13 minute read


Title Izenburua



80’ min. / color / Año2023

Cast Protagonistak


Direction Zuzendaritza



Executive Production

Produkzio Exekutiboa


Direction of Photography

Argazki Zuzendaritza


Edition Muntaiaa


Sound Soinua


A production by Produkzio-etxe


With the support of Laguntzarekin





Languages Hizkuntzak: Castellano

Direction Zuzendaritza: Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe Screenplay Gidoia: Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe


Leire Apellaniz, Usue Arrieta, Ainara Elgoibar, Maddi Barber

Cast Aktoreak: Santiago Fernández de Mosteyrín, Jaume Ferrete, Claudia Pagès, Iskandar Rementeria, Maite Ronse, Natalia Suárez, Marina Suárez


1978. While talks are going on for a new agreement in the metal industry, a group of libertarian militants encourage their fellow factory workers to defend their radical position. Meanwhile, they watch in dismay as the workers’ movement becomes fragmented.

1978an, metalaren hitzarmena berritzeko negoziaketen erdian, militante libertario talde batek irmo eusten dio bere ideia erradikalei lantegiko lankideen aurrean, eta aldi berean, langile mugimenduaren atomizazioaz jabetzen dira, etsipenez.

KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com

Fedea Documentala / 24 min. / 2022


Languages Hizkuntzak: Castellano

Direction Zuzendaritza: Maider Fernández


Screenplay Gidoia: Maider Fernández

Iriarte, Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe

Production Ekoizpena: APELLANIZ Y DE SOSA, Leire Apellaniz

Cast Aktoreak: Alai Goñi, Blanca Morera, María José Dronda, Joxemari Arrinda, Jenifer Gómez, Mari Carmen del Hierro, Nora Etxabeguren, María Luisa Garcés, Elisa Pérez

Sound Soinua: Andrea Sáenz Pereiro


The Virgin appeared to Sofía. Then she travelled to Lourdes and was cured of something incurable. In another time and another place, a group of doctors meet to discuss her case. What happens when science and religion meet?

Sofiari Ama Birjina agertu zitzaion. Gero, Lurdesera joan zen, eta gaitz sendaezin batetik sendatu zen. Beste garai batean eta beste leku batean, mediku-talde bat haren kasua aztertzeko bildu da. Zer gertatzen da zientziak eta erlijioak topo egiten dutenean?

KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com


Languages Hizkuntzak: Euskara

Direction Zuzendaritza: Aitzol Saratxaga

Screenplay Gidoia: David Pérez Sañudo, Ainara Mentxaka

Production Ekoizpena: AMANIA FILMS, BEUDE, ECPV, Kevin Iglesias

Cast Aktoreak: Sara Balerdi, Mikel Losada

Music Musika: Nerea Alberdi

Muntaiaa Muntaiaa: Josémiguel Villalta

Sound Soinua: Adriana Rolloso

Direction of photography Argazki

Zuzendaritza: Ernesto Báez


Father and daughter live in an isolated, inhospitable forest, terrified by a mist that emerges from between the trees and that has a devastating effect on the minds and bodies of all living things. While they try and protect themselves, the mist grows closer and closer.

Aita-alaba bakarrik bizi dira baso urrun eta aldendu batean. Bizi ere ikaratuta bizi dira, zuhaitz artetik aldiro sortzen den lanbroak erabat kaltetu eta suntsitzen baititu izaki bizidun ororen gorputz eta gogoa. Babesten saiatzen diren arren, lanbroa gero eta hurbilago dator.

KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com


Having lost the council aid that allowed them to keep their rehearsal venue, the women’s choir that Rita belongs to is about to fold up. Now the group must decide whether or not to accept sponsorship by one of the companies causing the most pollution in the valley.

Rita-k abesten duen emakume-korua desagertzeko zorian dago, galdu egin baitute entsegu-lokala ordaintzeko jasotzen zuten diru-laguntza. Orain erabaki egin beharko dute ibarra gehien kutsatzen duten enpresetako baten babesa onartzen duten ala ez.


