Well Connected October 24

Page 10

Driving the Future of Business Innovation

How Liverpool City Region is powering the next wave of innovation…

• Lexus Liverpool introduce an era of electrification

• How integrating technology is revolutionising Liverpool City Region businesses

• Celebrating innovating businesses across the Chamber network

Liverpool Chamber


Liverpool Chamber

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Well Connected is mailed without charge to all Chamber members and distributed at all Chamber events. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at Liverpool Chamber. Views expressed in publication are not necessarily those of Liverpool Chamber. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of the Editor. © 2024. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.

Business conditions stall as tax anxiety grows. The BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for Q3 2024 – the UK’s largest independent survey of business sentiment, made up of 91% SMEs – shows that following steady improvements in business conditions in the first half of 2024, key indicators stalled or declined in Q3.

Overall, 35% of respondents reported an increase to domestic sales in the last three months, while 21% reported a decrease. This is a slight worsening compared to previous quarters.

Confidence that turnover will grow in the next twelve months has also ticked down to 56% from 58% last quarter.

Overall, 23% of respondents reported an increase to plant/equipment investment in the past three months, while 59% reported no change, and 18% reported a decrease.

There are wide sectoral disparities; 21% of retail firms report a decrease in investment, while 30% of production and manufacturing firms have seen an increase.

The percentage of firms expecting their prices to rise drops to 39%, the same as in the previous quarter.

As measured as a percentage balance, both the services and manufacturing sectors stand at +36%

48% of responding firms say taxation is now more of a concern than three months ago, compared with 36% of businesses in Q2.

Concern about other external issues continues to ease. 46% of firms say they are more worried about inflation compared to last quarter (49% in Q2 and 82% in Q2 2022).

“The government’s proposed changes make me very apprehensive about the labour market.”

Micro professional services firm in Cambrigeshire

“Lots of changes happening with the new government. This has opportunities and threats to our business.”

Small third sector organisation in Bristol

“Many organisations are hanging fire and waiting for what Rachel Reeves is planning in terms of taxation before moving on any initiatives”

Micro professional services firm in Bristol

“Customers are very nervous about future business based on rumours of tax increases in the upcoming budget and the increase in the minimum wage”

Micro services firm in the East Midlands

By helping them to take steps to be more efficient with their energy use, smart meters can have a positive effect on a business’ carbon footprint, as well as helping them save money.


A recent poll of small businesses showed that nearly two thirds1 of Britain’s business owners and senior decision makers think it’s important to embrace environmental issues, with many also seeing financial benefits as a result.

From those polled, 45 percent say that the changes they have made have saved them money, with 40 percent believing that becoming more sustainable has attracted more customers, as well as enhancing their reputation within the local community (44 percent).

With running costs remaining a concern for many small business owners, one in three polled2 say they are keeping a closer eye on their energy bills. When it comes to managing energy usage and costs, one small step small business owners can take, is to get a smart meter installed. They are the next generation of gas and electricity meters that are being installed in small businesses and households in Great Britain, replacing traditional meters. When it comes to running a business, even making small changes and improvements can make a big difference, whether it’s saving money or being good for the planet. Getting a smart meter can help owners to understand exactly how much energy they are using and help them to control energy costs. A smart meter can also help identify ways to reduce energy consumption – which is good for budgets, as well as the planet.

Whether you own or rent your business premises, you may be eligible for a smart meter, and if you are renting, but pay your own energy bills, you can ask your supplier to install one3

Smart meter benefits

Smart meters have lots of benefits for small businesses, including:

• Accurate billing: smart meters measure energy usage in near real-time, so no more manual readings or estimated bills. This means you only pay for the energy you use, which can help with managing cashflow

• Control: the data provided by smart meters can give you more control over your business’ energy spend, helping you monitor energy usage and identify where cost savings can be made

• Access to historic energy usage data: small businesses with a smart meter can request free access to 12 months of data from their energy supplier. This could help with budgeting and reduce bill shock. It could also help you plan for your next bill by identifying any trends or patterns in your energy use across the year

As well as helping to give you more control of your business budgeting, smart meters are playing an important role in Great Britain’s energy infrastructure upgrade, as we continue to increase our use of cheaper, greener renewable energy sources.

The data smart meters provide is key to this innovation, and will enable us to buy, store and consume energy differently to the way we do today, gathering the information the energy networks need that will help the energy system better manage supply and demand. This will make the whole system more efficient and able to use more renewables such as wind and solar power.

So just by having a smart meter installed, you’re helping to create a smarter, greener energy system that will benefit Britain, the planetand you.

Smart meters are currently available, and installations are happening now. To find out if your business is eligible, contact your energy supplier or broker; search “Get a smart meter for business” or visit smartenergyGB.org.

What small business owners are doing to become more sustainable

1. Turning off equipment when not in use

2. Recycling old IT equipment

3. Creating a recycling policy

4. Keeping a much closer eye on energy bills

5. Replacing lights with LED alternatives

6. Using environmentally friendly products eg for cleaning

7. Reusing plastic carrier bags

8. Going paperless

9. Using local suppliers

10. Using eco-friendly/ biodegradable packaging

Source: Perspectus


July 2024,

500 SME owners
senior decision makers across Great Britain



I write this column in the immediate aftermath of the Labour Party conference, which took place in our city over four days at the end of September. The start of a new government term of office has certainly yielded a flurry of activity, initiatives, energy but also uncertainty, with many business members talking to us about the uncertainty of not knowing the potential policy levers that will be pulled over the coming weeks.

The Chamber has been particularly active, working with the British Chambers of Commerce, the Bank of England, Combined and Local Authorities in the Liverpool City Region to ensure that the voice of business is heard as government tried to get a handle on economic, skills and trade policies (amongst others).

We are pleased to have been awarded the status of employer representative body for the Local Skills Improvement Plan in the city region. This role picks up the project previously delivered by St Helens Chamber and allows us to reconnect and reform the skills infrastructure in the city region with employers at the forefront of the priority. The coming six months will see us work with our members and businesses more generally, to further understand their labour gaps and future need.

We have also commenced work with the Liverpool City Council to support the delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Funded business support service for Liverpool businesses and residents. We are pleased to be working on an important project such as

this, designed to help stimulate economic growth and improvement within our city.

We are also less than a month away – at time of writing –from our Innovation in Business Awards 2024. Applications have come in from nearly a hundred businesses, the calibre of which is excellent.

We are also less than a month away – at time of writing – from our Innovation in Business Awards 2024. Applications have come in from nearly a hundred businesses, the calibre of which, I am told, is excellent. I look forward to welcoming more than 400 people to St George’s Hall for another

memorable evening as we celebrate the more innovative businesses in the city region.

Innovation has fuelled Liverpool’s growth over the past two centuries and we continue to host some of the most exciting and dynamic companies in the region. Our collective aim to stimulate and celebrate innovation is embedded throughout this edition of the magazine.

I am delighted to welcome two new members of the Chamber leadership team. Christine Vaudrey and Samantha Barker will be leading our senior engagement and policy activity over the coming months. We are delighted to welcome them to the Chamber and know the benefit to our members will be considerable.

Finally, we look forward to the ever quickening approach of our 175th anniversary year in 2025. We have a programme of excellent events, projects and policy engagement planned and look forward to building an exciting year ahead for our member businesses to enjoy with us.

Enjoy the read!


Throughout the last quarter we have hosted a varied series of events, roundtables and workshops aimed at promoting growth, knowledge sharing, and generating new partnerships across a range of sectors. From property and construction, to charity networking and executive leadership – Liverpool Chamber have continued to provide a platform for meaningful connections, professional development and support for the business community.

Property and Construction Network

The Property and Construction Network, which took place in September, brought together professionals from across the sector for an afternoon of insightful discussions and networking. With key players from property development, architecture, and construction in attendance, the event focused on recent developments in the local market, sustainability practices, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Attendees appreciated the opportunity to hear from industry experts while connecting with new potential partners in what proved to be a highly valuable gathering. Guest speakers included Nuala Gallagher and David Lord from Liverpool City Council, as well as Chris French from the University of Liverpool.

Charity Business Network

Another successful event hosted by the Chamber was the Charity Business Network. This event provided an engaging space for businesses and charitable organisations to collaborate on common goals. Attendees explored ways to generate charitable partnerships and heard inspiring stories of local impact. The networking opportunities between the business community and charitable organisations created a deeper understanding of how they can work together to benefit the city of Liverpool and beyond. Highlights included hearing from Liverpool Heartbeat about their partnership with the local Holiday Inn hotels, after they met at a previous Charity Business Network event. Robin Baynes MBE, founder of Liverpool Heartbeat, shared his plans for the upcoming year, to inspire others in the room and lead as an example for fellow businesses and charities alike. In addition, Pete Sandman, Commercial Director of City of Liverpool College, shared more information about the college’s environmental, social and governance goals, in hope of inspiring businesses and encouraging contribution.

New Members Club

Our New Members Club was another highlight in recent months, offering new members the chance to become acquainted with the wider Chamber community and find out how to make the most of their membership. This event was designed to introduce fresh faces to key contacts, allowing them to forge relationships with other businesses and established members. The event was

both welcoming and productive, ensuring that new members had an opportunity to quickly integrate into the Chamber’s diverse network. Mission Success’ Dave Verburg shared his networking expertise with fellow members and Ykids’ Claire Morgans informed members about how they can support the Bootle based charity.

Well Connected and Chamber Social Events

Liverpool Chamber’s Well Connected events continue to thrive, providing essential networking opportunities for local businesses. Recent gatherings have taken place in some of the city’s most vibrant venues, including Gravity Max, Gusto, Aintree Racecourse and Marine Football Club. Each location offered a unique backdrop for forging meaningful connections and gathering insights from members and potential collaborators. These events provide a dynamic and engaging platform for professionals across various sectors to build relationships, exchange ideas, and grow their networks, reinforcing the Chamber’s commitment to fostering business growth and community engagement in Liverpool and Sefton. The Chamber Social, held at Escape Live, provided a fun and interactive networking opportunity for Chamber members. This unique event offered an unconventional approach to networking, where attendees participated in immersive escape room challenges. The informal setting helped break the ice and allowed for a more relaxed and enjoyable networking experience, bringing Chamber members closer together in a creative way.

Executive Network Event

We hosted an exclusive Executive Networking Lunch at Duke Street Market, in association with Liverpool John Lennon

Airport. The event featured Ali Gayward, UK Country Manager for EasyJet, and Airport CEO John Irving. Attendees engaged in insightful discussions on the airport’s role in connecting Liverpool with global markets, as well as taking the opportunity to network.

Chamber Insights with Bruntwood SciTech

Our Chamber Insights workshops have proved highly beneficial to members. Led by fellow members who are industry experts, this series delivered targeted workshops aimed at enhancing business skills and strategies. On the 27th of September, Dave Verburg from Mission Success, focused on how to overcome ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and on the 1st of October, Chris Dawson from 6th Door, shared his most successful sales techniques.

New Strategic Partners

The Chamber is delighted to welcome four new Strategic Partners this quarter: Paramount Digital, Machmade DynoRod, Liverpool Football Club and Metroline. All four organisations bring exceptional expertise and a strong commitment to the local business community. Machmade DynoRod, known for their exceptional drainage and plumbing services, has proven to be a key player in the city’s infrastructure, while Paramount Digital, a leading digital marketing agency, continues to support businesses across Liverpool with cuttingedge digital strategies. LFC showcase the city and in turn, its business community, to a global stage, promoting all that Liverpool has to offer. Metroline, are an emerging brand within the city, having seen huge success in London and Manchester, providing bus services across both cities. These events and partnerships highlight the Chamber’s dedication to driving growth, innovation, and collaboration within the business community. Looking ahead, Liverpool Chamber remains committed to providing its members with valuable opportunities to connect, support each other, and thrive in the everchanging business landscape.

James Parker Membership Manager
Lizzie Hughes Head of Commercial Services
Executive Networking Lunch with Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Chamber Social at Escape


to our newest chamber members

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the new members who have joined us so far in 2024. Your decision to become part of our vibrant community is truly appreciated. We are thrilled to welcome you aboard and look forward to supporting your business growth journey.

1 Way Recycling Ltd T/A Central Waste www.centralwaste-liverpool.com

Amanda Azzopardi Aesthetics


Asset Lifecycle Solutions www.assetlifecycle.co.uk

Club Sports & Events www.clubsportsandevents.com

Denholm Port Services Ltd www.denholm-portservices.com

Elite Realty Invest www.eliterealtyinvest.co.uk

GAD Solicitors www.gadlegal.co.uk

GDPR Defender www.gdprdefender.com

Hilt Digital Solutions Ltd www.hiltdigital.co.uk

Jacob Billington Trust www.jacobbillingtontrust.com

Joe Hart Coaching


Lift Off IT Services www.liftoffit.co.uk

Liverpool Celebrates www.liverpoolcelebrates.co.uk

Machmade Limited www.dyno.com/plumbers/liverpool

Maldron Hotel Liverpool City www.maldronhotels.com/liverpool Mess 2 Success Speakers Academy www.mess2successspeakersacademy.com

The Mini Restoration Company www.theminirestorationcompany.co.uk

MPH Training CIC sites.google.com/mphtraining.org.uk/ mphtraining/home

Multi Channel Logistics www.multichannelfulfilment.co.uk



Prabhu Ventures www.prabhuventures.co.uk

The Rehab Physio Ltd www.therehabphysio.com

Rcnl Logistic Ltd www.rcnllogisticltd.co.uk

S&A Academy www.sandaacademy.ac.uk

Sara Williams Consultancy www.linkedin.com/in/sara-williams-staffs Shakespeare North www.shakespearenorthplayhouse.co.uk

Signature Personnel Ltd


Sood Marketing Ltd www.sood.agency

Taylored Solutions Ltd www.tayloredsolutions.im


Liverpool City Council is extending a vital resource to local business owners and entrepreneurs by offering a fullyfunded Business Support Service designed to help established enterprises reach their full potential.

This initiative, part of the Council’s broader strategy to drive economic growth across the city, is backed by £1.59 million from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority leading the way.

Empowering Liverpool’s businesses

The Business Support Service is not just for start-ups; it is an essential resource for businesses at every stage of growth. Whether you’re looking to scale up, enter new markets, or streamline operations, this service provides comprehensive, tailored support to help you navigate the challenges of running and expanding a business in today’s fast-paced environment.

Kate Bull, Liverpool City Council’s Director of Economic Strategy, Skills and Sustainability, emphasises the importance of this initiative for the city’s business community:

“Liverpool is home to an incredible array of hardworking, innovative businesses. Our Business Support Service is here to help them thrive by offering comprehensive support at every stage of their journey. Whether you are an established enterprise or looking to grow your operations, we provide the essential resources needed for sustainable success.”

