ens L flare JUNE 2014
r tte BP e l s PA Online New
Meet Heidemarie Burke, Master Photog. pg 10
PROGRAM Salon pg 6
Board of Directors
President - Donna Williams Vice President - Heidemarie Burke Secretary - Jennifer Gerardi Treasurer - Arnie Berns Director - Billy Dzwonkowski Director - Maria Lyle Director - Ed Vinson
About Us... The Bay Professional Photographer’s Association provides an opportunity for photographers to come together to exchange ideas and information, and to encourage each other to become better at their craft. The association allows photographers to improve their skills by presenting photographic programs and holding print competitions. The association also provides the benefit of networking with other photographers for business and social interaction. If you are a professional photographer in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Englewood and vicinity, you are invited to come and visit our group. We would love to have you as part of this organization. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting as a guest, please contact: Membership Chair, Gigi O’Dea
Committee Chairs Membership - Gigi O’Dea Door Prize / Scholarship - Connie Summers Program Chair / Salon - Billy Dzwonkowski Archivist - Jennifer Gerardi Social Media - Donna Williams FPP State Delegate - Heidemarie Burke House RSVP - Jim Dohms Website / Awards - Ed Vinson Marketing / Photographer - Maria Lyle Social - Pilar Ojeda Ferenus
PHONE: (941)941.747.4150 EMAIL: gigiodea@yahoo.com
In order to run a good organization, we rely on volunteers. These positions are greatly appreciated by all. A lot of our members double up on committees. We would love to have your assistance on any of our committees. You will learn more about BPPA and get to know everyone even more! To volunteer, please contact: President, Donna Williams PHONE: (941)941.358.3423 EMAIL: dwilliams@turnerflorida.com
ON THE COVER Image created by Heidemarie Burke, Master Photog. Wedding couple with umbrellas and rainbows “Together rain or shine” I photographed the wedding outside on the beach under heavy clouds and it poured buckets with everybody running inside. During the reception someone said “look at the rainbow.” I told the couple that I have umbrellas and would they like to go to the beach for photographs, so we did.
From the Editor
Anyone interested,you know what to do. Give me a shout and I can happily put you to work.
Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for reading this online issue once again. I Thank you and carry on doing what you do best: photogam totally enjoying the learning process of creating this raphy. monthly magazine but it is a great deal of work that one Maria Lyle cannot do alone. If you really like what you see and how your information, your images. How this newsletter is being shared via e-mail and within social media, I would hate to let it go because I have no helpers. I am in need of a couple of willing participants so that I can eventually pass the baton sort of speak.
Copyright © 2014, Bay Professional Photographers Association, all Rights reserved.This Ntewsletter is produced by Maria Lyle. If you have some information that you want to share with your fellow photographers, please e-mail Maria Lyle. It will be posted on the next Newsletter. Graphic Design: Martha Thompson
Contents APRIL 2014
page 6 page 10
Program: “Salon” Member Spotlight: Heidemarie Burke
Owner of Heidemarie Burke Photographic Im-
page 16
At Our Last Meeting By Maria Lyle
page 18
Salon News
By Billy Dzwonkowski
page 19
FPP Delegate’s News By Heidemarie Burke
page 22
Calendar of Events
page 24
Special Events: Blood Drive
May Blood Drive for Maya McKibbin
Let’s get social
14 Visit our Website: www.bayprofessionalphotographers.com And please don’t forget to add BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com to your address book so we will be sure to land in your inbox!
22 3
Monthly Meeting 2nd Monday of Each Month
Hilton Garden Inn 8270 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Board Meeting The Board Meeting is only for the Board Members and Committee Chairs. It is imperative that meetings are not to be interrupted when in session. We appreciate your cooperation. 6:00 PM Social 6:30 PM Dinner 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Program
Click HERE to
Don’t want the hassle of RSVPing for each and every Meeting?
Click Here To Join the Permanent RSVP List As a Permanent RSVP Member, you will be added to the attending list on a monthly basis. If you cannot attend you are responsible to RSVP by Friday at Noon before the meeting to avoid having to make a payment for a no show. NO SHOWS are responsible for paying for the meeting and will receive an invoice. PLEASE DO NOT RSVP THE DAY OF THE MEETING
Article & Ad Submissions Due Date: First of Every Month PRIOR to the month of publication. Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Bay Professional Photographers Association magazine or any of it’s authors does not necessarily reflect the positions of the Bay Professional Photographers Association or any of the Board members.
