Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine
Volume 20, winter 2017/2018
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in tHiS iSSUe/iZ SADrŽAJA 5
I N T E R V I E W – D A N YA N C H E N wHere SAVA riVer FLOwS GDe SAVA teČe
56 Zemlja planina, mora i stjenja, ljudi velika srca i poštenja! - Crna Gora The land of mountains, rocks and the sea, the land of generous and honest people! - Montenegro
Belgrade&Serbia Visitors’ Magazine Publisher - Izdavač: Izdavačko društvo PONT d.o.o., Beograd Gočka 18 Tel./fax + 381 (0) 11 409 5797; mob tel. 063/84 97 582 e-mail: For publisher - Za izdavača: Milena Mihaljčić, direktor Editor-in-chief - Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Milena Mihaljčić Executive editor - Izvršni urednik Rozana Sazdić Contributors - Saradnici: Rozana Sazdić, Dragana Barjaktarević, Gordana Stojaković, Aleksandra Mikata, Tanja Marković, Sonja Babić - Vejnović, Miloje Ostojić Photographs- Fotografije: Rozana Sazdić, Svetlana Dingarac, Branko Jovanović, Dragan Bosnić, Dragan Kurucić, Aleksandar Milutinović, BelGuest Photo Archive, NTO of Serbia Photo Archive, TO of Belgrade Photo Archive,TO of Novi Sad Photo Archive,TO of Niš Photo Archive. Translation - Prevod: Slobodan Rakić Marketing: Pont Design - Dizajn: Pozitiv MVP Layout - Prelom: Lidija Taranović Front Page - Naslovna strana: Gabrijel Stupica, “A Girl in a White Space”, 1967, painting from the collection of the Belgrade Museum of Contemporary Art Print - Štampa: Birograf, Zemun BelGuest quarterly is registered with the Republic of Serbia media registry no: 651-03-168/2000-03 BelGuest magazin upisan je u registar glasila Republike Srbije pod brojem: 651-03-168/2000-03 © copyright: Pont CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 338.4 BelGuest : Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine / editor-in-chief Milena Mihaljčić. - 2001, winter/spring - Beograd : Pont, 2001(Beograd : Službeni glasnik). - 28 cm Dostupno i na: Tromesečno. - Sa specijalnim izdanjem 2010: Događaji Beograda ISSN 1451-6446 = Bel Guest COBISS.SR-ID 71794956
The “Sequences” exhibition has recently opened the renewed edifice of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Surrounded by a park, with a view of the rivers and the historical core of the City, the Museum is by itself a masterpiece of the 20th century architecture, and inside its marveling gallery space, you will certainly have a unique encounter with the representative works of the Yugoslav and Serbian contemporary arts.
ugoslavia was disintegrated under dramatic circumstances twenty-five years ago, but its artistic heritage has remained and has survived. The Museum of Contemporary Art, founded in Socialist Yugoslavia, used to be one of the leading institutions of this kind in a big and unique country. During the decades, the museum has made a world-class selection of the works of the authors from Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Serbia, etc. It is exactly this representative feature of the collection that its greatest value lies in. A WALK THROUGH 18 “CONSTELLATIONS OF STARS” We spoke with the author of the new exhibition setting, Dejan Sretenović, Ph.D., who answered our question what his greatest challenges in his work were, as follows: “I was being led by the idea of a new way of reading of our artistic heritage of the 20th century. I also wanted us to reaffirm our collection that had been unavailable for the public for a full decade. The exhibition provides a new view, but certainly not the last word, either. We have given up on the idea to have a permanent setting and have provided the audience with a chronological narrative. Each of the eighteen sequences in total is grouped around the chronological axis that follows the historical development of art in Yugoslavia and in Serbia in a period longer than one century. This is a didactic exhibition, which ordinary visitors can understand and read.”
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
THE OTHER FLOW To our question what it is that is new, that the audience has not seen so far, our collocutor says: “There’s a larger space given to vanguards, neo-vanguards and a new artistic practice. We’ve introduced a new technology of ‘movable walls’ that has enabled us to shape the exhibition space in a completely new manner. A special place is given to photography, video, installations, etc. Also, the works of Serbian authors that have been produced from the time of the disintegration of Yugoslavia during the 1990s to date have been exhibited for the first time.” ACCENTS FROM THE SETTING: SEQUENCES 1 AND 2 The choice of about the three hundred works exhibited in the five gallery levels is carefully devised. Yet, we shall single out some of them so as to provide you with some clues and get you interested in visiting the Museum. The first “sequence” and the first painting you will come across is the strong “A Funeral at Sićevo”, by Nadežda Petrović, a heroine of the First World War and the “woman originator” of the movement of civic modernism. It is interesting that the painting was made in 1905 at the first Yugoslav art colony at the village of Sićevo, which exists today as well. Social and engaged political art is represented by the works of the Zagreb group Earth and the Belgrade group Life. Pay attention to the messages and expressiveness of “social graphics”.
ABSTRACT PAINTING AND ZENITISM In the third “sequence”, you will see some of the first examples of abstract painting. “The Fight of the Day and the Night” (1921) by Jovan Bijelić and “The Composition” (1924) by Ivan Radović attract one’s attention by their geometrical shapes and colors. These are quite new motifs – appearing in the early 1920s, substantially later in comparison with the European trends. An encounter with the works of the literary-artistic vanguard group gathered around the Zenit magazine, whose initiator and mastermind was Ljubomir Micić, is also inspiring. SLOVENIAN CONSTRUCTIVISM AND BELGRADE’S SURREALISM In the fifth “sequence”, pay attention to a Slovenian artist, Avgust Černigoj – “The EL Object” (1924/1979). In Ljubljana in 1924, he organized the first exhibition of constructivism, which was a true political provocation. He exhibited socialist catchphrases in a topsy-turvy manner, and destroyed parts of machines and workmen’s clothes before the public. The original “Marko Ristić’s Surrealistic Wall” – a unique “installation” created by arranging the works of art and artistic photographs – will make you gain a special experience. GET FAMILIAR WITH GVOZDEN AND FANTASTIC LANDSCAPES Mića Popović also belongs to the legends of Serbian painting. His imaginary hero – named Gvozden – is a migrant worker of the1960s, when people went in quite large numbers to work in Western Germany. He
1 Mića Popović 2 Dušan Otašević 3 Jovan Bijelić 4 Radomir Reljić 5 Đorđe Andrejević Kun 6 Vesna Pavlović
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
paints him in various situations, but in each Gvozden seems to be lost, like a man who has been unsuccessful on his way towards a better life. Don’t miss absorbing the magical energy of the painting “The Fantastic Landscape”, painted by celebrated Montenegrin painter Petar Lubarda… PERFORMANCES, PHOTOGRAPHS, INSTALLATIONS… As you are climbing towards each new gallery level, the means of the artistic expression are becoming obviously different. There, you can see the early works of Marina Abramović – a world famous woman artist; Šijan’s “The Suicide of the Media”; a series of the photographs shot in a photobooth – an urban chronicle of its own kind of Saša Marković Mikrob – the icon of the Belgrade underground scene; Goranka Matić’s photographs from the time of the deep grief for the deceased President Josip Broz Tito. The art of the 1990s that conjures up the gloomy time of the disintegration of the country through the work of the Škart group. There are also Vesna Pavlović’s photographs reflecting the guests of the Belgrade Hyatt Hotel in 1999, who are enjoying in a luxury ambience, while bombs are falling heavily on Belgrade… TIME FOR DELIBERATION, SOCIALIZING, ISOLATION Seeing the new exhibition is an adventure that may last for one whole day since there is so much to see and experience. An impression that Majda Sikošek has displayed on her Internet page “The Beauty of Life”, reading: “In the Museum, there are also corners where you may shelter, but still be there, sit and spot the world from one quite different view and feel both protected and happy.” Milena Mihaljčić Photo: MUSB
MUSEUM IS A GENTLE INSTITUTION At the beginning of the 1970s, the Museum was designed by a famous tandem of architects – Ivan Antić and Ivanka Raspopović. The building was finished in 1965, and in that very same year, the designers received the prestigious October Award of the City of Belgrade for Architecture. In an interview, Ivan Antić said that he had envisaged the building as a honeycomb, or subconsciously, due to the vicinity of the river, as some pile-dwelling on six trees. Architect Dejan Todorović, who worked on the reconstruction of the edifice, frequently spoke in public that he was admiring this perfect, visionary project with a system of the galleries that blend one into another, which provides visitors with a special feeling of “a lack of restraints”. This special feeling the audience has while observing the exhibits from different angles may arise from the attitude expressed by Ivan Antić, who considered that the “museum is a gentle institution”. Since 1987, the building has had the status of a protected cultural good.
ON THE TOURISM ATTRACTIONS MAP The unprecedented interest in its opening demonstrated by not only the domestic, but the foreign audience as well, tells us that the new exhibition setting has become a new, pulsating point on the cultural map of Belgrade and Serbia. You may find information about the working hours and other happenings on:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Izložbom pod nazivom „Sekvence“, nedavno je otvoreno renovirano zdanje Muzeja savremene umetnosti. Okružen parkom, s pogledom na reke i istorijsko jezgro grada, Muzej je sam po sebi remek delo arhitekture 20. veka, a unutar njegovog očaravajućeg galerijskog prostora očekuje vas jedinstven susret s reprezentativnim delima savremene umetnosti Jugoslavije i Srbije.
ugoslavija se u dramatičnim okolnostima dezintegrisala pre četvt veka, ali je njeno umetničko nasleđe ostalo i opstalo. Muzej savremene umetnosti, utemeljen u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, bio je jedna od vodećih institucija ove vrste u velikoj i jedinstvenoj zemlji. Tokom decenija, prikupio je vrhunsku selekciju dela autora iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Crne Gore, Srbije... Upravo se u ovoj reprezentativnosti zbirke nalazi i njena najveća vrednost. HOD KROZ OSAMNAEST„SAZVEŽĐA“ Razgovarali smo sa autorom nove izložbene postavke, Dr Dejanom Sretenovićem koji nam je na pitanje šta su mu bili najveći izazovi u radu, odgovorio:„Vodila me je ideja novog čitanja našeg umetničkog nasleđa 20. veka. Takođe, želeo sam da reafirmišemo kolekciju koja je punu deceniju bila nedostupna javnosti. Izložba daje jedan novi pogled, ali svakako ne i poslednju reč. Odustali smo od ideje stalne postavke i dali smo publici jedan hronološki narativ. Svaka od ukupno osamnaest sekvenci grupisana je oko hronološke ose koja prati istorijski razvoj umetnosti u Jugoslaviji i Srbiji
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
u periodu dužem od jednog veka. Ovo je didaktiča izložba, razumljiva i čitljiva običnim posetiocima.“ DRUGA LINIJA Na pitanje šta je to novo što publika dosada nije videla, naš sagovornik kaže: „Veći prostor dat je avangardama, neoavangardama i novoj umetničkoj praksi. Uveli smo novu tehnologiju „pokretnih zidova“ koja nam je omogućila da oblikujemo izložbeni prostor na potpuno drugačiji način. Posebno mesto zauzeli su fotografija, video, instalacije... Takođe, po prvi put su izloženi radovi srpskih autora koji su nastajali od vremena raspada Jugoslavije devedesetih godina, do danas.“ AKCENTI IZ POSTAVKE: SEKVENCE 1 I 2 Izbor od oko tri stotine dela izloženih u pet galerijskih nivoa pažljivo je osmišljen. Ipak, izdvojićemo neka kako bismo vam pružili početni orijentir i zainteresovali vas da posetite Muzej. Prvi „isečak vremena“ i prva slika na koju ćete naići jeste snažan „Pogreb u Sićevu", Nadežde Petrović, heroine Prvog svetskog rata i „rodonačelnice“ pravca građanskog modernizma.
Zanimljivo je da je slika nastala 1905. godine, na prvoj jugoslovenskoj umetničkoj koloniji u selu Sićevu, koja postoji i danas. Socijalna i angažovana politička umetnost predstavljena je kroz radove zagrebačke grupe Zemlja i beogradske grupe Život. Obratite pažnju na poruke i ekspresivnost „socijalne grafike“. APSTRAKTNO SLIKARSTVO I ZENITIZAM U trećoj „izložbenoj sekvenci“ videćete neke od prvih primera apstraktnog slikarstva. „Borba dana i noći“ (1921) Jovana Bijelića i „Kompozicija“ (1924) Ivana Radovića privlači pažnju geometrijskim oblicima i bojama. To su posve novi motivi – pojavljuju se početkom dvadesetih godina, znatno kasnije u odnosu na evropske trendove. Inspirativan je i susret s delima književno-umetničke avangardne grupe okupljene oko časopisa Zenit, čiji je pokretač i idejni vođa bio Ljubomir Micić. SLOVENAČKI KONSTRUKTIVIZAM I BEOGRADSKI NADREALIZAM U petom „isečku vremena“ obratite pažnju na slovenačkog umetnika Avgust Černigoja – „Obekat EL“ (1924/1979). On je u Ljubljani, 1924. godine, organizovao prvu konstruktivističku izložbu, što je bila istinska politička provokacija. Izložio je naopako okrenute socijalističke krilatice, a delove mašina i radničku odeću uništavao pred publikom. Poseban doživljaj pružiće vam originalni „Nadrealistički zid Marka Ristića“ – jedinstvena instalacija nastala aranžiranjem umetničkih radova i fotografija. UPOZNAJTE GVOZDENA I FANTASTIČNE PREDELE Među legendama srpskog slikarstva nalazi se i Mića Popović. Njegov imaginarni lik – Gvozden –predstavlja gastarbajtera iz 60-ih godina, kada su ljudi masovno odlazili na rad u Zapadnu Nemačku. On ga slika u raznim situacijama, ali u svakoj od njih Gvozden deluje izgubljeno, kao čovek koji se ne snalazi u potrazi za boljim životom. Ne propustite da upijete čarobne energije slike „Fantastični pejsaž“, proslavljenog crnogorskog slikara Petra Lubarde... PERFORMANSI, FOTOGRAFIJE, INSTALACIJE... Kakao se penjete ka svakom novom galerijskom nivou, sredstva umetničkog izražavanja postaju vidno drugačija. Tu možete videti rane radove Marine Abramović – slavne svetske umetnice, Šijanovo „Samoubistvo medija“, seriju fotografija iz automata
MUZEJ JE NEŽNA USTANOVA Početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka, Muzej je projektovao čuveni tandem arhitekata: Ivan Antić i Ivanka Raspopović. Gradnja je završena 1965. godine, a te iste godine projektanti su dobili prestižnu Oktobarsku nagradu grada Beograda za arhitekturu. U jednom od intervjua, Ivan Antić je rekao da je zgradu zamislio kao saće ili podsvesno, zbog obližnje reke, kao neku sojenicu na šest stabala. Arhitekta Dejan Todorović koji je radio na rekonstrukciji zdanja često je u javnosti govorio da se divi ovom savršenom, vizionarskom projektu sa sistemom galerija koje se pretapaju jedna u drugu, koje posetiocima daju poseban osećaj „nesputanosti“. Možda upravo taj osećaj koju publika ima kada iz različitih uglova posmatra eksponate proističe iz stava Ivana Antića koji je smatrao da je muzej „nežna ustanova“. Od 1987. godine, zgrada ima status zaštićenog kulturnog dobra. – svojevrsnu urbanu horniku Saše Markovića Mikroba – ikone beogradske andergraund scene, fotografije Goranke Matić iz doba velike žalosti za preminulim predsednikom Titom, umetnost devedesetih koja dočarava sumorno vreme raspada zemlje kroz rad grupe Škart. Tu su i fotografije Vesne Pavlović koje prikazuju goste beogradskog hotela Hyatt 1999. godine koji se odmaraju u luksuznom ambijentu dok po Beogradu pljušte bombe... VREME ZA RAZMIŠANJE, DRUŽENJE, OSAMU Razgledanje nove izložbe je doživlja koji može trajati čitav dan, toliko toga ima da se vidi i doživi. Kao poseban poziv da posetite ovaj izuzetan prostor poslužiće nam utisak koji je na svojoj internet stranici „Lepota života“ objavila Majda Sikošek: „Ima u Muzeju i kutaka predviđenih da se zaklonite, a da ostanete tu, da sednete i posmatrate svet iz jedne potpuno drugačije vizure i da se osetite zaštićeno i srećno.“ Milena Mihaljčić Foto: arhiva MSU
NA MAPI TURISTIČKIH ATRAKCIJA Nazapamćeno interesovanje domaće, ali i strane, javnosti koje je pratilo otvaranje, govori da je nova izložbena postavka postala jedna nova, pulisarjuća tačka na kulturnoj mapi Beograda i Srbije. Informacije o radnom vremenu i drugim dešavanjima mozete naći na adresi:
EXIBITIONS/ IZLOŽBE NYIMPA KOR NDZIDZI – ONE MAN, NO CHOP NYIMPA KOR NDZIDZI – ČOVEK NE MOŽE OPSTATI SAM 23rd May 2017 - 28th February 2018 Museum of African Art / Muzej afričke umetnosti Info: SEQUENCES. ART OF YUGOSLAVIA AND SERBIA FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, MOCAB SEKVENCE. UMETNOST JUGOSLAVIJE I SRBIJE IZ ZBIRKI MUZEJA SAVREMENE UMETNOSTI 20th October 2017 - March 2018 Museum of Contemporary Art Muzej savremene umetnosti Info: ANASTAS JOVANOVIĆ (1817-1899), A PIONEER OF APPLIED ART AND DESIGN ANASTAS JOVANOVIĆ (1817-1899), PIONIR PRIMENJENE UMETNOSTI I DIZAJNA 6th November 2017 - 31st January 2018 Museum of Applied Art / Muzej primenjene umetnosti Info: CITIES ON THE MOVE – POST-OTTOMAN HERITAGE GRADOVI U POKRETU – POSTOSMANSKO NASLEĐE 7th November 2017 - 28th January 2018 Historical Museum Of Serbia / Istorijski Muzej Srbije Info: KARADJORDJE’S MURDER SMRT KARAĐORĐA PETROVIĆA November 2017 - September 2018 Historical Museum of Serbia / Istorijski muzej Srbije Info: GIANTS OF OUR GEOLOGICAL PAST SURLAŠI - DIVOVI IZ NAŠE GEOLOŠKE PROŠLOSTI 24th Novembar 2017 - 28th February 2018 Gallery of the Natural History Museum / Galerija Prirodnjačkog muzeja Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
CONCERTS/KONCERTI SUPER NOVA – NEW YEAR’S CONCERT SUPER NOVA GODINA 17-18th December Kolarac Foundation Grand Hall Velika dvorana Kolarčeve zadužbine Info: KRAFTWERK 3D CONCERT KRAFTWERK 3D KONCERT 24th Febrary Kombank Arena Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
This year’s special acknowledgment of the Tourism Organization of Serbia was awarded to one of extremely popular Chinese women writers – Danyan Chen, the authoress of the best-selling book entitled “The Shanghai Princess”. She is also our official tourism ambassador in China, and she has dedicatedly been working on the promotion of Serbia. Her autumn days, she spent in shooting the promotional film “Where the Sava River Flows”, which will have its first run in 2018.
As a guest of the Tourism Organization of Serbia, Mrs. Chen has been in Belgrade for the fourth time. With a team of the best Chinese cameramen, she stayed in Serbia in September and October, shooting the movie aimed at attracting both young and elderly people to pay a visit to our country. The production of the movie was financed by the Chinese Government. Mrs. Chen is a super-star in China, and her books have multimillion circulations and have been translated into numerous world languages, whereas her compatriots adore her like her literary heroine “Shanghai Princess”. Her previous films on Serbian monasteries were seen by even as many as a million Chinese on the very first day of their running on the Internet. TITO and DESPOT STEFAN AS A BRAND
Many young Chinese people have visited about a hundred countries by their maturity age already because they have been travelling with their parents since they were quite young. Many of them take pride in the impressive list of the UNESCO localities that they have seen, so Serbia can be very attractive for young Chinese people because they incessantly search for something new. Differently from the elderly Chinese tourists who find shopping very important, the young give it no priority. Differently from the middle-aged, they have seen the majority of known destinations, so Belgrade is the perfect match for them, says Danyan Chen for BelGuest. Serbia is practically the fourth destination for Chinese tourists, the first visit abroad being always in Asia. The next destination is the United States of America, which is then followed by famous European capital cities. Over time, Chinese tourists wish to see something different, which they find in Serbia. Josip Broz Tito is a brand for the elderly, whereas young Chinese people are very susceptible to Despot Stefan Lazarević, points out Mrs. Chen. Elderly people know all about Yugoslavia, and in order to explain to everybody what happened, the film starts at a bookshop, where on the map of the SFRoY I’m explaining to the viewers how much bookshops lost whenever one of the Republics left. I also found the man who was driving a motor in the ceremonial suite by Tito’s coffin, whereas some of the frames were shot at the Museum of the History of Yugoslavia, and I’m sure that elderly viewers will be shedding bitter tears while watching the film. BelGuest
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
In China, the modern art of the post-1950s had completely disappeared since we had been closed to the cultural influences coming from the other parts of the world, but everything related to the SFRoY was available. As a little girl, I saw Mića Popović’s portrait of a woman, and I was completely fascinated by him. Serbian modern art and literature has had quite a big influence on me, and certainly on numerous other Chinese intellectuals as well. Chen adores Milorad Pavić. She wrote a book on “The Dictionary of the Khazars”, entitled “Dream Catcher” – with an instruction on how that writer of ours should be read. Many Chinese tourists can be seen walking down Knez Mihailova Street, holding this book in their hands. Every year, the Tourism Agency of China organizes a series of journeys following Pavić’s thoughts. In the first year, we took our tourists to visit Serbian monasteries. This year, our journey starts in Turkey, and our next ones will be organized in Budapest, too, because that’s the only way to understand Serbian history – explains Chen. Art historians and historians, who keep explaining the Serbian context to tourists, because those are all but ordinary groups, are always with them. Aleksandra Mikata Photo by NTOS
DESPOT STEFAN AND GAVRILO PRINCI Knight of the Order of the Dragon and Despot, Stefan Lazarević is a symbol of manliness, and a synonym for Serbia, and Chen is going to present him to her compatriots: The readers of my books and my admirers think that I’m in love with Despot Stefan Lazarević, which is not far from the truth, says Chen. The Belgrade Fortress is my favorite place, and the Church Ružica is my favorite temple, near which I read the poem of Despot Stefan. One part of the film was shot where candles are lit. We don’t shoot films as quickly as the Americans do, but we rather use photographs so as to slow down certain parts and give them the significance they deserve. Danyen Chen specially admires Gavrilo Princip, a poster of whom she has in her own house.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
S usret sa D anjan Č en
GDE SAVA TEČE Ovogodišnj specijalno priznanje Turističke organizacije Srbije dobila je jedna od izuzetno popularnih kineskih književnica – Danjan Čen, autorka bestselera „Šangajska princeza“. Ona je naš zvanični turistički ambasador u Kini i marljivo radi na promociji Srbije. Jesenje dane provela je na snimanju promotivnog fima „Gde Sava teče“, koji će biti premijerno emitovan 2018. godine.