What the service offers

Delivered by industry experts offering specialist advice, the Business Support Service offers an extensive range of assistance to help your business succeed:

• Specialist Advice: Receive intensive business growth support from experts who provide fully-funded guidance in areas such as exporting, human resources, process improvement, marketing and sales, tender readiness and strategic planning.

• Gateway to Business Support: Gain access to valuable programmes, webinars, events, clinics, networking opportunities, and workshops designed to provide crucial insights and connections that can drive your business forward.

• Cluster Development Work: Targeted support focuses on key sectors, including creative technology and professional services, as well as strategic areas in Liverpool like Speke and Edge Lane, aiming to strengthen businesses and boost the city’s economic health.

• Start-Up Support: Presenting aspiring entrepreneurs with a series of useful workshops and access to an online hub with essential information and templates, plus dedicated one-to-one support sessions to help residents transform ideas into successful ventures.

Campaign to connect with business owners

To ensure that every business in Liverpool is aware of and able to access these resources, Liverpool City Council recently launched a new outdoor marketing campaign titled ‘Embrace Your Full Business Potential.’ This city-wide initiative featured eye-catching

advertisements in key locations such as Moorfields and Central stations, as well as on digital screens at high-traffic bus stops and locations including Queens Drive and Edge Lane.

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Liverpool City Council, also plays a key role as a contracted delivery partner for this business support initiative. They provide essential resources to coordinate various events and outreach activities while also serving on the front lines to address business enquiries.

Paul Cherpeau, Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, strongly supports the initiative, stating:

“We are delighted to have been appointed by Liverpool City Council to help provide this valuable resource to businesses. In today’s fast-changing business environment, it’s crucial that our local enterprises have access to the guidance and resources they need to succeed. Liverpool City Council’s Business Support Service offers invaluable assistance that can help businesses overcome challenges and achieve sustainable growth, thereby strengthening Liverpool’s economic resilience.”

Get involved

Liverpool City Council encourages all business owners and entrepreneurs to register their interest and take advantage of the free Business Support Service. Whether you’re looking to enhance your operations, or require strategic guidance, the support available can help you achieve your goals. For more information and to register your interest, visit: https://liverpool.gov.uk/ businesssupportservice


Over the past few months, the region experienced heavy rainfall, revealing opportunities for the city to advance its flood prevention efforts. Innovations in drainage design are pivotal, involving pioneering new methods, technologies, and materials to improve stormwater and wastewater management. This event significantly impacts daily life, highlighting the need for proactive measures.

Green infrastructure stands out as a transformative approach in drainage design, integrating natural systems like green roofs, permeable pavements, rain gardens, and bioswales into urban planning. These not only enhance drainage efficiency but also beautify urban spaces, support biodiversity, and mitigate the urban heat island effect.

The integration of sensors and real-time data analytics into drainage systems revolutionises their functionality. These systems monitor water flow, detect blockages, and predict maintenance needs, minimising flood risks and optimising performance through proactive management. Modern drainage systems now feature modular components for scalability, adapting to changing urban

environments and varying stormwater volumes sustainably.

New materials such as high-strength composites and bio-based substances enhance drainage system durability and efficiency. They offer improved resistance to corrosion, higher load-bearing capacities, and enhanced environmental compatibility. Innovations also include systems capturing and treating stormwater or wastewater for reuse, reducing reliance on traditional water sources and easing strain on local supplies. Integrating drainage solutions with urban design enhances city resilience and sustainability. This approach may involve designing dual-purpose drainage systems that also serve as public spaces or integrating multi-use parks and water features into urban landscapes.

As climate variability increases, drainage systems are evolving to handle intense rainfall and rising sea levels. Adaptive strategies mitigate climate impacts, utilising computational modelling to predict system performance accurately under various conditions and design solutions tailored to local climates and future scenarios.

These innovations drive a paradigm shift towards efficient, sustainable, and adaptable drainage solutions across Liverpool City Region. Embracing these advancements aims to enhance urban infrastructure, contribute significantly to environmental protection, and promote community well-being.

Sutcliffe remains committed to engineering excellence, striving to create resilient cities that thrive amidst modern challenges.


Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive of Sciontec, discusses the firm’s new collaboration with Bruntwood SciTech, which aims to offer the best choice of workspace and laboratory accommodation in the city region.

When business owners search for a new location to start, grow or diversify their organisation, they often find themselves torn between the quality of a property,

the strength of its location and the level of service and amenity on offer. For new entrants into a market, this challenge can be more acute as they try to understand the landscape and find not only their physical space, but also their ‘place’ in the wider ecosystem.

We’ve long understood this challenge, so we always work with potential customers to understand what makes them tick and how a new workspace could contribute to their longer-term ambitions. It’s all about helping businesses to make positive choices, and understanding that you can’t have too many good options.

To further expand those options, we’ve begun a unique collaboration with our friends at Bruntwood SciTech, which owns and operates The Plaza, Cotton Exchange and Cotton House.

Buildings such as Liverpool Science Park and Sciontec AI at The Spine, as well as the planned HEMISPHERE One and Two, will each have their own unique characteristics and thriving micro-communities, but they also share a culture where businesses can

collaborate, explore and develop their professional networks. We work hard to cultivate this every day and we see the same approach reflected in Bruntwood SciTech’s buildings.

Our new partnership means businesses can now access a full range of available space, from a newly-refurbished office in the Commercial District, to a state-of-the-art laboratory in the Knowledge Quarter, all via a single enquiry. They have the city at their fingertips.

Existing customers can also benefit from this broader reach. If, for example, you’re headquartered in The Plaza, but want to diversify into a lab or research space at Liverpool Science Park, you can now do that more seamlessly.

Ultimately, we hope this more flexible, collaborative approach will help the city region to attract a wider range of highcalibre leads and occupiers, highlighting the enormous strengths we have in various sectors, from professional services to health and life sciences, and enabling major new investment deals to become a reality.

Martin Pocock, Director at Sutcliffe
Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive of Sciontec

The Adelphi Hotel


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We live in a technological age –leaps in technological capabilities are made today at an alarmingly fast pace. When faced with the seemingly endless world of workplace apps, systems, software and tools, however, many businesses can feel overwhelmed by choice, or uncertain how to properly benefit their customers

One company that’s been leading the way in a previously slow-to-change sector is celebrated Liverpool-based health cash plan provider Medicash. In fact, the UK’s largest provider of corporate cash plans attribute their incredible 128% policyholder growth in the past four and a half years alone to their unique approach to technological investment. So, what’s the secret to expanding your business horizons with the latest innovations?

Innovate your backend business Medicash invested heavily in their business operations, using cutting-edge software like their new Medicash Corporate Portal to streamline and automate many of their

most time-consuming administration tasks. Medicash considered how to maximise efficiency within their business’ backend processes – for instance, by choosing to funnel the majority of their claims processing via their market-leading claims app, Medicash have saved both time and money on manually processing over 3.5 million individual claims which has allowed it to scale up efficiently.

Pass on success

The technology you choose is always a reflection on your business’ values. When assessing where to invest their efforts, as a customer centric organisation Medicash prioritised ways to improve accessibility and simplicity for their customers. This included things like investing in easy-access mobile apps to add value to their product, reducing in-house costs with automatic processes, and improving understanding with online resources and tools.

Become an ESG leader

Did you know that that UK businesses are estimated to use over 12.5 million tonnes of paper annually? By pioneering app claims and electronic policy documents, each normally requiring multiple pages of information, Medicash’s true saving equates to tens of millions of pieces of paper. This means Medicash have been able to achieve carbon neutral status and drastically reduce their business carbon footprint – as well as that of their clients’.

Want to learn more about how Medicash’s cutting-edge health plans can benefit your business? Visit www.medicash.org to find out more.


Liverpool city region door and window manufacturer Warwick North West has hit the ground running this autumn with high level meetings, further growth and new investment.

Based in Bootle, Warwick produces high quality windows and doors for the North West housebuilding sector. Its products offer a high level of thermal efficiency and are sought after by both private developers and, increasingly, by social housing providers.

During September the business, which employs more than 120 people, enjoyed strong growth in sales and an increase in the size of its order book. Year-on-year sales were up 6%.

Warwick managing director Greg Johnson is now overseeing a new investment with the installation of a state-of-the-art Schirmer saw. This will increase productivity and could lead to the creation of up to eight new jobs.

“We have come through one of the toughest economic periods for decades in the past couple of years and, thanks to the incredible efforts of the whole Warwick team, we have shown the resilience of the business and are in a strong position,” said Greg.

“It isn’t enough just to weather the storm. You have to be bold and look ahead and be prepared to invest to grow. And that is exactly what we are doing with the

installation of this new equipment. It will make us more efficient and allow us to continue to offer employment opportunities to the local community.”

Over the past couple of years, Warwick has scooped multiple awards. Now it has made the shortlist for Fabricator of the Year at the national G-Awards. The awards will take place at the Hilton Park Lane in London in November.

In late September the Labour conference returned to Liverpool with the party back in Government for the first time in more than a decade.

At the start of the conference week Greg spoke on Radio 5 Live with Matt Chorley discussing Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ speech and his wish list from the upcoming Budget in October.

He made the point that the best way to tackle fuel poverty was to launch a major push on the thermal efficiency of both new and existing homes. Companies such as Warwick are leading the way with products that can make that happen, he added.

In the interview, Greg also urged the Government to look at increasing Business Asset Disposal Relief. This offers Capital Gains relief when all or part of a business is sold. Greg believes this could incentivise entrepreneurs in Liverpool city region.

During the Labour conference Greg attended a lunch with Paymaster General, Nick Thomas Symond organised by Downtown in Business. He also met Metro Mayors Steve Rotheram, Andy Burnham and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner at a private event.

And he participated in a panel discussion organised by Sefton Council on skills and labour shortages as well as high-level strategic meetings with local authority leaders in Wirral and Knowsley.

20 years of BIDs marks £1bn investment in towns and cities

October 2024 marks 20 years since the anniversary of the first business improvement district pilot, with £1bn invested in local services and events to improve towns and cities for communities and business. Liverpool was one of the first cities to have a BID, created as part of a pilot programme.

20 BIDS were formed with the original pilot in 2003 and then brought into law with the UK regulations act the following year. Using a model from Canada, Business Improvement Districts allowed for businesses to have access to additional services, like street cleaning, improving the environment and public realm, or events and activity to increase footfall and animation.

The number of BIDs has now grown to over 340, with BIDs appearing in all four nations of the UK. A business improvement district is a defined area of a town or city where a levy is charged on all eligible business rate payers. BID levies are voted for via a ballot which takes place every five years.

Currently, BIDs invest £152m in local economies across the country, helping to support investment in towns and cities at a time when public sector funding has been impacted by budget cuts across a range of departments.

Over two decades, the role of BIDs in the UK has evolved. The BID model has evolved to create Accommodation BIDs, driven by the hotel and serviced accommodation sector. The tax to fund the Elizabeth Line led to the emergence of property owner BIDs. BID services day to day include street cleaning, removing graffiti, security, connecting businesses and networking. But BIDs increasingly create spectacle and organise events and projects enhancing the lives of those living in local communities.

Bill Addy is CEO of Liverpool BID Company

“Marking two decades of being at the heart of Liverpool is a moment to think about the legacy of Liverpool BID and what is to come next. BIDs were established to create a ground-breaking relationship between the public sector and the private sector. They exist to have a structure for investment that helps to create the right environment for city centre businesses, no matter their sector or industry, to thrive. We have seen rapid transformation in Liverpool city centre over this period, both good and bad and have had to ride incredible waves and tackle severe storms, but we have shown that through partnership, strategic investment and always focusing on the public realm and the environment for business, we can get through. The challenges on the public purse aren’t going anywhere and we are confident in our ability to continue to support hospitality, retail, professional services culture, commercial business and more, creating important connections through the city to make it stronger. Bring on the next 20 years”.


Castle Street
Church Street Christmas 2008
Williamson Square 2008


Boomerang carnets® UK revolutionised ATA Carnet accessibility in the United Kingdom a decade ago with our remote print technology.

With our partners, the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce (LCC), we transformed the delivery of ATA Carnets with our network of Boomerang Carnet Distribution Centers (BCDC) strategically located throughout the UK. This innovative approach, introduced even before Brexit, catapulted the Liverpool Chamber from 20-30 carnets issued annually to over 4,500. An impossible leap without our disruptive, top-rated customer service and BCDC network.

Since 2015, we have been developing efficient options for carnet distribution, ensuring that businesses can quickly and affordably obtain ATA Carnets. Our network of Boomerang Carnet Distribution Centers throughout the UK includes locations in Bristol, Liverpool, London, Feltham, Southall, Thatcham, and at Heathrow, Gatwick and the Eurotunnel. Of further note, the BCDC network provides access to ATA Carnets in the U.S. as well. These unique international trade tools played a critical role in supporting economic recovery

and seamless continuity for businesses, especially post-COVID-19 and Brexit. At the same time, the centers provided customers with convenient, rapid access to carnets, making the process smoother and more cost-effective.

The ATA Carnet is a flexible international customs document for boomerang freight® allowing commercial samples, goods for trade fairs/exhibitions, and professional equipment to be temporarily imported duty- and tax-free into any of the 87+ carnet countries and territories for up to a year. It is an essential tool to assist business expansion into international markets. In addition to the significant savings they provide, ATA Carnets are a gateway to new markets.

Our Distribution Centers have become indispensable, particularly for customers with complex, last-minute travel plans. Backed by our world-class customer service, we offer 24/7 support from responsive, knowledgeable, and personable Carnet Specialists, ensuring a top-rated experience beginning with the innovative and secure application process to the carnet’s closure. Trustpilot reviews consistently highlight our commitment to providing immediate, human support without automated systems.

In addition to our same-day and overnight delivery services, we offer overnight courier shipping across the UK. Boomerang carnets UK is dedicated to supporting our customers at every step, helping them grow and expand into new markets for a more prosperous future.

To get started and learn more about the benefits of ATA Carnets visit www.boomerangcarnets.co.uk or call 0808 189 3400.


Liverpool City Region Growth Company, along with the Chambers of Commerce in the region, are dedicated to supporting businesses in starting, growing, and sustaining their operations.

We continue to support businesses in expanding their export activities within the six local authorities. Whether you are considering your first venture into exporting or looking to expand your activities, we invite you to contact us to explore various sources of support.

We engage with companies identified as having export potential and direct them to the broader export support network. Through a business diagnostic and action

plan, we help identify barriers to markets and uncover market opportunities, as well as gaps in supply chains and new market prospects. If export funding needs are identified, we will assess eligibility for export grants while funding is still available. For more information about the Liverpool City Region Export Support and for a one to one meeting, please contact export@liverpoolchamber.org.uk.