Languages Hizkuntzak: Castellano

Direction Zuzendaritza: Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren

Screenplay Gidoia: Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren


Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, Ana Angulo, Itxaso Frau,Lara Izagirre

Cast Aktoreak: Begoña Suarez, Miguel Garcés, Xanti Aguirrezabalaga, Jone Laspiur, Garazi Olaizola, Oier Zuñiga, Ainhoa Jauregi

KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com


Matixa, 22, lives with her parents. Her bedroom and her stability are in disarray: the situation is explosive. Helped by her friend Leire, she looks for support outside the family. Convinced that cutting ties with her mother will make her freer, she decides to leave home.

Matixa, 22 urteko gaztea gurasoen etxean bizi da. Logela eta egonkortasuna hankaz gora jarrita, egoera lehertu egiten zaio. Familiatik kanpo bilatzen du babesa, lagun duen Leirek lagunduta. Amarengandik askatzeak libreago egingo duela erabakita, etxetik joateko hautua egiten du.


Languages Hizkuntzak: Euskara

Direction Zuzendaritza: Enara Garcia, Ainhoa Olaso

Screenplay Gidoia: Ainhoa Olaso

Production Ekoizpena: Ainhoa Olaso, Enara Garcia

Cast Aktoreak: Ane Sagüés Abad, Miren Gaztañaga, Aroa Blanco, Mila Goikoetxea

Muntaiaa Muntaiaa: Imanol Muro Encinas

Sound Soinua: Andrea Saenz Pereiro, Maider Urkitza

Direction of photography Argazki

Zuzendaritza: Andrea Martinez Gomez

KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com


Izaro and Clara, both 17, work as instructors at a children’s summer camp. On a hot summer’s day, Clara gives her friend Izaro a passionate kiss. Izaro, filled with desire, feels confused as she tries to process what has happened to her and is willing to follow wherever Clara wants to take her.

Izaro eta Clara, 17 urteko neska nerabe bi, begirale lanetan ari dira haurrentzako udalekuetan. Egun berotsu batean, Clarak irrikaz musukatzen du laguna. Izaro, grinak itsututa, noraezean dabil gertatu zaiona kudeatu nahian, baina...


Languages Hizkuntzak: Euskara

Direction Zuzendaritza: Maider Oleaga

Screenplay Gidoia: Maider Oleaga

Production Ekoizpena: MAIDER OLEAGA, SUMENDI FILMAK, GALAPAN PRODUCTIONS, Maider Oleaga, Ander Sagardoy, Eneko Sagardoy, Ander Barinaga-Rementeria

Cast Aktoreak: Izaro Nieto, Ángela Echaniz Oyarzabal, Xabier Elizalde

Music Musika: Marta Sánchez Muntaiaa Muntaiaa: Maialen Sarasua


KIMUAK | kimuak@filmoteka.eus | www.kimuak.com




Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 944 156 258 zinegoak@zinegoak.com www.zinegoak.com

Zinegoak, Bilbao International LGTB+ film festival was launched in 2004. The aim is to bring to the Basque audience a type of cinema that is independent, social and vindicatory, that is entirely absent from the Basque comercial circuit. Its end: to denounce the violation of Human Rights on the LGTB+ community all over the globe, to show the sexual and affective diversity and to become a meeting point throughout high-quality films. It has become one of the most important European LGBT+ film festivals, with an average of 10.000 people attending its dozen venues and 100 films programmed, only in Bilbao. It also curates cinema and awarenessraising activities throughout Basque Country.

Zinegoak 2004an sortu zen, Bilboko eta Euskadiko gainerako lurraldeetako ikus-entzuleei zinema independente, sozial eta errebindikatiboa gerturatzeko asmoz. Helburua: LGTB+ biztanleriaren giza eskubideen urraketa mundu osoan salatzea, aniztasun afektibo-sexuala erakustea, eta topagune izatea kalitatezko zinemaren bidez. Europako LGBT+ jaialdi garrantzitsuenetako bat da. 10.000 pertsona inguru ditu, dozena bat egoitza Bilbon, 100 bat obra proiektatuta, eta zine eta sentsibilizazio jarduerak Euskadi osoan zehar.

