BPPA Lens Flare October 2014

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ens L flare OCTOBER 2014

r tte BP PA Online Newsle

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Meet Scott Hime, Master Photog. pg 10


Salon, Print Competition pg 6


Board of Directors

President - Donna Williams Vice President - Heidemarie Burke Secretary - Jennifer Gerardi Treasurer - Arnie Berns Director - Billy Dzwonkowski Director - Maria Lyle Director - Ed Vinson

Committee Chairs Membership - Gigi O’Dea Door Prize / Scholarship - Connie Summers Program Chair / Salon - Connie Summers Archivist - Jennifer Gerardi Social Media - Donna Williams FPP State Delegate - Heidemarie Burke House RSVP - Jim Dohms Website / Awards - Ed Vinson Marketing / Photographer - Maria Lyle Social - Pilar Ojeda Ferenus

About Us... The Bay Professional Photographer’s Association provides an opportunity for photographers to come together to exchange ideas and information, and to encourage each other to become better at their craft. The association allows photographers to improve their skills by presenting photographic programs and holding print competitions. The association also provides the benefit of networking with other photographers for business and social interaction. If you are a professional photographer in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Englewood and vicinity, you are invited to come and visit our group. We would love to have you as part of this organization. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting as a guest, please contact: Membership Chair, Gigi O’Dea PHONE: (941)941.747.4150 EMAIL: gigiodea@yahoo.com

In order to run a good organization, we rely on volunteers. These positions are greatly appreciated by all. A lot of our members double up on committees. We would love to have your assistance on any of our committees. You will learn more about BPPA and get to know everyone even more! To volunteer, please contact: President, Donna Williams PHONE: (941)941.358.3423 EMAIL: dwilliams@turnerflorida.com

ON THE COVER Scott Hime, Master Photographer of Hime Photography. Although many of you know Scott for his Family Portraits, Business Portraits, Pets and much more. But did you know he has a passion for Black & White photography? In this issue you will see a great deal of his work. This image was taken at Edison and Ford Winter Estate, Fort Myers, FL .

From the Editor

Ladies and gentlemen,

So excited to create this October issue and delighted to feature Scott Hime in the Member Spotlight and the Last Exposure. He had the perfect image to close the last page with which goes hand in hand with this month’s theme. DO YOU NEED TO SELL PHOTOGRAPHIC GEAR? YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.

We are already working on our next issue. If you have any items for sale, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at BayProfessionalPhotographers@Gmail.com. We are working very hard at stream lining our flow of work. Please add this e-mail address to your address book: BayProfessionalPhotographers@Gmail.com for all correspondence with Maria Lyle. Maria Lyle

Copyright © 2014, Bay Professional Photographers Association, all Rights reserved.This Ntewsletter is produced by Maria Lyle. If you have some information that you want to share with your fellow photographers, please e-mail Maria Lyle. It will be posted on the next Newsletter. Graphic Design: © Martha Thompson of Martha Thompson Art & Design.

Contents APRIL 2014

page 6

Program: SALON

page 10

Member Spotlight: Scott Hime, Master Photog.

page 16

Last Meeting

page 18

Salon News


By Maria Lyle

By Billy Dzwonkowski

page 23

Calendar of Events

page 28

Last Exposure


Let’s get social

Please share with other professionals


Visit our Website: www.bayprofessionalphotographers.com And please don’t forget to add BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com to your address book so we will be sure to land in your inbox!

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Click HERE to



Monthly Meeting

2nd Monday of Each Month

Hilton Garden Inn 8270 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243

Don’t want the hassle of RSVPing for each and every Meeting?

