New parish council
BIRSTALL PARISH Council has nine vacancies following the May 2023 local elections.
Local government elections are held every four years and those wishing to become councillors for the new term of office must be nominated. There are 20 seats on Birstall Parish council and 11 people were nominated. This means an election is not required and the 11 are elected unopposed, becoming councillors on May 9. The new council will elect a chair and vice-chair at their first meeting on May 15.
Before the May elections there were 18 councillors and two vacancies.
Because less than two thirds of the council have been elected, Birstall Parish Council has lost the General Power of Competence. This enables councils to act
Continued on page 2
Birstall’s trophy winners
BIRSTALL RUNNING Club’s Ladies Cross Country Team have won a trophy.
The Derby Runner Cross Country (DRXC) competition consists of five races in various locations in North
Leicestershire throughout the winter months, from Holly Hayes Wood to the aptly named Battle of Bosworth around the famous battlefield. It was here that Birstall Running Club secured their victory.
Birstall Running Club has more than
175 members aged 14 plus, and of all abilities. To find out more about the club go to www.birstallrc.org.uk
Pic: The winning team: (l-r) Ladies Captain Elisa Whittlestone, Katie Hill, Anna Harrison, Charlotte Bone and Lisa Spence
Lent cross
New junctions
WORK TO construct the new junctions on the A6 north of Birstall to allow access to the 1950 home Broadnook Garden suburb began in January and will be completed by May 2024.
A new roundabout will be constructed on the A6 giving access to the new development. A second access roundabout will be created 100m to the west.
Immediately to the south of the access will be parcel one of the new development, 725 new homes.
Developers Davidsons will be building
the first phase in this parcel, 109 homes, located at the main entrance to the Broadnook Garden Suburb. These new homes will be the first buildings, streets and spaces people will see when they arrive at the garden suburb.
Work to create an access route for developers to begin work on site is expected to be completed by July 2023.
Council continued from page 1
beyond their normal remit to provide services and facilities.
The council was in the process of applying for the NALC Quality Council Gold Award, but can no longer do so, as to be eligible, two thirds of councillors must be elected. It is eligible to apply for the lowest level award, the Foundation level.
Elected unopposed to Birstall Parish Council were:
Lesley Haliwell, Duncan McNeil, Robert Vincent, Tony Fowler, Kirsty Haywood, Chris Talbot, Carole Vincent, Julie Palmer, Jeff Cassidy, Abdul Khayer and Andrea Scott.
In May, Birstall Parish Council will advertise the vacancies and invite people
to join the council. You can find out how to join, and if you are eligible, on the parish council website, www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk.
Parish council meetings are open to the public and you can attend to see what happens at meetings, or ask a question during Public Participation. The full council will meet on Monday May 15 at 7pm in Birstall Village Hall.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at Hallam Fields Hall on Monday May 22 at 6pm.
The Annual Parish meeting is not a formal council meeting, it is an opportunity for parishioners on the electoral roll for Birstall to raise any matters of concern relating to the local community.
New multi use games area for Birstall
A NEW multi-use-games-area (MUGA) costing up to £150,000 is planned for the School Lane playing field.
Birstall Parish Council decided to press ahead with the project at its April meeting, following a public consultation exercise.
There were 134 responses, with 123 in favour and 11 against.
The project has an estimated cost of £85,000-£100,000. The parish council has secured a grant of £150,000 from Charnwood Borough Council for the MUGA.
A MUGA is a steel or timber anti-vandal outdoor fenced area with built-in goal post units for various types of sports games, such as football, basketball or tennis. The outer fencing makes it easier to keep the ball in play.
The parish council will now put the project out to tender.
Consultation exercise comments from some of those supporting the project:
I believe everyone should have access to a MUGA. Therefore, I am in favour of this proposal because it is intended to be inclusive.
We desperately need more of these for our village to bring it to the 21st Century. We need more!
Fantastic idea. Provides a modern facility for the residents of Birstall to enjoy.
Safe spaces for children to try out different sports on an all-weather surface to enjoy outdoors when other surfaces are too wet or muddy
I think an all-weather surface would be great, especially as in the current location the grass is bare and very bumpy
Could satisfy minority interests
More for young people to get involved in outside, all youth clubs closed
Markfield has a large MUGA and we have seen retired people playing "walking football. Other walking sports are possible. These MUGAs are not just for the Young.
Comments from some of those against the project:
No, Existing play areas need to be properly maintained before creating more work. ie: the BMX track on Meadow Lane, is sufficient already. Too expensive, will only benefit a minority of people in Birstall. Already have lots of sports facilities in Birstall, football, CO-OP ground, Stonehill playing fields etc
I think as a council taxpayer there are more important and worthy things to spend our money on There seems to be enough sports
facilities in Birstall.
Money would be better spent on better facilities in the village.
Joan celebrates her 100th birthday
A RESIDENT at Birstall’s Cedar Mews care home has celebrated her 100th birthday.
Joan Robinson was living alone with the support of friends until her 93rd year, then moved to Cedar Mews, after a spell in hospital, to be nearer her son Malcolm.
Joan was born in Peterborough on March 28, 1923. She grew up with her parents and elder sister Peggy in the rural village of Helpston on the Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border, leaving school at 13 and spending her early teenage years working in the local cinema.
Joan was called up during WWII to train and work at BMARC (British Manufacturing & Research Company) in Grantham as a machinist making cannon firing pins for the Spitfire and Hurricane fighters. She was then posted in 1946 to join Two Egypt Command Signals and found herself in Suez and Cairo. From the photo archives, it looks to have been an exciting time, swimming in the Suez Canal, outings to the Pyramids and desert camel rides surrounded by plenty of fit soldiers and airmen, interspersed with a bit of work!
The end of her Army service in 1948 sees Joan boarding the troop transport ship SS Ormonde for the journey back to England, where she would meet a handsome young RAF Pilot returning from India. Now both demobbed, they married in his home town of Middles-
brough in 1949 (both aged 26) and moved south to live and work in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.
Her husband Roland found work at the De Havilland aircraft factory, and Joan worked for Sussmans making shirts and pyjamas for M & S. They lived at 33 Salisbury Road (that number becomes important later).
When Joan’s only son Malcolm was born in December 1952, wartime rationing
relatives in Middlesbrough and villages near Peterborough. Strangely neither parent wanted to travel abroad after their service lives. Joan finally retired after 36 years, only when her husband Roland died suddenly at work.
It was a tough time, but determined to carry on, and despite living alone, she learnt to drive and bought her first car. Her sister now lived in Australia and with some not insignificant effort, Joan visited her twice, having never flown
With the support of her close friends, she managed to continue living alone until her 93rd birthday, when she developed a back problem. After a spell in hospital, it was decided she would be safer in a care home in Leicester to be near Malcolm.
Fortunately, Cedar Mews Care home had just been built and the family secured room 33, so she would be able to remember the number. In fact, her daughter-in-law’s mother moved into the room next door on the same day.
Cedar Mews has been her home (the family call it a hotel) for six years now.
Malcolm said: “The staff and managers, many from the Birstall area, have provided a fun-filled friendly environment and excellent care.
“We all celebrated her 100th birthday at the home, along with family and friends. She is an amazingly strong woman, and I’m proud to be her son.”
Asbestos found after flood
A BIRSTALL homeowner discovered asbestos floor tiles when part of his house was flooded.
Repairs to his home, on the Allington Drive/Blenheim Road estate, were carried out by contractors appointed by his insurance company - they found asbestos in floor tiles beneath his wooden floor. The tiles needed to be removed by specialists.
He told the Birstall Post: “I know of another resident nearby who was flooded and had to have all of her flooring removed when they discovered asbestos. I think people on the estate should know that there may be asbestos in their property, and they should be careful about disturbing it.”
Asbestos can be found in any house or building built before the year 2000 as it was widely used in a variety of building materials.
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) publishes advice about asbestos in the home. It says: “If asbestos materials are in good condition, and in a place where they are unlikely to be disturbed, then they should not cause any harm.
“It is only when the materials are damaged or disturbed so that
fibres are released, that asbestos can become a danger.”
The HSE says you should not try to repair or remove any asbestos materials yourself if you have not had any training for non-licensed asbestos work. You can seek advice from an environmental health officer at your local authority/council (see the Directgov website).
HSE advice states: “If you are sure (or strongly suspect) that your home contains asbestos materials then it is often best to leave them where they are – especially if they are in good condition and unlikely to get damaged. You should check the condition of the materials from time to time to make sure they haven't been damaged or started to deteriorate.”
You cannot tell if a material contains asbestos just by looking at it. Often it is not possible to see the fibres in an asbestos contain-
ing material with the naked eye. The only way to confirm that the material contains asbestos is by having a sample tested by a specialist laboratory accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 17025 for carrying out asbestos bulk sample identification. Many ATaC members are UKAS accredited for this activity. A list of specialist laboratories that can carry out this service can be found at www.atac.org.uk
Asbestos can typically still be found in any of the following: asbestos cement products (pipes, flues, roofs etc) lagging (on pipes and boilers etc)
water tanks and toilet cisterns
asbestos insulating board (AIB – which closely resembles typical plasterboard) loose asbestos in ceiling and wall cavities sprayed coatings on ceilings, walls and beams/columns
textured decorative coatings (commonly referred to as Artex)
floor tiles
textiles and composites
Platinum wedding
A BIRSTALL couple celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary at a meeting of the Cedar Care Circle, a support group for Alzheimer's and dementia carers and those they care for.
Kath and Roy Warner, (pictured above) and their friends, enjoyed a glass of prosecco and cupcakes at Brunchies Cafe on Hallam Fields Road, the venue for the group's regular meetings.
A FULL meeting of Birstall Parish Council was held on April 17.
PCSO John Harrison presented the crime report. Comment was made about burglaries occurring in a small area around Goscote Hall Road and Johnson Road. PCSO Harrison said it was possible burglars were doing reconnaissance of the area before targeting individual homes.
Comment was made about a person begging on Sibson Road, near Tesco.
PCSO Harrison reported that police were aware of this person and their situation, and the police were following a step-bystep approach which would take time.
The council agreed to renew its membership of LRALC and NALC at a total cost of £1396.
The council authorised the expenditure of £2830 on the purchase of four office computers and their installation in the Parish Council office.
Councillors received a report from
Remembering John Kilby
A WELL-KNOWN Birstall man has died following a short illness.
John Kilby died on January 4, 2023, aged 90.
John was the author of several local history books and walking trails, and a former chairman of the Birstall & District Local History Society.
He was born on Front Street and lived for many years on Curzon Avenue.
John was an active member of the Methodist Church, loved singing in the choir, and was the Sunday school superintendent for many years.
He also served as a governor at Riverside and Stonehill schools.
With his late wife Rosalie, John had two sons and a daughter.
John’s funeral was held on February 7 at Birstall Methodist Church.
Young Leicestershire about the provision of youth facilities located within the pavilion on the School Lane playing field. Sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the numbers attending are between six and 12 people per session.
Parish Council notes Dementia project
It was agreed to award a grant of £316 to Gunns’ Gym for new mats and ropes.
Councillors considered their response to a public consultation exercise regarding the provision of a multi-use games area (MUGA) on the School Lane playing field. 134 responses were received, 123 were in favour of the MUGA, and 11 were against.
Charnwood Borough Council has agreed to award a grant of £150,000 for the project. The council agreed to go ahead with the project and put it out to tender at a total cost of £150,000.
It was agreed to defer a decision about a draft five-year business plan to the June meeting.
It was reported that as insufficient numbers of councillors had been elected at the May elections, it was not possible for the Parish Council to pursue the NALC Quality Gold award. It would be eligible to apply for the foundation-level award.
