Baby kid product exports - ek

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Hasırcılar Textile A.S is a public limited company located in İstanbul turkey. We have been in business for more than 45 years and we are among the largest suppliers of children apparel in turkey. Our warehouse space consists of 30,000 square meters. We sell garments to customers in more than 30 countries. With our silver sun brand,we deliver high-quality casual wear for young fashion,kids and baby’s group. We define ourselves as a quality label of the middle market segment.our company’s target has always been to deliver quality and trendy children fashion to international costomers with the better prices. Consequently,Hasırcılar textile has managed to become one of the most successful textile companies both in and outside turkey. We can react quickly and flexibly to all emerging fashion trends and adapt them to our collections With more than 2,000-piece creations renewend every season, any kind of garment required or requested is readily available any time of the year The continued success of our company is based on our: . Innovative and highly creative design and product development teem. . complete collection based on extensive research and development ,super service and highest possible standards. .Worldeide distribution network with emphasis on customer oirented service by highly motivated employees. .Reliable company policy which emphsizes on our full commitment when engaging with our customers and business partners worldwide. .We work for you. Through outstanding achievements and fair partnership we plan and secure our common success.

Поставив в качестве своей цели: одеть детей любого возраста в одежду торговой марки SILVERSUN, предлагая высокое качество по доступным ценам, компания заняла место среди ведущих торговых марок готовой одежды Турции и мира. Компания Hasırcılar Tekstil A.Ş., благодаря полувековому опыту в сфере производства готовой одежды для детей и младенцев, является одной из лидирующих компаний Турции по производству готовой одежды. Торговая марка SILVERSUN, получившая известность супер-трендовыми коллекциями одежды, имеющая пять оптовых магазинов, реализационную сеть внутри страны и за рубежом, с каждым днем увеличивает долю на рынке и узнаваемость торговой марки на внутреннем и зарубежных рынках. Благодаря коллекциям, состоящих из 2000 моделей и обновляемых каждый сезон, создается возможность в любое время года удовлетворить потребность в любом виде готовой одежды. Модели, в создании которых отражается многолетний опыт работы компании в Турции и других странах, производятся на центральной фабрике в городе Стамбул с обеспечением контроля качества на всех этапах производства и реализуются в более чем 30 стран мира. Секрет 45-летнего успеха компании – это: - Команда опытных, инновационных и творческих дизайнеров, тщательно анализирующие рынок и на основании этого анализа создающие концептуальные коллекции, гармонично сочетающиеся друг с другом и отражающие тенденции мира моды. - Опытные профессиональные кадры, предоставляющие высокое качество обслуживания. - Профессиональная команда отдела продаж внутри страны и за рубежом, нацеленная на достижение высокого уровня удовлетворенности клиентов. - Главный принцип работы компании: “Порядочность и Надежность”, подтвержденный откликами известных компаний готовой одежды Европы.

Bebe is a manufacturer and also wholesaler of baby clothes with “Special for Baby” motto. Şan Bebe was founded at 1975 by Ramazan Alaşan and it is a family-owned company. Şan BEBE manufactures baby clothes from new born up to 5 years with its high experience. Today it has a huge manufacturing of 100.000 pieces per month capacity with its subcontractor and up to 100 workers. The company have Ataşehir and Bilecik 2 factory.And the company have 3 wholesale shops in Osmanbey, Laleli, Sultanhamam. Şan BEBE ensures the high quality and aesthetic. Also Şan BEBE compromises health standards without using carcinogen materials. Şan BEBE has been working with many countries of Italy,Moscow,Saintpetersbug ,Belgian, Ireland, Italy, Holland,Germany,France, etc. from Europe for many years. Also there is an export to other countries from Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa etc. To show off these products at your stores, you can give your orders by e-mailing easily. ( )(emaı Let’s make babies happier together!

Наша детская фирма для малышейи детей с 1975 года к услугам наших матерей, блогодоря ихнему доверию и основываясь на нашей долгой практики мы достигли этих дней 37 летний труд нашей фирмы, на сегодняшний росстянул свойи границы с Балкан ,Центральную Азию,Заподную Европу,и достиг большого успеха. спецально для наших малышей и во внимание наших матерей мы используем ткань высокого качества не содерживающих вредных веществ для чувствительной кожи наших малышей. на сегоднящний день мы проводим выставки в Европе,России и Турции.Наша задача забота наших малышей и их чуствительной кожи .Мы используем новейшие технологии на нашей фабрике во благо наших детей.Ваш здаровый ребёнок наш залог успеха,дух и бодрость в нашей дольнейшом труду!!!

2 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Aziz Bebe which is one of the leading babies and Children’s wear brands of Turkey since 1984 produces babie’s and children’s wear for 0-12 age group. Aziz Bebe has wholesale shops located in Osmanbey and Laleli Istanbul, showroom, office and warehouse in Moscow/Russia and distributors and agents mainly in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belorussia, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria and Turkmenistan with exports to more than 40 countries. Aziz bebe has 33 Concept retail shops within Turkey and 32 concept retail shops abroad and 446 corner sales points all over the world. Aziz Bebe A.Ş. is conducting all operations within its integrated facilities having 16.000 sqm area in Istanbul and Kirklareli with its high technology machinery and equipment. These include also production of fabric, knitwear and socks. Aziz Bebe produces collections suitable for babies and children by using nickel free non-carcinogenic raw materials. There are 600 employees. Our vision is to render service to the consumers with retail chains in Turkey and then all over the world providing quality and unequal products following technology and innovations.

Будучи одной из ведущих компаний в текстильном секторе легкой промышленности, Азиз Бебе с 1984-го года занимается производством готовой детской одежды возраста 0-12 лет и является одним из лидирующих брендов в Турции. Азиз Бебе представлена крупными оптовыми магазинами в Стамбуле, Османбей и Лалели, складом и офисом с выставочным залом в Москве, а также филиалами и представительствами в 40-а странах, таких как Казахстан, Беларусь, Украина, Азербайджан, Молдова, Туркменистан, Румыния, Саудовская Аравия, Египет, Иран, Ливан, Алжир и др. Компания владеет 33-мя в Турции и 32-мя за рубежом концептуальными магазинами и 446-тью точками продаж по всему миру. Всё производство, как готовой продукции, так и тканей, трикотажа а также чулочно-носочных изделий, происходит на территории производственных площадок в городах Стамбул и Кыркларели общей площадью 16.000 м2. Команда Азиз Бебе состоит из 600 человек и является профессионалами своего дела. Компания использует самые передовые технологии, лучшее машинное оборудование, самое качественное сырье, исключающее никель и кансерогенный материал, а также аксессуары и модные тенденции для создания своих коллекций в соответствии с новейшими веяниями в моде. Следя за качеством и оригинальностью своей продукции, а также за сроками доставки до розничных цепей как в Турции, так и за рубежом, компания Азиз Бебе всегда следит за появлением новейших технологий и различных инноваций и в производстве нацелена на постоянное совершенствование и развитие и удовлетворение чаяний клиентов.

4 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


The Only Address to the World Brands, BBS Çorap is one of the leading textile company in Turkey. Starting its manufacture in 2004, BBS Çorap is dealing with manufacture of socks and tights for the domestic and foreign leading companies. Adopting the quality, aesthetics and customer satisfaction principles, our Company is a leading company in manufacturing children and baby socks as well as tights for many brands.

DIE EINZIGE ADRESSE ALLER WERTMARKEN: BBS- STRÜMPFE Die Firma BBS- Strümpfe begann im Jahre 2004 mit der Fertigung und stellt Produkte für führende Unternehmen im IN,-und Ausland her. Unser Unternehmen legt einen großen Wert auf die Qualität, Ästhetik und Kundenzufriedenheit und ein führendes Unternehmen für die Herstellung von Kinder bzw. Babysocken sowie Strümpfen.

Единственный адрес всех мировых брендов - «BBS Чорап» «BBS Чорап», начавший свое производство в 2004 году, осуществляет изготовление продукции для ведущих компаний в стране и за границей. Наша компания, поставившая себе за принципы: качество, эстетику и удовлетворение клиента, находится в положении лидера, осуществляя для многих брендов производство носков для детей, младенцев и колгот.

6 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


We’re a highly experienced, professional supplier to nursery sector. We love what we do , we do it well ! Our designs are unique to Aybi Baby having been created by our own in house team, designs that combıne colour with feature characteristic and beautiful embellishments. We have the capability to work a wide range of clients from small independers to large multinational retailers. And we have significant experience in working overseas, giving our internation customers peace of mind that we understand the intricacies of export and their orders will arrive on time. Here are some advantages of our company - Unique designs - Flexible manufacturing, exchangeable dimensions - Low minimum order quantity - Fast delivery - High Quality - ‘Value For Money’ approach on pricing.

Мы очень опытный, профессиональный поставщик для питомника сектора. Мы любим то, что мы делаем , мы делаем это хорошо ! Наши дизайны являются уникальными для Aybi ребенка создали наши собственные команды, проекты, которые combıne цвета с характерным характеристика и красивые украшения. У нас есть возможности для работы широкого круга клиентов-от небольших independers для крупных транснациональных ритейлеров. И мы имеем значительный опыт работы за рубежом, давая нашим международным клиентам душевное спокойствие, что мы понимаем в тонкостях экспорта и их заказы будут доставляться вовремя. Вот несколько преимуществ нашей компании - Уникальный дизайн - Гибкое производство, заменяемые размеры - Низкий минимальный объем заказа - Быстрая поставка - Высокое Качество - По соотношению цена / качество подхода

Wir sind ein sehr erfahrener, professioneller Anbieter in den Kinderbereich . Wir lieben, was wir tun, tun wir gut! Unsere Designs sind einzigartig für Aybi Schätzchen, das von unseren eigenen in house Team erstellt wurde, Designs, die kombinieren, Farbe mit Funktion charakteristischen und schönen Verzierungen. Wir haben die Fähigkeit, eine breite Palette von Kunden aus kleinen independers um große multinationale Einzelhändler arbeiten. Und wir haben große Erfahrung in Übersee arbeiten, geben unseren internatio Kunden die Gewissheit, dass wir verstehen, die Feinheiten der Export und ihre Aufträge rechtzeitig ankommen. Also hier sind einige Vorteile unseres Unternehmens - Einzigartige Entwürfe - Flexible Fertigungs, austauschbar Abmessungen - Geringe Mindestbestellmenge - Schnelle Lieferung - Hohe Qualität - “Preiswert” -Ansatz auf die Preisgestaltung.

8 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Started in its commercial life 1979, Cantoy Bebe continued to operate in the field of baby kid clothing in 1996. Cantoy performs in 5-storey factory with 22 stuffs in the area of 2500 sq. in Visne Street in Bursa, and in five storey office building in the area of 350 sq. with eight employees in Laleli, Istanbul. Cantoy acts with an understanding of fair trade in business by keeping confidence ahead of all. The most important working principle of Cantoy is to be open, clear and honest perfectly in communication with manufacturers clients and suppliers. Cantoy Tekstil is so successful due to its world-class range of products and serving in the professional level. The company never compromises the value of the concessions up to this time and will never as long as there is. Cantoy Tekstil is a global company, which has achieved this success in its country and strives to do it in the world step by step.

Компания «CANTOY» начала своё существование в 1979 году. Наша компания занималась детской игрушкой, а с 1996 года - перешла надетскую одежду-текстиль и продолжает по сегодняшний день. Компания «CANTOY» находится в Бурсе на улице Вишни, располагается на пяти этажах, площадью 2,500 кв.м с персоналом в составе 22 человек. Также у нас есть филиал, который находится в Истанбулеево. Располагается на пяти этажах, площадью 350 кв. м. с персоналом в составе 8 человек. Первым признаком работы нашей компании является- Честность, Порядочность, Внимание и Доверие. Компания «CANTOY» не уступает мировым стандартам по качеству обслуживания и профессионализму нашего персонала и мы на протяжении всех этих лет – развиваемся всё лучше и лучше. Наша компания выбрала правильный путь и продолжает по нему идти. Завоевав доверие в своей стране – мы шаг за шагом выходим на мировой уровень. БУДЕМ РАДЫ – СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВУ С ВАМИ !!!