Madam Čen je kao gost Turističke organizacije Srbije već četvrti put u Beogradu. Ona je sa ekipom najboljih kineskih snimatelja u septembru i oktobru boravila u Srbiji na smimanju filma koji ima za cilj da privuče i mlade i stare da posete našu zemlju. Produkciju filma finansirala je kineska vlada. Madam Čen je u Kini super-star, a njene knjige imaju milionske tiraže, prevedene su na brojne svetske jezike, a sunarodnici je obožavaju poput njene literarne junakinje „Šangajske princeze”. Njene prethodne filmove o srpskim manastirima prvog dana emitovanja na internetu gledalo je i po milion Kineza.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
TITO i DESPOT STEFAN Mnogi mladi Kinezi su već do punoletstva videli stotinak zemalja jer s roditeljima putuju od malena. Mnogi od njih ponosno pokazuju impresivni spisak Unesko lokaliteta koje su videli, pa Srbija može da bude veoma zanimljiva mladim Kinezima jer su neprestano u potrazi za nečim novim. Za razliku od starijih kineskih turista kojima je šoping veoma važan, mladima to nije priroritet. Oni su, za razliku od sredovečnih ljudi, videli većinu poznatih destinacija, pa je Beograd kao stvoren za njih, kaže u razgovoru za BelGuest Danjan Čen. Za kineske turiste Srbija je praktično četvrta destinacija, prvo inostranstvo je uvek u Aziji. Sledeće odredište su SAD, a potom slede čuvene evropske prestonice. Vremenom kineski turisti požele da vide nešto drugo i to nalaze u Srbiji. Josip Broz Tito je brend za starije, a despot Stefan Lazarević je prijemčiv mladim Kinezima, ističe madam Čen. Stariji sve znaju o Jugoslaviji, a kako bih svima objasnila šta se dogodilo, film počinjemo u knjižari gde na mapi SFRJ objašnjavam gledaocima koliko su knjižare izgubile svaki put kada bi se neka republika odvojila. Pronašla sam i čoveka koji je vozio motor u svečanoj pratnji kraj Titovog kovčega, a neke kadrove snimili smo u Muzeju istorije Jugoslavije i sigurna sam da će stariji gledaoci plakati kada to budu gledali. PUT INSPIRISAN HAZARSKIM REČNIKOM U Kini je moderna umetnost posle pedesetih potpuno nestala, jer smo bili zatvoreni za kulturne uticaje sa strane, ali je sve iz SFRJ bilo dostupno Kao mala, videla sam ženski portret Miće Popovića i potpuno sam bila opčinjena njime. Srpska moderna umetnost i književnost je veoma uticala na mene, a sigurno i na mnoge druge kineske intelektualce. Čen obožava Milorada Pavića. O „Hazarskom rečniku”je napisala knjigu „Hvatač snova” – sa uputstvom kako čitati našeg pisca. Sa ovom knjigom u rukama mogu se videti mnogi kineski turisti kako šetaju Knez Mihailovom ulicom. Kineska turistička agencije svake godine organizuje seriju putovanja prema Pavićevim mislima. Prve godine smo turiste vodili po srpskim manastirima. Ove putovanje počinje u Turskoj, a sledeća ćemo raditi i u Budimpešti, jer samo tako može da se razume srpska istorija - objašnjava Čen. Sve vreme sa turistima su istoričari umetnosti i istoričari koji objašnjavaju kontekst Srbije, jer to nisu obične grupe. Aleksandra Mikata Foto: TOS
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
DESPOT STEFAN I GAVRILO PRINCIP Vitez reda Zmaja i despot, Stefan Lazarević je simbol pravog muškarca i sinonim za Srbiju kojeg će Čen predstaviti svojim sunarodnicima: Moji čitaoci i obožavatelji misle da sam zaljubljena u despota Stefana Lazarevića i nisu daleko od istine, kaže Čen. Beogradska tvrđava je moje omiljeno mesto, a crkva Ružica je moj omiljeni hram kraj kojeg čitam poemu o despotu Stefanu. Deo filma snimili smo u delu u kojem se pale sveće. Ne radimo brzo kao Amerikanci, već putem fotografija kako bi neke delove usporili i dali im na značaju. Danjen Čen se posebno divi Gavrilu Principu čiji poster drži u svojoj kući.
Belgrade Fortress
Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park represent an open-air museum of the city’s history. The Victor statue, with its beautiful view over the rivers, is a symbol of Belgrade
City Centre
A pedestrian zone and shopping district – Knez Mihailova Street and Republic Square represent one of the most valuable architectural areas and liveliest parts of the city.
Skadarlija Bohemian Quarter
One of the city’s most significant old ambient quarters, it offers a great time at restaurants and bars offering music and national cuisine.
Skadarlija Bohemian Quarter
Top Attractions Belgrade’s unique hallmark is provided by its two major rivers, the Sava and the Danube, its cosmopolitan spirit and the charm of its inhabitants. We highly recommend these must-visit places in Serbia’s capital: Belgrade Fortress, Skardarlija bohemian quarter, the heart of the old town, old Zemun, St. Sava Temple, the royal court complex, green oases around Ada Ciganlija lake, Topčider Park and Mount Avala, as well as the legacy from UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.
Knez Mihailova Street
The Republic Square
Photograph of Belgrade Fortress by Svetlana Dingarac BelGuest
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
City on the River Banks
A special treasure of Belgrade is its riverbank areas. Rafts, clubs, cafés, greenery, walks along the Sava and Danube rivers will give you a unique experience of the city.
St. Sava Temple
This imposing temple, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world, is dedicated to a great man of Serbian history, St. Sava.
Royal Court Complex
The Royal Court and the White Court, which make up the court complex, bear witness to the history and refined artistic taste of the Serbian Karađorđević royal dynasty.
Topčider Park
The Court Park and oriental residence of great Serbian ruler Miloš Obrenović speak about the history of the liberation of Serbia. A magnificent plane tree is the park’s landmark.
Royal Court Complex
TopÄ?ider Park
St. Sava Temple
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Bridge on Ada
The Archive of Nikola Tesla
Avala Tower
Old Zemun
Once at the very border of the West, old Zemun still evokes the spirit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, with its panoramic views of the Danube, is a landmark of Zemun.
Miroslav’s Gospel
Ada Ciganlija
Visit the “Belgrade Sea” – a beautiful river lake surrounded by woodland, with countless cafés, restaurants, bike paths and sports fields.
Avala Tower on the mountain of the same name is one of the city symbols. You will see unforgettable views of the city and its surroundings from the observation deck at the tower’s top.
UNESCO–Memory Of The World
The Archives of Nikola Tesla, the genius scientist who “illuminated the planet”, are in his museum in Belgrade. The oldest uniquely illustrated Cyrillic manuscript, Miroslav’s Gospel, from the 12th century, is preserved at the National Museum.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Funny and interesting sightseeing: The Republic Square, Bohemian Quarter Skadarlija, the oldest part of Belgrade with Ottoman heritage, „Sillicon valley“, Zoo, Kalemegdan park, Belgrade fortress, The „Victor“ - the most famous symbol of Belgrade, the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers. Saborna church, cafe „?“, Knez Mihailova street. Info:
Ovo je istovremeno i zabavno i zanimljivo razgledanje: Trg Republike, boemska četvrt Skadarlija, stari delovi Beograda i njegovo osmansko nasleđe, „Silkonska dolina”, Zoo vrt, park Kalemegdan, Beogradska tvrđava, statua „Pobednik” - najpoznatiji simbol Beograda, ušće Save u Dunav, Saborna crkva, kultna kafana Znak pitanja, Knez Mihailova ulica. Info:
Once on the very border of the two empires, Zemun still gives impression of the atmosphere of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, offering a panoramic view of the Danube, is the symbol of this extraordinary city. Valuable edifices and ambiences of Old Zemun are a must-visit for tourists. The tour ends with a stroll on the beautifully landscaped Zemun quay, on the banks of the Danube River. Info:
Nekada na samoj granici dva carstva, Zemun i danas odiše atmosferom Austrougraske carevine. Simbol ovog posebnog grada je kula Gardoš s predivnim panoramskim pogledom na Dunav. Obilazak vrednih zdanja i ambijenata starog Zemuna spada... Tura se završava šetnjom na predivno uređenom Zemunskom keju, na obali Dunava. Info:
The programme “Coffee with Princess Ljubica” shows Belgrade during the time of the Obrenović royal dynasty. The curator of the City Museum dressed in a costume from that era greets visitors as a hostess of her palace. The story with which she animates the audience is popular and adjusted to tourist museum tours. And after a history class at Divanhana, the central place in the Palace, the guests are served the best coffee and the best Turkish delight. Info:
Program „Na kafi kod kneginje Ljubice” predstavlja Beogradu za vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenović. Kustoskinja Muzeja grada obučena u kostim iz toga doba dočekuje posetioce kao domaćica svoje palate. Priča kojom animira publiku je popularna i prilagođena turističkim turama obilaska muzeja. A posle časa istorije u Divanhani, centralnom mestu u Konaku gostima se služi kafa i najbolji ratluk. Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
In the authentic ambience of the Museum of Vuk and Dositej, once the seat of the Belgrade Grand School – the first higher-school institution of the Serbia of the new century, an actress in a costume playing the role of Mina Karadžić tells visitors an emotional biographical story of the life of the family of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić – the great enlightener and reformer of the Serbian language and script. Info:
U autentičnom ambijentu Muzeja Vuka i Dositeja, nekadašnjem sedištu Velike škole – prvoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi novovekovne Srbije, kostimirana glumica u ulozi Mine Karadžić, posetiocima pripoveda emotivnu biografsku priču o životu porodice Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića – velikog prosvetitelja i reformatora srpskog jezika i pisma. Info:
Belgrade is one of the few cities lying on the two rivers. Therefore, it is always tempting to get to know the city from its two rivers, the Sava and the Danube. The yachting club “Kej” organises two-hour river tours during which you can relax and enjoy the city from water. To have a complete enjoyment, there is a music programme and dinner à la carte. Info:
Beograd je jedan od retkih gradova koji leže na dve reke. Zato je uvek primamljivo upoznati ga upravo sa talasa Save i Dunava. Jahting Klub Kej organizuje dva sata opuštanja i uživanja na vodi uz panoramsko razgledanje grada. Da bi ugođaj bio potpun, tu su muzički program i večera a la carte. Info: w
Beneath the city lies another city. Underground Belgrade a different set of invisible tunnels, caves, dungeons, bunkers... A great tour for adventurers in search of secrets, legends and an unexpected history of the city. The route includes the Roman hall, the military bunker from the period of the Cold War, the Great gunpowder storage, dungeons at Kosančićev Venac Square and wine dungeons.
Ispod grada krije se još jedan grad. Podzemni Beograd predstavlja splet različitih nevidljivih tunela, pećina, laguma, bunkera... Odlična tura za avanturiste u potrazi za tajnama, legendama i jednom neočekivanom istorijom grada. Maršruta obuhvata Rimsku dvoranu, vojni bunker iz doba hladnog rata, Veliki barutni magacin, lagume Kosančićevog venca i vinske lagume. Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Moderan dizajn hotela Zeder, profesionalne usluge i ljubazno osoblje učiniće vaš boravak prijatnim. Očekujemo vas
The modern design of hotel Zeder, the professional service and friendly staff will make your stay pleasant. We are expecting you
SPORT & WELLNESS FACILITIES MULTIFUNCTIONAL SPORT HALLS SWIMMING POOL & GYM FINNISH & TURKISH BATH MASSAGE TREATMENTS & SPORTS MEDICINE EXPERTS Address: Vojni Put II 164e , 11080 Belgrade Phone: +381 11 31 49 808, 49 707, 41 801 Fax: +381 11 31 49 029 e-mail:
Info 92f Borska, Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: +381 11 30-555-19; +381 11 305-65-25;+381 11 30-565-24
I van
Đ oković
TOURISM ON A PEDESTAL Our collocutor, Ivan Đoković, the Vice President of the Provincial Government and the Provincial Secretary for Economy and Tourism set himself a goal to remodel Vojvodina into one of the leading European tourism regions. He is working on strategic documents, networking, regional and international cooperation, the creation of the tourist product that will bring our neighbors, as well as tourists from far-off and prosperous China.
You have been working on the long-term “Program of the Development of Tourism of AP of Vojvodina”. Yes, it’s a unique document, whose methodology and scope strategically regulate Vojvodina, and it relies greatly on the Strategy for the Development of the Tourism of the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025. Given that the Program has not existed so far, that’s surely one of the reasons why Vojvodina could not have formed itself as a tourism destination, but rather existed within the frameworks of the agricultural region, which it’s been globally recognized for. We approached the research itself within the framework of the drafting of the Program systemically, not only through economic indicators, but also through the multiplicative effects tourism has on economic development, the development of culture, education and related activities. On that occasion, late in November, the first interactive workshop was held with the representatives of the local self-governments, provincial and local tourism organizations that take part in the drafting of the Program. We have high expectations of these special-purpose meetings – feedback, data about tourism potentials, infrastructural resources, cultural-historical, gastronomical and any other form of heritage that can economically be modelled are important to us..
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Which destinations have the biggest tourism potential? The “one day longer” concept that we, especially restorers, are pursuing in Vojvodina, should be modelled into a product and branded. The destinations for which investments are planned are those defined by the Republic’s Strategy, the four of them: Subotica with Lake Palić and the Tisa River Basin, the Upper Danube Basin, the City of Novi Sad with Sremski Karlovci and Mount Fruška Gora, as well as the City of Vršac with Deliblatska Peščara, the Hill of Vršac and the Lakes of Bela Crkva. The Secretariat, is also oriented towards stimulating short urban holidays, MICE, health and spa tourism, religious, gastro wine, cycling and nautical tourism. We also encourage the improvement of the quality of the events of an international character. Finally, hunting and fishing tourism are a significant brand and resource of this area that should allow us to gain more benefits from it. To sum up, with sustainable strategic directions, a modelled Program, with the funds from international pre-accession funds and cross-border cooperation programs, with the support of the Republic’s, Provincial and local budgets, it’s possible to put tourism on a pedestal as one of the leading economic branches. The rich cultural and historical heritage with its typical features and the languages of the 21 national communities in Vojvodina create the basis that becomes competitive if adequately modelled.
You frequently highlight in public the fact that in tourism you recognize a unique model for the development of local communities… Branding the resources that we’ve got has the key role in the promotion of the tourist offer, changing Vojvodina’s general reputation on the global tourism scene. Given that funds are missing at all levels of the state administration, it’s necessary to establish a public-private partnership and utilize funds more actively. In tourism, we’ve recognized a new space to act in so as to create new material, as well as other values, which substantially contributes to the stabilization of the economy and the renewal of the “neglected” resources that Vojvodina abounds in. Although our funds are modest, in a synergy with relevant ministries we’re able to initiate the more significant solving of key issues.
Slovakia, with the aim of creating a joint tourist product for both the European tourism market and far-off markets, such as China. It’s necessary to shape an efficient model of joining the forces of all those who may be interested, so such cooperation suggests the inclusion of Romania and Austria, as well as all other sovereignties which are considered to be an inseparable part of the joint tourism cluster. I’d also like to highlight the unique experience gained on a recent study journey to Rovinj and Novigrad, where the representatives of the public and the private sectors within the field of tourism from the territory of Vojvodina met with the Northwestern Istria Cluster to exchange their experiences and mark a new beginning of tourism cooperation between our regions.
It is evident that you work a lot on regional cooperation. What are the results you have obtained so far and what are your expectations? Regional cooperation is directed towards the surrounding countries: Croatia, Hungary, Romania, as well as Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We’ve been primarily oriented towards Hungary, with which we have already realized numerous cross-border projects with. Besides, the fact that the Hungarian national minority accounts for a great percentage in Vojvodina, conditioned the raising of the international relations to a significantly higher level. It’s exactly the tourism domain that has united and brought together the members of the mixed working group, namely Serbia, Hungary, and
What is our position regarding Chinese tourists? We dynamically cooperate with Chinese provinces, especially with Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai. During this year’s official visit to our sisterly Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City, we determined that it’s possible to achieve good business, political and friendly relationships in numerous spheres, primarily in tourism. Things are going our way within the visa-free regime, followed by the recently established direct flights. Apart from the fact that Vojvodina is surrounded by vast European markets, healthy food, quality wines, geothermal springs and medicinal mud, culture and tradition, multi-ethnic and multi-confessional communities, are the important
Giving a speech at the Conference on the Competitiveness of the Economy of the AP of Vojvodina
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
elements we can offer as tourist products to the inhabitants of prosperous Chinese provinces. This summer, I had the opportunity to visit Zhejiang Province, its cities Hangzhou, Ningbo and Lishui with Jinjun District, Jiangsu Province and Nantong City, and Shanghai as well. I convinced myself that the Chinese nation, as well as their provincial and state authorities are open for many forms of cooperation, the first steps being the twinning of the local self-governments, districts and provinces. The undergoing process of twinning of Vojvodina with the Province of Jiangsu, will most certainly open many doors to us. You frequently point out that Vojvodina’s wines and cuisine can create new concepts in tourism… Apart from wines and wineries, the significant potential lies in gastronomy, but also in village tourism. Natural rarities and attractions, clean and preserved nature, organic food, cultural and religious institutions and a different, complex, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic way of life of every person form Vojvodina – “a little European” – are its continuation. The intention of the Secretariat with me at the forefront is to support the events that influence the promotion of our characteristic gastronomy and the wine culture. The food in Vojvodina not only nourishes the stomach, but is also the food for the soul. Novi Sad is preparing itself for two major international events. It is going to be the European Youth Capital in 2019, and the European Capital of Culture in 2021… The fact that the City of Novi Sad has been awarded these two prestigious titles is quite significant. It means that it is competitive to the other European candidates and contains all the qualities necessary to maintain its place in the race. Novi Sad is not only a university center, but it is also a city that takes much care about the development of tourism, being the city that has recorded significant progress in the last years. With its incentive measures, the Secretariat will continue to support the events and international conferences that may contribute to a greater recognizability of the city, such as the International Congress of Students of Tourism and Hotel Management (MEKST), which brought together an imposing number of experts, lecturers and participants from more than 20 countries worldwide this year, as well in the previous years. This and similar projects are aimed at the inevitable international networking of experts and the youth, which enables them to acquire knowledge and become familiar with all that Novi Sad offers as Vojvodina’s administrative center, and also as the university and tourism center of the region. The Danube, the Tisa, the Sava… as well as the branching network of channels are a huge tourism resource. Have you got concrete plans when the development of nautical tourism is in question? Vojvodina would not be what it is today if the Great and the Small Bačka Canal had not been built and eventually networked into the Danube-Tisa-Danube system of canals. The unique internal network of canals, as well as the areas of the special purpose of the rivers Danube and Tisa, the national park of Mount Fruška Gora, and the nature reserves, are our economic, tourist, and also traffic potentials. The rivers have a two-fold connection with tourism – as the the inspiration for traveling and as traffic roads. The Danube with its canals and coastal zone offers possibilities of developing bathing-recreational, sport-recreational and sport-fishing tourism. On the internal canal network, the rivers Danube, Tisa, as well as Tamiš, and also on the Sava riverbank on the Vojvodina’s side, nautical and cruising tourism that is already existent should be developed to reach the level of economic sustainability. Milena Mihaljčić & Sonja Babić - Vejnović Photo by: Provincial Secretariat for Economy and Tourism
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
With Isabelle Garagña, WTO Regional Director for Europe
KNOWLEDGE AS AN IMPERATIVE “Today’s notion of knowledge society relates to the use of knowledge as the main resource. To be a part of such society is becoming an imperative. Today, it is openly spoken that Europe is a society based on knowledge. Its basic advantage in the future would be the funding of this inexhaustible resource. In such a system, people strive towards a more contemporary education and the accessibility of information, which is one of the basic development leverages for creating conditions for one society to be innovation-oriented, ready for taking part in a competitive race within contemporary markets, ” Ivan Đoković points out.
