President Geoffrey H. Brent ‘77
First Vice President Richard H. Bagby ‘82
Treasurer W. Kyle Gore’80
Assistant Treasurer Gregory S. Horning H’16
Secretary Eileen Wilcox H’19
Assistant Secretary J. Duncan Smith ‘73
Past President Nicholas G. King
James C. Alban IV H’18
Theodore W. Bauer H’17
Cassandra N. Brooks
James A. Callahan. Jr. ’71
Joseph W. Cowan H‘21
Thomas P. Finnerty ‘82
Jennifer Gilbert-St. John Shelly Hairston-Jones
Harold G. Hathaway III ‘66
Frank S. Jones, Jr. ‘77
Henry A. Lederer ‘80
Ryan McClernan ‘85
Ryan D. Mollett ‘97
Mark G. Moxley ‘88
Brian H. O’Neil ‘75
Robert B. Rice
Jason A.L. Timoll ‘91
Stacy J. Walsh
Stephen E. Wright ‘69
Headmaster Christopher J. Post
Alumni Association President James H. Burch ‘81
Parents’ Association President
Amanda Lopez
Trustees Emeriti
Robert E. Carter ’64
Philip C. Federico ’75
Henry H. Hopkins H’03
Craig Lewis
Frederick W. Meier, Jr.
J. Duncan Smith ’73
H. Mebane Turner H’08
There’s an old saying that the past is prologue – what has come before us shapes and defines our present and our future. Boys’ Latin today – in our 179th year – reflects the commitment, dedication and the tremendous generosity of the generations who have preceded us. Today, we are stronger and more resilient than ever, and this is a season of new beginnings, bold new beginnings, here on Lake Avenue. I hope that our magazine provides a glimpse of the extraordinary contributions of our trustees, our faculty and staff, our alumni, families and many friends who have continued our long legacy of making a difference in the lives of so many boys and young men.
In this issue, we spotlight several members of our community. Our cover story highlights recent alum Teddy Davies ’22. Teddy won the Maryland Hunt Cup on April 30, 2022, and in record time! We reflect on the long and distinguished careers of retirees Kathy Arnold, Barb Starkey, and John Sieverts H ’07. There are several stories of notable alumni, including Robert V. Shriver ’69, Bruce L. Regan ’66, and David E. Waters ’69.
In addition to features about School life, we acknowledge and thank our many donors who have given so much to our School, providing opportunities for our boys. Please know how very grateful we are for your generous support. And that generosity is perhaps best reflected in two major School initiatives and celebrations.
In the fall of 2021, we opened our doors to the first boarding students in School history, and in May of 2022 during Homecoming weekend, we officially opened the western campus with a
ceremonial ribbon cutting. Dedicated as Carter-Cowan Hall, the name of our dormitory acknowledges the incredible generosity of Bob Carter ’64 and his wife Carol, and Joe Cowan H ’21 and his wife Ozzie. Additionally, we honored the many people who helped make the western campus a reality, including several dedicated BL families: the Bauer Family, the Mitchell-Wolff Families, and the Mollett Family.
And, in early September, we held the official groundbreaking ceremony for The Boldly BL Campaign for Boys’ Latin. The groundbreaking took place in front of the entire school, along with a number of board members.
Students looked on as Geoff Brent, Chris Post, Kyle Gore ‘80 (Board of Trustees Treasurer and Campaign Chair,) Duncan Smith ‘73 (Board of Trustee Assistant Secretary and Honorary Co-Chair) and Henry Hopkins H’03 (Honorary Campaign Co-Chair) picked up shovels and ceremonially ushered in the Campaign. The leadership of our Board has been fantastic; they have made leadership commitments to the campaign, and along with several other major donors, have accounted for nearly $16 million towards our $22 million campaign goal.
The past is prologue. Standing squarely on the strength of the foundation built over the past 179 years, we will continue to move boldly forward, guided by our motto - Esse Quam Videri: to be rather than to seem – as a beacon of light and hope for generations to come. I can’t imagine more important or noble work than helping our boys and young men grow to become the best, most authentic versions of themselves that they can be.
I am so very grateful for your continued belief in and support of our School. I look forward to seeing you on campus soon.
All the best,
The first Maryland Hunt Cup took place on May 22, 1894, and was won by Johnny Miller and ridden by John McHenry. McHenry was educated at the Carey School for Boys (Boys’ Latin) before enrolling and graduating from Yale University in 1885. This past spring in the 125th running of the race, considered by experts as one of the most difficult steeplechase races in the world, a BL student won it again. Teddy Davies from the Class of 2022 won the prestigious race in record time aboard Vintage Vinnie.
Teddy has been riding horses practically since he could walk and started racing in junior races when he was around seven years old. He began riding in professional races as soon as he turned 16 - the minimum age allowed for a jockey.
The Davies family has been involved in the Maryland Hunt Cup race for decades. Teddy’s dad, Joe, won the Maryland Hunt Cup three times and his mom, Blythe, won it only once. However, Teddy explained, that’s primarily because Blythe “Became a professional rider and The Hunt Cup is not open to professionals.”
Teddy, on Vintage Vinnie, led from start to finish. Coming down the stretch he could hear the BL crowd cheering him on. He wrote, “It [meant] so much to me to have so much support from all of my peers.” At the year-end athletic awards ceremony at Boys’ Latin, Teddy received a thunderous standing ovation from the entire upper school. “Boys’ Latin has done an outstanding job supporting me in my racing career as well as helping me celebrate all of my wins,” he wrote.
Unlike most athletes in pressure-packed athletic
events, Teddy doesn’t get nervous when racing because “all of the nerves turn into adrenaline and that’s why I love racing so much. There’s nothing that brings me more joy than the pure rush of adrenaline you get from racing in a big stakes race like that - or really any race.”
Teddy is attending the University of Delaware and hopes to continue riding for as long as he can, but realizes he needs to stay focused on school and maintain a good balance between the two. He believes Delaware is a perfect fit because it is still right in the heart of the steeplechase racing industry and is only minutes away from the Fair Hills Training Center.
“I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in the early stages of my career, and I still have a long way to go, but I know that I’ll have BL and the rest of my family there to support me.”
On the morning of Opening Convocation, excitement and energy were in the air. Boldly BL banners adorned campus, construction fences were wrapped showcasing Boldly BL renderings and gold shovels stood at the ready. You see, following Opening Convocation, the official groundbreaking ceremony for The Boldly BL Campaign for Boys’ Latin was taking place.
Opening Convocation began as is tradition, with seniors walking hand-in-hand with kindergarten and pre-first boys. They were the last students to make their way to J. Duncan Smith Field for BL’s Opening Convocation. Students, faculty and members of Boys’ Latin’s Board of Trustees looked on at this wonderful display of brotherhood and eagerly awaited the morning’s events.
Convocation began with student body president Jacob Pacheco ‘23 leading the Pledge of Allegiance and reading the School’s mission statement. Immediately following, fifth graders led the crowd in the School song. Headmaster Chris Post made a few remarks reminding the boys of the importance of the deep personal relationships that are formed at Boys’ Latin and the promise of the coming year. “We gather together, reinforcing the ties that bind, the relationships that start in our lower school, continue in the middle school, and extend across the bridge into the upper school. We gather at Opening Convocation to recognize the promise and opportunity of a new year.”
Following Convocation, the promise of tomorrow that Mr. Post had talked about came to life as the entire School community made its way from the field to the construction site for the official Groundbreaking Ceremony for The Boldly BL Campaign for Boys’ Latin. The campaign focuses on three priorities: expanding and renovating the upper school and Gelston Athletic Center and growing our endowment, all of which will enrich boys’ lives, support our
programs and propel Boys’ Latin forward. The Campaign goal is $22 million. Thanks to the support of our board of trustees and the many other donors who have made significant leadership commitments, we are well on our way to reaching our goal.
The groundbreaking ceremony began with the entire student body and board members in attendance. Lower school boys were particularly noteworthy as they were clad in plastic “hardhats” and seemed to want nothing more than to join the construction project and start digging. Mr. Post kicked off the event with brief remarks explaining to the boys the purpose of the campaign and expressing his gratitude for everyone who has supported the campaign thus far. “What’s made all this possible? It is the generosity of people who feel passionately about Boys’ Latin – who feel strongly about our outstanding faculty and you, our spirited boys. Those donors – our alumni; parents and past parents; faculty, staff and administrators; friends of the school and foundations –have given generously to make possible the transformation of our campus and the creation of our endowment.”
The President of the Board of Trustees, Geoffrey H. Brent ‘77, followed Mr. Post with his own speech offering his support and enthusiasm for the project. “It was about 51 years ago today that I walked onto this campus. It was only Williams Hall and an annex then, and housed both the middle and upper school. We have been able to grow because of the people and the feeling that continues to this day that we are all in it together.” He also reminded boys not to take for granted the experiences they have at Boys’ Latin and all the opportunities they have been given.
Geoff Brent, Chris Post, Kyle Gore’ 80 ( Board of Trustees treasurer and Campaign Chair), Duncan Smith ‘73 (Board of Trustees Assistant Secretary and Honorary Campaign Co-Chair) and Henry Hopkins H’03 (Honorary Campaign Co-Chair) picked up the gold shovels, dug into a small pile of dirt and with pride and humility officially broke ground for the Boldly BL Campaign.
It was a rainy Homecoming Day, but in spite of the soggy conditions, hundreds of BL alumni came back for the Homecoming Luncheon, to watch the lacrosse Lakers defeat Mt. St. Joe and to celebrate their reunions.
The Named Scholarship Dinner was celebrated during Homecoming Week. The Named Scholarship Program now has over $20 million, nearly one third of BL’s endowment. Former upper school English teacher Al Freihofer was the keynote speaker.
The Class of 1972 celebrated its 50th Reunion at the home of Jane and David Kennedy. They were joined by Headmaster Chris Post, Dyson Ehrhardt ‘59 and former teacher/coach Rye Chapman.
Not even cold rainy weather could diminish the Laker spirit at the official opening of the western campus. Board members past and present, alumni, donors, the administrative team, boarding students, parents and friends gathered on our 30-acre western campus to dedicate our new dormitory and several gathering spaces.
Headmaster Chris Post opened the program with remarks recognizing the many members of the BL Community who made boarding possible. “ I am so incredibly grateful for the many who have had a hand in making this come to life, and today we honor and thank several Laker families that have played a key role in this new chapter of BL history.”
The boarding facility is now known as Carter-Cowan Hall. The relationship between Bob Carter ‘64 and Joe Cowan H’21 has lasted more than sixty years, and the naming of the dorm is an enduring reminder of their friendship. And it is thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Bob and his wife Carol and Joe and his wife Ozzie that Carter-Cowan Hall opened its doors to boarders for the first time in School history. Joe, a current member of BL’s Board of Trustees, was named an honorary alum of the class of 2021, two of his grandsons are current BL students and two are alumni. Bob, BL class of ‘64, is a distinguished alumnus, past chair of the Board of Visitors and past president of the Board of Trustees. His son, Trent, is a member of the class of ‘90, and Bob’s brother, Bud, graduated in the class of 1960.
Chris also recognized such dedicated BL families as the Molletts, the Bauers and the Mitchell and Wolff families.
Thanks to past parent Janet Hartman and BL trustee and honorary alumnus Ted Bauer H’17, The Charles T. Bauer Foundation honored the Mollett family by naming the outdoor courtyard and promenade The Mollett Family Agora. This naming honors the many contributions Richard ‘69 and his wife Dort have made to the School, and their sons, alumnus and trustee Ryan ‘97, who celebrated his 25th reunion, and Brandon ‘94, who has served in numerous positions at Boys’ Latin including head of middle school. Brandon is currently Boys’ Latin’s academic dean and interim head of upper school.
The great room, the common area in the dorm, is named for honorary alumnus and former BL trustee Barton S. Mitchell H’07. It was made possible through the generous donation of the Mitchell and Wolff families: wife Beth Mitchell, their daughter Kimberly Mitchell Wolff and husband John (P ’25,’27,’29), and his sons Jim Mitchell ’87 and wife Jill, and David Mitchell ’85 and wife Kim. Chris remarked on how appropriate it is that the Great Room is named for Bart. “If you knew Bart, you knew he was all about family and he knew the heart of every home is the family room, our great room.”
The morning ended with a ribbon cutting and extreme gratitude for all those who helped make boarding at Boys’ Latin a reality. Chris also left some words of wisdom for our boarding students, “So to you our current Lakers, some of whom are our first students in our boarding program, know that there’s no greater force than being surrounded by people who know you, value you, and love you. That’s family. The BL family.”
When Saad Razzak crossed the stage at BL’s 178th Commencement, Headmaster Chris Post praised not only his stellar academic achievements but his sense of style. Saad, he commented, may have been the best dressed student in his class, but this is only a small part of what makes Saad who he is.
For his part, Saad is amused by the distinction, but plays it off with characteristic humility. “It’s pretty funny,” he says, “Every morning I put on what I’m supposed to be putting on. I didn’t think much about it.”
Clearly, Saad looks the part of a serious student: his appearance is routinely impeccable, down to the vintage pocket watch he carries at almost all times. But his studiousness is more than skin deep. Over the course of his high school career, Saad took ten AP classes and earned the highest marks (either a 4 or a 5) on each of the ten exams.
His academic stats speak for themselves, but for Saad, it’s never just about the grade. He makes a point of finding time for his own reading - usually a political or historical biography - on top of the substantial reading list that comes with his challenging schedule. An active member of Book Club, he could also be counted on to devour every selection, from the lightest science fiction thrillers to weighty classics like Don Quixote.
Often, Saad’s love of learning compels him to stay behind to continue the conversation with teachers and peers long after class is over. He recalls with a smile having to apologize to a teacher or two for arriving late to class the following block.
Outside the classroom, Saad was an instrumental
member of a variety of clubs and teams, including Model UN and Mock Trial, both of which he captained, as well as Robotics, Book Club, Board Game Club, and the Cross Country Team. Although naturally reserved, he was cited by faculty and peers as a true leader, whose focused approach was a model to younger students.
“I’m proud of my various leadership roles in clubs,” he reflects, “This year, I really enjoyed teaching and working with underclassmen.”
Coming out of the pandemic, it was especially important for clubs to attract and retain new members. Certainly Saad helped to do both, though he balks at the idea that he “saved” any of his clubs.
“A lot of people were already interested,” he says with a smile, “But I would be happy to take the credit for providing the leadership that kept them interested once they walked through the door.”
Mr. McDonald, who got to know Saad well as a freshman advisor, an AP World History teacher, and a Model UN faculty sponsor, can attest to Saad’s dedication and leadership.
“Saad has always approached learning as an endeavor of personal growth,” he raves, “[He] used Model UN as an opportunity to expand his understanding of the world through current events and connecting with individuals from around the mid-Atlantic, and around the world.”
Saad is further broaden his learning community at Cornell University, where he plans to major in political science.
Music may be his academic discipline, but the music doesn’t stop when Matt Pisarcik leaves school for the day. It’s no exaggeration to say that his life is devoted to teaching, playing and performing music. Between classes, he tirelessly practices his trumpet, going over the same scales, riffs, and tricky passages again and again. When the school day ends, he’s usually off to rehearsal or a gig with one of four big bands. Summertime is for more of the same, along with an occasional special program, like “Jazz in the Mountains,” a week-long camp he attended in Killington, Vermont this past August.
While proficient in several instruments, including drums, Matt’s first love is trumpet: “It owns my life,” he says with a laugh. During the school year, he regularly plays lead trumpet in four different bands including the Shades of Blue Orchestra and the Bayside Big Band. Last February he performed with another group, the Hank Entwisle Band, at Baltimore’s Hippodrome. After having sat in the audience there for a good number of shows, it was his first time on stage. Looking back on it now, he easily ranks it among his most memorable gigs.
As he enters his eighth year at the helm of BL’s thriving instrumental music program, Mr. Pisarcik is proud of what he has accomplished. He directs several middle and upper school groups, including Jazz Workshop and Jazz Ensemble and also teaches lower school band. At the heart of his educational philosophy is a deep belief that music can be a powerful form of self-expression. For that reason, he encourages his students to improvise, rather than simply playing the notes on the page.
“I think improvisation is such an important skill to have as a musician,” he says, “I want them to really express themselves. I want them to play from their hearts.”
For some students, such musical freedom can be initially frightening. It’s not always easy to take a solo, knowing that all ears are listening to you. But to Mr. Pisarcik, persevering through the challenges of improvisation is an important piece of character education. Messing up, he says, is inevitable - but the reaction to such mistakes is crucial. “Do we hang up the instrument because of mistakes or do we persevere and work through the tough passages?” he asks.
Students like Cooper Grabowski ‘25, who plays alto saxophone in the upper school Jazz band, are fiercely committed to developing their craft, thanks in no small part to the positive tone set by Mr. Pisarcik. “He really just spreads infectious positivity through his entire classroom,” Cooper says, “And that makes him the best band director I have ever had.
For his part, Matt looks forward to a full school year free from the challenges of the pandemic. “Personally, I just want to get as many kids playing as I can,” he says, “I’m looking forward to getting back to normal and getting more ears and more brains involved in music.”
Undoubtedly, the tunes will continue to flow through Mr. Pisarcik’s own ears and brain both during the school day, and after.
It is hard to believe the transition that has occurred in our lower school over the course of the past nine months. I am left with a sense of pride at the resilience and strength of our community, as well as a feeling of satisfaction. All I can think upon reflection is, “Look how far we have come!”
The past school year reinforced the importance of personal connections in the lives of our lower school boys and families. It was a year that saw the return of many important aspects of our school community that we had been missing over the past few years.
We connected through long-established traditions and some new events. The entire lower school community was brought together for an incredible Movie Night with fireworks on the lower turf field. We celebrated Halloween with our traditional parade around campus and this year, we also held a pumpkin carving, went trick-or-treating, and heard stories from Mr. Post on our western campus. The fifth grade tie ceremony returned to the Student Commons and allowed us to celebrate the important role men play in the lives and growth of our boys. We also celebrated the arts with a concert for families in the Iglehart Center, and afterward, families toured the lower school as it was transformed into an art gallery.
Along with those events and rites of passage, later in the year, masks were lifted. Our community was able to see a smile, a frown, and all the expressions in between.
Knowing the importance of mentoring in the lives of
boys, our fifth grade boys and kindergarteners and pre-firsters met weekly as the buddy program thrived once again. Our oldest and youngest in the division read, played, talked and made connections that will last long after their time on Lake Avenue. Upper and middle school boys also participated in events with our lower school boys during Black History Month and on One Love Day. Although you can learn much from a teacher, the perspective provided by older (and younger) Lakers can often be so much more impactful to our boys.
Our youngest Lakers were also able to make connections with each other through learning opportunities outside the classroom. Grades visited the Smithsonian in Washington D.C., The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, Mt. Vernon, Gettysburg, Oregon Ridge and Genesee Valley. They released trout raised in the science room at the tailwaters of Lake Roland and participated in archaeological digs on our own campus. The fifth grade camped for two nights at the Calleva Farm in Dickerson, Maryland, where the boys challenged themselves on high and low ropes courses, rode mountain bikes and horses and canoed.
This was a year to reconnect and focus on what makes Boys’ Latin an incredible place for our boys and families. Through courage, compassion, and integrity, our boys have grown throughout the year and I am able to honestly say, “Look how far we have come and look how far we can go!”
How would I sum up the middle school’s year? Simply put, it was a lot of fun. Our expectations of boys are high at BL, and our faculty did their characteristically excellent work this year eliciting boys’ academic and personal excellence in our joyful, warm culture.
Speaking of faculty, last year the middle school welcomed several new teachers to our ranks: Henry Melcher (seventh grade history), Dina Kutnik (art), Mark von Heeringen (Spanish), and Greg Pyke ’12 (seventh grade science). These teachers quickly embraced our School’s mission of fostering enduring personal relationships, endearing themselves to colleagues and boys alike.
Our faculty facilitated the return of many beloved programs and traditions. Boys built model cars, animated films, jammed on guitars, programmed robots, baked desserts, and undertook many other novel experiences in our signature Innovation program. Our athletic teams resumed competition, posting strong results across seasons and sports. We held our annual holiday and end-of-year concerts, and the middle school theater production—The Wind in the Willows—was a rousing success. We brought back traditional field trips such as the sixth grade engineering day with Garrison Forest School, seventh grade camping trip, and eighth grade exploration of Washington D.C. I particularly enjoyed the revival of the ski club, through which we took a large number of boys to Liberty Mountain on winter Fridays.
Our boys also enjoyed frequent interaction with their younger and older BL brothers. It was heartwarming
to see lower and middle school boys regularly eating lunch together. Similarly, it was great to bring all of our boys together for numerous full-school assemblies celebrating Patriot Day, Veterans Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and for our Opening and Closing Convocations.
Most significantly, we brought all of the boys together for the culmination of the year—our traditional Closing Exercises, followed immediately by Bridge Crossing. Sixty fine young men concluded their middle school careers. We are proud of their legacy and eager to see all that they accomplish across the bridge. By the time you are reading this, we will have welcomed a large crop of sixty five boys to the eighth grade. They’ll be the beneficiaries of new programs focused on public speaking and leadership, and high performing boys will be able to stretch themselves through a new honors seminar. And just like the year before, they will have a lot of fun along the way.
The start of the 2021-2022 school marked a full return to campus for the upper school. It was great to kick off the year all together and fully in person.
In the fall of 2021, we opened our doors for the first time to boarding students. Despite the challenges of opening during a pandemic, we began the year with seven boarding students, with three more joining later in the year. Boarders were welcomed into our community by peers and faculty alike, and they were quick to assimilate into the upper school and take advantage of all the opportunities that Boys’ Latin provides.
There is nothing more affirming than watching students show initiative and leadership, and that is exactly what happened with our December toy drive for Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital. The drive was completely student-run, and through the leadership of Logan Hollins ’25 and Max Woelper ’25, we collected more than 700 toys in the upper school, far exceeding our original goal of 350. Across all three divisions, we donated more than 1000 toys, which was the largest single toy donation Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital has ever received.
The school year also marked a full return to field trips, retreats for all grades, and Model UN and Robotics tournaments. Both the Model UN and the Robotics team were able to travel, which proved to be a great return to shared experiences outside of the classroom.
In March, we welcomed back FCD Prevention Solutions, a global non-profit substance abuse prevention organization. We have worked with this group for more than 15 years to educate our upper school students about the risks and dangers of chemical dependency. This year, we worked with our tenth graders (class of 2024) in a new way. Students and parents came to campus in the evening to engage in a facilitated round table discussion around the pressures related to drugs and alcohol, peer pressure and family expectations. The night provided space for meaningful conversations and learning for both students and parents. We will continue with this model in 2023.
The spring sports season ended with every varsity team in the playoffs, a remarkable occurrence. The greatest achievement was that of our varsity tennis team, led by upper school math teacher and head varsity tennis coach Rich Zielaskiewicz, who won the MIAA B Conference Championship for the first time in School history.
In June, we took a group of 18 boys to Puerto Rico for our annual service trip for the first time since 2019. It was a great balance of service learning and studying the local culture. This year, students spent their time rebuilding and renovating a family’s house in Maricao. This marks the third time upper schoolers have gone to Puerto Rico, and I would like to thank Jenn and Mac McDonald for leading and chaperoning the trip over the years. Mac serves as the upper school dean of students, and Jenn is the School’s accounting manager and dorm parent. We plan to continue this meaningful learning experience for boys in 2023 and beyond.
On Saturday, June 4th, we celebrated 77 members of the class of 2022 at our 178th Commencement. This is the last class I will see graduate from my seat as the head of the upper school. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as Boys’ Latin’s upper school head for the past nine years. As I move into the director of enrollment management position, it is with great confidence I share that Brandon Mollett will take on the leadership of the upper school this year as interim upper school head. We will begin a national search for the next head of upper school in the fall of 2022, which is exciting for the future of the institution.
To all the parents who have had boys go through the upper school during my tenure, thank you for your trust, your support, your patience, your understanding and for always offering to help. In the end, I hope my leadership made this special place and each of your sons a little better. That’s all that matters to me.
This fall, Boys’ Latin will officially launch a partnership with Global Online Academy (GOA), a worldwide notfor-profit consortium of leading independent schools, designed to prepare students and educators to thrive in a globally connected society. Boys’ Latin upper school students will have the opportunity to take online courses on a multitude of interesting, specialized topics with students and teachers from across the globe. More than 125 high-performing independent schools participate, representing 30 countries and over 30 states.
Logistically, students will enroll in a semester-long course of their choosing; courses range from Architecture to Personal Finance to Neuropsychology. Ms. Sara Rosiak, Boys’ Latin’s GOA on-site director and director of educational support services, describes the advantages of these programs: “GOA allows students to see if they are interested in a specialized area of study, and gives students the opportunity to experience learning in a different way.” Self-motivation and time management lie
at the core of independent learning, and GOA will allow students to hone those skills. Liam McClure ’22 took the class Entrepreneurship in a Global Context via GOA this past spring in a pilot program. He remarks, “The teacher was amazing, and the content was really useful. It also taught me a lot about what learning style suits me best.”
In a world that increasingly relies on online-based interaction, GOA is an opportunity for students that truly has real-world applicability. Ms. Rosiak is very optimistic about the future with GOA implemented: “As an institution that tries to meet the individual where he is, GOA is one more way to do that.”
In the entire Class of 2022, few students kept themselves as busy as Owen Reid and Paul O’Connor. The two close friends served together on the Honor Board and in the math club. They were among the highest achieving students in their class, and took multiple AP courses together.
But as much as they had on their plates, Owen and Paul were constantly on the lookout for new ways to contribute to the life of the School. In the spring of their senior year, they worked together to create a blog, housed on BL’s website, about faculty members. Entries focused on the “secret lives” of teachers: the hobbies or extracurricular pursuits that might not have been common knowledge to students.
“This had been brewing in my mind since junior year,” said Owen, “I wanted to try to reveal some things that teachers do in their personal lives or outside BL that either enhance their teaching, or just make them more interesting.”
The blog’s first two profiles focused on art teacher Amy Digges and history teacher Eric Whitehair, both longtime faculty members who lead rich and varied lives outside of School. For Owen, part of the appeal of the project was that it presented the opportunity to converse with teachers he may not have otherwise had occasion to speak to.
“I thought it would be really fun and interesting to talk to faculty members I hadn’t gotten to know,” he reflected, “And it was.”
The two friends are both talented writers, who figure to do quite a bit of writing in college: Owen plans to study government at Georgetown, while Paul will major in
journalism at Northwestern. There’s a good chance that they will someday look back at their faculty blog as one of the first steps in a long, productive journey.
Please see below for their latest Focus on Faculty blog, which profiles Julia Williams, middle school science teacher, who has been a member of the Boys’ Latin community for more than 15 years.
Mrs. Julia Williams arrived at Boys’ Latin in 2006 to fill a simple eighth grade science vacancy, but her journey to Boys’ Latin has been anything but straightforward. Mrs. Williams was born and raised in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and immigrated to the United States, where she pursued her career in education. Since her arrival on Lake Avenue more than 15 years ago, Mrs. Williams has established herself as a cornerstone of the middle school faculty, teaching chemistry and physics and providing students with invaluable perspective as a native Sierra Leonean.
Raised in Sierra Leone, Mrs. Williams is the eldest of four and grew up with a father who worked as an assistant principal and teacher at a local all-boys school. As such, the Williams family understood the importance of education and hard work in their studies: “Whatever we achieved, we worked for it,” she remarks. Mrs. Williams was always drawn to science and math, and exited high school intending to pursue a career in medicine, hoping to come to the United States and attend medical school. Unfortunately, she was not able to come to the US at that time, and Sierra Leone did not give her proper
“Mrs. Williams has been a steady presence in the lives of our middle school boys for 16 years. She’s a consummate professional who brings a wealth of experience to her work. She’s also a model of ongoing professional development--just last year, she adopted a new curriculum that engages and challenges our eighth grade boys.”
- Pen Vineyard
access to the medical schooling she wanted. Perhaps drawing on her parents’ roots, Mrs. Williams decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in education: “it[education] was the natural path.” She graduated from the University of Sierra Leone with a B.S. in Education in 1983. Mrs. Williams would go on to teach math and physical science at two schools in Sierra Leone, while also juggling family responsibilities as a wife and mother of two boys.