Liverpool Chamber recently met with the Trade Development Team from the Consulate General of Pakistan, based in Manchester, to explore trade opportunities in this emerging market.

Pakistan presents a compelling mix of rich cultural heritage, a youthful and skilled workforce, and a strategic location. Its growing manufacturing and service sectors are well-positioned to meet global demands, offering competitive costs alongside government incentives— making it a market worth considering if you haven’t yet.

The Trade and Investment Wing of the Pakistan Consulate in Manchester provides support to businesses interested in trade, commercial ventures, investment, cultural or educational exchanges, and tourism.

One upcoming highlight is TEXPO 2024, Pakistan’s premier Textile, Footwear, and Leather exhibition, set to take place in Karachi from October 23-25, 2024. With over 300 companies and 500+ international delegates already registered, this event offers an excellent opportunity to witness how Pakistan’s textile industry is advancing sustainability and eco-friendly practices. For qualifying buyers, importers, and purchasing houses, the Government of Pakistan is offering an exclusive hospitality package.

For more information, please contact export@liverpoolchamber.org.uk.


Lead Generation: The action or process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business’s products or services.

To Innovate: To make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products

Driving leads to your business can be challenging, especially in today’s fastpaced, competitive landscape. Many businesses turn to innovative marketing strategies to address this, focusing on digital methods. At Paramount Digital, innovation in marketing and lead generation is central to our approach. We’ve helped local, national, and international businesses enhance their digital presence through search engines, social media, and other online tools. However, our experience over the past six months shows that innovation isn’t always needed in generating leads but in how those leads are handled once received.

The handoff from marketing to sales is a crucial test of collaboration between these often-disconnected departments. The quality vs. quantity debate dominates

this process: Is a lead qualified or not? Mishandling this transition—due to poor processes or communication—can waste valuable marketing resources and prevent sales pipelines from forming. Harmonising sales and marketing teams is essential, but it requires confronting challenges and innovating in both roles, whether in-house or with a partner like Paramount Digital. Common mistakes include slow responses to digital leads, poor alignment between marketing messaging and sales offerings,

and unclear customer journeys. Many businesses fail to signpost the next steps, leaving potential customers unsure of what to expect. To innovate, businesses must recognise that around 75% of online leads are warm—not ready to buy instantly. Building rapport, identifying challenges, and offering solutions are critical to nurturing these leads.

Once this reality is accepted, the potential for improvement becomes clear. A seamless marketing-to-sales handoff unlocks valuable data, revealing process weaknesses and ensuring both teams work effectively. At Paramount Digital, we’ve invested in infrastructure that supports not just marketing but the entire lead-to-sale process. Our reporting includes key metrics like cost per lead, marketing qualified lead (MQL), sales qualified lead (SQL), and cost per acquisition (CPA).

These insights, while basic, reveal blind spots for many businesses, especially postCOVID-19, as digital behaviours evolve. By fostering collaboration between marketing and sales and using data-driven strategies, businesses can unlock new growth opportunities and maximise their lead generation efforts.


Live events have long been a cornerstone of human interaction, bringing people together to celebrate, learn, and connect in a shared experience. While technology has transformed the way we plan and execute events, the value of human expertise in creating memorable and impactful live experiences cannot be overstated. Behind every successful live event is an unseen team of experienced professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the table.

“Often dressed in black onsite you never really notice the technical team who are working tirelessly to ensure the event runs without a hitch. Technology is innovating all the time but without the hands-on experience of the techs and the creative insight of the production team it is impossible to seamlessly connect the technology to provide the correct event solution” explains MSP Director Lisa Richards.

Event planners, producers, technicians, designers, and performers all play a crucial role in orchestrating seamless and engaging experiences for attendees. However, one of the key aspects of human expertise in live events is the ability to anticipate and adapt to the unexpected. No matter how meticulously an event is planned, unforeseen challenges can arise, requiring quick thinking and problem-solving skills.

“This is where our experienced professionals are able to come into their own and ensure that the event continues to run smoothly, often without anyone even noticing” observes Lisa.

Experienced AV professionals provide invaluable insight to creatively use technology that provides event planners with unique and inspiring solutions for their audiences. They also provide all the invaluable services that need to be wrapped around the technology to create the event. This includes stage set design and construction, on-screen content and music production, all of which elevate the event into an unforgettable experience.

“And let’s not forget all the background work that no-one sees such as Health and Safety compliance and logistics planning” continues David Clatworthy, Operations Director at MSP.

In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly enhanced the way we plan and execute live events, the value of human expertise cannot be overlooked. The years of experience, creativity, adaptability, and sense of community that those professionals dressed in black bring to live events are what make them truly special and memorable. “As we continue to embrace innovation in event planning, we must not forget the immense value that skilled professionals who work tirelessly behind the scenes contribute to creating these unforgettable live event experiences” concludes Lisa.

MSP Global – www.msp-av.co.uk events@msp-av.co.uk


Creating and promoting a powerful Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Staff retention has become a crucial aspect of business strategy across the UK, especially in an environment marked by rising competition, labour shortages and evolving workplace expectations. High turnover rates not only cost businesses in terms of recruitment and training but also lead to losses in productivity, knowledge, and overall morale. Retaining top talent is no longer a reactive response but a proactive necessity for long-term success.

We will delve into why staff retention is vital for businesses, the main challenges companies face, and practical strategies for reducing turnover and improving employee loyalty.

January 2nd, Merseyside. Business leaders from high-rise offices to industrial estates share a common goal for 2024 – growth. Growth which will require new talent to fuel it.

Why Staff Retention Matters

If those leaders believe 2024 will be better for hiring than the last few years, then I have some bad news because the UK market is facing three long term challenges:

The UK labour market is undergoing significant changes, influenced by a mix of demographic shifts, post-pandemic work expectations, and Brexit’s impact on immigration.

Here are key reasons why retaining staff is essential:

1. Continuity and Stability: Long-serving employees often have time served knowledge and established relationships that are vital for operational stability.

1. Demographics – McKinsey predicts a shortage of 3 million young people by 2030 to replace retirees. This issue is already affecting many firms and it will get worse.

champion diversity and inclusion. Organisations that fail to embrace D&I initiatives may struggle to retain staff who want to feel included and valued.

5. Prioritising Wellbeing

2. Employee Morale: Frequent departures can demoralise remaining staff, who may feel insecure about their jobs or become overwhelmed by the added responsibilities.

3. Brand Reputation: Companies known for high turnover may find it difficult to attract new talent. A strong retention strategy helps build a positive employer brand.

2. Fear – The mixed economic outlook for 2024 makes candidates hesitant to change jobs, preferring the safety of familiar roles. 3. Expectations – Millennials and Gen Z express growing disillusionment about matching their parents’ economic success. A significant minority choose to quite quit and live their life instead.

These challenges shrink the pool of quality talent for your firm and make it harder to attract the talent you need to grow.

Key Challenges in Staff Retention

However, it’s not all doom and gloom.

1. Employee Wellbeing: The pandemic has brought employee wellbeing to the forefront of organisational culture. Failing to address this could lead to disengagement, driving high turnover.

Research on what motivates people to move, or stay has boomed in the last two years. Firms like McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, The REC, and The Big 4 have all done huge research projects on the subject.

2. Work-Life Balance: Employees are demanding more flexible working arrangements. The need for autonomy has become a top priority. A Forbes Advisor Survey shows that 78% of remote or hybrid workers reported an improved work life balance.

Their insights reveal all firms from small enterprises to international conglomerates can make some relatively simple changes to drastically improve their talent attraction.

3. Career Progression: A study by Amazon and Workplace Intelligence reported that 74% of Gen Z and Millennial employees cite a lack of career mobility and skills development as their impetus for their plans to resign.

First, the bad news, you do need to pay market rate. Candidates fear of change and the range of options before them means the best won’t move for anything less.

Next, the good news - money alone won’t win.

4. Diversity and Inclusion: Employees increasingly expect workplaces to

The research consistently shows that most people are motivated by things other than money when selecting their next move. Once the salary is ‘enough’ then they prioritise other things.

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of employees is crucial for retention, particularly in the UK where the workplace is becoming more focused on the holistic wellbeing of staff. Employers can offer wellness programs, mental health days, and access to counselling services to show they care about their employees’ overall wellbeing.

an SME to create and use an EVP because they have fewer layers of management to deploy it through.

Effective Strategies for Retaining Staff

1. Fostering a Positive Culture

So, to compete for talent you must provide a compelling answer to a simple question“What will it be like to work for you?”

A strong company culture is the bedrock of employee loyalty. When employees feel respected, valued, and part of something bigger, they are less likely to look for opportunities elsewhere.

2. Offering Competitive Salaries and Benefits

The evidence shows people are more interested in your organisation, than the role. Let me give you some examples of what they want to know.

Practical ways to prioritise mental health:

Working with firms to implement an EVP and speaking to even more HR leaders who implemented their own, the results are always the same. More retention. Higher quality candidates. Better cultural fit.

• Offering Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide confidential counselling services.

• Providing flexible time off policies, encouraging employees to take mental health days when needed.

The key to success, from reviewing those that succeed and those that fall short is twofold.

1. Their EVO is authentic.

2. They get it out there.

While salary isn’t the sole reason employees stay, it is a key factor. In an increasingly competitive market, companies must regularly review their compensation packages to ensure they are in line with competitors and industry standards. Alongside salaries, offering comprehensive benefits can make a difference. Perks that cater to the employee’s personal life and what matters to them can also enhance retention.

Your ways of working, approach to development and progression even the mission and values of the business can be a top influence for a sizeable portion of candidates.

By ways of working, I don’t just mean hybrid or remote work, though I can tell you that if you don’t offer hybrid, you are already on the backfoot. It’s also about Management style, performance metrics and the culture of the team.

3. Flexible Working Arrangements

The demand for flexible work has skyrocketed since the pandemic, with employees expecting hybrid or remote working options as standard practice. Employers who resist this shift risk losing talent to competitors who offer more flexibility.

The number one reason people move was career development and progression opportunities. However, almost the same proportion had their top motivator as “working for firms driven by a purpose”.

4. Employee Development

These three are the big components of the story you tell about your organisation. That story is known as your Employee Value Proposition (EVP).

Yet, EVP is not a marketing gimmick.

A lack of career progression opportunities is a major reason for staff leaving. Businesses should focus on creating clear development pathways, mentoring schemes, and leadership training to help employees grow within the company.

Strategies include:

It must be the reality of what it is like to work at your firm, because if you fail to deliver the promises made in an EVP then retention will plummet, and your reputation will suffer.

• Creating individual development plans tailored to each employee’s goals.

EVP is something the smallest SME to the largest international firm can implement.

• Offering training and upskilling opportunities to keep employees engaged.

• Creating a workplace culture where it’s okay to talk about mental health without stigma.


Staff retention in the UK has never been more important. As the labour market tightens and the competition for talent intensifies, companies must focus on creating environments where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to stay. By fostering a positive culture, offering competitive benefits, providing flexible working arrangements, and investing in employee development, organisations can reduce turnover rates and retain their best talent.

No point having an amazing firm if no one knows about so your Join us page and your social media channels should be filled with micro case studies that all prove you deliver on what you say.

Trust me, candidates will look.

Beyond that ensure your recruitment partners and hiring managers consistently back up that EVP story. Mixed messages make candidates doubt the authenticity of your EVP.

Plus, if your EVP is compelling enough, and promoted enough, then you may find your reputation draws talent to you, saving on recruitment costs.

Ultimately, businesses that succeed in retaining staff will not only enjoy reduced costs and increased productivity but will also be better positioned to navigate the challenges of the modern workforce. Retention is not just a HR responsibility— it’s a strategic advantage for every organisation looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

2024 may be a new year, but the trend from the last few years continues. Candidates expect a market rate wage slip; beyond that they’re seeking a place where they can grow, contribute, and feel valued.

As a recruiter with 26 years of experience in the local market, I understand these shifts. I’m here to help businesses in the Northwest navigate these changes, find the right talent, and build teams that thrive.

If you’re looking to discuss your recruitment strategy over a coffee or a call, I’m just a conversation away. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of growth and success for your business. Beam

In fact, from experience with scale ups in the North West, I would say it’s easier for

• Promoting from within, allowing employees to see that advancement is achievable.

As a recruiter with 26 years of experience in the local market, I understand these shifts. I’m here to help businesses in the Northwest navigate these changes, find the right talent, and build teams that thrive. If you’re looking to discuss your recruitment strategy over a coffee or a call, I’m just a conversation away. Together, let’s make 2025 a year of growth and success for your business. Call today on 0151 271 8175.



The City of Liverpool College has received a £100,000 investment to develop new green energy facilities to provide training in advanced technologies and green skills through the Test and Learn Retrofit Skills Programme.

The programme, funded by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, is being delivered by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority in collaboration with the North West Net Zero Hub.

The funding boost marks a major milestone for the college, contributing to the government’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. It also makes the college a leading provider in the City Region offering this level of training.

The cutting-edge facilities, which will be launched in autumn 2024, will allow the college to deliver a Heat Pump Centre of Excellence for the City Region, providing unparalleled training opportunities for individuals looking to gain expertise in this rapidly growing field.

It will allow the college to embed training into full-time plumbing, gas, and engineering courses, as well as develop new apprenticeship programmes.

One of the new apprenticeship programmes launched is a Low Carbon Heating Technician. Delivered in the Industry and Innovation Centre at the college’s Vauxhall Road Campus, the course will provide vital skills in heat pumps, solar voltaic systems, and district heat networks.

“The training programmes we will be able to provide are truly second to none in the region. With the UK desperately needing a more green skilled workforce, the funding will allow us to offer cutting-edge training in the latest green technologies, while expanding our apprenticeship programmes.”

Industry partnerships with leading businesses in the sector, such as Vaillant Group, will allow learners to develop skills on the most advanced technologies.

Marissa Looby, Home Energy Lead for the North West Net Zero Hub, said: “We’ve worked with colleges across the North West region to pilot programmes that provide new equipment and training methods to support learners getting the skills they need to decarbonise our homes. The City of Liverpool College now has new Heat Pump equipment that can train people to design, install and maintain this technology. It is these type of skills that we need in the construction sector at a large scale to meet our net zero targets.”

Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram said: “The City of Liverpool College’s new green skills programme is a fantastic step forward for our region. By helping to equip local people with the knowledge and expertise to work in emerging green technologies, we’re tackling the climate crisis head-on and creating new opportunities for residents.

“It’s exactly the kind of initiative that ensures our region is ready to lead the race to net zero and take full advantage of the jobs and industries of the future. This investment is proof that by working together, we can build a cleaner, greener, and fairer future for everyone.”

Elaine Bowker, Principal at The City of Liverpool College, said: “We are hugely grateful to LCRCA to have secured this investment.