The council has received a letter from a resident requesting that it organise an event to celebrate the King’s coronation. The council has not organised an event but has tried to find out the location of any Birstall street parties, to report back to the letter writer.
FORGETFUL FRIENDS, Rothley Dementia Project,
will be starting soon, and there is an introductory meet-up on Wednesday, May 24, from 4.30-5.30pm, at Rothley Community Library.
“I have dementia, I’m still me, and I have a meaningful life.” “I want to get rid of the stigma around dementia.” “I want to meet up with other people who have dementia so that we can support each other.”
The group will be part of DEEP, Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project, a UK-wide network which connects groups to each other to magnify the views, hopes and intentions of people with dementia.
If any of these apply to you, or if you’d like to support the project, come along or contact rothley.dementia.project@gmail.com.
The Gardeners’ Nursery
Remembering Roger Wilson
A FORMER Birstall parish councillor and Mayor of Charnwood has died.
Roger represented the Birstall Stonehill Ward as a borough councillor from May 1991 to May 2003 and then represented the Birstall Watermead ward from May 2003 until May 2011.
Roger served as the Mayor of Charnwood in 2005/06. During his civic year, he raised £14,798 for Glebe House, his chosen charity as the Mayor.
He served on Birstall Parish Council for many years, and in 2009 was elected chairman of Leicestershire County Council, having served as Birstall’s county councillor for 20 years, retiring in 2013.
His early years were spent in Liverpool, Manchester and the Isle of Man. In 1951 he started work at Midland Bank in Lincoln. He served in the RAF before returning to the bank and was transferred to Leicester, where he bought his first house in Birstall. He took early voluntary retirement in 1989 and began public service in local politics.
Roger was active in the Methodist Church and served as a governor at Stonehill school.
United second, chase promotion
BIRSTALL UNITED FC finished the season as runners-up, securing second place in the league after a convincing 5-1-win against ‘Holwell Sports’ at a packed Meadow Lane.
Club spokesman Paul Blake-Smith said: “This means we now have two playoff games to try and secure promotion, and both will be at Meadow Lane, the first on Saturday April 22 at 3pm.
100 club members and sponsors to thank them for their continued support. We will also be hoping to fill the few remaining places for the 100 club next season with membership now open for the new season.”
LATEST Result: Birstall Utd 3 Newark Town 2
Village Hall murder mystery Local elections
THE FIRST performance of HATS murder mystery is fast approaching, and the cast is getting more excited as they get nearer to their show dates.
“I’m not quite sure if it’s nervous laughter, genuine laughter or just plain hysteria, but whatever it is, a laugh always goes a long way to having an enjoyable time,” said Sue Withers from HATS.
She added: “It’s time to get your thinking caps on and discover if you have what it takes to solve this delightful murder mystery, “Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders by Derek Webb with permission from Stage Scripts Ltd. It will get your brains working while bringing a smile to your face too.
“Poor bumbling Detective Inspector Twigg is pleasant enough (at times) but might need a bit of help with this one. Village Hall murders, hmm interesting, especially as this is being performed in a village. I wonder how many of the characters will be similar to people that you would see in any village, including Birstall. How many deaths will there be, are they all murders or not? And is there more than one murderer?
“These are the questions that will be running through your minds. Could you have made it as a detective, have you missed your vocation, or would you be responsible for a terrible miscarriage of justice? It might not be as simple as it first appears, so keep your wits about you and see if you can solve this murder mystery. Whether or not you solve the mystery, we want you to have a fabulous night out.
“We will be delighted to see our regular audience members again, and it’s always nice to see new faces. Bring
Clear Ear Services
your friends, family and colleagues and have a proper good old fashioned night out at a very affordable price.
“Check out our Facebook page and enter our competition to win two tickets for a night of your choice.”
Tickets are on sale now via the box office - details are below.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday May 17th, 18th and 19th.
Performances start at 7.15pm -
doors will be open from 6.45pm.
Venue: Birstall Social Club, 16-18 Wanlip Lane, Birstall. LE4 4JS.
Tickets: £7 and £6 (concession).
Discount for bookings of 10 or more people.
Box office: 0116 2209594 and 07948 796675.
Face book:www.facebook.com/hatsamdram
VOTING IN local and national elections is the main way you can engage with the democratic process and ensure you play your part in shaping how the council and the country are run.
The next scheduled elections taking place in this area will be on Thursday May 4, 2023, to elect councillors to:
Charnwood Borough Council (all seats)
Voters must bring a suitable form of photographic ID to their polling station. Acceptable forms of photo ID will include:
Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country
Photographic driver’s licence issued by the UK, Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (including provisional)
European Economic Area (EEA) photographic ID Card
Biometric immigration document
An identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (PASS card)
Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card
A Blue Badge
Older Person’s Bus Pass
Disabled Person’s Bus Pass
Oyster 60+ Card
Freedom Pass
Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.
They have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls or surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk their councillor face to face and these take place on a regular basis.
Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but they do receive allowances.
Candidates for Birstall & Wanlip
Birstall East & Wanlip Ward:
You will have two votes, and can choose from five candidates.
Jeff Cassidy (Labour and Co-operative Party)
Andy Dent (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Julie Palmer (Labour and Co-operative Party)
Pritesh Patel (Green Party)
Katie Elizabeth Seaton (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Birstall West Ward
You will have two votes, and can choose from five candidates.
Mick Howkins (Green Party)
Glenn Matthews (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Shona Rattray (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Andrea Christine Scott (Labour Party)
Dave Thomas (Labour Party)
Birstall Parish Council
Annual Report & Accounts 2022 / 2023
Report published: April 2023
Chairman’s Report
I present Birstall Parish Council’s Annual Report for 2022/23 with a sense of optimism, in that we have finally emerged from the last two years dominated by Covid. Normal activity has at last been resumed. Bookings for our two halls and sports pitches have returned to normal levels, thus generating valuable income. Our staff team continued to work hard to ensure the effective delivery of Birstall Parish Council’s services and the maintenance of its many assets. Thanks go to our Clerk and Office Team, as Birstall Parish Council once again received positive reports from our Internal and External auditors. The Estates Team have continued to maintain our open spaces and sports pitches to a high standard. More about their activities are to be found in the Estates Team Managers report on page 5.
Birstall Parish Council continued to work in partnership with Age UK by funding the unique bath nurse service, the Police Community Beat Team by providing them with free office space in our Parish, the Birstall & Wanlip Neighbourhood Watch by contributing towards the costs of their monthly newsletter to you all, which promotes crime prevention. Birstall Parish Council has supported the Helping Our Community LE4 group and the local food hub by granting free use of Council premises. Representation from Birstall Parish Council on the new Community Stakeholders group, set up by Birstall’s three churches to support residents with warm spaces, food and refuge during the energy and cost of living crisis.
Birstall Parish Council organised 4 community events in year for the benefit of residents and to promote a sense of community spirit. The Summer Gala, culminating in the evening with the ‘Proms in the Park’.
The Civic Service and Lunch, the main aim of which is to recognise and thank members of the community who give their time to running the many and varied groups available to Birstall residents (15 guests from such groups and organisations attended).
Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade which is always very well attended. This is organised in partnership with St James Church, The Royal British Legion and local military groups.
The Christmas Event with Santa, free mulled wine and Mince pies which was well attended and enjoyed.
In my role as Chair of Birstall Parish Council I represented the Council at a total of 10 events during the year. It is always a great pleasure to meet members of the community on these occasions and to take the opportunity to engage with them:
Service for the Queen’s 70th Jubilee at St James Church
Hosted the Mayor of Charnwood at the evening ‘Proms in the Park’ event which concluded the Summer Gala
Hosted the Mayor of Charnwood at our Civic Service and Lunch. 15 members of community groups attended the service and the lunch where I was able to thank them for their valuable contributions.
The induction mass at St Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church to welcome in the new priest
The Trafalgar Service and Parade of the Sea Cadets at St James Church.
Opened Birstall and District Art Society’s 27th Exhibition and presented the Norman Sims Award.
Attended the Remembrance Service at St James Church and laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Councillors and residents.
Attended the unveiling of a Green Plaque at St James Church in honour of Theodora Salisbury, a onetime Birstall resident and stained-glass window artist. Three of her windows can be seen inside St James Church
Attended the Mayor of Charnwood’s Community Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough
Attended the Mayor of Charnwood’s Civic Service at Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough
Positive Achievements in 2022 / 2023…..
Monies from the Community Grant Aid budget totalling £2,580 were given to support five local groups.
Parish Councillors delivered 18 Christmas Hampers to elderly and vulnerable residents
The Parish Council completed negotiations with Jelson’s Ltd to install an access gate to Hallam Fields Park from their owned land of Harrowgate Drive playing fields.
Installed two plaques in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s reign on the Village Hall and the Hallam Fields Hall.
Replaced the gates at the entrances of all the enclosed toddler play areas (5 in total) with selfclosing gates, in order to prevent the risk of fingers being trapped.
Organised a public consultation regarding the installation of a MUGA on School Lane playing fields. A positive response was received and grant aid was applied for in order to facilitate the purchase and installation.
Began the necessary long-term planning in order to extend Greengate Lane Cemetery
The Council authorised the Clerk to begin the process for Birstall Parish Council to apply for the Local Council’s Quality Gold Award
Supported Greengate Lane residents’ concerns in respect of the effect of traffic volume and pollution from the development planned by Leicester City Council at the city end of Greengate Lane.
Began the process of installing a Mural on the wall of the Crossways Shoppers’ car park to commemorate the Covid-19 pandemic. This project involves a local artist and local primary school children.
Installed a defibrillator on the outer wall of the Hallam Fields Hall. There are now 4 defibrillators in Birstall provided and maintained by the Parish Council
Worked in partnership with East Midlands Ambulance Service by hosting two free CPR / defibrillator training sessions to members of the public. Both events were well attended and positive feedback from attendees has been received. The Parish Council agreed to sign up to the Civility & Respect Pledge.
Forward Planning for 2023/2024….
To continue to invest and proceed with the extension to provide extra burial space at Greengate Lane Cemetery, aiming for completion in 2028.
Communal compost sites will be created by the Estates Team at the Meadow Lane and Worcester Avenue allotment sites to promote re-cycling of green waste.
To install LED lighting on Sibson Road car park to reduce costs and contribute to the climate change agenda.
To apply for the Local Council Award Scheme with the aim of achieving Quality Gold status. Complete the Mural to commemorate the Covid-19 pandemic.
To continue to represent the concerns of residents of Greengate Lane and other Birstall residents in respect of Leicester City Council’s planned development at the city end of Greengate Lane.
To continue to attend meetings related to the Broadnook Development in order to represent the views and concerns of Birstall residents.
To continue to work in partnership with Charnwood Borough Council and complete the installation of the MUGA, which is the result of the Parish Clerk successfully applying for £150,000 of funding from the Charnwood UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
To make improvements to Birstall Parish Council’s website.
Birstall Parish Council’s Annual Report always provides the opportunity to reflect on the completed year. It is helpful to look at our past performance and to look forward to the new year of 2023/2024. The Council hopes that Birstall residents find the report both informative and useful.
As always, the Council welcomes constructive feedback and suggestions from the residents. This can be by telephone, email, letter, the Parish Council’s website: www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk and/or their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/birstallpc/ or in person at the Parish Council offices, Monday to Friday from 9am until 2pm or during Public Open Sessions at all Council and Committee meetings. A full calendar of meetings is available to view on the Parish Council website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/council-meetings.html and all agendas are placed on the website and on the 15 noticeboards around the village
Estates Team Manager’s Report
Despite this winter fluctuating between periods of wet, mild and cold, dry weather we’ve managed to get through the season with very few postponements. One of the few that had to be cancelled was due to unauthorised training by a team that doesn’t hire the School Lane pitches (which also badly damaged the cricket square). Please note that no organised training is allowed on the playing fields for this reason.
