Solymar Travel’s Travel Corner!
Unforgettable Journeys
Dreaming of wild places and open spaces? Africa has more than enough room. We’ll share videos and stories about the can’t miss extraordinary wildlife, mesmerizing lands, cultures and cuisines.
Travel with Confidence
We will ease your mind while traveling, including answering frequently asked questions. From where to stay to meeting testing requirements, you’ll learn how we take care of every detail so you can relax and experience those wow-moments in Africa.
Lasting Impact
Now more than ever, Africa needs travel to support wildlife and local communities. 1 in 10 Africans are employed in tourism and you can make a difference to the continent’s people and wildlife. We’ll guide you through experiences with the greatest impact.
Click here to RSVP UCF Bands Presents: A Celebration of Diversity
Thursday, April 08, 2021 | 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM | Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts The UCF Wind Ensemble, conducted by UCF Director of Bands, Scott Lubaroff, and Symphonic Band, conducted by Associate Director of Bands, Tremon Kizer, will present an exciting and colorful program of music by composers representing the great diversity of our community and nation. The program will include Danse Moods, by Daniel Montoya, Jr., Three Afro-Hispanic Movements, by William Pagán-Perez and featuring UCF Associate Professor of Trombone, Luis Fred, Havana, by Kevin Day, Shoutout, by Roshanne Etezady, Suite, by Cristina Spinei, and Come Sunday, an incredible tribute to the Hammond organ’s central role in the Black worship service. The event is hosted by the UCF College of Arts and Humanities and features the faculty and students from the School of Performing Arts and the School of Visual Arts and Design, as well as work from the humanities departments and other units from around the university. UCF Celebrates the Arts 2021 will feature both in-person and virtual events to ensure everyone can celebrate UCF artists in whatever setting they are most comfortable.
Tickets Available Here! $10 or $5 with UCF ID