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Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine
Volume 16, SUMMER 2015
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Photo: Dragan Vildović
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S E R B I A - H O L I D AY I N F I V E P I C T U R E S S R B I J A - L E T O VA N J E U P E T S L I K A
Belgrade&Serbia Visitors’ Magazine Publisher - Izdavač: Izdavačko društvo PONT d.o.o., Beograd Gočka 18 tel./fax 2332-803; mob tel. 063/84 97 582 e-mail: redakcija@belguest.rs www.belguest.rs www.facebook.com/belguestmagazine Partner Tourist Organization of Serbia Čika Ljubina 8, Beograd For publisher - Za izdavača: Milena Mihaljčić, direktor Editor-in-chief - Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Milena Mihaljčić Editorial board - Redakcija: Dragana Marković, Roza Sazdić, Dragana Barjaktarević Contributors - Saradnici: Dragana Barjaktarević, Jelena Tasić, Mirjana Maksimović Photographs- Fotografije: Branko Jovanović, Dragan Bosnić, Svetlana Dingarac, Stanko Kostić, Roza Sazdić, Dragoljub Zamurović, BelGuest Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Belgrade Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Serbia Photo Archive Translation - Prevod: Đorđe Janković Marketing: Pont Design - Dizajn: Miroslav Zeljug Layout - Prelom: Vojislav Ilić, Pozitiv MVP Front Page - Naslovna strana: Artez: Flying girl, Bistro bar in the Vračar neighbourhood Print - Štampa: Službeni glasnik, Beograd BelGuest quarterly is registered with the Republic of Serbia media registry no: 651-03-168/2000-03 BelGuest magazin upisan je u registar glasila Republike Srbije pod brojem: 651-03-168/2000-03 © copyright: Pont CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 338.4 BelGuest : Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine / editor-in-chief Milena Mihaljčić. - 2001, winter/spring - Beograd : Pont, 2001(Beograd : Službeni glasnik). - 28 cm Dostupno i na: http://www.belguest.rs. Tromesečno. - Sa specijalnim izdanjem 2010: Događaji Beograda ISSN 1451-6446 = Bel Guest COBISS.SR-ID 71794956
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The family saint patron's name day or Slava has become part of UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Slava is a particular characteristic of the Serbian people and the most important family holiday. It celebrates the day in the church calendar devoted to the saint who is celebrated as the patron of the family. Each Serbian Orthodox home has an icon of their patron saint – the protector, and Slava is passed down from one generation to the next. The most important part of the Slava ritual is the prayer for the sanctification of the cake, wheat and wine.
he folk custom of celebrating the patron saint was conceived in the Serbian medieval state, but in science there are opinions that it is rooted in the pre-Slavic tribe cult of ancestors, which got its new shape with the reception of Christianity. When one family was converted to Christianity, the host would take the name of the saint on whose day he was baptised, he would cel-
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
ebrate the day, and then the family would continue to celebrate the same saint as their patron. Once received, Slava is not changed, but is passed down from father to son. Preparations for Slava and the feast days are filled with the complex symbolism of sacrificial offering of gifts. The cake, wheat, wine and candles, as well as the festive table itself, are offered to the glory of God, in honour of the saint,
for the repose of souls of deceased family members and for the health and prosperity of the living. SLAVA CAKE AT THE HEART OF THE FEAST Slava cake is actually an expression of thanksgiving to God, and therefore most of the attention is devoted to its kneading and decoration. It is customary to call a priest before Slava into the house to consecrate the
water that the kneaded ceremonial yeast bread will be made with. The ritual of preparing the bread cake takes place on the day before Slava, the cake is ornately decorated, because it is “an image of faith, hope and love”. The symbols used to decorate are at the core of the Christian faith: the cake is always adorned with a cross and Christ's stamp IS - HS - NI - KA, which is an acronym taken from the Greek language which means “Jesus Christ conquers”. In addition to these symbols, the top part of the cake often bears the figurines of doves representing the Holy Spirit, books symbolising the Word of God and the Holy Script, ears of grain and vine grapes symbolising prosperity and abundance. The festive Slava breads are inscribed with the language of symbols, and their decoration is a mirror of a housewife and the family celebrating the holiday. T HE SUBLIME MEANING OF BREAD BREAKING Early in the morning, on the day of the Saint Patron’s Name Day, the cake, wheat and wine are taken to church to be consecrated, and sometimes the priest comes to the house of the celebrating
As a rule, every house has at the place of honour on the wall facing east an icon of the patron saint, the icon of Jesus Christ and the icon of the Holy Mother of God. The ritual objects also include the icon lamp, the censer and the candlestick. The Slava candle is usually made of pure beeswax: as bees are virgins, the candle symbolises purity and innocence, and the flame of the lit candle is the symbol of joy of the holiday and the light of faith. The Slava wheat denotes a sacrifice of gratitude to God for the fruits of the earth, as well as the memory of the saint and the memory of ancestors. “One who celebrates the family name’s day is blessed” is a common saying among the Serbian people.
Ceremonial bread breaking, National museum Zaječar hostto perform the ritual there. A hymn to the saint is sung before the offered gifts and prayers are recited for the well-being and health. The cake is cut in the shape of a cross, on the bottom crust and is poured with the wine. The cruciform cake cutting signifies Christ's suffering, and wine pouring symbolises blood that he shed for our salvation. The highlight of the ritual is the ceremonial bread breaking, when the priest, together with the host – the oldest man in the house – and family members, raises it up. Then, everyone gets together in a circle spinning the cake, kissing it three times, and then the priest says: “Christ is among us,” and the host and family members respond: “He is, and will be.” This act ends the first part of the Slava rituals. THE HOLIDAY OF GETTING TOGETHER The second part of the celebration takes place in the house: first, the host, in the presence of family members and friends, lights the Slava candle and the hanging light before the icon of the saint, and then takes a piece of the cake and a mouthful of grain, taking a sip of the consecrated wine. All family members, relatives and guests start the celebration with the same ritual. Slava is then, along with toasts, continued with a feast. If the day dedicated to the saint falls during the Christian fasting, there is only meatless food on the table, while in other periods roast meat is always prepared. By tradition, the food is prepared by women, and the children are involved, helping out with minor duties. Slava can be celebrated in one day, but often it is celebrated for two or three days. There are 78 patron saints celebrated in Serbia, but the most common family protectors are St. Nicholas, St. John, St. George and St. Archangel Michael. There are so many families celebrating these four saints that it is often said that these
The initiative that to enter the Saint Patron’s Day on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was launched by the National Committee for the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Media of the Republic of Serbia and the National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The proposal was prepared with the support of local selfgovernments, regional museums, tourist and non-governmental organisations and individuals with the aim to contribute to the protection and preservation of this intangible heritage and to to have Slava recognised internationally, in addition to its regional and national importance. The Centre for Intangible Heritage of the Ethnographic Museum submitted to the UNESCO Commission voluminous documentation which indicates the importance of the Slava in the Serbian people, primarily as a symbol of togetherness and unity. The decision on registration of Slava was made in November 2014 at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris. are the days when one half of Serbia prepares the celebration, while the other half are guests. Prepared by: Milena Mihaljčić Photos by: Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Porodična slava postala je deo Uneskove Reprezentativne liste nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa čovečanstva. Slava, ili Krsno ime, naročito je obeležje srpskog naroda i najvažniji porodični praznik. Proslavlja se u dan koji je u crkvenom kalendaru posvećen svetitelju kojeg porodica slavi kao svog zaštitnika. Svaki pravoslavni dom ima ikonu svoga sveca zaštitnika, a slava se prenosi s kolena na koleno. Najvažniji deo slavskog obreda je molitva za osveštanje kolača, žita i vina.
arodni običaj proslavljanja domaćeg svetitelja zaštitnika oblikovan je u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi, ali u nauci postoje mišljenja da on ima korene u praslovenskom kultu predaka, koji je s primanjem hrišćanstva dobio novi oblik. Kada bi jedna porodica primila hrišćanstvo, domaćin bi uzimao ime svetitelja na čiji dan se krstio, slavio taj dan, a potom je porodica nastavljala da slavi istog svetitelja kao svog zaštitnika. Jednom primljena slava se ne menja, već se generacijama prenosi sa oca na sina. Pripreme za slavu i dani slavlja ispunjeni su složenom simbolikom prinošenja žrtvenih darova. Kolač, žito, vino i sveća, kao i sama svečana trpeza prinose se u slavu Boga, u čast svetitelja, za pokoj duša preminulih članova porodice i za zdravlje i napredak živih. U SREDIŠTU SLAVE JE SVEČANI KOLAČ Slavski kolač zapravo je izraz blagodarnosti Bogu, pa se stoga najveća pažnja posvećuje njegovom pravljenju i ukrašavanju. Običaj je da se pre slave u kuću pozove sveštenik da osvešta vodu od koje se mesi obredni kvasni hleb. Kolač se peče dan pred slavu,
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
priprema se ritualno i kitnjasto ukrašava, jer on je„slika vere, nade i ljubavi”. Simboli koji se koriste za ukrašavanje predstavljaju srž hrišćanske vere: na kolaču se uvek nalazi krst i Hristov pečat IS - HS – NI – KA, što je skraćenica preuzeta iz grčkog jezika, koja ima značenje „Isus Hristos pobeđuje”. Uz ove simbole, na „lice hleba”
često se stavljaju figurice golubova, koji predstavljaju Svetog duha, knjige, koje simbolizuje Reč Božiju i Sveto pismo, klasja žita i grozdove vinove loze, koji označavaju blagostanje i obilje... Svečani slavski hlebovi ispisani su jezikom simbola, a njihovo ukrašavanje predstavlja ogledalo domaćice i porodice koja slavi.
Po pravilu, u svakoj kući na počasnom mestu, na zidu okrenutom prema istoku, stoji ikona svetitelja zaštitnika, ikona Isusa Hrista i ikona Presvete Bogorodice. Ritualni predmeti su i kandilo, kadionica i čirak za sveću. Slavska sveća obično je od čistog pčelinjeg voska: kako su pčele device, sveća simbolizuje čistotu i nevinost, a plamen upaljene sveće radost praznika i svetlost vere. Slavsko žito označava žrtvu zahvalnosti Bogu za date zemaljske plodove, te spomen na svetitelja i uspomenu na pretke. „Ko krsno ime slavi, onom i pomaže“ – izreka je sačuvana u srpskom narodu.
UZVIŠENI SMISAO LOMLJENJA KOLAČA Rano izjutra, na sam dan slave, kolač, žito i vino nose se u crkvu na zajedničko osveštanje, a ponekad i sveštenik dolazi u kuću svečara da obavi taj obred. Nad prinetim darovima peva se tropar svetitelju i izgovaraju molitve za dobrobit i zdravlje. Kolač se reže „krstoobrazno” po donjoj kori i preliva vinom. Sečenje hleba u obliku krsta predstavlja Hristovo stradanje, a prelivanje vinom označava krv koju je on prolio za naše spasenje. Vrhunac obreda je svečano lomljenje hleba, kada ga sveštenik, zajedno sa domaćinom i članovima porodice, podiže uvis. Tada svi zajedno vrte kolač ukrug i celivaju ga tri puta, pri čemu sveštenik govori: „Hristos je među nama!” A domaćin i članovi porodice odgovaraju: „I jeste, i biće.” Ovim činom završava se prvi deo slavskog obreda.
Museum of Bread, Pećinci
PRAZNIK OKUPLJANJA Drugi deo slavlja je u kući: najpre domaćin u prisustvu ukućana i prijatelja pred ikonom svetitelja pali slavsku sveću i kandilo, a potom uzima komadić kolača i zalogaj žita, ispijajući gutljaj osveštanog vina. Svi članovi porodice, rodbina i gosti započinju slavlje istim ritualom. Slava se, uz zdravice, nastavlja uz gozbu. Ako dan posvećen svetitelju pada u vreme hrišćanskog posta, na trpezi je isključivo posna hrana, inače se obavezno priprema pečenje od mesa. Po tradiciji, hranu pripremaju žene, a uključena su i deca, koja pomažu oko manjih poslove. Slava može da se svetkuje u jednom danu, ali se često slavi dva ili tri dana. U Srbiji se slavi 78 svetitelja, ali najčešći porodični zaštitnici su Sveti Nikola, Sveti Jovan, Sveti Đorđe i Sveti Arhangel Mihailo. Toliko mnogo porodica slavi
Inicijativu da „Porodična slava“ bude upisana na Uneskovu Reprezentativnu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa čovečanstva pokrenuli su Nacionalni komitet za nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe i Centar za nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe Etnografskog muzeja u Beogradu, uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije i Nacionalne komisije za saradnju sa Uneskom Ministarstva spoljnih poslova. Predlog je pripremljen uz podršku lokalnih samouprava, regionalnih muzeja, turističkih i nevladinih organizacija i pojedinaca, sa ciljem da se doprinese zaštiti i očuvanju tog dela nematerijalnog nasleđa i da Slava, pored regionalnog i nacionalnog značaja, bude priznata i prepoznata na širem, međunarodnom, nivou. Centar za nematerijalno nasleđe Etnografskog muzeja priložio je Uneskovoj komisiji obimnu dokumentaciju koja ukazuje na značaj slave u srpskom narodu, pre svega kao simbola zajedništva. Odluka o upisu slave doneta je u novembru 2014. godine u sedištu Uneska u Parizu. ta četiri svetitelja da se često kaže kako su to dani kada pola Srbije slavi, a pola odlazi u goste. Priredila Milena Mihaljčić Foto: Centar za nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe Etnografskog muzeja u Beograd
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
I N T E R V I E W: B O S A R O S I Ć – E T N O LO G I S T
ZLATIBOR, MY CORNER OF SERBIA I grew up in an Old Raška log cabin similar to the houses that can now be seen in the Museum of Folk Architecture in Sirogojno. I acquired my first knowledge listening to epic poems my father used to sing to the accompaniment of a Balkan musical instrument called gusle, and at the age of four, I would read them at spinning bees that my mother used to organise at our home. I feel as if I was born together with Vuk Karadžić. I have devoted my entire working life to folklore and the unique continuation of his work.
osa Rosić is considered one of the most prolific Serbian ethnologists. For her extensive achievements she received the Masaryk award for the overall work, and the Golden Badge award by the Cultural and Educational Association of Serbia in 2006. In 2014, she was granted the Vuk award – one of the greatest acknowledgements for the contribution to Serbia’s cultural development. “With her versatile cultural activity, knowledge, intelligence, generosity, Bosa Rosić, an exemplary Zlatibor woman, has become a real human institution of her homeland, its glorious past and unique natural beauties”, noted down academician Dobrica Ćosić in an afterword to the book Memories on the Stone. This is only one of the works that present Bosa Rosić as a passionate keeper of the Serbian heritage. In the Memories she dealt with thousands of monument and grave inscriptions
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
devoted to known and unknown heroes of the First and Second Serbian Uprising that are located in the territory of Western and Central Serbia. These “stone primers” that are wrenched from oblivion narrate the history of Serbs in the first half of the 19th century and their achievements in the fields of art, literature and philosophy. Traces of material and spiritual culture testify about the life of people, and memorials are its best representatives. Bosa Rosić is considered a top-class expert for funerary art in the Serbian tradition. Up to now she has covered more than 50,000 tombstones in Serbia, Romania, Albania and Hungary, as well as numerous objects of folk architecture, movables, tools, weapons... In her several decade-long researches, she has recorded a great number of folk proverbs, anecdotes, customs and myths. She published numerous books and papers of ethnographic
content, and she works as a permanent associate of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts on the project “Position of the Serbian national minority in neighbouring countries”. It all started four decades ago in Sirogojno... “Actually, it all started in another Zlatibor village, Branešci, where I was born. I grew up in an Old Raška log cabin similar to the houses that can now be seen in the Museum of Folk Architecture in Sirogojno. I acquired my first knowledge listening to epic poems my father used to sing to the accompaniment of a Balkan musical instrument called gusle, and at the age of four, I would read them at spinning bees that my mother used to organise at our home. I feel as if I was born together with Vuk Karadžić... and, I have devoted my entire life to folklore and the unique continuation of his work.
I know folk poems today just like once when I used to recite them on my way to school. Folk poems help me develop my imagination. Asked by other children how big Šarac, King Marko’s horse, was, I would answer that it was like Strain’s cherry tree, the greatest cherry tree I had ever seen in Zlatibor! While a great hero’s crane was smaller in my imagination – like Vitomir’s cherry tree! I would relate everything to the nature and environment in Zlatibor using it as the measure of all the things,” says Bosa Rosić. S irogojno is one of the tourist attractions of Zlatibor, celebrated by golden hands of Zlatibor women... "Sweaters made in Sirogojno drew a lot of attention to the local women and their creative skill in knitting and handicrafts. I got a job in 1966 in the newly formed Organisation of Zlatibor Knitters, that progressed quickly, so already in the late eighties we had some 2,000 weavers. We worked a lot, with love and dedication, so success was there too. The clothing created by Dobrila Smiljanić, who incorporated Zlatibor motives into her pieces of clothing, became a world hit and could only be found in exclusive stores in Paris, London, Stockholm, New York... In 1977, Dobrila won the prestigious award for contribution to high fashion in Europe. I presented our collections in the biggest fashion shows in fashion capitals and, of course, in Sirogojno." You have also woven yourself into a unique open-air museum. "I was one of the initiators and authors of the ethno-park, which today exists as the museum called Old Village. The project of cultural heritage protection was made in 1980. Three years later, the museum was declared a monument of exceptional significance for Serbian culture. Forty structures from the surrounding villages were moved to an area of five hectares. It was a lot of work. First we explored the terrain, bought off the structures one by one, disassembled them to the last log, drew and created documents and after conservation according to the highest standards, the chalet were placed in the positions chosen. Two museum units were formed: the first include the houses from the late 19th and early 20th century, and the other includes houses adapted to tourist needs: there are apartments, taverns, a souvenir shop." In creating the "Old Village", every detail was taken into account. "The households were vividly and faithfully reconstructed, and I collected over 1,300 authentic items for the permanent ethnographic exhibition at the museum. They, as well as various objects of folk architecture, make real the lifestyle of people in Zlatibor. Also, we have contributed a lot to the popularisation of knitting, we introduced woven garments in fashion worldwide. Sweaters mod-
Old Village Museum
Old Village Museum elled on Tornik are still very much in demand, and it is significant that, inspired by Sirogojno tourist ethno villages relying on traditional architecture mushroomed throughout Serbia. Emir Kusturica has repeatedly toured the Old Village before he erected his Drvengrad." A fter Sirogojno, you continued with your professional work in the National Museum in Užice, a town that is also part of the Zlatibor region. "Zlatibor is the basis for me. Everything rests on that basis. This region is essentially my being... I published the book The Eye of Zlatibor, which relates to the life and work of the Zlatibor priest, Radosav Simić, the mythology and customs of Zlatibor. At the National Museum in Užice I made the permanent ethnographic setting Užice, creation and development, the exhibition From Ljubiš
Old Village Museum
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
In Sirogojno, besides the organisation of production and training for knitters, Bosa Rosić has organized exhibitions, literary readings and other cultural events in which the most eminent artists took part. She represented our country and Sirogojno around the world, often as a model in fashion shows, and besides that she studied and completed the studies of ethnology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade with honours. During your work in the area of Uvac, you recorded the diversity, the richness of forms and high artistic achievement of folk architecture of the region, the way of life of the monks living in the monastery of Uvac, the monograph Colourful Villages on the cemeteries and tombstones recorded in the Uvac valley, which saw its second edition – that’s unthinkable for a professional book? "The poetic title Colourful Villages, the way the villagers used to call the cemetery in this part of Stari Vlah, can be seen as a mocking, yet defiant attitude toward death. The echo of this book in the wider circle of readers shows that there are those who are interested in culture of the past and present." Bosa Rosić spends her retirement days working. From her home in Zlatibor, she goes to the field only to have our past recorded for the future. Her house at Palisade is an "ethnological" collection that speaks of the purity and beauty of her soul. Bosa’s house is characteristic too – with a load of books, thousands of photographs and documents on which she works, photos and other objects. She has many friends among journalists, actors, writers, painters... "I do not have to go from here at all! They all come to Zlatibor! Air is beneficial and the view is wide!"
Bosa Rosic as a model, Fashion Fair in the 1980s to the Academy, dedicated to the life and work of the only academician of Zlatibor, Miladin Pećinar, and I also participated in a significant multidisciplinary project on The Holy Waters of the Lim, which covers part of the old Vlachian areas that belongs to Zlatibor.
Sirogojno, with a delegation from the Non-Aligned countries
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Many believe that Zlatibor is overcrowded, cluttered by buildings. "Every day I go to the waters, as we locals call the centre, which is now called Zlatibor, and it used to be known as the King's Waters in honour of King Aleksandar Obrenović and his arrival at this place. There is a fountain here, near the lake around which grow pine trees next to which I first fell in love. In the meantime, (she laughs) a major tourist centre with many hotels, restaurants, cafés emerged here... This centre was built according to the needs of the modern man who likes to be in society and to have everything – shops, post office, drug store, at his arm’s length. The air is the same everywhere, and those who prefer solitude can stay in a Zlatibor village. Zlatibor overcrowded? You were probably thinking how much infrastructure is needed to cover this beautiful vastness. Do you actually know how big Zlatibor is?!" Text and photos by: Rozana Sazdić
Delivery of the Golden Doe, Bosa Rosić with Dobrila Smiljanić
I N T E R V J U :
Odrasla sam u starovlaškoj brvnari, sličnoj kućama koje se nalaze u Muzeju narodnog graditeljstva u Sirogojnu. Prva saznanja dobila sam slušajući epske pesme koje je moj otac pevao uz gusle, a sa četiri godine sam ih čitala na prelima, koja je majka priređivala u našoj kući. Imam utisak kao da sam se rodila s Vukom Karadžićem. Ceo radni vek posvetila sam narodnom stvaralaštvu i svojevrsnom nastavku njegovog dela.
osa Rosić spada među najplodnije srpske etnologe. Za svoje obimno delo, između ostalog, dobila je Masarikovu nagradu za ukupan rad, Zlatnu značku Kulturno – prosvetne zajednice Srbije za 2006. godinu. Godine 2014. dobila je Vukovu nagradu - jedno od najvećih priznanja za doprinos razvoju kulture Srbije. „ Svojom svestranom kulturnom aktivnošću, znanjem, pameću, plemenitošću, Bosa Rosić, ta uzorna zlatiborska žena, postala je istinska ljudska ustanova svog zavičaja, njegove slavne prošlosti i jedinstvenih prirodnih lepota”, zapisao je akademik Dobrica Ćosić u pogovoru knjige Pomenici na kamenu”. Ovo je samo
Zlatibor landscape
jedno od dela koje Bosu Rosić predstavljaju kao strasnog čuvara srpske baštine. U Pomenicima obradila je na hiljade zapisa sa spomenika i grobova znanih i neznanih junaka Prvog i Drugog srpskog ustanka, koji se nalaze na prostoru zapadne i centralne Srbije. Iz ovih „kamenih bukvara” otrgnutim od zaborava, isčitava se istorija Srba u prvoj polovini 19. veka i njena dostignuća u umetnosti, književnosti i filozofiji. Tragovi materijalne i duhovne kulture svedoče o životu naroda, a njeni najbolji reprezenti jesu spomen obeležja. Bosa Rosić slovi za jednog od vrhunskih poznavaoca funerarne umetnosti u srpskoj tradiciji. Do sada je
Zlatibor landscape
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
obradila preko 50.000 nadgrobnih spomenika u Srbiji, Rumuniji, Albaniji i Mađarskoj, kao i mnoge objekte narodne arhitekture, pokućstvo, alate, oružje... Tokom višedecenijskih istraživanja, zabeležila je i veliki broj narodnih umotvorina, anegdota, običaja, mitova. Objavila je više knjiga i radova etnografskog sadržaja, stalni je saradnik SANU na projektu „Položaj nacionalne manjine srpskog naroda u susednim zemljama”.
krajem osamdesetih imali 2000 pletilja. Radili smo puno, s ljubavlju i posvećenošću, te uspeh nije izostao. Odevni predmeti koje je kreirala Dobrila Smiljanić, uklapajući u njih zlatiborske motive, postali su svetski hit i mogli su se naći samo u ekskluzivnim radnjama u Parizu, Londonu, Štokholmu, Tokiju, Njujorku... Dobrila je 1977. godine dobila prestižnu nagradu za doprinos visokoj modi Evrope. Kolekcije smo predstavljali na revijama u najvećim modnim metropolama i, naravno, u Sirogojnu.”
Sve je počelo pre četrdesetak leta u Sirogojnu… „Zapravo, sve je počelo u drugom zlatiborskom selu, Branešcima, gde sam rođena. Odrasla sam u starovlaškoj brvnari, sličnoj kućama koje se nalaze u Muzeju narodnog graditeljstva u Sirogojnu. Prva saznanja dobila sam slušajući epske pesme koje je moj otac pevao uz gusle, a sa četiri godine sam ih čitala na prelima, koja je majka priređivala u našoj kući. Imam utisak kao da sam se rodila s Vukom Karadžićem i ceo radni vek posvetila narodnom stvaralaštvu i svojevrsnom nastavku njegovog dela. Narodne pesme znam i danas kao nekada kada sam ih recitovala na putu do škole. Moja mašta se razvijala preko narodnih pesama. Kada bi me druga deca pitala koliko je velik Šarac, konj kraljevića Marka, odgovorila bih da je kao Strainova trešnja, najveća trešnja koju sam videla na Zlatiboru! A ždrala velikog junaka zamišljala sam manjeg - kao Vitomirovu trešnju! Sve sam povezivala sa prirodom i okruženjem na Zlatiboru koji je bio mera svih stvari,” priča Bosa Rosić.
Utkali ste sebe i u jedinstven Muzej pod otvorenim nebom. „Zadatak etnologa jeste da pruži što verniji opis društva i istakne posebne odlike određenog načina života. Bila sam jedan od inicijatora i autora projekta Etno – parka koji danas egzistira kao Muzej Staro selo. Projekat zaštite kulturne baštine urađen je 1980. godine. Tri godine kasnije, Muzej je proglašen spomenikom od izuzetnog značaja za kulturu Srbije. Na prostoru od pet hektara preneto je 40 objekata iz okolnih sela. Bio je to obiman posao. Prvo smo istraživali teren, otkupljivali objekte jedan po jedan, rasklapali ih do poslednjeg brvna, crtali i kreirali dokumentaciju i posle konzervacije po najvišim standardima, brvnare su postavljane na odabrano mesto. U dve zlatiborske okućnice formirane su dve muzejske celine: prvu čine kuće s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka, a drugu kuće kojima je promenjena namena. One su prilagođene turističkim potrebama: tu se nalaze apartmani, krčma, prodavnica suvenira.
S irogojno je jedna od turističkih atrakcija Zlatibora, a proslavile su ga zlatne ruke zlatiborskih žena… „Džemperi made in Sirogojno skrenuli su veliku pažnju na ovdašnje žensko tvoračko umeće u pletenju i rukotvorinama. Zaposlila sam se 1966. godine u tek formiranoj Organizaciji zlatiborskih pletilja, koja je brzo napredovala, tako da smo
At the Vuk Award ceremony
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Pri stvaranju „Starog sela“ vodilo se račina o svakom detalju? „Domaćinstva su slikovito i verno rekonstruisana, a za stalnu etnografsku postavku u Muzeju prikupila sam preko 1300 autentičnih predmeta. Oni, kao i razni objekti narodnog graditeljstva, dočaravaju nekadašnji način života ljudi na Zlatiboru kada se gradilo bez betona i crepa, živelo bez struje i prodavnica i negovao duh zajedništva. Staro selo ima višestruk značaj, zar ne?
Cover page of the monograph “Stone Monuments”
U Sirogojnu, pored organizovanja proizvodnje i edukacije pletilja, Bosa Rosić je organizovala izložbe, književne večeri i druga kulturna dešavanja na kojima su učestvovali najeminentniji umetnici. Predstavljala je našu zemlju i Sirogojno u celom svetu, često kao maneken na modnim revijama, a uz to je studirala i diplomirala etnologiju na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu sa najvišim ocenama. Takođe, puno smo doprineli popularizaciji pletenja, uveli pletenu odeću u modu u celom svetu. Džemperi po uzoru na Sirogojno su i danas vrlo traženi, a značajno je što su inspirisani Sirogojnom, širom Srbije nikla turistička etno sela koja se oslanjaju na tradicionalnu arhitekturu. Emir Kusturica je više puta razgledao Staro selo pre nego što je podigao Drvengrad.” P osle Sirogojna, stručnim radom nastavili ste da se bavite u Narodnom muzeju u Užicu, gradu koji je, takođe, deo zlatiborskog podneblja. „Zlatibor jeste za mene osnova. Na toj osnovi sve počiva. Ovo podneblje je u suštini moga bića. Objavila sam knjigu Oko zlatiborsko, vezanu za život i rad zlatiborskog prote Radosava Simića, mitologiju i običaje Zlatibora. U Narodnom muzeju u Užicu uradila sam stalnu etnografsku postavku Užice, nastanak i razvoj, izložbu Od Ljubiša do Akademije, posvećene životu i radu jedinog zlatiborskog akademika, Miladina Pećinara, a učestvovala sam u značajnom multidisciplinarnom projektu na Na svetim vodama Lima, koji obuhvata deo starovlaškog područja, kome i Zlatibor pripada. T okom rada na području Uvca, zabeležili ste raznolikost, bogatstvo oblika i visok umetnički domet narodne arhitekture ovog kraja, način života monaštva i ljudi koji su naseljavali posed manastira Uvac, a monografija „Šarena sela“ o grobljima i nadgrobnim belezima u dolini Uvca, doživela je drugo izdanje - nezamislivo za stručnu knjigu? „Poetični naslov Šarena sela, kako ponekad groblja nazivaju meštani u ovom delu Starog Vlaha, može se shvatiti kao podrugljiv, ali istovremeno i prkosni odnos prema smrti. Odjek knjige u širem krugu čitalaca pokazuje da postoje oni koji su zainteresovani za pitanja kulture u prošlosti i sadašnjosti.” Bosa Rosić svoje penzionerske dane provodi u radu. Iz svoje kuće na Zlatiboru, odlazi na teren samo da bi našu prošlost beležila za budućnost. Njena kuća na Palisadu je „etnološka“ zbirka koja govori o čistoti i lepoti njene duše. Bosu određuje i njena kuća – prostor: brdo knjiga, hiljade fotografija i dokumenata
Sirogojno Style Sweater na kojima radi, slike i drugi predmeti. Ima mnogo prijatelja među novinarima, glumcima, književnicima, slikarima, akademicima... „Ne moram da idem odavde, uopšte! Svi dolaze na Zlatibor! Vazduh je ovde blagotvoran i vidik je širok!” Mnogi smatraju da je Zlatibor prenaseljen, zatrpan zgradama. „Svakodnevno idem na Vode, kako mi meštani nazivamo centar koji se sada zove Zlatibor, a nekada se zvao Kraljeve Vode u čast kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića i njegovog dolaska na ovo mesto. Tu se nalazi česma, u blizini je jezero oko koga rastu borovi pored kojih sam se prvi put zaljubila. U međuvremenu, (smeh) ovde je izrastao veliki turistički centar sa mnoštvom hotela, restorana, kafića... Ovakav centar je u skladu sa potrebama današnjeg čoveka koji voli da bude u društvu i da mu je sve – prodavnica, pošta, apoteka na dohvat ruke. Vazduh je svuda isti, a ko više voli osamu, može odsesti u nekom zlatiborskom selu. Zlatibor prenaseljen? Razmišljali ste koliko je potrebno infrastrukture da se prekrije ovo prelepo prostanstvo. Znate li vi, uopšte, koliki je Zlatibor?!” Tekst i fotografije: Rozana Sazdić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Belgrade Fortress
Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park represent an open-air museum of the city’s history. The Victor statue, with its beautiful view over the rivers, is a symbol of Belgrade
City Centre
A pedestrian zone and shopping district – Knez Mihailova Street and Republic Square represent one of the most valuable architectural areas and liveliest parts of the city.
Skadarlija Bohemian Quarter
One of the city’s most significant old ambient quarters, it offers a great time at restaurants and bars offering music and national cuisine.
Skadarlija Bohemian Quarter
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Top Attractions Belgrade’s unique hallmark is provided by its two major rivers, the Sava and the Danube, its cosmopolitan spirit and the charm of its inhabitants. We highly recommend these must-visit places in Serbia’s capital: Belgrade Fortress, Skardarlija bohemian quarter, the heart of the old town, old Zemun, St. Sava Temple, the royal court complex, green oases around Ada Ciganlija lake, Topčider Park and Mount Avala, as well as the legacy from UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register. www.travel-belgrade.com
The Republic Square
Knez Mihailova Street
Photograph of Belgrade Fortress by Svetlana Dingarac BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
City on the River Banks
A special treasure of Belgrade is its riverbank areas. Rafts, clubs, cafés, greenery, walks along the Sava and Danube rivers will give you a unique experience of the city.
St. Sava Temple
This imposing temple, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world, is dedicated to a great man of Serbian history, St. Sava.
Royal Court Complex
The Royal Court and the White Court, which make up the court complex, bear witness to the history and refined artistic taste of the Serbian Karađorđević royal dynasty.
Topčider Park
The Court Park and oriental residence of great Serbian ruler Miloš Obrenović speak about the history of the liberation of Serbia. A magnificent plane tree is the park’s landmark.
Royal Court Complex
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
TopÄ?ider Park
St. Sava Temple
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Ada Ciganlija
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The Archive of Nikola Tesla
Avala Tower
Old Zemun
Once at the very border of the West, old Zemun still evokes the spirit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, with its panoramic views of the Danube, is a landmark of Zemun.
Ada Ciganlija Miroslav’s Gospel
Visit the “Belgrade Sea” – a beautiful river lake surrounded by woodland, with countless cafés, restaurants, bike paths and sports fields.
Avala Tower on the mountain of the same name is one of the city symbols. You will see unforgettable views of the city and its surroundings from the observation deck at the tower’s top.