10 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Group Chairman İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. adına H. Ferruh Işık General Manager Mehmet Söztutan Editor Aslıhan Yıldız Advertisement Mehtap Akyel Grafik Tasarım Sami Aktaş Art Direktör İsmail Gürbüz Responsible Editor Cüneyt Aktürk Chief Accountant Mustafa Aktaş Subscription İsmail Özçelik CTP-Press İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 A / 41 Yenibosna-Bahçelievler/İstanbul Tel: 0 212 454 30 00 Address Evren Mah. Bahar Cad. Polat İş Merkezi B Blok No:1 Kat:4 Güneşli-Bağcılar / İstanbul Tel: +90 212 604 50 50 Fax: +90 212 604 50 51


We are en route to Cologne and Moscow It makes us feel good to be part of a prestigious work or project. The latest respectful endeavor of our magazine was to make a good collaboration with Kind & Jugend to elect Consumer Awards of Turkey. Koelnmesse is one of the best brands worldwide to organize international events. The company is also good to make international collaborations to organize events. From China, Hong Kong to Turkey, Koelnmesse has a lot of joint works which are all brandy activities. In collaboration with Turkiye Cocuk magazine, we had the pleasure of cooperating with Kind&Jugend Fair to elect Turkey’s best brands in different categories. They will be awarded during the fair where we will be distributing this magazine. You will find the names of Turkey’s best suppliers in this issue as elected by the Turkish consumers. Their product photos will also be showcased at a special trend area by Koelnmesse during the show. Our September issue will also be in Moscow for CJF and Mrdestva fairs where we will be distributing the copies of this magazine to the tradesmen coming from Russia and surrounding countries. As the strongest trade magazine in the baby & kids requirements sector in Turkey, Baby & Kid Store magazine has been an influential name in international markets, as well. We will continue to develop the internalization of the magazine and we will keep covering all related parts of the industry for domestic and international markets. We will cover the busy schedule of September in our forthcoming November/December issue, the last edition of the current year and we will be at the major show of Turkey in January with a wider content and coverage.

Turkey’s only Trade Fair CBME Turkey grows by developing UBM company and Efem Fair, which is trade fair organizer of Istanbul mother, baby and child products for many years, converged their national and international experiences in exhibition at one point. As a result of this partnership, UBM ICC Fair re-configured fair in a much more powerful and new way.” Declaring that promos in the international arena in recent years made them more successful, she pointed out that success brought growth for them.

Hatice Dincer, Event Manager of UBM ICC Fair Organization

As known, the UBM ICC, the first and only of Mother, Baby and Child Products Fair is held twice a year, in the months of January and June. Before the event to be held between January 13 and 17, Hatice Dincer, Event Manager of UBM ICC Fair Organization Trade shared information about children, baby, maternity industry products expo, strong partnership with the fair organization company and their goals. Stating that they get a tough year, Dincer said, “Managing to be the center of attraction for the surrounding markets despite global crisis of experiencing a very fast and hard in this period, Turkey continues to grow in the field of trade fairs this year as well. CBME and Istanbul Kids Fashion concordantly carried out a fast growth. Especially from the textile field, our participants from Istanbul, Gaziantep, Bursa, Izmir and Ankara were very satisfied of this year’s fair.” Also Dincer underlined that previous fair made very positive contributions to the industry. The success of a strong partnership Noting that they have much more experience in the field of trade fairs as a company founded in 1991, Dincer said, “One of the world’s largest organization of trade fairs, British origin


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

Our difference is that we implement firsts in the industry Featuring that some features that distinguishes it from other companies are effectively competition and have the highest level of sectoral information, Dincer said, “These are different and most important features of us. In our fairs we are able to do activities that many organizations do not dare to perform. We organize an effective fair with our a strong network in the industry every year. Planning different organizational functioning, we implement it without causing harm to any project. Therefore, many of firsts have been revealed by us in the sector.” Recording that they represent such sector with about trade volume of $ 400 million in Turkey successfully, and could promote it to all global markets, Dincer said, “We host international visitors and exhibitors in our organization to ensure a higher turnout with each passing year.” Only trade fair of the Eurasian region Informing that being organized continuously since 1992, CBME Turkey will be held with its new official name of ‘International Mother, Baby and child products Fair’ to be organized for the 30th times this year, Dincer “The most important feature of the fair to be held in the middle of January (13-17 January 2016) is being only trade fair of the Eurasian region in this concept. We organize our fair with 4 halls in an area of 37.000 square meters for approximately 400 participants and more than 750 brands in CNR Expo Center. Visitors can find many product range from baby carriages, car seats and accessories to textiles, from furniture to toys and follow the most current situation in the development of the sector in a healthy way. All of these criteria make the fair attractive for visitors.” She added furthermore that about 12,000 of local and sec-

toral international visitors attended the fair they held in the month of January, 2015. Visitor profile; The Middle East, North Africa, Russia and its surroundings Hatice Dincer pointed out that they primarily perform to promote Turkey and its potential. Stating that CBME Turkey brings together our country’s brand and the major brands in the world Dincer said, “Potential of the fair have equipment, textiles, furniture and home textile product groups. We are very strong especially in the textile product group. There are several countries which offer quality textile with competitive prices and Turkey is one of them.” Declaring that they host visitors from all over the world and visitors from 90 different countries, Dincer informed that most of their visitor comes from the Middle East, North Africa, Russia and surroundings countries. For this reason, she mentioned they focus on these regions for marketing activities. Our target audience is big buyers abroad Pointing out that they take advantage of global experience and portfolio of UBM, Dincer said, “Besides, we perform most of our marketing activities in fairs we attend. International large buyers are our main target audience. We have a signifi-

cant data and we are improving it every day.” Recording that anyone who want to be visitors in CBME Turkey need to register via, Dincer said, “Our visitor department controls these registrations and right ones for our criteria to be invited to the fair. We reach about 10,000 people until the end of December and we provide entrance card with barcode.” A full of surprises wait for visitors Featuring that they inform about the commercial importance of Istanbul, geographical location, ease of access to the neighboring countries in the Middle East and surrounding countries with the exhibitions they hold, Dincer said, “Besides, we promote all historical and touristic beauties of Istanbul in our fair. That’s because, the fair is not just trade, it is also tourism at the same time… We gave place for Maiden’s Tower’ in the project we have started as of last year. With the concept we offer special for international guests, our international guests enter to the fair accompanied by Istanbul memories and symbolic elements of Turkish culture. There are many details our guests like during the exhibition.” Finally, Dincer completed her conversation saying visitors will have moments of pleasure with fashion and the surprise organizations for the fair.

Единственная специализированная выставка в Турции Как звестен UBM ICC проводит выставку два раза в год в январе и в июне “Продукции для Матерей, Младенцев и Детей”. Передпредедушей выставкой которая состоится с 13 по 17 января , Менеджер UBM ICC Хатиже Динчер ответила на вопросы. Она рассказала об развитии выставки Продукции для Матерей, Младенцев и Детей и объяснила прочные партнерские и свои цели с компанией UBM. Хатиже Динчер расказала что этот год был очень трудным, несмотря на этот период, что испытывает глобальный кризис все еще может сохранить свою идентичность в качестве центра притяжения для соседних рынков Турции, чтобы выращивать выставочной индустрии продолжает в этом году. Также выставки Стамбул Kids Fashion и “Продукции для

Матерей, Младенцев и Детей” параллельно возрасло. “Особенно наши участники ярмарки были в основном очень довольны в этом году” сказала Динчер. Сильные партнерства и успехи Компания основанная в 1991 году, Динчер отметила что, “они имеют большой опыт в выставочном пространстве” Компания британского происхождения компании UBM одна из крупнейший в мире выставок., в течение многих лет “ Стамбул,Продукции для Матерей, Младенцев и Детей. В последние годы на международной арене и в продвижении успеха ярмарки Динчер подчеркнула, что с каждым днем мы двигаемся вперед что и привело к успеху роста. Наше отличие, провести первую в отрасли в жизни Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015


одна из отличительных особенностей Компании работающие в пользу конкурентных условий в этой области отличаются от других компаний тем что имеют высокий уровень информации заявила Динчер. Это наша самая важная особенность на выставке в отличии от других компаний мы проводим множество мероприятий. В отраслевой сфере мы каждый год проводим давольно эфективную продуктивную выставку с учетом различных организаций не повреждая работу любого проекта мы пытаемся воплотит в жизнь вот почему наша промышленность представила множество нововведений. Единственная выставка на теретории Евразии С1992 годаТурция CBME организовывает каждый год выставку, которая официально называется Стамбул “Продукции для Матерей, Младенцев и Детей” в январе этого года открывает свои двери индустрии уже в 30 раз, заявила Динчер. В середине января ( 13-17 января 2016 ) наиболее важная особенность выставки состоит в том что это единственная выставка Евразийского региона в этой концепции . Выстовочный центр CNR Expo включает 4 зала, 37000 кв м экспозиционной площади, приблизительно приняли участие 400 участников и более 750 брендов. Многие элементы в широком спектре были представлены на выставке от текстильного оборудование, начиная от игрушек до мебели. “И вы можете оценить текущую ситуацию в развитии сектора в здоровом образе . Все эти критерии делает его привлекательным для посетителей ярмарки “, сказала Динчер. Динчер также добавила ,что выставка, организованная в январе 2015 года посетили более 12 000 отечественных и зарубежных стран. Взвешенная профиль посетителя ; Ближний Восток , Северная Африка , СНГ. Динчер, в первую очередь о выставке ,попыталась объяснить потенциал Турции и что они пытались сделать. CBI Турции, Динчер что наша страна собрала ведущих мировых брендов , потенциал выставки в основном это оборудование, текстиль , мебель и домашний текстиль . Особенно текстильная группа является продуктом, в которой мы очень сильны .


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

Турции является одним из них несколько стран , где качество текстильной продукции можно приобрести по низкой цене заявила Динчер. Турция приветствует посетителей со всего мира. в январе 2015 года на выставке посетили , более 90 различных стран заявила Дирчер. В основном это посетители из Ближного Востока , и Северной Африке , России заявила Динчер. Именно поэтому большую часть мы активизируем маркетинговую деятельность в этих областях. Наши основными покупателями целевой аудитории за рубежом UBM сказал, что компания значительно выиграли от опыта и портфолио глобального Динчер , “ Кроме того , большую часть наших маркетинговых мероприятий, создание торговых ярмарок. Мы участвуем в нашей деятельности .Международные операции приходилось крупнейших покупателей в месте съемки нашей аудитории. У нас есть серьезные данные, которые мы можем использовать его в этом смысле, и мы увеличиваем улучшения каждый день “. CBMI о том, что посетитель , который хочет стать бизнес- лидеры необходимости регистрации , введя адрес Эта запись является проверка наших посетителей предлагается нашей справедливой отдела и специалистов , отвечающих критериям.С этой работы, которая продолжалась до конца декабря , мы достигли примерно 10000 переадресации и карты доступа на основе штрихкода на каждый из этих людей , “ сказала Динчер. Организованая ярмарка Стамбула имеет коммерческое значение ,также географическое положение на Ближнем Востоке и легкость доступа к соседние страны. Динчер продолжает следующим образом; “ Кроме того, нашей выставке мы представляем все исторические и туристические красоты Стамбула. Потому что это не только торговля, но и туристическая выставка ... мы начали этот проект еще в прошлом году. Наши иностранные гости с участием специальных гостей подготовлены концепция, Стамбул воспоминания , и они вводятся на ярмарку с символическими элементами турецкой культуры . Это будет детали наших гостей вполне приятных во время ярмарки “ Хатиже Динчер , показы мод и удивить гостей со сложными организации для ярмарок закончилась последние слова , высказанные будет провести приятные моменты .

