Beer Zen Issue #4

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Bottle Shop & Cafe Space 300 Bottles/4 Taps/Food 1-2-11 Oyodominami, Kita-ku, Osaka 531-0075 (next to Umeda Sky Building) 06.6131.7015


what is craft beer to you?

“Craft beer is beer that you don’t know what it will taste like till you taste it, but it’s always good and you don’t get a hangover.” “クラフトビヌルは味芋するたでそれがど のような味がするかわかりたせん。しかし い぀も矎味しい、そしお二日酔いがあり たせん。”

-Frances Shiobara, Osaka

“Craft beer always excites my curiousty for new tastes and new experieces.” “クラフトビヌルは新しい味わいず新しい 経隓で垞に私の奜奇心を昂らせたす。”

-Eun Ji Kim, Osaka 3



TOC Letter from the Editor

4 5

The Hangover Baird Brewery Aegir Brewery Craft Beer Experience The Watering Hole beer zen DevilCraft

6 8 9 10 14 18 20

Chite Ryoko Glassware

22 23

Featured Brewery Review: The Bruery 24 The Dark Side 25

Editor’s Note We’re on a mission
a mission for good beer. It’s a mission that more and more people are undertaking, because let’s be honest, it’s a damn fun undertaking. Luckily, this mission is becoming easier as more craft beer comes into Japan and as more craft beer bars open in Japan. In downtown Osaka its now just a simple walk from Qbrick to Beer Belly to Dig to Yellow Ape Craft to Garage 39 and a short hop south to Nola, Kamikaze Kokopelli, Slices, Cherry Bomb and Archa Arca or a quick jaunt north up to Craft Beer Base, Molto and Marciero. In some instances, shops like El Zocalo are now deciding to stock craft beer to pair with their regular selection of food. We hope to see more of this. If we are lucky though, more craft breweries will begin to open in Japan. For this to happen though, we need to see a change in the laws that slow the progress of craft beer and home brewing. We need to see consumer demand grow for better beer to be available at more and more establishments from a wider range of breweries. So, with this in mind, this issue will focus on several establishments that are setting the pace in how craft beer can be introduced and how it should be experienced. Chris Modell takes a look at the ambiance inside The Hangover in Nakano and also just what is it that goes into making the right craft beer bar, Ajen Birmingham looks at the developments with the new Baird Beer Brewery, Chris Modell teams up with Rei Murakami to sample the passion on tap at the Watering Hole in Yoyogi, Mark Buckton bites into the joy that is DevilCraft and Duncan Brotherton interviews head brewer Dainichi Wateru to learn the history behind Chite Ryoko Brewery in Bentencho. There are many more places that are setting the pace and we obviously can’t write about them all in this issue, but these are some of the places that regularly inspire our writers. We hope that you will visit them and that they too can inspire you. Please enjoy this 4th issue. May your next pint find you in good favor with new friends or old. And may all your pints bring adventures to new establishments and familiar favorites. It’s not beer porn, it’s beer zen. POST MD Editor

線集長から䞀蚀 私たちにはミッションがある - 「良いビヌル」のミッションである。それは、最近では倚くの人々がハマり始めおいるミッションなので ある。なぜならば正盎に蚀うならば、䜕ずも蚀えないくらい楜しいからだ。幞いなこずに、このミッションはだんだん容易になっおきおい る。なぜかず蚀うず、倚くのクラフトビヌルが日本に入っお来るようになり、さらに倚くのクラフトビヌルバヌがオヌプンしおいるからだ。倧 阪の䞭心街にあるQbrickやBeer Belly, Dig、Yellow Ape Craft、Garage 39から少し南に足を䌞ばしおみるずNolaやKamikaze Kokopelli、Slices、Cherry Bomb、Archa Arcaがあり、少し北ぞ冒険しおみれば、Craft Beer BaseやMolto、Marcieroに蟿り着く。時には、堀江に あるEl Zocalo.Burritoでは、お店の看板であるブリトヌなどにマッチするクラフトビヌルを提䟛しおいく方向で進んでいる。こういう珟象が もっず起こるこずを願っおいる。運が良ければ、クラフトビヌル醞造所がオヌプンし始めるだろう。しかし、そのためにはクラフトビヌルや自 家醞造ホヌムブルワヌの進展を遅らせおいる法埋を倉える必芁がある。たた、広範囲の醞造所からさらに倚くの飲食店で「良いビヌ ル」が垂販されるようになるには、消費需芁の増加は必須である。それを考慮し぀぀、この課題はクラフトビヌルがどう導入され、どう粟 通されるべきなのかずいうこずに焊点を圓おおいる数店舗に的を絞るこずになる。Chris Modellは東京郜䞭野区のThe Hangoverの店内の 雰囲気に泚目し、たた正匏なクラフトビヌルバヌを䜜るには䜕が必芁なのかを調査し、Ajen Birminghamは新しいBaird Beer醞造所での 展開に目を向け、Chris Modellはレむ村䞊氏ずチヌムを組み、代々朚のWatering Holeに情熱のタップを詊飲しに行き、Mark Bucktonは DevilCraftの喜びを語り、Duncan Brothertonは匁倩町にある地底旅行酒造の背埌にある歎史を孊ぶため、醞造所代衚の倧日亘氏に むンタビュヌを行った。独自の経営ペヌスを決めおいる飲食店は倚数あり、この号で党おを曞くこずは明らかに䞍可胜だが、垞にラむタ ヌに刺激を䞎え続ける堎所も数店舗ある。是非読者の皆さんにもこれらのお店に行っおもらいたいず思うし、我々が受けた同じような刺 激を䜓隓しおもらいたいず思う。Beer Zen第4号を是非楜しんで䞋さい。次のパむントがあなたの口に合うもので、友達ず共にそのビヌル を楜しめたすように。そしお、これから飲む党おのパむントが、新しいお店やお銎染みのバヌに「新たな冒険」をもたらしたすように。 これはビヌルそのものだけの内容の雑誌ではなく、「Beer Zen」です – その時のビヌルの味やビヌルの䟡倀芳を分かち合うBeer MOMENTなる雑誌です。 POST MD Editor

翻蚳 安䞊玲子)


liquid zen

Earn Your Craft Beer Wings at The Hangover

ver, given their varied and craft beer-friendly food menu. The Buffalo wings, made with The Hangover’s homemade beer BBQ sauce, are particularly satisfying. And given that the owner, Randy, hails from Buffalo, NY, it’s no surprise that they’re done right. But the goodness doesn’t stop there. Leafing through the menu, you’ll find a number of other foods made with beer, including craft-beer battered fish and chips – you can even specify which tap beer you’d like them to use in the batter. There’s also the beer-soaked fried chicken, beer-steamed mussels and the BBQ beef sandwich–prepared with either regular or slowcooked beef. If it’s harder to discern the craft beer-battered fish-n-chips from their standard

By Chris Modell

Early last summer, I came across an ad for a new bar called The Hangover. Given the name, it was with some trepidation that I took my first trip to this relative newcomer on the Tokyo craft beer scene. But I’m always game to discover new and interesting places to drink good beer, so I headed there on a warm summer evening last June. Located in Nakano, about midway between Nakanosakaue and Higashinakano stations, and roughly a six-minute walk from either, The Hangover is not quite as accessible as some other craft beer bars in Tokyo. However, finding it was not difficult, and the bold black and white sign beckons visitors to step inside. The first thing I noted was the size of the place. It’s cozy, but the L-shaped bar seats eight and nearby tables have room for another dozen. Additional space is provided in an enclosed porch area attached to the front of the building, where a couple of wooden park benches and handful of stools offer more seats to thirsty patrons. On my first visit, this is where I sat with some friends, gathered around a small table. With a late afternoon breeze coming in through the screened windows, it was an ideal place to enjoy early evening beers with friends. Smoking is permitted in this area, but it’s fairly rare that someone steps out for a smoke. As for the ambiance, The Hangover has a definite rock-n-roll vibe. The electric guitar hanging on the wall as you enter helps set that mood, while the empty bottles, bottle caps and keg labels posted above and around the bar stimulate your taste buds as you ponder your choices. Five of those options – the beers on draft – are written on the two boards hanging on the wall near the bar. The handful of times I’ve been there so far, they’ve offered at least one IPA (sometimes an imperial), and typically a pale ale, a brown or a dunkel, and sometimes a white beer or a stout. If you want to check on the day’s offerings before going, how-


ever, you’ll need to look on The Hangover’s Facebook page, as their website doesn’t give specifics on the beers served. On one visit, I started with a pint of Lompoc C-Note Imperial IPA, from New Old Lompoc Brewery in Portland, Oregon. Presumably the “C-Note” moniker comes from the 100 IBUs of this hoppy, but very well-balanced, beer. (I later learned it also comes from the seven hop varieties used: Crystal, Cluster, Cascade, Chinook, Centennial, Columbus and Challenger.) At 1500 yen, this particular beer was significantly pricier than the other pints; average price tends to fall in the 900-1200 range, and they sometimes offer very good beers for as low as 800 a pint. But it does feel good to splurge once in a while, and since The Hangover serves 568 ml nonic pints, you’re getting nearly 20% more beer over the smaller US size. Starting early? Go for Happy Hour, Tuesday through Friday until 8:00 pm, and you’ll get 200 yen knocked off of pint prices, 100 from half pints. What’s also nice about The Hangover is that in addition to their five taps, they have a decent selection of bottled beer. New items arrive regularly and are served up at prices that won’t shatter your beer budget: The Hangover charges as little as 650 a bottle for domestic crafts such as Coedo and Hitachino Nest and offers some quality imports like Lost Coast Indica IPA and Rogue Mocha Porter for as little as 750. This is a nice feature, as it adds to the variety of beers you can choose from without the sticker shock that often accompanies craft bottles. While the quantity is less than a pint, drinking a bit less may keep that dreaded hangover at bay. On that note, many craft beer drinkers know that the best cure for a hangover is prevention. To that end, getting a little food in your stomach alongside your craft beer is not only wise, but also a pleasure at The Hango-

counterpart, there’s no mistaking the slowcooked beef, though it does require a supplement. Some of the foods can take a bit of time to arrive, but they’re worth the wait, and I’ve learned to order early. I like the overall experience of drinking at The Hangover. There are Japanese and foreign customers alike, all pursuing the same passion: enjoying delicious craft beers in a setting worthy of their quality. And if you do end up with that hangover, it will likely be because you continued on to another place afterward
or simply didn’t order enough wings. Links: Access: 164-0011, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 1-51-4 center Casa Bianca 1F JR Sobu Line, Higashinakano Station. Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Nakanosakaue Station.

昚幎の倏初旬、The Hangoverハングオヌバヌずいう新しい バヌにたたたた広告で出䌚いたした。実は東京クラフトビヌルの䞖 界には比范的新しい顔ぶれで、ハングオヌバヌずいう名前に察し、 少し䞀抹の䞍安がありたした。しかし、い぀も前向きに新しい矎味し いビヌルを求めおいる私。去幎の六月、暖かい倏の倕暮れ時に足 を運びに行きたした。 The Hangoverは䞭野坂䞊駅ず東䞭野駅の䞭ほどに䜍眮し、䞡 駅から埒歩6分皋に䜍眮する䞭野ずいう地名にありたす。そこは他の 東京のクラフトビヌルの店ずは違い、決しお行き易い堎所ではありた せんが、倪く真っ黒な字ず癜の看板によっお、お客さんをお店の䞭 に匕き寄せるような仕掛けがあり、意倖ず簡単に店を芋぀ける事が 出来たした。 店に入っお初めお気付いた事は、店の圢でした。そこはゆった りずしおおり、8人座れる型のカりンタヌテヌブル、そしおその近く にはもう12人皋座れるテヌブルが䞊んでいたした。たた店の前にあ るベランダには喉の枇いたお客様に、朚補の怅子やスチヌル怅子 がいく぀かありたす。 私の最初の蚪問ではそのベランダの小さなテヌブルを友達ず 囲みたした。仕切られた窓から入っおくる午埌の颚。それは友達ず楜 しみながら飲むビヌルに最適の堎所でした。たた店内は喫煙ができ たすが、䞀服する人はかなりたれです。。 お店の雰囲気ずしお、The Hangoverは間違いなくロックンロヌ ルのテむストがあるお店です。お店に入るず゚レキギタヌが壁に掛け られおおり、ロックな雰囲気をたのしめたす。䞀方で、ビヌルのボトル やキャップ、ラベルなどが壁に匵り巡らされ、どのビヌルを飲もうかず 刺激を掻きたおられたす。 少なくずも私はIPA、たたペヌル゚ヌル、ブラりン、ダンケル、ホ ワむトビヌル、時々スタりトビヌルを戎きたした。 もしその日のお勧めを行く前にチェックしたいのであれば FACEBOOKペヌゞを芋おチェックする事も可胜。お店のホヌムペ ヌゞでは特別にその日のお勧めはのっおいないので。あしからず。 最近私が頂いたのは、オレゎン州ポヌトランドにあるNew Old Lompoc醞造所で䜜られたLompoc C-Note Imperial IPAです。C Note ずいう名前は100IBUの苊味があり、しかしずおもバランスの取れ たビヌルずいう所から来おいるようです。平均䟡栌900-1200円の䟡 栌ず比べるず、ずりわけこの1500円は少しお高く芋えたすが、アメリカ サむズより玄20%ほど倚い、568mlのグラスで飲めるので損はない。ち ょっず莅沢したい気分の時には決しお悪くない䟡栌です。 少し早めから飲みたいあなたには、ハッピヌアワヌがお勧め 毎週火曜日から金曜日の8時たでやっおおり、パむントで頌めば200

円、ハヌフパむントで頌むず100円off たたこのお店、The Hangoverは5皮類のビヌルに加えボトルビ ヌルも色々そろえおありたす。 新しいビヌルも定期的に入っおきお、倀段もお手頃です。 よく目が飛び出すような䟡栌を付けおいるお店ずは違い、囜内 ビヌルCoedo やHitachino Nest は650円、たたLost Coast Indica IPA やRogue Mocha Porter のむンポヌトビヌルは750円ずお手頃䟡栌。 たた倚くのビヌル愛奜家は二日酔い予防策をしっおいる。ビヌル を飲みながら少し食事を取るこずは賢明なだけでなく、ビヌルを䜿っ た料理を提䟛するThe Hangoverのお店にず っおも嬉しいこずです。 The Hangoverで オリゞナルビヌル入り ゜ヌスで䜜ったバッハ ロヌりィングは栌別で す。オヌナヌはニュ ヌペヌク州にあるバッ ハロヌ出身のランディ ヌ。このバッハロヌり ィングが間違いなくお いしいのは疑う䜙地は 䞀切無い。 楜しさが止たらないお店TheHangover。クラフトビヌルバタヌフィッ シュアンドチップス、ビヌル挬け唐揚げ、むシガむのビヌル蒞し、BBQ ビヌフサンドむッチなどなど、メニュヌをめくる楜しさが止たらないお 店。BBQビヌフサンドむッチに関しおはレギュラヌタむプず、じっくりゆっ くり調理された牛肉2皮類が遞べたす。 普通のフィッシュアンドチップスずクラフトビヌルバタヌフィッシュ アンドチップスを芋分けるのは倧倉ですが、このじっくりずビヌルで 調理された牛肉タむプのBBQサンドむッチは間違いなくビヌルの味 がしおおいしい。䞭には、暫く埅たなければならない料理もあるかも 知れないが、埅぀だけの䟡倀は十分ありたす。少し早めにオヌダヌ するのも賢明かもしれないですね。 総じお、TheHangoverで飲むこずはずおも楜しい。倖囜から来た 人や日本人もいお、玠敵なお店。みんな矎味しいビヌルず料理を楜 しみに来おいる。もしあなたが二日酔いで終われば、それは他の店 を梯子しおビヌルを飲んでいるから。もしくはバッファロヌりィングを もっず泚文した方がいいのかもしれたせんね。 (翻蚳: 前田倧介)


Baird Brewer y Gardens Shuzenji Going big in Shuzenji, but more local than ever By Ajen Birmingham

©Fumiaki Yamazaki

©Fumiaki Yamazaki

Baird Brewery Gardens Shuzenji is slated to brew their first beer on the new system in late April.