“The training programmes we will be able to provide are truly second to none in the region. With the UK desperately needing a more green skilled workforce, the funding will allow us to offer cutting-edge training in the latest green technologies, while expanding our apprenticeship programmes.

“We are excited to work towards addressing the green skills shortage and supporting the UK government’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.”

Henrik Juhl Hansen, managing director of Vaillant UK & Ireland, said: “We are delighted to be supporting The City of Liverpool College as it builds its capabilities to deliver green skills using the latest technologies.”

The college has also secured funding to deliver Skills Bootcamps from November, providing training programs for individuals looking to re-train or upskill in green energy technologies.

The college has a long-standing commitment to promoting Green Skills and sustainability, having previously secured £4.5 million in funding from the Local Skills Improvement Fund for projects related to solar installation and hydrogen technology.

If you’d like to find out more about how to access green skills training and funding from The City of Liverpool College, College for Business, please email colcbusiness@liv-coll.ac.uk with the subject line: Green Skills.








Liverpool professionals are invited to an exciting event that will bring together leaders from both the Isle of Man and Liverpool to explore fresh opportunities in culture, tourism, and technological innovation. Whether you’re a cultural enthusiast, a business leader, or someone curious about how AI is transforming industries, this event o ers a unique chance to connect, learn, and collaborate.


Liverpool professionals are invited to an exciting event that will bring together leaders from both the Isle of Man and Liverpool to explore fresh opportunities in culture, tourism, and technological innovation. Whether you’re a cultural enthusiast, a business leader, or someone curious about how AI is transforming industries, this event o ers a unique chance to connect, learn, and collaborate.

Liverpool professionals are invited to an exciting event that will bring together leaders from both the Isle of Man and Liverpool to explore fresh opportunities in culture, tourism, and technological innovation. Whether you’re a cultural enthusiast, a business leader, or someone curious about how AI is transforming industries, this event o ers a unique chance to connect, learn, and collaborate.

Hosted in the Isle of Man, the event will feature thoughtprovoking talks from Claire McColgan, Director of Culture for Liverpool City Council, who will share insights on fostering cultural partnerships between the two regions. Deborah Heather, CEO of Visit Isle of Man, will dive into innovative tourism strategies that could boost both economies. AI expert Chris Kissack will explore the future of AI and its powerful impact on business transformation. Additionally, Paul Cherpeau, CEO of Liverpool Chamber, will discuss strengthening economic ties and business growth between Liverpool and the Isle of Man.

Hosted in the Isle of Man, the event will feature thoughtprovoking talks from Claire McColgan, Director of Culture for Liverpool City Council, who will share insights on fostering cultural partnerships between the two regions. Deborah Heather, CEO of Visit Isle of Man, will dive into innovative tourism strategies that could boost both economies. AI expert Chris Kissack will explore the future of AI and its powerful impact on business transformation. Additionally, Paul Cherpeau, CEO of Liverpool Chamber, will discuss strengthening economic ties and business growth between Liverpool and the Isle of Man.

Hosted in the Isle of Man, the event will feature thoughtprovoking talks from Claire McColgan, Director of Culture for Liverpool City Council, who will share insights on fostering cultural partnerships between the two regions. Deborah Heather, CEO of Visit Isle of Man, will dive into innovative tourism strategies that could boost both economies. AI expert Chris Kissack will explore the future of AI and its powerful impact on business transformation. Additionally, Paul Cherpeau, CEO of Liverpool Chamber, will discuss strengthening economic ties and business growth between Liverpool and the Isle of Man.

Join us for a day of innovation and collaboration between Liverpool and the Isle of Man. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future!

Join us for a day of innovation and collaboration between Liverpool and the Isle of Man. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future!

Join us for a day of innovation and collaboration between Liverpool and the Isle of Man. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future!




Okay, does anyone else feel like the first 8 months of 2024 have flown over? With so much happening across this great City already this year, we’re celebrating the moments that have made 2024 special.

1. Lets start with award winning recognition for The Guide Liverpool in February, for our iconic coverage of Liverpool’s forever memorable Eurovision 2023.

2. In April, we once again headed to Aintree Racecourse, capturing everything that makes The Randox Grand National so memorable year on year across 3 iconic days, reaching 3 Million people with our content.

3. Danke, Jurgen: What a Guy. Jurgen Klopp, the LFC Legendary Manager, stepped down in May and whilst some of our team were heartbroken LFC fans, we kept it together to give Kloppo the send-off he truly deserved.

4. June 3rd. A date we’ll never forget: Cunard choose Liverpool to officially launch its stunning new Cruise Liner - the Queen Anne. We made sure every moment of Cunard Day 2024 was covered, including an emotional performance by Andrea Bocelli & a special ceremony to recognise Liverpool Icons.

5. We were READY FOR IT: for 3 days in June, Taylor Swift came to Town and Liverpool truly welcomed her with open arms. We’re still not over it!! We followed the Taylor Town magic, from the city centre through to Anfield itself, capturing that unique SWIFTY energy!

6. Growing, Growing, Growing: We’ve seen staggering increases in our followers and engagement across all of our social platforms, with Instagram standing out with 44.6% since the start of this year!

We’re proud of who we’re reaching and how we’re doing it, ensuring our content is continually engaging, exciting and – above all else – reflective of Liverpool!

We’re video production experts. We live and breathe video.

We’ve won awards for our work (did we mention that already?!) and we choose 2024 to be the year to take our knowledge, expertise and creativity further afield, through our new UK-wide offering with Guide Video www.guidevideo.com

Wow, what a 2024 journey!

And that’s not to mention breaking America. Yes, our campaign in partnership with Hotel Anfield was played on the big digital screens in Times Square.

We LOVED putting Liverpool on the international map yet again.

There’s still another 3 months of this year left to go even bigger, better and further with The Guide Liverpool and Guide Video!

To find out more on ALL the moments that have made our 2024, read our full article here:


In today’s competitive digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to increase visibility, drive conversions, and grow their brands.

Paid Social and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising have emerged as indispensable tools for achieving these goals. You just can’t ignore 99k searches every second. Whether you’re looking to increase website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales, incorporating these paid strategies into your marketing campaigns can provide a significant competitive edge. However, to maximize the return on investment (ROI), tracking campaign performance and optimising data-driven strategies is essential.

So, Why Use Paid Social and PPC Advertising?

1. Instant Visibility and Traffic: Paid Social (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn ads) and PPC (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.) provide businesses with immediate

exposure. Unlike organic marketing efforts, which take time to gain traction, these paid methods offer instant placement in front of target audiences, increasing visibility and driving traffic in a matter of hours.

2. Targeted Audience Reach: One of the biggest advantages of Paid Social and PPC is the ability to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviour, and keywords. Whether you want to reach a niche market or a broad audience, these tools allow you to show your ads to users who are more likely to engage with your brand.

3. Cost-Effective and Scalable: Paid Social and PPC campaigns allow businesses to control costs by setting budgets that fit their marketing needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, you can scale your spending up or down in real-time based on performance, ensuring you only pay for actual clicks or interactions that lead to potential customers.

4. Measurable Results: One of the standout benefits of using Paid Social and PPC is the

ability to track results with precision. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as clickthrough rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), and conversion rates are readily available, providing businesses with immediate feedback on what’s working and what’s not. Paid Social and PPC advertising have transformed how businesses approach digital marketing, providing powerful tools for reaching new customers and generating measurable results. However, the key to unlocking the full potential of these platforms lies in tracking and optimisation. By continuously analysing performance data and making informed adjustments, businesses can maximize their ROI, ensuring their marketing budget is spent efficiently. For more information on how Paid Social and PPC advertising can transform your marketing efforts, please contact:

James Smethurst


Despite an array of digital communications now available to customers when they need to contact a business, picking up the phone in the hope of speaking to an actual person remains the most popular. How a business answers the phone can set the tone for the customer experience and getting this first step wrong immediately puts you on the back foot. So, with that in mind, here are a few phone etiquette rules that you shouldn’t ignore for your business, as highlighted by Helen Christian from Face For Business.

Pick up the phone promptly, ideally within 4 rings

Your customer’s time is valuable. No customer wants to be sat around listening to a phone ringing - Answering the call promptly should be standard practice.

Speak slowly and clearly

You’ve probably heard the term ‘phone voice’ to explain how some people’s voices change when they answer a call. You don’t have to sound like someone from the set of Downton Abbey, but you should always speak slowly, clearly and enunciate when answering a business phone.

Be enthusiastic (even try smiling)

It’s often said that up to 90% of communication is non-verbal, but when you’re answering the phone, surely that doesn’t matter, well be sure to know it does matter. One of the biggest things you can do to improve your enthusiasm is smiling.

Introduce yourself and your business clearly

“Hello,” “Hi,” or “Hiya” may be fine for family and friends, but you don’t want to leave customers questioning if they’ve reached the right company.

Instead, you should introduce yourself and the company immediately using your name and company name when you answer.

Listen to what they need

When a customer is calling, they need the confidence that you’ll be able to deal with the call, or at least point them in the right direction.

End the call properly

You’ve probably heard the term ‘phone voice’ to explain how some people’s voices change when they answer a call. You don’t have to sound like someone from the set of Downton Abbey, but you should always speak slowly, clearly and enunciate when answering a business phone.

When they call, listen carefully to exactly what they’re saying – it sounds obvious but it’s easy to get distracted if you’re in a busy office with lots happening.

Learn how call transfers work

If you’ve ever been a customer on the receiving end of an awkward call, where the person struggles to transfer you because they don’t know how to operate the phone, you’ll understand how it fails to inspire confidence.

Take accurate messages

There’s nothing worse than receiving a vague message after missing a customer’s call, and it’s equally annoying to be the customer who, when called back, has to repeat all the information from the first call because the message wasn’t taken correctly.

Once you’ve dealt with their initial enquiry and resolved it as best you can at the time, ask if there’s anything else they need help with, and don’t forget to take the time to thank them for calling and sign off the call properly.

Not got time for dealing with calls? Try using a telephone answering service

When you’re busy trying to get things done and the phone rings, it’s easy to answer as if the caller is a distraction from what you’re trying to do.

When these problems start to build up and become frequent, one solution to consider is investing in a professional call answering service.

With this service, you’ll never have to worry about managing incoming calls, as your team of in-house virtual receptionists and call handlers will deal with everything for you.

At Face For Business, all our call handlers undergo thorough training, so they’ll always on hand to answer calls professionally and ensure you and the customer gets the outcome you want.

Give us a try, completely free, and let’s see if we’re a good fit.

Call us on 01704 898400.

Helen Christian Head of Service Delivery. Face For Business


Hugh Baird College has been selected by technology giant Microsoft as a Microsoft Showcase College, a prestigious recognition awarded to a select group of institutions worldwide.

This accolade highlights the College’s commitment to innovation in teaching and learning, with a special emphasis on integrating emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) into the educational experience.

As a Microsoft Showcase College, Hugh Baird College joins an exclusive global network of institutions driving transformative change in education while contributing to the economic vitality of the communities they serve. This status allows the College to collaborate with educators globally, sharing insights and best practices through participation in Microsoft’s local, national and international events. The College will also gain access to exclusive benefits, including special offers from Microsoft partners, product support,

digital transformation guidance and cutting-edge research and resources, particularly in AI and other pioneering technologies. Additionally, Hugh Baird College will play a role in shaping the future of Microsoft’s education products and programs, helping to influence global educational practices and envisioning the future of learning for students worldwide. In keeping with its commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation in education, Hugh Baird College has introduced a series of AI-focused workshops designed to equip both staff and students with the skills necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in education. These interactive sessions provide valuable opportunities to delve into AI’s impact on education, covering critical topics such as

bias and discrimination, future assessment techniques and how AI is reshaping teaching and learning.

John Billington, Director of Facilities and Technical Services at Hugh Baird College, said:

“This is a fantastic achievement for Hugh Baird College. Being recognised as a Microsoft Showcase College means that our students, staff and community will benefit from billions of pounds worth of research and knowledge that we might not have otherwise accessed.”

“I’d like to extend my personal thanks to Microsoft for selecting our college. Their exceptional support has been instrumental in helping us achieve our vision of leading the way in educational innovation.”


At the University of Liverpool, we are pioneering innovative approaches to equip students for the evolving job market.

A key advancement is the integration of virtual work simulations into our curricula, providing students with flexible, real-world experience in a digital format.

These simulations are transforming the way students gain practical skills, especially in fields where real-world application is essential.

We have embraced virtual work simulations across various disciplines, including a recent collaboration with Springpod and local SME, AJP, to develop an award-nominated initiative for civil engineering students.

Levelling the Playing Field

Virtual work simulations offer students immersive, digital environments that mirror real-world challenges. Unlike traditional internships, these simulations can be accessed from anywhere, breaking down barriers to traditional work experiences, providing an inclusive path for all students to build skills and confidence.

Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry & Elevating Career Aspirations

This collaboration is a prime example of how virtual simulations connect academia with industry. In their submission for the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Innovation in Business Awards, AJP highlights how these simulations bridge the gap between theoretical study and practical application, allowing students to engage in hands-on learning that replicates real-world civil engineering challenges. AJP are also able to leverage these simulations for potentialbased recruitment, assessing students on problem-solving and innovation.

Beyond academic achievement, our virtual simulations address skill gaps in industries where practical experience is crucial. By immersing students in real-world scenarios, we raise their aspirations, introducing them to a range of careers and opportunities they might not have otherwise even known existed.

of Liverpool

Shaping the Future of Work

At the University of Liverpool, we view virtual work simulations as more than a trend— they are a sustainable, scalable solution to preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce.

As we continue to innovate, we are committed to providing a more inclusive and accessible path to professional success, fostering a generation of graduates who are confident, adaptable, and ready to contribute meaningfully to their industries and communities.

University of Liverpool is proud to be shortlisted alongside SpringPod and AJP for a Talent Award at the Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards.


Back in Shakespearean times the thought of metal carriages transporting you wherever you wanted to go would have been a pure flight of fancy. Horse and cart being the transportation of choice, the idea of mechanical vehicles burning liquid to aid propulsion could not even be conceived.

Indeed, it wasn’t until 1885 when German Karl Benz put the Benz PatentMotorwagen into production that the prospect of motoring for the masses became reality and a new era of mobility solutions came to pass.

Through various iterations, body shell designs, engine displacements, technical & safety innovations and countless players entering the market over the subsequent decades, there has always remained one constant theme until very recently. The need to burn fossil fuel to make your vehicle move.

But now, we are in the era of electrification. A huge innovation in motoring and a massive push to switch to electrified powertrains is in progress. A well-documented climate crisis is upon us and the requirement to reduce Co2 emissions along with other harmful tail pipe emissions is gathering pace and will only continue to increase.