UNESCO–Memory Of The World
The Archives of Nikola Tesla, the genius scientist who “illuminated the planet”, are in his museum in Belgrade. The oldest uniquely illustrated Cyrillic manuscript, Miroslav’s Gospel, from the 12th century, is preserved at the National Museum.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
When you Google the name of Vladislav Titelbah, you won't find his biographical data so easily. That's somewhat absurd, because the highlights that will immediately pop up will speak about "the author of the first Serbian postcard", "one of the first photographers", "one of the first comic masters"... There are some artists who, regardless of their importance and social contribution, are strangely pushed aside with time. The fascinating work of Vladislav Titelbah was recently returned to memory with a large exhibition.
his spring the Historical Museum of Serbia prepared an exhibition "Serbia in the Heart of a Czech. Vladislav Titelbah (1847-1925) and his time", to bring us closer to the figure and work of the artist who left an indelible trace in Serbian history from the late 19th and early 20th century. His sketches, drawings, prints, watercolours, oils, photos are important and unique witnesses of the time from which they originate as they remember Serbia and Belgrade as they once were. Having fallen in love with Serbia, Vladislav Titelbah left his native Czech Republic, came to Belgrade, received Orthodoxy, was in the company of the most prominent Serbian intellectuals and artists, worked for the royal family, got awarded, travelled all around
A peasant woman
Serbia and documented the cultural and ethnographic material of Serbia, participated in international exhibitions that promoted the Kingdom of Serbia and the Serbian people in the world. During his lifetime he created more than nine thousand works of art: watercolours, paintings, illustrations, books, newspapers, the first postcards in Serbia... Most of his artworks were damaged during the First and Second World War, and only one-ninth of his work remained to date. The number of original works that are kept in the Historical Museum of Serbia is not great, but they are very diverse. It is quite logical, because the artist himself was very versatile. The museum's collection includes works in various artistic techniques and
diverse themes: Serbian scenes and landscapes, the scenes from everyday life, various cultural events, architectural buildings, medieval monuments, traditional crafts and folk costumes. In addition to painting, he was also engaged in applied arts so his collection includes his illustrations for books, designs for postcards, jurneyman’s letters, charters and diplomas. The exhibits also included the last watercolour, with which he entered the Fine Art Collection of the Historical Museum of Serbia just before the exhibition, as the idea of the exhibition was to present the life and work of Vladislav Titelbah in a most comprehensive way, and to bring back the glory to him equivalent to his great work. Dragana Barjaktarević
Charter to the gymnastics society Dušan the Mighty
A group in folk costumes
SRBIJA U SRCU ČEHA Kada u pretraživaču ukucate ime Vladislav Titelbah, nećete tako lako naći biografske podatke o njemu, pomalo apsurdno, jer naslovi koji će odmah iskočiti biće „autor prvih srpskih razglednica“, „među prvima koji se bavio fotografijom“, „jedan od prvih strip majstora“... Postoje neki umetnici koje, bez obzira na veličinu i društveni doprinos, vreme nekako čudno poklopi. Fascinantno delo Vladislava Titelbaha, nedavno je, velikom izložbom vraćeno u sećanje.
storijski muzej Srbije je ovog proleća priredio izložbu „Srbija u srcu Čeha. Vladislav Titelbah (1847–1925) i njegovo vreme“, kako bi nam približio lik i delo umetnika koji je ostavio neizbrisiv trag u srpskoj istoriji s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka. Njegove skice, crteži, grafike, akvareli, ulja, fotografije, važni su i jedinstveni svedoci vremena iz kog potiču, jer pamte Srbiju i Beograd kakvi su nekada bili. Vladislav Titelbah, zaljubivši se u Srbiju, napustio je rodnu Češku, došao u Beograd, primio pravoslavlje, kretao se u društvu najviđenijih srpskih intelektualaca i umetnika, radio za kraljevsku porodicu, bivao nagrađivan, putovao po svim srpskim krajevima i dokumentovao kulturnoetnografsku građu Srbije, učestvovao na međunarodnim izložbama koje su promovisale Kraljevinu Srbiju i srpski narod u svetu. Za života je uradio više od devet hiljada umetničkih radova: akvareli, slike, ilustracije knjiga, novina, prve razglednice u Srbiji... Najveći broj tih umetnina stradao je tokom Prvog i Drugog svetskog rata, te je danas sačuvan tek deveti deo njegovog stvaralaštva. Broj originalnih radova koji se čuvaju u Istorijskom muzeju Srbije nije veliki, ali je veoma raznovrstan. Sasvim logično, jer ih je i sam umetnik bio veoma svestran. U muzejskoj kolekciji zastupljene su različite umetničke tehnike i svakojake tematike: predstave srpskih predela i pejzaža, prizori iz svakodnevnog života, različite kulturne manifestacija, prikazi arhitektonskih zdanja, srednjovekovnih spomenika, starih zanata i narodnih nošnji. Pored slikarstva, bavio se i primenjenom umetnošću, pa zbirka rizniči i njegove ilustracije za knjige, nacrte za razglednice, kalfenska pisma, povelje i diplome. Među izloženim eksponatima našao se i poslednji akvarel, koji je ušao u Likovnu zbirku Istorijskog muzeja Srbije neposredno pred izložbu, jer ideja postavke bila je da se što sveobuhvatnije predstavi život i delo Vladislava Titelbaha, te mu se tako vrati slava ekvivalentna njegovom velikom delu. Dragana Barjaktarević
Traditional rug workshop
VLADISLAVA BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The Second Serbian Uprising broke out at a people's gathering in Takovo on Palm Sunday, on 12 April 1815. Miloš Obrenović was chosen to be the leader of the rebellion. Then he uttered the words, "Here I am, here you are, war to the Turks!" Marking two centuries since the event, the Historical Museum of Serbia prepared an exhibition at Miloš's Residence in Topčider whose title bears the famous Miloš's call for liberation from the Turkish rule.
Drugi srpski ustanak započeo je na narodnom zboru u Takovu na crkveni praznik Cveti 12. aprila 1815. godine. Za vođu bune izabran je Miloš Obrenović. On je tada izrekao: „Evo mene, eto vas, rat Turcima!“ Beležeći dva veka od tog događaja, Istorijski muzej Srbije je u Miloševom konaku na Topčideru priredio izložbu u čijem se nazivu našao upravo čuveni Milošev poziv na oslobođenje od turske vlasti.
Here I am, here you are... The memory of Prince Miloš'" is an unusual story about the Second Serbian Uprising, as it is narrated on twelve comic-boards, all based on the memories of Miloš Obrenović, who at his deathbed recalled the insurgent days. The author of the comics Goran Dukić Gorski, a long-time illustrator of historical themes in Politikin Zabavnik, a master of painting of sharp details and blurred plans, determination, emotional distress and war. The idea to present Prince Miloš and his contemporaries in this art form came from the curators of the Historical Museum – Izabela Martinov Tomović, Borislav Korica, Vladimir Merenik and Boško Ljubojević. "It is their merit that we got an exhibition that is a step forward in museology, and tempting both for children and adults. The dialogues in balloons were made based on the original research of archives and extensive literature, Miloš is now presented as a great fighter and strategist, and not only as a person who was a cunning diplomat," Director of the Historical Museum of Serbia Dušica Bojić said. Together with Miloš, appearing as heroes are Zeko Buljubaša, Tanasko Rajić, Jakov Nenadović and many others, including Karadjordje, as the Second Serbian Uprising is a continuation of the First. Details in the comics were made according to the authentic objects – museum exhibits. They include the Turkish poles, the sabre of Stojan Čupić, known by his nickname Zmaj od Noćaja, Miloš’s money belt, the carbine of Tanasko Rajić, the drums of Hadži Milentije that invited the people to rise, Karadjordje’s raincoat, Miloš’s death mask, a drawing of an authentic look of Miloš's Residence... The exhibition is only the beginning that should soon evolve into a graphic novel to round up the whole story. Dragana Barjaktarević
Evo mene, eto vas... Sećanje kneza Miloša“ neobična je priča je o Drugom srpskom ustanku, jer je ispripovedana na dvanaest strip-tabli, a sve na osnovu sećanja samog Miloša Obrenovića, koji se na samrti prisećao ustaničkih dana. Autor stripova je Goran Đukić Gorski, dugogodišnji ilustrator istorijskih tema u Politikinom zabavniku, majstor za slikanje oštrih detalja i zamagljenih planova, odlučnosti, teskobe i ratnih emocija. A ideja da se knez Miloš i njegovi savremenici predstave i u toj umetničkoj formi, potekla je od kustosa Istorijskog muzeja – Izabele Martinov Tomović, Borislava Korice, Vladimira Merenika i Boška Ljubojevića. „Njihovom zaslugom dobili smo izložbu koja je iskorak u muzeologiji, primamljiva i za decu i za odrasle. Dijalozi u oblačićima urađeni su na osnovu istraživanja originalne arhivske građe i obimne literature, a Miloš je sada prikazan i kao veliki borac i strateg, ne samo kao osoba koja je na lukav način vodila diplomatiju“, rekla je dr Dušica Bojić, direktorka Istorijskog muzeja Srbije. Kao junaci, uz Miloša, pojavljuju se i Zeka Buljubaša, Tanasko Rajić, Jakov Nenadović i mnogi drugi, ali i Karađorđe, jer je Drugi ustanak samo nastavak Prvog. Detalji u stripu rađeni su prema autentičnim predmetima, koji su muzejski eksponati. To su turski kočevi, sablja Stojana Čupića, poznatog po nadimku Zmaj od Noćaja, Milošev pojas za novac, karabin Tanaska Rajića, doboš Hadži Milentija kojim je narod pozivan na ustanak, Karađorđeva kabanica, Miloševa posmrtna maska, crtež autentičnog izgleda Miloševog konaka... Izložba je tek predložak koji bi uskoro trebalo da preraste u grafičku novelu u kojoj će biti naslikana kompletna priča. Dragana Barjaktarević
FLYING MURALS The street artist Artez teaches us flying, it's been a year now. Flying as an equivalent to imagination. Or more specifically the thin line between dreams and reality. He depicts murals that take off with the help of a small blimp, with invisible propeller with suspenders or the first sip of a morning coffee. “I wanted to draw something that will inspire the viewer. I thought that if I draw something impossible, I'll create tangible proof that this is still possible.”
Flying girl, Bistro bar in the Vračar neighbourhood
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
"Woe, woe girls"
The only important thing is to find the right way to achieve what we want to achieve,” Artez explains. First, as part of the Eastern Lab seminar he painted a rooster flying with the help of a tiny blimp on the wall of the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest. He continued the series "Find your way to fly" at the Street Art Festival Delhi in India. He says that it is the mural that best illustrates what is needed for us to take off to the skies – a pair of suspenders and a little bit of imagination. And then he came back to our parts. On the Bistro bar in the Vračar neighbourhood, he painted a girl hovering over a cup of hot coffee. A month later, he did another dreamy mural together with the Zagreb artist Lonac at the Flaster Jam in Banja Luka. Although he flies on the walls, he says he's standing with both feet firmly on the ground. "I found what fulfils me and I work toward the realisation of my dreams. I prefer to think that when I draw, flying refers to those birds that cannot fly because of their cage. There are too many people who are trapped in the routine of everyday life and see no way out of that situation. My murals are designed for those who need something to get a smile on their face and inspire them to look at life from a different perspective," says Artez. READING THE SHAFTS Belgrade is all about details. We just need to pay attention a little more. The details come out of the sight and under the soles. More than ten years ago, an artist pressed into the asphalt small shafts on Terazije
"Relax and stutter" in Prizrenska streets. They are smaller than a smartphone. Each bears a message. Signed by M. Tomić. M. Tomić stands for Miloš Tomić. He is a film director by degree, his profession is that of a lecturer at the Faculty of Media and Communications, and he in his soul is a tireless collector of everything that can be creatively devised. The shafts are strong, heavy, solid, serious, reminding him of the grandfather's medals from the war. As soon as they attracted my attention, the play in the mind started, on paper, and finally on asphalt. The sculptor who made the moulds for small bronze shafts, the smelter poured them, and “Beograd put” road company gave him a permission to put them on the hot asphalt. Instead of the expected "Water Supply and Sewerage" labels put on the real shafts, Miloš’s little shafts bear three unusual messages, "I wonder where is the end of the universe," "Woe, woe girls" and "Relax and stutter". Those are randomly selected pieces of his life. But also three universal messages. Curiosity about the cosmos is a story that philosophising is needless at the moment when one should be direct and clear. It is similar with stuttering. "Perhaps it’s best you can do is to express yourself with all your faults!" Miloš says. And yearning for an unattainable beauty of some girls "here on the street, close at hand, and there is no chance for it", is an eternal topic, somewhat pathetic and awkward, the author says. In the end, we might have learned something, and maybe we have not, but certainly we will have a great story next time when we walk down Terazije Street. By Dragana Barjaktarević
"I wonder where is the end of the universe"
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Već godinu dana ulični umetnik Artez podučava nas letenju. Letenju koje je ekvivalent mašti. Tačnije tankoj granici između snova i stvarnosti. Oslikava murale koji poleću uz pomoć malenog cepelina, nevidljivih propelera na tregerima ili prvog gutljaja jutarnje kafe. „Želeo sam da nacrtam nešto što će inspirisati posmatrača. Pomislio sam da ću, ako nacrtam nešto nemoguće, stvoriti opipljiv dokaz da je to ipak moguće.”
ažno je samo pronaći pravi način da ono što želimo i ostvarimo, objašnjava Artez. Najpre je u okviru seminara Eastern Lab na zidu arhitektonskog fakulteta u Bukureštu naslikao petla koji leti uz pomoć majušnog cepelina. Seriju „Finд your way to fly“ nastavio je na festivalu Street Art Delhi u Indiji. Kaže da je to mural koji najbolje ilustruje ono što je potrebno da bismo se vinuli u oblake – par tregera i malo mašte. A onda se vratio i naše krajeve. Na baru Bistro na Vračaru naslikao je devojku koja lebdi uz šoljicu tople kafe. Mesec dana kasnije, na Flaster jam-u u Banjaluci, zajedno sa zagrebačkim umetnikom Loncem, uradio je još jedan sanjivi mural. Iako se na zidovima razleće, kaže da sam stoji sa obe noge čvrsto na zemlji. „Pronašao sam ono što me ispunjava i svom snagom radim na ostvarenju snova. Više volim da mislim da se letenje koje crtam odnosi na one ptice koje ne mogu da polete zbog svog kaveza. Ima previše ljudi koji su zarobljeni u kolotečini
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
svakodnevice i ne vide izlaz i te situacije. Moji murali namenjeni su onima kojima je potrebno nešto da im izmami osmeh na lice i inspiriše ih da sagledaju svoj život iz drugačije perspektive“, poručuje Artez. ČITANJE ŠAHTOVA Beograd je sav u detaljima. Samo treba malo više da obraćamo pažnju. Promiču pred očima i pod đonovima. Pre više od deset godina jedan umetnik utisnuo je male šahtove u asfalt na Terazijama i u Prizrenskoj ulici. Manji su od pametnog telefona. Na svakom je ispisana poruka. Potpisuje ih M. Tomić. M. Tomić je Miloš Tomić. Po diplomi reditelj, po profesiji predavač na Fakultetu za medije i komunikaciju, a u duši neumorni kolekcionar svega što se može kreativno osmisliti. Šahtovi jaki, teški, solidni, ozbiljni, podsećali su ga na dedina odlikovanja iz rata. Čim su mi privukli pažnju, počela je i igra u mislima, na papiru, naposletku i u asfaltu. Našao je vajara koji je napravio kalupe za male bronzane
šahtove, livac ih je izlio, a Beograd put dao mu je dozvolu da ih postavi u vruć asfalt. Umesto očekivanog Vodovod i kanalizacija, što piše na pravim šahtovima, na Miloševim šahtićima ponavljaju se tri neobične prouke: „Pitam se, pitam gde je kraj kosmosa“, „Jao, jao devojke“ i „Opusti se i mucaj“. U pitanju su nasumice probrani delići njegovog života. Ali i tri univerzalne poruke. Zapitanost o kosmosu je priča o nepotrebnosti filozofiranja u trenutku kad treba biti direktan i jasan. Slično je i sa mucanjem. „Možda je najviše što možeš da uradiš da se izraziš, baš sa svim svojim manama na juriš!“, objašnjava Miloš. A žal za nedostižnom lepotom nekih devojaka „tu na ulici, nadohvat ruke, a nema šanse“, kaže autor, večna je tema, pomalo patetična i nelagodna. Na kraju, možda smo nešto naučili, a možda i nismo, ali svakako nam ostaje sjajna priča sledećeg puta kad prošetamo Terazijama. Dragana Barjaktarević
EXHIBITIONS/IZLOŽBE DRAWINGS BY PETAR DOBROVIĆ CRTEŽI PETRA DOBROVIĆA February - December Gallery of Petar Dobrović /Galerija Petra Dobrovića Info: www.msub.org.rs DANIELA FULGOSI: LINES OF TIME DANIJELA FULGOSI: LINIJE VREMENA June - July Čolaković Legacy/Legat Čolaković Info: www.msub.org.rs ART AS RESISTANCE TO FASCISM UMETNOST KAO OTPOR FAŠIZMU Maj – July Museum of Yugoslav History/Muzej istorije Jugoslavije Info: www.mij.rs MIROSLAV'S GOSPEL - ST PETERSBURG PAGE MIROSLAVLJEVO JEVANĐELJE – PETROGRADSKI LIST May – July Museum of Vuk and Dositej /Muzej Vuka i Dositeja Info: www.narodnimuzej.rs
CONCERTS /KONCERTI EROS RAMAZZOTTI 24th September / 24. septembar Kombank Arena Info: www.kombankarena.rs
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
EXHIBITIONS/IZLOŽBE MILICA STEVANOVIĆ - EMERGING PICTURES MILICA STEVANOVIĆ – NASTAJANJE SLIKA June – July Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Galerija Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosi Info: www.sanu.ac.rs THE FINAL DESTINATION AUSCHWITZ POSLEDNJE ODREDIŠTE AUŠVIC May – July Historical Museum of Serbia /Istorijski muzej Srbije Info: www.imus.org.rs QUEEN NATALIJA OBRENOVIC IN THE FUND OF BRANKO STOJANOVIĆ KRALJICA NATALIJA OBRENOVIĆ U FONDU BRANKA STOJANOVIĆA May – August Historical Museum of Serbia /Istorijski muzej Srbije Info: www.imus.org.rs TRADITIONAL AFRICAN MURALS TRADICIONALNI MURALI AFRIKE December – August Museum of African Art / Muzej afričke umetnosti Info: www.museumofafricanart.org
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
FESTIVALS/FESTIVALI KALEMEGDAN SUMMER FESTIVAL June – August Belgrade Fortress / Beogradska tvrđava Info: www.kalemegdansummerfestival.com FESTIVAL SERBIA WONDERLAND OPEN AIR 2nd – 3rd July Belgrade Fortress /Beogradska tvrđava Info: www.serbiawonderland.com BELGRADE BEER FEST BEOGRADSKI BEER FEST 19th - 23rd Avgust Ušće Info: www.belgradebeerfest.com FISH FEST BEOGRAD 3rd – 6th Septembera River promenade close to Nebojsa Tower / Kej kod Nebojša kule Info: www.fishfestbeograd.com
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Funny and interesting sightseeing: The Republic Square, Bohemian Quarter Skadarlija, the oldest part of Belgrade with Ottoman heritage, „Sillicon valley“, Zoo, Kalemegdan park, Belgrade fortress, The „Victor“ - the most famous symbol of Belgrade, the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers. Saborna church, cafe „?“, Knez Mihailova street. Info: www.belgradewalkingtours.com
Ovo je istovremeno i zabavno i zanimljivo razgledanje: Trg Republike, boemska četvrt Skadarlija, stari delovi Beograda i njegovo osmansko nasleđe, „Silkonska dolina”, Zoo vrt, park Kalemegdan, Beogradska tvrđava, statua „Pobednik” najpoznatiji simbol Beograda, ušće Save u Dunav, Saborna crkva, kultna kafana Znak pitanja, Knez Mihailova ulica. Info: www.belgradewalkingtours.com
Once on the very border of the two empires, Zemun still gives impression of the atmosphere of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, offering a panoramic view of the Danube, is the symbol of this extraordinary city. Valuable edifices and ambiences of Old Zemun are a must-visit for tourists. The tour ends with a stroll on the beautifully landscaped Zemun quay, on the banks of the Danube River. Info: www.belgradewalkingtours.com
Nekada na samoj granici dva carstva, Zemun i danas odiše atmosferom Austrougraske carevine. Simbol ovog posebnog grada je kula Gardoš s predivnim panoramskim pogledom na Dunav. Obilazak vrednih zdanja i ambijenata starog Zemuna spada... Tura se završava šetnjom na predivno uređenom Zemunskom keju, na obali Dunava. Info: www.belgradewalkingtours.com
The tower on the highest hill in Zemun was built in the late 19th century by the Hungarians as a memorial to one millennium of the Hungarian statehood. The Millennium Tower edifice is located within the ruins of the medieval fortress. Today there is a photo gallery Čubrilo and an exhibition space dedicated to the world famous scientist Milutin Milanković. One of the most attractive parts is the terrace offering one of the most beautiful views of the Danube, Zemun and Belgrade. Info: www.kulanagardosu.com
Kulu na najvišem zemunskom bregu podigli su krajem 19. veka Mađari kao memorijalni spomenik hiljadugodišnjice Ugarske državnosti. Zdanje Milenijumske kule podignuto je unutar ruševena srednjovekovne tvrđave. Danas se u njoj nalazi foto-galerija Čubrilo i izložbeni prostor posvećen velikanu svetske nauke Milutinu Milankoviću. Jedan od najatraktivnijih delova je terasa sa koje se pruža jedan od najlepših pogledan na Dunav, Zemun i Beograd. Info: www.tob.rs, www.kulanagardosu.com
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The palace complex of the Karađorđević Dynasty in Dedinje includes the Royal Palace and the White Palace. In addition to these two magnificent mansions and the park, the visitors, accompanied by a specialized tour guide, will also visit the chapel dedicated to St Andrew the Apostle, who is the patron saint of the Royal Family. Departure: every Saturday and Sunday from 9 April through 31 October in two regular times. Info: www. tob.co.rs, www.kraljevina.org
Dvorski kompleks dinastije Karađorđević na Dedinju sastoji se od Kraljevskog i Belog dvora. Pored dva velelepna zdanja i parka, posetioci, uz pratnju profesionalnih turistickih vodica, obilaze i dvorsku kapelu posvećenu Sv. Andreju Prvozvanom, zaštitniku kraljevske porodice. Polasci svake subote i nedelje od 1. aprila do 31.oktobra. Info: w ww. tob.co.rs, www.kraljevina.org
One of the favourite ways to get to know the city is sightseeing by tourist buses. Bus tours depart daily from the Nikola Pašić Square. The most beautiful metropolitan areas are visited – King Aleksandar Boulevard, Slavija Square, Terazije, Republic Square, Students Square, Savamala, Branko's bridge, Ada Bridge... The tour includes an audio-guide. Info: www.tob.rs www.bstours.rs/razgledanje www.visitbelgradelasta.com
Jedan od omiljenih načina za upoznavanje gradova jeste panoramsko razgledanje iz turističkih autobusa. Autobuske ture svakodnevno polaze sa Trga Nikole Pašića. Obilaze se najmarkatnijie gradske zone - Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, Trg Slavija, Terazije, Trg Republike, Studentski trg, Savamala, Brankov most, Most na Adi... Obilazak upotpunjuje priča sa audio-vodiča. Info: www.tob.rs www.bstours.rs/razgledanje www.visitbelgradelasta.com
A mini trip on an open tourist bus departs from Nikola Pašić Square. The half-hour sightseeing tour includes visit to Topčider Park, Prince Miloš Dormitory and the Church of St. Peter and Paul. The ride continues with a visit to the Avala and the restored television tower with the most attractive belvedere throughout the country. Info: www.tob.rs www.visitbelgradelasta.com
Mini izlet otvorenim turističkim autobusom polazi sa Trga Nikole Pašića. Polusatno razgledanje grada uz obilazak Topčiderskog parka, Konaka kneza Miloša i crkve sv. Petra i Pavla, nastavlja se vožnjom do Avale i posetom obnovljenom televizijskom tornju s najatraktivnijim vidikovcem u čitavoj zemlji. Info: www.tob.rs www.visitbelgradelasta.com
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
This sightseeing tour is one that catches Belgrade on the run, from tram rails. The route starts at the turn at the Zoo Park, at Tadeuša Košćuška Street, stopping at Kalemegdan, on the dwarf, in Karađorđeva Street, Nemanjina Street, Resavska Street, Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, Kraljice Marije Street, Džordža Vašingtona Street, Cara Dušana Street. The tour is accompanied by an interesting story of a guide on the city’s history, its architecture and the life of Belgrade citizens. Info: www.tob.rs
Ovaj obilazak je grade „lovi” Beograd iz pokreta, sa tramvajskih šina. Maršruta kreće sa okretnice kod Zoološkog vrta, ulica Tadeuša Košćuška, a zadržava se kod Kalemegdana, na pristaništu, u Karađorđevoj ulici, Nemanjinoj, Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra, Kraljice Marije, Džordža Vašingtona, Cara Dušana. Put prati zanimljiva priča vodiča o istoriji grada, arhitekturi i životu Beograđana. Info: www.tob.rs
Belgrade is one of the few cities lying on the two rivers. Therefore, it is always tempting to get to know the city from its two rivers, the Sava and the Danube. The yachting club “Kej” organises two-hour river tours during which you can relax and enjoy the city from water. To have a complete enjoyment, there is a music programme and dinner à la carte. Info: www.tob.rs www.klubkej.com
Beograd je jedan od retkih gradova koji leže na dve reke. Zato je uvek primamljivo upoznati ga upravo sa talasa Save i Dunava. Jahting Klub Kej organizuje dva sata opuštanja i uživanja na vodi uz panoramsko razgledanje grada. Da bi ugođaj bio potpun, tu su muzički program i večera a la carte. Info: www.tob.rs www.klubkej.com
Boat Slavjana crossed over the "the seven seas" from the far north of Russia to arrive in Serbia. Svibor knights designed a tourist-historical spectacle on rivers which, with knightly competitions and crew dressed in knightly armours, revives the period of the Middle Ages. The Slavjana sail is a part of the tourist offer of Belgrade this summer. Info: www.tob.rs www. svibor.org
Brod Slavjana je s krajnjeg severa Rusije plovila „preko sedam mora” da bi stigla u Srbiju. Srpski viteški red Svibor osmislio je turističko - istorijski spektakl na rekama koji, uz viteška nadmetanja i posadu odevenu u viteške odore, oživljava srednji vek.
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Info: www.tob.rs www.svibor.org
Inspired by the water wealth of the Serbian capital, Wild Serbia designed two tours “Six bridges on the Sava” and “Kayaking around the Great War Island.” The first tour, “Six bridges on the Sava” departs from the Sava quay and goes toward the confluence. The route will take you to see Ada Bridge, New and Old Railroad Bridge, Gazelle, Old Sava bridge and Branko's bridge. The adventure ends on a raft called “The Barracuda”. The second tour - “Kayaking around the Great War Island” reveals the amazing oasis of Belgrade. The Great War Island is a protected natural area of the city inhabited by rare birds and plants. Info: www.tob.rs www.wildserbia.com
Wild Serbi je je, ispirisana vodenom bogatstvom prestonice, osmislili dve ture – „Šest mostova Save“ i „Kajaking oko Ratnog ostrva“. Prva tura „Šest mostova Save“ polazi sa Savskog keja i kreće se ka Ušću. Na toj trasi smenuju se: Most na Adi, Novi i Stari železnički most, Gazela, Stari savski most i Brankov most. Avantura se završava na splavu Barakuda. Druga tura - „Kajaking oko Ratnog ostrva“ otkriva vam čudesnu oazu Beograda. Ratno ostrvo je zaštičeno prirodno dobro grada koje nastanjuju retke ptice i biljke. Info: www.tob.rs www.wildserbia.com
Segway Human Transporter is an electric scooter for use in pedestrian areas. From this season, you can ride Segway and explore different parts of Belgrade: Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan park, Vračar neighborhood, St Sava Temple, Belgrade restaurants etc.
Segway je električni skuter namenjen kretanju ljudi u pešačkim zonama grada. Od ove sezone, Beograd možete upoznati vozeći se segway-ima i istražiti: Beogradsku tvrđavu i park Kalemgedan, Vračar i hram Svetog Save, beogradske restorane i druge atrakcije grada.
Info: www.segwaybeograd.rs
Info: www.segwaybeograd.rs
Bicycle tour “iBikeBelgrade” gives you the possibility to look at different faces of Belgrade and discover its branched biking trails. The tour starts with Dorćol banks of the Danube and continues to New Belgrade. With an abundance of greenery, you will see some of the outstanding buildings of New Belgrade built in the socialist era style. The programme includes a tour of the old centre of Zemun and time-out on the Danube. A new stage begins with a ride towards the New Belgrade bank of the Sava River, where the boat enters the “green paradise of Belgrade” - Ada Ciganlija. Info: www.ibikebelgrade.com
Biciklistička tura „iBikeBelgrade“ pruža vam mogućnost da sagledate različita lica Beograda i otkrijete njegove razgranate biciklističke staze. Tura kreće sa dorćolske obale Dunava i nastavlja se na Novom Beogradu. Uz obilje zelenila videćete i neke od izuzetnih novobeogradskih građevina iz doba socijalizma. Na programu je i obilazak starog jezgra Zemuna i predah na Dunavu. Nova etapa započinje vožnjom ka novobeogradskoj obali Save odakle se brodom prelazi u „zeleni raj Beograda” - Adu Ciganliju. Info: www.ibikebelgrade.com
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Savamala is one of the oldest Belgrade neighbourhoods and one of the youngest places for design, cultural events and exciting nightlife. The walk includes visits to famous toponyms of Savamala: Belgrade Cooperative building, the Hotel Bristol, Manakov and Spanish house and other famous architectural landmarks of the neighbourhood. You can visit Savamala on two different tours: one is organised by Glob Metropolitan, and the other by Art & Tours Belgrade that puts accent on art spaces and murals. Info: www.mikser.rs www.metropoliten.com www.artandtours.com/beograd www.tob.rs;
Savamala je jedna od najstarijih beogradskih četvrti i jedno od najmlađih uporište dizajna, kulturnih dešavanja i uzbudljivog noćnog života. Šetnja obuhvata obilaske znamenitih toponima Savamale: zgradu Beogradske zadruge, hotel Bristol, Manakovu i Špansku kuću, te druga znamenita arhitektonska obeležja kvarta. Savamalu možete upoznati na dve različite ture: jednu organizuje Glob Metropoliten, a drugu Art&Tours Beograd koja akcenat stavlja na umetničke prostore i murale. Info: www.mikser.rs w ww.metropoliten.com www.artandtours.com/beograd
Beneath the city lies another city. Underground Belgrade a different set of invisible tunnels, caves, dungeons, bunkers... A great tour for adventurers in search of secrets, legends and an unexpected history of the city. The route includes the Roman hall, the military bunker from the period of the Cold War, the Great gunpowder storage, dungeons at Kosančićev Venac Square and wine dungeons. Info: www.eurojet.rs www.tob.rs
Ispod grada krije se još jedan grad. Podzemni Beograd predstavlja splet različitih nevidljivih tunela, pećina, laguma, bunkera... Odlična tura za avanturiste u potrazi za tajnama, legendama i jednom neočekivanom istorijom grada. Maršruta obuhvata Rimsku dvoranu, vojni bunker iz doba hladnog rata, Veliki barutni magacin, lagume Kosančićevog venca i vinske lagume. Info: www.eurojet.rs www.tob.rs
Marking one hundred years since the beginning of the First World War, the tourist agency Magelan and Glob Metropolitan have prepared programmes of sightseeing significant locations in the city that are related to this period: the former Austro-Hungarian consulate, Terazije Squeer, Zeleni Venac, Topličin Venac, Kosančićev Venac, the wharf, Belgrade Fortress. Info: w ww.serbianadventures.com www.metropoliten.com
Povodom obeležavanja Sto godina od početka Prvog svetskog rata, turističke agencija Magelan i Glob Metropoliten pripremile su programe razgledanja značajnih lokacija u gradu koje se vezuju za taj period: nekadašnji konzulat Austrougarske, Terazije, Zeleni, Topličin, Kosančićev venac, pristanište, Beogradska tvrđava. Info: www.serbianadventures.com www.metropoliten.com
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The programme “Coffee with Princess Ljubica” shows Belgrade during the time of the Obrenović royal dynasty. The curator of the City Museum dressed in a costume from that era greets visitors as a hostess of her palace. The story with which she animates the audience is popular and adjusted to tourist museum tours. And after a history class at Divanhana, the central place in the Palace, the guests are served the best coffee and the best Turkish delight. Info: www.mgb.org.rs www.tob.rs
Program „Na kafi kod kneginje Ljubice” predstavlja Beogradu za vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenović. Kustoskinja Muzeja grada obučena u kostim iz toga doba dočekuje posetioce kao domaćica svoje palate. Priča kojom animira publiku je popularna i prilagođena turističkim turama obilaska muzeja. A posle časa istorije u Divanhani, centralnom mestu u Konaku gostima se služi kafa i najbolji ratluk. Info: www.mgb.org.rs www.tob.rs
The best way to get to know the city, to get to know its spirit, is to walk around the city on foot.Therefore, we suggest that you visit the museum(s) of Belgrade in an easy walk as part of which you can visit four museums: Princess Ljubica’s Residence, Museum of Paja Jovanović, Museum of Ivo Andric and Museum Jovan Cvijić. Info: www.mgb.org.rs
Najlepši način da se upozna grad, da se upozna njegov duh, jeste proći kroz njega peške. Zato predlažemo da obilazak Beograda kroz Muzej(e) grada Beograda bude lagana šetnja tokom koje mogu da se obiđu 4 muzeja: Konak kneginje Ljubice, Muzej Paje Jovanovića, Muzej Ive Andrića i Muzej Jovana Cvijića. Info: www.mgb.org.rs
One of the brightest chapters in the European prehistory was written no more than fifteen kilometres or so from Belgrade – in today’s settlement of Vinča. The findings of this locality are so much significant that the whole culture of the late neolith of South-east Europe was named after it – the Vinča Culture. On site, there is a small info point with exhibits, and the materials from excavations are kept in the archaeological collection of the Faculty of Philosophy and at the National Museum. Expert guidance is organised on Saturdays and Sundays at different times. Info: www.mgb.org.rs
Jedno od najsvetlijih poglavlja evropske praistorije ispisivano je na obali Dunava, na svega petnaestak kilometara od Beograda - u današnjem naselju Vinča. Nalazi sa ovog lokaliteta su toliko značajni da je cela kultura poznog neolita jugoistočne Evrope po njoj dobila ime – vinčanska kultura. Na nalazištu postoji manja informativna postavka, a materijal sa iskopavanja se čuvaju u arheološkoj zbirci Filozofskog fakulteta i u Narodnom muzeju. Stručno vođenje se organizuje subotom i nedeljom u više termina. Info: www.mgb.org.rs
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Walks on the traces of selected Belgrade writers narrate the story of their lives and the spirit of the times when they were creating. “Walks take you paths that are not marked on the map of the city, next to the addresses of houses, apartments, cafés, schools, editorial offices most of which no longer exist...” For groups of minimum 10 persons, programmes on the traces of Miloš Crnjanski, Isidora Sekulić, Danilo Kiš, Branislav Nušić, Duško Radović, Stevan Sremac, Borisav Stanković, Branko Ćopić, Aca Popović, Dositej Obradović, Djura Jakšić, MiirJam i Zmaj Jova Jovanović. The regular sightseeing programme on Wednesdays takes you on Belgrade trails of our great writer Ivo Andrić, the winner of the Nobel Prize for his novel “Bridge over the Drina”. Info: www.beogradskesetnje.rs
Šetnje tragom izabranih beogradskih pisaca pripovedaju priču o njihovim životima i duhu vremenu u kojem su stvarali. „Šetnje vode stazama koje nisu ucrtane u mapu grada, pored adresa kuća, stanova, kafana, škola, uredništava listova kojih uglavnom više nema...“ Za grupe od najmanje 10 osoba mogu se organizovati programi Tragom Miloša Crnjanskog, Isidore Sekulić, Danila Kiša, Branislava Nušića, Duška Radovića, Stevana Sremca, Borisava Stankovića, Branka Ćopića, Ace Popovića, Dositeja Obradovića, Đure Jakšića, MiirJam i Zmaj Jove Jovanovića. Redovan program razglednja sredom vodi vas „beogradskim stazama“ našeg velikog pisca Ive Andrića - dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za roman „Na Drini ćuprija“. Info: www.beogradskesetnje.rs
Way back on the 1st of June 1892, Nikola Tesla arrived on a visit to Belgrade. The Cluster of cultural routes, Glob Metropolitan Tours have and Magelan Tours, inspired by Tesla’s “June Days”, revived his visit and reminded of the atmosphere of enthusiasm that swept over Belgrade back then. Today the legacy of the Serb of world renown is preserved in the Nikola Tesla Museum and is inscribed on UNESCO’s “Memory of the World Register”. Info: www.metropoliten.com www.magelan.rs www.serbianadventures.com
1. juna davne 1892. godine, Nikola Tesla je doputovao u posetu Beogradu. Klаstеr puteva kulture, Glоb mеtrоpоlitеn tours i turistička agencija MagelaN su, inspirisani Teslinom „junskim danima“, oživeli njegov boravak i podsetili na atmosferu oduševljenja koja je vladala Beogradom. Ostavština „Srbina svetskog glasa“ danas se čuva u Muzeju Nikole Tesle i nalazi se na Uneskovoj listi „Pamćenje sveta“. Info: www.metropoliten.com www.magelan.rs www.serbianadventures.com
The tour Tito Ville is the story of the era of the rule of Josip Broz Tito and the emergence of New Belgrade. The most important buildings of socialist realism and brutalism architecture are visited: the building of the Federal Executive Council, the hotel Yugoslavia, Genex Tower... The tour is laced with an interesting story about the glory and collapse of the Yugoslav socialism. Info: www.artandtours.com/beograd
Tura Tito Ville je priča o epohi vladavine Josipa Broza Tita i nastanku Novog Beograda. Obilaze se najznačajnija zdanja arhitekture socrealizma i brutalizma: Zgrada Saveznog izvršnog veća, hotel Jugoslavija, Genex kula... Tura je protkana i zanimljivim pričama o sjaju i propasti jugoslovenskog socijalizma. Info: www.artandtours.com/beograd
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Start a full-day excursion to Surčin at the port of New Belgrade, in Block 44, where a boat and a travel guide will be waiting for you. After a pleasant sail on the Sava, you’ll arrive to Jakovo. The programme of Surčin tour includes a visit to the farm and paddock “Stremen”, monastery of Fenek, ethno house Stajkov. You will have a lunch break at the nautical village “Biser” on the bank of the river. After lunch, you’ll visit the picnic ground of “Bojčin forest”, and then the club “S” - a luxury tourist complex with pools. At the end of the day, there will be a pleasant boat ride and return to Belgrade. Info: www.turizamsurcin.com
Celodnevni izlet u Surčin započine na pristaništu novobeogradskog bloka 44 gde vas ček brod i turistički vodič. Nakon prijatne plovidbe Savom stiže se u pristanište u Jakovu. Program obilaska opštine Surčin obuhvata posetu salašu i ergeli „Stremen“, manastiru Fenek, etno kući Stajkov. Pauza za ručak je predviđena u nautičkom selu „Biser“ na obali Save. Nakon ručka, na programu je obilazak izletišta „Bojčinska šuma“, a potom i kluba „S“ - luksuznog turističkog kompleska s bazenima. Na kraju dana ponovo vas čeka prijatana vožnja brodom i povratak u Beograd. Info: www.turizamsurcin.com
New tour – Belgrade Village break includes visit to an ethno ambience of the household Zornica Kuca, transportation, traditional meal, and perfect time in the nature. Village Break offers two different tours. Info: www.tob.rs
Nova izletnička tura - Beogradski odmor na selu - uključuje boravak u seoskom ambijentu domaćinstva u okviru etno restorana Zornića kuće, uz organizovan prevoz, zakusku ili ručak, odmor ili aktivnosti po izboru. Info: www.tob.rs
TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES • TURISTIČKI INFORMATIVNI CENTRI TIC TOURIST ORGANZATION OF BELGRADE / TIC TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA BEOGRADA 5 Knez Mihailova Street/ Knez Mihailova 5 Phone: +381 11 26 35 622, +381 11 26 35 343 (Weekdays & Saturday from 9am to 9pm, Sundays 10am-3pm) Tourist Organization of Serbia / Turistička Organizacije Srbije Info Centre, Čika Ljubina 8/I Phone: + 381 11 65 57 127 (Mondays through Saturdays from 9am to 9pm) Airport Nikola Tesla /Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Phone: +381 11 20 97 828 (every day from 9am -9.30pm) Main Railway Station /Glavna železnička stanica Phone: +381 11 36 12 732 (Weekdays & Saturday 7am-1.30pm, Sundays closed) Zemun Tourist Centre /Turistički centar Zemun Magistratski trg 1 Phone: +381 11 37 78 535 (Mondays through Fridays from 9am to 3pm, Saturdays from 9am to 1pm) BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
SLAVJANA SHIP SAILS Serbia, Serbia, you are my love, you are my sister... This is a song sung by the Russian priest-monk Feoktist, one of the creators of an unusual idea: to convey the memory of common ancestors to the future generations, he ordered replicas of old Russian ships. One of the three ships, named Slavjana, crossed over the "the seven seas" from the far north of Russia to arrive in Serbia and to be presented to the Serbian Svibor knights. The Slavjana sail is a part of the tourist offer of Belgrade this summer.
