8 minute read


independent schools

GOLD: Westside Montessori Academy Vancouver, 604/434-9611 westsidemontessoriacademy.ca Preschool to Grade 7 WMA’s mission is to provide a safe, supportive educational environment that nurtures every child’s natural curiosity for learning. We are committed to providing the tools, the guides and the prepared environment to allow each child to reach their potential both socially and academically. Alexander Academy Vancouver, 604/687-8832 alexanderacademy.ca Co-ed, grades 8–12


Bodwell High School and Bodwell Academy North Van, 604/924-5056 bodwell.edu/highschool Co-ed, grades 8–12

Brockton School North Van, 604/929-9201 brocktonschool.com Co-ed, grades K–11

Children’s Hearing & Speech Centre of BC Vancouver, 604/437-0255 childrenshearing.ca Co-ed, grades K–3

SILVER: Eaton Arrowsmith Vancouver, White Rock, eatonarrowsmith.com Our schools operate on the principle of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to strengthen over time with targeted training. This sets us apart from other schools for students with learning difficulties. We don’t teach children, teens and adults to work around their weaknesses. Instead, we help them address them.

BRONZE: Crofton House Vancouver, 604/263-3255 croftonhouse.ca Girls, grades 1–12 Choice School Richmond choiceschool.org Co-ed, grades K–7

Collingwood School West Van, 604/925-3331 collingwood.org Co-ed, grades JK–12

Cousteau, l’Ecole Française Internationale de Vancouver North Vancouver, 604/924-2457 cousteauschool.org

Fraser Academy Vancouver, 604 736 5575 fraseracademy.ca Co-ed, grades 1–12 Fraser Valley Elementary School Langley, 604/533-5469 fves.bc.ca Co-ed, grades K–3 Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School North Van, 604/985-5224 kgms.ca Co-ed, grades 1–12 Le Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B (SD No. 93, publicly funded French-language program) Across BC csf.bc.ca Madrona School Society Vancouver, 604/499-7303 madronaschool.com Co-ed, grades 4–7 Marpole Bilingual Montessori School Vancouver, 604/266-1091 marpolebilingualmontessori. com Meadow Montessori Elementary & Preschool Maple Ridge, 604/465-3492 meadowmontessori.ca Co-ed, grades PS–7 Meadowridge School Maple Ridge, 604/467-4444 meadowridge.bc.ca Co-ed, grades 4–7 Mulgrave School West Van, 604/922-3223 mulgrave.com Co-ed, grades Pre-K–12

North Star Montessori North Star Montessori North Van, 604/980-1205 northstarmontessori.ca Co-ed, grades PS–7 North Star offers an authentic Montessori program from infancy to Grade 6. Committed to meeting the developmental needs of each child, we foster a love of learning, independence and respect. Practical experiences build confidence and inspire an intrinsic motivation to ‘learn’ and ‘do’ that students carry with them throughout their lives.

Pacific Rim Montessori Academy Vancouver, Richmond, 604/726-8428 pacificrimmontessori.com Co-ed, grades K–7

Pacific Spirit School Vancouver, 604/222-1900 pacificspiritschool.org Co-ed, grades K–8 Pattison High School Vancouver, 604/608-8788 pattisonhighschool.ca Co-ed, grades 8–12

Pythagoras Academy Richmond, 604/370-0199 pythagorasacademy.ca Co-ed, grades JK–7 Richmond Jewish Day School Richmond, 604/275-3393 rjds.ca Co-ed, grades K–7 St. George’s School Vancouver, 604/221-3890 stgeorges.bc.ca Boys, grade 1–12

St. John’s School Vancouver, 604/629-2458 stjohns.bc.ca Co-ed, grades K–12 St. John’s International School Vancouver, 604/683-4572 stjohnsis.com Co-ed, grades 10–12 SelfDesign Learning Community Vancouver, 877/353-3374 selfdesign.org Co-ed, grades K–12

Southpointe Academy Tsawwassen, 604/948-8826 southpointe.ca Co-ed, grades PS–12 Stratford Hall Vancouver, 604/436-0608 stratfordhall.ca Co-ed, grades K–12 Traditional Learning Academy Coquitlam, 604/931-7265 traditionallearning.com Co-ed, grades K–12

Urban Academy New Westminster 604/524-2211 urbanacademy.ca Co-ed, grades JK–12 Vancouver College Vancouver, 604/261-4285 vc.bc.ca Boys, grades K–12 Vancouver Montessori School Vancouver, 604/261-0315 vancouvermontessorischool. com Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver Hebrew Academy Vancouver, 604/266-1245 vhebrewacademy.com Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver Talmud Torah Vancouver, 604/736-7307 talmudtorah.com Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver Waldorf School North Van, 604/985-7435 vws.ca Co-ed, grades PS–12 West Point Grey Academy Vancouver, 604/222-8750 wpga.ca| Co-ed, grades JK–12

York House School Vancouver, 604/736-6551 yorkhouse.ca Girls, grades JK–12


GOLD: Westside Montessori Academy Vancouver, 604/434-9611 westsidemontessoriacademy.ca Preschool to Grade 7 Westside Montessori Academy for preschool-aged to Grade 7 at the Italian Cultural Centre in East Vancouver. A small school with a big heart, WMA offers Montessori education, lower student-to-staff ratios and thoughtfully designed learning environments. Love of learning starts here.

