7 minute read
Family Fun
Lower Mainland/ Fraser Valley Kidsworld Lower Mainland Events, 778/840-0484 kidsworldprogram.com Ages 4–13
kid’s night out
GOLD: The World of Kidropolis Richmond, 604/285-7529 (PLAY) kidtropolis.ca Ages 6–12
SILVER: TumbleTown Movement Education Centre Vancouver, 604/357-7355 tumbletown.ca Ages 4–9 Take a night off and drop your kids at TumbleTown’s Tumbles n’ Flicks for 3.5 hours of fun! At Tumbles n’ Flicks, kids will play fun themed games, practice their gymnastics, have a pizza dinner and watch a ‘flick’!
BRONZE: Delta Gymnastics Delta, 888/951-4713 deltagymnastics.com Ages 6–12
Club Aviva Coquitlam, 604/526-4464 clubaviva.ca Ages 3–15 Jump Gymnastics Vancouver, 604/559-6492 North Van, 604/971-0513 jumpgymnastics.ca Ages 4–8 My Gym Langley Langley, 604/628-6567 mygym.com
Phoenix Gymnastics Vancouver, 604/737-7693 phoenixgymnastics.com Ages 5–10
Uphoria Yoga Vancouver, 604/326-2995 uphoriayoga.com Ages 5–10 Want to have a night to yourself minus the kids? Having trouble getting a sitter? Well this will be fun and healthy activity for your little ones while you have your evening to yourself. Wayland Sports Ltd Richmond, Maple Ridge, Chilliwack, 604/275-1888 waylandsports.com Ages 5+
We Play Kids Gym Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com Ages 4–9 Once a month on Friday nights from 5:30–8:00 pm, join us for a Kid’s night out drop off program. This is a fun evening where your kids will have a blast in our multi-sensory gym space with structured glow-in-the-dark games, sensory based fine motor activities and sensory exploration. YMCA Vancouver, Surrey gv.ymca.ca/ Ages 3–12
indoor playzones
GOLD: The World of Kidropolis Richmond, 604/285-7529 (PLAY) kidtropolis.ca
SILVER: Connect the Dots Vancouver, 604/872-8898 connectthe.ca Ages 1–8
BRONZE: Funky Monkey Fun Park Surrey, 604/498-4644 funkymonkeyfunpark.com
365 fundays theme park Richmond, 604/370-0093 365fundays.ca
Adventure Zone and Toddler Zone Kids Market, Vancouver 604/608-6699 theadventurezone.ca
Apex AdvernturePlex Richmond, 604/394-2013 apexadventureplex.com
Bambini’s Playroom Vancouver, 604/428-5472 bambinisplayroom.com Ages 0–5
Capital City Classic Arcade New West, 604/553-8555 capcityarcade.com Captain Kid’s Fun Centre Langley, 604/882-2119 captainkids.ca Ages 1–12
Castle Royale Park Royal, 604/925-0707 castleroyale.ca Chuck E. Cheese Langley, 604/534-9966 chuckecheese.com
Cliffhanger Indoor Rock Climbing Vancouver, 604/874-2400 cliffhangerclimbing.com Circuit Circus Vancouver kidsmarket.ca
Crash Crawly’s Coquitlam crash-crawlys.com
Extreme Air Park Richmond, New Westminister, Langley extremeairpark.com
TumbleTown Movement Education Centre Vancouver, 604/357-7355 tumbletown.ca Family drop-in is a time for children and parents to play together and choose your own favourite activities! Visit the website for times. VR Funtastic World Kids Market, Vancouver vrfuntasticworld.com
We Play Kids Gym Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com Ages 0–11 We Play is a sensory-friendly indoor gym and play space for children of ALL abilities. We are a safe and inclusive environment for children to play, learn, socialize, and have fun! We believe children with and without special needs can grow and learn together.