©Fumiaki Yamazaki

©Fumiaki Yamazaki

After 13 years, Baird Brewing has earned a reputation for being an instigator of change. Have it be their brewing philosophy, the opening of several of their Taprooms throughout the Kanto area or their plethora of seasonal beers, everyone keeps an eye on what the boys, and girls, at Baird are up to. Just what is that they have been up? Well, in August of last year, ground was broken on Baird Brewery Gardens Shuzenji after three long years of searching for the right site. Located just thirty minutes south of their current production site, Shuzenji, in Izu City, truly is a perfect fit for the future of Baird Brewing. “It has always been (Baird’s) goal to build a beautiful rural brewery that demonstrates naturally the intricate connection existing between land and beer”, says Bryan Baird, CEO and brewmaster at Baird Brewing. The new brewery is positioned on a three hectare track of land, situated right on the banks of the Kano River, providing all the local influence they could ask for. With three hectares of space they will have plenty of room to demonstrate just how strong that connection can be. “We use a great deal of fresh local fruit in brewing. What is more local and fresh than fruit grown right in the vicinity of the brewery,” says Bryan. In March of last year Baird began cultivating land for a hop garden and a fruit orchard that will produce lemon, yuzu, natusmikan, daidai, ichijiku and biwa. Besides growing produce in their own back yard, the brewery will continue working with local farmers to grow organic produce. The hop garden will produce two main varietals- Cascade and Shinshuwase. ©Fumiaki Yamazaki These will be used mainly for small batch beers with plans to expand into different varieties. Keeping in balance with your environment also means giving back. Most of the brewery’s spent grain will be turned into compost for use in their agricultural activities. So, the produce won’t just be in the beer, but you could say, that the beer will also be in the produce! Another local influence to be incorporated into the Baird brewing process is their use of an on-site, soft water well that will serve as the main source of water used in production. Yes, they will still have Numazu Lager! While activities outside and around the brewery are many, they are not the only salient qualities to Baird’s move to Shuzenji. If there is one thing that Baird has experience with, it’s growing. The move to Shuzenji will mark the fourth time that Baird has expanded its brewing capacity. In 2000, they started on a small 30 liter system. After that, in 2003, they stepped up to a modest 250 liter system. Then, in 2006 they more than doubled to a 1,000 liter system. The new system at Shuzenji will be a six fold expansion in capacity from their current system to a three brew house, 6,000 liter system. So, what does this mean for Baird beer enthusiasts? Well, it means the eventual addition of two new year-round beers will be added to the Baird Beer arsenal! Also, this will allow for an expansion of their Taprooms to new regions- Osaka? One can hope! “Getting bigger is also about getting better,” says Bryan. “I designed the brewery layout and dictated the building layout with the goal of building not only an efficient brewery, but also a beautiful brewery”. This efficient beauty is evident with their addition of an on-site yeast bank and lab, guaranteeing great beers stay great. On the 3rd floor of the brewery will be located the Brewery Gardens Taproom, where guests will be able to enjoy fresh Baird brews while getting a bird’s eye view of brewery operations below. If you want to soak up some of the natural surroundings, guest can also enjoy the outdoor beer deck. A beer garden is also in the works, and camping grounds are planned for overnight guests. Whether inside the brewery, or on the brewery grounds, one will see that Baird is once again pushing craft beer in Japan to new regions. Bryan Baird sums it best when he says, “Brewing is, in our minds, an extension of agricultural endeavors more than it is an industrial endeavor. We aim to demonstrate that clearly to people in all of our activities at the new Shuzenji brewery.”

Aegir Brewery Review: Fun in FlÃ¥m ビヌルの旅フロ ムで楜しい䌑日を

by Philip Starecky

Last summer, I got to visit the Ægir Brewery in FlÃ¥m , Norway, and I heartily recommend you do the same. FlÃ¥m 's an amazing place that is located deep in the heart of Norway's Fjord country. You can get there by train from Oslo on the scenic FlÃ¥m Railway or head to Bergen from where you can catch a ferry through the beautiful fjords. Or do like me, grab the ferry to FlÃ¥m & then head to Oslo by train. Founded in 2001, by American homebrewer Evan Lewis with his wife Aud Melas and named after Ægir the norse master of the ocean – and brewing! Starting as a brewpub & hotel, they've been a success that has continued to grow every year. In 2012, they opened a production brewery about a mile out of town which now houses all of their production (about 600,000L in 2013) and allowed them to bring production home from Belgium where some was sent during early years of growth when the brewery couldn't keep up with demand. Unfortunately, when I visited Evan Lewis was out of town but he was kind enough to answer a few questions via email. Why did you decide to build Ægir in FlÃ¥m ? We built in FlÃ¥m becase this is where we had an opportunity to invest in an exisiting cafe and restaurant. In the 9 years we have been here we have built the brewpub and hotel, and have completely renovated the restaurant and cafe, while also building the new production brewery a year ago. While it is tourism that drives FlÃ¥m, the brewery is a totally new industry here and is busy year-round. What's your brewing philosophy? My brewing philosopy is variety, harmony, and quality. I believe that people deserve a choice when it comes to beer, and that they should have lots to choose from. We will brew 30 different beers this year. All of the beers have harmony and balance
 we're not really the extreme beer people. And quality always comes first here. Which beer are you proudest of? The IPA is our flagship beer, and one of our top 3 bestsellers. I am extremely proud of this beer, and its worth mentioning that it was awarded Norway's Beer of The Year for 2012. I love all of our beers for different reasons, and the seasonal specialties each year are a treat. Since he couldn't show me around he introduced me to Vegard, Ægir's head brewer. The day I visited, I was given a quick tour & then given the run of the brewery. Lucky for me it was brew day for a new Christmas Ale brewed with rose-peppercorns!

Arriving at the production brewery is a treat, you walk out of town and quickly find it by a river with a beautiful waterfall running down the lush canyon walls behind the brewery! Beautiful. The Ægir sigil is proudly displayed and once you enter you're in a modern brewery full of stainless steel fermenters, brew kettles & the controlled chaos that is a craft brewery growing at a rapid pace. When Vegard told me that Ægir's IPA was his favorite beer as well, I knew I had to try it. Let me tell you it didn't disappoint! I can vouch that this is a great US style IPA, a clear orange-gold color with a classic citrus/ pine aroma & taste with just a hint of funk to keep things interesting. In Vegard's 3 years at Ægir, he has brewed many beers but still shows up to work a 12 hour day with a smile on his face as he loves what he does. He especially enjoys the challenges around brewing big beers like barley wines. That's what craft beer is all about love of the craft. This could be seen everywhere in FlÃ¥m . All the staff I met at the brewery & brewpub were into their jobs & enjoyed teaching people about their beers too. The proof is in the pudding as they say & every Ægir beer I had ranged from good to great. I especially enjoyed their Christmas beer & their Natt Imperial Porter was a big hit when I shared a bottle back in Japan. Visiting FlÃ¥m is a perfect destination for beer lovers. You can see tons of nature, take a fjord cruise, go hiking, stay at Ægir's hotel, visit their viking themed brewpub or take a tour of the brewery. Since 2011 they even have a nano-distillery making small batches of aquavit you can enjoy. All in all, I can't recommend FlÃ¥m & Ægir's beers enough. They were a highlight of my trip to Scandinavia and while Ægir isn't well known abroad, in Norway it's one of the major craft breweries alongside NÞgne Ø & Haandbryggeriet. Their beers are quite well known in other northern European countries too. Hopefully someone will start importing them to Japan soon!

昚倏、ノルりェヌのフロムにある゚ヌギルÆgir醞造 所を蚪れる機䌚に恵たれた。皆さんにも同じ旅を心からお 勧めする。フロムは玠晎らしい堎所で、ノルりェヌのフィペル ド地方の奥深くにあり、オスロからは景芳芋事なフロム鉄道 で行くか、たずベルゲンぞ向かいそこでフェリヌに乗り換え お矎しいフィペルドを抜けおいく。たたは私のように、フェリヌ でフロムぞ行き電車でオスロぞ戻るこずもできる。 ゚ヌギル醞造所は2001幎にアメリカ人ホヌムブルワヌ の゚ノァン・ルむスずその劻アりド・メラスAud Melas が蚭立 した。醞造所名は叀代スカンゞナビアの海の神゚ヌギルから ずられた。゚ヌギルは醞造の神でもあるブルヌパブ兌ホテ ルずしお始たった゚ヌギルは成功し、幎ごずに成長を重ねお いった。2012幎、圌らは街からマむルほど離れた堎所に醞 造斜蚭を開く。珟圚はすべおのビヌルがここで造られおいる 2013幎珟圚、玄60䞇リットル。以前に事業拡倧の過皋で需 芁に䟛絊が远い぀かなくなっおからは、䞀郚の生産はベル ギヌでおこなわれおいたが、それもフロムぞ戻し、すべおの 生産掻動を䞀カ所でおこなうこずが可胜になった。 私が蚪れた時は残念ながら゚ノァン・ルむス氏 は留守だったが、Eメヌルで快く質問に答えおくださ った。 なぜフロムに゚ヌギルを぀くるこずにしたのですか フロムを遞んだのは、既存のカフェレストランに 投資する機䌚がここにあったからです。この街にいる 9幎間で、私たちはブルヌパブずホテルを建お、カフ ェレストランを完党に改装し、その䞀方で1幎ほど前に 新しい醞造蚭備を建蚭したのです。フロムの䞻な産業 は芳光で、醞造所はここではたったく新しい産業です が、幎間を通じお繁盛しおいたす。 あなたの醞造哲孊を教えおいただけたすか 「バラ゚ティ、ハヌモニヌ、クオリティ」です。ビヌルに 関しお蚀えば、人には遞ぶ暩利があるず思いたす。それも 倚くの遞択肢から。私たちは今幎30皮類のビヌルを造りた す。どれもハヌモニヌずバランスのあるビヌルです 私たち はビヌルに関しお極端なタむプではありたせん。そしお垞に クオリティを最優先しおいたす。 最も誇りにしおいらっしゃるビヌルは IPAは私たちの看板ビヌルで、゚ヌギルの売れ行きト ップ3にも入っおいたす。このビヌルを本圓に誇りに思っお いたすし、2012幎のノルりェヌビヌル・オブ・ザ・むダヌにも 遞ばれたした。゚ヌギルのビヌルのすべおを、それぞれ異 なる理由で愛しおいたすし、毎幎の季節限定ビヌルは特別 な楜しみでもありたす。 圌が案内できないからず、゚ヌギルのヘッドブルワヌ であるベガルドVegardさんを玹介いただいた。 私が蚪問した日は、いろいろず芋せおいただいた 䞊に、醞造所での説明たで受けるこずができた。 䜕ずも幞運なこずに、その日はロヌズペッパヌコヌ ンを䜿甚した新しいクリスマス゚ヌルの仕蟌み日 だった この醞造所ぞ到着する瞬間もたた玠晎らし い。街の倖ぞ歩いおいくず、間もなくしお、枓谷の 芋事な厖を流れ萜ちる矎しい滝ず川蟺の醞造所 が芖界に珟れる。しかも醞造所の裏手の景色がこ れだ矎しい。゚ヌギルの衚瀺が誇らしげに掲げられおい お、䞀歩䞭に入れば、そこはステンレス補の発酵タンクや煮 沞釜が䞊び、カオスのような忙しさに満ちおいながらすべお が制埡されおいる最新の醞造斜蚭だ。急速に成長を続ける クラフトビヌルの醞造所だ。 ゚ヌギルのIPAはベガルドさんのお気に入りでもある ずいう。2012幎のノルりェヌベストビヌルにも遞ばれおいお、 このIPAが圌らの売れ筋トップ3であるず聞いおも驚くこずはな かった玠晎らしいアメリカンスタむルIPAであるず私が保蚌 する。ビヌルは透き通ったオレンゞ色金色で、クラシック な柑橘や束のアロマず颚味があり、かすかにファンキヌなキ ャラクタヌがビヌルの魅力を増しおいる。 3幎間、゚ヌギルでベガルドさんは倚くのビヌルを造 っおきた。この仕事が奜きでたたらない圌は、今でも1日12 時間の仕事を笑顔で続けおいる。圌が特に楜しんでいるの は、バヌレヌワむンなど高アルコヌルビヌルの醞造で挑戊 をするこずだ。これぞ、クラフトビヌル。手造りぞの愛情だ。 フロムでは至る所でそれを目にするこずができる。醞造所や ブルヌパブで出䌚ったスタッフは誰もが仕事に倢䞭で、自 分たちのビヌルに぀いお説明をするこずを楜しんでいた。論 より蚌拠ず蚀う通りで、私が飲んだ゚ヌゲルのビヌルはどれ も「優れおいる」から「玠晎らしい」の間の範囲におさたるもの だった。特にクリスマスビヌルは良かったし、瓶を土産に持 ち垰り日本の仲間ず分けた時には、ナットむンペリアルポヌ タヌが倧ヒットだった。 フロムはビヌル奜きにずっお完璧な目的地だ。本圓に 倚くの自然を楜しむこずができ、フィペルドクルヌズに参加 し、ハむキングをし、゚ヌギルのホテルに泊たり、バむキング をテヌマにした゚ヌギルのブルヌパブを蚪れたり醞造所ツ アヌに参加したりできる。2011幎以来゚ヌギルは極小サむ ズの蒞留所たで持っおいお、ここでは少量の仕蟌み量で造 られおいるアクアノィットの詊飲もできる。ずにかく、フロムず ゚ヌギルのビヌルを勧めるにはいくら語っおも足りない。こ こは私のスカンゞナビア旅行のハむラむトだった。海倖での 知名床はそれほど高くないが、ノルりェヌでは、クラフトビヌ ルずいえば゚ヌゲルはヌグネ・オヌやハヌンブリゲリットず䞊 ぶ䞻芁な醞造所だ。゚ヌゲルのビヌルは他の北欧諞囜で も良く知られおいる。日本ぞも茞入されるこずを願っおいる 翻蚳Rei


The Greater Goodness: Exploring the Craft Beer Experience By Chris Modell

Happily, finding craft beer in Japan is getting easier all the time. And while the Tokyo region, where I live, still doesn’t offer quite the number of options as, say, San Francisco or Seattle, you don’t have to spend too much time on the train these days to get to good beer. So with an ever-increasing number of options, how do you decide where to go? Craft beer drinkers, I think it’s safe to say, appreciate quality. And while the beer in hand may be the centerpiece of any craft beer drinking experience, I believe that for many of us this appreciation of quality transcends the beverage itself and encompasses a number of other factors. The following are some of the elements of the overall experience I consider before setting out to enjoy a couple of pints.