Festival de

Cine y Derechos Humanos Human Rights Film Festival

Donostia / San Sebastián, APRIL APIRILA

Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 943 481 157 cinema_cinema@donostia.eus www.zinemaetagizaeskubideak.eus

Organised by the Office of Human Rights of the city of San Sebastian and Donostia Kultura, its objective is to promote the debate and the reflection and to raise the audience awareness about the violation of the human rights in all the world through the universal language of cinema. So, the Festival aspires to inform and to form the citizens through a program as attractive as possible.

Donostiako Udaleko Giza Eskubideen Arloak eta Donostia Kulturak antolatuta, zinemaren hizkuntza unibertsalaren bidez mundu osoko giza eskubideen urraketen inguruan ikusleen eztabaida, hausnarketa eta sentsibilizazioa sustatzea du helburu. Horrela, bada, herritarrak informatu eta trebatu nahi ditu Zinemaldiak, ahalik eta programazio erakargarrienaren bidez.

Festival Internacional de Cine Documental Musical International Music

Documentary Film Festival

Donostia / San Sebastián, MAY MAIATZA

Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 697 911 789 info@dockofthebay.es www.dockofthebay.es

Dock of the Bay is an event focused on publicising music documentary film work, both Spanish and international. The films may approach the topic of music in terms of different thematic or formal aspects.

Dock of the Bay nazioko eta nazioarteko musika hedapenean oinarritutako jaialdia da. Lan horiek alderdi tematiko eta formal desberdinetatik hel diezaiokete musikaren gaiari.

Animakom Fest

Bilbao International Animation Community Festival


Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 650 015 184 info@animakom.com www.animakom.com

Animation Film Festival with two international competitive sections of short films (one professional and one student), with a special focus on animation films directed by women and complementary training activities -master class for prosessionals, workshops for children.

Animaziozko Zinemaren Jaialdia, nazioarteko film laburren bi sail lehiakorrekin (bata profesionala eta bestea ikasleena), emakumeek zuzendutako animaziozko zineman eta prestakuntza-jarduera osagarrietan arreta berezia jarriz (profesionalentzako master class, haurrentzako tailerrak).


Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 660 767 124 info@caostica.org www.caostica.com

Caostica is an International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival that takes place in Bilbao (Basque Country) with these sections: Videozinema (Fiction Shortfilms), Animation and Videoclip (Music Video). All prizes are given by a professional jury except of Bizarre Prize. The Caostica Association will award the Bizarre Prize to the participant whom best represents the fresh, innovative, quirky, irreverent, Martian, jokester, weird, risky, brave and daring spirit that characterizes this festival, regardless of the section in which he or she is registered. In addition to this the Festival will award a prize to the best film in basque language, independently of the section in which its signed up. 4.500 € in prizes.

Caostica Bilbon ospatzen den Film Laburren eta Bideoklipen Nazioarteko Jaialdia da. Sail hauek ditu: VideoZinema (fikziozko film laburrak), animazioa eta bideoklipak. Epaimahai profesional batek ematen ditu sari guztiak, Bizarro saria eta Caostica elkarteak ematen duen euskarazko lan onenaren saria izan ezik. 4.500 €sarietan.

Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 616 336 263 aitor@animadeba.com www.animadeba.com

Animadeba is a animation film festival that takes places in Deba, located in the province of Gipuzkoa. The main objective of the festival is to promote independent animation films for adults. The programme highlights the international short film competition and the feature film exhibition. In addition to the film screenings, the festival is completed with paralell activities such us animation workshops, master classes, presentation of the animation projects and musical performances, among other things.