Stylo is a Turkish brand which produces exclusive bags for mothers to make their life easier. We use the finest and most durable materials on each bag. We market our bags in different stores and also you can order it from websites. We offer different bag styles classic, modern so be sure that you will find your bag style. When consider our quality policy, we care about our brands name, quality of the bags, good feedbacks from our customers and following the trends. Carrying out effective R & D work in order to protect ‘Stylo’ brand, our company pays great attention to every detail from production to offer to end user. Our basic philosophy is quality of the bag, customers ‘ satisfaction and to keep up with the trends at the same time. Our mission is to make our brand known all around the world, and show our current bags and the new bags that we will do. STYLO is the answer when you need the perfect bag.

As a result of one-to-one contacts with 1528 parents at all sales points, some following features are required to be in a baby bag; Length, height, width, color combination, area of use, pockets, thermo-part, area of use in the field of wet wipes, fabric and price. All these features carefully designed by La Onikidesing and offered to mothers.

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Meet two leaders providing safety for our kids! Rainer Stäbler, Managing Director of Britax Römer, and İsmail Yalçın Delemen, CEO of successfully growing Turkish company Itameks are the names dedicated to work for the safety of children.

İtameks CEO İsmail Yalçın Delemen - Britax Childcare Managing Director Rainer Stäbler

The choice of leading global automotive companies Britax Römer and Turkey’s choice Itameks are having a successful partnership for almost 20 years. We made an interview with Rainer Stäbler, Managing Director of Britax Römer, about their production criteria and principles. İsmail Yalçın DELEMEN, CEO of successfully growing Turkish company Itameks, which is serving to global markets; also made a brief about the companies’ latest operations. These interviews are key to find out the secrets of successful production. Managing Director of Britax Römer Rainer Stäbler; What is the short description of your company? In Britax Childcare we have been inventing, developing, manufacturing and selling baby and kid products. We have business in USA, Asia and EMA (Europe- Middle East- Africa) We are developing and also producing most of our goods in Europe. It’s question of prize, quality and safetiness. It is also question of environmental and chemical free because we are talking about infants and kids, so that’s very important for us. 80 percent of our car seats are being developed in Germany and in UK; we are producing in Europe for Europe.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

Being safety and healthy is very important for the baby and kid products. What are your criteria for your products? What do you implement to your products for maximizing safety? I need to give some brief information about our company. It’s founded in 1938 and since that time we are really dedicated to safetiness for infants and for children. We are spending a lot of many in R&D so we are searching for development and we are testing a lot. For us components are very important. To make the travelling for kids as safe as possible and comfortable. For example the car seat here; Britax Römer has invented and developed with Volkswagen at the very early stage of the ISOFix system we also invented a lot of technologies to make the seats safer. And also our history is a life history in Germany where you see the products how they developed from the beginning until now. The seats you see here are really high tech products. So that; in a crash situation they react extremely safe for the kids and for the babies. For us number one is safetiness. Making the seats safer and safer and safer that’s the business all our ingenious working everyday on… The second part we are working on and we are making just a big move; making the seats more chemical environmental free. So we have just made a big decision about sourcing most of our fabrics for our car seats in Europe. Most of our competitors are sourcing the textile in China or in Asia. We are now bringing everything back Until the beginning of next year everything will be produced in Europe. Because for us it’s important to understand that whole supply chain and we can assure that everything is chemical free. The kid and the baby is sitting on the textile for that reason the seat has to be chemical free. That’s one thing that we also work on. So it’s safetiness, it’s also chemical free, healthiness for sure; the other part is; it has to be easy to use. It’s always a problem that the seat is not be misused. We need to fulfill a lot of futures that a mother can use it very easy and for sure we also have a nice car seat so the design is also important. Especially for strollers design is very important. For Britax Römer; healthiness, being safe, practicality and also design are very important factors. Researches show that in every 3 minutes a baby dies in traffic accidents. These results underline the importance and necessity of the baby car seat. How can you evaluate the usage of baby car seat around the world; as a company remarks this subject with social responsibility

projects? What else can be done for the people to be informed about the delicacy of the matter? We are dealing this in the countries where we are working and also in other countries that we are not in at the moment. We are supporting conferences, trainings with automotive clubs, governments, ministries of transportation, for more than last 15-20 years that we really try to explain everybody and also countries we are just preparing a new conference for Middle East to explain them how important the seats are… But even in the highly developed countries like Germany we have to explain mothers how important the baby car seat is; not only having an infant barrier also having a car seat when the kids are 3,4,5,6,7,8, or 10 years old. You see the big difference when the baby is sitting in car on outer seats or in a booster (it is something makes child sit just a little bit higher) instead of car seat and we are showing them what the big difference is when an accident happens. That could really save a lot of lives. Explaining and training governments about the importance of a car seat. We are doing it all over the world.

from 1 year up to 4 years kid is growing very fast and group 1 seat fits perfect to your needs. Later you can go for a seat for group 2 and 3 together which is from 4 years up to 12 years. That is the safest way you can do. We also have seats which is group 1-2-3 tree in one. The seat is the grooving with you. But you also keep in mind as a mother, you need the modify car seat to the grooving child regularly. Misusage of the carrier, if parents forget to modify the seat, it can be unhealthy for the kid. How can you describe your trademark? I would say Britax Römer is the high quality brand in the world. if you ask my self I would say we have the safest and the best car seats in the world and we have proven that since a very long time. We have always been the leader of development. I think there’s one part which is very important is that we are close to the car companies. All the car companies making crash testes including a baby seat. More that 80 percent of car companies are using Britax Römer seats for tests. That’s also something which is telling us that we have the

I read that when accident happens no one can control muscles during that period. It means if you’re holding a baby; you cannot hold it anymore. Yes that’s for sure and everything in a car made for adults. Body of an infant and child is completely different. For an adult had is approximately 6 to 7 percent of whole body. For an infant it’s 30 percent. The head is much bigger but the neck is very weak, so you have to take care about that part and also abdomen and the chest is very important. Most of your products has a long period of usage. How can it be possible to use same product for a 12 years old kid as well as a 9 months old baby? We have different categories of products. We have products which are fitting very well to a certain time. So we usually start to use an infant carrier. Starts from birth until 12 months or something like that. That is the safest way for an infant to travel because its rearward faced. We have some countries like in the Nordics they keep the kids up to four years rearward faced because it’s the safest way to travel. We also have that seats in our program. But it’s not so common in South of Europe for example. In south or Europe they want to change the kid as soon as possible. But if you really take care about the safetiness then you should keep your kid rearward faced as long as possible. Cause it’s much better protected. For that reason in our program we have seats you can use quite long. At first you need to start with rearward faced then when the kid is getting longer and bigger you can turn the seat around and put your kid front faced. That is a seat which you can use from 6 months- 9 months up to four years. And later the seat is growing a little beat. We have seats you can use from 1 or 2 years up to 12 years. The seat is growing with your kid. But if you ask me I would really recommend an infant carrier, then a group 1 seat. Because

safest seats. I can show you the logos of the car companies that we work together; we have Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford, etc.. For example at the moment we are developing a new car seat with Mercedes; for their crash tests. 2014 Euro NCap made 40 crash tests at least 85 percent of the cars tested was with one of our seats. I would say that; the car industry would not use Britax Römer seats if we would not have the safest seats in the world. Can you tell us about the awards that your company won? We won a lot of awards in 2015 up to now; 8 of the top 10 car seats awarded in USA are from Britax. We have the test winner strollers the best stroller is coming from Britax. We have Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015


the test winner in the category of the Group 2- 3 seats (4 to 12 years) in 2015. We had two different seats in “Stiftung Warentest” this year and both of them tested good. In our history most of our seat got an excellent test results. We have one of the safest infant carriers in the world. “Stiftung Warentest” test is picking a few seats every year they only pick two or three seats from one company and testing them. Last year we also had very good test results. If you buy a car seat from Volvo, Mercedes or Porsche it is Britax Römer car seat. We are producing for them and branding them as Mercedes, Porsche or Volvo…

İTAMEKS concerning baby and kid products started in 1996 with the mark of Römer continued with the investment decision in child devices sector in 2007 and the mark of Koala that was created as a result of this decision. The mark of Koala is becoming the leader of the market in the field of child safety products in national and local market. We represent a US brand; 4 Moms in Turkey. Since we are a global initiator with our powerful marks of Pufi, Römer and Koala and our product groups in main automotive companies and since we are working in a quality and customer oriented manner, these facts will successfully improve our position of Global player. With the synergy of these three brands, we have a share of 25% of the child car seat market, that is to say we are leading in the industry. We also have a manufacturing operation for automotive aftermarket and accessories in the industry for leading brands and we have been serving our customers in traditional markets.” As you know, in ‘Consumer Award’ content which German Kind & Jugend fair organizes in partnership with our magazine, your Koala car seat took first place in the category of by the votes of parents. How do you evaluate this success?

What do you think about your partnership with İtameks in Turkey? It’s a very good partnership running since almost 20 years so; if a partnership is going for such a longtime it’s a success story for both sides. Otherwise you won’t have a long partnership. Because for us Turkey is a very important country. It’s a young country, it’s a developing country, there are a lot of kids in Turkey and I think we can do together a lot for improving security and safetiness for the families. Because we really take care about the little ones. Thank you very much for the valuable information that you shared with our readers. A successfully growing Turkish company which is serving to global markets; İtameks! CEO of Itameks İsmail Yalçın DELEMEN made a brief about company’s latest projects for our readers; Could you share the establishment story of Itameks, which has a 30-year history? What are the philosophy and principles of your company? “Itameks founded to manufacture automotive parts in 1982. Over time we added new product groups with three different distribution channels by performing different operations and organizations. As group, we directly make production for main centers and production line of automotive firms with their brand. We are moving forward with engineering production infrastructure completely. We’re currently producing and sending mats for 11 global automobile brands. The studies of


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

“We know Koala is a good brand in the balance of the price and quality. The result is great for us. We also have a brand from Römer in the sort of the content. We think that Koala’s price is more affordable to the Turkish people. It is very pleased for us to have two of the first three products. We will continue our success with this motivation. Thank you everyone who contributed to carry out this beautiful work.”

ABOUT US We, as Panço Children’s Wear, have been established on 1978 as wholesaler in Istanbul. Our first step to retailing was with our shop, opened on 1984 in Sisli, Istanbul. Today we have 106 Panço shops along with 250 corner points located all around Turkey. For 37 years our production has been driven by “Quality production for our children’s health” principle whereas foundation of our retail service has been built on “trustworthiness and sincerity”. Aside from Panco products, our company is also the licenced producer of Winx, Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş, Hello Kity. For 37 years, we’ve been dressing our children with hunderds of stylish clothes. Our collection is being exported to European, middle eastern and Turkoman countries and our aim is to expand more through our new Panco shops which are planned to be opened in year 2015. We know the importance of our job... we are dressing the future of Turkey!