Birstall Bowling Club installed a programmable irrigation system some years ago and the record-breaking heat last summer meant that it was certainly well used. This enabled us to produce a consistently good playing surface throughout the season. Work is progressing well prior to the start of this year’s season in early April.
Both cricket clubs (Birstall Village and Asian Sports) also benefited from the hot, dry summer weather, with no matches lost to the weather. Asian Sports 1st X1 played their first full season in Division 2 and finished in a very respectable 5th place. Birstall Village did even better in Division 4 East, finishing in 2nd place, which has earned them promotion to Division 3.
Whilst on the subject of glorious weather, we somehow managed to hold the first Gala to be held for 3 years on the worst day of the summer! The day before the event (Friday, 17th June) saw temperatures rise to 31°C, whereas the next day it struggled to reach 13°C with frequent blustery showers. We can only hope that the weather is kinder for this year’s event on Saturday 24th June!
We have planted up the island beds at Sibson Road Car park with a mixture of flowering shrubs.
The vehicular access gate from the car park to School Lane Playing Fields has been re-positioned to reduce the risk of accidents between vehicles entering the car park and pedestrians exiting the playing fields. We have also remounted the height restricting barrier to allow it to be safely retracted when not in use.
Last year we had to remove the Rocking Rocket and Roller Barrel from Harrowgate Drive Playing Fields due to severe corrosion. These two items have now been replaced by a Rotating Cone Climber and a Bubble Stand-in Seesaw.
We have decided that the trial of planting annuals on the grassed areas at the bottom of Greengate Lane wasn’t a success and have instead returned these to grass (this is partly due to the fact that we don’t own these areas of land and cannot prevent vehicular access over them). Instead we have planted a range of bulbs
in both areas to enhance the daffodils that were already there. The Triangle roundabout will be planted with the usual mix of Rainbow Annuals.
The site owned by the Council where Hallam Fields Hall is built includes the verge between the hall and Cedar Mews Care Home. In order to improve this area we gave the project to our apprentice Tommy Gardam as part of his horticulture course at Brooksby College. He was tasked with clearing the area and preparing the soil, selecting the plants, and planting up. These are the before & after photos:
More of the ever-popular haven plots have been added at Greengate Cemetery and work has begun for a new area opposite the memorial wall for ash interments:
The Parish Council Team
Birstall Parish Council should have 20 Councillors in total when all positions are full. At the end of the March 2023, there are 18 Councillors leaving two vacancies.
Full Council meetings are held 11 times a year, on the second Monday of the month (except for bank holidays) at 7pm, usually in the village hall, but we are trying to arrange for some of the meetings to be held in the Community hall at Hallam Fields. All Council and Committee meeting agendas are posted on the 15 noticeboards around the village and a full calendar can be viewed on the Parish Council’s website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/council-meetings.html
There are four Council Committees listed below and their meetings are also held 11 times a year, on the fourth Monday of the month (except for bank holidays).
Management & Policy Committee Planning Committee
Estates & Recreation Committee
Events Committee
A Working Party was formed consisting of four Parish Councillors and the Clerk to work together to obtain the Local Council Award Scheme – Quality Gold status.
The Council employs 12 members of staff:
1 x Clerk/Proper Officer/Responsible Financial Officer [ full time]
1 x Deputy Clerk [part time]
2 x Administration Assistant [part time]
1 x Estates Team Manager [full time]
5 x Groundsman [full time]
1 x Apprentice Groundsman [full time]
2 x Caretaker/Cleaners
The Parish Council actively promote role specific training for all Councillors and Staff and their Training Statement of Intent Policy can be viewed on the Parish Council website: https://www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk/uploads/12training-statement-of-intent-policy.pdf?v=1664541922
The Parish Council have also signed up to the Civility & Respect Pledge: www.nalc.gov.uk/our-work/civility-andrespect-project. By signing the Pledge, the Council is agreeing that it will treat Councillors, Clerks, Employees, Members of the public and representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their role.
Parish Councillors by Wards
Theinformationbelowwascorrecton31March2023priortotheelectionsinMay2023 updatedinformationwillbepublishedontheParishCouncil’swebsiteaftertheelectionresults.
Goscote Ward - West of Loughborough Road between Station Road and Greengate Lane
Mr Carl Gunns No email address
Mr Umer Javaid
Pritesh Nathwani
Mr Robert Vincent
Greengate Ward: West of Loughborough Road, north of Greengate Lane, including Hallam Fields
Mr Pete Barnsby
Mr Tony Fowler
Ms Kirsty Haywood
Mr Ed Marshall
Mr Christopher Talbot
Netherhall Ward: East of Loughborough Road including Sibson Road [evens], Church Hill & Front Street
Mr Tony Abbey
Mrs Ann Marshall
Ms Julie Palmer
Riverside Ward: Whiles Lane and all roads on the east side of Wanlip Lane
Mr Kevin Burrows
Mr Jeff Cassidy
Mr Julian Howe
Stonehill Ward: Between Loughborough Road & Wanlip Lane including the shops’ side of Sibson Road
Mrs Sheila Alcock No email address
Mr Abe Khayer
Mrs Andrea Scott
Contact details for your Borough & County Councillors
and MP for Charnwood:
Your Charnwood Borough Councillors….
IainBentley cllr.iain.bentley@charnwood.gov.ukBirstallWatermeadWard
JulianHowe cllr.julian.howe@charnwood.gov.ukBirstallWatermeadWard
ShonaRattray cllr.shona.rattray@charnwood.gov.ukBirstallWanlipWard
RoyRollings cllr.roy.rollings@charnwood.gov.ukBirstallWanlipWard
Your Leicestershire County Councillor….
DanielGrimley Daniel.Grimley@leics.gov.uk
Your Member of Parliament….
WestminsterOffice: MPHouseofCommons,London,SW1A0AATel:02072198140
ConstituencyOffice: Suite26,Unit3,QEstate,1487MeltonRoad,Queniborough,LE73FP
Email: office@edwardargar.co.uk Tel: 01162693789
Income & Expenditure for 2022/23 Unaudited
Balance Sheet for 2022/23 Unaudited
Which Council deals with what?”….
Birstall Parish Council is committed to assisting residents with local issues and their officers aim to help at all times. They can deal immediately with many issues relating to the Parish Council’s land or property or any of the Parish Council’s services or functions. Sometimes, however, the concern or complaint is not part of the Parish Councils remit or responsibility, and it may be that it relates to a function or responsibility of another local authority. We can provide contact details for you to report directly to that local authority or in certain circumstances we may be able to report your concerns online on your behalf. The table below gives examples of who is responsible for what and this may help to direct you to the right authority to raise your concerns.
Birstall Parish Council Tel: 0116 267 6191
Events–Gala,RemembranceServiceand Parade,CivicService&Lunchand Christmasevent
Charnwood Borough Council Tel: 01509 263151
Leicestershire County Council Tel: 0116 232 3232
Potholes,signs,gritting,busshelters, libraries,recreation,arts,museums
Traffic&Transportincludingroadsafetyand speedingcameras/devices.
Drains,pavementmaintenance,hedgerows andtrees
At the time of going to press the Special General Meeting on 20th April had not yet taken place. A full report of the meeting and its outcome will be available on our website a few days afterwards.
WhatsApp Verification Code Trick
If you receive a text message from WhatsApp containing a verification code that you are not expecting, be very careful.
WhatsApp sends you a text message containing a verification code when you log into the app for the first time, when you have been logged out or when you are trying to log into WhatsApp from a new device. Of course, when this happens, you will be waiting for it.
If you are not, however, it will be because fraudsters have entered your number into WhatsApp trying to get access to your account, thus triggering the verification code text.
They will then message you via the app appearing to be one of your genuine contacts with a plausible story asking you to send them the code. They might say, for example, that they have accidentally entered your number by mistake. Because the message appears to be from a relative or friend, you might be tricked into passing on the code.
This will allow the fraudsters to take over your WhatsApp account and possibly lock you out.
The scammers can select your closest contacts from your message history and simply ask them for money or sensitive information.
They also find personal details about you and your contacts. These can be used to access other important accounts, target you with more scams or even blackmail you.
They will have gained a new set of unlocked contacts on whom to carry out the same trick, gaining access to more and more accounts as they go on.
NEVER share your login details or verification codes with anybody—even your closest family or trusted friends. Set up two‐step verification to secure your account. Report spam messages or block the sender within WhatsApp by pressing and holding on the message bubble, select ‘Report’ and then follow the instructions.
Be suspicious of any messages requesting money, even if they come from your contacts. Always give the friend a quick call to check it is them before doing anything else.
Most importantly, if you think that you may have given sensitive details, such as payment information, to fraudsters, let your bank know what has happened immediately.
WhatsApp users who have lost access to their accounts can contact: support@whatsapp.com
Our Local Police Beat Team produces a monthly Newsletter with news of crime and other local issues. You can read it in full each month on our website: www.villagewatch.co.uk/police
Investment Scams
There has been an increase in cold telephone calls asking to speak to the correctly‐named occupant about their share holding in a named company, about which they appear to have a lot of information. Shares in National Grid, SSE and Centrica are often mentioned but other names are also used.
It seems that lists of shareholders in these companies have leaked on to the dark web but, it is likely, no specific details of those holdings. The caller, however, will pretend to know more in order to trick the target into revealing more information. They may go on to persuade their victim to ‘invest in better options’ or use the information to raid their share account. Either way the victim is out of pocket and their investments have vanished.
Always be very wary of cold telephone calls, emails or social media contacts that come out of the blue. NEVER take any action or advice before checking out the caller in you own time and NEVER because you feel pressured by them.
Get There Safely
Driving a long distance to go on holiday can be stressful enough, especially if the traffic is heavy. Breaking down on the journey is the last thing anybody wants. Yet the various roadside assistance services all report that a large number of breakdowns can be avoided by taking a few simple steps before you set off.
• Tyres with legal tread depth and not damaged?
• Tyre pressures correct?
• Windscreen wipers in good order and screenwash topped up?
• Lights all working correctly?
• Oil, engine coolant and brake fluid levels all correct?
• No warning lights showing on the dashboard? Make sure that that there are drinks and snacks on hand for the passengers in case you have long delays. Air conditioning can greatly increase the comfort of passengers, so make sure that it is working efficiently
Unless the Police Know...
Members sometimes tell us that they have not reported a crime or similar incident because they did so once before and “it was a waste of time”.
However, if the Police are only told of a single incident, they will treat it as such and so remain unaware of any bigger problem that might be developing.
If you are aware of a crime, then make sure that the Police also know about it. They can then see when a pattern is emerging that can be addressed.
You can report problems at any time by dialling 101 but always dial 999 if a crime is in progress or somebody is in imminent danger.
The Watch would like to thank Birstall Parish Council for its continued support © Birstall and Wanlip Neighbourhood Watch – watch@villagewatch.co.uk – 0756 2422 756
what is deemed to be unnecessary competition between bus companies.
All of the this information is now available to read on the bus operators’ websites:
Centrebus: www.centrebus.info/service-changes/
First Leicester: www.firstbus.co.uk/leicester (click on ’News & service updates’, then ‘Planned changes’ and then ’Service changes from 16 April 2023’).
