Mission Statement: The Chemistry Program provides a challenging and supportive environment in which students develop the skills and knowledge pertaining to the scientific method, the fundamental principles of chemistry, and scientific communication. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Written Scientific Communication. a. Student will convey scientific information using standard formatting and conventions. b. Student will use scientific terminology appropriate to the audience. 2. Oral Scientific Communication. a. Student will convey scientific information using standard formatting and conventions. b. Student will use scientific terminology appropriate to the audience. 3. Scientific Inquiry a. Student will be able to develop a hypothesis based on scientific literature and propose an experimental plan to test the hypothesis. b. Student will be able to evaluate an experimental plan (e.g., an original research paper). 4. Scientific Ethics. a. Student will connect scientific concepts to current events. b. Student will be able to analyze the ethical issues surrounding scientific research and the dissemination/use of scientific information. 5. Service Learning a. Participation in service learning will assist students in discerning career goals, help create professional contacts, aid in developing knowledge and skills, and provide opportunities to serve the needs of others.
Business/Economics Accounting Major (B.A.) Mission Statement: The mission of the Accounting Program is to prepare students for life-long learning and to enter the business world in diverse capacities to pursue careers in government, industry and public accounting and to further academic training in graduate programs. Student learning Outcomes: 1. Student demonstrates the ability to solve business-related problems; e.g., formulate organizational strategies. 2. Student will be able to translate business information into effective oral and written communication or action. 3. Student demonstrates the ability to work effectively as a member of a team. 4. Student understands the subject matter of their discipline. 5. Student is prepared to enter the profession of their discipline.
Business Administration Major (B.A.) Mission Statement: The mission of the Business Administration Program is to prepare students for careers in business and related fields. This program provides general knowledge in business from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. Students learn the important ingredients effective managers need to not only survive, but also succeed in today’s business world. This major provides a solid foundation for admission into M.B.A. programs. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Student demonstrates the ability to solve business-related problems; e.g., formulate organizational strategies. 2. Student will be able to translate business information into effective oral and written communication or action. 3. Student demonstrates the ability to work effectively as a member of a team. 4. Student understand the subject matter of their discipline. 5. Student is prepared to enter the profession of their discipline. Business Economics Major (B.A.) 184