10 minute read
Classes and Programs
Classes & Programs
GOLD: Wee Dance Vancouver, New Westminster, Surrey, White Rock, 604/720-0544 weedance.com
SILVER: Arts Umbrella Vancouver: 604/681-5268 Surrey: 604/535-1127 artsumbrella.com Ages 2–22
BRONZE: Dance Co Vancouver, Arbutus & East Van, 604/736-3394 danceco.com Ages 3+ Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy Vancouver and Burnaby 604/671-9182 mozaicoflamenco.com
Anna Wyman School of Dance Arts West Vancouver, 604/926-6535 annawyman.com Ages 2+ The Arts Connection – Dance School Richmond, 604/241-0141 theartsconnection.org Ages infant to 16 yrs AUUC School of Dance Vancouver, 604/254-3436 auucvancouver.ca Ages 3 to adult Boogaloo Academy Vancouver, 604/805-0558 boogalooacademy.com Ages 5 months+
Bright Stars Vancouver, 604/725-1607 brightstars.ca Ages 2+
Creative Edge School of Arts Abbotsford, 604/855-3343 creativeedgebc.com Ages 2+ E.J.S. School of Fine Arts – Dance Surrey, 604/596-4883 ejsfinearts.com Ages 5+
Gabriela’s Movement Studio Richmond, 604/272-0607 movementstudio.ca Ages 1–9 Goh Ballet Academy Vancouver, 604/872-4014 gohballet.com Ages 4–17
hz Ballet Classique Burnaby, 604/299-9698 balletclassique.com Ages 18 months+ Just for Kicks School of Dance Surrey, 604/596-4161 justforkicksschoolofdance.com Ages 3+ North Shore Academy of Dance North Vancouver, 604/987-3814 nsad.ca Ages 3–18 North Shore Celtic Ensemble North Vancouver, 604/987-4063 nsce.ca Ages 8–18 Northwest Academy of Performing Arts New Westminister, 604/521-3255 NAPAdance.com Ages 2+ Pacific Dance Arts Vancouver, 604/738-8575 pacificdancearts.ca Ages 3+ Perform Art Studios North Vancouver, 604/988-4420 performartstudios.com Ages 3–18 Pink Petal Ballet North Vancouver pinkpetal.ca Ages 2+
Place des Arts Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 3+ Place des Arts offers Sept–June and fall, winter and spring session dance classes in acro, ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap and lyrical dance for children, starting at age 3, teens and adults. Port Moody School of Dance 604/936-0966 portmoodydance.com Ages 3+ Pulse Dance Centre Port Coquitlam, 604/474-3466 onthepulse.ca Ages 2+
GOLD: Colourstrings Music & Movement Group Classes Vancouver, 778/846-0127 colourstringsvan.com Ages 3 months to 6 years In age specific groupings children enjoy songs and games that develop a solid musical foundation. The more advanced classes introduce music reading and writing. Classes now available French! Instrumental Lessons for children, 5 years and upwards: Violin, Viola, Piano, Percussion, Flute, Cello and Acoustic Guitar.
Rain City Dance School Vancouver, 604/369-4440 raincitydance.com Ages 4+ Reflection Dance Studio White Rock, 604/355-4199 reflectiondancestudio.com Ages 5+ School of Music and Dance Langley, Surrey and White Rock musicanddance.org Ages 2+
The Landing Dance Centre South Vancouver, 604/325-8653 TheLandingDance.com Ages 8 to adult Tri-City Dance Centre Coquitlam, 604/523-6868 tricitydance.com Ages 3+ Vancouver Phoenix International Academy of Dance Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey 778/885-3456; 604/600-8066 vpdance.ca Ages 4+ Vancouver Tap Dance Society East Vancouver, 604/253-0293 vantapdance.com Ages 3+
Vancouver Academy of Dance Vancouver and Richmond 604/231-8293 vancouverdance.com Ages 3+ Westside Dance Centre Ltd Vancouver, 604/736-1000 westsidedance.ca Ages 3+
World Dance Co Burnaby, 604/517-4644 worlddanceco.com Ages 3+
SILVER: Long & McQuade Music Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Courtenay, Kamloops, Langley, Nanaimo, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Prince George, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria, White Rock, long-mcquade.com/lessons All ages Private and group music instruction at affordable rates, custom-tailored to the needs of individual students in a wide variety of instruments, including acoustic & electric guitar, piano, drums, vocals, orchestral strings, brass, woodwinds, and more.