I van
Đ oković
TURIZAM NA PIJEDESTALU Naš sagovornik, Ivan Đoković, potpredsednik Pokrajinske vlade i pokrajinski sekretar za privredu i turizam postavio je sebi za cilj da Vojvodinu preoblikuje u jednu od vodećih evropskih turističkih regija. Radi na strateškim dokumentima, umrežavanju, regionalnoj i međunarodnoj saradanji, stvaranju turističkog proizvoda koji će nam dovesti susede, ali i turiste iz daleke i prosperitetne Kine. Pripremate dugoročni „Program razvoja turizma AP Vojvodine“. Da, to je jedinstven dokument čija metodologija i obuhvat uređuju Vojvodinu na strateški način i on se u mnogome oslanja na Strategiju razvoja turizma Republike Srbije 2016 – 2025. godine. S obzirom da Program do sada nije postojao, to je sigurno jedan od razloga zbog kojeg Vojvodina nije mogla turistički da se formira, već je egzistirala u okvirima poljoprivredne regije, po čemu je globalno i prepoznata. Samom istraživanju u okviru izrade Programa pristupili smo sistemski, ne samo kroz ekonomske pokazatelje, već i kroz multiplikativne efekte koje turizam ima na privredni razvoj, na razvoj kulture, obrazovanja i srodnih delatnosti. Tim je povodom, krajem novembra, održana prva interaktivna radionica sa predstavnicima lokalnih samouprava, pokrajinskom i lokalnim turističkim organizacijama, koje učestvuju u izradi Programa. Imamo velika očekivanja od ovih namenskih okupljanja – važne su nam povratne informacije, podaci o turističkim potencijalima, infrastrukturnim resursima, kulturno-istorijskom, gastronomskom i svakom drugom vidu nasleđa koje se može ekonomski oblikovati. Koji odredišta imaju najveći turistički potencijal? Koncept kom se teži u Vojvodini, posebno od strane restoratera, a koji bi trebalo uobličiti u proizvod i brendirati jeste koncept ,,jedan dan duže“. Destinacije za koje se planiraju ulaganje jesu one koje su definisane republičkom Strategijom, a ima ih četiri: Subotica sa Palićem i Potisjem, Gornje Podunavlje, Novi Sad sa Sremskim Karlovcima i Fruškom Gorom, kao i Vršac sa Deliblatskom peščarom, Vršačkim bregom i Belocrkvanskim jezerima. Kao Sekretarijat, orijentisani smo i na podsticanje kratkih gradskih odmora, MICE, zdravstvenog i banjskog turizma, verskog, gastro, vinskog, ciklo i nautičkog turizma. Podstičemo i podizanje kvaliteta manifestacija međunarodnog karaktera. Naposletku, lovni i ribolovni turizam jesu značajan brend i resurs ovog podneblja koji bi trebalo bolje iskoristiti. Da rezimiram, održivim strateškim pravcima, uobličenim Programom, uz sredstva iz međunarodnih pretpristupnih fondova i programa prekogranične
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
At the opening of this year's Oktoberfest saradnje, uz pomoć republičkog, pokrajinskog i lokalnih budžeta, možemo turizam postaviti na pijedestal kao jednu od vodećih privrednih grana. Bogato kulturno-istorijsko nasleđe uz svojstvena obeležja i jezike 21 vojvođanske nacionalne zajednice stvaraju osnovu koja, adekvatno oblikovana, postaje konkurentna. U javnosti često ističete da u turizmu vidite jedinstven model razvoja lokalnih zajednica... Brendiranje resursa kojim raspolažemo ima ključnu ulogu u promociji dvadest i jedne turističke ponude, menjajući opštu reputaciju Vojvodine na globalnoj turističkoj sceni. Budući da na svim nivoima državne uprave nedostaju finansijska sredstva, neophodno je uspostavljanje javno-privatnog partnerstva i aktivnije korišćenje fondova. U turizmu smo prepoznali novi prostor delovanja za stvaranje nove materijalne, ali i drugih vrednosti, što znatno doprinosi stabilizaciji privrede i obnovi ,,zapostavljenih“ resursa kojima Vojvodina obiluje. Iako su nam sredstva skromna, u sinergiji sa resornim ministarstvima u mogućnosti smo da pokrenemo značajnije rešavanje ključnih pitanja. Primetno je da dosta radite na regionalnoj saradnji. Kakvi su vam dosadašnji rezultati i šta očekujete? Regionalna saradnja je usmerena na okolne zemlje, Hrvatsku, Mađarsku, Rumuniju, ali i Crnu Goru i Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Posebno smo se orijentisali na Mađarsku sa kojom smo već realizovali brojne prekogranične projekte. Pored toga, činjenica da je mađarska nacionalna manjina zastupljena u velikom procentu, uslovila je podizanje međunarodnih odnosa na značajno viši nivo. Upravo je domen turizma i ujedinio i okupio članove mešovite radne grupe, tačnije Srbiju, Mađarsku i Slovačku, sa ciljem da se kreira zajednički
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
turistički proizvod, kako za evropsko turističko tržište, tako i za udaljena tržišta, poput Kine. Neophodno je oblikovati efikasan model udruživanja svih zainteresovanih, te je u saradnju potrebno uključiti Rumuniju i Austriju, kao i sve druge suverenitete za koje se smatra da su neodvojivi deo zajedničkog turističkog klastera. Istakao bih i jedinstveno iskustvo sa nedavnog studijskog putovanja u Rovinj i Novigrad, gde su se predstavnici javnog i privatnog sektora iz oblasti turizma sa teritorije Vojvodine sastali sa članovima Klastera Severozapadne Istre kako bi razmenili iskustva i označili novi početak turističke saradnje naših regija. Gde se trenutno nalazimo kada je reč o turistima iz Kine? Imamo dinamičnu saradnju s kineskim pokrajinama, posebno Guangdong, Džeđang, Đangsu i Šangaj. Tokom ovogodišnje zvanične posete sestrinskoj Pokrajini Guangdong i gradu Guangdžou utvrdili smo da je moguće ostvariti dobre poslovne, političke i prijateljske odnose, i to u mnogim sferama, a prevashodno u turizmu. Na ruku nam ide bezvizni režim, kao i skoro otvaranje direktnih letova. Pored činjenice da je Vojvodina okružena velikim tržištima Evrope, zdrava hrana, kvalitetna vina, potencijali geotermalnih izvora i lekovitog blata, kultura i tradicija, multietničnost i multikonfesionalnost bitni su faktori koje možemo da ponudimo kao turistički proizvod stanovnicima prosperitetnih kineskih pokrajina. Ovog leta sam bio u prilici da posetim i Pokrajinu Džeđang, njene gradove Handžou, Ningbo i Lišui sa okrugom Jinjun, kao i Pokrajinu Đangsu i grad Nantong, kao i Šangaj. Uverio sam se da je kineski narod i sam njihov pokrajinski a i državni vrh otvoren za mnoge vidove saradnje, a prvi koraci su bratimljenje lokalnih samouprava, okruga i naše pokrajine sa njihovim ekonomski jakim pokrajinama. U toku je proces bratimljenja sa pokrajinom Đangsu, gde nam se otvaraju mnoga vrata.
Često ističete da vojvođanska vina i kuhinja mogu da kreiraju nove koncepte u turizmu... Pored vina i vinarija, značajan potencijal leži u gastronomiji, ali i u seoskim turističkim domaćinstvima. Vino jeste jedna od atrakcija koja bi trebalo da upotpuni doživljaj turistima i ljubiteljima ,,napitka bogova“ i gastronomije. Na to se nadovezuju prirodne retkosti i atrakcije, čista i sačuvana priroda, organska hrana, kulturne i verske institucije i drugačiji, kompleksan, multietnički i multijezični način života svakog Vojvođanina – ,,malog Evropljanina“. Namera Sekretarijata na čijem sam čelu je da podržava događaje koji utiču na promociju naše osobene gastronomije i vinske kulture. Vojvođanska hrana ne čini čoveka samo sitim, već okrepljuje dušu. Novi Sad se priprema za dva krupna međunarodna događaja. Biće omladinska prestonica Evrope 2019. godine i Evropska prestonica kulture 2021. godine... Veoma je značajna činjenica da je Grad Novi Sad nosilac ove dve prestižne titule. To znači da je konkurentan drugim evropskim kandidatima i sadrži sve neophodne kvalitete da se održi u toj trci. Novi Sad nije samo univerzitetski centar, već je i grad koji dosta polaže u razvoj turizma i koji poslednjih godina beleži značajne pomake. Svojim podsticajnim merama, Sekretarijat će nastaviti da podržava manifestacije i međunarodne konferencije koje mogu doprineti većoj prepoznatljivosti grada, poput Međunarodnog kongresa studenata turizma i hotelijerstva MEKST, koji je i ove godine okupio impozantan broj stručnjaka,
predavača i učesnika, iz više od 20 zemalja sveta. Cilj ovog i sličnih projekata je to nezaobilazno međunarodno umrežavanje stručnjaka i omladine, što im omogućava sticanje znanja i upoznavanje sa svim što Novi Sad nudi kao administrativni centar Vojvodine, ali i univerzitetski i turistički centar regiona. Dunav, Tisa, Sava... kao i razgranata mreža kanala predstavljaju ogroman turistički resurs. Da li imate konkretnih planova kada je reč o razvoju nautičkog turizma? Vojvodina ne bi bila ono što je danas, da nisu izgrađeni Veliki i Mali Bački kanal i na kraju umreženi u sistem kanala Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Jedinstvena unutrašnja mreža kanala, kao i područja posebne namene reka Dunav i Tisa, nacionalni park Fruška Gora i parkovi prirode, jesu naš privredni, turistički, ali i saobraćajni potencijal. Reke se za turizam vezuju dvostruko – kao motivi kretanja i kao saobraćajni putevi. Dunav sa kanalima i priobaljem pruža mogućnosti za razvoj kupališno-rekreativnog, sportsko-rekreativnog i sportsko-ribolovnog turizma. Na unutrašnjoj kanalskoj mreži, rekama Dunav, Tisa, ali i Tamiš, kao i na obali reke Save na vojvođanskoj strani, trebalo bi razviti nautički i kruzerski turizam koji i sada postoji, ali na nivou koji se u ovom trenutku ne razvija na ekonomičan i održiv način. Milena Mihaljčić i Sonja Babić - Vejnović Foto: Pokrajinski sekretrijat za privredu i turizam
Cooperation with the City of Nantong, the Province of Jiangsu and Mr. Ma Siaoping
At the opening of the MEKST Conference at the Faculty of Mathematics of Novi Sad University
With the Vice Governor of the Province of Zhèjiāng, Liang Liming
ZNANJE KAO IMPERATIV „Današnji pojam društva znanja se odnosi na upotrebu znanja kao glavnog resursa. Biti deo takvog društva postaje imperativ. Danas se otvoreno govori da je Evropa društvo znanja i da će njena osnovna prednost u budućnosti biti ekonomija zasnovana na ovom neiscrpnom resursu. U ovakvom sistemu se stremi ka savremenijem obrazovanju i dostupnosti informacija, što je jedna od osnovnih razvojnih poluga za stvaranje uslova da jedno društvo bude inovacijski orijentisano, spremno za konkurentsku trku savremenih tržišta“, ističe Ivan Đoković.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
This year, Serbia has received two exceptional acknowledgements from UNESCO: “Bačko Podunavlje” (“The Danube Basin of Bačka”), as a unique piece of the Planet, has been inscribed in the UNESCO List of Nature Reserves, within the “Man and Biosphere” Program; late this year, the Serbian national dance – the “kolo”, has also been inscribed in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Ove godine Srbiji su od Uneska stigle dve izuzetne potvrde: „Bačko Podunavlje”, kao jedinstveno parče planete, upisano je na listu rezervata prirode u okviru programa „Čovek i biosfera”; krajem godine na Uneskovu Reprezentativnu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa upisan je i srpski nacionalni ples – kolo.
DUNAVE RIVER BASIN OF BAČKA – PART OF “THE EUROPEAN AMAZONIA” “Bačko Podunavlje” is one of the best preserved reeds-marsh areas on the Upper Danube through Serbia. Due to the expanse, the thick vegetation and the giant forests, it is called “The European Amazonia”. Inside the Reserve, there is a series of the protected areas: “Gornje Podunavlje” (“The Upper Danube Basin”), “Karadjordjevo”, “Tikvara” Nature Reserve, “Junaković Forest” Nature Monument, “Bukinski Oak Forest” Regional Park, as well as the habitats of the national ecological network. “Bačko Podunavlje”, together with the “Mura-Drava-Danube” Reserve of Biosphere in Croatia and Hungary, creates a single ecological whole. BAČKO PODUNAVLJE – DEO „EVROPSKE AMAZONIJE” „Bačko Podunavlje” jedno je od najočuvanijih ritsko – močvarnih područja u gornjem toku Dunava kroz Srbiju. Zbog prostranstva, gustog rastinja i gorostasnih šuma, naziva se „Evropskim Amazonom”. Unutar Rezervata nalaze se niz zaštićenih područja: „Gornje Podunavlje“,„Karađorđevo“, Park prirode „Tikvara“, Spomenik prirode „Šuma Junaković“, Regoinalni park „Bukinski hrastik“, kao i staništa nacionalne ekološke mreže. „Bačko Podunavlje”, zajedno sa Rezervatom biosfere „Mura-Drava-Dunav““ u Hrvatkoj i Mađarskoj, čini jednu ekološku celinu.
THE PULSATING LIVING WORLD The nomination was drafted by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, with the support of the competent ministries, the managers of the protected areas, the civic sector, the local self-government, and particularly by the International Union for Conservation of Nature – the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Today, thanks to these joint efforts, we now have yet another biosphere reserve, the first in Vojvodina, apart from the Golija-Studenica Reserve. This huge space swarms with life – the exact number of the species has not been determined yet: over a thousand species of plants, about three hundred species of birds, over fifty species of fish and amphibians, etc. have been discovered so far. The strictly protected species of the otter (Lutra lutra) is a prominent representative of this area. The herds of the reeds deer, as well as the grandiose white-tailed eagle, are also the trademark of the Reserve. Apart from being the area of a rare biological diversity, this area is also characterized by a diverse cultural heritage. The Reserve spreads across and through the districts of Sombor, Apatin, Bač, Bačka Palanka and Odžaci. The “Man and Biosphere” Program, among other things, is also aimed at establishing a scientific framework for the improvement of the relationships between the people and their living environment. PULSIRAJUĆI ŽIVI SVET Nominaciju je uradio Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode uz podršku nadležnih ministarstava, upravljača zaštićenih područja, civilnog sektora, lokalne samouprave, a posebno Svetske unije za zaštitu prirode – WWF. Zahvaljujući zajedničkom nastupu danas, pored rezervata Golija-Studenica, imamo drugi rezervat biosfere u Srbiji, a prvi na tlu Vojvodine. Ovaj ogroman prostor vrvi od života – tačan broj vrsti još nije utvrđen: do sada je zabeleženo preko hiljadu vrsta biljaka, oko trista vrsti ptica, preko pedeset vrsti riba i vodozemaca... Istaknuti predstavnik ovog područja je strogo zaštićena vrsta vidra (Lutra lutra ). Zaštitni znak Rezervata su i krda ritskog jelena, kao i impozantan orao belorepan. Pored toga što predstavlja područje retke biološke raznovrsnosti, ovaj kraj se odlikuje i raznolikom kulturnom baštinom. Rezervat se prostire kroz atare Sombora, Apatina, Bača, Bačke Palanke i Odžaka. Program „Čovek i biosfera“, između ostalog, ima za cilj da uspostavi naučni okvir za poboljšanje odnosa između ljudi i njihove životne sredine. TOURIST OFFER Starting in the spring of 2018, within its tourism branch, Vojvodina Forests PE will be introducing a whole range of tours so devised that visitors will be enabled to become familiar with the world of the nature of the protected areas in the most beautiful way and under guidance of professionals. Info:
THE BLUE-GREEN TRANSVERSAL OF EUROPE The “Coop MDD” Project, co-funded by the European Union through the Danube Transnational Program and partly pre-funded by the funds of the AP of Vojvodina, is an important step towards the management of “Bačko Podunavlje” Biosphere Reserve. The Project is directed towards the adjustment of the way in which the twelve protected areas located in Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia and Croatia are managed. It would ensure the ecological integrity and the connectedness between the ecosystems of a future unique cross-border “MuraDrava-Danube” Biosphere Reserve. The Project partners from Serbia are the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina and “Vojvodina Forests” PE.
PLAVO-ZELENA TRANSVERZALA EVROPE Važan korak u upravljanju rezervatom biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“, je projekat “coop MDD” sufinansiran od strane Evropske Unije preko Dunavskog transnacionalnog programa i delimično predfinansiran sredstvima AP Vojvodine. Projekat je usmeren na usklađivanje načina upravljanja u dvanaest zaštićenih područja koje se nalaze u Austriji, Sloveniji, Mađarsko, Srbiji i Hrvatskoj. Njime bi se osigurala ekološka celovitost i povezali ekosistemi budućeg jedinstvenog prekograničnog rezervata biosfere „MuraDrava-Dunav“.. Partneri na projektu iz Srbije su Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode i JP „Vojvodinašume“.
TURISTIČKA PONUDA U okviru svog turističkog ogranka, JP Vojvodinašume, od proleća 2018. godine, uvode niz tura osmišljenih da posetioce, uz stručno vođenje, na najlepši način upoznaju sa svetom prirode zaštićenih područja. Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
KOLO NATIONAL DANCE The complex procedure for the inscription of this traditional folk dance in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage was dealt with by the Ethnographical Museum’s Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage, which had prepared the nomination file in cooperation with the Faculty of Music Art, the “Kolo” Ensemble and the Center for Serbian Traditional Dances Research and Preservation. The decision on the inscription of the “kolo” in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage was promulgated at a UNESCO session held on the Island of Jeju (South Corea) at the beginning of December 2017. NACIONALNI PLES KOLO Složenu procedura za upis ove tradicionalne narodne igre na Reprezentativnu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa vodio je Centar za nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe pri Etnografskom muzeju koji je nominacijski dosije pripremio u saradnji sa Fakultetom muzičke umetnosti, Ansamblom tradicionalnih igara „Kolo“ i Centrom za istraživanje i očuvanje tradicionalnih igara Srbije. Odluka o upisu kola na Listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa doneta je na zasedanju Uneska početkom decembra 2017. na ostrvu Čedžu u Južnoj Koreji.
AN IMPOSING LIST OF WORLD VALUES The UNESCO List contains over a thousand natural and cultural goods throughout the world, simultaneously not being negligent of the attainments of our country, either: the monastery of Studenica, Old Ras with Sopoćani, St. George’s Pillars and St. Peter’s Church, the mediaeval monasteries of Kosovo and Metohija, the remains of the Felix Romuliana Roman Imperial Palace, the three localities with standing tombstones, Nikola Tesla’s Archive, the oldest manuscript book written in the Cyrillic alphabet of the 12th century – Miroslav’s Gospel, the telegram of the declaration of war by Austria-Hungary on Serbia, the family saint’s feast day (“slava”), the Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve. From now, we have become richer for yet two authentic “items”.
IMPOZANTNA LISTA SVETSKIH VREDNOSTI Na listi Uneska nalazi se više od hiljadu prirodnih i kulturnih dobara širom sveta, a nisu zanemarene ni tekovine naše zemlje: manastir Studenica, Stari Ras sa Sopoćanima, Đurđevim stupovima i Petrovom crkvom, srednjovekovni manastiri na Kosovu i Metohiji, ostaci rimske carske palate Felix Romulijana, tri lokaliteta stećaka, arhiva Nikole Tesle, najstarija ćirilična rukopisna knjiga iz 12. veka – Miroslavljevo jevanđelje, telegram objave rata Austrougarske Srbiji 1914. godine, porodična slava, rezervat biosfere Golija–Studenica. Od sada smo bogatiji za još dve autentične “stavke”.
THE DNA OF OUR NATION The “kolo”, as a collective dance in which the dancers hold one another by the hand and thus form a chain between each other, can be defined as the DNA of the Serbian nation, as well as a metaphor of a close-knit community. This is also confirmed by the fact that the kolo is danced on most various opportunities, in both urban and rural areas. The original steps, the music background and the nice message conveyed by this dance were crucially important in the promulgation of the decision on its classifying into the list of the unique attainments of the world. The inscription of the “kolo” in the UNESCO Representative List has multifold significance: it is a great promotion of the Serbian culture in the world, as well as an incentive not to neglect our own heritage, but rather to cherish it as a token of our recognizability and singularity. DNK NAŠEG NARODA Kolo, kao kolektivni ples u kom se igrači drže za ruke i međusobno formiraju lanac, može se definisati kao DNK srpskog naroda, ali i kao metafora složne zajednice. Potvrda toga je i činjenica da se kolo igra u najrazličitijim prilikima, urbanim i ruralnim sredinama. Originalni koraci, muzička potka i lepa poruka koju ovaj ples nosi, presudili su u donošenju odluke o njegovom svrstavanju na listu neponovljivih svetskih tekovina. Upis kola na Uneskovu Reprezentativnu listu ima višestruki značaj: to je sjajna promocija srpske kulture u svetu, ali i podstrek da ne zanemarujemo sopstveno nasleđe, već da ga negujemo kao znak prepoznatljivosti i posebnosti. Dragana Barjaktarević Photo by: Vojvodina Forests and Ethnographic Museum of Serbia / Foto: Vojvodinašume i Etnografski muzej Srbije
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FESTIVALS & EVENTS FESTIVALI I MANIFESTACIJE ICY FOREST LEDENA ŠUMA December 15th, 2017 to January 28th, 2018 Danube park/ Dunavski park Info: CHRISTMAS-NEW YEAR’S EVE CONCERTS BOŽIĆNO-NOVOGODIŠNJI KONCERTI December 13th to 30th, 2017 Synagogue, Serbian National Theatre, City Hall Sinagoga, Srpsko narodno pozorište, Gradska kuća Info: NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION DOČEK NOVE GODINE December 31st / January 1st Trg slobode, Trg republike, Dunavski park, Studio M Liberty Square, Republic Square, Danube Park, Studio M ORTHODOX NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION DOČEK PRAVOSLAVNE NOVE GODINE January 13th/14th Trg slobode Liberty Square Info: LOVE FESTIVAL FESTIVAL LJUBAVI February 1st to March 9th, 2018 Trg slobode Liberty Square Info: INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF EDUCATION “GUIDELINES“ MEĐUNARODNI SAJAM OBRAZOVANJA „PUTOKAZI“ March 8th to 10th, 2018 Novosadski sajam Novi Sad Fair Info:
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T H E ATA R & F I L M / P O ZO R I Š T E & F I L M ŽELIMIR ŽILNIK: EXIBITION & FILM RETROSPECTIVE ŽELIMIR ŽILNIK: IZLOŽBA I RETROSPEKTIVA FILMOVA 14th December 2017 to 2nd Februaray 2018 14. decembar 2018 – 2. febrauar 2018 The Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić Galerija likovne umetnosti – poklon zbirka Rajka Mamuzića Info: BALLET THE NUTCRACKER BALET KRCKO ORAŠČIĆ 6th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 27th & 28th December 6, 18, 22, 23, 27. и 28. decembar Serbian National Theatre Srpsko narodno pozorište Info:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Queen of baroque
The Fortress of Petrovaradin, with its monumental architecture and underground galleries, is the symbol of the city. From the Clock-Tower plateau, one can have a stunning panoramic view of Novi Sad.
Petrovaradin Town
The Lower Town of the Fortress, with its narrow streets and baroque edifices, provides a very exciting ambience. Amongst the prominent constructions, there are the Monastery of St. Juraj and the Belgrade Gate.
Square of Freedom
The city center is dominated by the edifice of the City Hall, the catholic Cathedral of Mary’s Name, the monument of Svetozar Miletić, the edifice of “Plava banija” and the City Cultural Centre.
Uncle Jova Zmaj’s Zone
Zmaj Jovina and Dunavska streets, with the houses’ and palaces’ façades of different colors, and a network of side streets and passages represent the most picturesque part of the pedestrian zone of the city.
Uncle Jova Zmaj's Street
Top Attractions In the Serbian language, the synonyms for the word sâd (a plantation) are: a garden and a bed of flowers. One of the first impressions the city makes is that it is a city of well-tended beauty. Its architecture and spirit have been shaped by many a nation. Easy-going and surrounded by a fertile lowland, Fruška Gora Mountain and the Danube, the capital city of Vojvodina is a pearl amongst the Serbian cities. It is also called the ‘Serbian Athens’ and the Danube River Gibraltar.
Dunavska Street
Clock Tower- Petrovaradin Fortress
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Matica Srpska
The Sinagogue
Danube Park
Marija Trandafil Square
In the square named after great benefactress Marija Popović Trandafil, there is her legacy building, serving as the principal seat of Matica Srpska, the oldest Serbian cultural institution.
Gallery Square
Located in this small square, there are three precious gems of the city, one next to another: Matica Srpska Gallery, Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection and Rajko Mamuzić Gift Collection.
Jewish Heritage Pitoresque Bačka Farm
The Synagogue of extraordinary beauty reminds us of the large Jewish community and the rich heritage of the Jews of Novi Sad, who tragically died in the Second World War. Today, the Synagogue is an elite city concert hall.
Danube River Pearls
The city prides in its Strand, a nicely arranged sandy beach, with a view of the Bridge of Freedom. Facing the beach, there is a green oasis of the Fishermen’s Island.
Farms, Csardas, Wineries
All the rich varieties of Vojvodina's gastronomy, village customs and the life by the river can be experienced on nearby farms, the Danubian czardas and the branching wine routes of Fruška Gora Mount and Bačka.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
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Gallery of Matica Srpska
Galerija Matice srpske
The gallery was founded in 1847 in Budapest under the auspices of Matica Srpska, the oldest cultural, literary and scientific association amongst the Serbs. With a collection of about ten thousand works of art important for Serbian national art and culture in the period from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century, it is one of the richest art museums in the country. In addition to the permanent collections, exhibitions and events, visitors' attention is each month directed to one work of art that is specifically promoted.