In 1999, however, Mrs. Williams embarked on the next chapter in her life. She entered into a US Diversity Visa Lottery and was chosen for her qualifications as an educated, respected teacher. This acceptance quite literally turned her world upside down; she and her family moved to the United States, settling in the Baltimore area. The transition was not totally smooth, though: “I missed my church, and despite the war, there were certain things I was connected with that I no longer had,” she recalls. Nevertheless, she persevered and continued her teaching career in the Baltimore City and County school systems, even going on to graduate school at Goucher College, where she received an M.A. in Teaching in 2004. Mrs. Williams almost left the teaching profession in 2007 but credits two students who urged her to move to the private school sector. And when an eighth grade physical science position opened up at Boys’ Latin, she did just that. Since then, Mrs. Williams has not looked back; she has spent the past 16 years teaching eighth graders the Periodic Table and Newton’s laws.
Mrs. Williams commented that Boys’ Latin has evolved into a more technology-based learning environment since her arrival, a shift that has some challenges but
one that she has embraced. Whether students are using spiral notebooks or Chrome laptops, Mrs. Williams is sure to remind them of the importance of discipline, hard work, and acknowledging the incredible opportunities they’ve been given. It is both that perspective that she brings and the outstanding teaching she is known for that make her such a valuable asset to the Boys’ Latin community.
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, Boys’ Latin hosted its 178th Commencement. Gazing across campus at the traditional tent in front of Williams Hall, observing families, faculty, board members and friends gathering and happily chatting with each other, there was no doubt that Commencement had returned to its traditional format. And the Class of 2022, guests and members of the BL community couldn’t have been happier.
This year’s valedictorian, Paul O’Connor, reflected on his experience and the strong bond that the Class of 2022 shared, particularly as seniors. “I do feel closer with the class of 2022 than ever before. Because there’s just something about being a senior in high school that gives you a larger perspective on life. This new perspective comes with sadness because I think for many people, being a senior in high school gives you a greater appreciation for change, and endings. But as
many of us absorbed these new feelings, something wonderful happened. I think we saw each other a little more clearly. ”
As is tradition, before the presentation of the diploma, Headmaster Chris Post shared a reflection on the journey of each and every member of the Class of 2022 and his contributions to Boys’ Latin. These personalized remarks serve as a metaphor for the personalized attention and deep personal relationships that are paramount to a Boys’ Latin education.
We are excited to see what the next chapter looks like for each of these young men, and we know they will carry with them the many values and lessons they have learned on Lake Avenue. Congratulations!
Head coach Lisa Reid’s 2021 cross country team was one of the best in recent school history. Led by senior captains Sam Macris, Liam McClure, and Owen Reid, who consistently have been top runners for the Lakers since their freshman year, the Lakers finished their regular season with a record of 5-1. The regular season was highlighted by senior Sam Macris’ record setting 16:28 5k time at the Park meet, the fastest time by any Laker in the last several years. Unfortunately, runners Owen Galiani ‘24 and Finn Hopkins ‘22, who contributed crucially throughout the season, suffered injuries in late October that prevented them from running in the final championship race. That disappointment was compounded during the MIAA “B” Conference Championship race when the Lakers earned second place with 64 points to first place Severn’s 61 points, an absurdly close Cross Country margin. Despite the heartbreak, the Lakers boasted an incredible three of the first five Conference finishers; these three, Sam Macris, Liam McClure, and Owen Reid, earned all MIAA honors. The nine graduating seniors will be remembered for their dedication and meaningful contributions to the cross country program. The future is promising for the Laker cross country team. Glen Roe ‘23, Owen Galiani ‘24, and most improved award winner Tristan Roubi ‘24 will look to lead the Lakers as they move (or run) forward.
Head coach Ritchie Schell and the Laker football team finished their regular season with an overall record of 6-4, and a conference record of 3-3. The season was highlighted by the annual St. Paul’s football game, where the Lakers won a closely contested battle 24-21 at St. Paul’s. Offensive Coordinator Tony Rinaudo’s offense was highlighted by three-year starting quarterback and captain Kaden Lymon ‘22. Seniors Braden Hammett, unsung hero award winner Kernan Brooks, and Nathan Crouse, played both sides of the game brilliantly, contributing
meaningfully on offense and defense. Defensive Coordinator Alfonso Bigger’s defense, defensive end Gavin Proutt ‘22 and linebacker Brayden Garland ‘22 were both tremendous. Proutt, Garland, Hammett, and punter/kicker Nicky Brown ’22, who split time between football and soccer, earned all MIAA honors. The season came to an abrupt stop in the MIAA “B” Conference semifinals where the Lakers faced an outstanding Loyola Blakefield team who had just moved down to the “B” conference. The Dons would actually go on to beat the “A” Conference winners later in the season. Lucas Hazard ‘22 won the scholar-athlete award, and will play collegiately at Carnegie Mellon University; seniors Braden Hammett and Chance Brown will also play collegiately. The Lakers will be led by junior captain Tripp Ready, Parker Jones ‘23 and Sean Crowley ‘24 during next year’s season.
This year was a rebuilding year for head coach Mason Figdore’s varsity volleyball team. After graduating over 10 seniors in 2019 and seeing the 2020 season lost to COVID, the Lakers were left with only one player who had seen MIAA conference minutes before: senior captain David Gaines. As the only returner and starting senior, Gaines led the young volleyball team this year, which included a majority-sophomore roster. In an incredibly competitive MIAA “A” Conference, the Lakers finished the season 3-15. As the Lakers continued to experiment with the young team, Micah Reid ‘24 was moved to the important setter position in the middle of the season. Reid won the Most-Improved Award. John Stellman ‘22, who won the Team Spirit Award, and Jackson Voelkel ‘22 helped to energize the team in difficult times this season. The Lakers will look for leadership from Reid, Chris Knapp ‘24, Graeme Stephenson ‘23, and the several other rising juniors and seniors in the coming years.
In 2019, the Boys’ Latin soccer program decided to make the jump from the MIAA “B” Conference to the “A’’ Conference. Since this transition, Laker soccer has struggled to find its footing in the one of the
most competitive and talented soccer conferences in the nation. With the loss of conference play in the 2020 season, the 2021 roster included only three returning starters, and the Lakers finished the season with a record of 4-15-1. Though the record may not reflect it, there were many moments to be celebrated: the Lakers won the season opener in OT against Loyola, beat St. Paul’s at home, bested Archbishop Spalding on Fall Festival Day, and edged Mt. St. Joe on Senior Day. The team was highlighted by four-year starters Owen Reid ‘22 and Luke Thomas ‘22. Reid, team MVP and the first Laker to ever be named to the all MIAA “A” Conference team, and Thomas captained the team alongside Cardin Stoller ‘22 and Nicky Brown ‘22, who split time between both “football” teams, leading Laker soccer in goals for the season, and earning all Metro honors as a punter/kicker. Jake Blibaum ‘22 made substantial contributions, earning the most improved award. Though they graduated over ten seniors, Laker soccer is filled with young talent, starting six underclassmen this past year. Next season, head coach Aaron Urban-Zukerberg will look to Ben Thomas ‘23, Owen Allen-Worrall ‘23, and the several starting rising juniors to propel the team into its first “A” Conference playoff appearance.
Head coach Butch Maisel’s Laker ice hockey team is in a rebuilding phase. To put it simply, the boys were undermanned and inexperienced; a regular ice hockey roster holds ~16 players, Maisel’s team had only 11. In fact, the Laker icemen only had one player with prior varsity experience: senior captain Luke Thomas, who led the team alongside fellow senior captain Teddy Fleming. These two were the motivators of the team, and held the team together in a difficult season that saw the Lakers finish 1-10-1 in conference play. The standout and MVP for the Lakers was Nick Chan ‘24, who set a Boys’ Latin record by scoring 44 goals and 51 total points in just 12 games. He and Thomas and he were named to the all-MIAA “B” Conference team. Despite a season where Laker ice hockey was often undermanned
and inexperienced, Maisel is optimistic about the future. Nine of the eleven varsity players will return, with the hope of gaining the addition of several other experienced skaters next year. The team will look to Nick Chan and goaltender Dylan Graney ‘25 to lead them in the coming seasons.
This past season, Boys’ Latin welcomed new varsity basketball head coach Adam Spinella. Under his new leadership, the Lakers had a tough road in one of the best basketball conferences in the country. With the off season departures of some talented boys, this season was made even more challenging. Although winless in MIAA A conference play, the growth of the young group, which often started only one senior, was evident. Junior Jake Stout, named to the All MIAA Team, led the Lakers in scoring and rebounding, proving his worth as one of the most valuable assets to the team. Senior Adam Navarre was a tremendous leader and grew into a primary scoring role for the Lakers. Fellow seniors Jake Blibaum and Ben Mallon were steady hands in the backcourt, providing experience and toughness to a squad filled with newcomers. Although there was not much overt success, this past season was a crucial developing period for Spinella and his young team. Spinella will have the advantage of seeing many players who have already been exposed to his ideas and strategy return in the coming seasons.
Head coach Justin Fitch ’05’s varsity wrestling team enjoyed a fantastic year full of exceptional individual performances across weight classes and throughout the season. The over 30-man roster was captained by six seniors: Cedric Tyson, Riley McClure, Gavin Proutt, Teddy Davies, Paul Clark, and Nathan Crouse. A strong start to the season with two conference wins was followed by outstanding performances at the annual Parkville Knightmare tournament: Proutt, wrestling at 182 lbs, and McClure, wrestling at 195 lbs, both won their weight classes. These two victories were
complemented by several third, fourth, and fifth place finishes across all weight classes. The Lakers continued their form later into the season when they defeated Curley and McDonogh, the first time the latter has happened in over 20 years. That momentum propelled them into the state championships, which saw Proutt, McClure and Tyson, wrestling at 132 lbs, place in the top six, meaning they qualified for the National Prep Tournament. Sending close to 10% of the team’s roster to nationals was a truly impressive accomplishment. At nationals, McClure was one win away from earning the title of All-American. This year saw many tremendous senior athletes graduate from the team, but also saw many young wrestlers gain valuable experience that can propel them to the same level this year’s seniors rose to. The Lakers will look to Glen Roe ‘23, EJ Hill ‘24, Sean Crowley ‘24 and Will Bagby ‘25 as stand-outs in the future.
Despite tough competition, the Laker squash team played with heart and resilience all season long. The squad was led by senior captain Markus Engel, who had a tremendous season at the always challenging #1 singles spot. Markus led by example with his work ethic and determination. Senior Paul O’Connor also had a very successful season playing in the #2 spot and was a significant contributor to the team. Although the team only went 2-5 in conference play, defeating both Park and Friends, they went on to Philadelphia to compete in the US Squash Nationals event, where they posted a winning record. The boys faced national caliber competition and came away victorious in two of the three matches. Congratulations to Marcus Engel for an outstanding squash career at Boys’ Latin and for being named to the All-MIAA “B” Conference team. Even though the team graduated strong seniors, the young squad shows tremendous promise for next season.
For the past decade, Boys’ Latin baseball has consistently
performed at a high level. The 2021 season’s MIAA “B” Conference Championship saw the team graduate an outstanding group of seniors, leaving this 2022 group with a mixture of returning seniors and youth. Captained by seniors Antonious Aikaterinidis, Kaden Lymon and Braeden Hammett, the Lakers finished conference play 13-3 as the #1 seed going into the playoffs. Unfortunately, injuries sidelined many key players, including Aikaterinidis for the whole season and Lymon for more than a month, but those injuries did not stop the team from going on a ten-game winning streak during conference play. This consistency is explained by the solid pitching and hitting the Lakers boasted. Matt Richmond ’22, Andrew Cochran ’23, Kalen Stockton ’22, and Colton Bordick ’25 comprised the pitchers roster. Bordick also contributed with his bat; he, Lymon, Hammett, Jack Corrado ‘22, Peter Makris ‘22, and the other hitters clicked throughout the season offensively. Outfielders Lymon and Hammett, Bordick, and Corrado were named all-MIAA. The team struggled to find their same mid-season form during the playoffs. The Lakers dropped two back-to-back games that prematurely eliminated them from the playoffs, making this the first year since 2014 that Boys’ Latin hasn’t been in the “B” Conference Championship. With many players returning, head coach Bill Greenwell’s baseball program will assuredly return to its championship ways soon.
The 2022 spring season proved to be very successful for newly appointed Head Coach Geoff Lindsay. With a Ben and Ben duo (Ben Thomas ’23 and Ben Mallon ’22) serving as team captains and playing in the #1 and #2 spots, the team finished conference play with an outstanding record of 9-2-1, securing the #2 seed as they moved into the playoffs. Ben Thomas ’23, playing #1, earned the MVP award and all MIAA honors. Ben Mallon ‘22 impressively earned the #2 spot in his first year of competitive golf; his leadership and character won him the Mason Champion award. After cleanly beating Annapolis Area Christian School (AACS) in the MIAA “B” Conference team semifinals, the team moved on to face a very talented Severn program in the finals at Caves Valley Golf Course. Despite a valiant
effort top to bottom, the team fell just short, but the future is very promising for the Boys’ Latin golf program; five of the six boys competing in the ladder were underclassmen. With many returning players, Coach Lindsay is optimistic that a conference championship is in the team’s future.
The Boys’ Latin lacrosse team enjoyed a tremendously successful 2022 season. Head coach Brian Farrell’s seventh season saw the Lakers finish with a record of 8-2 in MIAA “A” Conference play (134 overall), securing the #1 seed in what is regarded as the most talented and competitive lacrosse conference in the nation. Seniors Cardin Stoller (Rutgers commit), Hopper Zappitello (Dartmouth commit), and Dom and Nick Pietramala (UNC commits) captained the Lakers, keeping the team solid and consistent throughout the season. Stoller, playing goalie, and Dom Pietramala at attack were simply outstanding; both earned all-MIAA and all-American honors. Dom Pietramala won the VSN Player of the Year and the C. Markland Kelly award for the best high-school lacrosse player in Maryland. Kyle Foster ’23 impressed as a defensive long pole, earning all-MIAA honors. The 2022 season was highlighted by a thrilling 11-10 OT victory against St. Paul’s which cemented the team’s #1 seed moving into playoffs. In abrupt fashion, the Lakers suffered a heartbreaking semi-final 11-10 loss against McDonogh in the dying seconds of the game, ending what seemed to be a championship-worthy season. In total, ten graduating seniors will play collegiately. Boys’ Latin continues to cement its reputation as a national high-school lacrosse powerhouse. Laker lacrosse will look to the many talented underclassmen on the team for leadership and success next year and in the years to follow.
Rich Zielaskiewicz started out coaching the middle school B team more than 15 years ago; he then moved to the middle school A team, then transitioned to junior varsity, and some 15 years later, Coach Z has earned the title of varsity head coach. And in only his first year, Boys’ Latin tennis enjoyed the finest year in program history. Backboned by four-year varsity singles player and #1 seed Paul O’Connor ‘22 and the senior duo of Markus Engel and Finn Hopkins playing #1 doubles, Laker tennis went undefeated through the conference season, finishing 5-0 as the #1 seed. That momentum continued into the playoffs, where the team won the MIAA “B” Conference Championship 3-2 over Park in thrilling fashion, the first tennis championship in school history. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the team was that three of the seven ladder players were freshmen, with one sophomore as well. To complement the conference championship, both doubles teams (Engel and Hopkins, Evan Rosen ’25 and Charlie London ’25) won the individual championships, and James London ’24 won the #2 seeded singles individual championships. O’Connor, Engel, Hopkins, Rosen, and both Londons earned all-MIAA honors. With four freshmen and one sophomore, Zielaskiewicz’s varsity tennis team is in safe hands moving forward. But don’t be mistaken; this year was a year for the history books.
What’s the best way a team can honor its coach? Bring home a championship, of course. And that’s exactly what the Boys’ Latin varsity tennis team did this spring. Not just a championship. They honored first year head coach Rich Zielaskewicz by winning the MIAA B Conference championship for the first time in School history. It was the BL tennis program’s finest year, and the capstone of Mr. Z’s coaching career thus far.
Rich Zielaskiewicz came to Boys’ Latin over 20 years ago as a math teacher in middle school. Coach Z began his 15-year tennis career with the middle school’s B team. Moving from there to the A team, he ultimately transitioned to coaching the junior varsity team. Five years later he earned the position of head varsity coach.
Under Coach Z’s guidance, the Lakers prepared for the season by playing matches against strong A Conference teams, and once regular conference play began they were ready and eager to take on their opponents. Having lost to Park in the playoffs the year before, this match was circled on their calendar as they anticipated that it would be the toughest regular-season match. It was. Number one seeded doubles team of seniors Markus Engel and Finn Hopkins, number two seeded doubles team of Even Rosen ’25 and Charlie London ’25, and third seeded singles player Eli Holder ’25 won their matches and guaranteed the number one seed for the Lakers.
Senior captains Markus Engel, Finn Hopkins and Paul O’Connor all played instrumental roles in the team’s success. O’Connor, a four-year varsity player and the number one singles seed, and the Engel and Hopkins doubles team dominated the B Conference throughout the season. With a 5-0 record, the Lakers were undefeated in conference play.
Their winning ways continued. Supported by a large and enthusiastic crowd, the Lakers took on the Park School Bruins for the championship. The doubles team of Engel and Hopkins was joined by up and coming doubles team Evan Rosen and Charlie London in winning the individual championship as well as the conference championship. Engel and Hopkins finished the season with an unbeaten record. “This was a special doubles pair – working together beautifully as a unit and helping to lead the team with their fire and confidence,” Coach Z said.
In describing O’Connor’s championship match, Coach Z wrote: “In an epic three-hour battle on center court, Paul O’Connor showed why he is the best player on the team. His grit and determination were a sight to behold. Although he came up a little short, all the team’s success this year trickles down from and leads back to Paul.”
Eli Holder, the number three singles seed, won his match handily. Of Holder, Zielaskiewicz commented, “With a unique combination of talent, work ethic, and character, Eli is a treasure and a coach’s dream player. Moving forward, he will play a vital role in the program for the next three years.”
Number two singles seed James London ’24 took home the individual championship. Although playing well, the Rosen/London team lost in three tight sets. Paul O’Connor, Markus Engel, Finn Hopkins, Evan Rosen and James London all captured All-MIAA honors.
One of Coach Z’s challenges to his team was to maintain a growth mindset. He also applied that challenge to himself, and this summer attended Tennis University at the Van Der Meer Tennis Academy in Hilton Head, SC. “There’s always more to learn as a coach,” he says. After a rigorous, immersive week of instruction, participants were tested on their ability to conduct group lessons and on their skills as players among other things,
and took a written exam on their in-depth knowledge of tennis. At the end of a week of nine-hour days on the court and in the classroom and what Coach Z terms “information overload from the start,” he can proudly claim that he is now a USPTR (Professional Tennis Registry) Certified Tennis Instructor. He hopes to be able to provide the varsity team with the Van Der Meer experience during spring break next year.
Reflecting on the season Zielaskiewicz wrote: “Every time we sat in an assembly in the GAC, the championship banners for Lacrosse, Basketball, Ice Hockey, and even Robotics and old-fashioned 6-man football were in full view. Nothing for tennis. Although we didn’t speak about it much, a banner for tennis was an underlying motivator for the work we put in during the season.”
While the leadership of graduated seniors Engel, Hopkins and O’Connor will most certainly be missed, the 2023 team is young and boasts a strong foundation in Holder, Rosen and the London brothers. Whatever the future successes of the BL tennis program, there is now a tennis banner in the GAC, and no doubt that the 2022 season will remain one for the history books.
K.C. Miller ‘48, midfield 1948
Mickey Webster ‘55, attack, 1955
Bruce Regan ‘66, midfield 1966
Charlie Stieff ‘74, midfield, 1974
Tim Daly ‘78, defense, 1978
Guy Matricciani ‘81, defense, 1980
Marshal Morgan ‘85, midfield, 1985
John Webster ‘88, attack, 1988
Dan LaMonica ‘00, attack, 2000
Travis Reed ‘07, attack, 2007
Colin Heacock ‘13, attack 2013
Shack Stanwick ‘14, attack, 2014
Dom Pietramala ‘22, attack, 2022
Dom Pietramala ‘22 became the 14th Boys’ Latin player to win the C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Award, given each year to the “Best Lacrosse Player in the State of Maryland.”
Dom is pictured far left with Bruce Regan ‘66, Charlie Stieff ‘74, and Ron Regan ‘64.
The Kelly Award was established in 1945 by C. Markland Kelly in honor of his son Ensign Kelly, who was missing in action and presumed killed in the 1942 Battle of Midway. The first recipient of the Kelly Award was goalie Joe Sollers ‘47.
Joe Sollers ‘47, goalie, 1945
Logan Wisnauskas ‘16 is the recipient of the 2022 Tewaaraton Award, given every year to the best college lacrosse player. (This award is similar to college football’s Heisman Trophy.) Logan was also named the winner of the Lt. Raymond Enners Award, which is given annually to the NCAA’s most outstanding player in men’s college lacrosse. The award, presented by the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association (USILA), is named for 1st Lt. Raymond J. Enners, United States Military Academy, class of 1967, who was killed while serving in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
This marks the second time in four years that a BL Laker has won the award: Pat Spencer ‘15 won it in 2019. Additionally, current BL Board of Trustees member and grandfather of two Lakers (Ryan Evans ‘20 and Conor Evans ’21), Joe Cowan H’21 was the first award recipient in 1969.
This past season Logan led the Maryland Terps to a National Championship and finished second in the nation in points per game (5.94) and goals per game (3.44). After putting up four points in the NCAA Final, for a total of 103 points in 2022, he finished his Maryland career with at least one point in all 75 of his NCAA games.
forward to relaxing, to being able to travel, and to having more time with her grandchildren here in Baltimore and in Charlotte, NC. For our part, we wish her a well-deserved retirement and thank her for her many contributions to Boys’ Latin.
Kathy Arnold has worn several hats during her years at Boys’ Latin, the first of which was as a parent. The Arnold family joined the BL community in the fall of 1990 when their son, Judson ‘04, entered kindergarten. At that time, Kathy was firmly ensconced in the Baltimore County school system where she began her career in education as a music teacher and advanced through the years to become an elementary school principal.
Then, in 2010, Kathy received a phone call from Headmaster Chris Post asking if she would be interested in applying for the position of lower school head at Boys’ Latin. Her response to him was that she would be interested in going through the process. As Kathy tells it, she walked onto the campus and thought, “I love the County, but I love BL more.” So when offered the position, she retired after 34 years in the County to become the lower school’s fifth head.
Having been a parent herself, Kathy understood the need to create a strong bond with the parent community. Her eightyear tenure saw curriculum changes, the hiring of quality faculty members, and what she considers to be one of her greatest achievements, the mentoring of Greg Schnitzlein, current lower school head. Never one to be shy, it also saw her leading the annual Halloween parade as Cruella DeVille, donning outrageous costumes as a reward for the lower school students’ participation in Jump Rope for Heart, and singing the National Anthem during Boys’ Latin Night at the Orioles.
In 2018 Kathy decided to take on a new challenge and become director of lower school admissions. Once again, knowing the lower school inside and out was an advantage in bringing in and retaining new families. She is justifiably proud of the number of new students who entered during her four years in admissions, particularly given the challenges during the COVID years.
As she looks ahead to her retirement, Kathy says that she will most miss seeing the boys every day. But she looks
The Alumni/Development Office has lost to retirement its former Director of Development, John Sieverts H’07. John officially retired from Boys’ Latin on August 31.
John worked at BL for over 20 years, beginning with Dyson Ehrhardt ‘59 part-time three days a week in 1999. The two shared an office in Williams Hall that first year together.
An alumnus of McDonogh School, John worked in their Alumni Development Office for 18 years before coming to BL. However, John is quick to tell you that his loyalties are here at BL. John knew Dyson while working at McDonogh, but when John’s son Chris came to BL and graduated four years later in 1991, John got to know Dyson even better. John said, “I always looked upon Dyson as the dean of development among the area independent schools. More than once, I would call upon Dyson for advice and always received great guidance.”
John began his full-time employment on Lake Avenue on July 1, 2000. He said, “I probably do not have to tell you that working with Dyson has been a trip…seriously, it has been a blessing.”
It is fair to say that the Alumni/Development program at Boys’ Latin has enjoyed some great progress and success over John’s 20+ years. The growth of The Laker Fund, the Reunion Homecoming Weekend, and the growth of the endowment all come to mind. But make no mistake, John’s greatest pride and joy come in the success of The Named Scholarship Program that he began in 2001. With just 15 named scholarships in 2001, under John’s leadership, Boys’ Latin now boasts over 100, with those named and endowed scholarship funds accounting for more than $20 million dollars of the School’s approximate $65 million dollar endowment.
John has seen firsthand how meaningful it is to boys, who may not have otherwise had the opportunity, to receive a Boys’ Latin education. Certainly, Boys Latin has made a difference in the lives of these young men, and they, in turn, have enriched our community. John feels there is nothing more meaningful to a student or a donor than a Boys’ Latin named scholarship.
John will also tell you that one of the things he values and takes great pride in was being named a Boys’ Latin honorary alumnus in 2007. John says, “They surprised me…a special moment I will always cherish and remember.”
In 2017, John received the Jack S. Kerns “Clearly Evident” Award,” given annually to a faculty or administrator, who exemplifies the same kind of quality, dedication and devotion to the School as Jack Kerns ‘52 did.
The Alumni/Development Office and the Boys’ Latin community wish John the best of luck in his retirement. He will be greatly missed. However, we know we will continue to see him on campus at events and games.
boys how much I cared for them.”
Ann Jung (BL second grade teacher and primary grades department chair) spoke to Barb’s unique commitment to personal relationships. She remarked on Barb’s “topnotch environment” as well as the “warm and welcoming” classroom experience she created for her students. But she also remembered how she spent many of her weekends: “In order to get to know them better, she attended the boys’ off-campus activities all the time.”
Rudy Hurley (BL third grade teacher and parent to two alums, Ryan ‘18 and Tommy ‘19) witnessed this as a colleague and as the mother of two of Mrs. Starkey’s students. “Her caring nature and the class community she built in her kindergarten class made me realize I chose the right school for my sons. “My sons are very different but she brought the best out of both of them!” Rudy also mentioned that she wasn’t a teacher at Boys’ Latin when her sons entered the kindergarten, but that seeing Mrs. Starkey with her sons “inspired me to want to become a teacher at Boys’ Latin.”
Barb remarked that “many tears” have been shed over leaving a place she described as a “home away from home.” She said she’ll miss the “students, parents, and [her] colleagues.” She also said she’ll miss “planning creative lessons to teach different skills” and “watching the boys grow academically and socially.”
She has plenty lined up. She wants to volunteer with Baltimore City Schools and spend more time with her church on mission projects. She wants to travel more with her husband, and last February, Barb became a grandmother. She said she “knew instantly that [she] wanted to spend more time with [her] grandson, Blake.”
After 33 years, Mrs. Starkey has retired.
Her retirement marks the end of a career which spanned nearly four decades. Before coming to Boys’ Latin for the 1989-90 school year, Barb spent some time in Catholic schools. Once at Boys’ Latin, she quickly became a fixture and solidified her spot as a top-notch teacher, working with the kindergarten, pre-first and first grades.
Barb Starkey sought to bring out the best in each of her students. To do this, she developed individual relationships with each of them that went beyond the classroom. She remarked that across her career, she probably attended about 300 after-school or weekend activities. Whether it was baseball, football, lacrosse, karate, music lessons or swim practices, Barb believed that it was “important to me to help build relationships with my boys, and to show the
She plans to continue to find time to be on campus. “I will definitely not be a stranger to BL. I plan to visit and keep up with what fabulous things are happening at Boys’ Latin!”
There has always been a special relationship between students and coaches at Boys’ Latin. Some of Boys’ Latin’s longtime teachers/coaches mentored multigenerational families. Basketball coach Hugh Gelston ’56 coached Jerry Sullivan ’71 and later his son Pat ’94. And through the years many classroom teachers have taught BL alumni and later their sons. But never in the history of the School it is believed, has a BL student collided with his former coach in a collegiate match-up, until this year.
Last year, during BL’s miracle run to the MIAA “A” Conference lacrosse title, star attackman Ben Smith ’22 (pictured-above far left) was coached by former BL star attackman Matt Brandau ’18 (pictured-above far right). Matt and Ben were teammates in BL maroon and white in 2018 when Matt was a senior and Ben just a freshman. Matt, now a student-athlete at Yale University, decided to sit-out the 2021 lacrosse season because of the Ivy League’s decision to suspend lacrosse for the season due to COVID-19. As not to lose a year of eligibility (Ivy League rules state a year of eligibility is lost if a student stays enrolled in the school even during a sport shutdown) Matt decided to journey home and help coach the 2021 BL attack unit for Brian Farrell’s Lakers.
After graduating from BL, last fall Ben Smith followed in his dad’s (Ryan Smith ’91) footsteps and play lacrosse at the University of Pennsylvania. Also in September, Matt re-enrolled at Yale to continue his career playing for the Bulldogs.
