was certain I was going to be famous and would do anything to make it happen,” he says.

70 | November 2013

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Emerging from his sanctuary with renewed purpose, CasOne joined up with Betarhythmics, a nine member rap crew. He inevitably felt creatively confined, but the experience motivated him to finally strike out on his own. With some help from highprofile, hip-hop artist Brother Ali, CasOne released his appropriately-titled debut album, Liberation, in 2005. It received a lot of attention and sold well on the internet. And then he seemingly disappeared. “I took a really long break, because I had a daughter. I wasn’t sure if I was even going to rap anymore,” CasOne explains. Eventually, he was able to find a balance between family and music and looked to revive his promising career. Back during the “Casper” days in Henderson, CasOne met Eric Hunter, a fellow middle school student. The two former Mystic Minds members became fast friends and, as it turns out, life-long creative partners. Hunter is a prodigious beatmaker, a wizard behind the mixing desk and the perfect foil for CasOne’s intelligent rhymes. In 2008, the two friends started collaborating on a beast of an album titled The Monster and the Wishing Well. After setting up identical studios in each of their respective cities, they spent the next five years slowly constructing a masterpiece. Unlike the majority of today’s rap music that relies on samples and canned beats, the tracks on Monster are often orchestrated, full-band affairs with scorching guitar and layers of backing vocals. And CasOne’s expertly-delivered rhymes prove that all those days holed-up in the sanctuary have truly paid off. “We’ve put so much work into this album,” he says. “I feel that if people don’t like it, then they’re just not going to like me as a person.” —Thomas Ellis The Monster and the Wishing Well is now available on iTunes and other major sites. Visit casonemusic.net for info and tour dates.

soundboard Tastes Like Chicken


hat’s really cool – that’s history,” says Tastes Like Chicken lead singer, TJ Tanoos as he reminisces about the time his former band, the C.R.O.W.D., graced the cover of News4U. Nearly 20 years later, no other local group can claim that honor. The C.R.O.W.D. dominated the tri-state music scene throughout the 90’s, drawing upwards of 500-600 people per show with a rocking set of cover songs. As Tastes Like Chicken guitarist, Shawn Hafstrom sees it, the band’s massive popularity made perfect sense: “All of the competing bands at the time, including my own (Strutter), were still playing hair-band metal and classic rock. The C.R.O.W.D. was the first to play the alternative stuff like Nirvana, Alice In Chains and Soungarden, just as it was blowing up – people went nuts for it.” Over the years, the C.R.O.W.D. evolved into a party band infamous for debauchery. “We had beer bongs, girls on stage – sometimes we wouldn’t play another song until everyone bought a shot,” Tanoos says. “It was wild.” So wild, in fact, that the band’s rowdy reputation became a major selling point, and they routinely packed-out Harpole’s and other venues week after week for years. But after failing to generate any record label interest in original material, Tanoos especially, felt frustrated and burned out, vowing to leave music behind for good. Eventually, he relented, reconfigured the band and played out as the C.R.O.W.D. Trio with a more subdued presentation. But something was missing. It would take the rekindling of an old musical partnership, a new attitude and a name change to get the magic back.

Last year, the band formerly known as the C .R .O.W.D. officially became Tastes Like Chicken. Longserving bassist Bill Betz was reunited with the other half of the original rhythm section, drummer Scott Crane who left in 1994. Tanoos and new guitarist, Shawn Hafstrom, completed the quartet. “It’s like a reinvention which is hard to do in a small city, especially as a cover band,” Tanoos explains. “But I think we’re making it work, because all four of us are involved – the chemistry is fantastic.” The reinvention includes a shift in perspective - an acceptance that they’ll always be a cover band. “This is the most fun any of us have had playing music in 15-20 years,” Tanoos says with a wide grin. “We don’t have to worry about writing originals anymore. Everyone in the band can sing, we’ve got four-part harmonies and we’re nailing songs from all genres.” Adds Hafstrom, “I never thought I would be playing these songs – we do rap, pop, country, blues, rock and alternative. But we put our own spin on each song.” Tastes Like Chicken debuted at TJ’s Stockyard Inn, a cool neighborhood bar owned by Tanoos (located at 1217 Baker Ave. in Evansville). People expecting the second coming of the C.R.O.W.D. were quickly won over by the band’s eclectic set – from Robin Thicke to ZZ Top and everything in between. Weekend bookings at places like Pistons quickly followed. While the stage antics have been toned down, the interaction with fans remains a priority. “We’re very friendly. That’s always been our formula from the beginning – go out and talk to everyone ahead of time, get them involved. We want people to feel comfortable,” explains Betz. And even if Tastes Like Chicken never matches the success of the C.R.O.W.D., all four members are completely content with playing for the sheer enjoyment of it. “That’s the key to it all,” says Crane. “We have a great time on stage – it’s a blast.” —Thomas Ellis

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74 | November 2013

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Lajon Witherspoon of By Nick Durcholz When the be-dreaded, pierced and inked-up front man of Sevendust isn’t launching his gruff but melodic vocals over the rhythmic, weighty tones of this band mates, he likes to go man-tiquing.


ou heard right…But it takes such an eccentric personality to head up a band that soldered funk and soul to metal. Sevendust is a rich, biting but poignant concoction, an aural recipe that seems to lend to the staying power of the band itself. Joined by guitarist John Connolly, drummer Morgan Rose and bassist Vince Hornsby, they have had their fair share of ups and downs, but their latest release Black Out the Sun in January of this year has them on the ups.

Lead singer Lajon Witherspoon took a minute from the road and life in general to have a word with News4U.

wrote two songs I said ‘Okay, we’re ready.’ And we went out and played with only two songs. (Laughs) I knew we had something good back then man. A lot of people seemed to be really interested in what we were going to do because we all came from bands – previous bands on the Atlanta scene earlier – and those bands all did well. So, it was an exciting time to be right out of high school and starting to create something that you felt was going to be big. It was more of what I felt in my heart. Then, I signed a record deal when I was 21 years old. Music, to me, is a magical healer. That’s what I was feeling and that’s what I still feel to this day.