Fun4Kidz Richmond fun4kidz.ca
Funplex Surrey, 778/565-PLAY (7529) funplex.ca Go Bananas Langley, Richmond, Surrey, North Vancouver, Chilliwack 12 months–12 yrs The Hive Climbing North Van 604/990-4483 Vancouver, 604/683-4483 hiveclimbing.com
Jungle Jacs Port Coquitlam, 604/941-2518 junglejacs.com Ooie World Surrey, Abbotsford, 604/588-2427 ooieworld.com Ages 0–12 Planet Lazer Richmond, Langley, New West planetlazer.net
Play Abby Surrey, Abbotsford, 604/853-7529 playabby.com Richmond Olymic Oval Richmond, 778/296-1400 richmondoval.ca
SkyZone Surrey, 778/395-5867 skyzone.com 12 months+
GOLD: Treehaus Teahaus North Vancouver 604/281-1911 treehausteahaus.com Ages 0–5
SILVER: Circus Play Cafe Vancouver circusplaycafe.com Under 5
BRONZE: Kids Play Cafe & Cafe Artistico Surrey, 604/593-5437 kidsplaycafe.ca Ages 0–7 A coffee shop with an indoor kid’s play facility—where parents or guardians can watch kids playing while they have a relaxing moment enjoying various food & beverage options.
6pack Indoor Beach & Court Side Cafe Richmond, 604/321-6800 6packbeach.com Little Marines Playground Learning Centre Coquitlam, 604/492-0988 littlemarines.com
GOLD: Playland at the PNE Vancouver, 604/253-2311 pne.ca Located on the historic PNE grounds, Playland features over 35 exhilarating rides and
attractions! It’s also home to Kids Playce, a special zone with rides and attractions for children aged 2–10. Looking for a unique way to celebrate your child’s birthday? Think of Playland for all day fun.
SILVER: Burnaby Village Museum & Carousel Burnaby, 604/293-6500 burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Museums: Where History Comes to Life. Stroll down the streets of our 1920s community where costumed townsfolk give demonstrations in the homes and shops. The restored Interurban #1223 is a must see and ride on the historic 1912 CW Parker Carousel is a thrill.
BRONZE: Terra Nova Adventure Play Environment Terra Nova Rural Public Park 2340 River Road, Richmond Bear Creek Train Surrey, 604/501-1232 bctrains.com Burnaby Central Railway Burnaby, 604/291-0922 bcsme.org Castle Fun Park Abbottsford, 604/850-0411 castlefunpark.com Fort Langley National Historic Site pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/bc/langley 19th-century fur trading post offering exhibits & activities. George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary Ladner, 604/946-6980 reifelbirdsanctuary.com Granville Island Vancouver, 604/666-5784 granvilleisland.com Greater Vancouver Zoo Aldergrove, 604/856-6825 gvzoo.com Grouse Mountain North Van, 604/986-6262 grousemountain.com
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site Steveston, 604/664-9009 pc.gc.ca/gulfofgeorgiacannery Historic Stewart Farm Surrey, 604/592-6956 heritage.surrey.ca
Honeybee Centre Surrey, 604/575-2337 honeybeecentre.com Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre North Van, 604/990-3755 dnv.org/ecology Maplewood Farm North Van, 604/929-5610 maplewoodfarm.bc.ca Stanley Park Children’s Farmyard/Railway Vancouver, 604/257-8530 or 604/257-8531 UBC Botanical Garden Vancouver, 604/822-5858 botanicalgarden.ubc.ca VanDusen Botanical Garden Vancouver, 604/878-9274 604/718-5898 vandusengarden.org
Vancouver Canadians Baseball Vancouver, 604/872-5232 canadiansbaseball.com Wildplay Elements Park Maple Ridge, 855/595-2251 wildplay.com Ages 5+
museums & points of interest
GOLD: Science World at TELUS World of Science Vancouver, 604/443-7443 scienceworld.ca
SILVER: Vancouver Aquarium Vancouver, 604/659-FISH visitvanaqua.org
BRONZE: Burnaby Village Museum & Carousel Burnaby, 604/293-6500 burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Museums: Where History Comes to Life. Stroll down the streets of our 1920s community where costumed townsfolk give demonstrations in the homes and shops. The restored Interurban #1223 is a must see and ride on the historic 1912 CW Parker Carousel is a thrill.