Arriva: www.arrivabus.co.uk/latestnews/changes-to-leicestershires-bus-services
considered?” But maybe I’m wearing the wrong aftershave. It’s the same charities every year that benefit from the duck race, nothing wrong in that, I suppose, but don’t ignore our kids
Queen’s Park in Loughborough
Bandstand Concerts
The Birstall Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Birstall Post, Unit 109, Greenacres, The Sidings, Leicester LE4 3BR or email: editor@birstallpost.co.uk
Bus service
I write in response to the ‘Bus Changes’ letter, published in issue 476 of the 'Birstall Post’, because I feel many people in the Birstall area will be worried by what has been written, thinking that their bus service is to be removed.
It is true that there are changes to bus services in Leicester and Leicestershire from April 16th, 2023 but there are no cuts to the bus services which serve Birstall. On Mondays to Fridays, Centrebus will be continuing to provide its route 22A, with most journeys operating to both the Wanlip Lane / Windmill Avenue and ‘The Gates’ side of Birstall, every 30 minutes. On Saturdays, First will continue to provide its route 22B, at the same, hourly timetable as present, via Birstall Road and Sibson Road to ‘The Gates’. Arriva services 126 / 127 & Kinch’s ‘Skylink' also continue unchanged along the main A6, with the exception that they will depart from St. Margaret’s Bus Station stands SC and SV respectively, from the service change date.
It is true that, earlier in the year, there was a news story about Leicestershire County Council wanting to make cost savings on the bus services which it financially supports and one of those services is the, Saturdays only, route 22B. However, for the time being, nothing is happening with that. We will have to wait and see how things pan out. The other story which featured related to the ‘Enhanced Partnership’ arrangement which now exists between the City Council and the bus operators. Part of this involved streamlining bus services along Evington Road to reduce congestion and remove
Trouble with your figures?
Also at the Leicester Buses website: www.leicesterbuses.co.uk/service-changes
I hope this information will serve to remove any anxiety which may exist in people fearing that they may be about to lose their bus services. These bus services do rely on patronage, and ultimately revenue, to keep them sustainable and viable in the long-term, so I would urge people to use them whenever they can. The £2 maximum fare single fare cap has now been extended until the end of June and there are a whole host of other tickets for multiple journeys, such as Flexi, and groups of people to make bus travel a viable alternative to driving and parking, whilst reducing congestion at the same time.
Neil BeasleyThe family of the late David (Dai) Parker would like to thank relatives, friends, neighbours, carers and Ashleigh and Claire of the Co-op funeral for their overwhelming offers of support, condolences and beautiful cards at the sad loss.
Thanks also to those who came to the Loughborough crematorium to pay their respects and for the kind donations to Kidney Research, which amounted to the sum of £125. Thank you.
Mrs V ParkerSomething wrong?
Is there something wrong with our gym? Yet again, we haven’t been considered as a beneficiary from the fundraising at the duck race! We are one of the biggest community charities in the Charnwood area, yet every year we get ignored. My kids deserve some consideration to be included. Some years ago, we did an exhibition and donated a pair of boxing gloves to the duck race, but still we’re not good enough, lots of parents have commented “why have you not been
Recognition Chat
All concerts start at 2pm and are free to attend
As you know, this year is the 12th annual duck race in Birstall. The duck race is a fun and enjoyable way to raise money for charity and has done well the past few years. However, it’s come to my attention that Carl Gunns gym has been overlooked when it comes to the duck race as the scouts right next door, and other clubs get considered for the race, but not the boxing gym. This does seem unfair and other people also think the same as I do. Carl Gunns’ Gym has been very inspiring to young kids and to me also. I know that the kids love the gym, just as much as I do and I’ve trained there for over two years, and it deserves so much more recognition in these big events, as Carl does a lot for the kids and a lot for charity in the past. Therefore I and many others feel that the gym should most definitely get more recognition from the race.
Residents of all ages are invited to come down to Queen’s Park and enjoy an afternoon of music on the following dates:
Sunday May 14 - LSU Classical Concert
Sunday June 11 - Loughborough Salvation Army Band
Sunday June 25 - Loughborough Con-
cert Band
Sunday July 2 - Melbourne Town Band
Sunday July 16 - Loughborough Male Voice Choir
Sunday July 23 - Charnwood Concert Band
Sunday August 6 - The New Orleans
Hotshots Jazz Band
Queen’s Park Café, situated next to Charnwood Museum, will be open from 9.30am until 2.30pm so visitors can get some refreshments before each performance
Free IT help!
Second Friday Every Month
Birstall Methodist Coffee Shop Wanlip Lane, Birstall LE4 4JS
We know it can be difficult to stay socially connected, but keeping in touch and chatting with others can have a huge impact. Conversations can create connections, offer new perspectives, teach you new things, boost happiness, and increase mental well-being.
This is why the NHS Volunteer Responders programme has reintroduced the Check in and Chat service, where local readers who would like a friendly chat or simply a listening ear can request a phone call with a volunteer, whether it be a one-off call or a series of calls.
Receiving a Check in and Chat call is easy and completely free. Readers can organise it by calling 0808 196 3382 (8am to 8pm, seven days a week). You can also visit nhsvolunteerresponders.org.uk, where you will find further information.
If your readers would like a call, we are encouraging them to please reach out on the number above or to share this information with a loved one, friend, neighbour, or anyone who may need a little extra support and would benefit from a Check in and Chat call.
Sam Ward OBE Deputy CEO,Royal Voluntary Service![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230509175450-66ddb3563b495d1b5e03c543cb647114/v1/e7aa9697919e49d3583c57e256dcb52a.jpeg)
No Need To Book – Just Drop In!
Free “Drop In” session from Age UK to help you use a smartphone, tablet, I-Pad or laptop computer. Never used a computer?
No problem!
We can lend one to get you started! 0116 204 5117 digitalchampions@ageukleics.org.uk
Birstall Royal British Legion Club
Front Street, Birstall
All old and new members will be very welcome
Bingo every Tuesday starting at 9pm Quizzes every Wednesday starting at 8.30pm and Sundays at 9pm
Pool tables at only 50p
Saturday Entertainment 6th May Adam James male vocalist
20th May Steve Raffles male vocalist
Friday 26th May music quiz starting at 8.30pm
Room hire available for wakes, ring 07894715049
Birstall Parish Council The Annual Parish Meeting
will be held at Hallam Fields Hall on Monday May 22 at 6pm.
The Annual Parish meeting is not a formal council meeting, it is an opportunity for parishioners on the electoral roll for Birstall to raise any matters of concern relating to the local community
Art Exhibition & Sale
by local artist Rita Cowham
Saturday 20 May 2023
11am – 5pm at Birstall Village Hall, Birstall Road, LE4 4DH
Free - optional entry donation to Rainbows Children’s Hospice
Birstall Methodist
Monday Group
Coffee Morning
to raise funds for Leicestershire & Rutland Motor Neurone Disease Association at Birstall Methodist Coffee Shop, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, LE4 4JS
Saturday May 13, 10am until 12 noon
Cakes, Plants, Tombola & Jigsaws
Come along and support our 2023 Project
You will always get a friendly welcome at
St Margaret’s Bowls Club
We welcome bowlers of all ages and abilities. Come and have some fresh air and fun in beautiful surroundings. Contact Carolyn or John on 0116 2675947
Co-op Sports Ground, Birstall Road, Birstall LE4 4DE
The Charnwood Orchestra
End of season concert
June 24, 2023, 7.30pm
Church of St James the Greater, London Road, Leicester LE2 1NE
Tchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien, Glazunov: Violin Concerto - Soloist Seb Wyss –
Shostakovich: Symphony No.6
Tickets can be reserved in advance by emailing tickets@chanrnwoodorchestra.org.uk
for more options please visit, www.charnwoodorchestra.org.uk
The Arts Society Charnwood
Are you interested in the Arts: Pictures, Architecture, Silver, Furniture, Jewellery, Sculpture and more? Then come along with your friends and hear monthly, evening hour long lectures held in Quorn given by nationally renowned speakers.
Please contact Mervyn Greenhalgh: mervyngreenhalgh@hotmail.com
12th Annual
White Horse May Day Duck Race
Monday 1st May 2023, 12pm
At the White Horse pub and on the Whiles Lane riverbank
The Duck Race itself will begin at 2pm and Webster the Duck mascot will be there to start off the race
In aid of Birstall Utd Jnrs FC
Many stalls, games and activities by local community groups
Penalty shootout and tuck shop, a toy tombola, a cake stall, sweet stall, hook at duck, bottle tombola, duck memorabilia, duck crafts
Katie’s Characters will also be at the event with some of her princesses or superheroes and Paddle Plus will be on the water giving boat rides, weather allowing.
Ducks for the race are now on sale at The White Horse, Unique Hairdressing and Brunchies’ Café for face to face sales
Friday Night Films
in Thurcaston
“Mrs Harris goes to Paris” (May 12, 115 mins)
In our May life-affirming drama comedy, Oscar nominee, Lesley Manville, plays a widowed cleaning lady who, in the course of her duties, falls madly in love with Lady Dant’s Christian Dior dress. With the help of her late husband’s war pension, Ada Harris ventures to Paris to buy the luxurious dress of her dreams. This is a delightful “rags to regalia” tale that you should not miss.
“The Lost King” (June 9, 108 mins) With Leicester director Stephen Frears, our June UK film is an incredible Leicester story which is nearly all true. Over five hundred years after the last Plantagenet King, Richard III, was slain at the Battle of Bosworth, Phillippa Langley, played by Sally Hawkins, became convinced that she had discovered his resting place. This is the story of her resourceful and exciting research.
“Operation Mincemeat” will be shown on September 8.
Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5, which includes a lucky prize draw and refreshments during the interval. You can pay for tickets at the door, if there are any left or buy in advance from:
Richard 0116 2363 066 or Diana 0116 2362 619
Monday Group
1st May: No Meeting-Early Bank Holiday
8th May: No Meeting -King Charles III Coronation
15th May: Coronation Tea. There will be a prize for the best home made crown.
22nd May: Mountsorrel Quarry and Railway- with Mark Temple
29th May: No Meeting- Late Bank Holiday
Mountsorrel celebrates the Coronation
Free firework display
Saturday May 6, 2023
Memorial playing fields, Mountsorrel Cricket pavilion open from 8 pm with bar
Fireworks at 9pm
Children’s Royal fancy dress competition with prizes
Ages 2–11 years
Bring your own table, chairs and refreshments.
Event sponsored, and provided by Mountsorrel Parish Council
Wanlip May Fair
20th May, 2-4pm at Wanlip Village Hall. There will be all sorts of stalls available, including the ever-popular plant stall!
Once again after a very successful show in 2022 Birstall scouts & St James’ Birstall parish church are putting on a
Last Night of the Proms Show
In aid of the church and the Scouts Saturday 30th September at 7pm doors open from 6.30pm
Tickets £10 per head on the door or if you get them in advance £8 per person and £20 for a family of four (two adults and two children under 12)
We are proud to have the Bilton Silver Rugby Band to preform for us once again this year.
It will be all the familiar music and songs, and lots of flag waving
If you would like tickets please phone the number below 0116 2674031 or 07842336745
Or from St James’ church office
Cedar Care Circle
Hi everyone. Isn't it wonderful now the lighter nights are here. I struggle with the change of time and I know that for some dementia sufferers it's a difficult time too. You, as carer, long to go to bed but the other half doesn't want to go until it's dark. Just another dilemma as a carer! You can't rest if they are still active. We can't promise to help in that respect but we can help you to have a couple of hours socialising. Come and chat, it makes such a difference. Our May meetings are 15th and 22nd, because of the Coronation bank holiday.