N4U: You were a front man for a soul group in 1994 called Body & Soul. Is there still a little ‘soul man’ in you almost 20 years later? LW: I bring the soul to the ‘dust…Definitely man, and not only that, but in the future after everything slows down with Sevendust, I would like to start working on my solo project and really put some more soulful things out there for people to hear. To really grasp some of the things I really love about music in this world. N4U: Does Sevendust have a track that is dedicated to your late brother Reginald? LW: I did write “Prayer” for my little brother. That was before anything happened. “Angel’s Son” I dedicate to him a lot too, but that song kind of manifested into a song for anyone who has lost someone. You look at “Got a Feeling” too from the new album and I think that manifested over to Reginald in a sense too. It’s about being old, being very happy until it’s all over and I’ll see you when I’m home.


N4U: You were involved in football and wrestling when you were younger. You find that a lot of people that are involved with sports - whether they are playing a sport or coaching or promoting it in some way or another - they kind of stick to that same path. What made you choose music route over the sports route? LW: Man (chuckles)…No one has ever asked that question. You know, sports, I still love them man. But music, to me, I did it growing up [and throughout] my whole life, but when I got in a band it was just a whole different vibe for me. Just the energy that we had, when we sat down for the first time in a room and

Visit www.sevendust.com for upcoming tour dates, music and much more.

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Ratings are given from 1-5. 5 is the best rating a reviewer can give, meaning they were very pleased with the beer and would strongly recommend it. 1 is the lowest rating a reviewer can give, meaning they did not enjoy the beer at all.

This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 5 Liquor Locker locations.


Smuttynose Robust Porter

Guinness Red Harvest Stout

Carson 's Brewery Pagan Pale Ale

Daniel Knight • 4.5 An American Porter that pours almost black. It makes a finger of light brown head that diminishes after a few minutes. The aroma is of chocolate, sweet malts and molasses, complex actually. The flavor is a trip for the taste buds! A strong roasted flavor, hints of coffee and bitter dark chocolate. There’s a slightly hoppy edge at the finish. Very well balanced. It’s an exceptional brew. This one goes on my shopping list.

Daniel Knight • 2.5 This Guinness seasonal is delivered in a pint can with a built in “nitro-injecting widget” that makes for an entertaining glass full of foam settling down to a 3/4” creamy head. Its color reminds me of a cola only darker. Its subtle aroma hints mainly of grain and malts. The flavor leads with a bit of roastiness, a hint of dark chocolate, followed by a light sweetness. It is sweeter and toned down from regular Guinness Stout. That said, I find it very drinkable and FYI, it’s around 125 calories per 12 oz. and 4.1 ABV. Truly a light beer. Pour me another please.

Daniel Knight • 3 An American Pale Ale that pours a rich, semi-cloudy copper color with a low creamy head. The aroma is nice with hints of citrus hops and biscuity malts. The flavor is pleasant and very drinkable with biscuity malt, grains, mild hop bitterness and citrus notes. Actually, it reminds me a bit of an English Ale. I’m excited for Carson’s getting off to a respectable start. I predict a bright future.

Paul Bragin • 5 This beer has a thick, tan head that never seems to go away. The scent has the familiar porter characteristics of roasted malt with some coffee and chocolate notes. The roasted malt notes remain when tasting the beer at first, but distinct coffee notes come through in the aftertaste a few seconds later. This could be one of the best porters on the market. It would go well with grilled or roasted meat and chocolate desserts. Jabez Martinez • 4.5 This is your decent dark porter with good carbonation. It had the nice chocolate head and I could taste the standard coffee and chocolate flavors, but I have found the more recent porters have some funky finish. This one did not. I really liked it. It had a very smooth finish and didn’t linger on your tongue.

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76 | November 2013

Paul Bragin • 5 This seasonal offering has a thick, tan head and dark body that Guinness lovers expect. Sweet malt notes fill the nose first, followed by roasted grain. The roasted grain and sweet malt continue on the palette when drinking the beer, which is also accompanied by a rich and creamy texture in the mouth. This would probably pair well with beef or chocolate. Guinness just gave beer drinkers another reason to love the fall season. Jabez Martinez • 3.5 This beer looked like any other Guinness but it did have a light, red tint to it. It had a creamy head and good carbonation. It tasted like you average Guinness but a little sweeter, almost a hint of Oktoberfest, but not much. Guinness always has a watery flavor to me for some reason and this one is the same.


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Paul Bragin • 4.5 This light, golden colored beer maintains a strong malt scent with the smell of bitter hops coming through not far behind. The beer is light, crisp and refreshing on the palette. The hop notes seem to come to the forefront much more upon tasting the beer. This beer is versatile enough to go well with almost any food, especially spicy dishes. This is an excellent beer to enjoy any time of year. Jabez Martinez • 4.5 This beer was a nice, amber color. I liked the sweet hops and nice malts. It was a little heavy on the hops and I liked it. I do not like IPAs but I would not put this brew in that league. I would say it is a beer with great character. I was impressed.

Carson 's Brewery Red Dawn Amber Wheat

Daniel Knight • 3 An amber wheat ale— I’d have never guessed. It has more going on than most wheat brews. It pours a pretty amber color with a petite head. It seemed a little short on bubbles but was delivered growler style from draught, so, that seems only natural. The enticing aroma is of breadiness, grain and malts. The taste is flavorful with full body and has that classic ‘red’ flavor— must be the choices

of malts and hops. I’m keeping a close optimistic eye on Carson’s Brewery and in the meantime, have another. Paul Bragin • 4.5 This deep, reddish-brown ale has a scent that seems to alternate between bitter hops and sweet malt. Likewise, the flavor profile seems to slide back and forth between prominent citrus notes from the hops and a light touch of toasted malt. Whether you are a fan of red ales or wheat beers, this hybrid is sure to please the beer lover who wants to experience something new and exciting. Jabez Martinez• 4.5 This beer poured a dark amber color. Usually wheat beers are all light and yellow, but they did put Amber in its name. Once again the hops flavor was a little more than I expected, but I liked it. I could taste the wheat and some malts. Very nice. I have previously sampled Carson’s beer at Roca Bar North on 41 a while back.