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Board Meeting The Board members welcome all members. It is imperative that meetings are not to be interrupted when in session. We appreciate your cooperation. 6:00 PM Social 6:30 PM Dinner 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Program

Click Here To Join the Permanent RSVP List As a Permanent RSVP Member, you will be added to the attending list on a monthly basis. If you cannot attend you are responsible to RSVP by Friday at Noon before the meeting to avoid having to make a payment for a no show. NO SHOWS are responsible for paying for the meeting and will receive an invoice. PLEASE DO NOT RSVP THE DAY OF THE MEETING


EI: Article submission August 25th


Newsletter Publication August 8th

Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Bay Professional Photographers Association magazine or any of it’s authors does not necessarily reflect the positions of the Bay Professional Photographers Association or any of the Board members. 4

The President’s Message Hello Everyone! The subject I want to touch down this month is a marketing plan. To efficiently run your business, you need to create an effective marketing plan. The right marketing plan recognizes everything from identifying your target customers, how you will reach them and how you will retain them as your customers. And I mentioned in my message last month, customer retention is important to growing and maintaining your business. Done properly, your marketing plan will be the roadmap you follow to get unlimited customers and dramatically improve the success of your organization. If you don’t create and right it down, it won’t happen. Yes, it takes time and preparation, but the end result is worth it. Your marketing plan should be completed now for 2015. A well thought out marketing plan will outline the cost of how you are going to achieve your marketing goals within a certain timeframe. Once you have developed your marketing plan and budget, it doesn’t mean that it is set in stone. There may be times when you need to throw in another unplanned marketing tactic such as hosting an event or creating a newspaper ad to help you reach your market goals more effectively. Ultimately it is more important to determine whether sticking to your budget is helping you achieve your marketing goals and bringing you a return on investment (ROI) than to adhere to a rigid and fixed budget.

time period when you focused your efforts on other tactics. Consider the tactics that worked as well as those that didn’t work. You don’t have to cut the tactics that didn’t work, but you should assess whether you need to give them more time to work or whether the funds are best redirected elsewhere. Granted, some tactics are hard to measure such as SEO, Social Media and printed collateral. But it is important to consider the impact of these branding staples in your market tools. These are effective ways in which to reach new customers as well as retain the current ones. Marketing plans should be maintained on an annual basis, at a minimum. But if you launch a new product or service, take time to revisit your original plan or develop a separate campaign plan that you can add to your main plan as an addendum. At the end of the day, the time spent developing your marketing plan is time well spent because it defines how you connect with your customers. And that’s an investment worth making! I look forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting on October 13th. Don’t forget to wear your name badge! Thank you, Donna Williams

That’s why it’s important to include a plan for measuring what you propose to spend. Consider what impact certain marketing activities have had on your revenues during a fixed period, such as a business quarter, compared to another 5


Billy Dzwonkowski, Salon Chair

Our Judges will be the esteemed Ed Booth and Betty Huth from Huth and Booth photography, and the fantastic John Woodward. Please take this chance to better yourself as a photographer and get excited about competing instead of worried about the critique.


Also don’t forget that this salon we will also be giving more awards so don’t miss out on the chance to win! First Time Entrants Award All first time entrants will be given a ticket and one ticket from random will be pulled for a prize! (Connie is taking care of this and I dont know the award) Best In Show! The image that receives Best in Show will also receive a FREE dinner for Novembers meeting! So PLEASE help out not only helping yourselves but also help our Association and enter!

Rules and Entry form are required to enter competition CLICK HERE TO DOWLOAD RULES AND ENTRY FORM FOR OUR NEXT SALON

Salon Print Competition Rules Salon Entry Form

Sample image Courtesy of Maria Lyle 6


Save The Date Sunday, December 7th, 2014

Annual Banquet Details to follow


MEMBERSHIP & dues It’s not too late to join BPPA for 2014! Membership dues half price for the rest of the year! If you haven’t been to a BPPA meeting and want to check it out to see what we are all about, your first visit is on us. Just a thought…. “ You’ve got to push yourself harder. You’ve got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You’ve got to take the tools you have and probe deeper. – William Albert Allard For more information on becoming a member, renewing your membership, or to attend one of our meetings as a guest, please contact our Membership Chair: Gigi O’Dea gigiodea@yahoo.com If you are already a member… Don’t forget to wear your name tag CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR:

If you are already a member.... PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR NAME TAG



Scott Hime


he Member Spotlight for October is Scott Hime, Master Photog, of Hime Photography in Sarasota

LF: How long have you been in business, and where do you see your business in five years? - I photographed my first wedding in 1977, went to the Ohio Institute of Photography in ’79 and received a diploma in portraiture in ‘81. Moved to Florida in ’81 and immediately started my studio. In 5 years I’ll be on the cusp on retirement and will probably do 10

portraiture and fine art in to my golden years. LF: What was the first camera you ever played with? If you happen to have an image and a short blurb, don’t hesitate to add it for others to enjoy. - When I was between 8 and 10 my father let me play with his camera. A Kodak Brownie Hawkeye!

