Little Adventurers is an outdoor education experience for our youngest adventurers. We will spend most of our day hiking Berwick Academy’s trail system, snacking in the outdoor classroom, nature journaling, mapping, creating art with nature’s natural materials, and playing in the woods! Our goal at Little Adventurers Nature Program is to foster a love of the outdoors!
The Gundalow Company brings you an exploration of the Piscataqua Region through games, STEM activities, and exploration. For thousands of years, humans have been living and impacting the region where we live. We will explore the history and environment of this region through outdoor experiences. We truly believe if you experience it you will care about it, and if you care about it we will protect it. To wrap up the program, participants will all get a free pass to come out for a sail with us this summer on the Gundalow, PISCATAQUA. This program will be run at Berwick.
Instructors: Meghan Kenter, Nancy Loftus, & Megan Clawson Grades Pre-K (at least age 4)-Grade 1 Mon-Fri, June 21-25 • 8 a.m.-12 p.m. • $250
LITTLE EARTH HUGGERS Come join Mrs. Duwel and Mrs. Camp for the first-ever Little Earth Huggers Summer School. We’ll be touching upon the tip of the sustainability iceberg and scratching the surface of how we can help repair (or at least not continue to cause more damage to) our precious planet. We’ll break down the meaning of sustainability, find out what some of today’s trendy terms mean, and learn about several small ways that we can all make big differences in helping Mother Earth spin more smoothly. This summer program will delve into lots of useful knowledge about trash on land and in waterways, composting, single-use (linear) vs circular societies, and other problems/solutions. We’ll also roll up our sleeves for several hands-on, planet-friendly DIY projects, such as: building campus bat houses, concocting “green” lotion, making all natural bug repellant, and more! It’s going to be a whole lot of earth-hugging FUN and we hope to see you there! Instructors: Cyndy Camp & Lauren Duwel K-Grade 4 • Tue-Fri, July 6-9 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. • $180
Instructors: The Gundalow Company K-Grade 2 • Mon-Thu, June 7-10 8 a.m.-3 p.m. • $400
SECRETS OF MAGIC Imagine a summer program where kids are learning the art of magic from the best. It’s not just about tricks; at Secrets of Magic, magicians-in-training learn how to feel confident and empowered through every lesson. They’ll also reinforce those critical skills that go beyond the world of magic–like how to build relationships with others. Plus, practicing magic will help them grow in so many ways they didn’t know were possible! Every specially tailored lesson is packed with FUN. There are high-quality magic props, top-secret file folders, surprises, and secret words that unlock bonus videos in the online vault. Watch as your child grows and develops. Their communication skills will improve, they will learn how to interact with others, new friends will be made, and most importantly they will have FUN. Instructors: Sages Entertainment SESSION 1: Grades 3-5 • Mon-Thu, June 7-10 8 a.m.-3 p.m. • $450 SESSION 2: Grades 6-8 • Mon-Thu, June 7-10 8 a.m.-3 p.m. • $450
Summer on the Hilltop 2021 • Unmasked photos were taken pre-COVID-19