Random Beer Facts! • In 1814, a brewery tank containing 3,500 barrels of beer ruptured causing a tidal wave of beer through a London Parish. Two houses were demolished and nine people died. • Vikings belived that a giant goat whose udders provided an endless supply of beer was waiting for them in Valhalla (Viking Heaven). • Cenosillicaphobia is fear of an empty glass. This is why we recommend double-fisting. • The ancient Babylonians were the first to brew. In fact, they took their beers so seriously, if you brewed a bad batch your punishment was to be drowned it it. Compiled from www.theoatmeal.com

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arts & activities Angel Mounds State Historic Site

Evansville Civic Theatre

8215 Pollack Ave. Evansville, IN 812-853-3956 angelmounds.org

717 N. Fulton Ave. Evansville, IN 812-425-2800 evansvillecivictheatre.org

November 1-29 – Tri-State Art Guild’s “Fall” Show

November 1-3 – Les Miserables

Sponsored by Tri-State Art Guild and the Friends of Angel Mounds. Exhibit hours: Tues. – Sat., 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun., 1 – 5 p.m. Call 270-826-6674 or 812401-3076 for exhibit information or visit www.tri-stateartguild.org. Exhibit is FREE and open to the public. The Centre 715 Locust St. Evansville, IN 812-435-5770 centre.evansvillegis.com November 8 – CMT On Tour: Hunter Hayes “Let’s Be Crazy Tour”

Hunter is climbing through the country music charts; in 2011 Hunter released his debut album with the single “Storm Warning” reaching the Top 20. The same year he sold out nearly every date on his “Most Wanted” tour. He didn’t stop there, in 2012 his song “Wanted” reached #1. Just in 2013 Hunter has received the CMA Best New Artist of the Year and Teen Choice’s Choice Male Country Artist Awards as well as three ACM Award Nominations. Hunter Hayes has mastered acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums, electric guitar, banjo, mandolin, keys and more! He has co-written songs for renowned artists such as Rascal Flatts and Montgomery Gentry. Come join us for CMT On Tour: Hunter Hayes when he brings his “Let’s Be Crazy Tour” to The Centre’s Aiken Theatre on Friday, November 8th at 7:30 p.m. Special guest is Ashley Monroe. Tickets are on sale now!

78 | November 2013

The world’s most beloved musical opens the Civic Theatre 2013-2014 Season! Jean Valjean is released from 19 years of imprisonment, but finds nothing in store for him but mistrust and mistreatment. He breaks his parole in hopes of starting a new life, initiating a life-long struggle for redemption as he is relentlessly pursued by police inspector Javert, who refuses to believe Valjean can change his ways. Finally, during the Paris student uprising of 1832, Javert must confront his ideals after Valjean spares his life and saves that of the student revolutionary who has captured the heart of Valjean’s adopted daughter. Join some of Evansville’s greatest vocal performers in this heartwrenching musical drama that has stolen the hearts of people around the world. Show times are 7:30 p.m. on the 1st and 2nd and 2 p.m. on the 3rd. Call the number above or visit them online for tickets. The Ford Center 1 S.E. MLK, Jr. Blvd. Evansville, IN 812-422-1515 thefordcenter.com November 10 – Lady Antebellum “Take Me Downtown Tour”

Seven-time Grammy awardwinning trio Lady Antebellum will bring their headlining “Take Me Downtown Tour” 2013 to the Ford Center on November 10. The group has invited Kip Moore and Kacey Musgraves to join the arena tour. Tickets are on sale now. Tickets for Lady Antebellum

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“Take Me Downtown Tour” 2013 are available at all Ticketmaster outlets including thefordcenter.com, the Ford Center Box Office or charge by phone at 1-800-745-3000. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. The Hatch 816 Jefferson Ave. Evansville, IN thehatchvenue.com November 30 – The Redemption Song Reunion

Jeremy, Ryan, Jeremiah, Brian & JP (filling in for Nathan) will be playing the show! This band has had a huge part in the Evansville hardcore scene. The last time they played a show was in 2007. The proceeds from this show will benefit band member Nathan Schroer and his family to help with medical bills. Nathan is battling Leukemia for the 2nd time in less than 10 years. Nathan started his E.P.D. career in law enforcement in 2002. He has been assigned to Motor Patrol, the Crime Prevention Unit, and the Narcotics Unit. Presently, he is assignment to the Holly’s House, where he investigates domestic violence and sex related offenses. As a Detective and a Minister, he has helped countless people. Now, he needs your help. Nathan also played for The Redemption Song from 2000 to 2006. He has done a lot for the scene and they’d love for you to be able to help give back to him! The show begins at 7 p.m. Haynie’s Corner District 2nd Street and Washington Ave. Evansville, IN sculptevv.org November 1-30 – Sculpt EVV

Sculpt EVV Outdoor Sculpture Show, on display through April 20, 2014, is a national juries sculpture exhibition, with selected works on a public,

outdoor display in the Haynie’s Corner Arts District. Events include an art and music festival, free guided tours, a beer and wine garden at Bokeh Lounge and Clay EVV and Inspired by Sculpture exhibitions in the Adams Art Gallery from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Awards and prizes will be announced. New Harmony Contemporary Gallery of Art 506 Main St. New Harmony, IN 812-682-3156 usi.edu/nhgallery November 1-18 - Sara Northerner, Vesna Janonovic

In addition to teaching and writing about a wide range of subjects from visual culture to integrative theoretical applications, Sara Northerner maintains a professional art studio in Louisville, Kentucky. Her areas of interest are Contemporary Visual Art and Humanities, Modern and Postmodern Visual Culture, Cultural Change through the History of Photography and more. Vesna Jovanovic was born in Chicago but lived in Igalo (Yugoslavia) throughout most of her childhood. During the Yugoslav wars, she returned to Chicago and enrolled in a public high school where she learned English and acclimated to the new culture. She pursued a BA in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Ceramics and later a BS in Chemistry at Loyola University Chicago. While attending The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she was awarded a Merit Scholarship and received a BFA in Studio Art. She also received an MFA in Photography from Ohio State University.

November 23-30 – Alisa (AL) Holen

After earning a B.A. in studio art from Augsburg College in 1990, she built her first ceramics studio in her basement in 1992, and found the relative isolation uninspiring. In 1998, she moved to a studio at the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Arts in Red Wing, Minn. Here it became apparent that discussing and showing work while absorbing and giving feedback was an integral part of her artistic process. While in Graduate school at the University of Iowa, a new community climate and its consequent relationships led her to work with new combinations of forms and surfaces. She began creating cups that nestled into the safety of their bases, and salt and peppers that huddled together on soft but imposing landscapes. Within such pieces, she found echoes of dependency, deflation, comfort, contrast, inflation, elevation and finally cohesion. An Opening Reception and Art Stroll for this exhibition are slated for November 23 from 4-7 p.m. Newburgh Elementary School (Historic Downtown Newburgh) 306 State St. Newburgh, IN 812-853-2815 historicnewburgh.org November 2 – Coach Winery Tour

The 3rd annual Historic Newburgh, Inc. Coach Winery Tour bus will take off from Newburgh Elementary School, November 2 at 8 a.m. and return at 9 p.m. They will be visiting Mystique Winery which is the new winery located in northern Warrick County. Then to Indian Creek Winery in Georgetown near Louisville and finally, a return visit to Turtle Run Winery. Lunch boxes by Edgewater Grille will be provided in the trip cost. Dinner will be at the Log Inn in Warrenton, IN. They will be eating family style and each individual will pay for their own meal. The excursion will cost $60 per person and if you are a member of Historic Newburgh, Inc., you get 10% off. Wine tasting at each location and a tour of the facility are included. Browse the gift shops to choose a bottle or two to take home. Please contact Karen Stevens at 812-490-8999 for a reservation.