Our meetings are held at Brunchies Cafe Hallam Fields road Birstall at 1pm. You will be warmly welcomed by us all. Contact me, Barbara, on 07905760556 if you'd like to chat *
Guided Cemetery Tours
Learn about some of the Great War and Second World War dead at Belgrave Cemetery
Tours being conducted by CWGC volunteers.
03/06/23, 22/07/23, 19/08/23, 03/09/23, 01/10/23, 04/11/23
All tours at 2pm and will last approx. 90 minutes.
Suitable footwear essential
Leicester Symphony Orchestra
'Summer Enigma'
Join the Leicester Symphony Orchestra for an afternoon of glorious music!
Sunday May 21, 3pm at De Montfort Hall
Borodin: Prince Igor overture
Elgar: Enigma Variations
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4
Tickets £20, £16, £5, family £42 & £35 www.demontforthall.co.uk
Birstall Methodist
Thursday Group
May 4th Coronation party
May 11th Palestine, Rev Derek McLean
May 18th Tales from Belgrave Cemetery, Sandra Moore
Sat May 20th Coffee Morning, books, puzzles, cake etc.
May 25th Quiz Time
New members always welcome, 2pm in the Coffee Shop
Birstall Flower Club
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Birstall Village Hall 7.15pm
Demonstrator: Louisa Rigden
Title: Regal Flowers
Visitors £5
Queries to: Sylvia 0116 267 4206 or Carol 0116 267 1437
Birstall Tea Dances
Held at St James, Birstall Village Hall, Birstall Road
Birstall, Leicester, LE4 4DH Fridays 3.30pm – 5.30pm
May 12th & 26th
£6 each on the door,
Tea / coffee included
Home made cakes available, We ask for donations
Further information contact Jackie: Mobile 7908607405
Email: lucasjackie86@gmail.com
Rothley Singers & Quorn singers. Spring
Hopes and Dreams
Sunday, May 21, 7pm
Mountsorrel Memorial Centre. In aid of cancer, research UK
Free concert with retiring collection Tickets (free) are required and are available from Mountsorrel Memorial Centre
Any choir member www.charnwoodcommunitysingers.com or 0776 215 4900
Bradgate Sewing Circle
Invite you to their
Open Morning
to be held on Tuesday 16th May 2023
From 10am to 12 noon at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7PR Display of Patchwork & Quilting, Knitting and Crafts
Raffle, Crafts for Sale
Admission £1 to include Tea/Coffee and Biscuits
Open Day
Birstall Watermead Tennis Club
Sunday May 21, 10am – 2pm
Find us at the Co-op Sports & Social Club, Birstall Road, LE4 4DE
All ages and levels of experience are welcome.
Drop in anytime to give tennis a try, meet club members, check out the facilities and find out what’s on offer! No equipment needed just bring your trainers and some enthusiasm.
On court activities include: Mini tennis, Junior tennis, adult mix-in tennis and Cardio tennis.
Off court games and prizes to be won. Tea, coffee, cakes and a licensed bar available.
Sign up on the day and receive 50% off any membership package!
Contact Gill: 07734965031 or Laura: 07742249807
The June issue of THE BIRSTALL POST will be published on Jun 2. The copy deadline is May 19.
NHW news & crime report
Plan Your Own Burglary!
Like the rest of us, house burglars adapt their activities to reflect the time of year. In the winter months, they use the longer period of darkness to cover their activities and to identify homes that are unoccupied. That is why we advise you to use devices such as timer switches to make your home appear occupied when you are out. This advice applies all year round of course, but the summer months give thieves additional opportunities.
We all welcome the warm weather when we can throw open windows and doors to let in some fresh air. However, when left unattended, these provide ready and easy access to those who want to steal our property. Even when you are in the next room, it can take only seconds for valuable items to be stolen. It is not uncommon for people to come in from a pleasant spell in the garden, only to find that they have been burgled in this manner.
Always be very careful when leaving doors and windows open and unattended, even if they are only ajar or partly secured. Criminals will not think twice about forcing the mechanism or safety chain and will not distinguish a window from a door in order to gain access. Clearly, those open to the street are most vulnerable, but side gates are often left unlocked and thieves have even been known to climb over them! The side and the rear of your premises are also at
Please take five minutes to ‘think like a thief’ and ‘case’ your own property. Consider how you would break in if you were a burglar.
Use your imagination and keep one step ahead of potential thieves. Ask yourself questions like:
Are there windows that are easy to climb through from ground level?
Are there upstairs windows that can be reached, for example, from a conservatory roof?
Are your windows and doors easy to open from the outside?
Do you have extra security locks fitted, and do you use them all the time?
Do you always set your burglar alarm when you are out or go to bed?
Have you considered setting your burglar alarm while you are in the garden?
Do you always keep your side gate locked?
Are your sheds and outbuildings secure?
Do you leave ladders and tools easily available for a burglar to use?
Most importantly, whatever the season, do you check that all doors, windows and outside gates are securely locked when you go out?
It is sad that we have to think like this. However, if we spot things ourselves and put them right, they will not be there for thieves to exploit.
Just be alert, take simple precautions and stay safe.
Ed Chambers, Watch Chairman, Birstall & Wanlip NHW
Current Priorities Charnwood Police
Burglaries: Local Police are aiming to reduce burglaries at domestic dwellings in the area
Local Officers will engage with the community proving crime prevention advice, and encourage the use of securi-
ty measures to make properties more secure. They will attend reports of burglaries to secure any evidence and pursue reasonable lines of enquiries to identify any offenders.
Vehicle Crime: Tackling all elements of vehicle crime
Police aim to tackle different elements of vehicles crime such as theft, TWOC and ASB caused by vehicles
Police aim to tackle vehicle crime through the use of Problem Management Profiles. This will be targeted patrol times to disrupt the use of ASB with vehicles, and disruption tactics on a wider scale using specialist officers.
Theft and associated offences will be targeted by pursuing reasonable lines of enquiry to assist identify and prosecute offenders in a timely manner
Tackling County Lines: Police are developing and targeting people within the area that are drug dealing, exploiting vulnerable people by cuckooing addresses and causing anti-social behaviour from this type of crime.
Gathering intelligence from the community, providing a robust response by executing search warrants, and applying any necessary closures order to stop criminality and protect the public.
Birstall Specific
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) - Including associated crime
We have identified an ASB hotspot within the area of the A6/Birstall services. Youths are gathering after school and into the evening, whilst at the location they are acting in a manner that is unacceptable, showing complete disregard and lack of respect.
Drugs - Use of Cannabis within the park
It has been reported that various/frequent visitors are parking up within the car park on School Lane park and being involved in the use of Cannabis.
Road Safety - Excess Speed
Speeding vehicles is an ongoing issue on our roads, that is very well established. As a policing team, we will be out on the roads at locations highlighted by local residents on a sporadic basis. Please watch your speed.
If you are concerned about road safety in Birstall & Wanlip, request enforcement and make a difference. Find out more by visiting the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Road Safety Partnership website: www.speedorsafety.com where you can complete a short Community Concern Site Request.
A message from PC 1365 Stu Venables
We are seeing a reduction in burglaries recently, long may this continue. However, now is the time to review your property and add security features where it is possible and affordable. There is lots of information available online and a good starting point would be the Leicestershire police website: (leics.police.uk)
Additionally, we do have some police volunteers that are happy to visit you at home to offer some advice, if this is something you are interested in please visit us at the next beat surgery and we can discuss it further.
Some good news and possibly part of the reason the burglaries have reduced is that after receiving information from a local resident, who reported seeing someone trying car doors at 4am in the morning. Police arrived at the location (Birstall Road) stopped and searched the male (who was hiding in a ditch), finding him in possession of various tools used to commit thefts/burglaries (two pairs of industrial grey gloves, a crowbar, pincer pliers and a chisel). The male was arrested but bailed awaiting a charging decision from the crown prosecution service (CPS) however we did manage to remand him into His Majesty’s Prison (HMP) in regards to other matters, ergo keeping our streets that bit safer.
Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity/behaviour to the police without delay, your action and information could just prevent a crime from being committed.
Let's not give criminals an easy ride, it may not affect you directly, but we need to look out for each other and hold criminals to account. If a crime is in progress, call 999.
We have had a few reports on the Hallam Fields estate regarding youths engaging in ASB/Crime in regards to deliberately kicking balls and throwing stones at houses, kicking doors and banging loudly on doors. Please have a word with your children, to ensure they are not involved. We are looking into the issues and collecting CCTV, which we will be sharing with the local schools in order to seek their identification. If you are having issues regarding ASB please report it to us and/or Charnwood Borough Council and for additional advice regarding ASB please either visit our website or Charnwood Borough Councils at:
It’s been absolutely awesome being able to get around the village on the cycle and foot recently, and lovely to see so many people out and about. If you see me or my colleagues about and want to have a chat about any local issues, please feel free, we are out on patrol and looking to engage with the community in order to find out what is going on and identify any issues that need addressing.
Finally, I have a couple of events coming up this month, please feel free to come and see me and the team for a chat and feel free to bring your cycle along and we will happily mark it for you and get it registered on the national bike register, making it less attractive to thieves.
Birstall Gala back this June Cedars’ win
BIRSTALL’S SUMMER Gala returns this year on Saturday June 24.
The one-day event, organised by Birstall Parish Council, will take place on the School Lane playing field.
The fairground will start the ball rolling for the weekend by opening at 11am and the live performances of dance and bands will begin at mid-day up until 7pm when there will be a short interval to prepare the stage for the ‘Proms in the Park’ concert. The concert starts at 7.30pm and concludes with a firework
finale at 10pm, weather permitting.
For safety reasons, the Loughborough Road entrance will be locked during the afternoon of the event to enable the firework display to be set up safely. It will not be re-opened until after the firework display has concluded at 10pm.
Due to popular demand, there is space for several charity, private and
THE CEDARS Academy has won the prestigious Leicester City Football Club’s PL Inspires challenge for the first time ever.
trade stalls on the field. It’s not too late to book a stall if you are interested, but please hurry and contact the Parish Council Offices on 0116 267 6191 or download the booking form from the Parish Council website.
Due to the current economic climate, the Council will not be charging for admission, and there will be a lot of new, free attractions for all ages to enjoy.
Continued from page 24
Stay safe.
PC 1365 Stu Venables
Crime Figures Birstall and Wanlip
08th of March 2023 until 07th of April 2023
Burglary (2)
Burglary dwellings;
- Went Road (19th of March 2023 between 16:05 and 19:30)
- Copeland Road (Between the 11th and 12th March)
Thefts (11)
3 x Retail Theft
4 x Theft by finding
1 x Theft of motor vehicle - (This was a 3 Ton excavator, which was stolen and recovered by police along with other stolen vehicles a day later)
1 x Theft from unattended motor vehicle
0 x Catalytic Converter—(However since 01/01/23 we have had 3 reported from Birstall)
0 x Theft of number plate (However since 01/01/23 we have has 6 lots of plates reported stolen from Birstall.)
1 x Theft of Cycle
1 x Going equip to steal.
(Males stopped by police after being seen trying car doors, found with various items used for committing thefts)
Criminal Damage (7)
3 x Damage to motor vehicle
3 x Damage to dwelling
1 x Damage—other
Public Order (7)
5 x S4a (words / behaviour to cause harassment / alarm / distress)
1 x S.3 - Affray
1 x S.5 (Use threatening words / behaviour to cause harassment alarm or distress)
Drugs (1)
1 x Possession of Cannabis Assaults (15)
5 x Common Assault – Slight injury
9 x Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) –Bruising to body / Loss of hair
1 x Grievous bodily harm (GBH) with intent
*Out of the 15 assaults reported 6 were domestic related.