Galerija je osnovana 1847. godine u Pešti u okrilju Matice srpske, najstarijeg kulturnog, književnog i naučnog društva kod Srba. Sa kolekcijom od oko deset hiljada umetničkih dela značajnih za srpsku nacionalnu umetnost i kulturu u periodu od 16. do 21. veka, jedan je od najbogatijih umetničkih muzeja u zemlji. Pored stalnih postavki, izložbi i događaja, svakog meseca pažnja posetilaca se usmerava na jedno umetničko delo koje se posebno promoviše.
Museum of Vojvodina
Muzej Vojvodine
Three late Roman gold plated helmets from Berkasovo are the most notable objects from the rich antique collection of the Museum. They are made of cast iron which is plated with a thin layer of silver, gold-coloured tin. One helmet stands out with ornaments of semiprecious stones onyx and chalcedony and imitation emeralds. These exhibits have been featured in several prestigious European museums and have attracted a large number of visitors.
Tri kasnorimska pozlaćena šlema iz Berkasova najpoznatiji su predmeti bogate Antičke zbirke Muzeja. Izrađeni su od kovanog gvožđa na koje je nanesen sloj tankog srebrnog, pozlaćenog lima. Jedan šlem se posebno ističe ukrasima od poludragog kamena oniksa i kalcedona i imitacijom smaragda. Ovi eksponati gostovali su u više prestižnih evropskih muzeja i privukli imozantan broj posetilaca.
Novi Sad City Museum
Muzej grada Novog Sada
The central building of the Museum at the Petrovaradin Fortress, located at the former Arsenal building. The permanent exhibition Novi Sad from the eighteenth to the twentieth century depicts the civil life from that era. Another permanent exhibition is dedicated to the Great War Well, which belongs to the masterpieces of architecture. The well is part of the Underground Military Galleries - one of the biggest attractions of the fortress. Visitors can see part of this majestic "maze" buried four levels below the fortress, 16 km in length.
Centralna zgrada Muzeja na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi, smeštena je zdanju nekadašnjeg Arsenala. Stalna postavka Novi Sad od 18. do 20. veka posetioce upoznaje sa građanskim životom. Druga stalna postavka posvećena je Velikom ratnom bunaru koji spada u remek-dela arhitekture. Bunar je sastavni deo Podzemnih vojnih galerija - jedne od najvećih atrakcija Tvrđave. Posetioci mogu da vide deo ovog impozantnog „lavirinta“ ukopanog na četiri nivoa ispod Tvrđave u dužini od 16 km.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
P ogled
N ovog
S ada
The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina
Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine
Museum maintains a museological research approach to preservation, exhibition and presentation of contemporary art works from the second half of the 20th and 21st century, linking local with the international art scene. The collection consists of paintings, sculptures, objects and installations, prints and drawings, conceptual art, film, video and photography, intermedia and digital works, architecture, urban planning and design from Vojvodina, Serbia, as well as the works of foreign artists and art groups.
Muzej čuva i prezentuje dela savremene umetnosti druge polovine 20. i 21. veka, povezujući lokalnu umetničku scenu sa internacionalnom. U muzejskom fondu nalaze se umetničke zbirke slika, skulptura, objekata i instalacija, grafika i crteža, konceptualne umetnosti, filma, videa i fotografije, intermedijskih i digitalnih radova, arhitekture, urbanizma i dizajna iz druge polovine 20. i početka 21. veka u Vojvodini, Srbiji, ali i dela inostranih umetnika, umetnica i umetničkih grupa.
Nature Collection
Prirodnjačka zbirka
The rich collection of the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection is presented in several parts: geological-paleontological, mineralogical and petrological collections, botanical, entomological, ichthyological, herpetological, ornithological and teriological collections. The most precious exhibit is the object from the paleontogical collection, a skull with tusks of woolly mammoth from the Ice Age found in the bed of the Tisa River near Novi Bečej. This is a unique exhibit of its kind in Europe.
Bogati fond zbirke Pokrajinskog zavoda za zaštitu prirode predstavljen je u nekoliko celina: geološko-paleontološka, mineraloška i petrološka zbirka, botanička, entomološka, ihtiološka, herpetološka, ornitološka i teriološka zbirka. Najdragoceniji eksponat Paleontološke zbirke je lobanja sa kljovama runastog mamuta iz ledenog doba pronađenog u koritu Tise kod Novog Bečeja. Reč je o jedinstvenom eksponatu ove vrste u Evropi.
Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
Spomen-zbirka Pavla Beljanskog
The Legacy of Pavle Beljanski - a career diplomat and passionate collector - preserves, studies and exhibits a collection of anthological works of modern Serbian art in the first half of the twentieth century. As part of the museum, there is the Pavle Beljanski Memorial that represents the reconstruction of a private space of the great donor. The space is dominated by a photograph Bukovac "Great Beyond", by which in 1882 Bukovac marked the launch of exhibition series of magnificent acts at the Paris Salon.
Legat Pavla Beljanskog – diplomate od karijere i strastvenog kolekcionara - čuva, izučava i izlaže zbirku antologijskih dela srpske moderne umetnosti prve polovine 20. veka. U sklopu Muzeja nalazi se Memorijal Pavla Beljanskog koji predstavlja rekonstrukciju privatnog prostora velikog darodavca. Prostorom dominira slika Vlaha Bukovca „Velika Iza“, kojom je 1882. Bukovac započeo izlaganje serije veličanstvenih aktova na pariskom Salonu.
BelGuestBelGuest Winter Summer /Zima 2017/2018 | Leto 2015
A FUTOG STORY As soon as you cross the city bridges in the north, you find yourself in the Futog and Begeč districts, the farms and czardas alongside the Danube River. The Gothic towers of the Catholic Church, visible from far away, unmistakenly lead you towards Futog, a lively settlement older than Novi Sad. Curiously, camel caravans could have been seen passing through here, and it is from this place that coffee and the cabbage of Futog moved on to conquer Europe. Together with the rich sacral heritage, Futog also conquers your hearts with its gastronomic variety.
It is considered that, starting in the mid-13th century, when it was mentioned in the written sources for the first time, Futog had been populated incessantly. During the Austrian rule, it was quite a lively market town – the Futog fairs used to be even better known than those of Leipzig. Camel caravans are said to have been crossing to Bačka near Futog on their way to Vienna, and that exactly by treading off the Futog road, the loads of coffee, seized after the Turkish siege of Vienna, were moving on to conquer the European habits. Futog was also strategically significant in the defense of the Habsburg Monarchy – it is in this place that, under command of Eugene of Savoy, the Austrian army crossed the Danube and went behind the Turkish back, having defeated them in the crucial Battle of Petrovaradin in 1716. FLAMBOYANT CHURCHES In the vicinity of the Danube, in the part of (Old) Futog, there is a Serbian Orthodox Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian. It was built in the Baroque style in 1776. The iconostasis is the work of one of the most significant Serbian painters of the 18th and the 19th centuries, Arsenije Teodorović. The wall paintings are the work of Janko Halkozović, who relied on the experiences of the painting of Byzantine and Italian Renaissance. The temple also has a precious collection of the icons painted by Pavle Simić, a painter of Novi Sad, whose poetics are connected to Nazarene’s painting. At the entrance to (New) Futog, there is a remarkably erected edifice of the Roman Catholic Church of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus’, built in the place where once was a temple dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity. The new church, built in the pseudo-Gothic style, was erected by the counts family of the Koteks at the beginning of the 20th century. It has magnificent stained-glass windows and the breath-taking organs, which together with the monumentality of the building gives the temple both a ceremonial and harmonious appearance exuding the profusion of the times long gone by. In the Church, in the glass sarcophagus, the relics of St. Eugene, a martyr of the early Christian times, whose body had been laid in the Roman catacombs given by the Pope Pio VI in 1777 as a gift to the Church of the Most Holy Trinity, are kept. Roman Catholic Church of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus inter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest 50 W 50 Summer - Autmn | Leto - Jesen 2016 BelGuest
THE BEAUTIFUL BLUE DANUBE CASTLE In the immediate vicinity of the Roman Catholic temple, your attention will be drawn by the Hadik Castle, built by the Austrian Field Marshal and the President of the Viennese War Council of the Court, Count Andreas Hadik. The Castle was built in the Baroque style in 1777. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was handed over to the counts family of the Koteks. The new owners renewed the edifice, adding to it the glass gardens and a spacious terrace. There are data saying that it is here that, immediately prior to the Sarajevo assassination, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his spouse Sofija Kotek had stayed, that it is exactly in this castle that Johann Strauss the Son was writing his composition “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”. Today, the Agricultural School is located in this elegant edifice.
Interior of the Roman Catholic Church of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus
SWEET TASTES OF CABBAGE, FISH AND WINE Futog is also known for its five centuries long tradition of cabbage production, the cabbage having been used to pay for the taxes in the times of the Austrians, only to later be transported throughout Europe thanks to the newly-emerged railway. Today, the cabbage of Futog is one of the most famous foodstuffs brands of Serbia. In the honor of this original variety of the white cabbage, the “Cabbage Festival of Futog” is traditionally held at Futog in late October. Simultaneously with an interesting cultural-entertainment program, there is also a competition in preparing cabbage dishes. As is the case with all the places along the riverbanks of the Danube, Futog also has czardas, and the Csarda “Splav Dunavac” is reputed for its good fish soup, served with the magnificent wines of Fruška Gora Mount and Bačka. The “Csarda at Braša’s” in Begeč is an excellent place for a family to lunch. In the immediate vicinity, there is the Pit of Begeč, a vacationland and a protected nature park. It is here, of course, that, during the summer, to the joy of the lovers of fish soup and other fish dishes, there is yet another Csarda – “The Csarda on the Pit”. Somewhat farther away, on the main road to Novi Sad, there is “Cveja’s Farm”, an original village household that gladly welcomes its visitors (upon prior reservation). In the farm, you can be cordially served excellent domestic food, and you can also take an accommodation facility. Here, in primordial serenity, surrounded by a large number of domestic animals and tasting the various delicacies of Vojvodina, you can most easily prepare yourself for returning to urban reality. Gordana Stojaković Photo: Dragan Kurucić i TO Novi Sad
GASTRONOMIC AND WINE MENUS Do not miss to taste the most famous dishes of Bačka: soups with dumplings or domestic noodles, rindfleisch – soup, sauce, meat and vegetables, grenadiermarsch, paprika-seasoned stewed meat, perkelt, batter-fried and roasted meat (pork, chicken, etc.), fish specialties, dumplings, pastry filled with jam or cheese, shufnoodles or noodles without stuffing, and among the sweet things there are strudels (particularly with poppy seeds), Kugelhopfs, rolled strudels (particularly with cherries), etc. when the wines are concerned: Rhine Riesling and Italian Riesling, Neoplanta, Probus, Bermet (Red and White), Frankovka, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and other.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
FUTOŠKA PRIČA Čim se pređu gradski mostovi na severu su hatari Futoga i Begeča, bački salaši i čarde duž Dunava. Gotski tornjevi katoličke crkve, vidljivi iz daljine, nepogrešivo vas vode ka Futogu, živopisnom naselju starijem od Novog Sada. Ovde su nekada prolazili karavani kamila, a kafa i futoški kupus su krenuli u osvajački pohod ka Evropi. Uz bogato sakralno nasleđe, Futog osvaja i svojom gastronomskom raznolikošću.
Serbian Orthodox Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian
matra se da je od sredine 13. veka, kada se prvi put pominje u pisanim izvorima, Futog neprestano naseljen. Tokom austrijske vladavine bio je živo trgovište - ovdašnji vašari bili su poznatiji čak i od lajpciških. Priča se da su karavani kamila kod Futoga prelazili u Bačku na putu ka Beču i da su tovari kafe, zaplenjene posle turske opsade Beča, upravo futoškim putem krenuli u osvajanja evropskih navika. Futog je imao strateški značaj u odbrani Habzburške monarhije – austrijska vojska pod komandom Evgenija Savojskog je ovde prešla Dunav i zašla Turcima za leđa, porazivši ih u odsudnoj Petrovaradinskoj bici 1716. godine. KITNJASTE CRKVE U blizini Dunava u delu (Starog) Futoga nalazi se Srpska pravoslavna Crkva Svetih Vrača Kozme i Damjana. Izgrađena je 1776. u stilu baroka. Ikonostas je delo jednog od najznačajnijih srpskih slikara 18. i 19. veka, Arsenija Teodorovića. Zidne slike delo su Janka Halkozovića, koji se oslanjao na iskustva vizantijskog i italijanskog renesansnog slikarstva. Hram poseduje i vrednu zbirku ikona novosadskog slikara Pavla Simića, čiji se slikarski izraz dovodi u vezu sa nazarenskim slikarstvom. U lepo uređenoj crkvenoj porti nalazi se grob Smiljke Jovanović, rano preminule kćerke pesnika Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja. Na početku (Novog) Futoga markantno se izdiže zdanje Rimokatoličke Crkve Presvetog Srca Isusovog, izgrađene na mestu starijeg hrama posvećenog Presvetom Trojstvu. Novu crkvu je, u pseudogotskom stilu, podigla grofovska porodica Kotek
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Hadik Castle
početkom 20. veka. Ima veličanstvene vitraže i moćne orgulje, što uz monumentalnost građevine, hramu daje svečan i harmoničan izgled koji odiše raskošju prohujalih vremena. U Crkvi se, u staklenom sarkofagu, čuva relikvija Sv. Eugena, mučenika iz prvohrišćanskih vremena, čije je telo počivalo u Rimskim katakombama koju je Papa Pio VI 1777. darovao Crkvi Presvetog Trojstva. DVORAC LEPOG PLAVOG DUNAVA U neposrednoj blizini rimokatoličkog hrama pažnju će vam privući Dvorac Hadik koji je izgradio austrijski feldmaršal i predsedavajući bečkog Dvorskog ratnog saveta, grof Andreas Hadik. Dvorac je izgrađen 1777. godine u stilu baroka. Početkom 19. veka prelazi u posed grofovske porodice Kotek. Novi vlasnici obnavljaju zdanje, dograđuju staklene bašte i veliku terasu. Postoje podaci da su ovde, neposredno pre Sarajevskog atentata, boravili nadvojvoda Franc Ferdinand i njegova supruga Sofija Kotek, da je baš u njemu Johan Štraus Mlađi komponovao „Na lepom plavom Dunavu“. Danas se u ovom elegantnom zdanju nalazi Poljoprivredna škola. SLASTI KUPUSA, RIBE I VINA Futog je poznat i po pet vekova dugoj proizvodnji kupusa, kojim se u austrijsko vreme plaćao porez, a kasnije, pojavom železnice, snabdevala čitava Evropa. Danas je Futoški kupus jedan od najpoznatijih prehrambenih brendova Srbije. U čast ove izvorne vrste belog kupusa u Futogu se, krajem oktobra tradicionalno održava „Futoška kupusijada“ a, uz zanimljiv kulturno-zabavni program i takmičenja u kuvanju jela od kupusa.
Kao i sva mesta duž Dunava i Futog ima čarde, a čarda „Splav Dunavac“ je na glasu po dobroj ribljoj čorbi uz koju se služe sjajna fruškogorska i bačka vina. „Čarda kod Braše“ u Begeču je u svako godišnje doba odlično mesto za porodični ručak. U neporednoj blizini je Begečka jama, izletište i zaštićeno područje – park prirode, značajno za opstanak ptica gnezdarice. I tu naravno leti, na radost ljubitelja riblje čorbe i ostalih ribljih jela, dežura još jedna čarda – „Čarda na Jami“. Nešto dalje, na glavnom putu ka Novom Sadu, nalazi se „Cvejin salaš“, izvorno seosko domaćinstvo koje rado prima posetioce (uz prethodnu najavu). Na salašu možete biti ugošćeni odličnom domaćom hranom, a možete koristiti i smeštaj. Ovde, u iskonskom miru, uz mnoštvo domaćih životinja, uz vojvođanske đakonije najlakše je pripremiti se za povratak u urbanu stvarnost. Gordana Stojaković Photo: Dragan Kurucić i TO Novi Sad
Tourist Information Group Visits to Churches In order to be allowed to pay a visit to the Roman Catholic Church of the Heart of Jesus’ at Futog as a group, you need to announce such a visitation to Vicar Antun Kopilović: The Serbian Orthodox Churches are usually open Information for the churches in Bačka Eparchy of Bač at: Information for the churches in Srem Srem Eparchy at Catering SUR Gostiona“Splav-Dunavac”• Dunavska 000 • Futog +381 (0)21 895-406, (0)63 8882123, (0)600895406 Working hours: On Weekdays from 10 am to 11 pm At Weekends from 10 am to Midnight SUR Čarda kod Braše / Csarda at Braša’s • Begečka jama 56 • Begeč +381 (0)21 899-111, 898-474 mail: Working hours: weekdays from 7 am to 11 pm weekends from 7 am to Midnight Cvejin salaš / Cveja’s Farm 3*• Nikole Tesle 2 • Begeč Tel: +381(0)21 2998 045 / +381 (0)63 538 976 /Reservation is obligatory/ Cabbage Festival of Futog
Informacije za turiste
GASTRONOMSKI I VINSKI I MENI Ne propustite najpoznaija bačka jela: supe sa knedlama ili domaćim rezancima, „rinflajš“ (rindfleisch) - supa, sos, meso i povrće, nasuvo sa krompirom, paprikaši, perkelt, pohovano i pečeno meso (svinjsko, pileće...), riblji specijaliteti, gomboce, taške, šufnudle ili čikovi, a među slatkišima su štrudle (naročito sa makom), šne-nokle, kuglofi, savijače (naročito sa višnjama)... , a od vina tu su: rajnski i Italijanski rizling, Neoplanta, Probus, Bermet (crveni i beli) , Frankovka, Šardone (Chardonnay), Kaberne Sovinjon (Cabernet Sauvignon), Merlo (Merlot) i druga.
Nature Park Begečka jama
Grupne posete crkvama Za obilazak Rimokatoličke Crkve Srca Isusovog u Futogu grupne posete potrebna je najava župniku Antunu Kopiloviću: Srpske pravoslavne crkve su obično otvorene. Informacije za crkve u Bačkoj Eparhija bačka: Informacije za crkve u Sremu Eparhija sremska: Ugostiteljstvo SUR Gostiona „Splav-Dunavac“• Dunavska 000 • Futog +381 (0)21 895-406 / (0)63 8882123 / (0)600895406 Radno vreme: radnim danima 10-23h, vikendom 10-24h SUR Čarda kod Braše • Begečka jama 56 • Begeč +381 (0)21 899-111 / 898-474 mail: Radno vreme: radnim danima 07-23h, vikendom 07-24h Cvejin salaš 3* • Nikole Tesle 2 • Begeč Tel: +381(0)21 2998 045 / +381 (0)63 538 976 /najava je obavezna/ Futoška kupusijada Additional Information / Dodatne informacije Tourism Organization of the City of Novi Sad Turistička organizacija Grada Novog Sada
P H O T O - T R A V E L O G U E
THE HOLY PLACES OF THE PČINJA RIVER VALLEY In the far south of Serbia, at the foot of the Dukat Mountain, the river Pčinja springs. On its way towards Macedonia, it forms one of the most beautiful fluvial valleys in our country. This interesting landscape, otherwise insufficiently visited by tourists, preserves the significant pages of the Serbian mediaeval history in its craggy areas. This is confirmed by numerous archaeological localities and the ruins of churches and monasteries. We are presenting you a photo-story about the three most significant sacrosanct assets of the Pčinja Valley.
Monastery of St. Prohor Pčinjski
A landscape of exceptional nature: “The Pčinja Valley”
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
At the foot of Kozjak Mountain’s wooded slopes, nearby the Serbian-Macedonian border, there is the monastery of Venerable Prohor of Pčinja, the spiritual center of this region and a monument of culture of exceptional significance. According to a legend, it was erected by Byzantine Emperor Romanus Diogenes in the 11th century, as a token of gratitude to the Venerable Father Prohor, who foretold that he would very soon stand at the forefront of the Eastern Roman Empire. Twighlight at the Monastery Port
Of the oldest strata, only the chapel where the relics of Venerable Prohor, the only Serbian saint pouring forth myrrh, are laid has been preserved. The relics of the Saint were built in in the wall, whereas in its right corner, there is an opening from which the miraculous myrrh has been streaming for a whole millennium already. Inside the monastery complex, there are three residences, of which the “Vranje Residence” is one of the most beautiful constructions of this type in Serbia. It was built by Hadži-Mihailo Pogačarević, a trader of Vranje, in the mid-19th century. The Monastery is surrounded by a landscape of exceptional nature – “The Pčinja Valley”. The picturesque Pčinja villages contain numerous examples of traditional folk architecture, such as the watermills and the cob houses, covered with stone slabs. “The Devil’s Stone”, located not far away from Trgovište, is a natural phenomenon created by rock erosion. The impetuous Pčinja River cut through the rock mass and sculpted a series of big stone pillars, of which the three single out, about 50-60 meters high. For that reason the place is also called “Prosečnik” (“Cutthrough”). This almost mythical landscape had for centuries been inspiring the imagination of its inhabitants, who shrouded it in mysteriousness and legends. On one of the monumental pyramids, there is the temple dedicated to the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, also known as a church in Prosečnik. The temple was built by a Serbian squire, Dejan Marković, Tsar Dušan’s brother-in-law, in the 14th century. The church in Prosečnik has an alter partition wall made of brick. Such built iconostases are characteristic of very old temples and are a real rarity. In the vicinity of Trgovište, in the village of Donji Kozji Dol (Lower Goats’ Valley), there is a mediaeval Temple of the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, which is little known. In the recently renewed residence, a nun has been living for four years already, taking care of this sacrosanct building with great affection. BelGuest
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
SVETA MESTA DOLINE PČINJE Na krajnjem jugu Srbije, podno Dukat planine, nastaje reka Pčinja koja na svom putu ka Makedoniji, stvara jednu od najlepših rečnih dolina naše zemlje. Ovaj zanimljiv ali turistički slabo posećen predeo, u svojim vrletima čuva značajne stranice srpske srednjovekovne istorije. To potvrđuju brojni arheološki lokaliteti, crkvine i manastirišta. Donosimo Vam foto-priču o tri najznačajnije svetinje iz doline Pčinje.