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Founded in 2005, Bordo Lüks Tekstil produces mother baby products and equipment with 35 years of experience in Turkey. Operating in the area of 10,000 square meters of indoor space, Bordo moves forward with confidence by adding the furniture production to its goals for the year of 2014. Marketing all its products under its ‘Bordolüks’ brand through sales team in Turkey, the company strives to increase its export volume. Bordo Lüks exports to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iraq and Palestine. Expanding its customer portfolio with understanding of ethics and corporate services, competitive pricing policy, quality products and quality service, Bordo Lüks Tekstil is eager to announce its brand Turkey and world-wide by adopting national values.

Unsere Firma wurde im Jahr 2005 gegründet. Mit über 35 Jahren Erfahrung sind wir in der Türkei von Fertigung der Mutter-Babyartikel und im Bereich Zubehör tätig. In unserem 10.000 m geschlossenem Bereich haben wir die Möbelherstellung zum Ziel 2014 hinzugefügt. Der Vertrieb mit unserer Marke Bordo Lüks gefertigten Produkte werden durch unseren eigenen Marketing- Team in der Türkei getätigt. Daneben exportieren wir in die Länder Azerbaitschan, Georgien, Deutschland, Griechenland, Irak, Palästina .Unser Hauptziel ist es, mit Ethik und Firmenservice, vernünftige Preispolitik, Qualitätsprodukte, Servicequalität und wachsenden Kundenportfolio in der Türkei und auf der ganzen Welt bewusst die Förderung von Namensbranding und Kontinuität.

наша компания 2005 году была создана,35 лет накопление информации вся в Турции мы производим мать-детские красивые вещи показывает деятельность. наше осуществлении 10000 квадратных метр в закрытом область продукция. наше Расположенный между мишень 2014 производство мебели добавляя уверенный шаг поступательный Bordo Lüks наша компания всех наших продуктов через Турцию Наши собственные коллеги совершается. кстати Азербайджан, Грузия, Германия, Греция, Ирак, Палестина экспортируем в таких странах. Основной Наша цель этики и корпоративных услуг,оптимальный умеренная цена, высоким качеством и получают продукт,с качественным обслуживанием наши растущие клиентам,Мы знаем о национальных ценностей. Выращивание в Турции и во всем мире продолжать работать

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Founded in 1986, Elsima is a company with 28 years of history. Elsima sets trend with Spring-summer and autumn-winter season with a collection different from each other in the international fairs twice a year. Tested in the European Union standards, products of Elsima do not contain any harmful chemicals. All products are under the guarantee of Elsima. All of our products are exported to especially Europe, all the Middle East countries, Turkic Republics in Asia and Northern Africa countries as well as Turkish market. Providing quality products with an emphasis on original design concept, pajamas of Elsima is pioneer of innovations in the sector.

Elsima ist seid 1986 gegründet und unsere Firma hat eine Geschichte von 28 Jahren.Wir beteiligen uns zweimal im Jahr mit unserer unterschiedlichen Frühling-Sommer,Herbst-Winter Kollektion und eröffnen somit die Saison in internationalen Messen.Unsere Produkte sind nach dem Standart der Europäischen Union getestet und besitzen keine chemischen Inhalte.Alle unsere Produkte sind bei Elsima garantiert.Unsere Produkte werden nicht nur in der Türkei sondern auch in ganz Europa,Ländern des nahen Ostens,Türkischen Republikenin Asien und den Ländern von Nordafrika expodiert.Wir bemühen uns auf selbst Entwürfe und gute Qualitätsprodukte von Elsima Pijamas und sind Vorläufer der Innovation in der Branche.

Основанная в1986 году ELSİMA является фирмой с 28-летней историей.Сразной сезонной коллекцией Весна-лето, Осень-Зима фирма ELSİMA два раза в год участвует в международных выставках.Наша продукция отвечает стандартам ЕС и не содержит никаких вредных химвеществ.Вся продукция горантированно фирмой ЕLSİMA.Наша продукция продается в Тугции, а также экпортируется в страны ЕС, Ближнего Востока и Средней Азии.Внастоящее время начался экпорт в страны Северной Африки.Оригинальный дизайн с акцентом на принцип обеспечения качества и удобства продукции фирма ЕLSİМА является пионером иноваций в секторе.

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Наша компания работает в сфере производства детской одежды для девочек ,а так же женской одежды. На закрытой площади в 4000 м2, для дизайна и производства ,наша фирма использует наиновейшие технологии. Для нашей детской марки «Kifkids» , каждый день разрабатываются новые различные конструкции и модели , из-за чего и переместилась на передний план и стала одной из ведущих компаний в своей отрасли. Производим такую продукцию как : вечерние платья, школьную форму и повседневную одежду. Наша продукция экспортируется во многие страны по всему миру

Our company operates in the production of children’s clothing for girls, as well as women’s clothing. At the closed area of 4000 m2, for design and production, our company uses the latest technology. For our children’s brand «Kifkids», every day to develop new designs and different models, because of that and moved to the forefront and has become one of the leading companies in its industry. We manufacture products such as evening dresses, uniforms and casual wear. Our products are exported to many countries around the world.

Unsere Firma operiert International im Bereich Mädchen und Damenbekleidung . Mit unserem Forschung - Entwicklung und Gestaltungs bereich führen wir eine Serienproduktion mit neuerste Technologie auf eine 4000 m2 geschlossene Fläche . Durch täglich aufkommenden verschiedenen Design und Innovationsmodellen sind wir mit unsere Kindermarke KifKids zur eine führende Firma geworden . Die produzierten Kleidungen sowie Abend und Altagskleidungen werden weltweit exportiert

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Bektay Ayakkabı has been designing and manufacturing baby,infant and toddler footwear and socks in Istanbul,Turkey since 1989. Bektay Ayakkabı Aleading designer and Turkish manufactured brand,provides a variety ofadorable designs to suit every taste,from traditional to modern and quirky.Comprising products for babies,toddlers to suit ages between 0-3.Bektay Ayakkabi uses luxurious,soft and safe,carcinogenic and azo dye-free materials to provide total comfort and warmth for little growing feet. Bektay ayakkabi has its own showroom and factory located in Sultangazi,Istanbul and has been exporting to UK,France,Ukraine and Russia. Bektay Ayakkabi Plans to expand wolrdwide to be able to bring its excellent quality and trendy products,to a wider customer base.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Unsere seit 1989 tätige Firma Bektay Schuhe , steht für frisches und modernes Design, verbunden mit Spitzenqualität. Wir fertigen Baby – und Krabbelschuhe und Strümpfe für 0-3 Jährige. Als eine der führenden Unternehmen im Markt, legen wir sehr großen Wert, auf die Gesundheit von Babys und vermitteln mit unseren Waren ein sehr besonderes bequemes Laufgefühl. Wichtige Unternehmenswerte sind: Qualität , Nachhaltigkeit und es werden während der Produktion von Rohmaterialien und Zubehören auf keinen Fall schadstoffgeprüfte Materialen benutzt. Die Kollektion wird in Folge der weltweit berühmten Trendy Modelle vorbereitet. Wir produzieren ausschließlich in unseren eigenen Schuhmanufaktur. Unsere Fabrik und das Showroom ist in Istanbul / Sultangazi. Es werden hochwertig qualitative Rohwaren benutzt. Gleichzeitig exportieren wir Schuhe ins Ausland wie zum Beispiel : England, Frankreich , Ukraine und Russland. Als Unternehmen erzielen wir ; unseren Kunden im In und Ausland immer das Beste und das Hochwertige in Verfügung zu stellen. Dabei verzichten wir aber auf keinen Fall darauf ; Neuigkeiten zu verfolgen und Qualität. Lassen Sie sich von uns und unseren Waren überzeugen. Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

40 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


WONDERKIDS is the leading brand of baby/children clothing in Turkey produces babies’ and children’s wear for 0-12 age group, created by Ermoda Textile. Ermoda Textile has been manufacturing together in a team approach with many famous foreign brands for over 30 years. Victoria’s Secret, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Zara, Gap, Marks & Spencer, American Eagle and America’s famous children’s brand Gymboree are some of them. Ermoda Textile, has started to work with its experience to build its own brand for last 4 years and created “Wonder Kids” brand. Our designs are based on quality and innovation which is enriched by playful personality that celebrates the imagination and creativity of the kids who wear it. As we move into the future, we make it easier for mom and comfortable for babies. We are proud to provide our trendy, casual wear collection to families like yours who emphasis on quality and elegance.

WONDERKIDS - детская линия компании ERMODA, которая на протяжении многих лет занималась производством одежды для многих мировых брендов как Victoria’s Secret, Tommy Hilfiger, Gap, Marks & Spencer, American Eagle, Gymboree. Wonderkids появилась на рынке Турции недавно, но уже полюбилась многими как в Турции так и за ее пределами. Wonderkids специализируется на производстве исключительно детской одежды casual стиля от 0 до 12 лет. Стильные детские пижамки, домашние костюмчики из натуральных тканей высокого качества. Смелые дизайнерские решения, оригинальные вышивки и принты, красочные каталоги- коллекции Wonderkids достойно пользуются успехом у самых маленьких покупателей и их родителей.

42 Baby&Kid Product Exports Turkey


Wir haben als SEFASU Tekstil mit unsere berufliche Erfahrung über 20 Jahre und mit unsere facharbeitsbewusstes Team den Ziel, zwischen den Unverzichtbaren auf dem Türkischen und Weltmarkt mit Babybekleidungen, Baby Bodys, Innenbekleidungen zum Entlassen vom Krankenhaus, mit Aussenbekleidungen, Hüte und Abendbekleidungen für Babys unseren Platz zu erhalten. Unsere Firma wurde im Jahre 1996 in Mahmutpasa, welche der Herz von Textil ist, auf einem 20 m² grossen Geschäftsladen gegründet. Im Jahre 2001 hat es die Marke Pino Baby in eigenen Rahmen aufgenommen und hat auf einem 1.500 m² grosses Gebiet mit ihrem Fach-Team auch die Marke Cotton in eigenem Rahmen aufgenommen, in diese Weise hat es ohne von der Qualität etwas zu verlieren, mit Berücksichtigung der Baby- und Muttersensibilität, an alle Einzelheiten vom Faden, Stoff, Knöpfe, Etikette bis zur Verpackung gedacht, wir stehen weiterhin heute noch mit unsere Einzelhandels- und Grosshandelsdienstleistung für ihnen zur Verfügung.

Благодаря слаженной работе высококвалифицированных кадров “Сефасу Текстиль”, более 20-ти лет работающих в этой сфере, наша компания решительно настроена всегда оставаться неизменным участником рынка детской одежды в Турции и мирового рынка, выпуская распашонки, кофточки, шапочки и праздничную одежду для младенцев. Фирма Сефасу, начавшая свою деятельность в 1996 году в магазинчике оптовых продаж площадью 20 м2 в районе Махмутпаша, считавшемся сердцем текстильного сектора, благодаря опыту и дальновидности своих сотрудников, в 2001 году включила в свой ассортимент продукцию марки “Пино Бэйби” (Pino baby), а затем и изделия марки “Бэйби Коттон” (Baby Koton), и приступила к оптовым и розничным продажам всех, необходимых для матери и ребенка вещей и аксессуаров, от ниток до тканей, от пуговиц до этикеток и упаковок, на площади, насчитывающей 1.500 м2.

With more than 20 years of professional experience Sefasu Textile manufactures baby body, infant bodysuit, outside onesie, baby hat and dress with its expert staff. Sefasu is committed to be one of the indispensable companies in the market of Turkey and the world. Founded in 2001 within a wholesale store in an area of 20 m2 in Mahmutpasa, which is the heart of textile, Sefasu Textile incorporated Pino Baby brand in 2001 and produces textiles without sacrificing quality in an area of 1500 m2. Besides, prioritizing infant and maternal sensitivity Sefasu manufactures by attaching great importance from yarn to fabric, from the drop to label and packaging. We continue to provide services to our wholesale and retail clients.