Beat Surgery - Friday the 5th of May 2023 - Between 4pm and 6pm located at the Robert Dickinson Building on Sibson Road. (Within the Short Stay Car park)
Beat Surgery - Thursday the 11th of May 2023 - Between 10am and 12pm.
Venue: as above
Beat Surgery - Monday the 29th of May 2023 - Between 10am and 12pm
Venue: as above
Beat Surgery - Thursday the 01st June 2023 - Between 4pm and 6pm
Venue: as above
Please feel free to attend, meet your local officer, ask any questions or discuss any community concerns you may have. Additionally, local residents can bring their cycles to the surgeries to have them officially marked for free. Information regarding the scheme can be found on the website: www.bikeregister.com or explained on the day.
Upcoming events
I will be looking at holding a further Bike Register event in June within Watermead Park on a Saturday (possibly 17th June but to be confirmed) and will also be looking at holding a vehicle number plate event, where you can be provided with anti-tamper screws to better secure your plates to prevent thieves taken them.
I am also planning on conducting further road safety operations; this will be targeted towards the fatal four offences (Speed, Drink/Drugs, Seat belt and Mobile Phone) around Birstall & Wanlip.
Parish Clerk Sue Coulson said: “For health and safety reasons, the Council has a complete ban on BBQs on the field throughout the event, but you are more than welcome to bring your picnics, tables, chairs, gazebos, etc. There will be ample hot food outlets available throughout the event, so we hope this will not deter anyone from attending this popular summer’s evening event.
“The Parish Council is always grateful for help at this busy event, and if you wish to volunteer some of your time to assist the staff and councillors, your help would be most appreciated.”
Contact the office on 0116 267 6191 or email: admin@birstallpc.org.uk for further information.
The challenge, held by the Premier League every year for youth voice, is run by the LCFC Inspires mentors. This year, three Year 8 students at Birstall’s Cedars Academy, Ruby, Nicole and Cobie, participated in the challenge, presenting their sustainable ideas for use in football stadiums and/or schools.
Their winning project focused on creating a community garden and safe space by using trees that have already been cut down, to create benches and swings to make it child and familyfriendly.
They also proposed using solar panel lights to create a bright pathway accessible to everyone at any time of day or night, using blue and white flowers to represent both Leicester City Football Club and The Cedars Academy.
The team presented their ideas to six other schools and two judges and emerged victorious. The students are already working on how to implement their sustainable ideas into the Cedars’ gardens, with a completion deadline of May 26. Ruby and Nicole are currently leading the project with the support of LCFC mentor Layah.
The team's achievement has earned them a well-deserved spot at the Aston Villa ground celebration event on June 27.
An academy spokesperson said: “Congratulations to the team behind the winning project! Your commitment to sustainability and innovation is an inspiration to all of us, and we are extremely proud of you all.”
Pic: Cedars Academy challenge winning students
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A FUNDRAISING concert has raised £455 for LOROS.
‘From Classics to Jazz’ was organised by Maureen and Rachael Lawson at Syston Methodist Church.
Maureen and Rachael would like to thank the audience, everyone who helped with the concert and the ten local businesses who donated raffle prizes for their support in helping to raise money for LOROS.
The pianist was too unwell to attend, and Rachael played the whole of her programme unaccompanied. Her daughter Faith, aged 9, was an absolute star in this her first concert, playing extra pieces on the trombone and even opening
Volunteers and staff say goodbye
BIRSTALL’S ST James Day Centre provides support and companionship for elderly people and those suffering from dementia.
Three volunteers and two members of staff have recently retired from the centre and were given cards, gifts and best wishes from service users.
Volunteers Rod and Theresa Newitt travelled from Loughborough every Tuesday to volunteer at the day centre. Rod worked as a driver for Age UK for 11 years prior to his retirement. He returned to volunteer in Birstall for the last seven years.
His wife Theresa joined him following her retirement from the NHS.
crossing patrol at Riverside School. She has also volunteered for Birstall Playgroup for Children with Additional Needs for 44 years! She has been a volunteer at the day centre for 30 years, having originally been involved in setting it up.
the second half with an Irish dance display!
Since they started giving the concerts in 2000, and combined with their virtual cycle rides during lockdown when the concerts weren’t possible, they have raised over £10,000 for LOROS, a charity that is close to their hearts.
Pics: by Dave Morris shows (l-r): Lady Gretton, Maureen, Faith and Rachael; (top) soloist Faith Lawson
A centre spokesperson said: “They are very valuable members of our Tuesday team, helping out with all aspects of the running of the centre. They are very well-loved by staff and group members alike. We hope they will enjoy a wellearned rest from their volunteering work. They will be hugely missed.”
Theresa said: “It’s been a joy to be here, the clients that we have are fantastic, they have such amazing life stories to share with us, and to see them smile and be happy makes my day.”
Volunteer Margaret Young is well known around Birstall for her role as
The centre spokesperson said: “Margaret has been a massive asset to the group. She travels on the bus, acting as a passenger escort, assisting the driver in picking up group members. She’s always ready with her mint humbugs as the passengers board the bus. She has also become very well known for her delicious homemade cakes. Tuesdays just won’t be the same without her. Margaret is such a lovely person and always puts the needs of others before her own. She, too, will be greatly missed.”
Day Centre Organiser Valerie Hall has had a long career in the care of the elderly, having been a care home manager for many years. She came to Age UK after the Leicester City Council residential homes were sold off. She started work at the day centre as the bath nurse for the bathing service. Following a staff vacancy, she took on the role of Day Centre Organiser.
The spokesperson said: “Val has brought her own cheerful and empathetic personality to the role over the last few years and created a safe and happy environment for the many members that have attended the centre over the last seven years.”
Val said: “I will miss the clients, they are like family, and it will be hard to say goodbye.”
Olwen Guildford worked in Age Concern’s Clarence House as a daycare supervisor in the 1980s. After a brief spell running a day centre in the private sector, she left to pursue a career with the RSPCA. She spent many years working at Woodside Animal Centre and latterly as an Animal Collection Officer working in the field alongside RSPCA inspectors. When her contract ended in
early 2000, she took on various shortterm jobs, including working at the Platform Cafe at Leicester North Station of the Great Central Railway. Following redundancy when the cafe closed, she returned to Age UK as a Carer/Driver for St James Day Centre. She has become a familiar face driving around Birstall and surrounding areas picking up the people who come to the group. She is looking forward to having more time to spend with her family and two dogs.
Theresa said: “Olwen and Val have been a wonderful support to us as volunteers, they have always been there for us, no matter what.”
The St James Day Centre is operated by Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland.
It is located in the Village Hall, Birstall Road.
Mondays & Wednesdays
10am - 3pm
Offers transport: Yes
Hot lunch provided: Yes
Specialises in supporting people living with dementia.
10am - 3pm
Offers transport: Yes
Hot lunch provided: Yes
Suitable for people living with dementia, mobility and personal care needs, mental health and learning disabilities.
A specialised assisted bathing service is available at the centre.
Free Taster Day
Try a free taster day so you can experience first-hand the kind of things you can do and discover all the facility has to offer. You are welcome to bring someone along with you, a friend, relative or carer.
To find out more, or to enquire about volunteering, contact 0116 222 0558 or email daycare@ageukleics.org.uk
BIRSTALL BOWLING Club will be taking part in Bowls England’s Bowls’ Big Weekend, which is being held later this month.
This is a national initiative to encourage new bowlers in particular to try out the sport and is an ideal opportunity to see what bowls has to offer following a successful Commonwealth Games for England’s bowlers last year.
The club, which plays on School Lane Playing Fields in the village, will welcome anyone who would like to have a go. The event takes place from Friday 26 to Monday May 29. Session times will be confirmed shortly, and details will be on our website and Facebook page, or you can call the numbers below. All equipment will be provided, you just need a pair of trainers or flat-soled shoes. Experienced players and coaches will be on hand to offer assistance if required.
You can sign up for the event at any participating club throughout the country and find out more information by visiting Bowls England’s website www.bowlsengland.com/bowls-big-weekend/
If you cannot make any of the sessions, please contact Diane on 0116 2676245 or Andy on 0116 2677969, and an alternative time can be arranged. More information can be found by visiting the website www.birstallbowlingclub.co.uk or by searching for our Facebook page.
From Birstall Bowling Club
Sewing Circle welcome
BRADGATE SEWING Circle consists of a group of ladies who meet at The Rothley Centre each Tuesday from 9.30am to 11.30am to sew, knit, cross stitch, embroider and socialise over a cup of coffee and biscuits.
Formed some 36 years ago, we were predominantly a quilting group, but numbers have dwindled over the past three years due to Covid, and we would welcome new members to come along and bring their crafts.
We are a friendly group, and you will find us willing to help each other with our work.
We are holding an Open Morning on Tuesday May 16, 2023, from 10am to 12 noon at the Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR and invite you to come along and join us for a coffee or tea and see what we do.
From Bradgate Sewing Circle
Acorn’s Easter bonnet parade
ACORN UNDER Fives held an Easter Bonnet Parade on the last day of the Spring Term.
The children from the Toddler Group and Preschool attended wearing bonnets decorated with straw, chickens, and Easter stickers and some were even illuminated with lights.
All the entries won a prize for taking part. There were three overall winners, with bonnets that had been made by the children themselves.
1st – Finley Canavan
2nd – Yaqub Ali
3rd – Cora Varney
Despite the showers, the children sang a selection of songs for their family and friends, and everyone met afterwards for a drink and some delicious cakes.
Acorn Under Fives is based at Highcliffe Primary School and is celebrating its 40th Anniversary on Saturday July 8. All are welcome to join the celebrations.
The group holds a toddler group on a Monday morning, where mums, dads, carers, childminders and grandparents are welcome, and a preschool, which is open five days a week.
If you would like a place at Acorn, in either the Toddler group or Preschool, contact the setting by calling 07842006199 or email acornunderfives@gmail.com.
Helping our community
THE GROUP is looking forward to the annual Duck Race where we hope our teddy tombola will help raise funds.
We have been fortunate to be able to support families in our community to continue with extra curricular activities
Helping our Community LE4 Birstall
DO YOU love flowers? Like meeting people with the same interest?
Fancy watching a NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangers Society) trained demonstrator for less than a cup of coffee and a slice of cake?
Then Birstall Flower Club is for you!
We have demonstrators who use a wide variety of native and exotic flowers and greenery in unusual eco-friendly containers.
at what some are finding a difficult time financially. We are able to support with subs and help towards equipment, football boots etc.
St James Monday group has made us one if their chosen recipients for their annual fundraising and we are overwhelmed to have received a cheque for £600. This will enable us to offer continued support in the community.
We are still able to offer hot meals to anyone discharged from hospital and also a “comfort pack” of essential items. People are increasing being discharged late at night often to home and alone. If you think we can help please get in touch.
Thank you to everyone that has donated teddy bears. Thank you for your continued support.
Call us 07894995164 if we can help
Walk of witness
ON GOOD Friday, 50 people from all three churches processed through Birstall on a walk of witness.
They started at Tesco on Sibson Rd, stopping along the way until they reached Birstall Fisheries. At each stopping point, they had an Easter reading, a prayer for our village, and a hymn.
People took turns carrying the massive 10ft high cross, and they all sang a reflective Taizé chant while walking
along the route, as well as handing out crosses made from palm fronds to those that wanted them.
The procession finished at St. Theresa’s, where everyone was welcomed in for a hot drink and a hot cross bun. The walk of witness is a reminder of Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem when the jubilant crowd threw their cloaks and palm fronds into the road to honour him.
