BPPA Lens Flare January 2015

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ens L flare JANUARY 2015

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pg 10

EXCLUSIVE Appearance: “An Evening with Tim Kelly” pg 6


Board of Directors

President - Donna Williams Vice President - Carmen Schettino Secretary - Jennifer Gerardi Treasurer - Heidemarie Burke Director – Connie Summers Director - Maria Lyle Director - Ed Vinson

Committee Chairs

Membership - Gigi O’Dea Door Prize / Scholarship - Connie Summers Program Chair - Connie Summers Archivist / Salon - Jennifer Gerardi Social Media - Donna Williams FPP State Delegate - Heidemarie Burke House RSVP - Jim Dohms Website / Awards - Ed Vinson Newsletter Editor/Marketing / Photographer - Maria Lyle Social - Pilar Ojeda Ferenus Social Media – Donna Williams

About Us... The Bay Professional Photographer’s Association provides an opportunity for photographers to come together to exchange ideas and information, and to encourage each other to become better at their craft. The association allows photographers to improve their skills by presenting photographic programs and holding print competitions. The association also provides the benefit of networking with other photographers for business and social interaction. If you are a professional photographer in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Englewood and vicinity, you are invited to come and visit our group. We would love to have you as part of this organization. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting as a guest, please contact: Membership Chair, Gigi O’Dea PHONE: (941)941.747.4150 EMAIL: gigiodea@yahoo.com

In order to run a good organization, we rely on volunteers. These positions are greatly appreciated by all. A lot of our members double up on committees. We would love to have your assistance on any of our committees. You will learn more about BPPA and get to know everyone even more! To volunteer, please contact: President, Donna Williams PHONE: (941)941.358.3423 EMAIL: dwilliams@turnerflorida.com

ON THE COVER Time Kelly, our guest speaker.

From the Editor

Ladies and gentlemen,

Happy Holidays and a great 2015 for each of you. So excited to be working on this issue and getting to see Tim Kelly’s images and come up with a layout for you to enjoy his work. Also thought to have one heck of a spread for Photographer Of The Year, which I have managed to make it several images to show her awesome work.

We are already working on our next issue. If you have any items for sale, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at BayProfessionalPhotographers@Gmail.com. Please add this e-mail address to your address book: BayProfessionalPhotographers@Gmail.com for all correspondence with Maria Lyle. Maria Lyle

Copyright © 2014, Bay Professional Photographers Association, all Rights reserved.This Ntewsletter is produced by Maria Lyle. If you have some information that you want to share with your fellow photographers, please e-mail Maria Lyle. It will be posted on the next Newsletter. Graphic Design: © Martha Thompson of Martha Thompson Art & Design.

Contents JANUARY 2015

page 6

Program: EXCLUSIVE Appearance: “An Evening with Tim Kelly”

page 14

Photographer Of The Year:

page 22

Annual Banquet Awards

page 25

Salon News

page 28

Calendar of Events

page 37

Last Exposure



Let’s get social

Please share with other professionals


Visit our Website: www.bayprofessionalphotographers.com And please don’t forget to add BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com to your address book so we will be sure to land in your inbox!

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Monthly Meeting

2nd Monday of Each Month

Click HERE to


Hilton Garden Inn 8270 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243


4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Board Meeting

The Board members welcome all members. It is imperative that meetings are not to be interrupted when in session. We appreciate your cooperation.

Monthly Fee

Don’t want the hassle of RSVPing for each and every Meeting?

Click Here To Join the Permanent RSVP List

(includes dinner and program) Members: $30.00 Non Members: $45.00

6:00 PM Social Photographer Of The Year Display 6:30 PM Dinner 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Program: Tim Kelly Print Of The Month

As a Permanent RSVP Member, you will be added to the attending list on a monthly basis. If you cannot attend you are responsible to RSVP by Friday at Noon before the meeting to avoid having to make a payment for a no show. NO SHOWS are responsible for paying for the meeting and will receive an invoice. PLEASE DO NOT RSVP THE DAY OF THE MEETING


For example: Article submission December 15th


Newsletter Publication January 1st

Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Bay Professional Photographers Association magazine or any of it’s authors does not necessarily reflect the positions of the Bay Professional Photographers Association or any of the Board members. 4