The most popular Pops concert ever presented by the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, “Cirque de la Symphonie,” returns for a dazzling evening of spectacular circus acrobatics and high octane music making! Tickets for E.P.O. Pops: “Cirque de la Symphonie” are available at all Ticketmaster outlets including victorytheatre.com, the Victory Theatre Box Office (Day of Event ONLY), and the Ford Center Ticket Office. Also, to purchase tickets for all Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra events, call the E.P.O. office at 812-425-5050 or visit www.evansvillephilharmonic.org. The show begins at 7 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. November 23 – Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Classics: Pucinni’s Madame Butterfly

For the first time in 10 years, the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra brings a fullystaged opera back to the Victory stage! The Philharmonic presented Madame Butterfly, perhaps the most beloved of all operas, as its first fully-staged operatic production to sold-out houses in 1999. For his 25th season celebration, Maestro Savia brings Puccini’s masterpiece back. In a fateful meeting of East and West, a beautiful Japanese geisha gives up everything she knows to marry an American naval officer. Her love knows no boundaries. What results is a compelling clash of cultures, forcing the young bride to make an excruciating decision revealing her endless capacity for love. Tickets for E.P.O. Classics: Puccini’s Madame Butterfly are available at all Ticketmaster outlets including victorytheatre.com, the Victory Theatre Box Office (Day of Event ONLY), and the Ford Center Ticket Office. Also, to purchase tickets for all Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra events, call the E.P.O. office at 812-4255050 or visit www.evansvillephilharmonic.org. The show begins at 7 p.m.

Victory Theatre 600 Main St. Evansville, IN 812-425-5050 evansvillephilharmonic.org November 2, 3 – Evansville Philharmonic Pops: Cirque de la Symphonie Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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Rare Life Award Nominee Shawn J. Gourley

By Paul Bragin

Evansville woman Shawn J. Gourley received a nomination for the Rare Life Award. If Gourley obtains the highest number of votes, her charity, Military With PTSD, will receive $40,000. For Gourley, the nomination is more than she could have imagined.


e don’t charge anything for the members who need help, and I love to hear the thank yous that we get,” she said. “When someone goes out of their way to nominate you, and the members we help show their gratitude above and beyond the thank yous, it is something priceless.” Military With PTSD began on August 3, 2010, as a Facebook page for Gourley, the wife of a Navy veteran who served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, to promote her mini-book The War At Home. Shawn wrote the book to help military spouses learn what to expect when their spouse returned from combat. Eventually, the page grew into a support group and discussion forum for people affected with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Gourley plans to expand the group to offer resources and a deeper level of support for people with PTSD. “I wanted to help spouses prepare for when their soldiers came home and give them an understanding of what could really happen with PTSD. But as the page grew, it turned into a support group for everyone who is affected by PTSD, including the military members themselves,” Gourley explained. “Without the veterans there on the page, we were only seeing half of the picture. Our motto became ‘Seeing it from both sides.’”

Families remain at the heart of Gourley’s mission. She wants to educate families about some of the challenges they might face if a family member returns from combat with PTSD. “I hear from page members how we have saved their lives, and we hear the book and the Facebook page saved marriages. I don’t have any idea of how many times we have heard this because I don’t keep track. I’m usually too busy helping the next person who needs me,” Gourley said.

To vote for Shawn J. Gourley and Military With PTSD, visit www.eaglerarelife.com/content/shawn-j-gourley.

80 | November 2013

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community & family Barnes & Noble Booksellers

624 S. Green River Rd. Evansville 812-475-1054 barnesandnoble.com

or the past 20 years Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights has lit up Garvin Park, sparking the Christmas spirit and delighting children of all ages. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, the tri-state can enjoy over 60 elaborate holiday scenes, some up to 20 feet tall from comfort of their own vehicle while supporting Evansville’s Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center. All funds raised allow Easter Seal’s to continue to provide their services for the community. According to the organization’s website, they provide services to create solutions and change lives for people with disabilities and their families. Children and adults with disabilities find the highest quality of services designed to meet their individual needs. It takes a lot of volunteers to set up the event and to maintain it nightly. Ritzy’s, IBEW Local 16, NECA, Teamsters Local 215, WEHT Local/Local 7 WTVW, Lamar Outdoor Advertising, Evansville Courier & Press, 104.1 FM and 93.5 The Wolf and many more sponsors help carry on this holiday tradition. —Brooklyn Solis

Admission for the event is $7 for 6 people, $10 for 7-14 people and $25 for 15 plus people in a vehicle. Weather permitting there are also horse drawn carriages, including wheelchair accessible carriages, available for $30.

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November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – Friday Morning Storytime Don’t be alarmed on Friday mornings if you hear laughter coming from Barnes & Noble Jr. It’s just another of our regular Friday story times. From chuckles to belly laughs, you’ll know the little ones are having fun! The event begins at 10 a.m. November 23 – Sharon Sorenson Book Signing Meet Sharon Sorenson, author of Birds in the Yard Month by Month: What’s There and Why, and How to Attract Those That Aren’t. She’ll be happy to talk to you and sign a copy of her book. It would make for a great Christmas gift. A lifelong area resident and backyard birder, Sharon Sorenson lives on a 3-acre certified backyard wildlife habitat and has more than 135 bird species on her yard list. The signing event begins at 2 p.m.