Podno šumovitih obronaka planine Kozjak, nadomak srpsko-makedonske granice, nalazi se manastir Sveti Prohor Pčinjski, duhovni centar ovog kraja i spomenik kulture od izuzetnog značaja. Prema predanju, podigao ga je vizantijski car Roman Diogen u 11. veku u znak zahvalnosti prepodobnom ocu Prohoru koji mu je prorekao da će ubrzo stati na čelo Istočnog rimskog carstva. Od najstarijih slojeva očuvana je samo kapela gde počivaju mošti Sv. Prohora, jedinog srpskog svetitelja-mirotočca. U njen istočni zid uzidane su mošti svetitelja, dok se u desnom uglu nalazi otvor iz koga već ceo milenijum izvire čudotvorno miro. U okviru manastirskog kompleksa nalaze se tri konaka, od kojih „vranjski konak” predstavlja jednu od najlepših građevina ovog tipa u Srbiji. Izgradio ga je sredinom 19. veka Hadži-Mihailo Pogačarević, trgovac iz Vranja. Manastir okružuje predeo izuzetnih odlika „Dolina Pčinje” Slikovita pčinjska sela sadrže brojne primere tradicionalnog narodnog graditeljstva, kao što su vodenice potočare i kuće od naboja pokrivene kamenim pločama. „Vražji kamen” nedaleko od Trgovišta, je prirodni fenomen nastao erozijom stena. Plahovita reka Pčinja je prosekla stensku masu i izvajala niz velikih kamenih stubova, od kojih se izdvajaju tri, visine između 50 i 60 metara. Mesto se zbog toga naziva i „Prosečnik”. Ovaj gotovo mitski predeo stolećima je nadahnjivao maštu stanovništva koje ga je obavilo velom tajanstvenosti i legendama. Na jednoj od monumentalnih piramida nalazi se hram posvećen Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice, poznat i kao crkva u Prosečniku. Hram je krajem 14. veka podigao srpski vlastelin Dejan Marković, zet cara Dušana. Crkva u Prosečniku ima zidanu oltarsku pregradu. Ovakvi zidani ikonostasi karakteristični su za veoma stare hramove i predstavljaju pravu retkost. Nadomak Trgovišta, u selu Donji Kozji Dol, nalazi se malo poznati hram Svetog Preobraženja Gospodnjeg koji potiče iz srednjeg veka. U nedavno obnovljenom konaku već četiri godine živi jedna monahinja koja se o ovoj svetinji stara sa puno ljubavi.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Kids at the Prosečnik Church Port
The Devil’s Stone
The ProseÄ?nik church altar
Temple of the Holy Transfiguration in Kozji Do Village
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
VIVID HERITAGE IN VIVID CITY Thanks to the monuments on the UNESCO List, as well as its own unique history through which the Christian and the Islamic civilizations both overlap and conflict with each other, Novi Pazar won the title of an European Destination of Excellence. Here was the first capital of Mediaeval Serbia, in the era of the Ottoman Empire it became a prosperous town and the lifeline on an important merchant road. Today, it is a city with a large population, interwoven with an oriental charm.
Monastery of St. George’s Pillars
The National Tourism Organization of Serbia that conducted the EDEN competition organized a study journey for journalists in late November, with the intention to support the promotion of the first-awarded destination. Our host was the Tourism Organization of Novi Pazar. The tightly scheduled tour program included the cultural heritage that had led them to that title, but our hosts made their best efforts to also introduce to us some of the cult place in the city: the oldest “Shadirvan” kebab shop, the best reputed manti-pies workshop “Sve pod sač”, the small goldsmiths’ shops, etc. VTIME MACHINE IN PRACTICE Novi Pazar is an exceptional city because here, literally in one day, one can travel through a history of a thousand years linking Byzantium, Mediaeval Serbia and the Ottoman Empire. The first destination on this journey is the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, an early-Christian house of worship, erected on the foundations of an even older temple. Proudly highlighting the fact that the temple was thoroughly renovated in the last decade, Archpriest Tomislav Milenković made us familiar with the history and key events related to the Church of Peter’s.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Altun-Alem Mosque
OLD SERBIA’S CAPITAL The originator of the first Serbian Dynasty, Stefan Nemanja ruled in these regions in the 12th century, and the whole area was named Raška after the Raška River. In the city territory, many traces from this epoch have been preserved. The most outstanding among them is the Monastery of St. George’s Pillars, dominating over the city from a nearby hill. Abbot Gavrilo told us the story of its history and the difficult centuries of hardship. The monastery had been in ruins, but thanks to the “Renew Ourselves, Raise the Pillars” powerful campaign, it lives its new life today. We were also honored to refresh ourselves at the monastery’s refectory of the 13th century. The visit to Sopoćani Monastery left powerful impressions on us. There, young abbot Father Teoktist, an architect by profession, welcomed us. In a miraculous mixture of serenity and rapture, he guided us through the “kaleidoscope” of the fresco-painting of Sopoćani by having told us that even many of the knowledgeable, such as Italian art historians, stay out of breath when in the face of the Holy Apostle Philip they see a Serbian Mona Lisa and the great manuscript of the anonymous “Serbian Giotto”. MOSQUE, FORTRESS, AND OLD BAZAAR We also visited the Altun-Alem Mosque, where we were kindly received by young imam and hafiz Ifran Malić. He told us the fact and legends related to the oldest house of worship in the city and explained what his second title of “hafiz” means – that is how people who know about six hundred pages of Quran by heart are addressed. He also made us familiar with the basic rules of the Muslim prayer rituals. We visited the valuable monuments of the Turkish epoch, too: the Fortress with the Watchtower, the old bazaar that is so vivid and picturesque that you want to take a peep into each of the small shops selling small masterpieces, such as Turkish delight made of saffron and rose petals, and a variety of seeds. There are also barber’s shops, bakeries, shops with dresses similar to the costumes in the TV series “Suleiman the Great”… The atmosphere is hurried, typical of a bazaar, all swarming with young people. PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL QUALITIES The most beautiful of all were our spontaneous conversations with the people of Novi Pazar, who are open-up, warm, polite and always ready to talk “in great detail”. One such unplanned encounter took place at Amir-Agha’s Residence from the 18th century, where a young man with a smile on his face, who said he was Riki, took us through all the rooms of the ancient residence, including the former horse-stable. We were also strongly impressed by the visit to the Ras Museum, where we were welcomed by the curators of all the collections, who were competing among themselves who would tell us more about the precious assets of the Museum. Our official hosts were also extraordinary: Ljiljana Lešević, director of the TO of Novi Pazar, with her team: Valdin Hajdarpašić and Haris Gegić; and the Mayor – Nihat Biševac, who took some of his time out for having coffee with us and presenting the plans for the development of the tourism potentials of the city.
Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, Sopoćani Monastery
St. Petres Church: a team of journalists with the host, Father Tomislav
Ras Museum Ethnographic Exhibition
Milena Mihalćić Photo by: Rozana Sazdić & NTOS Arhives
Manual preparation of delicatessen manti-pies
ŽIVO NASLEĐE U ŽIVOM GRADU Zahvaljujući spomenicima na listi Uneska, ali i svojoj osobitoj povesti kroz koju se prepliću ali i sučeljavaju hrišćanska i islamska civilizacija, Novi Pazar je poneo titulu Izuzetne destinacije Evrope. Ovde se nalazila prva prestonica srednjovekovna Srbije, u doba Osmanskog carstva postaje prosperitetna varoš i žila kucavica na važnom trgovačkom putu. Danas je to mnogoljudan grad, protkan orijentalnim šarmom. Turistička organizacije Srbije, koja je sprovela konkurs za izuzetnu destinaciju Evrope (EDEN), upriličila je krajem novembra studijsko putovanje za novinare s namerom da podrži promociju prvonagrađene destinacije. Domaćin nam je bila Turistička organizacija Novog Pazara. Gust program obilazaka obuhvatio je kulturno nasleđe koje im je donelo titulu, ali su se domaćini potrudili da nam otkiju i neka od kultnih gradskih mesta: najstariju ćevabdžinicu „Šadrvan“, najpoznatiju radionicu pita–mantija „Sve pod sač“, kvart zlatarskih radnjica... VREMEPLOV NA DELU Novi Pazar je izuzetan grad zato što se ovde, doslovno u jednom danu, može proputovati kroz hiljadugodišnju istoriju koja povezuje Vizantiju, srednjovekovnu Srbiju i Osmansko carstvo. Prvo odredište na ovom putu je crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i Pavla, poznata pod nazivom Petrova crkva, ranohrišćanska bogomolja podignuta na temeljima još starijeg hrama. Sa istorijom i ključnim događajima vezanim za Petrovu crkvu upoznaje nas protojerej Tomislav Milenković, ponosno ističući da je hram u poslednjoj deceniji temeljno obnovljen. PRESTONICA STARE SRBIJE Rodonačelnik prve srpske dinastije Stefan Nemanja vladao je ovim krajevima u 12. veku, a čitava oblast se po reci Raški nazivala Raškom. Na teritoriji grada ostalo je sačuvano mnoštvo tragova iz ove epohe. Najmarkantniji među njima je manastir Đurđevi Stupovi koji se izdiže na bregu nadomak grada. Sa njegovom istorijom i teškim „iskušeničkim“ vekovima upoznaje nas iguman Gavrilo. Manastir je bio u ruševinima ali, zahvaljujući snažnoj kampanji „Obnovimo sebe, podignimo Stupove“, danas živi novim životom. Imali smo čast i da se okrepimo u manastirskoj trpezariji iz 13. veka. Snažno utiske nam je ostavila i poseta manastiru Sopoćani, gde nas je dočekao mladi iguman, otac Teoktist, po obrazovanju arhitekta. U čudesnoj mešavini smirenosti i ushićenja proveo nas je kroz „kaleidoskop“ sopoćanskog fresko-slikarstva rekavši da i mnogi znalci, poput italijanskih istoričara umetnosti ostaju bez daha kada u liku Svetog apostola Filipa vide srpsku Mona Lizu i genijalan
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Sopoćani Monastery
rukopis bezimenog „srpskog Đota“. DŽAMIJA, TVRĐAVA I STARA ČARŠIJA Posetili smo i Altun-alem džamiju, gda nas je ljubazno dočekao mladi imam i hafiz Irfan Malić. Ispričao nam je činjenice i legende vezane za najstariju bogomolju u gradu i objasnio nam šta znači njegova druga titula hafiz - tako se oslovljavaju ljudi koji napamet znaju oko šeststotina stranica Kurana. Uputio nas je i u osnovna pravila muslimanskih molitvenih obreda. Obišli smo i vredne spomenike iz turske epohe: Tvrđavu sa kulom Motriljom, staru čaršiju koja je toliko živa i slikovita da poželite da zavirite u svaku od radnjica koje prodaju mala remek-dela, poput ratluka od šafrana i latica ruža i raznobojno semenje. Tu su i berbernice, pekare, kafečajnice, radnje sa haljinima koje nalikuju na kostime iz serije „Sulejman Veličanstveni“... Atmosfera je užurbano čaršijska i sve vrvi od mladih ljudi.
Milena Mihalćić Foto by: Rozana Sazdić & NTOS Arhives
MONUMENTS UNDER UNESCO PROTECTION “In the surroundings of the ancient town of Ras, the first capital of Serbia, there is an impressive group of monuments, consisting of fortresses, temples and monasteries,” these words are written in the UNESCO Charter by which the monument complex of Old Ras was inscribed in the List of the World Cultural Heritage in 1979. THE OLDEST CHURCH IN THE BALKANS The Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (10th century) was erected on the foundations of a four centuries older temple and is the oldest Christian place of worship in the whole of the Balkans. The key events from the life of the founder of the reigning Nemanjić Dynasty are related to the Church of Peter’s. ST. GEORGE’S PILLARS – THE ROOF OF OLD SERBIA On the highest hill on the land of Ras, Stefan Nemanja erected his first ruler’s legacy – St. George’s Pillars (12th century). The temple dedicated to St. George is also the first example of the architecture of the “School of Ras”. For over three centuries, the monastery had been in ruins, whereas today, it glitters in full splendor. AMAZING FRESCOES OF SOPOĆANI From the artistic point of view, the wall painting of the Monastery of Sopoćani (13th century) is without equal in European art: at the world exhibition in Paris in 1961, the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God was declared the most beautiful mediaeval fresco. The colors of the frescoes, the expressiveness and the composition persuasively testify to the ingeniousness of the artist: it is here that the Renaissance was born before the Renaissance.
LJUDI POSEBNOG KOVA Najlepši od svega bili su sponatni razgovori s Novopazarcima koji su otvoreni, topli, ljubazni i uvek spremni da sa vama „razvezu“ priču. Jedan takav neplaniran susret dogodio nam se u Amir-aginom konaku iz 18. veka, gde nas je nasmejani mladić koji se predstavio kao Riki, proveo kroz sve odaje drevnog konaka, uključivši i nekadašnju konjušnicu. Snažan utisak ostavila nam je i poseta muzeju Ras, gde su nas dočekali kustosi svih zbirki, takmičeći se ko će više toga ispričati o dragocenostima Muzeja. I naši zvanični domaćini bili su izvanredni: Ljiljana Lešević, direktorka TO Novi Pazar sa svojom ekipom: Valdinom Hajdarpašićem i Harisom Gegićem, kao gradonačelnik Nihat Biševac, koji je odvojio vrema da sa nama popije kafu i predstavi planove za razvoj turističkih potencijala grada.
A SOPHISTICATED BEAUTY The Altun-Alem Mosque (16th century) is a jewel of Islamic architecture. Translated, its name means – a golden jewel. It was built by Muslihudin Abdul Gani. Many legends about it are told among people, one of them saying that the pasha’s rich daughter Altuna – one of the three unmarried sisters – gave all the gold she had for the building of the mosque, for which reason it was named after her. RAMPARTS, WATCHTOWER AND OLD BAZAAR The city fortress with the Old Bazaar and the complex surrounding the mosque are a separate ambience whole. The fortress of Novi Pazar was erected by Isa-Bey in the 15th century. The fortification originally made of wood was later replaced with the bastion made of stone and the artillery fortification. The whole of the complex has been under the protection of the state since 1970. OLD HAMMAM Isa-Bey’s Hammam (15th century) is located in the immediate vicinity of the Old Bazaar in the very center of the city. The Hammam is an example of a bipartite city bath, with a stone wall dividing the men’s sphere from the women’s. The Hammam has been preserved in its original form and will be renovated soon.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
„U okolini drevnog grada Rasa, prve prestonice Srbije, nalazi se impresivna grupa spomenika koju čine tvrđave, hramovi i manastiri", zapisano je u povelji Uneska kojom je spomenički kompleks Stari Ras 1979. godine upisan na listu svetske kulturne baštine. NAJSTARIJA NA BALKANU Crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i Pavla (10.vek) podignuta je na temeljima znatno starijeg hrama i najstarija je hrišćanska bogomolja Balkana. Za Petrovu crkvu se vezuju ključni događaji iz života osnivača vladarske dinastije Nemanjić. ĐURDJEVI STUPOVI – KROV STARE SRBIJE Na najvišem brdu raške zemlje, Stefan Nemanja je podigao svoju prvu vladarsku zadužbinu – Đurđeve Supove (12. vek). Hram posvećen Svetom Georgiju je i prvi primer arhitekture „raške škole". Manastir je više od tri veka bio u ruševinama, a danas blista u punom saju. ZADIVLJUJUĆE SOPOĆANSKE FRESKE Sa umetničke tačke gledišta zidno slikarstvo manastira Sopoćani (13. vek) bez premca je u evropskoj umetnosti: Uspenje Presvete Bogorodice je na svetskoj izložbi u Parizu, 1961. godine, proglašeno je za najlepšu fresku srednjeg veka. Kolorit fresaka, izražajnost i kompozicije ubedljivo svedoče o genijalnosti umetnika: ovde se rodila renesansa pre renesanse.
The dome of St. Peter’s Church
SPOMENICI IZ PERIODA OSMANSKE VLADAVINE PREFINJENA LEPOTICA Dragulj islamske arhitekture je Altun-alem džamija (16. vek). Njen naziv u prevodu znači zlatni dragulj. Sagradio ju je Muslihudin Abdul Gani. O njoj kruže mnoge legende, a jedna od njih kaže da je bogata pašina kći Altuna - jedna od tri neudate sestre, dala svo svoje zlato za njenu igradnju, te da džamija nosi njeno ime. BEDEMI, KULA MOTRILJA I STARA ČARŠIJA Gradska tvrđava sa Starom čaršijom i kompleks oko džamije posebna su ambijentalna celina. Tvrđavu je u 15-om veku podigao Isa-beg – osnivač grada. Prvobitno drveno utvrđenje kasnije je zamenjeno kamenim bastionom i artiljerijskim utvrđenjem. Ceo kompleks se od 1970. godine nalazi pod zaštitom države. STARI HAMAM Isa-begov hamam (15. vek) nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini stare čaršije. Hamam je primer dvojnog gradskog kupatila sa kamenim zidom koji odvaja mušku i žensku sferu. Očuvan je u svom izvornom obliku i uskoro će biti obnovljen.
Holy Trinity Fresco, detail
Holy Apostle Philip
The Bazaar of Novi Pazar in the old days
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
A STORY ABOUT HARMONY PRIČA O HARMONIJI This is a place you will come to like. We have fitted our buildings into what nature gave Sokobanja Spa as a gift – says Branko Ranđelović, owner of the Nataly Spa Hotel. The apartments are spacious and comfortable, and they also have spacious balconies, where it’s nice for one to sit and enjoy the air rich in oxygen. At the Nataly Spa, you can completely relax and dedicate yourself to your own self and to your family. And your health, too! Apart from the swimming-pool with hydromassage tools, the hotel also offers a Finnish Sauna and a Steam Bath, which purify the body from toxins, a Salt Room for strengthening the immune system, Jacuzzi and warm benches for relaxation and vitality. All wellness programs are available for guests, as well as over 50 types of massages. Here, you will free yourself from stress and tension end strengthen your body and spirit. „Ovo je mesto koje ćete zavoleti. Mi smo naše objekte samo uklopili u ono što je priroda darovala Sokobanji - kaže Branko Ranđelović, vlasnik hotela Nataly Spa. Apartmani su udobni i komforni, ali imaju i prostrane terase gde je lepo sedeti i uživati u vazduhu punim kiseonika. U Nataly spa se možete potpuno opustiti i posvetiti sebi i svojoj porodici. I zdravlju! Pored bazena sa hidromasažerima, u sklopu hotela nalazi se finska sauna i parno kupatilo koji telo pročišćavaju od toksina, slana soba za jačanje imunog sisitema, Jakuzzi i tople klupe za relaksaciju i vitalnost. Gostima hotela na raspolaganju su svi wellness sadržaji, kao i preko 50 vrsta masaža. Ovde ćete se osloboditi stresa i napetosti i ojačaćete telo i duh. Roza Sazdić Foto / Photo: Roza Sazdić , Zoran Radosavljević Kiki
Info Nataly Spa Sokobanja 060 – 601- 51-87
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
RED BLOOD CELLS AND WINTER-ROSY Cheeks Ivanjica is surrounded by the three mountain beauties: Golija, Javor and Mučanj. Due to the refreshing air and an ideal height above the sea level, the whole landscape is an air spa, recommended for improving the blood count. Together with a thick snow cover, the landscapes of magnificent beauty, hospitable hosts and healthy highlander table groaning with food – it already offers a series of arguments for you to spend the winter in the village households of this healthy area.
vanjica is the native place of Serbian village tourism, with the households that have received awards on quite a large number of occasions, and the immaculate reviews displayed on Internet portals. The vast expanses of Golija Mountain have been declared a Nature Park, and in its fold, there is also the Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve, inscribed in the UNESCO List of Natural Heritage. Javor Mountain has had a long tradition of curing anemia – for which reason it has been attributed the epithet of a “red blood cell factory”. AT HOSPITAL HOSTS’ HOUSEHOLDS The guest who once comes to Kušići, Katići, Kumanica, Daići, Komadine, etc. feels enchanted by beauty, the service and the gastro-offer. The winter on the mountains of Ivanjica is always more than a holiday thanks to their hospitable and warm
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
people. So, the hosts of the Gift of Golija Villa, the Residences of Golija and the Avramović Villa will greet you upon arrival. On Javor mountain, apart from the attractions offered by the Javor Hotel, the hosts of the Angelina Villa on Kušići will welcome you with wide open arms and show you the hidden charms of Javor Planina. In the village of Katići, at the very foot of Mučanj mountain, you can accommodate yourself at the Hotel Matović-Logos and the Villa of the Obradović Boarding House. The Obradović Boarding House is one of the pioneers of village tourism and offers a range of carefully thought out winter attractions, including, among others, the unforgettable ride in a sleigh. BelGuest Photo by: TO Ivanjica
Avramović Villa
Golijski konaci
G O L I J I ,
CRVENA KRVNA ZRNCA I RUMENI OBRAZI Ivanjicu okružuju tri planinske lepotice: Golija, Javor i Mučanj. Zbog okrepljujućeg vazduha i idealne nadmorske visine, čitav predeo je vazdušna banja koja se preporučuje za poboljšanje krvne slike. Kada se tome doda debeli snežni pokrivač, prekrasni pejzaži, gostoljubivi domaćini i zdrava gorštačka trpeza - to je već niz argumenta da zimu provedete u seoskim domaćinstvima ovog zdravog podneblja.
Javor Hotel’s ski-school
vanjica je rodno mesto seoskog turizma Srbije, sa višestruko nagrađivanim domaćinstvima i besprekornim recenzijama na internet portalima. Po prostranstvu ogromna planina Golija je proglašena za Park prirode, a u njenom okrilju nalazi se i Rezervat biosfere „Golija-Studenica“, upisan na Unesko listu prirodne baštine. Planina Javor ima drugu tradiciju lečenja malokrvnosti – pa je dobila epitet „fabrike crvenih krvnih zrnaca“. KOD SRDAČNIH DOMAĆINA Gost koji jednom dođe u Kušiće, Katiće, Kumanicu, Daiće, Komadine... opčinjen je lepotom, uslugom, gastro ponudom. Zima na ivanjičkim planinama je uvek više od odmora zahvaljujući gostoprimljivim i toplim ljudima. Tako ćete vas na Goliji dočekati domaćini Vile Golijski dar, Golijskih konaka i Vile Avramović. Na planini Javor, pored sadržaja koji nudi hotel Javor, na Kušićima će vas domaćini Vile Angelina dočekati širom raširenih ruku i otkriti vam skrivene čari Javor planine. U selu Katići, u samom podnožju planina Mučanj, možete se smestiti u hotelu Matović-Logos i Vili Pansiona Obradović. Pansion Obradović je jedan od pionira seoskog turizma i ima niz osmišljnih zimskih sadržaja, između ostalog, i nezaboravnu vožnju saonicama. BelGuest Photo by: TO Ivanjica
INFO Komadine, Golija Golijski konaci Kumanica, Golija Vila Avramović Dajići, Golija Vila Golijski dar Kušići, Javor Vila Angelina Katići, Mučanj Vila Obradović Kuće za odmor Logos
TO Ivanjica Milinka Kušića 47, 32250 Ivanjica + 381 (0) 32/665-085
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
THE RADAN HOTEL'S „THREE-FLOOR“ WELLNESS CENTER Within the medical complex of the Radan Hotel, a new Wellness Center, unique in Serbia, has been opened. It has three levels and the uncountable attractions so designed to relax, nurse and cure you. Throughout the complex, the unique mineral Prolom water – a treasure of Prolom Banja Spa – runs. The new Wellness Center is so designed to justify and strengthen the already acquired brilliant reputation of the Hotel, for which an extra bed is asked for throughout the year. In the environment exuding tranquility, the Wellness Center represents an excellent choice of a quality holiday, enjoyment and relaxation. Within the Wellness Center, which spreads across the floor area of over two thousand square meters, guests can experience firstrate adventures and afford sophisticated treatments. The complex itself consists of the three levels, each of which is thematically designed. The range of the treatments is diverse and adapted to all age groups, so guest, as well as visitors, can stay in the diverse “sauna world”, consisting of the Finnish, Infra-red and Bio- saunas, a steam bath, a salt room, a Kneipp path and warm benches. BATHING WITH A VIEW, AND THE PROLOM SEA A special attraction in the new Wellness Center is a swimming-pool of the indoor-outdoor type, with a beautiful panoramic view, and a Jacuzzi swimmingpool, with the water saturated with sea salt, symbolically called “The Prolom Sea”. Given the fact that an ever-increasing number of young couples with children come to stay at Prolom Banja Spa, the new Wellness Center offers a possibility both for parents and for children to also spend a quality time together entertaining and relaxing. A special part of the Center is its Beauty Salon, where guests have at their disposal the most various treatments: starting from manicure, pedicure, the barber’s/hairdresser’s, face care treatments, to the most contemporary infra-red capsule, which is favorite among women. There is also a relaxation zone, where you are invited to experience the charms of some of the massages so envisaged to enable you to use all the amenities of the irreplaceable Prolom water. There is a fitness hall for those who want to stay slim and fit, and in order to enable them their stay as interesting as possible, the entertainment hall has also been opened. BelGuest Photo by: Hotel Radan
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
PRECIOUS, REFRESHING WATER The spring of the Prolom Water is in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel, on the slopes of Radan Mountain. It has extremely rare characteristics: it contains a range of minerals in small quantities, and its high alkaline quality helps the body to neutralize the acidity that is the main cause for many kinds of diseases. The Prolom Water has clinically been confirmed to be helpful in treating kidney and urinary tract diseases, skin diseases and those related to the human digestive system. Comparative research studies indicate that such a beneficial spring, similar to this one, only still exists in Japan. Bottled Prolom Water is sold throughout Serbia, in many European countries, Australia and America.