he knights’ alliance Svibor has for decades cooperated with the Russian knights – Bogatyrs. They pay each other visits, cross arms at tournaments and make plans of epic proportions. One such idea was a big venture called "Travelling to the country of Serbia". On Lake Onega, in the shipyard of the city of Petrozavodsk, sailboats of special Karelian resin fir are constructed, and their structures are equal to the medieval ones. Such ships sailed in Russia and Europe a thousand years ago. It was based on the records of visits to the medieval Serbs who came to Russia as scholars and Orthodox missionaries that an idea emerged to embark on "a return historic march". Three replicas of the ships were constructed: Vitez, Hrabr and Slavjana. The first trial sails took place in the cold northern Lake Onega, on the Nativity of the Virgin, in the autumn of 2011, when the ships embarked on their epic tour. At a festive gathering before the start of the venture, the monk Feoktist consecrated the sailing ships and sent a message to brotherly Serbia, "We present you the Slavjana ship, so wait for us!"
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The ship sails on every working day from 6 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4 p.m. and at 6 p.m. from the Zelenilo port at the Zemun quay, near the Hotel Yugoslavia. www.svibor.rs; www.tob.co.rs ACROSS SEVEN SEAS Vitez, Hrabri and Slavjana traveled three years and traveled a long road of seven thousand kilometres. They sailed through eight states and literally across the seven seas, countless of rivers, lakes and canals. Along the way, they suffered many a temptation: they were stopped by the frozen river, they were slapped by giant waves, were accompanied by dolphins and found themselves in the midst of naval manoeuvres... When they arrived at their destination, the Russia knightly brothers, as they had promised, donated Slavjana to Svibor. REVIVING HISTORY We were guests at the promotional tour, which, in cooperation with the Tourist Organisation of
Belgrade (TOB), was organised by Svibor: "We use the ship for exercises, and from this year, in cooperation with the TOB, we also use it for tourism purposes. Since there are only three such ships, visitors of Belgrade and Belgraders have a unique opportunity to sail in the manner it was done thousands years ago. We have designed a tourist-historical spectacle on rivers which, with knightly competitions and crew dressed in knightly armours, revives the period of the Middle Ages. The main charm of Slavjana is, still, the story about the ship, who built it and how, where it sailed, why is it here today with us,” the knight Radivoje Radulović, president of Svibor, speaks with BelGuest magazine. With the ship's bell, that, according to Orthodox tradition, rings once strongly and the second time quietly, we sailed on the Danube and the Sava. From the coast and anchored ships people enthusiastically waved us. Slavjana is so beautiful and unusual that we warmly recommend it. Dragana Barjaktarević
ODISEJA BRODA SLAVJANA Srbija, Srbija, ti si ljubav moja, ti si sestra moja... Ovo je pesma koju je ispevao ruski jeromonah Feoktist - jedan od tvoraca neobične zamisli: u želji da pokolenjima prenese sećanje na zajedničke pretke, dao je da se naprave replike staroruskih bojnih lađi. Jedna od tri lađe, koja nosi ime Slavjana, sa krajnjeg severa Rusije plovila je „preko sedam mora” da bi stigla u Srbiju i bila poklonjena srpskom viteškom redu Svibor. Plovidba Slavjanom je od ovog leta deo turističke ponude Beograda.
iteški savez Svibor već decenijama sarađuje sa ruskim vitezovima - bogatirima. Gostuju jedni kod drugih, ukrštaju oružje na turnirima i kuju planove epskih razmera. Jedna takva velika ideja bio je poduhvat nazvan „Pohod na zemlju Srbiju”. Na jezeru Onjega, u brodogradilištu grada Petrozavodsk, grade se jedrenjaci od posebne karelijske smolastse jele, a njihova konstrukcija, zasnovana na arheološkim nalazima, istovetna je srednjovekovnim. Takvi brodovi su pre hiljadu godina plovili Rusijom i Evropom. Na osnovu zapisa o pohodima srednjovekovnih Srba koji su u Rusiju dolazili kao prosvetitelji i pravoslavni misionari, rodila se ideja da se krene u „uzvratni istorijski pohod”. Izgrađena su tri broda-replike: Vitez, Hrabr i Slavjana. Na hladnom severnom jezeru Onjega održane su prve probne plovidbe, a potom su na Malu Gospojinu, u jesen 2011. godine, lađe krenuli u svoj epski pohod. Na svečanom okupljanju pred početak poduhvata, jeromonah Feoktist osveštao je jedrenjake i poslao poruku sestri Srbiji: „Poklonićemo lađu Slavjanu, zato nas čekajte!”
Lađa plovi svakog radnog dana od 18 časova i subotom u 16 i 18 časova sa pristana „Zelenilo“ na Zemunskom keju, kod hotela Jugoslavija. www.svibor.rs; www.tob.co.rs PREKO SEDAM MORA Vitez, Hrabri i Slavjana putovali su tri godine i prevalili put dug sedam hiljada kilometara. Plovili su kroz osam država i doslovno preko sedam mora, bezbroj reka, jezera i kanala. Usput, doživeli su razna iskušenja: zaustavljale su ih zaleđene reke, stajali su nasukani u plićacima jezera, poklapali su ih džinovsko talasi, pratila ih jata delfina, našli su se usred pomorskih manevara... Kad su stigli na odredište svog odisejskog putešestvija, ruska viteška braća Sviboru su, kako su i obećali, poklonili Slavjanu. Inače, ime lađe u prevodu znači slovenska lepotica.
OŽIVLJAVANJE ISTORIJE Bili smo gosti na promotivnoj plovidbi lepe Slovenke koju je, u saradnji s Turističkom organizacijom Beograda, upriličio Svibor: „Lađu koristimo za vežbe, a od ovog godine, u saradnji sa TOB -om i u turističke svrhe. Budući da postoje samo tri takva broda, posetioci Beograda i Beograđani, imaju jedinstvenu priliku da zaplove na način kako se to radilo pre hiljadu godinu. Osmislili smo turističko - istorijski spektakl na rekama koji, uz viteška nadmetanja i posadu odevenu u viteške odore, oživljava srednji vek. Glavna čar Slavjane je, ipak, priča o njoj, ko ju je i kako napravio, kuda je sve putovala, zbog čega se danas nalazi ovde“, kaže za BelGuest vitez Radivoje Radulović, predsednik Svibora. Uz brodsko zvono koje, po pravoslavnom običaju, zvoni jedanput snažno, a drugi put tiho, plovili smo Dunavom i Savom. Sa obala i ukotvljenih brodova oduševljeno su nam mahali ljudi. Slavjana je toliko lepa i neobična, da je toplo preporučujemo. Dragana Barjaktarević
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
S A V K O V I Ć ,
"...I want to sleep, I want to dream. I want to again hear the sound of my steps on boulevards of the world. I want my, our, Blue Serbia. I want to hear at our Maracana once again the sound of the national anthem sung by the whole stadium. I want our Blue Serbia become a reaction against bad life, bad government and bad opposition. Bluer than the sky, brighter than birth, by measure of God..." (Boško Savković, magazine Our Sow)
oško Savković is a true artist and an artist with his attitude. His filmography is impressive. As a director, producer and screenwriter he has signed a number of documentaries and promotional films and several TV series. So far he has received over 40 awards at prestigious international festivals of documentary, ecological and tourist films and the last one arrived in Warsaw for his latest film, right before this magazine is printed. Y ou're an acclaimed director, you have published five books, you have been successfully engaged in production and journalism... and you say that you are the citizen of Belgrade by profession. "I was born in Belgrade, I graduated from the Faculty of Law here... My family has lived in Belgrade for seven generations. I would not like to put my
family pedigree on the forefront, if I was not the citizen of Belgrade by spirit. There is a difference between those who live in the capital and those who are citizens of Belgrade by spirit. I have never been against those who only live in Belgrade. On the contrary! I don’t have the option of going to the village as I don’t have one. I've travelled a lot, I could have lived anywhere – but this is my city, and I decided to fight for it until the last breath... with pen, image, word! I was a journalist until 1993 when the famous magazine Intervju, for which I worked after the magazine Student, was sold for a ridiculously small amount of money and was quickly ruined. I went and opened my own firm. NIB Alternativa works today in film production, publishing, graphic and web design. A group of Belgrade non-discredited intellectuals gathered around Alternativa, and it
stands in its name NIB. We launched in 1996. The magazine Naša krmača (Our Sow), which quickly became a cult. The Sow expressed a state of mind, an attitude to reality, removed the obscuration and included many Belgrade journalists in its work. With a circulation of 5,000 copies and a hundredfold more readers we survived for eight years. I published the texts from the Sow that I signed as the editor in chief in the book On the Other Side." D ocumentary films that you made were one of the ways to express your vision of the world and your sensitivity? "A man is what he believes in. All of us are, in fact, constantly writing history. I started creating my own programme on TV Politika in 1989, and since 1996 I have been working on documentaries. I am especially proud of the film In the beginning there
With Hugh Marcus, Director of APTUR festival, and Libor Spacek from Prague, Warsaw
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
was the word – Miroslav's Gospel, which follows the fate of the oldest Serbian manuscripts (from the 12th century) from the place of its creation in its present-day Montenegro, to its listing on UNESCO's Memory of the World list. I would not forget to mention the Balkan Gigolo, Belgrade at night, New York for beginners, It is not like the beautiful, At the end of the world, Fake fighters run a lap of honour, Breviary, Where the Danube silver shines, Silver Lake - the four seasons and so on." T here is a great emotional charge summarised in the movies you've recorded on Belgrade, such as The fruits of winter, After the bombs, May God forgive... "In the Fruits I conveyed a story about a large number of plastic bags that ruthless people thrown on the streets, parks, and Belgrade winds take and pin up on the trees, so they look like some winter fruits on the bare branches. I am aware of the ugliness around us and I focus on finding the beauty and details that remind us. I got the idea for the movie After the bombs, which I recorded in 2012, when I learned that trees blossomed on some Belgrade buildings that were hit by bombs. Out of nowhere, from concrete and dust, some trees reached a height of 15 metres! With this I wanted to draw attention of the domestic and international public that the nature is stronger than all of us. Last year I made the film May God forgive, which has just won a prize in Warsaw. The film is about Belgrade and Serbian actors, who were killed without any trial at the end of 1944." ith a renewing power of nostalgia and hope, W you launched an international festival of environmental and tourist films Silafest in Veliko Gradište. "Not everything should be happening in Belgrade and culture must not be centralised. Because it is centralised, our small towns and villages remain empty. Do you know that the famous series More than a Game was filmed in Ivanjica and Veliko Gradište? These are towns that have a high school, the park, the church – towns with their own identity. Veliko Gradište is located on the Danube and has s great tourist potential. Films are shown on the shore – literally the Danube flows through the Festival. Silafest will this year open on 30 August and will last until 5 September. The festival has been held every year since 2008, although I am never certain whether the local government, which is not stable, will decide it would no longer need the festival. I made the concept for Silafest, but I suggested that the city should be the founder, hoping that people who live there would organise and develop it.
I'm just an executive producer. For a short time Silafest has earned a high rating. About 120-150 films apply, of which an international jury selects 40-odd in the official selection. During those days, Veliko Gradište becomes a meeting place for directors, producers, journalists, directors from similar festivals come as well as representatives of partner organisations, while students of the College of Tourism in Belgrade have their professional practice at the festival. To leave a stronger impression, we show our guests the surroundings, we organise competitions in fishing, cooking culinary specialties, etc. It is known that tourism film can play a major role in the country’s promotion. I am glad that a five-minute film on Serbia – One journey, countless experiences, which I made for the Tourist Organisation of Serbia, was crowned with numerous awards in the world. One should also have another thing in mind when it comes to film. There is big turnover of money in
the film business in the world. We are not aware of that because we are making the movie here... how should I put it, with a lot of enthusiasm! Once upon a time big productions used to make movies in Belgrade. I think that Serbia has great sceneries, the quality of film workers, cheaper resources – all we need it to have it packed and offered to international filmmakers." Y ou use a motorbike as a means of transportation, you’ve cruised throughout Serbia with the bike, it is well known that you never put on a tie, except when you have to receive a prize at Cannes, Vienna, Rio, Barcelona, Moscow, Los Angeles... This is a reflection of commitment, freedom? "It is a conception of life. I realised at one point that you can live in one apartment, wear one pair of shoes, a one shirt... everything beyond that is luxury." Roza Sazdić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
S A V K O V I Ć ,
„Želim da spavam, želim da sanjam. Želim da opet čujem bat svojih koraka po bulevarima sveta. Želim svoju, našu, Plavu Srbiju. Želim da se na našoj Marakani opet zaori himna koju će pevati ceo stadion. Želim da stav prema lošem životu, lošoj vlasti i lošoj opoziciji postane naša, Plava Srbija. Plavlja od neba, svetlija od rađanja, po meri Boga...” (Boško Savković, časopis Naša krmača)
oško Savković je umetnik sa stavom i pokrićem. Njegova filmografija je impresivna. Kao reditelj, producent ili scenarista potpisao je brojne dokumentarne i promotivne filmove i više TV serijala. Do sada je dobio preko 40 nagrada na prestižnim svetskim festivalima dokumentarnog, ekološkog i turističkog filma, a poslednja je stigla iz Varšave za njegov najnoviji film, neposredno pred izlazak ovog broja. P riznati ste reditelj, objavili ste pet knjiga, dugo se uspešno bavite produkcijom i novinarstvom... a kao zanimanje navodite da ste Beograđanin. „Rođen sam u Beogradu, ovde završio Pravni fakultet. Sedam generacija moja porodica živi u Beogradu. Ne bih isticao svoj porodični pedigre, da nisam i duhom Beograđanin. Postoji razlika između
onih koji u prestonici žive i onih koji su Beograđani duhom. Nikada nisam bio protiv ovih drugih. Naprotiv! Selo u koje mogu da odem - nemam. Puno sam putovao, mogao sam da živivim bilo gde - ali ,ovo je moj grad, i rešio sam da se za njega borim do poslednjeg daha... perom, slikom, rečju! Bio sam u novinarstvu do 1993. godine kada je poznati magazin Intervju, u kome sam radio posle Studenta, prodat za smešno male pare i brzo upropašćen. Otišao sam i otvorio svoju firmu. NIB Alternativa i danas funkcioniše - pravi filmove, bavi se izdavaštvom, grafičkim i WEB dizajnom. Oko Alternative se okupila grupa nekompromitovanih intelektualaca Beograda - NIB, pa to stoji u njenom nazivu. Pokrenuli smo 1996. novine Naša krmača, koje su brzo postale kultne. Krmača je izražavala stanje duha, stav prema stvarnosti, razgonila je pomrčinu i u njen rad su se uključili mnogi beograds-
ki novinari. Sa tiražem od 5000 primeraka i stostruko više čitalaca opstali smo 8 godina. Tekstovi iz Krmače, koju sam potpisivao kao glavni i odgovorni urednik, objavio sam u knjizi Sa druge strane.” D okumentarni filmovi koje ste snimili su jedan od načina da izrazite svoje viđenje sveta i svoju osećajnost? „Čovek je ono u šta veruje. Svi mi, u stvari, neprekidno pišemo istoriju. Od 1989. počeo sam da kreiram autorske emisije na TV Politika, a od 1996. godine radim na dokumentarnim filmovima. Posebno sam ponosan na film U početku beše reč – Miroslavljevo jevanđelje, koji prati sudbinu najstarijeg srpskog rukopisa (12 vek), od mesta njegovog nastanka u sadašnjoj Crnoj Gori, do upisivanja na Uneskovu listu Pamćenje sveta. Ne bih izostavio ni Balkanski žigolo, Beograd noću, Njujork za početnike,
At the Grand Prix Ceremony, Vienna
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Ko to tamo lepi, Na kraju sveta, Lažnoborci trče počasni krug, Brevijar, Gde Dunav srebrom sjaji, Srebrno jezero – četiri godišnja doba itd.” V eliki emotivni naboj sažet je u filmovima koje ste snimali o Beogradu, kao što su Plodovi zime, Posle bombi, Bog da prosti. „U Plodovima sam preneo priču o velikom broju plastičnih kesa koje nesavesni građani bacaju po ulicama, parkovima, a beogradski vetrovi raznose i kače u krošnje drveća, pa na golim granama izgledaju kao neko zimsko voće. Svestan sam ružnoće oko nas i usredsređujem se na pronalaženje lepote i detalja koji nas opominju. Ideju za film Posle bombi, koji sam snimio 2012. godine, dobio sam kada sam saznao da je na beogradskim zgradama okrnjenim bombama niklo drveće. Ni iz čega, iz betona i prašine, a pojedina stabla su dostigla visinu od 15 m! Ovim sam hteo da skrenemo pažnju domaće i svetske javnosti na to da je priroda jača od svih nas. Prošle godine sam snimio film Bog da prosti, koji je upravo nagrađen u Varšavi. Film govori o beogradskim i srpskim glumcima koji su krajem 1944. ubijeni bez ikakvog suđenja.” S a nekom obnoviteljskom snagom nostalgije i nade, pokrenuli ste međunarodni fes-
tival ekološkog i tursitičkog filma Silafest u Velikom Gradištu. „Ne treba sve da se dešava u Beogradu i kultura ne sme da bude centralizovana. Zato što jeste, naša mala mesta i sela ostaju prazna. Znate da je čuvena serija Više od igre snimana u Ivanjici i Velikom Gradištu? To su varošice koje imaju gimnaziju, gradski park, crkvu – koje nose svoj identitet. Veliko Gradište se nalazi na Dunavu i ima veliki turistički potencijal. Filmovi se prikazuju na samoj obali - Dunav doslovno protiče kroz Festival. Silafest će ove godine biti otvoren 30. avgusta i trajaće do 5. septembra. Festival se održava svake godine od 2008, mada nikada nisam siguran da lokalna vlast, koja se menja, neće odlučiti da joj ne treba Festival. Ja sam osmislio Silafest, međutim, predložio sam da osnivač bude Grad, u želji da ga ljudi koji tu žive organizuju i razvijaju. Ja sam samo izvršni producent. Za kratko vreme Silafest je stekao visok rejting. Prijavi se oko 120-150 filmova, od kojih međunarodni žiri odabere 40 –ak u zvaničnu selekciju. Veliko Gradište je tih dana stecište reditelja, producenata, novinara, dolaze direktori srodnih Festivala, predstavnici partnerskih organizacija, a studenti Visoke turističke škole iz Beograda na festivalu obavljaju stručnu praksu. Da bismo ostavili što jači utisak, gostima
pokazujemo okolinu, organizujemo takmičenja u ribolovu, pripremi kulinarskih specijalitet i sl. Poznato je da turistički film može imati veliku ulogu u promociji zemlje. Raduje me što je petominutni film Srbija – jedno putovanje bezbroj doživljaj, koji sam napravio za Turističku organizaciju Srbije, ovenčan brojnim nagradama u svetu. Treba imati i drugu stvar na umu kada je u pitanju film. U svetkom filmskom biznisu okreće se mnogo novca. Mi toga nismo svesni jer ovde pravimo film, kako da kažem, sa mnogo entuzijazma! Nekada su velike produkcije puno snimale u Beogradu. Mislim da Srbija ima sjajne predele, kvalitetne filmske radnike, jeftinije resurse – treba sve to upakovati i ponuditi svetskim filmadžijama.” Kao prevozno sredstvo koristite motor, prokrstarili ste njime Srbiju, poznato je da nikada ne stavljate kravatu, osim kada morate da primite nagradu u Kanu, Beču, Riju, Barseloni, Moskvi, Los Anđelesu. To je odraz posvećenosti, slobode? „To je koncepcija života. Shvatio sam u jednom času da možete živeti u jednom stanu, nositi jedne cipele, jednu majicu... sve preko toga je luksuz.” Roza Sazdić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
The photos of landscapes, people and events got the world fall in love with Serbia and get to know the country in the best possible way – as seen by Dragoljub Zamurović. He wanted to be a painter, he graduated from architecture as his parents wished, and became a world-famous photographer. His photographs were published in the world's most prestigious magazines, and the American LIFE Magazine included them twice in the section Big Pictures. He published a dozen great books, exhibited in galleries and in open-air spaces throughout Europe and the world.
ragoljub Zamurović is among the most important Serbian photographers. He is known for his exceptional artistic oeuvre and his photo shooting from a balloon that he himself designed. T here is a new project "The Danube Odyssey" ahead of you, which has already caused attention. What is it about? "The Danube is fascinating, you know, and there is no river in the world whose shores are inhabited by such a large number of nations and national minorities. The Danube Odyssey involves photographing natural beauties of the river and coastal areas, as well as the life and customs of the inhabitants of the Danube. I plan to spend three years flying in a balloon over the Danube from the source to the mouth. From above I will shoot the landscapes and I will go down to the coast to take photos of people. I need good preparation, logistics and support of relevant institutions, associations, colleagues... The Danube runs through ten countries. It is interesting that many ethnic communities, although
separated from their mother country, preserved the old customs. I photographed the life and customs of the descendants of Danube Swabians who today live in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania. It is a special, great story that even the National Geographic also got interested in." Up to what height the balloon can fly? "I went up to 3,000 metres. The balloon can fly up to the height that you want – if you have gas (laughter). The advantage of working from a balloon is great – while flying high you have the ability to look broadly and to glide silently over the water without disturbing the peace of birds and other animals that live on the river. When the shooting is completed, the photographs will be shown at exhibitions in the countries through which the Danube flows, and each photograph will be accompanied by the corresponding text. Visitors will also be able to get to know the beauty of the river near which they live, as well as the life and customs of their close and distant neighbours. It is a way for them to understand that
A poet and a barber with his horse, Pećinci village
concern for the preservation of nature is what connects them, despite ethnic, cultural, religious and other differences." Y ou have already published a book called "Serbia – the Danube basin". How have you fallen to love with the Danube and what leads you along that way? "The Danube flows through the yard of my greatgrandfather in Sremska Kamenica. That was my first encounter with this mighty river, which I got to love even more, sailing with my boat during the years. My wish is that when one sees a photograph, he sees a picture first and only later realises that it is a photograph! I always first devise the scenery and shoot until I "find" it. It takes me about three years for a project, because I want to show all seasons of a landscape and all weather conditions – night, rain, dusk, fog... The book should be like life itself." Roza Sazdić Photo by: Dragoljub Zamurović
A bride in Bačka region, before the wedding
DUNAV OD IZVORA DO UŠĆA Preko fotografija predela, ljudi i događaja, svet se zaljubio u Srbiju i upoznao je na najlepši način - onako kako je vidi Dragoljub Zamurović. Hteo je da bude slikar, po želji roditelja završio je arhitekturu, a postao je svetski poznati fotograf. Njegove fotografije su osvanule u najprestižnijim svetskim časopisima, a američki LIFE magazin ih je dva puta uvrstio u rubriku Big Pictures. Objavio je desetak sjajnih knjiga, izlagao je u galerijama i na otvorenom širom Evrope i sveta.
ragoljub Zamurović se svrstava među nekoliko najznačajnijih umetnika srpske fotografije. Prepoznatljiv je po izuzetnom umetničkom foto opusu i snimanju iz balona koji je sam projektovao. P red Vama je novi projekat „Dunavska Odiseja“ koji je već izazvao pažnju. O čemu se radi? „Dunav je fascinantan, znate, i nema nijedne reke na svetu čije obale naseljava veći broj naroda i nacionalnih manjina. Dunavska Odiseja uključuje fotografisanje prirodnih lepota reke i priobalja, kao i život i običaje stanovnika Dunava. Planiram da tri godine nadlećem balonom Dunav od izvora do ušća.
Odozgo ću slikati pejzaže i silaziću do obala da slikam ljude. Potrebna je dobra priprema, logistika i pomoć nadležnih institucija, udruženja, kolega... Dunav prolazi kroz 10 zemalja. Zanimljivo je da su mnoge etničke zajednice, iako odvojene od matične države, sačuvale stare običaje. Fotografisao sam život i običaj potomaka Podunavskih Švaba koji danas žive u Mađarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Rumuniji. To je posebna, velika priča za koju se zainteresovala i Nacionalna geografija.” Do koje visine balon može da leti? „Ja sam išao do 3000 metara. Balon može koliko hoćete - ako ima plina (smeh). Prednost rada iz balona
je velika - dok letite visoko imate mogućnost da gledate široko, kao i da tiho klizite iznad vode, ne narušavajući mir ptica i drugih životinja koje žive na reci. Kada snimanje bude završeno, fotografije će se naći na izložbama u zemljama kroz koje Dunav protiče, a svaku će pratiti odgovarajući tekst. Posetioci će tako biti u prilici da bolje upoznaju lepote reke pored koje žive, kao i život i običaje bliskih i dalekih suseda. To je način da shvate da ih povezuje, uprkos etničkim, kulturnim, religijskim i drugim razlikama, briga za očuvanje prirode. O bjavili ste već knjigu „Srbija – Dunavski sliv”. Kako ste zavoleli Dunav i šta Vas vodi na tom putu? „Kroz dvorište mog pradede u Sremskoj Kamenici protiče Dunav. To je bio moj prvi susret sa ovom moćnom rekom, koju sam, godinama ploveći sopstvenim čamcem, još više zavoleo. Moja je želja da kada čovek vidi fotografiju, vidi sliku – i da tek kasnije uvidi da je to fotografija! Prizor uvek prvo osmišljavam u svojoj glavi i snimam dok ga ne „pronađem“. Potrebno mi je oko 3 godine za jedan projekat, pošto želim da prikažem sva godišnja doba nekog predela i sve vremenske prilike - noć, kišu, sumrak, maglu... Knjiga treba da bude kao i sam život.” Roza Sazdić Fotografije: Dragoljub Zamurović
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Susak fish pond on the slopes of FruĹĄka Gora mountain
ou can acquaint yourself with Serbia in countless ways, leisurely or by exploring its sights whilst on the move, with eyes wide open to the country’s nature and its immense treasures. The nature of Serbia remains largely undiscovered and almost untouched, while its diverse and attractive landscapes offer a full spectrum of sights and activities. We will present you Serbian national parks, nature parks and other interesting tourist regions with good
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
hiking and mountain bike trails, rivers suitable for rafting, mountain peaks able to be conquered, canyons waiting for your explorative curiosity... The summer is calling you to come and visit Serbia, the summer story in five pictures: the first one covering Western Serbia, the second Eastern, the third Central Serbia, the fourth Vojvodina, and the fifth and final one presenting Serbian adventures. Tales about different regions are interwoven with hints of each area’s gastronomy.