The Centre

715 Locust St. Evansville 812-435-5770 centre.evansvillegis.com November 3 – The 2013 Contemporary Bride Expo The 2013 Contemporary Bride Expo is Sunday, November 3, from 12-4 p.m. at The Centre. Join the area’s trendiest wedding vendors to help you plan your big day! From photographers, to cakes, to invitations, dresses, DJs, tuxes and more, find just what you are looking for to get started or wrap up everything you need for the perfect wedding! Back this year… Runway Show and Cake Bridal Bingo with Piece of Cake! Admission is $2 a person. All door proceeds will benefit Holly’s House. For vendor information, contact Nikki Davis at 812-449-4118 or via email nikki@davisdigitalphotography.com.

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November 9 – cMoe’s Sugarplum Fairy Breakfast A festive and memorable Saturday morning for families to enjoy together, Breakfast with the Sugarplum Fairy is a brunch and children’s style show highlighting characters from The Nutcracker. Throughout the morning, children and families have the option to take professional pictures. Photo packages will be available for purchase. A silent auction featuring beautifully decorated holiday trees and custom made gingerbread houses is always a favorite feature. And the kids will enjoy making their own unique crafts on this fun-filled morning! The style show features clothing from locally owned stores for children. Proceeds from the event benefit the Koch Family Children’s Museum of Evansville (cMoe), a non-profit organization with a mission to spark the curious minds and imaginations of children and their families through dynamic exhibits, programs and activities. For more information call 812-464-2663 or visit www.cmoekids.org. Event begins at 8:30 a.m. November 23 – Cesar Millan Live! Immerse yourself in the world of Cesar Millan as the best-selling author and star of National Geographic WILD’s Leader of the Pack brings his pet wisdom to The Centre! In this event, Cesar will reveal the secrets of happier, healthier relationships between humans and their canine companions. You’ll learn how you play a role in your dog’s behavior – and how to change it by seeing the world “through a dog’s eyes.” Cesar Millan Live at The Centre’s Aiken Theatre on November 23rd at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale now. Seats are $48, $38 and the VIP tickets are $88 which includes a Meet and Greet. This is a demonstration only, NOT a clinic. Please do NOT bring your pet!

Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Various Locations Evansville evpl.org

November 10 – Friends Annual Meeting featuring Alan McPherson The Public Library Friends welcome Alan McPherson as the guest speaker at their annual meeting. Mr. McPherson will be talking about the history of our Carnegie libraries. The Friends will conduct their meeting after the presentation and all are welcome. This event will take place in Browning Event Rooms A & B of the Central Branch. It begins at 2 p.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Call 428-8200 for more information. November 16 – Local Voices: Conversations with Community Authors The Tri-state is host to a wealth of local talent. Learn about a sampling of our local authors as they discuss their books. Books will be available for signing immediately after the panel discussion. What a great holiday gift idea! This event will take place in Browning Event Rooms A & B of the Central Branch. It starts at 9:30 a.m. and concludes at 11 a.m. Call Nancy at 428-8200 for more information.

The Ford Center

1 S.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. Evansville, IN 812-422-8000 hadishrinecircus.com

It is timeless entertainment that should be experienced by all! All proceeds support the Hadi Shrine’s effort to provide funds for children’s medical expenses. For tickets call the number above or visit the website also listed above.

Garvin Park

1600 N. Main St. Evansville 812-437-2627 eastersealsswindiana.com November 28-30 – Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights One of the Tri-State’s favorite winter traditions and most important fundraising events, Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights will brighten Evansville’s Garvin Park Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Enjoy the 20th annual drivethrough winter light show several times with your family and friends! Hours are Sun.-Thur. 5-9 p.m. and Fri.-Sat. 5-10 p.m. All net proceeds from Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights will fund therapy at the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center. Again this year, cost for the drive-through event is just $7 for up to six people. Admission for vehicles with 7-14 people is $10 and admission for vehicles with 15 people or more is $25. Horse-drawn carriage rides, including a wheelchairaccessible carriage, are available nightly (weather permitting) for $30, which includes admission. For more information call the number listed above, or visit their website, also listed above.

Goebel Soccer Complex

6800 N. Green River Rd. Evansville 812-435-6090 veteransinvitational.com

November 21-24 – Hadi Shrine Circus More than three million people have witnessed this tradition in the River City. It is one of the biggest three-ring circuses left in the world with elephants, acrobats, clowns, lions, bears and more!

November 1-3, 8-10 – Veterans Invitational Soccer Tournament The Evansville Soccer Club would like to extend to you and your club an invitation to participate in the 12th Annual Veterans Invitational Soccer Tournament on November 1st through the 3rd (Girls Weekend) or November 8th through the 10th (Boys Weekend), 2013. Last year’s tournament brought in some of the most competitive clubs in the Mid-West, 264 teams from 8 states and they anticipate this year’s event to be even stronger. Most age brackets will have a premier and classic Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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division providing a competitive opportunity for every team. It is their intent as the host organization to provide quality play for all levels at quality facilities. Our Goebel Soccer Complex is the talk of Indiana Soccer. It recently hosted the Indiana State, Presidents and Challenge Cup Tournaments. Either way, they pledge to put on a tournament of the highest caliber. For information and on-line registration see our tournament website above.

Junior League of Evansville

123 N.W. 4th St., # 422 Evansville 812-423-9127 juniorleagueofevansville.org November 8, 9 – River City Rummage Sale The Junior League of Evansville is proud to announce the new brand and name of our annual rummage sale. Every year, people from around the tri-state clean out their closets — and raid the garages, basements and cupboards — to build an inventory of great items for the tri-state’s largest rummage sale. There will also be entertainment and refreshments. The sale will begin at 5 p.m. on Friday and 7 a.m. on Saturday. All proceeds go to benefit the Junior League of Evansville, and its mission and charities. For more information, call the number listed above or visit the website also listed above.

Mesker Park Zoo & Botanical Garden 1545 Mesker Park Dr. Evansville 812-435-6143 meskerparkzoo.com

November 10 – Military Day Bring a veteran or active military personnel and they will receive FREE admission on this special day. Zoo hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Old Vanderburgh County Courthouse 201 N.W. 4th St. Evansville 812-422-5600

November 9, 10 – Christmas at the Old Courthouse The best way to find locally made holiday treasures for gifts that will be remembered for a lifetime stop by the Old Courthouse downtown at 9 a.m. on November 9th and 10th. There will be a large variety of handmade arts and crafts on display and available for purchase. This craft show features more than 125 booths, a chainsaw artist, jewelry, candles, floral arrangements, wood crafts and more.