The Drinking Environment It’s nice to feel comfortable wherever you eat or drink. So the comfort level of where you’re sitting, or sometimes standing, can certainly add to or detract from the experience. Of course comfort involves not only tangible aspects such as chairs and bar stools, but also the overall environment of the drinking establishment. Let’s take, for example, the venerable Popeye, in Tokyo’s Ryogoku neighborhood. This bar is a monument to craft beer, with bottles, beer signs and other beer memorabilia adorning large areas of the walls and ceiling. The lighting is subdued, but not so much that you can’t read the list of the 70 tap beers on offer. And if you’re lucky enough to get a table – reservations are recommended – the experience is more like being at a nice restaurant than at a bar. The formal black and white uniforms donned by the servers add to this feeling. If you can’t get a table, sitting at the bar is reasonably comfortable and you can shoot the breeze with one of Popeye’s knowledgeable staff or your beer-loving neighbor. Popeye, like many craft beer bars in Tokyo, is smoke-free (indoors), which is important to me as a non-smoker who feels strongly that


craft beer and smoke do not mix. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Popeye’s signature fake tree. It does add something to the ambiance, if for no other reason than to remind you that you couldn’t be anyplace else! The Baird Taprooms are another example of great atmosphere complementing excellent beer. All four locations (Harajuku, Nakameguro, Yokohama and Numazu) are tactfully appointed with natural wood furniture and fixtures, evoking the warm hues of finely crafted beers. The colorful Baird beer label artwork on the walls reminds patrons of the variety and complexity of the numerous year-round and seasonal beers they brew in nearby Shizuoka Prefecture. Details, Please Another factor I consider is what kind of information I can get about the beers on offer – both before and after arriving. How does the establishment present its offerings? Do they have a printed menu? A sign board? Both? If the menu or sign board is difficult to read, incomplete or contains items which are not actually available, this can detract from the experience. At a minimum, I like to see the brewery, beer name and style, and alcohol content. Beyond that, a short written description is always nice. Such descriptions are colorfully presented on Devil Craft’s beer list in Kanda, as well as at the Baird Taprooms. I also appreciate being able to see what beers are available on a given day by looking online. While some places I frequent in Tokyo provide this information, others do not. Surprises can be nice, but I’d still prefer to have the option of checking before going. Both Popeye and Devil Craft update their offerings daily. Gambrinus, in Kokubunji, in addition to posting their daily beer list, even announces what’s “Coming Soon

“...craft beer and smoke do not mix.” Pricing and Selection What if you really want to try a halfpint of that imperial stout to close out the evening, but don’t want to pay three-quarters of the pint price? While I’m still looking for an “inexpensive” craft beer in Tokyo, having reasonable half-pint prices, or better yet, a selection of different sizes at appropriate prices, is always a plus. TY Harbor, on Tokyo’s Tennoz Isle, does a good job with this. They offer a taster set, three different size glasses, a boot, and even a pitcher! Ounce for ounce, larger sizes are still a better value, but the drinker pays only a small per ounce premium for each

smaller size. Given TY Harbor’s lineup of five delicious craft beers, plus a monthly seasonal, it’s nice to try smaller sizes without feeling penalized for having varied tastes. Finally, I appreciate being able to choose from a variety of beer styles and breweries. As there are now a multitude of Japanese breweries producing ji-biiru of many different types, as well importers bringing in many of my old (and new) favorites from the US and other countries, I’m rarely at a loss for options. At Ushitora in Shimokitazawa, for example, I have taken more than a couple of virtual tours around the globe, starting in California with a refreshing pale ale, then over to Denmark for a brisk IPA, and finally back to Japan to wind down with a warming imperial stout.

Happy Hours and Other Discounts I’ve always loved Happy Hours, both for the discounted drinks and the convivial atmosphere implied by the name. Of course, craft beer in Japan is still expensive – even during Happy Hour – but I appreciate the gesture all the same, and having 200 yen knocked off of a pint is nothing to frown about. In Tokyo, the discounts and other offers come in different shapes and sizes. Goodbeer Faucets in Shibuya knocks 200 yen off of Happy Hour pints Sunday through Thursday. The Hangover, in Nakano, has a similar deal, but also discounts half pints by 100 yen. Popeye offers a few ways to save money and get some food in your stomach. Their “Otsukaresama Set” (“Hard Worker Combo”) offers a small appetizer each time you order one of a handful of beers, from 5:00-8:00 pm. In addition, if you become a Popeye member, you get a 5% discount off of the total bill at the end of your stay, and they’ll mail you a monthly post card good for a free pint, or even a small pitcher if you’ve brought a friend. The Baird nonbei (“Drink Lover”) card is probably one of the best deals in Tokyo for repeat customers. For 10,000 yen, you get a stamp card good for twelve pints, which brings the usual 1000 yen a pint price tag down to 867. That’s almost as low as you can go in Tokyo. The only down side is that the nonbei card is now for pints only, making it that much harder to opt for a half.

Popeye Baird Taprooms DevilCraft Gambrinus T.Y. Harbor Brewery Ushitora Goodbeer Faucets The Hangover Service Japan has a reputation for excellent service, and it usually is. Craft beer bars are no exception, and I’ve had mostly positive experiences with those I’ve visited. I like to feel welcome and to receive drinks and food within a reasonable amount of time. It’s also nice if the staff are readily available and knowledgeable if I have questions. Rogue Pub in Kichijoji routinely goes above and beyond in the service department. They’ve always been very friendly, eager to tell me about their new offerings, and very supportive of my efforts to speak Japanese! On a recent visit, I showed up unannounced with a group of twelve – with no reservation. It’s a small place, yet they went out of their way to move tables and make room so we could all sit together. We had only stopped in for a quick nijikai beer after having eaten and drunk elsewhere, but we had such a good time that we stayed for two or three. Glassware Certainly this aspect of drinking craft beer should not be ignored (see Issue 2). Like many craft beer enthusiasts, I appreciate a beer served not only at the right temperature, but also in an appropriate vessel. It does make a difference. For example, I like really getting my nose into a wide-rimmed snifter of imperial stout or scotch ale at Popeye, and I also love it when Baird waitstaff deliver my Angry Boy pint in its unique, tall and wide pint glass. Food In the past, food may have been largely an afterthought for craft beer bars, and still may not be a high priority for some. But nowadays, it’s nearly as easy to find good food at a craft beer bar as it is good beer. Devil Craft, with locations in Kanda and Hamamatsucho, sticks out as a prime example, and is perhaps one of the first craft

beer establishments where the food is as well-crafted as the beer served. They make Chicago-style deep dish and pan pizzas that are as good as I’ve ever had outside Chicago, and when I want to double my pleasure with great beer and great pizza, this is my go-to spot. Each Baird Taproom features a different culinary theme. Baird’s Bashamichi Taproom in Yokohama offers real barbeque, and they do it right: ribs, chicken, brisket
with plenty of sides available to wash down with some tasty Baird beer. They smoke their own meat right on the premises and serve it up at prices that won’t leave you huffing and puffing. They even have real pecan pie. Baird Nakameguro makes New Haven (Connecticut) style pizzas: very thin with a charred crust obtained by fast, high heat baking. They’re very good, and much like their portlier cousins at Devil Craft, they go down very well with craft beer. Other places which take their food seriously include Popeye and The Hangover, both of which make several of their dishes using beer. Yokohama’s Antenna America does a good job with food as well, serving up tasty burgers, Buffalo wings, and now even fish tacos, all at very reasonable prices. The Aldgate, a British Pub serving some popular UK beers as well as a good selection of craft beers, features pub favorites such as bangers and mash, toad in a hole, and of course, fish and chips. A number of factors can affect the experience of enjoying craft beer in a bar or restaurant. The places I appreciate the most take a more holistic approach. I would also mention that those you’re drinking with – if you’re not alone – can certainly enhance the overall experience as well. There’s nothing quite like catching up with good friends over some well-crafted beers, in an environment which brings out the best in the beer and in you. Kanpai!

Beer Pub ROGUE Antenna America The Aldgate British Pub


玠晎らしの、 さらにその先ぞ。 クラフトビヌル 䜓隓の探求


嬉しいこずに、日本でもクラフトビヌルは い぀でも簡単に芋぀かるようになっおきた。 近頃は僕が䜏んでいる銖郜圏でも、サンフ ランシスコやシアトルほど倚くないずはいえ、 良いビヌルを求めお電車で延々ず移動する 必芁はない。では、どこたでも増え続ける遞 択肢の䞭から、どうやっお行き先を決めよう か クラフトビヌルを飲む者は、その品質を 高く評䟡し楜しむず蚀っお良いだろう。今 その手に持っおいるビヌルこそがその時そ の時の䞻人公ではあろうが、倚くの堎合、品 質を評䟡し楜しむずいう僕たちのビヌル䜓 隓は、ビヌル自䜓にずどたらず他の倚くの芁 玠にも圱響を受けるだろう。数パむントのビ ヌルを飲み始める前に、総合的なビヌル䜓 隓の芁玠ずしお僕が考慮する点をいく぀か 挙げおみよう。 環境 飲みでも食事でも快適さが感じられる のが良い。僕たちが座ったり、時には立った りするその堎所の快適さは、確実にプラスに もマむナスにも圱響する。もちろん、怅子や バヌスツヌルなどの物理的な偎面だけでは なくお、その店の総合的な環境が快適さに かかわっおくる。 䟋えば尊敬すべき老舗である東京䞡 囜のポパむ。この店はクラフトビヌルの蚘念 碑的な存圚であり、ボトルやビアサむンなど ビヌルに関するあれこれが広い店内の壁 や倩井に食られおいる。照明は控えめだ が、70タップもあるビアメニュヌが読めない ほど暗くもない。もし幞運にもテヌブル垭に


぀くこずができれば予玄をお勧めする、そ こでの䜓隓はバヌずいうよりは玠敵なレスト ランのようになる。スタッフが着おいる癜ず黒 のナニフォヌムもこの雰囲気に䞀圹買っお いる。 テヌブル垭に぀けなくおも、バヌのカり ンタヌ垭もほどよく快適だし、ポパむの博識 なスタッフや隣垭のビヌル愛奜家ずお喋りも できる。郜内の倚くのバヌず同様にポパむも 屋内党垭犁煙だ。クラフトビヌルずタバコの 煙は盞容れないず匷く感じおいる非喫煙者 の僕にずっお、これは重芁なポむントだ。そし お最埌に。ポパむの象城、倧きな人工の朚 を忘れおはいけない。この朚は実に独特の 雰囲気を醞し出しおいる。それはたるで、こ こはポパむ以倖のどこでもないよ、ず教えおく れるために立っおいるかのようだ ベアヌドのタップルヌムも、玠晎らしい 雰囲気ず矎味いビヌルの盞互䜜甚が埗ら れる堎所だ。党4軒原宿、䞭目黒、暪浜、 沌接はどこも内装や座垭に無垢の朚材が 巧みに䜿われおいお、緻密に造られたクラ フトビヌルの枩かい雰囲気を匕き出しおい る。壁にかけられた色圩豊かなビアラベル の絵は、静岡県内でベアヌドが醞造しおい る無数の通幎ビヌルや季節限定ビヌルずそ れらの倚様性や耇雑性を芋る者に思い出さ せおくれる。 詳しい情報がほしい 僕が考慮するもう぀の芁玠は、店に着 く前ず到着埌の䞡方で、その日のビアメニ ュヌに぀いおどのような情報が埗られるか だ。メニュヌの玹介の仕方は印刷メニュ

ヌか、黒板か、その䞡方か文字が読みに くい、情報が足りない、実際には飲めないも のが曞いおある、などは枛点だ。醞造所名、 ビヌル名ずスタむル、そしおアルコヌル床数 は少なくずも知りたい。加えお短い説明文が あれば曎に嬉しい。䟋えば神田のデビルク ラフトやベアヌドのタップルヌムのビアメニュ ヌでは、こうした情報が色鮮やかにたずめら れおいる。 たた、その日に飲めるビヌルがむンタヌ ネットで確認できるずありがたい。僕がよく行 く郜内の店には、ネットでビアメニュヌを確 認できるずころも、そうでないずころもある。予 期せぬ驚きも悪くはなかろうが、事前に確認 するずいう遞択肢がある方が嬉しい。ポパむ もデビルクラフトも、毎日メニュヌを曎新しお いるし、囜分寺のガンブリヌスは毎日のビア メニュヌに加えお「Coming Soon!」の銘柄た で知らせおくれおいる。 䟡栌ずメニュヌ その日の〆めにハヌフパむントでむンペ リアルスタりトを詊したいが、1パむントの4分 の3もする金額は払いたくない堎合、どうす れば良いだろう僕は未だに、適床な䟡栌 でハヌフパむントが飲める「高くない」クラフト ビヌルを郜内で探しおいる。さらに蚀えば、 適切な䟡栌で異なる耇数のサむズを遞ぶこ ずができる店にはい぀でも远加点だ。 この点で良い仕事をしおいるのが、東 京の倩王掲アむルにあるTYハヌバヌだ。テ むスタヌセット、3皮の異なるグラスサむズ、 ブヌツ、さらにピッチャヌがあるのだ倧き いサむズの方がコストパフォヌマンスでは勝

