11 minute read
Family Health
adoption services The Adoptive Families Association of BC 604/320-7330 bcadoption.com Sunrise Family Services Society 604/984-2488 or 888/984-2488 sunriseadoption.com Creating the joy of family by adopting.
child care Burnaby/New Westminster Child Care Resource & Referral 604/294-1109 CubbySpot Canada-wide cubbyspot.com
“Eat, Learn and Play the Green way” at Growing Matters Vancouver, 778/387-9339 Ages 3–5 –f/t, p/t Growing Matters.ca International Nannies & Homecare Ltd 604/609-9925 or 800/820-8308 internationalnannies.com
Kids Land Childcare Centre North Vancouver, 604/985-KIDS(5437) vancouverkidsland.com Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House Licensed Childcare 604/879-8208 mpnh.org N&L Childcare Burnaby, 778/228-8062 nlchildcare.wixsite.com/ nlchildcare Optimum Childcare & Nannies Inc opti-mum.com Paragon Personnel paragon-personnel.com
Surrey, Delta, & White Rock Child Care Resource & Referral childcareoptions.ca Westcoast Childcare Resource Centre wstcoast.org
GOLD: In Touch Chiropractic Vancouver, 604/879-5566 intouchchiropractic.ca
SILVER: Vancouver’s Pediatric & Family Wellness Chiropractor Vancouver, 604/566-9088 FamilyWellnessChiro.ca Pediatric chiropractic care is about giving a helping hand to a child struggling with health, school, sports, socially or emotionally. Wellness BC Epilepsy Society 604/875-6704 bcepilepsy.com
chiropractic care is about helping families thrive in all aspects of health and wellbeing. Let us help your family!
BRONZE: The Powerhouse Chiropractic Vancouver, 604/662-3304 thepowerhousevancouver.com The Powerhouse Chiropractic is a family-focused office. Our process is Bio-Structural Restoration using the Life By Design Chiropractic Method™. The first step is for our team to review your case, meet with one of our doctors for a complimentary consultation.
Jassal Chiropractic Vancouver, 604/731-3006 jassalchiropractic.com
Pathways Family Chiropractor Surrey, 604/372-4558 pathwayschiro.ca
Alcohol & Drug Information and Referral Service 604/660-9382, 800/663-1441 24-hour hotline for people seeking help with alcohol and drug abuse.
Autism Society of BC 604/434-0880 autismbc.ca BC FRIENDS Program Ministry of Children and Family Development friendsparentprogram.com
BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities lionsbc.ca
Children’s Centre for Ability bc-cfa.org
Developmental Disabilities Association develop.bc.ca
Family Services of Greater Vancouver 604/731-4951
Family Services of the North Shore 604/988-5281 familyservices.bc.ca
Food Banks 604/876-3601
ICBC Child Restraints – Car Seat Safety 604/661-2800 or 800/663-3051 icbc.com
Learning Disabilities Association of BC – Vancouver Chapter 604/873-8139
Matthew’s House Located in Abbotsford, serving families in BC 604/850-6608 mattshouse.ca
Marpole Oakridge Family Place Vancouver, 604/263-1405 mofp.org
Skilled Kids Occupational Therapy 778/322-1242 skilledkids.com
St. John Ambulance 604/321-2651 For information on first aid courses.
Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre 604/251-4844
Vancouver Resource Society for the Physically Disabled 604/731-1020 vrs.org
GOLD: Harbourside Counseling Centre Vancouver, 604/689-9116 michelekambolis.com/ harbourside Michele Hucul-Kambolis, clinician and parenting educator, focuses on mind-body wellness.
SILVER: Seedlings Child and Youth Counselling and Consulting Vancouver, 604/785 4846 seedlingscounselling.com
BRONZE: Moving Forward Family Services All Care Site Surrey, 778/321-3054 mffs.ca Becker Burrows and Associates Vancouver, 778/995-6450 beckerburrows.com Cohen, Gill and Associates Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey 604/210-4695 gillcohen.com The Compassionate Parent Coach Lower Mainland and via digital options, 604/329-0865 thecompassionateparentcoach. com
Sharon Selby sharonselby.com
The Wishing Star: Lapointe Developmental Clinic Surrey, 778/294-8732 lapointepsychology.com
crisis/support services BC Children’s Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre BC’s Information Source for Children, Youth & Families 604/875-2084 Toll Free 1-800-665-1822 keltymentalhealth.ca
Foundry BC 1-800/784-2433 foundrybc.ca Kids Help Phone 800/668-6868 kidshelpphone.ca

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How does Occupational Therapy help?