44 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


White Penguen/ Organix Baby entered the baby’s product textile for producing %100 cotton and organix baby products in 2000’s. Mini Organix Baby includes newborn and White penguen includes 0-14 age. Our brand serves with retail, wholesale store chains and web site. In foreign part; we have export activites in İran, Tunis, Azerbaycan, Russia, Kazakhistan, Romania, Greece and Bulgaria. Being brand, strong relationship, customer happiness and trust... These are very important for us and we achieved every steps with quality. We want that; every baby should feel special and their parents should feel comfortable for their babies.

Wir wollten unser Produktion im Bereich der Kindermode für die Kinder spezialisieren. Im Jahre 2000 haben wir begonnen aus 100% Naturtextilien für die Kinder zu produzieren. Aus Resonanzen unser mehreren Einzelhandel- und Großhandelsgeschäfte, beweisen wir heute ein Erfolg auf den wir Stolz sein können. Auch in unserem Aussenhandel mit Zahlreichen ländern wie; Iran, Tunesien, Azerbaycan, Russland und Griechenland konnten wir unseren Erfolg mit vollster Zufriedenheit genießen. Mit Stolz und höchste Qualität, dürfen wir Ihnen unser Produkt “NEW BORN” aus 100% Naturtextilien für Kleinkinder im Alter von 24 Mon. bis 36 Mon. anbieten.

46 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Основанная в 1987 году под названием Tülay Tekstil, наша фирма начала набирать активные обороты, опираясь в большинстве на производство мужского, женского и детского нижнего белья, а также пижам для детей и взрослых. Заработав особое место на экспорте товара заграницу, наши марки Tülay Tekstil и Devino с особой значимостью продолжают своё развитие на текстильном рынке Турции. На сегодняшний день мы с радостью представляем вашему вниманию новое, уже третье поколение нашей организации под именами Larice Club-Larice Kids. Под маркой Larice Kids, на основании сильного и конкурентоспособного производства, наша фирма дает высококачественное обслуживание в области нижнего белья, пижам и домашней одежды для детей. Имея за спиной многолетний опыт и не теряя в себе стремление к усовершенствованию, вместе с молодым и энергичным коллективом мы ставим перед собой цель достижения успеха мирового значения. В каждой разработке марок Larice Kids и Larice Club мы задаемся вопросом, как благодаря нашей продукции мы можем подарить детям радость. Прекрасные улыбки на лицах детей- это наш самый главный источник вдохновения для создания новых коллекций. Для нас, сотрудников Л Larice Kids , счастье ребенка означает счастливое будущее для всего мира, на что и направлены все наши усилия. Мы знаем, что то, что мы сегодня посеем , то и будем пожинать в будущем для наших детей.

Tulay Textile, was founded in 1987, is primarily operating in women’s, men’s and children’s underwear and sleepwear sectors. Tülay İç Giyim and Devino are leading export brands, which play an important part in overseas exports, and import ant values for Turkish Textile Industry. Today, we-Larice Club Larice Kids, as a third generation, are pleased to present our new products. We are all dedicated to bringing you the strong and assertive production infrastructure in the area of children’s pajamas, underwear and home wear-pajamas. We are managed by dedicated professionals having rich industrial experience with a passion for innovation and excellence. We are equipped with the young and dynamic staff to be a world-wide brand. While we are preparing Larice Club and Larice Kids branded products, we always ask ourselves one question: How to make childrens happy? Our source of inspiration is the smile on children’s face. We, as Larice Kids, believe that if children are happy, then the worlds is happy, too. And we also know that the things we are designing today are the best investment value for our future children. Here we are... We are all childishly excited to begin our work together.

48 Baby&Kid Product Exports Turkey


C Bebek Ltd is established in 2006 to act in mother and baby sector with our own brand MYCey and to import mother & baby care products into Turkish market. Since then, we are an important player of the sector. Our company aims to help all mothers and mom to-be’s to bring up their babies with healthy,useful and top quality products. All MYCey products are produced in Turkey with the best quality. With over 300 sale points we are a well known and trustable brand in the Turkish market. We export MYCey to some European countries and we aim to expand our distribution in Europe and Russia. Our product line is classified under feeding, pregnancy comfort, nursing, carriers, bedding, nursery accesories, child home safety, diaper changing, toilet training and car signs categories. We expand our collection each and every day with a new solution to the existing problems of mothers.

C Bebek wurde im Jahr 2006 um mit unserer eigenen Marke MYCey ein Teilnehmer der Mutter und Kind Branche zu werden und um Mutter & Baby Pflegeprodukte in den türkischen Markt zu importieren, etabliert. Seitdem sind wir ein wichtiger Spieler der Branche geworden. Unsere Firma bestrebt es, allen Müttern und werdende Müttern zu helfen, ihre Kinder mit gesunden, praktischen und hochwertigen Produkten groß zu ziehen. Alle Produkte der Marke MYCey sind in der Türkei den lokalen und internationalen Standards der Gesundheits- und Kindersicherheitsprodukte entsprechend bester Qualität hergestellt. Mit über 300 Verkaufsstellen im ganzen Land, sind wir eine bekannte und vertrauenswürdige Marke des türkischen Marktes. Wir exportieren MYCey in viele Europaländer und wir beabsichtigen unseren Vertrieb in Europa und Russland zu erweitern. Unsere Produktlinie wird in die Kategorien Nahrung, Schwangerschaftskomfort, Stillen, Babytragetaschen, Bettwäsche, Kinderzimmeraccesoires, Kindersicherheitsprodukte für die Wohnung, Wickeltische, Toilettenerziehung und Autoschilder eingeteilt. Wir erweitern unsere Kollektion jeden Tag mit einer neuen Lösung für die bestehenden Probleme der Mütter.

Компания “C Bebek Ltd” основана в 2006 году. Деятельность компании осуществляется в сфере товаров для матери и ребенка, в которой мы представляем наш собственный брэнд “MYCey” и импортируем на турецкий рынок изделия, предназначенные для ухода за матерью и ребенком. С момента образования наша компания занимает важное место в сфере своей деятельности. Наша компания стремится оказать содействие всем матерям и будущим мамам в воспитании детей, обеспечивая рынок полезной для здоровья, высококачественной продукцией. Вся продукция марки “MYCey” производится в Турции и является продукцией высшего качества. Имея более 300 торговых точек, мы являемся известной и надежной торговой маркой на турецком рынке. Мы экспортируем продукцию марки “MYCey” в некоторые европейские страны и работаем над расширением своей торговой сети в Европе и России. Линия нашей продукции включает такие категории товаров, как питание, товары для беременных, для грудного вскармливания, сумки-кенгуру, постельные принадлежности, детские приспособления, предметы обеспечения безопасности детей в домашних условиях, подгузники, обучающие товары для приучения ребенка к опрятности и автомобильные знаки. Мы ежедневно пополняем свою коллекцию новыми товарами, позволяющими решить насущные проблемы родителей.

50 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


TORY BABY, which we established in Istanbul in 2004, is proud of offering its services to the customers with its experienced and distinguished staff, as well as being young as a company. We are creating extended collection of underwear and outwear for the babies between the age of 0-12 months. We guarantee 100% product quality and customer satisfaction. While the designs belong to us, they are all produced in our own facilities. Tory Baby has its wholesale stores in Osmanbey, Laleli, Sultanhamam; and the products are put up for sale, being on the first place in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhistan, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Moldovia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran via our own warehouse, office and showroom located in Pendik, various trading posts and wholesales. In each phase of production, respect for human and nature, more importantly for baby is a must for us. During and after production, we implement national and international norms unconditionally, showing sensitivity to health issues. We are with you with the internationally recognized quality management systems, customer relations, environmental impact and more importantly with respect for baby. We are extending our target market by growing even more thanks to the strength we get from our customers. Our purpose is to see TORY BABY among the pioneer baby brands, in the branding process of Turkey.

Auch wenn TORY BABY, die im Jahre 2004 in Istanbul gegründet wurde, ein noch junges Unternehmen ist, es stolz darauf seinen Kunden seine Dienste mit seinem erfahrenen und ausgewähltem Personal anzubieten. Wir stellen für die Altersgruppe 0-12 Monate eine breite Kollektion an Unter- und Oberwäsche an. Wir bieten bei unseren Produkten eine 100 Prozentige Produktqualität und Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie. Unsere Entwürfe sind unsere eigenen Designs und werden alle in unseren Einrichtungen hergestellt. Tory Baby hat seine Groβhandelsverkaufsräume in Osmanbey, Laleli und Sultanhamam und seine Produkte werden, angeführt von unserem eigenen Lager, Büro und Ausstellungsraum in Istanbul-Pendik, über unsere diversen Verkaufspunkte und Groβhändler in der Türkei nach Russland, die Ukraine, Kasachstan, Aserbaidschan, Weiβrussland, Moldawien, Saudi Arabien, Ägypten und den Iran vertrieben. Es uns für uns die wichtigste Voraussetzung in jeder Phase unserer Produktion den Mensch und die Natur, vor allem aber die Babys in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Wir weisen während und nach der Produktion der Gesundheit die höchste Achtsamkeit und wenden alle nationalen und internationalen Normen bedingungslos an. Wir arbeiten entsprechend den gültigen internationalen Normen und stehen mit unserem Quality-Management, Kundenbeziehungen, Respekt für die Umwelt und vor allem Ihrem Kind zu Ihrer Seite. Wir wachsen stetig und erweitern unsere Zielgruppe mit der Kraft die wir aus unseren Kunden schöpfen. Unser Ziel ist TORY BABY im Markenaufbauprozess der Türkei unter den führenden Baby-Marken der Welt zu sehen. Wir sind bereit unseren Namen unter nachhaltige Aktivitäten in Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen zu setzen…

2004 года в Стамбуле существует компания под названием TORY BABY. TORY BABY является молодой компанией по производству одежды для малышей от 0 до 12 месяцев. Основное количество оптовых точек TORY BABY находится в районах Османбей, Лалели, и Султанхамам города Стамбул. В районе Пендик распологается основной склад и выставочный зал. Так же мы сотрудничаем и с оптовиками в других странах. Оптом отправляем на продажу в Россию, Казахстан, Иран, Молдову, Украину, Азербайджан, Белорусию, Саудовскую Аравию и Египет. При изготовлении продукции TORY BABY мы учитываем все нормы и международные стандарты, так как самым выжным для нас является забота малыше и качество производимой продукции. Мы гарантируем, что наша продукция является на 100% качественной. Основной целью компании TORY BABY является обеспечение и поставка нашей качественной продукции в различные торговые точки мира. В дальнейшем мы так же хотим выдвинуть TORY BABY на первую ступень торговли и сделать нашу продукцию самой востребванной в мире.

52 Baby&Kid Product Exports Turkey


Founded in 1983, Lay Baby Bebe produces child tricot and home textile. Offering quality and healthy products for mothers, expectant mothers and children, firm manufactures dress, tights, festive groups, binary and trio children suits, overalls and dressy. Marketing all its models and collections, which are prepared in-house, in distinguished shop across Turkey through a network of 150 dealers, the company exports knitwear and textiles to many countries including European countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Offering healthy and quality products under its Lay Lay and Babywell brands, Lay Lay Tekstil performs an annual production of 260 thousand units with over 250 employees. Opened to world, combining their skills in model design with originality, Lay Lay fully meets the expectations of global customers. Not only being economical, but also being high quality, reliable and timely delivery of products are playing great role for meeting need in national and international competitive environment. For this purpose, Lay Lay Bebe improves itself with motto of “efficiency and customer satisfaction” and aims to meet customer requests in an economical, high quality, reliable and timely delivery way. “Happy employees, happy employers, happy customers and happy society” but it is possible with the application of social responsibility so Lay Lay performs many work on behalf of social responsibility.