Vanderburgh County 4-H Center

201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Rd. Evansville 812-867-6217 vanderburgh4hcenter.com November 9 – 4-H Center Gala Dinner/ Fundraiser Calling fellas, flappers, swell guys and swanky dolls! Enjoy an evening of elegance and roar back to the era of the Great Gatsby at the Annual Gala fundraiser on Saturday, November 9th, 2013. Live music and song, wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres, gourmet sit-down dinner and live and silent

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auctions! $50 per ticket to the ritziest joint in town! Come on out for a great meal, socializing and a wonderful opportunity to support the Vanderburgh 4-H Club. If interested, please call the 4-H Center office for reservations at 812-867-6217. The gala begins at 5 p.m. November 15 – 4-H Achievement Banquet The 4-H Achievement Banquet is an excellent opportunity to learn more about 4-H and meet new 4-H members. All 4-H member awards and trips are presented at this time. 4-H is a youth organization that belongs to the members, their families, and other interested adults who serve as volunteer leaders. Professional leadership is given by Cooperative Extension Service faculty of Purdue University. 4-H is young people sharing, doing, and learning together in all kinds of projects, events, and activities in in-formal situations with guidance of their families and other volunteer adults. Members choose projects that fit their interests and personalities and where they live. Group activities and events such as drama, trips, camps, fairs, shows, and conferences provide additional opportunities and learning experiences. The banquet begins at 5 p.m.

November 23 – Winter Carnival of Lights Nothing will put you in the mood for the holiday season quite like a trip to the Vanderburgh 4-H Center for the Winter Carnival of Lights. Especially ideal for families, the Winter Carnival of Lights is free and also boasts Santa’s Workshop onsite. The display is open at 6 p.m.

November 23 – Recycle Day Household waste that will be accepted for drop-off recycling include: newspaper, cardboard, mixed paper, catalogs, magazines, metal food cans, aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers of types #1 - #7. All items must be cleaned and sorted. Event begins at 7 a.m. November 30 – Hamfest: Ham Station Show This event is essential for Ham Radio enthusiasts! License exams (ARRLVEC) Exams at 11 a.m. Walk-ins as time allows. For more information or registration, contact Jim Turner AB9JT at wb9pzb@insightbb.com. or (812) 480-1266. The event will be held in the Activities Center Conference Room. This event features over 100 Commercial Vendor and Flea Market tables, free tailgating with admission ticket and breakfast and lunch menu, served by Old Post ARS. For more information, visit our web site at w9ear.org. Prior to the event will be the Pre-Hamfest Breakfast featuring the best biscuits and gravy you’ve ever had at a Hamfest! Serving starts at 7 a.m, one hour before the Hamfest opens. Biscuits and gravy will be served until they are gone! Meet your friends for a fantastic breakfast before the Hamfest.

Do you have an event that you would like to submit for inclusion in the monthly Guide? Please send it to:


for consideration before the 10th of the month prior to your event.

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According to



Ah, the Holiday Season is upon us! Whether its office parties, Thanksgiving with the family or winter break shenanigans with friends, there are so many awkward moments to be had! lthough awkward moments can be potentially entertaining for onlookers, it is best NOT to be “that person” making everyone feel awkward. Here are my tips on how to survive holiday parties using something we can all remember: our ABC’s. (A) is for alcohol consumption. I mean, it is fun to drink. As adults, we have adopted it as a social party norm. There are restrictions though. No one likes a sloppy drunk. Learn your limit and what kinds of drinks work for you. After doing some investigation (which may or may not have involved going to A LOT of social events), I have learned my limit is two glasses of wine. After two glasses, I am annoyingly giggly, loud and completely narcissistic. Whisky is not my friend and shots are never a good idea where business associates are involved. DON’T be that guy or girl! Drink Responsibly. (B) is for be friendly. Why go to a party or be around people if you’re not going to be nice? That simple. (C) is for crank tha Soljaboy! Well, yeah, not seriously… It’s just a way for you to remember fun people dance. You don’t have to be Michael Jackson or anything. Just check out the latest line dances so you can pretend what you’re doing when the popular songs come on. The moral of the story is: don’t be the awkward person in the corner. Grab a drink, smile, hit the dance floor, and you, my friend will be the life of the party! – Kana Brown www.kanabrown.com

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cinema in theaters

November 8

Thor: The Dark World Marvel Entertainment

The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to follow the story of Thor one year after the events of The Avengers. Chris Hemsworth returns as Thor and battles an ancient race of Dark Elves who are being led by the revenge-stricken Malekith (Christopher Eccleston). Thor reunites with new flame Jane (Natalie Portman), old flame Sif (Jaimie Alexander), Heimdall, Volstagg, Fandral (Idris Elba, Ray Stevenson, Zachary Levi) and even his treacherous brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and attempts to stop Malekith from plunging the Nine Realms (basically the entire universe) back into eternal darkness where it once existed. Thor’s father King Odin (Anthony Hopkins) prepares to turn the protection of the Nine Realms and his throne over to Thor, but questions his ability to place duty over heart in order to become the next King of Asgard. The film lost two directors before settling with Alan Taylor. Who? Exactly.

November 22

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Lionsgate

The second movie out of three picks up immediately after the events of the first film. After Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) defy the government and break the rules of the 74th annual Hunger Games, they have inadvertently started a rebellion against the Capitol throughout the Districts and become personal targets of President Snow (Donald Sutherland). The love triangle continues with Katniss, Peeta and Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) fumbling through adolescent love as only adolescents can. An even more deadly version of the Hunger Games is on tap as the 75th anniversary of the games approaches. The Capitol decides that they will bring previous victors into the pool of contestants, which places Katniss and Peeta right back in the games. But this time, with experienced and much more capable competition in an effort to silence the rebellion they’ve started - by silencing them.


cinema new releases

After Earth Columbia

Will Smith plays General Cypher Raige, the father of Kitai Raige, played by his son Jaden Smith. Kitai fails his most recent test to become a Ranger and Cypher decides to take him along on his next mission to get in some bonding time. All too conveniently, their ship is damaged and forced to perform a random space jump and all too conveniently they crash land on Earth. The remainder of the events in the film can be likened to a game of chess where during the setup you place the pieces in checkmate rather than letting the game evolve naturally. The filmmakers eventually create a real emotional bond between the two characters, which is admirable given the genre. I do have to question the $130 million budget. The setting and special effects were a waste, unless of course they were placed to get people to the theater – checkmate.