Occupational therapy can be beneficial for children facing barriers to doing activities in their daily lives related to self-care, school and play.
How can our Occupational Therapists help?
Occupational Therapists (OTs) at Monarch House aim to help children to develop and build the skills and confidence necessary to help children reach their fullest potential in the home, school, or community setting. Our OTs are highly trained health professionals who use a family-centered approach where your family’s priorities are valued throughout the entire therapy process. (e.g., Goal setting, assessment, and treatment.)
An OT will observe and work with your child in session with a behavioural interventionist every 2 weeks and monitor, implement, or modify OT intervention programs. An OT will provide support and recommendations every 4 weeks to the parent and help with ideas about equipment, activities or environmental changes. An OT/ OTA will provide direct intervention for your child at Monarch House.

OTs help children to improve their skills and abilities to achieve their potential in the following areas:
✓ Self-care skills ✓ Fine & Gross motor skills ✓ Executive functioning skills ✓ Perceptual skills
Call today! 778.887.3573 or contact ebuckley@monarchhouse.ca
Parents Support Services Society 877/345-9777 parentsupportbc.ca
family places BC Association of Family Resource Programs frpbc.ca Family Resource Programs (FRPs) are community-based parent/child interactive centres for families with children aged 0–6 years.
GOLD: Thuja Wellness Vancouver, 778/985-4970 thujawellness.com
SILVER Olive Fertility Centre Vancouver, 604/559-9950 olivefertility.com
BRONZE: Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine Surrey, 604/422-7276 pacificfertility.ca
foster parenting
Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society 604/216-7447 vacfss.com Vancouver/Richmond Foster Family Recruitment & Training 604/775-2169 fosteringconnections.ca
Healthy Kids Program 866/866-0800 Provincial medical insurance subsidy for children under 18 years.
La Leche League 604/520-4623 lllc.ca Travel Medicine & Vaccination Centre 888/288-8682
health units/ centres Burnaby Health Department 604/918-7605 Cloverdale Health Unit 604/575-5100 Coquitlam Health Services 604/949-7200 Guildford Health Unit 604/587-4750 Maple Ridge Health Services 604/476-7000 New West Health Services 604/777-6740 Newton Health Unit 604/592-2000 North Delta Health Unit 604/507-5400 North Shore Community Health 604/983-6700
North Surrey Health Unit 604/587-7900
Parkgate Health Centre 604/904-6450
Port Coquitlam Health Services 604/777-8700
Port Moody Health Services 604/949-7200
Ravensong Health Centre 604/709-6400
South Community Health Office 604/321-6151 South Delta/Ladner Health Unit 604/952-3550
South Fraser Health Unit 604/587-7610
Vancouver Women’s Health Collective Vancouver, 604/736-5262 womenshealthcollective.ca Vancouver Community Health Services 604/872-2511
West Community Health Centre 604/904-6200
maternity & infant
GOLD: The Midwiferey Group Vancouver, 604/877-7766 midwiferygroup.ca
SILVER: Pomegranate Community Midwives Vancouver, 604/255/5556 pomegranate-midwives.com
Bare Fit and Pregnant Postnatal Fitness Vancouver, 604/312-3814 barefitandpregnant.com
Bloom Community Midwives Vancouver, 604/609-3550 bloomcommunitymidwives. com College of Midwives of BC 604/742-2230 cmbc.bc.ca Doula Services Association of BC 604/515-5588 bcdoulas.org MamaBear Holistic Care Coquitlam, 778/229-6415 mamabearholisticcare.com Hi! I’m Agnes. I’m a Mama, Wife, RN, Certified Sleep Consultant, Lactation Counsellor, Certified Car Seat Technician, Prenatal Educator, and Certified Heart & Stroke Instructor dedicated to supporting your journey through motherhood. Surrey Community Birth Program Surrey, 604/575-7275 communitybirth.ca
Westside Midwives Vancouver, 604/224-0686 westsidemidwives.com Yellow Bird Birth Fraser Valley yellowbirdbirth.com
naturopathic physician Evoke Integrative Medicine 604/685-1181 evokemedicine.com Dr. Tomah Phillips ND, Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND
nutrition and dieticians BBD Nutrition 604/617-9593 bbdnutrition.com Eisler for Kids eislerforkids.com Kristen Yarker Lower Mainland, 604/506-0399 KristenYarker.com Picky Eating Vancouver Greater Vancouver pickyeatingvancouver.com
occupational therapists
GOLD: Play 2 Learn 4 Life Vancouver, 778/883-3170 play2learn4life.com
SILVER: Kids First Pediatric Therapy Burnaby, 778/379-5862 kidsfirstot.ca
BRONZE: Monarch House Burnaby, Surrey, Port Coquitlam, Abbotsford 778/887-3573 monarchhouse.ca At Monarch House we provide evidence-based treatment for individuals throughout the lifespan requiring services in the areas of speech, language, communication, motor skills, recreation, vocational skills, daily living skills, social skills, and overall learning.