The President’s Message Hello Everyone! I want to touch down on something we all should do to make our business stand out. Branding is the subject. Branding is more than just a logo. Yes, that is a start for sure. When I first joined BPPA we had a speaker on branding. I learned a lot and have incorporated many of her ideas in my business. And also coming from a business environment, these were also the same ideas that major companies use as well.
the month is what they used. Shortly after we purchased Turner Photography, we got a call from Maggie Turner. She asked one question… are we keeping the name. I told her that not only are we keeping the name, we are branding it as well. The prior owners had no clue where the original logo was, so we had a Graphic Artist render a vector file for us. That logo is on everything we distribute whether printed or online. It is also on the outside of our building.
The most important aspect is to be consistent. As artists, that is a challenge for us. But for your business, it is necessary. You should think of a color palate that defines your business. This color palate should be used in your logo, your website, your studio and all printed material. If you have a studio, you should also incorporate it in the décor of your studio. Think of Home Depot. When you think of Home Depot, you think of orange. When you think of Tiffany’s, you think of aqua blue. If you use a fragrance in your studio, use the same one all the time. What does that do? When you have a client who frequents your place of business, subconsciously they will think of you if they go somewhere and smell that same scent. Constantly use the same size font with your business cards, brochures, letters and emails.
When your company is properly branded, you are set apart from others. You are unique. You are one of a kind. The ultimate branding is when you have a color scheme and logo that does not have any words at all and people know what it is. Target’s logo is a target. You don’t need to see the words to know. You can also identify Target’s commercials before seeing the logo at the end. Budweiser uses a crown. If you ever noticed in a lot of Budweiser commercials, they never mention the name Budweiser in the commercial? When they play the Budweiser theme and show the crown, you know who it is. And when you see a large apple…well I think you know where I am going now! There are other examples of ultimate branding. These are just some that came to mind.
Either design or have someone design a logo for you. A good Graphic Artist can create a logo that is unique and sets you apart. You can also use your signature as your logo. The signature for Turner Photography is the signature of the founder, Maggie Turner. Once you have settled on a logo, keep it. When my husband and I took over Turner Photography, the people who owned it before us hardly used the logo. Instead they used several different fonts for the logo. We often said whatever was the flavor of
As small businesses, we don’t have the capital or the savvy businesses people large companies have. But if we are consistent and unique, we can get our business noticed. And when you are thinking of anything you want to add, don’t look at your competition. Look at the big players. That is the example you want to follow. Thank you, Donna Williams 5
Billy Dzwonkowski
Judges to be announced at the meeting
By competing in Salon Competition, you will excel in your craft and become a better photographer.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL ENTRANTS Please study and follow carefully. Not doing so will prevent judging of your entry. Complete the official entry form. Be sure to sign the certification. Enclose entry form and fee with your CD and deliver to Salon Chairman by the deadline. ELIGIBILITY: Any member of BPPA in good standing. ENTRIES: A total, not to exceed 6 images, may be entered by one photographer per salon judging. Images previously entered in BPPA Salon Competitions may not be entered again. No two images shall be of the same subject. ENTRY FEE: The entry fee of $10.00 covers one to six entries. It may be cash or a check made payable to BPPA. It must be included with the CD and entry form. ENTRY FORM: The completed and signed entry form must be included with your entries inside. ENTRY DEADLINES: Entries must be delivered on CD only. Only one (1) member’s entries are allowed per CD. All CDs must be received by the Salon Committee by 6:30 P.M. All entries must be left