The Croods 20th Century Fox

Fearful father Grug (Nicolas Cage) keeps his family safe by playing it safe. His spirited daughter Eep (Emma Stone) likes life on the edge. Grug struggles to keep his place as head of the family after Eep meets and falls for Guy (Ryan Reynolds). Guy is somewhat of a genius who introduces the Croods to things like fire, belts and creative problem solving. The Croods are forced out of their comfy cave by a massive earthquake and must learn to trust Guy to help them reach a new land. The film paces well enough and provides plenty of fun for all ages, even if all they ever do is move from point A to point B. Ultimately, the story faults because emotion is spread too thin between the three main characters mentioned above, and there are far too many close-call wildlife encounters that when overdone, have no place in a great storyline. —Ben Clark Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • November 2013

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Black Jack

Black Jack is a cover band out of Evansville. We have mostly played in Mt. Carmel, Princeton and other surrounding outliner bars. Black Jack also played in Evansville in 2009 and 2010. The band has been around since June of 2009 and has gone through a few different lineups since then. Jason (bass), Josh (lead vocals) and Earl (drums) have been in the band since day one in 2009. Jake (guitar) and Matt (guitar) joined the band in February to make Black Jack’s current lineup. WHAT THEY COVER/ DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE:

Black Jack wants to see people dance and sing with EVERY SONG. Some of our musical lineup includes: ACDC, Poison, Tom Petty, Montell Jordan, Nickelback, The Proclaimers, Prince, Tone Loc, Daft Punk and much more. THEIR INFLUENCES;

Black Jack has many different influences. Each of the guys have interesting backgrounds from 80’s pop and 80’s heavy metal to contemporary hip-hop and R&B. Josh being from Indiana, Jason from Illinois, Jake from Kentucky, Earl from Michigan and Matt from California, each member has a different flavor of music. Although Black Jack has different flavors on music, we all have the same goal...to play for the crowd’s enjoyment. WHERE YOU CAN CATCH THEIR PERFORMANCES:

You can find Black Jack’s upcoming shows, updates and info on Facebook at www. facebook.com/black.jackrox. We are in the process of booking Backstage Bar & Grill, KC’s Time Out Lounge, Doc’s, Pistons and other good dance bars. Looking forward to seeing you party with us soon!

cd reviews Black Label Society Unblackened eOne Music 3.5/5

Love him or hate him, you can’t question Zakk Wylde’s standing in the world of metal. His time served as the guitarist and songwriter for Ozzy Osbourne alone is enough to justify calling him one of the greats. But, of course, Wylde has also fronted one of the more successful metal outfits of the last 15 years, Black Label Society (BLS). It has been argued that the band is perhaps a bit more style over substance at times, but Unblackened makes a strong case for the quality of the material. Recorded live at Club Nokia in Los Angeles, the album culls 23 tracks from the BLS discography and presents them in a stripped-down fashion. This simple approach reveals Wylde to be both a guitarshredding, metal god and a gifted rock writer on par with Bob Seger and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Granted, as the concert wears on, the addition of piano and keyboards on many of the songs wears a little thin; it all comes dangerously close to sounding like Use Your Illusion-era Guns N’ Roses. But Wylde’s gruff, deep vocals keep the cheese in check. Highlights include inspired takes on BLS classics “Stillborn,” “The Blessed Hellride” and “Losin’ Your Mind.” For those concerned that Wylde has, indeed, lost his mind and gone all Metallica S&M with this live show, your fears are unfounded - Unblackened is lean and mean, not bloated.

Boardwalk Empire Volume 2

Music from the HBO Original Series ABKCO Music & Records 4/5

The first volume of music from HBO’s highly acclaimed series Boardwalk Empire featured a selection of songs written primarily before 1920. Volume two explores the next 10 years of American classics with performances from artists as varied as Elvis Costello, Liza Minnelli, Pokey Lafarge and Patti Smith. In the context of the series, these tracks make perfect sense. In other words, this soundtrack is for the obsessed – the fan who must have everything Boardwalk Empire-related. The musical innocence of the 1920’s is convincingly replicated by Vince Giordano & The Nighthawks on each of the 20 tracks with vintage production and a small orchestra of horns, piano and various percussion. And while the guest-list of singers is quite impressive, a few performances do stand out. Neko Case’s take on “Nobody Loves You When You’re Down and Out” is just as striking as her own material. And David Johansen once again shows that he is so much more than just a New York Doll with his authentic rendering of “Strut Miss Lizzie.” Elsewhere, Leon Redbone ‘s “Baby Won’t You Please Come Home” and Margot Bingham’s “Somebody Loves Me” are so spot-on, they sound like lost recordings from a century ago.

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Kitchens of Distinction

Folly MVD Entertainment Group 4/5 Kitchens of Distinction (KOD) arrived on the UK music scene in the late 80’s just as the band’s main influence, The Smiths, imploded. Four albums of increasingly atmospheric, alternative pop music – “shoegaze” as it came to be known – were released before KOD called it a day in 1996. Now, the UK trio is back with Folly, their first album in 19 years. “Oak Tree” kicks things off with a waltz, referencing The Smiths’ “Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” if not matching its melodic strength. But it’s simply the introduction to an album that just keeps getting stronger and more varied with each track. The run of songs beginning with “Disappeared” through “No Longer Elastic” is truly remarkable – full of dark, complex chord progressions and plenty of reverb. Fitzgerald’s lyrics expertly match the tone of the music, often ruminating on the psychological horrors of doomed relationships. But just when you find yourself waist-deep in depression, KOD reels off three wistful, uplifting tracks to end the album, concluding with “The Most Beautiful Day.” Fitzgerald’s sudden optimism is almost disconcerting, especially on the heels of the previous tracks. But considering the success of Folly, he has good reason to be happy.