We Play Kids Gym Unit 1 – 3238 King George Blvd, Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com Our Occupational Therapy team uses a child and family centred play-based approach to child development. Our OT’s help to promote activity and function through assessment and direct intervention, and by providing strategies, tools, and education. WonderKids OT Burnaby, 604/291-0078 wonderkidsot.com
GOLD: Hollyburn Eye Clinic West Van: 604/913-0135 North Van: 604/984-2020 hollyburneyeclinic.com
BRONZE: Lynn Valley Optometry North Van, 604/987-9191 lynnvalleyoptometry.com Dr. Shajani specializes in working with children with visual dysfunctions and learning-related vision problems. With our Vision Therapists, he has helped children reach their potential for over 12 years.
B.C. Association of Optometrists 888/393-2226 bc.doctorsofoptometry.ca Della Optique Optometry & Eyewear Vancouver, 604/742-3937 dellaoptique.com InSight Developmental Learning Langley, 604/455-4077 insightlearning.ca Maple Ridge Optometry Maple Ridge, 604/463-4469 mapleridgeeyecare.ca Optomeyes West Van, 604/922-0413 optomeyes.ca Perspective Optometry Vancouver, 604/435-3931 visiontherapy.ca
GOLD: PDG Pediatric Dental Group Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Delta, Coquitlam 604/PDG-1000 (604/734-1000) pdgdental.com PDG Dental goal is to help you achieve the healthy and beautiful smile you have always dreamed while experiencing the utmost in gentle Orthodontic care in the lower mainland. Our team of Orthodontists Specialists have unparalleled expertise and training to provide outstanding care for you or your little ones.
SILVER: Smile Town Dentistry Burnaby, 604/482-9633 smiletownburnaby.com
BRONZE: Monarch Pediatric Dental Centre & Orthodontic Centre Burnaby: 604/434-9060 Port Moody: 604/461-9160 Surrey: 604/589-9160 Vancouver: 604/876-9060 MonarchDentalCentre.com Our aspiration is to provide the best quality of care and service to our patients and their families. Our commitment is simple—to provide a friendly environment throughout orthodontic treatment so that our patients will enjoy the long-term benefits of this rewarding experience. BC Orthodontic Group bcorthodonticsgroup.com Clear Advantage Orthodontics Oakridge Centre, Downtown Vancouver, 604/266-8277 clearadvantageortho.com
Coquitlam Family Orthodontics 604/229-4460 coquitlamfamilyorthodontics.com Langley Orthodontics 604/229-4460 langleyorthodontics.com
Ridge Meadows Family Orthodontics Maple Ridge, 604/229-4460 ridgemeadowsorthodontics. com
Viva Orthodontics vivaortho.com New West: 604/522-9871 S. Surrey: 604/385-0850 Surrey: 778/574-8484 Port Coquitlam: 604/552-3899
parenting support
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver 604/876-2447
Big Sisters of BC 604/873-4525
Canuck Place – A Children’s Hospice 604/731-4847 canuckplace.org
CHADD Vancouver (Children and adults with ADD) Vancouver, 604/222-4043 vcn.bc.ca/chaddvan
Family Support Institute of BC Society New Westminster, 604/540-8374 toll free: 800/441-5403 familysupportbc.com
Inclusion BC 604/777-9100 inclusionbc.org Inclusion BC is a non-profit provincial organization that advocates for the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Parent Support Services Society of BC 604/669-1616 parentsupportbc.ca Fraser Valley Multiple Miracle Association surreytwinclub.com Pacific Post Partum Support Society Vancouver, 604/255-7999 postpartum.org Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society Toll free 1-877/982-2377 vacfss.com
pediatric dentists
GOLD: PDG Pediatric Dental Group Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Delta, Coquitlam 604/PDG-1000 (604/734-1000) pdgdental.com PDG Dental is the largest group of certified specialists in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics in the lower mainland. For almost 50 years, we have been creating beautiful, healthy smiles for children, youths, and young adults. PDG doctors are specifically trained to manage fears and help patients maintain good oral health through their lives.
