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Spring Break Camps
art, music, drama & dance
Lights Up Musical Theatre Schools Throughout Lower Mainland, 888/502-5253 lightsuptheatre.ca Ages 4–13 Children and teens can sing, dance and act during school breaks at Lights Up Camps. All camps end in a performance for family and friends on the last day. Camps are open to everyone between 4–13yrs, No prior musical theatre experience is required. Like all Lights Up programs, our camps teach children to work in teams, build confidence, sing, dance, act, and have fun!
Place des Arts Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 5–14 Place des Arts Spring Break
Spring Break Camps
Camp. Ignite your creativity over spring break! Each Spring Break, Place des Arts offers a variety of creatively engaging visual and performing arts classes for children and teens.
specialty camps
Bricks 4 Kidz ® Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby 778/872-STEM (7836) bricks4kidz.com/vancouver With kinetic, motorized LEGO ® models, Bricks 4 Kidz ® Vancouver is offering an exciting and educational lineup of summer camps! From our popular Star Wars and Coding/Robotics Camps to our new Mining & Crafting and Ninjago Camps, kids will have a blast with these STEM activities and challenges.
LEGO Robotics Spring Camps with Daedalos Enrichment Programs Vancouver, 604/345-8603 daedalosacademy.com March break (2 weeks, March 16–20, 23–27) half day and full day at UBC, University Chapel. Register and more info at robocamps.ca.
Gym-venture Days – TumbleTown Movement Education Centre Vancouver, 604/357-7355 tumbletown.ca Ages 3–8 years TumbleTown Gym-venture Days are off-the-charts fun where kids can get in their flips and tricks while developing fundamental movement skills in a positive and encouraging environment. Gymnastics, games, obstacle
courses and more adventure packed into each day! Half and full day options available with flexible scheduling!
Uphoria Yoga Vancouver, 604/326-2995 uphoriayoga.com Want to have a spring break fun while making animal poses and noises? Children will be going on adventures and imaginative places while improving on their social, emotional and physical developments.
We Play Kids Gym Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com Ages 4–9 Drop off sessions include multi-sensory structured play in gym space followed by sensory-based fine motor activities and sensory exploration. Teamwork, inclusivity and fun are a primary focus at We Play.