The President’s Message Hello Everyone! It was my pleasure being your President in 2014, and I look forward to serving you again in 2015! As 2014 is nearing the end, we should reflect on what we have accomplished this past year. It is also the time to plan for changes we want in 2015 in both our business and personal lives. With the start of each year, we get that opportunity to start fresh. In an earlier message, I spoke about goals and plans. Now is the time to put those actions in place.

season and a successful year in 2015. I look forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting on January 12th. Thank you, Donna Williams

Your BPPA membership is a way to accomplish those plans and goals that you set for yourself. Make the most of your membership. By attending the meetings, you receive the benefit of photography education with the program speakers. By continually competing in salon you will increase the level of photography you present to your clients. By being a BPPA member, you have a team of fellow photographers that you can bounce ideas with and count on should you need their assistance. The more meetings you attend, the more benefits you will reap. This January is my fifth year as a BPPA Member. In these past years, I learned so much and gained an enormous amount of insight as a photographer. Even if a program did not directly pertain to what I did, it was still interesting to me. Photography is photography. Lighting is lighting. These are constants that don’t change no matter what you photograph. Even if the subject is not directly related to your field of photography, it may be something that can be applied to what you do. It may be a marketing idea or strategy that can help you in your business. Think about that when you complete your application and submit your yearly dues. Your receive so much for the small investment you make. I also want to take this time to wish each of you and your families a happy and wonderful holiday 5


Connie Summers, Program Chair

While it would be impossible for this most awarded photographer to show you all of his secrets in one day, Tim will take you to overload with great ideas and inspiration in this special evening appearance. In professional photography over forty years, he has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share. His studio has always been on both the artistic and technological cutting edge, and his new studio, gallery and lab produce the finest work in the industry. He continues to prove himself over and over, taking the highest imaging honor – the Kodak Gallery Elite Award, for an unprecedented third time! In 2011 he set an award and print score record with his state entries. In 2014 he took the Kodak Gallery award for his portraiture in Florida, and then the regional Gallery Award for yet another image. Tim is a Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman, Fellow of American Society of Photographers, and life member of Cameracraftsmen of America. He has been widely published and has produced many educational materials for the professional portrait photographer. Tim is also a Kodak “Mentor” and has been inducted into the International Society of Portrait Artists, founded in Siena, Italy. His new book, B&W Portraiture, behind the work of a legendary photographer” will release with Amherst Publishing February 1st 2015. If you are interested in advancing your portrait art, or your portrait sales, don’t miss a chance to hear Mr. Tim Kelly! 6

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...but only if it’s done right!” EXCLUSIVE Appearance:

“An Evening with Tim Kelly”

All images © Tim Kelly, M. Photog., Cr., Fellow-ASP


Tim Kelly is definitely one of the few. Celebrating over forty years in professional photography, he has not only “seen it all” but has participated in the cutting edge of several of it’s landmark advances. A teacher and mentor to portrait photographers for more than twenty years already, he had already paid his dues, having worked in nearly every speciality of the industry. Before soloing as a portrait only artist, there were thousands of high end weddings, large scale product and advertising, NYC area fashion, corporate and industrial for the very biggest companies – and yes, even seniors by the thousands and undergrads by the tens of thousands. In addition to all this, Kelly has always owned a lab - processing, printing and retouching his own work in house with the help of full time staff. Kelly still produces all his signature bearing prints himself. Today, known for his highly awarded, gallery grade portraiture, and beautiful state-of-the-art studio, he takes great pleasure in passing on as much tradition and technique as he does his knowledge of technology and business. Most of professional photography knows the name, the look and reputation, as Tim has been one of the industries most prolific and sought after authors, and experienced educators. But, as can be expected after a long and successful career, he has been opting out of the photo-educational “circuit” and limiting his personal appearances and workshops to do new things for the profession. In 2005 he created his own e-commerce site called the “ProShop” where his current books and DVD’s are sold worldwide – everyday! Tim is an artist who has enjoyed success in several mediums including graphic art, oil painting, drawing and etching in addition to music and photography. He considers himself a “blessed man”, having been able to sustain a great career doing the very thing he loves the most; photographic fineart portraits. Honors: Kelly is a Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman, Fellow of the American Society of Photographers, PPA Affiliate Juror, Inducted: Cameracraftsmen of America, Inducted: International Society of Portrait Artists; Siena, Italy, Florida’s Degree of Photographic Excellence and Service Award, two decades as a Kodak Mentor. Tim has received the Kodak Gallery Elite Award 3 times, 29 Gallery Awards, Multiple Epcot Award, countless print awards and is a two-time recipient of “Becker Award”, Florida’s highest honor. Winning is not ancient history for Kelly - he’s taken portrait honors again through 2014, and received his State and Regional Kodak Gallery Awards just this year! To see more of his amazing work, please visit his website: http://www.timkellyportraits.com/content/about.html