The ZEV mandate that became law late in 2023 requires 22% of all new vehicles sold in 2024 to be EV, rising to 28% in 2025, 52% in 2028, 80% by the original deadline of 2030 with 100% of new vehicles registered in the UK to be Zero Emission by 2035. That is just 11 years from now. Or to look at it another way, if you drive a ‘63’ plate car that doesn’t seem that old, that car was registered 11 years ago!

So, we know its coming whether we like it or not, the biggest question is when to change over. Or is it really that simple?

At Lexus Liverpool we sell BEV’s (Battery Electric Vehicles) in the form or RZ450 & RZ300e and the smaller UX300e along with PHEV’s (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles) such as NX450h+ and RX450h+ and then our traditional offering of HEV (Self Charging Hybrid vehicles). This places us uniquely in the market as we

Left: Matthew Hine of Lexus Liverpool

can offer a solution currently to anyone depending on which stage of the EV journey they are on, whether its full EV adoption or wanting to dip their toe in the water with a PHEV.

But, we are creatures of habit, we don’t necessarily like change and we pretty much as a person don’t like being told we have to do something, particularly if it’s going to hit us in the pocket! It is fair to say in the last 8 years that I have had the pleasure of leading Lexus Liverpool our customer interactions have changed quite a lot. We have gone from “how does this hybrid thing work?” to “do I have to plug it in?”. We regularly talk with our team about the lack of public understanding and our responsibility to educate with regards to the differences of BEV, PHEV and HEV. Consumers clearly know that they need to adopt to a new power train, but the main landscape for them is murky and there are so many questions along the way. The most common ones we hear are:

“Are there enough charging points. The infrastructure doesn’t seem to be there?”

Its true that this has been a concern for some time but both nationally, and in the Liverpool City Region, steps are being taken to increase the charging infrastructure substantially. At the end of August 2024 there were 68,273 public charging points in the UK which is a year on year increase of 41% with 19,823 installed since August 2023. A substantial increase which does not include private household chargers. In Liverpool as of October 2023, there were roughly 600 public charging points, but around this time the Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram announced a £10 million fund was being committed to increasing charging infrastructure in the City Region. Add to this the increase in charge points in retail destinations and Liverpool is well on course

to being the most electrified charging friendly city in the Northwest.

Also, home charging plays a big part in the making ready of a BEV. Many manufacturers (ourselves included) offer discounted charger fitment and preferential public charging rates and a good proportion of energy suppliers have low rate tariffs after a certain time at night some as low as 0.9p per KW/h (kilowatt hour… its BEV speak for miles per gallon).

In short, had you asked me two years ago is there enough infrastructure I probably would have said no, now it’s well on the way and only accelerating!

“The range isn’t enough I need it to be 400 miles plus”

The reality is that we all love the reassurance a hassle-free full tank of fuel gives us. Depending on the car you drive, a full tank can be anywhere from 300 to 500 miles, or more in some instances. We often, when asked this question, ask when was the last time you drove over say 250 miles in one go? No comfort break, stop for food or simply arrive at your destination in that mileage bracket. The answer invariably is hardly ever, and in most cases, never. Industry

In the Liverpool City Region, steps are being taken to increase the charging infrastructure substantially. At the end of August 2024 there were 68,273 public charging points in the UK which is a year on year increase of 41% with 19,823 installed since August 2023.

statistics point to the typical daily commute being roughly 36 miles a day. Any BEV can cope with that and be cheaper to do it too compared to fuel, but on the longer journeys the next point always comes up.

“Charging takes ages. I haven’t got time for that!”

You might be surprised to know that charging a BEV is like charging your phone. Your phone charges really quickly to 80% and then the phone trickles the remaining charge in to protect the battery. The same can be said for a BEV car. Our RZ450e for example can charge from 0% to 80% in 30 minutes and this is predicted to drop even more in the very near future as battery technology advances. So, on that 350 mile journey a 30 minute stop will have you on the road again and arriving with plenty of charge at your destination.

The truth of the matter is that we all adapt to new things at different rates. The pace of innovation in the BEV segment is huge, charging times will come down and the number of miles the cars can do will increase. But with the ZEV mandate in place, manufacturers including ourselves have had to look really hard at the pricing and offers available to retail customers and businesses too (where there are distinct tax advantages). This means that a very competitive part of the market just got even more enticing for consumers.

So… to EV or not to EV… in short you will have to, but at your own pace for now.

I hope that you have found this informative and enlightening. Lexus Liverpool are delighted to be the Headline Sponsors of the Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards 2024 and I look forward to celebrating with you all on the 24th of October at St George’s Hall.

Until then all the best,



a buzzword; it’s a game-changer that’s revolutionising industries and business models. Creating new value propositions transforms how businesses operate, innovate, and compete.

Imagine a world where AI handles mundane tasks, freeing up human talent for more strategic roles. AI’s process automation, cognitive insights, and cognitive engagement significantly enhance operational efficiency, analytical capabilities, and customer interactions. This transformation is not just theoretical; it’s happening now. Netflix and Amazon, for example, use AI to refine customer segmentation, offering highly personalised recommendations that keep users coming back for more. In professional services firms and the manufacturing industry, AI is raising the bar by offering strategic advice through chatbots and enabling predictive maintenance by establishing outcomebased business models.

AI is also revolutionising customer relationships. Hilton uses cognitive computing to elevate guest services, while Sephora employs sentiment analysis to tailor engagement strategies. Companies are investing in multiskilling and gig workers to stay agile, with Siemens leveraging AI for advanced manufacturing processes. AI fosters coopetition, where competitors collaborate to form value networks, and

with JPMorgan’s COIN platform for legal document review. Uber’s dynamic pricing strategy, powered by AI, optimises revenue and service availability, showcasing AI’s potential to transform business models.

AI redefines value co-creation by enhancing customer engagement through service robots and AI-powered chatbots, streamlining operations, and optimising supply chain management. It enables personalised interactions, immediate support, and the development of new products, services, and data monetisation. AI processes vast amounts of data to facilitate strategic decision-making and promotes organisational agility by predicting equipment failures and optimising supply chains.

While large companies are already reaping the benefits of AI, SMEs face challenges such as limited technological know-how, insufficient government support, and high costs.

The potential rewards of AI-driven business model innovation are immense. Successful AI implementation requires investment and addressing ethical considerations like data privacy and bias. Integrating AI into business models represents a strategic shift, necessitating a reevaluation of the principles governing the incorporation of AI technologies into value-offering mechanisms.

The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

AI redefines value co-creation by enhancing customer engagement through service robots and AI-powered chatbots, streamlining operations, and optimising supply chain management. It enables personalised interactions, immediate support, and the development of new products, services, and data monetisation.

Scan the QR code to read the full article


This year, Exhibition Centre Liverpool became the vibrant heart of global esports when the inaugural FIFAe Next Gen 2024 event and the FIFAe World Cup featuring Football Manager was held there in August.

Planning required close collaboration between the venue, FIFAe and Visit Liverpool who were the official partner. The focus was on creating an immersive and interactive experience for both participants and spectators. The city was buzzing with energy as fans, players, and gaming enthusiasts flocked to the waterfront venue for a weekend filled with action, competition, and celebrations of the beautiful game in both its physical and virtual forms.

Liverpool’s iconic sporting heritage made it the perfect backdrop for the global competition and provided a platform for football and gaming fans to unite. The venue’s versatility and ability to meet the technical and logistical demands of modern eSports and the city’s enthusiasm for embracing new forms of entertainment has highlighted Liverpool’s potential as a

key player in the eSports industry and set the stage for future growth in this dynamic sector.

Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region said: “As a city that lives and breathes football, loves bringing people together and relishes putting on big events, we were delighted to welcome the first FIFAe Next Gen event to Liverpool. We are home to a vibrant and growing digital and gaming sector with strong esports credentials and the event was a fantastic opportunity to establish our city as a longterm host for the esports industry.”

More than just a gaming event, the event was a celebration of community and culture, engaging the local community through various workshops, tournaments and opportunities to interact with

professional players, inspiring the next generation of gamers.

From football fanatics to casual gamers, people came together to share their love for the sport and its digital counterpart. The atmosphere was electric, and the event was a fantastic opportunity for Liverpool to show off its famous friendliness, charm, and passion for all things football. The event was a resounding success drawing global attention and showcasing Liverpool’s potential as a global destination for eSports.


As the festive season approaches, we’re getting ready for Aintree Racecourse’s second Boxing Day fixture on December 26th, 2024. Join us for a thrilling day of premier horse racing, entertainment, and holiday spirit.

Witness top-tier competition as some of the UK’s finest horses, jockeys, and trainers compete at the historic Aintree track, home of the renowned Randox Grand National Festival. Known for delivering an outstanding guest experience, Aintree offers a range of hospitality packages tailored to suit every need.

Whether you opt for the exclusivity of a private box, where you and your guests can enjoy first-class service in a more intimate setting, or indulge in exceptional cuisine and a vibrant

atmosphere in one of our hospitality restaurants, we promise a day to remember.

With a rich history dating back to 1829, Aintree is a world-famous sporting venue, and this year’s Boxing Day will feature the Grade 1 Novices’ Hurdle, set to attract the best novice hurdlers in the country. This new event will be the highlight of a thrilling day of racing.

Boxing Day at Aintree is the perfect occasion for families to gather and make memories, with free entry for children ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Secure your tickets and hospitality packages now for an extraordinary Boxing Day experience. Be part of this exciting new Liverpool tradition!

Search Boxing Day at Aintree Racecourse to book now.


The rise of digital investment services such as online brokers and fintech apps has helped democratise access to public investment markets. These platforms have low barriers to entry, low minimum portfolio values and low commissions, attracting significant numbers of retail investors. While increased accessibility has allowed more individuals to participate in markets and potentially benefit from investment returns, it also exposes an increasing number of people to some common pitfalls of investment decision making, which can have a detrimental impact on outcomes.

Common Mistakes

Taking the wrong amount of risk.

The first step in forming an investment plan is establishing your goals and understanding how much risk you need to take to achieve them. Judging the appropriate amount of risk to take is difficult. Taking too much risk is a common worry amongst amateur investors and at best, can result in an uncomfortable experience, or at worst can lead to permanent losses. Regardless, taking too little risk through holding low risk/ low-return assets, such as cash and fixedterm deposits, can represent an opportunity cost in terms of the risk of inflation, eroding the value of their savings over time.

Trying to time markets.

Investors can become fixated on trying to time their entry into markets with a view to ‘buy low and sell high’. To quote an age-old investment cliché, ‘it’s not about timing the market, but time in the market’. Whether or not it is a good time to invest is a common question from clients and, generally speaking, it is always an opportune time to invest providing you have the patience to see an investment strategy through to the end. By waiting for the perfect opportunity, investors risk missing the best days of markets. In the 20 years to the end of 2023, if an S&P 500 investor missed just the 10 best days of returns, their annualised portfolio return would be 5.6%, compared to 9.7% of an investor that had remained fully invested over the period. Furthermore, missing the 20 best days reduces this return to 2.8%, showing the power of remaining invested .

Letting emotions drive decisions.

Humans are naturally flawed investors. Our brains have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to react in ways that seek certainty to ensure our survival. Such traits do not lend themselves to making decisions under pressure and with incomplete information about the future. Psychology plays a crucial role in driving investments decisions and emotions can frequently get in the way of good portfolio management. Retail investors can be easily swayed by compelling stories and narratives, which can cloud rational judgement, often leading investors to place their faith on the current fad or next

‘big thing’. Herd mentality can frequently be observed in markets and following the latest trend can result in buying the wrong investments, impacting long-term returns and reducing the chances of achieving one’s objectives.

Seeking help.

An experienced investment manager will establish a client’s risk profile using both qualitative and quantitative assessment, this is combined with an assessment of their objectives, wider financial and personal circumstances, and their attitude to risk, to determine the appropriate investment strategy that suits them. While it’s impossible to predict market returns over the short, medium and long term, following a tailored strategy with a relevant risk profile could lead to a more comfortable journey for you, maximising the chances of achieving your ambitions.

Psychology plays a crucial role in adhering to an investment strategy over the longterm and employing the services of an investment advisor can help ensure that the strategy outlined at the outset is followed when times get tough. Experienced investment managers can be more objective in their decision making, due to the time spent studying for their role and observing the industry and are less likely to make decisions driven by emotion.

Additionally, a reputable investment management business will have a robust investment process, increasing the likelihood of achieving your personal objectives.

If ever you are keen to discuss this topic further or would like a no-obligation initial chat to understand your personal situation and how we might be able to help you in the future, please give me a call on 0151 237 1240.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly revolutionising the legal landscape, presenting both opportunities and complexities. One such complexity is the intersection of AI and the concept of privilege.

Chatbots which operate on large language models (LLMs) are trained on extensive data to generate responses to user prompts. Records of these interactions are typically stored in browser history, computer devices, shared electronic copies, and printed documents. Users of generative AI tools should be aware that these records may be disclosable if relevant to litigation or regulatory investigations unless privilege applies, which protects certain communications from disclosure.

Legal advice privilege

For an interaction to attract legal advice privilege it must be between a client and a lawyer for the dominant purpose of obtaining legal advice. Since AI chatbots are not lawyers and are merely processing legal advice previously provided by lawyers to predict the appropriate response, they are

unlikely to meet this criterion. The communication must also be confidential. Interactions between users and open models trained on data which is publicly available on the internet will lack the requisite confidentiality. However, if interactions are with a closed LLM system operating within a secure network, they may be stored securely and could attract confidentiality.

Litigation privilege

Litigation privilege covers confidential communications between a client and their lawyer or third parties if made for existing or contemplated litigation. As above, confidentiality is crucial. Whilst it may be difficult to argue that a chatbot is the user’s lawyer, it remains to be seen whether the courts and/or Parliament will be willing to treat a computer program as a “party”.


The courts have been clear that extending legal advice privilege to advice given by non-lawyers / a computer program is Parliament’s remit. It is unlikely that legislation will extend the scope of privilege to communications between users and computer programs generally as this would be broad, privilege might be extended to cover the output from technologies developed by lawyers, and which work solely from their own data. Users should mitigate risks of disclosure by understanding the confidentiality terms of chatbots used, avoiding such tools for issues which might result in litigation, and avoiding storing or sharing chatbot conversations if concerned about potential disclosures.

Should you require advice on the issues raised, Taylor Wessing’s specialist disputes and investigations team would be happy to discuss this with you.

Meetings in Rum Warehouse are all about space. Create your own unique meeting with our Day Delegate special offer.

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Available between January - March 2025, subject to availability.

Contact our Sales Team for more information, call 0151 482 5782 or email sales@titanichotelliverpool.com.


Liverpool Central Library has become a hub of entrepreneurship and innovation. Geraldine Fuller from BIPC Liverpool explains how the team brings new ideas to life daily.