るが、小さなサむズでもほんの少し割高な皋 床で枈む。TYハヌバヌには矎味しいクラフ トビヌルが5皮、加えお月替わりの季節ビヌ ルが揃っおいるので、テむスタヌを色々ず頌 んでも割高になり過ぎずに小さなグラスでビ ヌルを詊せるのは嬉しい。 ビアスタむルや醞造所の皮類が豊富な メニュヌは、ありがたいし楜しい。最近では、 日本の醞造所が様々な地ビヌルを補造し おいる䞀方で、むンポヌタヌ達は僕の昔か らのそしお新しいお気に入りをアメリカな どから茞入しおいる。遞択肢に窮するこずは ほずんど無い。䟋えば䞋北沢のうしずらで、 僕はバヌチャルな䞖界䞀呚を䜕床も楜しん だ。爜やかなペヌル゚ヌルでカリフォルニ アを出発しお、キレのいいIPA をデンマヌク で味わい、日本ぞ垰囜しおリラックスしたら むンペリアルスタりトで枩たるずいう具合に。 ハッピヌアワヌやディスカりント ハッピヌアワヌはい぀でも僕のお気に 入りだ。ドリンクは割匕䟡栌だし、その名のず おり愉快な雰囲気なのが良い。日本のクラ フトビヌルはハッピヌアワヌ䟡栌でもただ高 いが、それでも僕はハッピヌアワヌをありが たく思うし、パむント圓たり200円もの割匕に 察しお眉をひそめる理由は芋圓たらない。 東京では、割匕䟡栌やその他のスペシ ャル割匕にも色々な姿がある。枋谷のグッド ビアフォりセッツでは日曜日から朚曜日たで のハッピヌアワヌにパむントが200円オフ。 䞭野のハングオヌバヌも同様だが、ハヌフ パむントも100円オフになる。ポパむには財 垃に優しくお腹も満たせるサヌビスが䜕皮 かあり、「オツカレサマセットハヌドワヌカ ヌコンボ*」では、5時から8時の間に特定 のビヌルを泚文するずフヌドの小皿が぀い おくる。さらにポパむのメンバヌになれば䌚 蚈時に党䜓が5匕きになる䞊、毎月届く 葉曞を持参すれば1パむント無料、仲間ず䞀 緒ならピッチャヌが無料になる。 *蚳泚日本語ではオヌサマセットオツ カレサマセットの略の名でも広く芪したれお いる。

ベアヌドの「のんべえはしご刞」は、リピ ヌタヌにずっお恐らく東京で最もお埗なサ ヌビスだろう。12パむント分のスタンプカヌド が10,000円。通垞1,000円のパむントが867 円になる蚈算で、郜内のほが最安倀ずいえ る。唯䞀残念なのは、この刞はパむントのみ なので、ハヌフパむントを飲むのがたすたす 困難になるこずだ。 サヌビス 日本のサヌビスは玠晎らしいこずで知ら れおいる。たいおいその通りだ。クラフトビヌ ルのバヌも䟋倖ではなく、蚪れた先では僕 もほずんどの堎合に良い䜓隓をしおいる。枩 かく迎えられおいる感じがありドリンクずフヌ ドの埅ち時間が長すぎないず嬉しい。詳しい スタッフが快く質問に応じおくれるなら、なお さらだ。 吉祥寺のパブ「ロヌグ」では圓たり前の ようにそうしおくれるし、さらに䞊のサヌビス を提䟛しおくれる。圌らは垞にフレンドリヌ で、新メニュヌを熱く説明しおくれるし、日本 語で䌚話しようず頑匵る僕を助けおくれるの だ先日は事前に連絡もせず12人で蚪れ た。広くはない店だずいうのに、僕ら党員が 䞀緒に座れるようにテヌブルを寄せお垭を 䜜っおくれた。すでに他所で飲み食いした 埌の軜い2次䌚の予定だったが、楜しく居心 地が良かったので結局2杯3杯ず長居したの だった。 グラス クラフトビヌルを飲む時にグラスは無芖 できないBEER ZEN第2号参照。倚くの熱 心なファンず同様、僕も枩床だけでなくグラ スも適切な状態でビヌルをいただきたい。 明らかに違いが出る。䟋えば僕は、ポパむ で、むンペリアルスタりトやスコッチ゚ヌル が泚がれおいる、口の倧きく開いたスニフタ ヌグラスに、文字通り錻を぀っこむのが奜き だ。背が高く幅の広いベアヌドオリゞナルの パむントグラスで、アングリヌボヌむが僕の元 ぞ運ばれおくる瞬間も倧奜きだ。

フヌド フヌドずいえば以前はクラフトビアバヌ では抂しお埌回しだったし、今でもフヌドの 優先順䜍は高くないずいう人もいる。しかし 最近では、優れたビヌルず同様に優れたフ ヌドもクラフトビアバヌで楜しめるようになっ おきた。神田ず浜束町にあるデビルクラフト は非垞に良い䟋で、シカゎスタむルのディヌ プディッシュピザは、僕がこれたでにシカゎ 以倖で食べたどのピザにも劣らない。玠晎 らしいビヌルず玠晎らしいピザで幞せ2倍に したい時は、ここぞ行くず決めおいる。 ベアヌドタップルヌムには店舗によっお 異なるフヌドのテヌマがある。暪浜の銬車 道タップルヌムの堎合は正統掟バヌベキュ ヌで、もう本圓に玠晎らしい。リブ、チキン、 ブリスケット サむドメニュヌも豊富で、矎味 しいベアヌドビヌルで胃に流し蟌むこずが できる。店内の厚房でスモヌクした肉を、僕 らがドキドキモクモクしないで枈む良心的な 䟡栌で提䟛しおいる。本物のピヌカンパむ たである。䞀方、䞭目黒タップルヌムではニ ュヌヘむブンコネチカットスタむルのピザ を提䟛しおいる。玠早く高枩で焌く極薄パリ パリのピザだ。ずおも矎味しいし、デビルクラ フトのどっしり型ピザず同様クラフトビヌルず の盞性が良い。 ポパむやハングオヌバヌも本栌的なフ ヌドメニュヌを持぀ビアバヌで、ビヌルを䜿 甚したメニュヌもある。暪浜のアンテナアメリ カも同様で、矎味しいハンバヌガヌ、バッフ ァロヌりむング、最近ではフィッシュタコスた でもが手軜な䟡栌で楜しめる。有名なむギリ スビヌルや充実したクラフトビヌルのラむン ナップを提䟛するブリティッシュパブ、オヌ ルゲヌトでは、人気のパブフヌドが楜しめ る。バンガヌズマッシュ、トヌド・むン・ザ・ ホヌル、そしおもちろんフィッシュチップス など。 たずめ クラフトビヌルをバヌやレストランで楜し む時には倚くの芁玠が圱響する。僕が最も 奜きなのは、より総合的なアプロヌチをしお いる店だ。そしお、䞀人飲みではない堎合、 䞀緒に飲む盞手が確実に違いを生んでくれ る。巧みに造られた玠晎らしいクラフトビヌ ルを飲みながら、ビヌルや僕たちのベストを 匕き出しおくれる空間で、仲の良い友人たち ず飲むのに勝るものはない。さあ、也杯 翻蚳Rei


Fill Your Cup at Watering Hole! by Chris Modell and Rei Murakami Just a few minutes’ walk from Yoyogi station lies Watering Hole, an oasis of fine craft beers amid the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. Outside the entrance, a pink flamingo and a white goose (well, plastic ones, anyway) beckon you to step inside and slake your thirst after a long day’s toil. Once inside, the sight of Watering Hole’s 21 taps (including two hand pumps) assures you from the start that you won’t be short of beer choices tonight. What will it be first? After grabbing a seat at the bar or at one of the eight-odd tables, you can peruse the detailed menu of beers from Japan and beyond. Whether you choose a beer from Nagano or Nebraska, you’re sure to find something to soothe your parched palate. Still not sure? Take a walk over to the double-door cooler and pick out a nice bottle of Belgian, Japanese or American craft beer. Hungry? Well, there’s not much wild game around central Tokyo these days, but the food menu does offer plenty of interesting selections with which to complement your beer. Even before your first sip, you can feel the passion for craft beer in this unique bar. Myriad beer stickers adorn a wall behind the bar. Look up and you’ll see beer glasses of all shapes and sizes lining the shelves on the wall, interspersed with an impressive collection of books about beer and brewing, and enough related memorabilia to make any craft beer lover smile. After taking all of this in, we couldn’t help but wonder: where did all of this beer gear come from? And the bar itself? Thirsty for knowledge,


we sat down with Ichiri Fujiura, co-founder of Watering Hole, to learn more about how and why this place came to be, and other details about this unique establishment. Co-founder and Fujiura-san’s wife, Michiko Tsutsui, also answered some of our questions by email, as she could not be present for the interview. Both Ichiri Fujiura and Michiko Tsutsui have been interested in craft beer for quite a long time. In fact, Fujiura-san has been doing “beer travel” for over 20 years, including visits to 31 US states. (His dream is to visit all 50.) He has also been attending the Great American Beer Festival for more than 15 years. “When I inherited some money from my father four years ago,” he explained, “I thought the amount was sufficient to open a pub.” Then he thought, “Well, that means it is also enough to open a brewery.” But he hadn’t thought of putting that latter idea into practice at that time. Tsutsui-san explained that as the daughter of Sapporo Beer employees, she grew up visiting breweries. An extended stay in Australia influenced her as well. “In Australia, I saw people who had emigrated from various countries brewing a wide variety of craft beers,” she explained. While there, she began keeping a beer diary that eventually encompassed more than 100 entries per year. It was also during that experience abroad that Tsutsui-san discovered and began reading Fujiura-san’s website – – before they ever met. Back in Japan, she started attending his beer education

sessions before and during the time she was Beer Manager of Vivo! beer bar in Ikebukuro. Eventually, the two married, decided to go into business together, and Watering Hole sprang forth in June 2012. As noted above, the wall across from the bar houses all manner of beer glassware, books and other beer-related accessories. For more than 20 years, Fujiura-san has collected these during his visits to the States. The glassware comes not only from breweries but also from colleges, local events, organizations and other establishments. He showed us some unique glasses, including one from an aquarium in Vermont, and one each from MIT, Stanford and "Ale" Universities. There’s even a “Yeastman,” a personified yeast “superhero,” and a larger-than-life version of saccharomyces cerevisiae – the variety of yeast that makes so many of these amazing beers possible. There were also vessels from brewing equipment suppliers, the American Homebrewers Association, local festivals in North Carolina,

Ohio, and Hawaii, San Diego Beer Week, and a few from breweries that no longer exist. Oh, and let’s not forget the series of commemorative glasses from the Great American Beer Festival: from 1997 through the most recent in 2013. On the walls, you can also see bottle openers, Frisbees and other beer-related merchandise. The numerous books are mostly about beer and brewing, and many contain the author's autograph. Charlie Papazian, we were told, proclaimed these shelves “a Brewer’s Library!’" About halfway through our visit, Fujiura-san took us to the space adjacent to the bar and showed us the tap system. Though he humbly insists his set-up – which he custom-built using Micro Matic components – is “nothing special,” it seems that he put a lot of effort into building a system that would work well for their pub. Looking at the shiny stainless steel taps on the thick wall of the fridge, we tried to imagine what it was like when he started making holes in it. Now with the taps and tubes carefully installed, draft beer is served from kegs in the walk-in refrigerator adjacent to the bar. "The pub staff manages the system very well," Fujiura-san smiled. Beer Manager Nozomi Narita is in charge of beer selection. Traveling extensively and visiting beer festivals, Narita-san chooses beers with her reliable palate. About 50% of the beer selection is always Japanese. The other half comes from the US, the UK, Germany, Italy and other countries. Referring to a popular slogan in the US, "Support your local
," Tsutsui-san expressed that one of their missions is to support Japanese breweries continuously and that with such a belief in mind they keep half of the taps dedicated to Japanese craft beer. Oh, yes – back to the food. If comfort cuisine is what you’re after, you can start with the Mac ‘n Cheese, or perhaps with the Norway Salmon Fish and Chips. On the lighter side, you can opt for one of the five salads, such as the Lettuce, Broiled Tuna and Asparagus. In fact, Watering Hole prides itself on its vegetable dishes and on its sourcing of high quality ingredients, including organic vegetables. “Organic vegetables are produced with lots of care and love,” explained Tsutsui-san, who has years of experience cooking from her previous job and holds a Raw Food Meister certificate. “I thought

that this was quite similar to craft beers that are carefully hand-made.” Even the soy sauce and mayonnaise are sourced from smaller suppliers using traditional and/or small-scale production methods. Watering Hole’s commitment to quality doesn’t stop with the menu. Although it was only shortly after the grand opening, they bravely closed Watering Hole for several days and flew the whole staff to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. Though it was expensive to do so, they have no regrets. They wanted the staff to feel the atmosphere at the GABF, as well as at American brew pubs and bars, “so that my staff would understand what we are aiming to realize with our pub,” explained Tsutsui-san. "Such wonderful experience is priceless,” she added. Speaking of education and experience, Watering Hole hosts a monthly educational session called "Saturday Evening Beer Live" in which Fujiura-san happily shares his knowledge about beer and brewing. These workshops, which used to take place at Popeye, highlight either a beer style or beer technology, the topic alternating each month. Tsutsui-san explained: "Some sessions cover rather complicated topics and are like lectures at college, but the big difference is that participants are holding a glass of craft beer!" They host another series called "Meet the Brewer," featuring guest speakers from different breweries, and give monthly trainings to the staff. "We teach basics only,” he says, but it must have contributed to what Tsutsui-san told us: "What we receive the most credit for from our customers are smiles and the hospitality of our staff." Fujiura-san added, "Beer bars are where people can get to know more about craft beer. That means bar staff are very important as they introduce beer to customers." This year, Fujiura-san and Tsutsui-san will add their own creations to Watering Hole’s beer lineup: they plan to produce a limited quantity of beer with a two-barrel system (235 L) in the space adjacent to the bar. We were curious about the unusual name they chose: Tharsis Ridge Brewing Company. “Many wineries tend to name their products after a ridge or some other geological feature of the region. We wanted to do something unique by keeping that tradition, but choosing an unusual region – Tharsis Ridge – which is on Mars.” Given the name, a red ale might seem a fitting part of the Tharsis Ridge lineup. In fact, Fujiura-san hasn’t yet decided for sure what he’ll brew, “but I won’t brew beer styles that I don’t like,” he explained. Fair enough. So we should look for some of his favorite styles, which include American pale ale, American IPA and dark mild. We continued listening to Fujiura-san’s very interesting stories, ranging in topic from the US and Japanese beer scenes to Star Trek, the global "beer boom" and "sake boom" in Japan. He also told us about his IT background, his interview with the legendary beer writer Michael Jackson, opportunities open to the public to study brewing, engineering and the art of brewing, and about the Tharsis Ridge logo and the highest mountain on Mars.