with the Salon Committee until the critique is finished. FILE NAMING: We must all follow these naming rules. This is very important for the smooth running of our competition. SALON FILE NAMES: "Category-Title-Makers_Name.JPG" Example: "PT-Time_Alone-Al_Gordon.JPG" USE THE FOLLOWING ABREVIATIONS FOR THE CATEGORIES: PT-Portrait UN-Unclassified AL-Album CM-Commercial SL-Social Function EI-Electronic Imaging CLASSIFICATION OF ENTRIES: Entries must be designated by the entrant in one of the six (6) categories listed on the entry form. If the chairman feels the entry is placed in an incorrect category, he/she may change the entry’s category. Color and Black and White images will be judged together in all categories. 1. PORTRAIT: This category includes portraits of men, women, children, couples (2 people), groups (3 or more), and environmental portraits. 2. SOCIAL FUNCTION: This category includes social function portraits or candids. 3. COMMERCIAL: This category includes illustrative, industrial, architectural, and product photography. Live models may be used for these entries. 4. UNCLASSIFIED: This category includes abstracts, pictorials (non-portrait), animals, figure studies and photojournalism. 5. ELECTRONIC IMAGING: This category includes digital restoration, image enhancement. Entries will be judged for digital, artistic and technical proficiency. 6. ALBUMS: This Category includes wedding albums, story book and portrait albums. Albums can be from 1 or more makers. IMAGE PREPARATION: Always SAVE a copy of your competition print file before attempting this! Create a new file in Photoshop with a black background that is 1000 x 1000 PIXELS. PPI, DPI, and resolution do not matter at all here. Open your competition image and flatten any layers you may have in the file. It should already be sized to 16x20 at whatever resolution your lab requires. Open the IMAGE SIZE, dialog box and make sure CONSTRAIN PROPORTIONS and RESAMPLE IMAGE are both
checked. Now the tricky part, make your longest dimension (probably 20 inches) say 1000 pixels. This will automatically resize your image to 1000 pixels x 800 pixels. Click OK, you will have two files open now in Photoshop. Now, make sure your ACTIVE image is the competition image. Press CTL+A (CONTROL key and letter A) to select all of the image. Then Press CTL+C to copy it. Now make your BLACK image ACTIVE by clicking on its title bar. Press CTL+V to paste the competition image in, perfectly centered, to the new background. Flatten the image. ALBUM FILE PREPARATION: 1. Non-rewritable CDs are required for CD album entries. 2. All files MUST be a horizontal canvas size of 1600 x 1000 pixels color space sRGB, JPEG at Quality setting 12 (That doesn’t mean you can’t have vertical images.) 3. Each canvas/file may be a single album side or a spread with as many images as you desire. 4. An entry may contain up to 36 “Canvases/files” 5. Identify Canvas/files in the order to be viewed using two digits i.e. 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, etc.) 6. Canvas/file 01.jpg MUST be blank - filled with BLACK All Canvas/files for one entry Must be in one folder named "Category-Title-Makers_Name.JPG" Example: "ALJoan_and_Jim-Al_Gordon.JPG" 7. Limit (1) album entry per CD. 8. Entrant’s Name and Title MUST be written directly on the CD for identification. NOTE: In order to prevent jamming, NO labels can be affixed to the CD! 9. Studio identification or entrant’s name cannot appear on any file within the album entry. JUDGING PROCEDURES: Each salon will be judged by a panel of three qualified judges using FPP and PP of A guidelines including point scoring procedures. The score of the three judges will be totaled and averaged for the final score. When a judge’s score varies 10 points or more from the average score, it becomes an automatic challenge and the photograph must be discussed and re-scored. A judge may initiate a challenge at any time. SCORING: Prints are scored from 0 to 100 as follows: 100-95 EXCEPTIONAL 79-76 GOOD 94-90 SUPERIOR 75-74 AVERAGE 89-85 EXCELLENT 73-70 FAIR 84-80 VERY GOOD 69-0 UNACCEPTABLE All entries receiving scores of 78-79 are automatically challenged and re-judged. On the re-judging, the change of a score is by a 2/3 majority vote of the judges. AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place in each category. Merit ribbons will be awarded to all prints scoring an 80 or above. A Best of Show ribbon will be awarded to the print judged best by the panel of judges.
