June 2, 2023
This was a busy month. On May 6 the district had their Kentucky Derby Party, everyone had a great time. Thank you to the committee for their hard work. On May7IattendedtheThornton’sand Stickney-Forest View Pancake Breakfast, as usual they were both delicious. On May 10 Lion Bonnie and I attended Glenwood’s Anniversary Party. We enjoyed ourselves and the venue was great. The next evening we attended Oak Lawn’s Law and Order Night. This is always a great evening where they honor one Police Officer and one Firefighter. Their families and their workfamiliesalsoattend.Itisa very special night for them. On May 12 we attended my clubs Officer Installation Dinner. That is always fun to see their families and spend
time with the Worth Lions. The next day I had my final Cabinet Meeting, it was well attended. On May 17, I installed members of a new Leo Club at Chicago Christian High School sponsored by Palos Lions. From May 18 – 21 we attended the State Convention in Springfield. We had a fantastic time with the other lions from across the State. Thank you to Ben and Yoly Zoleta for working so hard on the hospitality room. District 1A had a great showing. I would like to congratulate the Convention Committee on great job on the Convention. The State elected PDG Austin D’Souza as a candidate for International Director.
Congratulations PDG Austin. Thisbeingmyfinalnewsletterarticle as Governor I need to thank a few people.First,Iwanttothankmywife Bonnie for her hard work and dedication in assisting me in my
1 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
endeavor.Iwouldliketothankallof the PDG’s for their assistance and guidance. I would like to thank my Cabinet members for their dedication to their positions and to the Lions they served. You were greattoworkwith.Thankyoutothe Worth Lions Club who stood beside me for the last 3 years, helping me all the way. Lastly I would like to
thank all the lions in every club for their hard work and dedication promoting lionism. We had a great year in getting new lions. This has beenayearthatIwillalwayscherish, thanks to all of you.
I am proud to say that I was the Governor of District 1A, the “Birthplace of Lionism”
Governor Tony Zartler Together we can. GMA /GMTCoordinator:PIDDan O’Reilly
Global Membership Approach
We continue our year a plus in membership. We added 263 new members to clubs, while losing 170 members from clubs. We sit at a plus 93 for June 1st. May was an uneventful month for membership. Adding 15, while dropping 11.
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As of June 1st, we have 19 clubs with a plus in membership with 20 sitting at a minus.
We have the strongpossibilityoflosing59 members toclub Cancelation, wehave4 clubsonfinancialsuspension andthe clubs will becanceledon June29th,negatingallthehardwork donebysomany clubs... Theclubs at riskareChicagoAfrican,ChicagoAzteca,Chicago EaglesWings&OakParkRiverForest.
Membership Development &Club Rebuilding:
We have continued our community outreach to leaders in the Garfield Ridge, Archer Heights and Clearing communities of Chicago. If you have any family or friends in that area that you think would make good Lions please send their contact information to: jointhelionstoday@gmail.com. We have some interest; we need to get them together so we can organize. If you have any prospects in this area, please let us know. We would like to finish this club in Governor Tony’s year. We finished one club’s two-year rebuilding process and have begun another’s.
Member Satisfaction:
We should all be working together on membership satisfaction! This is the time of our Lion Year,you’re letting your members know about the dues renewal process of your club, each club handles it their own way. But all clubs should be making every effort to keep the Lions you have. Try adding members instead of replacing members for growth in your club.
If a member’s dues are paid for this year and are not returning. You drop them in good standing, not for non-payment of next years dues. Do this before June 30th . Together we can strengthen our clubs. Stronger clubs provide more service. Clubs growing and providing more service, Strengthens our District and Lions International. TogetherWeCan!
3 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Good Morning,
My name is Lion Brenda Block and I am the incoming Cabinet Secretary for District 1A for the 2023-2024 Lions year. I am sending this letter to the current secretary if their email is listed in the directory and if not, to the President. The reason for this letter is to remind you that the updated (newly elected) officers for the 2023-2024 year need to be reported to Lions International. Even if the officers are not changing, they still need to be listed on the PU101 form and submitted. If Lions International doesn't receive this, the club will be considered in poor standing and will not be eligible to continue any fundraisers, meetings, etc. We're sure you all want to be able to participate and get credit for things your club will be doing, so take a minute and submit this form, The club information will then be updated and listed correctly in the directory.
The new officers will receive current information from Lions International and most importantly will be considered an active club in good standing. By doing this, the treasurer will have access and be able to collect dues and pay the Lions International Dues for your club members. As always, if you are unsure of how to do this, please email me, or District Governor Elect Tom Elsey at thomas.elsey@gmail.com. We will be happy to help you with this.
I look forward to communicating with you in the future if you are continuing on, and if not, wish you well in your next step in Lions. Please pass my information on the next secretary and/or president.
Lion Brenda Block Cabinet Secretary 1A lionbrendablock@gmail.com
219-616-7627 - cell phone
4 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
Total Deaths this month:0
NewMembers in CHICAGO BEVERLYRIDGE Lions Club:1
NewMembers in CHICAGO GLOBAL Lions Club:1
NewMembers in CHICAGO RIDGE Lions Club:3
NewMembers in CHICAGO WINDY CITY Lions Club: 7
5 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter
To all the lions in our District, keep up the great work of increasing membership. Lions need to continue growing our numbers to help their communities.
On June 24th 2023, we will be having training classes for next year’s Zone Chairs, President’s, Treasures, and Secretaries. Start time is 9:00 am to 12:00pm. Refreshments will be provided.
Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
5345 W 99th St
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
R.S.V.P to Lion Robin Kirar GLT rkirarsec@gmail.
I would also like to congratulate PDG Lion Austin D’Souza on his endorsement by the Lions of Illinois for international Director.
Lion Robin Kirar GLT Coordinator 2022-2023
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Dear Club PresidentandSecretary,
On behalf of current District Governor Tony Zartler, and incoming District Governor Tom Elsey you're invited to come with your club leadership team to hear from our International President Brian Sheehan on Monday June 5th at 6pm. Light dinner and refreshments will be served. All the details are found on the attached invitation.
RSVP required by June 1st. This is needed for refreshment and seat count.
RSVP by responding to this email: district1AGLT@gmail.com or click on this link to register: June 5 RSVP and Register Here
Together we can continue to build strong teams, strong leaders, and strong Lions Clubs!
Hope to see you there!
Thank you.
Yours in Service,
Lion Carole Burke Hallberg
District 1A GLT for 2023-24
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Oak Lawn Lions Club
26th Annual William “Bill” Strickfaden Memorial Miniature Golf Outing
When: Sunday, June 4, 2023 (Shotgun Start at 12:00 Noon)
Registration begins at 11:00am
Where: Stony Creek Golf Course
5850 W. 103rd St. (2 blocks west of Central Ave) Oak Lawn, IL
Cost: $25.00 per adult / $20.00 per child (11 to 17 years)
$15.00 per child (6 to 10 years) NC (5 years or younger)
• 18 holes Miniature Golf
• Buffet Luncheon
• Raffles, Split the Pot and a door prize chance on a mini car.
Deadline for Reservations May 23, 2023
Make checks payable to the Oak Lawn Lions Club Send to:
Lion Robin Kirar
5129 Oak Center Dr
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Phone: 708-636-2165
Dinner without golf will be $20.00 per person
Thank you for supporting our Mini golf outing. Monies raised will be used for youth activities in the community such as: Richards H.S Leo Club, Peace Poster Contest, Camp Lions (a program involving summer camp for blind, visually impaired and deaf children from Oak Lawn and surrounding communities) and other programs providing services to the needy
Total # of golfers: _______________________________ (you can have a total of 6 golfers per hole)
Group Name: _______________________________________Contact:_______________________
Address: __________________________________Telephone:______________________________
City:: State: _ Zip Code: _
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Approximately 700 blind and visually impaired people from across the United States and several foreign countries are coming to the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, Illinois for the 2023 conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind.
Over 150 meetings, workshops, seminars, tours and social events will pack convention week. A fantastic exhibit area will include all kinds of technology, products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired.
Attendees will begin arriving on Thursday, June 29, and the last weary visitors will depart on Saturday, July 8.
Here are some of the tasks needed:
Welcome people to Schaumburg at the airport
• Volunteer at the ACB Fundraising Walk (Saturday evening, July 1)
• Help people locate booths in the exhibit hall
• Assist people locating microphones during sessions
• Act as guides on tours
• Assist attendees at locating meeting rooms
For more information or to register as a 2023 ACB convention volunteer, contact Sally Benjamin at volunteer@acb.org, or call her at 866-846-7380.
For more information about the convention, visit Acbconvention.org
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Lion Dr. Austin Dsouza got endorsed by MD1 Delegates as the Candidate for InternationalDirectorfromMD1
Dr. Austin Dsouza, PDG
Annual Lions of Illinois - 2023 MD1
Lions Convention was held from May 18th to 21st at the President Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, Illinois.
Past International President Judge Brian Stevenson from Calgary
2023-2024 MD1 Governor Elects , Alberta, Canada was the International Guest.
2022-2023 Council of
On Sunday May 21st election was held in the morning to endorse candidagte for International Director from MD1, Illinois. There were 2 candidates who contested for the election.
20 The Illinois Lion & Leo
PCC Darren Van Duyn
1. PCC Darren Van
Duyn from District 1M and Dr. Austin Dsouza, PDG from District 1A.
Around 11:30 A.M., election results were announced as follows:
PCC Darren VanDuyn:77Votes
Dr. Austin Dsouza, PDG: 109
After the announcement, both candidates spoke to the audience.
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MD1 Final Council Meeting22-23
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RiverGroveLions had their Meeting for the Month of May.
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District1A held their Annual Run for the Roses fundraiser party at Bourborne Street.
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StickneyForestViewLions Annual
Pancakes breakfast was held at Stickney Community Hal on May 7l.
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heldAnnualPanacakesBreakfaston 5-7-2023 at American Legion Post. ---------------------------------------
FINAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS’ MEETING IN SPRINGFIELD HILTON: ---------------------------------------
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Thornton Lions Club members
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RiversideTownship Lions had their Annual Chicken Dinner on May 7th
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Oak Lawn Lions Honoring the heros was on May 11, 2023. They honored the Best Police Officer and Best Fire Fighter from Oak Lawn for 2023 on Law & Order Nite.
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Final Cabinet Meeting of District 1A was held at the Garden Charlet, Worth.
Chicago Ridge Lions had their Old
Shoes Collection. They collected quite a few shoes in several bags. ---------------------------------------
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Palos Lions Clubs in District 1A sponsored a new Leo Club at the Chicago Christian High School, Palos Heights on May 17, 2023.
Governor Tony Zartler inducted the new members and installed the new officers. District Leo Coordinator Lion Frank Kirar and PCC Dennis McMillan were on the dais.
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