All images Š Scott Hime, Master Photog.

LF: What is your favorite subject?

LF: What or who inspires you?

- Business: People, Families, Children Fine Art: Landscape, Water, Botanicals

- Fine Art: Brett Weston, Edward Weston, Paul Strand

LF: Can you tell us how long it takes you to plan and execute a photo shoot?

LF: You have you been a member of BPPA for many years and have served in many positions throughout time. What inspired to give so much to this organization?

- The planning - not long. When I’m talking to a portrait client, what we want to do is work out in just a few minutes. Clothing, Location, etc. The session itself is usually done in 15 to 45 minutes depending on circumstances.

- When I first started out the local professional guild in Ohio treated me very well and helped me along. When I moved to Florida in 1981 Bay welcomed be with open arms and 11

many of my closest friends have come from my association with Bay. The education over the years let me stay up with current trends. LF: You are a Master Photographer, can you tell us how this helps your business? - When I became a Master it was a boost to my self confidence and I was better able to handle my business with that air of confidence. LF: What is your most used lens and why.


- 70 -200 F2.8 I like to be able to reach into a scene and choose the detail that I want to record.

LF: Out of all the software available for photographers is there one that you would recommend to others and why.

LF: Knowing what you know today, is there anything you wish you would have known when you first started?

- I use Lightroom, Photoshop, and the plugin Imagenomic - Portraiture. All of these programs work great for me.

- More about running a business and marketing

LF: Thank you Scott. To see more of his wonderful work please visit his website, http://www.himephotography.com/

All images Š Scott Hime, Master Photog.



All images Š Scott Hime, Master Photog.


Last Meeting Thank you Marty Grivjack for yet another great presentation to our members. Until we meet again for more exciting new tips from you.


We always appreciate our vendors who provide us with door prizes. Please support our vendors: Johnson Photo Imaging Pro Camera Cases Pro Photo Imaging Reedy Photo Photos by Billy Dzwonkowski


Salon News Print Of The Month Category: Unclassified Jim Dohms


by Billy Dzwonkowski

Creative Quarterly Theme: Work Gigi O’Dea


Salon News

by Billy Dzwonkowski

PRINT OF THE MONTH: Each member may enter one 8x10 print each month. The winner is determined by ballot with each BPPA member getting one vote. Entering 1 point First Place 2 points CREATIVE QUARTERLY: There is a ‘Theme’ announced for each quarter. Each member may enter up to two 8 x 10 prints per quarter. The winner is picked by the Master Photographer members of BPPA that are in attendance. Prints for Creative Quarterly will be judged in March, July, September and November. Points are awarded as follows: Entering = 1 point First Place = 2 points Second Place = 1 point Themes for the remainder of the year: November: Play SALON PRINT COMPETITION: There are three salon competitions during the year. Entering a Case (1-6 prints) 2 points Our next competition will be in OCTOBER. In the meantime, collect your best work and be ready to compete.


Florida Professional Photographers Delegate’s News

by Heidemarie Burke

The FPP Convention was held in Orlando at the Rosen Plaza Hotel from August 9 to the 11th, 2014. It was nice to see Bay members Billy Dzwonkowski, Charlie Coury, David Emmett, Jennifer Gerardi, Connie Summers, Pilar Ojeda Ferenos, Thomas Bender, Mallory Gross and myself there. We had a great time learning and having fun at the same time. I want to congratulate two of our members for representing Bay Professional Photographers Association on a State level: Billy Dzwonkowski, received the Distinguished Award for “Emerald Eyes” in the Portrait of A Woman Category.

