Expert Contributor
Ladies Golf
Check out the 9ers By Linda Marver, Resident since 2007
appy New Year! We Niners have another great year of fun times to play golf and socialize. We have our regular Thursday Niner playdates, day aways where we play other courses and opportunities to play here at Blackhawk with other Niners and make new friends during the week. If you are new to golf or are getting back into playing and looking for a great group of golfing gals, please contact our Membership Chair, Barbara Walsh at or (925)699-1259
Niners Board 2020 Captain: Jo Peek Co-Captain: Marlene Williamson Secretary: Kendal Goldthwaite Treasurer: Terri Lawson Tournament: Linda McColgan Membership: Barbara Walsh Handicapper: Mary O’Leary Team Play: Dale Muth/Mary Porteous Rules: Cheryl Hanson Special Events: Rita Renner Open/Away Events: Etienne Melcher Guest/Eschange Days: Vicki Robinson Hospitality: Lucia DeBene Hospitality;Sunshine: Sandy Davis Publicity Committee: Webmaster/Facebook: Linnell McRee Publicity Committee: Graphic Arts/Bulletin Board: Etienne Melcher Publicity Committee: Newsletter/Photographer: Linda Marver Invitational: Linda McColgan
Jo Peek, Niners Captain 2020
Niners February Schedule Feb. 6th: Falls, front Feb. 13th: Lakes, back Feb. 20th: Falls, back; board meeting Feb. 27: Lakes, front; Charm Day
Mark your Calendars: March 12th: Spring Back to Golf March 20th: WNHGA Rules Seminar