During the regular season, Ben suited up against his former coach and teammate and once again in the Ivy League Lacrosse Tournament. Yale won the first game, 12-11. Matt scored a goal and assisted on two other tallies while Ben was held scoreless. The rematch game in the Ivy League Tournament, saw Matt explode for four
goals while his ‘apprentice’ Ben chipped in two goals for the Quakers. This time the Quakers defeated Yale, 16-9.
The fondness and respect both have for each other stretches way beyond 822 Lake Avenue.Matt recently wrote of Ben, “He’s been a great lacrosse player the whole time, but the coolest thing has been to see him become a leader from freshman to senior year at BL. He was a phenomenal mentor for the younger members of the team and led BL to a championship, and instead of being complacent, worked very hard and earned a starting spot at Penn. His development as a person and player is incredible and even though we are competing against each other, I can’t help but be proud of him when he’s doing well.”
Ben continues to look up to his former mentor/teammate. He wrote, “Playing [against] Matt this year was really cool. Not just because he was [my] coach last year, but because he has had a lot of success for Yale and in the lacrosse community. It’s always cool to see another Laker and play against one. Matt is a great guy, as he helped me a lot last year and taught me a lot. It’s always weird to play against one of your old teammates but it was a cool experience. We caught up after the game [in] the handshake lines and talked for a little…about how we both love our schools and how Yale vs. Penn is always a fun and good game.”
Yale and Penn both qualified for the NCAA Men’s Division I Lacrosse Championship Playoffs. Unfortunately, both schools lost in the quarter-finals, ending their seasons.
Both attackmen finished the season strong. Matt finished the year as a Tewaaraton Finalist and a first team AllAmerican. Ben had a career high with five goals and six points in a huge NCAA first round 11-10 overtime win. over Richmond.
So many people have driven the team buses at Boys’ Latin through the years. But perhaps no driver has had a more profound effect on the student athletes than Cherise McKay. “Miss Cherise,” as the boys affectionately call her,
works for Woodlawn Motoor Coach, and has driven BL boys to various athletic venues for the past seven years.
Administrative Assistant to the Althetic Director Phyllis Novotny recalls it all started with her dispatch asking if Cherise would pick up the BL hockey team from Ice World, and from that pick-up in 2015 and ever since, she started to take the ice hockey team on all the runs. Cherise and hockey Coach Butch Maisel H’09 struck up a friendship that has lasted through the years. Butch says, “It is just not the same with any other driver. She makes a real effort to know the players and is their #1 fan.”
Now all the BL coaches want her as their bus driver. Phyllis writes, “Sometimes we have to have a lottery to see which team gets the best driver. Cherise is always on time and gets the boys where they need to be safely. All of our boys think the world of her. Whenever she is here, every BL player says hello and asks how she is doing quickly followed by, ‘Are you driving us today?’”
The affection between Cherise and the boys goes both ways. During the Covid-19 shutdown she would take her mother to lunch at Pepe’s and every time she drove past Boys’ Latin would say, “Look, mom, there is BL, I miss them so much!”
Cherise speaks about the BL boys with pride. Boys’ Latin students are special to her. She writes, “The boys and young gentlemen make me laugh, humble me, and make me a better person. BL students are also bright and innovative…My goal is to be understanding, considerate, energetic and a determined bus driver to my BL students.”
Her energy does not just come physically from driving alone. She explains that it also comes from participating and involving herself as a BL fan and watching the boys play sports. She wants everyone to know that she drives for more reasons than just to make the money.
During this year’s Homecoming lacrosse game, Cherise drove the visiting Mt. St. Joe team to BL. Of course when she arrived to pick up the team in Irvington, the first thing she did was to explain to the Gaels’ coach why she was wearing her Boys’ Latin sweatshirt. All was forgiven.
A student recently described how a typical bus trip with Miss Cherise starts with a “very warm greeting from Miss Cherise, followed by continuous positive reinforcement about beating our opponent.” She always refers to “we” with her boys telling them, “We’re going to win this game…we got this!” The boys all believe there is no better bus driver to prepare a team for a game. She helps the players get in the right frame of mind and win the game that day.
Senior Jake Blibaum had a special situation come up this year and Miss Cherise was there to save the day. When Jake’s parents couldn’t make it to his senior day game due to his brother’s college graduation (senior day is the last home game of the year for seniors on varsity teams and pre-game festivities are shared with the parents) Miss Cherise happily stepped in as his “mother.” Jake wrote, “She really made my day with her kind remarks and her positive thoughts on the day. I would say Miss Cherise is a motherly figure to me….I am very thankful for the years I have spent with Miss Cherise and all that she has done for us. Whether it is stopping on the way home to get some food, or singing along in the bus, Miss Cherise has positively affected the BL community in many ways.”
Jake’s lacrosse teammate and senior Cardin Stoller agrees. “I think the energy she brought always got the team, or any team I’ve been a part of, really pumped up,” he wrote. “Everyone knew it was going to be a good day when we would walk down from the upper school and see the school bus waiting outside the Gelston Athletic Center with Miss Cherise in it.”
Cherise also loves interacting with the BL parents. She gets great pleasure being with the parents as well, and she wants them to know that their sons are in good hands when she drives the team bus. “It is a beautiful feeling to see the parents’ faces at sporting events,” she writes.
The BL community has this same “beautiful feeling” when they see Cherise. “When I see a Woodlawn bus on campus I make a point to see if Cherise is driving in order to say hello,” Butch Maisel said.
Cherise drove the bus for the Class of 2022 one last time this past May – to the Senior Prom. She was dressed NOT in her usual Laker attire but in a light blue floral dress with pearls! She looked spectacular and the boys loved it.
I write as a member of Boys’ Latin’s class of 1961, the first class to graduate from the Lake Avenue incarnation of our dear School. Boys’ Latin moved from Brevard Street, deeper in the city, to Lake Avenue in the fall of 1960. As a frequent visitor to the School, I have a real sense that today’s students are, indeed, very proud to be Lakers and regard their school and the “Boys’ Latin experience” more deeply and more warmly than other Baltimore area students feel about their institutions. That is gratifying.
Many Lake Avenue graduates are only vaguely aware, if at all, of the Brevard Street history. The school was located there from 1898 to June of 1960. I was most fortunate to be a student for 6 years, grades 7 - 12, or, in Brevard Street terminology, Forms 1 - 6. I spent most enjoyable and rewarding years at Brevard Street beginning in 1955 and, as mentioned, am privileged to be in the 1st graduating class from Lake Avenue.
A special camaraderie and bond exists among the approximately 75 Brevard Street Alumni, flavored by warm memories and common experiences at a truly unique and special institution. After much thought, I have subjectively concluded that “unique” and “special” are, in fact, the most apt descriptive adjectives.
The contrast between the School’s current day physical plant, with its state-of-the-art classrooms, much greenery, magnificent athletic facilities and leafy location and Brevard Street is stark. A dated main building, an equally dated tiny gym with swimming pool which doubled as an athletic dressing area, no greenery and a blacktop, fenced-in playground, all in an urban setting. Astute Brevard Streeters, because of their English training under William Morris, may have observed that the preceding was not a complete sentence. A cardinal sin if such had been included in a composition submitted to Mr. Morris. Perhaps meriting a broken pencil or thrown eraser, not to mention a seriously low grade.
I entered Boys’ Latin as a 7th grader in September, 1955. If my parents had not had the foresight to enroll me there, I would have gone to Towson Junior High School. That experience would have included no athletics, girls, and yellow school buses. At Brevard Street, there were, of course, no girls nor yellow buses, but, in the 7th grade and thereafter, I played organized athletics against other schools
with uniforms and the travel adventures of “away” games. Not to mention small classes (there were 15 students in mine) and a demanding academic regimen, but not overly so.
Within the student body, there was both a socio-economic spread, and a geographic one. Students came by car, bus, train, and on foot. They came from Aberdeen, Catonsville, Edmondson Village, South Baltimore, Relay, Roland Park, Bolton hill, East Baltimore, Lutherville, Kingsville, Severna Park, Timonium, Ellicott City, Cockeysville, and Howard County. That’s quite a variety for a school with only 200 or so students, grades 1 - 12. I hailed from Lutherville and for my first three years rode the Parkton Local train of the Pennsylvania Railroad to what is still Penn Station on Charles Street. The current light rail which goes out to Hunt Valley utilizes the same right of way.
The entire upper school met in study hall twice daily for opening and closing exercises, each of which lasted 5 - 10 minutes. These were “chaired” by Headmaster Hahn, and, day in day out, year in year out, provided a glue which held us together through common experience. The sessions were generally upbeat and frequently included a good laugh. For example, Donn “Tiger “Layne did not have a desk, but stood at the back of the room for each gathering. A very well-liked young man, he received, on at least a weekly basis, a rousing chant from the entire upper school of “Layne, Layne, Layne, Layne” and on and on. The chant was highly spirited, just plain fun, and concluded with Don visably turning beet red. Individually, and collectively, the student body was alert for the slightest excuse to launch into a “Layne” chant.
A truly special aspect of the study hall, and one which contributed greatly to camaraderie and school spirit, was the fact that the seating was random. A freshman might have a sophomore in front of him, an 8th grader behind him, and a junior to his left. This random pattern produced wonderful results. Each student became friendly and on a first-name basis with those who sat in close proximity, and, indeed, with all in the upper school. And when an underclassman attended a varsity sporting event, the junior or senior star performing on the field or court was likely a genuine friend, not some distant personality separated by several years of age and, perhaps, as many as five class years. Contrast this with what pertained in other schools where the lower, middle and upper classes were separated, and in different buildings and locations.
As currently, athletics were prominent. Three sports were
offered – 6-man football (a fun and interesting game which merits its own article), basketball, and lacrosse. Official competition was available for all upper school classes. There were 7th and 8th grade teams, freshmen (mainly for lacrosse), Jr. Varsity, and Varsity. Keep in mind that we were small in numbers. Accordingly, if you were a sophomore and played lacrosse, you were on the varsity.
“Unique” applies here in abundance. Consider all of what follows. Football and lacrosse, practices and games, were played at Mt. Washington on the Mt. Washington Club’s Lacrosse fields, eight or so miles from the School. But how did students get there? Each day, at 2:20, in football and lacrosse seasons, a motor coach bus would appear in front of the school. It ferried all teams out to Mt. Washington.
For football and lacrosse. After practice, students somehow managed to get home to Howard County or Severna Park or Lutherville or Bolton Hill or Edmondson Village.
Basketball circumstances were interesting. Players dressed and showered in the tiny old gym and walked or ran to practice which was conducted several blocks away in the Richmond Market Armory. Games were played at the nearby Fifth Regiment Armory, in one corner of its cavernous, dark and drafty interior.
Each year, the Shrine Circus with elephants and other animals occupied the Armory for a week or so in the winter. Suffice it to say that the basketball court was usually a bit sticky in the aftermath of the circus.
In 1958 - 1960, my sophomore and junior years, the Jones Falls Expressway was constructed over and through the Mt. Washington field, which was subsequently moved a bit to the east where it still exists. During those two years, football and lacrosse were practiced and games played at Druid Hill Park.
A priceless anecdote involving the short bus trip to Druid Hill Park. In 1960, The Madison was a popular novelty song known to all students and easily hummed. On one trip from Brevard Street to the Park, the bus driver asked coach O’Connor what route he should take. The reply was “Go up Madison Street”. That was enough to prompt one of our students, Paul Manger, to shout out “It’s Madison Time, hit it”. The bus erupted in raucous laughter and humming of the tune. Okey shook his head in feigned disgust. All Lakers engaged in athletics should contrast Brevard Street’s versions with their markedly different experiences at Lake Avenue.
Many teachers come to mind, from Tillie Woodward, who taught mechanical drawing and also taught at Lake Avenue, the claustrophobic Mrs. Smith, who taught physics and chemistry and presided over interesting chemistry experiments which were occasionally and intentionally fouled up to create smoke and strange odors, Mason LeBrun, who brandished a cut-off lacrosse stick handle. Mr. King, who taught Latin and Ancient History with the
same precision with which he re-folded and re-used his daily lunch bag, and several others, including Mrs. Regan and Miss Jenkins in the lower school. But, of course, special attention must be reserved for William Morris, Claxton J. (Okey) O’Connor and our Headmaster, Frederick Hahn. Each wonderfully unique and special in his own way. Mr. Hahn was with the School from 1919 to 1960, Mr. Morris from 1924 to 1960, and Mr. O’Connor from the early thirties to 1960. They were distinct personalities and, in varying degrees, universally respected and appreciated. All are fondly remembered.
Many Brevard Street alumni consider Mr. Morris the best, or one of the best, teachers they ever experienced. Patrician looking with neatly combed white hair and a well-trimmed mustache, he taught English to all upper school classes. One learned grammar, punctuation, diagraming sentences and how to compose a theme. Each student was required to compose a “paragraph” on a weeknight, and, further, was required to turn in a “serious” composition every Monday morning. Getting that written over the weekend could be a nuisance, but it was a task shared by all upper schoolers. I rode the Parkton local train to school from Lutherville for several years. On Mondays, businessmen passengers, noticing my Boys’ Latin book bag, though total strangers to me, would often ask “Have you completed your theme for Bill Morris?”
He graded each composition in the student’s presence on Monday. If you arrived at school early, the Monday ritual was to line up at his desk so he could grade your effort before school. Compositions not graded then were tended to during your English class that day. Adding to the unique Brevard Street experience was the fact that 1st formers through 6th formers stood in line together before school each Monday morning. As mentioned previously, a serious sin was to offer a collection of words as a complete sentence when, in fact, it was not. I must observe that I have so sinned several times throughout this essay.
Too many interesting anecdotes regarding Okey exist for recounting here. A member of the Lacrosse Hall of Fame, he was the study hall monitor, taught 8th grade math, and was the varsity coach of all three (the only three) sports - football, basketball, and lacrosse.
Mr. Hahn was well-liked, respected and taught German. He wore half-lens glasses which he would remove and put back on regularly as he gesticulated.
A wonderful sense of camaraderie permeated our day-to-day experiences at the School. One felt part of something special beyond simply being a 7th grader or a freshman. There was an unspoken but clearly felt unity.
Most justifiably our beloved School emphasizes pride and tradition. I hope I have given insight into the foundation for that. And I am indeed fortunate and proud to be in that small group of alumni whose members are both Lakers and Latinists.
Like his brother Ron Regan ‘64, Bruce was a 12-year man at Boys’ Latin, having started his BL years on Brevard Street. He was also the son of BL’s beloved longtime teacher and head of the lower school, Doris Regan. Bruce has always cherished Boys’ Latin. He is a devoted alumnus and a former member of BL’s Board of Trustees.
Bruce was an outstanding student and leader here on Lake Avenue. During his senior year, he was President of the Student Body and sat on the Honor Board and the Athletic Council. He also served as the president of his class in his sophomore and junior years. Bruce was a member of the Ipso Factos, the Debating Society and served as a Senior Prefect.
Bruce was recognized at his Commencement for his many gifts, as he was the class valedictorian and won both the Alumni Cup for “leadership based on character” and the J. Elwood Peter Cup for “one who loves his fellow man.”
Bruce was also a fabulous athlete earning nine letters. He played football, basketball and lacrosse and earned three letters in each sport. In 1964 he quarterbacked the Lakers to a 7-0 record, their first undefeated football season since 1912. He was an honorable mention All-Private School football team member in 1965. But it was in lacrosse where Bruce truly shined. He was the MSA’s premier center midfielder (and center midfielder on the famous 1966 “60-minute midfield”) and by his senior year, he was winning 75% of his face-offs. In 1966 he led the Lakers to the MSA “A” Conference title and received the C. Markland Kelly Award as the best lacrosse player in the state of Maryland.
After his BL days were over, Bruce attended Harvard University, where he continued his lacrosse career. At Harvard, he was elected captain of his team and named the school’s top lacrosse player in 1970. He
received 1st team All-Ivy League honors and was named an honorable mention All-American in 1968, 1969 and 1970. Bruce played his last lacrosse game in 1972 when his team, the Carling Lacrosse Club, won the 1972 USCLA National Championship by defeating Long Island Club in overtime on Norris Field. Two of his teammates were the other two members of the fabled “60-minute midfield” – John Brizendine ’66 and Doug Hilbert ’66.
After graduating from Harvard, Bruce entered the University of Maryland Medical School and received his degree in General Psychiatry in 1974. Dr. Regan completed his residency at Maryland Hospital in 1977 and later went into private practice. His specialty is Adult Mental Health, and he has been practicing in the Baltimore area for several decades.
It gives Boys’ Latin School great pleasure to name Bruce L. Regan ’66 as a 2022 recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
By Mac Kennedy ‘76
Bob Shriver entered BL in the fall of 1964, graduating in 1969, and by 2015 he had completed his 40th year on the Laker lacrosse coaching staff and his 36th and last as the Head Coach.
While a student at Boys’ Latin, Bob was a two-year varsity letterman and in 1968 was the first Laker athlete honored by The Baltimore Sun as an “Athlete of the Week.” His older brother Billy was a member of the BL class of 1964.
Bob graduated from Washington College in 1973, where he was a four-year lacrosse letterman, twice captain of the Shoremen and a two-time All-American selection as a midfielder. He was inducted into the Washington College Athletic Hall of Fame in 1995. After graduating from college, Bob continued to play lacrosse, competing in the 1973 North-South All-Star game, serving as an alternate on the USA National Team in 1974 and 1978 and playing in the
professional box league for the Maryland Arrows and Boston Bolts.
Bob returned to Boys’ Latin as a middle school science teacher and assistant varsity lacrosse coach in 1975, taking over the varsity reins four years later. Shriver guided the Lakers to their first Maryland Scholastic Association “A” Conference title in nineteen years when they defeated Loyola 7-4 in the 1985 title game. BL again won “A” Conference championships in 1988, 1997, 2002, 2006, and 2014 – the ’97, ’06 and ’14 teams were all undefeated and declared consensus National Champions. Additionally, he served as the varsity soccer coach until 1985. Bob was named the 2013 National Interscholastic Lacrosse Coaches Association High School Coach of the Year, and in 2014, The Baltimore Sun named him the All-Metro Lacrosse Coach of the Year.
Under “Shrives”, who was inducted into the US Lacrosse Baltimore Chapter’s Hall of Fame in February of 1998, the Lakers have been perennial contenders in the very competitive MIAA “A” Conference, generally regarded as the strongest league in the country. Under Head Coach Shriver BL qualified for fifteen title game appearances. In Boys’ Latin’s last game in 2008, Bob achieved his 400th career victory as BL’s coach and he achieved his 500th win in 2015. Bob has also been the assistant coach on two USA U19 teams, 1988 and 1999, and was the U19 Head Coach in 2003. Each of those teams won the World Championship and was undefeated.
Bob, in addition to coaching the BL varsity lacrosse team, taught 7th grade earth science and currently works in both the development and admissions offices.
His son, David, is a member of BL’s Class of 2006. He played lacrosse at Georgetown University and is now an assistant coach on Georgetown’s men’s lacrosse team.
It gives Boys’ Latin School great pleasure to name Robert V. Shriver ’69 as a 2022 recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
Dave Waters came to BL as a junior in the fall of 1967. In the upper school, he played varsity football and basketball, but his real passion was golf. Dave earned five varsity letters. He also served as the President of the Spanish Club
during his senior year.
He was a member of the varsity golf team in its first two years of its existence, and as a senior, he was one of the top four players on the team. In the 1969 Maroon and White, he listed Arnold Palmer as his hero.
After graduating BL he attended Clemson University. He held various jobs after college and eventually decided to go into the mortgage business. In 1980 Dave went to work for Maryland National Bank’s Mortgage Division. He steadily rose up in the ranks and by the end of the 1980s decided to establish his own company.
David founded First Home Mortgage Corporation in 1990. First Home started with just a handful of employees in one location in the Baltimore area and since then has grown to a company that boasts 35 locations in 21 states and employs over 600 people in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Southern regions. With his entrepreneurial management team, support staff and industry-leading producers, Dave has a team that has built strong relationships in hundreds of local communities.
A company that surpasses industry standards and is a top lender, First Home continues to thrive and provide its customers with superior service. First Home Mortgage continues to be recognized for its accomplishments, including:
Top Producing Lender in Maryland, according to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Top Originators, according to Scotsman Guide Top Mortgage Lender, according to Scotsman Guide Top Lender in Maryland by Total Loan Volume, according to Richey May.
David has been a loyal supporter of Boys’ Latin School through the years and the Alumni/ Development Office is excited that he is being honored along with his good friend and classmate, Bob Shriver ’69.
It gives Boys’ Latin School great pleasure to name David E. Waters ’69 as a 2022 recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
As a Baltimore native, I can honestly say that I do not believe any school has had a better decade than Boys’ Latin. Everything on Lake Avenue is growing, from the beautiful campus to the academic programs, from the myriad of opportunities to the generosity of the community. What is happening at Boys’ Latin is both exciting and inspirational.
As the head of fundraising, I like to say that my job is to provide opportunities for people to show gratitude and make a difference. On the following pages, we recognize the many individuals across our community who are doing that here at Boys’ Latin. Thanks so much to all of you who continue to support our students, our faculty and staff and our amazing School.
I have already heard wonderful stories, from former parents and alumni, about what Boys’ Latin has meant to their respective families and their boys. The value of a Boys’ Latin degree has never been greater, and our Alumni support and participation rates reflect the difference a Boys’ Latin education has made in the lives of so many. Our faculty continue to create those ‘aha’ moments every day, which is reflected in the outpouring of support across the Laker community.
Our newest endeavor, the Boldly BL Campaign (highlighted in this magazine), is an exciting opportunity to update our upper school, expand and improve our athletic facilities and grow the School’s endowment. I invite you to learn more and consider supporting this Bold initiative. The Boldly BL campaign will undoubtedly assist with continuing the upward trajectory of Boys’ Latin and providing boys and young men with life-changing experiences for years to come.
Craig Brooks Director of Development“Our two sons started at Boys’ Latin in the Lower School. We value all of the opportunities and support that BL has provided them to grow and develop over the years. We give to the Laker Fund to support the faculty and enable them to continue to offer specialized learning for all of the Boys’ Latin community. We invite you to join us by making a gift to the Laker Fund this year in recognition and appreciation of all the dedicated faculty and staff at Boys’ Latin.” – Jenn and Jeff Vitelkites, P’27 P’29
It is my great pleasure to join the Boys’ Latin community!
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Unrestricted Annual Fund Restricted Annual Fund Endowed Annual Fund Total Annual Fund Gifts
Total Capital and Endowment
$1,027,688 $398,643 $316,291 $1,742,622 $652,173 $1,342,632 $1,994,805
Annual Fund $1,742,622 Capital and Endowment $1,994,805 Total Giving $3,737,427
This report acknowledges the generous support of donors to The Boys’ Latin School of Maryland from July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022. Thank you for continuing the generous tradition of giving back to Boys’ Latin.
If your name was omitted or misspelled, please notify the Development Office at 410-377-5192.
Cumulative gifts of $25,000 or more to The Laker Fund entitle one membership in the
Latin alumnus, led the effort to find the property to build Boys’ Latin School on the grounds where
left his law firm in 1962 to become Boys’ Latin’s second headmaster on Lake
Latin, as Jack Williams did, become members of this
$250,000 +
Dottie and James C. Alban III H’13
Theodore W. Bauer H’17
Deborah and John G. Eckenrode, Jr.
Diane and Philip C. Federico ’75
Louis R. Fritz ’77
Paula and W. Kyle Gore ’80
Janet Bauer Hartman
Nancy and Henry H. Hopkins H’03
Angela and Gregory S. Horning H’16
C. Duff Hughes ’76
Cary and Warner P. Mason, Sr. H’12
Barbara May
Rachel and Walker S. Mygatt H’16
Ann and Brian H. O’Neil ’75
Anne and Steven E. Simms H’10
David D. Smith ’68
Frances and J. Duncan Smith ’73
Melissa and Robert E. Smith ’81
The Spahn Family Eileen Wilcox H’19
$100,000 + Chandler and Richard H. Bagby ’82
Mary Jane Blaustein H’17
Sana and Andrew M. Brooks
Katherine and James R. Brooks ’73
Carol and Robert E. Carter ’64
The Estate of Leora Colbert
Mary and Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr.
Mary Bee and L. Myrton Gaines II ’74
Thomas M. Gaines ’82
Kris and Michael C. Gitlin
Bonnie and Robert V. Gothier, Jr. Charles F. Haugh
Shannon and Nicholas G. King Georgette D. Kiser
Nicole and Henry A. Lederer ’80
Jennifer and Ross M. Levin ’89
Sara and Robert W. Martin
Julie and Ryan McClernan ’85
Joan and J. Huston McCollough II ’69
Rosemary and Bruce D. McLean ’75
Jenny and Jonathan P. Murray H’13
Natalie and Matthew D. Nichols
Pam and Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr.
Diane W. Parker
Merle and Thomas B. Peace ’65
Pen Pendleton III ’76
Margaret-Mary and T. Michael Preston ’75
Joan and Gary A. Pyne
Gail and James S. Riepe
Patricia and Robert M. Rubino
Bonnie and Bruce P. Sawyer
Laury and Lewis A. Scharff
Kitty Simpson
James F. Talbert ’76
J. Timothy Voelkel ’76
Jill and David A. Ward H’19
Colleen and David E. Waters ’69
$25,000 +
Garland and James C. Alban IV H’18 Anonymous
Delia and Bruce A. Baggan
Eleanora G. Baird
Melanie and Paul L. Baker ’84
Sharron and Herbert M. Bank George F. Barker ’82
Anne and J. Dixon Bartlett III ’80 Harriet and James E. Berg Frank E. Berger
Catherine Bishop and Daniel Marino Jennifer and Charles F. Black, Sr. ’73
Jeannine and John F. Black Jean and Edward F. Blake, Jr. Monica and Michael T. Bordick Alison and Brian J. Brennan Debi and Geoffrey H. Brent ’77 Raleigh Brent III ’72
Ellen and Douglas W. Brinkley Ann and Brian W. Brooke Maya and Steven S. Brooks Julia and Charles A. Bryan Fran and James A. Callahan, Jr. ’71 Jean A. Campbell
Gail and Bradford G. Y. Carney ’68 Susan Cashman
Pat and John R. Cochran III Ozzie and Joseph Cowan H’21 Eileen and George W. Cox H’13 Barbara and Frank F. Daily III ’77 Terri and Thomas O. Daly ’78 Deborah and Mark M. Deering ’72 Diane and Mark G. Dorney ’74 Charon and Alexius A. Dyer III ’74 Janet and Mark V. Dyer Caroline and Dyson P. Ehrhardt ’59 Jody and Daniel W. Evans
Roberta and Scott Fader
Elinor Feiss
Wesley and Tom Finnerty ’82 Terri and J. Douglas Floccare
Ronald Frank
Phyllis and Louis F. Friedman
Samuel H. Friedman ’91
Linda and Brandon Gaines ’72 Beth and W. Lee Gaines, Jr. Anne and William R. Gee
Gretchen and Keith A. Gertsen ’88
Susan and Jeffrey J. Glibert ’68
Jean Glose
Dotty and Leslie E. Goldsborough, Jr. H’14
Carol and Mark A. Goodman Kathy and Roger L. Gray Jr.
Kate and James R. Grieves, Jr. ’76
Ryan Grimes
Kate and J. Patrick Gugerty ’83
Linda and G. Todd Guntner ’72 Shelly Hairston-Jones and Keith Hairston Roland S. Harvey ’80
Harold G. Hathaway III ’66
Laurie and Drew M. Haugh ’77
Lisa Hawkins
Ruby and Robert W. Hearn
Lisa and Michael S. Higgins ’74
Jennifer and Matthew Hitt
Laurie and Brian D. Holman
Kitty and Charles M. Holub
Elizabeth Hughes
Margaret Hupfeldt
Rudy and Shawn P. Hurley
Kelly and Christopher Jarvis
Mary Beth and Frank S. Jones, Jr. ’77
Francie and John J. Keenan
Jessica and Daniel C. Keith H’08
Anne and Donald W. Kellerman, Jr. Richard B. Kelly ’70
Nancy Kemp
Stephanie and Harry R. Kleiser
Pat and Louis J. Kousouris, Jr. ’64
Debi and William M. Krulak, Jr.
Alicia and Robert D. Kunisch, Sr. Michelle and Robert D. Kunisch, Jr.