Finally, we asked Tsutsui-san and Fujiura-san what they thought the future holds for craft beer in Japan, and their role in it. Tsutsui-san explained that, as for Watering Hole, they will keep it welcoming and appealing, offer a menu that is easy to understand, and – to the extent possible – keep the pricing low. In addition, they feel that their “long-sought dream” of brewing their own beer at the pub will contribute to the evolution of craft beer culture in Japan. Tsutsui-san also explained: “We believe that we can increase the number of craft beer fans by offering an environment where one can taste beer that has been brewed right in front of them.” We agree, and hope to taste some of the first Tharsis Ridge beer. After speaking with Fujiura-san and Tsutsui-san, we developed a true appreciation of their love for, and dedication to, craft beer. Their collective knowledge and experience in beer tasting, beer travel, beer education,

hospitality and cuisine have come together in a warm and friendly gathering place for like-minded enthusiasts of good beer. Best of all is how much they enjoy sharing the love: through their beer education sessions, through their pub, and soon through their inhouse brew, Tharsis Ridge. This is one watering hole we hope never goes dry.


りォヌタリングホヌルでグラスを䞀杯に クリス・モデル  村䞊レむ

りォヌタリングホヌルは代々朚駅から埒 歩数分、郜䌚の喧隒の䞭にあるクラフトビヌ ルのオアシス。入口のすぐ倖にはピンクのフ ラミンゎず癜いガチョりええ、たあ、プラスチッ ク補ですけどねがいお、長い1 日の埌で喉 を最しおいきなさい、ず私たちを招き寄せおく れたす。店内ぞ入れば21のタップうちハンド ポンプ2本が目に入り、今倜のビヌルには充 分過ぎるほど遞択肢があるずわかりたす。さ お、䞀杯目はどうしたしょう カりンタヌか8぀䜙りあるテヌブルのど こかに萜ち着いたら、メニュヌの出番。囜内 倖のビヌルが䞁寧に説明されおいたす。産 地は長野県からアメリカのネブラスカ州たで 様々ですが、どれを遞ぶにせよ、枇きを癒す 䞀杯が必ず芋぀かりたす。ただ決められたせ んかでは冷蔵ショヌケヌスぞ行き、ベルギ ヌ、日本、アメリカなどの優れたボトルビヌル を遞ぶこずもできたす。お腹も空いおいたす かオアシスはオアシスでも近堎で狩りをす るのは難しいけれど、このお店にはビヌルず の盞性が良く、気になるフヌドメニュヌが数 倚く揃っおいたす。 このナニヌクな店内では、ビヌルの最 初の䞀滎を口にする前からクラフトビヌルぞ の情熱を感じるこずができたす。バヌカりン タヌの奥には無数のステッカヌが貌られ、 目線を䞊げれば壁の棚には圢もサむズも異 なるビアグラスが䞊び、ビヌルや醞造に関す る曞籍の芋事なコレクションや、クラフトビヌ ルファンがニダリずするようなビアグッズも目 に入りたす。 さお、ここたで来るず圓然気になるこずが ありたす- このグッズ達はどこからやっお来 たのかそしおこのお店の由来は奜奇心 に駆られた私たちは、りォヌタリングホヌル の創業者・オヌナヌである藀浊䞀理さんに 色々なお話を䌺いたした。もう1人の創業オ


ヌナヌであり藀浊さんの奥様である筒井矎 千子さんからも、むンタビュヌにはお越しい ただけなかったのでEメヌルで質問をさせお いただきたした。 藀浊さんず筒井さんは長幎にわたりク ラフトビヌルに興味を持ち続けおいたした。 藀浊さんは20幎以䞊も「ビヌルのための旅 行」を続けおいお、アメリカの31の州を蚪れ 圌の倢は党50州をビヌルのための旅行で 制芇するこず、グレヌトアメリカンビアフェス ティバルGABFにも15幎以䞊通い続けお いたす。藀浊さんは数幎前に父芪から遺産 を盞続した時に、これはパブをオヌプンす るのに充分な額だったので、醞造所も開け るな、ずふず思ったそうです。ただ、その時は ただ具䜓的に行動を起こすこずは考えたせ んでした。 筒井さんはサッポロビヌルにお勀めだ ったご䞡芪の圱響で小さな頃からビヌル工 堎を蚪れる機䌚があり、その埌ワヌキングホ リデヌで滞圚したオヌストラリアでの経隓に も圱響を受けたした。「オヌストラリアで様々 な囜からの移民の人たちが皮類豊富なクラ フトビヌルを造っおいたのを目の圓たりに」 しお始めたテむスティングノヌトには、最終的 に1幎間で100皮類以䞊のビヌルを蚘録し たそうです。圌女が藀浊さんのりェブサむト を知り、読み始めたの もこの頃。圓時はただお互いのこずを知りた せんでした。日本ぞ垰囜埌は藀浊さんのトヌ クセッションに出垭するようになり、池袋のビ アバヌVivo!のビアマネヌゞャヌになっおか らもそれは続きたした。埌に結婚した2人は 起業するこずを決め、2012幎6月にりォヌタリ ングホヌルをオヌプンさせたす。 先に觊れたずおり、カりンタヌから向か っお反察偎の壁にはありずあらゆるグラス、 曞籍、ビヌル関連のグッズが䞊んでいたす。

藀浊さんが20幎ほどかけおアメリカ旅行で 集めたコレクションで、グラスは醞造所のオリ ゞナルに加えお、倧孊、各地のビアむベント、 各皮団䜓のものもありたす。この日芋せおい ただいた珍しいグラスは、バヌモント州の氎 族通、マサチュヌセッツ工科倧孊MIT、ス タンフォヌド倧孊、゚ヌル倧孊名門むェヌ ル倧孊ずひず文字違いなど。棚には、スヌ パヌヒヌロヌ「むヌストマン」や、本物よりずっ ず倧きくフカフカなサッカロマむセス セレビシ ゚数々の玠晎らしいビヌルを造っおくれる むヌストのぬいぐるみもいたす。 グラスのコレクションは他にも、醞造噚 具のサプラむダヌ、アメリカン・ホヌムブルワヌ ズ・ア゜シ゚ヌション、ノヌスカロラむナ、オハむ オ、ハワむなどのビアフェスやサンディ゚ゎビ アりむヌク、そしお今はもう存圚しない醞造所 のものたでさたざた。忘れおはならないのが

GABFの蚘念グラスで、1997幎から2013幎 たで揃っおいたす。壁には栓抜きやフリスビ ヌなどのグッズ。曞籍は䞻にビヌルや醞造 に関するもので著者のサむン入りも倚く、この 棚は、かのチャヌリヌ・パパゞアン氏に「ブ ルワヌの図曞通だ」ず絶賛されたそうです。 むンタビュヌも半ばを過ぎた頃、バヌの 裏偎に隣接する郚屋でサヌバヌのシステム を芋せおいただきたした。これは藀浊さんが マむクロマティック瀟からすべおの郚品を茞 入しおカスタムに組み立おたもので、圌のコメ ントは謙遜な感じですが、手がかかっおいる のだろうず感じたした。冷蔵庫の壁に取り付 けられた銀色に茝くステンレス補のタップを 眺めながら、私たちは圌がそこに穎を開け おサヌバヌを䜜り始める時の様子を想像し たのでした。タップもチュヌブもしっかりず取 り付けられお完成した今、ビヌルはバヌの裏 偎にあるりォヌクむン型冷蔵庫内のケグか らタップぞず送られたす。お店のスタッフはサ ヌバヌをしっかり管理しおいる、ず藀浊さん は埮笑みたす。 ビヌルの遞定は成田垌矎店長が、党囜 各地やむベントに足を運んで圌女の舌で遞 んでいたす。ビアメニュヌの半分は垞に日本 のビヌルで、残り半分にはアメリカ、むギリス、 ドむツ、むタリアなど䞖界各地のビヌルが䞊び たす。アメリカでよく掲げられおいる「Support Your Local 地元をサポヌトしよう 」ずい うスロヌガンのずおり、自分たちも日本の醞 造所をサポヌトするべきでそれがビヌル業 界の発展にも぀ながるずいう匷い信念のも ず、タップの半分は必ず日本のものが占める ようにしおいる、ず筒井さんが説明しおくださ いたした。 さお、フヌドに話を戻したしょう。メニュヌ には、心地よいお食事なら、マカロニチヌ ズやノルりェヌ産サヌモンのフィッシュチ ップなど、軜食なら、レタスずあぶり䞭トロ、ア スパラガスなど5皮類ものサラダがありたす。 実はりォヌタリングホヌルは野菜メニュヌに もこだわりがあっお、オヌガニックなど質の良

い野菜を盎接仕入れおいた す。前職で厚房に立った経 隓もあり調理垫やロヌフヌド マむスタヌの資栌も持぀筒 井さんはこう蚀いたす「クラフ トビヌル手䜜りずいう図匏 に、愛情を蟌めお䜜られた オヌガニックの野菜は合うず 思ったこずが今のメニュヌ構 成に぀ながっおいたす」。調 味料も䟋倖ではなく、お醀油 は昔ながらの補法で䜜られ たもので、マペネヌズも平飌 いのニワトリの卵から䜜られ た少量生産のものだそう。 品質ぞのこだわりが反 映されおいるのはメニュヌだ けではありたせん。オヌプン 埌間もないにもかかわらず、 圌らは数日間店を閉め、デン バヌで開催されるグレヌトア メリカンビアフェスティバルぞ スタッフ党員を連れおいきた した。費甚もかかったけれど 埌悔はないず筒井さんは蚀 いたす。「私たちが目指すパ ブのあり方を知っおもらうた めにも、GABFやアメリカのブ ルヌパブ、ビアバヌを䜓隓し おもらいたいずいう気持ちがありたした。玠晎 らしい䜓隓はそれこそプラむスレスなもので はないかず思いたす」ず。 教育/啓蒙や経隓ず蚀えば、りォヌタリ ングホヌルでは毎月「サタデヌむブニングビ アラむブ」ずいうセッションを開き、藀浊さんが ご自身の知識や経隓を元にプレれンテヌ ションをおこなっおいたす。以前は䞡囜のポ パむで催されおいたものです。基本的にビア スタむル線ずブルヌむングテクノロゞヌ線が 毎月亀互におこなわれ、筒井さんによれば 「たるで倧孊のれミのような感じですがクラフ トビヌルを飲みながら受講できるずころが倧 きな違いかもしれたせん笑」。これずは別 に「ミヌトザブルワヌ」ずいうシリヌズもあり、こ ちらは毎回異なる醞造所からトヌクのゲスト を迎えおいたす。お店のスタッフには月䞀床 の瀟内研修をしおいたす。藀浊さんは「基本 的なこずを教えおいるだけ」だず蚀いたすが、 この研修などが筒井さんの蚀う「みなさんに 1番耒めおいただけるのはスタッフの笑顔ず 接客です。」に぀ながっおいるのでしょう。お 客様がクラフトビヌルに぀いおもっず知る堎 所はビアバヌなので、ビヌルを玹介するバヌ のフロアスタッフは倧倉重芁だ、ず藀浊さん も蚀いたす。 お2人は、バヌに隣接するスペヌスで今 幎䞭に醞造を開始しお、自家補のビヌルをり ォヌタリングホヌルのラむンナップに加えた いず蚈画しおいたす。2バレルシステムひず 仕蟌み玄235Lの醞造システムによる少量 生産の予定です。 私たちは「タルシスリッゞブルヌむングカ ンパニヌ」ずいう個性的な名前が気になり由 来を教えおいただきたした。「䟋えば倚くのワ むナリヌは『リッゞ』ずいうように地域や 地理的特城を名称に䜿っおいたす。そういう スタむルに習い぀぀、地域名には珍しいもの を䜿っお、ナニヌクな名前にしたした。タルシ スリッゞは火星の地域名です」 火星ならレッド゚ヌルもラむンナップに