SILVER: Burnaby French Language Playschool Burnaby, 604/432-1323 bflp.org

BRONZE: Kiddies Korner Preschool Port Coquitlam, 604/941-4919 kkp.ca

Alderwood House Richmond, 604/272-5023 alderwoodhouse.com Birchland Treehouse Preschool Port Coquitlam, 604/945-0002 birchlandtreehouse.com Brainbridge Bilingual Education and Fine Arts Centre Vancouver, 604/322-6830 brainbridge.ca

Brentwood Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten Burnaby, 604/294-2671 brentwoodmontessori.ca BrightPath Kids Lower Mainland 1-888/808-2252 brightpathkids.com Canyon Heights Preschool North Van, 604/986-5597 canyonheightspreschool.com Children’s House Montessori Coquitlam, 604/931-1311 montessoribc.com Cloverleaf Montessori Surrey, 604/574-9899 cloverleafmontessori.ca CEFA Early Learning 14 locations throughout the Lower Mainland and 2 Okanagan cefa.ca Cornerstone Christian Academy Richmond, 604/303-9181 cornerstonechristianacademy.ca

Council of Parent Participation Preschools 604/435-4430, 800/488-0660 cpppreschools.bc.ca Cousteau, l’Ecole française internationale de Vancouver North Vancouver, 604/924-2457 Cousteauschool.org

Creative Edge School of Arts Abbotsford, 604/855-3343 creativeedgebc.com

Discovery Montessori Richmond, 604/807-9796 discoverymontessorischool.ca

Discovery Quest Montessori Surrey, 604/581-1620

Dunbar Memorial Preschool Vancouver, 604/222-6065 dunbarmemorialpreschool.ca

Elite Montessori Academy Vancouver, 604/655-2045 elitemontessori.ca

Family Montessori School Vancouver 604/224-2633, 604/731-8810 familymontessori.com

Gatehouse Montessori West Van, 604/925-1437 gatehousemontessori.com

Hazelwood Early Learning Port Coquitlam, 604/377-8385 hazelwoodearlylearning.com

Highlands PreSchool North Van, 604/980-1740 highlandspreschool.ca

Inglewood Parent Participation Preschool West Van, 604/925-1888 inglewoodppp.ca

Kids Care Preschool Vancouver, 604/325-2222 southvancouverfamilyplace. org/kidscare_preschool

La Calypso Vancouver, 778/373-4000 lacalypso.org Little Mountain Montessori Preschool Vancouver, 604/709-9621

Little People Parent Participation Preschool Vancouver, 604/261-2219 littlepeople.ca

Little Pythagoras Academy Richmond, 604/370-0199 pythagorasacademy.ca

Little Neighbours Preschool 604/521-5158 littleneighbours.com

Marpole Bilingual Montessori School Co-ed, grades PS–K Vancouver, 604/266-1091 marpolebilingualmontessori. com

Meadow Montessori Elementary & Preschool Maple Ridge, 604/465-3492 meadowmontessori.ca

Monkey See Monkey Do Montessori Vancouver, 778/371-4659 monkeyseemonkeydo.ca

Morning Glory Montessori Richmond, 604/506-1627 mgmontessori.org

North Star Montessori Co-ed, grades PS–7 North Van, 604/980-1205 northstarmontessori.ca North Star offers an authentic Montessori program from infancy to Grade 6. Committed to meeting the developmental needs of each child, we foster a love of learning, independence and respect. Practical experiences build confidence and inspire an intrinsic motivation to ‘learn’ and ‘do’ that students carry with them throughout their lives.

West Point Grey Licensed Preschool at Aberthau (30 Months—5 Years)

PJ Kids West Vancouver, 604/926-5972 pjkidsclub.com A play-based preschool with a French enriched curriculum offering half day and full day classes for 3 and 4 years old. We have a great teacherchildren ratio, a wonderful playground, Music and Yoga Lessons. Located in the heart of Dundarave, we are a short walking distance from the community center and the Library. Our staff is qualified and dedicated ECE teachers with a passion for young children.