Наша компания начала свое производство с трикотажных изделий в 1983 году. На протяжении многих лет фирма занимается экспортом трикотажа во многие страны мира, главным образом в европейские страны. Производство трикотажных изделий для детей и домашнего текстиля продолжается и по сей день. “Счастье начинается с малого”, под этим лозунгом с 2000 года по сегодняшний день нашей целью является промышленность текстиля для «крошек». Мы имеем более 150 брендов дилерской сети по всей Турции. Наша главная цель, производство полезной и качественной продукции для матерей, беременных и детей. Ткани и аксессуары, используемые в наших товарах, не содержат канцерогенных веществ. Наша компания выпускает свои готовые коллекции и эскизы моделей в некоторых магазинах на каждый вкус. Мы не следуем моде, мы являемся ее дизайнерами. На ряду с производством качественной и полезной продукции для матери и ребенка, важным является тот факт, чтобы продукция всем подходила по вкусу . «Лайлай» имеет широкую сеть дилеров по всей Турции и предлагает для Вас самый лучшее качество. Благодаря всем Вашим потребностям и запросам наша фирма продолжает расти и развиваться.

54 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: 1994 yılında kurulmuştur. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: 0-3 Yaş Bebeler için :Bebe Tekstil ürünleri, Bebe Kozmetik ürünleri, Bebe Bakım ürünleri, Bebe Araç, gereç, oyuncak… Üretir, ihraç eder ve ithalatını yapar. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Badiden-Emziğe, Beşikten-Arabaya yaklaşık; 10.000 (On bin) Çeşit ürün ve 120 Markanın aynı çatı altında toplandığı firmadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Bebe ve Çocuk alanında mağaza açmak ve bu alanda firmasını geliştirmek isteyenlerin tercih edecek olduğu dünyanın göz bebeği İstanbul’da hizmet veren ve eşi bulunmayan bir işletmedir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Kararlılığın, güvenin, kalitenin ve Dünya çapında bebe markalarının aynı çatı altında buluştuğu ve yılların deneyiminin markasıdır. Bu marka % 100 Yerli sermayenin ürünü Türkiye’nin tescilli markası “Sebi” dir.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic.Ltd.Şti: was established in 1994. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is for babies between 0-3 ages: It produces, exports and imports Baby Textile products, Baby Cosmetic products, Baby Care products, Baby Equipments, toys.... Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is the address of around 10 000 (ten thousand) type of products and 120 brands from Bodies to Pacifiers, form Cradles to prams. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is a unique enterprise rendering services in the apple of world’s eye Istanbul, and which will be preferred by those who wish to open Baby and Children’s stores and to develop their firms in this area. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: This is the trademark where stability, reliability, quality and worldwide baby brands come together under one roof and has many years of experience. This brand is the product of 100% domestic capital and it is the registered trademark of Turkey “Sebi”.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist 1994 gegründet. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: produziert, importiert und exportiert Baby- Textilien, Baby- Kosmetik, Baby- Pflege, Spielzeuge, Kinderartikel für Babys 3 bis 3 Jahren. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist die Adresse von 120 Marken und ca. 10.000 (Zehn Tausend) Produkten von Body über Schnuller, Wiege bis hin Kinderwagen. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist ein Unternehmen, das von denen, die beabsichtigen, Laden im Bereich Baby und Kind zu eröffnen und ihren Betrieb in diesem Bereich weiterzuentwickeln, bevorzugt wird. Das Unternehmen geht seinen Geschäften in der Weltstadt Istanbul nach. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist eine Marke langjähriger Erfahrung, in der sich Entschiedenheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität sowie weitweite Baby-Marken unter einem Dach zusammentreffen. Diese Marke ist ein Produkt von % 100 inländischem Kapital. Die eingetragene Marke ist „Sebi“

“Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Учредено в 1994 году. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Осуществляет производству, эксопрту и импорту любые виды Текстильные Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Козметические Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Изделия для заботы для грудных ребёнок 0 – 3 года. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является адрес более 10.000 (ресять тысячь) виды изделий и 120 торговых марок ; с утки для движения – по соску, с люлки – по повозку . “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одно незаменимое предприятие и оказывающее услуги клиентам в городе Стамбуле являющем зрачку Мира для предпринимателей хотящий открывать магазинов и развивать своих фирм в областе изделий для Грудных Ребёнок и Детей. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одна крыша решительности и надеждности, где встречаются Мировых марок для изделий грудного ребёнка и многолетных опытов в этой областе. Эта марка является продукция 100 % инвестиционного капитала Турции и зарегистрирована под названием «Себи».

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Aras Bebe has started its trade life with the family company which was established under the name of “Aras Plastic” in the year of 1989. In 1993 it stepped to textile sector with more power. It’s been maintaining its working life with baby carrier groups, carrycot, mother equipment bag, furniture pack saddle in its product range. With the fabric and fibers we use in pack saddle, we ground on continuity of service in convenience with European Standards. We are proud to present our renewed models for our costumers. We have been exporting with Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Palestine, Iraq, Kuwait, Georgia and Azerbaijan. As a big family we are honoured to provide service to our precious customers.

ARAS BEBE, ist ein Familienunternehmen die im Jahr 1989 als Aras Plastik gegründet wurde. 1993 hat sich das Unternehmen in die Textilindustrie noch stärker intensiviert. Das Sortiment umfasst BabytransportartikelY, Tragetaschen, Wickeltaschen, Babydecken und Bettwäsche. Das Material dieser Artikel sind nach dem europäischen Standard. Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht für uns an erster Stelle, daher legen wir sehr großen Wert auf qualitativ hochwertige, innovative, moderne Artikel und sind mit verschiedenen Motiven und Farben immer auf den aktuellsten Stand. Unsere Exportländer sind die Niederlande, Belgien, Deutschland, Albanien, Kosovo, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Mazedonien, Palästina, Irak, Kuwait, Georgien und Aserbaidschan. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, als eine große Familie Ihnen unseren Service anzubieten.

Младенцы в возрасте, установленные в 1989 году под названием пластической начал свою деловую карьеру с семейным бизнесом. В 1993 году текстильная промышленность вошла в еще сильнее. Ассортимент ребенок транспортных групп, люльки, мать материала мешок, жизнь продолжает работать с мебель кроватки одеяло. Ткань ткань и волокна мы используем в кроватках в соответствии с европейскими стандартами, инновационной, высокое качество, на основе непрерывности услуг принять, обновляя модель и цвет работу каждый день, пытаясь выиграть восхищение наших уважаемых клиентов. Наши экспортные страны Нидерланды, Бельгию, Германию, Албанию, Косово, Босния и Герцеговина, Македония, Палестину, Ирак, Кувейт, являются Грузия и Азербайджан. Мы рады предложить Вам отличный сервис для наших клиентов, как семья.

58 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


‫ ىف ةنيمألا تاوطخلاب هنا عم ةعرسب ةيجاتنالا هتايح يف أدب يذلا رانيج جوسنملا جتني‬.2013 ‫ةنس‬ ‫ )يبياب رأيد( ةيراجت ةمالعب لافطأللو دالوألل ميمصتلا سبالم‬dear baby ‫ مهرمع دالوألل ةدشانمو ةيبنجألا دالبل ةيدومعمل سبالمو ةيكرتلل يبنلا يدالملا ديعل سبالملا نم ةعومجمب اهجاتنإ ةكيرشلا هذه تادب‬0\6 ‫ ضعب نم اهضعب لمجأ يتلا فافزلا ناتسفو ةءابعلا سبالملا جذامنب اهجاتنإب رظنلا تفلا مث‬. ‫عيبلا ىلإ ةفاضإ ةكيرشلا هذه مدختست‬ ‫ةئزجتلاب تانبلل ةءابعلا جاتنإب ةياغلل ةصاخ تاميمصتب ةلمجلاب‬ ‫ انماهلإ ردصم كلذلو ةحارلاب اهنومدختسيو دالوألازارط سكعت سبالم ميمصت يه اهتفسلف و ةكيرشلا هذه ئدابملا مهأ‬: ‫نوكت نا ىلإ فدهت نإ‬ ‫ايئاقلت حاجنلا كدجي ةعئار‬. ‫ ةعومجم زهجت امنيح‬2016 ‫سبالملاب ةيويحو ةيعيبط تعمج و رحسلا تاذ ةراجحلا ناولأ نم ىحوتسا‬ ‫ةعومجملا زيهجت يف امئاد لافطألا انتايلوأ نأ ببسب تاميمصتلا يف ةيعيبطلا عم قرشملاو عطاسلا ةريغصلا ةريمألا لايخ ايند انمدق‬. ‫دالوألل ناولألاب ينغ يذلا مسوملا باوبأ حتفن‬. ‫اهنأ ةنهملا هذهل حاجنلا يف ةيساسألا ةطقنلاو‬: ‫رسالا ةقثو دالوالا بلط رابتعالا نيعب ذخأو بحلا عم لمعلاب ةماقإ‬ ‫جاتنالا يف انتفسلفو انئدابم لضفب عاطقلا اذه يف ةنيمألا تاوطخلاب مدقتن‬

Starting its business life with sure steps in 2013, Cinar Tekstil manufactures design clothes for children and babies with its Dear Baby brand. Producing Mevlut set for Turkish market and baptism set for international market 0 – 6 ages for baby when it started to operate in the industry, then the company attached great importance with its chic wedding dresses and evening dresses for girls. Dear Baby makes production for wholesale as well as specializes in very special designs to respond its Boutique customers. The most important principles and philosophy of the company is to design products which kids can be comfortable and reflect their tastes. That’s why, their source of inspiration is “If you aim to be perfect, success comes and finds you”. Inspired by the magical colors of natural stones as preparing 2016 collection, the company brought spontaneity and Vitality together in the dress. We reflected bright and shiny dream world of little princess as well as the naturalness of their designs, that’s why the priority is always the children in preparing the collection. We open the door of a colorful season for children. The trick to achieve success in the profession is to make your job with love and consider requests of children and trust of families. In line with this production concept, we are taking firm steps in the industry.

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CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2015 Autumn welcomes companies from 20 countries 15th International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion Maternity Wear CJF2015 Autumn will be held in Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, 22 - 25 September, 2015.

About 250 companies from 20 countries will come to the 15th edition of the International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear – CJF 2015. Autumn held at Expocentre Fairgrounds from September 22 to 25. Participants include such well-known companies as De Salitto, Nevsky Alliance, Malenkaya Ledi, BL, Reima, Ginga Showroom, Bimbavera Showroom, Vitacci, Sweet Berry, Deloras, Gallery Kidswear, Arron Kids, Colabear, Babymuz, Puledro, Candeo Kids, Kidssmile, Luhta, Mayoral, Noble People, Acoola, and many others. The exhibition includes such product groups as children’s clothing, footwear and accessories, clothing for pregnant women, fashion and design. Expocentre organizes the exhibition with support from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, and under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. CJF always generates much interest among industry professionals. Experts note that the exhibition is aimed to bring more safe products of high quality to the Russian market, and to keep a dialogue between the government and leaders of the Russian children’s industry running. During the three days of the exhibition, the runway shows of the most respected manufacturers of apparel and accessories for children and teenagers will take place. Dozens of visitors who always come to colorful shows featuring children will be able not only to witness the season’s major trends but also to get many positive emotions.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

CJF – Child and Junior Fashion is effective direct communication and sales solutions opportunity to see all the branches of the fashion industry for children and expecting mothers maximum exposure among professionals before launch of new products or new lines up-to-date information on market conditions: the best brands, the latest trends and new technologies opportunity to promote the image of your company and brand evaluation of consumer preferences during face-to-face communication with both existing and future partners finding solutions to your business needs and challenges just in four days helps to save your time Expocentre Fairgrounds: a unique venue unparalleled anywhere in Russia, well-developed infrastructure, convenient location in the centre of Moscow a chance to take part in multiple business related events that отражающей interests of the business community and offer more opportunities to exchange ides and experience a rich programme of related events and fashion shows of leading manufacturers of clothes and accessories for children and teenagers. Turkish Exhibitors at Child and Junior Fashion 2015 Ahsen Morva Arti Magaza Aziz Bebe Babymuz Çocuk Giyim San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Begi Tekstil Giyim San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Candeo Deri Fevzi Can Kidaxi Lindissima Nanica Kids Oylum Tekstil Pamina Kids Sevim Kids Silver Sun Wonderkids Zeynep Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret A. S.