Š Tim Kelly, M. Photog., Cr., Fellow-ASP



All images Š Tim Kelly, M. Photog., Cr., Fellow-ASP


MEMBERSHIP & dues Attention professional photographers in our local area that are not members of our organization! If you haven’t been to a BPPA meeting and want to check it out to see what we are all about, we would love to have you. It’s a great way to learn and keep up with what’s going on in the photography world, not to mention get to know other local photographers that you can collaborate with.

Monthly Fee (includes dinner and program) Members: $30.00 Non Members: $45.00

For more information on becoming a member, renewing your membership, or to attend one of our meetings as a guest, please contact our Membership Chair: Gigi O’Dea gigiodea@yahoo.com If you are already a member… If you are going to qualify for a member price for the January meeting, you will need to have your Membership application, membership fees, and Sales Tax Certificate turned in that evening to get the Member price of $30.00. If you cannot attend the January 12 meeting you have until January 31st, to pay your dues without a late fee of $10.00. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR MEMBERSHIP FORM: http://www.bppafl.com/storage/pdfs/BPPA_Member_App2015.pdf PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION AND PAYMENT TO OUR TREASURER: Heidemarie Burke Photographic Images 7233 Summer St. Englewood, FL 34224 Cell: 941.626.0572

If you are already a member.... PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR NAME TAG 12

LIFETIME MEMBERS BPPA would like to take the time to pay homage to our Lifetime members for the January 12th meeting. Current Lifetime members:

Ron Bernard Bruce Evensen Nancy Fishpaw Alfred Gordon Kate Hill-Moore Scott Hime Charles Neubauer Gloria Pearse Carmen Schettino We hope you can join us to honor these lifetime members for their contribution to our guild.



Gigi O’Dea

We are proud to announce The Photographer Of The Year for 2014, it is Gigi O’Dea of Memory Portraits by Gigi. This award is given annually to a BPPA member who has scored the highest in Print Competition. It is open to all members of the association. This prestigious award is earned by accumulation of Salon points. The Salon Chairman keeps a running tally through out the year. This member entered Print of The Month, Creative Quarterly and Salon. Please join me and congratulate Gigi for this honor. Of course Lens Flare was on the spot to ask a couple of questions.

LF: Being Photographer Of The Year, is not an easy task. How did you plan your photo shoots throughout the year? - We are given the Creative Quarterly “assignments” at the beginning of the year, so I keep that in the back of my mind so I can incorporate into a shoot a few ideas that work with the theme into my sessions. Because I photograph mostly babies, I feel that it can sometimes be even more of a challenge to create images for these assignments. I was surprised that I was able to pull off a win for three out of the four creative quarterly competitions. As far as planning for any other shoots, I put a lot of thought into planning my session with a particular baby based on lots of factors, such as parents careers or hobbies, nursery or home decor of the family, or just something I feel passionate about that I want to get out. I don’t necessarily always know if a certain idea or concept will be competition worthy until after the fact. If I have a baby or subject that I feel would be good for a competition piece, however, I don’t hesitate to bring them in to photograph them specifically for a competition image. It usually works out pretty well for me when I do that. 14

LF: You shared the title of Photographer of the Year last year, how did you mentally prepare for the challenge of the competition this year. - To be honest, I gave everything I had to competition last year when I tied for Photographer of the Year and I had every intention on taking a step back from competition this year. The time commitment and emotional push is a lot, and I didn’t know if I wanted to invest that much of myself for that. However, it is hard to walk away when you didn’t come out on top… don’t get me wrong, I was happy to share it with such a talented photographer, but I felt like I didn’t accomplish what I had set out for. There has been a tremendous amount of growth and talent this year with my colleagues, so I really felt the pressure this year and am shocked that I pulled it off in the end.