Pacific Rim Montessori Academy Richmond and Vancouver, 604/726-8428 pacificrimmontessori.com Finearts Preschool Richmond, 604/221-0141 theartsconnection.ca Pomme d’Api Preschool Vancouver, 604/877-1122 pommedapi.org

Reach for the Stars Montessori 5 programs in Vancouver and Burnaby 604/688-7827 montessoristar.com

Sandcastle Park Children’s Centre Richmond, 604/274-8380 sandcastlepark.ca

Stepping Stone Preschool Vancouver, 604/261-5315 steppingstonepreschool.org Sunshine Cove Preschool North Van, 604/770-2683 sunshinecovepreschool.ca

University Hill Preschool Vancouver, 604/228-8610 universityhillpreschool.com

Vancouver Bilingual Preschool Vancouver, 604/261-1221 vancouverbilingual.com Vancouver Bilingual Preschool offers a proven EnglishFrench curriculum developed to prepare your child for a lifetime of learning and success. Our specially trained teachers are dedicated to starting children on the journey of second (or third!) language learning. Vancouver Hebrew Academy Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver, 604/264-1245 vhebrewacademy.com Vancouver Montessori School Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver, 604/261-0315 vancouvermontessorischool. com

Vancouver Talmud Torah Co-ed, grades PS–7 Vancouver, 604/736-7307 talmudtorah.com Vancouver Waldorf School Co-ed, grades PS–12 N. Vancouver, 604/985-7435 vws.ca Wesbrook Parent Participation Preschool Vancouver, 604/224-3112 wesbrookpreschool.com

West Point Grey Preschool Vancouver, 604/257-8140 westpointgrey.org/programs/ licensed-preschool West Point Grey Licensed Preschool at Aberthau offers care for children 30 months to 5 years old in a learning through play environment. Uniquely located in a mansion with large outdoor space this preschool is a hidden gem on the West Side of Vancouver.

Spots available for the 2019-2020 school year 4397 West 2nd Ave. Vancouver 604.257.8140 www.westpointgrey.org @westpointgreycc

Westside Montessori School Vancouver, 604/731-6594 westsidemontessori.ca Wind and Tide Preschool Various locations in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley 877/541-5459 windandtide.com Xplor Fine Arts Preschool Abbotsford, 604/825-0905 xtremetalent.ca/pre-school


GOLD: Symbols Multisensory Learning Centres Vancouver, Coquitlam, Richmond, 604/696-2030 symbolslearning.com

SILVER: West Coast Centre for Learning Home-based Programs with Individualized Coaching Surrey, 778/839-5515 wesetcoastcentreforlearning.com Ages 3–18 years Are you tired of seeing your child struggle to learn? Many children experience learning issues as a result of their inability to process information at an optimum rate. This may be exhausting, and at worst, hinder their ability to perform academically. We help your children improve their skills and build the brain’s capacity for learning through award winning programs such as Fast ForWord, Reading Assistant, Cogmed and the Listening Program. Even the most struggling learners, can benefit from our programs, supported by our experienced and qualified coaches.

BRONZE: Kumon 800/222-6284 kumon.com Above Grade Level Lower Mainland 778/832-1007 abovegradelevel.ca After 3 Tutoring at Fraser Academy Kitsilano 604/736-5575 fraseracademy.ca

Aspire Math Academy W. Vancouver, 604/902-2217 aspiremathacademy.com Ages JK–Gr 7 Eye Level Learning Centers Port Moody, N. Van, Richmond, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Surrey, White Rock myeyelevel.com 3–16 yrs old KEY Admissions Vancouver, West Vancouver keyadmissions.com

Learning Disabilities Society 604/873-8139 ldsociety.ca

MPM Math 604/266-6762 mpmmath.com Ages 3–6 In the MPM Math Education program, elementary-school students build problem-solving and critical thinking math abilities while developing selfconfidence and independence in learning. The JELIC program, for ages 3–7 years old, is designed for preschoolers to solve problems independently through specially-designed logic puzzles, under the supervision of a qualified instructor. Oxford Learning Coquitlam, 604/464-3090 Richmond, 604/233-5566 South Surrey, 604/575-1494 North Van, 604/990-8850 Kerrisdale, 604/266-6000 Kitsilano, 604/563-2000 West Van, 604/922-5566 Burnaby, 604/565-5877 oxfordlearning.com PD Plus Tutoring 604/421-6101 pdplustutors.com

The Reading Foundation 604/549-5034 readingfoundation.com

School Is Easy Tutoring 604/439-1790 or 1-877-ITS EASY schooliseasy.com

Sealy Tutoring Vancouver 604/900-9808 sealytutoring.com Special Learning Skills 604/613-0787 simplifiedlearningskills.com

Spirit of Math West Vancouver, Vancouver, Richmond, South Surrey 1-866/767-6284 spiritofmath.com

Sylvan Learning 1-888/338-2283 SylvanLearning.ca Teachers to Go 800/428-8164 TeachersToGo.ca Teachers’ Tutoring Service Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley 604/730-3410 tutor.bc.ca TutorBright, Vancouver Vancouver, 778/300-5000 tutorbright.com Tutor Doctor Multiple locations in Richmond & Delta 604/670-6835 inhometutors.ca UCMAS Surrey, 604/728- 4112 Vancouver, 778/990-0749 Richmond, 604/248-7575 ucmas.ca Voilà Learning Online and at Home tutoring across Canada 866/900-0658 VoilaLearning.com


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