Robert W. Lange
Nancy and John G. Larkin
Eric T. Levin ’88
Jill and Eric M. Levitt
Kay and Craig Lewis
Amy and Victor J. Lizana
Douglas K. Loizeaux ’68
Anastasiya and Joe Lorenz IV Daniel A. Lucas ’03
Lynne and Joseph T. Mallon, Jr. Michele and Louis Marchese
Nancy and Jeffrey C. Mason ’81
Guy J. Matricciani, Jr. ’81
Janney McComas
Betty and David W. Meese ’55
Barbara and Adam H. Miller
Amber and Jason E. Miller
Julie and A. Skip Miller, Sr.’76
Louise and J. William Miller ’62
Elizabeth S. Mitchell
Jill and James A. Mitchell ’87
Sharon and Thomas W. Mitchell ’56
Dort and Richard C. Mollett ’69
Samantha and Ryan D. Mollett ’97
Beth and Mark Moxley ’88
Dessie Moxley
Colleen and Thomas P. Mulroy
Katherine and William P. Murphy
Dana and S. Morris Murray ’72
Susan and Robert B. Naeny ’73
Patricia and Louis J. Nicholas
David G. Noble ’54
Barbara Voss Noell and Charles E. Noell
Elizabeth and Andrew M. Obrecht ’75
Ingrid and Donald F. Obrecht, Jr. ’78
Betsy and David Oestreicher
Susan Ohrenschall
Corinne and Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. ’71
Shelle and Jeffrey H. Owen
Hayley and Thomas W. Parker ’82
Ashley and J. Clark Parriott, Jr.
Wendy and Adam Peake
T. Scott Pendleton ’72
Vincent Piccinini
Amie and Christopher J. Post
Diane and Jeffrey Powers
Stephanie and Derek M. Radebaugh ’90
Nancy Radebaugh
George J. Rayburn ’84
Julie and William F. Regine
Vernon A. Reid, Jr.
Laura and John H. Rice III
Maryann and Robert B. Rice Holly and James M. Riordan
Therese and James F. Roberts
Leslie and Harry W. Rodgers IV ’74
Lynn and William S. Roohan
Albert William Rubeling, Jr. H’09
Ann and Timothy C. Scheve
Sue Shriver
Donna and John W. Sieverts H’07
Donna Smith
Venice K. Paterakis and Frederick Gerstell Smith ’67
Leigh and Roy A. Smith III ’85
Cheryl and Andrew M. Snyder
Sherri and Peter B. Snyder
Julia and Stephen L. Snyder Ann and Charles C. Stieff ’74
Valerie and Paul R. Stierhoff ’77
Suzanne and Joseph A. Sullivan
James G. Thomas, Jr. ’81
Jenn and Jeffrey S. Vitelkites Ellen Voelkel
Stacy and Christopher J. Walsh Nancy and David O. Watts ’81
Nancy Webster
Carol and Thomas W. Winstead, Jr. Cherie and Thomas E. Winter Kim and John D. Wolff Deb Wood F. Christian Zinkhan ‘75
Kate Berger
Raleigh Brent II ’44
William Gill Brooks ’45
Edmund Cashman
Brooke P. Cottman ’48
Angelo N. D’Anna
Louis A. Demely, Jr. ’46 Willis S. Drummer
Stephen W. Feiss Emma and W. Lee Gaines, Sr. ’42
J. Frederick Glose ’45
Curran W. Harvey, Jr. Charles F. Hughes, Jr. William G. Hupfeldt, Sr. ’44 Robert W. Lehr ’71
Guy J. Matricciani, Sr. William H. May ’60
Myles R. McComas, Jr.
James E. McDonnell II ’45
Barton S. Mitchell H’07
Carolyn S. Obrecht
Dorothy H. Ohrenschall
Robert F. Ohrenschall ’44
John Radebaugh
Rosalind Plummer-Reid
Frances and George M. S. Riepe, Sr. ’40
David W. Roszel ’39
Dolly and Joseph W. Sener, Sr. ’44
Eugene Servary ’43
George M. Shriver III ’50
Howard R. Simpson ’44
Carolyn B. Smith
Ronald L. Spahn ’58
Priscilla and Charles C. Stieff II
Mary Jean and Oliver S. Travers H’16
Kathryn and Joseph R. B. Tubman ’45
James McC. Webster, Jr. ’55
Brian E. Wilcox
Jonathan B. Wood
Phyllis and Leonard J. Attman
Stacy and Gary S. Blibaum ’88
Dawn and James H. Burch ’81
Joseph H. Grady, Jr. ’65
Oachia and David E. Lanphar
Anne and Andrew F. Meredith
Claire and Charles M. Shriver ’85
Jennifer Gilbert St. John
“H” – Honorary Alumnus
Esse Quam Videri, “To be, rather than to seem,” the school motto, is the name given to the society established to recognize those who fondly remember the School by including Boys’ Latin in their estate plans.
Class of 1934
*Page Edmunds II
Class of 1935
*Andrew J. Young III Class of 1939
*David W. Roszel
Class of 1940
*George M.S. Riepe Class of 1941
*Strother B. Marshall Class of 1943
*Eugene Servary Class of 1944
*Raleigh Brent II
*Robert F. Ohrenschall
*Joseph W. Sener, Jr.
*Howard R. Simpson
Class of 1945
*James E. McDonnell
Class of 1946
*Louis A. Demely
Class of 1948
*Harry L. Hogan
*Brooke P. Cottman
Class of 1950
Timothy T. Pohmer
Class of 1952
*John H. Ehrhardt III
Class of 1954
*John H. Croker
Class of 1955 *James McC. Webster David W. Meese
Class of 1956 Thomas W. Mitchell
Class of 1958 Ronald L. Spahn
Class of 1959 Dyson P. Ehrhardt
Class of 1964 Robert E. Carter
Class of 1965 Harry C. Bowie III
Class of 1966 Harold G. Hathaway III
Class of 1968 Michael G. Trawinski
Class of 1970 Richard B. Kelly
Class of 1971 *Robert W. Lehr
Class of 1972 G. Todd Guntner William A. Niermann, Jr.
Class of 1973
Charles F. Black, Sr. C. Randall Deering Stuart D. “Dusty” Farber
Class of 1973 Linda and G. Todd Guntner Class of 1974 Scott E. Huber
Class of 1975 Philip C. Federico Bruce D. McLean
Class of 1976 J. McDonald Kennedy, Jr J. Timothy Voelkel
Class of 1979 Stephen M. Dubin
Class of 1983 J. Patrick Gugerty
Class of 1984 Thomas G. Blair
Class of 1986 Michael D. LeBlanc
Class of 1993 Jarrett B. Leeb Dennis H. Weinman
Honorary Alumni:
*John G. Bowling H’10 Gregory S. Horning H’16 Walker S. Mygatt H’16
Albert W. Rubeling, Jr. H’09 John W. Sieverts H’07
Former Parents:
*Angelo D’Anna Anne D. Gee
*Bettie R. Hill
Angela & Gregory S. Horning H’16
Rachel & Walker S. Mygatt H’16
*Carolyn S. Obrecht Jill & David A. Ward
Faculty & Staff:
*John G. Bowling H’10
Jean A. Campbell
William S. Dingledine
Stephen M. Dubin ’79 Dyson P. Ehrhardt ’59
*William B. Endres
Armand F. Girard
J. Patrick Gugerty ’83 Anne P. Kellerman
J. McDonald Kennedy, Jr. ’76 John W. Sieverts H’07
Friends of Boys’ Latin:
*Willis S. Drummer
*McHenry “Mac” Gillet
*Anne Irons
*George D. Solter
The continued growth of the School’s endowment is of paramount importance for the financial well-being of Boys’ Latin School. Listed are the School’s current named endowment funds.
Award Endowments: Minimum Investment: $25,000
The Clive Beare Award (Photography)
The Jennifer Brock Award
The J. Freund Award (Science)
The John S. “Jack” Kerns “Clearly Evident” Award
The Margaret MacFarland Award (Music)
The Ralph Marquiss Award (Music)
The Lee Packard Award (Music)
The Benjamin Samuel Sorensen Award
The Szczypinski Award (Wrestling)
Faculty Chair Endowment: Minimum Investment: $250,000
The Dyson P. Ehrhardt Faculty Chair
The J. Duncan Smith Faculty Chair
The Board of Trustees Faculty Chair
Faculty Enrichment Endowment Funds:
Minimum Investment: $25,000
The Margaret and Rodney Brooks Enrichment Fund
The Jean Campbell Faculty Enrichment Fund
The Colbert Enrichment Fund
The Dyson P. Ehrhardt Faculty Enrichment Fund
The Edward E. Ford Enrichment Fund
The Levin Seminar Enrichment Fund
The Christopher J. Post Faculty Enrichment Fund
The Joan Pyne Faculty Enrichment Fund
Faculty Salary Endowments: Minimum Investment: $25,000 Anonymous
The Lloyd E. Mitchell Faculty Salary Endowment
The William L. Morris Teaching Chair
The Dunning Foundation Faculty Salary Endowment
The Sheridan Foundation Faculty Salary Endowment
The Robert F. Ohrenschall Faculty Salary Endowment (English)
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation Endowment Fund
The William F.R. Gilroy Speaker Fund
The Emmert Hobbs Publication/ Photography Fund
The Iglehart Endowment Fund for Baseball
The Library Endowment Fund
The Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Eugene P.E. Servary Endowment for Science
The Sheridan Foundation Endowment Fund
for Technology
The George Shriver Endowment Fund for Buildings
Scholarship Endowments: Minimum Investment: $100,000
The James C. Alban, III Scholarship
The Kathleen M. Berger Scholarship
The Jennifer & Charles F. Black Scholarship
The Blaustein Scholars Scholarship
The Harry C. Bowie Scholarship
The John G. Bowling Scholarship
The Boys’ Latin Alumni Association Scholarship
The Gillian & Raleigh Brent Family Scholarship
The Frank C. Brooks Family Scholarship
The William M. Callahan Scholarship
The Campbell Foundation Scholarship
The Carol & Robert E. Carter Scholarship
The Frank M. Chubb Scholarship
The Class of 1944 Scholarship
The Class of 1945 Scholarship
The Class of 1964 Scholarship
The Edith R. Cottman Scholarship
The Brooke Cottman & J. Stewart Cottman
and Combat Veterans of WWII Scholarship
The Louis A. Demely, Jr. Scholarship
The Caroline & Dyson P. Ehrhardt Scholarship
The Florence & John H. Ehrhardt Scholarship
The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship
The France-Merrick Scholarship
The Albert F. Freihofer Scholarship
The Mary & Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr. Scholarship
The W. Brad Gano Scholarship
The Rixey & Leonard C. Gore Scholarship
The Katherine & J. Patrick Gugerty Scholarship
The Linda and G. Todd Guntner Scholarship
The Marjorie & Curran W. Harvey Scholarship
The Hal Hathaway Scholarship
The T. Clayton Hill Scholarship
The Bettie & Thomas Hill Scholarship
The Rokos / Hill Scholarship
The Angela & Gregory S. Horning Scholarship
The William G. Hupfeldt, Jr. Scholarship
The William G. Hupfeldt, Sr. Scholarship
The Mary Lenore & John Albert Kelly Scholarship
The Georgette Kiser Scholarship
The David I. Lampe Scholarship
The James L. Lears Scholarship
The Craig J. Levitt Scholarship
The Albert A. “Ab” Logan Scholarship
The Henry G. Lubke IV Scholarship
The Guy J. Matricciani Sr. Scholarship
The William H. May Scholarship
The Barbara & William H. May Scholarship
The James E. McDonnell Scholarship
The Betty & David W. Meese Scholarship
The Middendorf Foundation Scholarship
The Dorothy & Richard C. Mollett
The Jennifer & Jonathan Murray Scholarship
The Lawrence P. Naylor III Scholarship
The William A. Niermann, Jr. Scholarship
The Donald F. Obrecht Family Scholarship
The Dorothy Ohrenschall Scholarship
The Robert F. Ohrenschall Scholarship
The Ann & Brian H. O’Neil Scholarship
The Stephen T. Parker Scholarship
The Thomas W. Parker Scholarship
The Clementine Peterson Scholarship
The Joan & Gary Pyne Scholarship
The Otis B. Read III Scholarship
The Readers Digest Scholarship
The H. Brunt Riepe Scholarship
The David W. Roszel Scholarship
The David Welby Roszel Scholarship
The Bonnie & Bruce P. Sawyer Scholarship
The Ann TenEyck Sener Scholarship
The Joseph W. Sener, Jr. Scholarship
The George M. Shriver Scholarship
The Shriver Family Scholarship
The Donna & John W. Sieverts Scholarship
The Howard R. Simpson Scholarship
The Carolyn B. Smith Scholarship
The Julian S. Smith Scholarship
The Gail & Ronald L. Spahn Scholarship
The Mattheu Thomas Scholarship
The Thomas Schenuit Travers Scholarship
The H. Mebane Turner Scholarship
The Jessica & David J. Ulrich Scholarship
The Mary P. & John L. Ulrich Scholarship
The Voelkel Family Scholarship
The Polly D. Warfield Scholarship
The Brian Wilcox Scholarship
The Jack H. Williams Scholarship
The Nicholas L. Ziolkowski Scholarship
The Babylon Scholarship
The Edmund J. Cashman Scholarship
The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Foundation Scholarship
The Susan B. Szczypinski Scholarship
The David E. Waters Scholarship
The Carol Winstead Scholarship
The B.E.S.T. Scholarship
The Bonny & Robert Gothier Scholarship
The Karen & Robert Scheu Scholarship
The Sheridan Foundation Scholarships
The annual giving program has reached new milestones each of the past three years. This past year, Boys’ Latin’s Laker Fund became the third largest annual fund among independent schools in the Baltimore area -- raising over $3.7 million. The Laker Fund is a vital part of BL’s finances. Tuition alone accounts for only 80% of the cost of a BL education. Continued investment in this critical fund notably helps to support everything Boys’ Latin: faculty salaries, benefits, financial aid, and all components of the student experience.
THE JACK H. WILLIAMS ’38 CLUB Gifts of $50,000 - $99,000+
Mr. Louis R. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kyle Gore
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lanphar Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Smith The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
THE DYSON P. EHRHARDT ’59 CLUB Gifts of $25,000 - $49,999
The Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Gothier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Lederer
Mr. Eric T. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Ross M. Levin
The Robert W. Martin Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McClernan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Huston McCollough II
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Sawyer
The Sheridan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Waters
THE JOHN G. BOWLING H’10 CLUB Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999
The Alban Family Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alban III Anonymous Mr. Jonathan H. Attman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Attman Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bagby The Boys’ Latin Alumni Association Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey H. Brent Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks W. P. Carey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cochran III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fader
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Federico Mr. and Mrs. L. Myrton Gaines II Mr. Joseph H. Grady, Jr. Mr. Harold G. Hathaway III Drs. Ruby P. and Robert W. Hearn The High Rock Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hopkins Mr. Richard B. Kelly Mr. Ryan D. Mollett Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Moxley Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Obrecht, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. Mr. Pen Pendleton
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The Schluderberg Foundation, Inc. Mr. James A. Callahan
Ms. S. Kimberly Hupfeldt Mr. Chris Hupfeldt
Mrs. Julie Hupfeldt Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shriver
Mrs. Jennifer Gilbert St. John Dr. and Mrs. James A. Tzitzouris, Jr. Mrs. Ellen Voelkel
Mr. J. Timothy Voelkel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zappitello
THE J. MARSHALL BRUCE CLUB Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999
Bank of America Anonymous
Ms. Catherine C. Bishop and Mr. Daniel C. Marino
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Buendia Ms. Rebecca C. Delorme and Dr. Paul C. Clark Mr. Mark M. Deering
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Friedman
Mr. Samuel H. Friedman Mr. Thomas M. Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Gaines, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Gano
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Glibert Mr. Roland S. Harvey
The Emmert Hobbs Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Horning
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. King Ms. Georgette D. Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Knott Mr. Louis J. Kousouris, Jr. Mr. Daniel A. Lucas
Ms. Patricia O. B. Farley and Mr. William F. C. Marlow
Mr. an Mrs. David W. Meese
Mr. an Mrs. Andrew F. Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mollett
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peake
Mr. T. Scott Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Preston T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rodgers IV
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rubino Mrs. George M. Shriver III Mr. Todd S. Sody
The Stieff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Stieff III Mr. C. Clinton Stieff IV
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stieff Mr. Spencer N.S. Stieff Mr. Taylor M. Stieff
The Mary Jean and Oliver Travers Foundation, Inc. Ms. Alexandra Zimmermann Dr. F. Christian Zinkhan
THE GEORGE SHIPLEY CLUB Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Mr. Richard L. Ashley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon Bartlett III Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Blibaum Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burch Mr. Brett D. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cochran II Ms. Christine Johnson and Mr. Bernard Eck
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Eckenrode, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dyson P. Ehrhardt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Finnerty
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Foard
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Forchheimer
Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Guntner
Ms. Parker Sutton and Mr. Paul Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas LeGrand Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maffia Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Mason Mrs. Myles R. McComas
Mr. an Mrs. Jason E. Miller
The Morgan Family Foudation, Inc. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Mr. and Mrs. Noah T. Mumaw
Mr. S. Morris Murray
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Peters
Drs. Jeannette C. and James E. Post
Ms. Ginna Naylor and Mr. James L. Potter, Jr.
Mr. Joseph L. Radebaugh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Conor P. Sanders
Ms. Amanda Scott-Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Snyder
Stanley Black & Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Taylor
Mr. Matthew A. Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Vitelkites
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff
Gifts of $1,844 - $2,499
Mrs. Antigoni Apesos
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ashworth III Dr. George F. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Berndt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bogusky
Drs. Maya M. and Steven S. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Caddell
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Callahan, Jr. Mrs. Jean A. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford G. Y. Carney Mrs. Edmund J. Cashman, Jr. The Deering Foundation, Inc.
Mr. C. Randall Deering
Mr. Mark M. Deering
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Grieves, Jr. Mr. Mark G. Dorney
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dunn Mr. J. Gregory Eckenrode III
Exelon Foundation Mrs. Elinor Feiss
Dr. James Freeman IV Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lewis, Sr. Dr. Elisabeth B. Marsh and Mr. Matthew B. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLoughlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Mr. Timothy E. Mering
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Mills Mrs. Cassandra S. Naylor Mr. Glynn I. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pierson Mr. Ronald E. Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Scharff
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schoenwetter
Scripps Howard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Shriver
Mr. Frederick V.W. Slagle
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott H. Steelman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Weinman Dr. Mellasenah Morris and Dr. Stephen E. Wright
Gifts of $1,000 - $1,843
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Arnold Mr. Jake M. Aygun
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Baggan Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Bailey III Mr. Byron R. Banghart
Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett Mr. Theodore W. Bauer Mr. Gregg M. Bell Mrs. Walter Black Mr. Harry C. Bowie III
The Boys’ Latin Parents’ Association Mr. Raleigh Brent III Mr. Joseph W. G. Brooks
The Campbell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Cochrane Dr. Miriam Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Colby Cox Mr. James K. Crider Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Daily III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Daly Mr. Taylor C. Davis Mr. Stanley H. Dorney III Mr. Jack Dunn Mrs. Betsy S. Durham Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Fleming Mr. Albert F. Freihofer Mr. Hugh E. Gelston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Goodhue Dr. and Mrs. John D. Gottsch Mr. Jack C. Grace Mr. Greg M. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. James R. Grieves, Jr. Dr. Shelly Hairston-Jones and Dr. Keith A. Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Drew M. Haugh Ms. Lisa Hawkins Mr. Parker J. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hazard Ms. Jamie Dembeck and Mr. Sean Hearn Prof. and Mrs. Frederick J. Heldrich III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmgren Mr. Scott E. Huber Mr. James Hunter Ms. Frances J. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kennedy, Jr. Mrs. Seungkyung Kim Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Kleiser Mr. Brian M. Kowitz Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lee Mr. Richard H. Lehr Mr. Douglas Ian Loizeaux Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. London Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mahoney Mr. Patrick R Mahoney Mr. Donald A. Manekin Dr. Esther Mena and
Mr. Jeff E. Marks
Mr. Hans F. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. David L. McKissock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. A. Skip Miller, Sr. Mrs. Beth Mitchell
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Mr. Michael A. Mosko Mr. Jeffrey P. Mozal
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Nichols Mrs. Margaret M. Obrecht Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David F. Pacheco Mrs. Diane W. Parker Mr. Geoffrey V. Parker Mr. Aubrey Pearre Mrs. Dawn E. Motovidlak and Mr. Thomas E. Pipkin Mrs. John Radebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rice Mr. Kim Smith Sagor Mr. Sean M. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schaefer Mr. John R. Scott III
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Scott Mr. Charles Trey Sheain III Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sheehey Mr. and Mrs. George M. Shriver IV Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith
The Louis and Dora Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Speargas Mrs. Caroline Boyd Stellmann Mr. Jeffrey A. Stoller SunTrust Bank, Mid-Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. L. Timoll Truist Financial Corporation Mr. Jonathan S. Trump Dr. and Mrs. H. Mebane Turner Mrs. Barbara Voss Noell and Mr. Charles E. Noell Mr. and Mrs. Shawn W. Walter Mr. Ryan M. Walterhoefer Mr. Anthony S. Waskiewicz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. White Mr. and Mrs. Michael Widdowson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Winstead, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Zimmermann, Jr.
Gifts of $750 - $999
Associated Italian American Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen Brown IV Mr. Michael S. Federico
Mr. Seamus Gilson
Mr. Bradley S. Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Gray
Mr. John C. Reith
Mr. Arthur F. Spalding
UBS Financial Mr. David T. Whittie
Gifts of $500 - $749
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alban IV
Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Alperstein
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anecharico, Sr, Anonymous
Drs. Daniella and Fabrizio Assis
Mrs. Cathy Badmington
Mr. Gregory C. Baggan
Mr. and Mrs. Miles C. Baxter
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Behm
Mrs. Catherine Lears Bennett
Mr. Frank M. Betley
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bissett
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blois
Ms. Helga Surratt and Mr. Patrick J. Brennan
Mr. and Ms. Maurice P. Bruce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buchman
Mr. Patrick A. Cairns
Mr. Bruce S. Campbell IV
The Keith Campbell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Caponi
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Casey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Constable
Mr. Charles D. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Cooke
Mr. George C. Cosby
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Crain
Mr. and James W. Currie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan N. Davidov
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Davies
Mr. Jonathan W. Decker Mr. Brian T. Devlin
Mr. Thomas E. Donoho
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Dubin
The Alfred I. Dupont Educational and Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Engel
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Evans
Mr. Stuart Dusty Farber
Dr. Matthew F. Feild
Mr. McLane G. Fisher
Mr. Donald W. Fusting
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibson
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William F. R. Gilroy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glatz II
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Goldsborough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Heffner
Mr. and Ms. Dana Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Jeffers Mr. Edgar J. Johansson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Karey
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kaster Mr. John J. Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan R. Kelly, Sr. Mr. Nicholas B. M. Kemp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Klingelhofer III Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Knott Mr. Henry J. Knott IV Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kriebel Mr. Daniel Lacher Mr. Michael D. LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lewis, Jr. Ms. Mary Logan Mr. Ian X. Marks Mr. George M. Matthai Mr. David C. Mering Mr. David E. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Mian Mr. and Mrs. Jamison H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mutscheller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Obrecht Mr. and Mrs. William C. O’Brien III Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Obuchowski Mr. and Mrs. Niall H. O’Malley Mr. Ferdinand H. Onnen III Dr. Zinon M. Pappas Mr. C. Andrew Peace Mr. James H. Peacock Mr. Joshua B. Perlow Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Purdue Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Radebaugh Mr. William P. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Elias Rizakos Mr. Carroll Roberts Mr. and Mrs. W. Peregrine Roberts Mr. Michael A. Sapperstein Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Savadove Mr. LeBaron Scarlett, Jr. Dr. Karen Scheu and Mr. Robert Scheu Mr. and Mrs. William Schneidereith, Jr. Dr. J. M. Matthew Schofield Mr. J. Keith Scroggins Mr. Ian A. Shure
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Silvey II Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starkey Mr. Paul R. Stierhoff Mr. Blaine Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson, Jr. The Henry S. & Agnes M. Truzack Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wehberg Mr. W. Brett Weiss Mr. Brandon C. White
Mrs. Julia M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bayard Williams II Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Windle, Sr.
Gifts of $250 - $499
Abbott Labs
Mr. Robert E. Arnold Anonymous Mr. John G. M. Bacot, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Baker Mr. John C. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Barrett Ms. Kerry Bartlett
Becton Dickinson Mr. Andrew A. Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Black, Sr. Mr. Evan Black
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Borsoni
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Brant Mr. Jack C. Brown, Jr. Dr. Joyce L. Burd and Mr. Robert L. Burd
Mr. and Mrs. Ford S. Campbell IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Chan
Mr. Michael C. Ciarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Cline Mr. Allan S. Cohen
Mr. Brian W. Cook
Mr. William L. Cooper III Mr. Luca Cronin
Mr. and Ms. Michael F. Cronin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Crooks
Ms. Michaele Curtis
Mr. Timothy A. Davis
Mr. Lance K. Davison
Mr. Jackson Y. Dott
Mr. Mitch Dugan
Mr. and Ms. Todd R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ey Mr. and Mrs. Brian Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Feiss
Mr. Patrick M. Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fitz-Patrick Mr. Richard Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Freund
Mr. Stephan B. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Gertsen
Mr. Leonard G. Getschel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Zachary B. Gilden
Mr. G. Paul Govatos, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grace Mr. Richard B. Grieves Drs. Rachel and Mehran Habibi
Mr. Jacob L. Hagelin
Mr. Joshua D. Hamburger Mr. Matthew R. Hamburger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Heider Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Hillwig
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Holub
Mr. Robert M. Hopkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Gilston Hutzler
Mr. Thomas N. Ioannou
Mr. Mathew D. Jahromi
Mr. Daniel K. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Jones III Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kagen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keenan
Mr. Ryan C. A. Kirby Mr. Mark D. Knobloch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kury
Mr. Peter J. LaPaglia III
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lazenby Mr. and Mrs. James Laziuck Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lears III
Ms. Mary Ann Elliott and Mr. Hy James Levasseur
Ms. Amanda Lopez and Mr. Guillermo Giraldo
Dr. Adam B. Lowy
Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallon, Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Mallon III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maranto Mr. Paul Marchese Ms. Holly Martin Mr. Joshua R. Mayhorne Mr. Devin F. McDonnell Mr. Marshall C. McDorman Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Melnick Mr. Christopher P. Melocik Ms. Tracy Miller and Mr. Paul Arnest Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Mitchell Mr. Frank Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Morse Mr. Jason Morton Dr. Patrick Moulds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. North, Jr. Mr. Herbert R. O’Conor III Mr. and Mrs. William F. Peck Mr. Walter D. Penrose Mr. Riley F. Peters
Mr. William W. Pheil Mr. John L. Pie Mr. David B. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pollock Mr. Josh Pomles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Puritz Mr. and Mrs. David Radebaugh
Mr. Ronald K. Regan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rice III Mr. John H. Rice IV
Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I. Ritter
Mr. Timothy D. Roberts Mr. Walter A. Romans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Roth
Mr. G. Darrell Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sachse Dr. and Mrs. Mubadda A. Salim Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scalia
Dr. and Mrs. Simon V. Scalia Mr. S. Adam Scharff
Mr. Peter B. Scheve
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Rubin B. Singleton III Mr. and Mrs. C. Ryan Smith Mrs. Patricia Smith Mr. Patrick M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Keith Steller Mrs. Evelyn R. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stieff Mrs. Connie Stofhoff Mr. Matt Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Swanston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Thibeault, Sr. Dr. W. Andrew A. Tierney
Mr. Charles E. Toomey IV
Mrs. Tracy Travers
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trupia Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Turner, Jr. Mrs. Tresa T. Tuttle-Lewis and Mr. Brad Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Waller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh
Mr. Rick Wartzman
Mr. A. L. Shreve Waxter, Jr. Dr. Philippe Weintraub Mr. Benjamin B. Wells
Mr. Christopher M. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wilkerson III
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Winn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Wisniewski
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Witham
Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Woelper Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wyskiel
Gifts of $100 to $249
Mr. Scott R. Adler
Mr. David F. Aiken
Ms. Helen M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Andes Anonymous
Ms. Lisa Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Anthony, Jr. Mr. Robert M. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Ian Arrowsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Atkinson Mr. Steven B. Attias
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Banes Ms. Rebecca R. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo A. Barrera III
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Barta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bassett, Jr. Mr. David W. Beachler
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Bedford
Mr. Brent J. Beever
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Beever, Jr. Ms. Arlene Bekman
Mr. and Mrs. Brendon L. Bengermino Mr. Aaron M. Berg
Mr. Carroll M. Berndt, Jr.