䌌合いそうですねでも醞造予定のビヌル はただ決めおいないずのこず。「嫌いなスタむ ルのビヌルは醞造したせん」自分が奜きなス タむルを造りたい。他はよそにお任せしお買 ったものをお店で出したしょう、ず笑う藀浊さ ん。なるほど。では圌の奜きなスタむルのビヌ ルを楜しみに埅ちたしょう。アメリカンペヌル ゚ヌル、アメリカンIPA、そしおダヌクマむルド などが奜きなスタむルだそうです。 その埌も話は続き、話題は日米のクラフ トビアシヌンからスタヌトレックたで、さらに䞖 界の「ビアブヌム」ず日本で起きた「酒ブヌム」 、藀浊さんのIT分野のご経隓、䌝説的なビ アラむタヌ故マむケルゞャク゜ン氏にむンタビ ュヌした時のこず、アメリカに比べ日本では䞀 般人が醞造を孊べる堎が少ないこず、醞造 はアヌトか゚ンゞニアリングか、そしおタルシ スリッゞブルヌむングのロゎに぀いお - 倪陜 系で最も高い火星の山脈がデザむンされお いる- など、話題は尜きたせんでした。 最埌に、日本のクラフトビヌルの将来ず お2人の圹割に぀いお質問するず、りォヌタリ ングホヌルに぀いおは筒井さんから次の回 答をいただきたした。「飲み手の裟野を広げ るために、入りやすい店にするこず、分かりや すいメニュヌにするこず、なるべく䜎い䟡栌 蚭定にするこず」。「さらに、念願であるブルワ リヌをオヌプンし、ブルヌパブにするこずもク ラフトビヌル文化の発展に寄䞎するず考えお いたす。目の前で䜜られたビヌルを飲む事 ができる環境を増えるこずで、より䞀局、クラ フトビヌルファンを増やす事ができるず考え おいたす」。私たちもその通りだず思いたす。 タルシスリッゞの初醞造ビヌルを口にする日 が楜しみです。 むンタビュヌ埌、お2人が心からクラフト ビヌルを愛し、クラフトビヌルのために倚くを 捧げおいるこずを私たちも心から幞せに感じ たした。ビヌルのテむスティング、旅、醞造、接 客業ず飲食業の経隓が䞀䜓ずなっお、優れ たビヌルが楜しめる枩かい空間が生たれた したが、ずりわけ玠晎らしいのは、各皮セッシ ョン、お店、そしお近いうちに始動するタルシ スリッゞ・ブルヌむングによる自家補ビヌルの 醞造などを通しお、お2人がクラフトビヌルに 察する情熱を喜んで倧勢ず共有しおいるこず でしょう。りォヌタリングホヌルは、決しお枯れ お欲しくない私たちの氎堎です。 翻蚳Rei




Devilcraft above the door, DC to friends

By mark buckton

Tokyo today is literally awash in craft beer bars. The majority are legit, run by folks with a real passion for good beer, and more often than not nibbles and larger eats that go with them. There are also the places offering perhaps one or two taps to jump on the bandwagon and pull in a few extra punters with no real awareness of the beer they are serving: places best left for others to frequent. Fortunately, DevilCraft Kanda (and since last summer DC Hamamatsucho), whilst unquestionably ‘legit’ are a large cut above the very best of the rest, at least on the east side of Tokyo. Other places might have more taps, perhaps throw in added attractions of a couple of TV screens showing sports, or focus primarily on domestic Japanese brews, but DC - to their friends - need none of the above. The food, and particularly the beer here do the talking. No frills or spills needed. Officially a “Craft Beer & Chicago Pizza” joint, the original DC in Kanda was a hit from day one with beer lovers. It still is. And last summer the hit that has been Kanda DC for the last few years with its 15 taps of quality ales, IPAs, porters and so much more served over three floors was, after an extended pregnancy and anticipation as to the outcome by DC regulars, provided with a sibling. That sibling lives in Hamamatsucho, ten minutes away down the Yamanote Line. Occupying a single first floor in the largely office district to the south of the JR Hamamatsucho Station, the younger brother of Kanda at first appears larger than its ‘sempai’. And it is
.for now. A large L-shaped counter, tables for couples, groups of four and a couple of


larger group tables in the back are rarely lacking bums on seats whichever day of the week you opt to visit. (TIP - reserve well in advance or, failing that, get in early at the counter and you should be OK). Brews on offer sometimes mirror those found in Kanda but are more often than not different, 20 taps pumping out popular American and Japanese IPAs, stouts and porters alongside select ales, weizen and the odd fruity type beer. More recently barley wine has appeared, in pint form! Soft drinks are also available

apparently. And of late a number of collaboration beers in which the DC head honchos have been working with Baird Beer(s) have started to appear on the menu to much acclaim. In what is a clear forerunner to the expanding DC empire turning to brewing in its own right later in 2014 we hope, the DC boys are already getting their hands dirty, with very positive results. Initially an aspect of the business planned for Kanda, it is the rear portion of the Hamamatsucho branch, currently a seating area, that will eventually be replaced by custom made brewing gear to allow DC to start producing its own beers outright. When they do, expect an update here. Oh, and on the ‘other menu’, one aspect of the DC set-up that for the large part remains the same regardless of when - and which location - you visit is the food. The pizzas in true Chicago deep pan style are to die for, with each one freshly made by a chef with no fear whatsoever of piling on the toppings. Understandably they take up to an hour to arrive at peak times. Don’t complain, the wait is well worth it and you are forewarned on the menu. Other staples such as onion rings, buffalo wings and a selection

of salads are also available, as are deserts for whoever likes pie with a pint! If there is any criticism of DC it would be aimed not at the trio of ever present and insanely informed bosses, but at a small number of glass-cuddlers who have discovered DC in both locations, and bring with them the ability to make half a pint last an evening - and then ask for water before heading home and fiiinaaallly freeing up a seat for a real drinker to plant his or her butt! We’ve all seen them, and aimed daggers at their backs, but for a place with the quality beers DC consistently offers, and food that has featured widely in the local Japanese and English press, a few space wasters can be endured every now and then. Standing after all, ‘should’ let us know all the sooner when we have had enough ourselves and that home beckons! Get to DC - either in Kanda or down the line in Hamamatsucho. You will not regret it, and you will be back! Access: DevilCraft Hamamatsucho is a short two minute walk from the Kanasugibashi* Exit (South 5) of the always bustling Hamamatsucho Station on the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines. The station is also served by the monorail to Haneda. * try saying three times that after a couple of pints of their finest. The ‘original’ at Kanda meanwhile is a similarly short jaunt from the south exit of JR Kanda (serviced by the same JR lines and also the Ginza subway Line). First time can be tricky so check the DC homepage map before you go, as well as for tap lists on any given day or to make a reservation.

東京は珟圚、文字通りクラフトビヌ ルバヌで溢れ返っおいる。倧倚数は、 本栌的で良いビヌルに本気でこだわっ おいる人々で経営されおおり、ちびちび 飲んだり、ビヌルに合うフヌドをがっ぀ り食べたりずいうのを目的ずしおいない 堎合がほずんどである。時流に乗るた め、たた客寄せのために、提䟛しおいる ビヌルに基本的な認識もなく、ひょっずしたら1぀、ないしは2぀のみ のタップを提䟛しおいたりするずころもあるだろう。 幞いなこずにDevilCraft神田 それず昚幎の倏以来、DC浜束 町においおもは、玛れ もなく他のクラフトビヌル バヌずは䞀線を匕く、少 な くず も東 東 京 で は 超 䞀流 の バヌで あ る 。な ぜ かずいうず、圌らは他 のバヌがやらないこずを やっおいるからだ。 他のバヌやレストラ ンには より倚くのタップ があるかもしれないが、 おそらくテレビ画面にス ポヌツ を攟 映しおみた り、囜内産ビヌルのみに 焊点を圓おおいたりする が、DCは、DCの垞連客 も含め、それらは必芁な photo by Chris Model い。なぜならフヌドや、も ちろんビヌルだけで盛り䞊がる事ができるからだ。䜙蚈なフリルや 装食は䞍芁である。 正匏には”クラフトビヌルずシカゎピザの店”が合䜓した店で、 神田にある本店は元々ビヌル愛奜家から始たったものであり、今も それは守られおいる。 そしお去幎の倏、3階のフロアに枡り、良質の゚ヌルや、IPA、ポ ヌタヌの15タップ、その他倚数のビヌルを提䟛するDC神田の倧成 功は、兄匟によっおここ数幎で成し遂げられた。 その兄匟は浜束町圚䜏で山手線浜束町から10分のずころに 䜏んでいる。 JR浜束町の南のオフィス街の1階にオフィスを構え、神田の匟 は「先茩」ずいうよりはさらに倧きな存圚に芋える。珟時点では・・・で ある。 倧きなL字型のカりンタヌや、店の奥にあるカップルや4人グル ヌプ、さらに倧人数甚のテヌブルは、い぀行っおも垭がないずいうこ ずはないだろう。アドバむス前もっお予玄をするこず。もし予玄でき なかった堎合は、早めに行っおカりンタヌに座れば倧䞈倫。 提䟛されおいるビヌルは倧抵の堎合それほど他のバヌずは違

いはなく、20タップが人気のアメリカず日 本のIPAやスタりト、厳遞された゚ヌル やノァむツェン、倉わったフルヌティヌ なビヌルの暪ではポヌタヌを排出しお いる。さらに最近では倧麊ワむンがパ むント圢で登堎した明らかに゜フトドリ ンクも甚意しおいるようである。 DCのトップがBaird Beer(s)ず共に 取り組んでいる数皮の埌述のコラボレ ヌションビヌルは、すでに高い評䟡を 埗おいる。DCは醞造も含めビゞネスを かなり拡倧しおきおおり、すでにかなり よい成果を出しおいる。 photo by Chris Model 圓初、神田の事業蚈画の特城は、 浜束町支店の奥にあるシヌティング゚リアで、そこが最終的に完党に DC独自のビヌルが生産できるようカスタムメむドの醞造ギアに眮きかえ られる予定だ。それが完成すれば再床ここでアップデヌトしたいず思う。 ああ、それず「他のメニュヌ」に、垭の配眮やい぀行くか、堎所は どこずいうこずに関係なくDCのもう䞀぀の顔がある - フヌドであ る。トッピングには䜕でも茉せおしたう怖いもの知らずのシェフによ っお䞀枚䞀枚䞁寧に䜜られる本栌的なディヌプパンスタむルのシカ ゎピザは、死んでもいいず思うくらい絶品である。圓然のこずながら、 ピヌク時には1時間ほどかかる堎合もある。しかし、1時間皋の埅ち 時間は䟡倀があるくらい絶品で、メニュヌにも時間がかかるこずは 明蚘しおある。なので、文句を蚀わないように。メニュヌの他にはオ ニオンリングやバッファロヌりィング、サラダなどがあり、パむントずデ ザヌトを食べたい人には、なんずパむも甚意しおある もしDCに察する批刀があるなら、それは垞にカりンタヌにいる 3人のトリオやめちゃくちゃ情報通のボス達に向けおではなく、DC の2店舗を発掘し、䞀晩ハヌフパむントで十分で、ずっずグラスを枩 めおいるような少数のお客達である。そしお、垰り際には氎を䞀杯 頌む。そういうお客達が垭を立おば、぀いにクラフトビヌルを本圓 に心から愛する人に垭を回すこずができる DCが䞀貫しお提䟛する良質のビヌルや、地元メディアず海倖メ ディアにも幅広く取り䞊げられおいるフヌドは、時折、浪費家が認め ざるをえない数少ない堎所である。飲み過ぎた埌立ちあがっおみ るず、もう腰を䞊げお家に垰る頃だずいうのが分かる。 DCに是非行っおみ おほしい。神田、浜 束町 どちらでもいい。絶察埌 悔するこずはないし、たた 数日埌に行きたくなるだ ろう。 翻蚳 安䞊玲子)


Local Zen

Interview with Wataru Dainichi from Chitei Ryoko Brewery By Duncan brotherton It’s been almost 10 years since I moved away from Bentencho, my humble ’hood I spent getting drunk in the local Izakayas for a couple of years as a bachelor. What an idiot I felt like when I discovered years later that one of Osaka’s few breweries, “Chitei Ryoko” was right behind the apartment I used to live in. I rode my bike past the front door on a weekly basis. I’m still shaking my head in disbelief even now. I have rectified my wrongs however, and now spend a good few days a year taking the train back there. I go to Chitei Ryoko often, and I’ve gotten friendly with the brewmeister, Wataru Dainichi, who was nice enough to answer a few questions for an interview about the brewery. Q: What on earth is this place? It’s like a factory in a factory
 could you give us a brief history of Nikutanaka Co. and the brewery? The company used to be an ironworks. The owners dug a hole for a hot spring about 20 years ago in order to start a new business. They had to go quite deep, but were lucky to hit a spring. They opened a public bathhouse and also started producing mineral water and beer using the spring water that came up. Q: Where does the name Chitei Ryoko come from? We use the mineral water from the hot spring to make the beer. It gushes up from 1200m underground, so the beer was called “Chitei Ryoko,” which means ‘journey to the depths of the earth’ in Japanese. Q: Could you tell us about Chitei Ryoko’s beers? We have a yellow pilsner with a refreshing flavor and a reddish-brown Marzen with a slightly sweet taste. If you’d like to try them, you can get our beers at the restaurant right next to our beer factory. It’s not far from Bentencho station (in Osaka city). Q: How did you get into beer? I studied yeast during my student days and developed an interest in beer. I found work here at Nikutanaka Co. afterwards. At first I had two seniors on the job teaching me how to make beer, but they left and now I’m learning myself. Q: What’s the best thing about brewing beer? Watching the yeast bust some ass as it wastes itself away in the beer. And I also like sampling the beer on a daily basis. Q: You’re quite active in the Kansai scene, with Craft Beer Live and other projects like BREW LAB. Why is that? I’m usually drinking when we talk about these things and I agree on some kind of impulse. Thank you very much Wataru for the interview! Chitei Ryoko A 10min walk south from Bentencho Stations (JR and Subway). Beers are available on tap at the restaurant right next to the brewery, and you can also take bottles home with you as well. The windows at the back overlook the brewery area; you might see Dainichi-san at work if he’s brewing. Restaurant Hours: 17:00-22:00, Sat Sun & Public Holidays 16:3022:00. Closed Wednesdays. Address: Osaka-shi, Minato-ku, Minami Ichioka 3-6-26. Tel: 06-6581-3898 (Japanese only). Parking available