Neighbors Self-Released 3.5/5 Winner of this year’s Rockin’ River City Ride Battle of the Bands, Likewise has made the rounds at local restaurants and venues, playing harmony-driven cover songs to appreciative crowds. But this young, talented duo has been quietly chipping away at an album of original material for the last six months. The result is Neighbors, a well-produced debut that captures the sound of two teenagers’ musical maturation. The wide range of both classic and contemporary influences on Neighbors includes the Beatles, Jack Johnson, Maroon 5, Indigo Girls and Eisley. But what sets the album apart is the fantastic vocal interplay between Matt Cassidy and Ben Dahlquist. Tracks like “Don’t Be Afraid,” “The Play” and “Just Stop” feature angelic harmonies over delicate acoustic soundtracks. But it’s not an entirely reserved affair. “Lies” is an upbeat track with Cassidy doing his best Adam Levine impersonation and “Wash Away Worries” is equally energetic with jazzy chords and a rousing chorus of “na-na’s.” Still, Cassidy and Dahlquist excel when they dial back the tempo; the slower groove suits them. The best example of this is “Why Do I Try,” a track that points toward the future of Likewise despite the nostalgic verse: “Can’t stop to think of way back when/we were young, had nothing to lose.” The effortless, brilliantly melodic chorus that follows signals bigger things to come. —Thomas Ellis

cd sidebar Anacondas

Sub Contra Blues Prosthetic

Together, Stewar t and James Hunter of Johnny Truant and Timothy Newman form the British post-rock trio Anacondas. The group’s debut album Sub Contra Blues, released on October 15, 2013, is a blend of grunge, hardcore, progressive and sludge metal. Influenced, by acts such as Alice in Chains and Meshuggah, the album incorporates vocals which are both harsh and melodic in equal measure, heavy and rhythmic guitar and songs which keep a quick pace held constant by Newman’s drum work.


Seether 2002-2013 Wind-Up Records

October 29, 2013 brought Wind-up Record’s release of Seether’s greatest hits from 2002 to 2013. Along with all of Seether’s number one singles, the album will include three new tracks from the group and a number of rare B-sides. Having been prominent in the rock music scene since 2004 due to the success of their single “Broken,” this post-grunge, alternative rock group has continued to produce chart-topping work for the past nine years. Seether 2002-2013 is perfect for fans looking for a summary of Seether’s best work, as well as being an excellent gateway for individuals unfamiliar with Seether.

Jay Stolar

More Than We Think The gentle pop sound and fun, funk rhythms presented by Jay Stolar on his debut album More Than We Think, released October 8, 3013, make this release perfect for listeners looking for a feel-good work with an easy and light-hearted sound. Reminiscent of work from artists such as Sting and Jason Mraz; Stolar’s music features smooth vocals, rhythmic piano and a powerful drum work.

—Claire Edwards

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Al’s Corner Pub 301 W. Columbia St. (812) 909-2249

Buck’s Tavern 1005 N. Fulton Ave. (812) 429-0055

Algonquins 213 U.S. Hwy. 41 South Henderson, KY (270) 827-4313

Buster & Becky’s 1000 N. Garvin (812) 423-7616

Archie & Clyde’s Newburgh, IN 8320 Bell Oaks Dr. (812) 480-7778 Babel Bar & Lounge 323 Main St. 456-1745

BackStage Bar 524 Main St. 424-5020 Beertropolis 830 Lst. Dr. 456-1745 Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. (Inside LeMerigot) (812) 433-4000

Cecil’s Bar & Grill 420 N. Garvin Cheeseburger in Paradise 8301 Eagle Lake Dr. (812) 475-1074 Chilly Willy’s 3039 Claremont (812) 423-0726 Club Canopy (Above the Jungle) 415 Main St. (812) 425-5282

Corner Pocket 1819 N. Fulton Ave. (812) 428-BALL Cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh, IN (812) 858-2782

Boogie Nights 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 401-0460

Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt (812) 867-7300

Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. (812) 909-0388

Darren’s Pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY (270) 827-2206

Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares (812) 425-4929 The Brickhouse 201 W. Illinois St. (812) 421-0024 Breaktime Bar & Grill 1323 Barker

Dave’s Sports Den 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887

Double Dukes Henderson, KY 2044 Hwy 41 Ramada Inn (270) 826-6600

Ellis Park Sports Bar 3300 U.S. Hwy. 41 North Henderson, KY (812) 425-1456 Extra Innings (Holiday Inn) 951 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, IN (812) 482-5555 Fat Boys Tavern (Ft. Branch, IN) 115 McCreary St. (812) 753-9914

Iron Horse 203 N. McCreary Ft. Branch, IN (812) 753-9918

The Peephole Bar & Grill 2nd & Main St. (812) 423-5171

K.C.’s Time Out Lounge & Grill Washington Square Mall(812) 437-9920

Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. (812) 421-8741

Sportsman’s Grille & Billards 2315 W. Franklin St. (812) 422-0801

Koodie Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN (812) 838-5202

Piston’s 2131 W. Franklin St. (812) 401-1699

Sports Book Bar & Grill 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 401-0309

The Pub 1348 Division St. (812) 423-2121

Tin Fish 300 W. Jennings Newburgh, IN (812) 490-7000

Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin (812) 437-0171 Lanhuck’s 321 E. Columbia (812) 491-2222

Tin Man Brewing Co. 1430 W. Franklin (812) 618-3227

11 Frame Lounge 1801 Franklin St. (812) 423-5355

Legends 1050 S. Weinbach (812) 476-7444

RiRa’s Irish Pub 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 426-0000

Fred’s 421 Read St. (812) 423-8040

Leroy’s Tavern 2659Mt.VernonAve. (812) 464-8300

Rick’s 718 Lounge 718 3rd Ave. (812) 423-0872

Xcess Gentlemen’s Club 207 S. Fulton Ave. (812) 426-6998

Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W. Franklin (812) 423-0796

Lyle & Bill’s Sports Zone Pizza & Pub 1404 E. Morgan Ave. (812) 425-7729

Rookie’s 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106

Ziggy’s Pub 16 Main St. Poseyville, IN (812) 874-2170

Hammerheads 317 Main St. (812) 421-8492

Marigold Bar

Highland Inn 6620 N. 1st Ave. (812) 402-2544

Mojo’s Boneyard Sports bar & Grill 4920 Bellemeade Ave. (812) 475-8593

Safari Wine & Martini Bar 415 Main St. (812) 425-5282

Deerhead Sidewalk Café 222 E. Columbia (812) 425-2515

Hoosiers Lounge (in Tropicana Pavillion) 450 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 433-4100

Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown (812) 401-1201

Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. (812) 475-0229

2112 S. Weinbach Ave. (812) 475-8780

O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. (812) 401-4630 Old Chicago 6500 Lloyd Expwy. (812) 401-1400

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94 | November 2013

Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 Green River Rd. (812) 477-4088

Sidetrack Tavern 664 E. Illinois St. 423-0828

• www.evansvillemediagroup.com

Smitty’s Italian Steak House 2109 W. Franklin St. (812) 423-6280 Show Me’s (West) 5525 Pearl Dr. (812) 402-7100 Show Me’s (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. (812) 401-7469

TJ’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. (812) 402-9273

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