Not a member yet? Fill out an application, make a copy of your Sales Tax Certificate and make a check to Bay Professional Photographers Association. Bring your payment and paperwork to our next meeting OR mail payment and paperwork to: Gigi O’Dea 14762 1st. Ave. East Bradenton, FL 34212 If you would like to become a member, renew your membership or attend one of our meetings as a guest, please email our Membership Chair, Gigi O’Dea gigiodea@yahoo.com CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR: MEMBERSHIP FORM
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” ― Ansel Adams
Heidemarie Burk
he Member Spotlight for June is Heidemarie J. Burke, CPP is a Master Photographer in Englewood FL and owner of Photographic Images, LLC, a full-service studio well known on Boca Grande Florida and area. LF: How long have you been in business, and where do you see your business in five years? I have been in bus iness here in Florida for 27 years and worked for a photographer in Upstate NY for another 7 years. In five years I will probably still take photographs because my work will be still better in five years‌unless I sell my pho10
tography business and devote more time to my other business of ProCameraCases. LF: What is your favorite subject? My favorite is always the one I am just photographing. I get so into it! LF: What is your specialty? My business is basically divided into 3+ categories, portraits, weddings and commercial, but we do a fair amount of restorations and passport photographs.
“Triplets” Was actually one baby in a composite done in the studio with a white background and white fluffy blanket around the baby’s bottom. The parents became part of the backdrop as the parent held the baby under the blanket and I pinned the blanket around the parent from the back. All Images © Heidemarvie Burke
LF: What was the most challenging client you LF: You have been a member of BPPA for many ever had and how were you able to overcome the years and have served in many positions and obstacles? you are back serving as vice president. What kinds of changes do you see in our group since I don’t recall any particularly difficult challenge. you first started to participate? Sometimes the weather can be challenging, so I work with it rather than against it. If the wind is I have been a Bay member for about 25 years blowing, I have it blowing from the front as the and have held various offices. hair looks better that way. Most of the time I find I met Master Photographer, Scott Hime, at a a spot that is protected and take some good hair Home Show when I first moved to Florida and pictures before we go to the beach. Many ob- he invited me to join Bay. I was familiar with this stacles can be avoided if you are prepared and type of professional association from working have a plan B. at a studio in NY and went to meetings there. The group was a lot more cliquey when I first came and included more hobby type of 11
photographers which I didn’t really like that much. LF: You are a Master Photographer, what motivated you to become one, and why do you value this? I mostly use it as a marketing tool and a way to differentiate myself from the competition. The other challenge was to see if I could accomplish it and all along improving my skills. LF: What is your most used lens and why? Canon L lens 25-105. It is perfect for most jobs, but I do use other lenses as well, like a tilt and shift lens for architectural photography.
LF: Knowing what you know today, is there anything you wish you would have known when you first started? Hire an accountant! 12
“The Honeymooners” One of my brides bought these dog wedding outfits for her dog “Charlie” and her mother’s dog “Meggie”, but on the wedding day we didn’t have time to photograph them, so I offered to do it on another day at her mother’s house. The dogs were comfortable on the bed and I liked the white background. Window light was coming in from the left and I added a touch of fill from a flash.70-200mm 120mm
“Functional Beauty” I photographed several interior features for a builder and this was one of the kitchens. I balanced available light with speed lights and turned all the lights on in the room. Camera was on a tripod with f-16 exposure.
All Images © Heidemarie Burke
LF: Out of all the photographic tools available for photographers is there one that you would recommend to others and why? Owning a ProCameraCase, of course, why schlepp everything? LF: If you had to start over, what would you do different? I think I would do just what I did, start small, reinvest and build up. LF: What advice would you have for photographers who are starting out? Don’t try to do it all alone, train reliable people who can help you when needed, and treat them well. LF: Thank you Heidemarie for more on his work please visit: http://www.heidemariephoto.com
Black & White Maternity: “Gateway to Life” This is my hair dresser and she was very pregnant with a little boy. She bought this nice outfit to wear and I liked the texture of the cedar door. The door was symbolic for the upcoming birth. Because of the steps, I was on a ladder and balance available light with a little fill flash from a speed light with diffuser.
“Evening Glow� A realtor called me to photograph the house of his in-laws, which was up for sale and he wanted an evening shot. I was positioned outside a fence waiting for the light to fade. The realtor went inside the house and turned on all the lights. I told him to move the lights from the room near the windows and fortunately this house had plenty of light fixtures. In post production we cleaned up the yard and changed the shrubbery a bit to flow around the hot tub and we had to minimize some furniture that showed up too prominent in the windows.
