2. 3. 4.
Students will demonstrate familiarity with a sample of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. Students will understand and apply basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation. Students will emerge from the major with realistic ideas about how to implement their psychological knowledge, skills, and values in occupational pursuits in a variety of settings.
Psychology Minor Mission Statement: The mission of the Bethany Psychology Program is to facilitate student development of the knowledge, skills, and values consistent with the science and application of psychology, and to prepare students for either graduate study or a variety of occupational pursuits. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will demonstrate familiarity with a sample of major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. 2. Students will understand the application of some aspects of psychological concepts and principles to a diverse range of disciplines.
Religion/Philosophy Religion Major (B.A.) Mission Statement: The Religion Program strives to support students in becoming astute interpreters of sacred texts; bearers of historical, institutional, and personal religious convictions for an increasingly pluralistic world; partners in conversations that engage faiths and beliefs that are not one’s own; servants sensitive to the needs of others; and academics prepared for future graduate study in the field of religion. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be familiar with major genres of biblical literature and demonstrate an understanding of how to use critical methods of contemporary biblical scholarship. 2. Students will demonstrate facility with Christian church history and historical theology through the critical analysis of primary texts that precede the 20th century. 3. Students will evidence skills with critical methods for religious studies and theology in light of a contemporary problem with interreligious or ecumenical importance. 4. Students will be able to articulate their understanding of vocation or calling. Interfaith Studies Minor Mission Statement: Interfaith studies is an interdisciplinary investigation of how people who orient around religion differently can interact as a community toward the common pursuit of greater civil justice. Students who complete the minor will be equipped to be Interfaith Leaders in their community: possessing basic knowledge of religious diversity, acquiring skills to facilitate mutual respect through sharing narratives of faith, and understanding the personal responsibility leaders have in fostering pluralistic environments of mutual respect even when religious diversity may be seemingly absent. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Human Dimensions of Caring: Students will learn to give voice to their own faith/non-faith perspective and develop basic skills in role playing, active listening, and reflection on civic engagement to facilitate others in voicing how they orient around religion as well. 2. Integrative Interdisciplinary Learning: Students will critically consider how the intersection of personal dimensions and large scale social problems often entail religious misunderstanding and require us to draw on skills developed across traditional academic boundaries in search of adequate means of response that reflect pluralistic values. 196