Beaty Biodiversity Museum Vancouver, UBC 604/827-4955 beatymuseum.ubc.ca Bill Reid Gallery Vancouver, 604/682-3455 billreidgallery.ca Britannia Mine Museum Squamish britanniaminemuseum.ca Canadian Museum of Flight Langley, 604/532-0035 canadianflight.org H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Vancouver, 604/738-7827 spacecentre.ca Kids Market Vancouver, 604/689-8447 kidsmarket.ca Museum of Anthorpology Vancouver, UBC moa.ubc.ca/ Museum of Surrey Surrey, 604/592-6956 surrey.ca/culture-recreation/2372.aspx Royal BC Museum Victoria, 888/447-7977 royalbcmuseum.bc.ca See all of British Columbia at the Royal BC Museum, a world-class museum of natural and human history. Let history come to life at the museum TripAdvisor users have five times voted number one in the Top 10 Museums in Canada. Steveston Tram Richmond, 604/238-8081 richmond.ca/culture/sites/ tram/abouttram.htm UBC Museum of Anthropology Vancouver, 604/822-5087 moa.ubc.ca Urban Safari Rescue Society Surrey, 604/531-1100 urbansafari.ca
Vancouver Art Gallery Vancouver, 604/662-4719 vanartgallery.bc.ca
Vancouver Maritime Museum Vancouver, 604/257-8300 vancouvermaritimemuseum. com
Vancouver Police Museum Vancouver, 604/665-3346 vancouverpolicemuseum.ca Come solve a crime at the Police Museum.
BRONZE: Otter Co-op Outdoor Experience Waterpark Aldergrove, 604/857-4299 tol.ca Big Splash Waterslide Park Tsawwassen, 778/434-4840 bigsplashwaterpark.ca Granville Island Waterpark Vancouver, 604/257-8195 Newton Wave Pool Surrey, 604/501-5540 Watermania Richmond, 604/448-5353 richmond.ca/parksrec/pools/ watermania
local performers
GOLD: Out of the Rain Character Events 778/628-9055 outoftherainevents.com
SILVER: Fairy Skye Langley, 604/209-5435 fairyskye.com
BRONZE: Will’s Jams willsjams.com A-Star Parlour astarartparlour.com
Bobs & Lolo bobsandlolo.com Charlotte Diamond charlottediamond.com Enchanted Events 778/989-0876 enchanted-events.ca
Enchanted Princess Kingdom 866/873-6264 enchantedprincess kingdom.com
amusement & water parks
GOLD: Destination Cultus Water and Theme Parks cultus.com
SILVER: Playland at the PNE Vancouver, 604/253-2311 pne.ca Located on the historic PNE grounds, Playland features over 35 exhilarating rides and attractions! It’s also home to Kids Playce, a special zone with rides and attractions for children aged 2–10. Looking for a unique way to celebrate your child’s birthday? Think of Playland for all day fun.
Gina Lina ginalinamusic.com Higher Function 204/295-6435 higher-function.com In the Company of Fairies 778/846-9622 companyoffairies.com Lost Princess Entertainment 236/988-1255 lostprincessent.com Twistin’ Sam 778/847-8397 vancouverballoonart.com
family restaurants
GOLD: Rocky Mountain Flatbread Vancouver, Surrey rockymountainflatbread.ca
SILVER: White Spot whitespot.ca
BRONZE: Old Spaghetti Factory oldspaghettifactory.ca
family bloggers
GOLD: VancouverMom.ca
SILVER: KidsVancouver. com

BRONZE: ModernMama. com/Vancouver
PRO-D SESSIONS Looking for something for the kids to do during the next Pro-D? Enroll them in our 3hr Pro-D Day Sessions!
We Play Kids Therapy
Pediatric Physiotherapy Pediatric Occupational Therapy Pediatric Speech & Language Therapy
1:1 sessions utilize the gym space and equipment for gross motor development, craft room for fine motor skills and private learning rooms.
Safe and inclusive Sensory Friendly indoor play
Drop-in admission includes: • ball pool • rock wall • slides • swings • imaginative play • craft room • sensory bins • and more We also host Parties & Private Bookings!
THERAPIST-LED GROUPS are also offered to target spe cific developmental areas in a group setting. Current programs include Sensory Social Groups and a Fine Motor Skills Group
Fees for the program can be submitted for coverage from extended benefits and/or funding sources in applicable. Therapist is covered on the RASP list. Fees for the program can be submitted for coverage from extended benefits and/or funding sources if applicable. Therapist is covered on the RASP list.
For more information on sensory play, hours, rates and all classes and programs, visit
604-385-2883 • 1 – 3238 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC 1 – 3238 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC 604-385-2883
Where History Comes to Life
Spring Break March 16-27 Summer Season May 2-September 7
A Coffee shop with Indoor Kids Play facility — where parents or guardians can watch kids playing while having a relaxing moment. Various food and beverage options available.

Outdoor Attractions
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