Last Meeting
John Woodward gave an outstanding presentation! If you missed this program you are probably missing out on a great deal of very useful information. From left to right, top to bottom: Scott Hime, Master Photog, Billy Dzwonkowski Kelly Kearns, one of our newest members. John Woodward Donna Williams Charlie Coury, Manny Cruz, John Woodward Skip Cohen Lakota McKibbin with her mom Sashi. Carmen Schettino, Evelyn England, Andy Croatman
We always appreciate our vendors who provide us with door prizes. Please support our vendors: Johnson Photo Imaging Pro Camera Cases Pro Photo Imaging Reedy Photo PHOTOS BY THOMAS BENDER 16
Salon News by Billy Dzwonkowski PRINT OF THE MONTH: Each member may enter one 8x10 print each month. The winner is determined by ballot with each BPPA member getting one vote. Entering 1 point First Place 2 points CREATIVE QUARTERLY: There is a ‘Theme’ announced for each quarter. Each member may enter up to two 8 x 10 prints per quarter. The winner is picked by the Master Photographer members of BPPA that are in attendance. Prints for Creative Quarterly will be judged in March, July, September and November. Points are awarded as follows: Entering = 1 point First Place = 2 points Second Place = 1 point Themes for the remainder of the year: July: Relaxation September: Work November: Play SALON PRINT COMPETITION: There are three salon competitions during the year. Entering a Case (1-6 prints) 2 points Be sure to create top photography for your clients for the upcoming Salon in JUNE and later in OCTOBER. In the meantime, collect your best and be ready to compete.
Florida Professional Photographers Delegate’s News by Heidemarie Burke Florida 2014 Convention In Orlando Saturday, August 9, 2014 - Monday, August 11, 2014 OK - so we aren’t calling Convention “Convention” - we now call it FOCUS (areyouinfocus.com) IF you are an FPP member, you still need to register simply because we need to know you are coming so we can be prepared with your name badge, have the right amount of food there, etc... otherwise it will be a $25 charge at the door (remember it is included in your membership). More FOCUS stuff - Affiliate Benefit and that means BPPA members: This year at FOCUS on Saturday, August 9 will be called Affiliate Benefit Saturday! What does this mean if you have a Section member that is not an FPP member? Well, it means they get to come to that day’s events at half-price! The entry fee for Saturday will be $50 if preregistered by phone, $75 at door. No online registration will be available. Proof of section membership must be verified. Remember - they MUST call to preregister... this cannot be done online and verification of membership will be verified. Have them call the FPP office at 813-760-1933
People, Places or Things Art & Frame of Sarasota announces a call to artists for a juried art exhibition, and opening Reception. Over $500 in awards & prizes. This Palette is open to all artists including amateurs, professionals, and students. All Artwork will be shown in the Hall Gallery at Saba Plaza. We are seeking original art works, created in the last 12 months that reflects our theme of: “People, Places, or Things” Any work on paper, canvas, collages, drawings, paintings, photography, prints, watercolors, and 3-dimensional art work. No work can exceed 48”x 60” or weigh more than 20 pounds. Your art must be ready to hang on standard picture hooks. Please make sure that your hanging system is secure. No string, tape or flimsy frames. Please contact our framing department with any questions. Artwork received: Monday, June 9th - 11:00am-7:30pm at Art & Frame of Sarasota. Please enter from the back parking lot off Bahia Vista Street Opening Reception: Friday, June 13th - 7:00pm Doors open at 7:00 Friday, June 13th, here at Art & Frame of Sarasota, Light refreshments, wine and cheese. Awards will be at 8:00 Exhibition dates: June 13th - Aug 1st Artwork pick-up: Friday, Aug 1st 9am-5pm & Saturday, Aug 2nd 9am-3pm (No early pickups) Juror: TBA Maximum two pieces of artwork per person. Entry fee: $20 per artwork. Questions? Please contact Caryn at: orders@in2art.com or call 941-366-2301 First prize: $250
AWARDS: Second prize: $150 Gift Card awards of merit: $25
Click here to download the Entry Form (Forms will be available during receiving
Third prize: $50
ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES We are a community of professional photographers and we would love to see your ad in our Newsletter. If you are interested, please reach Maria Lyle at 941.362.1957 | BPPA BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
3.675” W x 2.375” H 4.25” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 11” H