Istanbul Kids Fashion

Turkey ranks seventh in textile supplier in the world and second in Europe. Turkey ranks fifth in cotton cloth production in the world, which is most preferred raw material in baby and children textile production. Turkey also has an important role in the cotton production with its cutting-edge high technology, unique designs and labor knowledge and skills. In addition, Turkey has flexible manufacturing facilities which can respond quickly to customer requests. It is possible to find any product range for 0-14 age in Istanbul Kids Fashion, which is held twice a year in the months of January and June every year. Offering from denim to sweatpants, from accessories to pajamas and dress, participants of the fair export approximately 65 percent of the production and perform as partners in the production of strong internati-

onal brands. Many visitors who want to find appropriate and high quality products visit Turkey and at this point our fairs are important reference. Hosting many visitors from all over the world, Istanbul Kids Fashion is especially an indispensable Resource Center for the region of the Middle East, North Africa and Russia. With 30 years’ experience in the industry, International Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo proves that it is one of the world’s most important 2-3 fairs every year and raises its target to take part in the summit. We will host more than 270 brands in apparel or textiles halls in an area of 19.000 square meters in the fair to be held between 13 and 17, January 2016 and all visitors will have the chance to see all the developments and trends in the sector. Our fair will take place at the CNR Expo Centre, which is in front of Istanbul Ataturk Airport, where both our local and international visitors can reach easily and quickly. Istanbul Kids Fashion performs intensive marketing efforts to satisfy exhibitors and visitors. Marketing of the fair is being carried out in many places of the world such as Russia, China, America and Germany. Promotional activities for mainly visitors turned out. Even participation to the most of fair is made with stand. We use power of being a global brand. Great promotions are acted along with our mailing groups and social media management. Our activities such as ‘new season fashion’, design corner and concept designs, which feature in press and in the industry, will take part in the region’s most powerful textile exhibition.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015


KIDS FASHION СТАМБУЛ Турция является 2-ым в Европе и 7-ым в Мире крупнейшим поставщиком готовой одежды. А в производстве хлопка, являющегося самым предпочтительным сырьем в детской одежде и одежде для малышей, Турция занимает 5-ое место в мире. В то же самое время, Турция в производстве органического хлопка, с использованием новейших технологий с самыми высокими стандартами качества, разработкой творческого дизайна и высокой квалификацией и навыками сотрудников играет важную роль на международной арене. Кроме того, благодаря гибкой производственной возможности, может быстро отвечать на запросы клиентов. На выставке Kids Fashion Стамбул, открывающей свои двери ежегодно два раза в год в январе и июне месяце, можно найти любую продукцию для возрастной категории от 0 до 14 лет. Участники выставки, включающей в своей структуре широкий ассортимент готовой одежды от джинсов до чулочно-носочных изделий и спортивных костюмов, от аксессуаров до пижам и вечерней одежды, экспортируют около 65% производства на внешние рынки и осуществляют свою деятельность в качестве партнеров по производству крупнейших мировых брендов. Посетители, желающие найти подходящую и качественную продукцию, посещают Турцию, и в это точке наши выставки являются важным показателем. Наша выставка, принимающая посетителей со всех уголков мира, является неизменным ресурсным центром особенно для регионов Ближнего Востока, Северной Африки и России. Своим 30-летним опытом выставка каждый год еще раз доказывает, что она является одной из 2-3 важнейших выставок мира в международной индустрии детской одежды и одежды для малышей, и повышает свои цели для становления лидером. На выставке, которая будет проходить 13-17 января 2016 года, в залах готовой одежды, организованных на площади 19.000 квадратных метров, будут представлены более 270 брендов, и посетители будут иметь возможность увидеть все новшества и тенденции, происходящие в этом секторе. Наша выставка будет проходить в Выставочном Центре CNR Стамбул напротив Аэропорта им. Ататюрка, откуда наши местные и иностранные посетители легко и быстро смогут добраться.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

Kids Fashion Стамбул готовится с интенсивным работами в области маркетинга, которые смогут порадовать как участников, так и посетителей. В России, Китае, Америке, Германии, коротко говоря, в мире, где есть выставки подобной концепции, проводятся работы в области маркетинга и рекламная деятельность, ориентированная на посетителей. Кроме того, большая часть этих выставок проходит с участием со стендами. Мировые компании хотят по максимуму использовать преимущества нашей организации и вместе с нашими группами рассылок(mailing), управлениями социальными средствами информации, проводятся очень серьезные работы. На самой мощной текстильной выставке будет представлен уголок дизайна, организованы мероприятия, на которых будут соревноваться концептуальные дизайны и «Наше дефиле нового сезона», заставившее говорить о себе в прессе и в секторе.

Our company whom located on Turkey in 1998, is a producer and exporter for all kind of metal accessories such as snap buttons and metal alloy made accessories. We have all kind of metal accessories for baby garments and also can produce special production with your logo and designs. Our company whom re-established in 1998 under the name of klips tekstil accessories co. Has experienced staff working over 30 years in this field. We produce and supply every kind of metal accessories under the ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate norms. In Turkey we are a well known company for our quality and low prices policy and we export our products to 17 different countries. As the main aim of ISO 9001:2000 our goal is to maintain the customers satisfaction and we are always pleased to serve according this direction.

Наша фирма работает на рынке швейной фурнитуры с 1976 года, специализация в сфере швейного дела более 30 лет. В 1988 году она прошла перестройку и стала называться KLIPS TEKSTIL AKSESUAR. Мы имеем международные сертификаты качества iso 9001 : 2000 в соответствии которым мы производим нашу фурнитуру под торговыми марками NEWSTAR и GRIPPER. Фирма занимается экспортом товара более чем в 17 зарубежных стран. За время работы в сфере швейной фурнитуры мы выработали такие качества как: честность, пунктуальность, готовность к сотрудничеству и вежливое корректное отношение к нашим клиентам. Фирма следит за модой в своей сфере и всегда может предложить новинки, а так же фурнитуру с Вашим фирменным логотипом. В нашем магазине вы всегда сможете купить: кнопки любых видов и размеров для производства всех видов одежды и кожгалантереи, заклепки холнитены для производства джинсовой одежды, для производства кожаных браслетов. Люверсы блочки разных диаметров и цветов. Прикладные материалы и матрицы для установки нашей фурнитуры и многие другие виды фурнитуры. Широкий ассортимент товара, постоянно находящегося на складе, позволяет нам осуществлять комплексное обслуживание клиентов.

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Curiosity pays off - a warm welcome to the Kind + Jugend The trade show for kids’ first years, Kind + Jugend will be held between 10 and 13 September, 2015 in Cologne The leading international trade fair for the baby and toddler outfitting sector is regularly one of the most important industry meeting points worldwide. The quality of the exhibitors and visitors as well as the wide-ranging offer of standards, trends and novelties arouses curiosity. Let yourself be inspired by the atmosphere, convinced by the many business options and impressed by the range offered - so that you can subsequently impress your own customers. And above all remain curious! Be curious, discover new opportunities... the Kind + Jugend, the world’s leading trade fair for the baby and toddler outfitting sector. The Kind + Jugend 2015, which will span approx. 100,000 m² of exhibition space, is expecting more than 1,000 exhibitors from all over the world and over 20,000 trade visitors from 110 countries. So, it promises top business in the very best atmosphere! Events of the Kind & Jugend Design students and young designers from all over the world are invited to submit their concepts and designs for children’s furniture and furnishing products. Up to 10 prototypes will be nominated and exhibited. Innovation Award The Kind + Jugend Innovation Award honours the sector’s innovative power in this branch of industry. All nominated innovations received the K + J Innovation Award seal. It will be presented 2015 for the eleventh time. Design Parc The Design Parc is an exhibition space dedicated to exceptional design for children and presents selected inspiring and creative children’s furniture, home accessories and game products. Consumer Award - Best products of the year About PARENTS, PARENTS family as well as the online portal Urbia consumer choosed their top products of the year. For the first time G+J gave the Family Consumer Award in four categories for the best product each. A trade fair shows the consumers’ favourite products The new products the industry has to offer is what interests the visitors of Kind + Jugend. This is why the Innovation Award was initiated over ten years ago. The internationally highly acclaimed industry prize pays tribute to outstanding innovations that have been selected by international trade


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

experts and which are exhibited for the first time ever at Kind + Jugend. In addition to the new products of the industry, Kind + Jugend has also been presenting the Consumer Award since 2014. In this way, Kind + Jugend is doing justice to the demand of the visitors to not only show the brand new product innovations, but also the favourite products and best sellers of the consumers that are already well-established on the market. Wanted parents’ magazines and portals! Leading worldwide parents’ magazines and portals are the cooperation partners of the Kind + Jugend Consumer Award. Divided into suitable categories, the products are directly assessed by the consumers via an online voting system. International comparison at a glance As such, a unique direct comparison of the TOP products is offered at Kind+Jugend: In the Innovation Award zone you can get to know all of the new products from all over the globe, which industry experts have distinguished as innovations in 2015. On the other hand, in the Consumer Award zone, you can find products that have asserted and established themselves on the market, which have been evaluated as being the best products by the consumers and readers of the parents’ magazines and online portals. Baby & Kid Store magazine is one of the Consumer Award country participations 2015. Turkish Exhibitors at Kind + Jugend 2015 trade fair ABC Lisans Üretim Saglik Urunleri Ic ve Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti. Ansan Ic ve Dis Tic. Paz. Ltd. Sti. ATM Dis Ticaret Pazarlama A.S. Birlik Dis Ticaret A.S. Efesan Giyim Paz. San. Tic. A.S. Grup Elektronik IC ve DIS Tic. Ltd. Sti Hamleteks Industry Textile Trade Limited Company Ida Hijyen Teknolojileri ve Üretim San. Tic. A.S. Kazan Bebe Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sir. Evliyaoglu Bebek Ev Tekstili ve Gerecleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. LTS Tekstil San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Kosar Corap Tekstil San ve Tic. Ltd. Sti Pilsan Plastik ve Oyuncak San. A.S. San Bebe Teks. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Tüyap Bursa Fair Organization Inc. Zeynep Tekstil Pazarlama Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (Corporation).

Pilsan Toys The basis of our company was laid to 1940s. Pilsan started its manufacture in an area of 40 square meters in Istanbul Silahtar and today it has a closed area of 85.000 square meters in Esenyurt and Luleburgaz. Exporting 57 different countries, Pilsan has domestic customer network which involves all big hypermarket chains, regional big markets, internet stores, dealers, elite toy sellers and baby products stores. Pilsan serves through 10 dealers and 4 branch offices in Turkey. Range of products has battery powered cars, cars with pedals, cars with chains and pedals, swinging toys, bicycles, trucks, baby equipment, park and garden groups, intelligence games and summer toys. Besides, improving its products range with its licensed brands, Pilsan manufactures licensed products with its Niloya, Pepee, Ayas, Pisi, Leliko, Hello Kitty and Vipo brands. The toys that we produced based on the unconditional customer satisfaction support the mental and physical development of the children.