独身時代、近状に ある色んな居酒屋でよく 飲んでいた匁倩町から 匕っ越しおやく幎。匕 っ越しおから䜏んでいた アパヌトビルの裏の道に 倧阪の数少ないブリュワ リヌの぀「地底旅行」が あるず発芋したこずがあっ お、なんかばかみたいず 感じおいた。毎週自転車で通り過ぎおいた。 いたでも信じられないずいった気持ちで銖を 振っおいる。この埌悔を是正しお珟圚幎䜕回 も戻っおいたす。そこの醞造所の監督の倧 日亘氏ず仲良くしお、むンタビュヌに玍埗しお いただいた。 Q: ここは䜕ですか工堎の䞭の工堎っお  ニックタナカ株匏䌚瀟の 歎史を簡単に説明しおい ただけたすか もずもずは鉄工所でした。 新たな事業を始めよう ず、20幎ぐらい前に枩泉 を掘りたした。結構深く掘ったんですが、幞 運にも枩泉が出お、お颚呂屋さんを始めたし た。さらにその枩泉氎を䜿っお、ミネラルりォ ヌタヌずビヌルの補造を始めたした。 Q:「地底旅行」 ず蚀う名前はどこから来たし たか ビヌルに甚いる氎に、枩泉氎から぀くった ミネラルりォヌタヌを䜿甚しおいたす。地䞋 1200mから湧き出る氎を䜿っおいるので、地 底旅行です。 Q:「地底旅行」 のビヌルを玹 介しおいただけ たすか 黄色いピルス ナヌず、赀茶 色のメルツェン です。ピルスナヌは爜やかな味わい。メルツ ェンは少し甘みがありたす。自瀟工堎の隣 にある、レストラン地底旅行でお飲みいただ けたす。倧阪垂内の、匁倩町ずいう駅の近 くです。 Q:倧日さんが個人的にどうやっおビヌル䜜り に関わっお来たしたか 孊生時代に酵母の勉匷をしお、ビヌルづくり に興味を持ち、ニックタナカに就職したした。 最初は䞊叞ず2人で、教えおもらいながら䜜 っおいたしたが、その䞊叞がやめおしたった ので、今は研究しながらやっおいたす。 Q:ビヌル䜜りの䞀番いいこずはなんですか 酵母が身を削りながらがんばっおくれるずこ ろず、毎日少しだけ味芋するずころです。 Q:CBLの運営、BREW LABなどのこずで関 西のCraft Beerシヌンで結構掻動的です。 なぜこれやりたすか だいたいそういうお話をする時はお酒を飲み ながらなので、勢いです。 倧日さん、 ありがずうございたす


By Sean Winship

I have a collection of 200+ beer glasses. The number is an educated guess as they are currently spread over a few locations. I am currently in the process of bringing them all together in one massive display; a project that has been years in the making. I was inspired to start my collection by pubs I would visit, particularly those focusing on Belgian beers, which would have fabulous displays of glasses behind the bar. Hundreds of clean glasses lined up on shelves and lit with warm light was a sight of beauty that I would just stare at the whole time I was there (unless one of the waitresses was particularly hot.) I’ve been collecting for over 10 years and in that time I’ve met 100’s of beer drinkers but never anyone who collects glasses (am I alone??). I have many favorites, it’s hard to narrow it down. Though some of my most favorites are those that make a nice group display. Some of the glasses I have which are centrerd on one theme are: - German style glasses from America, Japan, Thailand, Korea, and, naturally, Germany. -Leffe is my guilty pleasure beer. My beer geek friends always mock me for it, but I love it. Consequently I have Leffe glasses in many sizes as well as some that are antiques. -Another hobby I have is World War 1 history. This crosses over with my beer glass collection in that I have three glasses for beers made in famous battlefields in Flanders (Ypres, Passendale, and Ploegsteert). Why collect beer glasses? Well, for one I love beer and for me an essential part of the enjoyment of beer is presentation. Appropriate glassware not only optimizes the delivery of flavor and aroma but also makes the beer look its best. A carefully poured Orval in a branded Orval glass is downright sexy. When friends visit from overseas they often bring me some beer (they know me so well!) I really enjoy these beers and it’s even more fun when I have the matching glass to serve it in. Over the holidays this past year, a friend brought me a couple bottles of Fursty Ferret - a Kentish ale that was on tap at my

wedding reception. These will absolutely be enjoyed from my treasured Fursty Ferret pint glass. I’m confident I have the only one in Japan. W h e n all the glasses are displayed together they look fantastic. For enjoying a beer glass collection I definitely believe that bigger is better as long as you have the space to display them. They can take up a lot of room so one more thing that is absolutely essential is an open minded spouse. I most often accumulate new glasses when I’m traveling. I have never made an international trip where I didn’t acquire new glasses. The things I look forward to most when I travel are drinking new beers and getting some new glasses. The glasses often serve as a memory of the journey and of a charming local beer I will not be able to enjoy again. How do I actually get the glasses? Beer stores will often sell them but the best ones are always used exclusively in pubs and are not normally offered for sale. My method is to politely ask the bartender if I can buy a certain glass. In many cases they let me have it for free. Other times they say I can have

it if I donate a small amount of money to a charity the pub supports or ask me to buy the barmaid a drink. I get all kinds of reactions when I ask for glasses, most are friendly and some are quite memorable. A few years ago I was at a pub called Oddfellows in Shifnal, a small town in the midlands in England. I took a liking to a branded Brakspear pint glass and asked the bartender if I could buy it. He looked at me with a stunned expression and after a short uncomfortable silence he said “You must be the most honest man in Britain!” His face broke into a smile and he gestured to the locals enjoying their pints at the bar “all these bastards just steal them!” He let me have the glass for free and even asked me if there were any others I wanted. I walked out of there with three great additions to my collection.

GOLDING HOPS by warren wills If Cascade is the most popular hop in today’s craft and home brew culture, the Golding Variety (i.e. East Kent Golding, Kent Golding, Canterbury Golding, is the classic grandpappy hop of the old school English Ale. The formal name of the hop varies based upon the location of it’s growth. Originating in the county of Kent (SE of London), the growing region is known as “The Garden of England.” It was in the city of Canterbury where the style was first brought to market in 1790. The Canterbury variety of the hop is commonly grown in the United States, mostly in Oregon and Washington. East Kent Goldings are considered the finest of the breed and are often found in Ale, ESB and Bitter beers. Though it is an old world style, it is used by most every major craft brewer around the world. It has a more refined, flowery flavor, and less acidic profile, contributing aroma more than anything else. It’s often balanced with the Fuggles hop, who’s progeny is the mighty Cascade.


今日のクラフトビヌル、たた家庭甚で䜿 う䞀番有名なホップがカスケヌドであるな らば、ゎヌルディング(むヌストケントゎヌル ディング、ケントゎヌルディング、カンタベリヌ ゎヌルディング)は最も昔のホップず蚀える でしょう。ホップの名前は基本的に地域の 名前からきいおいたす。ゎヌルディングはロ ンドン南東のケントで䜜られたので、その地 域は[むギリスの庭]ず呌ばれおいたす。そこ は1790幎に始めお垂堎に出珟したカンタ ベリヌの町です。カンタベリヌのホップは倧 抵、アメリカのケントオレゎン、ワシントンで 育ちたす。東ケントゎヌルディングぱヌル や苊味のあるホップが育぀堎所ずしお知ら れおいたす。たた花の銙りや酞が少なめな ホップです。ファグラスホップずはずおもバラ ンスの取れた玠晎らしいホップです。カス ケヌドの産みの芪であるファグラスずずおも バランスの取れたものです。 (翻蚳: 前田倧介)


Street Zen

beer reviews

Featured Brewery: by Philip Starecky

The Bruery

As you’ve read in these pages, The Bruery is a brewery based in Placentia, California, just outside LA, that specializes in Belgian style & sour beers. Nagano Trading has recently begun importing their beers to Japan and Craft Beer Base hosted an event where you could sample the whole line up available in the land of the rising sun. In Japan, their great looking 750ml bombers run from ¥2000 to ¥3000. This may seem a bit pricey, but each bottle is packed full of flavor & meant to be sipped slowly for maximum enjoyment, NOT pounded back to get wasted. Perfect beers for special occasions. Autumn Maple 10% A Fall seasonal brewed with spices & yams. A great amber brown pour with a light beige head. It has a sweet, sour, fruity & tart nose with mild pumpkin beer spiciness. Full bodied, zesty, good caramel, sour/tart fruit vibes, some cocoa or nutty notes. This beer’s right up my alley. Comparative tasting revealed a kind of candy sweetness to it. It’s often recommend to pair with a Thanksgiving Dinner.

Tart of Darkness

Here are a few more of their beers which are harder to track down but worth trying if you’re lucky enough to see them! White Chocolate

RugbrÞd 8% This Rye Beer poured a dark reddish brown that was almost glossy black in certain lights. The aroma’s caramel, toffee, chocolate, candied plums & a hint of rye. It’s a smooth full bodied beer with tastes of cacao nibs, toffee, rye spicy character & a woodsy finish. Quite nice. Saison Rue 8.5% Now, my favorite of the night was a bit of a surprise to me: Saison Rue. It’s a saison brewed with brett & rye. I like rye beers, saisons are ok & I rarely dig brett beers so loving this one could be a case where my expectations were low & it topped them but I suspect it’s just an incredibly nicely balanced beer. A nice opaque honey yellow with a thick white head. Sour, spicy with a bit of biscuit/ graham notes - it smells like a good saison! Full bodied, sweet, surprisingly some velvety caramel notes, a bit of tartness, some spicy hints & barnyard in the earthy finish. Delicious. Oude Tart 7.5% This is a Flemish Red that’s been aged in red wine barrels for 18 months. The color was an incredibly dark amber red with minimal head. Served in a snifter, I caught woodsy, vanilla, barrel-aged aromas marked by a certain oakiness in the nose. The taste is incredibly tart, sour cherries reminiscent of a Belgian Kriek lambic. Actually, this is really good, but 100 ml does me just fine, a full snifter would be overkill for me. My second favorite of the night.

Mischief 8.5% On draft, this Golden Ale poured a clear gold with a filmy white head. Some funk, barnyard & oniony leather in the nose. The taste is lightly carbonated, sour, wine-like, a Belgian but not really fruity. I found it ok but not my cup of tea as it was a touch too sour, based on reviews I saw online it seems to be much tastier from a bottle.


5.6% One of the priciest beers available in Japan and also the one with the lowest ABV. It’s a sour barrel-aged stout that has wine-like, barrel, oak, vanilla notes in the nose with just hints of dark malts coming through. It pours a brownish-black with minimal head. The taste is exceptionally tart, vinegary, sour & fruity with some berry/ cherry notes. Quite a subtle beer meant for sipping, solid.

14% A barrel-aged wheat wine that poured a super dark reddish-brown with a beige head. It had a white Chocolate aroma, was medium bodied & had very nice barrel aged qualities: chocolatey, coconut, woodsy, sweet & tasty. It’s really tasty stuff - subtle deliciousness. Black Tuesday 19.2% The Bruery’s most sought after beer is a limited release barrel-aged imperial stout that comes out each October. I was lucky enough to have a friend share some with me. The aroma was a supremely boozy punch. The taste had coconut, vanilla and once I heard it was aged in bourbon barrels I could totally believe it. It defiinitely has a sipping bourbon kind of feel to it. It’s a delicious beer, perfect for after dinner as a digestif. I got a real winter cabin by the fireplace vibe, which didn’t really match the 30C hot humid summer weather when I tried it but I found it to be a truly great beer in small doses. Buy a bottle & share it with friends.

Discover more of The Bruery’s beers online at:

The World Atlas of Beer by Tim Webb & Stephen Beaumont 256 pages This beautifully illustrated large coffee table book is a hefty reference book for people who love beer. It is billed as a successor to Michael Jackson’s iconic Encyclopedia of Beer. It does a decent job of it. While not as in depth as Jackson’s book, it does provide a good global overview of the evolving beer scene in 2010-12. The strength of this book lies in the clear lay out and ease of finding information. It’s main drawback is that the book is too large to take with you. It’s the perfect gift for a beer lover who is planning a trip.

app reviews

T h e d a r k S i d e by brian burgess Heaven and Hell. Good vs. Evil. Angels and The Devil. That was my night out at Lezzet Craft beer and Food Experience Bar. Lezzet should be my go-to bar. It is directly across the street from my work. It literally takes 8 seconds to walk there (yes, I timed it—I teach science and math, I like details). But, it is not. I’ve only been there 3 times. The first time was pretty cool. It was winter 2012 and they had just opened. I finished my Midterm test grades and report cards, and was leaving work late. I walk out, and I saw a bright light, as if heaven itself was calling to me, but it was the sign across the street lit up promising me craft beer, which I guess is almost the same thing. They have a nice L-shaped bar with a few tables. Around 16 beers on tap. And the menu is by far the best I have ever seen anywhere. It is a simple, 1-pager but loaded with info: the name, style, color (with an actual colored dot), % alcohol, and company (with prefecture). This does mean these are Japanese craft beers. There is a seat charge, but you get a couple of small prepared dishes. The first 2 times, it included ear, which is not for me. The food menu is short, but interesting. I grab Sanktgallen (Kanagawa) El Diablo 2013 first. Wow. A very good barley wine. Dark copper color with a slight head. Raisin and date flavor with some chocolate. I like it. My coworker drinks an herb beer of lemon and lemon grass—she liked hers. After that, I had Un Angel 2013. Un Angel 2012 was also on tap, but the menu has a note for staff recommendations, and they thought the 2013 was worth a try. It was not. It is the same 10%, but it was a wheat wine. A bit boozy. Not as dark as the color circle on the menu. Orange and other citrus, but lychee was the overall fruity flavor. Not my type. Verdict:The Devil beats An Angel! There is a mezzanine floor, but there is no outer rail on the stairs, so if you have had too much, you will plummet onto the people sitting on the long side of the “L”. Not to worry, however, as I have never seen it full enough to necessitate people using it. They just had their 1 year anniversary, and the 2-day event did not load up the place. It was in their bar, but they poured the beers in plastic cups, which ruins it. If you see me and ask, I will tell you why business is not booming, but suffice it to say, when I told my story to a few industry insiders who know the woman in charge, they were not surprised. Negative things have been said. But if you are in that part of Osaka and looking for good Japanese craft beer, Lezzet is the only place I know. Hit the ATM machine, though, as you will be paying for it.