In order to avoid missing out on this year’s exciting Salon Print Competition is the program for March, Ju The other meetings are designated for Print of the M Monday, June 9 (RSVP by Friday, 6/6 by Noon) - President assigns Nomination Committee consisting of three Past Presidents of BPPA to fill Board of Directors positions. - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition Monday, June 1-5, 2014 Florida School Of Photography www.fpponline.org Monday, July 14 (RSVP by Friday, 7/10 by Noon) - General Meeting Nominees for board positions are announced at the general membership meeting and published 30 days before the Annual Meeting. - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly: Theme: “Relaxation” Monday, August 11 (RSVP by Friday, 8/1 by Noon) - Annual Meeting of the Corporation And Election of New Board Members - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month Saturday, August 9, 2014 - Monday, August 11, 2014 Florida 2014 Convention www.pponline.org/convention_general_info.php Monday, September 8 (RSVP by Friday, 9/5 by Noon) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly: Theme: “Work” Monday, October 13 (RSVP by Friday, 10/10 by Noon) - BOARD: Review Dues and Fees structure for the upcoming year. - BOARD: Set date and plan for Annual Banquet General Meeting - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition Monday, November 10 (RSVP by Friday, 11/7 by Noon) - BOARD: IRS Reporting of 990-N Non Profit Status - BOARD: Review Awards and Certificates for Annual Banquet (get plaques and certificates on order) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly: Theme: “Play” 22
programs, please add these dates to your calendar. une and October meetings. Month and Creative Quarterly. Please note the following for details December (TBA) Annual Banquet, First Sunday of the month Board Meeting: None General Meeting: None - Turn Over and Planning Meeting: Scheduled by the upcoming president between Christmas and New Years. All Board Members, New and Old Committee Chairs should attend.
Social by Pilar Ojeda Bay Bowling Night at Rip Van Winkle Lanes.
2250 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 955-7629
Monday, July 21st, 2014 @ 6:00 PM Please RSVP back by Sunday, June 27th, so I can secure the # of lanes we’ll need for everyone that is coming to bowl: pilarojeda@netscape.net or call Pilar at 941-348-9292 (cell). Come join the BPPA for a fun night of bowling @ Sarasota Lanes! It’s another great opportunity to get to know each other, in a relaxed environment, and participate in some healthy, fun competition, and eat some yummy grub. $6.00 per game $4.00 for shoe rental $9.00 + tax per large pizza. We can also order a tray of 50 wings for $32.00 Chicken fingers $35.00 (amount is by weight).
FINANCIAL REPORT BPPA members, please note that all financial documents are available for inspection. Please contact our Treasurer, Arnold Berns, to view these 23
Honorary Blood Drive for Maya McKibbin Bay Professional Photographers Association worked with SunCoast Blood Bank on this event. The event was held at the Saba Plaza and we had 15 donors and raised $75.00 for the family. People were still calling after the main event, and several people went to donate more blood for Maya. How cool is that. It was so very nice to see photographers share ideas and knowledge. Pilar was nice enough to tackle the challenge of working with my Nikon and going around taking some images that we can share with you. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers! Please enjoy the photos.
This is Maya. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Ewings Sarcoma on in 2013. She is considered to be stage three with a very good chance of survival. Maya has received over 30 units of blood and platelets since the beginning of this journey . She gets a new lease on life with every transfusion.
A BIG THANK YOU to the Participating Professional Photographers
Stephanie Dubsky Maria Lyle
Billy Dzwonkowski
Pilar Ojeda
Gigi O’Dea Marina Proskurina
Carmen Schettino
Donna Williams
Marina Yuhko
Winners Marie White One Beach Portrait Session with One 11x14 Print with Maria Lyle Photography AND Greg Moore One $100 Gift Certificate from Patricks On Main
If you were unable to attend this event, you can still stop by and donate blood on her behalf. Please use the following Code #5124 www.scbb.org SUNCOAST BLOOD BANK 1760 MOUND STREET | SARASOTA, FL 34236-8501 Walk-ins are welcome or by appointment to Schedule Blood Donation: 941.954.1600
Follow Maya’s story and visit her blog: www.mayaspuffercheeks.wordpress.com 25 To learn more about childhood cancer please visit: www.thetruth365.org