BRONZE: Place des Arts Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 2+ Place des Arts has over 30 qualified music teachers offering private lessons and group classes for all ages and in a wide variety of instruments. Classes for children, including the popular Musical Rainbow and Music for Young Children ® programs, start at age 3 and give kids a strong start in music, preparing them well for private lessons as they get older.
Allegro Music School Vancouver, 604/327-7765 Ages 4+ Arbutus Music Academy Vancouver arbutusmusicacademy.com Ages 3+
The Arts Connection – Music School Richmond, 604/241-0141 theartsconnection.org Ages 4+
BC Conservatory of Music Burnaby, 604/299-2984 bccmusic.ca Ages 4+ BC Registered Music Teachers Assoc. 604/733-5531 bcrmta.bc.ca All ages
Campos Music Vancouver, 604/325-0480 camposmusic.ca Ages 4+ Carillon Music Burnaby, Surrey 604/591-1161 carillonmusicacademy.com Ages 2.5+ Delta Community Music School Delta, 604/946-1280 dcms.ca Ages 5+
E.J.S. School of Fine Arts – Music Surrey, 604/596-4883
ejsfinearts.com Ages 4+ Jean Lyons School of Music Vancouver, 604/734-4019 jeanlyonsmusic.com All ages
Jumpstart Music & Movement Abbotsford, Coquitlam, Ridge Meadows jumpstartmusicandmovement.com Newborn to 5 years Kindermusik with Miss Audrey 778/838-9595 kindermusik.com Newborn to age 7 Langley Community Music School 604/534-2848 langleymusic.com Ages 3 months+ Music for Young Children 800/828-4334 myc.com Ages 3 to 9 years MusicQube Education Ltd. Richmond, 604/370-5678 musicqube.org Ages 2+
North Shore Celtic Ensemble North Vancouver, 604/987-4063 nsce.ca Ages 8–18 North Shore Music Academy North Vancouver, 604/925-3403 nsma.ca Ages 3+ North Shore Music Together Multiple locations in North Vancouver 778/899-5004 northshoremusictogether.com Ages 0–5 yrs Oakridge Music Studio Vancouver, 604/321-1551 omusicstudios.com Richmond Community Music School 604/272-5227 richmondmusicschool.ca Ages 4+ School of Music and Dance Langley, Surrey and White Rock musicanddance.org Ages 3+
Staccato Music Studios Burnaby, 604/421-3753 staccatostudios.com Ages 4+ Tom Lee Music Academy Lower Mainland, 604/688-8929 tomleemusic.ca/lessons Vancouver Academy of Music Vancouver, 604/734-2301 vam.bc.ca Ages 3.5–18 Vancouver Central School of Music Vancouver, 605-565-8999 vcsom.com Ages 5+
Vancouver Children’s Choir 604/682-6363 vancouverchildrenschoir.ca Girls 8–16, Boys 8–12
VSO School of Music 604/915-9300 vsoschoolofmusic.ca Ages 0+
Western Conservatory of Music Langley, 604/530-0317 westernconservatoryofmusic.ca Ages 3+
Westside Music Together Vancouver, 778/829-6651 westsidemusictogether.ca Ages 0+
Wonder of Learning Vancouver, 604/829-1346 wonderoflearning.ca Ages 2.5+
performing arts
GOLD: Vancouver Performing Stars Vancouver, 604/671-3775 performingstars.ca
SILVER: Lights Up Musical Theatre Schools Locations throughout the Lower Mainland. 1-888/502-5253 lightsuptheatre.ca Ages 3–18 At Lights Up Schools, we teach Musical Theatre fundamentals that help students shine on-stage and in all aspects of their lives. Whether your child randomly bursts into song and dance, or is finding their voice, Lights Up is the perfect extra-curricular activity. Are you ready to Shine? Join our weekend SINGING, DANCING & ACTING theatre classes. Weekend Classes, Spring and Summer Camps.
