3 minute read
Birthday Parties
party people
GOLD: Out of the Rain Character Events 778/628-9055 outoftherainevents.com
SILVER: Fairy Skye Langley, 604/209-5435 fairyskye.com
BRONZE: Higher Function 204/295-6435 higher-function.com Bippity Boppity Birthdays Vancouver, 778/878-7794 vancouverprincessparties.com
Bricks 4 Kidz ® Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, 778/872-STEM (7836) bricks4kidz.com/vancouver Ages 5–12 Bricks 4 Kidz ® provides STEM programs that inspire kids to learn about architecture, engineering and design concepts while having fun building with LEGO ® bricks. Now offering Birthday Parties, After School Enrichment Classes, and Camps.
Enchanted Events 778/989-0876 enchanted-events.ca Enchanted Princess Kingdom 866/873-6264 enchantedprincesskingdom. com
Gossamer Designs Face Painting 604/767-4790 gossamerdesigns.ca In the Company of Fairies 778/846-9622 companyoffairies.com Living Magic Entertainment livingmagicentertainment.com Lost Princess Entertainment 236/988-1255 lostprincessent.com
Mad Science Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley 604/591-9115 madscience.org/vancouver Peter Rooke’s Fun Magic Shows Vancouver, 604/984-6822 peterrookemagic.ca Ray Wong Magic 604/720-8809 raywongmagic.com Mermaid Danielle Lower Mainland, 778/939-7552 mermaiddanielle.com Ages 3–8 Neale Bacon and his Crazy Critters (Canada’s favourite Family Ventriloquist) Lower Mainland, 604/364-7294 baconandfriends.com Rusty the Clown – Balloon twister extraordinaire 604/442-7713 clownsinaction.ca Sportball Lower Mainland, 604/688-3157 sportball.ca Starchild & Company Lower Mainland, 604/541-0908 starchild.ca West Coast Exotics BC 778/872-9997 westcoastexoticsbc.com
party places
GOLD: Fairy Skye Castle Langley, 604/209-5435 fairyskye.com
SILVER: The World of Kidtropolis Richmond, 604/285-7529 kidtropolis.ca
BRONZE: TumbleTown Movement Education Centre Vancouver, 604/357-7355 tumbletown.ca TumbleTown’s custom-built facility allows for instructed play, full of action and excitement, and the party room is perfect for eating cake and opening presents. Birthday parties at Tumbletown are guaranteed to be full of laughter, games, and music your child will never forget!
6pack Indoor Beach Richmond, 604/321-6800 6packbeach.com
Absolute Cheer and Tumbling Camp North Vancouver, 604/984-4107 absolutecheerandtumbling.com All Ages
Adventure Zone and Toddler Zone Kids Market, Vancouver, 604/608-6699 theadventurezone.ca
Burnaby Central Railway Burnaby, 604/291-0922 bcsme.org
Birthday Parties at Playland Vancouver, 604/252-3663 pne.ca/groups Celebrate your child’s birthday at Playland! Take the party outside and leave the preparation and fun to us! Birthday packages are for up to 10 guests (including adults and children) invitations, lunch, access to over 30 rides, attractions and more. BrainSTEM Learning North Van, 604/379-2767 brainstemlearning.ca
Burnaby Village Museum Burnaby, 604/297-4565 burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Kids of all ages can celebrate their birthday 1920s style! Our party package includes lunch at the Ice Cream Parlour and two rides on our 1912 Parker Carousel. Visit our website for details. Captain Kid’s Fun Centre Langley, 604/882-2119 captainkids.ca
Castle Fun Park Abbottsford, 604/850-0411 castlefunpark.com Castle Royale Park Royal, West Van 604/925-0707 castleroyale.ca Circus Play Cafe Vancouver circusplaycafe.com Under 5
Climb Base 5 Vancouver, North Vancouver climbbase5.com Ages 6+
Clip ‘n climb Richmond clipnclimbvancouver.ca Ages 4+
Delta Gymnastics Delta, 888/951-4713 deltagymnastics.com Ages 6–12
Extreme Air Park Richmond, New Westminister, Langley extremeairpark.com
Fairy Skye Castle Langley, 604/209-5435 fairyskye.com
Fort Langley National Historic Site Fort Langley pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/bc/ langley/activ/activ14
The Hive Climbing North Van: 604/990-4483 Vancouver: 604/683-4483 hiveclimbing.com Ages 6+
Honeybee Centre Surrey, 604/575-2337 honeybeecentre.com
Jump Gymnastics Yaletown 604/568-9690 North Van 604/971-0513 jumpgymnastics.ca
Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre North Van, 604/990-3755 dnv.org/ecology
Ooie World Surrey, Abbotsford, 604/588-2427 ooieworld.com Ages 0–12
Princess Spa The Hairloft 604/684-6177 Vancouver Kids Market princessspa.ca aged 3–12
Rocky Mountain Flatbread Vancouver, Surrey Ages 5+ rockymountainflatbread.ca SkyZone Surrey, 778/395-5867 skyzone.com
Sprout Concept (Baby Casa) Vancouver sproutconcept.ca Sun Hang Do – The Complete Martial Art Vancouver, Surrey, Langley, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford sunhangdo.com
Treehaus Teahaus North Vancouver, 604/281-1911 treehausteahaus.com
Vancouver Maritime Museum Vancouver, 604/257-8310 vancouvermaritimemuseum.com
We Play Kids Gym Surrey, 604/385-2883 weplaykids.com We play was built for celebrations! Our play gym and arts and crafts room will keep the kids entertained with enough diverse activity to happily suit each child’s ability and interest! There’s no waiting around at We Play, the party will constantly be in motion.

GOLD: Party City partycity.com
SILVER: Dollarama dollarama.com
BRONZE: Dollar Tree dollartreecanada.com Bag O’Swag Online bagoswag.com Granville Island Toy Co. Vancouver Kids Market 604/684-0076 toycompany.ca
It’s My Party Shop Port Moody, 604/931-6040 itsmypartyshop.ca My Uptown Party Store New Westminster, 778/949-7031 my-uptown-party.business.site Par-T-Perfect Lower Mainland & Fraser Valley par-t-perfect.com
MaY 25 - MaY 31, 2020 oN GrAnViLlE IsLaNd, vAnCoUvEr cHiLdReNsFeStIvAl.cA TiCkEtS gO oN sAlE - MaRcH 4tH

Develop critical thinking skills and build math skills at an early age. Ages 3 - 7, Kindergarten - Gr 6