Serbia is a gourmand country known for its “soul food”. Summer is a season during which numerous events take place all over the country. We have picked up several events that may be interesting to attend during your summer holiday in Serbia. But you can do it the opposite way, as well: first, you can visit EXIT, Guča or Nisville Festivals, and then move on to the nature. Or you can apply for a gastro tour, and then “make a match” in a way that suits you best.
rbiju možete upoznati na bezbroj načina odmarajući se i istražujući njene predele u pokretu, širom otvorenih očiju za prirodu i njena neiscrpna blaga. Priroda Srbije još je neotkrivena i skoro netaknuta, a njeni raznoliki i očaravajući predeli nude vam čitavu skalu sadržaja. Predstavljamo vam naše nacionalne parkove, parkove prirode i druge zanimljive turističke regije u kojima postoje dobre planinar-
ske i mountbiking staze, reke na kojima možete splavariti, planinski vrhovi koje možete osvajati, kanjoni koji iščekuju vašu istraživačku ljubopitljivost... Leto vas zove u Srbiju, a njenu letnju priču sastavili smo u pet slika: na jednoj je Zapadna Srbiju, na drugoj Istočna, na trećoj Središnja, na četvrtoj Vojvodina, a na petoj je adrenalinska Srbija. U raznolike predele utkali smo i naznake o gastronomiji svakog podneblja. Srbija je poznata
kao gurmanska zemlja koja ima hranu „s dušom”. Leto je i doba kada se širom zemlje odvijaju brojne manifestacije. Odabrali smo nekoliko događaja koji vam mogu biti zanimljivi i koje možete posetiti tokom letovanja u Srbiji. A može biti i obrnuto: dođite na EXIT, Guču ili Nišvil Festival, a potom produžite u prirodu. Ili dođite na gastro turu, a potom „složite kockice” onim redom koji vama odgovara.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
s for recommendations for a summer holiday on the move, we will begin with mountains in Western Serbia, where it is even difficult to list all wonderful areas and tourist attractions. Among the first is the Tara National Park – a mountain characterised by astonishing surroundings abundant in coniferous forests and viewpoints providing an unreal view. Tara Mountain has around ten marked hiking and mountain bike trails. In order to experience something special, opt for horse riding through the vastness of the mountain. An honourable place in the tourist offer is occupied by the emerald Drina River: its attractive canyon, the second largest in the world, can be explored by boat, while rafting in the lower course of the river will certainly supply you with an exceptional experience. Another jewel, the Mokra Gora Nature Park, is literally leaned against Tara. Mokra Gora is known for the museum-tourist railway “Šarganska Osmica” (Šargan Eight) and “Drvengrad” (Wooden Town) created by famous Serbian director Emir Kusturica. Through these green areas passes
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Gastro recommendations A highlander’s menu
A meal in these areas usually begins with a shot glass of plum brandy known for its countless varieties. You should not miss to take a sip of klekovača – a brandy made of healing juniper berries. The menu necessarily includes smoked beef ham, cheese and kaymak – Serbian milk cream, as well as a widely known specialty called “komplet lepinja” - a type of Serbian flatbread. Along with plum, a fruit typical for Western Serbia, there is raspberry as well, which is used for the production of delicious cakes and juices. You should also taste fragrant teas made of highland plants.
the main section of the bicycle and walking path European hiking trail E7. With more than 400 kilometre trails of different complexity, this part of Serbia is a real heaven for cyclists. If you prefer mountains that secure the benefits of civilization, Zlatibor is the right choice. This cultivated plateau and air spa can be described as a tiny mountain metropolis offering leisurely walks and recreation at well equipped sports fields, swimming pools, spa centres... Suitable air flows allow for paragliding and hovering above the green scenery full of pastures and pine forests. Golija Mountain occupies a huge space and is perfect for people who have an adventurous spirit and like to wander all around. Golija is home to UNESCO protected Biosphere Reserve. There are no huge hotels in this area, but rural tourism is well developed. We will finish our travel through the “western side” with a recommendation to visit the fantastic Uvac River meanders and Special Nature Reserve offering the possibility to observe rare griffon vultures, mountaineer, explore caves, and sail the river by canoes or kayaks.
reporuke za letovanje u pokretu započinjemo u planinskim predelima Zapadne Srbije, gde je čak teško i nabrojati sve divne predele i privlačna turistička mesta. Među prvima je svakako Nacionalni park Tara - planina očaravajućeg ambijenta četinarskih šuma i vidikovaca sa kojih se pružaju nestvarni pogledi. Na Tari postoji desetak obeleženih planinarskih i mauntbiking staza. Poseban doživlj može vam pružiti jahanje prostranstvima planine. U turističkoj ponudi počasno mesto zauzima smaragdna reka Drina: njen atraktivan kanjon, drugi po veličini u svetu, možete istražiti ploveći čamcima, a poseban doživlja će vam svakako pružiti rafting u donjem toku reke. Još jedan dragulj je park prirode Mokra Gora koji je doslovno naslonjen na Taru. Mokra Gora je poznata po muzejsko-turističkoj železnici “Šarganska osmica” i „Drvengradu” Emira Kusturice. Kroz ove zelene predele prolazi glavna deonica biciklističke i pešačke staze Evropskog pešačkog puta E7. Sa
Gastro preporuke Gorštačka trpeza
Obed u ovim krajevima, uobičajeno započinje uz čašicu rakije šljivovice, a varijeteta ima bezbroj. Ne propustite da gucnete klekovaču – rakiju sa bobicama lekovite kleke. Na trpezi su obavezno goveđi pršut, sir i kajamak, a nadaleko je poznat specijalitet zvani „komplet lepinja”. Uz šljivu, voćka Zapadne Srbije je i malina, a od nje se prave ukusni kolači i sokovi. Probajte i mirisne čajeve od gorskog bilja.
oko 400 kilometara staza različite težine ovaj deo Srbije predstavlja pravi biciklistički raj. Ako više volite planine sa blagodetima civilizacije Zlatibor je pravi izbor. Ova pitoma visoravan i vazdušna banja je mala planinska metropola koja nudi ležerne šetnje i rekreaciju na uređenim sportskim terenima, bazenima, spa centrima... Zbog pogodnih vadušnih strujanja ovde možete leteti paraglajderom i lebdeti nad zelenim krajolikom pašnjaka i borovih šuma. Planina Golija zauzima ogromno prostranstvo i idelana je za ljude avanturistikog duha koji vole da otkrivaju sopstvene „staze i bogaze”. Na Goliji se nalazi Rezervat biosfere koji je pod zaštitom Uneska. U ovom kraju nema velikih hotela, ali je veoma razvijen seoski turizam. Putovanje „zapadnom stranom” završavamo preporukom da posetite fantastične meandre reke Uvac i Specijalni rezervat prirode gde možete posmatraju retke beloglave supove, planinariti, istraživiti pećine, ploviti rekom kanuima i kajacima.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
n the border between Serbia and Romania the Danube River forced its way through rocky Carpathian massifs creating the Đerdap Gorge or Iron Gates. Its outstanding beauty can be hardly matched in the whole of Europe. This area gave birth to various cultures providing the basis for the creation of European civilisation. Roman emperor Trajan was the first man in history to “unlock” an impen-
etrable gate of the mighty river by creating a road. Possibilities for active vacation in the vast areas of the Đerdap Gorge and National Park of the same name are almost infinite. In order to cover the area of around twenty particularly recommended tourist spots marked on the parks’ map, you will need a several day itinerary. The offer includes ecological tours, bird watching, hiking and mountaineering followed by
Gastro recommendations | Danube - Balkan menu Fisherman’s soup prepared in kettles, perch, small sturgeon, catfish, “fish ajvar” – a type of relish, are the main gastronomic specialities of Đerdap. River fish is always accompanied with exceptional local wines of Negotin or Knjaževac. Homolje honey and honey liqueur should necessarily be tasted. While in mountain areas of Eastern Serbia, you should order belmuž – a dish made of corn flour and sheep cheese, taste hard cheese of Pirot and Krivovir and take a cup of the unique Rtanj tea.
the visit to viewpoints providing a magnificent “celestial view” over Danube’s whirlpools and gorges. Sailing is particularly developed in this area. Đerdap can be reached by following the international cycle route EuroVelo6. Further on, on the way towards the East we recommend Stara Planina, the nature park that has not yet become sufficiently famous, but it has a lot to offer: the challenges of conquering mountain peaks, mountaineering and hiking along marked trails. Plant species that grow in the mountain’s almost desolate areas give a full sense to the concept of biodiversity preservation. Another recommendation for active vacation includes mountain biking and mountaineering in the mysterious Rtanj Mountain which almost has the shape of a regular pyramid. Nearby, there is wellknown Sokobanja Spa surrounded by the Ozren Mountain, which offers not only hiking and mountain bike trails but also free climbing and paragliding.
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
a granici između Srbije i Rumunije Dunav se probija kroz stenovite masive Karpata stvarajući klisuru Đerdap ili Gvozdena vrata. Po svojoj lepoti, ona je bez premca u čitavoj Evropi. Na njenom prostoru izrastale su kulture na kojima je nastala evropska civilizacija. Rimski imperator Trajan je prvi čovek u istoriji koji je, sagradivši put, „otključao” neprobojnu kapiju moćne reke. Mogućnosti aktivnog odmora u prostranstvima Đerdapa i istoimenog Nacionalnog parka gotovo su neiscrpne. Da biste obišli deo od oko dvadeset posebno preporučenih turističkih tačaka na mapi parka potreban vam je višednevni itinerer. U ponudi su ekološke ture, posmatranje ptica, pešačenje i planinarenje sa obilaskom vidikovaca sa kojih puca „nebeski pogled” na virove i tesnace Dunava. Ovde je posebno razvijen jedriličarski sport. Do
Gastro preporuke | Dunavsko - balkanski meni Alaski riblji kotlići, smuđ, kečiga, som, „riblji ajvar” glavne su gastro poslastice Đerdapa. Uz rečnu ribu služe se izvanredna lokalna negotinska i knjaževačka vina. Obavezno probajete Homoljski med i napitak medovaču. U planinskim delovima Istočne Srbije naručite belmuž – jelo od kukuruznog brašna i ovčjeg sira, probajte pirotski i krivovirski kačkavalj i popijte šoljicu jedinstvenog rtanjskog čaja. Đerdapa možete stići prateći trasu međunarodne biciklističke rute EuroVelo6. A dalje, na putu ka Istoku preporučujemo vam Staru planinu – park prirode koja se još nije dovoljno pročula, ali ima mnogo toga da ponudi: izazove osvajanja vrhova, planinarenje i pešačenje markiranim stazama. Biljne vrste koje rastu na njenom
gotovo nenaseljenom prostoru daju pun smisao pojmu očuvanog biodiverziteta. Još jedna preporuka za aktivni odmor je mauntbiking i planinarenje na tajnovitoj planini Rtanj koja ima oblik gotovo pravilne piramide. U blizini je i poznata Sokobanja, sa planinom Ozren koja, osim šetnih i mauntbiking staza u ponudi ima slobodno penjanje i paraglajding.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
he most impressive mountain massif in Serbia – Kopaonik – is home to the elite and most visited ski resort in the country. However, the offer of the tourist centre and Kopaonik National Park is equally attractive in summer: there are around ten recommended hiking routes along which pastures, meadows and forest alternate and lead towards mountain peaks offering an incredible panoramic view. Apart from a bike park with specially adapted trails for breakneck “downhill” bike rides, Kopaonik provides excitement in the form of paragliding and horse riding as well. The national park service and hoteliers organise Ibar rafting tours and visits to numerous medieval monuments in this area. In the tourist centre you can spend time playing tennis, basketball, volleyball... or swimming in indoor or outdoor swimming pools. Travelling down Kopaonik towards the south-east, you will arrive in the Toplica District – named after an abundance of hot mineral springs. From the small and convenient Prolom Spa, you can organise your walking tour in the Radan Mountain which is “intersected” by interesting thematic trails. One of them will lead you to the unreal scenery of Đavolja
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Gastro recommendations | Wine, forest fruits and Southern enjoyment In the Kopaonik region people drink brandy and wine. Wine arrives from the nearby hilly area full of vineyards known as Župa: you should taste their outstanding wines, particularly white muscadine which is “a must”. The roof of Serbia abounds in blueberries used for making juices and delicacies, while the taste of wild strawberry preserves is hard to put into words. A dining table is always occupied by so-called beli mrs (a type of cheese) and corn bread. You should order veal prepared in a clay pot using open-hearth cooking methods. A special gastronomic experience awaits you in Niš and its surroundings: Niš barbecue with a lot of varieties reflects a Southern sense for enjoyment. Varoš (Devil’s Town): twenty two impressive earthy figures with hats on their heads are standing petrified “on eternal guard”. This natural monument was shortlisted for the Seven Natural Wonders of the World competition. In order to close the circle, continue towards the city of Niš. Above its vast valley rises Suva Planina, one of the most challenging mountain-
eering “targets”. Its highest peak known as Trem provides a view over the greatest crossroads in the Balkans, and below its slopes, in the Jelašnica Gorge, you can try out free climbing on natural rocks and other alpine disciplines. This area is home to the attractive Sićevo Gorge carved by the Nišava River which can be explored on foot, by bicycle or by means of rafting.
a najimpozantnijem planinskom masivu Srbije – Kopaoniku – izgrađen je elitni i naposećeniji ski-centar u zemlji. Ponuda turističkog centra i Nacionalog parka Kopaonik podjednako je privlačna i u letnjim mesecima: postoji desetak preporučenih planinarskih ruta na kojima se smenjuju pašnjaci, livade i šume i vode vas ka vrhovoma sa neverovatnim panoramskim pogledima. Na Kopaoniku postoji bike park sa posebno uređenim stazama za vratolomne „downhil” vožnje, a uzbuđenje vam može pružiti i paraglajding i jahanje. Nacionalni park i hotelijeri organizuju ture splavarenja Ibrom i obilaske brojnih srednjovekovnih spomenika u ovom kraju. U turističkom centru možete igrati tenis, košarku, odbojku... i plivati u zatvorenim i otvorenim bazenima. Spuštajući se s Kopaonika u pravcu jugo-istoka stižete u Toplički kraj – koji je ime dobio po obilju izvora toplih mineralnih voda. Iz male i ugodne Prolom banje možete krenuti u pešački pohod na Radan planinu koja je „premrežena” zanimljivim tematskim stazama. Jedna od njih odvešće vas do nestvarnog krajolika Đavolje
Gastro preporuke | Vino, šumski plodovi i južnjački merak U kopaoničkom kraju pije se i rakija i vino. Vino stiže iz obližnjeg Župskog vinogorja: probajte njihova izvanredna vina, a „pod obavezno” belu tamjaniku. Na krovu Srbije u izobilju rastu borovnice od kojih se prave sokovi i poslastice, a ukus slatka od šumskih jagoda ne može se rečima opisati. Na trpezi se uvek nalazi beli mrs (izbor sireva) i proja. Naručite teletinu ”ispod sača” koja se sprema na ognjištu u specijalnim posudama. A u Nišu i okolini čeka vas poseban gastronomski doživljaj: niški roštilj u bezbroj varijeteta oličava južnjački smisao za merak. varoši: dvadeset dve imozantne zemljane figure sa kapama na glavi okamenjeno stoji „na večnoj straži”. Ovaj spomenik prirode našao se u najužem izboru na konkursu za Sedam svetskih čuda prirode. Zatvarajuć krug, krenite put grada Niša. Nad njegovom prostranom kotlinom nadvija se Suva planina, jedna od najizazovnijih planinarskih
„meta”. Sa njenog vrha zvanog Trem videćete prostor najvećeg raškršća na Balkanu, a pod njenim padinama u klisuri Jelašnica, možete se oprobati u slobodnom penjanju po stenama i drugim alpinistickim disiplinama. U ovom kraju nalazi se i atraktivna Sićevačka klisura koju je usekla reka Nišava, koju možete istražiti pešice, vozeći bicikl ili splavareći.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
he Fruška Gora Mountain imposingly rises above the Vojvodina plain, whereas once, in its distant geological past, it used to be an island in the Pannonian Sea. The moun-
tain is not high, but it is exceptionally long. Its mild slopes are covered with centennial deciduous forests and immense areas of newly planted apples, apricots and peaches. Honey lime-tree
Gastro recommendations | Bačka lunch and Danube charda Even before a modern concept of slow food was created, the wealthy Bačka area had been known for eating in a leisurely and bountiful manner: the lunch starts with a shot glass of quince brandy or Williams pear brandy, it continues with soup and rindfleisch in sauce followed by the main dish, and at the end, optionally arrive poppy seed strudel, apricot or plum noodles, sweet pies made of cherries, pumpkin, apples... Each meal is best accompanied by white Fruška Gora wines, and finally, as a digestif, you should order bermet – a dessert wine with medicinal herbs. Since Danube flows through this part of the Bačka plain, our recommendation is to taste fishermen’s specialities: fish soup, goulash and fish.
forests – the greatest in Europe – are dotted with hives, and its slopes are renowned as an area full of vineyards boasting around two millennium long tradition. Mountaineers and hikers are provided more than 500 kilometres of marked trails that stretch over the most beautiful parts of the mountain. Following its paths you will discover even sixteen Orthodox monasteries, as well as a charming baroque town Sremski Karlovci and Vrdnik Spa. Tourist offer of the Fruška Gora National Park is extraordinarily diverse: ecotours focusing on the flora and insect world, watching of deer, wild boars or mouflons, bird watching. The most attractive programme for bird-watchers is a Danube boat tour. The park area includes dozens of exceptionally arranged picnic grounds and viewpoints. This gentle mountain is located within reach of Novi Sad – the place in which you can make a city break and explore its numerous urban assets.
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
lanina Fruška Gora markantno se izdiže nad vojvođanskom ravnicom, a nekada je, u svojoj davnoj geološkoj prošlosti, bila ostrvo u Panonskom moru. Ona nije visoka, ali je izrazito dugačka. Na njenim blagim padinama rastu stoletne listopadne šume i nepregledni zasadi jabuka, kajsija i breskvi. U lipovim medonosnim šumama – najvećim u Evropi – načičkane su košnice, a na njenim obroncima nalazi se čuveno vinogorje koje baštini tradiciju dugu oko dva milenijuma. Planinarima i pešacima pruža preko 500 kilometra markiranih staza koje prolaze kroz najlepše delove planine. Na njenim stazama otkrićete čak šesnaeset pravoslavnih manastira, kao i ljupki barokni gradić Sremske Karlovce i banju Vrdnik. Turistička ponuda Nacionalnog parka Fruška gora više je nego raznovrsna: eko-ture sa temama sveta flore i insekata, posmatranje jelene, divljih svinja, mufona, pos-
matranje ptica. Najatraktivniji program za birdwatch-ere je Dunavska tura na čamcima. U prostoru parka postoji i na destine izvanredno uređenih
izletišta i vidikovaca. Ova pitoma gora nalazi se nadomak Novog Sada - grada u kojem možete napraviti city break i otkriti njegove brojne urbane adute.
Gastro preporuke | Bački ručak i dunavske čarde I pre no što je smišljen moderan koncept spore hrane u bogatom podneblju Bačke uvek se jelo obilno i natenane: ručak počinje uz čašicu dunjevače ili viljamovke, potom slede supa i rindflajš sa sosom, pa glavno jelo, a na kraju vam, po izboru, stižu štrudla s makom, knedle sa kasijama ili šljivama, slatke pite od višanja, bundeve, jabuka... Uz obed, dobro se slažu bela fruškogorska vina, a za kraj, kao dižestiv naručite bermet - slatko vino sa lekovitim biljem. Kroz ovaj deo bačke ravnice protiče Dunav, pa vam preporučujemo da probate i alaske specijalitete: riblje čorbe, gulaše i ribu.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Meet the most beautiful secluded canyons of Serbia The most famous canyoning adventures are organised in the period from May to late September. Participants get neoprene suits and all the necessary equipment. For beginners, a short training course is organised, followed by "Tribe canyoning adventure" - exploring the canyon of the River Tribe, the second-highest canyon in Serbia and the "Beaver's canyoning adventure". Both canyons are located in Valjevo mountains. Canyoning adventures at Brusnica canyon in the national park Tara, Lazar's canyon on Kučaj Mountain and the canyon of the Trešnjica River near Ljubovija. INFO: www.wildserbia.com
Photo: Dragoljub Zamurović
Upoznajte najlepše skrovite kanjone Srbije Najpoznatije kanjoning avanture priređuju se u periodu od maja do kraja septembra. Učesnici dobijaju neoprenska odela i svu neophodnu opremu. Za početnike se organizuje kratka obuka, a potom kreće „Tribe kanjoning avantura“ - istraživanje kanjona reke Tribe, drugog najvišeg kanjona u Srbiji i „Dabrova kanjoning avantura“. Oba kanjona se nalaze na Valjevskim planinama. Sve više interesovanja privlače avanture kanjonom Brusnice u nacionalnom parku Tara, Lazarevom kanjonu na planini Kučaj i kanjonu reke Trešnjice kod Ljubovije.
Photo: Ivan Nastić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
R E C O M M E N D S :
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
What is it that here at Sokobanja awakens love, animates the spirit and optimism? Undoubtedly, Sokobanja is by many considered to be the most beautiful Serbian spa. It is tucked between the stunning forests and meadows of the four magnificent mature beauties – the mountains of Rtanj, Ozren, Bukovik and Devica. It is enough just to take a breathe of crystal clear air and to take a view of the beauty of green, sky, rocks and water, to understand why this scenery causes admiration. But it is only a small bit of its charms.
... Here in Sokobanja, looking at this splendour of nature, the beauty of this land of light and sky, I am often overcome by an inexplicable sadness but also enthusiasm, thinking in a relaxed way how it would be nice to be back again to Romanticism", the Nobel laureate Ivo Andrić wrote. Also full of vigour was the comedy writer Branislav Nušić who, when describing the spa, created the famous motto Sokobanja – Sokograd, come here old and leave young. There is no one who has been to Sokobanja who hasn’t said that after just a few days he had already felt better, healthier, and livelier.
CHARM OF THE MAIN PROMENDE When you walk through the centre of Sokobanja down the nice marble promenade, you also get to know part of its long history. Here is Konak, which was, two centuries ago, built by Prince Miloš Obrenović. He should be thanked that the properties of Sokobanja water were officially tested, which incited first tourists to come. Actually, in 1837, the first written instruction was issued in his office for him to be sent to Sokobanja to improve health condition. That was how the spa’s modern development began, although the power and healing properties of the local mineral springs were used also back in Roman and Ottoman era. The hammam (Turkish bath) that the Turks built in the 15th century on the foundations of the Roman baths is still in use even today. On the promenade there is the Heritage Museum in front of which there is a summer amphitheatre. The guests of Sokobanja can enjoy concerts there, theatre performances from all over Serbia, readings, performances by cultural societies, jugglers, acrobats, dance groups... and the summer cinema works too. The charm of the promenade is added on by numerous bars, restaurants – a good combination of traditional and contemporary lifestyle. Sites for a peaceful respite are also abound. In the town core, there is a large park with benches and walking paths. The air is lovable, cuddly. Even the trees here breathe. Near the park there are six small attractive beaches of the River Moravica in Sokobanja. Those who prefer water attractions, entertainment and a good time on hot summer days should visit the Aqua Park "Podina", which has four swimming pools, water slides, pool for children with numerous props... For relaxation and anti-age, one should enjoy in thermo-mineral waters and programmes in the Wellness Centre "Soko baths". Fans of water sports, sailors and fishermen have the nearby Lake Bovansko Jezero at disposal.
LUNGS WIDE OPEN Those who want to breathe in the fullest healing mountain air should walk to Lepterija picnic area and Ozrenske Livade meadows, because the concentration of oxygen and negative ions is greater here. Above this green space blossoms the magic "wind rose" that affects the vitality of the body. The dynamic landscapes or medicinal Sokobanja air will inspire you to move and search for new horizons. "Sokobanja is ideal for enjoyment. Do we talk about its natural values first, or about cultural events or opportunities for invigorating relaxation and good fun? The spa is known primarily for medicinal and thermal springs of radioactive water, which has beneficial effects on health. Staying in this green oasis brings back energy and removes the stress, and the view of the calmness of these landscapes is also healing. Sokobanja is therefore rightfully called the green heart of Serbia. We recommend walk to the waterfall Ripaljka, Grudonjske vodenice mills, Sokograd, Sesalačka pećina cave and the surrounding picnic areas. The activities that go with it are picking medicinal herbs for preparing the most famous kind of tea from here – Rtanjski čaj. For athletes, nature lovers
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Turkish bath and recreationists Sokobanja is a true paradise. Visitors with "excess energy" can try adrenaline sports such as paragliding, mountain climbing, mountain biking... We have guests from all over Serbia, as well as from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, France, Slovenia and each of them finds things they like. There is a great interest in programmes of our cultural summer and 18 traditional events that we organise. Sokobanja residents are dedicated to guests and are known as good hosts, open and of good heart," Ljubinko Milenković, Director of the Tourism and Culture Organisation of Sokobanja, told BelGuest. T he guests are delighted with the tastes of the local food. Sokobanja cheese is very much appreciated, which looks like an old ricotta cheese, although it is not, so the slogan "you come old – leave young" may be transformed into the "you look old – but you are actually young"?
The mysterious Rtanj BelGuest mountain Summer |peak Letoof2015 62
Residence of duke Miloš Obrenović
Heritage Museum "Yes, this should be considered (laughs). Sokobanja is famous for young cheese that looks like it is old because it is very high quality and high on calories. The secret of cheese is in the whole fat milk, in nature... Lamb roast here has excellent taste, and it is interesting that lamb coming from Ozren and from Rtanj tastes different because they are fed with different medicinal mountain herbs. An indispensable ingredient in food is that it is prepared is the fact that it is offered with love. Here, time flows slower and life has a better quality." What is the secret of Sokobanja charm? "We have the wood of love and stone of love!!! The plane tree of love is in our park and couples in love engrave their names on it, with a wish that old tree keep and refine their love, making it stronger and stronger year by year. The stone, which is a symbol of eternal love, is situated on a hillside of Ozren. Here, where the air stuns all the senses, an unusual rock rises, which as a legend says, speaks a
story of how Hajduk Veljko and Čučuk Stana got in love there. A brave, tiny young girl, named (Čučuk) Stana captivated the legendary hero, and the story goes that ones who make a vow near this stone will have eternal love, just as theirs was. Hardly any tourists resist this ritual, and they irreversibly fall in love with Sokobanja (laughs). This is one of the places for the fulfilment of wishes, and as we, Sokobanja people, believe in fulfilling the true wishes, we want our guests to enjoy the gifts of the spa and our hospitality and that they will come again."
INFO: Sokobanja Tourism and Culture Organisation tel.: +381 18 833 988 www.sokobanja.rs
Roza Sazdić Photos by: Sokobanja OTK Archives, Roza Sazdić
Šta to u Sokobanjii budi ljubav, razigrava duh i optimizam? Nesumljivo, ona je po mnogima najlepša srpska banja. Ušuškana je između velelepnih šuma i livada četiri vremešne lepotice – planina Rtanj, Ozren, Bukovik i Devica. Dovoljno je jednom udahnuti kristalno čist vazduh i zaokružiti pogledom lepotu zelenila, neba, kamena i vode, da se shvati zašto izaziva divljenje. Ali, to je samo delić njenih čari.
...Ovde u Sokobanji, gledajući ovu raskoš prirode, ovu lepotu svetlosti zemlje i neba, često me obuzme neka neobjašnjiva tuga ali i zanos, pa sam tako, opušten, razmišljao kako bi bilo lepo vratiti se ponovo romantizmu” – zapisao je nobelovac Ivo Andrić. Pun elana bio je i komediograf Branislav Nušič kada je, opisujući banju, stvorio čuvenu krilaticu Sokobanja – Sokograd, dođeš star - odeš mlad. Nema tog ko je bio u Banji a da nije rekao da se nakon samo nekoliko dana boravka oseća bolje, zdravije, poletnije...
ŠARM GLAVNE PROMENDE Ko prošeta kroz centar Banje lepim mermernim šetalištem, upoznaje i deo njene duge istorije. Ovde se nalazi Konak koji je, pre dva veka, izgradio knjaz Miloš Obrenović. Knjazu treba zahvaliti što su zvanično ispitana svojstva sokobanjskih voda
i podstaknut dolazak prvih turista. Naime, 1837. godine iz njegove kancelarije napisan je prvi uput u Sokobanju radi poboljšanja zdravlja. Time je započeo njen savremeni razvoj, ali su moć i lekovitost ovdašnjih termomineralnih izvora bili korišćeni u rimsko i tursko doba. U upotrebi je i danas „Amam” koje su Turci sagradili u 15. veku na temeljima rimskih termi. Na šetalištu se nailazi na Zavičajni muzej ispred kojeg je uređen letnji amfiteatar. Banjski gosti mogu uživati u koncertima, pozorišnim predstavama iz cele Srbije, književnim večerima, nastupima kulturno-umetničkih društava, žonglera, akrobata, plesnih grupa... a radi i letnji bioskop. Šarmu šetališta doprinose brojni kafići, restorani - dobar spoj tradicionalnog i savremenog načina življenja. Mesta za spokojan predah ima, takođe, na pretek. U najužem gradskom jezgru je veliki park sa klupama i stazama za šetnju. Ovde je vazduh mio, umiljat. I drveće ovde diše. U blizini parka
nalazi se šest malih atraktivnih plaža koje je napravila sokobanjska reka Moravica. Ko više voli vodene atrakcije i zabavu u vrelim letnjim danima posećuje Akva park „Podina“ koji ima četiri bazena, tobogane, bazen za najmlađe sa brojnim rekvizitima. Za relaksaciju i antiage treba se prepustiti dejstvu termomineralnih voda i programima u Wellness centru „Soko terme“. Poklonicima sportova na vodi, nautičarima i ribolovcima na raspolaganju je obližnje Bovansko jezero.
ŠIROM OTVORENIH PLUĆA Oni koji žele da udahnu punim plućima lekoviti planinski vazduh šetaju do izletišta Lepterija i do Ozrenskih livada, jer je koncentacija kiseonika i negativnih jona ovde veća. Nad ovim zelenim prostorima rascvetava se čarobna „ruža vetrova“ koja utiče na vitalnost organizma. Dinamični pejzaži ili lekoviti
View from Lepteria picnic area
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Aqua Park Podina sokobanjski vazduh podstiču na kretanje i traganje za novim vidicima. „Sokobanja je idealna za uživanje. Da li pre govoriti o njenim prirodnim vrednostima, kulturnim sadržajima ili mogućnostima za okrepljujući odmor i dobru zabavu? Banja je poznata, pre svega, po izvorima termalne lekovite i radioaktivne vode, koje povoljno utiču na zdravlje. Boravak u ovoj zelenoj oazi vraća energiju i uništava stres, a lekovit je i pogled na mirnoću ovih predela. Ne kaže se bez razloga da je Sokobanja zeleno srce Srbije. Preporučuju se lagane šetnje do vodopada Ripaljka, Grudonjskih vodenica, Sokograda, Sesalačke pećine i okolnih izletišta. Aktivnosti koje idu uz to su branje lekovitih biljaka, od kojih je najčuveniji rtanjski čaj. Za sportiste i rekreativce Sokobanja je pravi raj. Posetioci koji žele da se oslobode „viška energije“ mogu se oprobati u adrenalinskim sportovima kao što su paraglajding, mountain climbing, mountain biking... Dolaze nam gosti iz čitave Srbije, kao i iz Bugarske, Velike Britanije, Nemačke, Francuske, Slovenije, a svako od njih nađe sadržaj za sebe. Veliko interesovanje vlada za programe našeg kulturnog leta i 18 tradicionalnih manifestacija koje organizujemo. Sokobanjčani su posvećeni gostima i poznati su kao domaćini, otvoreni i dobrog srca” – kaže za BelGuest Ljubinko Milenković, direktor Organizacije za turizam i kulturu Sokobanja.
Waterfall Ripaljka
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
G osti su prezadovoljn i ukusima domaće hrane. Jako je cenjen Sokobanjski sir, koji izgleda kao stari prevreo sir, iako nije, pa bi slogan „dođeš star – odeš mlad“, trebalo možda preinačiti u „izgledaš star - u stvari si mlad“? „Da, treba to razmotriti (smeh). Sokobanja je poznata po mladom siru koji mnogima izgleda kao da je star jer je vrlo kvalitetan i visokokaloričan. Tajna sira
Ljubinko Milenković, Director of the TCO Sokobanja je u punomasnom mleku, u prirodi... Jagnjeće pečenje ovde ima izvanredan ukus, a zanimljivo je što se razlikuje ukus ozrenskog i rtnjskog jagnjeta jer se hrane različitim lekovitim planinskim travama. Neizostavan sastojak hrani je to što se priprema i nudi sa puno ljubavi. Ovde vreme sporije teče i kvalitetno se živi.”
Wood of love
Lepterija picnic area U čemu je tajna sokobanjskog šarma? „Pa u ljubavi (smeh). Imamo Drvo ljubavi i Kamen ljubavi!!! Platan ljubavi se nalazi u našem parku i na njemu zaljubljeni parovi urezuju svoja imena, sa željom da staro drvo čuva i oplemenjuje njihovu ljubav, čineći je iz godine u godinu jačom. Kamen, koji predstavlja simbol večne ljubavi, nalazi se na jednom ozrenskom proplanku. Ovde, gde vazduh omamljuje sva čula, izdiže se neobična stena za koju legenda kaže da su se tu zavoleli Hajduk Veljko i Čučuk Stana. Hrabra mala (čučuk) Stana očarala je legendarnog junaka, te se pripoveda da ko se ovde na Kamenu na ljubav zavetuje, da će ljubav biti, kao i njihova - večna. Retko koji turisti odole ovom ritualu, i nepovratno se zaljube i u Sokobanju (smeh). Ovo je jedno od mesta za ispunjenje želja! Pošto mi, Sokobanjčani, verujemo u ostvarenje pravih želja, poželimo ovde da naši gosti uživaju i da nam ponovo dođu. Kao što vidite po velikom broju posetilaca, želje se ovde ispunjavaju! ”
INFO: Turistička organizacija Sokobanja tel.: +381 18 833 988 www.sokobanja.rs
Roza Sazdić Fotografije: Arhiva OTK Sokobanja, Roza Sazdić
Sokograd Fortress
The rose wine from the Kiš winery brought a lot of joy to the family that has created and produced this wine, and listed Serbia for the first time in history as the winner of the trophy "The Balkans International Wine Competition", having proudly won the title of the best rose wine in the Balkans in 2014. Moreover, this opened the door to other Serbian winemakers as well. BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Stevan Kiš in his vineyard
he story begins in 1830, in Sremski Karlovci, when Stevan Kiš bought his first parcel of land on which he raised his vineyard and began with wine production. Time passed, people changed, the armies passed, but new wines constantly kept coming from Kiš's wine basement every year. Quality, of course, has never been under question as this vineyard has always had only the best of grapes thanks to the sun and the Danube. Until the Second World War, exclusively autochthonous varieties were grown there, but as tastes changed, the vineyards were extended and Chardonnay, Riesling, Merlot were planted... The only thing that has never changed is the orientation of the original, the quality, and openness to the new. It was the propensity for innovation that led them to the idea of blending Merlot and Frankovka, creating an entirely non-standard rose wine. It was this kind of rose wine that brought a lot of joy, and helped Serbia for the first time in history win the trophy "The Balkans International Wine Competition", proudly holding the title of the best rose wine in the Balkans for 2014. BERMET – THE WINE OF RECONCILIATION The newly obtained fame of the Kiš rose wine has not put into shadow the splendour of the far known Karlovci Bermet that this winery has been producing for almost two centuries by the same recipe. The famous wine is produced by adding grape sugar, medicinal herbs and spices, that historians in the past rightly called "the wine of reconciliation". The Kiš winery is right across the famous Chapel of Peace where diplomatic negotiations were held at a roundtable in 1699. It
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
was this point where Austria, Venice, Poland and Turkey signed an agreement, in history known as the Sremski Karlovci peace accord. This wine brings joy and happiness to the people who drink it, and bermet keeps winning gold medals at any competition where it appears.
Of all the places where you can enjoy the wines from the Kiš winery, the BelGuest magazine specifically recommends: Restaurant Teatroteka, Belgrade An authentic and vivid, covered with patina, but still fashionable. Offers a great choice of Serbian and international dishes with an excellent range of wines. Restaurant Pasento, Sremski Karlovci Located on the banks of the Danube, in a romantic atmosphere that reflects the spirit of some good old times, it combines tradition and modernity in the best possible way. After only one lunch, you'll realise that this is a place that you will always want to come back to. Restaurant Ethno House (Etno Kućerak), Zrenjanin Although located in the centre of Zrenjanin, you will have the impression that you have walked into a time gate as soon as you cross the threshold. The ambiance is authentic, the food traditional, services modern and wines exquisite.
ARCHIVAL WINE AND YOUTH GRAŠAC If you go to Sremski Karlovci, do not hesitate to visit the old cellar of this winery. At the entrance you will feel the spirit of the centuries-old tradition and an infinite dedication to wine. You will learn about all the horrors of drought years, and all the blessings of good harvests. You'll try some of their best wines and enjoy the music of tamburitza players. You'll wish to remove the dust from some archival copies, but it is probably the only wish that will remain unanswered. For something like that, you would have had to be born under a lucky star to attend the recently held 11th Belgrade Wine Salon, which was an opportunity and a rare pleasure for a few of us to try Rieslings from long ago. Feeling the life in a sixteen-year-old wine is a special experience. Make no mistake, we're talking about the wine that is drunk young and that generally has no potential for aging. However, although deprived of this experience, you will be enchanted by the enthusiasm of the young Grašac, the old Serbian variety which, this year for the first time, comes on the market under its old, good and respected name. And finally, if you're a fan of red wine, do not miss to feel the peculiar lightness and fruitiness of Fruška Gora Merlot, or perhaps a brilliant blend of famous specialties of Srem and the domesticated Frankovka. Basically, whatever colour of wine you choose, after this visit, the life will certainly look rosy, with a smile on your face and peace at soul. As people from Srem region are such, they bring on peacefulness through their own unrest. Mirjana Maksimović
NAJBOLJI ROSE BALKANA Rose vinarije Kiš doneo je puno radosti porodici koja ga je osmislila i proizvela, a Srbiji pomoglo da po prvi put u istoriji osvoji trofej na „The Balkans International Wine Competition“ i ponosno ponese titulu najboljeg rosea na Balkanu za 2014. Šta više, ispostavilo se da je ova nagrada samo širom otvorila vrata i drugim srpskim vinarima.
riča koju želimo da vam ispričamo, počinje davne 1830. godine, u Sremskim Karlovcima, kada je Stevan iz porodice Kiš, kupio svoj prvi komad zemlje na kome je podigao vinograd i otpočeo proizvodnju vina. Vreme je prolazilo, ljudi se menjali, vojske prolazile, ali iz Kišovog podruma, svake godine, bez prekida, stizalo je novo vino. Kvalitet, razume se, nikad nije bio pod znakom pitanja jer, iz vinograda koje greju dva sunca, jedno sa neba i jedno sa Dunava, uvek je stizalo samo najbolje grožđe. Sve do II svetskog rata, ovde su se gajile isključivo autohtone sorte, ali kako su se ukusi menjali, vinogradi su prošireni i zasađeni šardoneom, rizlingom, merloom... Jedino što se nikada nije menjalo su orijentacija na originalno, kvalitet i otvorenost ka novom. Upravo ta sklonost ka inovaciji navela ih je na ideju da kupažiranjem frankovke i merloa, stvore jedan sasvim nestandardan rose. I baš taj rose, doneo im je puno radosti, a Srbiji pomogao da po prvi put u istoriji osvoji Trofej na „The Balkans International Wine Competition“ i ponosno ponese titulu najboljeg rosea na Balkanu za 2014. BERMET – VINO POMIRENJA Novostečena slava Kišovog rosea ipak nije pomračila sjaj nadaleko čuvenog karlovačkog bermeta koji se u ovoj vinariji već skoro dva veka spravlja po istoj recepturi. Dodavanjem grožđanog šećera, lekovitog i začinskog bilja, dobija se čuveno vino koje su istoričari u prošlosti s razlogom nazivali „vinom pomirenja“. Naime, Vinarija Kiš se nalazi tačno preko puta znamenite Kapele mira u kojoj su 1699. godine za okruglim stolom vođeni diplomatski pregovori. Upravo na tom mestu, Austrija, Venecija, Poljska i Turska sklopile su sporazum, u istoriji poznat pod imenom Karlovački mir. Donoseći radost i veselje ljudima koji ga piju, bermet i dalje osvaja zlatne medalje na kojem god ocenjivanju da se pojavi.
