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Events and Festivals
Events & Festivals
GOLD: Healthy Family Expo Vancouver Convention Centre March 29, 2020 healthyfamilyexpo.com Healthy Family Expo introduce Metro Vancouver families to small steps & simple solutions for healthy, active, eco-friendly living.
SILVER: Vancouver International Children’s Festival Vancouver, 604/708-5655 childrensfestival.ca May 25–May 31, 2020 Head down to Granville Island for the Vancouver International Children’s May 25–May 31, 2020! Enjoy spectacular performances from around the globe for kids and families of all ages. Acrobatics, puppetry, theatre, music and lots of arts activities. Get your tickets today at childrensfestival.ca.
BRONZE: PNE FAIR Vancouver, 604/253-2311 pne.ca August 22 to September 7, 2020 BlueShore Financial Mother’s Day Run Vancouver Join us for the Annual Fairmont Mother’s Day Run & Walk. Enjoy the day with your family in Beautiful Stanley Park and get pampered with gifts. For more information, visit runmomrun.ca May 10, 2020 RBC Race for the Kids Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver May 31, 2020 bcchf.ca/race/for-kids At RBC Race for the Kids, runners and walkers of all ages and abilities will participate in a scenic 5K route or a 2K fun run, followed by a carnival celebration with healthy snacks and activities for the whole family. We’re calling on everyone to join the fun - whether on your own or on a team with your family, colleagues or classmates. Together, we can reach this year’s goal of $1 million to help kids across the province. Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival Vancouver, 604/739-0559 bardonthebeach.org June 10–Sept 26, 2020 Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival Vancouver dragonboatbc.ca June 19–21, 2020
TD Canada Trust Vancouver International Jazz Festival Vancouver, 604/872-5200 coastaljazz.ca June 19–July 1, 2020
Vancouver Folk Music Festival Vancouver, 604/602-9798 thefestival.bc.ca July 17–19, 2020

Hosting a kid’s birthday has never been easier. You make the guest list, we’ll take care of the packages for up to 10 guests, including invitations, lunch, and access to more than 30 rides and attractions, including BUG WHIRLED.