SILVER: Monarch Pediatric Dental Centre & Orthodontic Centre Burnaby: 604/430-4980 Port Moody: 604/461-4980 Surrey: 604/585-4980 Vancouver: 604/419-4980 MonarchDentalCentre.com Monarch Pediatric Dental Centre & Orthodontic Centre has been providing quality dental care for infants, children, and adolescents since 1997. We offer a wide range of specialized services including sedation and general anesthesia.
BRONZE: Smile Town Dentistry Burnaby, 604/482-9633 smiletownburnaby.com
Just4Kids Pediatric Dentistry Surrey, 604/575-7785 j4kdentistry.com Kits Family Dental 604/738-1816 kitsfamilydental.com Little Smiles Dental Centre Vancouver, Coquitlam thelittesmiles.com
North Shore Pediatric Dentistry North Van, 604/971-3940 northshorepediatricdentristry.com Pacific Pediatric Dental Centre North Van, 604/983-2253 pacificpdc.com Tot 2 Teen Dental Vancouver, 604/569-3669 tot2teendental.com
Vancouver Pediatric Dental Vancouver, 604/229-6262 vancouverpediatricdental.com
GOLD: PlayWorks Physio Port Moody, 604/492-3888 playworksphysio.com
SILVER: Kids Physio Group Vancouver, North Vancouver, Surrey kidsphysio.ca
BRONZE: Kinectiv Sport + Health Maple Ridge, 604/ 465-4263 kinectiv.ca
neighbourhood houses Cedar Cottage 4065 Victoria Dr. 604/874-4231 Collingwood 5288 Joyce St. 604/435-0323 Gordon 1019 Broughton St. 604/683-2554
Kitsilano 2325 W. 7th Ave. 604/736-3588 Kiwassa 2425 Oxford St. 604/254-5401 Little Mountain 3981 Main St. 604/879-7104
Mount Pleasant 800 E. Broadway 604/879-8208 North Shore 225 E. 2nd St., North Vancouver 604/987-8138 South Vancouver 6470 Victoria Dr. 604/324-6212
research Early Development Research Group UBC, 604/822-9540 edrg.psych.ubc.ca Help us find out how children learn.
The Gecko Project UBC, 604/827-3426 Gecko.Project@ubc.ca earlylearning.ubc.ca/gecko/
safety On the Go First Aid Lower Mainland OnTheGoFirstAid.com
Safe Beginnings First Aid Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, Sea to Sky 604/340-3790 safebeginnings.ca Survivormate: 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Province-wide, 855/781-7878 survivormate.com
sleep consultants
GOLD: Good Night Sleep Site Coquitlam, 778/686-8717 goodnightsleepsite.com/ coquitlam
SILVER: Heavy Eyes Happy Hearts Sleep Consulting Port Moody, 604/805-4925 heavyeyeshappyhearts.com
BRONZE: Dawn Whittaker Consulting 604/897-2997 dawnwhittaker.com Little Winks Sleep: Infant & Toddler Sleep Support littlewinks.ca Peaceful Sleepers Consulting Vancouver, 604/908-1548 peacefulsleepers.ca Sleepdreams Professional Sleep Consultants North Vancouver, 604/985-2991 sleepdreams.ca
ultrasounds Let’s Meet Baby 3D Ultrasound Lower Mainland, 888/991-3489 letsmeetbaby.com My 3D Ultrasound— In Association with Greig Associates Vancouver, 604/267-3387 my3dultrasound.com UC Baby 3D Ultrasound Abbotsord, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey, Victoria ucbaby.ca

Certified Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics SSSSSSS FFFFFFFF OOOO 100 YYYYY CCCCCCCC EEEEEEEEEE 4 LLLLLLLLL LLL LL MMMMMMMM

MONARCH BURNABY #501 - 4980 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4K7 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: 604-430-4980 ORTHODONTICS: 604-434-9060 FAX: 604-433-4981 MONARCH PORT MOODY #501 - 205 Newport Drive, Port Moody, BC V3H 5C9 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: 604-461-4980 ORTHODONTICS: 604-461-9160 FAX: 604-461-4981 MONARCH SURREY #101 - 15129 & #401 - 15127 (Tower) 100th Ave. Surrey, BC V3R 9P4 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: 604-585-4980 ORTHODONTICS: 604-589-9160 FAX: 604-585-4989 / 604-951-4981 MONARCH VANCOUVER #600 & #610 E.Tower - 555 W.12th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: 604-419-4980 ORTHODONTICS: 604-876-9060 FAX: 604-419-4981