Animadeba Deban (Gipuzkoa) ospatzen den animazio jaialdia da. Bere helburu nagusia helduentzako animazio independenteko zinema sustatzea da. Bere programan film laburren nazioarteko lehiaketa eta film luzeen erakusketa nabarmentzen dira. Filmen emanaldiez gain, jaialdia beste hainbat jarduerarekin osatuko da, hala nola animazio tailerrak, eskola magistralak, animazio proiektuen aurkezpena eta musika emanaldiak, besteak beste.

Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 943 481 212 ssiff@sansebastianfestival.com www.sansebastianfestival.com

San Sebastian is a non-specialized competitive film festival. The Festival consists of the Official Section, New Directors, Horizontes Latinos, Zabaltegi - Tabakalera, Perlak, Culinary Zinema, Nest, Zinemira and Made in Spain. The San Sebastian Festival has reconfigured its structure into three main areas: a festival that selects and programmes films; a festival that promotes the development of films in post-production (Films-to-be); and a festival that reflects on the cinema from a wide- ranging perspective: industrial, creative, educational (Thought and debate).

Donostia Zinemaldia espezializatu gabeko jaialdi lehiakorra da, nazioarteko lehiaketa ofizial batekin eta sail hauekin: New Directors, Horizontes Latinos, Zabaltegi-Tabakalera, Perlak, Culinary Zinema, Nest. Students filma, Zinemira eta Made in Spain. Ikusleen, komunikabide espezializatuen eta industria zinematografikoko profesionalen aurrean filmak aukeratzeaz eta erakusteaz gain, Donostia Zinemaldiak postprodukzioko proiektuak eta filmak sustatzen ditu (Films-tobe), eta zinemaz ikuspegi zabal batetik hausnartzen duen jaialdia da: industriala, sortzailea, prestakuntzakoa (Pentsamendua eta eztabaida).


Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 946 024 668 administracion@kcd-ongd.org www.kcd-ongd.org

This is a strange year, undoubtedly it is the rarest that has lived the festival. For the 12th edition, 84 films from 46 countries have been programmed, all related to the four thematic axes of the festival: Sustainable Development, Gender Equity, Interculturality and Human Rights. In case no face-to-face projections can be made, they will be made online. Whether in one way or another, the festival continues its policy of offering a balanced programming and dissemination among women and men.

Aurtengoa urtea bitxia da, zalantzarik gabe jaialdiak inoiz bizi izan duen arraroena. 12. ediziorako 46 herrialdetako 84 film programatu dira, guztiak jaialdiaren lau ardatz tematikoekin lotuta: garapen Iraunkorra, Genero Ekitatea, Kulturartekotasuna eta Giza Eskubideak. Aurrez aurreko proiekziorik egin ezin bada, online egingo dira. Era batera edo bestera, jaialdiak emakumeen eta gizonen arteko programazio eta hedapen orekatua eskaintzeko politikarekin jarraitzen du.

Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 946 571 060 info@seriesland.eus www.seriesland.eus

Bilbao Seriesland is the first International Digital Series Festival in the Basque Country. A center of union for the Best Indie Content and its creators coming from all corners of the world.

October; Season of Series in Bilbao, Season of "Wolves" in Bilbao... The Bilbao Seriesland Market it is the first Marketplace which is specifically dedicated to the Digital Series, oriented to professionals that want to make deals during the festival.

Bilbao Seriesland es el primer Festival Internacional de Series Digitales del País Vasco. Un punto de unión para el Mejor Contenido Independiente y sus creadores, venidos de todo el mundo. URRIA; Temporada de Series en Bilbao, Temporada de "Lobos" en Bilbao...

En Bilbao Seriesland Market es la primera Feria/ Mercado específicamente dedicada a las Series Digitales. Está orientado a todos aquellos profesionales que quieran cerrar acuerdos durante el festival y conocer el contenido más novedoso de la red.

Donostia / San Sebastián, OCTOBER URRIA

Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 943 481 157 cinema_cinema@donostia.eus www.sansebastianhorrorfestival.eus

Promoted by Donostia Kultura since 1990. The best genre movies of the season are included in the program, together with cult classics. The atmosphere at the town is completed with comic-book, fx or art exhibitions, plus shows, workshops...etc. The best party of the fantastic genre!