LF: What was the most challenging photo shoot that you planned to enter in competition. - My most challenging photo shoot was an image that I was creating for a competition for the new mall. I thought it would be great as a marketing idea for my business. I came up with two concepts and did a model call where I photographed 30 babies in 2 weeks. One of the images had 7 newborns in which I photographed separately and did a composite. I entered a portion of the image into competition and it did well. I think it won second place in portrait. The other image consisted of 24, six to twelve month babies, and took a tremendous amount of time to put together as a composite. For the first time ever, I was able to enter into the commercial category, in which I placed 2nd. It was the most gratifying win I have ever had in competition. LF: What was your motivation to enter month after month. - My motivation was the title. Honestly, I love working to get better, but I really wanted to prove that I could do it. Last year, to get so close and tie, drove me to try even harder this year. LF: Where do you see yourself in five years? - In five years I still want to be photographing babies. I hope to have more digital art experience and be able to create more composites and artistic images. I don’t have ambitions of having a large business with employees, I just want to be able to create quality pieces that I am proud of. I want to photograph the things that I enjoy and that inspire me.

© Gigi O’Dea

LF: What plans did you have when joining Bay Professional Photographers Association? - Honestly, my goal when joining BPPA was to learn. I had been a photographer for about 5 years when I joined and felt like I had so much to learn (I still do). I wanted to take every opportunity I could to grow in my craft. I knew nothing about competition when I started and it took me two or three years before I entered anything. I think my first score was a 76, but I’ve learned so much from listening to all the critiques and looks like it finally paid off.


LF: What project are your working on now? - I am working on putting together the Memory Portraits by Gigi 2015 calendar. This is the 6th year that I have been making a calendar for my business, and it is something that my clients love. I have clients that tell me during their session that they want their baby to make it into the next calendar. I take 13 images from my newborn sessions throughout the year and make a calendar with them. This year the competition to get into the calendar was very tough. I ended up opening up the decision for the last spot in the calendar to a vote on Facebook. It was a lot of fun to see everyone get involved and give their opinion, and it took the pressure off of me to have to decide. I loved them all, so I would have been happy with any of them being chosen. It is a great marketing idea and the calendars are in several dr. offices throughout the Sarasota, Bradenton area. I usually have multiple offices calling me every year making sure that they are still on the list to get their calendar for the year. The popularity of the calendars is growing, so that is exciting to me. A lot of people keep telling me that this is my best one yet, ( I hear this every year), just makes me determined for each one I do to be better than the last. LF: Thank you Gigi, and many congratulations once again. For more of Gigi’s work please click on her website: http://www.memoryportraitsbygigi.com/


© Gigi O’Dea


© Gigi O’Dea


© Gigi O’Dea



© Gigi O’Dea



A huge Thank You to Scott & Jenny Hime for opening their home to have our Banquet. A great time was had by all and several people received Thank You from our president for being a Director, Committte Chair and many more. Outstanding Service Award – Maria Lyle Directors’ Award – Jim Dohms President’s Award – Connie Summers Photographer of the Year – Gigi O’Dea Scholarship Recipients $250 – Scott Hime $150 – Michael DeMartino $100 – Gigi O’Dea $100 – Betty Lupacchino



The Gay Rebecca Sharp Memorial Photography Scholarship Fund Gay Sharp was an exceptional woman. She was always upbeat and a very good photographer. She was a leader in the Bay Professional Photography Association, and served in every level of the board as well as being president. Gay contributed to the profession in so many ways by simply being herself. We miss her smiles here in Florida. This Scholarship is continue to remember this special lady who was a great part of so many of us.

Charlie Coury was the recipient of The Gay Rebecca Sharp Memorial Photograhy Fund for the second time. Here is what he had to say: I have received The Gay Rebeccas Sharp Memorial Photograhy Fund from the 2014 BPPA Awards Banquet once again. I am so appreciative and humbled. I had met Gay almost 20 years ago and immediately was drawn to her by her kindness and compassion towards everyone, including myself. I have only one regret. I wish I had spent more time with her, getting to know her better. Ironically this is the second year I have been blessed with this award. Thank you Bay and more than anything, bless you Gay Sharp.... your spirit and memory lives on. Charlie Coury