Liverpool has long been a leader in pioneering developments, from the world’s first railway tunnels to innovations like Meccano, football nets, and the Crossword. The city is the birthplace of significant advancements in health, sport, culture, technology, and medicine. In 1883, it introduced the country’s first ambulance service, and Merseyside is home to the NSPCC, Guide Dogs for the Blind, and the RSPCA. The Lyceum on Bold Street was the UK’s first public lending library, and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine was established in 1898.

Innovation is all around us, from the humble coffee cup to electric cars. The Business & Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC Liverpool), based in Liverpool Central Library, provides crucial support to individuals and companies

wanting to protect and develop their innovations. Intellectual property is a core service, offering free legal advice on trademarks, patents, copyrights, and domain names. A monthly clinic also allows access to in-person legal consultations.

developing apps. BIPC gives people the right combination of information and guidance to succeed, from finance advice to business planning.”

BIPC Liverpool offers a wide range of free services to those starting, growing, or managing a business, with events held both at the library and across the city in areas like Norris Green, Wavertree, and Speke. People from various backgrounds seek support to launch ideas, advance businesses, or solve challenges.

“Many people don’t realise they’re being innovative,” says Geraldine. “We help them protect their intellectual property, whether they’re creating clothing designs or

The centre also offers a rich programme of events to enhance business skills, featuring workshops by leading business figures. A recent series at Everton Football Club, led by Dragon’s Den winner Peter Hill, covered essential topics like pricing strategies.

Networking events, which are part of the growing BIPC community, are also popular, helping entrepreneurs connect and collaborate. The Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards will celebrate the local business talent.

Anyone interested in starting or growing a business can contact BIPC Liverpool for support on libraries.enquiries@liverpool.gov.uk


Clarke Energy has successfully energised its first battery energy storage system (BESS) project in collaboration with Field, located in North Wales.

The 40MWh Field Newport site was commissioned in October, marking a significant milestone in Clarke Energy’s ongoing diversification into sustainable technologies that support the net-zero energy transition. This BESS project highlights Clarke Energy’s commitment to delivering innovative renewable energy solutions critical to advancing the UK’s energy decarbonisation goals.

Field, a UK-based energy storage company, selected Clarke Energy for the construction, installation, and supply of the balance of plant at the grid-connected battery project. In collaboration with Trina Storage, Clarke Energy engineered, procured, and constructed the BESS facility.

Battery energy storage systems are essential in integrating and accelerating renewable energy deployment.

By balancing energy supply and demand, these systems significantly enhance the efficiency of renewable sources, allowing optimal renewable energy penetration into the energy network. They can operate autonomously, provide essential grid services, or be integrated with power generation in hybrid energy systems or microgrid schemes.

Investing in energy storage technology enables businesses to generate additional revenue while promoting renewable energy adoption. BESS offers a versatile solution across various applications by providing crucial services such as frequency regulation, voltage support, and peak shaving. These systems can also enhance grid stability and reliability, even during unexpected disruptions.

Adam Wray-Summerson, Head of Sustainable Solutions at Clarke Energy, commented: “Clarke Energy is proud to have supported Field in successfully delivering the Field Newport battery energy storage system. This project plays a key role in balancing renewable energy supply and demand in South Wales, contributing to

grid stability as we move towards a net-zero future.”

Clarke Energy has delivered over £3 billion worth of projects globally, generating more than 8GW of power while playing a leading role in advancing renewable technologies. Their global expertise is enabling countries to transition towards low-carbon power on the path to net-zero. In addition to BESS projects, Clarke Energy offers solutions such as hydrogen-ready gas engines, hydrogen production facilities, heat pumps, biogas upgrading, and hybrid energy systems.

Clarke Energy is at the forefront of driving innovation for a sustainable energy future. Learn more at www.clarke-energy.com.

Pictured – Peter Hill and Geraldine Fuller with BIPC supported businesses at the recent ‘PrIce it Right’ event.


If you own or operate commercial premises, it’s crucial to remain upto-date with ongoing changes to Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations. Without the correct EPC ratings in place, it may be impossible to let your property.

Matt Breakwell of Kimpton shares his insights

An EPC provides a snapshot of a property’s energy efficiency and rates it on a scale of A (most efficient) to G (least efficient), valid for 10 years. EPC ratings are governed by the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (‘MEES’), which continue to undergo reform. Understanding these changes and ways to minimise their exposure to breaching them, should be a priority for commercial landlords.

MEES applies to the majority of commercial properties and has broad criteria. There are a limited number of exceptions and exemptions, but it is wise to assume your building does meet the qualifying criteria and investigate any possible exemption thoroughly.

If found to have breached the regulations, a landlord must pay a fine based on 10% to 20% of the rateable value of the property, with fines ranging from £5,000 up to a maximum £150,000.

They may also be included in a public register detailing their breach, creating a clear reputational risk in the wider market. What are the changes and how do I prepare?

A minimum rating of ‘E’ is currently required when a landlord grants a new lease on a commercial property. Changes made to MEES last year mean the same minimum rating is now also required for the continuation of an existing lease, even where there is no renewal or assignment of the lease.

Further reforms are also on the horizon, with government proposals to raise the bar of minimum EPC rating to ‘C’ for all

commercial property lettings from April 2028, and then raise it further again to ‘B’ from 2030.

Landlords should ensure they have a valid EPC for each applicable property within their portfolio, issued by an accredited assessor. Furthermore, they should review their precedent leases and update them where necessary to reflect the new MEES regulations.

There are many ways to improve your EPC rating, such as renewing or adding insulation to your property, switching to LED lighting, installing a more efficient boiler or heat pump, or introducing new solar PV panels to boost your renewables mix. Kimpton can certainly help you with all of those.

Aside from making necessary efficiency improvements, landlords should also reduce the risk of a tenant obtaining a lower EPC rating by restricting their ability to obtain their own certificate or make any alterations that could adversely affect it

It may also be possible to pass part of the cost of energy efficiency improvements on to the tenant.

Plan ahead

The landscape is ever-shifting, so futureproof your portfolio today to help avoid problems tomorrow. There is no one-sizefits-all approach to improving energy efficiency, so landlords should consider the right options for them to achieve their specific goals.

Please remember, if your property isn’t compliant when the changes come into effect, it cannot be made available for let and won’t generate an income, so act quickly.

If you’d like honest and objective advice about the various installations to help boost your EPC rating, make your building more energy efficient and reduce your property’s carbon footprint, Kimpton may be able to help.

To find out more please email: website@kimpton.co.uk


Liverpool Chamber has worked with members of the LCA PBS Board and Edge Hill University to develop and launch the PBS Baseline Review. Professional service firms are crucial to our region’s growth potential, and we look forward to working with partners in the city region to maximise the impact of this report in the action plan to come.

A new report reveals that the impact of the Professional Business Services (PBS) sector on the Liverpool City Region’s economy is massively underplayed.

This comprehensive Baseline Review carried out by Edge Hill University uncovers that the PBS sector, which encompasses firms that provide support services to other businesses, including legal, accounting, consulting, advertising, and management services, is far more significant than previously acknowledged and plays an essential role in fostering growth across various key sectors.

The review, which uses Edge Hill’s unique advanced algorithm, has also identified high-growth potential businesses within the PBS sector. It states these firms, if given targeted support, could drive significant economic expansion.

“The analysis underscores the vital importance of the PBS sector as a backbone of economic growth. Through our predictive models, we have identified the potential to create between 1,000 and 1,500 new jobs, contributing up to £500 million to the economy over a three to five-year period with an investment of £8.2 million.”

Key findings from the report indicate that an investment of £1.6 million annually over five years could yield a remarkable return of £480,000 for every pound spent. It has also identified the potential to create between 1,000 and 1,500 new jobs.

The report’s authors say there are currently over 20,000 PBS firms in the region, collectively generating a turnover of £60 billion.

It emphasises the sector’s crucial support to the growth of the region’s Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Creative, and Digital industries.

Steve Stuart, Chair of the Professional Services Advisory Board of the Liverpool City Region, said:

“This is the first and most comprehensive report of its kind, shedding light on the pivotal role of Professional Business Services in our regional economy. The findings present a clear call to action for more targeted support. By investing strategically in the identified high-growth potential businesses, we can unlock immense economic benefits and secure a prosperous future for the Liverpool City Region.”

The report says there are approximately 2,085 companies with high growth and scale-up potential. It states that targeting these businesses would translate into a substantial economic boost.

Professor Simon Bolton, from Edge Hill University, said:

“The analysis underscores the vital importance of the PBS sector as a backbone of economic growth. Through our predictive models, we have identified the potential to create between 1,000 and 1,500 new jobs, contributing up to £500 million to the economy over a three to five-year period with an investment of £8.2 million.”

Key Highlights of the Review:

• The PBS sector’s £60 billion turnover makes it the most significant sector in the LCR.

• PBS can play a key role as a growth catalyst for all other sectors.

• There are 2,085 high-growth potential businesses.

• Focused business support can unlock further growth —with huge boost in jobs and ROI. Target increase in turnover per SME: £500K – £1 million.

• The Liverpool City Region PBS sector reaches across the North West and almost 60% of GVA comes from outside the City Region

The detailed report provides a comprehensive analysis of the existing support landscape, highlighting areas where additional efforts could maximize the growth potential of high-performing PBS firms. This targeted approach ensures that resources are effectively utilised to foster innovation and job creation in the region.

For further information and insights from the report, please contact: Tony Garner at Viva PR. Email: tony@vivapr.co.uk

Steve Stuart, Helen Baden (Professional Business Services Sector Lead, DBT) and Professor Simon Bolton, Edge Hill University with the report at the launch event



A hive of innovation, Liverpool City Region (LCR) has always been home to organisations powered by research and development to deliver scientific and technological firsts through inspirational partnerships.

LYVA Labs is now a key player in this landscape. Established with £10.5m from Liverpool City Region Combined Authority we drive innovation-led growth and highquality jobs, supporting the LCR aim for 5% of GVA to be invested in R&D by 2030.

How are we achieving that? Through investment into start-ups in key growth sectors, supporting established businesses to invest in new R&D, and enabling collaborative innovation across the region to drive economic growth.

We have directly invested over £1M in eight health and life science start-ups. Recent examples include £125K into Spotlight Pathology, to develop AI tools for supporting blood cancer diagnoses, and £50K into Wirral-based Tectores Ltd, whose patented technology, PelliTec®, reduces diabetic foot ulcers, to prevent lower limb amputations. But the bigger picture is we have managed to leverage a total of £2.6m in grant funding into these eight start-ups, over £17m of government funding into new programmes for priority sectors like advanced manufacturing, and nearly £6m in third-party equity investment for SMEs we have supported. That is a total economic contribution of £25m so far.

Our own diverse team has doubled to 15 staff over the past 18 months and the companies we have supported, including six completely new to the region, have created more than 25 new high-quality jobs.

LYVA Labs’ unique and responsive offers help businesses overcome barriers to innovation for SMEs and larger, established organisations, to ignite innovation in R&D, product development, and the commercialisation journey.

Our Consultancy Service supports businesses with a £15k R&D partnership grant. More than a dozen local businesses

have received funding and consultancy innovation workshops to help them embed innovative practices. These R&D collaborations span knowledge partners at local universities and open innovation facilities like Materials Innovation Factory or specialist design engineering firms such as Liverpool-based Hooper Quinn.

One such project has seen us help Knowsleybased Bomac Electric to secure a £96K grant from Innovate UK. Bomac Electric designs and manufactures heating elements and products; the investment helped the company build a unique product and sensor system for waste oil. LYVA Labs’ Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Network connected Bomac Electric to local product design specialists Defproc Engineering.

For earlier-stage businesses, our Deep Tech Incubator has enabled LYVA Labs to invest £130,000 in four companies: Bundant, Leftfield Football Consulting, Heatio, and StruckLoc, leveraging £340,000 in grant funding, and £1.9m in co-investment. A further six investments in our second cohort will be announced soon.

Over three quarters of our investments and grants leveraged have gone to founders and CEOs from underrepresented groups and our strong conviction is helping diverse founders is essential to building an inclusive innovation ecosystem

LYVA Labs also supports the LCR innovation ecosystem - building on the success of consortia and industry collaborations like iiCON, the Materials Innovation Factory, and the Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation. LYVA Labs identifies opportunities for innovative collaborations to attract private and public investment, connecting people, organisations, skills, and resources, to create consortia and clusters. We want to secure investment into LCR to build the capacity and capability to attract the industry and private sector investment that will make the region a leading destination for innovation.

If LYVA Labs can help your innovative business, or you could play a role in our consortia and programmes, please get in touch at www.lyvalabs.com

Our own diverse team has doubled to 15 staff over the past 18 months and the companies we have supported, including six completely new to the region, have created more than 25 new high-quality jobs.

LYVA Labs’ CEO Lorna Green and LYVA Labs’ Chairman, Steve Stuart


The Liverpool City Region (LCR) has been changing the world for more than 300 years through pioneering science, inventions, and technologies relating to health, engineering, materials, and maritime.

Not so well known is that we have ongoing world-leading capabilities in associated disciplines, and are also at the current forefront of UK place-based innovation. What does that term mean? Essentially maximising distinctive assets and expertise to drive regional and UK growth, PLUS solve local challenges…

This is latterly based on 11 years of exceptionally close cross-sectoral collaboration since the formation of the UK’s first sub-regional Innovation Board in 2014, chaired by Dr. Jon Hague, Unilever’s Homecare R&D Head of Clean Future Science and Technology, highlighting the critical importance of business and industry in translating research into real world impact.

We were also the first place to sign a Partnership/Action Plan agreement with Innovate UK, are one of only three UK places with both a £160million innovation Investment Zone plus £25million Freeport programme, piloted UK Research & Innovation’s (UKRI) national Launchpad programme last year that is now being rolled out to 8 further localities, and in iiCON (see below) have the most successful of any Strength in Places projects ever funded by UKRI. We have also developed our own pioneering approaches, from a new innovation ABCD (asset-based cluster development) model, to a first ever LCR Innovation Investment Week earlier this year, and dedicated deep tech investment and collaborative R&D commercialisation vehicle LYVA Labs.

Our UK-leading ambition is enshrined in the Mayor’s mission to invest 5% of GVA in R&D a year by 2030, which if realised could mean a net additional £20b GVA, 44,000 jobs, and

10% productivity increase, and would be truly transformational.

Achieving this is linked to a £1.9 billion pipeline of innovation-related projects plus £725 million live schemes, all geared towards maximising our distinctive worldleading capabilities in Infection Prevention & Control, Materials Chemistry, and AI Solutions & Emerging Technologies, as evidenced by the 2017 and 2022 Science & Innovation.