Od svih mesta na kojima možete uživati u vinima Vinarije Kiš, redakcija BelGuest magazina posebno preporučuje: Restoran Teatroteku, Beograd Autentičan i živopisan, pokriven patinom, a ipak moderan. Sjajan izbor srpskih i internacionalnih jela uz odličnu ponudu vina. Restoran Pasent, Sremski Karlovaci Smešten na samoj obali Dunava, u romantičnom ambijentu koji oslikava duh nekih dobrih davnih vremena, spaja tradiciju i modernizam na najlepši mogući način. Nakon samo jednog ručka, shvatićete da je ovo mesto kome ćete se uvek rado vraćati. Restoran Etno Kućerak, Zrenjanin Iako se nalazi u samom centru Zrenjanina, čim prekoračite prag, imaće utisak kao da ste prošli kroz vremensku kapiju. Ambijent autentičan, hrana tradicionalna, usluga moderna, a vina izvrsna.
sa nekih arhivskih primeraka, ali to je jedina želja koja vam verovatno neće biti uslišena. Za tako nešto, morali ste biti rođeni pod srećnom zvezdom koja je nekolicinu nas, na nedavno održanom 11. Beogradskom salonu vina, odvela na specijalizovanu degustaciju na kojoj smo imali retko zadovoljstvo da probamo rizlinge iz nekih davnih godina. Osetiti život u šesnaest godina starom vinu, poseban je doživljaj. Da ne bude zabune, pričamo o vinu koje se pije mlado i koje generalno nema potencijal za odležavanje. Ipak, iako uskraćeni za ovo iskustvo, opčiniće vas zanos mladog Grašca, stare srpske sorte koja, ove godine po prvi put, na tržište izlazi pod svojim starim, dobrim i poštovanim imenom. I za kraj, ako ste ljubitelj crvenog vina, ne propustite da osetite osobenu lepšavost, lakoću i voćnost fruškogorskog merloa, ili možda sjajan spoj čuvenih sremačkih specijaliteta i ovde više nego odomaćene frankovke. U suštini, za koju god boju vina da se odlučite, nakon ove posete, na život ćete svakako gledati ružičasto, s osmehom na licu i mirom u duši. Jer, takvi su ti Sremci, svojim nemirom, mir za druge nose. Mirjana Maksimović
ARHIVSKA VINA I MLADI GRAŠAC Ako vas put navede u Sremske Karlovce, ne oklevajte da posetite stari podrum ove vinarije. Odmah na ulazu osetićete duh vekovne tradicije i bezgraničnu posvećenost vinu. Saznaćete o svim strahotama sušnih godina, ali i svim blagodetima dobrih berbi. Probaćete neka od njihovih najboljih vina i uživati u muzici tamburaša. Poželećete da skinete prašinu
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Niš is a modern city, a major economic and cultural centre of southeast Serbia, home to hundreds of thousands of people that at the same time has the charm of a small town. You can get there from all directions, including road and rail links as well as the international airport "Konstantin Veliki" (Constantine the Great). It is well known for its extraordinary southern cuisine and the talent to relish in food and drink. Also, Niš is surrounded by an extremely varied nature and offers countless challenges for an active holiday.
n the city, which is among the oldest ones in Europe, walking down the streets is like walking through ages. During its centuries of existence, located in a fertile valley of Niš and at the crossroads of important roads, Niš has preserved traces of the passage of many peoples and conquerors. The Niš Fortress features the monuments from different historical periods, such as the collection of tombstones (Lapidarium, 1st to 4th century), ancient streets, Roman baths, early Byzantine street, hammam – the Turkish bath, Arsenal near the Istanbul Gate and Bali Bey Mosque, which is used as a gallery space. Within
View at Niš Fortress
the fortress there are many cafés and an outdoor theatre, the venue of the famous international jazz festival Nisvillle, as well as of numerous other cultural events. It is within the area of the fortress, in the former Roman fortification, where the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of Christianity, was born. During his rule, from 306 to 337, Naissus became one of the most important centres of cultural and religious tolerance, and it experienced a boom as an economic, military and administrative centre of this part of the empire. At the archaeological hall of the National Museum you can see numerous exhibits
illustrating the development of civilisation of the city, from prehistory to modern times. Ancient Niš, one of the biggest entities of the Roman architecture, spread mostly on the right bank of the river, around the borders of the Niš fortress. The fortress was built by the Turks in the first half of the 18th century at the end of their rule in the region. Serbs paid dearly in their struggle for freedom. After the 1809 Battle of Čegar, of the killed insurgents the Turks built a skull tower on the imperial road, at the entrance to Niš. The Skull Tower, now a museum, is a unique monument in the world.
THE TINKERS ALLEY Niš residents are committed to preserving the memory of their past. This is a city with a special spirit: its residents are always ready to joke, they are hospitable and well intentioned. On the main promenade, for example, there is a sculpture of the writer Stevan Sremac and hunter and craftsman Kalča, a great bohemian and the hero of his novel, reviving the old-time spirit of Niš from the late 19th century. Personalities from "Ivkova Slava" (Ivko’s Saint Patron’s Feast) – Kalča, Ivko, Kurjak and their company really lived in Niš. At that time, in addition to "home family life", people began dining out in town taverns. Immortalised in bronze, Sremac and Kalča "sit at an inn table" near the Tinkers Alley. In this old craftsmanship neighbourhood you can find restaurants and inns, and it is a favourite gathering place. It is a joy for Niš residents to sit in a tavern and drink coffee or a drink, have lunch... They like to socialise, get marry, and many of them like the guests. Who really wants to get to know this city has to get to know the people from Niš and enter a local inn. THE SPIRIT OF JOY "Having fun at a local tavern is an unavoidable part of the visit. Even today, Niš is "living" in taverns. One who knows how to listen can learn a lot there. Of course, the quality and variety of food and beverages can only enhance your experience of Niš. Our cuisine is very delicious and superbly spicy and satisfies all the senses. Food ingredients come from the immediate environment, and meat, spices and fresh vegetables are used in large quantities. We are known for ample portions, and a particular, we enjoy in the food and drink slowly, we start singing a song straightforwardly or having a chat right away and in no time we make a family atmosphere," Uroš Parlić, director of the Tourist Organisation of Niš, told BelGuest.
Mountaineering - Suva Planina
What should you try out of the offer of local specialties and what should you choose among the numerous Niš types of meals is a hard question to answer. What you should definitely try is the Niš burek pie. History has recorded that burek was first made right here in the 15th century. Burek masters compete with each other, especially during the "Days of Burek", which are held on the quay near the Nišava River every September. Otherwise, a quarter of burek and yogurt is a common breakfast for Niš locals... and it is excellent as a cure, as experts say, after long nights spent in the Niš taverns. Niš boasts of its taverns and an entire list of dishes on the menu. For starters, to enjoy in the Niš gastronomy, you should take a snack and a brandy of quince, plum or apricot. A good Niš lunch cannot be imagined without soup or broth. As Niš locals like to say, "I haven’t eaten if I haven’t had a meal eaten with a spoon!" Next on the menu is a warm appetizer. As the main course, gourmets recommend specialties that are prepared in earthen vessels Fans of roast meat do not miss the opportunity to order pork, lamb or veal, and who has not tasted roštilj grill has not been to Niš! The skill of preparing the Niš grill is passed on from generation to generation. For dessert you should opt for an old Serbian treat, such as orasnice walnut dessert or dry pie with walnuts as well as some of the regional wines. THE CITY’S MAGNIFICENT SURROUNDINGS "After an abundant meal, you should let yourself enjoy in the nature, right? In the surroundings only twenty kilometres from the urban core, there are magnificent mountain ranges, two beautiful gorges, numerous places for picnicking... This is the right destination for adrenaline sports. There are so many incredibly beautiful landscapes for mountain biking, free climbing, jeep safari, diving, shooting, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, rafting... If you
Uroš Parlić, Director of TO Niš are for action, Koritnik and Sićevo are ideal starting points for paragliders, Sićevac gorge has excellent opportunities for rafting and camping, you can try free climbing at Jelašnica gorge, or walk to Trem, the highest peak of the Suva Planina mountain. Tourists today are not asking just for quality accommodation, but they want an active holiday and entertainment. Nature has given Niš everything, including the beautiful Niška Banja spa with sources of healing thermal waters, which is ideal for rest, treatment and long walks. Niš is a destination for hedonists. We have designed a number of programmes – in short, Niš and its surroundings are a real source of energy and health for the days to come,” Director of the Tourist Organisation of Niš Uroš Parlić concludes. Roza Sazdić Photos by: Archive of the TO Niš & Roza Sazdić
Jelašnica Gorge
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
HEDONISTIČKA AVANTURA Niš je moderan grad, veliki privredni i kulturni centar jugoistočne Srbije, dom za više stotina hiljada ljudi, koji istovremeno ima šarm male varoši. Dostupan je iz svih pravaca preko drumskih i železničkih veza i međunarodnog aerodroma „Konstantin Veliki“. Poznat je po izvanrednoj južnjačkoj kuhinji i umeću uživanju u hrani i piću. Takođe, Niš je okružen neverovatnom raznolikom prirodom i nudi bezbroj izazova za odmor u pokretu.
gradu, koji je jedan od najstarijih u Evropi, šetnja ulicama predstavlja šetnju kroz epohe. Tokom svog vekovnog postojanja, smešten u plodnoj niškoj kotlini i na raskrsnici važnih puteva, Niš je sačuvao tragove prolaska mnogih naroda i osvajača. U centru grada, u Niškoj tvrđavi, nalaze se spomenici iz različitih istrorijskih perioda, kao što je zbirka nadgrobnih spomenika (Lapidarijum, I – IV vek), Antička ulica, rimske terme, ranovizantijska ulica, Hamam - tursko kupatilo, Spomenik knezu Milanu Obrenoviću i oslobodiocima Niša, zatim Arsenal kod Stambol kapije i Bali begova
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
džamija, koje se restaurirane i koriste se kao galerijski prostor i dr. Danas je u njenom okrilju i Istorijski arhiv, staze za šetnju, brojni kafići i letnja pozornica u kojoj se održava međunarodni džez festival Nišville i drugi kulturni događaji. Na prostoru Tvrđave, u nekadašnjem rimskom utvrđenju, rođen je potonji rimski car Konstantin Veliki, utemeljivač hrišćanstva. Za vreme njegove vladavine rimskim carstvom, od 306. do 337. godine, Naisus je postao jedan od najznačajnijih centara kulture i verske tolerancije, a doživeo je i pravi procvat kao ekonomski, vojni i administrativni centar ovog dela carstva. U
arheološkoj sali Narodnog muzeja mogu se pogledati brojni eksponati koji slikovito prikazuju civilizacijski razvoj grada, od praistorije do novijeg doba. Antički Niš, jedan od najvećih celina rimske arhitekture, uglavnom se širio na desnoj obali reke, otprilike u granicama Niške tvrđave. Tvrđavu su podigli Turci u prvoj polovini 18. veka pri kraju vladavine ovim prostorima. Srbi su skupo platili svoju borbu za slobodu. Posle Bitke na Čegru 1809. godine, Turci su na carskom drumu, na ulasku u Niš, od glava poginulih ustanika napravili kulu od lobanja. Ćele kula, danas muzej, jedinstveni je spomenik u svetu.
KAZANDŽIJSKO SOKAČE Nišlije predano čuvaju uspomenu na svoju prošlost. Ono što ovaj grad ima jeste poseban duh. Njegovi stanovnici su uvek spremni na šalu, gostoljubivi i dobronamerni. Na glavnoj gradskoj promenadi, na meraklijski duh Niša s kraja 19. veka podseća skulptura književnika Stevana Sremca i lovca i zanatlije Kalče, velikog boema i junaka njegovog romana. Ličnosti iz „Ivkove slave“ – Kalča, Ivko, Kurjak i drugi, zaista su živeli u Nišu. U to vreme, pored „kućevnog života“ počelo se ručavati u čaršijskim kafanama. Ovekovečeni u bronzi, Sremac i Kalča, „sede i danas za kafanskim stolom“ u blizini Kazandžijskog sokačeta. U ovoj staroj zanatlijskoj četvrti danas se nalaze restorani i kafići, pa je omiljeno mesto okupljanja. Nišlijama je merak da sede u kafani, da popiju kaficu, piće, ručaju.. Vole da se druže, vesele, a mnogo vole i goste. Ko želi stvarno da upozna ovaj grad, mora da upozna Nišlije i uđe u niške kafane. DUH MERAKA I SEVDAHA „Provod u kafani predstavlja nezaobilazan deo posete. Niš i danas „živi“ u kafanama. Ko ume da sluša, mnogo tu nauči. Naravno, kvalitetna i raznovrsna ponuda jela i pića može samo da pojača doživljaj Niša. Naša kuhinja je veoma ukusna i vrhunski pikantna, te zadovoljava sva čula. Namirnice dolaze iz neposrednog okruženja, a meso, začini i sveže povrće koriste se u velikim količinama. Poznati smo po obilnim porcijama, kao i naročitom, laganom, meraklijskom uživanju u hrani i piću, Lako zapodenemo pesmu i priču i začas napravimo porodičnu atmosferu,” kaže za BelGuest Uroš Parlić, direktor Turističke organizacije Niša. Šta probati od lokalnih specijaliteta i izabrati među brojnim niškim gurmanlucima teško je pitanje. Neizostavno, treba probati niški burek. Istorija je zabeležila da je burek nastao upravo ovde, u 15. veku. „Dani bureka“ održavaju se na keju pored Nišave svakog septembra. Inače, četvrt bureka i jogurt je uobičajeni doručak Nišlija... a odličan je i kao lek, kažu znalci, posle dugih noći u niškim kafanama.
Lapidarium, a detail
Niš Fortress Niš se ponosi svojim kafanama i riznicom jela. Za početak uživanja u niškoj gastronomiji treba uzeti meze i rakiju. Nijedan ručak se ne može zamisliti bez supe ili čorbice. Kako Nišlije kažu „Nisam jeo, ako nisam kusnuo nešto s' kašiku!” Sledeće na redu je toplo predjelo. Za glavno jelo gurmani preporučuju specijalitete koji se spremaju u zemljanim posudama. Ljubitelji pečenja ne propuštaju priliku da ovde naruče prasetinu, jagnjetinu ili teletinu, a ko nije probao roštilj kao da nije bio u Nišu! Veština pripreme niškog roštilja prenosi se s generacije na generaciju. Bez veće razlike, svuda se služi kvalitetan i izuzetno ukusan - niški roštilj. Za dezert treba uzeti neku staru srpsku poslasticu i vino sa ovog podneblja koja imaju poseban ukus i aromu. VELIČANSTVENA OKOLINA GRADA „Posle obilnog obroka treba se prepustiti uživanju u prirodi, zar ne? U okruženju, na dvadesetak kilometara od najužeg gradskog jezgra, nalaze se veličanstveni planinskwi masivi, dve prelepe klisure, brojna izletišta... Ovo je prava destinacija za adrenalinske sportove. Ima toliko neverovatno lepih predela za mountain biking, free climbing, jeep safari, ronjenje, streljaštvo, lov, ribolov, jahanje, rafting... Ukoliko ste od akcije, Koritnik i Sićevo su idealna polazišta za paraglajdere, Sićevačka klisura ima odlične mogućnosti za
Edict of Milan Monument
INFO: Turistička organizacija Niš
Vožda Karađorđa 5 | 18000 Niš tel: +381 18 521 321, +381 18 523 118 www.visitnis.com rafting i kampovanje, možete se oprobati u slobodnom penjanju u Jelašničkoj klisuri, ili pešačiti do Trema, najvišeg vrha Suve planine. Niš ima sve, pa tako i prelepu Nišku Banju sa izvorima termalne lekovite vode, koja je idealna za odmor , lečenje i duge šetnje. Niš je destinacija za hedoniste. Osmislili smo brojne programe - ukratko, Niš i njegova okolina su pravi izvor energije i zdravlja za dane koji dolaze” - zaključuje direktor TO Niš, Uroš Parlić. Rozana Sazdić Foto: Arhiva TO Niša
Bali Bey Mosque
THE LARGEST SPA CENTRE IN THIS PART OF EUROPE Since July, the guests of Vrnjačka Banja (Vrnjci Spa) can enjoy in the unique spa centre, the largest complex of its kind in this part of Europe. Under one roof, there will be a medical aesthetic centre, a wellness centre, a massage centre, a Peloid centre and a Balneo centre.
B Merkur has merged its centres with a view of adding a new quality to a wide range of its services. This is another step forward in the work of Merkur, a leader of medical tourism – not only of Vrnjačka Banja, but also in the region. This esteemed medical institution, which is at the same time the National Centre for Education and Prevention of Diabetes, has a medical team of over 40 doctors, specialists and sub-specialists. Medicine in the service of health is Merkur’s mission as well as operations in accordance with modern global trends. Hence, ten years ago they opened a wellness centre with a complex of swimming pools that are filled with mineral water. Vrnjci waters have extraordinary properties, and swimming in the pools of Merkur has numerous advantages compared to classic swimming pools. In addition, the centre is equipped with numerous amenities to revitalise the body – a sauna (infrared and Finnish), a salt room, Roman and Turkish bath, a barrel for rapid cooling and space for meditation. Bathing in thermal mineral water is a boon for health and beauty, but the boon is also provided by massages. The massage centre is the pride of the spa
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The Merkur’s centre of medical aesthetics is in the procedure of introducing the latest aesthetic techniques such as Zerona laser, anti-aging treatments, lymphatic drainage... The world hit, Zerona, is a cold laser to reshape the body by non-invasive method of removing fatty tissue and cellulite. Zerona efficiently and painlessly helps dissolve fat cells and tighten the skin.
complex. There are about 30 different massages in offer – classical, relaxing, therapeutic, as well as very attractive treatments: Ayurveda – a combination of pressure of points and lymphatic drainage into a deep relaxation, relief from fatigue and insomnia, as well as improved work of internal organs. Ayurveda is
an old Indian technique that helps harmonise the body, mind and spirit to achieve a state of perfect balance and peace. Massage with chocolate – This treatment awakens the senses. The skin is rejuvenated after the massage, and the mind is rested since chocolate is effective in slowing down aging of the skin and is a natural stress eliminator. Small grains of cocoa flour help in microdermabrasion and removal of dead cells and wrinkles. Honey massage – It connects the benefits of massage and honey, it affects the detoxification, improves circulation, reduces tensions, starts the lymph providing body care and preserving beauty. The massage also helps remove bacteria, viruses, toxins and the salts on the skin. It works on cellulite, and also has an anti-aging effect. Octopus massage provides a higher level of relaxation for those in need of rest and recovery after stressful situations. Synchronised movements of two therapists provide an experience of complete harmony. Establishing energy stability of the organism, this massage offers refreshment for the mind and body. Roza Sazdić Photo by: Merkur Press team and Roza Sazdić
Od jula, gosti Vrnjačke Banje mogu da uživaju u jedinstvenom Spa centru, najvećem kompleksu te vrste u ovom delu Evrope. Pod jednim krovom naći će se Centar medicinske estetike, Wellnes centar, Centar za masaže, Peloid centar i Balneo centar.
B Merkur ujedinje svoje centre s ciljem da širokoj lepezi usluga doda novi kvalitet. To je još jedan iskorak u radu Merkura, lidera zdravstvenog turizma - ne samo Vrnjačke Banje, nego i regiona. Cenjena zdravstvena ustanova, koja je i Nacionalni Centar za edukaciju i prevenciju dijabetesa, ima medicinski tim od preko 40 lekara, specijalista i subspecijalista. Medicina u službi zdravlja je Merkurova misija, kao i poslovanje u skladu sa savremenim svetskim trendovima. Stoga su pre 10 godina otvorili Wellness centrar sa kompleksom bazena koji su ispunjeni termomineralnom vodom. Vrnjačke vode imaju izuzetna svojstva, te kupanje u Merkurovim bazenima ima brojne prednosti u odnosu na klasične bazenske komplekse. Uz to, Centar je opremljen i brojnim sadržajima za revitalizaciju organizma saunom (infracrvena i finska), slanom sobom, rimskim i turskim kupatilom, buretom za naglo hlađenje i prostorom za meditaciju. Kupanje u termomineralnoj vodi je blagodet za zdravlje i lepotu, ali to su i masaže. Centar za masaže je ponos Spa kompleksa. Na raspolaganju je oko 30 različitih masaža – klasičnih, relaks, terapeutskih, kao i vrlo atraktivni tretmani: Ajuverda - Kombinacijom presura tački i limfne drenaže postiže se duboko opuštanje, oslobađanje od umora i nesanice, kao i bolji rad unutrašnjih organa. Ajuverda je stara indijska tehnika kojom se nastoji uskladiti telo, duh i um da bi se postiglo stanje savršene ravnoteže i mira. Masaža sa čokoladom - Ovaj tretman budi čula. Koža je posle masaže podmlađena, a um odmoran - budući da čokolada utiče na usporavanje starenja kože i predstavlja jedan od prirodnih eliminatora stre-
U Merkurovom Centru medicinske estetike, u proceduru su uvedene najsavremenije estetske tehnike kao što su Zerona laser, antiejdžing tretmani, limfna drenaža... Svetski hit je Zerona hladni laser koji neinvazivnom metodom preoblikuje telo uklanjajući masno tkivo i celulit. Zeronom se efikasno i potpuno bezbolno razbijaju masne ćelije i zateže koža. INFO: SB Merkur Bul. Srpskih ratnika 18 | Vrnjačka banja +3811 (0)36 515 5150 rezervacije@vrnjcispa.rs www.vrnjcispa.rs sa. Sitna zrnca kakao brašna pomažu u mikrodermoabraziji i uklanjanju izumrlih ćelija, kao i bore. Masaža medom – Spaja blagodati masaže i meda, te utiče na detoksikaciju, poboljšanje cirkulacije, smanjenje napetosti, pokretanje limfe u cilju nege tela i očuvanja lepote. Masažom se, takođe, uklanjaju bakterije, virusi, soli i toksini na koži. Deluje i na celulit, a ima i antiejdžing dejstvo. Oktopod Masaža – Pruža viši nivo opuštanje i relaksacije onima kojima je neophodan odmor i oporavak nakon stresnih situacija. Sinhronizovani pokreti dva terapeuta pružaju doživljaj potpune harmonije. Uspostavljajući energetsku stabilnost organizma, ova masaža pruža pravo osveženje za duh i telo. Roza Sazdić Foto: Merkur Press team i Roza Sazdić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Dr Olgica Miljković
This year's gathering of representatives of local and regional tourism organisations in Serbia has been marked by talks on modern methods of destination management. In addition to Serbian speakers, Ms. Cheryl Hargrove, project manager at Georgia Department of Economic Development TourismDivision (USA) attracted a lot of attention. With a range of inspiring examples from practice Ms. Cheryl made a pithy observation: the creation of a tourist product is similar to stringing a pearl necklace. And as our country is stringing its tourism jewels, we spoke with Dr. Olgica Miljković, manager for the Serbian market at the Tourist Organisation of Serbia.
n cooperation with the hosts – the Tourist Organisation of Užice, sports and tourist centre "Bajina Bašta", the Tourist Organisation of Serbia gathered at Tara representatives of tourism organisations from all over Serbia. The Forum, which is also a kind of annual congress, was attended by about 200 participants. At the opening of the conference, Gordana Plamenac, Director of the TOS,
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said that the key reasons for this year's gathering were dedicated primarily to destination management, "Serbia is becoming a more and more interesting destination that has seen major growth in the number of foreign guests. This is a key topic, since infrastructure improvement is essential for the promotion of the tourist offer of our country and we also need better-equipped tourist facilities
and quality services as well as legal adjustment to the regulations of the European Union. Tourism in the last decade has been the only industry that has shown a continued growth. Answers to the challenge of public-private partnerships as well as the amount of revenue that will be annually paid to the budget depend on the positioning of tourism in the economy of Serbia.”
This has also been the largest ever gathering of the representatives of tourist organisations in Serbia, which gave us a good excuse to talk to Dr Olgica Miljković, manager for the Serbian market, who was responsible on behalf of the TOS for organising the Forum. T he educational part of the Forum consisted of lectures, presentations, round tables... What are your impressions of the working part of the meeting, what would you highlight? “I'm glad, above all, that the workshops were extremely well attended and everyone was interested in the work. The novelty is that this year we gave certificates to the participants of the Forum for the seminars they attended. Especially interesting was the lecture Cheryl Hargrove from the United States, who gave some practical examples of how destination management is applied in practice. Her comparison that the creation of tourist products is like stringing a pearl necklace was very inspiring: a prerequisite for the successful governance of destination is the creation of a precise organisational model. Among other things, Ms. Cheryl presented us the key moments of the event planning on the model of "Wine roads of California" tour and the cultural route "Paths of the American Civil War" as well as the "100 Plates of Georgia" gastronomic route. I would single out as a example of good practice the lecture of Snežana Milisavljević from the Regional Development Agency Zlatibor, who presented the project "Mountain breakfast as an instrument of specialisation in the gastronomic tourist region of Western Serbia". This is a new product that is built on the basis of the project and the campaign
"Soulfood Serbia" that was created and led by the Tourist Organisation of Serbia. I am glad that we now have a concretely "well-packaged" product that will take tourists through the "Gastronomic routes of Western Serbia". A good part of the Forum consisted of tourist programmes organised by the hosts from Bajina Bašta and Užice. Was it a "demonstration exercise" of the destination management? “This too was an example of good practice. Užice and Bajina Bašta presented us the best they have, but they did not stop with that. A trip to Mećavnik and a visit to Andrićgrad were a very good example of regional, cross-border cooperation. The hosts prepared for us a mini regatta on the Drina so that we could get some impression of the atmosphere on the "Drina Regatta", they organised a picnic for us at Tara with the music of trumpet players, they took us to a new degustation centre BB Klekovača and presented us their best cuisine... That the tourist workers from this area are very successful in their jobs is evidenced by the fact that, according to the number of visitors, they are second in Serbia, right after Belgrade.” ow do you, as a PhD in Tourismology and H someone who is in constant contact with the "field", assess the achievements of Serbia in the field of destination management?
Mrs Cheryl Hardgrove “In Serbia, at the moment there are 116 tourism organisations. They are putting effort and working, but for us to be even more successful, regional connection is needed. We have good examples of regional associations and clustering. Of course, the Tourist Organisation of Serbia welcomes any form of cooperation, so that destinations become more recognisable and economically efficient. I think this is the future of Serbia. We suggest them to organise themselves and to establish organisations in the area of Kopaonik, Šumadija, the Upper and Lower Danube region and so on. At the moment a new strategy for tourism development is being worked on, and amendments to the law on tourism are being prepared, so we expect that the lawmakers will recognise this need and will define it more clearly.” BelGuest
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
Ovogodišnje okupljanje predstavnika lokalnih i regionalni turističkih organizacija Srbije prošlo je u znaku razgovara na temu savremenih metoda upravljanja destinacijom. Uz domaće predavače, veliku pažnju privukla je prezentacija Čeril Hardgrov (Cheryl Hardgrove) iz Direkcije za turizam Džordžije (SAD). Uz niz inspirativnih primera iz prakse gospođa Čeril je iznela i jedno jezgovito zapažanje: stvaranje turističkog proizvoda slično je nizanju biserne ogrlice. A kako naše zemlja niže svoje bisere turizma, razgovarali smo sa Dr Olgicom Miljković, menažerom za tršište Srbije TOS-a.
TOS Director Mrs Gordana Plamenac with media representatives
saradnji sa domaćinima - Turističkom organizacijom Užice i Sportsko-turističkim centrom „Bajina Bašta” - Turistička organizacija Srbije okupila je na Tari predstavnike turističkih organizacija iz cele Srbije. Na Forumu, koji je istovremeno i neka vrsta godišnjeg kongresa, prisustvovalo je oko 200 učesnika. Na otvaranju skupa, Gordana Plamenac, direktorka TOS-a, navela je ključne razloge zbog kojih je ovogodišnje okupljanje posvećeno prvenstveno destinacijskom manadžmentu: „Srbija je sve interesantnija destinacija koja beleži veliki porast broja stranih gostiju. Ovo je ključna tema, budući da su za unapređenje turističke ponude naše
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zemlje neophodni poboljšanje infrastrukture, bolja opremljenost turističkih objekata i kvaliteta usluga, kao i prilagođavanje propisima Evropske unije. Turizam je u poslednjoj deceniji jedina privredna grana koja pokazuje kontinuirani rast. Od pozicioniranja turizma u privredi Srbije zavise i odgovori na izazov javno-privatnog partnerstva, kao i visina prihoda koja će se na godišnjem nivou sliti u budžet.” Ovo je ujedno bilo i do sada najveće okupljanje predstavnika turističkih organizacija Srbije, što nam je dalo dobar povod za razgovar sa Dr Olgicom Miljković, menažerom za tršište Srbije koja je, ispred TOS-a, bila zadužena za organizaciju Foruma.
E dukativni deo Foruma činila su predavanja, prezentacije, okrugli stolovi... Kakvi su vaši utisci sa radnog dela skupa, šta biste izdvojili? „Drago mi je, pre svega, što su radionice bile izuzetno posećene i što su svi bili zainteresovani za rad. Novina je da smo ove godine učesnicima Foruma davali sertifikate za seminare koje su pohađali. Naročito zanimljivo bilo je predavanje Amerikanke Čeril Hardgrov koja je iznela konkretne primere kako se destincijski menadžment primenjuje u praksi. Njeno poređenje da je stvaranje turističkog proizvoda nalik nizanju biserne ogrlice, veoma je inspirativan: preduslov za uspešno uprav-
aljanje destinacijom je stvaranje preciznog organizacionog modela. Gospođa Čeril nam je, između ostalog, predočila ključne momente planiranja na primeru ture „Vinski putevi Kalifornije”, kulturne rute „Putevima Američkog građanskog rata” i gastronomske rute „100 tanjira Džoržije. Kao domaći primer dobre prakse izdvajam predavanja Snežane Milisavljević iz Regionalne razvojne agencije Zlatibor koje je predstavila projekat „Planinski doručak kao instrument specijalizacije gastronomske ponude turističke regije Zapadna Srbija”. Ovo je novi proizvod koji je iznikao na temelju projekta i kampanje „Soulfood Srbija” koju je, pre nekoliko godina, osmislila i vodila Turistička organizacija Srbije. Drago mi je što sada imamo konkretno „upakovan” proizvod koji će turiste voditi kroz „Gastronomske puteve Zapadne Srbije”. D obar deo Foruma činili su turistički sadržaji koju su organizovali domaćini iz Bajine Bašte i Užica. Da li je i to bila „pokazna vežba” iz destinacijskog menadžmenta? „I ovo je bio primer dobre prakse. Užice i Bajina Bašta predstavili su nam ono najbolje što imaju, ali se nisu zadržali samo na tome. Izlet na Mećavnik i poseta Andrićgradu predstavlja jako dobar primer regionalne, prekogranične sardanje. Domaćini su nam priredili i mini regatu na Drini kako bismo stekili utisak o deliću atmosfere koja vlada na „Drinskoj regati”, upriličili piknik na Tari uz muziku tubača, odveli nas u novi degustacioni centar BB klekovače, predstavil nam svoju najbolju gastronomsku ponudu... Da su turistički poslenici ovog kraja veoma uspešni u svom poslu govori podatak da, po posećenosti, zauzimaju dugo mesto u Srbiji, odmah iza Beograda.”
Journalists visiting Emir Kustrica’s Drvengrad
Journalists and participants of the Forum at the mini Drina regatta
K ako kao doktor turizmologije i osoba u stalnom kontaktu s „terenom” ocenjujete postignuća Srbije u sferi upravljanja destinacijom? „U Srbiji u ovom trenutku postoji 116 turističkih organizacija. Oni se svi i trude i rade, ali da bismo zajedno bili uspešniji, potrebno je regionalno povezivanje. Imamo dobrih primera regionalnog udruživanja i povezivanja u klastere. Naravno, Turistička organizacija Srbije pozdravlja svaki vid udruživanja, jer tako destinacije postaju prepoznatljivije i ekonomski efikasnije. Mislim da je to budućnost Srbije. Mi im sugerišemo da se sami organizuju i formiraju organizacije za oblast Kopanika, Šumadije, Donjeg i Gornjeg Podunavlja itd. U ovom trenutku se radi na novoj strategiji razvoja turizma i na dopuni zakona o turizmu, i mi očekujemo da će zakonodavci prepoznati ovu potrebu i jasnije je definisati.” BelGuest
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
NOVI SAD | 9 - 12. 7.
INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL ECSTASY MEĐUNARODNA MUZIČKA EKSTAZA EXIT - one of the most popular and most popular European music festivals will take place this year again, in the fantastic surroundings of the baroque fortress, from 9 to 12 July. I ove godine, u fantastičnom ambijentu barokne Petrovaradinske tvrđave, od 9. do 12. jula, održaće se EXIT - jedan od najpopularnijih i najposećenijih evropskih muzičkih Festivala.
ZAJEČAR | 30. 7 - 1. 8.
BAJINA BAŠTA | 14 - 19. 7.
info: www.exitfest.org
DRINA HAPPENING HEPENING NA DRINI The small town of Bajina Bašta, located at the foot of the Tara Mountain, traditionally organises “Drina Regatta” from 14 to 19 July. The major event, a joint entertaining and recreational downhill, is followed by various musical happenings. U gradiću Bajina Bašta podno planine Tare od 14. do 19 jula održava se tradicionalna „Drinska regata”. Uz muzičke programe, centralno zbivanje je zajednički zabavno rekreativni spust rekom.
info: regata.rs
Zaječar is the largest town in Eastern Serbia, while Zaječar Guitar Fest is the greatest musical event in the region. This year’s 49th festival of “vehement guitar sound” is taking place from July 30 to August 1. Equally attractive is the accompanying programme – Motorcycle Gathering – traditionally attended by thousands of domestic and foreign bikers. Zaječar je najveći grad na Istoku Srbije, a Zaječarska Gitarijada najveći muzički događaj u regiji. Ovogodišnja 49. Festival „žestokog gitarskog zvuka” održava se od 30. jula do 1. avgusta. Atraktivan je i njen prateći program – Motoskup – na koji dolaze hiljade domaćih i inostranih bajkera.
info: www.gitarijada.org
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
TRUMPET FESTIVAL SABOR TRUBAČA Guča Trumpet Festival is a unique brass band competition in the world. It boasts a 55 year tradition. This year, it will be held in August 2–9. If you like the sound of trumpets and an atmosphere that leads into musical trance, Guča promises an unforgettable experience. Sabor u Guči jedinstven je u svetu po muzičkom takmičenju trubačkih orkestara. Ima tradiciju dugu 55 godina. Ove godine, održava se periodu od 2. do 9. avgusta. Ako volite zvuk trube i atmosferu muzičkog transa, Guča vam obećava nezaboravno iskustvo.
