student’s educational, intellectual and emotional readiness for college level coursework, are required for admission purposes.
education clinical practice and seminar courses taken during the professional semester; and music lesson and music performing courses. Students who drop below full-time status after the 6th day of classes will be charged full-time tuition.
Part-time Students. Students wishing to enroll in a degree program on a part-time basis must meet the stated standards for admission for either freshman or transfer applicants. Nondegree seeking students are permitted to enroll for coursework on a semester-by-semester basis as certified by the Chief Academic Officer.
Full-Time Tuition. Students attending full-time may enroll in 12 to 18 hours per semester. Full-time tuition includes enrollment in an Interterm course (1-3 hours) at no additional charge.
Former Students. Students who have previously attended Bethany but have stopped attending for at least one year must submit the Application for Admission and provide transcripts demonstrating a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (if attending another college). Additionally, students must be in satisfactory academic standing (as certified by the Chief Academic Officer), be in satisfactory social standing (as certified by the Office of Student Development), and be in good financial standing (as certified by the Business Office).
Tuition, (per semester) ................................... $14,600 Full-time students enrolling in excess of 18 hours (with a maximum of 24 hours) during a regular semester or 3 hours during Interterm are charged an overload fee per credit hour (with the exception of honors courses, servant leadership onehour courses, teacher education clinical practice and seminar courses taken during the professional semester, music lessons and music performing courses) as follows: Overload Fee: Fall and Spring semester (per hour) .................. $1,142 Interterm (per hour) ............................................ $721
FINANCES - COLLEGE EXPENSES Student charges are determined at the beginning of each semester. Charges vary according to the number of credit hours taken, residence hall assignment, and meal plan choice. Annual charges to attend Bethany College as a fulltime resident student include the following:
Part-Time Tuition. Students attending less than 12 hours per semester will be charged as follows: 1 to 7 semester hours (per hour) …………………………$612 8 to 11 semester hours (per hour)……………………… $1,142
Full-Time Tuition (12-18 credits) ...................... $29,200 Room .................................................... $4,900 - $8,600 Board (Meal Plans) ............................... $3,500 - $5,600 Book Rental ........................................................... $870 Enhancement Fee .................................................. $300 Student Activity Fee .............................................. $670 The Activity Fee is not refundable once Move In/Orientation begins for new students. Health Fee ............................................................. $175 Insurance Fees: • Student Athletic Insurance ......................... $240 • All athletes are charged for secondary insurance and NAIA required catastrophic insurance. • Athletic Primary Insurance: ♦ Domestic (U.S.) ..................................... $1,920 Required for athletes without their own qualifying primary insurance ♦ All International Students .................... $1,920 Total Estimated Cost .................... $39,615 to $47,575 The total does not include art materials, music lessons, items purchased in the campus store or insurance costs.
Summer Tuition. Students enrolling in any summer session will be charged as follows: All Courses (per hour, does not include textbook fees) ...................................................................................... $275 Tuition costs will be finalized on the 2nd day of class. Students who choose to withdraw after the second day of class will be assessed full tuition costs. Auditing Tuition Part-time students (per hour) .................................... $100 Senior citizens 55 yrs and older (per hour) .............. $46.50 Swede Bridge Program* Tuition (*page 175) Area High School Students (per credit hour) .............. $100 Off -Campus Experiences Tuition & Costs. The tuition charge for an off -campus experience, for which credit is granted by Bethany College, will be equal to the tuition charge for the same number of credits earned on campus during that term. A course that requires a student to be away from campus for an extended period of time will have additional costs associated with that course. The cost of travel, meals, and lodging will be approved by the Business Office. The student must pay all costs prior to departure.
Tuition Tuition costs will be finalized on the 6th day of class. Students are allowed to add and drop courses at no additional charge through the 6th day of class. If a student crosses over a tuition rate threshold (1 to 7 semester hours, 8 to 11 semester hours, 12 to 18 semester hours), tuition will be adjusted based on the number of hours the student is enrolled in on the 6th day of class. If students enroll in more than 18 hours, an overload fee will be assessed for each hour over 18 with the exception of: honors courses; servant leadership one-hour courses, teacher
Residence Hall Costs Alma Swensson Hall Double/Triple/Quad room, per year ........................ $6,600 Double room as single room, per year .................... $7,107 174