Anne Dokunuşu Gibi… Yıllardır farklı markalar adı altında Üretim, toptan ve perakende satış alanlarında faaliyet gösteren firmamız şimdi yeni markasıyla pazarda yerini almak için yılların tecrübe ve birikimini yeni markası Luggibaby ile yansıtmaya çalışacaktır. Geçmiş dönemde tüketicinin güvenini kazanan marka aynı kararlılık sorumluluk ve emin adımlarla sektörde söz sahibi olmayı hedeflemektedir. Yeni markası ile eski tecrübelerini birleştirerek tüketicilere daha kaliteli ürünler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. “En değerliniz bizim için de değerlidir” sloganı ile yola çıkan Luggibaby %100 pamuk olan sağlıklı ürünleriyle bebeğinize rahatlık, huzur ve mutluluk katacaktır. Luggibaby daha çok kazanç yerine “sağlıklı kaliteli ürün ve müşteri memnuniyeti” anlayışını prensip edinmiştir. KOŞULSUZ MÜŞTERİ MEMNUNİYETİNİ ilke edinmiş olan Luggibaby, üretim kalitesi uzman kadrosu ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile pazarlardaki payını her geçen gün müşterilerine sunduğu iyi hizmet ile arttırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ürün grubu yelpazesiyle ne kadar hassas bir noktada olduğunu bilen Luggibaby bütün üretim ve satış aşamalarında bu sorumluluk bilincini göz ardı etmeden hareket etmektedir. Çalışanı, üreticisi ve tüketicisi ile el ele vererek geleceğin büyük insanlarının küçücük bedenlerini sımsıcak saracak; kimyasal katkı maddesi olmayan sağlıklı, naturel ürünler üretmeye kararlılık ile devam edecektir. Birlikte üretip, birlikte kazanmak dileğiyle…

As a mother’s touch Operating in the field of production, wholesale and retail under several brand names with many years of experience for years, our company is now to take place in the market with a new brand, Luggibaby. Winning the confidence of the consumer in the past, the brand aims to be leader with the same responsibility, stability by taking firm steps forward in the sector. Combining old experience with its new brand, the company aims to provide better quality products to consumers. With the motto of ‘Your most valuable is valuable for us’, Luggibaby offers 100% cotton healthy products to provide your baby comfort, peace and happiness. Luggibaby adopts ‘healthy quality products and Customer Satisfaction’ instead of earning more. Adopting unconditional customer satisfaction, Luggibaby increases its market share with production quality, expert staff, good service and social responsibility for its customers each passing day. Being aware of in a sensitive point for range of product, Luggibaby performs in all production and sales processes without ignoring this responsibility. Collaborating with its employees, manufacturers and consumers on offering natural, healthy and without chemical additives products to embrace tiny body of the great people of the future, the company will continue to manufacture with the same principle pertinaciously. Hope to produce together, win together...

70 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Established in 2010, GRIMOOR is a manufacturing company located in Bursa and selling office in İstanbul. Our product range is for newborn and infant clothing 0-2 years. With rich experience in making fashionable style products, and being quite familiar with customer’s requests, we offer our good quality goods as you need at attractive price . We always try our best to provide beautiful, comfortable and last fashion baby products. Our business principle is “Best quality, Affordable price, Fashionable product , Prompt delivery , “ We say that , « MIRADA ,HUG WITH LOVE «

Şirketimiz « Grimoor Dış Ticaret » genç ve dinamik imalat kadrosu 2010 yılında kurulmuştur. Ürün çeşitlerimiz yenidoğan ve 0-2 yaş bebek giyimine yöneliktir. Bebek anotomisine ve vücut reflekslerine göre tasarlanmış kalıplarıyla bebeğinizin gelişimine, Alışılmışın dışında kullandığı renkleriyle bebeğinizin şıklığına, ve annelerin rahatlığına sevgiyle katkıda bulunur, Vizyonumuz, “En iyi kalite, rekabetçi fiyat , modaya uygun, en hızlı üretim.” “ MİRADABABY SEVGİYLE KUCAKLAR ”

72 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Turkey sets the best products in the baby kid products sector The best products of the baby and toddler outfitting sector for families in Germany, Russia, Poland, the Netherlands, Austria and Turkey market are set in Consumer Award of the leading global fair for the baby and toddler outfitting sector, Kind + Jugend. Asking for to announce these most preferred products to worldwide, Kind + Jugend cooperated with Baby & Kid Store and Türkiye Çocuk magazines for the Turkish baby and toddler outfitting sector with a popular vote. Via www. web site between 10th of July and 10th of August, 2015, separate products in different categories competed. Voting for the products identified online, parents set the best products in each category.Supported throughout

competition with many of our publications as news, internet and social media promotions, Consumer Award had a broad repercussion in Turkey. Finalist companies supported the competition with the banners on their websites. With the participation of about 10 thousand parents, the best products in 8 different categories were identified. Some of our publications in Turkey such as Türkiye Çocuk, Yemek Zevki and Charm & Beauty magazines were presented to voters as gift. All nominated products and the winners in 8 separate categories are listed below. As Baby & Kid Store magazine, we thank all who participated in the competition. And we congratulate first brands with their products in Consumer Award.

Results of Consumer Award in Turkey Amenities Accessories Category

• “Mamajoo – Mom’s Chest Protectors Kit”

• “Aziz Bebe - 100% Cotton Baby Cushion”

• “Baby Neo - Organic Baby Neck Pillow”

• “Bordolüks - Baby Changing Bag”

• “İdil Baby Mamino - Infant Carrier”

• “Lullaby – Mother Care Bag”


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

• “MyCey - Breastfeeding Apron” Özel baş deliği sayesinde bebeklerin kafa arkasında yassılaşmaya sebep olmaz.

• “Sevi Bebe - Circumcision Thong”

• “Stylo Canta - Baby Backpack”

W • “BabyJem - Tonton Potty”



Baby Textiles Category

• “Aziz Bebe – Trio Set”

• “Luggi - Bowtie 2 team”

• “İdil Baby Mamino - Organic Series

• “Mirada Baby - Thermometer Body”

• “Silversun - T-Shirt Pants”

• “U. S. Polo - Baby Kit”

• “San Bebe - Baby Set 11 Piece””

• “Zeyland Happy Baby - Suit”



“Panco Little Princess - Bodysuit”


Kids’ Textiles & Outer Wear Category

• “Elsima - Children’s Pajamas”

• “U.S. Polo - Sports Suit”

• “Panco - 100% Cotton Dress”

• “Zeyland T-Shirt - Short Dress”



• “Silversun - Dress Pants”

• “Aziz Bebe - 100% Cotton Dress”

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015



Nourishment Equipment Category • “BabyJem - Scarf Triangle Bib”

• “Wee Baby - Glass Bottle”


• “Kraft - Milk Storage Bags”


• “Mamajoo Pes Feeding Bottle”


• “Mycey – Fruit Vegetable Nipple”

Care & Hygiene Category

• “İdil Baby Mamino - Chest Pad”

• “MyCey - Changing Cover”


• “Kraft - Chest Pad”

• “Baby Neo - Washable Baby Diaper”



• “Mamajoo - Chest Pad”

Outdoor Metal Baby Carriage Equipments Category

• “Bordolüks - Aluminum Baby Stroller”

• “Prego - Viola”

• “Britax - B-Agile”

• “Quinny - Zappxtra 2”

W • “Otto Stroller System – Baby Carrier”


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

• “Kraft - Twist Rlx Travel System”



Travel Safety Products - Baby & Kids Seats Category

• “Kraft - Golden Fix”

• “Maxi-Cosi - Axissfix”

• “Britax - Trifix”

W • “Koala - Ino Fix Car Seat”



• “Prego - Cabrio”

Indoor Metal Sleeping Equipments Category

• “4Moms Mamajoo - Baby Seat”

• “Happy Baby - Class Lullaby Cradle”

• “Babybjörn - Travel Bed”

• “Pashababy - Gondola Hammock Cradle”

• “BabyJem - Baby Reflux Pillow”

• “Prego Yummy - Playground”

W • “Bordolüks - Galaxy Cradle”

• “Kraft Calipso - Playground”


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015



Mir Detstva generates a perfect business environment Mir Detstva is international exhibition of products and services for children and adolescents. The market of goods for children is one of the fastest growing in Russia

toms Clearance Advisory Centre. Experts note that Mir Detstva creates a perfect environment for business cooperation between Russian and foreign manufacturers and trading companies. Every year a large number of contracts are signed during the exhibition. It gives every opportunity to get information about new products and the industry development as well as to shape company policy for the near future.

On 22 – 25 September, Expocentre Fairgrounds will host the 21st edition of the International Exhibition for Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers, New Educational and Personality Development Programs –Mir Detstva 2015. The exhibition is organized by Expocentre ZAO with support from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Association of Children’s Goods Industry. This year about 500 companies from 30 countries are expected to participate. Among them are such well known ones as Adamex, APRICA, BabyBjorn, BALU, BEBECAR, Brevi, Cam Il Mondo Del Bambino, Concord, Dr. Brown’s, Philips Avent, Jetem, Hauck, LAVA, Jane, Happy Baby, MAXI-COSI, Hansa, Pali, Playmobile, Schleich, Peg-Perego, Smoby, Intex, and Winx. Russian-made goods and services for children will be demonstrated by more than 400 companies such as Bauer, Zvezda, Zolotoy Gus, Red Star, Lyubimka, Nordplast, Russky Stil, Stellar, and others. Mir Detstva 2015 will be divided into four product groups: Goods for Newborns, Health and Comfort, Education and Development, and Toys and Games. The associated events will cover all main issues of the growth of the industry of goods and services for children and teenagers. Both exhibitors and visitors can use the services of the Business Contact Exchange, the Labor Exchange, and the Cus-


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015

Mir Detstva sections and salons Goods For Newborns and Infants Prams, pushchairs and accessories . Baby sitters, baby carriers and accessories . Baby walkers, high chairs, travel cots, potties, toilet trainers, safe steps, bibs . Car seats . Home safety and health items . Nursery furniture, mattresses . Cradles, cots, cot beds, dressers . Breastfeeding accessories, milk storage equipment, feeding bottles, etc . Nappies, baby wipes . Bottle teats, baby soothers and dummies, baby tableware, tooth brushes and teethers . Baby care products . Baby bedding, cot bedding, quilts and blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, newborn essential clothing sets . Bath baby products and accessories . Audio/video baby monitors, baby digital scales, electronic

thermometers, food and bottle warmers, skill development toys . Baby food . Food products for expectant mothers Games, toys, hobbies, education and development . Motorized battery toys, wooden and plastic toys . Toys and games (interactive, coordinating, learning and development toys, etc) . Construction sets, self assembly and radio-controlled toys and models . Electronic, computer and multimedia games . Hobbies and models, table games . Puzzles, stamps, badges, key rings . Dolls, dolls’ houses and accessories . Soft toys . Children’s creative art sets, stationery . Multi-purpose facilities for playgrounds . Clothing, facilities and accessories for active recreation . Sports equipment . Licensed toys . Electric cars for children . Furniture for nursery schools and kindergartens . Posters, maps, visual aids, individual authors’ teaching methods . Textbooks, teaching aids and periodicals for children and teenagers . Programmes and projects on social security and support for families, children and teenagers . Children’s and youth tourism. Recreation and education . Teaching software Everything for parties, events and entertainment . Christmas and New Year . Christmas trees . Fancy dresses and stage costumes, masks and practical jokes . Christmas and New Year gifts . Greeting cards, gift-books, audio and video products . Children’s party management services . Balloons and balloon decorations . Fireworks.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2015


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