Carrying the cross retells the final walk that Jesus took on his way to be crucified.
Meetings are on the fourth Wednesday of the month, and we meet in Birstall Village Hall at 7.15pm. There is a raffle for one of the beautiful arrangements and a stall selling plants at a very reasonable price.
You don’t have to do anything! Just sit back and be entertained by interesting and amusing commentaries from the arrangers as they work their magic.
Throughout the year, we have visits to interesting gardens, social events and raise money for our charity, which this year is Guide Dogs for the Blind, for which we have sponsored two puppies.
Now the nights are drawing out, come and have a look. We hope to see you soon.
Contact details are in the Noticeboard Section of this paper.
From Birstall Flower Club
THE BOWLS season has been underway for a couple of weeks now, and after a cold, wet March and early April, club members are enjoying being in the fresh air and good company once again.
The game of bowls has fascinated people for centuries, and no wonder. The earliest written record of a bowls club comes from the year 1294! So, the game is still going strong after more than 700 years, which must say something.
St Margaret's provides a warm welcome to both new and experienced bowlers alike and can also offer coaching. For more information, please contact Carolyn of John on 0116 2675947.
From St Margaret’s Co-operative
Trust’s 40 years
A LOCAL charity that provides therapeutic narrowboat trips for community groups has celebrated its 40th anniversary and is appealing for new volunteers.
Beedles Lake Golf Club played host to the Baldwin Trust's first social event of the year.
Almost 70 volunteers and their partners came together for an evening of fun to launch the anniversary celebrationsrope throwing, line dancing and a quiz based on the rich history of the Baldwin Trust were all included in the evening's entertainment.
The Baldwin Trust was set up in 1983 to provide respite for patients in the Baldwin ward at the former Leicester Frith Hospital. 40 years later, the trust is still going strong, providing crewed narrowboat cruises for community, friends and family groups in their fully wheelchair-accessible boats.
The Trust volunteers were addressed by Richard Jayes, acting Chair, who reminded all volunteers of the important role they play. “Without you, our volunteers, we would not be able to provide so many trips to such a wide variety of organisations - from the Ukrainian refugee group to groups of children with additional needs. So many members of our community benefit from time on the water.”
The Baldwin Trust welcomes new volunteers of all backgrounds, skills and abilities. In its 40th anniversary year, the trust is looking to increase the number of volunteers from around 70 to 100 or more. Demand for the service is high, with many members of the community looking to benefit from time on the tranquil waters of the local river and canal system. There are volunteer opportunities available in all aspects of the charity, from crewing or skippering the boats to management and trustee roles to assist in the running of the charity. If you have an interest in the waterways, would like to spend time outside, want to meet new people and learn new skills, then the trust would love to hear from you.
email: secretary@baldwintrust.co.uk
Join Birstall walking group
DO YOU enjoy walking in the countryside with like-minded people?
Can you comfortably walk 5 miles in two and a bit hours? Are you regularly free on a Thursday?
If so, why not consider joining Bir-
WI news
BIRSTALL AND Wanlip WI met on April 3 at Birstall British Legion on Front Street.
We began the evening with the singing of Jerusalem. This was the first time we have sung it since the Covid lockdown, and the monthly competition was also reintroduced.
Votes were taken on the National Resolution to help clean our rivers.
We heard about various future Federation events, including the monthly ‘Which Craft’ social gathering and a croquet taster session in July.
Our walking group will meet again on April 24. We will have a craft stall at the annual Duck Race on May 1 and will host the Methodist Coffee shop on June 3, with our usual cakes, crafts and plants.
Our speaker was Pam Lenthall, who talked to us about the benefits of aromatherapy, and we practised the relaxing art of hand massage on each other.
Our next meeting is on May 2, when we celebrate our 105th birthday with a skittle and supper evening at the Royal Oak in Cossington. The competition is a ‘Coronation Hat’.
From Birstall & Wanlip WI
stall Walking Group? We are a friendly group of people who do a circular walk on alternate Thursdays, starting from a pub at 10.15am and eating lunch at the pub afterwards. We currently get about 12-15 walkers and could accommodate more. Most of our walks are within 30 minutes drive of Birstall, though occa-
sionally we go a little further into Rutland, South Derbyshire or South Notts. If you’re interested in joining us for a trial walk or two, or you would like more details, please phone Alan Bloor (Chairman) on 07580 421 764.
Pic: Birstall Walking Group
One Stop & Rotary foodbank donation
BIRSTALL’S FOOD Bank has been boosted by a donation from Wreake Valley Rotary Club.
“While shopping at Birstall Hallam Fields One Stop Shop, one of our members noticed a large tub and a table set up, inviting customers to give items to the Soar Valley Food Bank project,” said Rotary spokesman Peter Fox.
“On speaking to staff, we learned that they collected each week, so as a club, we decided to make some purchases
from them and support this local project. When we told the staff what we intended to do, we received a further lift when the shop also put in a contribution of £50 worth of goods into the collection tub to boost our efforts.”
The club had fundraised over Christmas by taking their Santa sleigh around Birstall, Syston, Thurmaston and Mountsorrel.
Pic: Members of the Rotary Club and Martin from the One Stop Shop in Hallam Fields
Get dragon’s breath china out
THE LESLIE Edwards Trust, a charity formed in Loughborough in 2009 to help the hard-ofhearing community learn lipreading, provides free training for people to become lipreading tutors.
Angela Yates, from the Trust, writes: For many years, I accepted that if anyone special came for tea, my mother would get the dragon’s breath china out. It wasn’t until I questioned it later that I suddenly realised that she was actually saying ‘granny’s best china’ Or, remembering, when young, learning a poem off by heart which exhorted me to pity mice implicitly when I should have been reciting ‘pity my simplicity’. Yes, I did feel a bit simple when I realised that I had been delivering pleas to nurture the rodent population!
In terms of inconvenience, there are many disabilities that can plague the human being a great deal more than being hard of hearing, but it must rate as one of the most irritating and exasperating in terms of the confusion it can cause. Both for the listener and the speaker too, who occasionally finds the response to their question as hardly lucid, never mind fitting.
Embarrassment mushrooms on all sides, with words and phrases misheard and misunderstood. In my own case, having been born with little more than residual hearing in one ear and the other one, although presenting as small and shell-like, containing no receptive apparatus at all, it took a few years before I was able to see the occasional humour in the affliction. Even then, it was often not shared by the speaker. The resulting misinterpretation might have seemed a trifle amusing to me but did not necessarily have the same effect on the speaker. Invariably, they would either look annoyed with me for causing
their perplexity or bend over backwards to try and spare me any discomfiture. Most people who have severe hearing problems probably, without realising it, try to lipread the speaker’s lips, which may help. Even the odd word or two, understood correctly, can give context to what is being conveyed in speech, as can facial expressions.
Yet another reason for hoping coronavirus or its like never reaches the proportions of 2021/22 - it is almost impossible to pick up any clues from a face protected by a mask. But when you study the lip movements on someone’s face, it is quite easy to think you have understood what they are saying because the sentence you thought they might have said looks very much like the one they were saying. But, in fact, it may be nothing like it.
Attending a lipreading class to learn the skill more thoroughly has been a real joy for me. Not only because it has helped me tremendously with communicating effectively but for the support and companionship of other members of the class.
Lipreading is a technique to aid speech understanding by watching the movement of lips, face and tongue when their accompanying sound is not sufficiently loud or clear to hear.
The class is able to share experiences, tips and empathy with one another, which helps greatly. Being hard of hearing can be very isolating. Social groups and clubs are an enjoyable way of meeting other people and making new friends, but if you are
having difficulty understanding the conversation, you tend to be on the periphery, not able to participate for fear of not having understood what has already been said. None of this would have had anything like the beneficial impact that it has though, were it not for the excellent tutor that we have been so fortunate to have acquired. Someone who patiently understands, listens to our needs and appreciates that different members have differing requirements with varying levels of hearing impairment. Not forgetting those who suffer the additional burden of tinnitus. Tinnitus is the name for
learning course. The cost of course fees, travel and books will be covered by the Trust. Tutors are freelance, and LET pays a generous hourly rate intended to cover general expenses. Being a tutor is a parttime occupation and generally involves teaching several two-hour sessions weekly, based on a 30-week year.
If you would like to find out more about this very worthwhile challenge, please contact leslieedwardstrust@gmail.com or jennycluley@yahoo.co.uk or contact Jenny on 07889 544997 or angela.reddaway@talktalk.net
P/23/0564/2: 62 Sibson Road Birstall
Leicestershire LE4 4NA. Erection of single storey side extension and rear dormer roof extension
P/23/0499/2: Broadnook Land North of Birstall Leicestershire Birstall. Reserved matters application for 109 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Parcel 1 (P/22/0333/2 relates)
hearing ringing or buzzing that comes from inside your ears, rather than from an outside source. Above all, someone who teaches us to lipread in classes that are stimulating, safe and full of interest and that encourages us to share our experiences with each other as she does, with calmness, kindness and good humour.
We are fortunate not just to have this particular tutor, but to have any tutor. We are in urgent need of new tutors to provide the service to future generations The Leslie Edwards Trust (a charity formed in Loughborough in 2009 to help the hard-of-hearing community learn lipreading) is offering the opportunity to train as a lipreading tutor by offering a professional qualification which involves a one-year distance
P/23/0609/2: 679 Loughborough Road
Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4NL. Erection of single storey extensions to front, side and rear, two storey extension to side of dwelling.
P/23/0570/2: 21 Beechfield Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4DB. Erection of single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling.
P/23/0582/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Leicestershire Birstall. Discharge of Condition 9 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 16 i (development area), 16 ii (site accesses, internal infrastrucutre, pedestrian cycle crossings, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways), 16 v (off-site highways and infrastructure) 16 viii (updated badger and bat surveys), 16 xii (timing and sequencing of development), 28 (contamination) and 31 (Construction Environment Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2
P/23/0580/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire. Discharge of Conditions 24 (surface water drainage scheme), 25 (surface water management during construction), 27 (foul sewage drainage plans) and 39 (earthworks and site levels) of Planning Permis-
FACES ARTS, the well-established Performing Arts Company in Birstall, have performed a variety of shows over the past few months.
The Commercial Street dance show was a high energy, upbeat and fast-paced show, whilst the Theatre School students performed their all singing, dancing and acting musical productions ‘Sister Act’ & ‘High School Musical’.
For more information on Faces Arts Saturday Theatre School, Commercial Street Dance, Shake Up Parent & Toddler or Summer Schools, contact Jody@facesarts.co.uk, 07971423201 or visit the website www.facesarts.co.uk for further information.
P/23/0579/2: Land North of Birstall Broadnook Birstall Leicestershire. Discharge of Conditions 29 (site wide landscape and biodiversity management strategy) and 30 (Phase Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2
P/23/0596/2: 432 Loughborough Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3EE. First floor
P/23/0587/2: 3 Russet Way Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4GX. Lawful Development Certificate for erection of rear dor-
P/23/0511/2: Leicester North Services Loughborough Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3BT. Installation of an Electric Vehicle Charging) (EVC) hub (8 bays), substation, reconfiguration of accessible car parking bays.and associated works.
P/23/0506/2: 70 Denegate Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3GG. Conversion of garage to habitable space, replacement of existing conservatory with single storey rear extension, changes to fenestration and increased rear patio area.
News from the churches
LOVELY THINGS happen when the Christian churches of Birstall and Wanlip get together, and so it proved for the Passover Supper in St. Theresa's Social area, where we were met by the sight of beautifully set tables with wine and candles.