These in turn relate to a series of world class innovation assets with academia-industry partnership at their core, notably the STFC Hartree Centre with IBM, the University of Liverpool’s Materials Innovation Factory with Unilever, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine led iiCON programme working with 800 businesses worldwide that has levered a £20M UKRI grant up to more than £260M, the world’s first Civic Data Cooperative (CDC) based at the University of Liverpool led Civic Health Innovation Labs (CHIL), and unique global glass industry led Glass Futures industrial decarbonisation campus and glass innovation centre of excellence.

the UK government’s two primary science and innovation campuses (the other being STFC Harwell in Oxfordshire).

The strapline of the Combined Authority’s new Corporate Plan is “innovating for growth”, reflecting our own catalytic role led by Mayor Steve Rotheram. This ranges from convening and coordinating the LCR ecosystem, to direct investment in key projects such as LYVA Labs, Baltic Ventures, Angel Network, iiCON, Glass Futures, to managing the major IZ and Freeport programmes. It also includes future skills development and big-ticket investments in innovative infrastructure: electric trains, hydrogen buses, the 212km gigabit capable LCR connect digital backhaul network, and what would be the world’s largest tidal power project now being consulted on.

These assets are mainly but not exclusively concentrated within two (inter)nationally significant hubs: Knowledge Quarter Liverpool – comprising half of the city centre, taking in the main university faculties, largest research hospital, and Hope Street cultural area - and STFC Daresbury Laboratory at Sci-Tech Daresbury, UKRI’s northern HQ and one of

So what else is in the pipeline? Key priorities include ongoing evidence-based policy/ strategy development to push for large scale, long-term devolved innovation funding, delivery of the Life Sciences Innovation/Investment Zone and Freeport programmes, scaling out our infection and materials clusters as well as new quantum cluster development at STFC Daresbury linked to the potential National Cryogenics Facility and world leader PsiQuantum’s existing R&D lab, producing a first ever LCR maritime innovation action plan, an inaugural international AI Summit in November, LCR Innovation Investment Fortnight in May 2025, a greater challengeled and inclusive innovation focus, including delivering the national Office for Public Service Innovation pilot and applying the world’s first city-scale digital twinning and AI-enabled decision support platform, developed at the University of Liverpool’s Digital Innovation Facility; the list goes on!

High profile Innovating for Growth themed Labour Party Conference fringe event on 26th September 2024
Dr. Jon Hague (Unilever/LCR Innovation Board Chair), Prof. Janet Hemingway (LSTM/ iiCON Founder), and John Whaling during the inaugural LCR Innovation Investment Week in May 2024

Support your business to grow with an LJMU apprentice



Degree apprenticeships at LJMU cover a range of sectors, including policing, healthcare, civil engineering, chartered surveying and business management. Visit our website to see the full list.


to find out how you can make the most of the degree apprenticeship levy or take advantage of a 95% government-funded discount.

OUTSTANDING behaviours and attitudes in our degree apprentices

*Ofsted 2023


Discover how your business could benefit from partnering with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) to offer degree apprenticeships and match your ambition with our innovation.

A degree apprenticeship is a route into work-based learning that enables apprentices to achieve a full degree while developing practical skills in the workplace and it makes great sense for your organisation.

You’ll gain a highly skilled employee with both the academic qualifications and the relevant practical skills that will enhance your workforce.

By working for your organisation, a degree apprentice will develop an indepth understanding of the sector and, by studying part-time at LJMU, they’ll bring a fresh perspective and up-to-date knowledge to their job.

How we support you

You’ll receive bespoke support from our dedicated team, ensuring a seamless integration of apprentices into your business tailored to your needs. With LJMU, you’re a 50/50 partner. You’ll also be able to leverage our cutting-edge research and industry connections to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Our programmes are designed not to just educate, but to innovate. So, with 20% of your apprentice’s time spent at university, you’ll benefit from them bringing all that learning back into your business for the rest of the working week.

What our employers say

Rachel Joshua, Associate Director at RDG Engineering, said: “Working together with LJMU on degree apprenticeships is a great way for our engineers to use what they’re learning at university first hand. All of those practical skills are applicable to the working environment.”

“Degree apprenticeships are great because we get to keep in touch with the university and we understand what students are actually learning and what is included in the curriculum and it’s so beneficial for us and for the students to get to apply those skills in real life.”

Paul Grady, Practice Education Facilitator at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “I can’t speak highly enough of LJMU. It’s a really positive partnership that helps me in my role and I can quite clearly say that it helps the students.”

“Everyone learns in different ways and the degree apprenticeship programme allows our students the flexibility to have the academic support and study at university and also progress and develop in the workplace. It’s a really positive career pathway and I can’t speak highly enough of how supportive the tutors and other staff at LJMU are in the delivery of the degree apprenticeship programme.”

Outstanding skills, behaviours and attitudes for your business

LJMU has been delivering degree apprenticeships for almost a decade across a range of sectors, including policing, healthcare, civil engineering, chartered surveying, and business management.

The university is expanding its provision following the award of significant new funding from the Office for Students.

Professor Clare Milsom, Registrar and Chief Operating Officer at LJMU, said: “We are grateful for the ongoing support of employers across the Liverpool City Region and beyond. There would be no degree apprenticeships without our employers, and we’re absolutely committed to ensuring our students develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes required in the workplace to help your business succeed.”

Whether your business is large or small, LJMU would love to talk to you about working together to deliver your workforce strategy through the degree apprenticeship programme.

To find out more about partnering with the university, if you need further information or are interested in partnering with us please visit www.ljmu.ac.uk/study/degreeapprenticeships

“Everyone learns in different ways and the degree apprenticeship programme allows our students the flexibility to have the academic support and study at university and also progress and develop in the workplace.”


At DYNO Machmade, we’re committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance efficiency, both internally and externally. Our collaboration with The Productivity Institute at Alliance Manchester Business School has enabled us to integrate AI innovations that are revolutionising the way we operate and serve our clients.

One of our key breakthroughs is the development of a CCTV AI solution. In partnership with businesses in the Liverpool City Region, we’ve tested an AI-driven system that significantly speeds up the reporting and mapping of drainage issues. This advanced solution automates the analysis of CCTV footage, quickly identifying problems and reducing manual processing time. As a result, businesses can resolve issues faster, minimising downtime and improving operational efficiency. We’ve also improved our internal processes by automating Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) for drainage and plumbing surveys. From the engineer in the field to the account manager and ultimately to the client, our system ensures smooth communication and fast delivery

of detailed reports. This automation enhances service accuracy and streamlines project management, reducing errors and improving client satisfaction.

DYNO Machmade has fully integrated these innovations with the Microsoft suite, utilising AI tools like Microsoft CoPilot to analyse management information (MI) data. With CoPilot, we can extract valuable insights into efficiency, profitability, and resource allocation in real-time, ensuring our operations are always optimised for success.

Even our latest recruitment advertising campaign is AI-generated, showcasing our commitment to utilising advanced technologies at every level of the business, including talent acquisition.

As part of our ongoing commitment to Liverpool Chamber customers, we’re excited to offer a free PPM survey. This is an excellent opportunity for businesses to stay prepared rather than reactive, improving efficiency while enhancing their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) credentials.

DYNO Machmade’s partnership with The Productivity Institute and our integration of AI technologies are reshaping the plumbing and drainage industry.

Reach out today to schedule your free PPM survey and experience the benefits of AI-powered maintenance solutions first-hand – info@machmade.co.uk


Oriel Studios have had a busy Summer! We have just finalised our year end and have recorded one of our best years to date, growing over 10% on last year, which included one-off events such as Eurovision and The Open Championships.

We have also had results back on our Customer Feedback form, some key highlights are:

• 92% of customers would recommend Oriel Studios to another business.

• 93.5% would rate our turnaround times as excellent.

• 91% would rate our customer service as excellent.

However some of the feedback highlighted customers desire for more environmentally friendly products, at Oriel Studios we always take our customers feedback on board. With that in mind, we are launching a new environmentally friendly range with 100% recycled paper and non-PVC products. After working with our supply chain, we have sourced products that offer our customers the environmental peace of mind without sacrificing any quality.

As usual, the summer months have been very busy at Oriel Studios, working with schools and football clubs ready for the new school and football season. Some key highlights are a new large-scale signage refurb for Tranmere Rovers and all new wall graphics and signage for Halewood Academy.

Finally, we are delighted to announce that The Jacob Billington Trust (JBT) will be our Charity of the Year for the 24/25 financial year. The Jacob Billington Trust was founded in 2022 by friends of Jacob and his sister. Their aim is to raise funds for the benefit of young people in the Sefton area; specifically to assist funding for young people’s music education. The name and idea behind the charity was to create a legacy for their friend, Jacob. Oriel have been a longterm supporter of the charity and we are delighted to extend that support further over the next year.

As always we are always reachable at www.orielstudios.co.uk and to find out more about the Jacob Billington Trust –www.jacobbillingtontrust.com

Together, let’s turn imagination into reality, one print at a time…

Some of the feedback highlighted customers desire for more environmentally friendly products, at Oriel Studios we always take our customers feedback on board.




Kingsley & Co, a vibrant literacy project run by Ykids, is far more than just a children’s bookshop. Relocated at the front of the Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle, it is front and centre of the towns regeneration project.

This unique space with its Victorian Explorer Steampunk theme is dedicated to making literacy, storytelling and the arts accessible to children and families. Through fun, imagination and discovery, Kingsley & Co fosters a love for reading and promotes education and wellbeing in an area that needs it most. The project also plays a key role in preparing the next generation for the workforce, offering young people valuable work experience, apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

Bootle, ranking among the bottom 6% for literacy in the UK, faces significant challenges. Kingsley & Co was born out of a passionate desire to transform this reality, offering children and families a brighter future through the power of story. The project provides a wide array of school workshops, free family projects, after-school clubs and holiday events, alongside, affordable, high-quality, second-hand children’s books available for just £1.

At the beginning of 2024, Kingsley & Co faced a challenge when redevelopment of the shopping centre prompted a move. Yet, this setback became an opportunity. The project has relocated to a larger, better-positioned unit, set to re-open in October. With this new space, Kingsley & Co will expand its offerings, providing even more activities and projects to serve the community, continuing to inspire young minds and open doors to brighter futures.

Kingsley & Co is honoured to have passionate patrons such as the multiaward winning author, screenwriter and Waterstones Children’s Laureate (2024–2026), Frank Cottrell Boyce, as well as explorer, author and TV presenter Alice Hunter Morrison. These renowned figures share the project’s vision of making literacy an exciting, accessible journey for every child.

Stepping into Kingsley & Co is an adventure in itself. The shop boasts interactive discovery rooms, a whimsical dressing-up corner, a cozy cafe and even moving bookcases and a working time machine! Named after the fearless Victorian explorer Mary Kingsley, the shop is a space where learning feels like a grand expedition.

As Kingsley & Co embarks on this exciting new chapter, we invite you to be part of our journey. With your support, we can continue to inspire and uplift children in Bootle and beyond, fostering creativity, curiosity and a lifelong love for reading. By reopening our doors to new opportunities, we are not just offering books, we are igniting dreams, rewriting futures and building a brighter tomorrow for our community.

www.kingsleyandco.org | www.ykids.co.uk

Kingsley & Co was born out of a passionate desire to transform this reality, offering children and families a brighter future through the power of story.

4Wings Northwest CIC www.4wings.co.uk

An Hour For Others www.anhourforothers.co.uk

Beautiful New Beginnings CIC www.beautifulnewbeginnings.co.uk

Big Condo Training Academy CIC www.bigcondoacademycic.co.uk

Big Help Project www.bighelpproject.com

Blackburne House www.blackburnehouse.co.uk

Central Liverpool Credit Union www.centralcu.co.uk

Claire House www.clairehouse.org.uk

Crisis Skylight www.crisis.org.uk

Diversity Role Models www.diversityrolemodels.org

Elevate www.elevate-ebp.co.uk

Expect Limited www.expect-excellence.org

Freshfields Animal Rescue www.freshfields.org.uk

Future Yard CIC www.futureyard.org

Inspire Train Grow CIC www.inspiretraingrow.co.uk

International Cotton Association Ltd (ICA) www.ica-ltd.org

Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art www.biennial.com

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity www.lhchcharity.org.uk

Liverpool Heartbeat www.liverpoolheartbeat.co.uk

Liverpool Law Society www.liverpoollawsociety.org.uk

Liverpool Sunflowers www.liverpoolsunflowers.com

Liverpool University Hospitals Charity www.facebook.com/ LpoolUniHospsCharity/

Liverpool Women’s Hospital Charity www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/ fundraising Love&Co

Local Solutions www.localsolutions.org.uk

LTSB www.ltsb.charity

Mary’s Meals www.marysmeals.org.uk

Merseyside Expanding Horizons www.expandinghorizons.co.uk

NDNA Liverpool Network www.ndna.org.uk

No Limits Recovery Services www.nolimitsrecovery.co.uk

Nugent www.wearenugent.org

Ronald McDonald House Charities UK www.rmhc.org.uk

Royal College of Physicians www.rcplondon.ac.uk

Sean’s Place www.seansplace.org.uk

Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid www.swaca.com

Shakespeare North www.shakespearenorthplayhouse. co.uk

South Liverpool Homes www.southliverpoolhomes.co.uk

Southport Flower Show and Victoria Park Events www.southportflowershow.co.uk

Split Perspectivz CIC www.splitperspectivz.com

Street League www.streetleague.co.uk

Team Oasis www.teamoasis.co.uk

The Brain Charity www.thebraincharity.org.uk

The Chartered Institute of Building www.ciob.org

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts www.lipa.ac.uk

The Whitechapel Centre www.whitechapelcentre.co.uk

The Women’s Organisation www.thewomensorganisation.org.uk

Tom Harrison House www.tomharrisonhouse.org.uk

Tom’s Trust www.tomstrust.org.uk

Vibe UK


Wirral Hospice St John’s www.wirralhospice.org



Young Persons Advisory Service www.ypas.org.uk

Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice www.zoes-place.org.uk/locations/ liverpool-hospice



At a time when many accountancy firms are merging or seeking private equity backing, DSG Chartered Accountants has chosen a different path. Through a recent management buyout (MBO) led by tax partner Mark Kearsley and corporate partner Laura Leslie, DSG has cemented its position as Liverpool’s largest independent accountancy firm. This strategic move underpins the firm’s commitment to remaining autonomous and continuing its focus on long-term growth.

By opting for an MBO, DSG’s leadership team sends a clear message about the importance of maintaining control over the firm’s future. “Remaining independent is about more than just decision-making; it’s about staying true to our values and ensuring our clients receive the best possible advice from a firm that understands their needs,” explains Mark Kearsley.