Salon News

by Jennifer Gerardi

Hello, I am honored to be the Salon Chair for this coming new year, 2015! First I’d like to wish Gigi O’Dea a hearty congratulations on being The Photographer of the Year for 2014! Way to go Gigi; not an easy feat, and you should be very proud of all your hard work. Secondly, I’d like to announce that we have some exciting changes in terms of Salon. We have decided that we will now do Salon only 2 times a year, during the months of March & July. Our members have spoken, and we have listened. We hope that this change will increase participation, interest & involvement and if not, I’ll be forced to use my whip! We will also be switching to a digital online system, where you will be able to enter salon from the luxury of your computer, and this news is exciting for all those who travel or who cannot be present but still want to enter. Entering a “case” will now mean you can enter up to 8 images for the price of $20. Lastly, I would like to announce the themes and months for our Creative Quarterly Competition, in which you can enter: March it will be “Lines” June it will be “Shapes & Forms” September it will be “Movement” November it will be “Expressions.” You can enter up to 2 prints each for these. We will now be listing the rankings of Photographer of Year in the newsletters, starting in February, where I will also explain to you how we will determine the points for P.O.T.Y. I look forward to seeing all your new images and prints in 2015! I know the value of healthy competition and it will only make you a better and stronger photographer. In the words of Walt Disney, “I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.” -Jennifer Gerardi


Salon News

by Jennifer Gerardi

PRINT OF THE MONTH: Each member may enter one 8x10 print each month. The winner is determined by ballot with each BPPA member getting one vote. Entering 1 point First Place 2 points CREATIVE QUARTERLY: There is a ‘Theme’ announced for each quarter. Each member may enter up to two 8 x 10 prints per quarter. The winner is picked by the Master Photographer members of BPPA that are in attendance. Prints for Creative Quarterly will be judged in March, July, September and November. Points are awarded as follows: Entering = 1 point First Place = 2 points Second Place = 1 point March: “Lines” June: “Shapes & Forms” September: “Movement” November: “Expressions” SALON PRINT COMPETITION: There are two Salon competitions during the year. March & July Entering a Case (1-8 prints) 2 points Entering a “case” will now mean you can enter up to 8 images for the price of $20. CLICK HERE FOR THE RULES:

Salon Competition Procedures And Rules




Florida Professional Photographers Delegate’s News

by Heidemarie Burke

Our Bay Professional Photographers, Association, (BPPA) is an Affiliate or Guild of the Florida Professional Photographers, Association. (FPP). Altogether there are 13 such guilds in the State of Florida each with their own membership. My position as Delegate is to be the link between us (BPPA) and the parent organization (FPP). If you have any ideas or concerns that both organizations can benefit by, please let me know. In the meantime make sure you attend as many meetings as possible to help your photography business grow. Other FPP dates to keep on your calendar are Florida School from June 7-10, 2015 at the Daytona State College in Daytona Beach, FL, and the FPP convention called FOCUS 2015 which will be held at the Florida Hotel in Orlando from August 29th to the 31st, 2015. FPP has a facebook page and any FPP member or guild member can post comments or ask questions, so please use this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/Florida.Professional.Photographers.Inc/

FPP Spring Seminar 2015: The Nuts and Bolts with Booray Perry Off Camera Flash Made Easy When: Sunday, February 22, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Where: Doubletree Hotel, 4500 W. Cypress Road, Tampa How Much: FPP/PPA Members $75 / NON-FPP Members $109 At the Door Registration (AFTER February 16th 11:59pm): FPP/PPA Members $95 / NON-FPP Members $129 Regular Registration (Available until Monday, February 16th 11:59pm) For more information: https://fpponline.org/spring_seminar.php


The 2015 FPP Family Fun Cruise & Photo Seminar! This is a first for the FPP. We’re in Florida, the cruise ship capital of the Carribean, and we’ve decided to finally “get on board” with the program. Besides bringing you a fabulous speaker (the one and only Kira Derryberry), with an education on something our industry constantly struggles with (websites, blogs, and social media), we’re going to do it in STYLE - on a cruise to Nassau and CocoCay, Bahamas! https://fpponline.org/fall_seminar.php

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please add these dates to your calendar.

