BC Parent Resource Guide 2020

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Place des Arts

Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 3+ Place des Arts offers Sept–June and fall, winter and spring session dance classes in acro, ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap and lyrical dance for children, starting at age 3, teens and adults. Port Moody School of Dance 604/936-0966 portmoodydance.com Ages 3+ Pulse Dance Centre Port Coquitlam, 604/474-3466 onthepulse.ca Ages 2+ Rain City Dance School Vancouver, 604/369-4440 raincitydance.com Ages 4+

Classes & Programs dance GOLD: Wee Dance

Vancouver, New Westminster, Surrey, White Rock, 604/720-0544 weedance.com

SILVER: Arts Umbrella

Vancouver: 604/681-5268 Surrey: 604/535-1127 artsumbrella.com Ages 2–22

BRONZE: Dance Co

Vancouver, Arbutus & East Van, 604/736-3394 danceco.com Ages 3+ Al Mozaico Flamenco Dance Academy Vancouver and Burnaby 604/671-9182 mozaicoflamenco.com Anna Wyman School of Dance Arts West Vancouver, 604/926-6535 annawyman.com Ages 2+ The Arts Connection – Dance School Richmond, 604/241-0141 theartsconnection.org Ages infant to 16 yrs

AUUC School of Dance Vancouver, 604/254-3436 auucvancouver.ca Ages 3 to adult Boogaloo Academy Vancouver, 604/805-0558 boogalooacademy.com Ages 5 months+ Bright Stars Vancouver, 604/725-1607 brightstars.ca Ages 2+ Creative Edge School of Arts Abbotsford, 604/855-3343 creativeedgebc.com Ages 2+ E.J.S. School of Fine Arts – Dance Surrey, 604/596-4883 ejsfinearts.com Ages 5+ Gabriela’s Movement Studio Richmond, 604/272-0607 movementstudio.ca Ages 1–9

Just for Kicks School of Dance Surrey, 604/596-4161 justforkicksschoolofdance.com Ages 3+ North Shore Academy of Dance North Vancouver, 604/987-3814 nsad.ca Ages 3–18 North Shore Celtic Ensemble North Vancouver, 604/987-4063 nsce.ca Ages 8–18 Northwest Academy of Performing Arts New Westminister, 604/521-3255 NAPAdance.com Ages 2+ Pacific Dance Arts Vancouver, 604/738-8575 pacificdancearts.ca Ages 3+

Goh Ballet Academy Vancouver, 604/872-4014 gohballet.com Ages 4–17

Perform Art Studios North Vancouver, 604/988-4420 performartstudios.com Ages 3–18

hz Ballet Classique Burnaby, 604/299-9698 balletclassique.com Ages 18 months+

Pink Petal Ballet North Vancouver pinkpetal.ca Ages 2+

Reflection Dance Studio White Rock, 604/355-4199 reflectiondancestudio.com Ages 5+ School of Music and Dance Langley, Surrey and White Rock musicanddance.org Ages 2+ The Landing Dance Centre South Vancouver, 604/325-8653 TheLandingDance.com Ages 8 to adult Tri-City Dance Centre Coquitlam, 604/523-6868 tricitydance.com Ages 3+ Vancouver Phoenix International Academy of Dance Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey 778/885-3456; 604/600-8066 vpdance.ca Ages 4+ Vancouver Tap Dance Society East Vancouver, 604/253-0293 vantapdance.com Ages 3+ Vancouver Academy of Dance Vancouver and Richmond 604/231-8293 vancouverdance.com Ages 3+ Westside Dance Centre Ltd Vancouver, 604/736-1000 westsidedance.ca Ages 3+ World Dance Co Burnaby, 604/517-4644 worlddanceco.com Ages 3+

music GOLD: Colourstrings Music & Movement Group Classes

Vancouver, 778/846-0127 colourstringsvan.com Ages 3 months to 6 years In age specific groupings children enjoy songs and games that develop a solid musical foundation. The more advanced classes introduce music reading and writing. Classes now available French! Instrumental Lessons for children, 5 years and upwards: Violin, Viola, Piano, Percussion, Flute, Cello and Acoustic Guitar.

SILVER: Long & McQuade Music

Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Courtenay, Kamloops, Langley, Nanaimo, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Prince George, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria, White Rock, long-mcquade.com/lessons All ages Private and group music instruction at affordable rates, custom-tailored to the needs of individual students in a wide variety of instruments, including acoustic & electric guitar, piano, drums, vocals, orchestral strings, brass, woodwinds, and more.

BRONZE: Place des Arts

Coquitlam, 604/664-1636 placedesarts.ca Ages 2+ Place des Arts has over 30 qualified music teachers offering private lessons and group classes for all ages and in a wide variety of instruments. Classes for children, including the popular Musical Rainbow and Music for Young Children® programs, start at age 3 and give kids a strong start in music, preparing them well for private lessons as they get older. Allegro Music School Vancouver, 604/327-7765 Ages 4+ Arbutus Music Academy Vancouver arbutusmusicacademy.com Ages 3+ The Arts Connection – Music School Richmond, 604/241-0141 theartsconnection.org Ages 4+

bcparent.ca • resource guide 2020 19

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