BRONZE: Arts Umbrella – Theatre and Music Vancouver: 604/681-5268 Surrey: 604/535-1127 artsumbrella.com Ages 2–22
BC Boy’s Choir North Vancouver 888/909/8282 bcboyschoir.org Ages 7–24
Carousel Theatre for Young People Vancouver, 604/669-3410 carouseltheatre.ca Ages 3–18
CircusWest East Vancouver 604/252-3679 circuswest.com Ages 8–16
E.J.S. School of Fine Arts – Musical Theatre Surrey 604/596-4883 ejsfinearts.com Ages 7+
Gateway Academy for Performing Arts Acting, Musical Theatre, Speech, Singing Richmond, 604/247-4975 gatewaytheatre.com/academy Ages 6–18
Inspire Arts Academy Surrey, 604/818-3731 inspirearts.ca Ages 5–12 JCC Performing Arts School Vancouver 604/257-5111 jccgv.com Ages 6+
Place des Arts – Theatre Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 4+ Place des Arts offers theatre and musical theatre programs for children, youth and adults. Our progressive theatre arts program allows kids to start young and progress to our Coquitlam Youth Theatre Company, a by-audition performance-based program for ages 10–17. Auditions take place in spring for the following season.
visual arts
GOLD: 4 Cats Arts Studios North Vancouver, Richmond, South Surrey, Vancouver, West Vancouver 4cats.com
SILVER: Arts Umbrella – Visual, Media, and Applied Arts Vancouver: 604/681-5268 Surrey: 604/535-1127 artsumbrella.com Ages 2–22
BRONZE: Place des Arts – Visual Arts Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 3+ Place des Arts offers visual Arts classes for all ages in a wide variety of mediums, including drawing and painting as well as fibre arts and ceramic arts. Classes run during the fall, winter and spring sessions. Students are encouraged to take more than one session,

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• Brand new facility • L ow teacher to s tudent ratios • F un action - packed programs
as each session introduces new ideas, techniques and materials. The Arts Connection Richmond 604/241-0141 theartsconnection.org Ages 4+ programs that inspire kids to learn about architecture, engineering and design concepts while having fun building with LEGO ® bricks. Now offering Birthday Parties, Camps and After School Enrichment Classes.
Creative Edge School of Arts Abbotsford, 604/855-3343 creativeedgebc.com Ages 6+
Rainbow Art School Ltd. Vancouver Westside 778/317-8000 rainbowartschool.wix.com Ages 4–15
Surrey Art Gallery 604/501-5566 surrey.ca/artgallery Ages 3+
GOLD: Bricks 4 Kidz Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby 778/872-STEM (7836) bricks4kidz.com/vancouver Ages 5–12 Bricks 4 Kidz ® provides STEM
SILVER: Chorus and Clouds Vancouver, 604/873-0091 chorusandclouds.ca
BRONZE: Build a Biz Kids Port Moody, 604/313-9996 buildabizkids.com
Arts Umbrella – Media Arts Vancouver, 604/681-5268 artsumbrella.com Ages 6–19
BrainSTEM Learning North Vancouver, 604/379-2767 brainstemlearning.ca Ages 4–14
Cerebral Palsy Association of BC Lower Mainland (604) 408-9484 bccerebralpalsy.com Chi Kids – Happiness Tools for Life Vancouver, Burnaby, 604/689-9116 thechikids.com
Christianne’s Lyceum of Literature and Art Vancouver, 604/733-1356 christiannehayward.com Ages 1–8 Dolphin Kids™ Achievement programs 778 939-6440 dolphinkids.ca
elicit-children’s Literature Projects Vancouver, 778/960-2956 Ages 3–8
Mindful Changes West Vancouver, 778/999-6457 mindful-changes.com Nature Kids BC Province Wide, 604/985-3057 naturekidsbc.ca
On The Mic Voice – Over Training Vancouver, 604 669-0654 onthemictraining.com Ages 10–17
RoboCamps by Daedalos Enrichment Programs Vancouver, 604/345-8603 info@daedalos.ca robocamps.ca After School Robotics STEM Programs including Prep for Robotics Competition (FIRST LEGO League, GearBots) held at various public and private schools throughout the Lower Mainland. Our 6–8 week programs start January, April and September.
Sea Smart – After School Program Vancouver, 604/358-3001 seasmartschool.com Ages 6–9 Sea Smart is a Vancouverbased charity that delivers summer camps, school workshops, and after school programs. Sea Smart’s hands-on programs get kids excited about our oceans and empowers them to make the world a better place!
Sewing with Frances Burnaby, 604/433-1030 The C.O.D.E. (Creating Opportunities Defining Education) Initiative Vancouver (UBC) 778/875-0548 thecodeinitiative.ca Helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) find a passion and an interest in coding.