GUČA | 2 - 9. 8.
SUPREME JAZZ EVENT VRHUNSKI DŽEZ DOGAĐAJ In the wonderful ambience of the old Niš Fortress, this summer you can expect again a selected programme of the international Nisville Jazz Festival. The festival of music that marked the entire previous century is taking place in August 13 - 16. U divnom ambijentu stare Niške tvrđave i ovog leta očekuju vas odabrani program međunarodnog Nišvill Džez Festivala. Praznik muzike koja je obeležila čitav prošli vek traje od 13. do 16. avgusta.
NIŠ | 13 - 16. 08.
info: cksguca.rs
ACCORDION VIRTUOSO VIRTUOZI NA HARMONICI The First Accordion of Sokobanja is a competition which this year for the 53rd time will bring together excellent musicians who play an instrument that perhaps best reflects the spirit of Serbian folk music, but also of the music of other Balkan nations. Pioneers, younger juniors, juniors, duets, seniors and performers from abroad are competing. The final competition will be held on 14, 15 and 16 August. Prva harmonika Sokobanje je takmičnje koje će i ove godine, 53. put za redom, okupiti vrsne muzičara koji sviraju instrument koji možda najbolje oslikava duh srpska narodne muzike, ali i muzike drugih balkanskih naroda. Takmiče se pioniri, mlađi juniori, juniori, dueti, seniori i izvođači iz dijaspore. Finalno takmičenje održava se 14, 15, i 16. avgusta.
SOKOBANJA | 14 - 16. 8.
info: www.nisville.com
info: www.otks.org.rs
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
IVANJICA | 28 - 30. 8.
LAUGHTER AS A REMEDY SMEH KAO LEK A festival inspired by the work of the great Serbian comedy writer Branislav Nušić is taking place in the picturesque town of Ivanjica from 28 to 30 August. Nušićijada is a medley event that combines theatre, film, music, street events... It’s been included among the best festival in Europe. U živopisnoj varoši Ivanjici, od 28. do 30. avgusta, održava se festival inspirisan delom velikog srpskog komediografa Branislava Nušića. Nušićijada je kolažna manifestacija koja objedinjuje pozorište, film, muziku, ulična dešavanja… Uvrštena je među najbolje festival Evrope.
LESKOVAC | 31. 8 - 6. 9.
info: www.nusicijada.rs
FEAST FOR GOURMETS FEŠTA ZA GURMANE The Leskovac Grill Festival or Roštiljijada is the largest and most visited grill festival in the region. In a competition for the best chefs, this event is followed by the carnival and music events. The Leskovac Grill Festival is also included in the Guinness Book of Records – as the biggest pljeskavica burger in the world was prepared there. This year it will be held from 31 August to 6 September. Leskovača roštiljijada je najveći i najposećeniji festival roštilja u regionu. Uz takmičenje za najbolje majstore kulinarstva, ovaj događaj prati karneval i niz muzičkih dešavanja. Leskovačka roštiljijada se nalazi u Ginisovoj knjizi rekorda – na njoj je napravljena najveć pljeskavica na svetu. Ove godine se održava od 31.avgusta do 6. spetembra.
info: www.tol.org.rs
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BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
AMBASSADOR SPEAK The College of Tourism, like other schools and faculties in Serbia, has developed international cooperation. But, it also organises the cultural-educational event "Ambassadors Speak". So far this, in many ways unique programme involved the ambassadors of Cuba, Greece, Indonesia, the Kingdom of Morocco, Tunisia, Iran, Belgium, Myanmar, Brazil, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia and Venezuela. Mrs Mateja Norčič Štamcar and Prof. Dr Milan Skakun
Group of folk dances Venezuela
Slovak Cultural Education Society Šafarik with Prof. Dr Milan Skakun
The College of Tourism allows its students to acquire modern knowledge through creative and dynamic teaching process. It is recognisable for its quality teaching methods and keeping track with international trends in education, as best witnessed by generations of graduates who now take some responsible positions in domestic and foreign companies. Tourism knows no boundaries. In order to introduce the natural and cultural heritage of other countries and their achievements in tourism, we organise the Day of presenting a particular destination in our school. It is an opportunity for students, but also for teachers, to become familiar with the tradition, history, culture, language and customs of other nations, as well as opportunities for professional training," Prof. Dr Milan Skakun, director of the College of Tourism, explains. The College of Tourism is a modern institution of higher education offering to its students excellent conditions for acquiring knowledge and professional practice. It is characterised by tradition – it was established in 1967 – as well as quality teaching and administrative staff and superb technical equipment. The accredited study programme Economy and Tourism, that lasts for a period of three years, provides an opportunity for a wide array of jobs and immediate employment after graduation. Students can continue their education at accredited specialist vocational studies with options: Management in tourism and Management of tour operators. For young people it is a great experience and inspiration to get more familiar with the features, beauties and spirit of other countries. In an
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Jan Varsho inspired speech, Venezuelan Ambassador El Andari led them through the natural beauties of her country from the high snow-covered Andes, across the Amazon rainforest, the Caribbean Sea all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, citing data on the significant growth in revenues from domestic and foreign tourism. The cultural and artistic programme involved a group of folk dances "Venezuela" and masters of traditional instruments cuatro and maraca, Gustavo Colin and Oscar Zuloaga, accompanied by soloists Jose Felix. An exhibition was also opened featuring tourism posters and folk handicrafts from Venezuela.
Venezuelan Ambassador El Andari
Mrs Mateja Norčič Štamcar with Prof. Milenko Đurić
Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of Slovenia to Serbia, Mateja Norčič Štamcar, presented her country in the best way with a lecture "I feel Slovenia" and the accompanying promo films. The impression was complemented by the traditional Slovenian music performed by Ivan Debeljak, member of the Association of Slovenians "Sava" in Belgrade. "We have a lot to say about Slovakia" was the topic of a lecture by Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Jan Varsho, who presented the characteristics of his country and opened the exhibition of Slovak artists from the Gallery of
Naive Art in Kovačica, while the members of the Slovak Cultural Education Society "Šafarik" from Dobanovci presented part of the cultural heritage of their homeland through song, play and a display of handicrafts. So far this unique programme involved the ambassadors of Cuba, Greece, Indonesia, the Kingdom of Morocco, Tunisia, Iran, Belgium, Myanmar, Brazil, Romania... In May, embassies of Venezuela, Slovenia and Slovakia had their presentation day at the College of Tourism. INFO: www.visokaturisticka.edu.rs Text and photo: Roza Sazdić
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
AMBASADORI GOVORE Visoka turistička škola, kao i druge škole i fakulteti u Srbiji, ima razvijenu međunarodnu saradnju. Međutim, ona organizuju i kulturno - obrazovnu manifestaciju „Ambasadori govore“. Do sada su u ovom, po mnogo čemu jedinstvenom programu, učešće uzeli ambasadori i predstavnici ambasada Kube, Grčke, Indonezije, kraljevine Maroko, Tunisa, Irana, Belgije, Mjanmara, Brazila, Slovenije, Rumunije, Slovačke i Venezuele.
Visoka turistička škola omogućuje svojim studentima da steknu savremena znanja kroz kreativan i dinamičan nastavni proces. Prepoznatljiva je po kvalitetnim nastavnim metodama i praćenju svetskih trendova u obrazovanju o čemu najbolje govore generacije diplomaca koji danas rade na odgovornim poslovima u domaćim i stranim kompanijama. Turizam, kao što je poznato, ne poznaje granice. U cilju upoznavanja prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa drugih zemalja i njihovih dostignuća u razvoju turizma, organizujemo Dan predstavljanja određene destinacije u našoj školi. To je prilika da se studenti, ali i profesori, bliže upoznaju sa tradicijom, istorijom, kulturom, jezikom i običajima drugih naroda, kao i mogućnostima za stručno usavršavanje” - objašnjava prof. dr Milan Skakun, direktor VTŠ. Visoka turistička škola je moderna visokoškolska ustanova koja svojim studentima pruža odlične uslove za sticanje znanja i stručne prakse. Odlikuju je tradicija - osnovana 1967. godine - kvalitetan nastavni i vannastavni kadar i vrhunska tehnička
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opremljenost. Akreditovani studijski program Ekonomija i turizam, u trajanju od tri godine, daju mogućnost za široku lepezu poslova i brzo zaposlenje nakon sticanja diplome. Studenti mogu nastaviti školovanje na akreditovanim specijalističkim strukovnim studijama sa izbornim opcijama: Upravljanje u turizmu i Menadžment organizatora putovanja. Za mlade ljude je veliko iskustvo i inspiracija da bliže upoznaju osobenosti, lepotu i duh drugih zemalja.Tako ih je, u nadahnutom obraćanju, ambasadorka Venecuele El Andari vodila kroz prirodne lepote svoje domovine od visokih i snegom pokrivenih Anda, preko Amazonske prašume, Karipskog mora do Atlanskog okeana, navodeći i podatke o značajnom rastu prihoda od domaćeg i inostranog turizma. U kulturno-umetničkom programu učestvovala je grupa folklornih plesova “Venecuela” i majstori na tradicionalnim instrumentima kvatro i marake, Gustavo Kolina i Oskar Zuloag, u pratnji soliste Hoze Feliksa. Otvorena je i izložba turističkih plakata i narodnih rukotvorina Venecuele.
Otpravnica poslova ambasade Republike Slovenije u Srbiji, Mateja Norčič Štamcar, na najlepši način je predstavila svoju zemlju predavanjem „I feel Slovenia” i pratećim promo filmovima. Utisak je upotpunila tradicionalna slovenačka muzika koju je izvodio Ivan Debeljak, član Društva Slovenaca „Sava” u Beogradu. „Imamo Vam šta reći o Slovačkoj”, bila je tema predavanja ambasadora Republike Slovačke, Jana Varšoa, a kako bi se prisutni što bolje upoznali sa odlikama ove zemlje, otvorena je izložba slika slovačkih umetnika iz Galerije naivne umetnosti u Kovačici, a članovi Slovačkog kulturno prosvetnog društva „Šafarik” iz Dobanovaca su pesmom, igrom i prikazom narodnih rukotvorina predstavili deo kulturnog nasleđa svoje postojbine. Do sada su u ovom jedinstvenom programu učešće uzeli ambasadori i predstavnici ambasada Kube, Grčke, Indonezije, Kraljevine Maroko, Tunisa, Irana, Belgije, Mjanmara, Brazila, Rumunije... U maju, Dan predstavljanja u Visokoj turističkoj školi imale su ambasade Venecuele, Slovenije i Slovačke. INFO: www. visokaturisticka.edu.rs Tekst i foto: Roza Sazdić
For the first time the magazine СЕРБИЯ is published in the Russian language, which is also a kind of a guide for the tourist offer of Serbia. This luxuriously annual edition was promoted at the Tourism Fair in Moscow (18-22 March).
here is an evident interest in recent years of the Russian media and tour operators in Serbia and there is also an increasing number of tourists coming from Russia. One of the goals of this project is to present the Russian tourists the tradition, rich natural-cultural heritage and modern life in Serbia. СЕРБИЯ in this issue shows the tourist offer of Kopaonik, Zlatibor, Tara, Zlatar and Stara Planina. The segment Serbian waters presents the Danube, Lepenski Vir, Viminacium and five representative spa centres: Selters, Lukovska, Prolom and Vrnjačka Banja (Vrnjci) spas, and the hotel "Izvor" in Aranđelovac. Within the cultural-historical heritage, alongside Belgrade, also presented in the magazine were Vršac, Niš, Novi Pazar, Kuršumlija, Leskovac, as well as Zasavica and the village of Gornji Adrovac near Aleksinac, the place of the memorial church of the Russian volunteer Colonel Rajevski. The life in Serbia is depicted through events, so this edition included EXIT, Zaječar Guitar festival Gitarijada, Guča trumpet festival, Beer Fest in Belgrade, Vršac wine festival, carnival and grill festival Roštiljijada in Leskovac... This edition has also featured old crafts, customs, domestic cuisine, while some famous personalities of culture and the media were also presented, as well as tourist guides and travel agencies specialising in Russia, and also firms whose task is to show their services to Russian tourists so that they meet Serbia from a fine-looking corner. Partner of the edition is the Tourist Organisation of Serbia. The guide is sold throughout the year. In addition to the tourism-information centres in tourist areas, this magazine can be found in bookstores of Delfi and the Official Gazette, as well as at gas stations and in kiosks in Montenegro.
Po prvi put objavljen je magazin СЕРБИЯ na ruskom jeziku, koji je istovremeno i svojevrsni vodič kroz turističku ponudu Srbije. Ovo luksuzno godišnje izdanje promovisano je na Sajmu turizma u Moskvi (18 – 22. marta).
nteresovanje ruskih medija i turoperatera za našu zemlju, kao i povećanje broja turista iz Rusije je poslednjih godina evidentno. Jedan od ciljeva ovog projekta je upoznavanje ruskih turista sa tradicijom, bogatim prirodno - kulturnim nasleđem i savremenim životom u Srbiji. Magazin u ovom broju prikazuje turističku ponudu Kopaonika, Zlatibora, Tare, Zlatara i Stare planine. U segmentu Srbija na vodi predstavljen je Dunav, Lepenski vir, Viminacijum i pet reprezentativnih banjskih centara: Selters, Lukovska, Prolom i Vrnjačka Banja i hotel „Izvor“ u Aranđelovcu. U okviru kulturno – istorijske baštine, pored Beograda, prikazani su Vršac, Niš, Novi Pazar, Kuršumlija, Leskovac, kao i Zasavica i selo Gornji Adrovac kod Aleksinca gde se nalazi spomen crkva ruskog dobrovoljca, pukovnika Rajevskog. Život u Srbiji oslikavaju i manifestacije, tako da su se u izdanju našli EXIT, Gitarijada u Zaječaru, Sabor trubača u Guči, Beer Fest u Beogradu, Vinofest u Vršcu, karneval i Roštiljijada u Leskovcu... Prikazani su stari zanati, običaji, domaća kuhinja, a određeni prostor dobile su poznate ličnosti iz kulture i medija, turistički vodiči i turističke agencije specijalizovane za Rusiju, kao i firme koje imaju za cilj da ruskim turistima prikažu svoje usluge kako bi upoznali Srbiju iz najlepšeg ugla. Partner izdanja је Turistička organizacija Srbije. Vodič je u prodaji tokom cele godine. Pored turističko – informativnih centara u turističkim mestima, može se naći u objektima knjižara Delfi i Službenog glasnika, na pumpama, kao i na kioscima u Crnoj Gori.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
OFFICIALLY THE BEST IN THE EUROPEAN FAMILY The opening of the Crown Plaza was a kind of lap of fantastic waves that brought a few new hotels to Belgrade. This is what is Serbia and our city lacked to be found within major conference destinations. I wholeheartedly support the reconstruction of the Congress Centre Sava, as well as all the other good projects that can create a new Prague or Budapest out of Belgrade.
he direct reason for an interview with Crowne Plaza Belgrade General Manager Živorad Vasić was the news that this hotel received the best score for customer service quality in the competion of all hotels from Crowne Plaza’s European hotel chain, as well as the announcement that a new InterContinental hotel would adorn Belgrade in 2017. * It's been over a year since the opening of the hotel. How did this period go, what are your business results, what are you most proud of? “It's been exactly 16 months after the opening. When I look back, I have to admit that I had a personal concern, because in the first two or three months after the opening of any hotel, there is a minimum opportunity to earn. A good strategy and carefully planned moves have led us to the fact that last year we had an occupancy of 51%. In addition, the hotel officially had the best customer service of all the Crowne Plaza hotels in Europe. We worked diligently, we hosted prestigious congresses, we had more than 40 wedding ceremonies and we hosted several thousand high school and university student graduates. We generated a profit of EUR 4.1 million. I am particularly proud that this result was achieved by a team aged 27 on average. Our real plans for this
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year is to reach the hotel’s occupancy of 57% and a profit of EUR 5 million. Also, I'm glad I can say that the Crowne Plaza brand has been successfully recognised. High grades it received pushed away the attribute that it is a former InterContinental. Crowne Plaza is seen as a new and great hotel that guests love. It is loved by both those who arrive from afar and by residents of Belgrade. That makes me very happy.” Belgrade has seen a real hotel boom recently. How are you as a hotelier with an international experience "reading" this expansion and how does it affect your business policy? “The opening of the Crown Plaza was a kind of lap of fantastic waves that brought a few new hotels to Belgrade. This is what is Serbia and our city lacked to be found within major conference destinations. With Air Serbia and low-cost air companies, this prerequisite has been met as well. Unfortunately, there is a lack of a better tourist infrastructure within Serbia and of a better convention space in Belgrade. The Sava Centre needs a good renovation urgently. Investing in the reconstruction of the Sava Centre is investing in Serbian tourism and in the project of transforming Belgrade into an important point on the map of congress destinations. The Crowne Plaza is primarily a convention hotel.” What are your plans for the immediate future? “When there are two big companies behind one hotel, as in our case, then the future is always full of creative plans. Relying on the full support of Delta Holding and the fantastic know-how of InterContinental Hotels Group, it is logical to take a step forward. This step is called the new InterContinental Hotel Belgrade, a five-star hotel, with 200 rooms, a luxurious conference hall with 500 seats and the most modern spa centre. A tender for an architectural design is being prepared for this investment worth EUR 35 million. I hope that the beautiful new Conti will adorn Belgrade already in 2017." BelGuest
ZVANIČNO NAJBOLJI U EVROPSKOJ PORODICI Otvaranje Crowne Plaze bio je svojevrsni vrh fantastičnog talasa koji je Beogradu doneo nekoliko novih hotela. To je ono što je Srbiji i našem gradu nedostajalo da se nađe u krugu značajnih kongresnih destinacija. Svesrdno se zalažem za rekonstrukciju Kongresnog centra Sava, kao i za sve druge dobre projekte koje mogu od Beograda stvoriti novi Prag ili Budimpeštu.
eposredan povod za razgovor sa Živoradom Vasićem, direktorom hotela Crowne Plaza Beograd, bila je vest da je unutar evropskog lanca hotel dobio najbolju ocenu za kvalitet usluga, kao i najava da će Beograd 2017.godine krasiti novi InterContinental. P rošlo je nešto više od godinu dana od otvaranja hotela. Kako je protekao ovaj period, kakvi su vam poslovni rezultati, čime se najviše ponosite? „Prošo je tačno 16 meseci od otvaranja. Kada se osvrnem, moram da priznam da sam imao i ličnu bojazan, jer prva dva-tri meseca nakon otvaranja bilo kog hotela pružaju najmanje mogućnosti za zaradu. Dobra strategija i pažljivo isplanirani potezi doveli su nas je do toga da smo u prošloj godini imali zauzeće od 51%. Pored toga, hotel je imao zvanično najbolji customer servis od svih Crowne Plaza u Evropi. Radili smo marljivo, bili domaćini prestižnim kongresima, imali preko 40 svadbenih svečanosti i ugostili nekoliko hiljada maturanata i apsolvenata. Ostvarili smo profit od 4,1 miliona eura Posebno sam ponosan što je ovaj rezultat postigao tim koji ima u proseku oko 27 godina. Naši realni planovi za ovu godinu su zauzeće od 57% i profit od 5 miliona eura. Takođe, drago mi je što mogu da kažem da je brend Crowne Plaza uspešno prepoznat. Visoke ocene potisnule su prefiks da se radi o bivšem InterContinentalu. Crowne Plaza se doživljava kao potpuno nov i sjajan hotel kojeg gosti vole. Kako oni koji doputuju izdaleka, tako i Beograđani. To me čini izuzetno srećnim.”
U Beogradu se dogodio pravi hotelski bum. Kako vi kao hotelijer sa međunarodnim iskustvom „čitate” ovu ekspanziju i kako to utiče na poslovnu politiku? „Otvaranje Crowne Plaze bio je svojevrsni vrh fantastičnog talasa koji je Beogradu doneo nekoliko novih hotela. To je ono što je Srbiji i našem gradu nedostajalo da se nađe u krugu značajnih kongresnih destinacija. Uz Air Serbia i low kost kompanije sada je i taj preduslov zadovoljen. Nažalost, nedostaje bolja turistička infrastruktura unutar Srbije i bolji kongresni prostor u Beogradu. Sava Centru je potrebno temeljno renoviranje i to što hitnije. Ulaganje u tu rekonstrukciju je ulaganje u srpski turizam i u projekat pretvaranja Beograda u važnu tačku na mapi kongresnih destinacija. Crowne Plaza je prvenstveno kongresni hotel.” Kakvi su vam planovi za neposrednu budućnost? „Kada iza jednog hotela stoje dve velike kompanije kao što je naš slučaj, onda je budućnost uvek puna kreativnih planova. Oslonjeni na potpunu podršku Delta Holding i fantastičan know-how InterContinental Hotels Group logično je da napravimo korak napred. Taj korak se zove novi InterContinental Hotel Beograd, hotel sa pet zvezdica, 200 soba, luksuznom kongresnom salom od 500 mesta i najmodernijim spa centrom. Za ovu investiciju od 35 miliona eura priprema se tender za arhitektonsko rešenje. Nadam se da će Beograd već 2017. krasiti predivni novi Conti.” BelGuest
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The new, ultra-modern hotel in Belgrade was named after the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. The work of this great ruler born in the territory of Serbia, which Christian civilisation remembers for his epochmaking "Edict of Milan", was an inspiration for the builders: the building for its exterior and interior is worthy of the imperial epithet. The hotel opened to guests in November last year and media representatives have recently been invited to the opening for the media, to learn why Constantine the Great in such a short time found itself on the map of intimate luxury hotels of the world.
ith refreshing drinks and pleasant murmur in the lobby, we were greeted by Zorana Dimitrijević, marketing and sales director, and Milos Biković, famous Serbian film and theatre actor, who, not coincidentally, found himself in the role of the promoter, "The first time I met with the people from the hotel was when we promoted the project We will be world champions. Then I noticed a relaxed atmosphere and a special discretion. I like that very much and I continued coming back here. I live nearby and I love that I have a place to drink coffee, have lunch... Here you feel tucked up, like at home. I recommend to all my colleagues from the world of film coming from abroad to stay here." Miloš and Zorana took us on a small hotel tour, showing us a meeting room with a nice library, suites and rooms with striking decorations, such as a curtain of glass necklace. Zorana Dimitrijević points out that inside the room, you don’t hear the tram that runs right down 27. marta street, "Although we are in the heart of the city, the hotel is extremely soundproof. We have guests whose job is such that they spend about 200 days a year sleeping in hotels around
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the world. You can imagine how proud we were when the guests would come down in the morning, bright and smiling, saying that they had had a good, quiet and long sleep." When asked why the hotel was named after the Roman emperor, Zorana replied, "The hotel was erected in honour of 1700 years of the Edict of Milan, and somehow it is quite natural that an imperial edifice like this bears the name of such a great man." After finding out about hotel amenities, what followed was a pleasant surprise: at the restaurant Edict, waiting for us there was a solemnly set table and the chief host of the hotel, general manager Marko Stanković. With words of welcome, he presents us with the basics of the business philosophy of the hotel: "We are an oasis of peace in a turbulent city, just the perfect place, primarily for business people. We are located within a walking distance of the key attractions of Belgrade and only a twenty minutes drive from the airport. We pride ourselves on the ambience of the hotel, but we are most proud of our people, our team, which strives to make every guest feel at home. We remember the habits of our guests. You might be surprised next time you come, when we will know what it is that you prefer and like. Because we want to satisfy the wishes of our guests, we have decided to allow them to bring along pets. We have a four-star superior designation, but all this is not enough that people come again. That's why we offer an additional value – emotions, warmth and unobtrusiveness." With light and imaginative lunch prepared by the chef, we finished the talking with our hosts. We left happy and very confident that the friendly atmosphere was not a "marketing package", but the true value arising from the collective spirit of the hotel Constantine the Great’s team. BelGuest
CARSKO ZDANJE I PRIJATNI DOM Novi, ultra moderan beogradski hotel nosi ime rimskog imperatora Konstantina Velikog. Delo ovog velikog vladara rođenog na tlu Srbije, kojeg hrišćanska civilizacija pamti po prelomnom „Milanskom ediktu”, bilo je inspiracija graditeljima: zdanje je po svojoj spoljašnosti i unutrašnjosti dostojno carske titutule. Hotel je otvoren za goste novembra prošle godine, a predstavnici sedme sile su nedavno bili pozvani na medijsko otvaranje, kako bi se uživo uvereli zašto se Konstantin Veliki za kratko vreme našao na mapi luksuznih intimnih hotela sveta.
z osvežavajuće napitke i prijatan žamor, u lobiju nas dočekuju Zorana Dimitrijević, direktorka marketinga i prodaje i Miloš Biković - poznati srpski filmski i pozorišni glumac – koji se, nimalo slučajno, našao u ulozi promotera:„Prvi put sam se upoznao sa ljudima iz hotela kada smo radili promociju projekta Bićemo prvaci sveta. Tada sam primetio opuštenu atmosferu i jednu posebnu diskreciju. To mi se jako dopalo i nastavio sam ovde da se vraćam. Živim u blizini i volim što imam mesto gde ću popiti kafu, ručati... Tu se osećam ušuškano, kao da sam kod kuće. Svim svojim kolegama iz sveta filma koji dolaze iz inostranstva preporučujem da ovde odsednu.” Miloš i Zorana vode nas u malu hotelsku turu, pokazuju nam salu za sastanke sa lepom bibliotekom, apartmane i sobe sa upečatljivim dekoracijama poput zavesa od staklenih lančića. Zorana Dimitrijević nam skreće pažnju da se uopšte na čuje tramvaj koji upravo prolazi ulicom 27. marta: „Iako smo u srcu grada, hotel je izvanredno zvučno izolovan. Imamo goste čiji je posao takav da oko 200 dana godišnje spavaju po hotelima širom sveta. Možete da zamislite koliko smi bili ponosni kada su se ujutru, vedri i nasmejani, hvalili kako su imali dobar, miran i dug san.” Na naše pitanje zašto je hotel poneo ime rimskog cara, Zorana odgovara:„Hotel je podignut u čast proslave 1700 godina Milanskog edikta, i nekako je sasvim prirodno došlo da carsko zdanje kao što je ovo nosi ime tako velikog čoveka.”
Nakon upoznavanja sa hotelskim sadržajima, usledilo je prijatno iznenađenje: u restoranu Edict, dočekuje nas svečano postavljena trpeza i glavni domaćin hotela, generalni direktor Marko Stanković. Uz reči dobrodošlice, predstavlja nam osnove poslovne filozofije hotela: „Mi smo oaza mira u turbulentnom gradu, idealno mesto, prevashodno, za poslovne ljude. Nalazimo se na pešačkoj udaljenosti od ključnih znamenitosti Beograda i samo dvadesetak minuta vožnje od aerodroma. Ponosimo se ambijentom hotela, ali najviše smo ponosni na naše ljude, na naš tim, koji teži da se svaki gost oseća kao kod kuće. Mi pamtimo navike naših gostiju. Možda ćete se iznenaditi što ćemo sledeći put kada nam dođete znati šta volite. Zato što želimo da udovoljimo željama naših gostiju, odlučili smo da im dopustimo da sa sobom povedu i kućne ljubimce. Imamo četiri zvezdice i oznaku superior, ali sve to nije dovoljno da nam ljudi ponovo dođu. Zato nudimo vrednost više – to su emocija, toplina i nenametljivost.” Uz lagani i maštoviti ručak koji nam je priredio šef kuhinje, završavamo druženje s našim domaćinima. Odlazimo zadovoljni i sasvim uvereni da prijateljska atmosfera koja ovde vlada nije „marketinško pakovanje”, već istinska vrednost koja proističe iz sabornog duha kolektiva hotela Konstantin Veliki. BelGuest
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
DECENIJA MONA HOTELIJERSTVA Preduzeća Mona i Mona hotel management su 14.maja u svom hotelu na Zlatiboru proslavili 10 godina poslovanja u hotelijerstvu i svečano otvorili novi wellness centar Inspirium.
„ Companies Mona and Mona Hotel Management on 14 May marked in its hotel on Zlatibor Mountain ten years of business in the hotel industry and officially opened a new wellness centre Inspirium.
During the ten years of business, we have invested about EUR 19 million, for the purchase of facilities, as well as for their restoration. Today, we have as part of our property the hotel Zlatibor Mona, Argo Hotel in Belgrade, Hotel Javor on Javor Mountain and Villa Bella in Budva. It was not at all easy to position all those facilities on the market, but it was worth it, as evidenced by the average occupancy of 70%. The last investment in the amount of EUR 600,000 was invested in renovation and establishment of a new wellness centre Inspirium within Zlatibor Mona Hotel. The wellness centre got its new robes – the pool has been expanded, new swimming pools with hot water were built, a new sauna world has been created. The new edition of the centre bears a new name – Inspirium – like a breath of fresh Zlatibor air invigorating the soul and the body,” Djordje Momirović, general manager, said at a ceremony. “Our business moves are always thoroughly worked out and we have always invested maximum energy in their implementation. That we succeed is evidenced by indicate numerous awards we have received: Tourist Flower for the best hotel in Serbia, The Best Hotel Household Award awarded by Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Tourist World magazine, The Best Hotel Management at the Tourism Fair in Belgrade, as well as numerous other awards,” Tomislav Momirović, general manager of Mona Hotel Management, said. The audience at the ceremony was addressed Executive Director Ivan Vitorović, saying: “Our vision is to create a new hospitality image of Serbia, a country that can offer much, both to domestic and foreign tourists. Serbia must be a country of good hoteliers and high standards, the country with a great tourism offer!”
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Tokom desetogodišnjeg poslovanja, uložili smo oko 19 miliona evra, kako u kupovinu objekata, tako i u njihovo renoviranje. Danas se u našem vlasništvu nalaze hotel Zlatibor Mona, hotel Argo u Beogradu, hotel Javor na Javoru i Vila Bella u Budvi. Nimalo nije bilo lako pozicionirati sve te objekte na tržištu, ali se isplatilo, što potvrđuje prosečna popunjenost od 70%. Poslednja investicija od 600.000 evra uložena je u renoviranje i stvaranje novog wellness centra Inspirium u okviru hotela Zlatibor Mona. Wellness centar je dobio novo ruho – proširen je bazen, izgrađeni su novi bazeni sa toplom vodom, napravljen je novi sauna svet. Novo izdanje centra nosi i novo ime Inspirium - kao udah svežeg Zlatiborskog vazduha koji okrepljuje dušu i telo“, rekao je na svečanosti Đorđe Momirović, generalni direktor. „Naši poslovni potezi su uvek detaljno razrađivani i uvek se ulagala maksimalna energija u njihovo sprovođenje. Da smo u tome uspeli, ukazuju brojne nagrade koje smo dobili: Turistički cvet za najbolji hotel u Srbiji, Najbolje hotelsko domaćinstvo nagrada privredne komore Srbije i časopisa Turistički svet, Najbolji hotelski menadžment na Sajmu turizma u Beogradu, kao i brojne druge nagrade”, izjavio je Tomislav Momirović, generalni direktor Mona hotel management-a. Okupljenima na svečaonosti obratio se i izvršni direktror Ivan Vitorović, rekavši: „Naša vizija jeste da stvaramo novi hotelijerski imidž Srbije, zemlje koja ima i može da pruži mnogo, kako domaćim, tako i inostranim turistima. Srbija mora biti zemlja dobrih hotelijera i visokih standarda, zemlja odlične turističke ponude!”
THE RADISSON BLU OLD MILL HOTEL GRAND OPENING Old Mill started its new life this spring. More than a thousand guests from the country and abroad gathered at a ceremony marking the opening of the hotel in a fantastic redesigned ambience of an old industrial plant.
n a spectacular atmosphere, with many specialties of the chef and musical performances by popular bands, the first design hotel in the city hosted guests from all walks of public life. The Radisson Blu Hotel Old Mill in this way showed that it is taking a leading position in the social life of the capital, as an oasis for hedonists. The opening was also attended by Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, who told the investors that they will continue to have support for such ventures. “Belgrade has been widely positioned as the new capital of cool, a city that is vibrant 24 hour per day, and we are very proud to be part of it,” Mr. Świec Thomas, General Manager, said. Radisson Blu Old Mill Belgrade has a fascinating story to tell to its visitors, within its unique design resembling the Old Mill building, the city of Belgrade and its rivers. The hotel’s OMB Larder + Lounge promotes Serbian culinary tradition by incorporating fresh, local products and creative, modernist cuisine’s techniques in an extensive menu. Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel Belgrade is specialised in offering services for business people, with 236 hotel rooms including 14 suites, a modern conference centre and other high-class amenities. This is the so-called focus hotel within the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, one of the largest hotel companies in the world.
Ovog proleća započeo je novi život Starog mlina. Na svečanosti povodom otvaranja Hotela u fantastično preosmišljenom ambijentu starog industrijskog postrojenja, okupilo se više od hiljadu zvanica iz zemlje i inostranstva.
adisson Blu Old Mill Hotel je na ovaj način pokazao da preuzima vodeću poziciju u društvenom životu glavnog grada, kao prava oaza za hedoniste. Na otvaranju je bio i premijer Srbije Aleksandar Vučić koji je je investitorima poručio da će i ubuduće imati podršku za ovakve poduhvate. „Beograd je postao poznat širom Evrope kao nova prestonica urbane i šik zabave, grad koji živi 24 sata dnevno. Mi smo veoma ponosni što smo deo ove atmosfere i radujemo se novim gostima koji će sigurno uživati u ovom izvanrednom ambijentu“, izjavio je na svečanosti Tomas Svika, direktor hotela. Radisson Blu Old Mill svojim posetiocima predstavlja veoma zanimljivu priču, koja kroz jedinstveni dizajn enterijera i mešavinu autentičnog nasleđa i industrijskog šika oživljava duh Starog mlina, kao i Beograda i njegovih reka. Hotelski restoran i bar, OMB Larder + Lounge, predstavljaju tradicionalnu srpsku kuhinju oplemenjenu na savremen način. U ponudi je bogat meni, sastavljen od svežih namirnica koje se uzgajaju i nabavljaju kod lokalnih proizvođača a pripremaju se na kreativan način tzv. modernističke kuhinje. Hotel Radisson Blu Old Mill raspolaže sa 236 hotelskih soba, uključujući i 14 apartmana, moderan konferencijski centar i druge pogodnosti hotela visoke klase. Ovo je tzv. fokus hotel u okviru Carlson Rezidor Hotel Grupe, jedne od najvećih hotelskih kompanija u svetu.