Donostia Kulturak antolatuta, 1990ean ekin zion bere ibilbideari. Denboraldi bakoitzeko beldurrezko, zientziafikziozko, animaziozko... zinemarik onena klasikoen proiekzioekin elkartzen da. Hiriko giroa jarduera paraleloekin osatzen da, hala nola komiki erakusketak edo efektu bereziak, ikuskizun ezberdinak, tailerrak. Fantastikoaren benetako festa.


Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 944 204 870 fant@fantbilbao.eus www.fantbilbao.eus

Originally born in 1994 as a film exhibition by the hand of a group of Fantasy film lovers, and currently organized by the Department of Culture of Bilbao Town Council, Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival FANT is dedicated to films on this genre with the idea of making available, as much to fans as the general public releases that do not reach our screens through conventional channels of distribution and exhibition, as well as offering retrospectives of classic horror, mystery and science fiction films.

FANTBilbao erakusketa gisa sortu zen 1994an, fantasiazko generoa gustuko duen talde baten eskutik, eta, gaur egun, antolatzailea Bilboko Udaleko Kultura Arloa da. FANT generoko zineman espezializatuta dago, eta publiko orokorraren eskura jartzen ditu banaketa- eta erakusketa-kanal konbentzionalen bidez pantailetara iristen ez diren estreinaldiak, bai eta zinema klasikoko atzera begirakoak eskaintzen dituztenak ere.

Thinking Football Film Festival


Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 946 612 004 g.reguera@athletic-club.eus www.thinkingfootballfilmfestival.com

In this year 2020 marked by a global pandemic, both festivals Thinking Football Film Festival and Letras y Futbol, organized by the Athletic Club Foundation, merge into one. On the whole, the Thinking Football Film Festival programme aims to help raise key issues on understanding the global social phenomenon that football has become over the last one hundred years. A week of cinema, encounters and football culture, with free entry in the Sala BBK and San Mamés.

Munduko pandemiak markatutako 2020 honetan, Athletic Club Fundazioak antolatutako Thinking Football Film Festival eta Letrak eta Futbola jaialdiak bat egingo dute. Oro har, Thinking Football Film Festivalen programazioak futbola azken mendean bilakatu den fenomeno sozial eta globalari buruzko ulermengakoak planteatzen lagundu nahi du. Zine, topaketa eta futbol kulturako astea, sarrera doan BBK Aretoan eta San Mamesen.


Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 944 248 698 info@zinebi.eus www.zinebi.eus

ZINEBI – the only international Class A festival in Spain in the documentary and short film category recognised by FIAPF since 1974, accredited by the Hollywood Academy as a qualifier for the Oscars and by the Spanish Academy for the Goya Awards.

ZINEBI is a festival that firmly supports emerging authors. The international short film contest and the ZIFF-Zinebi First Film section, are its most obvious signs of identity. It also features Mikeldis of Honour, which are awarded to acknowledge the careers of distinguished directors, and it has carefully selected Beautiful Docs and Bertoko Begiradak sections. ZINEBI INDUSTRY is yet another part of the festival, intended to promote the Basque audiovisual industry.

Zinebi, Espainiako A klaseko nazioarteko jaialdi bakarra film laburren eta dokumentalen kategorian, FIAPFek 1974tik aitortua, Hollywoodeko Akademiak Oscar sarien eta Goya sarien kalifikatzaile gisa kreditatua.

Zinebi gorabidean diren egileen aldeko apustu sendoa egiten duen jaialdia da. Film laburren nazioarteko lehiaketa eta ZIFF-Zinebi Firts Film saila dira film laburren ezaugarri nagusienak. Ohorezko Mikeldiak ere nabarmentzen dira, zuzendari ospetsuen ibilbidea eta Beautiful Docs eta Bertoko Begiradak atalen hautaketa zorrotza aintzatesten dutenak. Gainera, ZINEBI INDUSTRY ospatzen da, euskal ikus-entzunezkoen industria bultzatzeko.