There must have been an incredible amount of scrubbing, peeling, chopping, slicing and cooking involved to give everybody a wonderful meal, which was accompanied by the age-old prayers and rituals which keep us connected to our faith and to each other.
Our churches were also together for the Easter Walk of Witness through Birstall on Good Friday, culminating in Hot Cross buns, again at St Theresa's.
Many homes in Birstall now have lovely knitted Easter chicks and/or rabbits - ingeniously made to encompass a Creme Egg, the sale of which raised a whopping £300, part of which has gone to provide a fridge in St. James' kitchen (the Howard Room).
St James Church is remaining open to be used as a Warm Space on Tuesday afternoons until the summer, and now the church has burst into colour for Easter with the lovely fresh flowers of spring, it is a very welcoming space indeed, thanks to our expert flower arrangers working their magic.
Donations for Ukraine are still very welcome; from First Aid kits to warm clothing, toiletries to tinned and dried foods, which will all be taken to the Ukraine Centre in Leicester and thence directly to Ukraine. There is a collecting box in the area just inside the main door of the church, along with sundry re-cycling boxes!
The Monday Group enjoyed an entertaining and informative talk by Ian Rogerson, all about cheese!
With samples! Who knew that there is a charcoal cheese? Black, as its name suggests, and looking more like Black Pudding than cheese, but delicious! We have an interesting year to look forward to in the new programme, and new members will be very welcome. However, there is no meeting in May this year.
From Birstall Parish Churches
THE TIME of Lent is a special time of year for all our churches in Birstall, and as usual, we held some special events such as an Easter-themed lunch and the walk of witness through the village on Good Friday.
Each of the worship services during the forty days of Lent had a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and how we can help make the world in which we live to become a better and more wholesome place. Each week a different symbol is added to the foot of the cross: see if you can spot them in the photo on the other page. After Easter, we rejoice that Jesus is risen from the dead, and the drama of the day of Pentecost. Usually, our services are quite lively during this time of celebration, and we all look forward to the new life that the season of spring brings to us, as well as the improving weather!
From Birstall Methodist Church
This month marks the historic event of the coronation of King Charles III. Handel’s Coronation Anthem, ‘Zadok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King’, has been included in all coronation services since George II’s in 1727. The event of Solomon’s anointing is recorded in 1 Kings 1:32-40 when special oil was used. The oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and meant that God was setting apart or consecrating that person for a specific role as Prophet, Priest or King. Some men in Israel’s history held two of these three roles, like Samuel (prophet and priest) and King David (prophet and king) but none all three, as this was something that only the Lord Jesus could do and the others were only pointing forward to Him. The word ‘Christ’ is the Greek version of the Hebrew ‘Messiah’, meaning ‘anointed’. Our hymn this month focuses on the kingship of Jesus. It is ‘All hail the power of Jesus’ Name!’ and was initially written by Edward Perronet (17261792) but later revised by Dr. John Rippon (1751-1836). Perronet was from a family of French immigrants, becoming a Church of England clergyman in Kent and who worked with the Methodists. Rippon was a Devon man, who laboured for over sixty years in a Baptist church in London. Their joint effort seeks to affirm the Kingship of Christ and it has been said that so long as there are Christians on earth it will continue to be sung – and after that, in heaven. It begins by calling on the angels to ‘bring forth the royal diadem to crown Him Lord of all’ and then calls on all groups of people to acknowledge Jesus, and the fifth verse encourages ‘Let every kindred, every tribe, on this terrestrial ball, to Him all majesty ascribe and crown Him Lord of all.’
At the anointing of King Solomon, Benaiah, a fearless warrior and one of King David’s most trusted commanders,
said to David: ‘As the LORD has been with my lord the king, even so may He be with Solomon.’ We would echo this prayer for King Charles and ourselves: may we, as did the late Queen, look to the Lord Jesus for His mercy, grace, wisdom, guidance and support. God save the King!
You are most welcome to join us for our Sunday services but will need to contact us for venues, as there are two Bank Holidays in May and we are not able to use the Day Centre on these occasions. http://www.birstallbaptistchurch.org.uk or 0116 2214883
From Birstall Independent Baptist church
IN MARCH, parishioners were saddened to hear that our Parish Priest, Fr. Ted Mullen was to retire with immediate effect, on health grounds. We shall miss him greatly, and we send him our prayers and good wishes for the future.
At the present time, we do not have a permanent replacement. Fortunately, our committed teams of parish volunteers at St Theresa’s and Sacred Heart, Rothley, have been working extra hard behind the scenes to ensure that the parishes function as normally as possible in the interim.
We have been assisted at week-end
maintaining parish life, in particular Daphne and Hazel.
One event that we were pleased could go ahead was the Passover Meal, or Seder. The form we use as Christians is based on the prayers and Bible readings, with the symbolic foods and herbs used in the traditional Jewish celebration. Our thanks to Gordon and Brian for leading the service, and the “Two Hazels Team” who prepared and served the delicious meal.
During Holy Week, we had our usual services, from Maundy Thursday through to Easter Day, recalling the events from the Last Supper to Christ’s death and Resurrection. Fr Philip Sainter was fortunately able to say all Masses over the Triduum at St Theresa’s and at both churches on Easter Sunday. Much work goes on to prepare the church as the days progress. The music led by the musicians and choir and beautiful flower arrangements which bedecked the churches, added to the joyful atmosphere of the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses. Again, thanks to everyone involved.
Fundraising: an Easter egg raffle raised welcome funds for the parish. Parishioners were generous in their support of Richard Miranda’s fundraising on behalf of Brain Research UK, firstly with a Hamper Raffle (kindly donated by Tesco) and then sponsorship for running in the London Marathon recently. Well done Richard!
Whilst we are without a permanent
parish priest, it is particularly important that people refer to the weekly newsletter for up-to-date information about services, news and events. The newsletter can also be found on the parish website: st-theresasacredheart.co.uk
From St Theresa’s Church
Masses by several local priests and our Eucharistic Ministers have celebrated weekday Liturgy services. Our grateful thanks go to all who are involved in
Pics: the Passover Meal
Birstall BAG’s cancer corner
Oesophageal Cancer
Birstall BAGs has been running a series of articles in this column about rare cancers. Rare cancers affect a small number of people and this month, we would like to provide some information about cancer of the oesophagus.
Oesophageal cancer is a cancer that starts in the food pipe. The food pipe is also called the oesophagus or gullet. Around 9,300 people are diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in the UK each year. It’s the 14th most common cancer in adults.
The Food Pipe
The food pipe (oesophagus) is part of your digestive system. It is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. It lies behind the windpipe (trachea) and in front of the spine. At the top of the oesophagus there is a ring of muscle (sphincter). This sphincter opens the oesophagus when food or liquid comes toward it. It also stops food from going down the windpipe.
The lower part of the oesophagus joins the stomach. This is called the gastrooesophageal junction (GOJ). There is a ring of muscle (sphincter) close to the GOJ, which controls food moving from the oesophagus into the stomach. Between meals, this sphincter closes. This stops stomach contents and acid from moving backwards from the stomach into the oesophagus. Where does it start, and the different cell types
The wall of the oesophagus is made of several layers of tissue. These include the inner layer (mucosa), muscle, and connective tissue. Oesophageal cancer starts in the inner lining of the oesophagus and spreads outward through the other layers.
There are two main types of cells
lining the oesophagus: squamous cells
glandular (adenomatous) cells
Cancer can start in either type of cell. So there are two main types of oesophageal cancer - squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.
The cancer can develop in any part of the oesophagus.
The upper and middle part
Cancers in the upper part, and middle part, tend to be squamous cell carcinomas. These develop from cells that make up the inner lining of your oesophagus.
Lower part
Cancers in the lower part of the oesophagus tend to be a type called adenocarcinoma. These cancers start in gland cells.
The gastro-oesophageal junction
The lowest end of the oesophagus joins the stomach. The area where the oesophagus and stomach join is called the gastrooesophageal junction (GOJ). Cancers that start here are called gastro-oesophageal junction cancers.
It can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between oesophageal, stomach and GOJ cancers. But we know from research that GOJ cancers are a separate type of cancer. They can behave differently to cancers of the oesophagus and stomach.
Who gets oesophageal cancer?
Your risk of developing oesophageal cancer depends on many things, including your age, lifestyle and other medical conditions.
Anything that can increase your risk of cancer is called a risk factor. Those that lower the risk are called protective factors.
Having one or more risk factors
doesn’t mean that you will definitely get oesophageal cancer.
Oesophageal cancer is more common in men than women.
Age - It's more common in older people. In the UK, on average each year around 40 out of 100 (around 40%) new cases are in people aged 75 and over. It's very rare in people younger than 40.
Weight - Obesity means being very overweight with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.
Try to maintain a healthy weight by being active and eating a healthy diet.
Being overweight or obese increases your risk of getting oesophageal cancer. More than 25 out of 100 oesophageal cancers (more than 25%) in the UK are caused by being overweight or obese. The more overweight you are, the higher your risk.
Tobacco - Your risk increases the longer you smoke. It's never too late to give up, but the sooner you stop, the better.
Smoking increases your risk of the two main types of oesophageal cancer –squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma. Around 35 out of 100 oesophageal cancer cases (around 35%) in the UK are caused by smoking.
Smoking and drinking together further increases the risk of some oesophageal cancers more than either by itself.
You also have an increased risk of oesophageal cancer if you chew tobacco chew areca nut use snuff use betel quid (paan or pan)
Alcohol - Your risk increases if you drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week. The less you drink, the lower your risk of developing cancer.
Drinking alcohol increases your risk of squamous cell oesophageal cancer.
Barrett’s Oesophagus - Barrett's oesophagus increases your risk of oesophageal cancer, although the risk is still small. Many people with Barrett’s oesophagus do not develop cancer.
Barrett's oesophagus is a condition where the cells lining your oesophagus have become abnormal. This can happen due to long-term acid indigestion (acid reflux). Not everyone with Barrett's oesophagus has reflux.
Between three and 13 people out of 100 (between three and 13%) with Barrett’s oesophagus in the UK will develop oesophageal adenocarcinoma in their lifetime. And each year, less than one in 100 people with Barrett’s (less than 1%) develop oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Your risk of developing oesophageal cancer is higher if you have more severe cell changes (high-grade dysplasia).
Your risk is also affected by how long the area of Barrett’s is. People with longer areas of Barrett’s have a higher
risk than people with shorter areas.
Hot Drinks - Your risk of developing oesophageal cancer is increased if you drink tea, coffee or other drinks at hot temperatures.
There is no screening for oesophageal cancer.
The most common symptoms of oesophageal cancer include:
difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) indigestion or heartburn that doesn't go away
unexplained weight loss
pain in your throat or behind your breastbone
Other symptoms can include – regurgitating food, a cough that won’t go away, a hoarse voice, coughing up blood, dark coloured poo.
There are many other conditions that cause these symptoms. Most of them are much more common than oesophageal cancer.
Like many other rare cancers, there are lots of treatment options available to treat oesophageal cancer. The earlier any cancer is picked up, the easier it is to treat it and the more likely the treatment is to be successful. So it is important that you go to your GP as soon as possible if you notice worrying symptoms.
We hope you have found this helpful and if you would like Birstall BAGs to cover any particular cancer in this column, please do drop us an email: Birstallbags@hotmail.com
For local support and information about cancer services, please contact: University Hospitals of Leicester Cancer Information Centre on 0116 258 6189
For more information on the funds Birstall BAGs have raised, the projects we support and forthcoming events see www.birstallbags.co.uk or look us up on Facebook or email birstallbags@hotmail.co.uk