Ziggy The Beer Yeast iOS | Android Â¥100 This is a fun little game that’ll teach you about beer as you play. You’re Ziggy a yeast cell, your job is to eat the sugars, ingredients & flavors in the wort while avoiding the nasty bacteria thus preventing your beer from getting infected. It’s a cute little game that’s simple to play and has the graphic style similar to old style cartoons a la Ren & Stimpy which is cool. The gameplay is easy to learn & can draw you in. Worth checking out for just a buck. Beer in Japan iOS| Android Â¥200 This is a nice app, easy to use & it provides a listing of many of the best beer bars in Japan. The discount coupons make it well worth picking up as you can quickly get back the few hundred yen you pay for the app. The interface is really clean & intuitive. That being said it has a few major flaws: it’s too focused on Tokyo for an app that calls itself Beer in Japan, most of the non-Tokyo information is only available online via a quick link to it’s web page. Not all that useful if you don’t have a smartphone (I use an iPod touch) or don’t have cellphone coverage. It’s also quite out of date, most new places in Kansai aren’t listed (Yellow Ape, Molto, Marciero, Bungalow, Bakujun, etc.) nor are new bars in Nagano (23 Craft Beerz). Plus the website lists Land Beer Circus in Nagoya which has been closed for years. As opposed to the website, the information in the app seems fairly current, well written & it’ll give you a good overview of the beer scene in Tokyo but outside of that city it isn’t as useful. Worth picking up when visiting Tokyo. ランビックベルギヌの自然発酵ビヌル 山本高之著 技報堂出版 Rei ランビックは、 『䞀床飲んだら忘 れられない「酞っぱいビヌル」である』 ず蚘述されおいるずおり個性の匷いベ ルギヌビヌルのスタむルそのスッパさ を仁䞹に䟋える愛奜家の友人もいる で、味ず同様に背景や醞造法も個性 的。本曞はその「ランビックに関する総 説的な曞籍」。しかも珟圚のずころ日 本で唯䞀の。倚くの文献はもずより、本 業が医薬ラむタヌずいう著者自身の深 い知芋、そしお情熱に基づいお、すべお の内容がしっかり裏づけされ、科孊的 に、正確に、蚘述されおいるように思えたす。 近幎はアメリカを䞭心ずするクラフトビヌルの流れ の䞭でもランビックスタむルが人気で、特にブレタノマむセ スを䜿ったビヌルは旬ずもいえるほど流行しおいたすが、 アメリカのビヌルをきっかけに興味を持った人がそのル ヌツを理解するために読んでみるのも良いず思いたす。


特集 ブルヌリヌ すでにご芧になったように、ブルヌリヌ はのカリフォルニア州ロサンれルス近郊のプ ラセンティアにあるブルワリヌで、ベルギヌ スタむルのビヌルずサワヌビヌルを埗意ずす る。ナガノトレヌディングが日本ぞの茞入を 最近開始し、クラフトビアベヌスでむベントが 催された。ラむゞングサンの囜日本で賌入可 胜なブルヌリヌのラむンナップがすべお詊 飲できるずいうむベントだ。芋た目も玠晎らし いブルヌリヌのボトル750mlは、日本では 2000円から3000円で販売されおいる。若干 お高く芋えるかもしれないが、リッチなフレヌ バヌがフルに封じこめられおいるブルヌリヌ のボトルは、酔っ払うためではなくお、ひず口 ひず口ゆっくりず味わうのがベストな楜しみ方 であるずしお造られたもの。特別な機䌚に最 適のビヌルだ。 Autumn Maple 10% スパむスずダマノむモが䜿われおいる秋 の季節限定品。矎しいアンバヌ色のボディに 薄いベヌゞュの泡。甘みず酞味がありフルヌ ティヌでタヌトな銙りには、パンプキンビヌル 独特の柔らかなスパむシヌさも感じられる。フ ルボディで、れスティ、きれいなカラメル、フル ヌツの酞味/タヌトさなどの颚味があり、ココ アたたはナッティヌさもある。このビヌルは私 の奜みにぎたりずはたった。比范しお詊飲す るずキャンディヌのような甘みにも気付く。感 謝祭のディナヌず合わせるビヌルずしおも勧 められるこずが倚いビヌルだ。 The Bruery RugbrÞd 8% このラむビヌルは赀味がかった深い茶色 で、光の加枛によっおはほが艶やかな黒色 に芋える。カラメル、トフィヌ、チョコレヌト、砂 糖挬けのプラムのアロマを持ち、ほんのりずラ む麊のキャラクタヌも感じられる。ビヌルは滑 らかなフルボディで、カカオニブ、トフィヌ、ラ む麊のスパむシヌな颚味があり、りッディなフ ィニッシュ。かなり良いビヌルだ。 Saison Rue 8.5% そしお、この晩のお気に入りの登堎だ。セ ゟン・ルヌ、ちょっずした驚きだった。ブレタノマ むセスずラむ麊を䜿ったセゟンビヌルだ。私は ラむビヌルは奜きだが、セゟンはOKずいう皋床 で、ブレタノ系ビヌルに至っおは気にかけるこ ずがほずんどない。だから私がこのビヌルを気 に入った理由は、私の期埅がそれほど高くな かったせいかもしれない。だが、実際、驚くほ どバランスの玠晎らしいビヌルなのだ。倖芳 は、䞍透明な矎しいハニヌむ゚ロヌのボディ に癜く厚い泡。銙りには酞味ずスパむシヌさが あり、若干のビスケット/グラハムクラッカヌも感 じられる。すなわち優れたセゟンビヌルの銙り だフルボディで、甘みがあり、意倖なこずに 滑らかなカラメルの颚味も感じられる。土のキ ャラクタヌが感じられるフィニッシュは、ややタ ヌトでほんのりスパむシヌ、そしお玍屋の庭の キャラクタヌも。これは矎味い。 Oude Tart 7.5% 赀ワむン暜で18か月間熟成させたフレミ


ッシュ・レッド゚ヌル。色はずおも深いアンバ ヌレッドで、泡は最小限。スニフタヌグラスで 提䟛された。森、バニラ、そしおオヌクのキャ ラクタヌが際立぀暜熟成のアロマが感じられ た。非垞にタヌトで酞っぱいチェリヌの颚味 がベルギヌビヌルのランビック/クリヌクを連 想させる。実に玠晎らしいビヌルだが、私に は100mlで充分。もしスニフタヌグラスにたっ ぷりず泚がれおいたら、私には倚すぎただろ う。この倜2番目に気に入ったビヌル。 ブルヌリヌに関する詳现はこちら そのほか日本で賌入可胜なものは以䞋 の2銘柄だ。 Mischief 8.5% 暜生を詊飲。このゎヌルデン゚ヌルは、 泚がれるずクリアな金色のボディに癜い泡が 薄くかかった。ファンキヌで玍屋の庭や玉ね ぎのような革の銙り。口に含むず炭酞は柔ら かく、酞味ずワむンのような颚味があり、ベル ギヌスタむルだがそれほどフルヌティヌでは ない。良いビヌルだずは思ったが、酞味が 少々匷すぎるので個人的には奜みでなか った。むンタヌネットで読んだレビュヌによれ ば、瓶の方が遥かに矎味いようだ。 Tart of Darkness 5.6% 日本で販売されおいるブルヌリヌのビ ヌルで最も䟡栌垯が高い銘柄のひず぀。䞀 方でアルコヌル床数は最も䜎い。これは暜 熟成されたサワヌスタりトで、ワむンのような、 暜、オヌク、バニラの銙りがあり、加えおほん の少しダヌクモルトの銙りがする。倖芳は茶 色っぜい黒色で泡は最小限。味は䞊倖れお タヌトで、酢のようでもあり、酞味ずフルヌティ ヌさ、ベリヌ/チェリヌのキャラクタヌも。ずお も繊现なビヌルで、ちびちびず味わうのに向 いおいる。確かなビヌルだ。 そしお次に玹介するのは、さらに入手困 難なブルヌリヌのビヌルたちだ。幞運にも芋 かけるこずがあれば詊す䟡倀あり White Chocolate 14% 暜熟成されたりむヌトワむン。ボディは極 めお深い赀茶色で、泡はベヌゞュ色。ホワむ トチョコレヌトのアロマがあり、ミディアムボデ ィ。チョコレヌト、ココナツ、森、甘みなど暜熟 成由来の玠晎らしいキャラクタヌを持぀。もう 本圓に矎味い - 繊现な矎味さだ。 Black Tuesday 19.2% ブルヌリヌのビヌルで最も人気が高い のが、限定醞造のこの暜熟成むンペリアルス タりトだ。毎幎10月にリリヌスされる。これを 私ずシェアしおくれる友人がいたのは幞運だ った。アロマはずば抜けたアルコヌル感のパ ンチ。ココナツやバニラの颚味。バヌボン暜 で熟成されおいるず以前に聞いたこずがある のだが、確かにそうだろうず思える味だった。 このビヌルには、ちびちびず味わうバヌボン のような感じが確実にある。矎味で、ディナ ヌ埌のダむゞェスティフずしおゆったりたしな むのに最適なビヌルだ。私がこれを飲んだ のは気枩30床の蒞し暑い倏の日だったが、 それずは正反察の、冬の別荘で暖炉の脇に いる雰囲気を本圓に感じた。そしお、ほんの 少量ですぐに真に玠晎らしいビヌルだず理 解できたのだった。瓶で賌入し、仲間ず分け 合っお楜しむこずをお勧めする。 翻蚳Rei

暗い偎面 倩囜ず地獄。善ず悪。倩䜿ず悪魔。Lezzet Craft BeerずFood Experienced Barに行 った晩がこの衚珟に䞀番近いかもしれない。 Lezzetは私が垞連になるはずのバヌだ った。仕事堎からちょうど通りを挟んだ所にあ り、たった埒歩8秒で行けるからだちゃんず時 間を枬っおみた。ずいうのも、私は科孊ず数孊 が教えおいるので现かいこずが奜きである。 しかしながら垞連にはなっおいない。Lezzet にはこれたで3回しか行った事がない。 最初に行った時はなかなか良かっ た。2012幎の冬でちょうどお店がオヌプンし た時だ。䞭間詊隓の採点ずレポヌトを終え、 遅くに仕事堎を埌にした。䞀歩倖に出おみ るず、たるで倩囜が私を呌んでいるかのように 煌々ず光をはなっおいるのが芋えた。しかし それは倩囜ではなく、通りを挟んだ向かいの クラフトビヌルバヌが攟っおいる光だったが、 私にずっおみれば倩囜ず呌んでも過蚀では なかった。 バヌにはL字型のバヌずテヌブルがあ り、16タップのビヌルが兌ね備えおある。そし おメニュヌず蚀えば、私がこれたでに目にした ものずははるかにレベルが高いものである。 シンプルで1ペヌゞにビヌルの情報が曞かれ おあった。名前やスタむル、色色は実際の色 が、䞞で瀺されおいた、アルコヌル床数、䌚 瀟名県名。これはLezzetの党おのビヌル が囜産クラフトビヌルであるずいうこずである。 チャヌゞもあるが、お通しも぀いおくる。 噂に聞いおいた事もあり、私が通うずころでは なかった。フヌドは数少ないが、倉わったも のもある。 私はSanktgallen 神奈川県 El Diablo 2013を最初にオヌダヌした。おこれはバ ヌレヌワむンアルコヌル床数の匷いビヌル だ。深い銅色。レヌズンずナツメダシのフレヌ バヌにチョコレヌトを混ぜた感じ。ずおもおい しかった。䌚瀟の同僚はレモンずレモングラス のハヌブビヌルをオヌダヌ。圌女も気に入っ たようだった。 その埌、私はUn Angel 2013をオヌダ ヌ。Un Angel 2012はタップだったが、メニュ ヌにはスタッフのお薊めずしお2013はトラむす る䟡倀がある、ず曞かれおいた。実際は、そう ではなかった。10は同じような感じだった が、小麊のワむンのようだった。ちょっず酔っ 払っおきた。メニュヌの䞞で瀺しおある色皋 濃い色ではなかった。オレンゞやその他の シトラス系、ラむチなどのフルヌティヌなフレ ヌバヌは私奜みではなかった。刀決悪魔 の勝ち たた、メゟネットフロアもあるが階段に手 すりがなく、もし飲みすぎおしたったら、L字型 カりンタヌに座っおいる人達の䞊に真っ逆さ

たに萜ちるこずになる。たぁ、その手すりを䜿う のを䜙儀なくさせられるほどバヌが満垭にな っおいるのを芋たこずがないので、たず心配 無甚であろう。 最近バヌの1呚幎のパヌティヌがあった が、その2日間のむベントで人が溢れおいるず いった様子は芋なかった。むベントはもちろ んLezzetで開催されたのだが、ビヌルをプラ スチックカップでサヌブしおいた。それが残 念で、党おを台無しにしおいた。もし、なぜビ ゞネスがうたくいっおいないのかずいう事を聞 かれたら、私は答えられる。バヌ責任者の女 性を知っおいる業界人に私の䜓隓談を話す ず、圌らは党く驚かなかった。それだけでもう 十分説明が぀くであろう。芁はネガティブな 内容であったずいうこずである。 しかし、倧阪でおいしい囜産のクラフトビ ヌルを飲みたいず思うなら、Lezzet 以倖、私 は知らない。バヌに行く前には、必ずATMに 立ち寄るこずをお薊めする。぀い぀い飲み過 ぎおしたうだろうから。 翻蚳 安䞊玲子)

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp with Pale Ale Butter Sauce by joshua taylor Ingredients: 9 medium shrimp shelled and de-veined 9 strips of bacon 1 cup of pale ale (Minoh Pale Ale for this go) 1 finely chopped garlic clove 1/2 tsp (小さじ) basil (1 tsp. if you like) 1 Tbsp. (倧さじ) finely chopped onion Pinch of salt and pepper to taste 200 grams of butter in 1 Tbsp. (倧さじ) cubes Directions: 1. Sauté garlic and onion in a cube of butter until clear. Add beer and reduce by half. Skim off and discard foam as it forms. Remove from heat and add butter cubes one at a time. Whip until creamy adding basil, salt and pepper along the way to taste. 2. In the meantime, over medium high heat, fry bacon wrapped shrimp until shrimp is cooked through and bacon is done to your liking. 3. Lightly drain oil from bacon and shrimp on paper towel. Place on dish and drizzle with sauce. This one was fun putting together. It has a nice simple flavor and aroma, well balanced between the butter and ale. However, I believe this would be better made in the summer, possibly with a more appropriate seasonal brew. I can see this sauce work out well on shrimp without the bacon also. However you make this, I hope you enjoy it.


Beer zen is published by Grinning Zen Media and Design Š2013 and printed by mojo printers



editor/Designer | POST MD writers | Ajen Birmingham, Duncan Brotherton, Mark Buckton, Brian Burgess, Chris Modell, Rei Murakami, Philip Starecky, Joshua Taylor, Warren Wills Sean Winship photographers | POST MD translators | Daisuike Maeda Rei Murakami Reiko Yasunami website | facebook | pinterest | contact | Opinions expressed by Beer Zen contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Photo credits and acxknowledgements to: Baird Brewing, The Bruery, Fumiaki Yamazaki, Minoh Beer, South Park. Special thanks to everyone who has helped contribute to our first year of Beer Zen and our models for this issue-Ruri Endo, Sayuri Ishibashi and Emi Tanaka.

The Bruery SAISON




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The fresh flavor only brewers had known ナギサビヌルダむニング シラハマバヌリィ




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