„TROSPRATNI“ WELLNESS HOTELA RADAN U sklopu medicinskog kompleksa hotela Radan otpočeo je sa radom novi Wellness centar, jedinstven u Srbiji. Ima tri nivoa i bezbroj sadržaja osmišljenih da opuste, neguju i leče. Čitavim kompleksom „protiče“ jedinstvena mineralna Prolom voda – blago Prolom Banje. Novi Wellness je zamišljen da opravda i pojača inače sjajnu reputacija Hotela za koji se tokom čitave godine traži mesto više. U okruženju koje odiše mirom, Wellness centar predstavlja odličan izbor za kvalitetan odmor, uživanje i relaksaciju. U okviru Wellness-a koji se prostire na površini od preko dve hiljade m2, gosti mogu da iskuse vrhunske doživljaje i sofisticirane tretmane. Sam kompleks se sastoji od tri nivoa, a svaki od njih je tematski osmišljen. Spektar tretmana je raznovrstan i prilagođen svim starosnim dobima, pa tako gosti, kao i posetioci, mogu da borave u raznovrsnom „svetu sauna“ koji se sastoji od tri finske, infra red i biosaune, parnog kupatila, slane sobe, kneipp staze i toplih klupa. KUPANJE S POGLEDOM I PROLOM MORE Posebna atrakcija u novom Wellness-u je bazen otvoreno – zatvorenog tipa sa predivnim panoramskim pogledom i đakuzi bazen sa vodom zasićenom morskom solju, simbolično nazvan „Prolom more“. Budući da sve više mladih bračnih parova sa decom boravi u Prolom Banji, novi Wellness pruža mogućnost da roditelji i deca provedu kvalitetno zajedničko vreme uz zabavu i opuštanje. Poseban deo Centra je salon lepote gde su gostima na raspolaganju najrazličitiji tretmani: počev od manikira, pedikira, frizera, nege lica do najsavremenije infracrvene kapsule koja je omiljena među ženama. Takođe, postoji i relax zona gde se mogu isprobati čari neke od masaža koje su osmišljene kako bi se iskoristile sve blagodeti nezamenljive Prolom vode. Za one koji žele da ostanu vitki i u dobroj formi postoji fitness sala, a kako bi im boravak bio što interesantniji otvorena je i sala za zabavu. BelGuest Foto: Hotel Radan
DRAGOCENA, OKREPLJUJUĆA VODA Izvor „Prolom vode“ nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini Hotela, na padinama Radan planine. Ona ima svojstva koja su izuzetno retka: sadrži spektar minerala u malim količinama, a njena visoka alkalnost pomaže telu da neutrališe kiselost koja je glavni uzročnik svekolikih bolesti. Klinički je potvrđeno da Prolom voda pomaže u lečenju bolesti bubrega i mokraćnih puteva, kožnih oboljenja i bolesti organa za varenje. Uporedna istraživanja kažu da takav, sličan, blagotvoran izvor postoji još samo u Japanu. Flaširana Prolom voda se prodaje širom Srbije, mnogim evropskim zemljama, Australiji i Americi.
Info Hotel Radan 18433 Prolom Banja tel: 027 83 88 111, 027 83 88 162, fax: 027 83 88 092. web:
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
NIŠ – SHINING WITH NEW SPLENDOR That Niš is the fastest-growing tourism destination in Serbia is reflected in the data on an increase in tourism turnover, revenue, an ever-increasing number of incoming tourists, the occupancy of hotel capacities, etc. and other economic parameters. Why is the biggest city in the Serbian south becoming an increasingly interesting destination for tourists?
Given the fact that a record number of night stays (nearly 170,000) was achieved in 2016, we should expect Niš to achieve 200,000 night stays in 2017, bearing in mind the opening of new accommodation units and the expanding of the existing ones, such as the reconstruction of the famous Ambassador hotel in Niš. Apart from a few 4-star hotels keeping pace with the trends in the specialized hotel offer, the tourism industry of Niš also has several hostels, apartments, boarding houses, as well as village tourism households and private accommodations in the surrounding area. It is also the fact that catering facilities keep pace with the tourism development of the city, too. New restaurants and cafés are being opened, and among the most visited ones are traditional pubs of Niš, offering national cuisine specialties. The quality of the tourism offer is inevitably contributed to by the famous hospitality of Niš. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Thanks to the numerous flights that have connected Niš with bigger cities in Europe tourists are enabled to come to Niš at very affordable prices and experience something new. The “Constantine the Great”Airport of Niš currently operates with four airlines, which have flights to 11 cities throughout Europe. All that has had an influence on Niš having become a recorder in Serbia when the rate of visits is concerned. A permanent increase in the number of tourists
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
from abroad of almost 50% in the past period suggests that Niš is firmly advancing towards the position on the European tourism market that has been pertaining to it since long time ago. “The successes of the tourism of Niš in the last years have been the result of the numerous activities carried out by the City and the Tourism Organization with respect to the affirmation of the tourist destination, promotion in the media (national, regional, local and foreign), participation at events, festivals, conferences, domestic and international fairs, as well as the organization of numerous events in Niš – says Uroš Parlić, director of the Tourism Organization of Niš. TOURISTS’ IMPRESSIONS The main impression that the majority of tourists leave Niš with is: Visiting Niš has exceeded all our expectations. The first thing that “surprises” tourists is a large number of attractive museums and monuments. As a city that has been standing at the intersection of roads for more than two millennia now, Niš has many turbulent historical periods behind it. The monuments left after that and the dramatic stories accompanying them are something impossible to see in every city or town. By touring Niš – starting from the residence of the Roman Emperors Mediana, via the unique Skull Tower, to the oriental Fortress and the Concentration Camp from
the Second World War The Red Cross – visitors are enabled to become familiar with the history of Europe and that of Serbia in one place. The untouched nature and the different natural ambiences in the surrounding area, as well as numerous possibilities for one to rest, go for a walk or gain adrenaline experiences, are the second thing attracting an ever-increasing number of tourists. Within a 15-km radius, you can visit the Jelašnička and Sićevačka Gorges, Dry Mountain (Suva Planina) of utmost beauty with the preserved ecosystems, as well as Niška Banja Spa, famous for its springs of warm water. Organized speleo-adventures, paragliding flights above Niška Banja Spa, free climbing in Jelašnička Gorge, pedestrian tours in Sićevačka Gorge, mountaineering on Dry Mountain, bicycle tours, gun shooting at the shooting range, horse riding, jeep-safari ,and so forth are part of the attractive offer for outings and activities in the open air in the vicinity of Niš. The gastronomic offer of the South definitely “seasons” tourists’ memories. The Cuisine of Niš is a specific blend of Serbian traditional dishes and the numerous influences inherited from the East. Pubs in Niš are also specific – they are not only “envisaged”for the degustation of specialties, but are also the places where people go to celebrate, write poems, reach agreements, negotiate and do business. Exactly for that reason, as well as for the reason of the great offer of the dishes that will be served one after another at the table, people do not quickly leave pubs of Niš. Tourists are recommended to take out more time for enjoyment in the pubs of Niš. Milan, a Slovak tourist, is likely to have followed that recommendation; he said: “Serbian food is incredible. During my stay in Niš, I tasted almost all and I already have my favorite food. I miss it at home.” GUESTS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT According to a research study carried out by Trivago (on the basis of passengers’ 175 million marks and comments), Serbia ranked the second on the ranking list of the European states regarding the services and quality of hotel accommodation. The highest mark in Serbia went to Niš (8.6 of the maximum 10) – so, in passengers’ opinions, the hoteliers of Niš are the best in Serbia. Niš ranked better than Belgrade, which ranked the second, and also better than Palić, Vrnjačka Banja Spa, Novi Sad, etc. Marko Alba from Zurich commented on the blog as follows: “In my opinion, the spirit of its inhabitants is what makes Niš different; that’s something I couldn’t have found in the West. To me, the hospitality of Niš and generally its atmosphere are of priceless value, especially given that I come from a big city.” SOUTHERNERS’ SPIRIT AND HOSPITALITY In spite of modernization and the spirit of the new time, Niš has preserved the traditional hospitality of the South and the casual atmosphere that the West lacks in. At any time during the day or night, Niš is “full of life” and in a very short time tourists become part of the community, enchanted by the charm and highlivers’ spirit of Niš inhabitants.
Info Tourism Organizations of Niš Vožda Karađorđa 5 +381 18 521 321
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Paying a visit to the Fortress located in the center of the city next to the Nišava River is a walk through history: the attractions from the different periods of the stormy past of the City of Niš can be seen; Roman Emperor Constantin the Great was also born in this locality, the then Roman fortification. Destroyed and re-erected several times, today’s appearance of the Fortress dates back in the time of the Turks in 1723.
Obilazak Tvrđave koja se nalazi u centru grada pored reke Nišave predstavlja šetnju kroz istoriju: Mogu se videti znamenja iz različitih perioda burne prošlosti Niša, a na ovom prostoru, u nekadašnjem rimskom utvrđenju, rođen je rimski car Konstantin Veliki. Rušena i obnavljana više puta, Tvrđava današnji izgled dobija u vreme Turaka 1723. godine. Info:
Archaeological Hall and Mediana
Arheološka sala i Medijana
The exhibits at the Archaeological Hall of the National Museum are a picturesque demonstration of the civilizational development of the city. You can see the prehistorical objects found in the first settlements in this region. Roman money, charters, from the time of the Roman rule, together with ornamentation, stone icons etc. from the Dark Ages, the sculptures of Emperor Constantine and Byzantine Empress Theodora and the remains of the separation wall of the Mediana pagan temple, are exhibited. The luxuriousness of Mediana, which was a residence of Roman Emperors from time to time, is witnessed by over 1000 m2 of the floor mosaics.
Eksponati koji su izloženi u arheološkoj sali Narodnog muzeja slikovito prikazuju civilizacijski razvoj grada. Mogu se videti predmeti iz praistorije koji su nađeni u prvim naseobinama na ovom području… Iz doba vladavine Rimljana izložen je rimski novac, povelje, a iz srednjeg veka nakit, kamene ikone… Izložene su i i skulpture cara Konstantina i vizantijske carice Teodore, kao i ostaci pregrade paganskog hrama sa Medijane. O raskoši Medijane, koja je povremeno bila rezidencija rimskih careva, svedoči preko 1000 m2 podnih mozika.
The monument on Cegar Hill, where a famous battle had been fought in the First Serbian Insurrection, was erected in the memory of the heroic resistance of the Serbian soldiers and their commander Stevan Sindjelić. As a reprisal for their major losses, the Turks erected the Skull Tower made of the skulls of the killed Serbian insurrectionists. The tower made of human skulls is unique in the world.
Spomenik na brdu Čegar, gde se odigrala čuvena bitka u Prvom srpskom ustanku, postavljen je u znak sećanja na herojski otpor srpskih boraca i njihovog komandanta, Stevana Sinđelića. U znak odmazde zbog velikih gubitaka, Turci su od lobanja poginulih srpskih ustanika sazidali Ćele kulu. Kula od ljudskih lobanja, jedinstvena je u svetu.
Info: w
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In the very heart of the city, there are the Cathedral Temple of Niš and a church erected in dedication to St. Archangel Michael, the Church of Holy Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena and the Church of St. Panteleimon, whereas not far away from the city, one should visit the Latin Church and the Monastery of St. John in Gornji Milanovac, the monasteries of the Holy Mother of God and St. Paraskeva of the Balkans in Sićevačka Gorge… In Niš, there are also temples of other religious communities: a mosque, a Roman catholic and an Adventist churches.
U najužem gradskom jezgru nalazi se Niški saborni hram i crkva posvećena Sv. Arhanđelu Mihailu, crkva Sv. Cara Konstantina i carice Jelene, crkva Sv. Pantelejmona, a nadomak grada treba obići Latinsku crkvu i manastir Sv. Jovan u Gornjem Matejevcu, manastire Sv. Bogorodica i Sv. Petka u Sićevaćkoj klisuri… U Nišu postoje hramovi drugih religijskih zajednica: džamija,rimokatolička i adventistička crkva.
Niška banja i okolina
Niška spa and surroundings
In the immediate vicinity of Niš, 10-20 km away from its very center, there are the landscapes of extraordinary natural values, with a plethora of possibilities for one to have an active holiday – hiking, mountaineering, biking… In the Jelašnica River Gorge, there are also rocks for free climbing; in Sićevačka Gorge – a rafting path and an airfield for paragliding; on Suva planina (Dry Mountain), there are the marked paths for mountaineering, mountain running…, and in Niška Banja Spa, you can choose spa attractions. You can also visit the Cerje Cave and the other caves and experience an exciting jeep ride in the mountains surrounding the city… Info:
U neposrednoj okolini Niša, na 10 -20 km od najužeg centra, nalaze se predeli izuzetnih prirodnih vrednosti sa brojnim mogućnostima za aktivan odmor - pešaćenje, planinarenje, vožnju bicikla… U Jelašničkoj klisuri postoje i stene za slobodno penjanje, u Sićevačkoj rafting staza i poletište za paraglajding, na Suvoj planini su obeležene staze za planinarenje, planinsko trčanje.., a u Niškoj Banji na raspolaganju su spa sadržaji. Možete posetiti Cerjansku i druge pećine, doživeti uzbudljivu vožnju džipovima na planinama u okolini grada…
The city center is also the zone of good entertainment, a pedestrian zone, a shopping center… Numerous cafés are located in the main street, whereas also numerous pubs and the bohemian Coppersmith Alley preserve the old spirit of Niš. When in Niš, one should taste burek meat-pie, the barbecue of Niš and other gourmet delicacies, and having a good time in a pub implies the richness of tastes and a ceremonial atmosphere because “joie de vivre is priceless”.
Centar grada je i zona dobre zabave, šetalište, šoping centar… Brojni kafići nalaze se u glavnoj ulici, a stari duh Niša čuvaju isto tako brojne kafane i boemsko Kazandžijsko sokače. U Nišu treba probati burek, niški roštilj i druge gurmanluke , a provod u kafani podrazumeva bogatstvo ukusa i prazničnu atmosferu jer „merak nema cenu“ .
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
NIŠ SIJA NOVIM SJAJEM Da je Niš najbrže rastuća turistička destinacija u Srbiji govore podaci o povećanju turističkog prometa, prihoda, dolazak sve većeg broja turista, popunjenost hotelskih kapaciteta… i drugi ekonomski parametri. Zašto najveći grad na jugu Srbije postaje sve intersantnije mesto za turiste? Uroš Parlić, director of the Tourism Organization of Niš
S obzirom da je u 2016. godini ostvaren rekordan broj noćenja (blizu 170.000), očekuje se da u 2017. godini Niš ostvari 200.000 noćenja, imajući u vidu i otvaranje novih smeštajnih jedinica i proširenje postojećih, kao što je rekonstrukcija čuvenog niškog hotela Ambasador. Pored nekoliko hotela sa 4 zvezdice koji prate trendove u specijalizovanoj hotelskoj ponudi, niška turistička industrija poseduje i više hostela, apartmana, prenoćišta, kao i seoska turistička domaćinstva i privatan smeštaj u okolini. Takođe, činjenica je da i ugostiteljski objekti prate turistički razvoj grada. Otvaraju se novi restorani i kafići, a među najposećenijima su tradicionalne niške kafane sa ponudom nacionalne kuhinje. Kvalitetu turističke ponude neizostavno doprinosi i poznato niško gostoprimstvo. MEĐUNARODNI AERODROM Zahvaljujući brojnim letovima koji su povezali Niš sa većim gradovima u Evropi, turisti mogu po vrlo pristupačnim cenama da dođu u Niš i dožive nešto novo. Niški aerodrom “Konstantin Veliki” trenutno radi sa 4 avio kompanije, koje imaju letove do 11 gradova širom Evrope. Sve to uticalo je da Niš postane rekorder u Srbiji kada je posećenost u pitanju. Stalan porast broja turista iz inostranstva u proteklom periodu od gotovo 50%,
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govori da Niš sigurno korača prema svojoj poziciji na evropskom turističkom tržištu koja mu odavno pripada. „Uspesi niškog turizma poslednjih godina rezultat su brojnih aktivnosti turističke organizacije i Grada učinjeni u afirmaciji turističke destinacije, promociji u medijima (nacionalnim, regionalnim, lokalnim i inostranim), učešću na manifestacijama, festivalima, konferencijama, domaćim i međunarodnim sajmovima, kao i organizacijom brojnih događaja u Nišu - kaže Uroš Parlić, direktor Turističke organizacije Niša. UTISCI TURISTA Glavni utisak koji je većina turista ponese iz Niša je: Poseta Nišu premašila je sva naša očekivanja. Prva stvar koja “iznenadi” turiste je veliki broj atraktivnih muzeja i spomenika. Niš , kao grad koji više od dva milenijuma stoji na raskršću puteva, ima iza sebe mnoge burne istorijske periode. Spomenici koji su ostali iza toga i dramatične priče koje ih prate, nešto su što se ne viđa u svakom gradu.Obilazeći Niš od rezidencije rimskih careva Medijane, preko jedinstvene Ćele kule, orijentalne Tvrđave i Crvenog krsta, jednog od najočuvanijih logora iz II svetskog rata, posetioci prate istoriju Evrope i Srbije na jednom mestu.
Netaknuta priroda i različiti prirodni ambijenti u okolini, kao i brojne mogućosti za odmor, šetnju ili adrenalinske doživljaje, druga je stvar koja privlači sve veći broj turista. U krugu od 15 kilometara može se posetiti Jelašnička i Sićevačka klisura, prelepa Suva planina sa očuvanim ekosistemima, kao i Niška Banja, čuvena po izvorima tople vode. Organizovane speleo avanture, paraglajding letovi iznad Niške Banje, free climbing u Jelašničkoj klisuri, pešačke ture u Sićevačkoj klisuri, planinarenje na Suvoj planini, biciklističke ture, pucanje na strelištu, jahanje, jeep safari i sl. deo su atraktivne ponude izleta i aktivnosti u prirodi u okolini Niša. Gastronomska ponuda juga definitivno “začini” turistima uspomene . Niška kuhinja predstavlja specifičan spoj srpskih tradicionalnih jela i sa brojnim uticajima nasleđenim sa Istoka. A I kafane u Nišu su posebne - one nisu “predviđene”samo za degustaciju specijaliteta već su i mesta na koja se odlazi kada se slavi, kada se pišu pesme, dogovara, pregovara i posluje. Upravo zbog toga, ali i zbog niza jela koja će se smenjivati za stolom, iz niških kafana ne izlazi se brzo. Turistima se preporučuje da za “gust” u niškim kafanama ostave više vremena. Tom preporukom vodio se verovatno i Milan, turista iz Slovačke, koji je rekao: "Srpska hrana je neverovatna. Tokom mog boravka u Nišu probao sam skoro sve i već imam omiljenu hranu. Ona mi nedostaje kod kuće." GOSTI SU UVEK U PRAVU Prema istraživanju koje je sproveo Trivago (na osnovu 175 miliona ocena i komentara putnika), Srbija je zauzela drugo mesto na rang listi evropskih država kada je u pitanju usluga i kvalitet hotelskog smeštaja. Najvišu ocenu u Srbiji dobio je Niš (8,6 od maksimalnih 10) I tako su po mišljenju putnika niški hotelijeri najbolji u Srbiji. Niš se našao ispred Beograda koji je zauzeo drugo mesto, kao i Palića, Vrnjačke Banje, Novog Sada… Marko Alba iz Ciriha ostavio je ovaj komentar na blogu;“Ono što čini Nišom drugačijim po meni je duh ljudi, ono što nisam mogao naći na zapadu. Gostoprimstvo i uopšte niška atmosfera ima za mene nepocenljivu vrednost, pogotovo što dolazim iz velikog grada." JUŽNJAČKI DUH I GOSTOPRIMSTVO Niš je uprkos modernizaciji i duhu novog vremena zadržao tradicioanlnu gostoprimljivost juga i ležernu atmosferu koja nedostaje ljudima sa zapada. Nišlije se druže tokom prepodneva uz kafu, ručaju zajedno u kafanama ili provode noći sa društvom u klubovima. U bilo koje doba dana i noći Niš je “živ” i turisti za veoma kratko vreme turisti postaju deo zajednice, opčinjeni šarmom i meraklijskim duhom Nišlija.
Niš is a cheerful city of gusto
Info Turistička organizacija Niš, Vožda Karađorđa 5 +381 18 521 321
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
NIŠ – A REPOSITORY OF HISTORY NIŠ – RIZNICA ISTORIJE Today as well, Niš is recognized for one of its most famous persons. Constantine the Great was born in Niš, Naisssus in those times, on 27th February 274; Naissus was the central place of the Roman Province of Upper Moesia, and a significant trading, military and administrative center. Constantine spent his early childhood in his native city. His father enabled him the education and military training worthy of the emperor-to-be, whereas his mother Jelena, conveyed onto him the love for the new creed – Christianity. Thanks to that, he became a wise warrior and ruler. Constantine the Great will remain remembered as the statesman, army leader and visionary who, during his rule (306-337), left an indelible imprint in the history of Europe and Christianity. As the first Christian Emperor, a great benefactor and ktetor of the Christian Church, Constantine was canonized after his death, and Orthodox Churches he is venerated as a saint and the “Emperor Equal-to-the-Apostles”. Although he left his native town after his childhood, Constantine never forgot it. Once he became the Emperor, he richly decorated the Fortress, and in the suburbs of Naissus, he built the luxury residence of Mediana. The Serbian Orthodox Church and the City of Niš celebrate the holiday dedicated to the Holy Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress Jelena on June 3rd.