Why independence matters

For DSG, staying independent allows the firm to maintain a direct connection with its core client base - owner-managed businesses who share the same values. “Our clients appreciate that we are a business like them, focused on growth while retaining control. This alignment is a key reason we chose the MBO route,” says Laura Leslie. As private equity consolidations become more common in the industry, DSG’s decision to remain independent stands out. The firm’s leadership believes this path provides the flexibility needed to stay responsive to client needs without the external pressures often brought by private equity investors.

“Our decision to stay independent wasn’t just about autonomy, it was about safeguarding our future and continuing to serve the local business community with integrity,” adds Leslie.

Existing partners Andrew Moss and Jean Ellis, who retain a stake in the business, will continue to play key roles and will work closely with the new leadership team going forward. Their ongoing involvement ensures stability and continuity as DSG embarks on its next chapter.

Charting a path for growth

DSG has been on a steady growth trajectory and the MBO positions the firm to continue this trend. With more than 100 staff and a strong portfolio of servicesincluding tax advisory, business advisory, audit, accounts and tax compliance, corporate finance, and payroll servicesDSG is looking ahead with confidence. The leadership team is focused on unlocking further growth by investing in technology and nurturing talent. “We are committed to modernising our operations to ensure we continue to deliver a high-quality service efficiently,” says Kearsley. This forward-thinking approach also involves strengthening the firm’s management structure to support future expansion.

DSG’s ability to remain agile and responsive to market conditions is a key advantage of its independence. As a member of DFK International, a global network of like-minded accountancy firms, DSG also benefits from the ability to provide international services to clients while staying true to its local focus.

Commitment to clients and continuity

For DSG’s clients, the MBO represents continuity and stability. “Our clients trust that we’re not changing who we are. We remain committed to the same high standards of service and local strategy that

they have come to expect from us,” explains Andrew Moss, corporate partner at DSG. The decision to remain independent was also met with enthusiasm from within the firm. Jean Ellis, another corporate partner, highlights the importance of this move for the team: “Our people know that we are investing in their future, providing a stable environment where they can thrive. This is about building a legacy for the next generation of professionals.”

A proud future

As DSG enters this new phase, the firm’s leadership is proud of the direction they’ve chosen. “This MBO is a statement about our confidence in the future,” says Kearsley. “We are focused on strengthening our presence in Liverpool, while continuing to support the businesses that make this community thrive.”

By choosing independence, DSG is positioning itself for long-term success, ensuring that it remains a trusted advisor to its clients and a key player in the local business community for years to come.



We are delighted to announce our finalists for the Liverpool Chamber’s Innovation in Business Awards 2024.

The winners will be determined by both an independent judging panel and public vote.

The awards will again celebrate those businesses and individuals who have driven their organisation forward throughout the year.

Winners will be announced at a gala dinner at St Georges Hall on Thursday 24th October. It will be followed by an official after-party event at DWNTWN on Harrington Street.

Social Impact Award

Sponsored by ACC Liverpool

• Sutcliffe

• Liverpool John Lennon Airport

• Nugent

• Asset Lifecycle Solutions

• Taylor Wessing


Sustainable Business of the Year Award

Sponsored by Liverpool Hope University

• Warwick North West

• Eco Homes Wirral Ltd

• Kimpton

• Asset Lifecycle Solutions

• DigitalXRAID

• Wild Thang

International Business of the Year Award

Sponsored by Liverpool John Lennon Airport

• Blends Flavours and Colours

• RS Clare and Co Ltd

• Northern Retail Group Ltd

• Trinity Logistics

• Greyhound Chromatography

Talent Development Award

Sponsored by National Museums Liverpool

• Kimpton

• Joanne Finnerty Recruitment

• Alan Johnston Partnership Ltd (AJP), Springpod and University of Liverpool

• Liverpool John Moores University

• Greyhound Chromatography

• University of Liverpool – Design your Future

Young Person of the Year Award

• Lucky Ali – Lucky’s Café+

• Grace Roberts – Kimpton

• Jake Wilson – Oriel Studios

• Jack Pleavin – Pleavin Power Ltd

• James Barber – Jamescape

• Ant Polanowski – Decent Donuts

Customer Excellence Award

• Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village

• Sciontec

• Fazenda

• Oriel Studios

• Clockwise

• Liverpool John Lennon Airport

New Business of the Year Award

Sponsored by Oriel Studios

• Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village

• Asset Lifecyle Solutions

• Barruko Limited

• Helen Gowar Marketing

• Approach IQ

• Risk Consultancy Global

• Amass Digital

Community Impact Award

Sponsored by Kimpton

• Lucky’s Café+

• Everton in the Community

• The Brain Charity

• KQ Liverpool

• Elevate Education Business Partnership

• The Anfield Wrap

With thanks to our sponsors

“Lexus Liverpool are delighted and honoured to be the Headline Sponsor of the 2024 Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards.”

“We felt it was important to continue to show our support to the awards this year as Headline Sponsor as it rightly recognises all that is great and good in the Liverpool business community. This year has been a turbulent one for many but the consistent success stories that are shared across our great city truly emphasise the resilience, ingenuity and talent that permeate Liverpool businesses. What better way to celebrate this than showcase these amazing businesses and individuals at the awards on the 24th of October. We look forwards to celebrating with you all on the night.”

Experience Provider of the Year Award

Sponsored by MICT Liverpool

• Strawberry Field

• Liverpool Empire Theatre

• The Jockey Club

• Southport Flower Show + Victoria Park Events

• Royal Liver 360

Skills Provider of the Year

• SB Skills Solutions

• The City of Liverpool College

• The Learning Foundry

• Realise Training

• Liverpool Hope University – Faculty of Unique + Special Projects

• UniCourse Innovative Product or Service Award

Sponsored by BT Local Business

• Blakmint

• DigitalXRAID

• River Capital

• Tectores Ltd

• Approach IQ

• Leafyard Innovation in Health and Wellbeing Award

• Health@Work (Medicash)

• Everton in the Community

• Smokefree Liverpool

• The Family Transition Company

• Open Door Charity

• Wild Thang

Leadership Innovation Award

Sponsored by Help to Grow: University of Liverpool Management School

• Jo Henney – Nugent

• Jonathon Clark – GDPR Defender

• Matt Breakwell – Kimpton

• Dr Becky Jones-Phillips –Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

• Greg Johnson – Warwick North West

• Elaine Bowker – The City of Liverpool College

• Mark Borzomato – River Capital

Business of the Year Award (over 30 employees)

Sponsored by Lexus Liverpool

• Paramount Digital

• Warwick North West

• Kimpton

• Liverpool John Lennon Airport

• Arriva Merseyside

• Wild Thang

• Sterling Plastering Ltd

Business of the Year Award (under 30 employees)

Sponsored by MSP

• Joanne Finnerty Recruitment

• Oriel Studios

• Quirky Digital

• Connect Internet Solutions


• Privilege HR

• Pleavin Power Limited

Not a member of Liverpool Chamber?

Join today and get access to a range of events including networking coffee mornings, chamber socials, business briefings and much more.

Email membership@liverpoolchamber.org.uk or call 0151 227 1234

How WithYou are bridging the gap between drug and alcohol treatment and mental health support

National drug and alcohol treatment charity WithYou offers counselling service to clients in Liverpool, providing access to mental health support and drug and alcohol treatment all under one roof.

Accessing mental health support is important for everyone, especially for clients at WithYou in Liverpool. It is common for people in drug and alcohol treatment to also experience mental health challenges, but may find it difficult to access support. Stigma and fear of judgement often come into play and people don’t always get the support they need. WithYou in Liverpool offer counselling within their services, meaning people can access mental health support and drug and alcohol treatment all from the same service.

Liz Douglas, Counsellor at WithYou in Liverpool says: “Counselling isn’t necessarily about completion, it’s about activating a process in you, that you take with you on your recovery journey. Counselling can help something shift inside you to help you make change to your life.

“We’re really proud of the mental health support we continue to offer our clients in Liverpool and can support our clients on their recovery journey, judgement free. We have a full team, including a psychologist and mental health practitioners who can support our clients in a way that is right for them.“

Andrew, a counselling client at WithYou shares his story: “I was brought up with a normal childhood. I left school when I was 14 and ended up going back into education for University. I was diagnosed when I was 10 with OCD, anxiety and depression. When I was about 14, I started drinking alcohol. Alcohol was the worst one for me. This progressed into other drugs, like cocaine, ecstasy and smoking crack cocaine. I got into fights all the time too, that was the way of life I knew growing up. So much has happened over the years, it’s been chaotic.

“Through the counselling, I’ve been able to control my emotions a lot better. I’m able to get myself across a lot better than I was doing. I was bouncing from relationship to relationship, I had no steady life. When you’re in active addiction, you don’t develop properly. You don’t develop social skills, you don’t develop communication skills but building a relationship with Liz, our counsellor, has really helped.

“Counselling has helped me tremendously to think about how to deal with life. I can navigate situations and problems a lot better. You deal with a lot of guilt when you come out of addiction because your emotions are back and you can have intrusive thoughts, but counselling helped me cope a lot better. It’s helped me look in the mirror and realise things about myself that I had never thought about before. It’s turned me into a better person and I’m putting my words into action.

“When I was in active addiction, I felt like I was caught between two worlds. Now I feel like I’ve got my own world, I’m the master of my own fate. My OCD has declined, it’s gone right down. I’m navigating things better, I’m disciplined. It’s not a coincidence either, it’s all because of this counselling.

“There’s always been a stigma around drugs, alcohol and accessing mental health support, but you have to go in with an open mind and give it a try. I wasn’t sure either at first, I was dubious myself when I started, but when I met Liz and built on that relationship, I felt a lot more comfortable. A lot of people with drug and alcohol challenges also suffer from mental health issues that need to be talked about. I spoke about things in counselling that I had never spoken about before, but you’ve got to be brave and give it a go. It’s not easy but you can do it. It’s changed my life. I’m a stronger person and I’m enjoying life now.”

For more information about our services at WithYou in Liverpool, visit wearewithyou.org.uk

Staff Directory

The Chamber team are here to provide dedicated support for business members of the Liverpool Chamber. The below directory provides a list of contacts for all the Chamber team.

Paul Cherpeau

Chief Executive Paul.Cherpeau@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Elena Enciso Head of International Trade Elena.Enciso@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Jess Miller

Marketing Manager


Lisa Noon

Export Documentation Specialist


Courtney Williams

Export Documentation Specialist


Jon Cranston Director of Finance & Operations Jon.Cranston@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Melissa Healy Office Manager


Samantha Barker Director of Policy & Skills Samantha.Barker@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Lizzie Hughes Head of Commercial Services Lizzie.Hughes@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Debbie Elliott-Brown

Business Support Engagement Manager


Sarah Woolley

Export Documentation Specialist


Helen Gibbons Accounts Manager Helen.Gibbons@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

James Parker

Membership Manager James.Parker@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Ben Kelliher

Export Documentation Assistant


Vicky Rooney Events Manager Vicky.Rooney@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Julie Sankey

International Trade Executive


Beth Taberner

Export Documentation & Membership Assistant


Jessica Sturgeon

Marketing Assistant


Aoibheann McCormack

Business Support Events Co-Ordinator Aoibheann.McCormack@liverpoolchamber.org.uk

Tel: 0151 227 1234 E: membership@liverpoolchamber.org.uk export@liverpoolchamber.org.uk www.liverpoolchamber.org.uk

@LpoolChamber @Liverpool Chamber @LiverpoolChamber @Liverpool Chamber of Commerce CIC

Lucy Welsh

Business Support Marketing Assistant



Everton in the Community, the official charity of Everton Football Club, has reaffirmed its commitment to the area surrounding Goodison Park with a new campaign highlighting its present and future provision in Liverpool 4.

‘Forever’ will enforce EitC’s current presence in the area whilst highlighting Everton Football Club’s commitment to the ward surrounding Goodison Park through the lifesaving work of its official charity.

For more than 130 years, Everton Football Club has called Goodison Park and L4, home.

The area will have a permanent place in the hearts of every Evertonian whilst the charity’s latest campaign will ensure the Club’s presence in L4 will be felt forever in equal measure through the pioneering work of EitC.

Since 1988, EitC has stood proudly alongside the Club at the heart of its community; supporting tens of thousands of individuals every year from across Liverpool City Region through its 60+ projects and initiatives.

The majority of its work, however, takes place in the Kirkdale and County wards of North Liverpool which are in the most deprived 1% of neighbourhoods nationally, and located a stone’s throw away from Goodison Park.


The last 10 years has seen the charity invest more than £13million in the regeneration of the area surrounding Goodison Park and restored pride in the area with new buildings designed to meet the ever-growing needs of the community including The Blue Base, The People’s Hub and the Premier League’s first mental health and wellbeing hub, The People’s Place.

In addition to this, EitC has opened the region’s first Digital Skills Lab to tackle digital deprivation in the area as well as providing young adults at risk of homelessness with a roof over their head through its fan-funded ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’ project.


Developed in partnership with tech company Televic, the new system allows passengers to read real-time transcriptions of live announcements made by conductors on TPE’s onboard screens. This is especially helpful for customers with hearing loss or even those wearing headphones - making sure they don’t miss important information.

Funded by Innovate UK, getting the system up and running wasn’t easy as the team had to overcome major technical challenges. The AI needed to understand a wide range of accents, work seamlessly while the train is in motion, and handle background noise on board—all without relying on an internet connection.

Kathryn O’Brien, Customer Experience & Transformation Director at TransPennine Express, said: “The speech-to-text announcement system complements the live train information already displayed on screens onboard our trains, such as arrival and departure times, by adding a

And in May 2022, the charity launched its Blue Base Pantry to combat food insecurity within L4 following the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent cost-of-living crisis, which has since provided more than 40,500 people with access to high-quality discounted food and key wrap-around support services.

To find out more about the impact EitC has had in L4 to date and how you can support the charity’s work, visit https:// www.evertoninthecommunity.org/ forever/

personalised touch to our service disruption updates and other announcements.

“Our two-day trial was a huge step forward, showing that this AI-powered speech-totext system has the potential to change the future of rail travel.

“We want our trains and stations to be accessible to everyone, and we hope this innovation will give people the confidence to travel with us – no matter their needs.”

With development still in the early stages, TPE will now work towards installing the innovation across its Class 397 fleet.


Model shown is LBX Original Edition £40,175 including Special Metallic Paint at £0. Prices correct at time of being published. Official fuel consumption figures in mpg (1/100km): 60.1 to 65.7. Combined CO2 (g/km) 102 to 110. Hybrid electric vehicle. Figures obtained using a combination of battery power and fuel. Figures are provided for comparability purposes; only

and/or equivalent all-electric range figures with other cars tested to the same technical procedures. These figures may not reflect real

number of factors, including the

and 30th September 2024 and


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How WithYou are bridging the gap between drug and alcohol treatment and mental health support

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STRATEGIES TO KEEP TOP TALENT IN YOUR BUSINESS Creating and promoting a powerful Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

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