Next year, the “FOCUS 2015” Convention will be held from August 29th to the 31st at the new location next to the Florida Mall in Orlando, it is called “The Florida Hotel and Conference Center”.

© Billy Dzwonkowski

Maria Lyle, received the “Outstanding Service Award,” for doing so much with the newsletter and so much more. I will be giving it to her on our next meeting as she was out of the country and could not attend.

CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS To get used to the new location, the FPP Fall Seminar will be held here. The date is Sunday, November 2nd from 9 am to 5 pm. Many times “sold out” speaker Steve Kozak will teach us about “The Road to Success in Professional Photography”. Cost for the whole day is for FPP members $69/$99 Non-members $95/$125. The lower price is if registered by October 27th. Dates for 2015 Florida School have changed to June 7-10, 2015, and will still be held at the Daytona State College. Cost is $599 if registered before 04/01/15. FPP put out an updated brochure about the organization which I will bring to the meeting for our members. Thank you, Heidemarie J. Burke Come and join me and lets have fun together So, are you in? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: FPP Fall Seminar 21


by Maria Lyle

Billy Dzwonkowski, one of our younger members was published on the front cover of the Sarasota-Manatee Herald Tribune. He was excited to be featured on the newspaper and it certainly gave him a great deal of exposure, (no pun). In case you missed the article: http://preps.heraldtribune.com/2014/09/25/eye-hurricanes/


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please add these dates to your calendar.

Monday, October 13 (RSVP by Friday, 10/10 by Noon) - BOARD: Review Dues and Fees structure for the upcoming year. - BOARD: Set date and plan for Annual Banquet General Meeting - Scheduled Program: Salon Print Competition Monday, November 10 (RSVP by Friday, 11/7 by Noon) - BOARD: IRS Reporting of 990-N Non Profit Status - BOARD: Review Awards and Certificates for Annual Banquet (get plaques and certificates on order) - Scheduled Program: TBA - Print Of The Month - Creative Quarterly: Theme: “Play” December
 (TBA) Annual Banquet, Sunday, December 7. MORE DETAILS TO COME Board Meeting: None General Meeting: None - Turn Over and Planning Meeting:
Scheduled by the upcoming president between Christmas and New Years. All Board Members, New and Old Committee Chairs should attend.

FINANCIAL REPORT BPPA members, please note that all financial documents are available for inspection. Please contact our Treasurer, Arnold Berns, to view these reports. Thank you for your membership in our professional organization.



by Pilar Ojeda

LeBarge Sunset Cruise Details: Date: October 19, 2014 Time: 5:00 PM Meet 5:30 PM Board 6:00 PM Departure Place: Dock between Marina Jack and O’Leary’s Amount: $28 per person RSVP: By October 10, 2014 to: Pilar at pilarojeda@netscape.net Also please Click on this link for more information:

http://www.lebargetropicalcruises.com/sunset-cruise.html. Guests are welcome. Drinks and food items are available on the boat if anyone wants that. Also since it is a sunset cruise, we should encourage the members to bring a camera. Now that is a novel idea right? A group of photographs taking sunset pictures! Come on and lets have fun together.


DID YOU KNOW............? You can actually subscribe directly from th is link: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=584e90a066b3ff32feac917ce&id=c3169ac3b6 Click on Subscribe and follow the prompts, and before you know it you will be receiving our cool newsletter at a computer near you. NOT ONLY THAT! You can also see previous issues. AND If you have photographer friends you can e-mail them the link and they can subscribe as well. HOW COOL IS THAT!



ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES We are a community of professional photographers and we would love to see your ad in our Newsletter. If you are interested, please reach Maria Lyle at 941.362.1957 | BPPA BayProfessionalPhotographers@gmail.com





Business Card




Quarter Page




Half Page




Full Page




3.675” W x 2.375” H 4.25” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 5.5” H 8.5” W x 11” H


Last Exposure

“Poltergeist” By Scott Hime, M. Photog. 28

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