Mr. Tyler P. Birkmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Gasper Bivalacqua Mr. Andrew W. Blahut
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Blahut
Mr. Thomas G. Blair Mr. Cole O. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Elliot M. Blank Mr. Alec S. Blitzstein
Ms. Brenda J. Bodian Mr. Chris J. Boland
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Boyer III Mr. J. Brooks Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Brady, Jr. Mr. Austin W. Brizendine, Jr. Mr. David L. Bronfein Mr. and Mrs. Craig Brooks Mr. Harvey S. Brooks, Jr. Mr. Raphael O. Brooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Brown Mr. Andrew W. Buchanan Mr. James C. Buck Mr. Logan T. Burke Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Campbell Mr. John Canedy Mrs. Susan B. Capute Mr. Brandon B. Carney Mr. Charles E. Carr III Mr. Jason A. Carter Mr. Trent H. Carter CDK Global, LLC Mr. Nathan F. Chadsey Mr. and Mrs. Ryland O. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Chenoweth Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Childs Mr. John R. Ciccarone Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Clark Mrs. Elaine Cochran
Mr. Andrew B. Cohen Mr. Andrew D. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Colhoun III Mr. Michael F. Conklin Mr. Jason Cooke Mr. Douglas H. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cooper
Mr. Bradley W. Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Crouse Mrs. Bonnie Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Beau Dagenais
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Dagenais Ms. Jackie Jones and Dr. Mel Daly Mr. John A. Daskalakis, Jr. Mr. James R. Daue Mr. Drew Davanzo Mrs. Charlette R. Davis
Mrs. Ra’Nell A. Davis Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dax Mr. Corey L. Days Mr. Andrew G. Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Derocco Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dickman Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dingledine, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Dittmar Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dixon Mr. Jason Dobrzykowski
Mr. and Mrs. Lari Dunlap
Mr. Alexius A. Dyer III Dr. Craig Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Eggert
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eichelberger Mr. Ryan W. Evans
Exelon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Fedash Mr. Frank J. Federico III
Mr. Stephen E. Feiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Fick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Field
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Fingles Mr. Gregory P. FitzGerald
Mr. Joshua A. Floam
Ms. Kathleen Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. George A. France Mrs. Kelly Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Frederick
Mr. John R. Furst
Mr. Alexander W. Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon F. Gaines
Mr. Jeffrey A. Gaines
Mr. Kennison N. Gale, Jr.
Mrs. Audrey S. Gann
Dr. Sidney R. Gehlert, Jr.
Ms. Rachel Eisler and Mr. Geoffrey Genth
Mrs. Abby E. Bowers and Mr. Matt E. Gerken
Mr. John S. Gibbs V
Mr. Terrence D. Gibson
Rev. Timothy B. Gilbert Lt. William P. Gilroy
Mr. Armand F. Girard
Mr. Robert R. Gisriel
Mrs. Judith E. Kinney-Gladden and Mr. Calvin E. Gladden
Mr. Garrett J. Glaeser
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Glaeser
Mrs. Felice D. Goldbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Goldsborough III
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgeral G. Goodridge
Mr. and Mrs. William Graf
Mr. Scott D. Graham
Mr. Drew W. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gray
Dr. Crystal Greene
Mr. Charles R. Greenslit
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Greif, Jr.
Mr. Robert B. Griebe
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Gugerty
Mr. Matthew J. Haas
Mr. M. Reese Vincent Hale
Dr. Robert A. Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegmann
Mr. Philip A. Heldrich
Mr. Charles V. Henry, Jr. Mrs. Nancy A. Herget
Mr. Stephen M. Higgins Mr. Andrew P. Hilgartner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hopson
Mr. John Hunsicker
Mr. Christopher E. Hupfeldt
Mrs. Margaret Hupfeldt
Mr. David C. Hyman
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hyman
Mr. Evangelos N. Ioannou
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Iodice
Dr. Linda J. Jacobs
Mr. Hyunkyu Jang
Mr. Evan R. Jaqua
Mr. Edwin B. Jarrett III Mrs. Crystal Nichole Jenkins Mr. Patrick J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jones Mr. Frank S. Jones III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kappus Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Katsafanas Ms. Lisa Katulis
Mr. Andrew S. Katzenberg Mr. Jeffery E. Keenan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Keller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Kellerman, Jr. Mr. Joseph D. Kennedy Mr. Lee M. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Rehan A. Khan Mr. John C. Kidd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kiddy Mr. Matthew H. Kleiser Mr. and Ms. David M. Kline Mr. Peter E. Klingelhofer Mr. Max Klug Mr. Matthew D. Kozera Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kramer Mr. William E. Krebs Mr. and Mrs. William M. Krulak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Krupinski, Sr. Mr. Oliver F. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Laupert Mr. and Mrs. Shane Layng Ms. Anne King and Mr. Michael A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leeds Mr. John A. Leftwich Mr. Jesse R. Leikin Mr. Thomas D. Leizear, Jr. Mr. Jason B. Leneau Mr. A. Burton Levering Mrs. Cynthia J. Levering Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mrs. Judith B. Lindenstruth Ms. Aline Lin and Mr. Michael Linkinhoker Mr. David J. Lipinski Mrs. Loraine Lobe Mr. Douglas K. Loizeaux Mr. and Mrs. David Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lowy Drs. Jessica and Joshua Lubek Mr. Kevin C. Lutz
Mr. Michael W. Lutz Mr. and Mrs. David Lynch Mrs. Kate Lynch
Mr. Dan MacLea III Mr. Daniel A. MacLennan Mr. Michael Madden Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madden Ms. Nicole M. Maffia Dr. Kyle W. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mangels Mr. Troy J. Marrocco Mr. William P. Martin
Mr. Mark W. Mason Mrs. Eleanor Massie Mr. and Ms. Kevin McCance Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. McClure Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McComas, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McDermott Mr. Peter R. McGill, Jr. Ms. Stephanie T. McKew Mr. William Hunter McKissock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Melnick Ms. Maryanne Arthur and Ms. Annemarie Merow Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mest Mr. and Mrs. Phil J. Metz, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth B. Close and Mr. David Meyer Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Michel Mr. Martin J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miller Mr. Scott H. Miller Mr. Keiffer J. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brandon Mollett Mrs. Gina Molling
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Montague Mrs. Martha Moore Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Morgan Mr. James F. Mosberg Mrs. James R. Moxley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Moyer Mr. Brendan F. Mullally Dr. John G. Mullally, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Murphy Mr. Michael V. Mutscheller
Mr. and Mrs. Walker S. Mygatt Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Naeny Mr. Brian Nee
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Newman Mr. Robert H. Nicolls Mr. William A. Niermann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chigoz Nwamoh Mr. C. Dudley Obrecht Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ohnmacht Mr. Hugo C. Olsen, Jr. Drs. Melissa V. and Tom O. Olson Mr. Dietrich P. Onnen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Onyekwere Ms. Danielle Brewster Oster and Mr. Laurence F. Oster
Mr. Christopher J. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Owens
Ms. Rachel R. Palermo
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Papenfuse Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Parriott, Jr. Mr. Wesley R. Payne IV Mr. William Neill Peck Mrs. Lynnda L. Peterman Ms. Kimberlee Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. David Pridgen, Jr. Mr. Greg Pyke
Mr. William E. Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rak
Mr. Robin S. Read
Dr. Bruce L. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Reid
Mrs. Stacy M. Kidd and Mr. William H. Reinecke
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Rickel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rickels, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rinker Mr. Christopher C. Rizakos
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Roe Mrs. Trish Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenkilde, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Roubi Mr. Korey B. Rubeling
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan N. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Rudick Mrs. Lenore Rudick
Mr. and Mrs. H. Michael Ryan, Jr. Mr. William L. Sager
The Hon. John W. Sause, Jr. Mr. E. Evan Scheiner
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scheurich
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scott Mr. Gary A. Seidman
Ms. Laura M. Barrientos and Mr. David M. Sena
Mr. Gregory G. Sheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shepherd
Mr. Robert J. Sherrod
Mr. William H. Shriver III Mr. Tyler T. Silvey Mr. William H. Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Slowikowski
Lt. Brendon P. Smeresky
Ms. Stephanie Archer-Smith and Mr. Andrew B. Smith
Ms. Carolyn Smith Mr. Joshua B. Smith
Mr. Kristian E. Spannhake Mr. Eric A. Spilman
Mr. Edward I. Sproull III Mr. Wells T. Stanwick
Ms. Robyn Anne Steele Mr. Peter L. Stegner Mr. Ronald I. Stern Ms. Sharon Stewart Mr. C. Clinton Stieff IV Mr. H. Lee Stierhoff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Sullivan Mr. Patrick G. Sullivan Mr. Harry W. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Casey H. Sydnor Mrs. Susan B. Szczypinski Mrs. Jenifer McDowell-Talbert and Mr. Keith Talbert
Mr. Carl A. TenHoopen III Mrs. Jeanne M. Tepel Mr. and Mrs. David Thaman Mr. Duane Keith Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thomas Mr. John B. Thomas II Mr. Mike Thomas Mr. William E. Thompson IV Mr. G. Dexter Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tompkins Mrs. Eileen A. Toohey Ms. Melissa Tower Mr. Ryan W. Trupia
Mrs. Margaret B. Tucker
Mr. and Ms. Matthew Tucker
Mr. Michael H. Turner Mr. Jeff S. Ulehla
Dr. and Mrs. Kristian Ulloa
Mr. Brink Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Pen Vineyard Dr. Eileen P. Vining and Mr. John C. Vining, Jr. Mr. Randall Voith Mr. Mark F. Wachter
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Wald Mr. James G. Walls, Jr. Mrs. Sandra Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ward Mrs. C. Ridgely Warfield
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Warnack, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wasserman
Mr. Herbert F. Waters
Mrs. James McC. Webster, Jr. Dr. Eric Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Wesloski
Mr. Andrew T. White
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Whitman III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Wiglesworth
Capt. Charles H. Wilbur Mrs. Erica Frances Wilhide
Mr. Robert M. Willingham, Jr. Mr. T. W. Winston
Mrs. Debra W. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Workinger
Mr. Dennis S. Xenakis
Mr. Thomas G. Xenakis
Mr. Parker D. Yablon
Mr. Brad J. Yaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Derya Yavalar
Mr. Richard Zielaskiewicz
Mr. Andrew Ziolkowski
Mr. James C. Alban IV
Mr. Richard H. Bagby
Mr. Theodore W. Bauer
Mr. Geoffrey H. Brent Mrs. Sana N. Brooks
Mr. James A. Callahan, Jr. Mr. Joseph W. Cowan Mr. Thomas P. Finnerty Mr. W. Kyle Gore Dr. Shelly Hairston-Jones Mr. Harold G. Hathaway III Mr. Gregory S. Horning
Mr. Nicholas G. King
Mr. Henry A. Lederer
Mr. Ryan McClernan
Mr. Ryan D. Mollett
Mr. Mark G. Moxley
Mr. Brian H. O’Neil
Mr. Robert B. Rice
Mr. J. Duncan Smith Mr. Jason A. L. Timoll Mrs. Stacy Walsh Mrs. Eileen Wilcox Dr. Stephen E. Wright
Ms. Lisa Anthony Mrs. Kathy Arnold Mrs. Cathy Badmington
Ms. Abigail J. Baker Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett Mr. Tyler P. Birkmaier
Mr. Craig Brooks
Ms. Susan C. Brown Mrs. Theresa Burke
Mrs. Carmen Clark
Mrs. Sheri B. Cobb
Mrs. Judy Crowley
Mr. James W. Currie, Jr. Mr. Beau Dagenais
Ms. Michelle L. Dell-Pruett
Mrs. Mari Verrecchia-DeLonde
Mrs. Amy Digges
Mr. Joseph Donnelly
Mr. Stephen M. Dubin Mr. Dyson P. Ehrhardt
Mr. Brian Farrell Mrs. Laurie Fick Ms. Marcia Flaherty Mrs. Pamela Hamm Mr. Hunt Heffner Mrs. Katie Hiestand Mr. Jeffrey T. Hindes
Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins Mr. Ryan Hopkins
Mrs. Rudy Hurley Mrs. Ann Jung Mrs. Ginna Kelly
Mr. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. Sean D. Kriebel Mr. Christopher M. Kury Mrs. Stephanie Lange Ms. Stephanie LaPenna Mrs. Kate Lynch Mr. Frederick C. Maisel III Mrs. Stephanie T. McKew Mrs. Stephanie McLoughlin Ms. Annemarie Merow Mrs. Kathleen Mest Mr. Brian W. Mitchell Mr. R. Brandon Mollett Mrs. Gina Molling Mr. Donald T. Newman Mrs. Phyllis Novotny Mr. Alex Onyekwere Ms. Kimberlee Pierce Mr. Christopher J. Post Mrs. Helen K. Potter Mr. Greg Pyke Mrs. Lisa Reid Mr. Donald L. Rickels Mr. Andrew I. Ritter Mr. Stephen Roche Mrs. Diane Rodriguez Mrs. Trish Rogers Ms. Sara T. Rosiak Mr. William Ryan Mr. Edwin R. Schell Mrs. Marie Scheurich Mr. John Sergeant Mr. Philip M. Sheehey Mr. Robert V. H. Shriver Mr. John W. Sieverts Ms. Carolyn Smith Mrs. Barbara Starkey Mrs. Jill Trupia Ms. Gillian Vernon Mr. Pen Vineyard Mrs. Anne Whitman Mrs. Mary Wiglesworth Mrs. Julia Williams Mrs. Elisa Windsor Mrs. Deb Wood Mr. Richard Zielaskiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alban III Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alban IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Alokones Ms. Helen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Andes
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Baggan Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Bailey III Mrs. Stephanie Barnes Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Barta Ms. Kerry Bartlett Mr. Theodore W. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beever Mrs. Catherine Lears Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Black, Sr. Mrs. Walter Black Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Blahut Mr. and Mrs. William N. Blake Mrs. Mary Jane Blaustein
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Blibaum Ms. Brenda J. Bodian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bogusky Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bonn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Boyer III Mr. J. Brooks Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brandau Ms. Helga Surratt and Mr. Patrick J. Brennan Drs. Maya M. and Steven S. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buchman Mr. Thomas Buck Ms. Ellie Burch Dr. Joyce L. Burd and Mr. Robert L. Burd
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. James A. Callahan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Campbell Mrs. Jean A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell Mrs. Susan B. Capute
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford G. Y. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Casey, Jr. Mrs. Edmund J. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Ryland O. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Chenoweth Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Childs Mr. John R. Ciccarone
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Cline Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Cochrane Dr. Miriam Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Crain Mr. James K. Crider
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Crouse Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Daily III Ms. Jackie Jones and Dr. Mel Daly Dr. and Mrs. Mikel D. Daniels Mrs. Charlette R. Davis Mr. Jon E. Davis Mrs. Ra’Nell A. Davis Hale Mrs. Patricia A. Dear Dr. and Mrs. Narciso A. DeBorja
Ms. Donatella DeLonde
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Derocco
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dingledine Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Dittmar
Ms. Adrienne N. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Dougherty Mr. Jack Dunn Mrs. Betsy S. Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dye Mr. and Mrs. John G. Eckenrode, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Eichelberger Ms. Mary Ann Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Engel
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ey
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Federico Mrs. Elinor Feiss
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Figler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Finnerty Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fitz-Patrick Ms. Kathleen Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Foster, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Foster Mr. Albert F. Freihofer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Brandon F. Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. L. Myrton Gaines II Mr. Thomas M. Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Gaines, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Gano
Mr. Hugh E. Gelston, Jr. Ms. Rachel C. Eisler and Mr. Geoffrey Genth
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William F. R. Gilroy Mr. Armand F. Girard Mrs. Judith E. Kinney-Gladden and Mr. Calvin E. Gladden
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Glaeser
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glatz II Ms. Regan Gore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Gothier, Jr.
D. and Mrs. John D. Gottsch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grace Mr. Scott D. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Gray Mr. and Mrs. James R. Grieves, Jr. Dr. Shelly Hairston-Jones and Dr. Keith A. Hairston Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Drew M. Haugh Ms. Lisa Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegmann Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Heider Mrs. Nancy A. Herget Mr. Stephen M. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Holub Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hopkins Mr. Robert M. Hopkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Horning Ms. Karen Greenwood Hughes Mrs. Margaret Hupfeldt Mrs. Kathy Hupfeldt Ms. S. Kimberly Hupfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Gilston Hutzler Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Iodice Dr. Linda J. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Jeffers Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kagen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Karey Mr. and Mrs. David M. Katinsky Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Kellerman Ms. Frances J. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kiddy Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. King Mr. and Mrs. Terrance King Ms. Georgette D. Kiser Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Kleiser Mr. Carroll S. Klingelhofer III
Mr. Max Klug
Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Knott
Ms. Parker Sutton and Mr. Paul Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Knott Mrs. Thomas V. Kotras
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. William M. Krulak, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kuntz Ms. Michelle Lane-Ross Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lange Ms. Anne King and Mr. Michael A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lees Ms. Patricia Lesho Mrs. Cynthia J. Levering
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lewis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mrs. Judith B. Lindenstruth Mr. David J. Lipinski Mrs. Susan Lloyd Mrs. Mary Logan Mr. Douglas K. Loizeaux Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lowy Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor Lucas Mr. Thomas K. Lynn Mr. Michael Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Maisel III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mangels Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maranto
Ms. Patricia O. B. Farley and Mr. William F. Marlow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Marrocco Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Warner P. Mason, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McClernan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. McClure Mrs. Myles R. McComas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. McComas, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. David L. McKissock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Melnick
Ms. Elizabeth B. Close and Mr. David Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Michel
Mr. and Mrs. A. Skip Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. William Miller
Ms. Tracy Miller and Mr. Paul Arnest
Mrs. Beth S. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mollett
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Montague
Ms. Martha Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Morgan
Mr. Michael A. Mosko
Mrs. James R. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Mules Dr. John G. Mullally
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mutscheller
Mr. and Mrs. Walker S. Mygatt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Naeny, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Nichols
Mr. Robert H. Nicolls
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Norman
Mr. and Mrs. William C. O’Brien III Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Obuchowski
Mr. and Mrs. Niall H. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. Mr. Glynn I. Owens
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Papenfuse Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Parker Mrs. Diane W. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Parriott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peake
Mr. Aubrey Pearre
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Peck Mrs. Lynnda Peterman
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Peters
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pezzulla Mr. William W. Pheil
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Ms. Ginna Naylor and Mr. James L. Potter, Jr. Mr. Jason Pross
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Purdue Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pyke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. David Radebaugh Mr. Joseph L. Radebaugh, Jr.
Mrs. John Radebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rak Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rice III Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rice Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Rickels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rinker Mr. ad Mrs. Elias Rizakos Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Roe Ms. Sara T. Rosiak
Ms. Sylvie Merlier-Rowan and Mr. Stanley R. Rowen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. William Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rubino Mrs. Lenore Rudick
Mr. G. Darrell Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Michael Ryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sachse Mrs. Kim Smith Sagor Ms. Nancy Salabes-Brown Ms. Caroline Salim Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Simon V. Scalia Mr. and Mrs. David H. Schachnovsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Scharff Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Schell Mr. and Mrs. William Schneidereith Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scott Ms. Amanda Scott-Martin Ms. Laura L. Barrientos and Mr. David M. Sena Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sheain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shepherd Mrs. George M. Shriver III Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. H. Shriver Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Silvey II Mrs. Stephanie Archer-Smith and Mr. Andrew B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. Ryan Smith Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starkey Mrs. Caroline Boyd Stellmann Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Stieff III Ms. Connie Stothoff Mr. Matt Stout Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Sullivan Mr. Harry W. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Swanston Mrs. Susan B. Szczypinski Mr. Blain Taylor Mrs. Jeanne M. Tepel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Thibeault, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tompkins
Mrs. Eileen A. Toohey Mrs. Tracy Travers Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trupia Mrs. Margaret B. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Turner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Mebane Turner Mr. and Mrs. John B. Van Horn Mr. and Mr. David L. Vercollone Dr. Eileen P. Vining and Mr. John C. Vining, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Voss Noell and Mr. Charles E. Noell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Waller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Walsh Mrs. Sandra Walsh Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wareheim III Mr. and Mrs. David O. Watts Mrs. James McC. Webster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weisman Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Weiss Mr. James Wesloski, Jr. Mr. Robert F. White
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Whitman III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Wiglesworth Mrs. Eileen Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. T. Bayard Williams II Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Windle, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Winn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Winstead, Jr. Dr. and Ms. Timothy F. Witham Mrs. Debra W. Wood Mrs. Stephenie Woolard Mr. and Mrs. Derya Yavalar Ms. Alexandra Zimmermann Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Zimmermann, Jr. Mr. Andrew Ziolkowski
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alban III Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Anthony, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ashworth III Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Attman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Banes
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Barrett Dr. and Mrs. Carl Behm Mrs. Arlene Bekman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bengermino Mr. and Mrs. Gasper Bivalacqua Mr. and Mrs. David W. Blois
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Boulware
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Brady, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Burman Mrs. Jean A. Campbell Mrs. Elaine Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Cuomo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Curran
Ms. Michaele Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Dagenais
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Lari Dunlap
Mrs. Marilyn Ebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fader
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Fingles
Mr. Richard Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. France
Mrs. Linda Funke
Mrs. Audrey S. Gann
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Goldsborough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Greif, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hamburger
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hazard
Drs. Ruby P. and Robert W. Hearn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander
Mr. John Hunsicker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. James Laziuck
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas LeGrand Mrs. Loraine Lobe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maffia
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki
Mrs. Eleanor Massie
Mr. Hans F. Mayer
Mrs. Myles R. McComas
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Melnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Meredith
Mrs. Beth S. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Morse Mrs. James R. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Murray Mrs. Cassandra S. Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace
Drs. Jeannette C. and James E. Post
Mr. Joseph L. Radebaugh, Jr.
Mr. William P. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Rickel
Mrs. Carolee V. Rooney
Mrs. Rita Rubinstein
Mrs. Lenore Rudick
Mr. and Mrs. William Schneidereith
Mrs. Patricia Smith
Mrs. Caroline Boyd Stellmann
Mr. Ronald I. Stern
Mrs. Evelyn R. Stewart
Ms. Sharon Stewart
Mr. Harry W. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. David Thaman Mrs. C. Ridgely Warfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wasserman Mrs. Margaret C. Widman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Wisniewski
Abbott Labs
Alfred I. Dupont Educational and Charitable Foundation Bank of America
Becton Dickinson CDK Global, LLC
Deloitte and Touche Exelon Foundation
Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Nelson Coleman Jewelers
Neuberger Berman
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Northrop Grumman
Otis, Inc. Raytheon Company
Robert Wood Johnson Fund Scripps Howard Foundation
Stanley Black & Decker SunTrust Bank, Mid-Atlantic T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
The Alban Family Fund of The Baltimore Community Foundation
The Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust
The Boys’ Latin Alumni Association
The Boys’ Latin Parents’ Association
The Campbell Foundation
The Deering Family Foundation, Inc.
The Emmert Hobbs Foundation
The Keith Campbell Foundation
The Louis and Dora Smith Foundation
The Mary Jean and Oliver Travers Foundation, Inc.
The Morgan Family Foundation
The Phyllis L. & Leonard J. Attman Foundation, Inc.
The Sheridan Foundation
The Stieff Family Foundation
The Schluderberg Foundation, Inc.
Truist Financial Corporation
United Way of Central Maryland W. P. Carey Foundation
Kindergarten $1,250
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mest Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. L. Timoll
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Wald
Pre-First $175
Ms. Catherine A. Corley Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lynch
First Grade $3,950
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Melnick Mr. and Mrs. Noah T. Mumaw Mr. and Mrs. Rubin B. Singleton III Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. L. Timoll
Second Grade $3,260
Ms. Abby Bowers and Mr. Matt Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jones Mr. and Ms. David M. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kury Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Mills Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Radebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Raiswell Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rosenkilde, Jr.
Third Grade $1,340
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Beau A. Dagenais Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Shane Layng Mr. and Ms. Demetri Protos Mr. and Mrs. David C. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ward Ms. India Whitlock
Fourth Grade $12,808
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Brendon L. Bengermino Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Burdman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Culley Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Eggert Mr. and Mrs. Dale Foard Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gibson Ms. Jamie Dembeck and Mr. Sean Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Krupinski, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Itai Livne Dr. Esther Mena and Mr. Jeff E. Marks
Dr. Elisabeth B. Marsh and Mr. Matthew B. Marsh Mr. and Ms. Kevin McCance Mr. and Mrs. Noah T. Mumaw Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Riter Mr. and Mrs. Shawn W. Walter
Fifth Grade $75,021
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bassett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ford S. Campbell IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cronin, Jr. Mrs. Mari Verrecchia-DeLonde and Mr. Antwyne DeLonde
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Doehne Ms. Christine Johnson and Mr. Bernard Eck Mr. and Mrs. William T. Evans Mr. Greg M. Greenberg Dr. Crystal Greene Mrs. Hillary Hollander Dr. and Ms. Ira D. Kornbluth Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lanphar Ms. Amanda Lopez and Mr. Guillermo Giraldo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mest Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. North, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chigoz Nwamoh Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Quenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Riter Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Roth Mr. Zachary Shankman
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Martin Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Torsani Ms. Tresa T. Tuttle-Lewis and Mr. Brad Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Tzitzouris, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kristian Ulloa Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Vitelkites Mr. and Mrs. Shawn W. Walter Mrs. Erica F. Wilhide Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff
Dr. and Mrs. Young-Hoon Ahn Mr. and Mrs. Ian Arrowsmith Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barrett Mr. Keno J. Brown Mrs. Nicole Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Clark Mr. and Ms. Todd R. Evans Ms. Jamie Dembeck and Mr. Sean Hearn Ms. Lisa Katulis Dr. and Ms. Ira D. Kornbluth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kury Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Mian Drs. Melissa V. and Tom O. Olson Ms. Kimberlee Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Radebaugh Ms. Donna D. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anecharico, Sr. Drs. Daniella and Fabrizio Assis Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo A. Barrera III Mr. and Ms. Maurice P. Bruce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Burdman Mr. and Mrs. Gino Caponi
Dr. and Ms. Jonathan Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Fedash Mr. and Mrs. Eric Feiss Mrs. Kelly Frank Mr. and Mrs. Scot Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Faheem D. Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hazard Mr. and Ms. Dana Jackson Mrs. Crystal Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Katsafanas Mr. and Mrs. Ryan R. Kelly, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lopez Drs. Jessica and Joshua Lubek Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Alex Onyekwere Mrs. Danielle Brewster Oster and Mr. Laurence F. Oster Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roche Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Speargas Dr. and Mrs. James A. Tzitzouris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Vitelkites Mr. and Mrs. John L. Warnack, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wehberg Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Bennie L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff Dr. Alison Yacoub and Mr. David J. Yacoub
Ms. Lisa Anthony Mr. Robert M. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Blank Mr. and Mrs. Vladislav Bykov Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Culley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Dubin Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Fick, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgeral G. Goodridge
Dr. and Ms. Ira D. Kornbluth
Mr. and Mrs. Itai Livne
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Lynch
Ms. Nicole M. Maffia
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Phil J. Metz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Chigoz Nwamoh
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Preller III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Puritz
Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Radebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan N. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Savadove Mrs. Jennifer Gilbert St. John
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Steller
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wilkerson III Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wyskiel
Ninth Grade $58,153
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Anecharico, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bagby
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bissett
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Borsoni
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colhoun III Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Crooks Dr. and Mrs. Mikel D. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dax Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Forchheimer Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Freund Ms. Anne Bowers and Mr. Matt Gerken
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Graney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Held, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Herring, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Holder Dr. Leslie Hollins and Mr. Kevin Hollins
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmgren Mr. and Mrs. Mark A Hopson Mr. and Ms. Frank S. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Kirk Mr. and Ms. Eric Knaub
Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Laupert Mr. and Mrs. David Lombardo Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. London
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. McClure Mrs. Dawn Motovidlak and Mr. Thomas Pipkin
Mr. and Mrs. David Pridgen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Riter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I. Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Olivier Roubi Ms. Laura M. Barrientos and Mr. David M. Sena Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shumate Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Slowikowski Mr. and Mrs. Trent A. Stockton Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson, Jr. Ms. Melissa Tower Mr. and Mrs. John L. Warnack, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Wesloski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Widdowson Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Windle, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Woelper Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff
Tenth Grade $26,711
Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Alperstein Mrs. Antigoni Apesos Ms. Rebecca Barnes Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen Brown IV Mr. and Mrs. Todd Chan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark Mr. Jason Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. David A. Crowley, Jr. Mr. Drew Davanzo Ms. Marie N. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Fick, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Field Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gibson Mr. Rondy P. Griffin II Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Heider Mr. and Mrs. John P. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Gilston Hutzler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Insley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kappus Mr. and Mrs. Ryan R. Kelly, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Rehan A. Khan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lazenby Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. London Mrs. Kate Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Meredith Mr. and Ms. John C. Ohnmacht Mr. and Mrs. John P. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Pinkett III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Puritz Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Quenzer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Reid Mrs. Stacy M. Kidd and Mr. William H. Reinecke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roche Dr. and Mrs. Mubadda Salim Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Schoenwetter Ms. Robyn Anne Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. Casey H. Sydnor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wehberg Mrs. Erica F. Wilhide
Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Windle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Bogusky Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Brant Mr. and Mrs. James H. Burch Mr. and Mrs. David S. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cochran II Mr. and Mrs. Josh Field Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Foster Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Goldsborough III
Mr. R. Lindsay Hargrave
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hillwig
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Jones III
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Justin W. Laupert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. LeVanis II Ms. Aline Lin and Mr. Michael Linkinhoker
Ms. Amanda Lopez and Mr. Guillermo Giraldo Ms. Katie Macris
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Makowiecki
Mr. and Mrs. Tariq Mian
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. David Oestreicher
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Owings
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Pacheco
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peake
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Roe Ms. Sara T. Rosiak
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Rudick Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Savadove
Dr. Karen Scheu and Mr. Robert Scheu
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shenasky III
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Smith III
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh Dr. and Ms. Timothy F. Witham
Twelfth Grade $91,373
Mr. Gregg M. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Blibaum Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks Ms. Rebecca C. Delorme and Dr. Paul C. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Crouse Mr. and Mrs. David A. Crowley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Garland Mr. and Mrs. Zachary B. Gilden Mrs. Felice D. Goldbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Scot Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Scott Goodhue Drs. Rachel and Mehran Habibi
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Faheem D. Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mallon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. McClure
Dr. Patrick Moulds Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Reid Ms. Alden B. Reith Mr. John C. Reith Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Rueter Ms. Laura M. Barrientos and Mr. David Sena Mr. and Mrs. Trent A. Stockton Mr. Jeffrey A. Stoller Mrs. Ellen Voelkel Mr. J. Timothy Voelkel Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wyskiel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zappitello
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mollett Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Moxley Mrs. Jennifer Gilbert St. John Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff
Class of 1947 $200
A. Burton Levering Class of 1948 $500
Thomas E. Donoho* Class of 1949 $50
Leonard B. Bjorkman Class of 1952 $450
Carroll M. Berndt, Jr. Robert A. Hartley Walter D. Penrose
Class of 1953 $700
Raphael O. Brooks, Jr. W. Peregrine Roberts* Charles H. Wilbur
Class of 1954 $2,250
William E. Berndt Class of 1955
David W. Meese Hugo C. Olsen, Jr. Ronald E. Ritchie
Class of 1956 $2,375
Hugh E. Gelston, Jr. Thomas W. Mitchell Class of 1957 $350 Hy James Levasseur Peter L. Stegner
Class of 1958 $100
Sidney R. Gehlert, Jr. Class of 1959 $2,493
Dyson P. Ehrhardt Peter R. McGill, Jr.
