A. SEE BERWYN’S MINI LIBRARIES - Did you know Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization with more than 100,000 little libraries worldwide? If you check out littlefreelibrary.org, you’ll see that Berwyn is home to well over a dozen 2’x2’ libraries! That tiny library you’ve seen in your neighborhood is part of a global book-sharing movement that you can join. With books for any age or reading level, offered in both English and Spanish, there is something for everyone to borrow or share at one of Berwyn’s Little Free Libraries. (pictures: left, map of Little Free Libraries in Berwyn; right, Little Free Library.)
B. SEE BERWYN’S HISTORY - The Berwyn Historical Society is a non-profit organization here in the community that is committed to the preservation, protection, and teaching of Berwyn’s history. Founded nearly forty years ago, they play a critical role in keeping Berwyn’s historical architecture alive. To immerse yourself in Berwyn’s past, consider the Berwyn Bungalows and More Tour for an in depth look at how Berwyn’s architecture and historical commercial buildings came to be, or visit their Facebook page (@BerwynHistoricalSociety) to stay up to date with the best historical Berwyn content! (pictures: left to right - Berwyn National Bank, 1930; Berwyn bungalows; Historic home )
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