CIMASUB Ciclo Internacional de Cine Submarino International Cycle of Underwater Film

Donostia / San Sebastián, NOVEMBER AZAROA

Information Informazioa: info@cimasub.com www.cimasub.com

Organised by the Underwater Activities Section of the Real Sociedad Donostia - San Sebastian since 1975, the objective of the International Cycle of Underwater Film is to show the audience the wonders of the submarine world that surround us in this blue world, and divers can see and enjoy. The program includes conferences by submarine filming professionals and underwater field experts.

Donostiako Real Sociedad de Futboleko Urpeko Jardueren Atalak antolatzen du 1975az geroztik, eta Itsaspeko Zinemaren Nazioarteko Zikloa itsas hondoan urpekariek gozatzen dituzten eta mundu urdin honetan inguratzen gaituzten edertasunak jendeari hurbiltzen saiatzen da.

Itsaspeko gaiei buruzko dokumentalak eta filmak emateaz gain, itsaspeko irudiaren sektoreko eta, oro har, itsas inguruneko profesionalek hitzaldiak antolatzen dituzte.


Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 944 050 565 info@begira.eu www.bilbaoschoolfest.com

Bilbao International School Zinema Fest celebrates its 2020 edition from 23 to 27 November with the participation of some of the most important film schools worldwide. In addition to contributing to the dissemination of the most up-to-date audiovisual creation, for five days the festival will become a reference and a framework for reflection for new trends in the international film scene, weaving a network of collaboration and encouraging the exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge.

Bilbao International School Zinema Fest jaialdiaren 2020ko edizioa azaroaren 23tik 27ra egingo da, munduko zinema-eskola garrantzitsuenetako batzuen parte-hartzearekin. Ikus-entzunezko sorkuntza gaurkotuena zabaltzen laguntzeaz gain, jaialdia nazioarteko zinemagintzaren joera berrientzako erreferentzia eta gogoeta-esparru bihurtuko da bost egunez, lankidetzasare bat ehunduz eta ideien, esperientzien eta jakintzaren trukea sustatuz.


Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 657 719 668 press@mendifilmfestival.com www.mendifilmfestival.com

A high-mountain festival at sea level. In December, Bilbao is full of alpinists, adventurers, sport men, filmmakers, producers and artists of international renown. Since its beginning in 2008, BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia Festival has become one of the international benchmarks within the series of film festivals related to mountaineering, climbing, adventure and extreme sports. It has also become, in record time, one of the main lures within the sector.

But Mendi Film is way more than just cinema. Due to the numerous parallel activities, it keeps growing every year and bringing to everybody's reach creativity, inspiration, spreading, training and, above all, fun.

Itsas mailako goi-mendiko jaialdia. Bilbo alpinista, abenturazale, kirolari, zinemagile, ekoizle eta nazioarteko artista ospetsuz betetzen da abenduan. 2008an hasi zenetik, BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia nazioarteko erreferente nagusietako bat bihurtu da mendiko, eskaladako, abenturako eta muturreko kiroleko zinemaldien zirkuituan, eta sektoreko erakargarritasun handienetako bat izatera iritsi da denbora errekorrean.

Baina Mendi Film zinema baino askoz gehiago da. Bere jarduera paralelo ugarien ondorioz, urtez urte hazten jarraitzen du eta bisitari guztien eskura sormena, inspirazioa, dibulgazioa, prestakuntza eta, batez ere, dibertsioa jartzen ditu.


Plaza Circular 1-1º 48001 Bilbao

T: +34 944 205 334 / +34 944 205 397 info@bifilmcommission.com www.bifilmcommission.com


San Roque Kalea, 120 20009 Donostia

T: +34 943 482 800 filmcommission@donostia.eus www.sansebastian-gipuzkoafilmcommission.eus


Calle Pintor teodoro dublang 25 01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz

T: +34 945 16 16 16 filmoffice@vitoria-gasteiz.org www.vitoria-gasteiz.org/filmoffice

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