Class of 1960 $200
Craig Edmonds William E. Krebs
Class of 1961 $5,000
Roger G. Bloom
Carroll S. Klingelhofer III Matthew A. Toth
Class of 1962 $10,500 John W. Ashworth III J. William Miller Geoffrey V. Parker
Class of 1964 $15,700
Robert E. Carter R. Bruce Fingles Joseph F. Foertsch, Jr. Louis J. Kousouris, Jr. Robin S. Read Ronald K. Regan, Jr. Philip A. Rousseaux William H. Shriver III
Class of 1965
Byron R. Banghart
David E. Bosley
Harry C. Bowie III
William F. R. Gilroy
Joseph H. Grady, Jr. Charles R. Greenslit
Thomas B. Peace Mark F. Wachter
Class of 1966 $10,925
Austin W. Brizendine, Jr.
Robert C. Goetze, Jr. Harold G. Hathaway III Evan R. Jaqua Bruce L. Regan Edgar H. Spilman, Jr. Mike Thomas
Class of 1967 $4,050
Donald W. Fusting
Leonard G. Getschel, Jr.
George M. Matthai
David C. Mering
Frank Morgan
Herbert R. O’Conor III
Glynn I. Owens
Class of 1968 $10,069
Bradford G. Y. Carney
Andrew D. Coleman*
Brian T. Devlin
Jeffrey J. Glibert
David V. Greenslit
Douglas K. Loizeaux
Frederick V. W. Slagle
Class of 1969 $60,400
John G. M. Bacot, Sr. John Canedy
David A. Goetze
Donald A. Manekin
J. Huston McCollough II Richard C. Mollett
John L. Pie
Robert V. H. Shriver
John B. Thomas II
David E. Waters
Stephen E. Wright
Class of 1970 $24,843
Joseph W. G. Brooks
Douglas H. Cooper
Bradley W. Crockett
Kennison N. Gale, Jr.
Timothy B. Gilbert
Richard B. Kelly
John A. Leftwich
Bruce E. Levan
B. Frank Shriver
Edward I. Sproull III
James W. Stieff Thomas G. Xenakis
Class of 1971 $5,302
James A. Callahan, Jr.
Daniel K. Jones
John C. Kidd, Jr. Richard H. Lehr
Thomas D. Leizear, Jr.
Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. William L. Sager
H. Lee Stierhoff Jr.
Allen Stockbridge
Gerard J. Sullivan
Carl A. TenHoopen III
William E. Thompson IV Herbert F. Waters Dennis S. Xenakis
Class of 1972 $36,258
Richard Lee Ashley, Jr. Miles C. Baxter
Frank M. Betley
Evan Black
Raleigh Brent III
James Cahill
Charles E. Carr III
Paul B. Cochrane
Mark M. Deering
Stanley H. Dorney III
Brandon F. Gaines
Jack C. Grace
G. Todd Guntner
Frederick J. Heldrich III
Christopher E. Hupfeldt David A. Kennedy
Wallace S. Lippincott, Jr.
Timothy E. Mering
Jeffrey P. Mozal
S. Morris Murray
William A. Niermann, Jr. T. Scott Pendleton
John M. Rose
Gary A. Seidman
Daniel T. Somerville
John S. Stidman
G. Dexter Tompkins
A. L. Shreve Waxter, Jr. Philippe Weintraub Anonymous
Richard Lee Ashley, Jr.
Miles C. Baxter
Frank M. Betley
Evan Black
Raleigh Brent III
James Cahill
Charles E. Carr III
Paul B. Cochrane
Mark M. Deering
Stanley H. Dorney III
Brandon F. Gaines
Jack C. Grace
G. Todd Guntner
Frederick J. Heldrich III
Christopher E. Hupfeldt
David A. Kennedy
Wallace S. Lippincott, Jr.
Timothy E. Mering
Jeffrey P. Mozal S. Morris Murray
William A. Niermann, Jr. T. Scott Pendleton
John M. Rose
Gary A. Seidman
Daniel T. Somerville
John S. Stidman
G. Dexter Tompkins
A. L. Shreve Waxter, Jr. Philippe Weintraub
Class of 1973
Charles F. Black, Sr.
James R. Brooks
James W. Currie, Jr. C. Randall Deering
Stuart Dusty Farber
Robert R. Gisriel
James F. Kennedy, Jr.
Lee M. Kennedy
Kevin J. Murphy
Robert B. Naeny, Jr. J. Keith Scroggins
Charles S. Sheain, Jr. J. Duncan Smith
Roderick M. Theobald
James T. Tomney II Alan M. Waller, Jr. Robert M. Willingham, Jr.
Class of 1974 $36,204
Brett D. Clifford Mark G. Dorney
Alexius A. Dyer III L. Myrton Gaines II Scott E. Huber
William C. Kaestner
Dan C. MacLea III James F. Mosberg William E. Queen Harry W. Rodgers IV
Walter A. Romans, Jr. Edward J. Starz
Charles C. Stieff III T. Bayard Williams II
Class of 1975 $43,729
John M. Beazley Harvey S. Brooks Philip C. Federico Philip A. Heldrich Robert A. Hoffman Bruce D. McLean Andrew M. Obrecht Brian H. O’Neil T. Michael Preston Duane K. Thomas Randall Voith Eric Weintraub F. Christian Zinkhan
Class of 1976 $32,616
Hugh L. Andes
Scott J. Caddell
Jason A. Carter Jackson Y. Dott
Michael S. Federico James R. Grieves, Jr. J. McDonald Kennedy William S. Levy III David E. Meyers
A. Skip Miller, Sr. Andrew S. Mullins Pen Pendleton III John B. Pierson William H. Skinner Richard N. Sutton Michael H. Turner J. Timothy Voelkel
Class of 1977
William N. Blake
Geoffrey H. Brent
Frank F. Daily III
Mitch Dugan Patrick M. Finn
Louis R. Fritz
Drew M. Haugh
Andrew P. Hilgartner
Frank S. Jones, Jr. Christopher P. Melocik J. Matthew Schofield Paul R. Stierhoff Henry B. Thomas
Class of 1978 $31,654
Jonathan M. Brant Jack C. Brown, Jr. George C. Cosby Thomas O. Daly Seamus Gilson
Bradley S. Glaser Richard B. Grieves Thomas S. Henderson William D. Levering Craig S. Lewis J. Timothy Michel Patrick Miller
John J. Mutscheller Donald F. Obrecht, Jr. Craig W. Parker
Class of 1979 $36,204
Stephen M. Dubin Paul D. Knott
Class of 1980 $87,606
J. Dixon Bartlett III John G. Cochran II Kenneth S. Frontain W. Kyle Gore
G. Paul Govatos, Jr. Roland S. Harvey
Evangelos N. Ioannou Edwin B. Jarrett III Henry A. Lederer Mark W. Mason Timothy N. McKechnie Martin J. Miller David T. Whittie
Class of 1981 $17,050
David W. Beachler
James H. Burch
John S. Gibbs V
Charles V. Henry, Jr.
Edgar J. Johansson
Mark D. Knobloch
Stephen M. Knott
Jeffrey C. Mason Wesley R. Payne IV Robert E. Smith David O. Watts
Class of 1982 $23,649
Richard H. Bagby
George F. Barker
Juan M. Buendia
Thomas P. Finnerty
Thomas M. Gaines
Terrence D. Gibson
Thomas N. Ioannou Hugh J. Monaghan Dwight C. Mules Carroll Roberts
Class of 1983 $1,253
J. Patrick Gugerty
Zinon M. Pappas Robert J. Sherrod Richard Wartzman
Class of 1984 $4,225
Thomas G. Blair
Mark B. Bond
John R. Ciccarone Jason B. Hillen John C. Reith George M. Shriver IV Charles D. White
Class of 1985 $38,333
Robert T. Cashman
Nicholas B. M. Kemp, Jr. J. Todd Lindenstruth
Ryan McClernan
David C. Mitchell
Leon F. Pinkett III
Charles M. Shriver Brooks Shumate Roy A. Smith III
Arthur F. Spalding
Anthony S. Waskiewicz, Jr.
Class of 1986 $1,815
Steve B. Attias
Andrew W. Buchanan John R. Furst Michael D. LeBlanc
Michael G. LeVanis Joshua R. Mayhorne Keiffer J. Mitchell, Jr. Charles E. Toomey IV
Class of 1987 $4,071
James Freeman IV John J. Glatz II R. Lindsay Hargrave Brian M. Kowitz James A. Mitchell
Jason Morton Brian J. Rudick W. Andrew A. Tierney
Class of 1988 $44,654
Gary S. Blibaum
Andrew Cohen
Charles A. Constable Adam C. Crooks
Jonathan N. Davidov Hugh E. Gelston III Keith A. Gertsen
William J. Held, Jr. Peter E. Klingelhofer Eric T. Levin Michael W. Lutz Mark G. Moxley David J. Preller III Keith Talbert Jeff S. Ulehla John M. Webster Richard J. Wyskiel
Class of 1989 $25,475
Anthony R. Brown Matthew J. Haas Matthew Lazenby Ross M. Levin
Class of 1990 $4,570
Andrew A. Berkowitz
Trent H. Carter
Allan S. Cohen
Charles D. Cook
James S. Francomano
George K. Gelston
Ryan C. A. Kirby
Gregory Pyne
Derek M. Radebaugh
William D. Scott
Ira H. Seidel
Brandon C. White
Class of 1991 $6,235
Jason N. Barnett
Michael C. Ciarlo
Brian W. Cook
Samuel H. Friedman David C. Hyman
Kevin C. Lutz
Josh Pomles
Christian M. Sieverts C. Ryan Smith
Jason A. L. Timoll Jonathan S. Trump
Class of 1992 $1,500
Bruce S. Campbell IV John A. Daskalakis, Jr. William P. Gilroy Christopher P. Hervy Scott H. Miller C. Dudley Obrecht David B. Pollock James G. Walls, Jr.
Class of 1993 $2,544
Patrick A. Cairns Eric A. Spilman Dennis H. Weinman Daniel L. Workinger
Class of 1994 $1,400
Scott R. Adler
Brent J. Beever Daniel A. MacLennan R. Brandon Mollett Timothy D. Roberts Brian K. Shure
Patrick G. Sullivan Edwin H. Webster III
Class of 1995
Timothy F. Berger
James C. Buck
Marc J. Hassan
James L. Lears III
Jason C. Quenzer
Joshua M. Silverman
Michael N. Smith
Elliot H. Steelman
R. Christopher Swanson Chris R. Turner Shawn W. Walter
Class of 1996 $3,600
Chad Fisher McLane G. Fisher
James Hunter James J. Lee Marshall McDorman T. W. Winston
Class of 1997
Colby Cox
Lance K. Davison
Todd R. Evans
Ryan D. Mollett
Noah T. Mumaw
LeBaron Scarlett, Jr. Ian Shure
Todd S. Sody
Class of 1998 $475
Alex Fitez
Joshua A. Floam
Jason B. Leneau
Ryan Littlefield Christopher J. Owens David M. Sugar Kevin L. Wiglesworth
Class of 1999 $1,475
Robert E. Arnold
Geoffrey M. Burger
Timothy M. Cronin James R. Daue
Corey L. Days
Frank J. Federico III Stephen E. Feiss Stephen B. Fuller Hunter S. Lochte Kevin M. Sullivan
Class of 2000 $2,055
Jake M. Aygun
Brandon B. Carney Mathew D. Jahromi
Andrew S. Katzenberg Adam B. Lowy
Brian P. Nee
Joseph Scalia
Class of 2001 $1,320
Stanley L. Blackwell
Patrick J. Kotras
Daniel Lacher
Matthew S. Melnick Ferdinand H. Onnen III
Gregory P. Wiatrowski
Class of 2002
Henry M. Blue, Jr.
Michael A. Case
Jason T. Dobrzykowski
Matthew F. Feild
Jonathan E. Ginsberg
Robert B. Griebe
Jeffrey E. Keenan
Matthew D. Kozera
Douglas Ian Loizeaux
Troy J. Marrocco
Daniel S. Mroz
Phillip M. North Brian W. O. Read
Brendon P. Smeresky
Kristian E. Spannhake Benjamin B. Wells Jonathan S. Wilson
Class of 2003
Gregory C. Baggan
Andrew T. Burger
Logan T. Burke
William L. Cooper III
Daniel A. Lucas
Patrick R. Mahoney
Paul Marchese
C. Andrew Peace
Korey B. Rubeling
E. Evan Scheiner
Charles S. Sheain III D. Middleton Smith III Ryan M. Walterhoefer
Class of 2004
Timothy A. Davis
J. Gregory Eckenrode III
Jesse D. Filamor
Peter J. LaPaglia III
Kyle W. Mahoney
Michael A. Sapperstein
Patrick M. Smith
Class of 2005
Andrew W. Blahut
Daniel J. Ehrlich
Joseph D. Kennedy
Jesse R. Leikin
Jeremy G. Miller
Christopher P. Montague
Charles H. O’Neil C. Clinton Stieff IV
Class of 2006 $1,386
Aaron M. Berg
Chris J. Boland
David L. Bronfein
David B. Brown
Brian Farrell
Gregory P. FitzGerald
Stuart L. Mitchell
Dietrich P. Onnen, Sr.
Anthony Pinto IV
Peter B. Scheve
David J. Shriver
Andrew B. Taubman
Ryan S. Tillman
Edward D. Whitman
Class of 2007 $6,401
David F. Aiken
Michael F. Conklin
Jonathan W. Decker
Alexander W. Gaines
Jeffrey A. Gaines
David Tyler Grason
Jacob L. Hagelin
John B. Kauffman
Oliver F. Kuntz
Craig L. Martin
Joshua B. Perlow
Conor P. Sanders
Tyler T. Silvey
W. Brett Weiss
Class of 2008
Matthew W. Andes
Jon M. Frederick
M. Reese Vincent Hale
John J. Keenan
Dennis R. Mahoney W. Hunter McKissock
Sean M. Sanders
S. Adam Scharff
John R. Scott III
Thomas N. Thibeault II Page M. Whitman
Class of 2009 $640
Bradford D. Boyer
Nathan F. Chadsey Daniel F. Johnson John H. Rice IV Brad J. Yaffe
Class of 2010 $1,217
Stephen B. Andes Gregory J. Barnes Cole O. Blake Patrick C. Foster Matthew R. Hamburger Patrick J. Jennings Patrick C. Kaestner Devin F. McDonnell William Neill Peck Sean M. Radcliffe Brian D. Rothman Andrew T. White Christopher M. Wilcox
Class of 2011 $20,740
Jonathan H. Attman
Job T. Bedford
Alan-Michael Carter Maxwell T. Cooke Andrew G. Dempsey Jack D. Durkee
David Goodman Justin E. Hill
Ian K. Loya Michael V. Mutscheller
Christopher C. Rizakos Wells T. Stanwick Taylor Stothoff Alexander B. Whitman
Class of 2012 $1,225
Henry J. Knott IV
James H. Peacock
Greg B. Pyke
Nicholas R. Shepherd Brink Van Horn
Class of 2013 $1,720
Stephen C. Black
Alec S. Blitzstein
Thomas F. H. Brown IV
Taylor C. Davis
Joshua D. Hamburger Franklin L. Johnson III Schazz K. Lee Tyler R. Montague Jackson C. Parriott III Andrew S. Roswell Gregory G. Sheetz
Class of 2014 $455
Jarek D. Hardy Parker J. Hawkins William F. Parriott Riley F. Peters Shackleford P. Stanwick Parker D. Yablon
Class of 2015 $320
Dylan F. Gaines Drew W. Gray William P. Martin Joshua B. Smith
Class of 2016 $120 W. Samuel Bowen Joseph T. Mallon III Brendan F. Mullally
Class of 2017 $548
Garrett J. Glaeser
Matthew H. Kleiser Ethan M. Norman Jacob W. D. Schneider Ryan W. Trupia
Class 2018 $110 William J. O’Dell
Andrew Lee
Matthew C. Post
Carrington T. C. B. Scott
Class 2019 $50
Walker G. Campbell Blake G. Shepherd Cooper H. Weidner
Class of 2020 $265
William F. Alokones
Lorenzo Donadio Ryan W. Evans Benjamin W. Heck
Class of 2021 $130
Garrett M. Fitz-Patrick
Hunter A. Hegmann
Gavin H. McClernan
Alexander D. O’Malley Benjamin C. Smith
Class of 2022 $680
Antonios E. Aikaterinidis
Wade W. Bailey
Jacob A. Blibaum
Cole F. Breza
Stewart K. Brooks
Nicholas A. Brown
Donovan J. Cherry Jack A. Corrado
Nathan P. Crouse
David C. Gaines
Brayden S. Garland
Noah F. Goldstein
Charles A. Goodhue
Aidan D. Habibi
Owen D. Holder
Gabriel W. Johnson
Kyle D. Klepp-Egge
Anthony M. Lorenz
Sarandos T. Macris
Peter A. Makris
James L. McClure
Patrick R. McClure
Michael R. McIntosh
Ashton T. Morgan
Adam M. Navarre
Paul W. O’Connor III
Dominic J. Pietramala
Nicholas J. Pietramala
Saad A. Razzak
Owen D. Reid John B. Reith Jackson R. Rudo Joseph I. Sims Kalen T. Stockton Luke M. Thomas Cedric A. T. Tyson Jackson T. Voelkel Hopper V. Zappitello
Class of 2023 $150 James H. Burch, Jr. Noah A. Jones Jakob W. Laupert John H. Shenasky IV
Class of 2024 $52
Nicholas T. Chan Leon F. Pinkett IV
Class of 2025 $125 Frank S. Jones III Benjamin J. Laupert
Class of 2026 $220 Hyunkyu Jang Andrew P. McDonald
Class of 2027 $30 Ryan K. Whitman Class of 2028 $51
Keno J. Brown, Jr. Class of 2029 $25
Luca Cronin Antony D. Verrecchia-DeLonde
Class of 2030 $500
Ian X. Marks
The Campbell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rinker
Mr. and Mrs. Conor P. Sanders
Ms. Kerry Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Conor P. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Brooks Mr. Bruce S. Campbell IV Mr. John Canedy Mr. Andrew B. Cohen Dr. Miriam Cohen Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dingledine Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Friedman Mr. Samuel H. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. W. Kyle Gore Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Klingelhofer III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. McLean Mr. and Mrs. J. William Miller Mrs. Diane W. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Mr. Matthew C. Post Mr. and Mrs. Andrew I. Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shumate Mr. Mike Thomas Mr. Matthew A. Toth
Mr. Richard Fleming
Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace
Dr. Linda J. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Greif, Jr.
Mr. Michael Madden
IN HONOR OF KIM & JOHN WOLFF Mrs. Leslie Hollins
Ms. Holly Martin
Mr. Jason N. Barnett Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett
Mr. Timothy F. Berger Mrs. Jean A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cochran III Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kaster Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mrs. Judith B. Lindenstruth Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Mrs. Jean A. Campbell Mr. Armand F. Girard Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rubino
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey H. Brent Mr. Raleigh Brent III Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner Mrs. Margaret M. Obrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Dyson P. Ehrhardt Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts
Mr. James R. Brooks Mr. Joseph W. G. Brooks
The Odyssey School Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts Mrs. Margaret B. Tucker
Mrs. Jean A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy
Ms. Lisa Hawkins Mr. Parker Hawkins
Mr. Mark G. Dorney
Mr. and Mrs. William Gano
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil Mr. Walter A. Romans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace
Mr. Hugh E. Gelston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy
Mrs. Margaret K. Hupfeldt and The Hupfeldt Family
The Schluderberg Foundation, Inc. Mr. James A. Callahan Ms. S. Kimberly Hupfeldt Mr. Chris Hupfeldt Mrs. Julie Hupfeldt Miller
Mr. Richard B. Kelly
Mrs. Stephanie C. K. Woolard
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Bailey III Mr. John C. Baldwin Mr. Gregg M. Bell
The Boys’ Latin Alumni Association Mr. and Mrs. James A. Callahan, Jr. Mrs. Jean A. Campbell
The Keith Campbell Foundation Mrs. Susan Dacey Mr. and Mrs. David Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Lon Engel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Farrell Ms. Ellen Faw Mr. Albert F. Freihofer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy George Mr. Drew W. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Gray Ms. Susan McLoughlin and Mr. Steve Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henderson Mr. Charles V. Henry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoffman Ms. Karen Greenwood Hughes Ms. Carol Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Knott Ms. Parker Sutton and Mr. Paul Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Knott Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Martz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. McLean Ms. Annemarie Merow and Ms. Maryanne Arthur Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore V Ms. Catherine Boyne and Mr. Douglas S. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riehl IV Ms. Stephanie Archer-Smith and Mr. Andrew B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Snyder Southway Builders Charitable Trust Mr. Thomas Taylor The Whiting-Turner Contracting Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trupia Mr. Ryan W. Trupia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Twells Mr. Tim Voelkel
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Woodruff Mrs. Nancy Yue
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Weinman
Mrs. Catherine Lears Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lears III Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Beau A. Dagenais Mr. James Hunter Mrs. Mary Logan
Mr. Alexius A. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy
Mr. Brian T. Devlin
Mr. Tyler Birkmaier
Mrs. Beth S. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wolff
Mrs. Cassandra Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil Mr. Charles H. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. David Radebaugh Mrs. John D. Radebaugh, Sr.
Mr. Thomas Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Dyson P. Ehrhardt Mr. Louis R. Fritz
Mr. Hugh E. Gelston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace Mr. William W. Pheil Ms. Sherry Silverberg Mrs. Susan B. Szczypinski Mrs. Margaret C. Widman
Mr. David B. Brown Ms. Annemarie Merow and Ms. Maryanne Arthur Ms. Ashley Montague
Mrs. Cathy Read Montague Mr. Christopher Montague Mr. David Paul Montague Mr. Tyler Montague
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Norman Mr. Robin S. Read
Mrs. Betsy Durham
Mrs. Nancy Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lange Mr. Herbert R. O’Connor III Mrs. Danielle Brewster Oster Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Shriver Mr. and Mrs. George M. Shriver IV Mrs. Sue Shriver Ms. Sara Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brandau Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rubino Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. H. Shriver Mr. William H. Shriver III
Mrs. Kim Smith Sagor Ms. Amy Smith Mr. James M. Smith Ms. Natalie Smith
Ms. Parker Sutton and Mr. Paul D. Knott The Boys’ Latin School Parents’ Association Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Thomas Mr. Tyrone Thompson
IN MEMORY OF RIDWAN TOMHE ’04 Mrs. Susan Szczypinski
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. O’Neil
Mrs. Mary H. Arnot
Mr. Michael T. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bartholomay Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Black, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Blalock
Mr. Austin W. Brizendine, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dyson P. Ehrhardt Mr. Louis R. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. L. Myrton Gaines II Mr. Hugh E. Gelston
Mr. Harold G. Hathaway III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Latrobe Mr. and Mrs. J. William Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Murphy Mr. Herbert R. O’Connor III
Office of the State’s Attorney for Howard County Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Peace Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Post Ms. Ginna Naylor and Mr. James L. Potter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Shriver
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sieverts
Mrs. Gail S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Stieff III Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stieff Mr. and Mrs. Wayt B. Timberlake Mr. Tim Voelkel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Wiglesworth Mr. and Mrs. John I. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Webster III Mrs. James McC. Webster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Webster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Wiglesworth Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Wiglesworth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Childs and Family Mrs. Donna Price
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Webster III Mrs. James McC. Webster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Wiglesworth Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Wiglesworth
Mr. Aubrey Pearre
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Kennedy
Ms. Sharon Agin Ms. Michelle Alvanos Ms. Judy Amey Mr. Levan Asanashvili Ms. Carol Bahniuck Mr. Kyle Berdugo Ms. Jennifer Birchall Mr. Thomas Birchall Mr. Cole O. Blake
The Boys’ Latin Alumni Association Ms. Dolores Brodesser Ms. Sally Christianson Ms. Stephanie Colelli Mr. John Danowski Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Diehn Ms. Joann Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dugas Mr. and Mrs. David Estabrook Ms. Leslie Fewster Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Frederick Mr. Albert F. Freihofer Ms. Tina Gallimore Mr. Steve Gillespie Ms. Macy Hastings Ms. Elizabeth Howe Mr. Patrick C. Kaestner Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kaestner Ms. Katie Korfhage Ms. Julia Kovalchuk
Ms. Lauren Padussis and Mr. Sean Lydon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lynch Mr. Angus Macfarlane Ms. Filo Maharaj
Mr. Jeremy Maharaj Mr. and Mrs. Pravin Maharaj Mr. John McMahon Ms. Kelli Miller Ms. Ellen Murtha
Mr. and Mrs. Mihai Nia
Mr. C. P. Nichols Mr. Sam O’Daniel
Ms. Bailey Philbin
Mr. Luke Pincelli
Mr. Sean M. Radcliffe Ms. Faith Shapiro
Tiki Lee’s Dock Bar
Mr. Pete Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Slooten
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wade Ms. Edith Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. John Way
Mr. Rich Werner
Mr. Robert F. White Mr. Anthony Woodard Ms. Lucy Wyatt Ms. Alexandra Zimmermann
Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Zimmermann Ms. Robyn Zimmermann
Mrs. Nancy A. Herget
Ms. Tracy Miller and Mr. Paul Arnest Mr. Andrew Ziolkowski
Thomas E. Donoho ‘48
John W. Sause, Jr. ’51
W. Peregrine Roberts ‘53
Frederick F. Engel ’56
Seebar K. Bodine, Jr. ’62 Andrew D. Coleman ’68 James S. Curran ’71
Robert J. Rynarzewski ’71
Peter J. Bascom ’73
Eric P. Brennan ’99 Ridwan Tomhe ’04
Sumi Rao C. Ridgely Warfield
The alumni soccer team played the varsity squad and, for the third straight game, lost 2-1, this time in overtime. Jacob Katinsky ’13 scored the lone alumni goal on an assist from Patrick Rose ‘09. Aaron Leeds ‘13 was the winner of the Butch Maisel H’09 MVP Award (pictured). Matt Lazenby ‘89 was the “most experienced” alumnus to play in the game for Coach Maisel. The alumni continue to lead the series 8-6-1.