Svake godine gradske vlasti uručuju istaknutim pojedincima i ustanovama najveće priznanje Grada Niša “11. januar” i statuetu “Oslobodiocima Grada Niša”za dostignuća u afirmaciji grada u privrednim, društvenim i drugim oblastima. U 2018. godini 11. januara obeležiće se i 140 godina od oslobođenja Niša od Turaka. Ovo je grad koji ceni svoje kulturno nasleđe i univerzalne vrednosti.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Every year, the City authorities deliver the greatest recognition of the City of Niš – “11th January” and the Statuette “To the Liberators of the City of Niš” to distinguished individuals and institutions for their achievements in the affirmation of the City in the economic, social and other fields. On 11th January 2018, the 140th anniversary from the liberation of Niš from the Turks will also be celebrated. This is a city that shows appreciation for its cultural heritage and universal values.
Niš se prepoznaje i danas po jednom od najpoznatijih Nišlija. Konstantin Veliki rođen je 27. februara 274. godine u Nišu, tadašnjem Naissusu, koji je bio centralno mesto rimske pokrajine Gornja Mezija i značajan trgovački, vojni i administrativni centar. Konstantin je rano detinjstvo proveo u svom rodnom gradu. Otac mu je obezbedio obrazovanje i vojnu obuku dostojnu budućeg cara, a majka Jelena prenela mu je ljubav prema novoj veri – hrišćanstvu. Zahvaljujući tome, postao je mudar ratnik i vladar. Konstantin Veliki će ostati upamćen kao državnik, vojskovođa i vizionar koji je tokom svoje vladavine (306-337) ostavio neizbrisiv trag u istoriji Evrope i hrišćanstva. Kao prvi hrišćanski car, veliki dobrotvor i ktitor hrišćanske crkve, Konstantin je nakon smrti kanonizovan, a u pravoslavnim crkvama poštuje se kao svetac i “ravnoapostolni car”. Iako je nakon detinjstva napustio rodni grad, Konstantin ga nije zaboravio. Kada je postao car bogato je ukrasio Tvrđavu, a u predgrađu Naissusa sagradio je raskošnu rezidenciju - Medijanu. Srpska pravoslavna crkva i Grad Niš 3.juna proslavljaju praznik posvećen Svetom caru Konstantinu i njegovoj majci carici Jeleni. Natalija Živanović I Roza Sazdić Photo by: Saša Đorđević, Marko Stojanović, Milan Kopčok, Roza Sazdić
COME TO ENJOY WITH US! IX ulica br. 11, Petrovac, Montenegro Tel : +382 33 680 390 Fax: +382 33 680 370 Mob: +382 68 884 835
Recently opened family hotel with 4 * in the most elite part of Petrovac. It can accommodate 65 guests. It is located 100 m from the main promenade and the Petrovac beach and 400 m from Luchica - the most beautiful small beach on the Budva's side. The hotel is mostly built of stone and is surrounded by centuries-old olive groves. Within the hotel there is a restaurant with modern interiors and architecture (54 seats) with a magnificent view of the pool and olives. It is divided into two parts, restaurant and a Lounge bar that can be easily transformed into a congress hall. In the morning, breakfast is served on the basis of a buffet, and afternoon and evening is a la carte bistro. The restaurant also has a rich wine-cellar with the best wines from Montenegro and the region.
Novootvoreni porodični hotel sa 4* u najelitnijem delu Petrovca. Može da primi 65 gostiju. Nalazi se na 100 m od glavnog šetališta i petrovačke plaže i 400 m od Lučica - najlepše male plaže na budvanskoj rivijeri. Hotel je pretežno sagrađen od kamena i okružen je stogodišnjim maslinjacima. U okviru hotela nalazi se restoran savremenog enterijera i arhitekture (54 mesta) sa božanstvenim pogledom na bazen i masline. Podeljen je u dve celine, standardni restoranski i Lounge bar koji se lako moze transformisati u kongresnu salu. Ujutru se poslužuje doručak na bazi švedskog stola, a posle podne i uveče je a la cart bistro. Restoran poseduje i bogatu vinoteku sa najboljim vinima iz Crne Gore i regiona.
Decorative lamps, joyful light, warm New Year's cottages, gastronomy tastes specialties, children's play, performance, smiles on people faces, smell of boiled wines, thematic days, music for all tastes and fireworks full of festivals warm colors are all the words that describe Tivat in December and January. The city waterfront Pine in Tivat breathes its lungs during Advent, gets one a truly new splendor and everyone who chooses to spend their holidays here can make beautiful every moment. You only have to "sail into the Tivat harbor", and together with us celebrate New Year!
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
A GOOD BEGINNING TO THEIR THIRD DECADE The British International School (BIS) is celebrating its 20th successful year. Once again its students continue to achieve success after success on the international scene, both in Cambridge academic examinations and in many international competitions and events, and as it starts its third decade the Principal, Ms Aleksandra Keserovic can see this great school continuing to grow and shine. In the “November Numeracy Challenge”, an online competition using the Mathletics programme, students from throughout Europe recently took part in, Oliver, a Year 8 BIS student, was ranked the best in Europe. In the same competition, in the Primary school, the best results were achieved by Jihyo, a Year 4 student. BIS, overall, came fourth in Europe. In the “Word Mania” English competition, which was a worldwide competition, Year 4 and Year 9 students succeeded in coming 15th and 19th respectively on the World Leaderboard. AN INSPIRING JOURNEY TO RUSSIA One of the events during the first part of this academic year was a journey to Russia by Secondary school students. Moscow and Saint Petersburg were the focus of the excursion. How journeys can open children’s horizons and influence can be understood through the impression gained by Yizheng in Year 8 ‘I enjoyed the trip and the museums and all those beautiful places we visited. The paintings, food, hotels were all good for me. I really liked it.’ CHERISHING THE THEATRE EXPRESSION Following its tradition BIS had two Christmas shows this year. The Primary school prepared the musical, based on Charles Dicken’s “Oliver!”. In the Rakovica Cultural Centre, there was “whirling around” with energy: young dancers, actors and brave soloists performed, and every student was involved and on the stage. The audience were thrilled as they enjoyed the theatrical time machine that took them to the epoch of Victorian England. This was one of the best performances in the school’s diverse theatre annual production. The Secondary school students prepared a performance with musical acts and a play by the Year 7 to 9 drama club, whose sketches made the audience laugh. Both performances ended with the addressing by the Principal, Ms. Aleksandra Keserovic, who wished everyone Happy holidays and a wish that all continue to enjoy the fruits of the BIS success story. BelGuest Photo: BIS
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
DOBAR POČETAK TREĆE DECENIJE Britanska internacionalna škola proslavlja svoju uspešnu dvadesetogodišnjicu. Njeni učenici nastavljaju da nižu uspehe na međunarodnoj sceni, kako na Cambridge ispitima tako i na mnogim internacionalnim takmičenjima i događajima, na početku treće decenije postojanja, direktorka škole, Aleksandra Keserović kaže da može da vidi nastavak rasta i uspona škole. Na online takmičenju “Numeracy Challenge”, u okviru Mathletic programa, na kojem učestvuju učenici širom Evrope, Oliver, učenik osmog razreda rangiran je kao najbolji u Evropi. Na istom takmičenju, u osnovnoj školi, najbolje rezultate postigla je Jihyo, učenica četvrtog razreda. U konačnoj listi BIS je zauzela četvrto mesto u Evropi. Na takmičenju “Word mania” koje obuhvata decu iz čitavog sveta, učenici četvrtog i devetog razreda uspeli su da na svetskoj rang listi zauzmu petnaesto i devetnaesto mesto. INSPIRATIVNO PUTOVANJE U RUSIJU Jedan od događaja koji je obeležio početak školske godine bio je i putovanje učenika srednje škole na ekskurziju u Rusiju. U fokusu ekskurzije našle su se Moskva i Sankt Petersburg. Koliko putovanja otvaraju vidike i utiču na decu možda ponajviše govori utisak koji je poneo Yizheng, učenik osmog razreda: “Uživao sam u putovanju i obliasku muzeja kao i svih predivnih mesta koje smo obišli. Umetnički radovi, hrana, hoteli su bili odlični. Zaista mi se svidelo." NEGOVANJE POZORIŠNOG IZRAZA U skladu s tradicijom, BIS je i ove godine imala dve božićne premijere. Učenici osnovne škole pripremili su mjuzikil “Oliver”, prema istoimenom delu Čarlsa Dikensa. Na sceni Kulturnog centra Rakovica sve je “prštalo” od energije: nastupili su mladi plesači, glumci i hrabri solisti, svi učenici su nastupali na sceni. Publika je uživala u teatarskom vremeplovu koji ih je odveo u epohu viktorijanske Engleske. Opšti je utisak da je ovo bila jedna od najboljih predstava u godišnjoj školskoj pozorišnoj produkciji. Učenici srednje škole pripremili su kolaž priredbu sa muzičkim tačkama i predstavom dramskog kluba učenika sedmog do devetog razreda, koji je publiku nasmejao skečevima. Obe priredbe završene su pozdravom direktorke škole, Aleksandrom Keserović koja je svima poželela srećne praznike uz želju da svi zajedno nastavimo započete uspehe. BelGuest Foto: BIS
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Inspires, Equips and Empowers One of the goals of ISB is to build a collaborative learning community that develops students’ intrinsic desires to take risks, set high aspirations, and make positive contributions to the world. Apart from engaging students in achieving their full academic potential and developing critical thinking, school nurtures students’ creative thoughts and empower them to take initiative and make changes. YOUNG BASKETBALL STARS Likewise, ISB takes pride in its outstanding athletes. Aleksa Obradovic (grade 9), who has been at ISB since 2013, has been selected for the Under 15 Men’s Serbian national basketball team, whilst Luka Tarlac (grade 9), who has been at ISB since 2008, has been selected for the Under 16 Men’s Serbian national basketball team. What is most commendable is that both Aleksa and Luka are also heavily invested in their academics and have excellent attainment and effort profiles. Equally, they are supportive of the school’s other programs, which include our service, expeditions, and CEESA sports. Furthermore, both TEACHERS HAVE A CRUCIAL ROLE “As teachers, we need to inspire students to become curious and engaged in the world around them and within them. We also need to recognize and nurture talents that our students bring to the classroom. It is essential to provide adequate support for these outstanding students, and help them become role models for generations to come.”
adija Tokovic, ISB senior year student, sets high standards for herself. For the last 10 years she has been attending two schools – The International School of Belgrade, and a local Music School, where playing the violin is her true passion. She is also an accomplished pianist. DESERVING OUTSTANDING AWARDS Nadija is an outstanding student in all subject areas, a full IB Diploma candidate, and the fact that she is very successful at both schools is outstanding. Two years ago, she auditioned for a singing part in an ISB Cabaret Show, and her talent for singing was recognized by everyone in the audience, including a professional singing teacher. Nadija started to train her voice with Ms. Andrejic, and managed to find time and energy to embrace a new challenge. With a student like Nadija, challenges easily transition into opportunities, and with hard work and commitment the awards came naturally. In November 2017, Nadija received the top award from the Young Talents Fund of the Republic of Serbia. This enabled her to participate in the Recital of Music Talents of Serbia, where Nadija again won first prize, resulting in media exposure and financial aid that will help her continue her music education at the university level. Despite being the youngest performer in all these contests, Nadija has successfully performed roles written for more mature voices. Nadija’s passion for singing and her commitment to learning beyond test scores are impressive.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
students also offer their talents and time to be part of the school’s basketball team and remain grounded and committed to the beliefs of an ISB holistic education. We are all very proud of both Aleksa and Luka and look forward to their continued engagement and successes. BelGuest Photos: ISB
B E O G R A D u
NADAHNJUJE, OSPOSOBLJAVA, OSNAŽUJE Jedan od ciljeva kojem ISB teži jeste izgradnja obrazovne zajednice zasnovane na međusobnoj saradnji, u kojoj se razvijaju suštinske želje učenika da preuzimaju rizike, postavljaju sebi visoke ciljeve i pozitivno doprinose zajednici. Pored toga što se učenici podstiču da ostvare svoj pun akademski potencijal i razviju kritičko mišljenje, istovremeno se neguju njihove stvaralačke misli i osnažujemo ih da preduzimaju inicijativu i iznedre nešto novo.
adija Toković, učenica završnog razreda ISB, postavlja sebi visoke ciljeve. U poslednjih deset godina, ona pohađa dve škole – Internacionalnu školu Beograd i lokalnu muzičku školu, gde iskreno i s puno strasti uči da svira violinu. Ona je, takođe, i vrsna pijanistkinja. ZASLUŽENE NAGRADE Nadija je izuzetna učenica u svim predmetnim oblastima, kandidat je za dobijanje pune IB Diplome, a činjenica da je veoma uspešna u obe škole je sama po sebi fantastična. Pre dve godine, učestvovala je na audiciji za izbor pevača za ISB Kabare Šou, gde je publika, uključujući i nastavnike profesionalnog pevanja, prepoznala njen pevački talenat. Nadija je počela sa časovima pevanja kod gđe Andrejić i uspela je da izdvoji vreme i smogne snage da se suoči s novim izazovom. Sa učenikom poput Nadije, izazovi se lako pretaču u prilike, i po prirodi stvari, njen naporan i posvećeni rad bio je krunisan nagradama. U novembru 2017. godine, uručena joj je prva nagrada Fonda za mlade talente Republike Srbije. To joj je omogućilo da učestvuje na Koncertu muzičkih talenata Srbije, gde je ponovo osvojila prvu nagradu, što ju je dovelo u žižu interesovanja medija i zahvaljujući kojoj je dobila finansijsku podršku, koja će joj pomoći da nastavi da se muzički obrazuje na univerzitetskom
nivou. Uprkos činjenici da je na svim tim takmičenjima učestvovala kao najmlađi takmičar, Nadija je uspešno ostvarila uloge napisane za zrelije glasove. NASTAVNICI IMAJU KLJUČNU ULOGU „Kao nastavnici, moramo da inspirišemo učenike da postanu znatiželjni i angažovani u svetu koji ih okružuje i unutar sebe samih. Takođe, moramo da prepoznamo i negujemo talente s kojima naši učenici dolaze u školu. Od suštinske je važnosti da se tim izvanrednim učenicima pruži adekvatna podrška i da im se pomogne da postanu uzori generacijama koje dolaze.“
su i Aleksa i Luka uložili mnogo u svoje obrazovanje i što se iz njihovih akademskih uspeha vidi da su uz veliki trud ostvarili odlične rezultate. Oni su istovremeno aktivni članovi drugih programa Škole. Oba učenika, takođe, pokazuju svoje talente i izdvajaju vreme učestvujući u aktivnostima košarkaškog tima škole, stoje čvrsto na zemlji i posvećeni su uverenjima holističkog obrazovanja u ISB. BelGuest Foto: ISB
Impresivne su Nadijina strast za pevanjem i posvećenost učenju, koje prevazilazi okvire redovnog školskog gradiva. MLADE KOŠARKAŠKE NADE Isto tako, ISB se ponosi svojim izvanrednim sportistima. Aleksa Obradović (9. razred), koji pohađa ISB od 2013. godine, izabran je za člana muške košarkaške reprezentacije Srbije za uzrast ispod 15 godina, dok je Luka Tarlać (9. razred), koji pohađa ISB od 2008. godine, izabran za člana muške košarkaške reprezentacije Srbije za uzrast ispod 16 godina. Ono što je najviše hvale vredno jeste to što
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
A segment of the history of Belgrade is written at the address 56 Kralja Petra Str., where the Royal Hotel, one of the oldest in the City, was built as early as in the late 19th century. This is where picky guests stayed, and where intellectuals, businesspeople, artists, etc. gathered. Exactly when the hotel began to lose the race with an ever-increasing competition, a man appeared, determined to restore its former splendor: “Bearing in mind the fact that, for many years now, Belgrade has been attracting guests from all parts of the world, whereas the pearl of the hotel industry, located in the city center, had silently been fading out, I wished to restore life to the Royal Hotel. This is a cult venue for many inhabitants of Belgrade, and Belgrade does deserve to experience a delicate blend of the capital’s beauty of the times long gone and the urban chic of the new century in one place. The Royal Inn is evidence that what once was can perfectly be drawn into the pores of today,” says the present owner of the Royal Inn Hotel. Beside this hotel, there is also another newly-built hotel – the ABBA – operating within the enterprise. The hotel is located in Dušanovac, a part of the city that has not been known as an elite area so far. The ABBA Hotel – categorized with four stars – whose imposing architecture is changing the urban tissue of this zone of Belgrade, is intended for businesspeople. Each of the 44 rooms exudes elegance, a sophisticated style and comfort, whereas the five apartments also include a Jacuzzi bathtub. On top of the hotel, there is a coffee bar with a panoramic view, which offers guests complete enjoyment and serenity. BelGuest
Deo istorije Beograda ispisan je na adresi Kralja Petra 56 gde je, još krajem 19. veka podignut hotel Royal, jedan on najstarijih u gradu. Ovde su odsedali probirljivi gosti, okupljali se intelektualci, privrednici, umetnici … U trenutku kada je hotel počeo da gubi trku sa sve većom konkurencijom, pojavio se čovek koji je odlučo da obnovi njegov sjaj: “Imajući u vidu da Beograd godinama unazad privlači goste iz svih krajeva sveta, a da biser hotelijerstva u centru grada tiho bledi, poželeo sam da hotelu Royalu vratim život. Ovo je kultno mesto za mnoge Beograđane, a Beograd zaslužuje da na jednom mestu doživi delikatan spoj starinske lepote prestonice i urbanog šika novog veka. Royal Inn je dokaz da ono što je nekad bilo može savršeno da se uvuče u pore današnjice’’, reči su sadašnjeg vlasnika Royal Inn hotela. Pored ovog hotela, u sastavu preduzeća posluje i novoizgrađeni hotel ABBA, koji se nalazi na Dušanovcu, delu grada koji do sada nije slovio za elitno mesto. Hotela ABBA - kategorisan sa četiri zevezdice - koji svojom impozantnom arhitekturom menja urbano tkivo ovog beogradskog kraja, namenjen je poslovnim ljudima. Svaka od 44 sobe odiše elegancijom, prefinjenim stilom i komforom, a pet apartmana u svom sastavu imaju i jacuzzi kadu. Na vrhu hotela je café bar sa panoramskim pogledom, koji gostima pruža potpuni užitak i mir.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
Under the slogan “Vacation is Waiting for You!”, the Jubilee 40th International Belgrade Tourism Fair is going to be held at Belgrade Fair from 22nd to 25th Feb. 2018. Greece is the partner-country of the Fair this year.
“For the 40th consecutive year, the most significant tourism event in the country and in Southeast Europe will be promoting the latest trends and events in the international tourism industry and open new perspectives in the development of tourism business. The event is the venue of not only presenting the current tourism offer, but also an occasion for contracting new business deals and exchanging both the participants’ Renata Pindžo, Organizing Committee President and the visitors’ experiences. We also believe that the visitors of the 40th Jubilee International Tourism Fair will return from Belgrade and Serbia to their countries with pleasant impressions, and we shall, on our part, do all not to betray the tradition of good hosts,” said Renata Pindžo, PhD, President of the Organizing Committee of the Tourism Fair, for BelGuest. In the six exhibition halls, the leading tourist agencies, federations and organizations, hotels, tourist centers, airlines, international tour operators that will offer the visitors arrangements for the forthcoming tourist season will introduce themselves. One of the most attractive segments of the offer is, traditionally, first-minute offers and exclusive fair conveniences for the summer vacation. For the current season, there will be attractive last-minute offers in domestic ski-centers and those abroad. The domestic destinations and sights of Serbia will be demonstrated through the capacities of hotels and resorts, and a recommendation for a holiday in the mountains, spas and on lakes, in a natural ambience,
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
with a variety of attractions for rest, entertainment, health recovery, sports and recreation. “Apart from being constantly dedicated to the improvement of the commercial aspect of the fair – the sale of tourist arrangements and the most efficient presentation of the exhibitors’ offer – the Tourism Fair has also constantly been building up and improving the business encounters between the exhibitors and business Nikola Andrić, Tourism Fair Manager visitors from all parts of the world. This year, too, direct contacts and business talks will stimulate the different forms of cooperation among the professionals doing business in tourism. By organizing one of the most successful events in the country and in the region, Belgrade Fair merges into one and promotes all the branches of the tourism economy because, in parallel with the Tourism Fair, there are yet three more events that have been growing bigger and bigger year by year, both with respect to their sizes and the number of their participants: 9th International Wine Fair, 14th International Fair of Hotel-Catering Equipment, HORECA-EQUIPMENT, and 14th “Visit Serbia” Souvenir Fair,” says for BelGuest Nikola Andrić, lead manager of the Tourism Fair. An exceptional multimedia program will promote numerous festivals, happenings and important events, whereas presentations, promotions and degusting, together with the cosmopolitan spirit and the presence of a large number of nations, make the Fair equally attractive not only for business visitors, but also for the broadest public. BelGuest Photo by: Belgrade Fair
TURISTIČKI DOGAĐAJ GODINE Pod sloganom „Odmor te čeka!“ na Beogradskom sajmu će od 22. do 25. februara 2018. godine održati jubilarni 40. Međunarodni beogradski sajam turizma. Zemlja partner ovogodišnjeg Sajma je Grčka.