RADISSON BLU OLD MILL HOTELA BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
SUNČANO PLAVI HORIZONT This cute little town situated in the middle of the Bay of Kotor attracts with its amenities: the nature has gifted it with bays, beaches, the islands of St. Mark and Our Lady of Mercy... Tivat is also known as an international airport, and has recently become the centre of nautical tourism. Marina Porto Montenegro is known for mega yachts attracting sailors from around the world, and there is an exclusive resort emerging in the bay of Luštica, in the open sea. A botanical garden, the castle summerhouse Buće and the ethno village Gornja Lastva are just some of the advantages of this beautiful Mediterranean oasis.
ivat is taking confident strides on the road that is taking this town to the very top on the list of attractive world destinations. In addition to exclusive nautical and resort tourism, this town fosters other forms of tourism: cultural tourism, sports and recreational tourism, as well as rural tourism. What makes the Tivat bay special are the islands of St. Mark and Our Lady of Mercy. With its location in the bay, its beaches and in particular the famous beach Blue Horizons, Tivat is often gladly chosen as a travel destination by tourists – even the sun shines there for 2,446.2 hours during the year, which makes Tivat the sunniest town of the Kotor Bay. Great hotels, restaurants, a city park rich in plants from all over the world, cultural summer Purgatorije, the famous sailboat Jadran (Adriatic) whose home port is Tivat, ten well-kept beaches, sports facilities... make every day spent in Tivat meaningful and different. Also, in a very short time, when off the beach, you will reach the shade and tranquillity of the mountain Vrmac. So, Tivat has everything to be desired and harmoniously combined into a dynamic and invigorating holiday. INFO: Tourist Organisation of Tivat Palih boraca 19 | 85320 Tivat | Montenegro Tel: +382 (32) 660 165 | email: tivatravel@gmail.com | web: tivat.travel
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
Ljupki gradić u središtu bokokotorskog zaliva pleni sadržajima: priroda mu je podarila uvale, brojne plaže, ostrva Sveti Marko i Gospu od Milosti... Tivat je poznat kao međunarodna vazdušna luka, a odnedavno je postao i središte nautičkog turizma. Marina Porto Montenegro za mega jahte privlači moreplovce iz čitavog sveta, a u uvali Luštice na otvorenom moru niče ekskluzivni resort. Botanički vrt, dvoracletnjikovac Buće, etno-selo Gornja Lastva, su samo još neki od aduta ovog lepe mediteranske oaze.
ivat sigurnim korakom ide putem koji ga vodi na liste svetski atraktivnih destinacija. Osim eksluzivnog nautičkog i resort turizma, u ovom gradu se neguju i drugi vidovi turizma: kulturni turizam, sportsko-rekreativni, ruralni turizam… Ono što tivatski zaliv čini posebnim jesu ostrva Sveti Marko i Gospa od Milosti. Svojim položajem u zalivu, uvalama i poznatom plažom Plavi Horizonti, Tivat je rado birano odredište turista - čak ga i Sunce bira kao omiljeno mesto za svoj boravak: ono sija 2446,2 sata u toku godine, što Tivat čini najsunčanijim gradom Boke Kotorske. Lepi hoteli, restorani, gradski park bogat biljem iz svih krajeva sveta, kulturno leto Purgatorije, slavni jedrenjak Jadran kojem je Tivat matična luka, desetak uređenih plaža, sportski tereni... čine da svaki proveden dan u Tivtu bude sadržajan i različit. Takođe, sa plaže se za veoma kratko vreme stiže do hladovine i mira planine Vrmac. Tako, Tivat ima sve što se može poželeti i skladno ukomponovati u dinamičan i okrepljujući odmor. INFO: Turistička organizacija Tivat Palih boraca 19 | 85320 Tivat | Crna Gora Tel: +382 (32) 660 165 | email: totivat@t-com.me | web: tivat.travel
I N THE HEART OF KOTOR BAY – TIVAT, IN THE HEART OF TIVAT – MIMOZA HOTEL HOTEL PINE**** The Pine 4* Hotel is the pride of the hotel management company Mimoza from Tivat, which also incorporates the hotels Mimoza 2* and Kamelija 2*. The Hotel Pine is one of the jewels of the Adriatic Sea. You’ll get a wonderful panoramic view of the Tivat bay from the terrace and the hotel windows. The Pine Hotel was completely renovated in 2014 and offers bright rooms and comfortable suites overlooking the sea or facing the quiet zone of the city. Within the hotel there is a modern wellness centre with a sauna and a fitness room. Guests can enjoy a magnificent sunset on the beautiful terrace of the restaurant that serves a variety of specialties, including fresh seafood and meat dishes, while lovers of delicious sweets have a coffee pastry shop available, a famous place in Tivat. INFO: HTP MIMOZA A.D. TIVAT Obala Pine bb | 85320 Tivat | Montenegro Tel: + 382 32 671 305 e-mail: htpmimozaad@t-com.me web: www.htpmimoza.me
U SRCU BOKE - TIVAT, U SRCU TIVTA - MIMOZA HOTEL PINE**** Hotel Pine 4* je ponos HTP Mimoza iz Tivta u okviru koje posluju i hoteli Mimoza 2* i Kamelija 2*. Hotel Pine je jedan od dragulja Jadranskog mora. Sa terase i prozora hotela pruža se predivan panoramski pogled na Tivatski zaliv. Hotel Pine je potpuno renoviran 2014.godine i raspolaže svetlim sobama i udobnim apartmanima s pogledom na more ili okrenutim ka mirnoj zoni grada. U okviru hotela radi savremeni Wellnes centar sa saunom i fitness salom. Gosti mogu uživati u veličanstvenim zalascima sunca na prelepoj terasi restorana koji služi raznovrsne specijalitete, uključujući sveže plodove mora i jela od mesa, a ljubiteljima ukusnih slatkiša na raspolaganju je kafe poslastičarnica, kultno mesto u Tivtu. INFO: Hotel PINE Obala Pine bb | 85320 Tivat | Montenegro Tel: + 382 32 662 104 e-mail: hotelpine@gmail.com web: www.hotelpine.me
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
The International School of Belgrade (ISB) is an IB World School and follows the three programs of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The Primary Years Program (PYP) is designed for PreKindergarten to Grade 5, the Middle Years Program (MYP) is for students in Grades 6-10, and the Diploma Program (DP) is for students in Grades 11 & 12.
The Exhibition provides a culminating experience that captures the essence of the PYP. The students in each group work collaboratively and use their skills, knowledge, and understandings to develop three lines of inquiry within their central idea. They then engage in research that includes surveys, interviews, off-campus visits and invited experts over a six-week period. Their accumulated learning results in some type of action, as referred to in each group’s central idea. Finally, students present all of their learning to parents, students from other grades, staff and invited guest in the PYP Exhibition. The students are responsible for planning, creating and staging the Exhibition; determining the direction of their inquiries, the types of research and how best to present their work. Parent and teacher mentors work with each group to help them manage their time and deepen their inquiries. The Exhibition includes: • Examples of written work, surveys, mathematical data, as well as records of the process and the action plan; • Applied use of technology as a thinking, learning, planning and presentation tool; • Performances in any medium - dance, drama, film, video, mixed media. The PYP Exhibition at ISB clearly exemplifies all aspects of our Mission: ISB is a collaborative learning community that inspires and empowers its members to discover their passions to be global innovators. Text & Photo: ISB
n the final year of each of these programs students develop a culminating project in which they demonstrate their acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies. This article w ill focus on the PYP Exhibition. At ISB, students in Grade 5 are in the final year of the IB PYP and the last Unit of Inquiry takes the form of the PYP Exhibition. Students discover and pursue their passions in groups of like-minded individuals, and this year our 31 Grade 5 students are working in eight groups on the following topics: • Music: With our passion for the importance of music we can connect to others to help them grow and learn. • Sport A: By discovering and expressing our interest in sport we can influence ourselves and others to be healthy. • Sport B: By discovering our passion for sports we can make changes in our everyday lives. • Art: By expressing our feelings and ideas through art, we can make changes in our own and others' lives. • Humanities: By exploring and understanding humanities, we can change the future. • Health: By exploring people's health around the world we can change society. • Nature: How we choose to interact with other living things transforms nature and our everyday lives. • Education: Our passion for education can inspire us to change the world.
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
ZAVRŠNA PREZENTACIJA OSNOVACA Internacionalna škola u Beogradu (ISB) deo je mreže IB World School utemeljene na tri nastavna plana i programa Organizacije International Baccalaureate (IBO). Program za osnovce (Primary Years Program – PYP) namenjen je deci od predškolskog uzrasta do petog razreda, Program za decu srednjeg uzrasta (Middle Years Program – MYP) namenjen je učenicima od 6. do 10. razreda, a Pripremni program za maturski ispit (Diploma Program – DP) oblikovan je za đake 11. i 12. razreda.
poslednjoj godini svih programa, učenici pripremaju završni projekat kojim prikazuju svoja stečena znanja, veštine i kompetencije. Ovaj tekst se fokusira na sadržaje završne prezentacije osnovaca. Poslednja nastavna jedinica za učenike završnog petog razreda IB PYP programa, zapravo je prezentacija njihovih projekata. Organizovani u grupe sličnog afiniteta, učenici otkrivaju svoja interesovanja i produbljuju žudnju za znanjem. Ove godine ukupno tridest i jedan učenik, unutar osam različitih grupa, radi na sledećim temama: • Muzika: Vatrenom željom da prikažemo značaj muzike, možemo se povezati sa drugima i pomoći im u odrastanju i učenju. • Sport A: Otkrivajući i pokazujući interesovanje za sport možemo uticati na sopstvenu svest o važnosti zdravlja, ali i na svest drugih. • Sport B: Razvijajući strast prema sportu možemo promeniti naš svakodnevni život. • Umetnost: Izražavajući naša osećanja i ideje kroz umetnost, možemo učiniti pomake u sopstvenom, ali i u životima drugih. • Društvene nauke: Istražujući i razumevajući društvene nauke, možemo promeniti budućnost. • Zdravlje: Istražujući zdravlje ljudi širom sveta, možemo uticati na društvene promene. • Priroda: Način na koji se ophodimo prema drugim živim bićima menja i prirodu i nas same. • Obrazovanje: Naša žudnja za znanjem može nam biti inspiracija da menjamo svet. Završna prezentacija je iskustveni vrhunac svega onog što čini suštinu PYP programa. Učenici međusobno sarađuju unutar grupe i svojim veštinama, znanjem i razumevanjem razrađuju osnovnu ideju kroz tri polja istraživanja. Potom, tokom šest nedelja, rade na istraživanjima koja obuhvataju ankete, intervjue, odlaze u posete stručnjacima ili ih pozivaju u školu. Njihovo stečeno znanje uveke se pretače u neku akciju koja se temelji na nosećoj ideji. I na kraju, sve ono što su naučili, javno prezentuju pred svojim roditeljima, učenicima drugih razreda, nastavnicima i gostima pozvanim da prisustvuju završnoj PYP prezentaciji.
Učenici su sami odgovorni za planiranje, osmišljavanje i prezentovanje ispitne teme. Oni sami utvrđuju u kom pravacu će voditi istraživanje, koje će istraživačke tehnike primeniti i kako će na najbolji način predstaviti svoj rad. Roditelji i nastavnici mentori rade sa svakom grupom kako bi im pomogli da rasporede vreme i prodube svoje istraživanje. Završna prezentacije sastoji se od: • pisanog rada, ankete, matematičkih podatka, kao i izveštaja o toku i akcionom planu istraživanja; • primene tehnologija kao alata koji služi za razmišljanje, učenje, planiranje i prezentaciju; • izvođenja predstave u odabranoj formi: plesu, drami, filmu, videu, kombinovanim medijma; Završna PYP prezentacija jasno oslikava sve aspekte misije škole: ISB je obrazovne zajednica utemeljena na međusobnoj saradnji, u kojoj su njeni članovi inspirisani i podsticani u spoznaji da mogu posati globalni inovatori. Tekst i foto:ISB
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
WALK FOR BOOKS Each year PRIMA International School continues to advance its mission of hope. This year’s, fifth “Walk a Mile for a Smile” Spring Festival was organised in cooperation with the Novak Djoković Foundation, and the walk was for the Milivoje Borović elementary school kids from Mačkat, who got many books and much needed reading materials.
n a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of the PRIMA school’s yard, pupils, parents, teachers and guests of the PRIMA school gathered on Saturday, 16 May. There were also representatives of the Novak Djoković Foundation and other guests, including Dušan Borković, the European champion in motor sport, who officially opened the charity walk. Still, the pupils and teachers of the Milivoje Borović elementary school took the place of honour as this event was organised for them.
“Our school is the oldest in the Zlatibor district. It is 155 years old and for the inhabitants of Mačkat it is more than a school – it is a symbol of tradition of education. I started working in the library a year and a half ago and I felt so bad as I constantly kept giving the same answer to children: We don’t have that book. The library had not received any books for the previous 30 years, and the pupils needed them. Also, it is important they can read something new and interesting. We have already submitted a list of titles and popular reading materials according to our children’s wishes. The books will mean a lot to them, and the event itself, the way we were welcomed, is something to remember,” the librarian Vesna Ivanović told BelGuest, as she was walking down the athletic track. After the walk, we took a statement from Maja Jovanović, project manager of the Novak Djoković Foundation. She said that, “The strategy of our Foundation is to have as many actions to upgrade the pre-school and school education to a higher level. PRIMA school has recognised this. This is the second year that we are organising this event in partnership and we very easily found the school in need of donations. After this day, the school library in Mačkat will certainly look completely different.” The “entrance ticket” to walk the athletic track was a T-shirt in the yard were the colourful stalls selling a variety of donated items, foodstuffs and beverages to collect as much money as possible for the purchase of books. Summing up the results, director of PRIMA school Brigitte MacIntosh told BelGuest, “First of all, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our Spring Festival. The walks aim to bring a smile to the betterment of the children of Serbia and so far we have had many lives changed for the better. New books and much needed reading materials are on the way to fill the shelves of the library of the elementary school Milivoje Borović. Every book has a soul, the soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it, dreamed and lived with it. Every time a book changes hands its spirit grows and strengthens. The smile of children from Mačkat is the greatest reward for us.” BelGuest
Iz godine u godinu, kroz različite humanitarne akcije, PRIMA škola nastavalja da unapređuje svoju misiju nade. Ovogodišnji, peti po redu, prolećni festival „Prošetaj milju za osmeh”, organizovan je u saradnji s Fondacijom Novaka Đokovića, a šetnja je bila namenjena osnovcima škole Milivoje Borović iz Mačkata koji su dobili preko potrebnu lektiru i mnogo novih savremenih dečjih knjiga.
vedroj i opuštenoj atmosferi dvorišta PRIMA škole, u subotu 16. maja okupili su se đaci, roditelji, nastavnici i gosti PRIMA škole. Bili su tu i predstavnici Fondacije Novak Đoković i druge zvanice, ukljućujući Dušana Borkovića, prvaka Evrope u automobilizmu, koji je svečano otvorio humanitarnu šetnju. Ipak, počasno mesto među okupljenima zauzeli su đaci i nastavnici osnovne škole Milivoje Borović za koje je i organizovan ovaj događaj. „Naša škola je najstarija u zlatiborskom okrugu. Postoji 155 godina i za stanovnike Mačkata ona je
više od škole – ona je simbol tradicije obrazovanja. Počela sam da radim u biblioteci pre godinu i po dana i nije mi prijato da deci stalno dajem isti odgovor: nema, nema. Lektira nije nabavljana zadnjih 30 godina, a đacima je nephodna. Takođe, važno je i da mogu da pročitaju nešto novo i zanimljivo. Dostavili smo već listu naslova i popularnog štiva na osnovu želja naše deca. Knjige će nam mnogo značiti, a i sam ovaj događaj, način na koji smo dočekani, jeste nešto za pamćenje”, izjavila je za BelGuest bibliotekarka Vesna Ivanović, šetajući atletskom stazom.
Po završetku šetnje, uzeli smo izjavu i od Maje Jovanović, projekt menadžera Fondacije Novak Đoković: „Strategija naše Fondacije jeste da imamo što više akcija koje će predškolsko i školsko obrazovanje podići na viši nivo. PRIMA škola je to prepoznala. Već je druga godina kako partnerski organizujemo ovaj događaj i vrlo lako smo našli školu kojoj je potrebna donacija. Posle današnjeg dana, biblioteka škole u Mačkatu će, sasvim sigurno, izgledati potpuno drugačije.” „Ulaznica” za šetnju atletskom stazom bila je majica, a u dvorištu su se na živopisnim štandovima prodavale razne donirane stvari, hrana i napici kako bi se prikupilo što više novca za nabavku knjiga. Sumirajući rezultate, direktorka PRIMA škole Brigitte MacIntosh kaže za BelGuest: „Pre svega, zahvaljujemo se svima koji su uzeli učešće na našem Prolećnom festivalu. Cilj Šetnje za osmeh je da donese boljitak deci Srbije i do sada smo mnoge živote promenili nabolje. Nove knjige i preko potrebna lektira su na putu da popune police biblioteke osnovne škole Milivoje Borović. Svaka knjiga koju deca budu čitala oživeće u njima duh osobe koja ju je napisala i tako će postati deo njihovog bića. Svaki put kada knjiga dospe u nove ruke, njen duh raste i postaje snažniji. Osmeh dece iz Mačkata nam je, ipak, najveća nagrada. ” BelGuest
walker’s step on the tracks, audio tapes on break stone, an auto portrait in blue construction, a shed with unusual composition of colours... that’s the description of some of a total of 24 exhibited photographs. The students presented a total of four photographs each, all of which were created under the eye of Darko Lungulov, who designed how the club should work: "We met every week and talked about photography, we studied the work of photographers worldwide, and talked about composition, about colours, about everything that makes a successful photograph, and then we went on short trips and tried to see Belgrade from a different perspective. This exhibition could as well be called The Secret Belgrade in Springtime. We searched some uninvestigated half-deserted parts of the city – Lower Dorćol, Dorćol Marina, the area around the railway. These are pretty exotic places, although in
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
The second annual exhibition of photographs by schoolgirls from the British International School was officially opened on 2 June at the famous Belgrade gallery New Ozone. Ana, Tara, Mary, Liza, Mahseed and Sarah presented to the audience their works created in a photo school club run by the renowned Serbian director Darko Lungulov. You could notice the excitement in the gallery because the artists are girls who are exhibiting their works to the public for the first time.
On 16 May the British International School organised its traditional charity festival. With colourful stalls and valuable prizes at the charity lottery, the main event was a fashion show, at which the students wore national costumes from different countries provided for this occasion by many embassies and individuals. The funds raised this year went to Kragujevac Red Cross.
the midst of the urban fabric. And the girls were watching them through their own eyes, and they were very successful. It is important to say that there were no interventions on their works, everything is exactly as how they took the photos, these are their authentic photographs."
Asked whether while he was working on the exhibition he had some special idea, Darko Lungulov says: "We watched the outstanding documentary film Finding Vivian Maier. It is a story of a New York photographer who became highly respected only after her death. Nobody knew about her dedicated interest in photography, she worked in secret, and was a nanny. This wonderful woman was our inspiration and I think you’ll notice that. And also, you’ll trace their authentic handwriting." We spoke with one of the young photographers, twelve-year-old Mahseed, and took the opportunity to ask her about her impressions from the opening and she told us: "I am very excited because our works are exhibited in a real gallery. In preparing the exhibition most of the time we needed to decide which works to choose, there were really a lot of good ones." Asked if she’s thinking about dedicating herself to a professional career of a photographer, Mahseed with a dazzling sparkle in her eyes decisively replied: "I've been engaged in photography since my youngest days and I love to take photos, but that's just my hobby." The exhibition catalogue contains an interesting note about Liza who, although she’s only thirteen years old, is engaged in photography from her early age: "Her motherland is Russia. She spent her childhood in the beautiful region of Siberia, playing in the woods or near mighty river Amur. By seeing all powerful beauty of nature, she wanted to keep a peace of it with her... So her father presented her with hers first camera and she took photos of breathtaking nature." The gist of this exhibition as well as of other public presentations of student works and skills expresses the pedagogical concept of the British International School, which highly values experience as an integral part of the academic curriculum. BelGuest Photo: Darko Radulović & Maša Avramović
Druga po redu godišnja izložba fotografija učenica Britanske internacionalne škole svečano je otvorena 2. juna u poznatoj beogradskoj galeriji Novi Ozon. Ana, Tara, Marija, Liza, Mahseed i Sarah predstavile su publici svoje radove, nastale u foto klubu škole koju vodi poznati srpski reditelj Darko Lungulov. U galeriji je vladalo primetno uzbuđenje, jer umetnice su devojčice, koje po prvi put svoje radove predstavljaju javnosti.
orak šetača na pruzi, audio kaseta na tucaniku, autoportet u plavoj konstrukciji, šupa sa neobičnom kompozicijom boja... opis je nekoliko od ukupno 24 izložene fotografije. Izložene su po četiri najbolje fotografije svake učenice, nastale pod vođstvom Darka Lungulova, koji je osmislio sadržaje rada kluba: „Sastajali smo se svake nedelje i pričali o fotografiji, proučavali dela svetskih fotografa, pričali o kompoziciji, o koloritu, o svemu onome što fotografiju čini uspešnom, a onda bismo išli na kratke izlete i trudili se da vidimo Beograd nekim drugim pogledom. Ova izložba bi se mogla nazvati Tajni Beograd u proleće. Obilazili smo neistražene, polunapuštene delove grada - Donji Dorćol, dorćolsku marinu, prostor oko pruge. To su prilično egzotična mesta, mada se nalaze usred urbanog tkiva. A učenice su ih gledale svojim očima i
Majer. To je priča o njujorškoj fotografkinji koja je postala izuzetno poštovana tek posle svoje smrti. Niko nije znao da se posvećeno bavi fotografijom, radila je to u tajnosti, a bila je dadilja. Ova čudesna
izloženi u pravoj galeriji. Pripremajući izložbu najviše vremena nam je bilo potrebno da odlučimo koje radove da odaberemo, bilo je zaista puno dobrih.” A na pitanje da li možda razmišlja da se u životu posveti ovom pozivu, Mahseed je sa neobično sjajnim iskricama u očima odlučno odgovorila: „Bavim se fotografijom od najmlađih dana i volim da fotografišem, ali to je samo moj hobi.” U katalogu izložbe objavljen je još jedna zanimljiva beleška o Lizi koja se, iako ima tek trinaest godina, bavi fotografijom od najmlađih dana: „Njena otadžbina je Rusija. Detinjstvo je provela u divnim prostorima Sibira. Igrajući se u šumi li blizu moćne reke Amur, videvši snažnu lepotu prirode poželela je da jedan njen delić stalno nosi sa sobom... Otac joj je poklonio prvu foto-kameru i ona je fotografisala prirodu čija lepota oduzima dah.”
Liza | Broken window - detail
Marija | Mistery - detail
Tara | Man walking - detail
bile su vrlo uspešne. Važno je reći da radovi nisu imali intervencija, sve je baš onako kao što je slikano, ovo je prava fotografija.” Na pitanje da li su radeći na izložbi imali neku posebnu ideju Darko Lungulov kaže: „Gledali smo izvanredan dokumetarni film U potrazi za Vivijan
žena bila nam je inspiracija i mislim da se to vidi. Takođe, primećuje se već i njihov autorski rukopis.” Iskoristili smo priliku da postavimo pitanje o utiscima sa otvaranja i jednoj od mladih fotografkinja – dvanestogodišnjoj Mahseed - koja nam je rekla: „Veoma sam uzbuđena zato što su naši radovi
U potki ove izložbe, kao i drugih javnih predstavljanja učeničkih radova i umeća, stoji pedagoški koncept BIS škole koji visoko vrednuje iskustvo kao sastavni deo akademskog kurikuluma. BelGuest Foto: Darko Radulović & Maša Avramović
BIS je 16. maja organizovao svoj tradicionalni međunarodni humanitarni festival. Uz živopisne štandove i vredne nagrade dobrotvorne lutrije, glavni događaj bila je modna revija na kojoj su učenici nosili narodne nošnje različitih zemalja, ustupljene od strane mnogih ambasada i pojedinaca. Prikupljena sredstva su ove godine upućena kragujevačkom Crvenom krstu.
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
C U L T U R E /K U L T U R A POZORIŠTA – ThEATERS ATELJE 212, Svetogorska 21, tel. 324-7342 www.atelje212.co.rs BEOGRADSKO DRAMSKO POZORIŠTE, Mileševska 64a, tel. 2835-111, 2837-000 www.bdp.rs BETON HALA TEATAR, Kraljice Natalije 3, tel.2684-588 BITEF TEATAR, Skver Mire Trailović 1, tel. 3220-608 www.bitef.rs DADOV, Desanke Maksimović 6/I, tel. 3243-643 www.dadov.rs DAH TEATAR, Marulićeva 8, tel. 2441-680 www.dahteatarcentar.com ISTER TEATAR, Karlovačka 26, Zemun, tel. 74498 07 JUGOSLOVENSKO DRAMSKO POZORIŠTE, Kralja Milana 50, tel. 3061-900, 3061-957 www.jdp.co.rs KPGT, Radnička 3, tel. 3055-082, 3055-076 www.kpgtyu.org OPERA I TEATAR MADLENIANUM, Zemun, Glavna 32, tel. 316-2533 www.madlenianum.rs NARODNO POZORIŠTE - NATIONAL ThEATER (Opera, Balet, Drama / Opera, Ballet, Theatre Plays) Francuska 3, tel. 3281-333 www.narodnopozoriste.co.rs POZORIŠTE NA TERAZIJAMA, Trg Nikole Pašića 3, tel.330-2650 www.pozoristeterazije.com SLAVIJA TEATAR, Svetog Save 16, tel. 2436-995 TEATAR BOJAN STUPICA, Kralja Milana 50, tel. 2644-447, www.jdp.co.rs TEATAR KULT, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 77a, tel. 2421-314 ZVEZDARA TEATAR, Milana Rakića 38, tel. 2419-664 www.zvezdara Večernja scena Radović, Aberdareva 1, tel. 3242-472 www.malopozoriste.co.rs
DEČJA POZORIŠTA – CHILDRENS’ ThEATERS BOŠKO BUHA, Trg Republike 3, tel. 2632-855 www.buha-theater.com MALO POZORIŠTE DUŠKO RADOVIĆ, Aberdareva 1, tel. 3242-472 www.malopozoriste.co.rs POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, Radoslava Grujića 21, tel. 2438-036 POZORIŠTE LUTAKA PINOKIO, Karađorđeva 9, Zemun tel. 2691-715 www.ptpinokio.com TEATAR RODA, Požeška 83a, tel. 2545-260 Pozoriste “Pan teatar”, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 298, www.panteatar.rs
KULTURNI CENTRI - CULTURAL CENTERS AMERIČKI KUTAK/AMERICAN CORNER, Makedonska 22, tel. 322-7694, www.americancorners-sam.net AUSTRIJSKI KULTURNI FORUM/ Österreichischen Kulturforums, Kneza Sime Markovića 2, tel. 3031-956, www.aussenministerium.at/belgradkf
BRITANSKI SAVET/ BRITISH COUNCIL, Terazije 8, tel. 3023-800, www.britishcouncil.org/serbia
CENTAR ZA KULTURNU DEKONTAMINACIJU, Birčaninova 21, tel. 3610-270, www.czkd.rs DEČIJI KULTURNI CENTAR, Takovska 8, tel. 342-2011, fax. 342-2314, www.dkcb.rs/ DOM KULTURE STUDENTSKI GRAD, Bulevar AVNOJ-a 179, tel. 2691-442, www.dksg.rs DOM OMLADINE BEOGRADA, Makedonska 22, tel. 3225-453, www.domomladine.org DOM VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19 tel. 324-12-58, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs FRANCUSKI INSTITUT U SRBIJI/ Institut français de Serbie , Zmaj Jovina 11, tel. 3023-654, www.institutfrancais.rs
INSTITUT GETE /GOEThE INSTITUT, Knez Mihailova 50, tel. 303-18-10, www.goethe.de/belgrad
GRAD - Evropski centar za kulturu i debatu, Braće Krsmanović 4, tel. 3282- 370, www.gradbeograd.eu
GUARNERIUS – centar lepih umetnosti, Džordža Vašingtona 12, tel. 3346-807, www.guarnerius.rs
HELENSKI FOND ZA KULTURU/HELLENIC FOUNDATION FOR CULTURE, Kneza Miloša 14, tel.3625-206, www.hfc-belgrade.com
INSTITUT SERVANTES/ Instituto Cervantes de Belgrado, Čika Ljubina 19, tel. 3034-182, www.belgrado.cervantes.es
INSTITUT KONFUČIJE, Studentski trg 3, tel. 3284-595, www.konfucije.fil.bg.ac.rs ITALIJANSKI INSTITUT ZA KULTURU/ Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Belgrado, Kneza Miloša 56, tel. 3629-435, www.iicbelgrado.esteri.it KANADSKI KULTURNI CENTAR/ CANADIAN CULTURAL CENTER, Kneza Miloša 75, tel. 306-3000 KULTURNI CENTAR BEOGRADA, Knez Mihailova 6/1, tel. 2621-469/ www.kcb.org.rs KULTURNI CENTAR IRANA, Neznanog junaka 32, tel. 3672 564 , www.iran.rs RUSKI DOM/ Русский дом, Kraljice Natalije 33, tel. 2642-178, www.ruskidom.rs REX, Jevrejska 16, tel. 3284-534, www.rex.b92.net
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
STUDENTSKI KULTURNI CENTAR, Kralja Milana 48, tel. 360-2014, www.skc.org.rs ZADUŽBINA ILIJE M. KOLARACA, Studentski trg 5, tel. 2630-550, www.kolarac.rs
KONCERTNE DVORANE - CONCERT HALLS ATRIJUM NARODNOG MUZEJA, Trg republike 1a, tel. 330-6000, BEOGRADSKA FILHARMONIJA, Studentski trg 11, tel. 328-2977, www.bgf.co.rs DOM VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19, tel. 324-0242, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs DVORANA DOMA SINDIKATA, Trg Nikole Pašića 5, tel. 323-4849, www.domsindikata.com KOMBANK ARENA, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 58, tel. 0900 110011, www.kombankarena.rs SAVA CENTAR, Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 220-6000 , www.savacentar.net ZADUŽBINA ILIJE M. KOLARCA, Studentski trg 5, tel. 262-6591, www.kolarac.co.rs