Over 50 alumni and friends gathered for the Alumni Association-sponsored first Annual Sporting Clay Event held at First Mine Run, a private club located in the rolling hills of northern Baltimore County (pictured). The food was delicious and plentiful and provided by Bobby O’s BBQ.
western campus to hear the latest “State of the School” message by Board of Trustees President Geoff Brent ‘77 as well as presentations from director of campus security, Bill Ryan, and director of boarding, Michael Williams. Bill and Michael also gave the group a tour of the new boarding facilities.
Nearly 60 golfers played the 18 holes at the Greenspring Valley Hunt Club course. Those in the winning foursome with a combined score of 47, were Brad Carney ‘68, John Pie’ ‘69, Mark Deering ‘72, and Bill Niermann ‘72. The second place finisher was the team of Sam Grace ‘19, Zach Grace ‘17, Ben Barton ‘17, and Ben Grace with a score of 50. The highlight of the day was a hole-in-one shot by John Webster ‘88 on Hole #5. John is pictured above with Guy Gemmill ‘89, Gary Blibaum ‘88, John, and Rich Taylor ‘89.
The alumni hockey game was played over the winter at Mt. Pleasant Ice Rink. Coach Butch Maisel H’09 reported the “Old Guys” won 3 -1 over the ‘Youngbloods” and writes, “The best I can figure, the average age for the ‘Old Guys’ was 47!” Chris Maisel ‘04 opened the scoring for the OGs followed by a tally from Darius Kulchyckyj ‘20 for the YBs. Jamie Waring ‘02 scored in the second period and John Butner ‘80 scored an empty netter late in the third period. Travis Smith ‘18 racked up 42 saves for the “Youngbloods” and was named the Most Valuable Player.
Bill Gilroy ‘65 (pictured) is the head coach of Severn School’s tennis team. When his Admirals played Calvert Hall, he had the opportunity to meet Andy Mullins ‘76 (pictured right), who is the assistant tennis coach for the Cardinals. Severn defeated Calvert Hall to move into the finals against Gilman where the Admirals lost to the Greyhounds, 3-2. Bill writes, “My grandson, Aiden, has played for me both years and was selected to the AllConference team last year. Bill, his dad, was BL Class of ’92. I enjoyed meeting Andy and sharing our BL connection.”
This April last the 24-member Board of Visitors (pictured) led by Chair Mark Dorney ‘74, met on the new
Bob Holcomb ’71 currently lives in Mexico. He retired from the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services about a decade ago and started a small business called “Crackerjacks Baseball” whereby he gave lessons in pitching and hitting primarily. He coached baseball as a volunteer for 35 years prior to opening his business.
Tom Thompson ‘71 writes that his granddaughter (pictured) has grown enough to wear her BL attire. Her name is Whitlee Ann Thompson.
Ian “Mike” McKechnie ‘73 is Senior Vice President - Actuarial Services at MSO, Inc. (The Mutual Service Office, Inc.) in Omaha, NE. MSO is an advisory rate service bureau providing policy form, rule, actuarial, and statistical services to insurers since 1944.
Rod Theobald ‘73 retired from teaching after a 25-year career at the Frederick Gunn School, a coeducational college preparatory boarding and day school in Washington, CT. Rod reflected that it was Headmaster Jack Williams ‘38 who inspired him to get into teaching. He also stated that his former English teacher, Bob Goetze ‘66, “Lit a fire under me. I just loved him. He introduced me to a lot of writers...Dyson Ehrhardt ‘59 is another teacher I loved.” Rod also said, “[Returning to] BL always feels like [coming] home.” He hopes to stop by campus the next time he is in Baltimore.
several of his classmates and friends met him at the Valley Inn. Pictured (l-r) are Mac Kennedy ‘76, Brent Dempsey ‘74, Charlie Stieff ‘74, Myrt Gaines ‘74, Mark Dorney ‘74, Bryant (seated), George Santos ‘77, Bryant’s son Mitchell Waters, and Bryant’s brother Bert Waters ‘71
Mike Ford ‘75 is a Principal and Director at Kibart, now part of the Bowman Company, in the Baltimore area. Kibart is a team of highly qualified engineers who consistently render superior design services. Bowman is a national professional services firm offering multidisciplinary engineering, planning, surveying, geomatics, construction management, environmental consulting, landscape architecture, and right-of-way acquisition.
University of Miami (FL.)
Bryant Waters ‘74 is living in Colorado. When he was last in town,
Dr. Wendell Jones ‘76 (pictured) is the Network Director at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Arlington, Texas. His network consists of seven medical centers, 56 clinics, six community care centers and six domiciliaries, and serves over 616 thousand enrolled veterans. Nearly 20 thousand employees are dedicated to the care of these veterans. There are 2300 authorized beds and over five million outpatient visits per year. The approximate Network budget is $6 billion. Wendall graduated with a degree in biology from Morehouse College and later earned his MD from the Morehouse Medical School. He also has his MBA in Healthcare Administration/Management from the
Gary Tabor ‘76 (pictured) writes that his wife Raina has been recruited by Cornell University as part of their Radical Collaboration initiative. Raina will be a full professor in a new Department of Public and Ecosystem Health. Her position began in May, but her first 15 months will be remote. Cornell is also offering Gary a half-time (his choice) Professorship as a Professor of Conservation Practice in the Atkinson Center for Sustainability and the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment. They will be moving to Ithaca New York in the summer of 2023 while maintaining their current house in Bozeman.
in Baltimore, Maryland, Vanguard offers national and local clients in the mid-Atlantic region a range of retail development services. Vanguard is known for its work in Maryland revitalizing areas ranging from small sites to complex land assemblages and joint ventures with regional and national development partners. Brad
is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and earned his MBA from The University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. Brad is currently a member of BL’s Board of Visitors.
Dick Grieves ‘78 is the Chairman and CEO of ASAP Walls Inc. located in the Easton/St. Michaels MD area. His company’s leadership is balanced with veterans in architectural design, construction (particularly commercial, government, and military projects), and manufacturing expertise, as well as marketing and administrative experience. The company was conceived after looking at the challenge of implementing heightened security to a sensitive and historic government facility in Washington, D.C. Existing technology would have called for pouring concrete “bunker” walls which the foundation could not bear without extensive and costly reinforcement that would gravely impact the aesthetics and historical value of the structure. The solution to this renovation called for lightweight, highly protective walls that could be quickly installed with minimal disruption to daily operations and no major structural changes to the original building and its foundation. Out of the fresh thinking involved in solving this dilemma, a new technology emerged, which is now covered by a patent assigned to ASAP Walls. The core technology allows for a family of highly protective wall panels. Dick is a graduate of Washington College, where he played lacrosse and earned All-American honors twice.
VP/Principal at Cassidy Turley in Columbia, MD. His company is a global leader in commercial real estate services providing occupiers, tenants and investors around the world with a full spectrum of property solutions. Craig, a Denison University graduate, recently celebrated 30 years with the company.
David Blalock ‘79 is a senior Construction Manager at Enterprise Community Partners. Enterprise is a national nonprofit that addresses America’s affordable housing crisis from every angle, combining 40 years of experience, thousands of partners and the expertise of over 1,100 employees nationwide. The company’s mission is to make home and community places of pride, power and belonging, and platforms for resilience and upward mobility for all. David is a graduate of Denison University.
recognition based on nominations, a recommendation from the person’s supervisor and recommendations from at least two members of the University community. Peter originally joined the Syracuse Libraries in 1995 as conservation librarian, having previously worked at Cornell University Library and Yale University Library.
Terry Gibson ‘82 is an Intelligence Instructor at Chenega Professional Services Strategic Business Unit out of Northern Virginia. A graduate of The Citadel, Terry served in the U.S. Army for nearly seven years and later served as a Special Agent for the FBI for over 21 years.
Peter Verheyen ‘81 (pictured) was selected by Syracuse University Libraries to receive 2021’s Distinguished Service Award. The award is a more than 30-year tradition recognizing Libraries staff who have made a significant contribution to both the Libraries and the broader Syracuse University community. A cross-departmental panel of Libraries staff judge nomination entries and select a deserving member based on the criteria of dependability, flexibility, quality of work, dedication and collegiality. The Distinguished Service Award, which is open to all Libraries employees, allows peer
Carroll Roberts ‘82 (pictured right) and Mark Stevens ‘82 (left) met up over the winter at The Butler Cabin. Carroll, who lives in Cincinnati, works as the Director of Business Development at BluMine Health. He writes, “We never skip a beat!” Mark is owner of the Madison Recruiting Group, helping clients with staffing, recruiting and project services in the IT - financial services sector out of Charlotte, NC.
supplies aircraft manufacturers and their subcontractors worldwide and has served the aircraft industry for over four decades. The company specializes in 2000- and 7000-series alloys, but offers a full range of alloys and tempers that can be tailored to most particular applications. Michael is a graduate of Loyola Maryland University.
Kevin McCloskey ‘84 is the Director of Client Services Oracle Construction and Engineering (C&E) in the Lutherville-Timonium area. Oracle (C&E) helps companies reimagine their businesses. With best-in-class project management solutions, clients can proactively manage projects, gain complete visibility, improve collaboration, and manage change.
Art Spalding ‘85 (pictured) is the President of TAMM Net, Inc. in Marietta, GA. His company provides biomedical companies with expertise in obtaining reimbursement, Researching government funding resources, providing solutions to regulatory issues and applications, and supplying distribution to closed systems. Art is a graduate of Union College and has his MBA in Health Administration from Temple University.
marketing in one form or another since graduating with his MBA from the University of South Carolina in 1995. Gavin writes, “The American Southwest is awesome, very different from the mid-Atlantic. Growing up in Baltimore, if you drove one hour in any direction you were probably in another state. You can drive for 15 hours in Texas and still be in Texas!”
Chris Miller ‘85 (pictured) is a Senior Business Development Executive for Iron Mountain. His company is the global leader for storage and information management services. With more than 220,000 clients around the world, Iron Mountain boasts a real estate network of more than 80 million square feet across more than 1,350 facilities in 45 countries dedicated to protecting and preserving what matters most for its customers. Chris is the son of K.C. Miller ‘48 and the brother of Kenny Miller ‘71, Geoff Miller ‘76, Skip Miller ‘76, Dwight Miller ‘78, and Jeremy Miller ‘05. His son Cameron is a member of the Class of 2016.
Tony Waskiewicz ‘85 is President, CIO, and Founder at Investment Office Resources (IOR), LLC in St. Louis. IOR is a platform designed to help chief investment officers and investment offices access investment talent, subject matter expertise, and industry know-how in a flexible, budget-friendly structure. IOR partners with in-house investment teams to expertly discharge the responsibilities of a sophisticated asset owner and functions as part of its clients’ staff and can be hired on a full or part-time basis. Tony founded IOR to provide peers with a new resourcing option to increase capabilities of the in-house investment function. He is a graduate of Washington and Lee University and was inducted into BL’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2016.
Gavin Valle ‘85 and his wife Lea - a native Texan - along with their sons Ben (21) and Nathaniel (17)moved down to Texas in 2015, after living in New Jersey for 20 years. He works remotely in healthcare marketing for a division of McCann Advertising. He has been in pharma
Sean Carrick ‘86 is the Executive Vice President of Platform and Cyber Security at Verituity. Rapid growth of B2C and B2B treasury service payments and increasing competition from FinTechs are accelerating disruption of the banking and insurance industry’s traditional business models and payments related revenue streams. To combat this disruption, Verituity provides banks and insurance institutions with trusted, unified digital payment experiences.
Keiffer Mitchell ‘86 has joined the BGR Group, a bipartisan lobbying and public relations firm, in Washington, D.C. Keiffer joined the firm’s bipartisan government affairs State and Local Advocacy Practice as a Vice President. He had been a senior aide to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.
Jeff Cicone ‘87 is a physician practicing nephrology (kidneys) in Delaware. He is married and has four daughters and a new grandson now four months old. An old soccer goalie, he writes, “No more soccer for me but still exercising regularly to stay healthy.” Jeff was a biology major at Loyola University Maryland and received his medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School.
Steve Nichols ‘87, head soccer coach at Loyola University Maryland, led his team to the Patriot League title last November. The Greyhounds defeated American University, 2-1,
and won the school’s first title since joining the league in 2013. Steve told the media after the game, “This is an incredible program with a lot of history, and we’re excited to be back in the NCAA tournament where we belong.” In May Steve was inducted to the Maryland Soccer Legends Hall of Fame.
Andy Weinberg ‘89 is the Owner of EldersChoice of Maryland, LLC. Located in the Baltimore metro area, his company places trained caregivers (home health aides & CNAs) in individuals’ homes to provide personal care services, non-medical home support, companionship and homemaking services 24/7 for adults and the elderly. Andy is a graduate of Ithaca College and holds a Masters in Health Services Administration from George Washington University.
Andy Berkowitz ‘90 is a Vice President of Wealth Management and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley in Baltimore. He has been at Morgan Stanly for 20 years. Andy has his degree in Health Services from Ithaca College.
Adam Gladstone ‘90 helped Team Israel to a surprising sixthplace finish in the World Baseball Classic four years ago. Last summer he gave his support to Team Israel in the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. According to the magazine JMore, Adam “first hooked up with Team Israel after reading a Sports Illustrated article about the team in 2012. Considering his many years working in professional baseball, [he] reached out to Peter Kurz, president of the Israel Association of Baseball and general manager of Team Israel. Kurz took him on, and since then [Adam] has handled baseball operations for Team Israel.” Adam put together a training camp and exhibition schedule for Team Israel to help prepare for the Olympics.
Unfortunately, because of Olympic rules, that state to be a part of Team Israel, a player must have Israeli citizenship, Adam had to stay home in Baltimore and keep track of Team Israel’s progress.
David Cohen ‘91 is the General Counsel at Tempus Ex in Los Angeles. Tempus Ex is the technological vanguard for the sports and entertainment industry. Merging sports, video, and data with innovation and accessibility, Tempus Ex technology enables the creation of new interactive experiences around live events. Harnessing the latest AI, machine learning, and data science technologies, Tempus Ex has partnered with the National Football League, premier global sports leagues, broadcasters, gaming companies and world-class athletes to deliver cutting-edge solutions that will forever change the sports consumption experience. He is also a consultant and founder of the company Major League business, LLC. His company provides strategic advice to startups, established sports entities, and non-profit companies. Clients include a major league baseball team, a minor league soccer team, a non-profit professional organization, and a technology startup. David is a graduate of West Virginia University and California Western School of Law.
Frank Pardavila ‘91 is Managing Director of North America CX Advisory Services for Genesys in the Washington, DC area. Genesys is a leading technology company and considered a global leader in cloud customer experience and contact center solutions.
Todd Warner ‘91 is a Lead Network Engineer at T. Rowe Price in Baltimore. He provides network analysis for business critical infrastructure. Todd is a graduate of
the University of Maryland in College Park and also has a B.S. degree from the University of Maryland University College in Computer Networks and Security.
Jamie Buck ‘95 is a law partner at Gallagher Evelius & Jones. He specializes in advising health systems, hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care providers on a range of business and regulatory issues, including corporate governance. Jamie is a graduate of Dickinson College and has his law degree with honors from the University of Maryland.
Bill Gilroy ‘92 is a VP of Government Solutions at ABOUT in Annapolis. His company offers a flexible, purpose-built solution that empowers hospitals and health systems to operate as one connected network of care. ABOUT enables easy access for clinicians to move patients into and out of the acute care setting - getting them to the next, best care setting faster and easier. Bill, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, lives with his family in Annapolis.
Marc Hassan ‘95 (pictured) is a partner at the law firm Bowers, Hassan & Herndon where he focuses on workers compensation and automobile accidents. He is very proud to announce that he is now a member of the board of directors for the 501(c)3 Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training (MCVET). MCVET serves over 200 veterans from around the United
States daily at its 100,000 square foot facility located in downtown Baltimore with the support of over 40 staff members. MCVET provides its clients with comprehensive services including case management, employment services, education services, life skills training, addiction counseling and recovery, housing, meals, and secure facilities to receive these services from.
Jim Lears ‘95 is Business Manager at Turner Construction Company in the DC-Baltimore area. Turner is a North America-based, international construction services company and a leading builder in diverse and numerous market segments. The company has earned recognition for undertaking large, complex projects, fostering innovation, embracing emerging technologies, and making a difference for their clients, employees and community.
Jim is a graduate of the University of Richmond and has his MBA from Loyola University Maryland.
David Pollock ‘92 lives in Sarasota, FL., and works as a channel sales and global account manager for Inseego Corp. His company is an industry pioneer that enables high performance mobile applications for large enterprise verticals, service providers and small-medium businesses around the globe. David was on campus for his 30th reunion earlier this year.
since 2004. Ward is a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and has his MBA from the University of Baltimore.
Chris Lamonia ‘96 is the President of C3 Energy Capital in Waitsfield, VT. His company provides comprehensive services that match their clients’ renewable energy goals and aspirations. The company’s reputation and history of driving the successful execution of renewable energy projects stems from their desire and dedication to support developers and investors wherever needed through the renewable energy integration, development, and long term asset management process. Chris is a graduate of Radford University.
graduated from Denison University and has an MBA degree from The University of Maryland - Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Kip Edwards ‘97 is the Chief Operating Officer at CaptiveOne Advisors™ in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area. His company helps its customers gain independence from one-size-fits-all insurance approaches with a pre-tax, liquid asset that enables more controlled investment income and retention of underwriting profits. Kip is a graduate of the University of Vermont.
Tom Glatzel ‘97 is now a principal at WMH Development LLC, a real estate company in the Washington, DC area. Tom is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
Ward Smith ‘95 (pictured) is the Director of Channel Marketing for Stanley Black & Decker in Towson. He has been with the company
Wes Lovell ‘96 (pictured) was in town last year to watch the BMW Golf Tournament at Caves Valley Golf Course and stopped by BL. Wes lives in Fresno, CA. and works in the mortgage banking industry for Bay Equity, LLC. He is married and has two boys. Wes is one of BL’s best golfers of all time and attended Fresno State to play golf. Pictured (l-r) are Dyson Ehrhardt ‘59, Wes, Coach Snuffy Gelston ‘56, and Coach Bob Shriver ‘69.
Lance Davison ‘97 is an Investment Consultant at AdvisorShares in the Baltimore-Washington area. His company is an investment management firm with innovative products and services providing clients access to leading institutional money managers and experienced emerging money managers. Lance
Joe Manson ‘97 is a purchasing manager at Smiths Detection in Baltimore. His company is a global leader in threat detection and screening technologies for aviation, ports and borders, defense and urban security. The experience and history his company provides enables them to deliver the solutions needed to protect society from the threat and illegal passage of explosives, prohibited weapons, contraband, toxic chemicals and narcotics.
Paddy Smithwick ‘97 is a pediatric dentist at KidsMileHigh Pediatric Dentistry in Denver. He received his DDS from the University of Maryland Dental School and his pediatric dental degree from NYU. Paddy did his undergraduate work at Hobart College.
Aaron Vercollone ‘97 is a territory business manager for Baxter International Inc. in Baltimore. His company is a leader of critical care, nutrition, renal, hospital and surgical products. For 90 years, Baxter has been operating at the critical intersection where innovations
that save and sustain lives meet the healthcare providers who make it happen. Aaron is a graduate of the University of Virginia.
Jason Leneau ‘98 is the Assistant Head of Upper School - Academic Administrator at St. Mark’s School of Texas.
mechanical and his MBA from the University of Hartford.
Chris Feusner ‘99 is a Vice President of Business Development in North America for Avigilon, A Motorola Solutions Company, in Philadelphia. His company provides trusted security solutions to the global market. Avigilon designs, develops, and manufactures video analytics, network video management software and hardware, surveillance cameras, and access control solutions. Chris is a graduate of the University of Maryland Smith Business School.
headed back to Colorado to work at the Colorado Mountain School. Today, he splits his time between the two schools and officially resides in Leavenworth, WA.
Corwin Miller ‘99 continues to work for the federal government (USDA) as a Senior Program Specialist, in the Atlanta area. He is a graduate of Wake Forest University and also holds a Masters of Arts degree in Global Affairs and Human Security from the University of Baltimore.
John McHugh ‘98 (pictured) is currently the Global Creative Director of brand design at Amazon. He oversees the creation and design of branding for products and services across the company. His wife Jessica, their two sons, Zane and Niall, and John have been living in Seattle for the last four years. After graduating from BL in ‘98, he studied graphic and industrial design at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. He writes: “I’m thankful for my art teachers Linda Petrush and Marta Cardarelli for nurturing my love of art and design throughout my 13 years at BL.”
Patrick Dabrowski ‘99 is the head of sales for Gems Sensors & Controls in the Hartford, CT area. His company designs and manufactures a broad portfolio of liquid level, flow, and pressure sensors, miniature solenoid valves, proximity switches and pre-assembled fluidic systems to exact customer application and manufacturing requirements. He has his Masters in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - The Lally School of Management and Technology and also his Masters degrees in engineering and
Matt Hartman ‘99 (pictured) has been working at the Colorado Mountain School for several years. He completed his final exam with the American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) to become a fully and internationally certified guide with the group called the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA.) Matt writes that it took seven years of peer review and exams with extensive prep work and training to complete the designation. After graduating from Franklin & Marshall College and playing lacrosse for the Diplomats, Matt headed out west. He first landed in Colorado, then went to Wyoming where he worked for the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), an organization that believes in “learning by doing.” NOLS teaches courses, from immersive wilderness expeditions to classroom-based wilderness medicine courses, that are designed around learning by experience, mentorship from expert educators, and wilderness. He later moved to Washington to work at the Northwest Mountain School, then
Amar Weisman ‘99 has his own law firm, The Law Offices of Amar Weisman, LLC, practicing family law in Towson, MD. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and obtained his law degree from the University of Baltimore Law School.
Peter Ziolkowski ‘99 (pictured) rode in the DAMn - an acronym for The Day Across Minnesota. It’s a 240-mile bicycle race that traverses Minnesota and the objective is to complete it in 24 hours. The event starts at midnight and ends at midnight the following day. This year, there were over 500 people who registered and less than half finished the course. Peter and his friends crossed the finish line at 19hrs and 20min roughly putting them in places 101-106 - in the top 25% of those who attempted. Peter writes: “The gravel was loose and dry, it took a lot of concentration and bike control to stay upright, and it was utterly exhausting. All said and done, the swearing and pain being a distant memory, [I am] looking forward to the next major event to tackle.”
Dan Berger ‘00 is a land development manager at Toll Brothers. His company was founded in 1967, and is the nation’s leading builder of luxury homes. Toll Brothers currently builds in over 50 markets across 24 states. Dan is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
Chris Brown ‘00 is the Director of Operations at The Belt’s Corporation in Baltimore. His company is in the field of third party logistics, and offers a complete range of options for all distribution requirements, including Warehousing, Transportation, Packaging, Kitting and Assembly. He is a graduate of Towson University and has his Masters from The Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School.
Jeremy Freed ‘00 is a spine consultant at DePuy Synthes Companies. His company is a franchise of orthopedic and neurosurgery companies. Acquired by Johnson & Johnson in 1998, its companies form part of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices group. DePuy develops and markets products under the Codman, DePuy Mitek, DePuy Orthopedics and DePuy Spine brands. Jeremy and his family live in Baltimore.
Paul Hudson ‘00 is a principal executive compensation consultant at Pearl Meyer in Los Angeles. His company is the leading advisor to boards and senior management on the alignment of executive compensation with business and leadership strategy, making pay programs a powerful catalyst for value creation and competitive advantage. Paul is a graduate of Emory University and also has his MBA from Emory’s Goizueta Business School.
Brian Nee ‘00 is a producer at Maury Donnelly & Parr Inc., insurance brokers in downtown
Baltimore. He was an assistant varsity lacrosse coach for over 10 years and is on BL’s all-time top ten lacrosse scoring list. Brian is a graduate of Syracuse University.
Matt Spero ‘00 is a Superintendent at The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company in Chestertown, MD. Matt is a graduate of Washington College.
Mike Laird ‘01 is an Associate at Net Equity Financial Inc. outside of Baltimore. His company is a Mortgage Brokerage and Real Estate Services company specializing in commercial and residential purchase mortgages, refinance and debt consolidation loans. Mike is a graduate of Loyola University Maryland.
Tripp Onnen ‘01 is a Vice President, Portfolio Management Director and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley in Washington, DC. He and his family live in DC. Tripp is a graduate of Washington and Lee University.
Krager Sanders ‘01 is the Northern Virginia Commercial Real Estate Advisor/Leasing Director at PS Business Parks, Inc. His company acquires, develops, owns and operates commercial properties, primarily multi-tenant industrial, flex and office space. Krager is a graduate of Marymount University in Arlington, VA.
Henry Blue ‘02 is a teacher and coach at the Baylor School in Chattanooga, TN. Baylor, founded in 1893, is a coed, college preparatory, day/boarding school for students in grades 6-12. He is also the Founder and CEO of spoken.io, a computer software program that reduces the cost of data annotation and collection for AI companies by 50%. Henry is a graduate of Davidson College.
Matt Kozera ‘02 is a Construction
Services Manager at D.W. Kozera, Inc. His company is a geotechnical consulting firm founded in Maryland. Since its inception in 1995, the company has been engaged in over 3,000 projects. Their broad expertise has provided successful solutions to projects requiring geotechnical, geological, and environmental engineering services. Matt is a graduate of Salisbury University.
Rich Rosen ‘02 lives in Los Angeles and is working on various projects. He is currently a creative director at TikTok for the user growth team, where he oversees the creation and implementation of ads across the US, Canada and Australia as it relates to digits distribution. He writes, “This eats up the majority of my time where I traverse between art and science on a daily basis. Additionally, I am getting a lot of traction for a movie script I wrote with a partner. This is still a little early, but we are getting a lot of interest, which is exciting.”
Kristian Spannhake ‘02 is a Project Director at Brightview Senior Living in Baltimore. He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and also has his MBA from Loyola University Maryland.
Logan Burke ‘03 is currently living and working full time in Bethany Beach, Delaware. His DE and MD Real Estate Licenses are with Keller Williams. He hopes to be Boys’ Latin’s go to guy for real estate at the beach. Over the summers he is contracted to hire and train the lifeguards for Sussex Shores while also enforcing security. Logan writes, “After spending 12 years at BL [as a student], coming back to coach lacrosse and football was such a highlight of my living in Baltimore. I definitely miss being on the field and helping the guys achieve their potential. Now I get to train an awesome group of young adults how to save lives in the ocean. I put them through crazy workouts and
drills so when it’s time to go, they’re confident in their abilities. Being tied into the community down here and with connections in Baltimore and D.C., I saw an opportunity to be a trusted resource for alumni and their friends. If you’re looking to buy a home at the beach or sell the one you have, I’m your guy.”
Conference championship game in 2014.
Ian Fontaine ‘03 was recently promoted to Senior Vice President of Marketing for Nikko Asset Management Group out of London, England. His company is a Japanbased global asset manager giving clients innovative, global perspective on investment opportunities.
Will Cooper ‘03 (pictured) ran in the Erie Marathon at Presque Isle and finished with an amazing time of 2:54.50. Will is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Caption Management, LLC., an investment management firm founded in 2012 out of Oklahoma City, OK. Will is the grandson of BL’s first Headmaster here on Lake Avenue, William L. Cooper.
Ryan Walterhoefer ‘03, Duncan Swanston ‘03, Drew Peace ‘03, Alex Smith ‘03, Patrick Mahoney ‘03, Evan Scheiner ‘03, and Greg Baggan ‘03 at Monarque in downtown Baltimore. Monarque is a French steakhouse and part of the Atlas Restaurant Group run by Alex and his brother Eric ’08.
Joey Rallo ‘03 is the Chief Executive Officer at EF Hutton, a global, full-service, investment bank headquartered in New York City. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame - Mendoza College of Business.
Chris Maisel ‘04 (pictured left) reported the birth of his son, Christian Frederick Robert Maisel, born on September 16, 2021. The Maisels have two older girls. Chris reports that “everyone is doing great.” Chris also writes that he ran into Hunter Cotsoradis ‘14 (pictured right) “the other day on the range. I had no idea that he was assigned to my unit.” Hunter graduated basic training this past February and Chris remembers coaching Hunter in soccer when Chris taught and coached here at BL. Both are in the 29th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB.) Chris is serving as the Brigade’s Fire Support Officer and Hunter is a 27D (Army paralegal specialist.)