Monday, January 12 (RSVP by Friday, 1/9 by Noon) - Scheduled Program: Tim Kelly - Homage to Lifetime members - Print Of The Month

Monday, February 9 (RSVP by Friday, 2/6 by Noon)v - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month - Spotlight Member Feature

Sunday, February 1 – 3

PPA IMAGING USA http://imagingusa.org Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville, TN

Sunday, February 22, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

FPP Spring Seminar 2015: The Nuts and Bolts with Booray Perry Where? Doubletree Hotel, 4500 W. Cypress Road, Tampa How Much? FPP/PPA Members $75 / NON-FPP Members $109 At the Door Registration (AFTER February 16th 11:59pm): FPP/PPA Members $95 / NON-FPP Members $129 Regular Registration (Available until Monday, February 16th 11:59pm) For more information: https://fpponline.org/spring_seminar.php

Monday, March 9 (RSVP by Friday, 3/6 by Noon) - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition - Spotlight Member Feature - Creative Quarterly Theme: “Lines” Monday, April 13 (RSVP by Friday, 4/10 by Noon) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print Of The Month

Monday, May 11 (RSVP by Friday, 5/8 by Noon) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print Of The Month



Monday, June 8 (RSVP by Friday, 6/5 by Noon) - President assigns Nomination Committee consisting of three Past Presidents of BPPA to fill Board of Directors positions. - Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print of the Month - Creative Quarterly: “Shapes & Forms” Monday, June 7-10

Florida School Of Photography Daytona State College https://fpponline.org/school_general_info.php

Monday, July 13 (RSVP by Friday, 7/10 by Noon)

- General Meeting
Nominees for board positions are announced at the general membership meeting and published 30 days before the Annual Meeting. - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition - Spotlight Member Feature

Monday, August 10 (RSVP by Friday, 8/7 by Noon) - Annual Meeting of the Corporation And Election of New Board Members - Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print Of The Month Saturday, August 29 - Monday, August 31

Florida Convention: Focus 2015 At The Florida Hotel 1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida 32809 http://www.areyouinfocus.com/

Monday, September 14 (RSVP by Friday, 9/11 by Noon)

- Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly Theme: “Movement”


Monday, October 12 (RSVP by Friday, 10/9 by Noon)

- BOARD: Review Dues and Fees structure for the upcoming year. - BOARD: Set date and plan for Annual Banquet General Meeting - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition - Spotlight Member Feature

Monday, November 2 to Friday, November 6, 2015

FPP Fall Seminar: “Click ‘n Cruise” This is a first for the FPP. We’re in Florida, the cruise ship capital of the Carribean, and we’ve decided to finally “get on board” with the program. Besides bringing you a fabulous speaker (the one and only Kira Derryberry), with an education on something our industry constantly struggles with (websites, blogs, and social media), we’re going to do it in STYLE - on a cruise to Nassau and CocoCay, Bahamas! For more information: https://fpponline.org/fall_seminar.php

Monday, November 9 (RSVP by Friday, 11/6 by Noon)

- BOARD: IRS Reporting of 990-N Non Profit Status - BOARD: Review Awards and Certificates for Annual Banquet (get plaques and certificates on order) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Spotlight Member Feature - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly Theme: “Expressions”


Annual Banquet, First Sunday of the month Board Meeting: None General Meeting: None - Turn Over and Planning Meeting:
Scheduled by the upcoming president between Christmas and New Years. All Board Members, New and Old Committee Chairs should attend.

FINANCIAL REPORT BPPA members, please note that all financial documents are available for inspection. Please contact our 2015 Treasurer, Heidemarie J. Burke, to view these reports. Thank you for your membership in our professional organization. 31


DID YOU KNOW............? You can actually subscribe directly from th is link: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=584e90a066b3ff32feac917ce&id=c3169ac3b6 Click on Subscribe and follow the prompts, and before you know it you will be receiving our cool newsletter at a computer near you. NOT ONLY THAT! You can also see previous issues. AND If you have photographer friends you can e-mail them the link and they can subscribe as well. HOW COOL IS THAT!



ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES We are a community of professional photographers and we would love to see your ad in our Newsletter. If you are interested, please reach Maria Lyle at 941.362.1957 | BPPA BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com





Business Card




Quarter Page




Half Page




Full Page




3.675” W x 2.375” H 4.25” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 11” H



Last Exposure

“Sunset Dancer” by Carmen Schettino 37

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