KONAK KNJEGINJE LJUBICE / The Residence of Princess Ljubica, Kneza Sime Markovića 8, tel.2638-264, www.mgb.org.rs
KONAK KNEZA MILOŠA / ThE Residence OF PRINCE MILOS, Rakovički put 2, tel.2660-422, www.imus.org.rs
KUĆA ĐURE JAKŠIĆA / DJURA JAKSIC HOUSE, Skadarska 34, tel. 3230-302 MANAKOVA KUĆA / MANAK’S HOUSE, Gavrila Principa 5, tel. 303- 6114 KULA NEBOJŠA / Nebojsa Tower, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića 11, tel. 26 20 685 www.kulanebojsa.rs
MUZEJ SRPSKE PRAVOSLAVNE CRKVE / SERBIAN ORTODOX CHURCH MUSEUM, Kralja Petra 5, tel. 328- 2527 NARODNI MUZEJ / NATIONAL MUSEUM, Trg Republike 1a, tel 3306-048, www.narodnimuzej.rs
PEDAGOŠKI MUZEJ / MUSEUM OF PEDAGOGY, Uzun Mirkova 14, tel.2627-538, www.pedagoskimuzej.org.rs
Vinča Arheološko nalazište / Archaeological Site Vinča, Belo brdo 17, Vinča, tel. 060/500-51-87, www.mgb.org.rs VUKOV I DOSITEJEV MUZEJ / VUK AND DOSITEJ MUSEUM, Gospodar Jevremova 21, tel. 2625-161 ISTORIJSKI MUZEJI - HISTORICAL MUSEUMS ISTORIJSKI MUZEJ SRBIJE / SERBIAN HISTORICAL MUSEUM, Đure Jakšića 9, tel. 328-7241, www.imus.org.rs
JEVREJSKI ISTORIJSKI MUZEJ / JEWISH HISTORICAL MUSEUM, Kralja Petra 71, tel. 2622-634, www.jimbeograd.org
MUZEJ BANJIČKOG LOGORA / The Museum of the Banjica Concentration Camp, Pavla Jurišića Šturma 33, tel. 3674-877, www.mgb.org.rs VOJNI MUZEJ / MILITARY MUSEUM, Kalemegdan bb, tel. 3343-441, www.muzej.mod.gov.rs IZLOŽBENA POSTAVKA NARODNE BANKE SRBIJE / NATIONAL BANK OF SERBIA NUMISMATIC EXIBITION, Kralja Petra 12, tel.3027-100, www.nbs.rs MEMORIJALNI MUZEJI - MEMORIAL MUSEUMS MEMORIJALNI MUZEJ JOVANA CVIJIĆA / The Memorial Museum of Jovan Cvijić, Jelene Ćetković 5, tel. 3223-126, www.mgb.org.rs MUZEJ NIKOLE TESLE / NIKOLA TESLA MUSEUM, Krunska 51, tel. 2433-886, www.tesla-museum.org
SPOMEN muzej Ive Andrića / The Memorial Museum of Ivo Andrić, Andrićev venac 8, tel. 323-8397, www.mgb.org.rs Muzej Paje Jovanovića / The Museum of Paja Jovanović, Kralja Milana 21/IV, tel. 3340-176, www.mgb.org.rs Zbirka ikona Sekulić / The Collection of Icons Sekulić, Uzun Mirkova 5, tel 3282-504, www.mgb.org.rs ZAVIČAJNI MUZEJI - CITY MUSEUMS MUZEJ GRADA BEOGRADA / The Belgrade City Museum, Zmaj Jovina 1, tel. 2630-825, www.mgb.org.rs TEHNIČKI MUZEJI - TEHNICAL MUSEUMS MUZEJ AUTOMOBILA /ThE automobile MUSEUM, Majke Jevrosime 30, tel. 3034-625, www.automuseumbgd.com
C U L T U R E / K U L T U R A BELGRADE MUZEJ JUGOSLOVENSKOG VAZDUHOPLOVSTVA /MUSEUM OF YUGOSLAV AERONAUTICS, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla,tel. 2670-992, www.muzejvazduhoplovstva.org. MUZEJ NAUKE I TEHNIKE / MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Skender Begova 51, tel. 303- 7850, www.muzejnt.rs PTT MUZEJ / POST MUSEUM, Majke Jevrosime 13, tel. 3064-170, www.pttmuzej.rs ŽELEZNIČKI MUZEJ / RAILWAY MUSEUM, Nemanjina 6, tel. 361-0334, www.zeleznicesrbije.com
GALERIJA PRIRODNJAČKOG MUZEJA / GALLERY OF ThE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, Mali Kalemegdan 5, tel. 3284-317, www.nhmbeo.rs MUZEJ SRPSKE MEDICINE / MUSEUM OF SERBIAN MEDICINE, Džordža Vašingtona 19, tel. 3245-149, www.sld.org.rs/sr/muzej
UMETNIČKI MUZEJI - ART MUSEUMS MUZEJ AFRIČKE UMETNOSTI / MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART, Andre Nikolića 14, tel. 2651-654, museumofafricanart.org
MUZEJ POZORIŠNE UMETNOSTI /ThEATER MUSEUM, Gospodar Jevremova 19, tel. 2628-920, www.mpus.org.rs
MUZEJ PRIMENJENE UMETNOSTI / Museum of Applied Art, Vuka Karadžića 18, tel. 2626-494, www.mpu.org.rs
JUGOSLOVENSKA KINOTEKA - YUGOSLAV FILM ARCHIVE, Kosovska 11, tel. 3248-250 www.kinoteka.org.rs
MUZEJ ZEPTER – ZEPTER MUSEUM, Knez Mihailova 42, tel. 011/328-3339, www.zeptermuseum.rs
IZLOŽBENE GALERIJE - EXHIBITION GALLERIES GALERIJA SRPSKE AKADEMIJE NAUKA I UMETNOSTI - GALLERY OF SERBIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS & SCIENCES,Knez Mihailova 35, www.sanu.ac.rs GALERIJA BEOGRAD, Kosančićev venac 19 , www.galerijabeograd.org GALERIJA DOMA OMLADINE, Makedonska 22, www.domomladine.org GALERIJA FAKULTETA LIKOVNIH UMETNOSTI, Pariska 16, www.flu.bg.ac.rs GALERIJA FRESAKA / FRESCO GALLERY, Cara Uroša 20, www.narodnimuzej.rs GALERIJA GRAFIČKOG KOLEKTIVA, Obilićev venac 27, www. grafickikolektiv.org GALERIJA HAOS, Dositejeva 3, www.galleryhaos.com GALERIJA KULTURNOG CENTRA BEOGRADA, Knez Mihailova 6, www.kcb.org.rs/ GALERIJA-LEGAT PETRA DOBROVIĆA, Kralja Petra 36/IV, www.msub.org.rs GALERIJA NAUKE I TEHNIKE SANU / SANU GALLERY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Đure Jakšića 2, www.sanu.ac.rs GALERIJA NEW MOMENT, Hilandarska 14, www.newmoment.com/beograd GALERIJA PROGRES, Knez Mihailova 22, www.progres.rs GALERIJA STARA KAPETANIJA, Zemun, Kej oslobođenja 8 GALERIJA SKC, Kralja Milana 48, www.skc.org.rs GALERIJA SULUJ, Terazije 26/II, www.galerijasuluj.org.rs GALERIJA 73, Požeška 83 a, www.galerija73.com GALERIJA ULUS, Knez Mihailova 37, www.ulus.org.rs GALERIJA DOMA VOJSKE SRBIJE, Braće Jugovića 19, www.odbrana.mod.gov.rs GALERIJA ZADUŽBINE ILIJE M. KOLARCA, Studentski Trg 5, www.kolarac.co.rs JUGOSLOVENSKA GALERIJA UMETNIČKIH DELA, Andrićev venac 4, Dositejeva 1 OZON, Andrićev venac 12, www.o3one.rs SALON MUZEJA SAVREMENE UMETNOSTI, Pariska 14, www.msub.org.rs UMETNIČKI PAVILJON CVIJETA ZUZORIĆ, Mali Kalemegdan, www.ulus.org.rs VELIKA GALERIJA DK STUDENTSKI GRAD, Bulevar AVNOJ-a 179, www.dksg.rs
UNIVERZITETSKA BIBLIOTEKA „SVETOZAR MARKOVIĆ“- UNIVERSITY LIBRARY „SVETOZAR MARKOVIĆ“, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, tel. 3370-509, www.unilib.bg.ac.rs
RESTAURANTS/BEOGRADSKI RESTORANI RESTORANI U SKADARLIJI – RESTAURANTS IN SKADARLIJA (traditional live music) DVA BELA GOLUBA, Bulevar despota Stefana 3, tel. 323-9079 DVA JELENA, Skadarska 32, tel. 323-4885 IMA DANA, Skadarska 38, tel. 323-4422 ŠEŠIR MOJ, Skadarska 21, tel. 322-8750 TRI ŠEŠIRA, Skadarska 29, tel. 324-7501 ZLATNI BOKAL, Skadarska 26, tel. 323-4834
INTERNACIONALNA I NACIONALNA KUHINJAINTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL CUISINE BUSSINES CLUB „JELENA”, Generala Šturma 1, tel. 3066509 CANTINA DE FRIDA, Karađorđeva 2-4, tel. 2181107 DAKA, Beograd, Hercegovačka 10, tel. 219-7423 DEVETKA, Kneza Višeslava 25, tel. 3559-783 DIVA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 2202 822 ĐORĐE, Hadži Milentijeva 47 (ulaz iz Moravske 10) tel. 3441-422 EL TORO, Masarikova 5, tel. 3612-429 FRANŠ, Bulevar oslobođenja 18a, tel. 2641-944 GINGER, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 2202- 822 IGUANA, Karađorđeva 2-4, tel. 328-3749 KALEMEGDANSKA TERASA, Kalemegdan bb, tel. 328-3011 KEJ, Kej oslobođenja 11e, Zemun, tel. 307-6866 KLUB KNJIŽEVNIKA, Francuska 7, tel. 2627-931 KOD KAPETANA, Kej oslobođenja 43, Zemun, tel. 2103-950 KOLARAC, Knez Mihailova 46, tel. 2638-972 KOVAČ, Bulevar oslobođenja 221, tel. 2462-343 KUMBARA, General Ždanova 36, tel. 3906-877 LORENZO&KAKALAMBA, Cvijićeva 110, tel. 3285-351 MADERA, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 43, tel. 3231-332 NA ĆOŠKU, Beogradska 37, tel. 3236-470 ORAČ, Makenzijeva 81, tel. 2440-507 PIRE SLOW FOOD, Cara Lazara 11, tel. 2634-994 PLATANI, Kej oslobođenja 45, tel. 2101-401 PROMAYA, Karađorđeva 8a, tel. 2621-494 PUBLIC DINE&WINE, Kosančićev venac 29, tel.328-3680 RESTORAN 27, Istarska 27, tel. 2651-831 RUBIN, Kneza Višeslava 29, tel. 3510-987 SOKAČE, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića bb, tel. 2625- 452 SRPSKA KAFANA, Svetogorska 25, tel. 3247-197 STARA CARINARNICA, Kej oslobođenja 31, tel.2616-930 STARA HERCEGOVINA, Carigradska 36, tel. 324-5856 TABOR, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 348, tel. 2412-464 TALAS, Kej oslobođenja 37, Zemun, tel. 3730-925 TORO LATIN GASTRO BAR, Karađorđeva 2-4, tel. 3034-342 TRIBECA, Kralja Petra 20, tel. 328-5566 VUK, Vuka Karadžića 12, tel. 2629-761 ZAPLET, Kajmakčalanska 2, tel.240-4142 ZLATAR, Preradovićeva 9a, tel. 2754-651 (live music) ZLATNIK, Kej oslobođenja35, Zemun, tel. 210- 5565 ZNAK PITANJA „?”, Kralja Petra 16, tel. 2635-421
SPECIJALIZOVANI RESTORANI – SPECIALTIES RESTAURANTS AMPHORA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, tel.2699-789 mediterranean cuisine BALSAC, Strahinjića bana 13, tel.3285-906 french cuisine BELLA ITALIJA “KOD GARIĆA”, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 95, tel. 311-3778 italian cuisine BELLA NAPOLI, Zmaj Jovina 35, Zemun, tel.2198-162 italian cuisine BYBLOS, Nebojšina 6, tel. tel. 244 19 38, lebanon cuisine CASA, Makenzijeva 24, tel. 3860-866 IKKI BAR, Gospodar Jovanova 46, tel. 2184-183 japanese cuisine IPANEMA, Strahinjića bana 68, tel. 3283-069 italian cuisine FRESKA, Vuka Karadžića 12, tel. 3284-879 italian cuisine GUŠTI MORA, Radnička 27, tel. 355-1268 sea food MAMMA MIA, Resavska 70, tel. 2687-683 italian cuisine BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
BELGRADE HOTELS/BEOGRADSKI HOTELI PANE E VINO, Dobračina 6, tel.3036-011 italian cuisine PEKING, Vuka Karadžića 2, tel. 2181-931chinese cuisine PIETRO DELL`ORO, Trnska 2, tel.3447-700 italian cuisine SAKURA, Beton hala | Karađorđeva 2- 4, tel. 3284-988 japanese cuisine VILLA CLUB 69, Krunska 69, tel. 3442-656 french&italian cuisine ZAPATA, Vojvode Bogdana 13, tel. 3809-207 mexican cuisine ŠARAN, Kej oslobođenja 53, Zemun, tel. 2618-235 fish restaurant
RESTORANI NA VODI - BOAT RESTAURANTS ACAPULCO, Zemunski kej bb, tel.319-6369 , tel.063/7784-760 AMSTERDAM, Kej oslobođenja bb, tel.319-4971 BAHUS, Kej oslobođenja bb, tel.301-5082 ČARDA STARA KOLIBA, Ušće bb, tel.3117-666, 3117-444 DINERS CLUB PRINCIPAL, Ušće bb, tel. 2140-467 KOLIBA, Ušće bb, tel. 311-7444 OTARD, Zemunski kej bb, tel.. 3195-905 PRESTIGE, Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, tel.2695-308 VODENICA, Bulevar vojvode Bojovića 5b, tel. 2628-250 ŽABAR, Kej oslobođenja bb, Zemun, tel. 3191-226
HOTELI – HOTELS HYATT REGENCY BELGRADE, Milentija Popovića 5, tel. 301-1234 METROPOL PALACE BELGRADE, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 69 , tel. 3333-100 PRESIDENT, SC Kovilovo, Zrenjaninski put 170, tel. 2075-200 SQUARE NINE HOTEL BELGRADE, Studenstki trg 9, tel. 3333 500 ZLATNIK, Dobanovačka 95, tel. 3167-511 Crowne Palaza belgrade, Vladimira Popovica 10, tel. 220-4004 BAH – BEOGRAD ART HOTEL,Knez Mihailova 27 tel. 3312-000
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
BEST WESTERN Hotel M, Bulevar Oslobođenja 56a, tel. 3095-505 BEST WESTERN Hotel Šumadija, Šumadijski trg 8, tel. 3554-255 CRYSTAL, Internacionalnih brigada 9, tel. 715-1000 CONSTATINE THE GREAT, 27. marta, tel. 4144-340 EVROPA, Sremska 1, tel. 3626-017 88 ROOMS, Takovska 49, tel. 411-9088 IN HOTEL, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 56, tel. 310-5300 FALKENSTEINER HOTEL BELGRADE, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina, tel. 453 2325 JUMP INN, Zagrebačka 2a, tel. 404-9650 LIFE DESIGN, Balkanska 18, tel. 3626-090 MAJESTIC, Obilićev venac 28, tel. 3285-777 fax 3284-995 MAJDAN, Mokroluška 174d, tel. 7466-060 MOSKVA, Balkanska 1, tel. 2686-255 MR.PRESIDENT DESIGN HOTEL, Karađorđeva 75, tel.361-2050 NEVSKI , Venizelusova 24a, tel. 322-9722 PALACE, Topličin venac 23, tel. 2185-585, 2637-222 PRAG - POSLOVNI HOTEL, Kraljice Natalije 27, tel. 321-4444 PRESTIGE, Bulevar vojvode Mišića 24, tel. 3057-465 QUEEN ASTORIA, Milovana Milovanovića 1a, tel. 2645-422 RADISSON BLUE OLD MILL, Bulevar vojvode Misića 15, tel. 6357- 57 SRBIJA GARNI HOTEL, Brankova 13-15, tel: 2633-323 SLAVIJA LUX, Svetog Save 2, tel. 2450-842 TOWNHOUSE 27, Maršala Birjuzova 56, tel. 2022-900 ZEDER, Vojni put II 164e, Zemun, tel. 3141-400, 3149-808 ZIRA, Ruzveltova 35, tel. 3314-800 AGRO GARNI HOTEL, Kralja Milana 25, tel. 3640-425 BALKAN GARNI, Prizrenska 2, tel.3636-000 BELGRADE CITY HOTEL, Savski trg 7, Beograd, tel. 761 70 23 EXCELSIOR, Kneza Miloša 5, tel. 3231-381 FORTUNA, Batajnički drum 261, Zemun, tel. 3770-444
INFORMATION/OPŠTE INFORMACIJE JUGOSLAVIJA, Bulevar Nikole Tesle 3, tel. 4022-222 KASINA, Terazije 25, tel. 3235-574 fax 3238-257 LE PETIT PIAF, Skadarska 34, tel. 3035-858 NACIONAL, Autoput 5, tel. 2601-156 ORAŠAC, Luke Vojvodića 25N, tel. 3055-822 PARK, Njegoševa 4, tel. 3640-385 REX, Sarajevska 37, tel. 361-1862 ROYAL, Kralja Petra 56, tel. 2626-426 SKALA, Zemun, Bežanijska 3, tel. 196-605, 3075-032 SLODES, Borska 92, tel. 3055-518 SRBIJA, Ustanička 127c, tel. 289-0404 TULIP INN , Palmira Toljatija 9 , tel. 2259-813 BEOGRAD, Balkanska 52, tel. 2645-361 BRISTOL, Karađorđeva 50, Belgrade, tel. 2631-895 LAV, Cara Dušana 240, Zemun, tel. 3163-289 SLAVIJA, Svetog Save 1-9, tel. 2450-842 TAŠ, Beogradska 71, tel. 3243-507 TRIM, Kneza Višeslava 72, tel 3540-670
HOTELI U OKOLINI BEOGRADA HOTELS IN BELGRADE`S VICINITY BABE ***, Sopot, M.Milinkovića 3, tel.8260-078 OBRENOVAC**, Obrenovac, Miloša Obrenovića 189, tel. 872-1039 RADMILOVAC **, Smederevski put bb, tel. ) 341 61 40, SUČEVIĆ M ***, Dugo polje 1a, Avalski put, tel. 3907-777 fax. 3907-771
PUTOVANJA - TRAVEL Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” – Airport Nikola Tesla, tel. 209-4444 www.beg.aero Beogradska autobuska stanica - Belgrade Bus Station, Železnička 4, tel. 2636-299, 2627-146 www.bas.co.rs
Međunarodni železnički saobraćaj - International railway transport, tel. 360-2899 Međunarodni autobuski saobraćaj- International bus transport, tel. 2622-526, 2627-146
Saobraćajno preduzeće Lasta – Transport Company Lasta, Niški put 4, tel. 2882-740 www.lasta.co.rs
Železnička stanica Beograd - Railway Station Belgrade, Savski trg 2, tel. 2645-822 www.zeleznicesrbije.com
RENT-A-CAR AVACO RENT A CAR, Avaco – Trnska 7, 11000 Beograd, Srbija, tel. 24 33 797, 34 48 981 Avaco – Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Beograd, tel. 22 86 434, mob.381 65 535 33 25, Budget, Antifašističke borbe 38, 11000 Beograd, tel. 311 3050 Omniturs, Savski trg 7, Beograd, tel. 761 - 0127 Axiom , Bul.A.Carnojevica 66, tel. 761 - 0127 Skill, Milentija Popovica 9, Sava Centar. tel. 311-3684 Europcar, Bulevar M. Pupina, 10g, tel. 212 03 42 Get Mobile, Zorana Đinđiča 45 v, 11000 Beograd, tel. 313 06 39 UTD, Sava Centar, Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 20 5000 AVIS, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Milentija Popovića 5, Beograd, tel. 313 96 16 HERTZ, Vladimira Popovica 6, tel. 20 28 200 SIXT, Žorža Klemensoa 19, tel. 328 7070
AVIO KOMPANIJE - AIRWAY COMPANIES AIR SERBIA, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17, tel.3232-372, www.airserbia.com AEROFLOT, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel. 328-6064 www.aeroflot.ru AEROSVIT, Nikole Spasića 3, tel. 3283-430 www.aerosvit.com AIR FRANCE, Knez Mihailova 30/II, tel. 2638-222 www.airfrance.com AL ITALIA, Terazije 43/I, tel. 3245-000 www.alitalia.com AUSTRIAN AIRLINES, Terazije 3/III, tel. 3248-077 www.austrian.com BRITISH AIRWAYS, Knez Mihailova 30/IV, tel. 3281-303 www.britishairways.com CZECH AIRLINES, Kralja Milana 6/I, tel. 3614-592 www.czechairlines.com EMIRATES, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel./fax. 303-4489 www.emirates.com LUFTHANSA, Terazije 3/VII, tel. 3034-944 www.lufthansa.com MONTENEGRO AIRLINES, Knez Mihailova 23/I, tel. 2621-122, www.montenegroairlines.com
OLYMPIC AIRLINES, Vasina 14/1, tel. 3036-750 www.olimpicairlines.com Qatar Airways ,Studentski trg 10, tel. 2627-879, www.qatarairways.com QANTAS, Knez Mihailova 30/III, tel. 2639-166, www.qantas.com.au SINGAPORE AIRLINES, Francuska 17/I, tel. 3035-738, www.singaporeair.rs/ž SRI LANKAN AIRLINES, Trg Nikole Pašića 12/4, tel. 3035-739, www.srilankan.aero SWISS INTERNATIONAL, Terazije 3/VII, tel. 3030-140 ,www.swiss.com TUNISAIR, Skadarska 19/I, tel. 3233-174, www.tunisair.com TURKISH AIRLINES, Knez Mihailova 30/V, tel. 3036-195, www.thy.com
DIPLOMATSKA PREDSTAVNIŠTVA-DIPLOMATIC OFFICES ALBANIJA/ALBANIA, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 25A, tel. 3066-642, fax 2665-439 ALŽIR/ALGERIA, Maglajska 26b, tel. 3671-211 fax 2668-200 ANGOLA/ANGOLA, Vladete Kovačevića 14, tel. 2653-422 fax 2653-424 ARGENTINA/ARGENTINA, Knez Mihailova 24/I, tel. 2623-751 fax 2622-630 AUSTRALIJA/AUSTRALIA, Vladimira Popovića 38-40, 8th floor, tel. 3303-400 fax 3303-409 AUSTRIJA/AUSTRIA, Kneza Sime Markovića 2, tel. 3336-500, 3031-964 fax.2635-606 Konzulat/Consular Section, tel. 3336-593
BELGIJA/BELGIUM, Krunska 18, tel. 3230-018 fax 3244-394 Odelj. za vize/Visa Section, tel. 0800/120-120
BELORUSIJA/BELARUS, Deligradska 13, tel. 3616-938 fax 3616-836 BOLIVIJA/BOLIVIA, -consulate, Slobodana Jovanovića 23, tel./fax 2757-819 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA/ BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, Krunska 9, tel.3241-170 fax 3241-057 Konzulat/Consular section, tel.3038-204
BRAZIL/BRAZIL, Krunska 14, tel. 3239-781 fax 3230-653 BUGARSKA/BULGARIA, Birčaninova 26, tel. 3613-980 fax 3611-136 Konzulat/Consular section, Hadži Milentijeva 69, tel.3446-454
CRNA GORA/MONTENEGRO, Užička 1, tel. 2668-975, fax 3699-546 ČEŠKA/CZECH REPUBLIC, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 22, tel. 3230-133 fax 3236-448 ČILE/CHILE-consulate, Tomaša Ježa 16-20, tel./fax 2459-974 DANSKA/DENMARK, Neznanog junaka 9a, tel. 3679-500 fax 3679-502 EGIPAT/EGYPT, Andre Nikolića 12, tel. 2650-585 fax 2652-036 EKVADOR/ECUADOR-consulate, Graničarska 8/III, tel./fax. 3440-135 FINSKA/FINLAND, Birčaninova 29, tel. 3065-400 fax 3065-375 FRANCUSKA/FRANCE, Pariska 11, tel. 3023-500 fax. 3023-510 GABON/GABON- consulate, Lomina 48, tel. 3626-147 fax 3626-110 GANA/GHANA, Djordja Vajferta 50, tel. 3440-856 fax 344-0071 GRČKA/GREECE, Francuska 33, tel. 3226-523 fax 3344-746 Konzulat/Consular Section, Strahinjića bana 76, tel. 3341-507
GVINEJA/GUINEA, Ohridska 4, tel./fax 3444-840 HOLANDIJA/ThE NEThERLANDS, Simina 29, tel. 2023-900 fax 2023-999 HRVATSKA/CROATIA, Kneza Miloša 62, tel. 3610-535 fax 3610-032 Konzulat/Consular Section, Sime Lozanića 11, tel. 3670-078 fax 3613-566
INDIJA/INDIA, Ljutice Bogdana 8, tel.2661-029 fax 3674-209 INDONEZIJA/INDONESIA, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 18, tel. 3674-062 fax 3672-984 IRAN/IRAN, Ljutice Bogdana 40, tel. 3674-360 fax 3674-363 ITALIJA/ITALY, Birčaninova 11, tel. 3066-100 fax 3249-413 Odeljenje za vize/Visa Section, Birčaninova 9, tel.3066-169
IZRAEL/ISRAEL, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 47, tel. 3643-500 fax 3643-555 JAPAN/JAPAN, Vladimira Popovića 6, (Genex Apartments), tel. 3012-800 fax 311-8258 KANADA/CANADA, Kneza Miloša 75, tel. 3063-000 fax 3063-042 KINA/CHINA, Avgusta Cesarca 2V, tel. 3695-057 fax 3066-001 Konzulat/Consular Section, Perside Milenković 9, tel. 3693-163
KIPAR/CYPRUS, Generala Save Grujića 18, tel. 3620-002 fax 3621-122 KONGO/CONGO, Moravska 5, tel/fax. 3446-431 KUBA/CUBA, Vukovarska 3, tel. 3692-441 fax 3692-442 LIBAN/LEBANON, Diplomatska kolonija 5, tel. 3675-153 fax 3675-156 LIBIJA/LIBYA, Sime Lozanića 6, tel. 2663-445 fax 3670-805 MAĐARSKA/HUNGARY, Krunska 72, tel. 2440-472 fax 3441-876 Konzulat/Consular Section, Vladete Kovačevića 3, tel. 3691-974
MAKEDONIJA/MACEDONIA, Gospodar Jevremova 34, tel. 3284-924 fax 3285-076 Konzulat/ Consular Section, tel. 3284-967 (except Wednesday)
MALEZIJA/ MALAYSIA, Krajiška 2, tel. 2662-736 fax 3679-080 MAROKO/MOROCCO, Sanje Živanović 4, tel. 369-0288 fax 3690-499 MEKSIKO/MEXICO, Ljutice Bogdana 5, tel. 3674-170, fax 3675-013 MIJANMAR/MYANMAR, Kneza Miloša 72, tel. 3617-165 fax 3614-968 NAMIBIJA/NAMIBIA-consulate, Boška Buhe 220, Grocka, mob.063/1111 450 NEMAČKA/GERMANY, Kneza Miloša 74-76, tel. 3064-300 fax 3064-303 Konzulat/Consular Section, Birčaninova 19a, tel. 3064-400
BelGuest Summer | Leto 2015
INFORMATION/OPŠTE INFORMACIJE NORVEŠKA/NORWAY, Užička 43, tel. 367-0404 fax 369-0158 PAKISTAN/PAKISTAN, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 62, tel. 2661-676 fax 2661-667 PALESTINA/PALESTINE, Maglajska 14, tel. 3671-407 fax 3671-336 PAPSKI NUNCIJAT/APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE, Svetog Save 24, tel. 3085-356 fax 3085-216 POLJSKA/POLAND, Kneza Miloša 38, tel. 2065-301 fax 3617-576 PORTUGAL/PORTUGAL, Vladimira Gaćinovića 4, tel. 2662-894 fax 2662-892 REPUBLIKA IRSKA/REPUBLIC OF IRELAND – consulat, Kosančićev venac 2/1, tel. 263-5911 REPUBLIKA KOREJA/REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Užička 32 tel. 3674-225 fax. 3674-229 RUMUNIJA/ROMANIA, Užička 10, tel. 3675-772 fax 3675-771 Konzulat/Consular Section, Miloja Đaka 1c,tel. 3670-798 RUSIJA/RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Deligradska 32, tel. 3611-323 fax 3611-900 Konzulat/ Consular Section, tel. 3613-964
SAD/USA, Kneza Miloša 50, tel. 3619-344, fax 361-5489 SAN MARINO/ SAN MARINO, Makedonska 24/25, tel.3223-509 fax.3374-144 SEJŠELI/SEYCHELLES-consulate, Beogradskog bataljona 42, tel. 3547-309 fax 3547-028 SIRIJA/SYRIA, Aleksandra Stambolijskog 13, tel. 2666-124 fax 3440-221 SLOVAČKA/SLOVAK REPUBLIC, Bulevar umetnosti 18, tel. 2223-800 fax 2223-820 SLOVENIJA/SLOVENIA, Pariska 15, tel. 3038-477 fax 3288-657 ŠPANIJA/SPAIN, Prote Mateje 45, tel. 344-0231 fax 344-4203 ŠRI LANKA/SRI LANKA- consulate, Žanke Stokić 21, tel. 3690-245 fax 369-0243 ŠVAJCARSKA/SWITZERLAND, Birčaninova 27, tel. 306-5820 fax 2657-253 Odeljenje za vize/ Visa Section, tel. 3065-815
ŠVEDSKA/SWEDEN, Ledi Pedžet 2, tel. 2069-200 fax 2069-250 Odeljenje za vize/Visa Section, fax 2069-270 (except Wednesday)
TUNIS/TUNISIA, Vase Pelagića 19, tel. 3690-194 fax 2651-848 TURSKA/TURKEY, Krunska 1, tel. 333-2400 fax 333-2433 UKRAJINA/UKRAINE, Bulevar oslobođenja 87, tel. 3978-987 fax 3978-998 Konzulat/Consular Section tel. 2660-247 VELIKA BRITANIJA/GREAT BRITAIN, Resavska 46, tel. 2645-055, 3060-900 fax 2659-651 UJEDINJENE NACIJE/UNITED NATIONS, Tolstojeva 47-49, tel. 3639-803, fax. 3674-001 EVROPSKA ZAJEDNICA/EUROPEAN UNION, Krunska 73,tel. 3083-200 fax. 3083-201
KONGRESNI CENTAR SAVA - CONGRESS CENTER SAVA Milentija Popovića 9, tel. 220-6060, www.savacentar.net
BEOGRADSKI SAJAM – BELGRADE FAIR Bulevar vojvode Mišića 14, tel. 2655-555, /www.sajam.co.rs
TURISTIČKE AGENCIJE - TOURIST AGENCIES YUTA -Jugoslovensko udruženje turističkih agencija Yugoslav Association of Tourist Agencies Kondina 14, tel. 3228-687, 3228-686 fax 3224-137 www.yuta.rs GLOB METROPOLITEN TOURS, Makenzijeva 26, t el. 2430-852, www.metropoliten.com EXCLUSIVE TOURS, Makedonska 30, tel. 3227-539 www.exclusivetours.co.rs MAGELAN CORPORATION, Novi Sad, Zmaj Jovina 23, tel. 021/6624-823 www.magelan.rs PAN EUROPA ADRIATIC, Bulevar Despota Stefana 33, tel. 3242-187 www.adriatic.co.rs SMART TRAVEL, Svetog Save 43/ I, tel. 2441253, 3087486 www.smart4.co.rs
ŠOPING MOLOVI – SHOPPING MALLS DELTA CITY, Juria Gagagarina 16 MERCATOR, Bulevar Umetnosti TC MILENIUM, Knez Mihajlova 21a UŠĆE Shopping Center, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina ZIRA, Ruzveltova 33 ZLATARE - JEWELERS JOKIĆ JEWELRY&WATCHES, Knez Mihailova 32, tel.2623-862 MAESTRO JEWELERS, Nušićeva 12 a, tel. 334-4459 VITANOV, Vasina 14, RK Beograd, tel. 2181 394 ZLATARNA CELJE, TC Merkator, Bulevar umetnosti 4, tel. 3116-990
Summer | Leto 2015 BelGuest
APOTEKE - PHARMACIES 00-24h PRVI MAJ, Kralja Milana 9, tel. 3241-349 PRIMA 1, bolnica Sveti Sava, tel. 361-10-88, 361-09-99 SVETI SAVA, Nemanjina 2, tel. 2643-170 ZEMUN, Glavna 34, tel. 2618-582 FARMANEA, Trg republike, tel. 3344-923 BOLNICE - HOSPITALS KLINIČKI CENTAR SRBIJE, Pasterova 2, tel. 361-8444, 361-7777 KLINIČKI CENTAR BEŽANIJSKA KOSA, Bežanijska bb, tel. 3010-777 KLINIKA Dr DRAGIŠA MIŠOVIĆ, Heroja Milana Tepića 1, tel. 2669-955 KLINIKA ZVEZDARA, Dimitrija Tucovića 161, tel. 3806-333 KLINIČKI CENTAR ZEMUN, Vukova 9, tel.2612-616 VOJNOMEDICINSKA KLINIKA, Crnotravska 17, tel. 2661-122 PRIVATNE KLINIKE - PRIVATE CLINICS BEL MEDIC General Hospital, Koste Jovanovića 87 tel. 309-1000 EUROMEDIK, Aleksandra Nenadovića 8, tel. 344-8056
JEDRO, Jurija Gagarina 14, tel. 7150-715 KLINIKA PETKOVIĆ, Maglajska 19, tel. 2667-078 MEDICAL CENTER „HBO“, Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 347b, tel. 3972-666 MEDENTA, Novopazarska 14/1, tel: 344-0017 POLIKLINIKA „Dr Ristić“, Novi Beograd, Narodnih heroja 38, tel. 2693-287, 2697-808 SLODENT, Centar za estetsku stomatologiju, Lješka35, Beograd , tel: 3553-088 , 060/3553-088
INTERNACIONALNE ŠKOLE - INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS ANGLO AMERICAN SCHOOL OF BELGRADE, Velisava Vulovića 47, tel. 3675-777 www.aplus.edu.rs BRITANNICA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Užička 21, tel. 367-1557, www.britinterschool.com
BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Smetanina 12, tel.3066-096, www.british-int-school.org.uk
BROOK HILL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Augusta Cesarca 2, tel. 3691-310 www.brookhill.rs
CHARTWELL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Teodora Drajzera 38, tel. 3675-299 www.chartwellinternational.org
DEUTSCHE SCHULE, Sanje Živanović 10, tel. 3693-135, www.dsbelgrad.com ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE, Kablarska 31-35, tel. 3691-762, www.efb.rs INTERNATIONAL NURSERY SCHOOL,Temišvarska 2 , tel.2667-130, www.insb.rs NTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BELGRADE (ISB),Temišvarska 19, tel.206-9999, www.isb.co.rs PADDINGTON SUNFLOWER, English nursery, Belville, tel. 069-750-930 , www.paddingtonsunflower.com
PRIMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Dragana Mancea (Humska 2), tel. 3690-825, prima-school.com Российская школа в Белграде, Bulevar Crvene Armije 28, tel. 2163-883, www.shkolaserb.ru
SPORT FUDBALSKI STADIONI - FOOTBALL STADIUMS GRADSKI STADION ZEMUN, Ugrinovačka 80, Zemun, tel. 3196-057 OMLADINSKI STADION (OFK “Beograd”), Mije Kovačevića 10, tel. 3292-340 STADION FK “CRVENA ZVEZDA”, Ljutice Bogdana 1, tel. 3672-060 STADION JNA (FK “PARTIZAN”), Humska 1, tel. 3227-181 STADION FK “OBILIĆ”, Gospodara Vučića 189, tel. 3807-426 STADION FK “RAD”, Crnotravska 4, tel. 3671-267 BAZENI - SWIMMING POOLS BANJICA, Crnotravska 4, tel. 2667-999 25. MAJ, Tadeuša Košćuškog 63, tel. 2622-866 11. APRIL, Auto-put 2, tel. 2671-547 KOŠUTNJAK, Kneza Višeslava 72, tel. 7551-353 OLIMP, Vjekoslava Kovača 11, tel. 2412-353 TAŠMAJDAN, Ilije Garašanina 26, tel. 324-0901 GOLF KLUB – GOLF CLUB GOLF KLUB BEOGRAD, Ada Ciganlija 2, tel.3056-837 fax 3551-559 www.golfclub.co.rs JP ADA CIGANLIJA Ada Ciganlija 2, tel. 3544-634 HIPODROM - HORSE RACING TRACK, BRC HIPODROM, Paštrovićeva 2, tel. 354-6835
vaco Rent a Car is a successful Serbian family company which is more than ten years engaged in renting vehicles. Its impressive fleet includes all kinds of cars – from the most luxurious Mercedes-S class, high-end cars such as Chrysler 300 C and Mercedes E 200; jeeps Grand Cherokee, Hummer, Mercedes GL, Toyota Land Cruiser, Honda CRV, all the way to higher middleclass cars Honda Accord, Dodge avenger and economic class Mercedes SMART and Fiat Punto. There are also pick-up cars and luxurious vans, and if you need to get somewhere really fast, Avaco has even a HELICOPTER for you! As a local company Avaco is competing in the Serbian market with the world’s brand-name car rental companies and is hand-in-hand with them by the quality of service that does not lag behind as well as by the prices that are much more competitive. In addition to cheaper services, AVACO rent a car offers to its clients other benefits in the form of various additional services and frequent discounts. With this company, you can even have your car transported at the desired address. One of the specific features of business philosophy of Avaco company is flexibility. In this company, you can rent a car at any time of day and night 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you are not an active driver or you do not have a driver’s licence, can rent a car with a driver. If you arrived at the airport and you need a ride to any desired destination in the country, Avaco will transport you there. You can count on it when you need to transport baggage, too. Since its establishment Avaco Rent a Car has carefully guarded its reputation of a reliable partner, gaining many satisfied customers, both legal entities and individuals, both from the country and abroad.
Avaco – Trnska 7, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel: +381 11 24 33 797, Fax. +381 11 24 32 010; Mob. tel: +381 65 63 63 330
vaco - Rent a car je uspešno porodično preduzeće, koje se više od jedne decenije bavi rentiranjem vozila. U ovom impozantnom voznom parku možete da nađete sve vrste automobila – od najluksuznijeg Mercedesa S klase i automobila visoke klase, kao što su Chrysler 300C i Mercedes E200; džipova - Grand Cherokee, Hummer, Mercedes GL, Toyota Land Cruiser, Honda CRV, preko automobila više srednje klase - Honda Accord, Dodge Avenger, pa sve do ekonomske klase Mercedes SMART i Fiat Punto. U ponudi su i Pick Up automobili i luksuzni putnički kombiji, a ako vam zatreba da negde stignete hitno, Avaco ima čak – HELIKOPTER! Kao domaća kompanija, Avaco se na srpskom tržištu nadmeće sa svetski brendiranim rent a car kompanijama i ne zaostaje po kvalitetu usluge, a cene su znatno konkurentnije. Pored jeftinije usluge, Avaco Rent a car svojim klijentima daje i druge pogodnosti u vidu različitih dodatnih usluga i čestih akcijskih popusta. Auto će vam čak dovesti na željenu adresu. Jedna od specifičnih crta u poslovnoj filozofiji kompanije Avaco je fleksibilnost. Auto možete da preuzmete i vratite na željenoj adresi u bilo koje vreme, 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u nedelji, 365 dana u godini. Ako niste aktivan vozač ili nemate vozačku dozvolu, možete da iznajmite vozilo sa vozačem. Kada doputujete avionom, potražite Avaco poslovnicu na aerodromu. Pronaćićete idealan prevoz do bilo koje željene destinacije u zemlji, u regionu ili bilo gde u Evropi. Takođe, ako imate dosta prtljaga, iskusni vozači Avaco Rent a car-a mogu da prevezu vaš prtljag na željenu destinaciju, u tom slučaju možete da računate na brzu i profesionalnu uslugu. Od osnivanja do danas, Avaco Rent a car pažljivo čuva svoju reputaciju pouzdanog partnera, čime je stekao veliki broj zadovoljnih korisnika, kako pravnih lica tako i pojedinaca iz zemlje i iz inostranstva.
Avaco – Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Beograd, Srbija Tel: +381 11 22 86 434; Mob. tel: +381 65 63 63 325 Hitne intervencije: +381 64 184 55 55