Live spaces to live culture as an experience Collaboration among institutions is more necessary than ever in order to create live cultural spaces to accompany the communities of publics in their reunion with art, theatre, film, and dance… in other words, with culture. For this reason, a large part of our November and December programme has been put together through this co-operation. During the last quarter of this year, our Centre is the meeting point for film buffs, fiction and short film lovers. In conjunction with our Zinemateka programme, 2 of the major Bilbao festivals, i.e. FANT (Fantastic Film Festival) and ZINEBI (International Festival of Documentary and Short Film), open their windows in our multiplex cinema likewise via digital platforms in hybrid formats, which not only offer more possibilities to take part but also new meeting opportunities beyond the physical space.
by audiences worldwide, that questions our multiple identities. Choreographer Iker Gómez proposes the workshop-performance Un día Cisne en el Teatro (A Swan Day at the Theatre). Together with teachers from different fields, the artist has created this project focused on the teaching capacity, which fosters social values and the innovative character via dance. The proposals of Macarena Recuerda Shepherd and El Conde de Torrefiel (Pablo Gisbert & Tanya Beyele) complete this performing arts programme, designed as a meeting point for children and their families with the stage and its protagonists, with the purpose of sharing, getting excited, living and experiencing again live culture.
However, this collaboration is particularly focused on the performing arts, with several projects specifically designed for families in their reunion with the stage. In this manner, with Mitusu we have set up a cycle focused on school students. It includes shows of a high artistic level and contents to help them rebuild themselves as social beings and express their emotions. For yet another year, we are holding Dantzaldia, the International Dance Festival organised by La Fundición. In our Auditorium, Wang-Ramirez Company presents W.A.M. - We are Monchichi, a production for the general public, viewed
Fernando Pérez Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao Director