Under the GUI – Coding for kids Kitsilano, Vancouver South, North Vancouver, Coquitlam 604 700 9931 underthegui.com Ages 7 –15+
Young Entrepreneur Learning Labs South Surrey/White rock, Vancouver, Surrey, Langley, and Richmond 1/800–243-0335 yelearninglabs.com Ages 7–15
Young Shakespeareans Workshops Vancouver, 604/737-0625 bardonthebeach.org Ages 8–18

REGISTER FOR CLASSES AND LESSONS IN music • dance theatre • visual arts creative writing placedesarts.ca
GOLD: TumbleTown Movement Education Centre Vancouver, 604/357-7355 tumbletown.ca Ages 4 months–8 years TumbleTown Movement Education Centre offers specialized movement programs for children from 4 months to 8 years old. Our programs introduce children to fun and challenging activities through movement circuits, games, and music. Our programs are designed to provide children with the fundamental skills necessary to keep them active for life!
SILVER: Uphoria Yoga Vancouver, 604/326-2995 uphoriayoga.com Children will explore a new theme each week in a structured program. Our yoga classes encourage selfawareness and self-expression through yoga poses, games, songs and art in a noncompetitive atmosphere.
BRONZE: Sportball 604/688-3157 sportball.ca Ages 16 months–12 yrs Absolute Cheer and Tumbling Camp North Vancouver, 604/984-4107 absolutecheerandtumbling.com Ages 5–12
Aquaventures Swim Centre Vancouver, 604/736-SWIM aquaventuresswim.com Ages 6 months+ Atlantis Swim Programs 604/874-6464, Vancouver atlantisprograms.com Ages 4 months+ Burnaby New West Ringette New Westminster cometryringette.ca; bnwr.ca Ages 4–14
Club Aviva Coquitlam, 604/526-4464 clubaviva.ca Ages 6 months+ Come Try Ringette Burnaby, New West, Vancouver, Poco, Coquitlam, Fraser Valley, West/North Van, Richmond, Surrey, Chilliwack cometryringette.ca Ages 4–14 Dynamo Swim Club Burnaby, Surrey 778/866-6604 dynamoswimclub.net Ages 3–18 Climb Base5 North Vancouver, 604/984-9080 climbbase5.com Ages 6–18 Grandview Skating Club grandviewskatingclub.com Ages 3+
I Can Swim North Van, Coquitlam icanswim.ca Ages 3 months+ Jump! Gymnastics North Vancouver: 604/971- 0513 and Yaletown: 604/568-9690 jumpgymnastics.ca Ages 6 months–7yrs
Langley Gymnastics Foundation 604/455-8845 langleygymnastics.ca Ages 11 months+
The Little Gym of Langley Langley, 604/539-2543 thelittlegym.com Ages 4 months–12yrs
Marina’s Swim School Richmond, Whiterock 604/818-4650 marinaswimschool.com Momentum Ninja Port Coquitlam 778/941-9631 momentumninja.com Ages 1yr+
My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Surrey, Maple Ridge, Langley, Richmond myygym.com Ages 6 weeks–10yrs North Shore Equestrian Centre North Vancouver, 604/988-5131 wecreateriders.com Ages 8+ Pedalheads Bike Camps 1-888-886-6464 pedalheads.com Ages 2–12 Phoenix Gymnastics Vancouver, 604/737-7693 phoenixgymnastics.com Ages 6 months+ RBL Basketball Vancouver, 604/269-0221 RBLBasketball.com Ages 5–15
Richmond Gymnastics Association 604/278-3614 richmondgymnastics.com Ages 18 months+ Soccer Shots Burnaby, New Westminster, Surrey, Coquitlam, Delta, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Langley soccershots.org SongSport North Vancouver, Surrey 1-888-909-8282 bcboyschoir.org Ages 7–12 Ski Wee & Wee Riders Grouse Mountain, N. Van. 604/980-9311 grousemountain.com Ages 3–6 UBC Active Kids Gymnastics 604/822-2027 outreach.kin.educ.ubc.ca/ active-kids 18 months–18 years Wayland Sports Maple Ridge, 604/465-9293 waylandsports.com Walking - 10yrs+
We Move Class – We Play Kids Gym Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com Ages 0–3 and ages 3–5 A fun and engaging movement class led by our awesome We Play Staff. Children will play a variety of developmentally appropriate physical fitness and gross motor games and activities throughout the 45min class. White Rock Gymnastics 604/542-0386 whiterockgym.org Walking - 11yrs+ YogaButtons Studio Vancouver, 604/739-9642 yogabuttons.com Ages newborn–12 years Zone Camps – Ski/ride Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver 604/980-9311 grousemountain.com Ages 5–18

Online Directory coming May 1st, 2020
We want to give you even more information at your fingertips. As of May 1st, BCParent.ca will be home to an online directory with listings for places to visit, birthday party providers, schools, childcare options and more!