“Najznačajnija turistička manifestacija u zemlji i jugoistočnoj Evropi 40. put po redu pomovisaće najnovije trendove i zbivanja u međunarodnoj turističkoj industriji i otvoriti nove perspektive u razvoju turističkog biznisa. Događaj je mesto, ne samo predstavljanja aktuelne turističke ponude, već i prilika za ugovaranje novih poslova i razmenu iskustava kako učesnika tako i posetilaca. Takođe, verujemo da će posetioci 40. jubilarnog Međunarodnog sajma turizma iz Beograda i Srbije poneti prijatne utiske, a mi ćemo sa svoje strane učiniti sve da ne izneverimo tradiciju dobrih domaćina“, izjavila je za BelGuest dr Renata Pindžo, predesednica Organizacionog odbora Sajma turizma. U šest izložbenih hala, predstaviće se vodeće turističke agencije, savezi i organizacije, hoteli, turistički centri, vazduhoplovne kompanije, međunarodni tur operatori koji će posetiocima ponuditi aranžmane za predstojeću turističku sezonu. Jedan od najatraktivnijih segnemata u ponudi su tradicionalno first minut ponude i ekskluzivne sajamske pogodnosti za letnji odmor. Za tekuću zimsku sezonu biće primamljivih last minute ponuda u domaćim i inostranim ski centrima Zemlja partner ovogodišnjeg Sajma turizma je Grčka, večita inspiracija za putnike i omiljena letnja destinacija za domaće turiste. Reprezentativni turistički centri, regije i gradovi kao i autentičan kontinentalni i ostvrski deo, prelepe plaže, čisto i toplo more dovoljna su referenca za posetice Sajma turizma da i ove godine istraže ponudu agencija i mogućnosti za letovanje u Grčkoj. Domaće destinacije i znamenitosti Srbije biće predstavljene kroz kapacitete hotela i odmarališta i preporuku za odmor na planinama, u banjama i na jezerima, u prirodnom ambijentu sa raznovrsnim sadržajima za odmor, zabavu, zdravstveni oporavak, sport i rekreaciju. „Uz stalno nastojanje da unapredi komercijalni aspekt sajma - prodaju turističkih aranžmana i najefektniju prezentaciju ponude izlagača, Sajma turizma konstantno jača i unapređuje poslovne susrete između izlagača i poslovnih posetilaca iz svih delova sveta. I ove godine u direktnom kon-
taktu i poslovnim razgovorima biće podstaknuti različiti oblici saradnje među profesionalcima koji posluju u turizmu. Organizovanjem jedne od najuspešnijih manifestacija u zemlji i regionu, Beogradski sajam objedinjuje i promoviše sve grane turističke privrede, jer se uz Sajam turizma istovremeno odvijaju još tri manifestacije koje rastu svake godine, i po obimu i broju učesnika: 9. Međunarodni sajam vina, 14. Međunarodni sajam hotelsko ugostiteljske opreme, HORECA-OPREMA i 14. Sajam suvenira “Posetite Srbiju“, kaže za BelGuest, Nikola Andrić, glavni menadžer Sajma turizma. Izuzetan multimedijalni prateći program promovisaće brojne festival, manifestacije i važne događaje, a prezentacije, promocije i degustacije uz kosmopolitski duh i prisustvo velikog broja nacija, Sajam čine podjednako provlačnim za poslovne posetioce, kao za najširu publiku. BelGuest Foto: Beogradski sajam
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
A traditional annual cocktail of the Convention Bureau, a special department of the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, which deals with the development and promotion of congress tourism, was held in Belgrade at the beginning of December. The gathering was attended by the associates and partners who, through their joint action in the past period, had contributed to the positioning of Serbia as a recognizable congress destination – from the sphere of public and academic institutions, the convention business world, the scientific community brought together in the Congress Ambassadors’ Club, as well as the representatives of the hotel industry, specialized tourist agencies and service providers in the sphere of business events. The hosts – Marija Labović, as the acting director of the Tourism Organization of Serbia, and Igor Kovačević, as the representative of the Serbia Convention Bureau – reminded the guests that, in the previous two years, a total of 70 study journeys for the congress organizers had been realized, and that more than 400 clients had stayed in Serbia, too. “Currently, there are 47 candidacies, which may potentially generate the additional 65 million euros. This must be increased by the total of the 28 confirmed candidacies. About 40 candidacies are prepared annually. The total generated revenue from the confirmed groups is 25 million euros, and over 26,000 night-stays,” pointed out Marija Labović in her addressing the guests. According to the number of the international congresses held, Serbia has been among the first 50 destinations in the world for the six consecutive years already, according to the data obtained from the International Congress and Convention Association. This success is specially significant if we bear in mind the fact that in 2007, when the Serbia Convention Bureau was established, only 11 international congresses were held. The Capital City of Belgrade, with as many as 50 meetings, ranks at the level of the cities such as Dubai, Glasgow, Rotterdam and Boston. The foregoing results are important because they testify to the continuity in the activities carried out by all the entities participating in the congress offer in Serbia, thus enabling potential congress organizers to gain a clear notion of the reliability and quality of services at a destination.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
U Beogradu je početkom decembra održan tradicionalni godišnji koktel Kongresnog biroa, posebnog odeljenja Turističke organizacije Srbije koje se bavi razvojem i promocijom kongresnog turizma. Skupu su prisustvovali saradnici i partneri koji su u proteklom periodu zajedničkim delovanjem doprineli pozicioniranju Srbije kao prepoznatljive kongresne destinacije – iz sfere javnih i akademskih institucija, privrede, naučne zajednice okupljene u Klubu kongresnih ambasadora, kao i predstavnici hotelske industrije, specijalizovanih turističkih agencija i pružalaca usluga u sferi poslovnih događaja. Domaćini, v. d. direktora Turističke organizacije Srbije, Marija Labović i predstavnik Kongresnog biroa Srbije, Igor Kovačević podsetili su prisutne da je u prethodne dve godine realizovano ukupno 70 studijskih putovanja za organizatore kongresa, kao i da je preko 400 klijenata boravilo u Srbiji.„Trenutno je u procesu 47 kandidatura, što potencijalno može generisati dodatnih 65 miliona evra. Na ovo je neophodno dodati cifru od 28 potvrđenih kandidatura. Na godišnjem nivou se spremi oko 40 kandidatura. Ukupan generisan prihod od potvrđenih grupa je 25 miliona evra i preko 26.000 noćenja“, istakla je u svom obraćanju zvanicama Marija Labović. Po broju održanih međunarodnih kongresa, Srbija se već šest godina zaredom nalazi među prvih 50 destinacija u svetu prema podacima Međunarodne asocijacije za kongrese i konferencije ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association). Ovaj uspeh posebno je značajan ako se ima u vidu da je 2007. godine, kada je Kongresni biro Srbije osnovan, u našoj zemlji održano samo 11 međunarodnih kongresa. Glavni grad Beograd, sa ukupno 50 sastanaka, nalazi se u nivou gradova poput Dubaija, Glazgova, Roterdama i Bostona. Ovi rezultati važni su zbog toga što svedoče o kontinuitetu u radu svih subjekata kongresne ponude u Srbiji, omogućavajući potencijalnim organizatorima kongresa da steknu jasnu predstavu o pouzdanosti i kvalitetu usluga na destinaciji. BelGuest
The Zira Hotel continues to go from one strength to another on the international scene. This year, and for the fourth consecutive year, the World Travel Awards – a prestigious organizations established in 1993, which adheres to the strict criteria when selecting the most successful individuals and organizations in different regions of the world – delivered the Zira Hotel the award of “Serbia’s Leading Business Hotel”. The Zira is also the winner of numerous other awards, only some to specifically refer to: Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence, Travelers’ Choice, World’s Luxury Guide, the national “Tourism Flower”, etc. The director of the Hotel, Mr. Dejan Pejčinović, was present at the gala ceremony organized in Saint Petersburgh. On the occasion of the award, he made a statement for the media, saying: “The award came as the acknowledgment of our commitment to excellence and high professional standards. We will always stay true to our motto, Serbian hospitality by International standards.” At the beginning of December, the Zira Hotel has received yet two more prestigious acknowledgements, delivered by the World Luxury Hotel Awards Association this time. The Zira has been delivered the awards in the two categories: the first award for the Serbian luxury business hotel, and the first award for the luxury modern hotel for the whole of the European Continent.
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Zira hotel nastavlja da niže uspehe na međunarodnoj sceni. Ove godine, četvrti put za redom, World Travel Awards – prestižna organizacija osnovana 1993. godine koja po strogim kriterijumima bira najuspešnije pojedince i organizacije u različitim regionima sveta – dodelila je hotelu Zira nagradu "Serbia's Leading Business Hotel". Zira je dobitnik i mnogih drugih nagrada od kojih se izdvajaju: Tripadvisor - Certificate of excellence, Travelers Choice, World's Luxury Guide, nacionalni „Turistički cvet“... Direktor hotela, gospodin Dejan Pejčinović, prisustvovao je gala ceremoniji koja je organizovana u Sankt Peterburgu. Povodom nagrade dao je izjavu za medije rekavši: „Nagrada nam je došla kao potvrda da posvećenosti visokim profesionalnim stadardima donosi uspeh. Uvek ćemo ostati privrženi našoj ideji vodilji - a to je srpsko gostoprimstvo po međunarodnim standardima.“ Početkom decembra, stigla su još dva visoka priznanje, ovog puta od asocijacije World Luxury Hotel Awards. Zira je ponela titule u dve kategorije: dobila je prvu nagrada za luksuzni poslovni hotel Srbije i prvu nagrada za luksuzni moderan hotel za čitav evropski kontinet. BelGuest
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
he Tourist Guides Vocational Association of Serbia has been active for fifty years already and brings together the guides who have an official license issued by the relevant ministry. Their basic goal is to provide professional tourist guiding of the highest quality and to also promote our country and its tourism treasures. The Association is also active in the field of creating new tourist products: there is an extraordinary initiative to perceive, do research in and “pack” the offers of Belgrade’s peripheral municipalities. After comprehensive research that, in its first stage, encompassed the municipalities of Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Grocka and Surčin, in cooperation with the Tourism Organization of Belgrade, Tourism Organization of Serbia, the representatives of the local self-government and tourism workers, the Association organized a series of public presentations in December. “In that way, the public had an opportunity to, among other things, get to know the valuable cultural-historical heritage of Grocka from the time of the Vinča Culture, late-ancient Rome and Grocka’s Bazaar; the Mladenovac of the time of Despot Stefan Lazarević, the wellness attractions of the “Selters” Spa, the attractions of the “Amerić” Ethno-Village… Lazarevac presented Bogosav Živković’s “Magical Garden”, the fascinating Kolubara industrial heritage, the “Babina reka” (Grandmother’s River) Ethno-Village, the wineries of Lazarevac… We also became familiar with “The Small Danube”, the Bojčinska Forest, the “Pearl” Nautical Village, and much more than that,” says for BelGuest professor Snežana Štetić, Ph.D., president of the Association and Project Lead Coordinator. It is expected that as early as from the spring tourists will start paying visits on organized tours.
Visiting the Kolubara Opencasts
Strukovno Udruženje turističkih vodiča Srbije deluje već pedeset godina i okuplja vodiče koji poseduju zvaničnu licencu resornog ministarstva. Njihov osnovni cilj jeste da pruže vrhunsko, profesionalno turističko vođenje, ali i da promovišu našu zemlju i njena turistička blaga. Udruženja je aktivno i na polju stvaranja novih turističkih proizvoda: izvanredna je inicijativa da se, sagledaju, istraže i „upakuju“ ponude rubnih opština Beograda. Nakon opsežnog istraživanja koje je, u prvoj fazi, obuhvatilo opštinu Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Grocku i Surčin, Udruženje je, u saradnji sa Turističkom organizacijom Beograda, Turističkom organizacijom Srbije, predstavnicima lokalne samouprave i turističkim poslenicima u decembru organizovalo niz javnih prezentacija. „Tako je javnost imala prilike da se, između ostalog, upozna sa vrednim kulturno-istorijskim nasleđem , Grocke iz doba vinčanske kulture, kasno antičkog Rima i Gročanskom čaršijom; Mladenovca iz doba despota Stefana Lazarevića, wellness sadržjima Banje „Selters", sadržajima Etno-sela „Amerić"... Lazarevac je predstavio „Čarobni vrt“ Bogosava Živkovića, fascinantno industrijsko nasleđe Kolubare, etnoselo „Babinu reku“, lazarevačke vinarije...“. Upoznali smo i ''Mali Dunav'', Bojčinsku šumu, nautičko selo ''Biser'' i mnogo više od toga kaže za BelGuest profesorka dr Snežana Štetić, predsednica Udruženja i glavni koordinator projekta. Očekuje se da će već od proleća turisti krenuti u organizovane obilaske. BelGuest Photo /Foto: Marin Mihaić and Snežana Štetić
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
W orld T ourism O rganization / S V E T S K A T U R I S T I Č K A O R G A N I Z A C I J A
t the ceremony of the World Tourism Organization held in Madrid on 23rd October 2017, a high recognition was awarded to Slobodan Unković, Ph.D., Deputy President of the National Council for Tourism Development and the University of Singidunum’s Professor Emeritus. The recognition to Professor Unković for his long lasting successful work on the development of tourism worldwide, especially in the field of the education of highly professional personnel for tourism, was delivered by Taleb Rifai, Secretary General. Professor Slobodan Unković, Ph.D., has been a UN WTO’s expert for over forty years, and only recently (at the beginning of October 2017) did he also give a lecture entitled “The Policy of Talent Selection and the Education System in Tourism” at the conference organized in Marbella by the World Tourism Organization. Congratulations to Professor Unković for the received recognition were addressed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić, as well as by numerous scientific workers and businesspeople. On that occasion, an appropriate celebration was organized at the “Serbia” Palace on 16th November. Prior to that, the first Session of the National Council for Tourism Development of the Republic of Serbia in the new convocation had also been held, at which the Program of Measures for Improving Tourism Development in Serbia had been presented. This year, Professor Slobodan Unković also received the highest recognition of the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro. At the ceremony of the delivery of high recognitions for a contribution to the development of the tourism of Montenegro for 2017, which was organized in Podgorica on 13th December, Minister for Sustainable Development and Tourism in the Government of Montenegro Pavle Radulović delivered a special recognition to Professor Unković for the contribution made in the field of education and tourism and the improvement of regional cooperation.
Na svečanosti Svetske turističke organizacije u Madridu 23. oktobra 2017. godine, dodeljeno je visoko priznanje dr Slobodanu Unkoviću, zameniku predsednika Nacionalnog saveta za razvoj turizma i profesoru emeritusu Univerziteta „Singidunum“. Priznanje profesoru Unkoviću za višegodišnji uspešan rad u razvoju turizma u svetu, posebno u oblasti obrazovanja visoko stručnih kadrova za turizam, uručio je generalni sekretar Taleb Rifai. Prof. dr Slobodan Unković je ekspert UN WTO preko četrdeset godina, a nedavno je (početkom oktobra 2017. godine) održao i predavanje"Politika izbora talenata i sistem obrazovanja u turizmu" na konferenciji koju je organizovala Svetska turistička organizacija u Marbelji. Čestitke profesoru Unkoviću na dobijenom priznanju uputili su potpredsednik Vlade Republike Srbije i ministar trgovine, turizma i tele-
komunikacija Rasim Ljajić i mnogobrojni naučni i privredni radnici. Tim povodom u Palati „Srbija“ upriličena je 16. novembra prigodna proslava. Prethodno, održana je i prva sednica Nacionalnog saveta za razvoj turizma Republike Srbije u novom sazivu, na kojoj je predstavljen Program mera za unapređenje razvoja turizma u Srbiji. Profesor Slobodan Unković dobio je ove godine i najviše priznanje Nacionalne turističke organizacije Crne Gore. Na svečanosti uručenja visokih priznanja za doprinos u razvoju turizma Crne Gore za 2017. godinu, koja je organizovana u Podgorici 13. decembra, ministar za održivi razvoj i turizam u Vladi Crne Gore, Pavle Radulović, predao je profesoru Unkoviću posebno priznanje za doprinos u oblasti obrazovanja u turizmu i unapređenju regionalne saradnje. Rozana Sazdić Photo /Foto: Singidunum’s and R. Sazdić’s Archives BelGuest
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
The Terra Museum, the project authored by sculpture Slobodan Kojić, was opened in the reconstructed and adapted military building – the 19th-century building of Manjež – at the beginning of December. The opening of the Museum integrates almost the forty years of the artistic activity of the Terra Center for Visual and Applied Art. The sculptures of monumental dimensions made in terracotta are an exception in contemporary artistic practice. The history of art from Prehistory all the way to the 20th century only records a few examples of making sculptures of big dimensions: the Sculpture of Apollo of Veii, the clay sarcophaguses made in the period of the Etruscan culture and the Chinese soldiers and horses from the time of the Qin Dynasty of Lintang. Only by the appearance of the Terra on the European and world artistic scene did the big-format terracotta sculptures appear again. SCULPTING IN PRIMORDIAL CLAY With his Terra Project, Slobodan Kojić is creating and developing a unique institution that is reaffirming the almost forgotten poetics of expressing oneself in a primordial material – earth (clay). In a metaphysical sense – the material which all both originates from and disappears in, a sculpting material made of the geological and pedological remains of the Pannonian Sea, characteristic of Vojvodina, Banat and Kikinda. The fundus of the Museum contains an impressive collection of the works of art, more than 1000 sculptures of big and gallery formats, made in terracotta, the works created by the engagement of over 300 artists from throughout the world, all within the framework of the Terra-Kikinda International Terracotta Sculpture Symposium.
Muzej Terra, autorski projekat vajara Slobodana Kojića, otvoren je početkom decembra u rekonstruisanom i adaptiranom vojnom objektu – zgradi Manježa iz 19. veka. Otvaranje Muzeja zaokružuje bezmalo četrdeset godina umetničke delatnosti centra za likovnu i primenjenu umetnost Terra. Skulpture monumentalnih dimenzija izrađenih u terakoti izuzetak su u savremenoj umetničkoj praksi. Istorija umetnosti od praistorije sve do 20. veka, pamti tek nekoliko primera izrade skulptura velikih dimenzija: skulpturu Apolona iz Veia, glinene sarkofage nastale u periodu Etrurske kulture i kineske vojnike i konje iz dinastije Qin iz Lintanga. Tek pojavom Terre na evropskoj i svetskoj umetničkoj sceni, ponovo se javljaju skulpture velikih formata od terakote. VAJANJE U ISKONSKOJ GLINI Svojim projektom Terra Slobodan Kojić stvara i razvija jedinstvenu instituciju koja reafirmiše iskoro zaboravljenu poetiku izražavanja u iskonskom materijalu – zemlji (glini). U metafizičkom smislu - materijalu od kojeg sve nastaje i u kojem sve nestaje, vajarskom materijalu, nastalom od geoloških i pedoloških ostaka Panonskog mora, koji karakteriše Vojvodinu, Banat i Kikindu. U fundusu muzeja nalazi se impresivna zbirka umetničkih radova, više od 1000 skulptura, velikih i galerijskih formata, izrađenih u terakoti, dela u čijem je stvaranju učestvovalo preko 300 umetnika iz celoga sveta, a u okviru Internacionalnog simpozijuma skulptura od terakote – Terra-Kikinda.
Winter/Zima 2017/2018 BelGuest
Info CLPU Terra, Trg Srpskih Dobrovoljaca 25 23300 Kikinda Tel: 0230 426-508; 0230 315- 050 e-mail: Mob:+381 60 361 3333
T H E B E R M E T O F “A L E K S ” W I N E R Y / B E R M E T V I N A R I J E A L E K S
Bermet is a special dessert wine only produced in Serbia. The history of the wine was for the first time written in Fruška Gora Mount in the 18th century. By applying a special procedure, the potion was being made from young wine mixed with aromatic plants from this mountain. Empress Maria Theresa, who ruled these regions in those days, liked the wine so much that she freed the inhabitants of these regions from serving in the army. In a very short time, bermet won glory at other European courts as well, and was also listed in the Titanic’s exclusive wine card.
Bermet je specijalno dezertno vino koje se proizvodi jedino u Srbiji. Njegova istorija počinje u 18. veku na Fruškoj Gori. Napitak se spravljao po posebnom postupku od mladog vina u koje su stavljane mirisne biljke sa ove planine. Bermet se toliko dopao austrougarskoj carici Mariji Tereziji, koja je tada vladala ovim krajevima, da je ovdašnje stanovnike oslobodila služenja vojske. Ubrzo je bermet stekao slavu i na drugim evropskim dvorovima, a našao se i na ekskluzivnoj vinskoj karti Titanika.
Had it not been for one Empress, this ‘Divine Wine’, as I call bermet, might not have been produced,” says Nenad Ratković, the producer of the “Aleks” bermet – the wine produced according to the old recipes obtained from Patriarch Rajačić’s family. “Today, bermet is still produced according to the strictly safeguarded recipes. It is served as an aperitif and also after a meal with vanilla-jam cookies (the so-called vanilice), walnut cookies, Gugelhupf etc. It is a wine of an extremely high quality, reminding of Italian vermouth; although it is ‘considered to be a ladies’ drink’, it is equally drunk by men, too.” One is likely to see this likeable wine producer, always dressed in the Syrmian traditional costume, promoting bermet at many tourist events in the country. He has also presented the wine in China, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Canada etc. His winery has won an armful of gold medals, decorations and champion cups; it has also received The Tourism Flower Award and is at the same time the supplier of the Royal Court in Dedinje... “For twenty years or so, I have been producing wines and brandies. I perseveringly present the drinks of this climate, particularly bermet, because it is unique in the world,” says Nenad Ratković Aleks. He has been named a knight of wine by the European Order of the Wine Knights “Saint George”, established in the 13th century. Text and photos: Rozana Sazdić
Da nije bilo jedne carice, možda ne bi bilo ove „Božanske kapljice“ kako ja nazivam bermet“, kaže uz osmeh Nenad Ratković, proizvođač bermeta „Aleks“ – vina koje se pravi po staroj recepturi, dobijenoj od porodice patrijarha Rajačića. „Bermet se i danas proizvodi po strogo čuvanim receptima. Služi se kao aperitiv, kao i posle obroka uz vanilice, orasnice, kuglofe... To je izuzetno kvalitetno vino koje asocira na italijanski vermut i mada „važi za žensko piće“ podjednako ga piju i muškarci.“ Ovaj simpatični vinar, uvek obučen u sremačku narodnu nošnju, može se videti na mnogim turističkim manifestacijama u zemlji kako promoviše bermet, a izlagao je i u Kini, Mađarskoj, Austriji, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Kanadi... Njegovu vinariju krasi pregršt medalja, zlatnih odličja i šampionskih pehara, a uz to je dobitnik Turističkog cveta, liferant Kraljevskog dvora na Dedinju... „Dvadesetak godina bavim se proizvodnjom vina i rakija. Neumoran sam u predstavljanju pića sa ovog podneblja, a naročito bermeta jer je jedinstven u svetu - kaže Nenad Ratković Aleks. Evropski vinski viteški red „Sveti Đorđe“, ustanovljen u 13. veku, proizveo ga je u viteza vina. Tekst i fotografije: Rozana Sazdić
Info: Vinarija Aleks (Aleks Winery), Novi Sad, +381-21/6338-605 , +381-63/66-78-95,
Winter/Zima 2017/2018
GASTRONOMIC PARADISE IN THE HEART OF GARDOS If you take a walk from the Tower of Gardos to the Danube or the reverse from the Danube to the Tower of Gardos, you will approach to the restaurant Princip. Dominated by the warmth, comfort and celebration. Space is adaptable to every purpose: they organize all types of business and private celebrations and events. On the menu, home-made cuisine is combined with international. In a unique culinary experience connected to the delicious food and the best wines, all of which complements the live music and cheerful and relaxed atmosphere. The restaurant is beautifully fitted to the atmosphere of the old Gardos that has become a place for enjoyment and inspiration to all the artists and bohemians. Here they used to live just fishermen, but today is the city area of the real hedonist in search of a new favorite place. So this area is also delighted its current owner, Swissman by origin, who has been inspired by Zemun and conveyed his love and knowledge in this restaurant, while continuing the tradition of a good host.
GardoĹĄka 4, Zemun | tel: 011 2196718, 063 1839993