Jerome Featherstone ‘03 (pictured with his wife and son)is a professional mixed martial arts performer. He and his wife Amy and their son Jameson are living in Westminster. Jerome’s story is truly inspiring as he continues to cope with losing his dad in a car accident back in 2004. Jerome was a two-time All-Metro First-Team wrestling selection by The Baltimore Sun and Amy was a lacrosse player at James Madison University, leading her team to the Colonial Athletic
Peter LaPaglia ‘04 is a Territory Manager for Verathon Inc., a subsidiary of Roper Technologies, Inc., in the Baltimore-DC metro areas. Verathon is a global medical device manufacturer known for their BladderScan and GlideScope devices. Peter is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College.
Christian Bonn ‘05 is a high school science teacher in the Anne Arundel County Public School System. Christian has been teaching for over 10 years. He is a graduate of Williams College and also has his MBA in Secondary Education and Teaching from Goucher College. He was married in May. Pictured below are his ushers, Tommy Bonn ‘09, Dan Friedman ‘05, Christian, Jesse Leikin ‘05, and Jack Kennedy ‘05.
Justin Fitch ‘05 continues to teach in BL’s middle school. He is also the varsity wrestling coach.
Chris Frederick ‘05 is a sales representative for Carter Machinery
in Ellicott City, MD. His company is the authorized Caterpillar dealer serving Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Washington D.C. through a network of 30 locations and 2,100 employees. Chris is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and served as an armor officer in Fort Drum, NY.
Dave Leach ‘05 is a Vice President at S2 Capital, LLC, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. His company, founded in 2012, builds multifamily investment properties. S2 has acquired over $6 billion in multifamily (approximately 40,000 units) and successfully invested over $400 million in upgrades and renovations. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Dave also played four years of lacrosse for the Fighting Irish.
Chip O’Neil ‘05 is an advocacy coordinator at MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society in Baltimore. MedChi is dedicated to its mission to serve as Maryland’s foremost advocate and resource for physicians, their patients, and public health. Chip is a graduate of Franklin & Marshall College.
classmates and fathers of twins, Brice Wernecke ‘05, Jeremy Miller ‘05, and Mark DiPasquale ‘05. Clinton, Liz and their daughters are living in Baltimore’s Federal Hill.
Aaron Berg ‘06 is the COO at Sunrise Auto Group in Great Neck, NY. His organization is one of the largest Toyota dealers in the US and the largest Toyota parts wholesale operation in the New York region. It’s used car business is one of the biggest on Long Island. Aaron is a graduate of Indiana University and received his MBA from Babson College.
Stuart Mitchell ‘06 was named an Assistant Professor in Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Stuart is a Vanderbilt University graduate and holds his MD from Johns Hopkins University.
Nick Moore ‘06 is a Senior Relationship Manager at Principal Financial Group in Denver, CO. He is a graduate of the University of Denver.
electrification of the future. Raglan embraces forward leaning innovation but also recognizes there is much to be preserved from the past. Instead of beginning from new construction, the company restores and converts the Land Rover Defender with a Tesla motor. Ryan writes, “Basically, I started the company with one of my good buddies from the [Naval] Academy, a former marine corps officer, and 2010 graduate. [Our] idea is to upcycle Tesla components into fully restored, classic Land Rover Defenders. We have been going at it for about 16 months and will be selling trucks this year - 15 build slots for 2022.” Ryan is a graduate of the Naval Academy and has his MBA from Harvard.
John Kauffman ‘07 is teaching at Berwick Academy, an independent co-educational country day school located in South Berwick, Maine. He is also the director of the school’s rowing program. John is a graduate of Bucknell University and has his Master of Arts in Teaching from Loyola University Maryland and is currently pursuing another Masters degree in Liberal Arts and Humanities from Wesleyan University.
Clinton Stieff ‘05 (pictured) and his wife Liz are now the parents of twin girls, Sloane and Blair. The girls were born last September. This marks the fourth member of the Class of 2005 to have twins. Clinton joins fellow
Georgetown University. David and his wife Brooke live in Annapolis. Brooke is the assistant women’s lacrosse coach at The United States Naval Academy.
Ryan Tillman ‘06 is the co-founder of Raglan Motors out of Wilmington, NC. His company is committed to playing a leading role in the
Gordon Kellerman ‘07 and his wife Kaitlin married last November at the Daniel Island Club in Charleston, SC. Pictured (l-r) are Jeff Gaines ‘07, Colin Gaines ‘07, Gordon, and Austin Wernecke ‘07. Alex Lyons ‘07 is an Acquisitions Representative at St. John Properties,
Inc. in the Baltimore area. St. John Properties has evolved from a small, local real estate developer into one of the largest and most successful privately held commercial real estate firms in the mid-Atlantic region. Alex is a graduate of Bucknell University and holds his MBA from The Johns Hopkins University’s Carey Business School.
last July. His brother Jeff Keenan ‘02 (not pictured) served as his best man. Picture are top row (l-r): Paul Cochrane ‘08, Hunter McKissock ‘08, Mark Feild ‘08, Mike Mules ‘08, and Jamie Stratakis ‘08. Bottom (l-r): Peter Gormley ‘08, Jack, and Charlie McComas ‘08.
its network of 300 coaches across 30 countries. CoffeChat has been a featured company in several online publications and was ranked as a top startup during the Village Capital Future of Work Africa program in 2021.
Mark Feild ‘08 is a Customer Experience Manager for Alto in Dallas. His company provides customers with the safest, cleanest, and highest quality passenger experience in the world, from their fingerprinted background-checked employee drivers, to their companyowned fleet of vehicles monitored in real-time. Mark is a graduate of Princeton University, where he played lacrosse for the Tigers. Several Lakers gathered in April at Mark’s wedding. Pictured (l-r) are, Charlie McComas ‘08, Matt Feild ‘02, Michael Mules ‘08, Mark, Peter Gormley ‘08, Andy Feild ‘04, and Jack Keenan ‘08.
Patrick Hohman ‘08 is living in Bridgewater, MA. and writes that he just celebrated his second wedding anniversary and enjoys being home with his first child - a daughter. He works at a PGA superstore giving club fittings and lessons and coaches the golf team at Bristol Community College.
These Lakers all attended Page Whitman’s ‘08 wedding last fall. Pictured (l-r) are Charlie McComas ‘08, Page, Peter Gormley ‘08, and Lee Blake ‘08.
Jamie Stratakis ‘08 is now living in Nashville producing music videos with his company Running Bear Films. He is mostly involved with country music videos but he does work on other types of music, as well. He has been living in Nashville for three years and he has “worked with some awesome artists,” he writes.
Thomas Thibeault ‘08 is a Business Development Associate at William Blair in Chicago. His company is the premier global boutique with expertise in investment banking, investment management, and private wealth management. He is a graduate of Bucknell University and has his MBA from the Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago.
Patrick Dudley ‘09 is a senior analyst at McCann Realty Partners, LLC in Richmond, VA. He is a graduate of Sewanee, The University of the South.
Justin Baker ‘09 is working in the defense industry as a Business Manager at Northrop Grumman in Denver. He is a graduate of Randolph Macon College and has his MBA from Liberty University.
Brad Boyer ‘09 is a Project Manager at New West Building Company in Jackson, Wyoming. Brad has his B.A. in Business Management from Washington College.
company is a technology startup on a mission to democratize access to executive coaching for the estimated 15 million managers working at companies, organizations, and governments across the continent of Africa. CoffeChat was founded in 2019 and has worked with dozens of companies to facilitate over 1,000 coaching sessions via
Scott Parker ‘09 is the Deputy Digital Director at the Department of State, in Harrisburg, PA. He is a graduate of Lebanon Valley College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Communications.
Dominic Rallo ‘09 is a Realtor in Cockeysville for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Homesale Realty. He is a 2013 graduate of Stevenson University.
Jack Rice ‘09 reports he and his family are doing well. He writes,
“All is well on my end. My wife and I decided to move out of NYC last November as city life has been different since COVID-19. We ended up settling in Little Silver, which is a small town close to the Jersey shore. The other reason for moving out of the city was that we had also found out that she was pregnant. Johnny was born in April and everyone is doing well health wise. We have started to get caught up on sleep but don’t think that will ever be the same. Hopefully he is a future lacrosse player and has a spot in 2035 for the new boarding school.” Jack took this picture of his son, John H. Rice V (pictured) in his BL onesie.
Matt Torr ‘09 is the Director of Digital Solutions at Prositely. His company is a digital agency in Baltimore that helps businesses establish their online presence. Matt is a graduate of Washington College.
Christian Walsh ‘09 is a Vice President of High Yield and Distressed Sales at Barclays in Los Angeles. Barclays moves, lends, invests and protects money for customers and clients worldwide operating in over 40 countries and employing approximately 83,500 people. Christian is a graduate of Duke University where he lettered on the men’s lacrosse team for four seasons.
Drew Pizzala ‘10 is now a Natural Resources Planner at Maryland Department of the Environment. His department provides wetland permitting decisions for tidal wetlands across Maryland’s Western Region. His office also conducts wetland inspections to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. Drew is a graduate of Washington College where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies.
Zak joins the Blue raiders after serving as the assistant women’s soccer coach at George Washington University. He is a graduate of UNC-Asheville where he also earned a master’s degree in liberal arts.
Zak served as the goalie here at BL and as well as at UNC-A for four seasons. He was the team captain for two years in college.
Max Cooke ‘11 passed the Maryland Bar and is an associate at the law firm of Gordon Feinblatt LLC working in the firm’s Energy & Environment group. He graduated from the University of Baltimore Law School.
value-add investment opportunities, using proprietary market analytics to consistently deliver optimized returns through varying economic cycles. He is a graduate of The College of Charleston with a degree in accounting and business administration.
Charles Rice ‘11 is a Senior Economist at Compass Lexecon in Houston, TX. His company is one of the world’s leading economic consulting firms providing law firms, corporations, and government clients with clear analysis of complex issues. He majored in Economics, graduating Summa Cum Laude, from Villanova University.
Wells Stanwick ‘11 is a Project Development Manager Project Development Manager for Broad Reach Retail Partners, LLC in the Boston area. Wells and his wife live in Boston. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University.
Kyle-David Swift ‘11 is a Business Finance Manager at CACI International Inc. His company provides expertise and distinctive technology that address their customers’ greatest enterprise and mission challenges. Kyle-David is a graduate of Loyola University Maryland. He also holds his MBA from Loyola.
Ben Kellar ‘11 married Tina Moore (pictured.) BL Associate AD Phyllis Novotny’s son, Garrett, was the best man. Ben works at UBS as a Market Technology Specialist in Baltimore.
Mason Lareuse ‘11 is an acquisitions analyst at Universe Holdings in the Los Angeles area. Universe Holdings focuses on identifying on and off-market,
Geron Brooks ‘12 is the Events Operations Manager at Aloha Tournaments. His company is a leading youth sports event company based out of Baltimore. Aloha hosts some of the largest, most well-run tournaments in the nation, serving over 60,000 lacrosse and field hockey players between the ages of 7-18 throughout 30 events in over a dozen different states throughout the country. Geron, a graduate of Towson University, is also the offensive coordinator for BL’s JV lacrosse team.
Brandon Cherry ‘12 is a Physical Therapy Aide for Johns Hopkins Medicine in White Marsh, MD. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University where he played football for four years and also is a graduate of Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professionals.
Hunter Long ‘12 is a success manager at Salesforce in Washington, D.C. Salesforce unites marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams from anywhere in the world with Customer 360, its integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. He is a graduate of Cornell University with a degree in Industrial and Labor Relations.
Jamal McCord ‘12 is an Associate Director of Retail Services at Compass Group in the Baltimore area. Based in Charlotte, NC, Compass Group North America is the leading food and support services company with over 280,000 associates and $20.1 billion in revenues in 2019. Jamal is a graduate of the Community College of Baltimore County.
Brett Radcliffe ‘12 is a mortgage advisor for Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation in LuthervilleTimonium. He holds degrees from Roanoke College and Towson University. Brett is an assistant coach for BL’s fresh-soph lacrosse team.
Public Health.
Walker Ensor ‘13 is an Associate in Financing and Collateral at Morgan Stanley in Baltimore. He is a graduate of Mercer University in Georgia where he played four years of Division I lacrosse.
Liam Fennessy ‘13 is the Assistant Social Media Editor at Morning Brew in Baltimore. He is a graduate of the University of Delaware and is currently working on his Masters at Delaware in Strategic Communications.
Matt Rees ‘12 (pictured) and his bride Becca were married in June. Matt is pictured (right) in the middle with his parents Cliff and Suzie. His brother Spencer ‘16 is far left and his other brother Casey ‘13 is far right. All three Rees boys are graduates of the United States Naval Academy and played lacrosse for the Midshipmen. Cliff, who coached BL’s varsity basketball team for 10 years, is also a Naval Academy graduate.
Stuart Reid ‘12 is an account executive at the Baltimore Business Journal. Stuart is a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a degree in public relations.
Colin Heacock ‘13 is an Associate Sales Representative in the Baltimore area for Supreme Orthopedic Systems. His company is the exclusive distributor for Arthrex, Inc., a global medical device company and leader in new product development and medical education in orthopedics. Arthrex has pioneered the field of arthroscopy and developed more than 8,500 innovative products and surgical procedures to advance minimally invasive orthopedics worldwide. Colin is also a professional lacrosse player in the Premier Lacrosse League (PLL.)
Nick Shepherd ‘12 (pictured) got engaged in the fall of 2021 in Central Park, NYC. He writes, “My best friend and BL classmate Geron Brooks ‘12 drove up to surprise us in NYC to help make the proposal special...Esse Quam Videri.” Nick and Sarah were married this fall at Camp Skylemar in Maine. Nick is the head coach of BL’s JV lacrosse team and Geron is the offensive coordinator.
Spencer Ward ‘12 is an Associate Commercial Real Estate Broker for H&R Retail with primary duties that include leasing shopping center and purchasing land for clients. Founded in 1983, H&R Retail the largest retail-only real estate brokerage firm in the greater DC and Baltimore region. Spencer is a graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
Stephen Black ‘13 is a Sr. Research Coordinator at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital. A graduate of Dickinson College, Stephen has a Masters of Health Science from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
RJ Kaminski ‘13 graduated from the University of Maryland in 2017, majoring in Broadcast Journalism. He now serves as the host and head of brand for the Premier Lacrosse League (PLL.) RJ’s excitement on camera is infectious and can be viewed through his recurring YouTube vlogs. The University of Maryland reports that RJ has “been an instrumental part of the upstart league’s success and has his sights set on continuing to take the pro game to the next level, one piece of media at a time.”
Christian Knight ‘13 is an Acquisitions Officer at Benson Residential in New York City. His company is a single family rental
investment and advisory firm focused on facilitating institutional capital into the asset class. He is a graduate of Cornell University.
(pictured) welcomed into the world baby Jack August of 2021. The Wagners are all doing well and are living in North Carolina.
Assistant Project Manager at The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. in Baltimore. Austin is a graduate of Virginia Tech.
Corey Koch ‘13 (pictured) is living in Portland, Maine, and opened up a coffee shop named Buzz Coffee. His menu items include coffee brewed with the finest beans, drip coffee, cold brew, teas, and a full range of espresso-based drinks.
Michael Lynch ‘13 is now a Sales Specialist at Alphatec Spine. His company is a medical technology company that provides innovative spine surgery solutions through a “relentless pursuit of superior outcomes.” Alphatec Spine is dedicated to the design, development, launch and the delivery of spinal fusion products.
Jamal Perkins ‘13 “Perks” is a securities operations specialist at Brown Advisory in Baltimore. Jamal is a graduate of Kenyon College. Perk reports that over the winter he bought a house in Highlandtown.
Ben Pridemore ‘13 is a vice president at JLL in Atlanta. His company specializes in real estate and investment management. Ben is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
Jake Walsh ‘13 is an Assistant Vice President at Capital Health Group LLC in Baltimore. His company is a privately-held, self-advised real estate company making capital investments in independent living, assisted living and memory care facilities through acquisition and development. Jake is a graduate of Bates College where he played on the men’s lacrosse team for four years.
Miller Weglein ‘13 is an Account Executive at ChurnZero. His company is a real-time Customer Success Platform that helps subscription businesses fight ‘customer churn.’ Their software solutions allow businesses to understand how their customers use their product, assess their health and their likelihood to renew and give businesses the means to personalize the customer experience through timely and relevant touchpoints. Miller is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park.
Glen Becker ‘14 is a National Solutions Representative at Echo Global Logistics in Atlanta. His company is a leading provider of technology-enabled transportation and supply chain management services. Glen is a graduate of Auburn University.
Austin Brown ‘14 is a Recruiting Manager for Robert Half in San Diego. His company offers contract, temporary and permanent placement solutions for roles in finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, and administrative and customer support. Austin graduated from the University of Richmond’s Robins School of Business.
Austin Kowalewski ‘14 is an
Joey Kruger ‘14 is an assurance associate at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the Denver area. Joey graduated from the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business. He also received his MBA from Denver.
Hunter Legg ‘14 is a Technology Advocate at Carahsoft, a company that provides government IT solutions, combining technological expertise with a thorough understanding of the government procurement process. Hunter is a graduate of Towson University.
Pat McManus ‘14 is a global client investment reporting manager for T. Rowe Price in Baltimore. He oversees fixed income pitch book production for T. Rowe Price’s institutional clients. He is a graduate of Washington College.
Jake Merrill ‘14 is working in Wilmington, NC. as an associate account executive for CastleBranch, a human resources company providing innovative solutions in background screening and clinical experience compliance. He is a graduate of UNC-Wilmington with a degree in communications.
Christian Mitchell ‘14 is a System Integration & Test Engineer at Lockheed Martin in Littleton, CO. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Jack Metzger ‘14 is an Investment Operations Analyst at Cambridge Associates in Arlington, VA. His company is a global investment firm serving endowments and foundations, pensions, private clients, and healthcare systems. Jack
is a graduate of Tulane University with a BSM degree in Finance.
Drew Miller ‘14 is now working as a producer for Insurance Partners, LLC in Towson. The firm’s principal is Dick Bagby ‘82.
Jimmy Parker ‘14 is a Development & Acquisitions Associate at Bonaventure. His company is a real estate investment firm focused on smart deals that deliver maximum return on investment (ROI) for all involved. Jimmy is a graduate of Sewanee, The University of the South.
Shack Stanwick ‘14 was named by the Varsity Sports Network as the Attackman of the Decade. Shack played on the varsity for four years accumulating a BL best 137 goals, 201 assists and 338 points. Shack is currently living in the DC area and works as an associate director of investment sales at Walker & Dunlop, a commercial real estate firm.
Blake Venick ‘14 is an Assistant Vice President at Morgan Stanley in New York City. Blake is a 2018 graduate of the University of Maryland.
Jerel Archer ‘15 is currently a graduate assistant at Jacksonville University, a part of the StudentAthlete Service Department, while getting his MBA and Masters in Sports Management. Jerel is a graduate of Stonehill College where he played on the football team.
Joey Celentano ’15 graduated last year with his M.Sc. in Athletic Training from Western Michigan University after earning his B.Sc. in Athletic Training from the University of New Hampshire in 2019. An avid bodybuilder, Joey currently is developing his own online Nutrition and Fitness coaching business.
Myles Cohen ‘15 is now working as a Category Brand Manager at STX, LLC in Baltimore. He continues to serve as the assistant defensive coordinator on BL’s varsity lacrosse team.
Oliver Duke ‘15 is currently a student at the University of Miami (FL) School of Law. He graduated from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. He is currently a judicial intern for the Honorable Thomas Logue of the Florida Third District Court of Appeals.
Devin Harvin ‘15 was selected by Womble Bond Dickinson LLP as a ‘Womble Scholar,’ allowing him to join a diverse network of highly talented lawyers and receive a scholarship for his final year of law school. Devin joined Womble as a 2022 Summer Associate in their Corporate Group.
Robert Rice ‘15 is a Project Coordinator at Jacobs|Doland|Beer, an internationally recognized food service industry planning and management consultant firm out of New York City. Robert is a graduate of Cornell University.
Tyler Steinberg ‘15 is currently working at the Baltimore Lab School as an Instructional Assistant. He is also an assistant coach for The Green Turtle Lacrosse Club in Fells Point. He is a graduate of Stevenson University.
Garrett Stoler ‘15 is the CoFounder and CEO of Alegar Consultants in the New York City area. His company’s mission is to help companies build the most impressive e-commerce business possible. Garrett is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Anthony Wyler ‘15 graduated
from the United States Coast Guard Academy and is now a Marine Inspector for foreign vessels under Port State Control with the Coast Guard Sector in New Orleans.
Matt Lugat ‘16 is an Associate Medical Sales Representative in the Baltimore-Washington area for Zimmer Biomet. His company is a global medical technology leader with a comprehensive portfolio designed to maximize mobility and improve health. Matt is a graduate of Wake Forest University.
Josh Lurie ‘16 is a multifamily production and sales associate at Freddie Mac in the WashingtonBaltimore area. He graduated from The University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business Cum Laude with a degree in Finance and a minor in Real Estate Development. Josh is currently pursuing his Masters degree in Real Estate Development from Georgetown University.
Nate Malinowski ‘16 joined Misericordia University’s men’s lacrosse team as a graduate assistant coach. Misericordia is a Division III school located in Dallas, PA. While being involved in all phases of the lacrosse program, he will also be studying to earn his MBA.
Ryan Shaw ‘16 is an Operations Intern at Shaw Real Estate in Owings Mills, MD. He is a graduate of the University of Delaware and also received his Masters of Science in International Business from Delaware.
Garrett Glaeser ‘17 graduated from Gettysburg College with a BA in History and Philosophy while serving as the sports editor for The Gettysburgian and managing the men’s lacrosse team. He is currently pursuing his MBA from Loyola University Maryland and is a member of BL’s Alumni Board of Directors.
Garrett also is an assistant coach for BL’s soccer and golf teams.
Jordan Douglas ‘17 is an Associate Account Executive at iHeartMedia in Owings Mills. His company is a broadcast media organization and has the largest national reach of any radio or television outlet in America. Jordan is a graduate of the University of Maryland.
Jake Glatz ‘17, a senior on the Penn State Men’s lacrosse team, was named an Academic All-Big 10 player.
Matt Kleiser ‘17 is an Investment Fellow at T. Rowe Price in Baltimore. He is a graduate of Duke University.
Mark Lopez ‘17 graduated from The Johns Hopkins University with a degree in Economics and is now working in Baltimore for Baxter Healthcare as an associate sales representative in the advanced surgery department.
Alex Meyers ‘17 graduated from Towson University with a degree in information technology - cyber security. He writes, “I want to continue my studies and get a masters degree in Cyber Security. Technology is something I’ve been passionate about since I was ten years old, and it’s something I want to work with for the rest of my life.”
Ethan Norman ‘17 graduated in June from California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) with an Industrial Engineering degree. After graduating, he drove from California to Maryland and back again (6,000 miles) in a 30-day cross-country trip(s) and is now working as a project manager for Whiting-Turner in San Diego.
Appy Townsend ‘17 (pictured) is the founder and owner of Rush Profiles. After graduating from Boys’ Latin and playing on the varsity soccer and lacrosse teams, he played Division I Lacrosse at Mount St. Mary’s University. He was a communications major at “The Mount.” For the past year or so, he has worked hard to create a unique platform for athletes to share their talents. He wanted to bring something different to the table in order to give athletes the exposure they need to expand their brand. He created Rush Profiles after experiencing the hardships of his own recruitment process. Rush Profiles is a comprehensive film strategy for athletes dedicated to providing high quality video production, athlete exposure, and branding. The company is also hoping to give high school athletes a chance to be recognized by colleges and their peers around them. The company wants to show the student-athlete’s skills “for the world to see!”
University’s executive committee on significant issues to the community. Jaylin is pictured holding his plaque along with his dad Brian. He also became the 39th Loyola University Maryland Greyhound to score 1,000 points in his basketball career. Jaylin continues to be BL’s all-time leading scorer with 1,613 points.
Paul Agbaje ‘18 graduated from Cornell University this spring and is now in New York City working for SportsRush TV, a company with a live video community platform that allows sports fans to give their takes, engage in debate, and compete with other fans.
Jaylin Andrews ‘18 (pictured with his dad Brian) was inducted into Loyola University Maryland’s prestigious Green and Grey Society. He is the second student-athlete under head basketball Coach Tavaras Hardy’s tenure to be so named. Loyola’s Green and Grey Society is a group of fourteen seniors who serve as advisors to the
Several members of the Class of 2018 gathered for the year-end holidays to talk about their times on Lake Avenue. (Pictured) (l-r) first row: Chris Bates ‘18, Nick Grinnell ‘18, Brenden Crouse ‘18; second row, Christian Griffin ‘18, Alex Halouchanka ‘18, Michael O’Neil ‘18, and Connor Walsh ‘18.
Jackson Gazin ‘18 is a statistics student and teaching assistant at Wake Forest University. He is a graduate of Washington & Lee University and majored in mathematics and computer science.
College on May 6, 2022 with a degree in Naval Architecture, Cum Laude. A day earlier he was commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy as a Reserve Officer. Jack also earned his U.S. Coast Guard 3rd Engineer License passing all eight exams back in January. He is now a Strategic Sealift Officer and joined the Military Sealift Command this summer where he will serve on US ships supporting the Navy and other agencies around the world.
Kenny Lewis ‘18 graduated cum laude from Widener University with a B.S. in Business Administration. The previous semester Kenny made the Dean’s List.
Ethan McCann ‘18 is a rising senior at Washington and Lee University. He is majoring in economics and business analytics. This summer Ethan is interning at Tufton Capital Management, LLC.
Francis Nnanna ‘18 is a Sociology and Anthropology major with a concentration in sociology and a graduate of Towson University’s class of 2022. He is also now a Financial Services Intern at Fiduciary Plan Advisors.
Michael O’Neil ‘18 graduated from the University of Maryland, Robert H Smith School of Business with a major in Finance. He will be joining Alex. Brown Realty in their acquisitions team as an analyst.
Carson Rehfield ‘18 is an Account Executive at PROFILES. His company is a marketing, communications, and events firm based in Baltimore, with a national reputation for crafting and implementing programs that deliver measurable results for their clients. Carson is a graduate of the University of Maryland.
Jamie Rice ‘18 and two friends started the first National College
Lacrosse League (NCLL) club at Union College, which went undefeated in its inaugural season this spring. The team went on to win the national championship, defeating Marist 15-9 in the title game held at the U.S. Naval Academy to cap-off a perfect 12-0 season.
Gio Biggers ‘19 (pictured) is a defensive back for the University of North Carolina football team. After the season concluded, he was named The Athletic Director’s Scholar-Athlete, given to the student-athlete in each sport, who has attained an exemplary level of achievement in academics, while competing in intercollegiate athletics. This past season Gio appeared in all 13 games and made three starts at defensive back. He finished the season with 48 tackles, 4.5 tackles for loss, one sack, five breakups and one hurry. He was tied for second among a group of 19 players in the country to block two kicks - once against Georgia Tech and once against Miami.
Connor Stevens ‘19 is a fourth year architecture student at the University of Miami (FL.)
Bohang (Brandon) Wu ‘19 is a rising senior at the University of Miami (FL) Herbert Business School. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English, and is currently learning Spanish and German.
James Eichelberger ‘20 (pictured) is currently enrolled in the United States Coast Guard Academy. In February, in honor of Black History Month, the Academy highlighted James on Twitter to help celebrate the contributions of African Americans who have paved the way for all of us and the outstanding cadets who are future leaders at the United States Coast Guard Academy.
Darius Kulchyckyj ‘20 is a rising junior at Franklin & Marshall College. He is an environmental studies and economics double major and is a member of the Marshall Fellows Program for academic excellence. This summer he studied sustainability in London. Some of his extra-curricular activities include membership in the F&M jazz band and an a cappella group (The Chessmen), and VP of the improv comedy group (The Rumspringas.)
Willie Wright ‘20 is pictured with Cooper Weidner ‘20 (right) after Cooper’s Union College team defeated York College, 11-8, to advance to the Division III National Championship men’s lacrosse game against RIT. Union lost to RIT in the title match, 12-10. Willie is currently attending the University of Richmond.
Xander O’Malley ‘21 and Amare Conley ‘21(pictured) met up after last fall’s Johns Hopkins - Franklin and Marshall football
Bilal Razzak ‘21 attended graduation to watch his brother Saad ‘22 graduate. Bilal is a rising sophomore at Davidson College majoring in political science.
Nathan Crouse ‘22 (pictured to the right) is attending the United States Air Force Academy this fall. Here he is pictured with his older brother Brendan ‘18, who graduated from the Air Force Academy this year.
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