Kazinczy Street 55 project leaders: Csaba Kovács, Gergő Barcza
The VII. district of Budapest, InnerErzsébetváros is a functionally diverse, very lively neighborhood. Only there aren’t so many local tenants anymore. This area became the party center of Budapest in the early 2000s. Riun pubs and nightclubs create most of the district’s revenue. In my procejt my goals was to create an urban hybrid that enables the different operators and organisations to function next to each other and by doing so contribute to the quality of public space sthat are free for all.
The green to concrete ratio is really worrysome in the neighborhood, therefore my project is focusing on creating the most publicly accessible greenery possible.
The placement of the buildings continues the excisting structure of the city. It plain simpe but logical. It is Optimised to facilitate the functions and give the most of the space to the public
Functional diversity cotributes to the safety maintenance and sustainability of urban public spaces. (Jacobs, Jane 1961)